#even if it would save you 5 mins of travel time at three in the morning
problemeule · 1 year
got to see my roomate’s workplace today. would not recommend
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leekimdramas · 10 months
A Time Called You Review (Spoiler Free)
I'm just not sure if I'm dumb or if the drama didn't portray some things right...
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Han Jun He's boyfriend Koo Yeon Jun dies in an airplane crash and as Jun Hee tries to deal with his passing she finds some clues that he might be alive.
By accident she gets to travel back to the 90's and save her boyfriend and her lookalike Min Ju.
This this a slow-paced drama and if you know me I'm not really into those but I like time-travelling and I heard Rowoon will be there.
For that cameo, I ended up at episode 8 and it was too late to quit. Thanks Rowoon...
Even if it was slow I still found it interesting to see what was happening but for me, it became so confusing when we got to know Si Heon's side of the story.
(I'm saying for me because I saw like one or two people in the comments saying the same thing. Majority of people were alright)
I get that Yeon Jun and Si Heon have to be like twins and it was good idea when they did it with Jun Hee/Min Ju.
But I wanted something that we can separate them with. Maybe a different style of hair or even lighting might have helped with distinguishing who is who.
And in 2023 I think Si Heon would be in his 40s, so wouldn't he look older?
Other than that I think the idea is very interesting but not that greatly executed. Even the villain was a bit meh but I really enjoyed the friendship between the three leads.
I adore all of the actors that were in this drama and they did a very good job but because of confusion, I can't really say much about the characters.
But I also didn't really like Jun Hee/Min Ju, both of them were a little too much in their own way.
Jeon Yeo Been did an amazing job as I could tell when she was Min Ju or Jun Hee even the little details as how she walked.
I also want to shoutout In Kyu (one of the friends) because he was always so kind and understanding.
Overall, this drama was not really for me and I would have been fine with it but I think what really made me dislike the drama was the confusion of characters.
It has potential and if you like a bit of slow-paced dramas with time travelling try it out? A lot of people have enjoyed it.
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ggukcangetit · 4 years
Name of the Game: ksj fic (M)
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title: Name of the Game
pairing: seokjin x reader
genre/au: Anastasia AU, fluff, mystery, a bit of angst, smut, comedy
rating: 18+
word count: 14.2k
warnings: lost identity, slightly graphic description of a car accident including mentions of blood and dead bodies, minor character deaths mentioned, mentions of nightmares, mentions of past trauma, y/n gets lost multiple times, sexual content including oral (f and m receiving), kissing, grinding, fingering, breast play, nudity, unprotected sex (PLEASE USE PROTECTION).
summary: The Hotel -Strange, The Manager - Far Too Charming, The Situation - Dire, The One in Trouble - You.
a/n: here’s my adaptation of the 1997 animated Anastasia film! the idea of the hotel was inspired by the Spanish tv series - Grand Hotel! i didn’t manage to finish this by the deadline. but it is finally over. i’m not very happy with how this story turned out but i hope you enjoy it nonetheless. this was part of the Wish Upon A Star collab featuring some incredible writers and their brilliant adaptations/interpretations of different stories from our childhood. 
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The address seemed correct. You had asked three people on the way over, and they had all pointed you in the same direction, accompanied by a knowing look. And in a way, they were completely correct. Concordia was a Gothic style castle, standing tall in the midst of acres and acres of lush green fields - a foreboding structure lost in time, separated from the rest of the world by sheer distance. In fact, the nearest payphone and gas station had been almost 100 miles away -  which you had used to phone the Mins.
“I think I’m almost there,” you spoke into the phone, surveying your surroundings doubtfully. “I asked a bunch of people and they all told me it’s just a few minutes away.”
They had lied. It took you at least 3 more hours to bike there.
“You sure you aren’t lost, kiddo?” You could almost see the teasing grin on Yoongi’s face.
“Oh, would you look at that? My time’s almost up” - you rolled your eyes at Yoongi’s giggles filtered through the receiver - “I’ll give you a call once I find accomodation, Yoongi! Take care, and don’t swipe any more tangerines from the shop!”
“Look out for yourself, kiddo.”
You had lived with the Mins for the better part of your 21 years of existence. They had found you almost 12 years ago, sitting under a large tree, bawling your eyes out. You had no memory of how you had gotten there, or who you were - just your name and a very battered piece of sheet music in your pocket. It was solely due to the kindness of a young couple who ran a modest cafe that you were even alive at this point. Their only son, Yoongi, preferred to lord his 4-5 year age difference by calling you ‘kiddo’. You would rather die before admitting it, but you really adored the nickname. 
Living life without an identity, without any roots, without a past - it was inconvenient at best, and unsettling at worst. You were eternally grateful to the Mins for everything they had done for you, but the first indication of financial distress arising from difficulties at the cafe had prompted you to pack your bags and leave in search of a job. 
Concordia was a name everyone knew. It was one of the oldest hotels in the country, passed down through 4 generations, known for its grandeur, luxury, and exquisite service. But most importantly, the food at Concordia was absolutely legendary. People saved up money throughout the year, so that they could travel to the hotel and try the food just once. And as a person who didn’t have much to lose, you decided that this would be the perfect place to apply for a position in the kitchens. 
What you hadn’t expected was to come across a gigantic looming structure, more suited for housing a reclusive vampire with horrible mood swings or a flamboyant literary figure prone to wild fantasies and nights of debauchery. Or both. 
You had almost turned back after seeing the castle for the first time - it didn’t seem like a place you’d want to spend more than a few seconds in. But something inside you kept nudging you forward.
There were two men standing at the main doors, looking equally formidable and archaic as the building they were guarding. After a few terrible attempts at convincing them to let you in, you gave up on the idea.
You looked around carefully. Surely there was another way of getting in. Once you were inside, you could convince whoever was in charge to give you a chance. You just needed one chance to prove yourself. Just one. 
Just then, a couple of people walked out using some kind of side entrance - a magnificently dressed woman and a young man with a certain swagger in his steps.
You crept over towards them, hoping that something from their conversation would help you out.
“I don’t understand why that silly girl creates such a fuss about bringing food to my room!” The woman rolled her eyes and brought a cigarette to her lips.
The young man took a lighter out of his pocket and lit the cigarette with a practiced sort of ease. “I’ll have a word with her, don’t worry.”
You strained your ears, trying to figure out just what they were talking about. Something to do with the hotel?
“But Mr. Kim,” she continued, taking a step closer to the young man. “Why can’t you bring my food up to my room?” The tone of her voice had most definitely changed, dropping a few octaves as she tilted her head to one side. 
“Now, now, Mrs. Trent,” he replied, with a hint of a chuckle. “You know that’s against hotel policy.”
With that, he took a definite step back. 
“Shame,” she continued, sweeping her eyes over him. “Make sure Kate doesn’t make any more mistakes with my room service.”
“Will do, ma’am,” replied Mr. Kim. He bowed to her and showed her back inside using the side entrance.
This was your opportunity. 
You followed behind them, making sure to maintain a decent amount of distance, and slipped in before the large door slowly creaked shut.
The inside was comparatively more inviting than the exterior. Lanterns at every few feet provided soft, warm lighting, and the decor looked a lot more modern and familiar than expected. The side entrance opened into a sort of lounge area, filled with comfortable sofas, small wooden tables, and a few dozen bookshelves. A record player -
“Can I help you?”
You hurriedly stepped back from the person you had bumped into - the man from earlier, Mr. Kim. 
“Uh…” You floundered for words, caught off-guard by how handsome he was. Chocolate brown eyes, devastatingly plump lips, ridiculously broad shoulders, and strong eyebrows - one of which was quite beautifully arched as he sized you up.
“I-I got lost. I wandered away from the lobby. C-could you”- you straightened your posture, mustering up all of your confidence - “direct me back there? I need to complete my check-in.”
Mr. Kim stared at you for a few moments. He seemed to be considering your words. You weren’t dressed half as extravagantly as the woman from before - who was probably a good example of the hotel’s usual clientele - but you somehow resisted the urge to tug at your clothes self-consciously.
“Of course,” he flashed you a brilliant smile, gesturing towards another part of the hotel. “This way, ma’am.”
You breathed a sigh of relief, quickly turning it into a cough as he turned towards you inquiringly. 
“Sorry, my throat is absolutely parched.”
He smiled again. “I’ll get one of the staff to bring out some water and refreshments for you.”
You nodded weakly and stood there, trying to look like you belonged. 
As soon as Mr. Kim was out of sight, you headed in the direction he had gone. Hopefully it was towards the kitchens. If not… well, you didn’t want to think about that.
It was soon evident that you were lost. Whatever this corridor was, you had no idea where it led or whether Mr. Kim had headed that way at all. Perhaps you should have waited near the front desk and thought your plan through…
“Are you looking for something?”
You whirled around at the sound of an unfamiliar voice. It belonged to a middle-aged woman, with a soft kind of beauty that had aged gracefully. You probably should have stuck to your story about being a guest who had gotten lost in the hotel. But something about her kind eyes encouraged you to tell her the truth.
“You want a job in the kitchens?” she asked, sounding a little skeptical. “My dear, there’s a way to apply for such positions. Why don’t you go back home and look at some proper avenues to apply for hotel internships?”
“Please,” you tried to keep the desperation out of your voice. “Just give me a chance. If I’m not capable, I’ll leave. But please, don’t turn me away.”
She sighed. “What’s your name, child?”
“What?” Her eyes seemed to well up for a moment, but she gathered herself quickly. “Y/n… Umm, alright. We’ll give you a try. One week. And if things don’t work out, you have to leave without a fuss.”
You beamed at her. “Thank you! You won’t regret it -”
She shook her head with a resigned smile. “Call me Yuna.”
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Your first impression of Concordia had been spot on. There was something definitely off about the place. At the end of your first day working there, you noticed that all the staff seemed to get along with each other but there was a certain tension whenever the owners of the hotel were mentioned. Nobody said anything, but an uneasiness hung in the air every time. 
