#every time I join a multi server creation event
drivingafterdark23 · 3 months
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[Sign Ups] [Prompt Submissions]
Hello, and welcome to Driving After Dark 3!
This is an 18+ Life Series event, focused on Explicit and Mature fanworks. It will feature smaller teams of 2-5, where you can either collaborate on a piece, work together to create pieces for each other, or just to make whatever you’d like!
Points will be given to teams as they finish pieces, and everyone on a team is encouraged to participate equally.
More information about how this event works is provided below, in the FAQ. We look forward to seeing you there!
Pregame Timeline
7/07/24 - Pregame Sign Ups Open
7/13/24 - Pregame Sign Ups Close
7/14/24 - Pregame Starts
7/27/24 - Pregame Ends
Event Timeline
6/30/24 - Sign Ups Open, Discord Unlocks
7/14/24 - Sign Ups Close, Discord Invites Close
7/21/24 - Matching Form Opens
7/27/24 - Matching Form Closes
7/29/24 - Teams Release, Event Starts
8/03/24 - Check-in #1 (Open for 24 hours)
8/10/24 - Check-in #2 (Open for 24 hours)
8/17/24 - Check-in #3 (Open for 24 hours)
8/24/24 - Event Ends
You must be 18 or older to join.
Discord is required to participate.
You may never screenshot and share messages from the discord server without explicit permission from the parties involved.
No AI-generated content of any sort will be allowed.
No fandom discourse.
Follow "Don't like? Don't read." as well as "KINKTOMATO"/"YKINMKATOK".
For this event, we’ll be allowing work-in-progresses. However, once the event begins, you must spend at least the amount of time on it as you would on a colored or 500 word piece.
As this is a game, keep in mind good sportsmanship!
How does the Pregame work?
Everyone who signs up for the Pregame will be matched in a random team of either two or three. During the two weeks it runs, individual teams will be asked to create one overall creation. This can mean one collaboration on a piece, or a piece inspired by your other teammate(s).
You’ll be asked to provide your discord name and any requests to not match with participants if needed. Otherwise, the process will be randomized.
How does the matching process work for the Main Event?
In the Main Event, there will be a portion of the Team Matching Form to request teammates, or ask not to be matched with participants. Teams for the Main Event will be hand matched, so please include as many requests as you want (both to match, and to not match)! If two or more people request each other, you’re more likely to be on the same team, but we cannot make any promises.
What counts as a finished piece?
Anything that you consider complete. We just ask that your pieces are at least equivalent to the time you’d spend on a colored piece, or a 500 word piece of prose.
Do I need to check in?
Yes, every Saturday during the event (3 check-ins in total)! Mods will mention your team in a private thread to ask you how everything’s going. If you plan on missing a weekend for any reason, alert your team member(s) and a mod, so we can check in with you beforehand.
If you fail to complete a check in, you will be considered dropped from the event.
Can I drop out or swap teams?
Yes! You may drop out or swap teams any time before Check-in #3. You’ll need to tell a mod and your team member(s) beforehand, so that we can place you and/or your team member(s) somewhere else.
How do I award myself a point for completing a piece?
As you finish pieces, there will be a short Google form to submit them, located in #links-and-info.
For collaborations, each member of the collab will need to be marked as having finished a piece, so make sure that everyone involved fills out the form. For multi-chaptered fics, each chapter will need to be marked as a single piece, so fill out the form according to the number of chapters.
How are scores calculated?
Your score is calculated from the average pieces completed across everyone in the team, plus how close you are together! (Side note, this has nothing to do with your actual relationship with each other – see note on “Bond Meter”.)
The actual formula on the spreadsheet is “team minimum”/”team maximum”+”team average”*10, or =(MIN(range)/MAX(range))+AVERAGE(range)*10.
How will scores be communicated?
At the end of each week, we’ll be announcing the top teams in the Discord. If you’re curious about your score during the week, there will be a spreadsheet posted in #links-and-info.
What’s the Bond Meter?
The gimmick of this event is based around having a connection with your teammates. If you’re looking to win, you’re rewarded more by getting closer to matching your teammates in the number of pieces created. An even split would be 50/50, 33/33/33, or 25/25/25/25, etc. depending on the number of people in the team. This is also shown visually in the spreadsheet!
Who are the mods?
RedstoneBug/@redstoneglitch, @jibbingjibberish, Fire_Cat/@violet-fire-cat, @twelvevoid
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vulcansarecatsbb · 2 years
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Please read this thoroughly before signing up or sending an ask.
What is a big bang?
A big bang is a fandom event meant to create a lot of content for a fandom, ship, or theme in a relatively short amount of time. In this case, the fandom is Star Trek, and the theme is Vulcans being, getting turned into, or acting like cats.
How can I participate?
All you need to do is sign up and follow the schedule! All updates will be posted both here, on our tumblr, and on the Discord server you will be asked to join upon signing up. Discord will be our main way of keeping in touch with you, so you will need to have an account there.
Can I sign up for multiple positions (Author, Artist, Beta Reader)?
Yes! Just make sure you’ll have time to do it all. When signing up as both artist/author and beta reader, you don’t need to fill in the beta reader form - instead, simply select the role in the server.
How do claims work?
Authors will be asked to check in with a fic that is at least 75% done, including editing (we selected this as the sweet spot to avoid most drop outs, so no artist gets left with art but no fic to post it with). During claims, artists will choose the fics they’re most interested in working on (based on a synopsis and tags, but no author name), and will be assigned a fic using an algorithm, to avoid the first-come first-served method that most bangs use and better account for different timezones, so that everyone’s happy.
Where do we post?
Fics will be posted on AO3 and added to the Vulcans are Cats Big Bang collection. Art will be posted here, on tumblr. A masterpost will be shared on this account, linking to both the fic and the art. On posting day, you will be allowed to share your creations on other platforms.
What if I’m a minor and I don’t want to be paired with an adult (or vice-versa)?
During claims, authors will select whether or not they want to work within their own age group, and artists will be asked to respect that while claiming. No one will be forced to work with someone they’re uncomfortable with.
