#every time i write him he picks some new completely random and functionally meaningless thing to have a deep-seated opinion on
jellydragons · 2 years
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i’ve come to a very important realisation about Legend as a person
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Meeting and Dating Dwayne
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(Not my gif)(Requested by like three anonymous askers)
(Sorry if these suck its hard to write for someone who has like no lines)
- You met Dwayne on the boardwalk, the only place anyone has a chance of actually seeing the vamps. Laddie had ran past and knocked the bag out of your hands. As you were picking up everything that had spilled out, two more hands came to help you.
- When you looked up, voila, there he was in all his glory. You realized the boy was with him after he turned around and told him to apologize. You brushed off the apology with a smile, thanked the man and quickly retreated back into the crowd nervously.
- Dwayne decided that he needed to have you the moment he watched you practically run from him, a flustered look on your face and the sound of your quickened heartbeat racing in his ears.
- The two of you bump into each other again later that night.
“...Hi.” He’s never been much of a talker has he.
- The two of you share a small laugh and talk for a little bit before you have to go. As you go to walk off, he stops you and asks if you’d like to go out with him sometime. Because you’re a normal person with a functioning brain, you obviously agree to see him again. 
- He takes you to the movies because he doesn’t trust his people/conversation skills. He’s somewhat shy when it comes to new people, especially when he’s alone with them and they’re as pretty as you. You take notice of the fact but to you, it’s kind of sweet and endearing. It’s nice to think that you have some sort of effect on the man who looks like he’s jumped straight out of a magazine.
- You guys keep looking over at each other more interested in the beauty beside you than the actual movie. You end up making out after thirty minutes of “watching” the film. It’s hard not to make out with someone who is just so kissable but I digress
- After that you continue to see each other. You would kiss and all that but he would also sometimes disappear for a day or two and sometimes more with no warning leaving you wondering if he was alive or not or if he really cared about you.
- You guys never put a label on what you had so you didn’t feel like you could really say anything about it or demand to know where he was going. You had fun with him when you did see him so you just tried to enjoy the time you spent with him and told yourself that you you guys weren't serious and that you shouldn't waste your time thinking about “what you guys are”.
- That is until your friends ask about him and whether you’re dating him or anyone else, you can’t exactly say you are since you don’t know so they try and set you up with someone else.
- Dwayne comes to visit you while you’re getting ready for your date and it’s obviously awkward when you have to explain where you’re going and why you’re so dressed up.
- You guys start to argue after he gets angry and when your date comes he straight up goes to the door and tells him to get the fuck off the property before closing the door and pulling you into a kiss.  
“I don’t know if you were confused or what but you’re mine. So you never pull that shit again or else I’ll do more then just scare them away.”
- He’s not entirely romantic but you can’t complain, not many guys are but at least you can say Dwayne has his moments.
- He’s a bit temperamental. He’s quick to anger but hides it behind his usual stoic expression although now you’re an expert at spotting when his body tenses up and his jaw clenches. 
- Jealous as hell, Paul makes fun of him for it and uses it against him when he’s bored and wants some entertainment.
- Though guys don’t really dare try to flirt with you anymore considering your brooding boyfriend is always behind you or at your side but there’s always a time when you’re “alone” and a guy will approach.
- You’ll be talking to a random guy in a completely polite and platonic manner while Dwayne’s watching on like a hawk as per usual. Paul will them proceed to stroll up beside him and trie to start shit.
“Damn do you see the way he’s looking at her Dwayne?”
“What are you talking about Paul?”
“Well man I’m just saying I would never let a guy look at my girl like that. I’d punch the guys lights out but obviously you’re more patient, trusting ... or just dumb.”
- He probably ends up fighting the guy later because Paul provoked him. You have to sit down and scold Paul because he knows damn well what he did.
- If you work a night shift he is always visiting you, he says he’s just hanging around the boardwalk and decided to drop by.
- You probably find out that he’s a vampire like months into the relationship. He probably doesn’t even tell you, you find out from him baring his teeth at some drunk guy who smacked your ass.
- You spend the rest of the night inspecting his face and teeth while he tries to explain it. He’s kind of scared that you’ll decide you can’t be with him because of the whole vampire thing. 
- Intense and rough kisses, he either holds your face or your neck when you kiss.