“So tomorrow,” Yuna turned towards you. She was the head chef and you had spent the entire day observing her as she directed everyone in the kitchen. “I’m going to ask you to help Kevin with the breakfasts. It’s not too tough - but in my experience, you can tell whether someone has potential by the way they cook eggs.”
You smiled. She had a subtle sense of humor, and everyone working with her absolutely adored her. She was the mother hen and head chef all rolled into one. 
“And about your accommodations-”
An interruption arrived in the form of the last person you wanted to see.
“Do we have any strawberry pastries left?” Mr. Kim asked, sauntering into the kitchen like he owned the place. 
You busied yourself with some dust that had miraculously lodged itself into your left eye at that very moment, trying to appear as inconspicuous as possible. But unfortunately, those piercing eyes had spotted you.
“Look who it is,” he drawled, walking over with slow, deliberate steps. All the amiable attentiveness in his eyes had been replaced with a calculating smugness. “Our lost check-in.”
“Ah, Seokjin,” Chef Yuna interrupted your staring match. “I see you’ve met our newest recruit - y/n. Y/n, this is Seokjin - my son.”
You gulped. “N-nice to meet you, Seokjin.”
“It’s Mr. Kim or Manager Kim to you, Lost Check-in,” he said, with a definite sneer. “Mum, forget about the pastry. I have a meeting with Madam Iris in a few minutes.”
With that, he walked off, leaving you a humiliated mess. Chef Yuna opened her mouth to say something but you were off without a second thought. Manager or not, how dare he speak to you like that!
“Mr. Kim! Mr. Kim! KIM SEOKJIN!” you all but screamed, finally catching his attention. Although, if he hadn’t been ignoring you so obviously, he would’ve turned around sooner.
“What is it, Lost Check-in? I have more important things to do,” he asked, huffing much louder than necessary.
“Why did you speak to me like that?” You glared at him, trying to keep your temper in check. “I know I lied to you before but that’s no way to talk to another human being.”
He stared at you for a few moments, and once again you got the distinct impression that he could see right through you. It took all of your determination to not break eye contact.
“Because,” he whispered, leaning in closer. “You aren’t a guest here. So I don’t need to be nice to you. Do you understand, Lost Check-in?”
You stood rooted to the spot, goosebumps breaking out all over your body. 
“S-stop calling me that!” you yelled, long after he had walked off.
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Concordia belonged to the Chavalenet family. Madam Eva Chavalenet, the matriarch of the family, was silent, formidable, and barely ever seen by any of the guests or staff at the hotel; Madam Iris Farrow, Eva’s daughter, was intelligent, graceful, and extremely beautiful. She ran the hotel along with her husband, Anthony Farrow, who was the family’s solicitor. Iris and Anthony had an eight year old son - Ryan - who was an absolute terror, and someone Seokjin did not like having around. 
Unfortunately, management meetings meant that he would be seated at the antique dining table in the Chavalenet’s residential quarters, trying his best to avoid whatever it was that the young heir would try and lob at him, while the boy’s mother rattled off a long list of things for him to take care of. Seokjin couldn’t understand why none of the members of the family attempted to, or even wanted to, keep the child under control.
“Seokjin,” Madam Iris began the meeting, pulling out her expensive looking reading glasses out of her equally expensive looking purse. “The last few months have not been good for the hotel. We will need to have some layoffs.”
Seokjin kept his expression neutral. This wasn’t the first time staff had been laid off over the past year. Whoever was managing the hotel’s accounts was either doing a terrible job, or the expenses had truly outrun the income they generated from the guests. The former was the more likely possibility because people paid a pretty penny to come and stay at Concordia, and as far as he could remember, business had been booming since he had been promoted to manager two years ago.
“We’ve reviewed the staff’s evaluation forms and come to the decision that housekeeping and kitchen staff need to be reduced by 8 overall. We’ll leave it up to you to make the final decisions.” She looked up from the stack of papers in front of her and gave him a small smile. “It’s going to be difficult, so make sure to consult Chef Yuna and get her opinion on the matter as well.”
Management meetings always proceeded like this. Madam Iris gave him orders, Anthony Farrow agreed to every word she said, and Madam Eva remained unyielding in her silence. Previously, the Assistant Manager would also join these meetings - but ever since the position had been terminated, it was always the four of them. And that annoying brat, of course. 
“Before I forget,” Anthony said, turning his gaze towards Seokjin. “Make sure the sheets in our room are washed with the new ultra fine formula detergent.”
Seokjin’s jaw ticked in irritation. Anthony Farrow had married above his station, doing everything that his wife and mother-in-law asked him to do. It was only while interacting with the hotel staff that Anthony found his voice and used it with incredible high-handedness.
“Darling, don’t bother Seokjin like that.” Madam Iris understood the strategy of appeasement very well. “I will speak to Helen when she comes up to our room tomorrow morning.”
Usually, this was when the meeting would end and everyone would head back to their rooms. 
Today, however, there was an unusual interruption in the form of-
“I’m so sorry! I got lost on the way to the kitchens!”
Seokjin stared in astonishment as you hastily tried to explain why you had quite literally stumbled into the management meeting. It wasn’t that you were doing a bad job of it, per se… It was just a very tough crowd. 
“How long have you been working here, girl?” snapped Anthony.
“I’m new,” you answered, shortly.
Before Anthony could express his outrage at the tone of your response, Madam Iris stepped forward and surveyed you carefully. “What’s your name?”
Something flickered in her gaze but she masked it quickly. “Well, y/n, this is very disappointing indeed. Usually our staff know how to conduct themselves in front of the guests and the owners. I’m afraid-”
“Let her be.”
Everyone’s attention snapped to Madam Eva who had spoken for the first time that night. In fact, Seokjin couldn’t remember the last time she had spoken voluntarily in the first place.
“Mother?” Madam Iris looked confused.
“The meeting is over. No need for unnecessary fuss.” Her tone was final and no one dared say anything after that.
Seokjin wasn’t sure if you understood the significance of the moment. But before any further damage could be done, you had excused yourself with an apology and left the room. 
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You woke up early the next morning, partly because of another nightmare and partly because you were anxious to get to work on time. Chef Yuna may have taken on a complete stranger the day before, but you were pretty sure her kindness wouldn’t extend any further if you messed up.
On your way to the kitchens, you found yourself lost once again. It was the hotel’s fault, really. It was far too large and had one too many winding corridors. How did the guests find their way around without getting hopelessly lost? Was there some sort of map that was given out to them at the time of check-in? 
A sudden movement from a few feet away caught your eye. It was a shadow - which meant that there was someone moving about in the alcove. 
Curiosity got the better of you and your feet headed towards the person, wondering who it-
“Mr. Kim?!” 
There was no mistaking those broad shoulders. Kim Seokjin stumbled slightly, startled by your presence. 
“I-I can explai-” he stopped abruptly when he realised it was you. “Oh, it’s just you.”
You glared at him, offended by his tone. “What were you doing just now?”
“I wasn’t doing anything,” he shrugged, attempting to leave without divulging any more information. 
“So you just skulk around dark alcoves indulging in shady behavior for no particular reason?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” It was so easy for him to regain control of the situation with that penetrating gaze and intimidating body language. “But more importantly, what are you doing in this part of the hotel?”
“I got lost again,” you muttered, looking away in embarrassment. 
“And instead of being thankful that you bumped into someone who could help you find your way back, you’re accusing me of - what was it? Ah, that’s right, ‘indulging in shady behavior’,” he emphasized the last few words with air quotes.
“As if you would have helped me!” you retaliated. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you sent me off in the complete opposite direction and made sure I never found my way back again!”
“I wouldn’t have,” he said, stroking his chin thoughtfully. “But now that you’ve brought it up, I’m going to do precisely that.”
You gaped after him. What exactly did he have against you?!
“If you don’t take me back to the kitchens,” you said, making him slow down. “I’ll tell Madam Eva that you were lurking about in places you have no business being.”
It was a long shot. But something about the atmosphere the previous night had indicated that Madam Eva’s approval was hard to come by. And the entire room had been quite shocked when she had asked for you to be left alone. 
Seokjin stopped and turned around slowly. Your threat seemed to have done the trick because he didn’t look quite as smug as he had a few moments ago. “Fast learner, aren’t you?”
You held your ground, determined not to be shaken by his intimidation tactics. 
“Fine. Let’s go.” He began walking again, in a different direction this time.
You held back a grin and followed behind him.
“But if you ever” - he whirled around suddenly, taking you by surprise - “think of blackmailing me again, things will not end well for you. Understand, Lost Check-in?”
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Overall, your second day working at Concordia had not been very eventful. Chef Yuna had been very pleased with how you had prepared the eggs and potatoes for breakfast. She was looking more inclined to keeping you on permanently. Besides that, not much had really happened. You found out more about your coworkers - Kevin, Michelle and Laila. All three of them had been working there for more than two years and seemed likeable enough at first glance. 
Chef Yuna herself was something of a genius in the kitchen. While she didn’t cook often, her instructions were impeccable, and the one dish that she had cooked for dinner had been so incredible that five guests had sent back compliments to the chef. On top of that, her pleasant personality made her a hit with almost everyone. 
You could see where Seokjin got his charms from. He had a way of drawing people towards him with a combination of beautifully arranged words, intuitive actions, and overall handsome aura.
Although, there was something slightly sinister about the way he operated. You realised that the incident with Mrs. Trent had not been a solitary one. Manager Kim regularly charmed gifts, favours, and cash out of the guests. You had observed him on more than a couple of occasions, just chatting with some guest, and before you knew it there was something small being passed into his hands. And it wasn’t just women who gave him things either. 
“I hope you enjoyed the classical music session in the grand hall last night, Mr. Cowen,” said Seokjin, talking to the elderly gentleman seated near the balcony. “There’s another one scheduled for the end of next week, if you’re still staying here at that time.”
Mr. Cowen seemed utterly delighted to hear this, and not only extended his stay at the hotel but also pressed a rather thick envelope into his palm. No doubt, this was a regular occurrence because Seokjin was just incredibly smooth at handling everything that people handed to him. 
