#every five minutes so john has to be :) were going home sweetheart say goodbye to our friends
Broken Glass
Sirius x Reader - Angst to Fluff
Words: 3052
A/n: Dialogue heavey. This is the first time in a while I've written post-azkaban Sirius
You never liked this goddamn house, well, never is the wrong word.
You USED to love this house It was full of life Love Colourful  Bright Happy
It was a home
But not anymore like the flip of a switch, the home you once loved turned into a building. Some walls and a roof. That night when Lily and James died your world changed, your husband, Sirius got sent to Azkaban he killed some of your closest friends.
Although part of you knew he didn’t do it, he would never betray them but when the whole wizarding world is talking about him “Sirius Orion Black murder” “Working for he who shall not be named”
It wore you down, you went from defending him, telling people there’s no way it was him to pushing it aside, not only was everything you knew and loved was ripped from you just the cherry on top Dumbledore wouldn’t let you care for Harry “It’s too dangerous” “He can’t grow up in this world, he’s not ready” you disagreed. 
Not only for Harry to keep him safe and loved. But partly for yourself, he was the last bit of hope you had but with that final no you smashed like glass.
Remus had vanished, he left without a word. You spent 13 years doing the same thing, eating, sleeping, staring at the roof of the house or at the cafe you worked at. It was a muggle one, It was a break from the world you knew just for a moment you could feel in control, no one knew your past. Yes, you still lived in the wizarding world but that cafe It was a place that was yours.
But like all good things to It got smashed, like the cup of coffee you just dropped
Remus John Lupin
Was in your cafe
“Hey... y/n, how are you?” He asked awkwardly and gave you a sympathetic smile, clearly concerned. He looked so tired. Although you couldn’t care less, at least that's what you told yourself, there were a million things you wanted to say Instead.
“I’m sorry sir, I’ll clean that up and get you a new cup” you give a faint smile walking behind the counter and grabbing a broom and a rag, cleaning up the broken glass without speaking to him, grabbing his new coffee, one of your co-workers made while you cleaned the floor and brought it over to him, giving a half-real smile
“Terribly sorry sir”  “Y/n…” “Is there something you need?” You turn, pulling out your notepad as if about to take an order “I need to talk to you” “I don’t have much time to talk, as I’m working, have a good day”
Remus sat in the cafe for the rest of your shift ordering a new coffee every so often as he read It was a newspaper. The front page had an image of Sirius yelling the headline
“Sirius Black escapes from Azkaban!”
You felt like crying, you suddenly were very aware of the cold taps on your chest when you walked. From your wedding ring, you’d taken it off, not being able to bear not having it on, you couldn't not have it with you. It felt wrong. So you put it through a small chain and held it near your heart.
Why did he have to come in and bring back so much you had worked 13 years to forget, you pushed all your thoughts away and focused on coffee and cold shitty pastries.
After what felt like an eternity your shift ended taking off your apron and grabbing your jacket. Saying quick goodbyes and “see you laters” sneaking out the back door, trying to avoid Remus.
You start walking home, the late sunset wind calming you, but you couldn’t shake the feeling someone was following you and you knew who that someone would be. Remus. Stopping in your tracks with a sigh “Remus, stop stalking me, it’s creepy”
“I'm not stalking you, I’m following behind you without you knowing” You stiffen at his words it was a phrase you used to say at Hogwarts “Y/n, I need to talk to you”
“I don’t care, Remus, you show up at my work, after 13 years of leaving me without a letter, not even a goodbye and now, you want to talk to me” You raise your eyebrows placing your hands on your hips
“Y/n, you don’t understand- ” “Yeah I don’t, and honestly I don’t want to understand” you emphasize, you just wanted to sleep
“Sirius escaped from Azkaban”
“I know, I saw on the paper you were reading. Are we done I wanna go to my house”
“He’s at Grimmauld Place” Remus continued
“Good for him” You give an uncaring face, in reality, you did care. You cared a lot
“You know he didn’t do it...Right?”
“Remus! I don’t care, I don’t care about any of this anymore!” You yell at him “Good night” You turn on your heel walking back to your house tears pricking at your eyes. You knew the moment you're in the house they would fall. As you guessed right when you stepped inside the tears broke. You slam the door shut crumbling against it.
You felt like a china cabinet fell on you, something brooms and rags wouldn’t be able to clean, you couldn’t just get another cup. Your eyes felt heavy, not bothered to move. Or rather. Not motivated enough to even think about moving, you end up passing out on the floor. Thank merlin you don’t have work tomorrow.
You wake up with a sore neck and back ‘why couldn’t I have at least gone to the couch’ you go about your normal boring routine. Shower, dress, looked for breakfast but remember you have barely any food as you have been having uber eats for the past month and a bit
Cause fuck going to the shopping centre
You sat down on your couch intending on sitting there all day and watching Netflix you put on 
‘Dorian Gray’ (😉) you got about 10 minutes in when there’s a knock on the door. Sighing you pause the movie to get the door expecting it to be the little girl next door who gives you a painted rock every Saturday morning, opening the door with a kind smile even though it’s very fake since she’s like 5 she doesn’t know the concept of fake smiling
“Hi sweetheart- “ It’s not the sweet girl next door quite the opposite. It's a tall adult man. Remus was at your door “Nope” was all you said slamming the door shut “Y/n...Please open the door” “Go away” You call sitting back on the couch and playing the movie hoping he would leave but you forgot. This is Remus we’re talking about he’s not going to give up that easy
“Y/n...I need to talk to you” You ignore him “I know you can hear me” Nothing
“Alohomora” Remus says and the door opens. He walks into the lounge seeing you standing up wand pointed at him
“Breaking in is illegal you know, ha what am I saying, you know all about illegal behaviour”
“Y/n I need your help”
“You have the order at your fingertips, you don’t need me I’m not stupid” you glare at him, so done with this mess “I know you're not, you're one of the smartest people I know. But this isn’t for me. This is for Harry”
You lower your wand “What happened to Harry?” “So much, but before I tell you. I’m assuming you’d want to see him?”
“Yes please,” You said quickly
“Come” He offered his arm so you could apparate together. In a blink, you were in a hallway. one you knew, you were in the Black family's house
“Harry!” Remus called heading footsteps down the stairs until Harry was in front of you and Remus
“Harry this is y/n...Your godmother” “Wait...Really?” You smile and nodded, after a silence that killed you
“Why didn’t you take me in?” Harry mumbled  “I tried to, Dumbledore had other plans but I’m here now” You had tears chipping in the corner of your eyes yet were willing them not to fall
“You probably hear this every five seconds, but you look so much like them Harry, but your eyes”
“I have my mother's eyes, I know”
You chuckle “You do, but that’s not what I was going to say” He tilted his head slightly  “I can see James in your eyes”
His eyes widen slightly, tears pricking at the corners like yours.
