#every time i think i'm starting to have a good grasp on bsd i read back on something and get whiplash once again
originalaccountname · 5 months
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there is so much to unpack in such a little excerpt. This is from the exchange between Mori and Oda near the start of Dark Era.
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xokohaneazusawa · 2 months
HEY!! sending in the matchup as promised!!
i'll give you some freedom when it comes to fandoms. you can match me up with anyone from HSR or BSD (not both, just pick one lmao. just giving you some freedom)
so obviously i kinda have a few names but usually i go by yugen and any pronouns!! i don't have a preference on characters but i'm assuming this is romantic so like... obviously no kids because that'd be weird.
uhh i really like reading and writing ofc. i'm a big collector so i like to collect a lot of figures. i also really like darker aesthetics when it comes to fashion. i also really like psychology because i think it's interesting. idk why i'm struggling to list out what i like tbh. I LIKE TO COOK AND BAKE TOO!!
dislikes... i don't really like bugs, mostly the massive ones like... why do they exist... i also tend to dislike people who think everything revolves around them. really annoying type yk...
hobbies i guess i already listed but i think you have a good grasp of my personality since we yap so much... i'm an INTJ though! and a september virgo (sun sign). idk if you want the whole list but that's my sun sign.
i'm actually a pretty moody person which i hate to admit but i am. sometimes i get moody and act all bitchy to everyone when there's literally nothing wrong idk... i'm a weird mix of extremely laid back and chill but at the same time i have a short temper.
love languages uhmmm... i really like to give gifts to show people that i love them because i'm not a very touchy person. quality time is also a big one!! from my partner i do like to receive gifts as well and occasionally physical touch.
my appearance is like... basic as hell. i've got glasses and brown eyes & brown hair. i like to paint my nails black if that even matters LMAOO there's nothing notable about my appearance tbh
I think you’d go well with…
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Tecchou Suehiro!
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-> Y'all would be confused together, you probably weren't the best when you first started out, but you knew that you liked him and he liked you and you went from there -> Bro doesn't understand you sometimes, based on some of the things you say and the way that you talk he doesn't always pickup what your putting down and you might have to translate for him to actually understand, he's a little dense sometimes -> Man who can watch ants for 6 hours x person who hates bugs. what a match made in heaven. I'm kidding (partially) doesn't particularly mind very much a 'to each their own' kinda person, you'll just have to eventually tell him that he's been there for quite a bit of time and he'll leave and go do something else, most likely just kinda hanging out with you in a some room if he's not busy -> He probably won't introduce you to Jouno, he knows that you don't like people who have a perspective that things revolve around them and at some points he does kinda act like that, so better to keep you away from people you'll get pissed off at -> Will get confused when all of a sudden you start acting kinda bitchy, thinks it's his fault everytime and will apologize without fail every time, even if it's not his fault. -> Doesn't mind that you're laid back, so is he. He loves just spending some time together doing whatever. Reading? sure. Watching some random show? Sure. He doesn't mind as long as he's with you -> Gets a little surprised everytime you give him a gift, no matter how big or small. He very much appreciates them and when he learns that's how you show your affection he likes them all the more. He has a little basket and stuff with all the things you get him if he can't bring them into the office. But in his office is also a bunch of stuff that either reminds him of you, or things that you got him
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Other potential matchups - Tachihara Michizou and Chuuya Nakahara
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eijunes · 3 years
ooooof yeah, having to go against our natural instincts to eat and sleep the winter away until it gets warm and sunny again is always dreadful. just do what you can, cat❤️
on the bright side, even if it's still cold, at least the winter solstice is coming so the days will slowly start getting longer again!!!☀️ i get so excited about that. it's almost better than christmas😁 do you have any holiday plans??
oh, i get you! still, some more human interaction there; that's always good. sajbksg you know i have considered trying to get a basic grasp of japanese myself just for that purpose so i'm glad it's a workable concept!!! waiting for the english translated vnc chapters is agony
man, the kny animation is out of this world. truly a super solid story all around. i'm not sure if you kept watching it, but were there any characters you really liked??
ohhhh bsd yay!!!!! it's so fun. i could see dazai and atsushi being cute, though i'll admit i get more of a platonic read there personally💗 vanoé gives me theeeee biggest brainrot istg; i'm glad i'm not the only one suffering SBDKJABG. good choices for hq characters too!!! gon and killua are so precious yesss. hak and yona are adorable as well!!! i've been meaning to read the manga for ages but haven't yet— would you recommend it?? no.6 is so good!! ahhh reading the light novels would be a good idea hmm.
