#so. I wouldn’t go back unless I had to. which I think is a healthy attitude to have
problemeule · 1 year
got to see my roomate’s workplace today. would not recommend
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gothicflowers · 3 months
Listen, Alex has been consuming my brain for weeks. It’s a whole issue (it’s not an issue, I love it really). So can I get something that’s maybe a little darker with him? Doesn’t have to be too dark, just maybe showing that side that isn’t the golden retriever we all love. Maybe a little more of that something that makes him such a good CIA operative.
Something protective/possessive perhaps? Can be NSFW or not, totally up to you.
Also, I hope you’re doing well! I know what it’s like to just need a distraction and get out of your head for a bit 💙
(MDNI +18)
Sorry this took me forever but I’ve been fighting waves of ADHD paralysis that even my meds cant fight. And I’m doing a little better, not fully healthy but I’m getting there❤️
At least that’s what he lets you see.
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Because he doesn’t want you to know how dark and dirty he can be. Your family is fully convinced that he is the perfect man, which he truly is. Always getting you flowers and planning dates or small getaways. You clearly won the lottery with Alex. You see Alex as a night in shining armor, a kiss from the stars.
But Alex sees you as the dusk sky, beautiful colors that light up the sky before the light disappears. Soft delicate hands to hold, no blood or dirt under your nails. Your voice is the crackling of a fireplace in deep December snow that warms his soul. You’re the flower that blooms from the spring frost after he tills the ground with his bare hands.
Alex has fought for too long and shed too much blood in the name of justice and peace for anything to take away the one pure thing the universe owes him. You.
But sometimes dispute all his training and good intentions you see small glimmers of what Alex could be if he didn’t keep himself in check. Sometimes it’s in the way you end up bent over the counter with his fingers laced tightly in your hair as he rants on about this little bitchy attitude you’ve had since you woke up. He knows you love it and it feeds a dark pit of control that burns for you. Every thrust making you gasp. All Alex can grunt out of his gritting teeth is MINE. MINE. MINE. And is he gonna let you come? No. Not unless your pretty little eyes are welling with lust and love filled tears begging to cum. He’ll eventually let go of your hair and hold you by the jaw and let you confess that you just needed some dick, and he’s the only one that can satisfy your craving. Such a sweet thing, such perfection, so delicate.
Alex doesn’t mind letting other guys how possessive he can get. He didn’t like that guy that keep trying to dance with you at the bar. It’s surely a coincidence that guy slipped and hit his head on the sink. Other times it’s simply staring them down with a look that even Simon wouldn’t mess with.
When your ex tried to weasel their way back into your heart they abruptly stopped. They sent flowers, chocolates, jewelry, everything they could think of to win you back. You figured they finally got the message that you didn’t want them. But in reality your ex came home to a large envelope packed full of evidence of everything they’ve ever done, things you never knew about. Paired with a simple note “leave what is mine alone or else”.
Alex never wants you to know about what he truly does. Would you ever hold his hand again knowing how blood stained they are? Would those soft lips still say I love you? Despite his pure intentions he knows not all of his orders he’s been given were good. So he just tells you he works in surveillance. It eases your mind thinking he’s hiding on a roof somewhere, not down in a gunfight.
When he comes home after an extended time away you’re distraught with worry that he lost his leg. You will die never knowing the truth about what went down that day.
It’s not always that he wants to keep you in the dark, but sometimes it’s just truly classified information that you can’t know. And shouldn’t, it would give you nightmares. This man could rewrite history books if he shared what he knows.
Alex keeps hidden security cameras around the house. You don’t even realize they’re installed. He’s got extensive knowledge of technology and he used it to his advantage. He’s very good about keeping you a secret from his job but sometimes on those late nights he just needs to see you sleeping peacefully at home. And yes there is a tracker on your phone. Can’t lose track of his sweet little angel.
Everyone highly underestimates him. Too soft hearted, too eager, too naïve. The way his eyes darken and chest heaves as he stands covered in someone else’s blood shocks a room of experienced soldiers. A version of a man they rarely see, a version of a man you don’t know. Yet that version of him is who checks the house when he hear something at night. The version who corrects people who speak to you rudely. The version that growls in your ear from behind as your bodies tangle. The version who got rid of all of your problems. The Alex that will pull the earth apart and unleash hell to create a heaven on earth for you alone.
Alex is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
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nkplanet · 9 months
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PAIRING: highschool!jungwon x highschool!reader SUMMARY: yang jungwon is your academic rival. the competitiveness between the two of you finally stops when you begin to crack under the pressure WARNINGS: angst (with comfort), toxic parents, jungwon is a little mean, reader skips meals/doesn’t take care of themselves, rushed ending bc i didn’t know how to end this whoopsies WORD COUNT: 1430
NOTE: happy christmas to all who celebrate! and if you don’t, i hope you’ve had a wonderful day anyway. feel free to talk to me about how your day was, even if it wasn’t the best!! 🫶 this fic is my gift to you - enjoy :)
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yang jungwon had never been the nicest to you, but it wasn’t like you never reciprocated his snappy comments. sure, you were civil, but the constant competition between the two of you left things tense. even your teachers could sense it, trying to calm things down but failing miserably. you were the highest scoring students in your year, always one or two marks away from each other. some students even placed bets on which one of you would would get the highest scores after exams.
“so,” jungwon drawled from where he was sat behind you, “what do we think this time? personally, i think i’m going to exceed all expectations, and you’ll crash and burn.” you turned around and scoffed, “in your dreams, yang. we both know i’m going to be first this time.”
jungwon simply laughed at you, and you felt anger bubble up inside your chest. it was a math test and, although you were admittedly pretty good at math, jungwon beat you in every exam. his brain was somehow hardwired to remember every single topic you’d ever learned, and he wrote so impossibly fast that he often finished before many were halfway through their tests.
getting home that night, you knew your parents wouldn’t be happy. every time you had an assessment of any kind, they would ridicule you and force you to study until you passed out. tonight wouldn’t be any different.
you were immediately threatened with no dinner unless you studied, a meal which you often skipped in favour of looking over notes anyway. in fact, there were many things that you missed out during the day. you rarely stuck to a skincare routine, as they never fit into your rigorous schedules. it was rare that you really took the time to take care of yourself. although you knew it wasn’t healthy, your parents perpetuated this behaviour to the point where it was now your norm. and so, you began studying. you continued all through the night, almost forgetting to stop for a snack. it was only when you practically passed out on top of your textbooks that you stopped and had some rest.
it seemed when you woke up that your non-stop studying had finally caught up with you. you almost didn’t wake up with your alarm, and panicked after forgetting one of your books. you almost missed the bus but, when you finally got to school and embraced the peace that came with it, a nagging voice in your ear began tormenting you.
“so, almost late today? you’re really slipping, huh?” jungwon teased, leaning on your desk. you glared up at him through your lashes. “i’m not in the mood, yang. leave me alone.” “gosh, so rude. what must your parents think?” that one got you. you but your tongue, despite wanting to both cry and rip jungwon’s head off. you folded your arms and laid your head on them, effectively blocking jungwon out.
he looked confused as he walked behind you to his seat. where was your spark? normally you but him back. were his words really affecting you all that much? he stared at your slumped body in concern, absently flicking through his textbook as an attempt at some last minute revision. you stayed still, not moving a muscle. it was almost like you didn’t care anymore.
in reality, you didn’t. you’d gotten less than jungwon in that test. so much less that you placed fourth in your year. upon hearing of this, your parents went ballistic. they yelled at you, called you a failure and a disgrace, all while you simply sat and stared. you didn’t care anymore. you’d burnt yourself out, and it seemed like you didn’t want to do anything anymore.
people began to take note of your spiral. your teachers, especially, who offered you the minimum they could. you could hear your fellow students murmuring, wondering what had happened for you to fall so far. most of all, jungwon had grown increasingly worried about you. his recent quips (not that there had been many - in fact, he’d laid off a little) had gone unnoticed, and it was like nothing existed to you anymore. your grades continued to fall, as did your rivalry with jungwon.
after an essay, jungwon decided enough was enough. he stopped at your desk, tapping you on the shoulder to wake you from where you were slumped over, sleeping. “what do you want?” you mumbled, not meeting his eyes. “are you okay?” he asked. you could hear concern in his voice but failed to see how or why he felt that way. what if this was all just a trick? “i’m fine, yang. it’s none of your business anyway,” you retorted, looking away from him. “it’s just- you seem really down. you don’t talk to anyone, not even our teachers, and your grades have slipped-“ “is that was this is about? my grades? you couldn’t care less about me, you only want a competition. well, fuck you, jungwon. i don’t care anymore. i’m not gonna be your stupid punching bag.” he took a step back, looking genuinely offended. “fine. if that’s how you want it, that’s how it’ll be. good luck and good riddance.”
the next few weeks were hard. you’d come to realise that jungwon was the only person you really connected with at school, despite your rivalry. the isolation started getting to you, which was how you found yourself seeking him out. he’d been sat at his desk studying in a free period, and the classroom was almost empty. you walked up to his desk, and he looked up from his textbook.
“hi,” you said quietly, your voice cracking and tears coming to your eyes.
he stood up almost immediately, wrapping his arms around you tightly and leading you outside while you cried into his shirt. he shushed you as you continued to sob, stroking your hair. “it’s okay,” he said countless times, “you can cry.” you pushed away from him slightly, looking up at him with wet cheeks and red eyes. “i’m sorry,” you whispered. his heart broke at the sight of you.“you have nothing to be sorry about. if anything, i’m the one that’s sorry - i shouldn’t have said all those awful things to you. it was wrong of me,” he replied softly. you scoffed lightly, “we both said them, we’re both in the wrong here.” he just smiled at you.
you knew eventually you’d have to explain yourself, so you took a deep breath and looked away.
“my parents,” you started. jungwon tried to cut you off, tried to tell you that you didn’t have to tell him, but you raised a hand and continued. “my parents wanted me to be the best. they wanted me to be really smart, to go on to university and make the family proud. every time i got second place, they’d say these awful things. i just kept working harder and harder until i broke, i guess.” jungwon looked at you with something like empathy in his gorgeous eyes. “just how hard did you say you were working?” “hard,” you replied, “i know it’s not right, but sometimes i- i forget to take care of myself. i felt like i needed to forgo things so that i could be better.” he tutted, pulling you against his chest again. some nearby students gawped at you, and he sent them a terrifying glare. “you need to take care of yourself. this isn’t right.”
you simply sighed and buried yourself further into his arms. “i know, but right now i feel better than i have in weeks.” jungwon pulled away from you slightly, a scared look on his face. “listen,” he said, “i have something to tell you.” you became wary, untangling your arms from his. “i’ve liked you for a while. i guess i teased you to, i don’t know, bury the feelings? but i just can’t keep them in anymore. i really do like you.”
you couldn’t find the words to reply. he started to panic, stumbling over words to defend himself, so you did the one thing on your mind - you pulled him in by the collar of his shirt and kissed him.
he short-circuited, standing stiffly before kissing you back. one of his hands reached the back of your neck, while the other rested on your waist. when you separated, he said breathlessly, "i'm guessing that means you feel the same way?" you smiled at him, a sight he'd never be able to get enough of. "yes, you loser. i really like you too."
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 3 months
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Part 26
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Series Masterlist
Part 25 🟣 Part 27
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A reverse harem vampire AU ft. Mikey, Marshall, August and Sherlock
Series summary: Somehow, you've managed to live with your boyfriend and his roommates for months before finding out they're vampires, but the real shock first comes when they find out you have a special quality. A quality the guys would love to make use of...
Warnings: Fluff, ongoing vampire shenanigans, angst, Mike being an idiot, feral!Walter.
Word count: 2k
A/N: Soooo we're back with another instalment of the vampyboys! We're not hating on jellybeans today, no worries! (Ain't that a relief?) Enjoy!
@geralts-yenn @deandoesthingstome @ellethespaceunicorn @summersong69 @mis-lil-red
@sillyrabbit81 @livisss @itsrubberbisquit @ktficworld @proud-aroace-beastie
@plaidcat4815 @wa-ni @lovemusicpart2 @lizzystuffsthings @manysecrets2020
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“Hey, Mikey…” Your voice came out hesitant and small. Not for any particular reason, other than an especially useless fear of rejection. “Would you please feed?”
“Oh, yeah, sure!” He sounded surprised, especially when you stopped him from going for your neck. “Ohhhhh, like that!” He grinned up at you while simultaneously pulling the hem of your shirt up. You let him take it off, barely noticing when he took off your bra as well.
“There’s one more thing I’d like you to do,” you muttered. You were so certain you wanted this, and so afraid Mike wouldn’t be okay with it…
“Anything, Sweetcheeks,” he said with a big smile while he wriggled his way down until his face was where it needed to be.
“I want you to leave the bite,” you whispered, stroking his cheek.
Mike moved back up, leaning his forehead against yours. “Are you for real?”
“Yeah,” you sighed. “More than anything. Don’t get me wrong, I want the others like that as well, even if they don’t know it yet—”
“They know,” he interrupted. “We’ve been talking about it, kinda… August complained that he wanted to mark you, and Sherlock countered that he wouldn’t let that happen unless he got a black-on-white promise from you that he’d get his turn, too. He was kind of aggressive about it. I— ehh… I really think we should let them know about this.”
“Wise words,” you mumbled. “I'm impressed.”
“I hope the offer to let me feed my favorite way still stands, though?” he asked, smiling at you like he was looking at his favorite thing in the whole world — which probably wasn't even too far from the truth.
“Why do you like that so much,” you wondered out loud. There had to be more to it than a simple love for boobs, right? You looked down at Mike, who looked up at you, his deep frown telling you he didn't appreciate the disturbance just as he was about to sink his teeth into you.
“I think by now we've established that I have severe abandonment issues,” Mike said. It sounded like he was joking, but you knew he wasn't. It was a silly coping mechanism, and you weren't going to accept that this time.
“Yeah, I noticed,” you said softly, running a hand through his unruly curls. “But we can't always accommodate those, Mikey. That wouldn't be healthy, either.”
“Are you suggesting I go to therapy?” Mike said, faking shock and indignation. Then, he smiled. “Great idea, Sweetcheeks. Which is why I scheduled an appointment immediately after I came back from… being gone, I guess? But the waitlist is kinda long, so… It'll be a while.”
“I'm proud of you,” you hummed as Mike finally got to start his dinner — well, snack. You immediately sensed his desire for closeness, intimacy and, just like last time, you — ‘boobs' and ‘blood' were actually very low on the list. You locked your fingers in his hair and sighed, almost with relief. There was no need to pull him closer: he took care of that for you just fine, wrapping his arms and legs around you in the most adorable, comfort-seeking way.
Suddenly, you were overwhelmed with Mike's need to be taken care of, stronger than anything he'd desired up until this point, and when you unclenched your fist to move your hand…
“No! Don’t let go of me.”
