#ever bjergsen
lolathelotus · 3 months
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The Bjergsen Family (#2) Round 6
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Sofia just moved into an apartment with her dog, Daisy to study Fine Art at Britechester.
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Imran Watson and Olivia Kim-Lewis are two of her closest friends.
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Bjorn comes by once each week to bring Sofia money and make sure she's focusing on her studies. After all, he is paying for everything.
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While out dancing with her sister, Sofia meets Thorne Bailey.
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You would think having twin newborns would be a bit of a challenge for a full-time university student, but Sofia is nothing if not resourceful when it comes to her father's money. She promptly hires a nanny to look after little Ever and Mia while Sofia continues with life as usual. She doesn't even quit the Debate Society or the Soccer Team.
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She even helps out with her babies now and then, and develops a crush on the nanny. Surprisingly, he does not return Sofia's advances amongst the scent of dirty diapers.
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The Bjergsen Family Master Post
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tricoufamily · 5 months
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we interrupt this villareal story to introduce the plastics
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bibliosims · 3 months
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stinkrascal · 1 year
i think i said this before but bjorn bjergsen and clara bjergsen remind me of the labrant family on youtube. they have huge youtube family exploitation vibes. you know theyre filming their daughters every waking moment for that sweet adsense revenue
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dreamless-disco · 1 year
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the bjergsens had entirely too many kids its only Olive and Gideon that arent related
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simulation-machine · 5 days
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Sofia Bjergsen has been the best friend of Luna since they were toddlers. Since graduating from high school, she's moved to Japan and her bedroom-pop music career has taken off. She's recently become engaged to Ito Kiyoshi, the star wide midfielder for the Komorebi Yetis, and together they've been something of a power couple.
By the time she starts showing up she's in the process of wedding planning, with Luna as her Maid of Honor, and Siobhan, Nanami (Kiyoshi's younger sister), and Elsa (her younger sister) as her other bridesmaids. It's a destination wedding in Tartosa. She's the first sim I've ever purposefully given that Upper Class beige aesthetic that is still popular.
Age: 24
Traits: Cheerful / Musical Genius / Outgoing
Will likely accept Materialistic or Snob, Ambitious, and Adventurous for additional traits.
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avornalino · 1 year
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the side characters™
more about them below the cut
poppy fyres - youngest child of dominic and moira fyres // nicest and sweetest person ever // active, genius // floaters // student council member
leonel bjergsen - older twin of maria // actually so smart but rarely speaks out // bookworm, stoic // rebel rousers // mock trial team member (never goes)
ian lyman - moved to windenburg from del sol valley at 12 // goofball, glutton // cool llamas // football teammate
maria bjergsen - younger twin of leonel // will never miss a chance to sneak out // party animal, cheerful // floaters // cheer team member
hollie matthews - daughter of brytani cho and will let you know any chance she can // party animal, active // womp jocks // swim team captain
elliott chopra - johnny zest is his stepdad and he hates it // foodie, outgoing // nerd brains // swim team member
madeleine (madi) jang - don't call her madeleine // steals half their clothes from her sister billie // stoic, recycle disciple (she thrifts) // artists collective // barista
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alltimefail-sims · 6 months
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When I became an active simblr two years ago, I started out my blog by sharing an edit I made of the League of Adventurers club which is comprised of Lucas Munch, Elsa Bjergsen, Alexander Goth, and Max Villareal in my game. This one edit prompted me to show them as teens shortly after because (1) they were in that life stage in the save I was playing at the time anyway and (2) because they were (still are) integral to my original legacy family story. They were the first real "townie makeovers" I ever did with the intention of being publicly shared and I spent a lot of time making them over to match how I saw them in my head. Since then, however, I have developed a sim style that I'm much happier with. That's why I've decided to go back into CAS and update them to suit my current style.
I wanted to start with my sweet sunshine, Lucas Munch! I felt like she needed the least amount of "fixing" and, tbh, I love dressing her up more than the others lmao. She's a beautiful, 6'0 tall, transfem girl who loves animals, gardening, origami, watercolor, photography, sparkling fizzy juices, gummy candies, cozy sweaters, funky earrings, animal crossing (and her 5-star island ofc), experimenting with makeup, and mean boys with daddy issues (apparently).
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livikattt · 1 year
also here are the quiz descriptions for the OTHER uquiz except some of them are written from the perspective of some random reporter with access to google
Showmaker is simultaneously one of the biggest threats to international security and the most carefree, fun-loving person you will ever meet. Being both a skilled Summoner and an artificer, Showmaker crafts each of his cards by hand. When asked what his championship wish was, he simply replies, "I wished for more wishes!" The truthfulness of this statement is unknown.