^^ all of this is absolutely a good starting point💕💕
i have noticed some pastel/blacks yes lol. it's very aesthetic!! i have a few ideas for what to make for you, but it's still percolating.
question time since spotify wrapped dropped a few days ago: what music do you like to listen to?? and is there anything you're really looking forward to next year?(ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
i hope you're feeling better after your booster!— animanga secret santa
hello!! yes, winter solstice, please come soon! but it's been snowing a bit here for the last few days so at least it's not so gloomy anymore and the world seems a little brighter ❄️
I don’t really have any exciting plans for holidays, covid is going wild over here (god, I hope we’re finally at the peak of this wave) and my sister is immunocompromised due to some medical treatments she had this year so I'm not sure if I'll even see some of my closest family members in person. but as long as we can take some rest, I'll be happy 😊 do you have any plans?
japanese is not as scary as it looks! actually, most of the stuff I know I learned through free apps like duolingo or lingodeer, so I really recommend to check some out if you ever decide that you want to learn some basics. but I knooow, the official translation of vnc chapters comes out quite quickly but it still feels like forever. reading monthly mangas is pain sometimes 😭
about kny, once I passed the halfway mark I kinda binged almost the whole rest of the first season! tanjiro is so kind-hearted and good, I love him 🥺 together with zenitsu and inosuke they are a riot, they made me laugh so hard sometimes. and nezuko is so so precious too! I’m always weak to sakurai takahiro’s voice so I kinda hope to see more of giyuu later, but all of the hashira seem very interesting and I’m excited to get to know them more 👀 it’s a really good cast of characters and I’m really happy that I finally watched this!
my vanoe brainrot lessened a bit when there was a break in chapters but when I first caught up with the manga, I think I read every single fic that existed at that point 😅 I always get overly invested in the happiness of self-destructive fictional men who think they don’t deserve to be loved so this is my favourite type of ship. they have so many wonderful scenes and don’t even get me started on the current manga events 😭😭
tbh I fell a bit behind on akayona manga but the events covered in the anime are only the beginning and there’s so much more of the story after that. once yona gathers all the dragons they travel all around the country and help with local problems, get in conflicts and wars and meet more interesting characters and I do recommend it a lot! it’s a great story with a well-written female character at the front
no.6 light novels are just... I have no words. it’s so much more than the anime adaptation, the manga thankfully was more true to the original material, but nothing beats the light novels. the narration is incredible and every sentence is so beautiful. there’s only a fan translation online but it’s so well done it’s incredible that someone did that for free. I have some posts with quotes somewhere on my blog, here and here if you want to get a taste. I kinda want to reread them again, maybe over christmas. they kind of have this wistful winter vibe for me :’) 
my top #1 artist this year was dotan, I knew him a bti before but he dropped a new album this year and I played it on repeat the whole year. I don’t know how to explain his vibe, it’s kind of melancholic and atmospheric I guess? try this song
and my other discovery this year was a band called world’s first cinema and they make songs with an epic feeling like in movie trailers, often about supernatural creatures. I listened to their interview once and they called their style vampire trailer music 😄 try “the woods”
I love the fact that my most listened artists each year are usually new discoveries of mine so I’m excited for all the new music I will discover next year! please send some of your favourites too, even if you listen to something vastly different!! 💛
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Hey! Matchup for BSD and SnK please, if you get this in time? I have long black hair, bangs, and black eyes, and olive-toned skin with all sorts of scars. I'm about 5'3", female, INTP Scorpio. I'm quiet around most people, but not 'shy', just reserved, but according to my friends I can be quite flirty even with those I don't know well. I'm told that I speak extremely politely, but somehow playful and callous at the same time. [R anon 1/4]
[R anon 2/4] Since I spend most of my time introspecting or thinking, I can generally read situations/people fairly well. Sometimes emotions interfere with my perception, but I’m too proud to admit it. Even though I understand where just about anyone is coming from, I most often choose the tough love approach. Rather than guiding someone, I’ll try and behave in a way which would require them to act on the problem themselves. Though I do get resentful and detached easily, if I feel indebted
[R anon ¾] to someone, I’ll be their ride-or-die. When I’m comfortable, I can be rather melodramatic and nonsensical, so I’m told that it’s actually harder to approach me when I’m happy than when I’m not. Even though I consider myself independent and unconventional in most senses, I see myself as a ‘traditional’ partner and taking the submissive role in a relationship. My personality kind of flips when I’m with a partner, I become almost overly affectionate and very giving.
