#everyone I interacted with was very nice and there’s a water fountain and snack machines
problemeule · 1 year
got to see my roomate’s workplace today. would not recommend
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marshmallowfin · 6 years
Marshmallow’s Monster Prom Guide: (Incompete)
Last Updated on: 05/18/2018
So I don’t know if this will help anyone because I’m gay and bad at math and don’t know how stats work in this game but here/s basically what happened to me which playing monster prom. 
Sorted by character, so if you’re looking for an interaction with Scott and Liam it should be under both characters. 
If anything seems unclear or confusing please feel free to message me! I’ll try my best to help! 
SEEN THIS POST: http://marshmallow-wagon.tumblr.com/post/174031514875/marshmallows-monster-prom-question-guide
Miranda Vanderbait
Food poisoning: (Polly/Miranda)
I surely do! It’s entitled “Silver-wear” and it’s where you take your most expensive cutlery and dress it in very fancy tiny outfits. (Miranda)
Yup. It’s called “dying”.
Silverware: (Miranda/Damien)
The fishing knife. (Miranda)
A spoon. What, you need a blade they kill people?
Their own sport: (Liam/Miranda)
Obviously the sport bard assigns inspiration kicks to the metaphysical linebacker, who scores 11 points for each poem he successfully publishes in The Atlantic. Didn't you read the rule book? (NOT SO CREATIVE, -2 fun and -1 bold)
Don’t you see? The points were inside us all along!
A new kind of serf: (Polly/Miranda)
Ooh, Miranda, you should get a puppy surf! It’s not an actual serf —  dogs! (Miranda <3)
You should get a party serf,Polly! A surf to experience your hangovers for you!
Inventing new silverware: (Miranda/Scott)
The salad harp.
Hands. (Scott <3)
Damien La Vey
DamienXLiam fanart: (Damien/Liam)
What the fuck is this? This fuckery, dear Damien, is ART. I present to you...yaoi. (NOT SO CREATIVE. Damien <3? -1 fun and -1 bold)
Don’t be silly! You don’t want to fight me…you're clearly fighting against your urge…for cuddling!
Silverware: (Miranda/Damien)
The fishing knife. (Miranda)
A spoon. What, you need a blade they kill people?
Duct Tape: (Scott/Damien)
Don’t worry Damien, you can keep the Duct Tape of Retribution for your nefarious purposes.Coven, why don’t you use the Scotch Tape of HEY, Cut That Out! instead? (NOT SO CREATIVE, Damien <3. -2 fun, -1 bold)
Scott, you don’t really care about the DUCT TAPE, right? You like having a cool shiny thing! But watch me as I use my sweet negotiating skills to get — wait for it! — Two cool shiny things!!!
Interdimensional bachelor part 2: (Scott/Damien)
Sign the name of Tyrelliott the Terrible, thus summoning him.
EAT THE CONTRACT. (SO BOLD, +2 fun and +smart)
Badge Bikini: (Damien/Polly)
You know what crazy chaotic? Being single and partying forever! Destroying the institution of marriage. (SO BOLD, Polly <3, +2 fun and + bold)
Chaos is always better with some sensible agony — replace all the water in the school with swarms of mosquitoes!
Where to hide the body: (Damien)
Disguise him is a drinking fountain. No one will know the difference.
Just chuck him in my garage. He’ll blend in perfectly with my collection of vintage dead bodies. (SO BOLD, +2 smarts, +1 charm)
Think fast of get punched: (Damien)
Jokes on you, pal: I am a pragmatist. I avoid any kind of idolization of the past because it has no use, and therefore refuse feeling any kind of melancholy.
No time to think of anything clever… Start dancing for no reason! (SO FUN, +2 Bold and +1 fun)
Angry at a Banana: (Damien)
Defend the bananas honor.
Eat the banana. (SO BOLD, +3 bold)
Scott Howl
Fad Diets: (Scott/Polly)
Have you heard of the Imhotep cleanse? It’s where you only eat things that came from mummy. Mummies are rare, so you get super skinny. Plus you get to Rob tombs!
You’ve heard of the Paleo diet. Not try the Jurassic diet! You can eat anything that isn’t dinosaur. Killing a T Rex alone will get you super buff! (SO BOLD. Scott <3. +2 charm and +2 fun)
Duct Tape: (Scott/Damien)
Don’t worry Damien, you can keep the Duct Tape of Retribution for your nefarious purposes.Coven, why don’t you use the Scotch Tape of HEY, Cut That Out! instead? (NOT SO CREATIVE, Damien <3. -2 fun, -1 bold)
Scott, you don’t really care about the DUCT TAPE, right? You like having a cool shiny thing! But watch me as I use my sweet negotiating skills to get — wait for it! — Two cool shiny things!!!