“I'm not letting go, silly,” you whispered, stroking his hair and the back of his head. You were about halfway on your way to realizing what had happened when you felt Mike's teeth retreat and he looked up at you with big eyes full of shock.
“I didn't say that out loud,” he stammered. “I know I didn't say that out loud, because I very specifically remember thinking I didn't want to say that out loud.”
“That's…” But you were out of bed before you could speak, with Mike at your side who was furiously knocking on a door at the end of… some hallway — you weren't even sure it was the same hallway your room was on. Mike had managed to put a shirt on you, but it was both inside out and backwards.
“Sher-lock, open this door! Now!” What was this door made of? Reinforced concrete? Mike was definitely slamming it hard enough to…
“What the devil is going on, Mike?” A disgruntled Charles appeared behind you. “Unless you somehow managed to accidentally almost kill her, I hardly think this can't wait until morning.”
Marshall appeared next to Charles, with an equally unhappily surprised look on his face. “What did you do now?” His eyes dropped to your chest, where they rested for much longer than what you considered appropriate. He kept his gaze locked on you for so long, that you looked down yourself. Mike, in his infinite wisdom, had put you in a white shirt, that now showed two very obvious red dots at boob-height, and you watched Marshall as he clearly summoned every shred of restraint in his broad, imposing body to keep himself from dragging you back to his room — or maybe even just taking you right here, you weren't quite sure.
“I'm considering ‘right here’,” he growled at you.
“Am I stating the obvious when I say it would not be appreciated?” Sherlock said from the doorway as he dodged Mike's fist, which he’d still been slamming into the wooden door with nearly unperceivable speed and strength. “Might I inquire as to Mike, what the fuck?” For God knows what reason, hearing Sherlock swear was hot.
“She heard my thoughts,” Mike said breathlessly.
“Were you feeding?” Charles said, taking Mike's quick nod for an answer. “Well, there's your—”
“Mike doesn't hear thoughts, Charles,” Marshall reminded him quietly. “I do.”
“And you're sure it was a thought?” Sherlock asked carefully.
Mike nodded furiously. “Hell yeah. And not something I was even planning on saying out loud. So. That's Marshall's gift, right? She heard my thoughts using his gift while I was feeding. That's weird, right?”
“Uncommon? Yes,” Sherlock said with amusement to his voice. “Weird? Not particularly. Apparently, she has an aptitude for the gift.” He turned to you. “We might see if we could train it, if you're interested. Tomorrow. Now, please leave. I’d like to get back to bed.”
“I thought you didn't need to sleep,” you said with a smile.
“Oh, I don't think we interrupted his sleep, Sweetcheeks,” Mike said while his normal smile widened into a cheeky grin. Was he implying… The mental image of Sherlock, ehm… taking care of himself was almost too much.
“Mike…” you started, intending to tell him to stop joking, but as you watched Sherlock’s cheeks, which were suddenly flushed… Mike was right. That was… unexpected.
“Darling, I—” He stammered the words so softly you barely heard him.
“Goodnight, Sherlock,” you said with a smile. He wouldn't be apologizing for another damn thing. Not something as mundane as this. Not on your watch.
Sherlock was gone before you blinked, and Charles was nowhere in sight anymore, either. That left just you and Mike, and a once more very intense-looking Marshall in the otherwise empty hallway.
A heavy hand closed around your throat — not squeezing, just… holding you. The other, you saw from the corner of your eye — held Mike pinned to the wall.
“I don't care,” he said, his voice a deep, threatening growl, “that he gets laid three times for every single chance I get. I really don't.” Sure didn't sound like he didn't care… “But this is the second time he's paraded you around like this — bleeding and wet… Is that for him, love? Because he likes to spend his time sucking on your tits?” His hand moved from your throat to your chest, where he brutally squeezed the boob Mike had used as a juice box. You winced when he put his fingers directly over the bite. “Is it sore? I bet he didn't take care of that bite the way he knows he should before he rushed you out of his room, now did he?”
He pulled your shirt up with one hand, still pinning Mike to the wall with the other, and sealed his mouth over your nipple, covering the wounds Mike's teeth had left, and he ran his tongue over both marks with great care. Mike squirmed against the wall while he watched, powerless in Marshall's tight grasp. For the first time since the ambush, you took the time to take a good look at the way Marshall was holding him, and you noticed his feet didn't touch the floor.
“Mike,” he growled when he took his mouth off your breast again. “If you do this to me one more fucking time, I'm going to ask August for the keys to the" — he side-eyed you for a split second — “basement, where I'll chain you to the goddamn wall, and then I'll fuck her right in front of your eyes, understood?” Ehh, did you have a say in this? Not that what you'd be saying wouldn't be ‘yes, please', but still. It was nice to be consulted every now and again.
When Mike's feet hit the floor again, he grinned at Marshall. Bold choice, if you were perfectly honest. You probably would have gone with ‘cowering in fear of what he'd do to you', but alright. “Don’t threaten me with a good time,” he said casually before walking off, leaving you standing there with Marshall.
“Punk,” Marshall muttered under his breath before smiling at you and turning around.
“What's in the basement, Marshall?” you said as he started to walk away. “Marshall! What's. in. the. basement?”
He was already gone, of course — as was Mike — and you were standing in the unfamiliar-looking hallway all by yourself, telling yourself that it was physically impossible for the hallway to become longer the longer you looked at it. Mike hadn't picked one of the doors you saw, so you had to be in a different part of the house. A different floor, maybe.
“I'll take you back to Mike,” Sherlock's voice sounded softly behind you. “It's a bit of a maze, especially in the beginning.” He silently asked for permission to carry you, which you granted him, and within seconds you were at the right door.
Sherlock knocked before you could. “Girlfriend delivery,” he said, waiting for Mike to reply before he opened the door — probably a wise decision. You could never be certain what you'd find where Mike was concerned.
“Mike,” you said as you crawled into bed with him again and Sherlock left the room. “What's in the basement?”
“A wine cellar,” Mike said, eyes twinkling with mischief. “Some storage…”
“Mike!” you hissed.
“Now, if someone told you August had the keys to a special room in the basement of this house — as Marshall did — what would your very first guess be?” he teased.
“Sex dungeon,” you blurted out without thinking about it for so much as a second. On top of that being so completely on brand for August, it was also the only thing that would remotely make sense considering the conversation that had just taken place.
Mike grinned from ear to ear. “Duh. It's not technically his, by the way,” Mike told you. “And, before you ask, yes there are restraints that we — or… Me, specifically, apparently,” — he glared at you — “can't break. Why you wanna tie me up, babe?”
“Because I think it would be so fun to watch you squirm, especially since you’ll know exactly what I’ll so desperately want to do to you,” you said with an evil smile. Mike groaned — it was the sweetest sound on the planet, as far as you were concerned.
“You’re mean,” he muttered as he snuggled into your side, pulling the covers tight around him. “And Marshall is mean, too.”
“Why is he mean?” Your mouth morphed into a sweet smile involuntarily. “Because of the threats he made back there?”
“No, that sounded like a perfectly exciting night, actually.” Mike grinned up at you. “His stupid gift ruined my snack.”
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vemuabhi · 6 months
Hello!! Do you mind doing Sanji with love language of quality time please? Have a lovely lovely day/night!!
(btw, I absolutely adore your blog, and I agree with so many things you’ve said about Sanji!!! Seriously I adore the way you think about Sanji <3 and actually, I’ve been holding this in since I first watched OP and I came across your post about your fav Sanji scenes, just never had the courage to tell you, not to mention I didn’t have tumblr account back then, but: I couldn’t have agreed more with you when you mentioned your feelings about Sanji and Pudding’s kiss. The only difference being that I knew I was already genuinely in love with him, so I felt it hit me quite strongly. And then I started making up all kinds of unrequited love angst scenarios in my head with him, where reader’s are unrequited. Though, I’m genuinely shocked by how similarly we think and simp for the man. I thought I was a crazy idiot until I saw your post. So thank you for sharing all your thoughts :))
Always a Priority
Hey love,
I am so so happy that you have read my favourite Sanji scenes work before and agree with that. I hope you have also read my fav Sanji outfits hehe. And yes, Sanji is someone who has captured my heat from a long while and I haven’t left him since. I am… a bit similar to Sanji when it comes to love. I adapt and make sure that my lover stays happy when they are with me. I… I haven’t been given a proper chance to make someone fall in love. It sucks that It’s always been me who falls in love fast, harder and deeper. So, maybe at some point I realised how Sanji would love his S/O and wondered how beautiful their life would be with him. He is Fictional. I know. I am aware of that. But, when real life just hurts continuously, I found a bit of relief in these fanfics. Getting way too personal here, aren’t I? Hehe, I hope you continue to read and enjoy my writings. Thanks for being here.
This is one of my pieces for the mini event. Please enjoy and let me know what you think about this. Please forgive any mistake, it isn't proofread.
Listen to Earned it by Weekend
Prompt taken from here.
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Quality Time
After a long shift of work, you noticed him on his bike outside your work, waiting to pick you up. Even though he was tired, he was everyday waiting for you. As if it was a medicine, your fatigue was gone after seeing him.
As it has been only 3 months since you have been going out, so this was the only time of day you both could meet. Sure, you both went on dates on the weekends but, he wanted to see you everyday just like you did. You sat behind him and hugged him, that was the only thing he wanted from you. Just to feel you beside him. Comfortable. Is how he wanted to make you feel.
You were grateful for him being there to take you home. Especially during the times when you told him to go home as it was getting late. Which was more of the reason he stayed to drop you. The smooth ride with him was all you wanted. Valued. It was what you felt with Sanji.
Before you met Sanji, he would go straight home after a long shift to just crash for the day, sometimes dropping his female colleagues or friends. Too tired to even eat after the day. While you would also go home. Thinking about your life choices. The mistakes you made.
Now, it was different. You both had something to look forward to everyday. Meeting each other even though the time you meet was less, it was all you needed to boost up your oxytocin levels. Everyday, after he dropped you, you made sure that make him eat with you at your house. Then he could go and crash at his place. If you let him go, he would be too tired to make himself something and would not eat. Well, he wouldn’t say no to you, especially since all you wanted was to him to be healthy. Not only he dropped you, he would always eat if he was with you. Always a Priority. For each other.
While he ate with you, he would never look at his phone. Unless if it was urgent call. You were so shocked at how you were being treated by this man before you. Your house was small, but it never felt so warm, like a home until he arrived. You were desperate for love and now, he pulled you out of it. Providing you with the love you never received.
Sanji on the other hand felt his home to be where you were. 3 months. How was his life before he met you, he didn’t want to experience it again. Longing for someone to love him, like he does. He would love to move in with you but, it would be too soon.
You noticed that Sanji was far more patient than you were. He would think a lot. You don’t even know how many times you were impressed by how calm he behaves in the most hectic situations. While Sanji loved how you don’t filter your words with him. Always honest. Straight to point. No mind games. No need to worry, because you’d say what you felt. Making it very easy to understand you.
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copyright © vemuabhi
Reblogs and Comments are always appreciated!!
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xoalin4 · 9 months
Hii do you do rqs?? If so could you please make a hc on how nikto is like in relationships?? I really like your hc's abt him since I think they're quite accurate and there's not a lot of hc's abt him
Hello! Yes I do take requests, they might sometimes take a while tho.
And I’m glad you liked my hc about him, I tried my best to get it to what I think is accurate about him.
And yeah, there isn’t very much hc’s about him, or if there is, they usually make him soft, which kinda annoys me.
But anyway! I hope this is what you wanted, and I’m deeply sorry if I didn’t get what you were hoping right🙏
Nikto is definitely not be one of the best men you could have gone for, but you loved him, for some odd reason.
He wouldn’t speak much, not to the point you think he’s mute, he just doesn’t know how to start conversations, nor continue them.
So most of the relationship with nikto consisted of you just talking, wether it be to him or to yourself.
He wouldn’t be the most affectionate or romantic man. hell, the only time he really touches you intimately is when he wants to have sex.
The relationship also consisted of you waking up at times, and he was not there, and you wouldn’t hear a word from him for two months.
Only for him to come back like he did nothing wrong. That is usually when he goes on missions, he just doesn’t tell you, didn’t think you’d care and he thought it was stupid.
He wouldn’t go on many dates with you, found them childish for some reason. You’d have to try and convince him to go on one with you, then it would probably just be a walk around the park or something.
He also knew how to cook food, so he sees no reason to go on a ‘stupid date’, if you wanted food, he’ll cook it. And he is a good cook, he had to keep himself healthy throughout all those years after all.
He also never took of his mask around you, didn’t like when you touched it either. he would like if you just ignored it and acted like the mask itself was his face, because to him, it was.
Often times, he would go a whole day without talking to you, almost ignoring you completely. Until you stopped trying to talk to him, he didn’t like that.
So he would sometimes buy stupid gifts to give to you when you got upset and wouldn’t talk to him. *he looked up what do women like on google to find them.*
You would usually start talking to him and getting all affectionate after that, which he liked. He liked having you being all clingy over him, not too clingy, and being all affectionate.
Because it made him feel good about himself, of the fact that he can flex that he has a pretty little woman clinging to his arms, and his arms alone. And that no one would be able to have you, because god forbid if a man got too touchy with you when you dated him. The man would never see daylight again.
He is not a gentle partner, hell, he can barely feel his hands anymore so he often doesn’t know how much force he puts into his arms.
He was rough with it, with touching you, having sex with you, or just anything to do with you in general. He didn’t know how to be gentle, and he sure as hell wasn’t going to try and learn.
And when it came to hitting you, he most likely would. Not to the point of beating you, no, but he’d definitely backhand you across the face if you pushed boundaries.
And he wouldn’t feel sorry for doing it, perhaps a little after seeing your cheek get swollen and puffy, realising he hit you too hard.
Then throughout the next day (after your cheek got swollen) he would make you some food, rest his chin on top of your head (if you let him) and maybe, MAYBE even put some stuff on the bruise to help it.
Unless it was bruises during sex, then he would not be so ‘tender’ over them. He loves leaving bruises along your thigh, hips and neck. Also likes when you wear short clothes to show them off, as in his mind it shows you belong to him.
Tho, he was not the most loyal man either. When on missions, or if you had a big fight with him, he would often go to a brothel, or find a pretty women willing enough to spend the night with him.
He wouldn’t tell you, he didn’t think you needed to know anyway, it was his life, not yours. Yea, he had a pretty messed up way of thinking.
Tho you, you weren’t allowed to sleep with another man, he’d find and brutally murder that man if you did. Then he would drag to back to his house, and fuck you brutally, until you were a sobbing mess and pleading him to let you cum. (He wouldn’t let you cum until he forgives you)
He also wouldn’t be very touchy with you, he wouldn’t snuggle up on the couch with you or hug you in the morning. He’d let you lay your head on his lap while he strokes your hair tho.
Again, I hope that this was what you were wanting, sorry if it was bad, currently midnight for me.
