#everbyte statement
hacked-by-jake · 4 months
I'm especially sad about the AI art statement.
No one ever said they can't use AI in general. Nobody said this. As long as they don't let the chats be written by AI they can use it for whatever they want.
Me personally, I'm a little fan of AI in general. ChatGPT took Googles place in many situations for me. It's super easy, super interesting and faster. I use it instead of reading millions of Google sites. (of course I don't trust everything right away, check your sources, lovelies)
But that's not what I want to say.
I saw no one complaining about the usage of AI in general. As long as its not creating the whole game and especially not what the characters say etc.
The critism was about the usage of AI ART, not AI in general, completely missing the point in my eyes.
And yes, they're right. AI became a huge part of our lives now. We find it everywhere and we won't get rid of it again. That won't happen. For me, it's okay as long as it's not used to generate money by letting it write texts and stuff.
And I'm completely fine with them using it. Of course, it's still stealing and I won't deny that, but as I said, we won't get rid of it again.
But the usage of AI generated Art is wrong and should actually be illegal. They, as a small developer studio, they should know and they do know, how it is when your work gets stolen and used by strangers.
And that's exactly what AI does. And that's not okay. It simply isn't. Every generated art is based on hundreds of real arts our there. The smallest artist who posts their work will be a victim of that. Because AI pulls it's knowledge and the ability for art out of every little art source there is. And that's wrong.
And I'm disappointed about their statement with this point.
And the second statement about AI art...
Yes, it's wonderful that you will introduce new actors to us. Great, amazing. And yes, we do remember how it was in Duskwood. And we do remember that actors were introduced after some time. Hannah joined in the last episode, and this was great.
But the huge difference is, you used stock photos. Real photography. Real designs. Created by photographers or whoever. The point here is: Real human. And real work.
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I don’t think I'm the only one. But the first second I saw the profile picture of Ash, immediately I was like "Hm, that reminds me straight up of arcane"
Which is logical when you use AI generated art because the AI of course uses at first the most popular references.
Fact is: We don't support the usage of AI Art in Moonvale.
Question is: Why didn't you use stock photos just like you did before?
Everbytes answer: Yes, okay, we can change their profile pictures. (Point done)
And I mean, come on. Violet has a freaking cat as profile picture. Where was the problem with just using a real cat for that? Nothing easier than finding a good picture of cats! 😭
And if you didn't want to use stock photos. Have you seen how many incredibly talented digital artists your fandom has? Have you seen the insanely good work they created for your game?
How about contacting a few of them? How about asking them to draw the characters you wanted to have? I'm 100% sure you wouldn't even have to pay them for. Most of them would do it for free right away.
Plus: Real art created by real people
Plus two: No money spending.
And if you don’t want that...., ✨STOCK PHOTOS✨
To be honest, they took a crumb of the criticism, twisted it a bit. Used the word AI, twisted a bit more, left their statement and at the end they gave us a small little victory by saying "They get new profile picture, see we're listening to you". They gave us a little "victory" so that we hopefully will be satisfied and not mention it again.
That's it for this topic. For now
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itsnotzka · 4 months
Let me give you my five cents.
You know, I'm not sure if it shows, but I put a lot of energy into drawing fanarts. That's also one of the reasons I don't draw that many. But now, after reading the statement, I just feel silly and betrayed I drew something for people who think AI (art) is the future.
FYI, I'm okay with some level of AI, mostly because it's inevitable. But-- come on.
This is still fixable, Everbyte.
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intoduskoutofdawn · 4 months
About Moonvale then....
So much happened already in the fandom and I didn't even finish the episode yet.
But I would like to share a few thoughts anyway, because I read the statement everbyte published. It irks me...
It is absolutely no option to get some free diamonds after many replays. No. And why do you have to pay so much for the special content? Also the options how to earn gems (one at the time, while you pay gazzilions for more content) - I feel it forces my hand a bit, I have to make decisions to get rewards... that's a big nono for me.
The AI issue...
That disappointed me even more. Everbyte justified it with their belief that AI is the future. Even if that may be true - what the fuck happened to you??? There is a supportive fandom with you throughout all this time, these years...Great artists, writers and people, who were with you, everbyte. Let's be honest, not only have so many dear and loyal people supported you with encouragement and with their enthusiasm for something you produced - you got a lot of smoke blown up you touchies there!
And above all- the artist that just gave you access to their great artwork, because it was part of something wonderful! That is an enormous resource for a small studio like everbyte.
But what did they do? Choose AI because it was simpler? AI future over the support of an incredibly creative community? Choose to ignore all that? And then write a statement "poor tiny studio us, so much work, no sleep..." Well, what exactly happened there?! Also there was almost no communication about that before Moonvale came out. These decisions you made about AI and the paywall could have been mentioned to the fandom, maybe we wouldn't feel like being showered with an ice bucket.
I love this community btw
So now it feels like everbyte wasn't aware this whole time...of the creative energy in this community.
Alright, enough with the frustration. I'm going to play it anyway. I'm still grateful for Duskwood. I'm looking forward to see more fanart here. Let's keep on sharing this.
Oh and for my opinion on the Moonvale content, it will come...have to save the gems and stuff. ;)
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ghostlyremainss · 4 months
im just gonna say this now: if youre still supporting everbyte now, after they posted their statement, youre part of the problem.
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hiramaris · 1 year
Dusk til Dawn
Part 10
Summary: Following Episode 9. And spoilers for Episode 10. 
Author’s note: As Episode 10 is just released I just want to say heads up for those who are not yet finished. Completing the game without spoilers really made a difference, and as much as possible I want everyone to experience that. And for those finished, I’ll gladly welcome you to my domain where MC took a different route.
Disclaimer:  I do not own Duskwood or any of the related characters. Duskwood is created by and owned by Everbyte Studio. This fanfiction is intended for entertainment only. I am not making any profit from this story. All rights of the original Duskwood story belong to Everbyte Studio.
Warning: Mentions of blood, suicide, violence, pedophiles, drugs, gun, murder, sex offenders, kidnapping
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Gif not mine (please kindly inform me if anyone of you knew)
Y/n's really leaving.
It's the mantra that kept playing over Jessy's head like a broken record player.
As Jake dropped the call, you hadn't had the chance to spare them any more glances as you prepared your things. You had inspect the gun you have with you along with its ammunition multiple times already. You even took out a hunting knife and place it in a holster wrapped around the side of your leg.
She shivered at the thought you even had to use them.
When you confessed about your true self, what she said was true. Nothing had changed about what she thought of you. You're still Y/n, the one she had grown to care and love.
Yes, love. She knew love is such a deep word to use when she had only met you not too long ago. She believed before that finding love online is futile, and it was difficult to establish trust with some strangers she met online. Her boyfriend was able to cheat on her after years of being physically together, what more can someone from miles away where they'll be away from her sight and touch?
But when you came, all these doubts seemed to wash away. The fact you made her feel safer more than anyone else just by merely being on a phone with her, making her feel special just by asking her on a virtual date, making sure she's okay and the occasional sleep calls with you, none of the people she had dated made her feel the same way you do and you weren't even here physically.