You made it a point to avoid him as much as possible. And your little stunt that morning had also ensured that Seokjin left you well alone. All in all, it was an arrangement you were quite happy with.
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“Y/n, don’t forget about tonight!”
You turned towards Laila, confusion lining your expression. 
Laila rolled her eyes. “I told you about it yesterday, remember? We have a staff gathering every Friday evening! It’s basically a small party where we eat, drink, and dance to music on the manager’s boombox! It’s a lot of fun!”
You scrunched up your nose at the mention of Seokjin. But Laila looked so excited that you figured it was worth going to. Not that you had any other grand plans for the evening…
“Sure! Where does the party usually happen?”
“There’s a large unused room below the lobby,” explained Laila, eyes sparkling in excitement. “The Chavalenets don’t keep any hotel events there because it’s on a lower level, so we take advantage of that and have a good time there instead!”
“Sounds fun! I’ll be there!”
“Oh, and don’t forget to dress up!”
You stumbled on thin air. “Dress up?”
“Of course! It’s a party, y/n!” 
“I don’t have any fancy clothes…” you mumbled, scratching the back of your neck.
That did not seem to faze Laila. “Well, it’s a good thing I have tons to spare!”
Later that night, you walked into the forgotten room below, dressed in a knee-length, midnight blue dress courtesy Laila. She had insisted on you wearing a pair of sparkly earrings as well, claiming that you absolutely could not proceed without it because it matched the little sparkles in your dress. 
You were quite glad that you had followed her advice because everyone else clearly took these small Friday gatherings very seriously. In fact, this party turned out to be the most free-flowing gathering you had encountered since stepping into the hotel. Gone was the stiff, unnatural feeling that usually clung to the atmosphere. Replaced, instead, by normal conversations, comfortable interactions, and a general feeling of warmth and comfort. 
“Y/n, you look beautiful!” Chef Yuna walked over to you with a big smile on her face. 
“Thank you! Though, I’d say most of the credit goes to Laila for letting me borrow her dress.”
Chef Yuna laughed and pointed you in the direction of the snack table. Your eyes sparkled at the sight of every dish sitting there - shrimp appetizers with a subtle garlic dip, baskets full of freshly baked bread rolls, two large bowls of salad, slices of turkey, chicken, and salami, and a very delectable looking cake with fresh cream and strawberries.
“Y/n, where did you learn to cook? Do you have any formal training?” Penny, who worked at the front desk, had only spoken to you in passing before. 
“Oh, the family I lived with owned a cafe,” you said, sipping the punch slowly. It was a little too tart for you. “I used to help out a lot here and there, and eventually got quite interested in cooking. But I don’t have any formal training.”
“That’s odd.”
You raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
Penny shrugged her shoulders. “You don’t have any training or experience, but Chef Yuna still hired you. I can’t see why.”
“Well, I’m grateful that she gave me a chance,” you said, a small frown gracing your features. “Otherwise I’d be unemployed and homeless.”
Penny took this as an indication to leave. You wandered around the room, avoiding people, and mulling over her words. It was a bit odd that you had been hired. Although you had tried to keep yourself from overthinking the reason behind it, now that Penny - a relative outsider - had pointed it out, you felt a little uneasy. Surely, there wasn’t a sinister motive involved…
“Shoot! The tape’s jammed!”
Kevin fumbled with the boombox, trying to open it and take the cassette out. A mass of wriggly black tape shot out after a few moments, startling him enough to make him lose his balance and fall on top of Laila. 
“My dress!” Laila yelled, as the punch spilled on her cream colored outfit. 
“I’m so sorry!” Kevin hastened to get off her, and looked around helplessly.
“Let me take a look at it,” you came over, inspecting the tape and boombox. “I can fix this but I’m not sure about your dress, Laila.”
Kevin was relieved that the tape emergency was over, but one look at Laila’s furious expression wiped the relief off his face. Chef Yuna placated Laila with promises of a home remedy for the stain, while you busied yourself working on the boombox.
Yoongi’s obsession with music, and any and all technology related to music, meant that you had seen him fixing countless tangled cassette tapes before. The boombox hadn’t eaten any of the tape, thankfully, so you looked around for a pen or pencil with which to wind the tape back into place. There didn’t seem to be any in the room, but Michelle told you that there was plenty of stationary in the backroom of the kitchens. 
While walking up the stairs, you noticed something moving about in the shadows. Was it Seokjin being shady again? Surely not…
Alas. It was exactly that.
Well, not exactly. This time around, something had frightened him so much that he had let out an almighty shriek, jumped two feet into the air, and accidentally hurled a large bunch of keys in your direction. 
You realized it was accidental because a few seconds later, Seokjin’s frantic voice could be heard searching for the keys.
“Where is it?” he muttered, crawling on all fours. 
You contemplated giving him back the bunch without any fuss. But the image of his annoyingly handsome face staring at you condescendingly made you reconsider your course of action.
“What’re you doing?” you asked, walking up to him slowly. 
Clearly, the man didn’t do well with sudden noises because he let out yet another loud yelp and fell on his backside. 
“What’s wrong with you?!” he demanded. “Why would you sneak up on someone like that?”
“I was walking by when I saw you being shady again. And for the record,” you added, kneeling down beside him. “It wouldn’t feel like I was sneaking up on you if you weren’t sneaking around yourself.”
He frowned at you, and you realised that he was still in his formal work clothes. Although, you could tell that he had been rummaging about for quite a while because his shirt had come untucked and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. You tried not to let the pronounced veins on his arms distract you. The last thing you needed was for his obnoxiously large ego to become even more bloated by realizing that you found him extremely attractive.
But really, you didn’t need to worry about him realizing anything. For Kim Seokjin was busily trying to comprehend the fact that you were wearing a relatively short dress and kneeling down next to him. Never before had he contemplated how long and slender your legs were - but now that he had caught more than a glimpse, he couldn’t quite get those thoughts to leave him.
“What were you doing, anyway?” you asked, realizing that no one had spoken for a significant amount of time. “I’m beginning to think you’re either a sleepwalker or a very clumsy pervert.”
That seemed to snap him out of it. He got up quickly and dusted his pants, glaring at you the entire time.
“Neither. And you need to mind your own business, Lost Check-in.”
It was your turn to frown. “Stop calling me that.”
“Stop getting in my way,” he retorted.
“Tell me what you’re up to.”
“Or else what? You’ll get me into trouble?” he sneered.
You smirked and brought the bunch of keys out from behind your back. “Not at all. I’ll just keep the hotel’s main set of keys to myself and watch you get yourself into trouble.”
“Give that back!” He lunged at you, trying to get the keys back.
You should have thought this through more thoroughly. The initial advantage you had was now gone, and instead, the man before you was able to use his height and ample shoulders to his full advantage and trap you against the wall. You held the keys behind your back, determined to keep them away from him as long as possible.
Now that you were backed up to the wall, Seokjin had to press himself flush against you in order to get closer to the keys. His hands moved wildly, trying to feel for the keys and brushing against your thighs instead. 
The sudden contact made you jolt upwards, knocking both your heads together and temporarily ceasing the fight. 
Although, if anyone had seen the two of you, they definitely wouldn’t have thought you were in the middle of a fight - the angles and movements were much more like two people feeling each other up very heatedly.
“You’re such a pain,” Seokjin muttered, rubbing the spot on his forehead you had bumped into. The tips of his fingers were placed very gently against his forehead, but somehow the movement itself was extremely aggressive.
The image was so bizarre that you burst into giggles, doubling over and collapsing onto the floor. He stared at you for a few moments before the corners of his lips started twitching upwards as well. Sighing slowly, he sat down next to you.
“You’re very strange,” he said, though it lacked the usual crisp annoyance.
“You’re one to talk. Lurking in shadowy corners on more than one occasion,” you retorted, giving him a pointed look.
He sighed. “If you must know, I’m looking for the treasure.”
You quirked an eyebrow. “What?”
“Growing up at the hotel, I had always heard about rumors of a great treasure that was hidden somewhere here. Mind you, no one really knew anything concrete about this treasure. But the rumors were always fantastically exciting.” He paused, leaning his head back against the wall.
“If you’ve known about it for so many years, why are you searching for it now?” you asked.
“Because I don’t think the hotel will be running much longer.”
You raised your eyebrows in surprise. “Why not?”
“Financial problems. I won’t bore you with the details, but it’s not been looking good for the past year.” A sad smile graced his features. “This hotel is my home, and it feels weird to think about a time where it won’t be a part of my life anymore. But I have to plan for the future, look ahead and make sure there’s a plan b in case the worst comes to.”
You remained silent. How were you supposed to respond to this?
“Anyway,” he continued. “Can I have the keys back?”
You looked at him, surveying his features closely. Once you moved beyond how handsome he was, you could see the determination in his eyes as well. This man was a survivor - just like you. That’s why you decided on your next course of action.
“I’ll help you.”
He blinked a few times. “Huh?”
“I’ll help you,” you repeated, handing the bunch of keys to him. “I’ll help you look for the treasure.”
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It had been a week since you had started working at the hotel. Chef Yuna was satisfied with your work and hired you on a six-month contract.
“That way,” she said, while passing the contract to you. “You are free to leave the hotel if you find somewhere else you want to join. If not, we can just draw up another contract for you to continue.”
You smiled at her. She really was a very kind and compassionate person, who always looked out for the people around her. Unlike her son… 
Although maybe Kim Seokjin wasn’t as bad as you had originally thought he was.
“Lost Check-in! Don’t you look lovely today!”
Correction: he was just as bad as you had thought.
“Can you not breathe down my neck, Manager?” you said, through gritted teeth. He was currently standing right behind you, staring at the soup from over your shoulder. The close proximity meant that you could feel his breath on your neck - which was extremely unsettling.
He backed away a little and stared at you with mischief dancing in his eyes. You frowned and crossed your arms across your chest, anticipating some kind of sabotage. And sure enough, he suddenly leaned forward, brushing his lips against your ear.