What if I need to drop out of the event?
As long as you drop out before claims, you will experience no penalties. Life often gets in the way, and getting a fic/art done with a deadline can be hard. The important thing is to let us know. If you need to drop out after claims, let us know ASAP so that we can let your artist know they won’t need to get the drawing done and we can assign them a new fic, or so that we can get a pinch hit artist for your author.
I can’t write/draw, can I still participate?
If you’re confident in your ability to spot typos or plot holes, we could always use more beta readers! Other than that, reblogs help spread the news, so that more people can participate!
Is there a minimum/maximum word count?
The minimum is 1,000 words. We want to keep the barrier for entry as low as possible. There is no maximum word count, and we would gladly accept novel-length fics!
Can I write more than one fic?
Yes! You only need to sign up once, but you will need to check in with every fic individually. We may put a cap on the amount of fics a single person can participate with according to how many people submit multiple and how many artists we end up having. No matter what, you can only go through claims with no more than one unfinished fic, to avoid having artists left with art but no fic to post with.
Can I write a multi-chapter fic?
Yes, multi-chapter fics are welcome, but the entire fic needs to be posted on your posting date.
Does the fic need to be a new one?
Yes. We will have a collection available to any fics you have written in the past which fit the theme of this bang, but only new fics will get art and be shared in the main collection. If any part of the fic has been previously posted we won’t accept it for this event.
Fics for this bang can be sequels, but should be able to stand on their own. Epilogues and sequels can be written and added after the bang, but should not be necessary for understanding and enjoying the fic.
Is there anything (ship, series, theme, ect.) that isn’t allowed in fics for this bang?
This is a multi-ship, all-series event, and as such, all Star Trek series are welcome. We don’t accept incestuous or pedophilic ships, but other than that, everything goes. Adult themes, whether sexual, violent, or triggering in nature, need to be properly tagged and should follow AO3 guidelines.
Other than that, please write in English, as pairing you with an artist who speaks the same language could be difficult.
Are crossovers allowed?
Crossovers between different Trek shows are allowed, but crossovers with other, unrelated media are not.
What about AUs?
Absolutely! If the best way for your Vulcan to be a cat is in an alternate universe, go for it!
What about OCs?
OCs are allowed, but they shouldn’t be the focus of your fic. Keep in mind that you will be working with an artist who is most likely unfamiliar with your OCs.
Is Explicit content allowed?
Yes, but you must be over 18 to create it, and you’ll be required to work with an artist who is over 18. If, by claims, you’re uncertain whether or not your fic will be explicit, you will be asked to select that it is.
How much control do I have over the art?
None - this isn’t a commission, and you’re not paying your artist(s). If the artist asks, feel free to offer your input, but don’t expect anything.
Do I need a beta reader?
Beta readers are a requirement for every fic in this event. We have signed up beta readers, but you can get your own, as well. You will be asked to credit them in the notes of your fic and on the tumblr masterpost.
Can I be a solo author?
For those of you who don’t know, a solo author is an author who is not paired with an artist. Yes, we accept solo authors, and authors can switch to the solo track at any point before claims. The benefits being that they have more time to complete their fic.
Can I work with an artist outside the bang?
Yes, but only after the bang is over, and only if your artist(s) agrees. We can’t stop people from making fanart, but reaching out to another artist and asking for it isn’t a great look.
Can I claim more than one fic?
After the first round of claims, if there are any fics left without an artist, you will be allowed to take on an extra, on a first-come first-serve basis. If more people want to take on another fic, we will allow two artists per fic. During the first round of claims, we will ask which artist is willing to share.
What types of art can I make?
We accept digital and traditional art alike, as well as animation, 3D art (both digital and traditional), and comics. Manips, edits, playlists, moodboards, podfics, ect. are not accepted. All art needs to appear completed.
How much art do I need to make?
Depending on the length of the fic, you might need to make more or less art. Fics under 10k will only require one piece, but over it we ask for two pieces. Other than that, create at your discretion.
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rinchfest · 3 years
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Announcing Rinch Fest 2021, a ship week for Harold Finch/John Reese from Person of Interest! This is a low-pressure event meant to encourage the creation of more fanworks for Finch/Reese. Fic, art, gifs, vids, podfic, you name it—all are welcome, as long as they’re Rinch-centric.
Posting for the first Rinch Fest will run from September 24 through September 30, 2021.
Day One Fix-it • Tropes • Setting/Genre-Change AU • Hugs
Day Two Angst • Wedding/Engagement • Retirement • Clothes
Day Three Food/Drinks/Cooking • Pets/Animals • Fluff • Established Relationship
Day Four Domesticity • Dark • The Machine • Getting Together
Day Five Reese Whump • Pining • Babies/Kids • Crossover
Day Six Finch Whump • NSFW/Kink • Canon-divergence AU • Casefic
Day Seven Free-for-All/Catch-Up Day
Keep reading for the FAQ!
Who's running this? @argylepiratewd
Why not call it Rinch Week? It started out as Rinch Fest on The Rinch Loft on Discord, and that's what stuck.
Plus, Rinch Fest and Reese & Finch share the same initials.
What’s allowed? Complete fanworks focusing on Harold Finch and John Reese in a romantic relationship with each other. Fic, art, vids, remixes, sequels, you name it! No length requirements, no style requirements, all ratings allowed—do what you want!
Anything not allowed? Works where Finch/Reese is not the primary romantic relationship (additional ships are fine), works that are incomplete at the time of posting, and remixes or other transformative works for other people's fanworks that are done without the original creator’s permission. Anything else is fair game, as long as it’s labeled.
Also, don’t be a jerk.
What about [insert controversial topic here]? Can I make something with x?/OMG someone made something with x! Anything else is fair game, as long as it’s labeled. This includes works featuring tropes and kinks that you may not like or approve of. As long as it’s warned for, it’s fine and allowed.
