#every single bit of this show is fascinating compared to the status quo of not even JUST japanese media it’s amazing
un-pearable · 2 years
ok. i was like 99.9999999999 % confident they werent going to actually follow through on that but there is still the 0.00000000001% chance they would and . i was. that was very shockgin.
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beelsbaby · 4 years
could you do the obey me undatables for the girl dad thing too please?😁
Of course! I hope you like it! I had a lot of fun writing it, I got carried away a lot WHOOPS but here ya go!
Undateables as girl dads
* OKAY he wanted a son
* I don’t know he just gives me boy dad energy
* But you said no sir we having a girl
* I love that for you 😌
* But he didn’t get upset because he knew no matter what the gender was, his child would be powerful
* Insert "good for her" pic
* He reads books on how to be a dad
* How to be a dad for dummies LMAOO
* He makes sure to be fully prepared
* What a dork HA
* Her room probably has a lot of purples
* It’s very whimsical
* When she’s born, he instantly forgets about being the most powerful in the room
* All those pacts he’s made with demons mean nothing
* He is hopelessly devoted to her
* When she gets fussy, he just sprinkles a little magic and she’s giggling again
* She’s just so fascinated by it
* He loves carrying her around while doing mundane things
* He’d be reading a grimoire with her resting on his hip
* She said papa first and he was WEAK
* He did shed a tear or two but he’ll never tell
* He can put her down to sleep in record time
* He just makes up a story about magic and she’ll happily go to sleep
* She’s also very fascinated by his magical artifacts
* She’s constantly touching the ones he unsuccessfully tried to hide
* “Sweetheart, that’s papa’s, okay? That’s 380 years old... Let’s put that down, yeah?”
* Looks absolutely baffled when she’d take the artifact and BOLT
* “Y/N, why are you just standing there laughing, help me!”
* She is very sneaky and cheeky just like him
* She knows just to give her dad her cheeky little smile and he’s putty in her hands
* He’s so whipped
* But she’s also pretty sharp
* Solomon brags that she gets her intelligence from him
* Fool slept on the couch for that comment
* He has a ring with her initials on it
* She likes listening about sorcery
* “Papa papa! I want to have magic like you!”
* “One day, petal, one day”
* “Pinky pwomise?”
* He’d chuckle and intertwine his pinky with hers
* He spoke to soon because she started showing signs of sorcery at 6 years old
* He was so proud
* He taught her how to control it, how to maneuver it, and how to use it properly
* This definitely brought them closer together
* He’s just so happy to have her and she’s changed him to become a better person in just a few years, he loves her to infinity and beyond. He’ll protect her until his last breath 😭✋🏻
* This angel was ELATED
* He thanked you endlessly like the true gentleman he is
* He didn’t care if it was a girl or a boy he was just happy to have a child with you
* When you tell him it’s a girl he immediately starts getting things ready for her
* Her room is so angelic
* The walls are painted like the sky
* It’s so beautiful
* The day she was born, he swears he finally understood what happily ever after meant
* He didn’t know if life could get any better, he was just so happy
* And she was GORGEOUS
* She looked exactly like him
* His beautiful skin tone, eyes, everything
* I’m crying at how pretty she is 😭
* He cried too, she was a literal angel
* He helped you out with everything
* He fed her, changed her, whatever you needed
* He sang her to sleep whenever she refused to sleep
* She’d stare at him with adoration
* He liked carrying her around, even if he was busy
* Multitasking king we love to see it
* Whenever he was caring her, she would grab his cheeks and babble at him
* His heart melted every single time
* Her first word was “up”
* She liked her dad picking her up and putting her on his shoulders
* So she asked him to pick her up
* He gladly did so with a huge smile
* She LOVES his wings
* She likes playing with Luke !!
* She also likes playing dress up with her dad
* She dresses up as a princess
* She has him dressing up like a knight
* He has to come save her from the dragon
* Luke is the dragon
* And He hates playing dress up lol
* She loves hearing all about angels
* And Simeon loves telling her about them
* When she’s five, she sprouts wings!
* She’s so happy
* “Look papa I’m just like you now!”
* He cries, she’s just so beautiful
* “Yes, angel, you’re like me!”
* He teaches her how to control and maneuver her wings
* She’s very clumsy at first, but he’s always there to catch her
* Simeon vows to always be there to catch her whenever she needed him, he loves her more than life itself 🥺❤️
Luke (aged up!!)
* This man passed tf out when you told him
* He was not ready for that bomb you just dropped
* But when he wakes up he asked you how you feel and if you know the gender
* When you both go to your appointment and you’re told it’s a girl, he starts freaking out
* What if he’s not a good dad?
* What if he can’t understand her?
* His mind is literally screaming WEE WOO WEE WOO
* But you assure him that he’s gonna do just fine and she’ll love him unconditionally
* He relaxes a bit
* Like 2%
* But he’s not hyperventilating anymore so you take it as a win
* He make sure her room is as comfortable as possible
* A lot of plushies and toys
* The room is such a vibe
* When she’s born, he passed out again
* Geez Luke get a grip
* You had two precious babies to look after
* But when he came to, he was in euphoria
* His baby girl was a beautiful mix of the both of you
* He was so smitten
* She’s very attached to him
* When she’s fussy he just picks her up and she settles down
* He carries around her diaper bag
* Mammon saw him once and now he never let’s him live it down
* Luke isn’t embarrassed, he’s just irritated because it’s Mammon
* Her first word was “daddy” and Luke felt his heart go BOOM 💥
* He picked her up and gave her a forehead kiss
* “Yes, little one, I’m daddy! Y/N she knows I’m her daddy she’s a genius!”
