#every ace attorney murderer
frost-faerie · 6 months
hellsite is hellsiteing 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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freefloydcollins · 1 year
I've only seen the first few arcs of ace attorney but the legal system is sooo funny to me. The only crime is murder. If you are accused of a crime, you are considered guilty until proven innocent. The only way to prove your innocence is to solve the case and find the killer. Your lawyer is also the detective. The other sides lawyer is also doing detective work so it's a race to see who finds out the most information. They dont share information or evidence until in the courtroom. Edgeworth had a perfect record as a prosecutor prior to pheonix showing up, so every poor schmuck who had ever been accused of a crime is in jail. The guilty party is never the first accused. Most likely a majority of people Edgeworth has sent to jail were innocent. He has no qualms about this even though the driving force of the show is trauma from when pheonix was falsely accused of a crime. Incredible.
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tinybearfeet · 3 months
there’s a blatant red flag in kristoph and it’s his ugly ass white shoes, and if it had taken flip-flops for phoenix to realize that idek man. maybe 7 years of dad depression was deserved
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askaceattorney · 2 months
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Dear Goldysays,
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I do agree with you on the first half. Even I almost found myself out of a job because of those overseeing the Justice System. Just as the PIC seems to have corrupt individuals in the inside, I have no doubt the same applies to the Bar Association.
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As for the second half, Mr. Gavin wasn't in prison at the time. He was in the County Jail in the process of being tried for the murder of Shadi Smith. Under such circumstances, he is allowed to wear comfortable clothes until he is tried properly, and even in prison, prisoners are sometimes given normal clothes for visitation hours.
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Believe me, my former mentor is given the very same treatment and it is because of wealth. Wealth can determine how well a person is treated before trial, but once imprisoned, they're treated no better than their mates
- Miles Edgeworth
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box-dwelling · 9 months
As someone who went to Germany and spent like 70% of the time in churches, Von karma sibling growing up Christian head canons is so fucking personal to me
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playing aa trilogy: look how creepy and unsettling von karma is for taking in edgeworth, he was making nefarious plans from the start
playing aa investigations: he did it because he certainly wasn’t interested in parenting and knew franziska would need a babysitter
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queergodot · 2 years
Reverse DL-6 where the gun Miles threw aimed just a liiiitle differently and ended up shooting Von Karma dead. Because apparently nobody on the DL-6 case was at all competent they can’t figure out what caused his death so it just gets ruled a suicide. Miles is too loopy from oxygen deprivation to remember throwing the gun and due to his dad still being alive he never gets the trauma nightmares that make him remember. Everything is objectively better for everyone until Franziska von Karma, years later, re-opens the case, and because she’s actually competent, figures out it must’ve been one of the three people in the elevator who shot him. Cue Defense Attorney Miles Edgeworth defending his dad from a murder charge that, honestly, really looks quite plausible.
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windor-truffle · 2 months
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time/energy still low but take a self-indulgent crossover AU of two of my favorite games
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science-lings · 4 months
While I think it’s funny that Phoenix’s type is people that want to kill him or that hate him unreasonably, I think it’s far funnier for it to be kinda mutual. Like all the characters that hate Phoenix specifically are also infuriatingly attracted to him, they all want him carnally and they can’t handle it so they try to kill him.
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trlvsn · 1 year
pearly's aged-up design makes absolutely no sense to me from what i've seen and heard about it because why is she exactly the same.the girl grew up with a horrible mother who basically viewed her child as some kind of way to achieve higher status. pearly needs a choppy haircut and a horrible stick-and-poke she did at 14 with a misspelled word. maybe the medium clothes remain but they're customized with little patches and embroidery. sure she can stay sweet and a little naive but she is a teenager who probably has some psychological issues. why is no one addressing pearly's psychological issues. have we forgotten what she has been through. have we. c'mon why can't pearly be a little cringefail in a teen way she deserves that much
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ind1c0lite · 2 years
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Making u all look at this sketch of Dahlia I did last night
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We need a Yakuza x Ace Attorney crossover.
rgg, capcom when will you let us play majima's trial
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stacks-of-stags · 11 months
respectfully will lana skye please stop ruining my entire life by trying to ruin hers at every fucking turn thanks
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dumbasswhatever · 2 years
at the beginning of the trial for 4-2, the judge makes it pretty clear that he hasnt seen klavier in court since the trial of seven years ago, and he even says that he worried klavier might still be upset about it. but klavier doesnt actually confirm or deny any of this
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this dialogue drives me so insane. did he really stay away from all legal matters for seven years? did he prosecute cases and just happened to deal with other judges? did he work on cases that he didnt prosecute (like how edgeworth worked on sl-9 without being the prosecutor)??? he didnt even start prosecuting cases right after kristoph was arrested, there were about two months between 4-1 and 4-2, so it seems like he really did just start standing in court again to see if apollo was a good lawyer or not. im losing my mind i need to see klavier gavin again i need to know if he really did stop working as a prosecutor entirely for seven years and if he really did suspect that kristoph manipulated him all along
#gripping the sides of my laptop so tightly i crush it. so i've been thinking about aa4 recently#this is all questions but generally i think that um. theres no way he gave up being a prosecutor entirely#i mean klavier said that daryan was the very first detective he ever worked with. and the case seven years ago had gumshoe instead#so we know that before that case klavier had probably been working on other cases and just wasnt like the prosecutor in charge of em#so he very much could have been doing that#also. if he did stop standing in court. did he really believe that kristoph manipulated him??? like listen#yes in 4-4 he says that hes been wondering about the truth of that case for seven years#but. he could have been lying. bc earlier when apollo suggests that kristoph is the killer in 4-4#klavier says. and i quote. 'there's no way my bro could do a thing like that!'#and the judge is like yeah he was in jail he couldnt have done that. but the wording of that sounds much more like klavier believes that#his bro is not an evil person. (yes kristoph was already arrested for murder once at this point. but if klavier watched that trial then#i think theres a good chance he noticed that the bloody ace was suspicious as shit. i think he could have still believed kris to be innocen#............................................who knows maybe he believed kristoph not to be a murderer but a guy who gave him wrong info#why did i put this in the tags if i was gonna write a whole essay. whatever. i have to put klavier in my brain and microwave him every#so often. i know so many klavier lines its insane also i know that some of these lines probably were not meant to be thought about too much#but what are htey gonna do? put me in ace attorney jail??? let me see klavier and franziska and kay and sebastian? ok go ahead
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vickyvicarious · 2 years
Kinda wanna write a joke AU where Phoenix does eat the poisoned medicine, and just. Fails to die.
He's sitting there "oh my cold got a little worse for a while, how about that" and Dahlia is just fuming.
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pictureswithboxes · 1 year
I like to imagine that the von Karmas have rules/guidelines for literally everything.
Things like “a wrinkled shirt is indicative of a disordered mind” and “if you don’t Butter toast the way listed below, you’re not doing it properly.”
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