Please warn for the usual AO3 warnings (Major Character Death, Graphic Violence, Rape/Non-Con, and Underage) and any subjects others may find deeply unpleasant, and clearly label any NSFW works.
What about poly? Gen? Poly and gen are wonderful, but this is a (shippy) Finch/Reese event. Sorry.
What do I do with x prompt?/Can I do [insert concept here]? Anything goes! Seriously, however you want to interpret a prompt is fine. Retirement could be happy retirement for the guys, it could be John still grappling with the CIA’s version, or something else. Pets/Animals could be Bear or a new pet, John petting Harold's hair or belly or booty, someone turning into an animal, or something else. Kids could be human children (born or unborn) or goat children. Dark could be dark concepts or literal darkness or something else. Your choice!
Do I have to make something for every prompt? No! You can if you want, but it’s not required. Feel free to skip days, combine prompts, create multiple fills for each day, anything! This is as flexible as it gets.
If it fits multiple prompts, when do I post it? Whatever day works best for you!
What if I want to do something NSFW for another prompt? Do I have to wait until Day Six to post it? Nope!
What about a multi-chapter/piece thing where each chapter fulfills one day’s prompt? When do I post that? Post an update each relevant day until you’re done! (Just make sure you can finish it by the end of the event.)
What if it doesn't fit a prompt? That's what Day 7 is for! :D
What if I need to post my fill(s) on a different day? Life happens. The AO3 collection is set to Unrevealed, so I can reveal early submissions on the right day, but if that doesn't work for you, I'm sure we can work something out.
Can I work on a previously-posted WIP? As long as it’s finished when you make your post for the event, sure! If you're just updating a WIP without finishing it, no.
Can I start working now? Absolutely! That's why I'm announcing it now—so there's plenty of time for people to make things.
Can I talk about/share previews of what I’m working on? Sure!
Wait, there's a Rinch Discord server? Do I have to join to do this? Of course not. We’d love to have you at The Rinch Loft, and it’s a fun place to hang out, but Rinch Fest is for anyone into Rinch.
If I want the Discord link… Send in an Ask, message @argylepiratewd, or ask around. It’s open to anyone who likes Rinch or Person of Interest. I’m happy to give it out to anyone who wants it.
Where do I post? On Tumblr, post to your blog and use the #rinchfest21 or #rinchweek21 tags. You are They are being watched. 👁 And maybe add @rinchfest in your post to be sure. Tumblr is as hungry as Bear and Shaw.
Submissions are also open.
On AO3, there’s a Rinch Fest 2021 collection here.
Do I have to have a Tumblr? AO3? As long as you’re on some kind of platform and can get a link to the work to me somehow so I can share it with the world, you’re welcome to play.
On October 1st, I'll make a round-up post full of links to all the shiny things people made. If I know you made it, it'll go in!
What time zone? The daily prompt posts will be going up at 12 am Central Time, but as long as it's the relevant day for your fill somewhere in the world, go ahead and throw it in!
(And if you want to sneak in some Day 7 things a little after, as long as they get posted before the Master Post goes up... 😉)
How do I post? There's an early posting guide here! Those instructions should be mostly applicable if you posting on the day that goes with your chosen prompt as well—just adjust them as needed.
Sounds fun! How do I sign up? No signups! Just post your stuff somewhere on the right day(s), and you’re in!
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jinterlude · 4 years
Mik’s Follow Forever
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↳ Resource Credits: Seokjin | Floral PNG 
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Hi and hello everyone! Wow. Can we just take a moment to appreciate that we survived the shit storm that is 2020? Ranging from the pandemic to politics to social injustice happening around the world, we manage to stay resilience to the say the least. With that said, I wanted to finally acknowledged that I hit a big milestone as of November (?) or was it September (?) [I don’t even know anymore LOL😂]! Before I get into my letters underneath this cut, I wanted to say from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for following me! Even though, I post once in a blue moon, and my blog is run on queue 24/7, you still hit that follow button! For that, thank you so much for giving my blog a chance, whether it’s for the multi-fandom content I reblog or my very own creations, something made you stay 💙 Alright let’s get to the personal letters 💌 
To Jey @softjeon : 
Jey. Honestly, where do I begin with you? The End. Just kidding! Damn. I can’t believe you’re one of my oldest friend on this website. We have had our ups and downs, but our friendship always manages to come out strong in the end. You and I always manage to be on the same wavelength in terms of story telling, talking about everything and anything, or just shooting some random ass, extreme ideas that manage to go to the WIP pile in our brains. While, we do not talk as frequently as we used to (I blame school + internship on that part), I just know that I can always go to your DMs whenever I need someone to talk to or if I want to randomly bug you. You my hardworking queen is a force to reckon with, and I am forever in awe of your work ethics. Like who can simultaneously run 20+ blogs? You. That’s who. Granted, knowing you, there’s some tears and sweat (mainly tears with that), but the finished product is worth it in the end. I honestly can’t wait for the day when we have our own apartment, and we can just sit in silence in our living room couch with our fur babies. Can’t wait to see what 2021 has in store for you and know that I’m cheering you on every step of the way (whether it is in silence or vocally). Love you, Queen Jey! 
Your first wife, Kimi 
p.s. thank you for giving/helping me with the idea of creating KWW and creating our seasonal themed headers (all while promoting girl groups)! Seriously, thank you for being and staying in my life. T-T
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To my fellow BHQ Admin/Mod Team [ @chillingkoo @/guktro @mygsii @dee-ehn @nightowls388 @yoonqiful @taerseok   @btsxdoll @minloop @namluve ​ ]: 
What can I say except this is an amazing team to be part of in terms of Networks? The Head Admins Vivi, Gray, & Renae are like the board of directors that help make sure that the operation runs smoothly. Then, us Admins (Danica, myself, & Daria) are like the VP’s followed by the amazing Mods (Beezy, Penelope, Daija, & Dani) are the Supervisors/Managers of each division. What I am going with this business analogy is that BHQ is nothing without the amazing team members that make up the network, and I am grateful to be part of a cohesive team where I truly felt like I was with Gray since the beginning of the network establishment. It is thanks to this network (BHQ) that I learned how to run my own network more smoothly and professionally. I can’t wait to see what 2021 has in store for BHQ. Thank you for being amazing and wonderful people and just being a rock for the members during the major events that occurred throughout this year. You’re the best! 