* You just smiled as he went on and on about how much of a genius y’all’s daughter was
* Proud dad™️
* He loves taking her to petting zoos, aquariums, etc
* Her eyes light up
* As she grows she gets more feisty lol
* Simeon loves comparing her feistiness to Luke’s
* But tbh it just makes Luke smug
* He loves that he has a headstrong daughter
* He knows she won’t take anyone’s crap
* When she was in the first grade, you guys got a call from the school one day
* She punched a classmate
* It was her first offense so the school just let her off of a warning
* But when Luke asked her why she did it, she said it’s because he was bullying her friend
* Prouder dad™️
* She makes him prouder every day and he’s so proud to call himself her dad, his entire heart is hers
* he’s been wanting to have a family with you for a long time
* So when you tell him you both are going to have a baby, he is so excited!
* He’s very doting the entire time
* When you told him it was a girl he’s was very happy and supportive
* It might have been ideal for him to have a boy but we know this man lives to break the status quo
* So he’s happy
* When she was born, Diavolo fell in love all over again
* She was just such a beautiful sight
* ALSO there was a two week celebration and the devildom
* Her room was EXPENSIVE
* He said really said no budget
* Gold things everywhere
* That’s his princess, he’d do anything for her even if it meant hurting his pockets
* Dang I need myself a Diavolo 🤪
* He carries her around in a baby carrier
* She said mama first but it was just with you so when she said dada you let him think it was her first word
* You don’t wanna break his heart lol
* His devilgram is basically now a stan account for his daughter
* If he really misses her, he will take her into meetings with him
* No one dares to argue with him
* She loves being on his shoulders, the view is superb
* First day of school he took her and the entire school went crazy
* She literally told him “ how far you have to leave everybody’s freaking out over you and I’m supposed to be the cool one here!”
* He laughed and kissed her goodbye
* She’s very sweet but pretty commanding
* Diavolo gushes on how she’s totally ready to be queen one day
* All name brands for his princess
* He definitely has had a portrait of her made. It’s probably in like the dining room or the main hallway
* She loves playing hide and seek
* Can you imagine big bad Diavolo running around trying to hide in a bush but he’s too tall lmaoo
* No one ever there is mess with her
* She’s only like five but she has the entire devildom standing behind her just like with her dad, I love how powerful they are. ADORABLE AND POWERFUL ??? Best daddy daughter duo in the devildom
* Poor baby is so nervous when you tell him
* But he want nothing more than to have a family with you
* He starts preparing everything for her arrival
* Baby proofing, preparing her room, anything he can do for her
* He make sure her room was adorable and fun
* It’s a pastel paradise
* When she’s born he’s holding your hand as you carry her
* You looked up to him and asked if he wanted to hold her
* He let out a barely audible “yes”
* When you handed her over to him, she opened her eyes and cooed up at him
* Rip Barbatos.exe stopped working
* #1 dad
* He changes diapers, he cleans up after her, takes care of her so you can get some rest
* What a gentleman 😪
* She said papa first
* He remembers the exact hour minute and second she said it LMAOO
* She’s very very shy
* But he’s helping work through her anxiety and walks her through her attacks
* Wow I’m crying 😭
* They love having little cute picnics together
* She LOVES his baking
* I mean who doesn’t
* She does very well in school
* Loves reading and history
* She really enjoys helping him out in his butler duties
* She even has a matching butler outfit that you got her
* The first time he saw her in it, bby boy couldn’t stop gushing about how cute they were
* They were the best butler duo
* N E WAY before I go on and on about them, he really loves her and you. He views her as the best thing that’s ever happened to him 🥰
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curemoonliite · 5 years
The Amane Twins—An Analysis
(A bit of background here—I was an English major in college, and sometimes I come across a piece of media that really makes me want to scratch my “overanalyze everything” itch. This time, it just happens to be a gacha game.)
Magia Record, the Madoka Magica mobile game, greatly expands the universe by creating magical girls that fulfill standard anime tropes, but with their own flair. Yachiyo is the aloof and troubled magical girl, Ria is the lovable narcissist, Momoko is the tomboyish older sister type, and so on. But what has really piqued my interest throughout my gameplay is the way this formula works with Tsukuyo and Tsukasa Amane, whom even the game itself refers to collectively as “the Amane twins” or “the Amane sisters” more often than not.
These two are members of the Wings of the Magius, a quasi-cult-like organization, and tend to fulfill the role of “creepy cultist twins.” Compared to the other Magius members, they’re not particularly competent, but the way they’re characterized is nevertheless striking. The twins’ closeness is inspired in equal parts by horror movies and by incest-themed anime. The game often makes a point of teasing a ship between them, from mechanics (the buffs the two give to each other) to story (one is rarely seen without the other). But is this just pandering to a certain crowd, or does it, as many things do in PMMM, serve a darker narrative purpose?
Here’s my take on it: Tsukuyo and Tsukasa are in love. And that’s the worst thing that could have possibly happened to either of them.
Before the Magius
The only real details we get of the Amane sisters before they joined the Wings of the Magius comes from their in-game side stories. Consistent with their characterization throughout the game, the twins’ stories are practically interchangeable—each come from a different end of town (richer/poorer), each are overworked and abused by their single parents, and each are told, above all, to never investigate the other side of their family. The other side is a disgrace, the rich and the poor can never coexist, so the status quo should be upheld at all costs. Then they meet by chance at a shrine, and everything changes.