Widely renowned as one of the best Summoners in the world, Canyon is a force to be reckoned with as he shifts between beast and human as fluidly as water—water he now controls after conquering the Rift. His enchanted spear is the result of his and Showmaker's combined efforts after their embarrassing loss to G2 in 2019.
After living in the shadow of superstar Summoner Faker as his substitute, Scout managed to conquer the Rift in 2022 with EDG. He fights by draining energy from his enemies and converting it into magical bolts that do massive damage. Rumor has it that he never sleeps.
Loyal and determined, Meiko serves as the support for EDG. He possesses the ability to heal people through physical contact with them, and can also induce happiness, energy and good dreams. Meiko is often referred to as the perfect support by his teammates, both in and out of battle.
At only twenty years old, Jiejie did what was thought to be near impossible: he defeated Canyon at the peak of Summoner's Rift using nothing but his blade and black mist. Sarcastic to the very end, he takes very few things seriously, except for his role as EDG's jungler. He is often referred to as the Third Prince of EDG.
Calm and collected, Viper serves as the marksman, or ADC, for EDG. He is often thought to be the strongest ADC in the world. Wielding five guns of moonlight as well as an inexplicable darkness, Viper strikes fast and hard, leaving his opponents no time to recover.
Don't let his name fool you—Teddy is far from a pushover. A master of acrobatics and stealth magic, Teddy uses his crossbow to dispatch enemies with ease. He acts playfully for the most part, but never fails to be serious when the situation demands it.
Bjergsen's years-long career came to a sudden halt in 2020, when a tragic accident resulted in the disappearance and presumed death of him and two of his teammates. However, it didn't take long for the star mid laner to literally turn back time, bringing himself back to life with the help of his enchanted pocket watch. Bjergsen: 1, Death: 0.
One of the only two surviving members of TSM 2020, Spica was the only one to remain with the team for next year. His control over shadows and mastery of the scythe help him to be one of the best junglers in all of North America, all without winning a single battle internationally.
The veteran Summoner known as Doublelift is the only member of TSM 2020 still missing as of 2022. His gun, which he designed and built himself, serves as an inspiration to a new generation of Summoners and rests at the foot of his monument in Los Angeles. At the feet of his statue lies an engraving of his most famous quote: "Everyone else is trash."
Although he's rather short and clumsy outside of battle, Keria is a force to be reckoned with. He is one of the few people in the world capable of adapting mostly defensive water magic to be able to heal. Many people consider him to be the best support in the world.
With his support Keria at his side, there's (almost) nothing that Gumayusi can't do. His confidence is legendary in every region along with his sheer skill. Wielding a gun similar to Doublelift's, Gumayusi uses nets, traps and his near-perfect aim to secure a victory for his team.
Jojopyun is the youngest Summoner to ever be crowned as a champion of North America at only 17 years old. He discovered his powers while streaming Fortnite on Twitch, accidentally cloning himself. Within 24 hours, he became an internet celebrity and was picked up by Evil Geniuses not long after that.
Danny is often regarded as one of the most promising talents North America has to offer. He carries a powerful secret: he is one of the first Summoners with his special brand of lightning magic, which he hopes to conceal from the world in order to have an advantage when he's ready to conquer it.
It took him years of hard work and countless failures before he reached the top of the Summoner's Rift and achieved his dream. Ghost hides his face behind a mask and rarely speaks out loud, preferring to use his magic when possible. Although he seems incredibly cold, his teammates insist that he's a very different person when the mask is off.
With the power to summon both ice and lightning, Razork balances both to create a unique fighting style. He's full of energy and always has a joke or two at the ready no matter the situation. Although he's one of the best Summoners in Europe, he has yet to make a name for himself internationally.
Veteran Summoner and highly skilled support, Vulcan helps to lead the way for his young teammates in EG. He fights by controlling water, and, on very rare occasions, using his unnaturally long tongue. (Demonic deals have their side effects.)
Although he's a world-class jungler, Jankos is best known for his tendencies to scream, make jokes, miss spears and flirt with his teammates. Famously lost to Canyon despite sharing the same powers and having beaten him last year. He works hard to lead his team to victory, one "zoning" spear at a time.
Handsome and outgoing, Rekkles is the golden boy of the European league—which makes it a surprise that he was rejected from all ten major guilds in 2022. He fought for Fnatic for nearly seven years before joining G2. Despite the high hopes for the new G2, he and his team ended up at the rank corresponding to his favorite number: fourth.