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Gold Rush (Superstar Chapter 3)
But I don't like a gold rush, gold rush I don't like anticipating my face in a red flush I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch Everybody wants you Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you
Roy and the Reader attend Rebecca’s charity ball... and uneasy feelings arise.
Roy Kent x Reader
5.7k words
Warnings: Language, Keeley making ~flirty~ suggestions, and a healthy sharp turn from fluff to angst
Thanks to everyone for the kind feedback on this series- I don’t deserve it! And big thanks to those who suggested a little bit of jealousy. Some of this was almost painful to write, so I’m excited to share my torture with you!
“Oi, did you get a dress for Friday yet?” Keeley plopped herself on my desk, not bothering with formal greetings. She raised her eyebrows at me expectantly.
“Friday…?” I closed my laptop, knowing I wouldn’t get anything done with Keeley in my office.
She rolled her eyes at me. “Rebecca’s charity ball! You’re going, aren’t you?”
Right. Rebecca’s big charity gala. She’d told me about it during my first couple of days at Richmond and extended a very enthusiastic invite, but I’d been so distracted by getting used to the job and starting up a romance with a certain football legend that I’d all but forgotten about the event.
“Oh. Right.” I made a face. “You don’t really think she expects me to go, right? It’s not like it’s a mandatory part of my job or anything.”
Keeley rolled her eyes again. “Of course you have to go! There’s fabulous music and free booze and good food. And the boys’ll be there and watching them get auctioned off is a hoot! Besides, it’s just a fun excuse to dress up and have a good time with everyone.” Her round eyes pleaded. “I’ll help you pick a dress,” she offered in a sing-song voice.
I groaned and tossed my head back, not bothering to hide my small grin that grew at the thought of a fun, fancy evening with everyone from the club. “I mean, I guess,” I grumbled.
“You guess what?”
Keeley’s eyes widened with excitement at the sound of Roy’s voice. “Oh, hi Roy!” She grinned at me not-so-sneakily. “We were just talking about Rebecca’s ball this weekend. You’re going, right?” Roy grunted in response. “Aaaaaand do you have a date?”
Roy’s eyes flickered in my direction for a fraction of a moment. “No.”
“Interesting.” Keeley looked like the fucking Cheshire Cat. “Say, Roy-”
I cleared my throat. “Roy, didn’t you need to go talk to Ted about that defensive strategy you wanted to try?”
He immediately took the hint and played along. “Fuck. Thanks.” He turned with his usual robotic stiffness and stalked out of the office, leaving Keeley and me in silence.
“Come on, why’d you do that?” Keeley whined, mischief sparkling in her eyes. “I was totally going to ask Roy about going to the ball with you!”
I shrugged, trying to keep calm. “Roy had coaching shit to do. Just doing my job. You know, being the coaching assistant and all.”
“Whatever,” Keeley scoffed. She paused, leaning close to the wall behind my desk, her mouth widening with glee. “Ho-ly shit. What the fuck is that?”
My eyes followed hers.
To my biggest fan. XOXO Roy Kent
Oh shit.
“Some stupid joke,” I mumbled, opening my laptop again, desperate to look too busy to chat. “I told Roy that my family’s big Richmond fans, he gave me some shit about it and wrote the note as a joke, that’s about it.”
“Look at you two, flirting in the workspace with a sexy orange sticky note.” Keeley winked at me. “Good for you, babes. Now all you have to do is let me help you pick a bangin’ outfit that’ll catch his attention Friday night!”
I narrowed my eyes at the girl who was having too much fun at my expense. “How about you help me pick something that looks nice, I’m comfortable in, and doesn’t kill my budget? We can leave Roy Kent out of my outfit.”
“Unless you’re looking super fit,” Keeley countered, jumping off my desk and heading towards the door. “In which case, Roy Kent will be spending the evening trying to get into your outfit.”
The night before, Roy had called with an offer to come over with food and a movie after work; it would be our first at-home hangout. I skipped out on work a tad early, complaining of imaginary cramps that Ted was immediately sympathetic to, so I could give my flat one last look over. I tidied up the things I hadn’t gotten to that morning before work and hid some of the more embarrassing family pictures that I wasn’t quite ready for Roy to see- like the one where my family and I wore the handmade Christmas jumpers my gran had made for us, each featuring the Greyhounds logo front and center. Nope, Roy freaking Kent did not need to see that.
With the flat tidy, I changed into some leggings and a cozy sweater, still wanting to look nice despite Roy’s assurance that all he wanted was a casual, comfortable evening together. I was running a brush through my hair when the now-familiar knock reached my ears. Trying not to look too giddy, I all but ran to the door and threw it open.
Roy stood in front of me, holding a box of pizza with a couple of DVDs on top. His face softened when he saw me, the way it seemed to always do when we were finally alone. He wrapped his free arm around my shoulders and pulled me in for the tiniest kiss as I pulled him into my flat, closing the door behind him.
“Hi,” he huffed when he let me go.
“Hi,” I whispered back, suddenly shy around the man I had just been kissing in an empty office hours earlier. Perhaps it was the fact that Roy Kent was standing in my flat, leaving us, for the first time since we’d been at my parents’ house, truly alone. Not surrounded by very well-meaning, nosy coworkers at the Dog Track. Not glancing over our shoulders at pubs to make sure no one was snapping a pic of a football star and a mystery woman. Just us, me and Roy, Roy and me, free to kiss and be close and just be a normal couple.
Couple. Whoa. There was a word I hadn’t allowed myself to say yet. It had only been a couple weeks of sending flirty text messages during meetings and sneaking kisses when Ted and Beard weren’t in the neighboring office and sitting in dark corner booths of pubs far from the prying eyes of A.F.C. Richmond, but already this felt serious. Real, as Keeley had mentioned the morning after my first date with Roy. Something that wouldn’t end with me stealing Roy’s watch in the middle of the night as he slept. (Yes, that’s what a model he dated did. No, I hadn’t brought it up yet, although I had plenty of jokes waiting for when the topic did inevitably arise.) Something that- and this felt way too soon to even whisper to myself in my innermost thoughts- might not have to end.
Roy could probably see the gears turning in my head, based on the face he was making at me. “You alright?” he asked, placing the pizza box on the coffee table. “You look like you’re thinking about somethin’.”
I shook my head, reminding myself to just enjoy getting to be with him. “Nah, just… I kind of can’t believe you’re here.” With the pizza out of the way, I could wrap my arms around him. “Like you’re here. Roy Kent. In my flat.”
The concern on his face was replaced with amusement. “Ah. Now I see the resemblance between you and your dad.” I blushed at the reminder of my father’s too excited reaction to seeing Roy Kent in our foyer. “It’s flatterin’,” he assured me, kissing the tip of my nose. “In fact, I’m a bit disappointed that you don’t have a shrine to me here.” He lifted his head and looked around my living room. “Such a shame,” he hummed.
“Don’t be so full of yourself,” I huffed, giving him a squeeze. “It’s not cute.”
“Fine. Can I be full of pizza then?”
I laughed and released him. “That works. Let me just grab some plates.”
Roy followed me to the kitchen, on my heels like a puppy. My heart swelled at the realization that he probably wanted to take advantage of being alone with me. I handed him the plates I pulled from the cupboard, reveling in the quiet, domestic moment, how natural it felt to get out plates for a quiet dinner at home with Roy Kent. I turned to the fridge and grabbed a couple of sodas, then led Roy back into the living room.
Curious about what Roy brought, I made a beeline for the DVDs. I didn’t bother to hide the surprise on my face when I saw the cover of the one on top.
“The Sound of Music?” I blurted incredulously, looking over at Roy as he made himself comfortable on the couch.
His eyes narrowed as he opened the pizza box and grabbed a slice. “You got a problem with that?” he growled, the playful look in his eye daring me to judge his movie pick.
I shrugged as I turned on the television and set up the movie. “Nope. I love The Sound of Music. Just not what I expected from you.”
“What’d you expect? Fast and the Furious? Transformers?”
“Or something dark, like The Shining,” I suggested as I joined him on the couch. “Not Julie Andrews.” I paused. “Not that I don’t love her,” I assured him. “She’s brilliant. Sound of Music is brilliant. Just a bit unexpected.”
Roy chuckled and scooted closer to me, pressing his thigh against mine as he leaned onto the couch. “The Shining,” he repeated. “A guy goes fucking nuts and tries to kill his family. Yep, that’s the kind of romantic impression I want to make.” He pointed at the screen, where scenes from the movie danced before us as the soundtrack played in the background. “This is fucking romantic. Sixteen Going on Seventeen, Edelweiss, Something Good, the fucking wedding with all the nuns singing How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria. Romantic as hell.”
I hit PLAY and grabbed myself some pizza, not bothering to hide the smile on my face. “Romance, huh?”
Roy smiled and shook his head. “Just watch the fucking movie.”
“Fuck, I’m so obsessed with the curtain dress,” I sighed, pressed against Roy’s side as Julie Andrews pranced around onscreen. “D’you think I’d look good in that dress?” I turned my head up towards Roy, who eyed me warily.
“I think you’d look good in anything,” he mumbled. He wrinkled his nose. “Was that too fucking cheesy?”
“Just cheesy enough,” I assured him. “If you think I could rock the curtain dress, just imagine me in the Mother Superior’s habit.”
He snorted, a huge smile gracing his face. “Once again, you’d look good in anything.” He paused, thinking for a moment. “Speaking of dresses,” he said, clearly looking for an opening in the conversation, “are you going to that fucking charity thing?”
I sat up a little. “That’s actually why Keeley was in our office today. She was asking me about what I’m going to wear and bugging me about asking you to be my date.” I fidgeted with my hands. “And you’re going, I assume?”
He nodded. “Kinda have to. At least this year I don’t have to worry about being auctioned off like some fucking piece of meat.” A smirk formed on his lips. “Although I’m sure you’d love that.”
I rolled my eyes. “As if I could afford those auction prices,” I scoffed. “More like I’d get to watch you get bid on by gorgeous models wondering how much they have to spend to guarantee the night ended in your bed.” As much as I tried to make my words come off as snarky and joking, I knew my jealousy and insecurities seeped through every word.
Roy seemed to notice too. He wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my hair, planting kisses there. “If it makes you feel better,” he murmured, squeezing me around my waist, “it was only the models’ old grannies that bid on me. Except last year, when Keeley was mad at Jamie and placed exactly one bid on me to piss him off, but I still ended up being won by a very horny old woman.” He shuddered, probably for my benefit as well as the memory itself. “If you want,” he whispered in that low, gruff voice, “we could have our own private auction after the ball.”
A shiver trailed down my spine, one he could probably feel. Roy Kent was not particularly flirtatious; he was snarky and often clever, he loved to tease and make fun of me, but he very rarely said something so… sexy.
“And during the ball?” I asked, desperate to change the subject and ignore the heat in my cheeks. “Like, do we ignore each other? Do we hang out?”
He sighed and sat back, tracing circles on my shoulder with the tips of his fingers. “I mean… it’s free seating, so we could sit together. And I don’t think anyone will notice if we dance together once or twice. Well, maybe Keeley.” He shrugged, gazing down at me. “I think we can manage to spend some time together while not raising anyone’s suspicions. Again, except Keeley. But who fucking cares if she figures it out?”
“Sounds like a plan,” I agreed, leaning up to peck his cheek. “Alright now shut up, they’re singing again.”
“Ah, there you are!” Richard Montlaur stood in the doorway between the coaches’ offices, smiling at me. “Oh, hello Roy.” He nodded to his coach before strolling across the office to my desk. “I have a question for you.”
I blinked at him. “Uh, hi. What’s up?” In my brief time at Richmond, Montlaur had hardly spoken to me. A hello here and there, telling me I looked pretty a few times, but nothing worth noting. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Roy swivel in his chair slightly, clearly listening in.
Richard’s smile grew. “You are going on Friday, no? To Rebecca’s party?”
“Oh, yeah.” My puzzlement grew. “You?”
“Of course!” He leaned against the wall by my desk. “We should go together, yes?”
Roy stiffened. Fuck.
I cleared my throat and shuffled my feet. “Oh. Richard, that’s very sweet of you. But, um, I…”
“You have a date already?” Montlaur tilted his head, confusion covering his pretty face.
“Um…” I stopped myself from looking at Roy. “No, I don’t, I just…” I bit my lip. “I kind of planned on going solo. But it’s very sweet of you to ask.” I prayed the smile on my face didn’t look too forced.
Richard shrugged, unphased. “Ah, well. Just thought I would ask. You are, after all, the prettiest thing on this team. After me of course,” he added with a wink. He lifted my hand and pressed his lips to it. “At least promise you will save me one dance?”
I couldn’t make myself look at Roy; I knew he was fuming at his desk. “Sure, Richard,” I agreed. “One dance.” I took my hand back.
“Wonderful. If you’ll excuse me, I should go get ready for practice.” On his way out the door, he waved to Roy. “See you out there, Coach!”
As soon as Richard was out the door, I spun my chair around, finally facing Roy. He was already turned around, facing me with his arms crossed, his expression hard and stoney like it was the day we met. His mouth was in a perfectly straight line as he stared me down, reminding me of the way I used to see him stare down opponents on television.
“You really going to dance with that prick?”
I shrugged. “I mean, I guess? It’s no big deal, just a dance.”
Roy nodded slowly, his eyebrows knitted together as his face turned red. “Sure. No big deal.” He stood up. “I gotta go to practice.” He made his way out of the office.
“Whistle!” The chattering in the changing room died instantly. “Oi, all of you, out on the pitch. Twenty laps as your warm up. Whistle!”
Nope. There was nothing I could do at this point; the boys would just all have to suffer. Hopefully seeing Montlaur run until he nearly puked would be enough to calm Roy down before he came back to the office. Trying to put thoughts of Roy and Richard and the gala out of my head, I turned my attention to my computer and opened a file containing personal project of mine: an American-to-British English dictionary just for Ted. The man desperately needed it.
“Hey babes!” Keeley sauntered in a couple hours later, her pink sparkly dress shining in the fluorescent light. “You ready to go?”
I cocked my head at her. “Go…?”
“Dress shopping!” she reminded me, pulling me out of my chair. “I already told Ted that I’m kidnapping you. So, let’s go!”
As we strolled arm in arm to different shops, I felt my mind drift back to Roy, wondering how practice was going. I prayed he wasn’t being too rough on the boys; it wasn’t their fault Montlaur unwittingly asked out Roy’s…. whatever I was.
“Hey, was Roy okay today?” Keeley peered at me over the clothing rack we were searching through, eyebrows raised. “I swear to God, you could hear him screaming whistle across the whole damn building.”
I shrugged. “I mean, he’s Roy,” I muttered, hoping I seemed nonchalant. “The man’s a ball of rage. Wouldn’t it be more surprising if he wasn’t screaming at the guys?” Come on, Keeley. Agree with my logic.
Keeley shifted her gaze to the dress she held out in front of her. “Hmm. I guess.” Her eyes found mine in a flash. “I did hear about Richard asking you to the ball. Guess I was just wondering if Roy got a little…” She popped her lips. “Jealous?”