There's no room for doubt anyway. Not when you had risked your life for this group many times already.
Now as she watch your back, ready to risk your life for the last time, she realized that you really are determined to go.
And she didn't have the heart to stop you.
She wanted Hannah and Richy back. She really does. But at the expense of you? That's something she finds hard to accept. She knew you were fully capable, but that doesn't do anything to ease her worries.
What if you get hurt?
What if you don't come back?
The mere thought clenches her heart so painfully that breathing felt like a chore now.
"Guys, please don't give me that look."
The cabin was so silent that the request that left your lips seemed louder than ever.
The next few minutes of preparation were a lot of crying on the girls and Thomas' end. Dan, well, his tipsy ass kept passing you drinks (that Lilly always takes away from you). You assumed that's his way to say 'Be careful.'
You appreciate what he's doing though. You didn't want to leave them feeling like this. Like they just sent you to your death and they can't do anything about it.
After leaving everyone's safety to Dan, you decided it's time to go.
You were surprised when Jessy volunteered to walk you to the porch. You assumed she wanted to say goodbye properly.
The porch was bathed in moonlight when you stepped outside, casting long shadows on the wooden planks. You turned to her, her red hair illuminated by the soft glow.
"Jess," you began. "I'm sor—"
"Don't," she sniffed, stopping you from your statement. "I'm sorry I'm making it hard for you to leave. F-for... for being selfish." Her voice cracked. "I just... it's dangerous and I— God. I just didn't want you to get hurt. I'm sorry..."
You couldn't help but wrap her in your arms. You held her close, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. "You've got nothing to apologize for, baby."
"There's a lot. And a lot to thank for, too," she breathed, leaning into your embrace for dear life. "And I'd like to tell all of them to you once you come back."
"You mean..." Your eyes widened at her implications.
"Yeah... I'm letting you go." The way she lets out those words seemed like it's physically hurting her. She lets out a watery laugh, "and It's not like my opinion matters this time."
You couldn't believe what you are hearing. You leaned back to her embrace, hands carefully gripping her by the shoulder. Puffy, tear-filled eyes met your own.
But they are not begging you to not go this time, but begging you to come back.
"It matters." You reached out and gently cupped her cheek, your thumb brushing against her skin, eager to make your point across. "It sounds so screwed up and yet," you paused, your eyes boring into her own with great intensity. "you can tell me to stay, and I will."
Whatever may happen tonight is a huge gamble to play.
Lose and you will lose everything.
That's all there is to it.
Fight and win.
You can't afford to lose. Not now.
"No... No, Y/n." She shook her head gently, her touch on your hands warm and comforting. "We both know that's not who you are."
"Jessy..." Your eyes softened drastically.
"Save Hannah and Richy, okay?" She took hold of your hands on her cheeks, her voice quivering but determined. Despite the tears running down her cheeks, there was a fierce resolve in her expression. "If there's anyone who could do it, it would be you, Y/n/n."
Her words hit you deep, like a surge of energy coursing through your veins. She had an unwavering belief in you, and it only made you more determined to succeed. The lump in your throat grew, and you didn’t trust your own voice enough to speak without breaking. And so, you did the only thing you thought would convey your emotions best at that moment.
Leaning in, you brushed your lips against hers in a tender kiss. It was a mixture of longing and reassurance, a promise that you'd come back to her. There was a softness in the way your lips met, a silent exchange of emotions that words could never fully capture. When you finally pulled away, her eyes were teary but determined.
She tasted like salt from her tears, the faint sweetness of strawberries, and the familiar comfort of home.
"I love you," she whispered as you both separated, her breath warm against your lips. Your eyes widened at her confession, a mix of surprise and joy filling your chest. "Don't," she breathed, eyes still closed. "I'll wait for you to say it back once you come back. I just want to say it."
"You're no fair, Miss Hawkins." A watery laugh escapes you, and you couldn’t resist the pull any longer. You leaned in, capturing her lips in another tender kiss.
"Just want to make sure, Agent," she replied, her voice holding a hint of teasing. "Now go, save our friends, and come back to me."
It looks like you have to speed up the process because waiting for days to say it back is going to kill you, you’re sure.
Despite everything, despite the danger that lay ahead, you found yourself smiling.
You were still under the same sky, and somehow, that thought gave you comfort.
Everything’s going to be okay.
"Any updates on Michael's whereabouts?"
These were Jake's first words to you as he entered the car. You didn't have to look to know it was him. The same monotonous voice can be recognized from miles away. The heavy door of the car clicked shut, sealing the two of you in the confined space.
Oh, and of course. How could you forget? The guy loves his comfy hoodie so much, his mask, and his favorite beanie that his mom personally crocheted for his birthday. Even in these circumstances, he still clung to his attire like a security blanket.
"None so far," you settled on as a reply.
You started the engine once again and sped past the mini stop you and Jake agreed upon on. It was a little far from the cabin but it was relatively closer to Jake's hotel.
Tonight was cold and you wouldn't really blame Jake for his chosen clothing. However, this type of cold is something a warm coffee couldn't handle. It was the type where it send chills down your spine, you felt a sense of impending doom, not for you but for Hannah and Richy. Time is against you two and you know from experience that time is an opponent you cannot win against.
"You know you really don't have to do this."
"I have to. It is the best option we have. You have put yourself in danger for long enough. Listening to Michael's demand would be suicide. That is why I cannot allow you to go alone, but at the same time, I cannot allow Hannah and Richy to be in danger. They are both in the Ironsplinter Mine. I can almost pinpoint their exact location. I cannot say how long this will be the case." Jake's voice remained steady, his tone unemotional, though his words conveyed a sense of urgency and conviction.
"I didn't know you'd be this talkative personally," you chuckled. "But in all seriousness, I am glad to be doing this 'kamikaze' mission as Dan would like to say, with you."
"Indeed, we've come a long way, haven't we?"
"Yes, we have, Jake. Yes, we have."
The car ride continued in a comfortable silence. There was an understanding between you and Jake that didn't require many words. It felt weird but right in some way, like two puzzle pieces that somehow fit together despite being from entirely different sets.
Both of you are polar opposites. An investigator and a criminal. Who would have thought both would remain seated in a confined space and talk about the most random things.
If someone would tell you you'd be partnering up with a hacker and probably one of the most wanted criminals in this part of Europe, you'd probably give that person a glare of a lifetime, yet here you are with Jake.
Indeed, you'd come a long way.
"Y/n," Jake began after minutes of comfortable silence.
"Yeah?" You turn to look at him briefly, careful to not let your eyes stray for too long away from the road. You wouldn't want to have a repeat of Hannah and Amy's mistakes. The forest was dense, and the road was illuminated only sporadically by dim streetlights. With its numerous twists and turns, you couldn't afford any distractions.
"I wish to ask one last favor of you." He continued as he typed away on his laptop. The hum of the car's engine and the occasional tapping of his keyboard filled the space between his words.
"Sure, what do you want me to do?"
"I would like to ask you to tell Michael that you are on your way to the Grimrock." He looked up at you, his gaze steady and serious.
"Makes sense," you mused. Slowing down a touch, you pulled out your phone and started composing a message to Michael, ensuring to keep your driving steady at the same time.