We can tell that Tsukuyo is the Ojou in these stories, and Tsukasa is more on the genki end, but their reactions to the other’s existence remain much the same. Both believe the other is a supernatural doppelgänger and refuse to believe at first that they have a twin. Through these stories, we also get to see the friends each has outside of the Magius—Mifuyu in Tsukuyo’s case and Kanagi in Tsukasa’s. Both end up going back to their friends initially once the class conflict becomes too much.
Narratively, there is a lot to unpack about Tsukuyo and Tsukasa’s class conflict. When they go through it, they act in ways that the Main Story never really shows. This is the first time we see them as fundamentally different rather than interchangeable. Rather than being able to complete each other’s sentences, they actually disagree. But instead of realizing that this is a healthy sisterly dynamic, the Amanes come to the mutual decision that acting this way will only tear them apart again. In their eyes, it’s now them against the world—so silly personality differences and the squabbles that come with them are no longer to be tolerated.
So sure enough, by the time Kyubey comes, their wish is the same. And that’s when their real codependency starts.
After the Magius
Cults, by their very nature, are isolating. Anyone who possesses beliefs outside the cult’s line of thought is labeled as dangerous, someone a member should no longer interact with. It should then come as no surprise that immediately after joining the Magius, Tsukasa severs all contact with Kanagi, the only real friend she seems to have. We don’t really get to see the impact this has on Tsukasa’s psyche, but chances are, it wasn’t good.
Tsukuyo and Tsukasa continually struggle to make friends within the Magius organization. Even though Tsukuyo’s friend Mifuyu is also Magius-aligned, she outranks both of them and cannot have the same relationship with Tsukuyo as she had before. Alina has nothing but bored curiosity towards them in the best of times, and outright murderous rage at the worst. Sure enough, the other is now the only one each other has—this time, for real.
If we are to read Tsukuyo and Tsukasa’s relationship as romantic—as the in-game narrative often encourages us to do—we are to read it as an absolute obsession, similar to how many read MadoHomu after Rebellion. But even in that case, the obsession is largely one-sided—as a goddess, Madoka is made to care about everyone, while Homura is almost exclusively single-minded towards Madoka. What makes Tsukuyo and Tsukasa worse—and would still make them worse even if they weren’t related—is that it is mutual.
Tsukuyo and Tsukasa are one. They cannot live without the other, no matter how hard they’ve tried in the past. Their deepest wish, as manifested in their Doppels, is to be the only two people left on Earth.
And they are not a fairy tale. They’re the lovers you might see in a particularly trashy YA romance—the ones who live for each other and no one else, who mope whenever the other is away, who consistently keep one another from developing as their own characters.
In the real world, we have a word for that. It’s called codependency.
So What Does This Mean?
Let me ask you, if you read a news story about a pair of underaged twins who:
were both abused by authority figures
were basically separated at birth
developed trust issues towards anyone who wasn’t them
ran away from home to join a cult
and fell in love with each other while inside the cult
How would you react? It’d be a media circus for sure. Plenty of people would be sickly fascinated with it, just as many would be disgusted by it, but for me, it’s just tragic. Not Romeo and Juliet tragic, but the type of tragic that makes you ask “where the fuck were the parents.”
And that’s a lot of the problem with the Amane sisters as people. Both are genuinely good, passionate about injustice and liberation in their own misguided ways. Neither led the other onto a dark path.
In short, Tsukuyo and Tsukasa’s relationship is the result of societal failure.
The doctor failed to tell each twin of the other’s existence. Their parents failed at creating a safe environment for them. And as a result, they failed to see their own worth.
That worth, and the trust they were never able to give, could only be found in each other’s embrace. And there’s something more fundamentally fucked up about the Amane sisters when you see them like this instead of just sisters who are a little too creepily close.
Is this what the devs intended from these interactions? It’s tough to say. For all we know, they might want us to glamorize it. But what we can say is that they’ve given us a ton of reasons not to. They’ve given us a tragedy every bit as dark as any Puella Magi’s, if we read between the lines a little.
The only way Tsukuyo and Tsukasa can ever be healthy, well-adjusted humans is if they leave the Magius and get some serious help. But unfortunately, such is not always the fate of a cult victim, or any victim of abuse.
Such is not always the case for a Magical Girl.
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tumblunni · 7 years
Okay, I’m gonna babble a bit about playing Oneshot now!! So umm, under a readmore if you dont like long posts. Sorry!