Mobile Game: (Scott/Damien)
Show them at the phone equipped with Pokémans Go can also be used as a football! (Scott <3)
Say nothing. Help them with steamed vegetables.
Power “Drink” aka Cocaine: (Scott)
using your vast knowledge of aromatherapy, give him some lavender-scented cocaine to neutralize the regular-scented cocaine and relax him a bit.
GIVE HIM A FLASHY FIDGET SPINNER. (SO FUN, +2 charm and +1 smart.)
Eating food: (Scott/Liam)
Obviously the lychee-fruit flavored custard with a side of tofu and a drizzle raspberry extract is the most superior food on the plate.
Go for the brightly-colored bag of meat biscuits that somehow has...an anime drawing of Scott’s face on it?! That says “SCOTT SNACKS”?! (Scott <3)
Interdimensional bachelor part 2: (Scott/Damien)
Sign the name of Tyrelliott the Terrible, thus summoning him.
EAT THE CONTRACT. (SO BOLD, +2 fun and +smart)
Get him back on the team: (Scott)
Spike the punch with Coke on prom night! If the whole schools team is on Coke, coach will have to let you all play! (SO FUN, +2 fun and +1 fun)
All we gotta do is convince coach that cocaine is a good thing! A little hands-on demonstration won’t hurt…
Goat Head Potato Chips: (Liam/Scott)
Assemble an army of vengeful on the go torsos. (SO SMART, +2 creative and +1 smart)
Write an extremely mean blog post.
Sexiest Monster: (Liam/Scott)
Make your own version of the magazine, featuring a three-winged chupacabra on the cover.
Lean heavily on the “warrior” part — storm MONSTER Magazine and hold the editor-in-chief captive until he promises to stop exclusively promoting one aesthetic as the pinnacle of monster sexiness. (SO BOLD, +2 fun and +1 charm)
What should we cheer for bro?: (Scott)
We should cheer for the working class! Nothing will aid the rise of the proletariat like a hearty cheer!
We should cheer for each other, because friendship is the greatest part of all. (SO CHARMING, +2 bold and +1 fun)
Scotch: (Vera/Scott)
Yeah, it’s called Scott’s, but today is opposite day, so everything that Scott’s is actually Vera’s. (Vera <3)
You’re right Scott! That drink is your birthright! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!
Inventing new silverware: (Miranda/Scott)
The salad harp.
Hands. (Scott <3)
Damien vs. you: (Vera/Scott)
Here’s what I’m gonna do, Vera: I’m gonna give you hundred bucks, and you’re going to teach me your secret Oberlin combat style. (NOT SO WEALTHY, -2 bold and -1 fun)
I don’t know. Probably die, unless some big, strong, good-at-sports man decides to teach me how to fight. But where whatever find such a man?
Liam de Lioncourt
Liam’s writing: (Liam)
Passionate argument for the legalization of recreational chimera toxins.
A chilling expose the pasta industry’s Griffin-trafficking. (NOT SO BOLD, -2 charm and -1 smart)
Bats are so chiche: (Liam)
A hotdog stand.
A general feeling of unease. (NOT SO CREATIVE, -2 bold and -1 smart.)
Time Machine: (Liam)
3.85 billion BC, so you can be into existing before was cool.
Everyone knows that the dopest time in monster history was 1925… Specifically July 26, 2 AM to 5 AM. (NOT SO SMART, -2 fun and -1 smart)
Their own sport: (Liam/Miranda)
Obviously the sport bard assigns inspiration kicks to the metaphysical linebacker, who scores 11 points for each poem he successfully publishes in The Atlantic. Didn't you read the rule book? (NOT SO CREATIVE, -2 fun and -1 bold)
Don’t you see? The points were inside us all along!
DamienXLiam fanart: (Damien/Liam)
What the fuck is this? This fuckery, dear Damien, is ART. I present to you...yaoi. (NOT SO CREATIVE. Damien <3? -1 fun and -1 bold)
Don’t be silly! You don’t want to fight me…you're clearly fighting against your urge…for cuddling!
Eating food: (Scott/Liam)
Obviously the lychee-fruit flavored custard with a side of tofu and a drizzle raspberry extract is the most superior food on the plate.