“You have this spark, one he carried every day, it was always there, it got a bit brighter when he was about to do something stupid, funny and clever, but stupid. One of his master pranks” Your tears fell thinking about it as did Harry’s “He never lost that spark, now it’s your turn to keep it going”
“How well did you know my parents?” He questioned “Lily was my best friend” You let out a breathe like laugh “And she always will be”
“Can you tell me about them?” He said in a small voice “Happily” You smile
“The lounge is just there, I’ve got some boring things to do” Remus smiles motioning to the room across from the hall Harry nods walking there. You turn to Remus first 
“Thank you” You smile at him, the first real smile in a long time. You go catch up to Harry and sit next to Harry on one of the couches. Unluckily, it was with the portrait of Walburga right as you sit down she pipes up
“How dare you enter my home, you’re a disgrace to the wizarding world. I thought I told you never to step foot in my home the last time you were here!”
“Pleasure to see you as always Walburga” She starts yelling again
“Can it, you old hag” You pull out your wand and do a quick spell to muffle her screaming
“I’ll take it off later” You wink at Harry “Now, James”
“Can you tell me about his pranks?”
“Oh, merlin, which one” You laugh “Hm. What about the time where he got the entire Gryffindor tower in detention?”
“How did he manage that!” His eyes widen like his smile, you start telling the story, Harry listening closely he felt like he was just a teenager laughing with you, blocking out the bullshit.
Remus had walked into the kitchen dining room to see Sirius standing and the front of the table. His eyes wide “Is that?” Remus nods
Sirius move towards the door but Remus catches his arm “She’s with Harry, let them be for a bit”
Sirius hears laughter. The sound was both the best thing he’s heard in a long, long time, the sound of his wife and godson laughing together and it was real laughter. “I have to see her, I have to talk to her” He had an erratic, anxious voice “Later Pads, when the others get here you can but for now, let her talk with Harry” “Where has she been?”
“Still living in your old home” Sirius’s eyes widen “She works at a cafe close by, I don’t remember the name. That’s all I know” “How is she?” “I- I don’t know” Remus admits looking down while Sirius frowns
“How don’t you know? You’ve been with her while I was- ” “I wasn’t with her…” “What?” Sirius’s voice when down a notch 
“After you got taken away, I cut everyone off, including her”  “You what!?” Sirius voice raised slightly “Don’t you remember what happened when- ”
“Yes I remember Sirius, but I panicked, but what’s important is she’s here now. Come on, we have work to do until the others get here” Sirius reluctantly agreed, giving one last look at the door
You had just told a story of when in an attempt to turn Mrs Norirs pink, the boys turned Mcgonagall pink. When Remus popped his head in the door
“Everyone's back if you wanna say hi”
“Sure!” Harry says you nod going out to the hallway. You take off the charm on the painting before closing the door, getting jump scared by Molly saying hello. “Shivers, Hi Molly”  She grabs your face “It’s been too long!” She smiles
You say hello to everyone making small talk. Sirius was standing in the doorway to the kitchen he went from wanting to talk to you to having a lump in his throat. Seeing you smile made him have a small grin as he watched you with everyone he cared for.
You caught Sirius in the corner of your eye giving him a quick glance before going back to talking to Molly’s twins “Wait, where’s Sirius?” Harry looks around the hallway spotting him at the door “Sirius! Come!” Harry waves Sirius over. He gulps walking over
“Hey y/n” He smiles “Hey” You smile at him. It's the kind of smile he knew, It was one that you were always able to fool everyone with no one but Sirius could tell it was a fake smile. The fake smile you gave people that you didn’t want to talk to.
“Anyway, as much as I want to stay, I have to head back to my house” You give a small smile “Wait, you’re not staying?” Harry’s face fell, It hurt you to see that It felt like your heart cracked  “I’m sorry Harry, I swear on my life I’ll come by every second I can” “Please don’t leave me…” He whispered looking at the floor. You wanted to protest yet you physically couldn’t
“I swear you and James could get me to do anything” His eyes lit up again and he did something you thought you’d never feel again. He hugged you. You stiffen for only a moment, he went to move away and apologies. But you hug him back
“Ok, everyone in the kitchen for dinner!” Molly calls, everyone filling in you go to follow when Sirius calls to you “Y/n, can we talk?”
“There’s nothing to say, Sirius” You say over your shoulder walking into the room with everyone Sirius looks down, before putting on a brave face and walking in after you.
It felt amazing to see everyone again after dinner and a while of catching up, Molly ushing the teens to go up to their rooms to sleep, The adults who didn’t live there slowly leaving as well
“It was amazing to see you all again” You smile brightly as you put on your jacket “Are you going to come back again?” Harry says a worried look on his face
“Every chance I get, I’ll be here for you, and you can always send me a letter if you need me” You hug Harry kissing the crown of his head. Saying final goodbyes you go to the door as Harry runs up the stairs.
It’s just you and Sirius left in the hallway, you give him a smile It was small but real. He smiled at you back “I missed you” he said sadness evident in his voice.
You nod, raising your hand in a small wave. He notices your ring not there and his eyes sink, he starts fiddling with his ring something he did when he was upset or stressed and you noticed
“I’ve still got it you know?” You step closer to him. grabbing his hand with his ring on it
“But you’re not wearing it” His voice was small “I know this whole mess broke us, broke you, I guess I just hoped you still loved me like I love you”
You move his hand to your lips placing a small kiss on the ring. Something you did when he was stressed, his eyes started watering. You pull the necklace from under your shirt
“Just because it’s not on my finger doesn’t mean I’m not wearing it I have it on me all day, every day It just felt wrong to have it on my finger since I thought you’d stop loving me”
He smiled, taking the necklace off you slipping the ring off, putting it back on your finger where it felt right. This moment made you feel whole again like Sirius was getting a broom and rags cleaning the broken glass, to get you a new cup of coffee, to make a new start.
“I know things aren’t going to be like they used to but I’ll be damned if I don’t try to make you feel like you once did and I won’t leave you again. Even if it means sitting in this fucking house. I’ll do it for you” Tears started falling from his eyes matching the ones that fell from yours
“Sirius, our old home, isn’t a home anymore. After you left, the life left it but this place isn’t a ‘house’ for me. This may be a horrendous place, the source of so much pain. But it’s home cause you’re here” He pulls you into a hug crying into your shoulder 
“I missed you so much y/n” “I missed you too Siri, I love you, and I never stopped and I never will” “I love you” He kept repeating into your hair
Harry was standing at the top of the stairs watching this, crying seeing the two people who were best friends with his parents. Who have both sworn to him never to leave him reuniting. He had overheard Remus and Sirius talking about you before but it didn’t click it was you. How could it? he’d never met you and they never said your name, it makes sense now, how Sirius talked about you.