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You grinned at your own antics. You showed your phone to Jake, knowing he shares the same humor as you.
"Seriously?" He lets out a soft laugh, the subtle crinkles around his eyes giving away his amusement. "This should not be a laughing matter, however, I find it really funny."
You snorted, unable to suppress your chuckle. "I just can't miss the opportunity."
"I don't get it, you know?" You mumbled aloud, the words escaping your thoughts unintentionally. It felt like you needed to voice your confusion, even if just to the air in the car.
"Hmm?" Jake turned to you with a quizzical look, his attention fully on you now.
"Thomas is right." You muttered after a beat or two, your gaze fixed on the road ahead as the car continued its journey. The cave on the outskirts of Moonvale was getting closer with each passing mile. "I am literally the highest-ranking criminal investigator in the region. I don't get why you're all so protective of me. I am fully capable of subduing someone like Michael. I've been trained for it for years." You voiced your thoughts with a hint of frustration in your tone. "I'm just not used to it," you exhaled sharply, your breath carrying a mixture of resignation and confusion.
"Jessica cares for you," Jake responded slowly, each word carrying weight as if he was carefully considering the impact. "You can be Superman, and be all invincible and she'll still be worrying about you. You cannot take that away from her. The same goes for everyone. They have grown to care for you."
"But what about Hannah and Richy?" you countered.
He didn't respond immediately, his fingers still dancing across the keyboard.
"Just because they don't want you to go doesn't mean they don't care about them. It just means they don't want you to go, however, it wasn't really their choice to make as the situation still demands you to go. It's not really a matter of choice of who is more important than who, and who is more capable than who." Jake's gaze met yours, his expression serious. "Remember your question back then, when Jessy was attacked and you were ready to fly here?"
"How far is too far when it comes to saving a life?"
"Precisely. Life is life, Y/n. No one will be greater than the other. We do not want you to put yourself in danger just because you have the capacity to do so."
"And you're allowed to do the same thing?" You scoffed. You know Jake's response was logical, but it didn't quite quell your frustration. "Why can't the same rules apply to both of us? I have seen that they are mostly relieved to be knowing it will be you who will go rather than me. And I saw their distress when I decided to come along, too, Jake."
You wanted to say it's unfair because it is.
"Y/n, you cannot blame them."
"I am not. It's just not fair." There you said it.
"You have formed a bond with them. A genuine one, it will only be natural for them to be more worried about you." He tried to explain. "I have threatened them and invaded their privacy on multiple occasions. That's why I do not expect them to warm up to me the way they have to you."
You wanted to laugh at the hypocrisy. If they have known you have access to their private data as well, would they have thought of you the same?
You don't even want to know.
You sighed. You're also being unfair to them, thinking about them like this. They have accepted you for who you are, and you having access to their private account seemed to be shallow compared to what you have done, and yet they turned a blind eye to them.
This is some fucked up shit, really.
"But what about me?" You spoke softly, almost to yourself. "You have formed a genuine bond with me. So, my opinion for you not to go doesn't matter?"
"It meant the world to me, Y/n. That you cared for me. But I have already made the decision to protect you at any cost." He said softly. "I have been on the run for four years. One event changed my whole life completely. I lost everything in a single night. My home, my identity. Every single person in my life, Y/n. There was nobody I could trust even though I did not want to."
"I am sorry to hear that." You let out a sigh. "I just didn't want you to think that no one cares about you."
"There is no need to be sorry," he replied, ruffling your hair, which earned a playful groan from you. "I knew what I was getting into. I made that decision."
"But that doesn't mean it's not hard."
"You do not have to sacrifice your life and career for me. I am already used to running away. I also knew you wanted a life here, with Jessica, and the others. I will not take that away from you."
You smiled sadly. Yes, you do want that.
But will the situation permit you? You're not entirely sure.
"Don't you ever have the desire to stay here with Lilly and Hannah?" You questioned back. "And live a normal life?"
"Of course, I do." He answered, eyes growing a bit distant. "However, I know it will be impossible."
"Can you maybe stop predicting things, Jake?"
"You and I both know how this will all end."
"Do we?" You challenged, a small smirk creeping into your features. "Maybe we should start trying for a few alternatives."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, here we are," you announced as you parked the car. The headlights illuminated the end of the road, revealing the entrance to the cave. It wasn't exactly a picturesque spot, with a glaring red "No Trespassing!" sign catching your attention. "Looks like it's pretty isolated."
Jake stepped out of the car, closing the door behind him, and took in the surroundings. The air was heavy with anticipation, and the looming darkness of the cave entrance only added to the eerie atmosphere. "Seems like no one's really allowed around here," he observed.
"Hmm, so I guess we don't have any choice. We're going to have to do this the old-fashioned way," you said, stretching your fingers and rolling your shoulders to relieve some of the tension from the long drive.
"By old-fashioned, you mean breaking and entering?" Jake quirked an eyebrow, a faint smirk tugging at his lips.
"Yeah," you grinned. "Cleo would be so proud of us."
A soft chuckle escaped Jake. "She does have a reputation for breaking in."
"Shall we contact the others?"
"Yes, that would be ideal," Jake agreed, his expression serious as he retrieved his phone.
"Hello?" you greeted everyone, your voice carrying through the phone's speaker.
From the other end of the call, a collective sigh of relief seemed to escape.
"Oh my goodness, there you are!" Lilly exclaimed.
"You've been gone for ages," Jessy added, her voice tinged with concern.
"They were only gone for a little over an hour, Jessy," Dan interjected. "Hey there, Sherlock and Hackerman. How's it going?"
"Oh shush it, Dan. One hour is long enough." Jessy shot back with a playful roll of her eyes. "How are things going, you two?"
"We have reached the Ironsplinter mine," Jake told them.
"Yeah, see this big opening with these do not cross tapes all over it?" You explained, turning your phone's camera to capture the scene. The cave's opening was imposing, shrouded in darkness and warning signs. "That's the entrance. We're going to have to cut through the tapes and climb our way through to enter."
"Yeah," Cleo's voice came through the phone. "So, technically no one should be allowed inside?"
"Exactly," you replied, a playful grin in your voice. "I can now see why you like breaking in."
A burst of laughter echoed on the other end of the call, most notably from Dan. "Good one."
"Seriously, Y/n?" Cleo can only facepalm in exasperation. "I was afraid Dan has already corrupted you, and it was only a few hours since you arrived here."
"Hey! I'm not that bad."
"Anyway, there will be instances where we will be suddenly offline, but don't worry. The reception here is just really unreliable as you can imagine." You informed them.
"I thought as much," Thomas chimed in.
"Thanks for the heads up," Lilly added.
"We're lucky to even have any reception at all," Cleo remarked.
"Be careful, both of you," Jessy's voice held genuine concern.
"We'll keep you updated as soon as we can, okay?" You assured them before ending the call. Turning to Jake, you said, "Now, shall we head inside?"
In the dim light of your flashlights, you and Jake ventured into the cave's mouth. The air grew cold and heavy, laden with dampness that clung to their skin like a shroud. The walls seemed to close in, the jagged rock formations looming like the teeth of some ancient, evil creature.