Go for the brightly-colored bag of meat biscuits that somehow has...an anime drawing of Scott’s face on it?! That says “SCOTT SNACKS”?! (Scott <3)
Goat Head Potato Chips: (Liam/Scott)
Assemble an army of vengeful on the go torsos. (SO SMART, +2 creative and +1 smart)
Write an extremely mean blog post.
Sexiest Monster: (Liam/Scott)
Make your own version of the magazine, featuring a three-winged chupacabra on the cover.
Lean heavily on the “warrior” part — storm MONSTER Magazine and hold the editor-in-chief captive until he promises to stop exclusively promoting one aesthetic as the pinnacle of monster sexiness. (SO BOLD, +2 fun and +1 charm)
Liam’s got no game: (Polly/Liam)
Coating yourself an insect pheromones. Don’t go after people: make people go after you. (SO SMART. Liam <3. +2 charm, +1 smart)
Dancing so hard that you also separate into a cloud of locusts.
You can’t sit with us: (Vera/Liam)
Well, I guess I’ll be going then, because there’s no way anyone could ever be as cool as Liam.
Let me ask you this: would an uncool person be giving Vera 50 Monster Dollars right now? (Vera <3)
Monster-Judge: (Vera/Liam)
True hideousness is on the inside — in your organs! A person with their organs on the outside would be the most hideous. (NOT SO CREATIVE, Vera <3?, -2 smart and -1 creativity)
A toned body, symmetrical face, nice features… Because traditional beauty standards are hideously mainstream!
Polly Geist
Liam’s got no game: (Polly/Liam)
Coating yourself an insect pheromones. Don’t go after people: make people go after you. (SO SMART. Liam <3. +2 charm, +1 smart)
Dancing so hard that you also separate into a cloud of locusts.
Badge Bikini: (Damien/Polly)
You know what crazy chaotic? Being single and partying forever! Destroying the institution of marriage. (SO BOLD, Polly <3, +2 fun and + bold)
Chaos is always better with some sensible agony — replace all the water in the school with swarms of mosquitoes!
Indementional game show: (Polly/??)
I present you with my grandmother‘s wedding ring… Still attached my Naked grandmother!
(Jaw unhinges, bees pour out.) (SO BOLD, +2 creative and + bold)
Financial Slaves: (Vera/Polly)
You can easily grow this arrangement into a business…just escalate and delegate! Have the financials slave go and acquire his own financial slave to give HIM money, and THAT financial slave go and find a financial slave… (Vera <3)
Make them look dumb AND make money: (Vera/Polly)
why don’t you make up a phony work out craze? It worked for Frank Pilates, the inventor of Pilates. (SO CREATIVE, +1 creativity, +2 smarts)
Oh man, do I have a great praying for you: I call it “stealing”.
Food poisoning: (Polly/Miranda)
I surely do! It’s entitled “Silver-wear” and it’s where you take your most expensive cutlery and dress it in very fancy tiny outfits. (Miranda)
Yup. It’s called “dying”.
A new kind of serf: (Polly/Miranda)
Ooh, Miranda, you should get a puppy surf! It’s not an actual serf —  dogs! (Miranda <3)
You should get a party serf,Polly! A surf to experience your hangovers for you!
Fad Diets: (Scott/Polly)
Have you heard of the Imhotep cleanse? It’s where you only eat things that came from mummy. Mummies are rare, so you get super skinny. Plus you get to Rob tombs!
You’ve heard of the Paleo diet. Not try the Jurassic diet! You can eat anything that isn’t dinosaur. Killing a T Rex alone will get you super buff! (SO BOLD. Scott <3. +2 charm and +2 fun)
Reverse Romanian Wilkinson: (Polly)
I love… Done that one loads of times! Just name a time and a place, and I’ll reversus all over your Romanian Wilkinson. (SO CHARMING, +3 fun)
Throw a smoke bomb and escape while leaving a replica of yourself. That should buy you time to figure out what a Reverse Romanian Wilkinson is!
Bored forever: (Polly)
You don’t have to. Whenever you get tired of existing, just go piss off a priest. (SO FUN, +2 bold and +1 creative)
Casino date: (Polly)
Walk up to the closest blackjack table and that at all… On red.
Find the nearest horse race in literally bet your life on it. (SO BOLD, +2 fun and +money)
Impersonations: (Polly/Scott)
Vera Oberlin
You can’t sit with us: (Vera/Liam)
Well, I guess I’ll be going then, because there’s no way anyone could ever be as cool as Liam.