- He’ll never admit it but he lets out soft moans when you kiss.
- It’s a very intimate and heavy experience, he’s one hell of a kisser and can get you to the point where you feel addicted to him.
- Motorcycle rides, he grabs your ass when he’s helping you onto his bike.
- Night time beach dates with bonfires. You cuddle into his side and watch the stars while listening to the crackling of the fire.
- He loves playing with your hair while you guys lay together, you can hear the slight jingle of his bracelets as his hand moves around your head.
- Wearing his jewelry, he’ll sometimes tell you to keep it when he sees the look on your face when you put it on and the way it looks on you. 
- Head kisses, usually right at your hairline or on the top of your head. 
- Finger guns
- Constant winking
- He’s like shirtless 24/7. Does he own a shirt? You don’t know.
- It’s sometimes annoying because girls ogle the hell out of him (who wouldn’t). He giggles in a manly way when you get jealous, he thinks it’s the cutest thing in the world when you usher him away from girls
 “You know I only like you baby.”
- He’d let you put makeup on him. He wears eyeliner himself and is surprisingly good with makeup.
- He also likes doing your makeup, he loves that he can be so close and have an excuse to touch and look at your face.
- You’re usually the one who initiates any affection. He does actually love when your touching on and kissing him especially when you do it to try and cheer him up. 
- He feels like he can let his guard down around you and open up more than he ever has with anybody.  
- He has never really felt this way about anyone else and he tells you this every so often.
- It’s his way of saying I love you but with more meaning.
- He feels like ‘I love you’ is really cliche and meaningless a lot of the time but if you want to say or want him to he will.
- You’re one of the things that makes him smile the most.
-  His laugh can heal people.
- Loves when you straddle him and kiss his jaw and neck. 
- Since he likes it so much he does the same thing to you. You can’t say that you don’t like it because lets be honest you do. A lot.
- Husky whispers in your ear or while your faces are close together.
- Little gifts from street vendors, you have a little key chain with your initials on it that he randomly got you one night. 
- Thinks it’s impossible to get and stay mad at you. The instant he sees your sad face or hears an apology he forgives you he just can’t stand to see you upset. 
- Paul teases him for this as well but he once saw you when you were upset and has never felt the same ever since. 
- He can’t stand when your mad at him because he barely sees you as is and if you’re trying to avoid or ignore him how is he gonna spend some quality time with you. He’s very dramatic about this.
- Has literally stood outside your door knocking and calling for you until sunrise where you had to let him in so he didn’t fucking die. You finally talk and he apologizes while your checking that he’s not burnt to shit. 
- You threaten to actually burn him if he ever does that again and he just kisses you; happy that you’ve forgiven him.
- He’s always looking out for you and making sure you’re safe
- He actually likes watching romcoms with you because he can see what you wish a guy would do for you. He takes notes ladies and he’ll become your’re ideal man. 
- He calls you babe, sweetheart and hon.
- Couldn’t care less about stretch marks, he actually prefers them. He thinks they’re cool like they’re some type of tattoo.
- Staying up so you can see him.  He tells you that you should really be sleeping but makes no move to leave or take you home.
- He’s stayed at your house during the day at least once, you spend it cuddled up in a dark room watching movies and enjoying the serenity. 
- You surprise him with a room with blocked out windows and his heart melts when you ask him if it could work. 
- He’s ready to die for you no joke. 
- He mostly tries to keep you away from the guys, he knows they aren’t the safest or most trustworthy company. 
- You are the friendliest with Paul out of all the guys, he’s the most easygoing and least ready to fight or kill you. He’s also borderline the only one Dwayne is slightly okay with you hanging out with.  
- You only really met them because they found out about you and took it upon themselves to come to your work and introduce themselves. Dwayne could actually feel his heart drop when you told him. 
- You don’t get why he doesn’t want you hanging out with them. They were only ever nice to you, slightly threatening but nice. 
- He’s just trying to keep you safe and happy for as long as possible before you have to really make the decision between vampire or human.
- He’s willing to get married but would most likely want a small wedding with only close friends and family. 
- He’s obviously good with kids. He wouldn’t mind stealing one and raising it with you.
- He might not be the easiest to date but he definitely makes it worth the trouble.
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