"Comfy," you whistled as the interior of the cave unfolded before you. If the outside was already pitch black, then the inside is pretty much the epitome of darkness. Outside, at least there was the moonlight to help you make out your surroundings, but inside? If you hadn't brought flashlights, you'd likely be navigating blind. "Creepier than I imagined."
"Well, considering its history, it has all the right to be called creepy," Jake mentioned while examining his map. "During my research, I found out quite a bit about this mine."
"Sounds like you," you playfully nudged him.
"I wanted to be prepared, just like you," he scoffed. "I'll handle the tech stuff, while you do your agent thing."
"Jake, I'm everything but prepared." You sighed as you navigated the uneven terrain, moving with cautious grace. Your steps echoing softly. The cave's floor was uneven, a mosaic of rocks and pebbles. Occasionally, you would need to clamber over a protruding rock or duck beneath a low-hanging stalactite. "I just want to get them both back," You added after a while.
"Since when did Dolos come unprepared?" he remarked, his flashlight tracing patterns on the cave's wall.
"Guess there's a first time for everything," you conceded with a shrug. The cave's darkness seemed to breathe, and an unnerving ambiance hung in the air.
"Dolos... the spirit of trickery, a master at cunning deception, craftiness, and treachery," he mused. The glow of the flashlights danced along the tunnel's walls as you both continued deeper into the cave. "I can see why you chose that alias. It has quite fit you apparently."
"I'm not sure if I'll take that as a compliment." You raised an eyebrow. Did he just call you a liar? Just in a metaphoric way?
"It is a compliment," he affirmed as he led you to a tunnel on the right. The narrow passage led you deeper into the heart of the cave, each step echoing softly against the rocky walls. "I was fascinated by you from the start. It's no secret that I have access to all private and public information of this group. But I do not have access to yours." He paused, his tone contemplative. "And I know you only let me access your phone because it's a dummy phone that only has your private messages with them, nothing else." He continued, his footsteps echoing faintly. "You know the basic tricks in hacking, and there are also instances where you've demonstrated advanced techniques. Things that a normal citizen wouldn't have knowledge of."
"I am a covert agent for a reason," you replied, your voice steady in the echoing tunnel. "As a master in psychology, it is easy for me to deceive my targets, which is a vital tool in becoming an undercover agent."
"What I am saying, Y/n is that you're the only one capable to subdue Michael." He paused for emphasis before continuing. "Play with his brain the way Dolos would."
"Roger that." You smirked. "Though it surprises me you'd known about Dolos a lot already."
"Maybe Dan is not the only biggest fan of yours."
"I must say, it's quite smart of him to use this mine to hide Hannah and Richy," Jake commented as you both treaded cautiously through the depths of the cave.
"Because it's so extensive," you nodded, the beam of your flashlight cutting through the darkness.
"Correct," Jake affirmed. "The Ironsplinter Mine has a total length of more than 60 miles. The main entrance in Terrendale has turned into a museum, with a part of the tunnels accessible to visitors." He gestured at different parts of the map. "However, most of the tunnels beyond that point are blocked off and in danger of collapsing. I'd estimate that Michael has about 30 miles of tunnels at his disposal."
"A perfect place to hide," you agreed, a thoughtful expression on your face. Then, a realization struck you. "Jake, what if he's been hiding here from the beginning?"
"Then we must assume that he knows his way around quite well," Jake said through gritted teeth. The tension in the air grew as you both continued your journey, maintaining a brisk pace while staying alert.
Your eyes scanned the surroundings, your hand never straying far from your weapon. Being ambushed by Michael Hanson was not a situation you wanted to find yourself in.
Suddenly, Jake came to a halt, his flashlight revealing a hole in the ground with a ladder leading down. "Looks like a shaft," you commented.
"Indeed," Jake replied.
"Let me just update the group."
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With your phone safely secured in your pocket, you turned your full attention to Jake. "Anything else I should know before we head down? It felt like you deliberately left something out when talking to the others."
"It's kind of unsettling how you can pick up on that," Jake sighed. "According to my research, the ladders in this shaft go down for about 200 feet. In case any of the ladders are damaged or missing—"
"Hmm we're fucked, right?"
"I was going to say our plan will fail but I guess it's the same thing."
Upon midway in descending the ladder, your phone began to vibrate incessantly in your back pocket. The unexpected vibration caused you to falter for a moment, your grip on the ladder tightening instinctively to prevent any accidents.
Once your feet were firmly on the ground, you retrieved your phone and checked the screen. It was flooded with notifications, indicating that you and Jake had been exploring the mine for a longer period than you had realized.
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"We have to be thankful that the ladder was relatively stable," Jake mentioned, his gaze fixed on the map in his hands once again. "However, they have been exposed to constant moisture for years and are quite rusty."
"I think we should seriously reconsider using them on the way back," you remarked, a shiver running down your spine at the thought of relying on rusty ladders above a 200-foot drop. "The last thing I want is plummeting straight into the abyss."
"Right, especially if there are four of us."
"Is there any other way out?" you inquired, your eyes scanning the intricate network of tunnels that surrounded you. Without a map on hand, getting lost in these winding passages seemed like a very real possibility.
"Yes, there is. However, they come with some extensive detours."
You sighed, a sense of fatigue settling in. "Oh, boy... this is going to be one hell of a night."
A/N: Hello! First of all, I want to apologize for making this fanfiction under WIP for months. I have read your comments and everything and I want to thank you for spurring the author in me once again. School has been a pain in my ass and it has been a hassle juggling life and boosting my GPA along with some personal issues. To make it short, it had emotionally and mentally burned me out to the point I can't even write anything. Not to mention I was bombarded with paper works so I really have to force myself to vomit words just to survive the semester so yeah, I think that sums it up. My apologies again because I have to cut this part out upon reaching 4.5k because I feel like the whole part will be far too long and I wouldn't be able to put a breather between scenes. The next part will be uploaded soon after this, don't worry.
Question tho: what are your thoughts on my writing style? Because I feel like I'm stretching out the storyline more than it probably needs, adding details that might not be entirely essential. I want to hear what's on your mind.
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zmayadw · 2 years
Hello to all! 😊
All right, as I'm sure that a lot of us have the question whether Jake will be a part of Everbyte's new game main story or not hanging above our heads, and as much as we all want and hope for that, I have to say that I believe in high possibility that it won't happen. And honestly, that's perfectly fine to me.
Now, before you all jump at my throat for saying such a blasphemy, just hear me out, ok? 😅
Ofc, what I'll say/write here is only my opinion/observation, you are all free to have your own, so do feel equally free to skip reading this if it is not something you are even willing to consider as possibility. And, also, to who ever might actually read this till the end, I apologise in advance for this is going to be a pretty long post! 😶
All right, here it goes...
So, Duskwood came to its end, and what a ride it has been!! It ended how it did, and as much as we loved it, there were still some loose ends there. So the moment that we got that first 'top secret' hint about a new game already being in development, I'm sure many of us, and I know I did, immediately thought It has to be a sequel, it just has to! You cannot leave it at this! And with the statements sucah as „already miss their friends from Duskwood...“, or „in the same universe...“, or „cross paths with one of your friends again...“ , we ignored everything else, overwhelmed with emotions that we all experienced in our own way in that moment.