“Do you know where the gummy bears are?” He pulled away slightly, tilting his head and gazing at you inquiringly.
“The gummy bears…?” you repeated, slightly dazed by the sensation of his lips on your ear.
He grinned and flicked your forehead softly. “I’ll just ask Laila.”
Apparently, Seokjin had a slight gummy bear addiction. Chef Yuna had banned any sort of gummies from the kitchen for that exact reason. Somehow, Seokjin managed to overcome that obstacle as well - he would ask the grocer to smuggle in his favorite rose colored gummy bears, even going as far as saying some guests had requested it but wanted it kept a secret. 
Laila, who you thought had a pretty obvious crush on Seokjin, was chosen as the gummy guardian in the kitchen, and occasionally, Kevin also helped hide the stash when things got too chaotic. It was only Michelle who would possibly disapprove, and therefore, was kept completely in the dark. 
“What was the manager talking to you about earlier, y/n?” Michelle came over to you after tea had been prepared for the guests. 
“Oh, uh-” you saw Laila desperately shaking her head from behind the counter. “Nothing in particular. He was just being tiresome.”
Michele frowned but nodded her head. “Okay. Just don’t fall for what he says, okay? Do your job properly and listen to Chef’s instructions. Everything will be fine that way.”
You nodded your head. What a curious thing to say… You wondered what had brought about this response from Michelle. Everyone in the hotel seemed to be very fairly fond of, if not incredibly smitten with, Seokjin. This was the first time you were witnessing such an explicitly negative response towards him. Even Madam Iris and her husband maintained a level of aloofness associated with the upper class. 
“Why does Michelle hate you?” You were standing next to Seokjin as he tried to jimmy the lock on a random cupboard in some random room. You still hadn’t been able to figure out what his process for finding the treasure was - it just seemed like a bunch of inaccurate guesses. But at least he had finally relented to your persistent nagging and asked you to join him on his next escapade.
“Why do you think she hates me?” he asked, frowning as the lock wouldn’t budge. When you didn’t respond, he turned towards you and chuckled at the skeptical expression on your face. “Okay yes, she isn’t particularly fond of me.”
“I figured that much out myself, funnily enough. What I’m asking is why?”
He hesitated a little, as if trying to find the right way to explain the situation. “Michelle and I were - uhm - we had a brief dalliance a couple of years ago. In fact, it was right after she had started working here. Things didn’t end well…”
You pressed your lips together, desperately trying to keep a straight face. It didn’t help that the tips of Seokjin’s ears had started to turn red as he finished recounting his story.
“You played her, didn’t you?” 
“No way! I would never-” he stopped, realising that you would not fall for his stories. “Yeah well, it’s not like I promised to marry her or something! We just kissed a few times and she helped get a couple of persistent guests off my back.”
“Yeah, you played her.”
He sighed, pushing past you on his way out of the room. “Whatever.”
It was incredibly amusing to see him annoyed and flustered like this. You made it a point to find out a few other things that would possibly elicit the same reaction from him. Maybe there was a particularly scandalous gummy bear story you could wedge out of Laila. 
Just as you both rounded the corner, something small and fidgety dashed into you, successfully knocking you off your feet. 
“Hey! What the hell?”
The bane of every hotel staff’s existence, the reason why a large crate of tomatoes had rolled down the main flight of stairs, the culprit behind the large pudding stain on the special ivory tablecloths, the spoilt young heir of the hotel - Ryan Farrow sat on the floor opposite you, seemingly delighted about the fact that he had managed to topple a new victim.
“Watch where you’re going, kid,” you said, trying to keep your temper in check. You had heard dozens of stories about the terrors unleashed upon your coworkers by this child, and even though this was your first direct interaction with him, you were already extremely annoyed.
“You watch where you’re going, old lady!” he yelled, scrambling to his feet and sticking his tongue out. 
“I am not an old lady!” you yelled, chasing after him as he began running off in the direction he had come from. “Hey! Get back here! You should say sor-”
The sight of a very displeased Madam Iris stopped you in your tracks. Ryan grinned at you from behind his mother, made a series of unfortunate gestures, and ran off before you could chase after him.
“Y/n,” Madam Iris spoke with a calmness not reflected in her eyes. “I’m not sure I understand what you were doing just now.”
You stood still, knowing that she had more to say, more excessively long sentences to use, more haughty expressions to display. 
“I can’t imagine that you’d be chasing my son around the hotel,” she continued, raising a thin eyebrow. “Yelling at him to apologize to you. What exactly would my son need to apologize to you for?”
“I wasn’t yelling at him,” you replied, stiffly. “He was too far away so I had to speak loudly. Also, he was running through the corridors very fast and could’ve hurt himself along with someone else. I was ju-”
“How dare you?” she frowned at you. “How dare you think you have any right to tell my son what he can and cannot do? This is basically his hotel. You work for him as much as you do for me and my mother.”
You bit your lip harshly to stop yourself from saying something that would land you in further trouble. 
“If I ever see you treating my son like that ever again,” she looked you up and down with a disdainful expression. “I will have you sacked immediately. Understood?”
You didn’t trust yourself to say anything more. Madam Iris gave you one final look of disapproval and walked off. 
“That was quite something.” 
You groaned and buried your face in your hands. “I don’t feel like listening to your bullshit right now, Seokjin.”
After getting no response, you removed your hands from your face, only to be greeted by a large hand full of rose gummy bears. Seokjin stood in front of you, wiggling his eyebrows and nose, trying to indicate that you should take some of the gummy bears from his hand.
He looked cute. 
“Is there something wrong with these gummy bears?” you asked, once you had recovered from his oddly endearing actions. 
He frowned, a soft pout forming. “I’m appalled. Whatever differences we may have, Lost Check-in, I would never put my precious gummy bears in danger.”
You remained unconvinced, so he picked up a single gummy bear between his thumb and index finger, and popped it into his mouth. After a couple of chews, he thrust the gummy bears towards you, gently bobbing his head up and down to signal to you that it was safe to try some.
You rolled your eyes and picked up a couple of them. Seokjin was watching you intently, trying to gauge your reaction to his favorite treat. 
Your first instinct was to say that you hated it - it would be so much fun to watch his disappointment. But his large brown eyes were filled with a clear emotion - anticipation - the kind you feel when introducing your best friend to something you love. At least, that’s what you’d imagine the feeling would be, because you never really had a best friend before. 
“I like it.” It was a simple statement but somehow, it managed to earn a full-blown smile from him.
“Excellent! I knew you’d like it!”
Your face felt hot as he grabbed your hand and shoved the rest of the gummy bears into it.
“Oh, and I got this for you.” He reached into the inside of his suit jacket and pulled out a battered looking document. “It’s a map of the hotel - it’s quite old but I’ve scribbled down any new additions or structures that may have been added more recently.”
“Where’d you get this?” you asked, trying to avoid the more pressing question of why he was going out of his way to give this to you.
“Madam Eva gave it to me,” he replied, simply. 
“Madam Eva? Why would she give you a map of the hotel? Didn’t you grow up here? Why would you need it anyway?” The questions poured out before you could really check yourself.
“Oh hush, Lost Check-in,” he tutted, shaking his head. “I got it from her to give to you. So you wouldn’t keep losing yourself in dark corridors. I wouldn’t want you to bump into someone else like you did with me.”
“Huh?” was your very intelligent response.
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Corridors. So many corridors. None of them leading anywhere. Just an endless path. No destination in sight. No doors on any sides. No rooms. Not a single person around. You were all alone. A single object far away. Too far away. The corridor doesn’t end. A figure in black. Growing larger. It was coming for you-
“It was a nightmare… thank god...” You woke up in a cold sweat, breathing harshly as you struggled to gather your surroundings. 
You were in your room, the gentle sounds of Michelle’s snores calming you down while you got up to get a drink of water. It didn’t seem like you would be able to get to sleep anytime soon so you decided to study the map Seokjin had given you. 
It was no wonder you kept getting lost in the hotel - it was massive and there were a number of rooms within rooms whose existence you wouldn’t be aware of unless you specifically knew where to find them. 
Your eyes wandered over to the top left corner of the map. That particular section of the map was much more faded than the rest of it, making it hard to decipher exactly what was there.
“Seokjin!” You burst into his room just as the clock struck 6 in the morning. “I think I know where we should be searching next! Th-”
You nearly collided with the table in the centre of the room as you realised exactly what you had stumbled upon. 
Seokjin doing his morning stretches. Seokjin, with bed hair and rosy cheeks, doing morning stretches. Seokjin, wearing a peach colored t-shirt and tiny pink shorts, with bed hair and rosy cheeks, doing morning stretches. Seokjin, whose ears were now a bright red, wearing a peach colored t-shirt and tiny pink shorts, with bed hair and rosy cheeks, doing morning stretches.
“Y/n?” he asked, looking very confused.
“Thigh- I mean, hi!” You looked away from the lower half of his body, donned in the most ridiculously tiny pair of tennis shorts you had ever laid eyes on. “I have an idea.”
“Okay? Is it related to knocking before you burst into someone’s room at the crack of dawn?” he replied, grinning cheekily.
“Shut up!” you scoffed, turning away from him. You didn’t need him to see how affected you were.
“Okay, just gimme a minute.”
Soon, he was back, appropriately dressed and smelling like strawberries. Of course he smelled like strawberries…
“So what was your great idea?” he asked, sitting down on the floor.
“I was looking through the map of the hotel,” you said, opening it up. “And this place right here on the top left corner of the map - I think this place would be worth a shot.”
“No? Why not?!” You were slightly annoyed at how quickly he dismissed your suggestion.
“Because,” he said, pulling the map closer to himself. “This is where the Chavalenet suites are located.”
“Oh…” You frowned at the map. “But that means there’s a greater chance of finding the treasure over there! Have you looked there before?”
“No, because only select staff are allowed there during fixed hours. Madam Iris insists on it.”