Looking up the stairs you saw Harry duck out of view, but you had seen him
“Harry, if you were going to watch and eavesdrop on us you probably should have put your invisibility cloak on” You chuckled hearing Harry swear under his breath and Sirius looked up the stairs at him, motioning him to come down. He’s never moved so quickly and he joined the hug
“When this is all over we’ll be a proper family, you’ll see” Sirius smiles
The glass had been fixed and never been clearer.
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reddreadmarstons · 6 years
Jack Marstonx f!reader :au universe where John and Abigail survived
Word Count: About 1500. Fluff, angst, and implied nsfw.
1) That was the first time I heard you moan like that. It was like a fucking melody.
2) I see you're still here...making pancakes.
3) Don't you trust me?
4) You're cute even when you make that face.
You were laying on your back, sweating and panting heavily, amazed by the passion Jack had shown you in his bed for the first time. You had seen each other at least 3 or 4 days a week for 6 months, and while sometimes you had urges to rip off his clothes and make love on the spot, it was worth it to wait until now.
Jack insisted on taking it slow, saying he liked to get to really know a woman before taking her to bed. In a way, it was refreshing, given that you were used to men, well boys really, rushing into the bedroom. That being said, he was not a gentleman in bed, and having him dominate you was more of a turn on than you could ever have imagined.
It was the first time you had been to his parent’s ranch. His parents were away in Rhodes for a few days, so he brought you over for some alone time. They were planning to come home tomorrow afternoon, and Jack was planning to leave with you beforehand. You had been hoping that he would introduce you to his parents, but he had not done so yet. Anytime you asked about it, he would respond “Maybe, I have to see if they are busy", and then never bring it up if you did not ask first. What was he waiting for? Was he ashamed of you? Did he not think his parents would like you? You couldn’t help but be insecure.
That could all wait though, as you curled up to him in your afterglow bliss, laying your head in his chest and wrapping your arms around him.
“Jack...that was wonderful," you sigh.
“ I have to agree with you there, darling,” Jack laughed, and kissed your forehead “That's the first time I've ever heard you moan, it was like a fucking melody.”
“Well, it certainly will not be the last.” you giggled, squeezing him tighter and ignoring his somewhat unusual cursing, "I had no idea such a gentleman could have such a rough side to him. I loved every moment.”
“I'm full of surprises, Miss. Y/N,  and there will be more to come.” Jack started to shut his eyes. You laid there for a few minutes before looking up at him and building up the courage to say for the first time:
“ I love you, Jack.”
Sadly, for you, he was fast asleep, and you laid there, wondering if he felt the same. The afterglow you had felt was gone, as you once again had doubts about your relationship, and wondered why he was so hesitant to open up to you. You sighed sadly to yourself, and drifted off to sleep.
You woke up at 8 am, while we was still fast asleep. You decided it would be nice to surprise him and make some breakfast for the two of you. You get dressed, and head downstairs. You take it upon yourself to milk the cows, grab some eggs from the chickens, and start preparing breakfast in the kitchen.
He was asleep until 10 am, to which he came out of his room to you making pancakes.
“ Morning, sunshine,” you smiled.
He looked a bit nervous. “ So, you are still here...and making pancakes.”
“Of course I am still here, sweetheart,” you replied, a bit taken aback by his bluntness, “I ain't gonna just leave and not say goodbye to you. Besides, I thought it would be nice to make some breakfast for the two of us.”
“ But my parents are coming home soon, we cannot just be hanging out here!” he exclaimed. He was starting to get agitated. You saw a combination of anger and fear in his eyes.
“I wanted to do something nice for you-”
“I didn’t ask you to, Y/N! I told you that we needed to leave in the morning!”
“Well shit, Jack Marston!”, you shot back, angered by his ungratefulness. “You are a grown man, not a teenage boy sneaking a girl into the house!”
“ yes, but!-”
“But what, Jack?!” Jack's eyes were blank, as he was silent and just blinked at you. He was not expecting you to react that way.
“We have been seeing each other for 6 months. You have met my parents, you know all about me, but you barely open up to me! I know it is too soon to talk about getting married, but I haven't even so much as seen your family or heard much of anything about them! What are you so afraid of, Jack, don't you trust me?”
“Of course I trust you, y/n, it's just…” he shuffles over to the couch, slouching over and looking down at the floor.
You feel his pain as you walk over to sit next to him and rest your hand on top of his. You take a breath and calm yourself down. "What is it, honey?” you ask soothingly. He looks you in the eye, seeming nervous yet comforted by your understanding, and rests his other hand on top of yours. He lets out a deep breath before starting to speak.
“ The truth is, y/n, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I'm afraid to lose that.”
“ I'm not going anywhere, Jack, “ you reassured.
“ You don't understand...” he continued. “...I ain't lived a normal life. You see, when I was a boy, my parents were in a gang. While my ma stayed at camp to take care of me, my pa would be out robbing and killing people.”
“ Oh, Jack…” the name Marston had seemed familiar to you. You remembered that you once read in the paper about a man heading to Mexico to hunt down two men, one of them being the infamous Bill Williamson. In that moment, you put two and two together. Maybe he was afraid that you would recognize his father from somewhere, and you would run?
He continued, looking at the floor while still holding your hand, “We were on the run for years after the gang broke up, and then my pa bought this land and we were fine living here for a few years. My pa went straight and tried to be a better man, but about five years ago, the government took me and ma hostage, and made my pa hunt down the rest of his gang or he would never see us again. So far the government kept their word and left us alone, but I fear that one day they will come and kidnap us again, or, worse…” a tear shed down his face. "a-and I would never want for you to get caught up in that."
You caressed his cheek and wiped his tear. “Jack…” you felt yourself tearing up, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know”. You could not imagine how hard it was for him to live with this every day, and have noone to talk to about it.
He sniffled “I didn’t tell you this so you’d feel sorry for me. While my pa says he is not going anywhere, I still worry he is going to leave, and that you will leave too. I’m not real good with women as it is, and whenever a woman finds out about this, she leaves. So, I'll understand if you-”
You could not let him finish his sentence as you grabbed his face and forcefully kissed his lips. He was in shock for a moment before closing his eyes and melting in to your kiss.
“I love you, Jack Marston!” you declared with the upmost passion. “Your father’s deeds are not your doing! If you say your father is good man now, then I believe you! Should the government come knocking, I'll be right there with you! You don’t have to be alone anymore, Jack! I'm here!”
He stared at you blankly for a second, like he just could not believe that any woman, let alone you, actually loved him. He lifted your chin and leaned in for another kiss, a softer and more tender one this time.
“ I love you too, y/n. I love you so much. I'm sorry, I was so scared. I hope you understand why I couldn't-”
You put a finger to his lips and held him tight, rubbing his back as he leaned his head on your shoulder, “sssh...it's okay, I know. Let's take it one day at a time, okay? Thank you for trusting me, Jack.”