“Enough,” I groaned, rolling my eyes. “Just help me find a damn dress.”
“Done.” Keeley held up a red dress that- damn her- I knew would look perfect on me.
I couldn’t help copying her infectious grin. “Fucking hell, Keeley.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Oi, d’you need a ride home?”
Roy stood over my desk, clutching his duffel bag, not quite looking me in the eye. A touch of pink colored his cheeks.
I tapped my pencil against my desk. “Well considering you drove me here this morning…” I raised my eyebrows at him.
“Right.” He tapped the toe of his sneaker against the floor. “Well, I’ll meet you at the car I guess.”
I sighed as I began packing my things. “You can just wait here for me,” I huffed. “If you want, I mean. I’ll be quick.”
“Right,” he repeated.
I felt his eyes on me as I tucked my laptop and other things into my bag and wrote myself a note reminding myself about the tasks I needed to tackle the next morning, sticking it up next to Roy’s note. Then I shouldered my bag and grabbed the shopping bag that held the dress and heels Keeley had helped me find. When I was ready, I looked over at Roy, who was sitting at his desk, watching me from over the top of his phone that he had been pretending to scroll on.
“You ready?”
Our walk to the car was uncharacteristically quiet, the air around us heavy. There was a sinking feeling in my stomach as we crossed the parking lot, wondering if I’d somehow managed to fuck things up already. Great job. You’re gonna lose the guy of your dreams AND make the best job you’ve ever had uncomfortable as hell.
To my surprise, Roy opened the passenger door and helped me into the car, the same way he always did. He squeezed my hand, a reassuring touch after the silence we’d shared in the office once I returned from shopping. With one hand on the steering wheel, Roy put the key in the ignition and started the car- and immediately turned it back off. He turned to face me, his face serious.
“I didn’t fucking like Montlaur asking you out,” he said bluntly. “He’s a prick and was probably thinking he’d get to sleep with you just because he asked you to the gala. But I guess it’s not his fault for not knowing we’re seeing each other. And us keeping things private was my idea, so I probably shouldn’t be so fucking defensive.” His hand tapped on the steering wheel. “So, I’m sorry for being short with you,” he finished. “And sorry if I made you feel guilty when you honestly didn’t do a fucking thing wrong.”
In his eyes I could see that same anxiety that I had seen as he waited for me to tell him what I’d thought of his pub. When he asked me about keeping our situation private. That look that told me that what I felt mattered to him.
“It’s okay, Roy,” I whispered, resting my hand on his leg. “I was honest when I told Richard I didn’t want to go with him, I just didn’t want to hurt his feelings. Like you said, it’s not his fault.” I smirked. “How many laps did the guys end up doing anyway?”
A sheepish grin appeared on Roy’s face. “Ted talked me down to fifteen laps. But then they did burpees right after. Dani and Sam both threw up.”
I shook my head, holding back laughter. “Those poor boys. None of them better ask me to dance Friday.”
Now Roy shook his head, leaning close, clearly planning to take advantage of the empty parking lot. “You can dance with them,” he whispered. I could feel his stubble brush against my skin before he closed the distance between our lips. “Just promise to save the last dance for me.”
“Over here! Ms. Welton over here!”
I stood on the edge of the red carpet, wincing as I watched the scene before me. My friends and colleagues, alone or with stunning dates on their arms, made their way down the carpet, stopping to pose for photos, smiling widely and cracking jokes at the photographers. They all looked so calm, so at ease, while I floated at the periphery, trying to decide if I should brave the red carpet, walk behind the whole mess like the peasant I suddenly felt like, or just go home.
The last one was starting to sound good to me when I heard a familiar growl behind me. When I turned around, there was Roy, his soft brown eyes contrasting with the hard look on his face and providing me with an anchor to cling to. To no one’s surprise, he was wearing all black, a fitted suit that made my heart slam against my chest. He took a step closer to me, his gaze flickering to the photographers who whispered to themselves with excitement as soon as he approached their view.
“Fuck you for wearing that dress,” he grumbled out of the corner of his mouth, clearly trying to look casual. “You look amazing.”
I couldn’t help but laugh at the Roy Kent-ness of his compliment. “Keeley’s goal was for me to get your attention. I’m glad it’s working.”
He sighed and stuck his hands in his pockets; I could see him trying to suppress a smile. “You’d get my attention even if you were wearing Maria’s curtain dress,” he breathed. “This-” His eyes trailed the red dress that hugged every curve, as if it had been made just for me. “-this is fucking torture.”
Before I could respond, I felt an arm hook through mine, grabbing my attention. I turned around; Keeley.
“Hi guys!” she gushed, looking gorgeous in a rose gold dress and with Jamie right behind her. “Don’t you two look grand together.” She shot me a wink. “Walking the carpet?”
Roy stiffened up, eyeing the papps with unease. “Speed-walking, more like.” He nodded to the three of us, though his eyes were on me. “See you in there.” He turned towards the carpet and bolted across, ignoring the photographers’ pleas for a picture, answering with only his two favorite words: Fuck no.
Keeley nudged me, nodding towards the photographers. “You go ahead,” she urged.
“Um…” I knew she saw the grimace on my face. “Think I could just, I dunno, go around?”
Her face softened as she tightened her arm around mine. “How about we go together? There’s enough photos of me and Jamie floating around online, they don’t need any more.” She glanced at Tartt. “That alright with you babe?”
Jamie nodded. I finally realized the shirt under his suit jacket was black see-through netting. “Go for it.” He shot me a friendly wink, assuring me that yes, I could steal his girlfriend for a strut up the red carpet.
Arms still linked, Keeley and I approached the edge of the carpet, where the photogaphers screamed Keeley’s name, asking who she was wearing and who she was with. She struck poses, an absolute natural, and flashed the most gorgeous smile I’d ever seen. I knew Keeley was beautiful- I’d seen her in magazines and ads for years, and of course knew her in person now- but seeing Model Keeley, live and in person, was an experience.
“Come on!” she urged, pulling me close. I mirrored her pose, feeling silly, a bit like a teenage girl taking selfies with her best friend. But having Keeley give me a squeeze suddenly made it… fun. Keeley shouted out my name to the reporters, spelling it with ease, and declaring me the Richmond coaching staff’s “fabulous new administrative assistant”.
I giggled as I pushed her down the red carpet, ready to get to the party. My heart purred with pleasure when I saw that Roy had not gone into the building yet; rather, he was standing by the entrance, watching me with a soft fondness covering his face. For once, he didn’t bother hiding the joy I knew we both felt around each other. I was sure my face matched my dress as Keeley and I approached him, stopping so Keeley could go back and join Jamie back in front of the cameras; so much for there already being enough photos of the two of them.
“You have fun out there?” Roy asked, eyebrows raised in amusement.
“A bit,” I admitted, more to myself than anyone else. “You should try it sometime.”
He bit his lip, looking me up and down, clearly emboldened by the lack of eyes and ears focused on us. “Maybe next year. With the right date on my arm.”
“Oh.” That was all I could manage; was Roy Kent- Roy fucking Kent- implying that we would still be seeing each other a year from now? It sure as hell sounded like it.
And I sure as hell found myself hoping it would happen.
Roy seemed to understand my sudden bashfulness. “Come on. Let’s head inside before the papps actually manage to get a fucking picture of me.” He placed his hand on the small of my back, taking advantage of the formal setting to have some physical contact to guide me into the venue.
As we entered the ballroom, I resisted the urge to gawk at the opulence of the venue; surely my wedding wouldn’t be this nice (unless you marry Roy Kent, the voice in my head teased).
Surely Roy could feel how overwhelmed I was. “Let’s find some seats and go grab drinks,” he suggested. “We’ll need ’em.”
I rose an eyebrow at him as he led me through the party towards the tables taken up by our fellow Richmond staff and players. “You sure you’re not too comfy there, Kent?”
He shook his head. “Nah. Everyone kind of gets extra friendly at this thing, so no one’ll bat an eye if we hang out.” He shrugged. “Especially since we’re officemates. It’ll seem kind of… natural for me to hang out with you, we’re always together at work anyway.” He nodded towards an empty table. “How’s here?”
“Sure.” I placed my clutch on the table, saving mine and Roy’s spots. “D’you mind if Keeley and Jamie join us?”
Roy threw his head back. “Fuuuuuuu-” He glanced at the begging expression on my face. “Fine.” He nodded towards the bar. “I’m gonna need a drink if you’re gonna make me hang out with Jamie fuckin’ Tartt.”
“Deal,” I agreed. “Lead the way.”
“I’m gonna go grab another beer. You want something?” Roy raised an eyebrow at me as the band began to set up onstage.
Dinner had been delicious, with Keeley and Jamie cracking jokes with us and pointing out the most ridiculously rich people in the room for my benefit. The auction had gone off without a hitch; I particularly enjoyed the amusement on Keeley’s face as she successfully bid on Jamie for an outlandish amount of money. Best of all, Roy had been sweet and attentive, much to Keeley’s glee, which helped to calm my nerves.
This might be the best night of my life.
“Sure, want me to come help you?” I offered, starting to stand up.
Roy shook his head, gesturing for me to stay seated. “What kind of gentleman would I bet if I made you get your own drink?” he whispered as he stood. He nodded to Jamie, who he’d actually been really friendly with during dinner. “Be right back.”
The moment Roy was out of earshot, Keeley pounced into his seat. “Holy shit! He’s so into you!” She nudged me happily. “All you have to do to seal the deal is grind on him in that dress, and he’ll be begging to go home with you.”
“Oh stop, Keeley,” I begged, giggling from the drinks I’d had with dinner. “Roy’s just being nice. He’s a good guy.” I turned around to look at Roy, who’d be bringing back my favorite dri-
“Oh shit, look who Roy’s talkin’ to!” Jamie laughed over his drink. “What a fuckin’ reunion.”
My heart plummeted into my stomach. Of course I recognized Brittany Brett, lingerie model and Roy’s ex-girlfriend. I’d seen photos of them in magazines for the four months they’d been seen together around Europe, often appearing wherever Roy had a match or she had a shoot. According to the tabloids, she devastatingly dumped him, and within two weeks she was spotted on a double date with some player for Barcelona and Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Messi.
And now there she was, wearing the tiniest dress I had ever seen and showing more cleavage than a renaissance painting. And, worst of all, clinging to Roy Kent. My Roy Kent. My face grew hot with envy as she laid a hand on his arm- the arm that had just been wrapped around my chair- and giggled. With his back to me, I could only imagine the expression on Roy’s face. Was it the scowl he usually wore around the rest of the world? Or was it the gentle smile he shared with me between kisses when we were alone? Or was it the look of adoration and desire he’d had a few hours ago when he complimented my red dress? Maybe it was the number of drinks I had, or the loud music that had started somewhere during my panic attack, or just the sight of this gorgeous woman hanging all over the guy I liked, but my head suddenly started spinning.
Before I could begin to fathom an idea of how to appropriately react, a hand landed on my shoulder. Richard Montlaur smiled down at me, handsome in his suit.
“I believe you owe me a dance,” he greeted in a friendly, teasing voice. He held his hand out to me. “Shall we?”
I shot one more glance at Roy, who still stood with Brittany Brett, no sign of my drink in his hand. “Sure,” I mumbled, taking his hand. “But maybe we could grab a drink first?”
Richard smiled as he helped me up. “Perfect.” He kept my hand in his as he led the way to the bar, settling us exactly where I wanted to be- right behind Roy and Brittany Brett.
I muttered my drink order to Richard and turned my attention to the conversation behind me.
“Roy,” Brittany purred in that syrupy voice I recalled from a couple interviews I’d seen online. “I’m so bummed you weren’t auctioned off tonight. I would have loved to put in a bid on you.”
Roy scoffed. “Come on, you know I hate that shit.”
“Who’s that girl you’re with? Not a date?”
My back stiffened as Richard handed me my drink.
“Er, she’s my assistant,” Roy mumbled. “I mean, she’s the coaching staff’s assistant. We share an office.”
“Aww,” Brittany cooed, as if Roy was talking about some cute thing Phoebe had done at school. “That is so sweet of you to sit with her. I’m sure she feels so out of place at an event like this, poor thing.”
That was all I needed to hear. I felt small, so fucking small, listening to Brittany fucking Brett simper over Roy and the charity case that was his assistant. I downed my drink and held out my hand to Richard.
“Let’s dance.”
I must have had too many drinks, or maybe I was just blinded by petty jealousy and anger, but I didn’t remember Richard leading me to the dance floor. I just knew that one moment, I was on the verge of tears behind Roy, and the next I was pressing my body close to Richard Montlaur as we swayed to a slow song.
As we swayed on the dance floor, I allowed my gaze to return to the bar. There was Roy, still chatting with Brittany Brett, but his eyes were on the table we’d been sitting at, a puzzled frown on his face. He craned his neck, eyes wandering until they landed on me and Richard. His frown deepened and he cocked his head at me. Even from this distance, I could see the hurt in his eyes.
But then I saw Brittany Brett lay her hand on his chest, clearly oblivious to the conversation Roy and I were having through eye contact. Instead, I tightened my grip on Richard’s shoulders as I watched Brittany Brett lean forward and kiss Roy’s lips.
I looked down, blinking away the tears that suddenly formed. “Um, I’m sorry Richard, but I don’t feel well,” I managed, taking a step back. “Thank you so much for the dance, but I-” I shook my head and left the dance floor, heading to the nearest exit, refusing to take another look at Roy Kent.
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worriedvision · 2 years
An unexpected gift - Tighnari 
Reader is pregnant, reader is also human - not a hybrid like their boyfriend. How will they deal with it? Gender neutral pronouns, Female bodied reader. If I tag this wrong please tell me. tw: pregnancy tagged as ‘tw: pregnancy’
At the start of your relationship with Tighnari, one thing you both agreed not to have until you had an established income was having children. It wasn’t so much that he didn’t want children, he simply wanted to have the ability to raise them relatively well - which income would help with. 
You sometimes had conversations about it, you growing more comfortable with the idea of carrying his child, but Tighnari insisted it wasn’t safe - there was limited evidence of a healthy child from a human and hybrid. Yes, it was entirely possible to conceive, however there was no certainty the child would even live. You understood his point of view, the idea that he was genetically different to you, so you decide to stop talking to him about it.
You engaged in sexual activity quite often, neither of you thinking about protection at the time, and at first it was fine. 
Then, you had a feeling you were pregnant. No matter how you try to calm yourself, nothing worked. The nausea, the way you felt exhausted, and on top of that you weren’t able to do your work quite as well. You stole a spare pregnancy test from your boyfriends medical kit, and you are horrified to see a positive result. 
In a last glimpse of hope, you go to a doctor. After being reassured that they would maintain confidentiality unless they deemed you unsafe, they perform tests on you as well. They expected you to be nervous, knowing your relationship with Tighnari, and they mentally prepare you before telling you that yes, you were pregnant. 