After TSM 2020's run on the Summoner's Rift ended in tragedy, Biofrost was thought to be dead. Although Bjergsen soon returned from death, it would take much longer for Biofrost to reappear in the land of the living. No one knows where he was, exactly, but there's new shadows to weigh him down no matter how bright his light shines.
Known as the Unkillable Demon King, Faker's very presence is enough to shake the heavens. There are very few people, living or dead, that are capable of matching Faker. He wields shadows like an extension of himself, bringing a swift defeat to his enemies with his razor-sharp blades. Faker is no normal Summoner—with the power accumulated from his three championship wishes, he is the closest thing to a god.
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agena87 · 1 month
Nancy had her (better be last!) baby. May I present to you, Michaela Bjergsen (yep, finally one of the Nancy/Björn babies has their father's name; it only took 32 years for this to happen...).
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She's cute but a little bit dramatic and an attention queen. She also gonna be the spoilest baby ever and Nancy won't even hide that she's her favourite.
That said, the fact that Bjergsen made his affair publicly known by recognizing his daughter (also a first) and giving her his name, was the last straw for Clara who FINALLY kicked his ass out of the house and filed for divorce. Better late than never. I don't know why she took this long. Or why Björn didn't do it himself the instant Nancy and Geoffrey divorced, but whatever. What Björn didn't waste time to do, though, was asking Nancy to marry him. You can be sure that the moment the judgment is passed, they'll run to City Hall and finally officialize their relationship. Nancy will still keep her maiden name, because of the status it carries, but she'll hyphen it to Björn's, making her Nancy Landgraab-Bjergsen; Björn will stay a Bjergsen, no hyphen, 'cause he doesn't want to have the same name as the people who stopped him from being with the woman he always loved, all those years ago (for Chester and Queenie forbade Nancy to marry him 'cause an heiress couldn't associate with the son of a fisherman, it just wasn't the done thing).
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jonquilyst · 2 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to simblrs whose sims you adore ✨️
Hiii tysm for the ask!!
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Sooo I'm gonna go back to my roots and do Megyn bc I cannot give enough facts about her
Have you ever noticed that Megyn's wardrobe changes throughout the story? You might automatically say "well yeah, that's because she made money and bought herself clothes" BUT, have you noticed that as the story progresses, her clothes become progressively higher-quality, brighter, and more colorful? It's very intentional and is meant to reflect her character development! Specifically the improvement of her life over time as well as her emotional/mental development.
Her birthday is soon! March 29th <3 This is the first day I thought of when I thought of when her birthday could be, so I rolled with it.
This might sound silly, but I associate her hair (which is from Get Together) with just her now and I call it the "Megyn hair." By default Sofia Bjergsen and Yuki Behr have this hair and it feels illegal looking at them now because the only person I see having this hair is Megyn
She's inspired off of numerous characters and people from my life. One of them I haven't mentioned yet is that she takes inspiration from Kayo Hinazuki from my favorite anime of all time Erased, which explores similar themes to this story!
She's the only one of the main cast to not have her ears pierced (they're covered anyway by her hair so it's not really worth putting earrings on her unless I change her hair lol). She's not against piercings or anything; just hasn't had the opportunity to get them. She'll probably get them pierced sometime in the future.
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fallin4fiction · 4 months
Rotational Save: The Bjergsen-Goths: A New Generation
Callum got a job in the criminal career and Eden finally applied for a Communications degree. They also moved into their own home in San Seqouia.
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It wasn’t long before Elodie aged into a teen. (And she’s the cutest teen ever. I wish I gave her braces)
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She found herself in a love triangle between a guy named Amos and a guy named Clark. She went to prom with Amos and won Prom Jester (following on her dad’s footsteps there)
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In other news, I moved Edward in with Eden’s family and soon he eloped with his wishing well girlfriend. They had a daughter named Piper.
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During Harvestfest, Elsa came to visit her grandchildren. ( Alexander sadly passed away after Eden and Callum's wedding.) she retired from the Medical Field and moved into a little ranch in Chestnut Ridge. her youngest son, Ansel , who is well into his Young Adult years, still lives with her.
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Shortly after Harvestfest, Elsa passed away. Ansel inherited her house in Chestnut Ridge, Edward used his inheritance money to move his family into their own place and Eden and Callum used their money for Adult makeovers(and to put money away for Elodie for when she goes to college)
RIP Alexander and Elsa. You two were one of the cutest premade couples that I've matched together.
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charmfamily · 9 months
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Transcript Below.