Now, as more time passed, we got very anxious waiting for any news from Everbyte about the new game. Or dare I say we got impatient to finally get anything that might confirm our speculations and hopes about a sequel, and lets be honest here, Jake in particualr. And so, after agonizing months of silence, Everbyte drops a bomb with annoucement about a Sneak Peek Series. And this is actually the moment that my suspicions just got stronger. Yes, I am saying that my suspicions got stronger and not that they started then, because I already had them long before the sneak peeks even came, and here is why.
Ok, so when the first sneak peek dropped, I can't say I had much thoughts about it at that moment. Yes, it was exciting to finally find something out, but that was mostly it. But the moment sneak peek no. 2 was released, the one mentioning the side story, my little wheels of cognition came to life and started to spin like crazy, and adding to it sneak peek no. 4, it only made me more sure that it's leaning towards my believes.
Now, you could argue with me here that the mentioned sneak peeks don't confirm any of it, and that's a valid point. Or that Jake as a character was such a success that it would be a bad move from Everbyte not to implement him in the new game (and I mean here in the main story part), and to that I can only say then let's agree that we disagree.
I mentioned this before as a reply/reblog to a post, and I will say it again here: I really believe that the side story will probably be our only interaction/connection to Duskwood and any possible character from there. Why? Because, Everbyte themself said, long ago, right at the end of Duskwood, that the new game deserves a NEW case, a NEW surrounding, a NEW characters... see already where I'm going with this? Bingo! A NEW GAME!
And that is exactly what they are making here - a NEW game.
Now, imagine you start this new game as someone totally unaware of Duskwood, just to realize at some point of your playthrough that something is not quite right here. You search through the all mighty internet and find out about this previous game called Duskwood, and that for some reason because you haven't played it, you are missing or don't understand a big part of this new game. Not cool, right?
To actually be forced to stop playing this game you happen to think is very interesting, and to HAVE to go play this other game that maybe you won't quite enjoy (ok, don't laugh/roll your eyes/or curse me now here, it is a possibility!), just so you could have a full understanding and enjoyment of this new game...again, in my eyes, not cool.
So yeah, as I said, I really really believe the side story they mentioned will be mostly about/for us Duskwood players, and will not be connecetd or interfere with the new game's main story/case much, or at all.
And besides, even if the side story itself won't have much or at all Jake in it, I won't think of it in a bad way, because without getting some proper/definite ending with Jake, there is still a hope for an actual Duskwood sequel planned from amazing Everbyte team in the future! 😊
We all love Duskwood, there is no doubt about it, and we all miss and want our hot hacker back, but I have to speak honestly here, that if that won't actually happen, I am afraid that many people might be very dissapointed and not give this new game a proper chance, and that would be a shame.
We all saw how great Everbyte did with Duskwood, and me personaly, can't wait to see what new wonders and surprises they have up their sleeve for the new game. And believe me, I am still hoping along with many of you here, that we will have our hacker appear in the new game, but I just don't see it happening as a part of the main story. And for me, that won't have any affect, in any way, on the opinion of the new game.
I want to give this new game the same chance I gave Duskwood once, because I believe Everbyte has amazing potential to once again create something equally and even more amazing not based on the old Duskwood glory.
Don't forget, they were on the brink of shutting down Duskwood project, almost gave up on everything, and I cannot stress enough how extremely happy I am that they didn't, because now, once again, I have a chance to feel that same rush of excitement, that same amazing feeling of adrenalin with this new game comming as I am positive it will be awesome! And I honestly hope that any decisions they make concerning the new game, wheather you like it or not, won't be the cause of something like that to repeat.
Okie, I think I'm done here 😅 Again, if you managed to read this till the end, I thank you from the bottom of my heart! 💚 And again, this is only my opinion and you do not have to agree with anything I wrote here. I just kindly ask, that if you do not have anything civil, or to say in a polie way about any stuff mentioned here, to kindly buzz off and refrain yourself of poisonous comments! Nothing I wrote here was with the intention to offend anyone in any way, and if I somehowe did so, I can assure you it wasn't on purpose or meant to sound that way!
Now I will definitely stop, because this is already way too long! 😅 So I bid you all ferwell, take care, and I wish you all a wonderful weekend! 😊💚
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schnattchen91 · 4 months
Bewertung 3 von 5 Sternen für Moonvale
Eigentlich wollte ich diese Review im Playstore schreiben bin dort aber gehemmt mit den max. 500 Zeichen…
Es tut mir in der Seele weh, dass ich dieses Spiel nur mit 3 von 5 Sternen bewerten kann. Vor allem, weil ich, den "Vorgänger" Duskwood so sehr liebe. Mein Hype war groß, als das Release-Datum für Moonvale bekanntgeben wurde. Definitiv wurde ich Story-technisch nicht enttäuscht. Die erste Episode ist eine spannende Einführung in die Geschichte. Genauso wirft der Teil der Duskwood-Sidestory mehr Fragen auf, als beantwortet werden. Für den Einstieg wirklich perfekt! Es macht definitiv Lust auf die weiteren Episoden.
Jedoch ist die Story leider nicht alles. Vor allem finde ich das Diamantensystem als Bezahlsystem sehr frustrierend. Vorab möchte ich betonten, dass mir durchaus bewusst ist, dass Everbyte als Spielentwickler daran Geld verdienen muss. Schließlich müssen Produktionskosten auch irgendwie wieder eingeholt werden. Und gerade, was das angeht, setzt Everbyte auf Qualität.
Dennoch ist dieses Diamantensystem für Spieler*innen leider zu unkalkulierbar. Dafür muss viel zu vieles mit diesen Diamanten bezahlt werden.
Angefangen bei den Zusatzinhalten der Story. Teilweise muss diese nur einmal kaufen, wie Medien, sprich Bilder etc. Aber andererseits kann „Flirts“ und „Geheimchats“ nicht dauerhaft kaufen. In Episode 1 war es jeweils eines, dass man immer wieder kaufen muss. Insgesamt zahlt man, dann bei Episode 1 pro Spielverlauf 45 Diamanten (umgerechnet ca. 6 Euro). Fairerweise sei dabei gesagt, dass man bei „Zeitsprung“ nochmal gratis 50 Diamanten erhält. Jedoch werden die Diamanten auch für die Lootboxen (Profilbilder, Rahmen und Hintergründe benötigt), sowie für Extraleben, Bonuszüge und Überspringen der Minispiele. Darauf werde ich aber noch einmal separat eingehen.
Gerade, dass man die Bonusinhalte mit den Diamanten freischalten muss, hat sehr viele Spieler*innen frustriert. Durch Duskwood kannten wir den Premiumpass und hatte sowas erwartet. Als das Spiel rauskam, war der Frust ganz schön hoch bei vielen, dass man die Inhalte separat kaufen muss. Everbyte hatte dies bezüglich schon ein Statement herausgebracht. Hierbei sind zwei Sachen zu kritisieren:
Zuerst die fehlerhafte Kommunikation vor dem Spiel, da es nicht ersichtlich war, welche Inhalte dauerhaft freigeschaltet werden und welche nicht. Perse finde ich aber den Gedanken gut, dass man den Spieler*innen ermöglichen möchte auch die Zusatzinhalte „kostenlos“ genießen zu können.