“ O-okay,” he stuttered, looking up at you. “a-and you're welcome, I guess. I'm sorry, I know this ain't very manly of me, but-”
“Oh that's quite alright, my sweet boy,” you giggled, wrapping your arms around him, “you're cute even when you make that face.”
“Pfft, right", he laughed. The two of you cuddled on the couch for a few minute, before you realized that you burned the pancakes.
“ Son of a bitch!” you yelled, before the two of you looked at other and laughed.  Well, at least the house didn't catch on fire.
“Well, I guess we could try again,” Jack shrugged. “Why don’t we wait a bit, and have brunch when my folks come home in a few hours.”
Your face and your eyes lit up, “I would love that.” With that, you held hands and walked outside to do some chores on the ranch for a couple of hours, until it was time to have brunch with the man of your dreams, and for the first time, his parents.
“ I don’t know how I got so lucky”, Jack looked at you and smiled. He did not know if it would last, and he was admittedly nervous for you to meet his parents, but that was okay. He chose to have faith for once that, maybe, just maybe, things would be okay for him.
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theslasherchild · 6 years
Michael Myers love story part 1
Hi guys!, this is a story I've bine thinking about writing for a while the characters in this are my own, except for obviously any characters from John Carpenter's Halloween 1978- which is wear the story is being based from (I'm also ignoring every film from after 1978 + this version of Michael is what I think of him to look like BUT I don't wn tis character at all).
hope you enjoy it x
chapter one ~ beginning
As a sun beam shined through the small gap in my curtains I look over to my alarm clock 7:00,”CRAP” I thought as i rushed into the bathroom to take a shower and quickly get dressed I pulled on a white blouse, black pencil skirt and some tights with some kitten heels. I rushed down to the kitchen t make myself some coffee. minute later Ellie come bursting in waving a newspaper article in my face, “ILEEENNNEEE LOOK LOOK ITS HORRIBLE LOOOOOKKKK”, my tired eyes took a moment to focus on the hovering paper in front of me. 
KILLER HAD DISAPEARED OUT OF SIGHT AFTER HAVE BEENING SHOT OUT OF WINDOW BY CHILD PSCHOLOGIST “oh my god that's awful” I said as I read the article. “ I know right, and he went after that little strode girl, remember her we used to babysit her when we were in university and she goes to the school we both work at you know, I teach her English”. ”yeah I remember she’d be 17 now, poor thing she must have been terrified”, “right, anyway well chat more about this later, lets get too work, if you want we’ll pass by her house to see if she alright after work” , “okay, yeah well do that”. 
during the car ride to work I realised I was still clutching onto the newspaper, I stared at it for a few moments my eyes kept running over the word ‘killer’ that word it so dangerous..yet oddly sexy to me. “Ilene hey, Ilene wakey wakey were here” I look up from the paper to see the school, I worked at the local school in Haddonfield, I was a chemistry teacher I taught in the secondary grade 6-10.
we walk into the school and I said goodbye to Ellie and started to walk to my classroom, I sat down at my desk when I noticed a man standing outside the school on the side of the road from the big window at the back of my classroom, at first I thought he might be a parent for one of the infants or primary kids...but the drop of was at the other side of the school and he was staring at me, the anxiousness crept up my back slowly the feeling was so strange I got up and swiftly made my way to the exit door at the back of my classroom next to  the big window to go  and ask this strange man what he was doing and if he wasn't dropping off a child he needed to leave immediately, but the second I exited the door and look around to see the man again he wasn't there.” how strange I thought” and that maybe I just imagined him I mean I was pretty sleep deprived.
just as I was going to walk out and look around to see if I could see him, “ miss Johnson what ae you doing?” I turn around to see Jennifer Williams a 8 grade student how always tended to turn up earlier then others to my lesson. “n-nothing sweetheart I just thought I saw someone, please sit down and wait for the others to come in”.
Finally it was lunch break I tiredly walked to the staff room where I saw Ellie sitting next to the window and slumped my way across the room to sit next to her. “hey Ellie, how your day bine so far”, “ it was alright, unless you are trying to teach Shakespeare to a bunch of 15 year olds” she said half laughing.
“so I've bine thinking”, she began making me look at her curiously look at her, “how do y feel abut having some fun this weekend” I didn't say anything just gave her a annoyed look, “oh come on Ilene it'll be fun I promise, besides...” she lowered her voice and looked me right in the eye, “how long has it bine since you got any”, “Ellieee” I half yelled at her, “wwhhaaatt” she said laughing at m cherry red face. “Ilene come on you haven't done anything fun since Peter, loo I promise itll be fun and you now we don't have to even talk to any guys it can just be us too...and David ”, I sad nothing, “Ilene you know David doesn't technically count as a guy you know he gay”. ”fine” I said whilst watching her face light up.
~ time skip ~
As I dismissed my final students for the day and started to make my way up to Ellies classroom I suddenly got this strange feeling I was being watched, this feeling similar to his morning crept up my back making my spin crawl as I walked along the long corridors, finally I made my way into Ellies classroom, she must have notice the anxiety on my face because she immediately asked me what was wrong, I told her I was fine and we walked back to her car, “do you still wanna go to the strode house to see if Laurie there” she asked “ yeah, lets go see if she there”, I said franticly still feeling this strange feeling.
once we got to the house there were still swarms of policemen scoping the area, we got out and began walked t the house but we were stopped by a policeman, “sorry no more reporters” he said sharply “oh no were not reporters, we were just wondering if Laurie was still here and if she is can w see her please”, Ellie asked hopefully “sorry ladies, but miss strode bine taken to the hospital poor lass” the policeman said “you ladies should probably get home, you must have read the news, crazy bastards still loose you should make sure your keeping safe”, as Ellie continued to talk to the officer I walked off back to the car to wait for Ellie there, suddenly the feeling came back but lot stronger, I spun my head around to scope the area but all I could see was police men and a few neighbours talking to them abut that night.
ugh, I thought, pull yourself together Ilene your being ridiculous, you don't even live in this area there's no way your being stalked. after about five minutes Ellie came back to the car and took me home just before I got out the car she grab my arm “Ilene are you sure your okay” she asked with worried tone “ El honestly I'm fine I'm just really tired”, she let go of my arm an we said goodbye as I started to unlock my door this dumb feeling came back again, I fumbled with my keys and finally unlocked my door slamming it shut and locking quickly a wash of relief came over my body as I went upstairs to get a shower.
after I had showered I walked into my bedroom I caught myself in the mirror and stood there for a moment as I studied my body, I had always bine small I think I around 5,0ft 5,3ft in the heels I wore for work I had a body type sort of like a triangle I guess I had most of my weight on my hips and bum, pear shape is what Ellie always told me considering I had small shoulders and smaller breast .my thought were interrupted by a loud crash coming from my kitchen, I quickly threw on a oversized shirt and a pair of baggy pj pants and grabbed the only thing that I cold uses as a weapon, my straightener, and as quietly as I could I made my way to my kitchen.