You crossed your arms over your chest. “I think we should check it out. Come on, we’ll be very careful! They’ll never know we were there!”
The earnest look in your eyes seemed to make Seokjin waver. He stared at you for a few moments before shaking his head resignedly. 
“What’s the worst that could happen… Ah, fine. Let’s plan on exploring that section of the hotel while dinner is being served. I know that Anthony requested a special performance by that famous children’s magician, so they should be occupied for much longer than usual.”
You grinned, collecting the map and getting ready to leave the room. “I’ll meet you outside the kitchens at 7!”
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It was exactly twenty past 7 when you rushed out of the kitchen, nearly colliding with Seokjin in the process. He tapped his watch a few times, wiggling his eyebrows teasingly.  
“I hate that woman!” you huffed angrily, slipping into your jacket. “She actually requested that I peel all the potatoes for tonight’s dinner. Do you know how many potatoes were served tonight? 200!”
“You peeled 200 potatoes by yourself?” Seokjin raised his eyebrows in alarm. 
“No,” you sighed. “Chef Yuna got Laila to help me out but Madam Iris kept popping in every few minutes so she had to go back to doing something else. Mind you, I might not have finished at all tonight if she hadn’t helped me. But it still took an insane amount of time.”
The two of you walked towards the Chavalenets’ section of the hotel. It was located at the back of the building, effectively cut off from the usually busy portions of the hotel. 
“Why is this family so weird?” you complained, picking at a thread on your jacket. “One doesn’t speak, one is an evil tyrant, one is a spineless asshole, and don’t even get me started on the kid!”
Seokjin chuckled softly. “They weren’t always so weird. Especially not Madam Eva.”
“Really? I don’t believe it. She just sits there and watches her daughter do whatever she wants.”
“No, it’s true. She was a very powerful woman - used to command the attention of everyone in the room. Everyone respected her and she really cared about everyone in the hotel - staff and guests included. In fact, she was the one who introduced special events for guests during the evenings. She also had part of the hotel renovated so that there were more staff quarters.”
“So what happened?”
“A couple of things. About 15 years ago, Madam Eva’s husband passed away quite suddenly. Everyone was pretty shocked, but in hindsight it shouldn’t have been such a surprise. He liked to live it up - smoked like a chimney, drank like a fish, and ate everything the doctors specifically asked him to avoid. Anyway, around the time of his death, rumors about the treasure started circulating. There was speculation that he had left something behind but hadn’t told the rest of the family. Overall, his death created a lot of upheaval in terms of property and inheritance issues.”
Seokjin paused, pinching the bridge of his nose tiredly.
“It was about two years after that that Madam Eva’s son and his family died in a car crash. Adrian, his wife Sophie, and their little girl - who funnily enough had the same name as you.”
“Really?!” you asked, eyes widening in surprise. That would explain why Chef Yuna and the Chavalenets had reacted so strangely when they had heard your name.
“Yeah,” he said, turning towards you with a sad smile. “I still remember that day clearly. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Madam Eva as devastated as she had been that day. The police barely managed to stop her from going to the crash site. I can’t imagine what would’ve happened if she had managed to get there - apparently, the explosion was so bad that only a few body parts were recovered.”
“Wow…” You didn’t know what to say. The story sounded horrible on its own - what must it have been to actually have to live through it?
“Anyway, here we are” -Seokjin pointed at a couple of large doors next to each other - “that’s Madam Iris’ study and her and Anthony’s bedroom next to it. On the other end of the corridor is Madam Eva’s room and an empty ballroom where they sometimes hold meetings.”
“Okay, let’s start with the study.”
Madam Iris’ study was a very well organized room. There was no way you could rummage through it without moving something out of place. Seokjin suggested that each item should be returned to its place as soon as it was inspected, making sure that nothing was left to be put back at the end. It seemed like a pretty efficient system, but unfortunately, there appeared to be nothing useful that could point you towards the treasure.
“I knew it!” Seokjin stood up and waved a large paper notebook frantically. “I knew she was tampering with the books! There’s no way the hotel could be doing as badly as she claimed!”
You frowned and took a quick glance at the notebook. Not being familiar with any of the accounts, you looked at Seokjin for some help. He began explaining every single mistake with a feverish excitement, his words coming out faster as he got more excited. 
Suddenly, you heard a noise from outside the room. 
There was no need to check who it was - in whatever scenario, you and Seokjin could not be caught rifling through the papers in Madam Iris’ room. 
“Seokjin!” you whispered frantically. “Shut up! There’s someone coming!”
He wasn’t paying any attention to you, excitedly rattling off different things from the notebook. The voices were getting closer and in a last desperate attempt, you pulled him behind the large red curtains and smashed your lips to his.
That seemed to shut him up for a moment. But as he realized that your lips were on his, he attempted to pull away. There was no way you could risk letting Seokjin talk right now. So you moved your lips over his, kissing him fast and hard, while your fingers frantically tapped a pattern onto his left arm. Hopefully he would notice the pressure on his arm and understand that you were trying to tell him something - that you were trying to tell him to shut up for a few minutes.
Thankfully, he stopped struggling after a few taps on his arm, focusing on kissing you instead. 
You nearly missed out on the conversation happening at the other end of the room because Seokjin’s lips were just so damn powerful.
“Iris,” you recognized Madam Eva’s voice, low and stern. “I’m running out of patience. When is that lawyer husband of yours going to be done with the new staff contracts?”
“Mother, please, have patience. Anthony can’t just rush through such an important task. We need to everything is absolutely perfect before handing it over to you.”
“You have until the end of the month,” Madam Eva said, her voice ringing with finality. 
The door slammed shut and the sound of the two pairs of footsteps slowly receded into silence.
It took you a few seconds to realise that the coast was clear. Pulling away from him hastily, you took in the sight of his bruised lips and dazed expression. Pushing aside the delighted feeling blooming in the pit of your stomach, you brought his attention to the conversation you both had just overheard. 
“Sorry about that - I had to find some way to shut you up quickly! But more importantly, we need to find those contracts! Did you hear what they were saying? I’m sure Iris is planning something sinister!”
Seokjin had not, in fact, heard anything that had been said. His brain had started glitching as soon as your lips had descended on his. But it was only when you started tapping his hand, did his world come crashing around him. 
“Y/n! We aren’t supposed to be here! I’ll get into trouble if they find me here!” 
9 year old Seokjin had quite a few reservations about raiding the special chocolate cabinet that was kept locked and stored inside the grand ballroom. 
“Shh!” you whispered, pouting at him. “If you keep screaming like that, they’ll definitely find us!”
“What?!” Panic seized his entire body, the words spilling out of his mouth before he could think about them. “I knew it! This is a disaster! I’m going to be in so much trouble! Mum is gonna-”
The feeling of something soft on his cheeks made him halt his word vomit. Your lips, to be precise. 
Before he could overreact to this as well, you began tapping his forearm rhythmically. The movement snapped him out of shock, alerting him to the fact that two of the hotel staff were currently taking away the old centre pieces on the tables. 
He pulled away from you slowly, nodding his head to let you know that he would be quiet until they left.
It was a good 15 minutes later that the coast was finally clear. However, Seokjin’s ears were still red and his cheeks felt like they were on fire.
“Sorry, Jin,” you apologized, grinning at him mischievously. “I had to shut you up quickly!”
It came back to him in a rush. A pile of memories, falling from the sky and burying him under the emotions he had kept locked up for more than a decade.
He couldn’t believe that this was happening. Madam Eva’s beloved granddaughter was still alive. You were still alive. You were Madam Eva’s granddaughter.
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“I can’t believe I kissed him like that!”
You were currently having a mini meltdown inside your room. Thankfully, Michelle was still working so you had the whole place to yourself to rant about your ridiculous choice of actions.
“I could’ve just covered his mouth with my hand!” You buried your face in your hands. “But NO! I had to use my mouth to cover his mouth! What was I thinking? No! What is he thinking?! Fuck!”
This was getting too much. Your face felt unbelievably hot, and you couldn’t make sense of your own actions. It wasn’t as if you hadn’t kissed a guy before - in fact, those sloppy kisses you had shared with Yoongi’s best friend, Hoseok, had been quite enjoyable. But that was after Hoseok had said that he liked you - you hadn’t just jumped him out of nowhere!
“I’m such an idiot!” you groaned. 
There was no point screaming to yourself inside the room. Perhaps a walk around the hotel would help you calm down. You’d probably get lost again and it would take hours for you to find your way back. The perfect distraction!
The walk was beginning to do the trick - you were so busy examining the different paintings and statues lining the corridors that you ended up at some random part of the hotel, too immersed in what you had found to overthink the kiss.
“A piano?” You walked into the small room, marveling at the beautiful ivory piano situated in a corner. 
“It looks like no one’s used this in years,” you muttered to yourself, opening the keylid and lightly running your fingers over the keys. “Shame… it looks so magnificent.”
An idea popped up in your head. When the Mins had found you 12 years ago, the only object in your possession had been a roughly folded set of sheet music. Yoongi had saved up enough money to buy a second hand piano - but there hadn’t been enough keys on it to play the last page of the sheet music. 
But this grand piano would do nicely. 
Sneaking a peak around the room, you made sure that no one else was there. The last thing you needed was for Madam Iris or anyone from her family to catch you here. 
“Okay, let’s try this.”
The first note sounded rich, and the tone was definitely of more superior quality than the one you had practiced on with Yoongi. As you continued playing the piece, your thoughts wandered over to the Mins. A wave of homesickness hit you suddenly and images of the cafe sailed through your mind - you wondered how they were doing. Was the cafe managing a little better now? Maybe you’d use one of the hotel’s telephones to call Yoongi and see how they were doing…
“Huh?” You stopped playing, confused by the sound coming from the key you had just played. 
You were now on the last page of the sheet music - your right hand on the highest scale available. The e flat key did not sound right, and you checked the sheet music to make sure you were playing the right one. 
“No… this seems right. Why does it sound off?” you wondered, pressing the key a little harder this time.