- Mik
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To my fellow KWW Admin/Mod Team [ @queen-of-himbos​ @atiny-piratequeen​ @sugarcookiesandsins​ @meraki-mark​ @samuelkimz​ ]: 
First, can I say to the fellow admins, thank you for keeping me sane and helping me run this network while I was swamped with school + internship. Forever grateful of both you (Kes) and Fie for being a driving force and keeping the network afloat while I focused on my school work. It is no secret that I had confrontation, so I’m thankful that either Kes or Fie agrees to being the enforcer and messages someone for me T-T Also, Kes, thank you so much for taking over the coding/member page for me all while still doing the queue. I can never say this enough, but thank you for doing that. Fie, thank you for lightly slapping me and keeping me sane whenever I feel quick to jump the gun. You are there to help me see reason and point out things that I overlook a lot. (This is why I have Jey too lol) To my wonderful Queue-tie Pies! Thank you so much for dedicating a few hours out of your day to add content to the queue and keeping our blog alive! KWW is nothing without you amazing mods. I hope you all know that! Let’s kick butt together in 2021!
- Admin Mik 
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To my fellow supportive and loving SIMPS [ @ppersonna​ @jinned​ @sunkissedjk​ @hongism​ @monotape​ @wintertae​ @dreamyhan​ @koophoriia​ @j-sope​ ]: 
First of all, how are you doing on this lovely Wednesday (well it’s Wednesday when I wrote & posted this lol)? I hope each and every one of you are doing fine! I feel bad that I haven’t been in touch lately uwu but I do silently stalk/lurk on the Bangtan University discord server or on your personal blogs (totally not weird whatsoever). I hope you all had a wonderful holiday! Now, simply put, I want to say that I’m thankful that you all came into my life this year. In some shape or form, you made my 2020 incredibly bright and filled with so much inspiration and passion for writing that I honestly believed that I would not get back. Whether it is by joining a collab with you all, simply talking about ideas or just in general, or even screaming about potential AUs, you made me want to write again. For that, I am extremely appreciative of it and know that I will forever be a silent cheerleader for you all! 2021 will be the year I invade your ask box a lot more and just scream how much I love you all! You are all rays of sunshine on this website!
- Owner of Mikdonalds, home of the famous Mikimchi
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To Kat @yeoldontknow​ & Sarah @yehet-me-up​: 
First, long time and no talk! How are my resident EXO wives doing? Are Chanyeol and Junmyeon treating you ladies well? I hope so! Anyway, I honestly can’t not include you two ladies in my Holiday thank you post because how can I not include the two authors I look up to the most on this website. With how you write your characters, the scenery, background information on the reader/OC, you just leave me completely speech less whenever I finish reading your works. Ah, I might start tearing up as I write this section because I just can’t thank God or fate enough for allowing me to meet two of the most beautiful souls on this website. While we do not talk as frequently as we used to, I wanted to let you both know that I hope you had a wonderful Holiday! Whatever 2021 has in store for you both, just know that you have a silent cheerleader in good old CA! 
- Mrs. Kim Kim 
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To every single one of my followers (mutuals or not): 
From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much, again, for following me and just staying with me. For my newly established mutuals, I can’t wait to talk and get to know you all in 2021! Granted, I suck at talking and keeping the conversation going, so I apologize for that. I promise I will be better!! I want more friends, okay! T-T 
TLDR: Let’s kick butt together in 2021! Also, I’m establishing my New Year Goal of that I will become more consistent of writing + posting content. Instead of once every blue moon, it will be once every full moon. See? That’s doable, right? Right?!
- Mik
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system76 · 3 years
System76 Spotlight with Adam Balla
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Welcome to the first of an ongoing series where we get to know some of the amazing people behind System76! This week, we kick things off with one of our newest members, Adam Balla (AKA chzbacon), who has just joined the Marketing Team as our Content Producer. Learn what makes his content creation heart go pitter-patter, and why his electric smoker is his must-have cooking appliance.
When did you first become interested in Linux computer systems?
When my roommate introduced me to Slackware in 1999, he was working as a Linux system admin and he really got me interested in Linux. I was going to the Art Institute of Houston at the time for a Multimedia Design degree, and the thought that you could create your own desktop operating system really appealed to me. I didn’t need to stare at the same old tacky operating system I’d used for years.
I found myself, like many nerds of the era, at a Micro Center in the early 2000s rummaging through the discount software bins, trying to snag up multi-CD Linux distributions. This journey exposed me to several of today’s most popular Linux distros. One of those was SUSE Linux 5.3, of which I still keep the tattered book on a bookshelf as a reminder. I did however finally find my place in the world of Debian, which is where I essentially live today. Honestly not much has really changed other than using Pop!_OS as my main distribution—though like any Linux diehard, I still love to download, test, and sometimes install all the Linux.
When did you start becoming a champion for open source hardware and software?
It was a few years after that. Once I got back from the Art Institute and I was working in the area, we needed a server for the screen printing shop that I worked at. Knowing about Linux at that point, I was able to set up a server using consumer-grade gear that we could store all of our artwork and assets on. Moving forward, I set up a server for the newspaper that I worked at for a decade, which I know is still running to this day. After using Linux in that sort of environment and knowing it was good enough for a business, I knew it was good enough for me and my needs.
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How did you get involved in content creation as a career?
My father was an engineer. When I was young I was always, like most kids, into drawing cars and doodles and cartoons, but I was used to having a drafting table at the house. Computing came around, and my father bought an IBM 486 and one of the original digitizing tablets, and so I got to play around with that. Eventually, he got upset because I was on the computer more than he was, so he bought me an IBM 386 to use.