I noticed footprints that definitely weren’t mine, they were much bigger than my feet and the footprints were dirty, my anxiety was high and the fear of who was in my house terrified me. as I as only a steps away from my kitchen I stay there for a few moments before swinging around in the kitchen ready to put a fight...but there was on one there.
suddenly I felt a pair of big hands grab my waist firmly and fight or flight kicked In and I swung around waking the stranger In the face with my straighteners, the man flew back slamming himself into the wall behind him, I stood there panicking on what to do...when suddenly he just fainted and I thought damn how hard did I hit the guy considering I’m the legit height of a child. I dropped my straightener and ran to go get the phone to call the police, but...something was compelling me to check him out in a sense, I walked slowly to this strange man. it was then when I noticed how tall this man was, he looked strong and stocky but he wore a mask. I kneeled down and slowly tugged of the mask which revealed such a handsome face even despite the filth it was covered in, he had sandy blonde hair that brushed past his shoulders and such strong feature that together made him so attractive, as much I didn't want to admit it,he look...sexy.
I don't really know what compelled me not to call the police but for a odd reason I wanted to help him. Then I notice the reason real why he had fainted, on the right side of his body he had a large gash, bleeding heavily. I remembered the newspaper article, he had bine shot, I ran back into my kitchen grabbing towels and the first aid kit in my kitchen, luckily I had been trained to clear this up, before I became a teacher I wanted to be a doctor but i dropped out because it wasn't what i really wanted to do.
I started to clean the wound and a relief strangely came over me when realised the bullet only grazed him and didn't go into him, after a while I had clean the wound out as well as disinfecting it I couldn't bandage it with him lying on the floor, I had to move him but the only problem was I tiny he's not so these are definitely problems for me.
after I dragged him to my sofa and force him to sit up and started to wrap a bandage around his torso to cover the wound, I couldn't help myself I couldn't stop blushing, he was very well built I wouldn't say he was ripped but there were definitely sign of muscle, he look like one of those statues you'd see in a museum. I cursed myself for finding this criminal sexy, for the love of god Ilene what are you doing, i thought as I finished bandaging him up. 
I went up stairs to grab some cloth's for him because I cant have him sleeping in a dirty jumpsuit all night, I still had some cloths from when my ex-boyfriend used to live with me but honestly I wasn't sure if Peters cloths would even fit Michael definitely the shirts wouldn't. I pick out some pj pant in hope that they would fit him, I remember Peter always complaining they where too baggy on him.
luckily they fit him, even though I was blushing like teenager through out changing his cloths. for some reason hiding a killer in my home and letting him sleep in my living room and giving him clothing seem completely fine and dandy as I tiredly dragged my body to bed thanking it was Friday and I didn't have to go to work tomorrow.
Thankyou so much for reading my first chapter and hope you are okay with me ignoring pretty much all the other Halloween films
I’ll most likely be writing another chapter pretty soon so if anyone does read this thankyou and I’ll have the next one out as soon as I can x 
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some1foundme · 7 years
Fic: Lost in the Memory ch. 21
Title: Lost in the Memory
Author: Some1FoundMe
Summary: Oliver Queen returns to his home in Star City after a five year tour overseas, much to the delight of his friends and family. There’s just one small problem. The injury that effectively ended his military career also erased a part of his memory.  As he struggles to put together the missing pieces of his past, his connection to his best friend’s little sister becomes something he can’t avoid. Who is Felicity Merlyn and why can’t he seem to stay away from her?  Olicity AU, no Arrow, no island.
A/N:  Wow, I can’t believe we only have five more chapters left of this fic.  It’s been such a fun journey and I’m so thankful that I’ve been able to share it with you.  You all are so wonderful and have been so kind.  Thank you so much for sticking with me!  Also, to my beta westernbeauty, I couldn’t do it without you!
Read on AO3 or ff.net.
Chapter Twenty-One
Thea clung to her, her tiny arms wound tightly around Felicity’s neck, her little legs locked around her waist.  And Felicity didn’t bother trying to move her.  She led Mr. Steele into the kitchen and sat across from him with her niece in her lap.
“Mrs. Queen, I am so very sorry for you loss.  I only had the privilege of meeting your brother on two occasions but he was a good man,” the lawyer said kindly, “He and Mrs. Merlyn were adamant that, in the event that something were to happen to them, you would become the guardian of Thea.”
Felicity nodded, “That’s correct.  Is there – is there something wrong with the paperwork? You’re not here to take her from me?”
“No, dear, not at all.  Everything is fine.  I just have some forms that I’ll need you to sign.  There is one matter of concern, however, that we need to discuss.”
She clutched the sleeping child in her arms tighter, refusing for a moment to let her go.  
Mr. Steele drew a folder from his briefcase and slid it across the table to her.
“At the time that Thomas and Laurel’s will was drawn up, you were not yet married.”
“Oliver and I were married just before Laurel’s accident.  I guess I … I guess I didn’t realize that Tommy hadn’t changed anything since then.  We never – we never talked about it.”
Thea shifted against her.  For the last three days she hadn’t left Felicity’s side.  After the funeral, Thea had spent every waking moment with her. She’d found herself curled around her niece in her single bed each night since, comforting her as she’d cried herself to sleep, begging for her daddy to come home.  And each tear broke Felicity’s heart.  She wished that Oliver was there with them because while she would always be there to comfort Thea, she needed her husband there to comfort her.
“I understand that your husband is still serving overseas?”
She nodded, “He is.  He – he couldn’t make it home for the funeral.  They’re imbedded over there somewhere and I … I haven’t heard from him since he called to tell me about Tommy.”
Mr. Steele nodded, reaching for the folder he’d passed her and flipping it open.  
“This is a petition for adoption.  You are the sole legal guardian of Thea Dinah Merlyn at this time. If you and your husband decide that he would like to adopt her, I’d encourage you to begin the process when he returns.  Everything that you’ll need is in this folder.  I’d be happy to help you through the process, just have Mr. Queen sign everything and return the documents to me at your convenience.”
Felicity nodded numbly, her eyes scanning the documents without really seeing them.
“I certainly hope your husband returns safely, Mrs. Queen.”
“Thank you, Mr. Steele.  So do I.”
Felicity pulled into the Lance’s driveway and wiped at the dried tears that stained her cheeks.
She’d driven the nearly sixty miles to Laurel’s parents’ house blindly.  If someone had asked, she couldn’t have told them which path she’d taken or what the traffic had been like.  The entire drive was a blur.