Was mich zum zweiten Punkt bringt, denn nicht alle Inhalte werden, wie oben erwähnt, dauerhaft freigeschaltet. Und gerade, weil Moonvale darauf ausgelegt wurde, die Episoden öfters zu spielen, ist das mehr als frustrierend.
Hier kann ich dann auch die (hoffentlich vorläufig) Entscheidung seitens Everbyte auf den Premiumpass zu verzichten nicht ganz nachvollziehen. Es wurde sich berufen, auf die Spieler*innen sich beklagt hätten, dass dieser zu teuer sein oder man nicht wüsste, ob sich das lohnen würde.
Hierbei, auch wie oben erwähnt, die Entwickler müssen Kosten decken und wollen sicherlich auch ein bisschen daran verdienen. Bei Duskwood bot der Premiumpass nicht nur Zusatzinhalte, sondern auch ein Werbefreies Spielvergnügen. Die 7 bis 8 Euro, die man dafür investiert haben, waren ein fairer Preis für ein Handyspiel in der Qualität. Gerade auch zu dem Punkt, dass Spieler*innen nicht wissen, ob sich das lohnt, kann ich auch eigener Erfahrung sagen: Den Vorgänger Duskwood habe ich im ersten Durchlauf ohne Premium durchgespielt, habe auf die Zusatzinhalte verzichtet und die Werbung in Kauf genommen. Da ich persönlich selten für Handyspiele Geldausgebe. Jedoch hatte die Qualität so überzeugt, dass ich das Geld, obwohl ich das Spiel kannte, gerne ausgeben hatte, um mindestens noch einmal die „Vollversion“ spielen zu können. Bei Moonvale wäre ich gewillt gewesen sofort den Premiumpass zukaufen, einfach durch die hohe Qualität des Vorgängerspiels hatte das Team von Everbyte eine hohen Vertrauen Bonus von mir.
Und ich weiß, dass ich damit nicht alleine stehe 😉
Denn was die Story angeht, bin ich davon überzeugt, dass sie auf demselben guten Level wie Duskwood sein wird! Everbyte sollte gerade was die Einführung des Premiumpasses auf die eigene Qualität vertrauen. Denn ich bin mir sicher, dass selbst anfangs skeptische Spieler*innen sich im Laufe der Story davon überzeugen lassen, dass Geld zu investieren. Außerdem denke ich, dass es für Everbyte wirtschaftlicher sein wird als ein für Spieler*innen nicht kostenkalkulierbares Diamantensystem. Auch hier, wenn ich mir so die Meinung im Internet durchlese, sind nur wenige bereit dafür wirklich Geld auszugeben. Schließlich sprengt es einfach den Rahmen was Menschen bereit sind auszugeben, dafür muss zu viel Einzelnes öfters ausgeben werden.
Das bringt mich zu nächsten Punkt: Das Lootsystem für das eigene Profil. Vorab fairerweise gesagt, alles was man freischalten kann, wird hier tatsächlich auch nur einmal in der Lootbox erscheinen. Jedoch kann man nur eine Variante der Lootbox erwerben und erhält entweder ein Profilbild, einen Rahmen oder ein Hintergrund. Bei allen dreien ist die Auswahl riesig, was eigentlich gut ist! Jedoch kostes ein Lootbox schon 12 Diamanten (Umgerechnet ca. 1,50€) was bei der Auswahl ein richtiges Vermögen werden kann, wenn man sich bestimmte Inhalte freischalten möchte. Gerade bei dem Profilbild möchten die Spieler*innen doch eins haben, dass ihnen noch ähnlichsieht oder zu mindestens den Main Charakter, den man für sich erschaffen hat. Hierbei sei leider auch gesagt, dass die AI generieten Bilder zwar versuchen möglichst viele Spieler*innen zutreffen aber genau das Gegenteil der Fall ist. Irgendwie fühlt sich keiner repräsentiert. Und auch wenn es die Auswahl wahrscheinlich sprengen würde, People oft Color werden gar nicht repräsentiert. Was vor allem bei einem Spiel, dass weltweit auf dem Markt gebracht wird, dazu führt das noch weniger Spieler*innen sich repräsentiert fühlen können. Das kreide ich halt an auf Grund der hohen Preise, die dann dafür ausgeben werden, müssen, sowie, dass für die Tagesaufgaben Bonus, alle drei Sachen benötigt werden, um diese auch dann erfüllen zu können. Auch wenn die Aufgaben täglich variieren, ist man als Spieler eigentlich froh wenigstens ein paar der kostenlosen Diamanten abgreifen zu können. Dafür werden diese im Spiel einfach an zu vielen Stellen benötigt. Genauso frustrierend ist es, dass ich nicht aussuchen kann, ob ich Profilbild, Rahmen oder Hintergrund looten möchte. Gerade bei der eigentlich (positiven) großen Auswahl ist es frustrierend alles nur dem Zufallsprinzip zu überlassen.
Hier bei möchte ich noch betonen, wäre das Lootsystem, der einzige Kritikpunkt, hätte ich dieses Spiel trotzdem eine Fünfsterne Bewertung von mir bekommen und ich hätte diese Kritik, als Meckern auf hohem Niveau bezeichnet! Den defacto ist dies nur ein Bonus im Spiel und nimmt einem nicht das Vergnügen an der Story!
Dies bringt mich leider zu den Minispielen:
Ein auf Candycrush aufgebautes Spielsystem. Bei Vorgänger Duskwood haben diese noch Spaß gemacht! Dort waren sie auch lösbar und basierten nicht nur auf reinem Glück wie die Elemente fallen. Natürlich gab es bei Duskwood auch mal die ein oder anderen Durchläufe, in denen man Pech hatte, falsche Entscheidungen getroffen hatte und auch mal erstmals nicht weiterspielen konnte ohne extra Leben zukaufen. (oder wahlweise Züge). Jedoch so oft wie ich Duskwood durchgespielt habe, kann ich mit recht behaupten, dass alle Minispiele lösbar waren, ohne dass man gezwungen war, extra Züge zukaufen. Jedes einzelne Minispiel bei Duskwood hatte eine Taktik, die man anwenden konnte, um das Spiel zu schaffen. Dies scheint mir bei Moonvale leider nicht der Fall zu sein. Zwar gilt auch hier, sie können lösbar sein, ohne zwangsläufig extra Züge kaufen zu müssen, doch basieren diese mehr auf Glück als auf Taktik. Dies führt dazu, dass die Frusttoleranz schnell erreicht ist!
Gerade was kommende Episoden angeht habe ich Angst, mehrere Tage in einem Minispiel gefangen sein zu müssen und die Lust am Spiel zu verlieren! Und dass, obwohl ich mir eigentlich sicher bin, dass es sich Storytechnisch lohnen würde, dranzubleiben.