* Man, the setting is just so FASCINATING and MYSTERIOUSSSS! You’re sent to save this mysterious world, and its kinda this unique setup where you start the game with the thing you need to fix it, and you just need to go on this big journey to get it to where it needs to be. And its all fun and cool and surreal cos you’re literally carrying The Sun, which for some reason is a magic lightbulb?? This place is so strange and charming like that, there’s this mix of robots and magic and stuff thats just accepted as normal here. Like... humans MADE robots, but all this weird mechanical-biological combination stuff was always here and they react like ‘WTF’ if you mistake it for a robot. It kinda makes a lot of sense that they’d have such advanced robots even in the most rural areas when the laws of their reality seem to already work like machines in the first place. I mean, some humans just randomly have objects for heads?? That’s just... a thing?? Big metal heads?? ‘Of course I’m not a robot’. This is just like some sort of medical condition I guess?? i was surprised when I finally actually saw a robot with an object head in the very last area, lol. ‘WHOA BUT YOU LOOK LIKE A HUMAN’ xD
* And there’s the whole biological system and economy and etc revolving around blue/green/red phosphor, which is why losing the sun means the end of the world for these people BUT they’re able to survive for a while without it. This stuff just exists that absorbs sunlight and can store it like batteries, but its like a naturally occurring tree sap?? Big glowy cyberpunk tree sap, from trees with neato glowy patterns instead of leaves. And from ALL SORTS OF other biological sources, like being honey secreted by microscopic starlight shrimps, and their land equivelant the phosphor flies in the next area. Its like if solar panels were things you could mine up from fermenting goddamn apples! ITS SUCH A UNIQUE COOL IDEA!!!! And its got so much detail into this worldbuilding and it all looks so pretty and surreal to see these things scattered around the world providing the light and power for every town you find. Its like... there’s always a realistic reason why this person is here, there’s never a single gap in the constant decision to ALWAYS explain the phosphor source for every single room. And it just looks super pretty cos you have these glowy things stacked on bookshelves and in lil tanks and in lil jars and just ITS GREAT how you can even see the differences in each area’s version of the technology?? Like in the Barrens where everyone is robots, there’s very little light at all. All the phosphor sources are mined and installed into generators that in turn power all the robots. They dont need as many light sources cos they emit light themselves, and their vision probably doesnt even work the same way as humans. So its really subtle and sad that you only see a large number of the jar lightbulb thingies in areas that are said to be abandoned human settlements. Its so messed up to think that the robots are trapped by their programming to keep refilling useless lights in places they dont even occupy, wasting their limited power source even faster... And in the Glen because its a more rural area that provides all the farming for the more technologically advanced main city, you just see more ramshackle home remedies for phosphor. There’s robots and technology everywhere but they arent really used by the locals? its like all these facilities have been built on their land by the Refuge citizens, and all the robots are government workers who dont even talk to the citizens. And guards keeping people from going to the Refuge until they work up enough money to afford a visa, and then theyre kinda never allowed to return, it seems?? That would have been messed up even when the world was functioning correctly, but its super disturbing now that we’re all doomed and the Refuge is literally being advertised as the only safe place to live. Which just makes it sadder when you get there and its suffering just as many problems as everywhere else! But just seriously, if it actually WAS the only safe place and they’re sitting here sustaining themself on work from the Glen and the Barrens and keeping all these people out even though without them the place wouldnt frickin BE safe to begin with! GAHH MORAL QUESTIONS, I LOVE THIS WORLDBUILDING GAHHH. And its so nuanced because none of this stuff is ever outright stated, all the characters act like its a normal way for society to work, and Niko is so young they dont really understand it anyway. Its just this sort of thing you realize after a while and it makes it all even sadder. And especially because all the people in the Refuge are just ordinary citizens too, and theyre not even living in the luxury they were promised to begin with. There isnt even really any clear person who upholds the status quo, they dont seem to have any government? Its just like everyone is running on the laws and programming left behind by someone long gone, and they dont have the capacity to question it. And its falling apart because nobody even understood that person’s reasons for making things this way in the first place. Like how the Barrens was meant to be an operation to extract blue phosphor to deliver to the Refuge, but the degredation went faster than expected and all the humans had to withdraw back. So now its just a bunch of robots continuing this mining operation with no end goal, as they slowly break down. They’re just expending energy to mine more energy, which sits there waiting to be delivered to no-one, because their programming is all ‘humans first, robots have no free will’. They’ll keep doing this stuff thats supposed to benefit humans, rather than looking after themselves! And at least they have Silver the one robot who broke her programming and acts as sort of a mayor to the rest. But she’s chronically depressed and alone and even with her help they werent able to fix the generator until you came along, and even when you fix it you’re able to bring some robots back to life but others are just empty background scenery that’s too broken to move T_T And... like... it seems that robots literally cannot become ‘tamed’ unless they interact with humans? Nobody seems to be able to explain how you ‘tame’ a robot, but it seems they gradually learn to step outside their programming and form more of a personality through just... being loved enough. And seriously even if they say they’re unable to feel emotions, all the un-tamed ones still seem to express their own personality and its just like they’re stuck unable to disagree with a bunch of laws that keep it restrained. I FEEL SO SAD FOR THEM! I miss the prophetbot, they were my first friend in this world and i cant do anything for them except give them one nice conversation before i have to move on. They’re unable to move on! Their programming literally stops them from leaving that one tutorial spot, stops them from talking to anyone else except the destined hero. the other robots talk about how prophetbot struggles to try and talk to them when they visit them, but they have ‘great difficulty’, and just... goddd, how chipper and helpful they are to give you the tutorial... god i was the first friend they had in centuries... I hope they get some sort of epilogue maybe in the credits??? SORRY, WHERE WAS I? Oh yeah THE WORLDBUILDING IS REALLY GOOD And anyway, the Glen people live on raw phosphor in sort of local homeopathic equivelants. No phosphor generators outside of the areas that’re occupied by Refuge robots doing research and such. They just have cute lil jars filled with fireflies, and they use the light of un-harvested phosphor trees. Which makes it even more skeevy that the refuge is using them to harvest this stuff, seriously?? And its SO FUCKIN SAD to see that one farmer who has their farm surrounded by tiny pot lights and has faith that eventually something will sprout even though they dont have any sun. And its all so much more sympathetic because they’re cute spoopy shadow bird people! I’m really glad the game gave plenty of cute designs to the normal humans when we finally got to them, cos they’d be so much less interesting compared to all these bots and cool magic people. Hooray for unexplained object heads! And then when you get to the Refuge its constantly bathed in ominous red light! (or a more calming pink in the less spoopy areas) Cos like 80% of all the architecture is just big water generators, its like venice but with blood red glowyness! And apparantly even though they’re burning all this high energy red phosphor constantly, its still barely enough to keep the city running. And they’re trying to run these labs to research stuff in the other cities, and they’re trying to find a way to recall and repair the Barrens robots, and they have loads of machinery that’s sustaining the state of the whole world. So its not like theyre COMPLETELY abandoning everyone else, but still its so creepy and sad to hear some of the scientist npcs talking so casually about their cameras showing that so-and-so area is ‘degrading’ at a certain rate, and oh this particualr robot somewhere far away just died. God, I really hope you didnt mean that exact boat-rowing robot that I met in the first area, you bitches! T_T But anyway it was really interesting to find books with little artworks and bonus worldbuilding on how exactly the three types of phosphor work. The design for the phospor shrimp is SO ADORABLE!! They have little goopy bubbles surrounding a more fragile inner body, they look just like the sparkly pools you find them in! Btw thats the best part of the first area, its this cool eternal night in a desert which makes it look like the surface of the moon, with these small crater-like lakes thatre all that remain of the once vast sea. And the phosphor shrimps inside them glow like stars! I wish i’d taken more screenies when I was playing that part!! And there’s stuff about how red phosphor is the best at generating energy, but it has the shortest lifespan and needs to be constantly in motion to work, hence the canals of water swooshing these crystals around the city. ITS JUST SO FUCKIN FASCINATING AAAA