Her mind was still racing as she tried to process everything that had taken place that morning.  From waking up in Oliver’s arms to breakfast with Sara and Nyssa to the violent encounter with her father only an hour earlier.  As overwhelmed as she was, Felicity couldn’t shake the relief that had settled in her bones.  John and Oliver had assured her that everything would be okay and she was beginning to believe them.  Malcolm had been taken into custody.  With any luck, he would be held until he was sentenced and they wouldn’t have to worry about any kind of retaliation.  She had no doubt that when her father sobered up and realized exactly what he’d done and how she had reacted that he would be furious.  He’d feel like she turned her back on him, like she chose Oliver and his family over him.  She had and she didn’t regret it for a second.
With one last glance at her reflection, Felicity exited the truck and hurried to the front door.  
“Aunt Felicity!”
Thea’s excited voice carried from the back of the house as Quentin Lance opened the door for her. She smiled up at Thea’s grandfather, stepping into the warmth of the house and letting him pull her into a tight hug.
“How you doin’, kiddo?”
She sighed, “I take it Thea told you all about Oliver being home?”
Quentin stepped back and held her at arm’s length, eyeing her with obvious concern.  He looked at her the way a father looked at his child when he knew that they were struggling, like he was waiting for the floodgates to open and for all of her fears to come tumbling out.  She worried her lip between her teeth to stop that from happening.
“Thea didn’t have to tell us.  Sara did.”
A blur of dark hair suddenly appeared and skinny arms wound their way around her waist as Thea squeezed her tightly.
“Hey, babe, did you have fun with Nana and Pop?”
Thea nodded and grabbed her hand, leading her down a hall that led to the kitchen.
“Yes!  We went to the movies yesterday and Pop helped me build a snowman and Nana and I made cookies!  You’ve gotta try one, Aunt Felicity, they’re soooo good.”
Felicity laughed, letting herself be dragged through the house, knowing that Quentin was right behind them.  She took a seat beside Thea at the kitchen island as Dinah Lance set a plate of chocolate chip cookies in front of her.
“Hello, sweetheart, how are you?”
Dinah’s smile was warm and familiar and the concern that Felicity heard in her words rang true. Tears blurred her vision suddenly and she blinked them away.
“I’m – I’m good,” she choked out, taking a large bite of cookie to buy herself a minute.
She chewed slowly, eyes on her plate, as she gathered her thoughts and decided on what exactly she was prepared to say.
“How much has Sara told you?” she asked eventually, taking a sip from Thea’s milk glass.
Quentin shifted to stand beside his wife, his arm going around her.
“Oliver … Oliver has selective amnesia.  He suffered a pretty serious head injury a few months back and there are bits and pieces of his life that he can’t remember.  He do –doesn’t know who I am.  Well, I mean, he didn’t know me.  When he first came home.  He had no idea who I was.  He remembered his parents and Tommy and even Thea but he … he had no memory of me.”
Quentin looked at her expectantly.
“And now?” he urged.
She shrugged, “And now he… he knows me but he doesn’t actually remember.  He only knows because I’ve told him.  He still has no memory of our life together.”
Dinah reached for her hand, squeezing it gently.
“Felicity, I can’t imagine –“
“I’m okay.  We’re okay.  It’s bizarre, I know, the whole thing is just a … it’s a mess,” she confessed, “But Oliver just wants things to go back to how they were.  Which is what I want, too, obviously.  So we’re… we’re trying to live as normally as possible and we’re hoping that something comes along to jog his memory.”
She turned to Thea and ruffled her hair.
“You ready to head home? You’ve got school in the morning so we should get going.”
She nodded and swallowed a mouthful of cookie.
“Yep.  I’ll go get my stuff.”
Thea hopped off of her barstool and hurried out of the kitchen.
“How is she doing with everything?” Quentin asked, nodding in the direction that Thea’d run off in, “With Oliver being back in the picture?”
Felicity shrugged, “He was never really out of it, Quentin.  Yes, he was deployed and wasn’t home with us regularly but Thea loves him. He’s the only father she has left in her life.  She’s thrilled that he’s home with us.”
Quentin looked as if he wanted to contradict her but Dinah cut him off.
“What are the chances that he recovers from his amnesia?” she questioned, “Will he ever regain his memories, Felicity?”
She sighed, “There’s no way to know for sure.  We’ve gotten conflicting opinions.  It’s … it’s such a tricky diagnosis that no one can give us a straight answer.  But honestly, it doesn’t matter either way. We’re happy together.  We’re a family.  We won’t let this tear us apart.”
Thea chose that moment to come bounding back into the kitchen, her backpack slung over one shoulder, and all conversation about Oliver’s condition fell away.  Felicity slid off of her stool.
“Say goodbye, sweets.”
Thea gave each of her grandparents a hug before leading the way to the front door.  As she tugged on her coat and shoes, Felicity accepted hugs from both Dinah and Quentin.
“Take care of her, Felicity,” Quentin urged, “And don’t forget to take care of yourself.”
She nodded, her throat too constricted to speak, and relieved Thea of her bag.  Their hands fit together snugly and Felicity smiled down at her niece as she walked her to the truck.
“Where’s Uncle Ollie?” Thea asked when they’d started the trip back home.
Felicity met her eyes in the rearview mirror.  She couldn’t miss the anxiousness on Thea’s face and the sight of it concerned her. She understood why Laurel’s parents would be worried.  Thea was their only grandchild and rather than being left in their care, she’d been left with her then twenty-three year old aunt.  And now she was dealing with a wildly unconventional situation involving amnesia and – more than likely – PTSD.  
She forced a smile.
“He’s with Gramma and Grandpa,” she explained, “But we’re going to stop and pick him up on our way home.”
Thea looked away, finding something outside of her window to focus on, and Felicity sighed quietly. She gripped the steering wheel just a little tighter.
“Hey, Thea, what’s wrong?”
She shrugged, “Nothing.”
“It’s not nothing.  I can tell when something’s bothering you, babe. It’s okay.  You know you can talk to me about anything.  What’s going on?”
Thea shrugged again and hesitated.  Eventually though, she found Felicity’s eyes in the mirror.
“Why didn’t Uncle Ollie come with you?”
“He just had some stuff to do with Gramma Moira, that’s all.”
It wasn’t the right time to tell her about Malcolm.  Oliver had assured her that he would stand by her, that they’d tell Thea together, and she was looking forward to that.  Not, of course, having to tell Thea that her grandfather had attacked them but to actually having Oliver with her when she did.  She’d been the bearer of really awful news to her niece over the years so it would certainly be a nice change of pace not to have to face that burden alone anymore.  It certainly made her more comfortable knowing that Thea would have both of them to lean on.
“So you’re not fighting?”
“No, honey, we’re not fighting.  Thea… Uncle Oliver and I aren’t always together.  But that doesn’t mean that we’re fighting or that something’s wrong.”
Thea nodded but Felicity could see uncertainty in her eyes.