All of a sudden, there was a loud creak and one of the wooden panels behind you sprung open. You nearly fell off the piano stool in shock, just barely managing to hold on as you waited for someone to jump out from the shadows and attack you.
Thankfully, no one did. But the panel remained open, subtly inviting you inside.
“What’s the harm in checking it out?” you reasoned with yourself. “No one’s going to find out.”
And so, you stepped through the opening, walking into a very large room filled with trunks of different sizes, a few large cabinets, and dozens of pictures set up all over. It almost resembled some kind of store room. Upon closer inspection, you realized that all the pictures were of the same people - a young man with a soft smile, a very beautiful woman standing next to him, and a little girl who never seemed to be facing the camera when the picture was taken.
They looked so familiar. Like something out of a dream. A dream that you were struggling to grasp at as it slipped away into your subconscious. 
With every picture you examined, the ache inside your chest grew. Soon, there were tears falling from your eyes as an overwhelming rush of memories hit you like a ton of bricks. Your father showing you the different keys on the piano while your mother fussed about not having enough time to teach you how to write. Your grandmother talking you on walks through the property, telling you stories about how there used to be deer and rabbits before most of the greenery was cleared away. Your family showering you with so much love while you raced about the hotel making new friends, playing hide and seek, and dragging your best friend along with you.
“It can’t be…” you wiped away your tears furiously. “How can this be true…”
You sat down on one of the trunks, burying your face in your hands. Your head hurt. Your chest hurt. Everything hurt. You wanted to cry. You also wanted to punch your way through the hard stone walls. 
You felt… lost.
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“Are you sure?” Anthony asked his wife, the fear very apparent in his voice.
Madam Iris snapped at him. “Of course I’m sure! Would I be joking about something like this?”
Anthony gulped and looked down at his hands. “So Adrian and Sophie’s kid is still alive… what if they are too?!”
“No, they’re not,” she replied, shaking her head definitely. “I saw their bodies in the crash. It was just that pesky kid I couldn’t find…”
“You don’t think she’s back for revenge, do you?” 
“I’m pretty sure she has no idea about her true identity,” Madam Iris contemplated. “But it’s better to not take any chances - we should get rid of her quickly. Before someone else realizes who she is.”
Anthony stared at his wife doubtfully. “Doesn’t that seem a little extreme? I mean… she’ll probably never figure it out if she hasn’t already.”
“My darling,” Madam Iris sat beside him and took his hand in hers. “How many times have I told you not to use that little brain of yours? It’s landed us in a fix quite a few times already. So please, leave the planning to me. And just do as I say.”
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“You aren’t joking, right?”
Seokjin sighed and shook his head. He had been trying to explain everything to his mother for the past half an hour - but every few minutes, she would give him a skeptical look and ask if he was playing some kind of elaborate prank.
“Why would I joke about something like this?”
Chef Yuna rubbed her forehead tiredly. “It did catch me by surprise when she said her name was ‘y/n’. My mind immediately thought of the little girl running around the hotel, stealing everyone’s hearts.”
Seokjin smiled softly, recalling all the memories he had of you when you were both children. 
“Including yours, if I remember correctly,” his mother teased him.
Seokjin’s ears turned red and he cleared his throat loudly. “I don’t know how to tell her… that she’s part of the Chavalenet family. Probably even the next heir if we consider the inheritance laws.”
Chef Yuna nodded her head. “The oldest child of the oldest child will inherit the property.”
She looked at her son who was busily examining the skin around his fingernails - a habit he had picked up around the time of his promotion. It signaled a great amount of anxiety inside him. 
“Maybe you should talk to Madam Eva about this,” she said, gently. “It’s probably the best course of action right now.”
Seokjin nodded his head. Somewhere in his mind, he knew that Madam Eva would have to be told about this revelation. It was the next logical step - she would be the best person to tell you the truth.
But his heart felt heavy. On one hand, he was incredibly glad that you were still alive - his childhood friend, the only person he ever remembered being really close to. On the other hand, this meant that both of you belonged in separate worlds - worlds which were leagues apart, worlds which didn’t have any place for each other.
A part of him, selfishly, wanted to keep the truth to himself, and be able to stay by your side for a bit longer. Over the past couple of days, he had come to the startling revelation that he had feelings for you - and the thought of never being able to act on those feelings made his heart clench painfully. 
He wanted to kiss you again - properly, this time. But now, even if you somehow managed to return his feelings, there was no way the two of you would ever work out.
Life was quite unfair sometimes.
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Madam Eva had tears in her eyes as she hugged you tightly to her chest. Soft sobs wracked her entire person, and you patted her back awkwardly.
“My sweet child,” she managed to say between sobs. “My sweet y/n. I can’t believe that you’re here in front of me! That you’re alive! I missed you so much!”
Truth be told, you were very overwhelmed by everything that had been going on the past couple of days. You had even briefly contemplated running away and going back to the Mins. 
But then Seokjin had told Madam Eva the truth - the truth you had no idea he was aware of.
And that had stung.
“How long have you known?” you asked him, once things had quietened down a little. 
“Two days,” he replied. His eyes looked sad and that annoyed you even more. Why was he sad?! He was the one who had figured out your identity and then revealed it to your family without once thinking of telling you anything! If anyone should be sad, it should be you.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Your tone was clipped as you tried your best to control the anger underneath.
You uncrossed your arms from over your chest. “If you knew, why didn’t you tell me? I should’ve been the first to know! I’m the one it affects most! How could you not tell me?!”
Seokjin recoiled a little. “I- uh- wasn’t completely sure. I didn’t want to confuse you.”
You let out a mirthless laugh. “How considerate! You didn’t want to confuse me? Well how do you think I feel now?! I was ambushed by a family and a past that I wasn’t prepared to confront! I was barely able to wrap my head around the memories that suddenly assaulted me when the whole hotel came crashing down on me in tears and embraces! HOW DO YOU THINK I FEEL, SEOKJIN?!”
You were yelling now as tears streamed down your face. Seokjin attempted to reach out to you but you brushed his hand aside roughly.
“Don’t touch me.” The words felt like they were choking inside your throat. “And don’t talk to me. Ever.”
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You didn’t have much time to yourself as the hotel began preparing celebrations in honor of your return. The first item on the agenda was a bonfire organized by your grandmother. Everyone was very excited about it because it had been years since she had actively taken part in any hotel event. 
“Feels like the good old days!” Chef Yuna said, barely able to contain the excitement in her voice. “You lot have never been to an event organized by Madam Eva - they’re really a once in a lifetime kind of experience!”
It was just around dusk that everyone gathered around a large bonfire, prepared for an evening of song, dance, and wonderful food. The guests along with the hotel staff were extremely excited about the bonfire, but there were three faces that looked like they would rather be anywhere else but here.
The first was Madam Iris, whose hazel eyes burned with a cold anger as she watched everyone fuss over you. The second was her husband, Anthony Farrow, who looked pale and kept glancing at his wife nervously. And the third was you, who felt like you deserved none of this and couldn’t reconcile whatever was going on with what you had known for so many years.
“It has been many years since my heart felt any kind of joy,” Madam Eva began, looking around with a bright smile. “As many of you know, I lost my husband 15 years ago, and shortly afterwards, my son and daughter-in-law were killed in a car crash. All these years, I thought that I had lost my darling granddaughter as well - but somehow, the heavens have granted me a miracle. It’s been so many years since I last saw you, my dear y/n, and I cannot express how happy I am to see you again.”
Everyone clapped and cheered as she gave you another hug. Maybe you didn’t deserve it, but it felt nice to be showered with so much love and affection. You just wished you could remember something more - you had absolutely no memory of the car accident that had killed your parents even though many other little details about your past were very clear. 
“Please, everyone help yourselves to the food and drinks prepared by our talented Chef Yuna and her incredible team!”
Halfway through the event, everyone had scattered to different parts of the grounds. Besides the main bonfire, a number of small heating devices had been set up so that people could stay warm outdoors. 
You had just finished a small plate filled with dishes Chef Yuna had made. They were all incredible but everything felt like sandpaper in your mouth. You wondered when it would be okay for you to go back inside without it looking too impolite. 
Trudging back to the bonfire, you noticed that only Madam Iris was sitting there. You were in no mood to interact with her - she hadn’t been subtle about expressing her dislike towards you even after finding out who you really were.
Just before you could turn back, she stood up and walked over to pick up something that had fallen on the ground. She was wearing a billowy black cloak over her expensive clothes and the bonfire behind her illuminated her silhouette like…
The air is full of smoke. You cough and sit up, looking around for your parents.
“Mum! Dad!” you yell, coughing furiously. “Wh-where are you?!”
The smoke is getting in your eyes and you rub at them to try and clear your vision. You try and get up but the shooting pain in your left leg stops you. There’s a huge gash below your knee, red and brown as the dirt on the road mixes with your blood. 
“Mum! Dad!” you scream again, hoping that they might finally hear you. “Help me, please!”
Suddenly, a huge explosion rocks the area, sending you flying into the nearest obstacle. 
Your back hurts as you try and sit up again, trying to see where the explosion came from. Your eyes catch sight of a brilliant orange light, roaring against the night sky. 
A fire. 
And in front of the fire, stands a figure in a black cloak, looking so frightening that you start crying in fear.
“HELP!” you yell, struggling to get to your feet. 
The figure is getting closer and something inside you knows that you need to get away from it.
“HELP ME! PLEASE!” You have somehow managed to stand up, but fear keeps you paralyzed in place.
A sudden gust of wind blows through the night, shifting the direction of the embers, and you catch a glimpse of their face.
Suddenly, the ground beneath you wobbles and you find yourself hurtling down the side of the road. You try desperately to grab onto something but your momentum is too strong. You finally come to a stop after crashing into a tree, the last of your consciousness slipping away as the face comes back to haunt you.
It is your aunt, Iris.
“It was you!” you screamed, as the memories came back - the car crash, the chase that led to the crash, your parents’ frantic voices, your mother pushing you out of the car before it crashed. “You were there that night! You were chasing our car that night! You’re the one who watched us crash and didn’t do anything about it! You killed my parents!”