Let me ask you this: would an uncool person be giving Vera 50 Monster Dollars right now? (Vera <3)
Monster-Judge: (Vera/Liam)
True hideousness is on the inside — in your organs! A person with their organs on the outside would be the most hideous. (NOT SO CREATIVE, Vera <3?, -2 smart and -1 creativity)
A toned body, symmetrical face, nice features… Because traditional beauty standards are hideously mainstream!
Her stalker: (Vera)
Threaten to feed a damsel to a sea monster. That’ll distract him.
He looks Greek. Why not bribe Zeus, the King of the Gods? (SO WEALTHY, +2 fun and +1 smart)
Cools and Un-Cools: (Vera)
Un-Cool students should have to carry Cool students from class to class chaises. (SO CREATIVE, +2 money and +smarts)
Rotting squid should be thrown at Un-Cool students to remind them how uncool they are.
Perfect Poker alternative: (Polly?/Vera)
Russian roulette.
The stock market. (SO SMART, +2 fun and +1 money)
Scotch: (Vera/Scott)
Yeah, it’s called Scott’s, but today is opposite day, so everything that Scott’s is actually Vera’s. (Vera <3)
You’re right Scott! That drink is your birthright! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!
A Dinner gift!: (Vera)
A magic mirror that will always tell her how fabulous she looks.
The head of her greatest enemy. (NOT SO BOLD, -2 charm, -1 bold)
Financial Slaves: (Vera/Polly)
You can easily grow this arrangement into a business…just escalate and delegate! Have the financials slave go and acquire his own financial slave to give HIM money, and THAT financial slave go and find a financial slave…
Make them look dumb AND make money: (Vera/Polly)
why don’t you make up a phony work out craze? It worked for Frank Pilates, the inventor of Pilates. (SO CREATIVE, +1 creativity, +2 smarts)
Oh man, do I have a great praying for you: I call it “stealing”.
Damien vs. you: (Vera/Scott)
Here’s what I’m gonna do, Vera: I’m gonna give you hundred bucks, and you’re going to teach me your secret Oberlin combat style. (NOT SO WEALTHY, -2 bold and -1 fun)
I don’t know. Probably die, unless some big, strong, good-at-sports man decides to teach me how to fight. But where whatever find such a man?
Banned from the club: (Vera/Polly) (This depends on who has the higher charm score, the names don’t super matter.)
______! It’s hard to admit, but they could charm the pants off a statue — and have, on several occasions!
______! No kidding, I want to watch them seduce the entire population of Lemuria from orbit!
(If right: SO CHARMING, both gain +2 fun and +1 charm) 
______’s cultural literacy: (Liam) Sabotage
______’s is so cultured, they can tell the difference between theater and theatre. (Gives ___ Liam <3, +3 creative to you)
______’s is so uncultured, they think “sonnet” is a female son.
Polly’s Deathday Party: Sabotage
______?! That reckless bastard eats gluten! GLUTEN, I tell you! She’ll be dead by noon, probably. (They get Polly <3, you get +3 fun)
______ is going to be around a loooooong long time, trust me — she already has a place reserved in a retirement community, and has taken up bingo, and became an expert knitter...game over. I mean game not over. Not for a long time. She is gonna die an old, old monster.
Interdenominational Prince
Help him fix his TV
Fuck that, let’s make up our own ritual. (+4 creative)
How about the ritual where you give me a pile of money and go away.
Indementional game show: (Polly/??)
I present you with my grandmother‘s wedding ring… Still attached my Naked grandmother!
(Jaw unhinges, bees pour out.) (SO BOLD, +2 creative and + bold)
Interdimensional bachelor part 2: (Scott/Damien)
Sign the name of Tyrelliott the Terrible, thus summoning him.
EAT THE CONTRACT. (SO BOLD, +2 fun and +smart)
An Adventure?
Stop the crime ghost who’s been taking over children’s bodies and using them to rob banks. You have a never-before-seen plan… (+4 creative)
Take on the greatest villain of all: income inequality.
Reverse Romanian Wilkinson:
You are trapped tackling online searching in a very short-sighted way… you need to come up with unexpected search terms that will point you in the right direction. (NOT SO CREATIVE, -2 charm and -1 smarts)
Use your people skills to get the three witches to admit they know what a Reverse Romanian Wilkinson is, and to tell you what you need for it.
Drink of choice?
Both. (+4 bold)
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