* and just GODDDDD the REALLY UNIQUE SITUATION of the GAAAAAME Its just this.. like... inevitable doom?? There’s no immediate threat that you can fight, no combat, no villain causing this tragedy. Its just a slow death by lack of resources, and one very tiny shred of hope that this legendary prophecy person might be able to save us all. You have to very personally see the suffering of all the people affected by this, because the premise is going on a pilgramidge to reach the place where you can save the world. you have to walk through every city and you have to trust in these people in order to move forward. You have to get fuckin sad about every single one of them! And its just... not even an ordinary destroyed world. Its this half destroyed world where people are trying to go on with their lives, people are all working together to fix what they can. Its just the inevitable knowledge that ultimately nobody can fix the underlying problem, all they can do is stubbornly cling onto what time we have left, instead of giving up. It reminds me a lot of when you get to walk through the destroyed Lindblum in FF9, and see everyone rebuilding and banding together even as they’re being occupied by these enemy soldiers and forced into obedience. At that moment it feels like it could have been the end, but everyone’s bravery motivates you to keep going, and it just becomes so heartwarming to see the place slowly getting rebuilt in the later stages of the game after the war ends. Its neat that it never fully gets back to how it was, but its something different, yknow? And you get little npc stories like the sweet grandma who was sewing her granddaughter a dress with the last of her savings, then got blinded in the attack on the city and could never see the kid get to wear it. And she’s always going to be disabled now, even after you save the world, but it hit me right in the heart to know i had the power to give back hope to that grandma and make her life just a little bit less painful. It was nice to see all the npcs become more positive again as the place was rebuilding. I wish you could have walked around the game again after you finish it, and see what everyone would be like in the epilogue, yknow? ANYWAY, Oneshot is a whole game that captures that unique sadness, in my opinion! though you dont get to see the cities before theyre destroyed, it can still be equally sad in a different way to come into this situation blind and see everyone dealing with horrible trauma as if its normal, with barely anyone remembering the old world... :(
* And I am SO ON EDGE about the possibility that i might not be able to save the world in the end! There’s a lot of more pessimistic npcs around the world who believe thats gonna be the ending. Maybe I can restore the sun but maybe it’s too late, and the world has been too damaged. I mean... I can’t reverse what’s happened to anyone. The first area reminds you of that very painfully with how some of the robots dont wake up when the generator is fixed. I dont know if the place is too broken for these people to pull it back from the brink, even if i restore light and warmth to it. But like.. even if thats true, I still want to do it! Even if all I can do is just make everyone happy again, and let them pass their final days in peace instead of being afraid right up to the very end. Even if all I’m doing is saving THESE people, saving the ones I met and grew attatched to, but knowing probably the world will still die at some point in the future. Or even if its gonna be faster than that, yknow?? I just want these people to not be sad when they die. if thats all i can do then i still wanna do it, its better than giving up. I dont agree with the one cynical person saying ‘its better to die quick than keep fighting’. :( But still i hope there’s a happy ending somewhere in the multiple endings stuff. :(
* oh and seriously WHAT IS UP WITH THE SQUARES Thats the biggest creepiest part of the whole ‘biological technology’ aesthetic here, the degredation of the world is personified as videogame glitch type effects. But the characters make it clear that this is actually happening in-universe! they dont even have words for pixels, they just know that stuff is all losing its durability without the sun, and falling apart into ‘squares’. Like... everything. EVERYTHING. Natural rock formations, just flaking apart in these unnatural square patterns. Trees and buildings and everything! Robots malfunctioning cos some part inside of them has become pixels, their entire mainframe has magically poofed into the rawest of raw materials as if it never existed. Like it would be bad enough if it was just gears poofing back into raw metal or something, but SQUARES?? Its like if everything suddenly turned into dust regardless of what it originally was. Its the same visceral creepyness as flesh turning to stone! And the pixels seem to be like.. semi-sentient somehow?? or at least mobile and capable of actively spreading outwards whenever they appear. There’s some places that’re just plain square-shaped holes in things, and then there’s some where there’s pixelized light projections spilling out from the broken thing and creeping like moss to envelop and destroy anything else that touches them. Thats why its so important to immediately shut down any ‘square anomoly’ whenever it appears, and like.. still, even if you stop it from spreading you cant fix whatever got square’d. You just have to toss away all these materials and keep mining more of them to replace everything. Everything just has this random chance of being permenantly destroyed out of nowhere, with no chance to predict it or prevent it. It probably makes it feel like ‘why even bother putting effort into anything’. Life is just constantly about replacing and maintaining what already exists, with no chance to progress beyond that. No wonder everyone loves the mysterious Author’s books, its not like there’s much time to create their own books, yknow? (tho i feel really sad for the one librarian who actually is writing their own books and nobody notices them because The Author has become the expert on everything now...) And like... they say that AS FAR AS ANYONE KNOWS, the square degredation has never affected a living person. Yet. But like.. its still happening to robots! They already get to experience a preview of the horror of seeing your own hands fall apart into pixels as you beg nobody to touch you or else they’ll die too. YOU GET TO SEE NPC ROBOTS GO THROUGH THIS. They just beg you not to stand close to them, as they die VERY SLOWLY, and there’s nothing you can do to help! At least it seems like robots can be saved if the squares are caught fast enough, if you remove and replace just the squared parts, before it spreads to the rest. But not every robot is lucky enough to be considered important enough to be repaired, and ones out further away from the Refuge have absolutely no chance... And.. like... everyone is just so casual about this?? It seems its been happening constantly throughout all of living memory! And everyone just acts like its common sense that this is caused by the sun dying, and it’ll stop when Niko brings the new sun to the tower. But I kinda... really dont know?? Is this gonna be the bittersweet part of the ending? This stuff keeps happening even though i can fix every other problem. I mean man it would make a lot of sense that this is what caused the sun to be destroyed in the first place, rather than being caused BY the sun being destroyed. But what caused this to happen??? GAHHHH MYSTERIES I hope at least some of them are answered by the end!