Auch hier sollte fairerweise erwähnt werden, dass man für 19 Diamanten ein einzelnes überspringen könnte. Genauso kann man extra Züge und neue Leben noch zusätzlich kaufen. Aber aufgrund dessen, was man alles im Spiel mit den Diamanten kaufen kann und den wenigen Diamanten, die man dazu verdienen kann, führt das zwangsläufig dazu, dass man „genötigt“* wird richtiges Geld auszugeben.
*Dieses genötigt ist eine überspitze Aussage, denn schließlich hat man auch noch die Wahl auf Bonusinhalte zu verzichten oder längere Zeit in den Minispielen gefangen zu sein. Hierbei geht es mir jedoch um den Frustrationsfaktor, denn die Gegebenheiten mit sich bringen. Vor allem bei einer eigentlich Zahlungsbereiten Kundschaft, die gerne überschaubare Kosten hätte und nicht dauerhaft neues Geld investieren möchte, um das Spiel vernünftig spielen zu können.
Man kann zwar Diamanten im Spielverlauf verdienen, jedoch so wenige, dass es sich kaum lohnt. Die Täglichen Aufgaben bieten einige, aber auch hier muss man 24 Stunden warten, dafür das man 3 Diamanten verdient, von den man sich nichts im Spiel leisten kann. Zudem bekommt man nicht mal nach jedem Minispiel die 20 Taler, die man in Diamanten umtauschen kann. 45 Taler ein Diamant. Ergo habe ich nicht mal einen halben Diamanten verdient, wenn ich ein Minispiel habe, dass Taler als Belohnung haben.
Außerdem kann man durch die Episodenaufgaben auch noch Diamanten verdienen. Definitiv für den Replay Faktor ganz gut, aber die Ausbeute ist dafür zu gering, als dass es sich lohnt, dafür die Episoden neu zu starten. Genauso die Aufgaben für das gesamte Spiel, wo man erst Diamanten ausgeben muss, um den Bonus zu erhalten. Als Beispiel, wenn ich 5 Hintergründe freischalte, erhalte ich Bonusdiamanten, aber bis ich dahin komme, habe ich unzählig viele Diamanten ausgeben müssen, um das zu erreichen.
Und die Gründe die Episoden immer und immer wieder zuspielen liegt doch auch eher daran, dass man als Spieler*in neugierig ist, welche Wege man mit welchen Antworten geht. In Duskwood gab es auch kein Belohnungssystem und wir Spieler*innen haben es trotzdem immer und immer wieder neugespielt 😉
Ich will hier auch nicht das Belohnungssystem der einzelnen Episoden ankreiden. Definitiv nicht. Die Idee dahinter finde ich sehr gut, nur stimmt hier das Verhältnis des Belohnungssystem einfach nicht. Und auch das wäre einzeln betrachtet nur meckern auf hohem Niveau!
Alles in allem stimmt das Verhältnis zudem was man „verdient“ und was man „ausgeben“ muss nicht! Da nehme ich lieber in Kauf mir Werbung ansehen zu müssen, meinetwegen auch trotz einem gegeben Falls trotz Erwerb eines Premiumpasses. (Natürlich muss dies auch in einem richtigen Verhältnis liegen und nicht überspitz gesagt 20 Sekunden Spiel, 10 Minuten Werbung).
Neben dem schlechten Bezahlsystem muss ich leider auch die übermäßige Nutzung von AI kritisieren. Auch hier mehr meckern auf hohem Niveau und dies hätte in meiner Bewertung auch eigentlich keine Sterne gekostet. Vor allem bei dem Charakter Violet und der AI-Katze… Man sieht halt das es keine richtige Katze ist und ich glaube das es in den Weiten des Internets genug free-to-use Katzen Bilder gibt. Oder ganz verrückte Idee man hätte auch die Fans von Duskwood fragen können. Wahrscheinlich hätte man einen Fan sehr glücklich machen können, in dem dessen Katze für immer in diesem Spiel verewigt wird 😉. Bei Ash kaufe ich das AI-generierte Bild noch ab. Es wirkt so, als hätte eine reale Person, einen Anime Filter über das eigene Foto laufen lassen. Bei Charlie wirkt das noch zu AI real, so dass man hier bei der Auswahl des Schauspielers sehr gehemmt sein wird. Early Duskwood hatte das deutlich besser geregelt. Sowohl Richys Autobild als auch Lillys Girlande wirkte so, als wären es Profilbilder realer Personen.
Zum Abschluss möchte ich noch sagen, ich hoffe Everbyte hört auf die Kritiken und versucht eine faire Lösung zu finden um die Dinge, die allgemein kritisiert werden, gerade was dieses unkalkulierbare Zahlungssystem angeht und die für mich als Spieler willkürliche Entscheidung Flirts und Geheimchats nicht dauerhaft freizuschalte. Ehrlich bei umgerechnet dennoch drei Euro pro Antwort verstehe ich es nicht, wenn in dem Spiel zusätzlich Anreiz geschafft wird, es mehrmals zuspielen.
Wirklich Everbyte, meine Maus ist eigentlich schon auf dem Löschbutton dieser Review und meine Finger freuen sich auch eine mindestens genauso lange positive Review zudem Spiel zu verfassen. Ich möchte eigentlich dieses Spiel in den Himmel loben, denn storytechnisch habt ihr abgeliefert! Nur leidet das Spielvergnügen an dieser Willkür und dem überteuerten bzw. nicht kostenplanbaren Diamantensystem! 
Ihr müsst Geld verdienen, dass verstehen wir! Aber ihr habt so viele Möglichkeiten, dass zu tun ohne, dass das Spielvernügen leiden muss. Von mehr Werbung, bis zu einem oder mehreren Premiumpässen, sowie einer Diamantenflat…
Abschließend bleibt mir nur noch zusagen, ich warte geduldig und in hoher Erwartung (die Story-technisch sicherlich nicht enttäuscht wird) auf die neue Episode!
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hacked-by-jake · 4 months
Do you think Everbyte would make a second statement?
Yes, I do think so. I somehow even expect another statement from them. Especially after the criticism they got for the first statement. I think Everbyte knows that this topic isn't over yet and that we're still not happy with the results.
I think another statement is very likely, but maybe it will take some more time. As I said before, I think they still have to figure things out now. They have to reflect themselves, our opinions and their own decisions.
And maybe then, when the emotions cooled down a bit, maybe then.
I really hope so. And I hope, if they do one, they will say what we're hoping for. I mean, I'm looking forward to episode 2, but I'm still very anxious about it. What if they really don't change the most problematic things?
So I hope for another statement with more positive results. Because I want to look forward to episode 2 without being afraid and with the knowledge that episode 2 will not again be so disappointing.
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hacked-by-jake · 4 months
Is it just me , but doesn't it seem like they aren't taking accountability?
Well, partly they did. I mean, I wasn't expecting a statement that fast, definitely not. But I'm glad they sat down immediately and talked about it. And I also think they really read things we said. At least, it feels like that to me.
Of course, they statement isn't the best one and I don't agree with a couple of things. (I'm still not done with speaking about it.)
And I also understand why people are still disappointed and also not satisfied. And it's true, their words weren't what we were hoping for.