“Listen to me, sweet girl. Uncle Oliver isn’t going anywhere. He’s not going back to the Army and he isn’t going to live with Gramma and Grandpa.  He’s going to stay with us no matter what.  Because the three of us?  We’re family.  Okay?”
Thea’s lip quivered slightly and if she hadn’t been traveling at a steady speed down the interstate, Felicity would’ve pulled over and pulled her into her arms.
“I know it’s hard for you when people leave, no matter the reason, but I promise you, you’re stuck with us, kid.”
Even though she didn’t say anything more, Felicity could sense that some of Thea’s fears had been eased. By the time they arrived at the Queen manor, she was sound asleep and huddled into her coat.  Leaving the truck running, Felicity hurried out and jogged to the front door.
Crossing the threshold into the foyer, Felicity turned to the family room as she was met with the quiet sounds of the television.  She was more than a little surprised to find Moira napping quietly on the sofa, a cashmere throw wrapped around her.  Oliver slept, too, not quite as comfortably as his mother, where he sat in a chair opposite the couch with his feet propped up on the coffee table between them.  She stood motionless for a long moment, her eyes drawn to his relaxed face.  It caught her off guard, the wave of calm that settled around her in his presence.
“They’ve both had a rough day.”
She let out a startled squeak, clapping a hand over her heart as she whirled around to face Oliver’s father.
“Oh my god,” she gasped.
“I’m sorry, Felicity. I didn’t mean to startle you. Where’s Thea?”
It took her a second to catch her breath.
“It’s alright.  She’s in the truck.  She fell asleep and I didn’t want to wake her.  Apparently she had a long weekend.”
Robert nodded and for the second time in the span of an hour, she felt like she was being stared down by a concerned parent.
“I’m sure you’re ready to head home,” Robert said gently, “It’s been a very long day for everyone.”
She scoffed, “That’s putting it mildly.”
His hand wrapped around her elbow, the touch surprising her, and she looked up at him.
“Felicity, I just want you to know that you made the right decision today.  I know that I – that I hesitated when Oliver wanted to call the police but he was right.  And you were right to want to press charges for the things that Malcolm has done to you. I’m sorry that Moira and I didn’t step in when you were younger.  We both suspected and we should’ve done something about it.”
Her chest felt tight and the tears she’d been battling for hours pushed their way to the surface again. Her voice cracked as she spoke, giving her away.
“Thank you,” she murmured, “Honestly, I don’t know that anyone could have really done anything about it.  Not then, anyway.  But Oliver always did what he could to protect me.  And … and I think my dad may have been afraid of him.”
Robert chuckled, giving her arm a gentle squeeze before releasing her.
“He loves you very much. He always has, even though he may not have known it.  He’ll never let anything happen to you.  I hope you’ll stick with him, Felicity.  He needs you now more than ever.”
She glanced back at Oliver where he slept on, head back and mouth slightly open.
“I’m not going anywhere. At least not without him.”
Robert simply nodded and walked away, leaving her to step across the room until she was at Oliver’s side. She scraped her fingers through his hair, leaning over him and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.  He shifted immediately, coming awake quickly and stretching.
“Hey there,” she whispered, “Are you ready to go home?”
He turned his head, finding her mouth easily.
“Where’s Thea?”
He stood and stretch some more, the hem of his sweatshirt rising just enough to give her a brief glimpse of toned abs.  She shook her head.
“Sleeping in the truck. She was exhausted.”
Oliver slipped his arm around her waist and they headed toward the front door.  He only released her long enough to slip on his coat.
“How are you?” he asked as they climbed into the truck.
She sighed, shrugging.
“I’m… I’m okay, I think. Or I will be.”
He reached for her hand, lacing their fingers together.
“I hope you didn’t feel like I was pressuring you earlier, with your dad.”
She shook her head, “Not at all.  It’s okay, Oliver, really.  I was just… overwhelmed with what it all means.  Thinking about what comes next.  It’s a lot.”
Leaning across the console, she kissed him soundly.
“I’m sorry I ran.”
“Baby, if you need time or space, that’s perfectly fine.  Just as long as I know you’re coming back, we’re okay.”
She smiled, “Okay.”
“Ready to go home?”
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hellstate--rp-blog · 8 years
Tumblr media
↪ b a s i c s ;
N A M E: Jonathan “John” Hale A G E: 48 P L A C E   O F   O R I G I N: Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts G R O U P: None F C: Keanu Reeves
❝ There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man. ❞
↪ p e r s o n a l i t y ;
P O S I T I V E   T R A I T S: astute ; modest N E G A T I V E   T R A I T S: vindictive ; taciturn
↪ b i o g r a p h y ;
L I F E   B E F O R E   T H E   O U T B R E A K:
When John was born the world brought many things, the early seventies revolution symbolized the growth and beauty of the world. As beautiful as the symphonies and monologues brought to us by the greatest leaders an artists of this time, beauty doesn’t last forever. Bedelia Carraway was an American woman eager for live in the new age she had plans to wed to bear children the thought of creating her own American dream was strong and nothing could possibly prevent her from reaching her goal. All until she learned that beauty fades but even the most beautiful poetry is written from tragedy. Some would say that the tragedy of Bedelia Carraway was one she could’ve prevented but her passion blinded her and a child born out of wedlock was the price of it. Though this child wasn’t born from passion, or love, even magic it was out of anger and drunken hatred. As her lover escaped into the shadows, shame consumed Bedelia so much that she took her life because of it. All that remained of Bedelia Carraway was an orphaned child and his fate was assumed to be just like his mother’s.
Yes, there is tragedy in this world — heartache, pain, and loss but within those sins mercy is prevalent and mercy was this child’s savior. The cries of a newborn baby were heard and a god-fearing couple decided to pick him up. Though they already had a litter of kids of their own they couldn’t bear to abandoned this child. They weren’t rich, nor were they poor — a working class family who were destined on raising, who they named, Johnathan Hale. He lived a charmed life as New York City industrialized he witnessed many things some good some bad. He learned to know that the family he lived with was his own the truth of his nature was never discussed.  Though John Hale was an inquisitive child and he knew his deep raven hair was a great contrast against his siblings blonde hair and striking blue eyes. He never asked, for he was happy and the truth was a disastrous thing.
But it was inevitable for the truth to catch up with Jonathan Hale even if he didn’t want it too. As his family’s social status began to rise and his assumed father earned political power in a now troubling Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts — it was only expected that questions about their peculiar son’s origin arose. Even if such intrusive questions were dodged at press meetings even casual social gatherings, John was unable to escape the constant question of who he was from his peers at school and soon enough his own brothers and sisters. He was at a loss of what to do, what to say, and he even contemplated where to go. He discovered that if his presence was questioned then his presence wasn’t wanted. At the same time he knew he couldn’t risk running and creating even more discourse that already surrounded the Hale family, he endured the questions and soon enough he learned to embrace the doubt.