Around 1995, my dad learned from a coworker about Photoshop. I begged him to get me a copy, and he finally did for Christmas. That’s when I started playing around in Photoshop and really fell into wanting to create for a living. Similar to what my father does, but maybe not as stringent in the decision that I make—no building is going to fall down from my creative process.
And that’s how I got into the whole content creation piece. I created a cover for the album of my high school bands and then started doing work for more local bands. Back then, there were no digital art courses, so I learned a lot by doing and trial/error.
What is your favorite part of the creative process?
Working together as a team during the initial brainstorming process. Going through all of the ideas and details, sometimes writing them down, sometimes not, and even laughing at myself at how ridiculous an idea may sound. I love the process of the very first step. I love to set the vision for the project work from there to turn that vision into reality.
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How did you first learn about System76?
I first learned about System76 through Chris Fisher and Jupiter Broadcasting. I believe they were reviewing the Leopard Extreme in 2012, on what at that time was the Linux Action Show. That’s when I started to look at System 76 and their offerings and wondered if it would be better for me to build my own Linux desktop, or adopt something and support the open source community. It’s been a little while since then, and I’ve always kept my eye on System76. Then with the release of Thelio, that really pushed me to the point of, “Wow, these guys are creating their own beautiful custom chassis and they’re incorporating different materials together. What a beautiful machine.”
I was speaking to my wife (financial advisor) about purchasing one in 2019, and I spoke to Emma and some other people at System76 about my desire for one, and I don’t know how, but Emma encouraged me not to buy one! And then I was given the opportunity to come to System76 for the Superfan event, where I was fortunate enough to be one of a dozen people who were gifted a Thelio desktop. It sits on my desk to this day; I even bought a larger desk just so I could put it up there and see it every day. I really appreciate the humble beginnings of System76, and I’m so glad to finally be a part of this amazing team.
Let's get into that creative brain. What is your favorite viral video and/or ad, and why do you love it so much?
I have a few ads that I like. I’ve always liked Honda’s messaging and their ads.
I like these ads because of the way in which they go through their history and lineage and the way that Honda itself has marketed its products as “People First” products—very similar to when they introduced their motorcycles to the US with their “You meet the nicest people on a Honda,” campaign. I think that was in 1962, so this was during the height of the motorcycle gang craze. Then comes this little Japanese motorcycle company and markets their products in a completely opposite image from the rest of the industry. They dared to be different and it paid off for them. Selling over 100 million Honda Cubs since 1958. Being given the title of most produced motor vehicle in the world.
This may come as a surprise to some, but I also really love the original Orwellian-inspired Macintosh commercial, which only aired once during the 1984 Super Bowl. Created by Steve Hayden, Brent Thomas and Lee Clow. In my opinion, these guys really created disruptive advertising, so much so that the ad still resonates today as much as it did then. While I don’t think you need to incite fear to sell a product, it showed that Apple dared to be different.
I’m not sure what constitutes a viral video these days. I’m not sure if it’s having a billion trillion views or just simply infecting one person who saw your video. One that always gives me a chuckle has to be “News Anchor Laughs At Worst Police Sketch Fail”. The honesty on the anchor's face makes me lose it every time.
When you’re not helping to lead the Open Source revolution, what do you like to do with your free time?
I really like going on walks and taking photos. Photography to me is one of the last honest art forms. What you see really is what you get. I love to tinker and make things, I have a 3D printer that my wife and I purchased as a joint valentine’s gift to each other last year. We started using it right when COVID broke out, so we made around 900 face shields which we distributed to schools, day cares, dentist's offices, anyone who needed one. That’s what we did for about the first 6 months when we first got it. Now, my wife loves to print earrings, for example, and I like to build different fun electronics projects.
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I also love to cook, especially for large groups. I just got done with an Easter Weekend + Birthday celebration where we cooked 100 lbs of crawfish, 10 lbs of pork shoulder, sausage, and boudin (which is basically rice and pieces of pork that have been mixed together with seasonings and then put into a casing like sausage). One of my main requirements actually for a place in Denver is somewhere I can bring my electric smoker. It’s a must-have for any Texan.
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What are you most excited about with your new role here at System76? To help change the computing landscape as we know it today. Into a future where technology is free and open. A world where you're encouraged to break things, fix things, and learn how they work. Aside from changing the world and stuff, I'm really excited to have a chance to work with such an insanely talented group of people.
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pepperonybingo · 5 years
Welcome to the first Pepperony Bingo!
Disclaimer: This is my first time hosting a Bingo or any sort of event for that matter. So if there are a few complications at the beginning please be patient! I’ll try my best to sort out every problem or misunderstanding. Just let me know if you need help or have trouble understanding something!
What is the Pepperony Bingo about: 
The Pepperony Bingo Challenge focuses on, you guessed it, Pepperony and everything involving them! If you decide to join, you will receive a custom made bingo card with 24 Tropes/AUs/Pictures/Quotes etc. + 1 Free Space for you to fill. 
Once you have your card, it is up to you how you want to fill each prompt. This is your card, you do what feels right! The only requirement for your fill is that it somehow involves Tony & Pepper but exactly how, that’s for you to decide.
You can sign up here! Please fill out everything I need to create a bingo card you will enjoy and have fun with.
For the moment, Sign-Ups won’t be closed. You can join whenever you want to. The first set of cards will go out on the 5th of March. Signing up after will still give you the chance to ask for a custom made card, although it might take a bit of waiting on your part. 
Cards will be sent out via Email, Discord or Tumblr - whatever you prefer.
What can you do to fill your card: 
There is a variety of fanwork you can create:
Fics (either 400+ or a 100-word drabble)
Moodboards (2-4 pictures should have an additional 100+ word drabble; 4+ pictures don’t require anything else, though the more the merrier of course!)
Gif Sets
Fan videos
+ whatever else you can think of!
Lastly, the different prompts on your card can be used as you want them to. There is no right way to interpret a prompt - it’s all up to you. 
You do not need to be a specific age to join! However, there is the option between a sfw and a nsfw card. If you want to request a nsfw card, you need to be 18 or older. Please do not lie about your age. If this goes well, I’ll be sure to host this event next year as well. 