Your face falls into your hands, devastation hitting you hard. Tighnari didn’t want to have biological kids with you given the circumstances, yet neither of you were safe with the sex. It was bound to happen, but it hurt when the consequences bore fruit. 
You couldn’t bare to think of how he would react to the news. You knew he was normally so understanding of things, but this wasn’t something he would brush off. Not able to think rationally in this moment, you begin to blow it out of proportion in your mind. You thought of how he would turn his back on you, calling you an idiot before kicking you out of his house - leaving you a single parent, left to pick up the pieces. He wouldn’t think of you in the way he used to, he wouldn’t love you.
So, you grow distant from him. Any time you could, you avoided any conversation with him. Oh, is that a withering zone I see? Is that an injured adventurer? 
Back when your symptoms were mild, Tighnari was worried that you were wanting to have children, and deep down he knew he wanted to start as well. He was fearful of the idea of you breaking things off due to wanting children and him being a stick in the mud with his opinion. 
When you started being sick during patrols, Tighnari grew worried. He  takes care of you when you pass out in the middle of a withering zone, the other forest ranger listing off your symptoms. 
Funny thing is, Tighnari figured out instantly this was you being pregnant. It was a checklist of things he would be going through to check on someone who was going through this, and you were facing them alone. Thinking of the arguments you had, it was no wonder you tried to grow distant from him. He understood that he couldn’t see how you viewed things, knowing your hormones were out of control at this time. Chances were, you were stuck with your own thoughts. It did also explain why a pregnancy test went missing right before you grew distant from him. 
So, he takes good care of you, hoping to talk to you the moment you wake up about your child.
“Morning, sleepyhead.” Tighnari sings, resting his palm on your cheek. You lean into it, missing your boyfriends affections so much. “Hows the baby?”  He teases, you suddenly pulling away and sitting upright. That, causes you to be sick. Tighnari thankfully had a sick bowl close by, not heaving at all as he has seen and smelled much worse.
“Sorry.” You weep, looking over at Tighnari. “I should have been careful, and I got pregnant. I know it’s dangerous to have a child because of evidence but I wanted to keep the child and I didn’t want to see your reaction when I told you I was pregnant so I kept distant and I miss you so much and I love you and I -”
“Less of that, dear.” Tighnari soothes, grounding you. “I have been thinking about the conversations with pregnancy, and after some deliberation I have come to a conclusion - I would like to try for a child.” He smiles reassuringly, maintaining eye contact with you as if his words weren’t enough.
You can’t even form words, you’re so overwhelmingly happy that you didn’t have to plan out a life without Tighnari. The idea of him being the father and looking after your child alongside you, seeing him teach his child, cooking meals for the family.
Oh, you were looking forward to it.
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fatalmorning · 3 months
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‼️ REALLY LONG - Eve Moral. Deep dive? About the 3 brothers. Find them all really interesting… Edgar in actions, Eve in character and Kai in… story? Honestly can’t get enough of the Kai and Eve dynamic. Really the 3 brothers in general but them mostly. Their story is a lot more sad when you think about it.
First of all Kai. The youngest, and also the most screwed over one. He gives you this relaxed vibe, laid back but his last part gives you a kind of depressive vibe. He goes back and forth from putting on this “fun and cool” face to this “I need help” face. I mean think about it really. His older brother, who has sociopathic behavior, practically mentally tortures their mother into running away (when she clearly already had her own problems). Then years later his twin brother runs away. Leaving him alone with Edgar. Edgar then starts to blackmail Kai, in this fucked up relationship where it’s, “clean up my mess and I’ll pay you. If you don’t I can get you arrested for literally hundreds of murders from the DNA of YOURS that I have.” Kai almost makes it seem like he’s there, doing it willingly at first., which he’s clearly not, then outright says he’s not. Almost blowing it off at first by saying “oh well he’s providing for me.” Before deciding to just tell the listener. But then you realize how much more damage Edgar is causing by lying to Eve. Saying, “Look at him… the disgusting things he does. His life, his actions, his money. It’s greedy, it’s rotten.” (Not an actual quote). Almost like he’s playing into the visions Eve has by telling him that Kai does it for money. Because it’s profitable, which is Eve’s whole theory and big idea with Hypnos… about this power imbalance between society and people with power. Eve knows Edgar is a liar, but he believes him because Edgar has played into Eve’s beliefs. That might have been the cause for Eve running away. They would have been in their teens then since we know in the videos Kai is 19. Or he could have been told that after running away. We know they had little contact due to Eve sending checks in the mail. There’s no clear timeline. But lying and misunderstanding isn’t the (main) problem. The fact that Eve never knew what was really going on. He was so caught up with his own life, and problems with Hypnos. He’ll never know how much Kai actually cared about him. Kai talks about it, about Eve, and that the money is proof Eve is well- doing good for himself and that he’s glad Eve escaped. He’s glad that there’s a chance Eve cares even a little about his family after everything, and glad that he’s “happy and healthy.”
And then we have Eve. Him and his cult can be an entirely different post. But for now, he doesn’t know. He doesn’t know that Kai still gives a shit, he thinks the roles are swapped. He thinks Kai is murdering people, streaming red rooms for money. And Edgar is just a sociopath who drove their mother insane. He has no reason to like his family really… but he tried. In an effort to get out of his own problems he used Kai.
Having no context on what the possible standoff or event was like is heartbreaking. Maybe Kai saw Eve and was happy, hopeful, excited even.., before immediately being betrayed without an explanation. Maybe he was caught off guard and never got to see Eve one last time. Whatever happened, we now know Kai never got his chance to explain because of Eve’s explanation as to why he did it. And after Eve leaves the country, he won’t ever know unless somebody makes an effort to get to him about it. Somebody as in the only two people who know which are Edgar and Kai’s listener. Both know Eve exists but know nothing about his whereabouts. If Edgar wanted to, he could try to make an effort but he doesn’t seem like the type to care. He hasn’t really lost a lot, he could easily put another person in that relationship. And Kai’s listener doesn’t have enough material to go off of, if they tried it wouldn’t be long before they got themselves stuck in some situation with somebody who has connections to this whole problem. Likely ending with them dead too.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
lmao no Robert guaranteed knew the reader was fucking his wife and just didn’t care. but the funny thing is that no one knows until Ned pulls up with that letter after he dies and reveals that Robert named the reader his heir and the letter not might outright say that he knew but the tone is there for the Baratheon brothers to pick up on. absolutely no one is willing to argue with Ned or the letter. if anything Cersei backs Ned up alongside Renly and Stannis even if pisses Tywin off but Tywin begrudgingly accepts it because the reader has claimed Robert’s eldest child as his heir ontop of promising to marry Cersei to maintain the Baratheon/Lannister alliance and goes as far to offer to release Jaime from the Kingsguard but that’s just cause he doesn’t want any golden children coming out.
Robert pulling the ultimate plot twist after his death. The Reader and Cersei had thought they were keeping it on the real down low meanwhile Robert was the very first to know and it didn’t bother him much, if at all. Hey, he’s got his own bastards so it’s expected that his brother would have bastards too, even if those bastards were with Robert’s own wife. Honestly, Robert was probably grateful that the Reader would keep Cersei occupied so he could whore around more and be left to his own devices without her nagging and berating.
I could even see Robert finding it amusing that his younger brother was able to swindle his own wife away from him. Dare I say he has a sense of pride towards the Reader for it. Kind of like how Robert deflowered and bed Delena Florent on Stannis’ wedding night and even did it in the newlyweds bed, but the Reader ended up one upping him by bedding Robert’s own wife in his own bed and fathered Robert’s ‘children’.
As absurd as it is, I like to think that Robert leaves behind a letter strictly for the Reader basically all in good fun, telling them that he’s not mad at the Reader and doesn’t really hold anything against them and that they basically won Robert at his own game of whoring around and having bastards.
I definitely see Robert choosing the Reader as his heir over Renly and Stannis because he thinks Renly is too immature and undeserving of it and just plainly to spite Stannis. Not to mention I stand by Robert having more of a relationship with the Reader than any of his other brothers which adds to it. Not to mention the Reader already had Cersei and the kids so why not also give him the throne. If anyone should get it it should be the Reader. Also, Ned would be there too to help out and continue being Hand unless the Reader stated otherwise.
Also with the Reader in the picture the Starks wouldn’t die out and the war between them and the Lannisters wouldn’t happen. They’d get a much better happy ending. Besides, the Reader would probably be a much better father to Joffrey so he wouldn’t turn into a little bratty psychotic weirdo and Sansa mad he might end up in a much more normal and healthy courtship. But if Joffrey is far from saving and still ends up the way he is then the Reader wouldn’t allow Sansa to be forced into being with him. Not to mention he’s not going to do Ned and his family dirty like that either.
I really love the idea of Stannis and Renly being on pretty good terms with the Reader and being loyal them. Like, sure they would have betrayed Robert and usurp him if they had the chance but they know the Reader will do good enough by them. Not to mention they like the Reader better, especially Stannis. Imagine the Reader being the only one to get Stannis to laugh or let up a bit at the very least? Renly doesn’t know how he does it but he finds it fascinating. Also, the Reader totally knows about Renly’s taste in men and is fine with it. He keeps it under lock and key and has even been a wingman for his little brother on occasion. The Reader would also be pretty protective of Renly if anyone were to bring it up to tarnish his image.
Overall, Baratheon!Reader is a pretty likable person who can make friends and allies easy but will not hesitate to fuck anyone’s shit up. Not to mention he’s much more capable as a king then Robert ever was. Cersei certainly couldn’t be happier with the life she has now, thank the gods she took Robert’s life when she did. Hell, she should have done it sooner if things were going to be this good.
Imagine if Robert actually thought that Cersei was unworthy of being with the Redaer though? Like, not even as a consort. Hell, he doesn’t even think she’s deserving of birthing his brother’s bastards either. He totally thinks that his brother could do so much better than Cersei and may have even been trying to form betrothals behind the Reader and Cersei’s backs to get his brother to be with someone more worthwhile. Just yet another thing to add to the list of reasons why Cersei wanted him dead.
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dozing-marshmallow · 11 months
Hey pooks, how was your day? Hope it was good!! I was wanting to ask if you can do an Ezekiel x jealous Yandere gf? Like she has the personality of Alice Liddel (from Alice Madness returns) please and thank you!!
Drink lots and eat healthy
-Yandere Anon
Hello! <3 my day has been great, thank you so much for asking and for your generous reminder to stay well! I hope you‘re having a marvellous day yourself and you too are taking care of yourself. 
Thank you for the request!💜
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You had grown up with Ezekiel and done all things you could imagine living in the country with him- rolly polly down the hill, tie a worn out tire to a tree, play hide and seek, raise bunnies together!
With no existing blood ties of your own, it was a delight to be welcomed by the Miller family and share the goods you grew.
Example, Ezekiel’s family was responsible for the eggs, milk and wool, you were responsible for reaping vegetables and fruits.
Such as now, where you had circled around your field margins, with fragile hands clasping onto every matured berry, every ripened crop, every fallen apple, into your weaved basket.
“Yooo (Y/N)!”
It was meant to be midday, yet here Ezekiel was, out of his homeschooling lessons to be out on your field.
Could it have been bunking or a mini holiday? Either way, you don’t complain; a smile instantaneously capers on your lips as you rush out from your hedgerows to greet him,“Ezekiel, hello! Hello hello, my love!” you see he is just as happy as you, which is quite rare!,“Say, what’s gotten you so happy today? Is it because of me? You’re happy because of me, aren’t you? Aren’t you? Aren’t you?”
“That’s a given yo.” your heart flies like a feather,“Guess this! Zeeke’s got it in the gaaame! I’m gonna be on tv and rock itt!”
Your eyes widened. Ezekiel? On TV?! He’s gonna be famous!?
“Yep!” he nods, picking up one of the apples from your basket,“That new reality show Total Drama something is gonna be my starting point in the world of awesomeness!”
“...A reality show? Total Drama?” your enthusiasm sucked away, killed like the flowers you plucked from the bush.
Ezekiel was planning on going on a reality show for some time and he didn’t tell you? Why didn’t he tell you? Is there something he’s hiding from you? Is there someone he doesn’t want you to know?,“Who else is gonna be there?”
“Dunno.” he shrugs, taking a clean bite of the apple that wore a crown of water droplets,“Twenty one other dudes that’ll I only know when I get there.”
“...Can I come with you?” it was a risky question, but who said the chances were completely zero?
He spits out a seed to the side,“Sorry holmes,” your heart stung,“I don’t think it’s possible. Unless you sent something in, they won’t let you on, know what I’m saying?”
“...Okay.” That’s fine, right? I mean, it is just for a show, right? A show without you. Where he’d be surrounded by different people every single day. Different girls, different guys... Could it be possible for any of them to overthrow your placement in his life in that time? No... Ezekiel wouldn’t get over you that quickly. It’s not possible for him to find someone else he likes he does you, right? So soon? It’ll be fine, won’t it?,“Um... How long will you be gone for?”
“Eh, probably the whole summer.” he said like it was no big deal.
W-Whole summer?!
“You can’t! Not for the whole summer!” Dropping your basket to cage his being in your suffocation, you screech,“You'd no sooner tell me you want to break up! Break me up...  Do you not know how much I need you...? Without you, I have nothing holding me back from ripping my hair out of my scalp to bear the loneliness... Don't go... Don't go..."
Ezekiel was used to these outbursts, so he let you replace your scent with his for a little longer in the windy silence before he assures,"Chiiiiill bird, you know I’m not gonna break up with you. It’s just one summer eh? It’s not forever.” after you let him stand on his own, he begins to bend down by your feet to restore the fruits that had bounced out of the basket back in,“Besides, if we’re gonna move to a better place, I’m gonna need to win the money for you and me. I finally get to be a man providing for the missus!”
“That’s true...” you knew Ezekiel’s parents had tried their best to give him the best traditional homeschool a kid could know, so one day, he could go to the city- The possibilities of work were very scanty here and the transport system wasn’t the best... It takes hours just to get to the nearest supermarket. All the more work on you to grow your own food... Not to mention, everyday with him was already like a summer day,“I don’t care where we live. We could live up on a tree or under a bridge. As long as you’re with me, I’m happy. I’m complete. Who knew every word that comes out of your mouth could be as nourishing as food?”
“You know no other gal could be as cool as you are.” he stands up again,”I’m always gonna have space for ya riiight here.” there he lays his hands on his chest.
His comment had tranced you into giggles, and fingers into fiddling with your apron. An urgent need to get that old junk of channels and screen working again smothers your thoughts,“...Tell me more about this show.” you have to make aware of your rivals.
It’s been a whole year and Ezekiel’s teacup was still full.
In spite of that, you had kept pouring his portion of tea. Your tablecloth was wet, dripping to the floor with the substance that was once so warm.
Don’t panic (Y/N). There’s no way Ezekiel would run away from you. That’s not Ezekiel. You know Ezekiel, you love Ezekiel!
So...why isn’t he here-
You had thought if you kept doing the things you did, he would come back.