At the age of seventeen, Johnathan truly blossomed into one of the most handsome students at River Creek High School. And even if the typical introvert lacked in basic social skills this didn’t prevent him from trying out for every sports team. It was football in the fall and hockey in the winter. Not only did John find him excelling in athletics but finding a deep passion for literature and poetry. He could run 12k just as easily as he could read Shakespeare’s sonnets. He was a bright, talented child but above all. He was kind. Already familiar with the feeling of being ostracized from society, John was quick to prevent any kind of bullying in his humble high school. Because of this, his family’s social status in the political world only strengthened. The black sheep was now the golden child that everyone envied or wanted to be. Unfortunately, the animosity of envy was also manifested in his own household. So much, that his brother, Abel, wasn’t able to watch the bastard of the family reach levels of success that he could only dream of achieving. So much that Abel couldn’t stand looking at him anymore. So much that he picked up the rifle from his father’s gun cabinet and fired it.
The gunfire silenced the Hale home, especially Abel who realized that John wasn’t in his bed that night he decided to shoot him. But rather, their little sister Ana — who liked to sleep in John’s bed when he was out late. When John returned home he was greeted with the numerous police cars and ambulances engulfed in his family’s driveway. He doesn’t remember much of that day, nor does he try too. It was the day where John was reminded that tragedy would always find him and insure that his life would never be an easy one to live. Abel was jailed, the Hale family found themselves living in secrecy, and John — well John felt like his place in the Hale family didn’t belong anymore. Even if the scar wasn’t physically created by him it almost felt like it wouldn’t have been there if it wasn’t for him. It was a tumultuous relationship he shared with his family. What he told his parents would be a road trip to see Metallica was actually his goodbye to further his education, where he decided to pursue life as a prosecutor, just as his father did.
The recent Harvard grad returned to Shelburne Falls at the tender age of twenty five where he had earned his first case. Because of his triumphed return it was only expected that he’d find himself running into his family once more where he greeted them with much displeasure and …. awkwardness. Though the Hale family had proven they were able to sustain an easy life after the disappearance of their son, the reunion was anything but sweet. When John returned to his childhood home he noticed that all that was left of it was his father and his two out of the six children he raised. The others managed to escape and live a life of seclusion, forever scarred by the actions of their brother Abel. His mother, Marion haunted by loosing three children before her hair even turned grey was grief-stricken and she followed in the same footsteps John’s birth mother and established. Once John was the prized possession of his father’s eye and transformed into the sin that destroyed the humble Hale family from the inside out. He wasn’t sure how to take this, he wasn’t sure if he should accept it but he knew fighting against his father — a judge, whose health was also deteriorating wasn’t worth it. John gritted his teeth and was only able to accept the verbal abuse he received from the man he once cherished.
L I F E   D U R I N G   T H E   O U T B R E A K:
There was no doubt that Jonathan Hale’s father was old. As he stood on his last limbs in the Shelburne Falls Judiciary he also battled his own personal demons that soon came back to life when he was accused of a hit and run that resulted in the death of a minor. When John had heard the news of his father’s misfortune his plane for Boston was going to leave in twenty minutes. As John debated on the path he should take, he remembered that he was always a kind man. And nothing could change that. Even if earning the job of becoming the prosecutor in the case was a battle in itself, John was willing to fight for it. Under constant ridicule of his father’s expertise, John went to the ends of the earth to validate that the crime his father committed was false. During this time John finds himself reconnecting with his peers that he lost contact with when he ran for the hills so many years ago. He discovers old lovers, friends and even created some new lovers and friends. He enjoyed this moment in his life once he discovered that his highschool sweetheart was still interested in establishing a relationship with the only man she found herself falling in love with. But before John could allow himself to fall head over heels, a trial was still in order.
During his father’s trial, John believed he had established enough reasonable doubt in the case to result in an acquittal. But his father sabotages the case by testifying that although he still cannot remember the accident, he has come to believe that he probably did kill the minor intentionally. John’s father confessed on the stand that he was personally haunted by the case, having seen his deranged son Abel in the minor, and wanting to help him like he would his son. Having misread the minor, and even Abel, his father found himself seeing John instead. John felt his inner turmoil strengthen but at the same time he admired his father for his honesty — but regretted having doing nothing to save him from it. John’s father was acquitted of murder but was sentenced to four years in prison for voluntary manslaughter, though he is released on compassionate parole after only six months.
However in the six months where John’s father was in prison. He found himself stuck in purgatory of the little remains of the Hale family. His siblings blamed him for not trying hard enough and left him with the burden of figuring out the financial nonsense his father had set aside for his children to handle. It was the high school sweetheart who managed to allow John to breathe in the best way possible. He felt ease, he felt happy — especially when he watched his father exit from the prison cell and join him on their treasured fishing trips. But when he realized that the compassionate parole was due to his cancer becoming terminal. He didn’t know how to take it. Before John’s father took his last breath on the boat they shared, he told him that he was the best lawyer he knew. Now making peace with his father John returned to his father’s esteemed courtroom and spun the judge’s chair, now open for him to take.
When he did, John’s life began to piece together only for it to fall apart again. In his defense the year and half where he was able to endure a stable job, a happy wife, and a happy, healthy newborn were memories he would never trade. And even if the outbreak was beginning to consume Shelburne, he’d be damned if he allowed it to destroy the very thing he worked hard to accomplish. John was quick to learn the ropes of self defense and weaponry but he found himself fighting the living more than he fought the dead. He was sure of this when he went on a hunting trip and returned to find his wife and child killed — not by a flesh eating monster he had killed before walking in his home but rather at the hands of a man who couldn’t stand the answer no. In this moment, John realized that he was officially a broken man.
L I F E   A F T E R   T H E   O U T B R E A K:
If he closed his eyes hard enough and escaped for just a moment he could remember how hard his daughter laughed when he made a funny face. If he closed his eyes hard enough and escaped for just a moment he could remember how beautiful his wife looked in the color yellow. He could remember the smiles, the joy, the jokes, and the life that he didn’t only cherish but worked his ass off to gain. He felt he was unfairly robbed and targeted by the god that he devoted his life too. He found himself estranged from his values, trading in his humility for gun power and smite. He was an angry man traveling from Shelburne to Cheyenne and dubbing the nickname “the boogeyman” for his ruthless behavior. And whoever crossed him soon learned that they were better off jumping into a herd of walkers then to fight John Hale one-on-one.
But upon further inspection, you’d learn that Johnathan Hale wasn’t a cold and bitter man. A man who once knew how to love didn’t magically turn against his values. Despite the anger he harbored inside of him, he was still a humble and kind man. And though he prided himself in the nickname he earned, he knew the life he acquired in this day — wasn’t the one that was destined for him. And with this he encompasses the saying:  “demons run when a good man goes to war.”
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