IMPORTANT: This event is all about fun! There is no minimum amount of fills you need to do. If you do one fill: great! If you do all of them: amazing! If you do none: that’s fine as well! There is no pressure for anyone to stress over. 
Tony & Pepper don’t have to be the main focus of your fill, though they should show up somehow. They don’t even have to be in a relationship. If you want them to just be friends, that is fine as well. 
If you plan on writing a story, you can only use one fill for it. If it’s a multi-chaptered story, every new chapter can be a different fill. Technically, you could put all 25 fills into one chaptered story!
Furthermore, you can combine fills from different bingos with this bingo as well (as long as the other bingo gives you the same option, of course). 
If you finish your card, you are free to request a new one at any point in time. Also, respect!
Changes to the card: 
If there are prompts on your card that you don’t like, you don’t feel comfortable with or you simply don’t have any inspiration for, you can always contact me via Tumblr or Email to ask for changes. For the moment, it is possible to have 10 prompts changed. You can do so 3 times. 
Pepperony Bingo Discord: 
During the sign-up, you will be asked if you are interested in joining a Pepperony Bingo Discord server. So far, the Discord hasn’t been set up. I’ll get to that once I see if it’s actually wanted or asked for. So if you say that you’d like to join such a server, please be patient while I work on setting it up. 
Posting your fills:
You can post them wherever you want! Whatever platform you want to share your creations on, feel free to do so. 
There will be a collection on Ao3 for this event. If you post it on Tumblr, make sure to tag it with #pepperonybingo2020 and tag @pepperonybingo so I don’t miss your fill and can give it the recognition it deserves! 
If you use one fill for a multi-chaptered story, you can tag it as such with the first chapter. The story might get finished, maybe not - it doesn’t matter.
If you have questions at any point during this event, always feel free to ask! I want this Bingo to make everyone happy and I’d love to help however I can. 
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marvelpolyshipbingo · 5 years
Frequently Asked Questions
Important Info: This is an 18+ event. This is an all ships event. Yes, we have a Discord server. No, you aren’t required to join, but you can if you want to. The AO3 collection can be found here. The primary relationship for your fill must be a poly relationship. Cheating does not count as a poly relationship.
Dates: Posting for the bingo runs from January 1 - September 30.
There will be a new push for sign ups every 3 months. You will have 3 weeks to sign up during each push, but the due date will remain September 30 for all cards issued during these times!
Sign up for a card in December and post anywhere from January - September. Sign up for a card in March and post anywhere from March - September. Sign up for a card in June and post anywhere from June - September.
You will have 3 weeks in December, March, and June to sign up for a bingo card. All fills for Round One are due by the end of September.
Special note: If you finish a bingo/blackout and would like another card to work on, that can be requested at any time.
Free space is replaced with a Constellation! Each card will have an image in the center called a Constellation. These will be a collection of dots with lines connecting those dots in various ways. These represent how a poly relationship could function: dots indicating different people and lines indicating that those two individuals are in a relationship. Relationships can be romantic, platonic, or kink based. For further questions about this image prompt, please see “prompt explanation” below.
Prompts Prompts are there for inspiration. They can be followed literally or figuratively. You can adhere to a trope, subvert it, or take it in a new direction. You can look up a definition for a word, or guess at the definition and see what you can create. Prompts can be taken as realistic, interpretive, or just plain weird. Prompts can be at the forefront of the work, in the background, or just the starting point of inspiration.
What does this prompt mean? Whatever you want it to mean. Prompts are there for inspiration.
I don’t understand this prompt. You can Google it or you can make something up and have fun with it. Prompts are there for inspiration.
My prompt is a quote. Is it required that a character say that? No, it can be whatever you want: the title of the fic, the background words in an art piece, the overall concept of a piece, a song list where the titles spell out the quote, and so on. Get creative if you want to! Or just have a character say the quote if you want to! Prompts are there for inspiration.
I picked Hard Mode… Why would you make ___ a prompt? Shhh, don’t ask questions. Just go with it. We believe in you.
What are the event dates? Posting begins January 1, 2020, and the event runs until September 30, 2020. You may post fills any time during this period. We will have an Ao3 collection to add your works to and if you share them on Twitter or Tumblr, please tag us (@marvelpolyshipbingo) to make sure we see your post.
When do I get my card? A unique Bingo Card will be issued within one week of sign-up. If you do not receive a card within 1 week of signing up for a phase, please contact the mod(s) at [email protected] - You may request up to 4 squares changed, and the request must be within a week. 
Can I share my card? Yes! You can share your card on any of your social media, with your friends, or in your servers.
Can I edit my card to cross off my fills? Yes! Feel free to get creative with that and post updates on any of your social media, with your friends, or in your servers.
What happens if I don’t get a bingo? Nothing! This is a low-pressure event meant for encouraging new poly works. If you don’t manage to complete anything or make a bingo, then nothing bad happens. You can just try, try again (but only if you want to!).
What counts as a bingo? Bingos are any of the following: Rows, diagonals, columns, and/or four corners and the center. If you complete all the squares on your card, you have a blackout! Once you complete a bingo, you may request another one if you would like. You can do this as many times as you would like.
Tell me about blackouts. A blackout is when you fill every square on your card with a unique fill. You are not required to get a blackout in order to request a new card. Once you receive a new card, your previous card is retired from this event, but you can still use the prompts as inspiration if you would like (but they will no longer count as a fill). You cannot combine prompts in order to fill them faster. Each prompt must have its own fill.