ULRIKE: You… come. [She nods toward the stairs leading down and out the back of Madame Madelaine’s ballet academy, perking a brow and smirking at the confused expression on the other girl’s face.]
GEMMA:  What? 
ULRIKE: Class is over, I’m going outside for a smoke, and I’m asking you to come with– I know it’s not an engraved invitation, but consider yourself my plus one if you want to get out of here quickly.
GEMMA: But…I don’t smoke – 
[Pan to a shot of Siobhan Fyres, talking to Luna Villareal, Londyn Pleasant, Audrielle Ernest, and Sofia Bjergsen, while a man in a suit looms in the background, watching them intently: “Yeah, Daddy has been very adamant about beefing up security for me because of the whole “murderer” thing going on – like it’s really killing the vibe of my summer, I’m not even allowed to go to parties without him following me around and this is the worst timing ever, Malcolm’s throwing one on his yacht next Saturday – seriously, I’m thinking about not even making an appearance because this is stupid embarrassing, it’s all anybody is gonna be talking about.” Luna chimes in with an enthusiastic “I know, right?!”] ULRIKE: [She smirks at Gemma, exaggeratedly rolling her eyes.] You seriously wanna stay in here and listen to that? They’re not exactly in any danger of shutting up any time soon.
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auroragoth · 1 year
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Focus on two lifestyle counselling agencies
Whether true midlife crisis or simple want to change career paths, lifestyle changes have been more and more popular in the past years, attracting sims from all walks of life. From getting into a new hobby to turning over their life completely, more and more sims are looking to give more meaning to their lives and find their true calling. Agencies centering on these lifestyles changes have flourished over the years, gaining more and more popularity and reaching sims all across the nation.
Focus on two of these agencies, Postcard Legacy Enterprise and Dun&Don Corp.
Postcard Legacy Enterprise was founded just over a year ago but has become extremely popular thanks to the wide variety of services they offer. They specialise in complete lifestyle changes, helping sims turning their life around and finding the career and life they truly want to live through in-depth counselling and step-by-step teachings tailored to each individual. They are also partnered up with various companies to facilitate job inclusion as well as help with creating new companies and growing a significant clientele to build a lasting business.
Their approach centers on setting clear life goals their clients want to achieve, then giving them the means to accomplish them. Sims can sign up to classes or simply ask to meet with some of the agency's coaches, each specialised in different topics to provide the best advice for each situation. They also offer access to judicial and financial counselling to assist with administrative issues.  
This extremely personalised guidance is what seduced all lot of sims already and explains the rapid growth of the Postcard Legacy Enterprise, as exemplified by Mariah, their most recent customer, who accepted to give us a small testimonial of her experience with the company:
 "Thanks to Postcard Legacy Enterprise, I moved out to the island of my dreams and found the life I'd always yearn for. I even found the love of my life and we had a kid together! All of this wouldn't have been possible without their coaching, I'm eternally grateful for what they helped me accomplish!"
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Up and coming new agency Dun&Don Corp. specialises in fantasy themes to give their clients' life a whimsical spin. They offer a lot of different classes to perfect a various range of crafts, from gardening and cooking to more specialised ones like space engineering. Their team of counsellors are trained to assist everyone no matter their difficulties, some of them even specialised in psychology to better understand sims who come to them and find the best answers to their problems. They are aiming to be accessible to anyone who needs them, accommodating sims from all backgrounds and abilities, no matter their social status or financial situation.
The agency is slowly gaining fame, and hopes to convince more sims to add a little magic to their lives through their personalised services. Attests to this the testimony of Dr. Tatiana Bjergsen-Blue:
"Dun&Don Corp. has helped me find a way to deal with the stress induced by working in the medical field and taking care of a large family. Their coach found the right hobby for me to focus on to recenter myself and reach inner peace! Now balancing a challenging work life and a home of five children isn't as taxing as it used to be."
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More information on what these two agencies offer are available online on their websites, and their customer services are available everyday of the week for a better follow-up and an improved experience.
These two agencies are just a small sample of what can be found out there, and new lifestyle companies are created on the daily, making it easy for anyone to find the one they feel more in line with. Other examples of well known agencies include NotSoBerry Ltd. or the Decades Legacy Office, two of the most famous and praised ones you could find. With all these choices available, no doubt that you will find the one for you if you ever need it!