And I repeat, nothing of it makes me forget the problems about it. But I still want to point something out. Because I want the best for both sides.
So, here's the thing. Everbyte is still the small studio they were before. Three young people creating games. And one of those games blow up completely in a blink. All of sudden they had thousands of people looking at them. I mean, Duskwood has over 10 Million Downloads on Google play. It's impossible to imagine that.
So, and here's the thing. They're not any influencer with marketing team or social media team. They don't have a company that is specialised on this matter. It's them and only them.
And back then, Duskwood jumped from 0 to 100. And now, with Moonvale, sadly, they fell down from there again. I don't think they expected this to happen. In another blink they had an unbelievable amount of people criticising them, hating them, even others demanding to boycott them.
They don't have a management to write them the perfect statement for the world like any influencer or youtuber or celebrity has.
I mean, imagine you're suddenly in a position were many people demanding a statement. This alone is already a situation that's completely overwhelming. Because you know, no matter you're going to say, some people will still hate, and I don't mean criticising them, but hate them. And every word you say will be put on a gold scale. Fact is, no matter how your statement is, in most cases you still can only lose..
Three normal people facing a huge wall of criticism. And I don't think any of them knew how to handle this. And there's no real way to handle this. And we also should not forget, we don't see the behind the scenes. We don't see the problems they have to face.
And of course, we all see this critical. What happened. And we have the right to point that out. But I believe that we should have a little forbearance and tolerance for Everbyte.
They were probably in panic, scared to lose everything and they had not time to really figure things out. Of course their statement is very vague and I am not satisfied with most of it.
But we still should give them some time to figure things out and especially to think about everything that happened. The fandom was incredibly emotional, and Everbyte, they're humans as well. And also they were incredibly emotional. We can't imagine how they felt in that situation.
But until episode 2 they have a lot of time now. They can figure things out, they can find ways to change things. And I actually trust them so far. We saw they can do differently.
And especially, they just see everything completely different. They created this this game, for two years. They saw it every single days. They worked on it every single day.
I don’t know if you can relate. But if a writer reads their own text over and over again, at some point they won't see any mistakes anymore. Even if there are some. But for some thing you just become blind. That's a process you can't stop.
I want to repeat, it doesn't make the problems any better. Especially the AI thing. They right thing would have been to say "we will delete it completely"
But Everbyte can't be neutral on that because it's their game. We all have completely different view for it.
So I do think we should give them some time to figure things out. They deserve it. And no matter how disappointed we are, we should not forget that empathy cost nothing. And even if everything ended up in a little disaster, Everbyte still deserves our empathy.
We can keep firing against them but I fear at some point it might fire back and they won't listen at all.
Keep showing them constructive criticism. Leave reviews in your app stores etc. And then the time will show what is going to happen. But right now, it's still too emotional for everyone.
I'm still sorry you're feeling this way, Anon. I definitely know what you mean and I even agree with you. But everything I want is peace and I want to keep up the hope.
Thank you for sending your ask, sorry my answer isn't probably exactly what you expected but I really hope you understand my point of view and I hope even if my answer is differently, I hope you want be mad at me because of it.
I hope you will have a fantastic day/evening/night. Take care of yourself and stay healthy and safe. 💚
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hacked-by-jake · 4 months
Full Everbyte Statement
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hacked-by-jake · 4 months
So, another huge thing I want to make clear here.
It includes Spoilers but I fear it's not possible to explain it without it. So be aware.
You see me answering asks. You see me talking about Moonvale and the side story normally. Even happily. Or jokingly, like the incorrect quote I made yesterday.
And I don't forget about everything that is going on.
Nothing that happens in Moonvale will make me forget what went wrong.
Jake's indirect appearance won’t make me just accept what happened.
But I don't want to be sad and nothing but sad. I'm so insanely sad about it. But I believe, we player still deserves to enjoy the little things we liked.
Because, in my eyes, Moonvale has some cool and positive things. And I think we deserve to be happy about it.
As long as we don't see another episode, and as long as we don't know if Everbyte will make their promises come true, I believe we still deserves to be happy about some things.
That doesn't mean I won't criticise them anymore. It doesn't mean I agree with them or anything.
But we all waited so long for this game, we were filled with excitement and curiosity. And we got disappointed. Heavily.
But I want to give Everbyte this chance. If they don't change anything of the huge things in episode 2, then we can still see if we keep this going.
But until then, I want to make the best out of it. I want to be happy and not just sad. Because I cannot handle it.
And one last thing... Everbyte made some very bad decisions for the game, and also in their statement. But not all they ever did was bad, on the contrary. And I also believe that despite everything, they still deserve a little positive feedback.
As we say yesterday, many of us still feel bad for them. And I think it's an important thing to do so. Because it shows empathy. We should never just forget the bad things because it. But we're all humans. With mistakes and bad decision. But even then, it doesn't mean the person can't be good once. It doesn't mean a person can't be right once.
So, if you see me posting in a positive manner, don't hate me for it please, I still agree with everything I have criticized before. But if I only focus on it, I know I won’t be able to last long. And it will make me much too sad.
I hope you can understand this. And I hope that also you can still enjoy the small things a little bit.
For the love of duskwood and for the love of our happiness. 💚
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hacked-by-jake · 4 months
You know... I'm just wondering. Everbyte said in their statement none of us is required to spend money for the gems etc. But well, I don’t know about the financial situation of Everbyte. But this would mean they don't get money, if we don't buy in game. The stores don't pay anything if we do not buy in game since the game itself is free and without advertisement.
So, I'm just wondering how they get money, if we're not forced to buy in game stuff.
Positive thing is, if I'm honest, the system does makes the replays more interesting so point for them. But it's still sad that we have to unlock everything again.
So mh, I don’t know what to think about it.
I don’t know the circumstances, and I don’t want to presume to call Everbyte a liar. But creating a completely free game where nobody pays? I don’t know. But if that's the case, they would actually be the exact opposite of what we felt about them before. Maybe they also hoped that this way they could prevent APKs and mods from being used.
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hacked-by-jake · 2 years
Uhm... dont forget to mention this part... (yes i was replaying too...)
I laughed, and Jake laughed... nobody else laughed... but the humour MC and Jake have is amazing! Although I think he was serious... 🤭🤭
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Of course, I would never forget this part! I just haven’t reached this part yet, but I will probably later, or tomorrow. I post relatively appropriately with my game progress. :D
I think Lilly and Jessy might have been happy for MC and Jake at this moment. Cleo didn’t care, Thomas was confused and Dan probably threw up. 😂
And yes, Jake was definitely serious! Absolutely serious. So he theoretically called us cool and charming. 🤭😌
I loved this part so much. And I love Everbyte for giving us a chance to flirt with Jake in the group chat. This was actually a real public statement of their relationship. And I thank Everbyte for letting Jake answer just as flirtatiously. *-*
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hacked-by-jake · 2 years
Dan deserves his own game.
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hacked-by-jake · 2 years
you know what? fuck canon, I like what's going on here better, canons doesn't exist anymore
#iamnymos #iamjake #jail
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hacked-by-jake · 3 years
I love Jake like Mr. Krabs loves his money lol
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