Who stole you away from me?
You stand up from your chair. The grandfather’s clock chimed its ancient cry.
Were you at home this entire time? If so, why wouldn’t you tell me? Who has been keeping you busy?
Nobody, it would seem.
His parents were just as troubled as you were.
“You mean... He hasn’t come back at all?” While you didn’t go inside, from the corner of your eye, you had caught something damning on their dinner table.
Are those...missing posters?
They’re missing posters... 
Ezekiel’s face is all over them.
You walk back to your cottage with a heavier mind.
Ezekiel didn’t elope.
Something had happened.
Something savage.
Something irreversible.
You clash the walls of your teeth against each other and your neck went dry.
What did you do to my baby?
He had taken away the one thing that made getting out of bed worth it everyday.
The thing that composed a smooth life.
The thing that made blood have a sweeter colour.
Stepping out of the dinghy, you scrape your shovel across the collapsing floorboards of the dock.
I’m here, you smiling bastard. Ready or not, here I come.
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stewykablooey · 1 year
what do you think stewy's reaction was when kendall went to rehab? I definitely don't think it was kendall voluntarily going, but I also don't think stewy would've went to any intervention for kendall, even if he does recognize kendall actually has problems with drugs 🤔
hmmmmmmmm i actually Do think kendall went voluntarily, mostly because i genuinely can’t imagine anyone in his life who would care enough to force him to go (or have the emotional capacity to show that they care because i Do think the sibs cared/were concerned about his substance abuse but they definitely wouldnt intervene) except maybe rava, but a) i dont think kendall would listen to her and b) if she did it was part of an ultimatum that eventually pushed kendall to check himself in. unless you’re thinking about like, a court-mandated order but idk about the logistics of that, but then yeah, i do think that could be a way that kendall ended up in rehab. (i could also see connor trying to talk to kendall about going but kendall wouldn’t listen to him either and connor wouldn’t push) but Also, i think kendall really would go voluntarily as some kind of attempt to better himself, but not really in a healthy way, more in an all-or-nothing side quest before he got himself caught into logans orbit again, or in some complete toxic mind-shift of like ‘drugs are for the weak my body is a temple’ type bullshit.
anyway back to stewy: Yes, u are so right that he would not intervene, just like the sibs he obviously cares but he would never take it upon himself to get kendall to seek help because he feels that a) thats not his responsibility and b) its not his business. as close as they are and as intertwined as their lives and business becomes, i think stewy very much draws a boundary between him and kendall that they each are granted autonomy as an adult. whatever kendall does is his business and whatever stewy does is stewys business and they can meet in the middle wherever those things might cross, or just enjoy their friendship outside whatever those things may be. and this is for specific things, like rehab or kendalls marriage, which is also something im sure stewy wouldnt touch with a 100 foot pole. obviously the bigger picture stuff, stewy Does get himself involved in, like kendalls vendatta against logan, or trying to get kendall out of the company. but i think in a way stewy sees that big picture as much more viable, if he can fix the root of this, then all the things about kendall that he cant and wont touch will be better for it by proxy. if kendall could just be a normal billionaire without the roy family sickness then he could be normal about drugs, like stewy is.
so to finally answer your question lol: i think ultimately stewy saw as that, none of his business but also thought of it as pointless. i dont think he saw it as a bad thing and i think maybe he did hope something good would come out of it for kendall, but i think stewy never saw kendalls drug problem as a drug problem, i think he saw it as a logan problem, as a Roy problem, so he wouldn’t have had high hopes for this making any significant impact on kendall.
bonus: idk if anyone has even said this but i wanna get in front of it before anyone does, theres also no Goddamn Way that kendall going to rehab or kendall overdosing or kendalls substance abuse would e v e r make stewy think twice about his own drug use. i think stewy fully believes he is the smartest most perfect most balanced drug user in all of new york city and that whatever kendalls relationship to drugs is, no matter how sad or scary, doesn’t apply to him because he has the most perfect relationship to drugs ever (whether that is true or not)
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icespur · 9 months
Mpreg Akeshu and wholesome panicked new parentGoro:
(apologies on the disjointed paragraphs, some were added in between, and the ending is very abrupt)
More Mpreg Akeshu bio child concepts/headcanons. 
I researched for a good explanation for the Mpreg, and  I came across an interesting rare condition called “Persistent Mullerian Duct Syndrome.” 
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Realistically, Men wouldn’t be able to carry a baby even with this. In fact it tends to hinder their fertility by causing their balls to bleed. 
But this is fanfiction, we’re allowed to bend logic all we want! 
So that’s as far as the Mpreg explanation for this concept goes. Akiren is a cis-man that just happens to have been born with a rare condition that makes him have a uterus. 
Akiren is aware of his condition, but even he didn’t think it would be fully functional! Once the symptoms start, his first thought isn’t “Oh, I must be pregnant, even though that should be impossible.” He thinks the frequent vomiting is just a virus he caught. He brings up the strange frequent vomiting he’s experiencing to Futaba, and she jokingly suggests he could be pregnant and should take a pregnancy test, but they both laugh the idea off. 
Later, Akiren goes to a store to buy something, he comes across a pregnancy test and remembers the conversation with Futaba, and decides “Eh, why not, just for fun.”
Then it comes back positive—---
He remembers his “condition” and the possibility occurs that “Wait, what if it is possible?”
He looks up info on persistent mullerian duct syndrome, and what it means if a man takes a pregnancy test and it comes back positive, only to find IT COULD BE AN EARLY SIGN OF TESTICULAR CANCER?!
So now Akiren is lowkey panicking because he might have early testicular cancer!
It isn’t until a couple more weeks, he goes for an ultrasound and—--
That’s—-cancer isn’t supposed to have a heartbeat, that’s a very early stage embryo—--wait, his uterus is actually functional??!
Due to the unknown, fragile situation of this illogical pregnancy—everyone treats Akiren as if he’s a porcelain doll or made of glass. Because no one knows just how durable this miracle Embryo is and what will or won’t accidentally trigger a misscarriage. 
I especially have some amusing scenarios of “Protective Father” Akechi. But this would be Third Semester specific which means they would have had to conceive before February, and Me and fellow Akeshu tumblr fans already chose February 2nd as the conception day. 
I wanna still give the alternate headcanons, but know this isn’t a part of the rest of the Mpreg concept. This is just a little alternate. 
Protective Father Akechi during 3rd Semester:
After the “How in the fuck?!----” reaction has passed and he asks Akiren what his plans are and Akiren confirms he wants to keep the baby.
Well, that puts another obstacle in the “stop Maruki and return to original reality” plan. Akiren doesn't go back on his promise to stop Maruki with Akechi, he still wants to—--but if he also wants to successfully carry the baby and give birth—-
“New plan; I temporarily take over the position as leader. Me and your friends stop Maruki, while YOU stay in Leblanc.” 
“Because developing embryos are fragile, you idiot. Do you really think infiltrating a cognitive world full of shadows with various attacks and ailment abilities is safe? I mean, unless you want to miscarry during a battle, be my guest. But if you truly intend to keep and have this baby come out healthy and fine, then you'll take a break from Phantom Thieving and Metaverse activities for both of your sakes.” 
“You’re—--are you seriously grounding me? Last I checked, you’re not my father, and I can’t just “take a break”, I’m vital to the team, if I die in battle everyone is screwed! What if they die when I’m not there to heal or support them? I could never live with myself if that happened.” 
“Oh, I’m certainly not your father, but I’m the father to be of someone, who is automatically attached to you until nine months or sooner. Therefore, I have no choice but to parent your reckless self too, for our unborn child’s sake. I—---”promise”---for purely your sake and happiness I’ll try to keep your irritating friends and teammates from dying during battle, and in return YOU take it easy and fucking rest!”
This culminates in Akechi essentially quarantining Akiren to Leblanc, and forbids him from Metaverse activity for the baby’s sake, while a very stubborn Akiren tries to escape, ending in Akechi physically dragging him back upstairs, while the rest of the Phantom Thieves' silently watch in confusion and concern as their leader and friend begs and fights for his life by gripping the hardwood floor or the walls, but ultimately fails as Akechi successfully carries him to the Attic. 
Akechi even considers purchasing some tranquillizer bullets for situations if Akiren successfully escapes, but decides against it after researching and learning the health risks and birth defects it could cause. 
Akechi confiscates Akiren's phone; obviously not trusting him not to use the Metanav. 
Akiren wakes up one day, to Akechi's solution to keep him in the attic, finding he can't sit up in bed, because Akechi fucking duct taped and tucked him into bed! Akiren squirms and triggers a note to unravel from the ceiling from Akechi, explaining why he taped him to the bed, advises him not to try and escape, if he has to urinate he’s already hooked up to a bag, for defecating, call Sojiro to take him to the bathroom, it’s the only reason Akiren’s mouth isn’t taped shut, Akechi is in the Metaverse, if he isn’t back by the end of the day, or reality hasn’t turned back to normal, he’s allowed to ask Sojiro to untape him, “but try not to do anything stupid that will harm the life of both you and our unborn child, you reckless dumbass. Love, Goro.” 
If Akiren somehow manages to tear free of the tapes, he’d try to sneak out of the Attic and Cafe by going out the window, only to find it locked, and a little note taped to the window, also from Goro: “Did you really think I wouldn’t predict you’d try the window, Joker? I’d think the leader of the Phantom Thieves would be more creative in his escape method. I repeat, DON’T. DO. ANYTHING. STUPID. For both your sake, and our child. 
Now either take a damn nap, play a video game, water your helpless plant if it hasn’t died from neglect yet, or make some coffee or curry for customers or yourself. It’s not the end of the world, you are more than capable of occupying yourself, you’re lucky I love you. - Goro 
End of “Alternate 3rd Semester Protective Father Akechi” segment…
Baby conceived accidentally on February 2/2, and once the whole Maruki situation is over with and they return to old reality, Akiren is devastated about Akechi going back to being dead, but on the bright side, sees their unborn child as a gift, he’ll always have a part of Goro through their child. Of course he plans to keep it, no matter how uncertain the pregnancy will go. 
But, as we know, canonically there's evidence pointing to Akechi still being alive. So eventually Akechi returns to Tokyo to reunite with Akiren only to find he already went back home. Oh, wait, he still has his contact info, he can just text him or call him! 
They get into contact, Akiren is overjoyed, and encourages Akechi to come to him, to his hometown. He does, cue happy emotional reunion. 
Then Akiren drops the “So, remember that night in February just before we infiltrated Maruki's palace to defeat him? Well, long story short, I was born with a uterus and I'm—---pregnant.” 
After some denial, lots of processing, Akechi decides to stay and move in with Akiren because “No way in hell am I pulling a Shido.”
The whole situation is still weird as hell, and Akechi still finds himself occasionally laying awake at night processing the situation. 
Once it's time for the birth, the baby is born early via cesarean section, as letting the baby develop to term might not be pleasant on Akiren's insides. The plan was to wait until the baby is at a viable age to be cesareaned out before it really starts squishing Akiren’s organs too much, but also where it has a chance at surviving entering the world early.
But because of complications, the baby decided it would be fun to send her unprepared fathers into a frenzy by making Akiren’s water break early. 
So their baby girl is born premature at 27 weeks by emergency c section and is immediately rushed to the NICU. 
Now, preemie care in Japan is really good! The survival rate is high so really, logically, Akechi and Akiren shouldn't have to worry. For once the roles are reversed and the mother (Akiren) is the level headed logical one. 
Yeah, of course he wishes he got a chance to hold his baby first before they rushed her out, but it's for her own safety and health, and she has a high chance of making it. He’ll get to hold her eventually. 
Akechi on the other hand—-- 
Akiren is obviously correct, the survival rate is highly probable at that age, their daughter will most likely survive, they just have to be patient—------
But what if?-------
The survival rate for 27 week olds is indeed over 9 out of 10, but what about that other percentage? What if their daughter ends up being that rare percentage that doesn't pull through? 
Parents are usually allowed to hold and take pictures with their baby, even if the baby is dead, so they can still have a moment and proper goodbye. What if the Doctors bring back a dead baby and tell them the early birth complications were too severe and she didn't survive, and hand Akiren the baby to say goodbye too? 
Or for some reason what if the Doctors refuse to let Him and Akiren see her, and just break the news, then they don't get to see her until the funeral?!
Did he do this? Did some undetectable birth defects in the Akechi or Shido gene pool deter his baby girl from being able to develop fully to term and come out healthy? Is this one of those “Skipped a generation” things? 
Or maybe this is just the cause of some cruel karmic justice on the Gods' part. Goro willingly spent the past two years playing hitman for dear old Father Of The Decade, and took the lives of people Shido saw as “traitors” and “disposable”; He caused the deaths of two of his boyfriend’s dear friends and colleagues in thieving. One of which is practically a surrogate little sister to him. She didn’t deserve to witness her mother die in front of her from a mental shutdown that a teenage hitman caused and who felt nothing because by then all usual feelings of guilt and disgust had faded into numbness at taking a life. 
Akiren; his beloved, amazing, charismatic, dumb, unfairly simultaneously adorable and sexy as hell, rival and recently turned boyfriend, didn’t deserve to nearly get arrested and shot in the head for the sake of Akechi not blowing his cover to Shido early. Akiren truly has a heart of gold to have found it in him to forgive Akechi. 
Why should a violent piece of murdering parentless trash be given a child to raise, to love? Now because of his past sins, an infant that just entered the world might perish the same day she entered it, all in the name of punishing him by taking away something innocent that he cares about. 
Hell, if we’re choosing that route, why stop at the preemie? That psychotic ex-assassin bastard seems to also care an awful lot for that quiet man with the messy black hair and gray eyes, that he once swore he hated with every fiber of his being, let’s take that one away from him too! OH MY GOD, WHAT IF AKIREN DIES? WHAT IF THEY BOTH DIE? 
Goro isn't verbalizing his anxieties outright, but Akiren can tell he's stressed just by looking at his face, but he can't do much to comfort him physically in his current state since he's currently laying down and getting his stomach stitched back up, so he’ll have to settle with words of comfort. 
Akiren goes to reach for Goro's hand to reassure him, and tell him their daughter will probably be okay because the survival rate is overall pretty high in their country, only to find—--no gloved hand to squeeze and no Goro. 
Cue cartoonish empty Goro outline where he was once standing. 
The intrusive “My premature newborn daughter might not survive and I fear it could be my fault as punishment for my crimes. I refuse to have the first and only time I get to see her be in an open casket, I need to see her now. Striving to not turn out to be deadbeat heartless Shido 2.0 wasn't a fucking joke, I am standing by that goal! I'm sticking to this kid like glue, or a clingy overly loyal canine. No matter if she only lives for a few hours or weeks, I need to make sure she knows I'm there and that I’m not going to abandon her. If I don't crash the NICU I'm going to internally hate myself for patiently waiting instead, because she needs me and I need to see her while her heart is still beating.” Take over, causing him to rush halfway across the hospital to the NICU. He didn't even wait for the surgeons to finish stitching Akiren back up, five seconds after the doctors rushed their daughter out the room, he was gone. 