* And OKAY THE BIGGEST MYSTERY Who on earth is The Author? I’m starting to suspect maybe he’s the same person as The Entity?? There’s this mysterious voice you hear on computers that talks to you the player instead of Niko, and does all this random creepypasta nonsense like changing your desktop background and you have to look at that to solve a puzzle, blah. I really dont like that stuff, it just feels pointless and un-fun and like its supposed to be just a novelty that the programmer find a way to do this. And all this OOOO SCARY blablabla doesnt really gel with the more subtle scaryness of a world slowly dying. Plus generally the puzzles are the worst part of the game, no offense. Its always just wandering around a really big and akward place trying to pick up every item and use every item on everything and combine every item. Its like a point and click adventure with a more hard to control interface :P I’m totally here for the story and not the puzzles, i’ve never liked this ‘rpg horror standard’ kind of thing. But anyway I had to mention it cos ‘The Entity’ is kinda integrated with this gameplay mechanic. BUT YEAH ANYWAY Its a mysterious semi-antagonistic-semi-helpful voice that gives you tips for puzzles in a really passive aggressive scary way with interface madness. And even though its helping you it’s constantly being like YOU SUCK and THE WORLD IS DOOMED GIVE UP and EVENTUALLY YOU’LL BELIEVE ME. So i dont really know if this is some sort of final boss villain who caused the pixel infection, or if its some worn-down antihero type who wants to help but has lost faith in the world ever being saved...? I mean.. the only evidence I have for The Entity being the cause of the pixels is literally just ‘it communicates with you via computer, and they’re pixels’. But i dont even know if its literally a talking computer AI thing or its just a guy hacking computers to send you messages... And I’m starting to suspect that this mystery voice might be the same person everyone else knows as The Author? I mean.. you hear about him but apparantly nobody has ever seen him, and his books just constantly keep appearing in the library at a rate faster than you’d think anyone would be able to write. And he knows all this stuff about how the world used to be before the sun died, as if he was there...? And he can apparantly travel everywhere even though nobody else can travel across all these lost wastelands. And everyone thinks he must have a flying machine, but it could also make sense if he was some sort of mystery digital conciousness that can observe everything and manifest via any form of computer screen, yknow! Like.. maybe he is this world’s ACTUAL god?? And I’m just like the only replacement they can get, after he gave up. Which explains why I’m completely fallable and I know nothing about this world even though everyone tells me I’m their god. Me as a characetr is just... me as a person. I’m not even really me in the role of their god, I’m just a player who’s made contact with this other world and has been mistaken for god because god is gone. And I have to do the best I possibly can, to fix the things even god couldnt fix... And its just very mysterious cos some of the books you can read say stuff that outright contradicts the world?? Like, The Author wrote about knowing the head librarian George, even though she says she’s never met him and his manuscripts just appear on her desk very morning. And this part of the book also says how she ‘believed fate was like rolling dice’, whereas the george you meet literally IS a dice-headed human. You’d think it would be weird to even write that down as if it was something out of the ordinary? So like.. maybe this George is some sort of reincarnation or replacement for another one who died??? Maybe all the object head people are actually hyper advanced robots and just dont know it. Like.. Silver looks completely human aside from her glowy armoured body and metallic skintone. And robots are apparantly completely able to become sentient just like humans after being ‘tamed’. As far as everyone knows Silver is the most advanced robot that exists, but maybe like... the object-headed people are her prototypes, and the regular human-looking people are actually all finished robots?? And like.. the world has already died and we’re just left with robots that they tried to make to replace themselves, or to hold their souls or something, and now even they are beginning to fall apart, starting with the least advanced robots. So the pixelization is maybe just like the robots’s glitchy perception of what’s happening when stuff breaks down, or something? Though that’d be sad cos it’d mean even Niko is just a robot designed to be the messiah, and their memories of having a family in another world are all faked to give them a motivation to wanna finish the quest... But whatever, this is just a wild random theory lol. I’m pretty sure the actual ending will be something completely different that makes me laugh at this post in retrospect!