Madam Iris glared at you with unbridled hatred. “Shut up! Just SHUT UP! You ruined everything, you stupid little bitch! I was this close to getting everything!”
A fight ensued as Iris attacked you with all her might. At one point, Anthony joined in as well, and you were worried that you would be outnumbered. But somehow, Seokjin managed to find you and subdued Anthony quickly. After that, it didn’t take long for you to get the better of Iris - a few punches and she was down. 
“Why are you doing this?” you asked her, panting for breath. 
She sat down by the tree, exhausted, but spitting venom from her eyes. “Fuck you.”
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It turned out that Iris didn’t need to say anything. As soon as your grandmother had looked at Anthony sternly, the frightened man had opened his mouth and spilled each and every one of his wife’s secrets. It was quite a sad story overall. 
On that fateful night, 12 years ago, your father had found the ‘treasure’. Both he and Iris had been looking for it for days, believing that it was either a lot of priceless jewels or some very important property papers. After your father had found it, he had tried his best to keep it hidden, but Iris had found out about it anyway. A huge argument had taken place, following which your father had decided to run away with you and your mother. You had all snuck out in the middle of the night, driving off in a car with some of your belongings. Iris had given chase and watched as the car had crashed and then burst into flames. She had also believed that you had rolled down the edge of the road to your death. 
Over the past 12 years, she had tried to find out where your father had hidden the treasure, but did not succeed. In fact, it was you who had stumbled across it the night that you had found the hidden room behind the wooden panel. 
Alas! The treasure was not so much a treasure as a horrific surprise. Your grandfather had apparently sold off the hotel a few days before his death - and hidden the fact from everyone, including his wife and children. However, he had hidden the legal papers so that neither the new owners nor his family would ever be able to prove the fact. It was one last ridiculous game he had played before succumbing to all his vices. 
Iris’ grand plans of selling the hotel citing financial losses - which she had orchestrated herself - had also been foiled by the discovery of those papers. She and Anthony had been taken into police custody for further questioning. 
Your grandmother had taken the news of the sale relatively well. She had immediately packed her bags and left to visit the new owners, hoping to garner some goodwill in the process.
All of this had happened in a matter of a few hours, and you had completely forgotten about the injuries you had sustained from fighting your aunt. So, that was why you were currently sitting in the room behind the front desk, trying not to fidget as Seokjin tended to your wounds.
“That was… an interesting series of events,” he said, trying to ease the tension in the air. “I never really liked that woman but I definitely didn’t think she was that crazy.”
You remained silent. Seokjin continued to clean the cuts and scrapes carefully. Once again, you noticed how he gently held the cotton swab but then shook it vigorously to get the excess antiseptic off. It was strangely endearing, and made you want to laugh and cry at the same time.
“Jin?” you used your nickname for him. 
He looked up from the cut on your knee, eyes wide in surprise. 
“Do you have any rose gummy bears?”
He blinked a few times before smiling and nodding his head. Quickly finishing up with the rest of injuries, he asked you to wait while he raided the secret stash. 
“Here.” He handed you a small bag full of his favorite gummy bears and sat down next to you.
You gave him a small smile and took out a couple of gummy bears, swiftly popping them into your mouth. Seokjin said nothing, waiting patiently for you to finish eating as many as you wanted.
“Can I tell you something?” you asked, after a while.
“Of course.”
“I really want to kiss you right now.”
Seokjin’s ears turned red as he stared at the wall in front of him. His side profile was so gorgeous, soft lines defining his strong features. 
“Can I?” you asked, making him turn towards you. “Not to distract you. Not to prevent people from finding us. Nothing like that. Just” - you tilted your head to one side - “because I want to.”
He nodded his head slowly, giving you the permission you hadn’t asked for the last time. 
You drew him closer and softly kissed his lips. After a few seconds, he responded as well, cupping your cheek with his hand, and returning your kisses with enthusiasm.
“Why do you want to?” he asked, in between kisses. “Why do you want to kiss me?”
You pulled away and frowned at him. “You’re an ass. Why do you think I want to?”
He grinned, kissing you behind each ear and starting a slow path down your neck. “Indulge me.”
“It’s because- ugh!” you gasped as he nipped at the sensitive spot near your collarbone. “Because - because -”
He stopped his assault on your neck, eyes twinkling playfully. “Because?”
“Two can play at this game,” you muttered, incredibly embarrassed and equally turned on. You moved over to sit on his lap, grinding against him while leaving open mouthed kisses along his neck. Once his entire neck was sufficiently covered with light nips, you moved back to his lips, kissing him deep and hard.
“Y/n,” he gasped into your mouth. “I’m going to explode.”
“Are you now?” you whispered, swiping your tongue into his mouth and feeling your insides curl with pleasure. “Good.”
“I’m serious,” he managed to say between some very loud moans. “I’ll ruin my pants if we keep going like this.”
“Fine,” you said, hopping off and making quick work of his belt buckle. “Take it off then.”
“W-what?” he choked, unable to believe what he had just heard.
“Take off your pants.” You raised an eyebrow and looked him up and down carefully. “Do you know how many times I've thought about seeing that cock of yours after walking in on you doing morning stretches? Why the hell would you wear such tiny tennis shorts anyway?"
If possible, Seokjin's ears turned even more red. "A-are you sure? We don't need to rush or anything."
"Yeah, we don't. But I want to. So," you said, rubbing your palms along his legs. "Take off your pants."
Seokjin grinned, the cheeky glint back in his eyes. "If you insist. But I'm not going to be the only one losing their pants."
"With pleasure," you replied.
The pants were off and soon, the two of you were back to kissing each other like there was no tomorrow. His tongue ravaged your mouth while one of his hands dropped down between your legs and started rubbing you over your panties.
"Feels - mhmm - so good." You matched the rhythm of his fingers, bucking your hips into his hand. Your hand also moved down from his neck and palmed his cock, drawing the most delicious moans from him. Very soon your top and his shirt joined the pile of pants, leaving you both in just your underwear.
"Y/n," Seokjin groaned, taking in the sight of your breasts. "You're so hot."
The two of you remained like that for a bit, almost completely naked, tongues down each others' throats and hands rubbing each other into ecstasy. You felt wetness between your legs, clenching violently when he parted your panties and stroked you between your folds.
"Fuck..." you moaned into his mouth.
"Does that feel good, sweetheart?" he mumbled into your mouth. "Do you want me to use my mouth?"
Your brain could barely process what he had said, but you nodded anyway, senses hazy with pleasure.
"Okay, lie down for me, y/n" he said, pulling away from you. "Let me make you feel good."
You lay down on the sofa, legs parted, as Seokjin hovered over you. "So beautiful. So wet."
He began peppering your inner thighs with light kisses, making you squirm in pleasure. Making his way to your core at an agonizingly slow pace, he finally removed your panties and licked a stripe between your folds.
"Jin! Fuck! I-" Your hips shot up at the intense feeling.
He paid no heed to your moans, licking and slurping your pussy until you were absolutely on the edge.
"I'm close! Please!"
Seokjin plunged a finger inside, using his other hand to keep your legs down. The sensation of his long, slender finger inside you combined with the sight of his head between your thighs was enough for you to reach your climax.
Stars exploded in your vision as the orgasm rocked through you. Seokjin continued his beautiful work on your pussy until you breathed a shaky sigh of pleasure.
"Did you like it?" he asked, teasingly. There was no way he could've missed your screams of pleasure.
"How about I show you just how much I liked it?" you asked, sitting up and playing with the band of his underwear.
Seokjin smirked and quickly shimmied out of his underwear. "Be my guest."
Your eyes widened at the sight of his cock - it was huge. Would he even be able to fit?
"Tell me what feels good," you said, licking long stripes up and down his length. Precum was leaking from his tip already, and you used your tongue to tease him further. Seokjin moaned, gripping the fabric of the sofa as you sucked his cock a few times.
"Don't tease, y/n," he managed with a lot of difficulty. "I don't think I can control myself for much longer."
Pressing a few small kisses to his tip, you leaned back and positioned yourself in front of him. "Okay, I think I'm ready."
A pained expression crossed his face as he took in the sight of you kneeling on your knees, waiting for him to cum.
"Maybe next time," he said, pulling you up to him and placing a soft kiss on your lips. "Right now, I want to be inside you."
"Are you sure?" you asked, returning his kiss.
"Yeah, but let's hurry," he mumbled, taking his throbbing red cock in his hand.
You laid down on the sofa again, spreading your legs for him. He positioned the tip of his cock in front of your entrance, rubbing you a few times before entering slowly.
"Tell me if it's too much," he whispered into your ear, before placing kisses all over your face and neck.
"Mm hmm,"you mumbled, getting used to the stretch.
Seokjin moved his mouth from your neck to your breast, placing sloppy kisses on the mounds before taking one of them in his mouth. You shuddered with pleasure as his tongue swirled around your nippled.
Your senses were getting overwhelmed again - Seokjin had started thrusting into you while simultaneously moving his mouth onto your other breast.
"Is this okay?" he managed between thrusts, his voice hoarse and delightfully sexy.
"Y-yeah, just do what you need to," you said, gripping his biceps with all your might.
He grunted in response, increasing the pace of his thrusts. The room was filled with the sounds of both your moans, and you knew that a second orgasm was building.
Just then, a shrill ring sounded through the room, startling you both. Seokjin barely managed to keep himself from falling off the sofa, placing a hand over his chest as he looked around wildly.
It was the telephone.
Seokjin sighed and pulled out of you, quickly going over to pick up the receiver.
"How can I help you?" he asked, standing there in his full naked glory.
You bit your lip as you drank in the sight of him - from his rippling shoulder muscles to his abs to his tapering waist and dangling cock.
"Of course, madam. But it is currently 2 in the morning. Please call after 7 am in order to make a reservation. Thank you. Have a good night."
Clicking the receiver in place, he rushed back to you, jumping onto the sofa with a smirk.