Akiren isn't even mad, just briefly bewildered at Goro's sudden absence that he somehow didn't manage to detect, and amused and moved at Goro's immediate attachment and loyalty to their child. 
Once Goro arrives at the NICU, the Doctors would be hooking up all the different machines and wires to the baby, and then putting her in the incubator. Once they're done, Goro seizes the opportunity to see his daughter, once they're alone. 
This is Goro's first time seeing a premature newborn in a hospital incubator in person. Logically of course, he knows all the wires and tubes attached to the baby are for her own good and to keep her alive, but God, if it's not an intimidating sight. Most of the common new preemie parent reactions go through him, he's racked with guilt and illogical worry for his little one. He laments just how tiny and frail she looks, if it weren't for the rhythmic beeps and breaths of air, and looking at the subtle chest movement of baby’s chest, one might mistake her as dead. 
He doesn't dare take her out of the incubator yet, and is too afraid to reach his hand in to touch her, so for now he kneels to the incubator and talks with her. 
It's not until a nurse walks in and politely reminds him of Akiren, that it clicks that he fucking abandoned his boyfriend! Oh, does Goro feel like a jackass. Akiren is so understanding he probably isn't mad at him, but that ultimately doesn't stop the guilt he feels and the anger at himself. Oh God, he should head back and apologize to him. 
Goro stands up and goes to return to Akiren when he stops in his tracks—--
If you leave the room, what if she stops breathing and flatlines? 
And that is why Goro never returned to Akiren…..
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everythingpresley · 2 years
Don't You Kiss Me Once or Twice - Chapter 9
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Prompt: Jessica Anderson is Elvis Presley's assistant and after months of working together, slowly something sparks between them. Friendship? Or is it more? [ Fem!Reader ]
Rating: Explicit/Mature (NSFW, 18+), Slowburn
    ||     Word Count: 3,832
A/N: I hope you guys like this chapter! Let me know what you guys thought of this chapter!
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Don't You Kiss Me Once or Twice - Chapter 9
We managed to get Elvis up giving him some water and sugar then led him to the hotel. Dr. Nick checked his EKG and his blood pressure, everything was okay but he said he couldn’t really do anything for him unless he injects him with whatever concoction he had stuffed in his bag that he carries around. We hadn't delayed any show but since the next spot on tour was just a two hour flight, we’d have enough time for Elvis to sleep and relax then we would be able to fly in a few hours before the show. Elvis was now in his room, hopefully sleeping. 
I, on the other hand, was pacing in my hotel room, you could almost see the steam coming out of my ears with how pissed I was. I was pissed because it felt like Elvis had no one by his side. No one stood up for him even his father. I couldn't help but think back to how Elvis spoke about his mother. If she was here today she would not stand for this. He was suffering. This was not okay and the one person who is supposed to look out for him, his father, wasn’t doing his job. Which was being a father. I wanted to wrap my hands around the Colonel’s neck and squeeze the life out of him. I get how Elvis is so thankful for this man and he truly believes he wouldn’t be here without him but Elvis is larger than life. I believe he would be where he is today even without the Colonel because he was born to do this. But the part that pissed me off was that the Colonel did not see Elvis as a human being. He saw him as this money making machine. I wanted to punch or break something.
I stopped in my tracks when I heard a knock at my hotel room door.
“Jess?” Jerry’s voice floated in through the closed door. 
“Hey, Jerry. Is Elvis okay?” I asked, opening the door.
“Yeah but he wants you to come up to his room.” Jerry replied “There’s no girl up there, I promise.” Jerry joked, grinning.
“Ha. Ha.” I replied, my face straight. I really wasn’t in a joking mood, I get Jerry was just trying to make me feel better but I was too worked up and pissed off. 
I knocked on Elvis’ door, Vernon answered the door. I couldn’t look at him, pushing past him I walked into the room completely ignoring his presence.
“Hey.” I said, smiled slightly. 
“Hey.” Elvis replied, he was seated under the covers, leaning against the headboard. 
“How are you feeling?” 
“Better. Just restless.” He sighed “Daddy, it’s okay. You can go.”
“Are you sure?” Vernon asked. Elvis nodded in reply.
“It’s okay Mr. Presley. I’ll let you know if he needs anything.” I said, keeping my eyes on Elvis and my back to Vernon. 
“Good night son, rest up.” Vernon said and left. 
“I wanted to thank you.” Elvis said, playing with his hands and not looking at me.
“For what?” 
“For standing up for me. But you do understand that I need those things to be able to do what I do right?” He asked, looking up at me. 
I shook my head “No, you don’t Elvis.” 
He frowned but letting me go on “If this tour was planned properly you wouldn’t have collapsed like that. And you wouldn’t need those pills.” 
“Jess, it’s just the job. Ask any other entertainer.” He shrugged “I need to give my fans my all.”
“I get that, but you can also do it in a more healthy way Elvis.”
“I’m in the best damn shape of my life doll!” 
“Okay, okay.” I said, not wanting him to get worked up when he should be resting “Go to sleep, call me if you need anything.” 
“Where are you going?” He asked with furrowed brows.
“Going to my room so that you can sleep.”
“No. Stay with me. I can’t sleep.” He replied. 
“Aren’t you tired?” 
“I am but I’m also in so much pain.” He replied. 
“What hurts?” I asked, walking over to the side of his bed. 
“My shoulders and back. I feel so stiff.” 
“Um- do you want me to massage your back?” I asked. 
“Would you please?” He smiled. 
“Sure.” I gulped, getting nervous. He stood up and took off his robe, leaving him in nothing but his boxers. 
Elvis chuckled when I looked anywhere but at him “Don’t pretend like you haven't seen me in my birthday suit darlin’.” 
“Oh my god.” I replied, covering my face with my hands as I felt my cheeks getting red. 
This made Elvis laugh even more then he reached for my hands and pulled them away from my face “You look adorable when you blush like that.” He grinned. 
“You’re making it worse.” I muttered, not daring to look into his eyes. 
“Okay, I’ll stop torturing you.” He said, letting go of my hands and lied down on top of the covers. 
Oh god, his ass looks really good and his back muscles were incredibly toned, I just wanted to kiss every little muscle on his back. I started to sweat because he was practically naked and it was making me hot. I sat next to him on the bed and reached for his shoulders.
He grunted once I started massaging his shoulders. I gulped, biting my lip, his grunt reminded me of that night. 
“Doll, you need to get in there.” He said lifting his head and turning to look at me “You’re not able to reach my shoulders properly.”
“Oh okay, how should I-“ I asked, not knowing what to do.
“Sit on my back.” He replied.
“What?” I looked at him with wide eyes.
“Sit on my back.” 
“Jess. Please. My shoulders are really bothering me.” He pouted dramatically. 
I rolled my eyes and sighed “Fine.” 
I straddled his back, placing my knees on either side of him but not siting on his back instead just hovering above him. 
“Doll.” He said once I started massaging him again. He then reached his hand back, gripped my waist and pushed me down to sit on his back. 
I clenched my eyes shut when I started imagining humping his back. Oh god. 
I started working on his shoulders again and he moaned obnoxiously loud. 
“Okay. You’re doing that on purpose.” I said, removing my hands off of his shoulders.
Elvis chuckled “Why? Is it getting you all hot and bothered?” He said, looking back at me. 
I gripped his shoulders and leaned down, brushing my chest against his back. Getting my face close to his “Yes, Elvis.” I sighed in his ear. I heard him release a breath and gulp loudly. I chuckled and pushed his head, siting up. 
“That was mean.” He replied.
What I didn’t tell him was that I was actually getting all hot and bothered. My panties were drenched at this point and thank god for the thick material of my jeans or else he would’ve definitely felt it on his back. 
“Can you just relax and stop making jokes?” 
“Alright, alright.” He said. 
I worked my hands down his shoulders, massaging his back.
“Seriously, you’re really good at giving back massages.” He mumbled sleepily after a while.
“Thanks, I practiced on my mom and dad a lot.”
He chuckled and sighed. 
I kept massaging him until I felt his breathing change. I peeked to the side and saw his eyes shut and mouth slightly open. I gently and slowly got off of his back and grabbed a throw blanket, draping it over him since I wouldn’t be able to pull the covers without waking him up. I then reached over and turned off the one source of light that was on which was the bedside lamp. I tiptoed out, feeling around me since the room was pitch black just how Elvis likes it. I ended up stubbing my toe on the couch but I made it out without waking him up.
I got back to my room, changed into some pjs and made myself some tea but I ended up passing out while I waited for the tea to cool down. 
I woke up the next day super early and needing a cold shower. I had the worst (hottest) dream ever. It started out with me massaging Elvis, grinding down on his back when grabs me and slams me down onto the bed. His erection evident in his little white boxers that he was wearing as he hovered over me. I licked my lips looking up at him.
“My massage got you a little excited?” I bit my lip.
“A little?” He laughed “I was about to cum just with your hands on my shoulders doll.” He said then leaned down to kiss me. 
I moaned against his lips and gripped his shoulders. He unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them off in one swoop. 
“Huh? Would you look at that. I did get you all hot and bothered. Your panties are drenched!” Elvis chuckled, pulling my panties off and ran his fingers through my wet folds making me bite my lip to stop myself from moaning out loud. 
He circled my clit with his fingers then pushed his fingers in, achingly slow. I moaned loudly throwing my head back.
“That’s a good girl. Takin’ my fingers so well.” He groaned “Say my name baby.”
“Daddy.” I moaned as he thrusted his fingers in and out of me.
My eyes widened as I recalled the dream. I called him daddy in my dream?! I groaned and got out of bed get to showered and changed. I wanted to go check up on Elvis but I didn’t want to wake him up if he was still asleep so instead I packed my stuff and got breakfast and coffee delivered to my room. 
We were due to leave in an hour so I had to go wake him up now. 
I saw Vernon in the hallway, he had the room next to Elvis’.
“Good morning Jess.” He smiled.
I nodded at him and walked towards Elvis’ door.
“Is everything okay Jess?” He asked. 
“Yes, Mr. Presley.” I smiled timidly. 
“What’s with Mr. Presley? You usually call me Vernon.” 
“Sorry, Vernon. I have to wake Elvis up and pack his bags.” I replied.
“Look sometimes you have to make difficult decisions.” He said.
I clenched my jaw and hands. 
“At the end of the day, all of this is not worth it if he’s not well. The fame, the money. It’s all nothing. What matters is his well being. The difficult decision is realizing he needs rest and canceling one of the shows not choosing to drug him and push him on stage.” I replied. 
“He’s my son! Of course I care about his well being!” He practically shouted.
“Well then prove it.” I replied and knocked on Elvis’ door, ending the conversation with Vernon. 
Elvis opened the door, wearing his robe and rubbing sleep out of his eyes. His hair standing in different directions. I smiled slightly at the sight and feeling happy that he was able to sleep through the night. I tried not to think about the dream when I saw him, it was hard not to. 
“What’s with the yelling?” He asked.
“Nothing. We need to head to the airport.” I replied. Elvis nodded, opening the door wider and letting me in “How do you feel?” 
Elvis yawned and stretched his arms over his head “Best damn sleep of my life.”
I grinned, genuinely so happy “Did you wake up at all?” 
“No! I slept for a full 8 hours! I haven't slept like that in sooo long Jess.” He said excitedly, his blue eyes shining and bright. 
“I’m glad Elvis.” I chuckled. 
“And that massage-“ He grunted, closing his eyes “was amazing.” 
I smiled, looking down at my feet. He walked slowly towards me, pulled me into his arms and hugged me to his chest “Thank you Jess.” He said softly.
I smiled against his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist, hugging him back “You don’t need to thank me.” 
He placed his chin above my head and swayed us back and forth while I rubbed his back in a comforting way. 
“Let’s get you packed.” I said after a minute of us hugging. 
Elvis cleared his throat and nodded, letting go of me. 
“I'll get showered and changed.” He said, grabbing some of his clothes and walked into the bathroom. 
I walked into his closet and pulled out his clothes, folding them into his bag and making sure not to forget anything. 
After a few minutes Elvis walked out of the bathroom dressed in a pink long sleeve button down, black pants and a chunky belt. He had his hair pushed back and away from his forehead. Handsome as always. 
“Are you ready to go?” I asked him, when he handed me his toiletries bag for me to pack. 
“Yes.” He smiled “I wish we had today off as well. I need more of that back massage.”
“That was a once in a lifetime offer. You used it so its never happening again.” I replied, zipping up his bag. 
He gasped, placing a hand over my chest “So I have to pass out again for me to get that massage?” He asked, then threw himself on the couch pretending to faint.
“No!!!” I laughed, walking over to him and pulled on his arm to get him back up “Please don’t pass out again, you almost gave me a heart attack.”
“Oh doll, I’m sorry I made you worry.” He said sincerely, getting off the couch. 
Someone knocked on the door which made Elvis sigh. “Back to reality.” He said once he heard the Colonel’s voice from the other side of the door. 
“Ah Jessica, of course.” the Colonel said walking through the door with Vernon trailing behind him. 
“Can you give us a minute?” Vernon asked. 
“You can say whatever you want in front of her.” Elvis said when I went to walk out of the door. 
“It’s fine, Elvis. I’ll wait outside.” I replied and walked out of his hotel room, closing the door behind me. I sighed and leaned against the wall opposite of the door. 
I couldn’t hear what was being said but then I heard Elvis’ deep baritone boom from his hotel room.
“No!” Elvis shouted.
I furrowed my brows, what was going on? They shouldn’t have him so worked up, he’s still fragile and weak.
“You need to fire her! She thinks she runs the show! That’s my job!” the Colonel yelled back.
The Colonel wanted to fire me?
“No.” Elvis growled.
“Elvis.” Vernon said. 
“No daddy! I am NOT firing her!” 
“We’ll get you a new assistant, a better one even.” Vernon said softly, trying to calm Elvis down. 
“I don’t want a new assistant! End of story!” 
I walked to the door and leaned my ear against the door to listen to what was being said. 
Fuck, would they get him to fire me? Just because I stood up for Elvis? He was exhausted, I wasn’t about to stand back and let them pump him full of drugs when all he needed was rest. Plus, I wasn’t compromising a show. We’re still on track, we didn’t cancel or change any dates.
“Is there something going on between you two, son?”
“What?” Elvis scoffed.
“I see the way you look at her.” Vernon continued. 
“She’s more than my assistant.” Elvis said. 
I gulped, clenching my eyes shut. What was he going to say? Would he tell them that we slept together? That’s it, I’m definitely getting fired and no one would ever hire me again. 
“She’s become one of my closest friends, I spend every minute of everyday with her. She’s a good assistant and wants what’s best for me. Don’t ever bring this up again.” Elvis growled. I quickly moved away from the door and went back to leaning against the opposing wall. 