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adsit-co · 8 years
What You Need To Know About Kanye From His Mercedes-Benz Lyrics
The Undeniable Link Between Kayne West And Mercedes Benz
Love him or hate him, we can’t deny the fact that Kanye has produced hit songs after hit songs that made a mark in the music industry and popular culture. And if there is one thing that Kanye West thrives on, that is change itself.   But while Kanye continues to innovate and experiment with different elements all throughout his career, what remains unchanged is his love for the luxurious Mercedes-Benz. To this day, Yeezy has made more shoutouts to Mercedes-Benz compared to the countless references he has for other brands.   A Benz has and continues to be Kanye West’s muse. He is open and persistent about using the brand as his source of inspiration. In all of his songs and albums, the Mercedes prevails as the ultimate emblem of success for Kanye. Earning a Benz, and driving one, signify to everyone how an individual has made it regarding financial independence and higher ranks in social status.   And as a writer, Kanye has extensively made himself a subject of his works, and the Benz maintains a vital part in the image he builds in the music industry. In many scenarios, the Benz is an ever-present element that adds personality to Kanye’s dreams, bars, and even to his make-believe presidential portraits.   Although it’s quite easy to conclude that Benz is convenient enough to use since there are plenty of words that rhyme with it, we can understand much of Kanye West’s career through his memorable and often revealing Benz quotes.   Here are some of the songs with Benz lyrics Kanye penned that can help us probe into his psyche.  
Last Call
  “Mayonnaise-colored Benz, I push Miracle Whips” is the line that helped jump start Kanye West’s career as one of the industry’s most famous rappers. As he explains in the outro of his piece titled “Last Call,” the lyric convinced Jay-Z that Kanye also has what it takes to be a hip hop artist.   The track serves as The College Dropout’s narrative of the beginning of his influential position in the music scene. According to some interviews, Kanye was only around 21 years old when he came up with the line in front of Jay-Z. That was the moment when Kanye began formulating ideas for what the world would soon know as his debut album.   So, yes, Kanye West’s career started with a Benz lyric. And he continues to drop Mercedes-Benz lines for fans and critics alike to encounter in more of his singles and albums. With the line, we get a glimpse of a typical Kanye with his wordplay on cultural references and praise for his favorite vehicle.  
Breathe In Breathe Out
  With this song, Kanye announced his presence as a rapper who can bring together unique sounds from different artists. To be the first to have a “Benz and a backpack” is telling of how Kanye is the rapper with both a grounded social consciousness and the bone for being a producer of mainstream music for life in the fast lane.   Kanye West is the kind of artist who can blur the boundaries between the socio-cultural context and the industry-manipulated elements of a song. Doing so makes him one of the few rappers who paved the way for two distinct paths of rap to merge.   It is also good to note that Kanye is probably the only artist who can get Bon Iver, Jay-Z, Rick Ross, and Nicki Minaj together for a single or the only rapper who can work with Bon Iver, Paul McCartney, and Rihanna all at the same time. Again, for Kanye, it’s about working with both the Benz and the backpack.  
Out of Your Mind
  Even before Kanye defined the kind of artist he is, his fascination for the German automobile maker is already identifiable at the beginning of his career. In a demo he made back in 2001, Kanye displayed familiar rap themes like a casual misogyny and praise for expensive things.   With lines comparing the love Kanye has for cars and girls, the demo shows another side of Kanye West. That is his incapacity to make relationships work. Loving something as fancy as a Benz will come easy for Kanye, but loving another person is the challenge for him. He finds it difficult to understand and value people, especially women. As for material possessions, he finds it easy enough to appreciate them that Kanye being Kanye will always choose the Benz over a woman. At least, that’s what the lyrics say.  
  In less than one year in college, Kanye West was able to release three albums that many of us would gladly call our college life soundtrack. There was no mistaking the influence Kanye’s albums had on the youth.   And it wasn’t just the songs that made a mark on the listeners. Kanye’s decisions to include a bear mascot and to wear Polo shirts as part of the package for the music he produced at the time were all signifiers of how he is a relatable figure to his audience.   But, like what the lyrics say about making it from “student loans to a Benzo,” Kanye shows just how much he can connect with seemingly different listeners - the college students and the traditional audience of mainstream rap.   Kanye knows who his markets are and how to pique the interests of every kind of audience. Like bringing together different musicians, Kanye can also make the diverse crowds pause for a while to listen to the same music and to what he has to say as an artist.   In the end, his college trilogy produced more than just rap songs but also a generation of fans who grew up with his music and have come to appreciate hip hop.  
Make Her Say
  Cars aren’t the only things that Kanye loves to drop in his songs. He also makes references to historical figures he admires or thinks are comparable to himself. Kanye presents himself as the Steve Jobs, Picasso, Michael Jordan, Kubrick, Tesla, or even Disney of music. In Make Her Say, Kanye disses a bus and says his “Benz is parked like Rosa.” Here, we get another glimpse of his take on history and social reality which he uses for his music, not just as a form of expression but also as a means to build his status in the industry.   Social awareness is a common element in rap, and to spit the lyrics the way Kanye did, again, heralds the Mercedes as a symbol of luxury and high station. To liken the Benz to Rosa Parks who was a civil rights activist who refused to yield her seat in a bus seat to a white passenger is telling.   That was a way for Kanye to elevate even more the status of Mercedes-Benz as something comparable to a historical figure who inspired valuable changes in society. All while, in his way, cementing the high respect he has for Rosa and everyone else who, ironically, fought for equality.  