What counts as a fill? Each fill must be completed and not posted behind a pay-wall. You can use one square per chapter of a multi-chapter fic if you would like, but each chapter must be a completed fill. If you are creating using other mediums, then we ask each fill be its own post, but they can, of course, be linked together  - 250 is the word count minimum.  - Art is any completed piece.      - Complete is defined as having all the necessary or appropriate parts. Art can be physical or digital and must be your own work. Art can include but is not limited to: sketch, line art, full render images, comic strips, 3D animation, 2D animation, fanvids (including music videos and trailers), photomanips, cell drawings, painting in all forms, sculptures, crafts, full cosplay photography, refracted light “painting”, wood carvings, ice sculptures, a full scale replica of Stark Tower in toothpicks, etc. - Mood boards are a minimum of 9 pictures.  - Playlists need a minimum of ten songs.  - Podfics MUST have the owner’s consent and have it linked on AO3. Additionally, the fic being read must have a minimum of 250 words. - Other creations, ask us and we will let you know what’s considered a fill!  - Collaborations are allowed and we don’t have any additional requirements for such. - Cross-posting for other events is fine and we don’t have any additional requirements for such.
What about cheating? Cheating does not count as poly for this event. For this, the minimum is three people actively and knowingly in a relationship with each other. That said, creations involving cheating are allowed. The cheating just needs to be outside the relationship.     Examples:      - A&B together with C seeing B behind A’s back- NOT poly.      - A&B together, C&B together with A’s knowledge- poly.     - A&B&C all together - poly
Badges: - Same Hat - Full card all one ship - Different Hat - Full card with no repeat ships - Captain on Deck - First to post a ship with your posting format - What A Prize - Bingo - Dark in Here - Blackout - A Rare Gem - if your ship has 2-50 creations within the tag - Wrong Turn - 13 fills with no bingo - Over My Head - bingo using kink prompts but fills involve no sexual activity - Citizens of Asgard - bingo using only Asgardian characters - Cerebro - bingo using only X-Men characters - S.H.I.E.L.D - bingo using only MCU characters (including TV series)  - Inked - bingo using comic verses only - Time Lord - blackout using only AUs and/or crossovers - Literary - blackout using only fic fills - Artistic - blackout using only digital or traditional art - Crafty - blackout using only craft fills - Producer - blackout using only media fills - Stark Tower banner and badge - If you actually build a full scale replica of Stark Tower using toothpicks
Admin Selected Specialty Badges: - Ender - “Rocket Ship” - Ships with Rocket - Vixen - “Locked Up” - A full bingo with smut but no orgasm for at least one person involved - Katie - “Too Much Tea” - Creating a fill that is off the wall for the prompt - Nim - “Et Tu Brute?” - Historical era fill
A couple helpful links:  More than Two Terms: Their Glossary of Terms!
1. Are all ships allowed?  Yes! Just remember: the minimum is three people actively and knowingly in a relationship with each other. These people can be of any gender (or lack of gender — we won’t stop you from writing Groot).
2. Will we be able to fill cards with more than one ship or choose just one for the card? You can fill it out with whatever you want! But we will have badges for ship-specific achievements as well. 
3. Does a symbiote count as part of a ship? So long as the symbiote in question is capable of having an independent personality while with its host and is actively a part of the relationship, then yes. (Remember, not all symbiotes are as developed in personality as Venom and Carnage.)
4. Do androids/life model decoys/intelligent fauna count as part of a ship? - So long as they are capable of having an independent personality, have some form of communication, and you can sell it, then yes.
5. Can I use MCU/Sony/comics/cartoons/alternate-earth canon? Yes! You can use any canon form, or mixed canon.
6. Does selfcest count as part of a ship? Yes, so long as the duplicate/s remains as a consistent part of the relationship.
7. Can I do a crossover? Yes, so long as the majority of the primary relationship contains Marvel characters.
8. Can I use Original Characters? Yes, so long as the majority of the primary relationship contains Marvel characters.
9. Can I collab with someone? Collaborations are allowed and we don’t have any additional requirements for such.
10. I’m in multiple bingos. Can I cross-post if it fulfills the requirements of both bingos? Yes. Cross-posting for other events is fine and we don’t have any additional requirements for such.
11. Cheating doesn’t count as poly, but cheating is a prompt! A minimum of three people that are actively and knowingly in a relationship counts as poly for this bingo. If your work starts with cheating but there is a significant amount where all involved are in a relationship, then that is allowed. If someone or multiple people within a relationship are cheating outside of the relationship, then that is allowed.
12. Who are the mods? Your ringleaders are:
Vixen13 Tumblr: ThatVixenChick Twitter: The_Vixen13 Discord: Vixen#4083 AO3: Vixen13
GeekMom13 Tumblr: GeekMom13 Twitter: GeekMom2013 Discord: GeekMom13#5370 AO3: GeekMom13, DefendersofMCUniverse 
343EnderSpark Tumblr: 343EnderSpark Twitter: 343EnderSpark AO3: 343EnderSpark
Nimohtar Tumblr: Nimohtar AO3: Nimohtar
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minrcrafter · 6 years
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Quasi SMP [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{17+}{Whitelist}{1.13.1}
Hey there,
Quasi SMP is a 17+, whitelisted Minecraft server established July 2018. Most of our player base is from Europe and USA, however, we also have a few Aussies and fellow South Africans.
Since we are a small, close-knit community, we typically have around 4-6 players online, around 8-15 during peak times and even more during special events and would love to have you join us in our very community-minded MC world.
What you get with us/Perks:
Your base is protected from griefing. - No need to worry if you're going to wake up one morning to find your base ruined. It doesn't work like that here! Staff is always just one message away, ready to help out and restore any damage should it happen in an unlikely event.
You are protected from unfair trades/stealing from your shop. - Staff regularly checks every shop to ensure the fairness of trades.
Newer Map! - Since we have started in July, our map has not been explored fully, so you can still go and find all the interesting bits and bobs that suit your play-style. That being said, we do have some infrastructure set up such as various player shops, a mending book shop, enderman and guardian farms, so for all of you builders out there, we’ve got you covered! We are planning on building even more farms and community-oriented builds and would love it if you shared the experience with us.
Multiple new advancement trees
No enderman griefing - Our community has managed to strike a deal with endermen, so they don’t steal our stuff
All mob heads obtainable - We all love having a trophy room, right?
One player sleep
Custom prefixes (ask Sin1ster!)