I kept my head down as the Colonel and Vernon walked out. Great, now I wasn’t on good terms with Vernon. 
“Are you comin’ in or what?” Elvis asked me, holding the door open. 
“Yeah, let’s get you bags and headed out.” I replied, walking back into the room.
“I don’t know if you heard anything-“ Elvis started.
“I never meant to overstep Elvis.” I told him. 
“I know, honey.” Elvis sighed, running a hand through his hair “But you have nothing to worry about.”
“Your father hates me.” 
“He doesn’t. It’s the Colonel, he hates not having his way.” Elvis replied. 
We headed to the next city and landed with a few hours to spare. I told Elvis not to over do it during rehearsals and keep his energy for the actual show. 
“How are you feeling?” I asked him.
“Can’t wait to get out there and feel the energy of the fans.” Elvis replied.
“Please don’t faint again. You’re still not a hundred percent.” I told him.
He grinned “Don’t worry doll.” 
“Good luck.” I smiled as the band started playing his intro.
“You did the right thing Jess.” Jerry said as we stood on the side of the stage, watching Elvis preform.
“I know I did.” I replied, keeping my eyes on him “But Vernon and the Colonel want to fire me.”
Jerry scoffed “Elvis would never let that happen.”
“I know.” I said, feeling very confident after hearing Elvis defend me against his father and the Colonel. 
“He takes care of everyone and makes sure everyone is happy.  He needs someone to do the same for him.” Jerry said. I looked at him but he kept his eyes strained on Elvis. Did he mean me?
The band started playing the intro of “Suspicious minds” as Elvis sipped water. Oh how much I loved this song! I loved all of his music but I especially loved this one. I really loved watching it live, it was way better and more energetic than the recorded version.
“We can’t go on together! With suspicious minds!” I yelled the lyrics, jumping up and down on the spot. 
Jerry laughed, nodding his head along to the music. 
As the bridge started, Elvis crouched down and sang with all of his heart. I could feel the chills run up and down my arms. His voice is really something else.
Elvis turned to the side and saw Jerry and I, he smiled and winked at us while still singing the song. 
I grinned back at him, singing along.
“We’re caught in a trap! I can’t walk out!” I shouted, shaking my finger “no” at him. Elvis laughed into the mic, shaking his head and turned back to the crowd.
“Hey Jess. Can I talk to you?” Vernon asked, walking over to us as Elvis interacted with the crowd. 
“Sure, Vernon.” I replied.
“Look, I’m not going to apologize for what I did but I do apologize for what I said. I overstepped and I’m sorry, I was angry and scared for Elvis.”  I continued.
“I know Jess.” Vernon smiled, placing a hand on my shoulder “But you do know how much I love my son right?”
“Of course.” I breathed. Then why can’t you see that he’s suffering?
The next couple of shows thankfully went by without a hitch and now we only have a few weeks till we were back at Graceland. Just thinking about being back in Memphis made me smile, I saw Graceland as my home now as well and damn did I miss my bed. Elvis and I’s relationship was almost back to normal. We were back to our usual routine of jokes and banter, he was also back to his routine of having different girls in his hotel room and dressing room but the only difference was I felt a pang in my chest every time I saw Elvis walking around with his arm around a girl. I can’t be feeling this way when I was the one who made the conscious decision to sleep with him and then force him to forget about it. I needed to move on, our friendship was great and I didn’t want to ruin what we have like we almost did last time. 
However, he could not rub it in my face. I sometimes feel like he was doing it on purpose like the other night. The show was about to start in a few minutes, Charlie and I were standing around laughing about some show we were talking about when Elvis walked up to us.
“Shouldn’t you be on stage Charlie?” Elvis clenched his jaw. 
“Oh uh, yeah. I-I have to go.” Charlie stuttered and scurried off. 
Elvis looked at me for a split second then walked off. I had no idea what was up with that. He completely ignored me until the end of his show. He walked off the stage and as I handed him a towel, he pointed at a girl from the front row.
“You see that girl in the tiny pink dress?” He asked, pointing. I nodded “Be a doll and bring her to my dressing room.” He grinned and winked at me while I kept my face stoic when all I wanted to do was punch him in the throat. He has never asked me to get him a girl, he always made Jerry or Red do it. 
Yes, I’ve seen him with girls before, all the time. Heck, I’ve seen him getting sucked off by a girl and it didn’t bother me but now that we’ve slept together it kind of hurts to see him with other girls. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll do it.” Jerry said once Elvis walked off. 
“Thanks Jerry. But I got this.” I forced a smile and headed through the doors to catch up with the girl before she left. I needed to get over him and I needed to show him that it wasn’t affecting me in the slightest. 
I knocked on Elvis’ dressing room, the girl was standing next to me almost bouncing in excitement. She was pretty and sweet so that made me feel better, I definitely would’ve been more pissed off if she was rude. 
“Mr. Presley.” I smirked once he opened the door. His smile faltered once he saw me with the girl, I bet he thought I would let someone else get her for him. 
“Hi.” The girl breathed. 
“Hi doll, come on in.” Elvis said and opened the door wider for her. She walked in and sat on the couch while Elvis remained standing by the door, looking at me. 
“She’s pretty, have fun Mr. Presley.” I smiled. 
He forced a smile with a clenched jaw “Oh I will.” 
I winked and walked off. 
Elvis 0 - Jess 1.
Taglist: @urrfavvana @girlblogger2002 @butlersluvbot @iheqrtaustin
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treetrunk737464 · 5 months
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The first of the pair!
This is Pearl, she’s an era 2 gem who belongs to Amethyst, the subject of my next post. There’ll be lore under the Read More sign!
Context warning for cannon-typical depersonalisation, kidnapping, systematic murder system and other dystopian themes. Fun Homeworld things.
| Basic Information
Okay, so Pearl. Pearl is an era 2 gem, made after the gem war for a Spessartite Garnet as a reward for some great thing she did, probably conquering a planet with feisty organics on it or something, it’s not super important.
I’d say that Pearl doesn’t really know anything about the Crystal Gems at all. I don’t think she even knows that there was a war in the first place- Homeworld keeps what happened under tight wraps, and if you are a new gem you won’t really know about it unless an older gem tells you. And, of course, Pearls have no business knowing about such things in the first place.
| Background Information
You may or may not have noticed that Pearl’s gem has a few big nasty cracks in it! Oh no! Not entirely healthy for a gem to be having. So, the tea:
When Pearl was being incubated (since Pearls are organic- they are made in the Shell instead of in the ground. This is going into hc territory, but I don’t think Pearls made for gems who are not super high class present as flowery and nice as Diamond Pearls do- I think they’re a little more… mass produced? Like a string of Pearls is created, they’re taken out of the Shell by some gem (Peridots?) then nursed until ready to sell. Does that make sense?), the Peridot transporting her and a couple other Pearl gems to the nursery dropped them. See: top left corner of the image.
Most of the string shattered, but Pearl was fortunate, her gem fell on top of her now dead sisters. She still got a couple of cracks, though. Since Pearl was still so new- I mean she hadn’t even formed yet- once in the nursery the Peridot filled her cracks with some glue stuff so she wouldn’t fall apart.
However, now she’s been cracked and parts of her gem have been sloppily replaced by glue stuff. Not exactly ideal. She’s got some behavioral problems (which for Pearls is like- crying one singular time or showing anything remotely akin to uncomfortable) and some memory problems, which is pretty important for Pearls to have to like… do their job. As a result, she’s clumsy, forgetful, and often loses things in her gem if asked to store them.
She’s still Pearl-y though, very polite, obedient, loyal, good at dancing and singing, friendly albeit a bit talkative, so the Peridots thought it was probably okay. When Pearl was given to the high-class Spessartite Garnet she was made for, the Garnet had her for like a WEEK before crankily giving her back and demanding a new one.
The Peridots really didn’t know what to do with her. They COULD shatter her, but Pearls made for high-class gems are made with better quality materials, and it would be such a waste of a relatively okay Pearl. They could probably sell her to a lower class gem for a low price, but god knows what those low class barracks gems would do to her, and again, she’s made with good quality materials. They were so torn over it they actually consulted Yellow Diamond.
Yellow said ‘why are you even talking about this to me. Shatter her, send her to a harvesting plant. I don’t care’. So, in the harvesting plant she went.
| Meeting Amethyst
So she’s is in there, sitting on the conveyor and waiting for her demise. She’s feeling fine, it’s a shame that she had to go so fast, but she’s okay. Well, that’s until she feels something sharp jab into her back, so she releases her form and goes into her gem.
When Pearl reforms, she’s in an unfamiliar place, she’s sitting on a desk with a sheet over it and where the actual hell is she??? Hello??? She slips down and crawls under the desk where it’s darker, freaking out a bit because she’s just been kidnapped. She is so freaked out, actually, that she didn’t even notice the Amethyst quietly watching her in the corner of the workroom.
| Present-ish
Since the day she was kidnapped from the harvesting facility by Amethyst, Pearl’s been hanging around her. What other choice does she have, really? Pearls are objects on Homeworld, she can’t go out and live on her own or anything, so she’s kind of stuck with her.
Amethyst isn’t too bad to her personally, in fact Amethyst is quite nice to her, but Amethyst does some shady business. Amethyst is a police officer who also dabbles in the Homeworld equivalent of the black market. Amethyst has a weird infatuation with Pearls, and since again Pearls are objects on Homeworld, Amethyst likes to buy or borrow Pearls to experiment on? Which Pearl just has to deal with, no complaints, because she’s just a Pearl! No matter how awful it makes her feel on the inside to have to help with that.
As her and Amethyst’s story goes on, Pearl grows more comfortable in herself and works on her ability to have her own opinions and thoughts. It doesn’t end with her leaving Amethyst- again, there’s nowhere for her to go until era 3- but it does end in a more healthy relationship between the two.
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centralperkchenford · 6 months
Hey pookie I got a fanfic idea because the show hates us rn 😍
Spoilers for new episode
So Lucy and Tim are going through it right now, which, deserved, but ima need Tim not to leave. So maybe a fic where either Tim stays or he comes back like 5 seconds after leaving. He’s soft asf for Lucy, let’s be real 😭
So I am so sorry this took so long. I’m still not myself and it’s hard for me to write in one go. But I hope you like this! I still had Tim leave just because Lucy was setting a healthy boundary and they talked. I get where they are both coming from. Tim really is trying to protect Lucy and I think he’s afraid he’s retreating back into the person he was. He came to Lucy for comfort but she was worried sick and frustrated. You can still love someone while putting that boundary up. They will work it out.
So Lucy and Tim are going through it right now, which, deserved, but ima need Tim not to leave. So maybe a fic where either Tim stays or he comes back like 5 seconds after leaving. He’s soft asf for Lucy, let’s be real 😭
Everything I do I do it for you
Lucy watches Tim leave, the radio on the counter taunting her. Just days before they were about to have date night. Tim got her a present and now she was watching her boyfriend leave because he was keeping something from her and he wouldn’t tell her.
Was he into something crazy? Did he commit a crime?
She hears the door close and she blinks back the tears in her eyes and then the door opens again. Tim appears at the doorway looking hesitant. She knows he’s not going to come in unless she tells him it’s okay. He knows her boundaries and he would never disrespect them.
“Lucy.” He says quietly and she walks over to the door. He’s halfway in and halfway out the door. She places her hand on his arm and then pulls him in. He stumbles inside but she holds him up. “I am sorry.”
Lucy looks up at him, her eyes full of tears. She knows he’s sorry that he wouldn’t do anything to hurt on purpose. That whatever is going on he’s protecting her.
But still.
She hadn’t heard from him in thirty six hours. Thirty six hours of cold terror running down her spine. She didn’t know whether he was dead or hurt. She didn’t know what he was into, she was worried about him. She just wanted to help him because they were a team. They were partners and now they were more than that.
“I know.” Lucy says. “But you still won’t tell me what’s going on?” Tim shakes his head and Lucy feels the bout of frustration rise up in her.
“Then why….” She asks. “Just—” Tim sighs and looks up at the ceiling his eyes full of tears. She could practically see the walls going up, the ones she fought so hard to tear down. He wasn’t a totally open book but he was more so with her. Especially now. But whatever was going was making him go back to having those walls like with Isabel and his dad.
“I’m trying to protect you Luce.” He says and holds up his hand when she opens her mouth to speak. “Because believe me I don’t want to mix you up in any of this.”
“Okay but if you just tell me—I could help you Tim. We are suppose to help each other. Not go missing for 36 hours. I was so—” She pauses for a minute letting herself catch her breath. “I was so scared something happened to you.”
“I know.” He says quietly and he steps towards her and she doesn’t step back surprisingly. She wants his comfort as much as she wants to know what’s going on. He pulls her to his chest and kisses the top of her head. She puts her hand on his chest and then rests her head there feeling his heartbeat beneath her ear. Thanking the lord that he wasn’t on some LA street bleeding out. She didn’t even want to think about that. She’s not sure what she would do if she lost him, go crazy for sure. He was the one person who always supported her, always believed in her and always lifted her up when she was down. He was her lifeline, and the person she trusted with her life. If she didn’t have him….
“Tim.” She looks up at him knowing she’s not going to get him to change his mind, knowing he’s not going to let her in yet. Tim just shakes his head at her, pulling her closer to him and laying a kiss on top of her head.
“It’s just—complicated.” Tim says. She pulls back a little hating his words and hating that he has to say them.
“I get it.” She says and he gives her a pointed look that has her taking a deep breath. “Okay I don’t get it but I want to trust you so I will. I’m going to be a good girlfriend and trust you.”
“You trust me?” He asks and his voice cracks a little bit. She nods and even if it doesn’t feel like she should trust him. He’s Tim. He’s her man. He is her lifeline.
“Yeah.” She says. “You are my man and I love you. I may be frustrated with you and terrified you will go missing again. But—”
Tim leans down to kiss her and she knows without him saying anything he believes her. He trusts her too.
“Okay.” He says. There’s a long silence and then Lucy is pushing him towards the door a little.
“I love you but I still need you to leave.” She says. Tim straightens up a bit, and looks at her. “I just want the truth Tim and I—”
“I understand.” He says. He backs up more never taking her eyes off of her. “I love you Lucy and I—.”
She nods in understanding and as frustrated and upset as she still is she knows the love between them won’t go away. Whatever is happening with Tim, will hopefully come to an end and he can talk to her.
“Just be safe.” She says. He nods and she goes over to give him one last kiss. He turns around and closes the door behind him and she falls against it. She fiddles with her fingers and just prays and hopes that he would be able to just tell her the truth soon.
Because she needs him in more ways than one. She stands up and walks to her bedroom wishing that Tim was waiting for her behind it. She shuts the door behind her and strips down and crawls into bed.
She misses him. And she loves him and she knows this is for the best. Her phone buzzes and the screen lights up. It’s a message from Tim.
Tim: I love you.
Lucy smiles and puts her phone aside. She closes her eyes, his face in her thoughts as she drifts off to sleep.
It was going to be okay.
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