  Though initially, Kanye found it difficult to enter the hip-hop industry because he did not conform to the status quo associated with the genre, he still found ways to incorporate one of the most common characteristics of rap music. He made an ode to affluence by rapping about starting from the bottom and then owning the top.   Singing about his other Benz and his “other, other Benz,” only shows just how luxurious his life has become. With just two words, Kanye pulled off something that befits his now glorified celebrity status. Indeed, he has become the man who has so many Benzes, and it’s become impossible for people to track him or his wealth.   Now, how many people can honestly say they have this kind of problem if it is a problem at all? Not everyone does, but with Kanye sharing a bit of his lavish lifestyle, aka one of his achievements, everyone can pretend and claim they have other, other Benzes.  
Gold Digger
  The megahit song Gold Digger featuring Jamie Foxx also tackles the typical rags to riches theme in the automotive-driven world of the music industry (pun intended).   When Kanye and Jamie rapped about someone making it big by going “into a Benz out of that Datsun,” they displayed yet again how ambition, a good dose of talent, and real hard work can take anyone out of an old Datsun and into a luxury car.   It’s the metaphor for transformation, an economic and social success, that rappers commonly include in their songs. And more often than not, that is always the case for them when they make their mark in the hip hop industry.  
Christian Dior Denim Flow
  Aside from cars, historical figures, and social awareness here and there, Kanye is also passionate about fashion and being involved with people from that industry. On this particular song, released as a GOOD Friday single, Kanye drops the names of at least 15 models he wants to sleep with, all in one verse.   Naming Esti Ginzburg and Bar Rafaeli, famous Israeli models, was just part of the era that Kanye has dedicated to the celebration of excess and indulgence. Saying he was in a Benz with Leonardo DiCaprio, who was dating Rafaeli at the time, displays the fantasies that Kanye had about living in the fast lane.   The only thing is, those fantasies were not far from reality with the way Kanye was living and basking in the fame that comes with his success in rap. That is also evident in the knowledge he has of the fashion industry. One might even say that the way he talks about the industry shows just how deep his involvement is, and that is true since he began working on his Yeezy fashion line.  
Hey Mama
  A tribute to his mother, Donda West, Hey Mama is perhaps the most emotionally-charged song Kanye West has released ever.   The track will take us back to a time when Kanye still hasn’t arrived at the level of success and wealth he is enjoying now. It is a moment when Kanye makes a promise to his mother, saying he will give her “that Benzo” when he has accumulated enough money and fame.  
Birthday Song
  Despite the initial connection and relatability value that he builds in his other music, the Birthday Song draws the difference between Kanye West and ordinary people, aka you and me.   It’s a warning to anyone trying to touch or do anything destructive while enjoying a free ride in one of the Benzes Kanye owns. If anyone does anything Kanye doesn’t like, then that person might just go back to the level where he came from before he got to experience the Benz. Following our previous takes on a Benz as the metaphorical definition of success, the fast lane, or the high life, it can mean that Kanye is willing to let anyone in on his celebrity life just as long as that “pedestrian” doesn’t cross the line.   Or the lyrics may also mean Kanye just doesn’t want anyone messing with one of his luxury cars. You know, being the usual reaction of a typical rich guy. If anyone of us owned a Benz, we’d pretty much do the same thing.   But Kanye being Kanye, he probably means both as he, again, contrasts the Mercedes to a lower form of transportation, which is walking.   Having a Benz or having a lifestyle comparable to one is the high way of living (again pun intended), while anything less than that is pedestrian.  
On Sight
  Kanye West’s sixth solo album is the complete opposite of his My Beautiful, Dark Twisted Fantasy. The album initially has a harsh tone comparable to a blast of noise. And just as you consider taking shelter from all that sound, Kanye begins to rap.   With On Sight, Kanye pushes his audience away from him first through the sound and beat of the song and then through the lyrics. Pulling up and parking his Benz before getting a woman who’s “shaking like Parkinson’s” is one of the lines that gives life to the villainous Yeezus-era of Kanye.   The song is just one of the other singles on his album that display an even wilder persona that Kanye created. And while he continues to rap about his favorite Benz, his words turned into something foul, unagreeable, and rather toxic instead of describing the enviable and celebratory life he presented previously.   Unsurprisingly, the lyric generated angry and negative reactions, especially from politically-correct people and advocates. And with that, the lyric, the song, and ultimately the album, might have just achieved its goal of filtering out the easily offended people. Here is Kanye showing just how little he cares about matters close to other people while he spawns a whole new, different persona.  
Send It Up
  On Send It Up, still a part of his Yeezus album, we get another dose of Kanye’s love for his Benzes. But this time, his love reaches a whole new level that some might dismiss as something absurd.   Kanye talks about going on a date with a girl who asks him if he can get all of her friends inside the club. Again, Kanye compares people to his Benz. But unlike the Rosa Parks comparison, Kanye downplays the value he has for other people’s friends.   Instead of inviting the friends, he compares them to his Benz, which he can’t bring inside the club. And so, he tells the girl to “park” her friends “outside ‘til the evening ends.”   So, call Kanye conceited for all you want. That lyric was an arrogant display of power and is a different level of wordplay for Kanye. People will either love or hate that line. They will either cringe or cheer upon hearing it. And that drawing different reactions by raising himself to a stage that is above everyone else is what defines Kanye.  
  No one can deny the love Kanye West has for his ride with all the Mercedes-Benz references he made all throughout his music career and with the kind of life he lives ever since he became a famous rapper. Though some of us would hate to admit it, Kanye can be a representative of our deprived selves and our selfish and sometimes perverted impulses. All the Benz references he makes are suggestive of a vibrant and often overloaded celebrity life Kanye has. It’s something we’d want to emulate even when we love to hate it.   Show me your grill! Ok another early 2000 rap reference. Our grills for Mercedes are hot right now!
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