Go Exploring! - The world is adequately sized with no border currently set which allows for plenty of room for exploration and contains a vast variety of unique biomes! Feel free to claim an area or two, or five, to call your own or take the time to get out there and explore for whatever it is you're looking for, whether it's a specific biome or just a really cool landscape with an awesome view of the setting sun. If you find something cool, let us know!
Quick Travel - We all know how difficult it is to have to walk thousands of blocks to visit a friend’s base, or trade, which is why the community has installed an outstanding nether hub transportation system that allows for very fast travel using ice and boats, or jumping, or even minecarts to get where you need to go. You can quickly get from one end of the map to another in mere minutes.
Active Discord - so that you don't have to worry about typing "Creeper" when one is barreling right for your friend and flashing. ssSsSSsSsS BOOOOOM!!! We all love hanging out in Discord all day long too and sharing interesting stories, jokes, builds, server screenshots and the dankest of memes in our #memes-cave channel. That being said, we support each other when things go south and serious too, so you can think of it as one big, multi-continental family!
Server Owner and Staff that play the game just like you do. - One of the largest complaints seen about other servers is immature staff. You won't find that here since we all know the line between staff duties and being a player so our powers are not abused. The individuals in our Staff team are hand picked, mature persons who know how to conduct themselves in a professional manner whenever needed.
There is always a community-minded build, contest, game, or special event that is occurring. - We have held build contests, theater events, treasure hunting contests, trivia, and other assorted events. Hey, we are currently having a Halloween Skin Contest with some sick prizes!
Community Logbook. Ever joined a server and had no idea what has been done or where to go? Don't worry about that here with us. The entire community maintains a spreadsheet that will help you get started, point to the locations of interest, plugin commands, farm locations, pvp rules and arenas and how to access them, etc. Plus you also get a tour when you join to show you the important things so you'll know what's what.
Quasi Journal. Nothing showcases our community better than a journal of all the important, weird and outright funny occurrences on the server than the Quasi Journal. Come take a look for yourself here.
Be Yourself! Nothing says be yourself than hanging out on Discord and chatting with everyone while chilling in our music channel (plays songs for everyone simultaneously).
No malicious activity which includes griefing, hacking, or theft across the entire map.
If you see a chest that you haven't placed, it is to be considered not yours and left alone. - Taking from the chest will result in a ban from the server.
Player mods that defeat the challenge of playing on a semi-vanilla server are not allowed. An example would be running an x-ray mod or modified resource pack for direct access to ores.
Players are encouraged to lend a helping hand and to do things together like exploring, building, working on large-scale projects, etc. We get that sometimes it's cool to be solitary, but we're trying to avoid the lone ranger types that just go off and you never see them again. Why bother playing Multiplayer?
Be mature (as in, the opposite of immature, not meaning mature as in Rated-R mature) and remember the golden rule, do unto others and you'd have them do unto you. We are all about a positive experience on Quasi SMP and any negative behavior (aside from tasteful pranks) will result in you being banned. We run on a strict one-strike-you're-out policy which applies to staff as well.
Chat away. Here, you can be "adult" if you'd like, but we do expect from you to know when the line of oversharing is crossed.
Server Specifications (Great Performance guaranteed!)
Located in top-tier Dallas, Texas data center
RAM: 8 Gigabytes
Disk: 250 GB SSD
Server connected to the web through a Gigabit connection.
Additional Information
We conduct surveys periodically to continuously drive for improvement on Quasi SMP.As anything in life, our community is always striving for improvements, so we are always keeping an ear open and a pen and paper so to speak nearby to write down all the ideas on how we can advance as a community
Here’s a few words from some of our players about Quasi SMP and why the community was made:
“I created Quasi to nurture a place for creativity and therapy. A place where you can meet people and play with them consistently. A place where you know you can belong.” -Sin1ster, founder of Quasi SMP
"I wanted to join an SMP because of the 1.13 update and saw this and got hooked instantly. The people are very friendly, supportive and it's nice to meet new people from all over the world." -ChipsNotFries
"Sin1ster being a good friend of mine obviously had some effect on why I wanted to join but I knew from the very beginning that this would be a successful server. From Sin1ster having other successful servers in the past and the way he interacts with the players, I was sure that this server was going to be great. Now 10 weeks in I can happily say that this is a great place to be with friendly players and helpful staff." -BantaBuilds
"I just love the server, it’s really fun, full stop." -Effan
"I'd been wanting to be part of an SMP for a while, and the 1.13 update seemed like a perfect time to go looking for one. When I found Quasi, it seemed like the perfect opportunity. The people are friendly, and everyone is equal, which is something that seems missing from many SMP servers." -MultiBanana
“Was looking for a nice and cozy minecraft community where I can meet new friends and as soon as I saw Quasi SMP, I felt like I no longer had to look anywhere else. Application process was blazing fast, I think that after an hour of applying, I was in game and having my first tour of the place. Few weeks in, and I can say that I feel welcome and like I belong somewhere...like a family really. If you’re looking for a place where you can simply feel at home, look no further!” -AlWolf
"I sound unorignal chose Quasi SMP because it seemed very fun and because I enjoy servers where you can play at your own pace and don't need to worry about your stuff being gone."
Interested in Joining Quasi SMP?
If you are 17 or older, we are thrilled that you’ve decided to give us a chance and we promise to not disappoint!
If you’re interested just find and message, on Discord, AlWolf#7683 [GMT+2] (he’s on discord 24/7 - we really don’t know how he manages this, some even say he’s an Ai) or Liam Is The Name#4535 [GMT+1] (if the Ai...I mean, AlWolf isn’t online), alternatively you can join our Discord server here to go through the process of getting whitelisted.
Thank you for reading over this post and we hope that you are interested to come check us out and join a community of like-minded gamers with talent!
We are super excited to be able to provide a great environment for you to play without worry of your creations being wrecked and we'd like to see you develop and cultivate your skills together with us. Whether you are a newbie or an experienced Minecraft player, we'd love to have you be involved with our community.
Thanks again!
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