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Mariah, Lorenzo & Darien by @wrixie | Picture by @wrixie
Tatiana Bjergesen-Blue by @auroragoth | Picture by @auroragoth
Postcard Legacy Challenge by @sojuteatime​
Dungeons & Dragons Legacy Challenge by @demonicrosebushsims​
Text by @auroragoth​ | Mariah’s testimonial by @wrixie​
Thank you Wrixie, Dette, Andrea and Jalf for your participation 💚
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slyboldreynardine · 1 year
get to know the simmer
thank you sm to @olya-occult-lover for tagging me! i'm sorry i've been so unsociable on here, but i really appreciate getting tagged in these games<3333
What’s your favourite sims death?
this is super boring but i love death by electrocution bc once in high school i played this super successful family, super functional, great kids, wonderful parents, and the mom died while trying to fix a dishwasher and it DEVASTATED me. no sims death has affected me that much it was insane.
Alpha or Maxis Match CC?
i would say maxis match but c'mon i think most people like at least a little alpha texture sometimes.
Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
no it's a bit weird to me.
Do you use move objects?
i do not know how i'd build anything without, my building is bad enough LMAO.
Favorite mod?
besides mccc, healthcare redux, and i haven't used live in business in a while but i love that mod<3
First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
i think it was city living?? i remember that was the pack my friend recommended bc she loved the festivals and fashion.
Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
alive mode!! in my head i go "and we're live!" like i'm directing a sitcom about my little guys.
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
hildegard my beloved<3 i'm also extremely fond of my bjergsens, esepcially clara.
Have you made a simself?
yeah i have! idk if i'll ever post it bc Gender Is Not Finished Loading and i keep switching the body frame which we do not have to unpack at all
What sim traits do you give yourself?
perfectionist, music lover, lactose intolerant (i'm not joking)
Which is your favorite EA hair color?
i love the blue-ish shade of black and that sort of brownish blonde!!
Favorite EA hair?
that single braid from cottage living with the strands falling out makes me so happy idk why, i just like the realism of the hair not staying in place lol.
Favorite life stage?
adult! i love getting to add aging details and sending screenshots to my friends and saying "new milf/dilf everyone clap"
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
gameplay and CAS<333 love my virtual dress up dolls and putting them in situations.
Are you a CC creator?
a little bit!! i know the barest basics of recoloring. the most sophisticated thing i've done is remove the clerical collar from a priest's shirt for a ghost-themed render.
Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
not a squad per say but i'm so impressed by everything my mutuals post!! hi guys!
What’s your favorite game?
ts3 will always have a special place in my heart, but it's the sims medieval!! i've always loved anything medieval themed and it's one of the few quest-based games i love playing bc you can also just hang out in this kingdom and have fun. playing as a physician is my favorite.
Do you have any sims merch?
nah i actually don't own a lot of merch for anything. i like fan-made stuff a lot more, usually.
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
no but i've considered uploading videos sometimes!
How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
it honestly hasn't changed all that much. every once in a while i get super attached to a legacy and i still love townies and preexisting characters. i guess my interest in storytelling has matured a bit, but that's still only like a year old interest.
What’s your Origin ID?
i think it's vonnegutz? don't quote me on the spelling, i also wish i could change it.
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
there's honestly too many to name, but if you make hair and skin detail cc, please know those are the features i agonize over the most and i love integrating those as much as possible! that's where the bulk of my mods folder is!
How long have you had a simblr?
boring answer but i can't remember lmao it's been at least a year but i've been so on and off about it.
How do you edit your pictures?
i'm very much still learning how to edit, i've tackled a lot in blender but i also use photopea. this is a render with photopea overlays/filters.
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What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
idk if this is still an unpopular opinion but i never get bored with island living! also a big fan of cottage living, vampires, and GET TOGETHER<3
What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
we need more music-themed gameplay. bands, orchestras, more instruments in general, etc. i also really want more supernatural gameplay but it'll be bittersweet bc ea will keep fragmenting it and making it cost more instead of the beautiful cohesive pack that was ts3 supernatural.
thank you again for the tag! i'm tagging @plasmajayne @potionio @drakessimblr and @salemssimblr!! no pressure tho!
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simmer-rhi · 2 years
Willow Creek - Rotation 3 Re-cap
The Goth Family
Bella succeeded in overthrowing Clara Bjergsen and is now leader of the Uppercrusts - which is less of an achievement now that a scorned Bjorn Bjergsen has helped Clara to plant seeds of doubt on Bella's fidelity. (thank you thesaurus)
Mortimer was inspired to get involved in Keira McMahan's regeneration project, and the Goth's helped to organise a fundraiser for Evergreen Harbour. 
With Cassandra away at Uni, Alexander is feeling more alone than ever, as his parents are so wrapped up in themselves. He's on the debate team, and plans to follow in his sister's footsteps and escape to Britechester as soon as he is able to.
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