[R anon 4/4] I’d be much more transparent/vulnerable, so I’d require a good bit of reassurance. I would also probably trust my partner’s judgment over my own, unless my intuition was particularly strong. I’m a writer, a novelist primarily but I try to dabble in everything. I also love art, designing, old cinema, and philosophy, and yeah, that’s pretty much it! Any gender is fine with me, thank you very much!
Hello, R Anon-san! I hope you enjoy your matches!
Bungou Stray Dogs - Nakajima Atsushi
Atsushi often hangs around you because of the air you give off - he’s able to tell you’re friendly and open, especially after watching you interact with the others around the office. He often asks you questions about protocol, but with everything else, you try to get him to work the problem out. There are times when he fails to succeed so you help him, but most of the time, he manages to get it. He still asks you for advice to get a few hints and it’s usually enough for him to get the job done. He doesn’t realize your interactions with him are flirty nor does he perceive them to be. The others in the agency let him carry on as normal without giving any hints away.
At the beginning, he relies on you heavily during investigations since he doesn’t have a good grasp over the basics yet. You do your best to teach him and you let him take the lead whenever possible. When the case requires an absurd amount of attention, you try to lighten the mood, but this doesn’t always work because Atsushi takes you too seriously. He prefers trusting your judgment over his own because of your expertise in reading people. He doesn’t hesitate to point out places where you’re wrong though, although it takes him a while to get to that point. From this, the two of you build a shaky but trusting relationship.
In your downtime, Atsushi enjoys taking you around Yokohama to see the sights and drown you in ochazuke. He’s also your beta reader and editor of the sorts for your novels, and he’s great at bouncing ideas with. He has a fondness for books so the two of you often stay up late discussing literary works and getting into debates about them, but you win every time since you always slip philosophical quotes into your arguments. You teach him the beauty of art and he shows you the greatness of cats. Every time there’s something you want to do with him, Atsushi will have the chance to indulge you one of his favorite hobbies. The two of you try to create a balance together.
As the relationship deepens, you allow Atsushi to call most of the shots and you simply follow along. He still asks for your opinion on everything and making sure you’re all right with whatever you’re doing. He doesn’t confess his feelings for a long time despite his affections toward you being as obvious as Dazai’s suicide attempts. The rest of the agency coerces him to confess and he chooses to do so in a secluded area away from unwanted attention. He’s in love with you and if you’re willing, he’d want to spend the rest of his life with you.
Attack on Titan - Mikasa Ackerman
The gap between you and Mikasa starts off incredibly huge, but this is mostly because of her own bond with the rowdiest cadet among the corps. Your shy nature often pushes you to the background, but with your perceptiveness, you’re able to stand out in your own way. You befriend everyone else before making your way to Mikasa, but even then, she doesn’t quite acknowledge you as a comrade because she doesn’t know you as well as she knows the others. After you work with Armin to plot a route as an assignment, she begins to recognize your tactical mind.
You’re able to indulge Mikasa in her views about the world by referring philosophical texts and stories to her. She isn’t much of a reader but a listener, so whenever there’s time to relax, she enjoys sitting beside you while you read aloud. The two of you might appear to have a blooming friendship, but most of the time, you two are on opposite ends of an argument. Both of you often adopt the tough love persona, which usually results in heated debates and the occasional fight. All is forgiven at the end though because Mikasa knows better than to linger over something insignificant.
Both of you are quite trusting of one another. Her observations often vary from your own, but your tactics come in handy at times too. She enjoys taking you outside to explore the area as well as train until your arms fall off. In return, you sit her down inside and get her to read your works in progress or even old texts you found interesting. She often takes the lead in the relationship, but you don’t mind it much. Whenever there’s a moment of hesitation, Mikasa knows exactly what to say to encourage you to move on and continue.
Love is a strange emotion for Mikasa so it takes her a while to figure out what feeling she has for you. When the others help her spell it out, she’s able to confess her feelings for you and she’s content with whatever you decide to settle on.
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