"Now where were we?"
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this took me 2 hours to format on the site T_T i am exhausted. please give it some love! i would love to know what you thought of this story! please like and reblog! thank you! tagging @yoongsgguktae​ @sugamonster22​ @anglofmrcy​ @blue1928​ @jinpanman​ @thatlongspringnight​ @thatmultifandomhoe​ 
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giftofshewbread · 3 years
Gone            (Prophecy Update)
 By Daymond Duck    Published on: September 26, 2021
After Moses died, Joshua became the leader of the Jewish people. Joshua led them across the Jordan River, took them to a place called Shiloh, and gave Shiloh to the largest and most powerful tribe called Ephraim. The Jews erected a Tabernacle there, priests served there, offered sacrifices there, felt God’s presence there, and it was a special place to God for more than 300 years. But the Jews eventually abandoned God, started worshipping a false God, angered God, stirred His wrath, and He destroyed Shiloh (Psa. 78:56-67).
Those that think that God won’t destroy a nation should go and look at Shiloh (Jer. 7:12).
Those that think that God won’t destroy a city should go and look at Sodom and Gomorrah.
On Sept. 16, 2021, several members of the media reported on an interview that former White House Press Sec. Sean Spicer had with former Pres. Trump.
Trump said, “Our country has gone really downhill in the last eight months like nobody’s ever seen before. And we’re not going to have a country left in three years; I’ll tell you that.”
Is Biden really the end of America?
Will America’s Deep State and the global Deep State succeed in bringing about the demise of America before 2024 and the establishment of a godless world government and religion by 2030 or sooner?
Perhaps, it is time for the Lukewarm Laodicean churches and those that think that God won’t destroy a godless world government and religion to go and look at the tower of Babel.
Without God, America is gone.
Consider the following:
Vice Pres. Harris was part of a group that raised funds to bail rioters, looters, and arsonists out of jail, and one has now committed murder.
The Biden administration knows that human traffickers, drug dealers, terrorists, and people infected with Covid are crossing the U.S. border with Mexico, but they are ignoring it or, in some cases, assisting it.
Biden said he would not leave American citizens in Afghanistan, but he has left hundreds there.
Biden let Taliban terrorists have up to 80 billion dollars of U.S. weapons.
The FBI destroyed Hillary’s cell phones for her.
Biden lied about his knowledge of Hunter Biden’s alleged crimes (he boasted about threatening the Pres. of Ukraine if he didn’t fire the man investigating Hunter; e-mails on Hunter’s laptop have been confirmed to be legitimate), but that is okay with the Democrat Party, and the FBI and DOJ have done nothing.
Pelosi, Schumer, and the Democrats impeached Trump over something he didn’t say in a phone call to Russia, but they are ignoring Gen. Milley’s treasonous calls to China, even though he could have endangered the security of the U.S.
Biden has been warned that too much spending can collapse the U.S. economy, but he continues to propose multi-trillion-dollar stimulus packages.
The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that mandated vaccinations are unconstitutional, but Biden is trying to force people to get one.
The Biden administration is trying to force average citizens to get vaccinated, but he has exempted Congress, their aides, the DOJ, the U.S. Supreme Court, and postal workers.
Fauci lied to Congress about funding Covid research in Wuhan, China, but the Biden administration supports him.
The above list shows that the America most of us grew up in is already gone, but there is no need to worry because the Church will soon be gone (Raptured) too.
FYI: Trump’s slogan was “Make America Great Again” (Strengthen America don’t weaken it). Biden’s slogan was “Build Back Better” (Get rid of the old America and build it back with a different America. That is what he is doing). Obama called it “The Fundamental Transformation of America”).
This writer believes the length of the above list could easily be doubled, but readers will get the point, and there are other things that need to be mentioned.
One, concerning the decline of the U.S. and the establishment of the Ten Kings: on Sept. 20, 2021, it was reported that the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) met to discuss weakened ties to the U.S. and the restructuring of CELAC into a block of nations patterned after the E.U.
Ten groups of nations patterned after the E.U. with a leader over each group (Ten leaders or Ten Kings) that would eventually cede their power to one leader has been a globalist goal for many years.
Also concerning the decline of the U.S.: Biden’s surrender to the Taliban in Afghanistan has triggered calls for the E.U. to establish a military that does not have ties to NATO.
Also concerning the decline of the U.S.: France has recalled its ambassador to the U.S. for the first time in history over a deal the U.S. and U.K. made to provide Australia with the technology to build submarines.
Two, concerning world government: the globalists have weakened America, and now China wants to replace America, take over the New World Order (NWO) and dominate it, not submit to it.
The globalists are just as much against China dominating their New World Order as they were against America dominating it.
George Soros and some of his globalist buddies are now getting worried about the growing power of China. They are even trying to cut off investments in China to weaken China like they weakened the U.S.
According to the Bible, the E.U. will be the main power in the coming world government, not China.
Expect China to resist and invade the Middle East as one of the Kings of the East, but don’t expect China to defeat the Antichrist and head up the coming world government.
Three, concerning the Mark of the Beast: it will be a global mandate to identify and track everyone on earth, and it will go into effect at the middle of the Tribulation Period.
There is good reason to believe that Covid-19 vaccine certificates are on the way to becoming a global mandate to identify and track people.
On Sept. 15, 2021, it was reported that 35-40 nations (Israel, the E.U., and other nations that want to join) will have a digital system in place by early October to identify and track those that have been vaccinated and those that have had Covid-19 and recovered. Those that get an approved certificate will be allowed to travel, enter restaurants and other venues, but those that don’t get one will not be allowed to do these things.
Four, concerning Israel and Jerusalem: America’s Deep State has manipulated Pres. Biden into many mistakes since putting him into office.
It seems that God is willing to let America’s Deep State and Biden weaken America because He said He will allow them to establish a godless world government and religion for seven years.
But now, these godless people appear to be preparing to weaken Israel by reopening America’s special consulate for the P.A. in Jerusalem and canceling America’s recognition of Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel.
God will allow them to do this for three reasons:
He is letting Israel learn to trust Him and not the nations.
He is letting the nations choose their own judgment (what they try to do to Israel will come back on them; Zech. 12:3).
He is letting the world know that He is God, He restored Israel, and Israel cannot be destroyed (Amos 9:11-15).
FYI: America’s Deep State apparently does not know, believe, or understand the story about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace (a type of Israel in the Tribulation Period). One like the Son of God delivered them out of it (Dan. 3:25), and all Israel, all that believe in Yeshua, will be saved in the wilderness (Matt. 25:16-22) by a Deliverer out of Zion (Rom. 11:26).
Five, in May of this year, terrorists in Gaza fired more than 4,000 rockets into Israel, but many were shot down by Israel’s anti-missile Iron Dome System.
Israel needs to replace and boost her stock of Iron Dome missiles.
In June of this year, U.S. Sec. of State Lloyd Austin told Israel’s Defense Min. Benny Gantz that the U.S. plans to replace Israel’s Iron Dome missiles. On Aug. 27, Pres. Biden met with Israeli Prime Min. Bennett and said the U.S. will replace Israel’s Iron Dome missiles. Nancy Pelosi recently put $1 billion to replace Israel’s Iron Dome missiles in a bill to raise the U.S. debt ceiling, but the Squad and other leftist Democrats strongly objected to spending money on the defense of Israel. Pelosi removed the money but promised to put it in a later bill.
The Biden administration has made many mistakes (Afghanistan, border with Mexico, etc.), but nothing could be as bad as abandoning its promises to defend Israel.
Six, concerning the division of Israel and the Battle of Armageddon: on Sept. 21, 2021, Pres. Biden repeated his support for the Two-State solution in a speech at the U.N. (but he did say it will be a long time before it happens).
Seven, concerning wickedness and corruption at the end of the age: on Sept. 16, 2021, Special Counsel John Durham got an indictment against a Democrat lawyer for creating and giving false information (lying) to the FBI to smear Pres. Trump during the 2016 Pres. Campaign. According to the indictment, the lawyer’s lies were used to suggest that Trump was colluding with the Russians.
In 2016, the FBI questioned him about it, and he gave the FBI false information while claiming to be an ordinary citizen and denied that he was being paid by anyone to give the FBI a false story.
It is now 5 years later, and the FBI says it has proof that the Democrat lawyer was billing the Clinton campaign, and Clinton’s group was paying him for his work. There are now rumors that Durham plans to go after Mrs. Clinton, but this writer is skeptical. It would not be surprising if Durham goes after some of Clinton’s aides, but Clinton is a prominent member of America’s Deep State.
Some say George Soros is destroying America, and Obama is in his third presidency, but nothing is ever done about what they are doing. Why?
The DOJ and FBI appear to be treating America’s Deep State as a protected class of people. If this is not true, why haven’t they been prosecuted for some of the things they have done? If it is true, it means the DOJ and FBI are protecting the wickedness, corruption, and treason of America’s Deep State (like in the days of Noah when the wickedness of man was great).
FYI: Here is some good news.
If (a big “IF”) God allows the Antichrist to confirm a 7-year covenant with many for peace in the Middle East by 2030, Jesus will be sitting on the throne of David in Jerusalem, and the Kingdom of God will exist on earth by 2037. Christians will be here in new bodies with their loved ones; Christians won’t get sick or die; there will be peace, justice, and righteousness on earth; no Covid, etc.
The bad things mentioned above are signs that a new world is coming soon.
Eight, concerning a falling away in the Church: on Sept. 21, 2021, LifeSiteNews reported that Pope Francis has a history of praising pro-abortion politicians, he supports serving communion to pro-abortion politicians, and he has endorsed gay civil unions.
Pope Francis has the spiritual qualifications of the False Prophet (supports world government, world religion, etc.), but he is getting old. If he is the False Prophet, the Rapture could be very soon.
Before closing, here is a personal message.
I get a little uncomfortable when other ministries ask me to publicize what they are doing because if they or some of their people go astray, I don’t want it to have a negative impact on Rapture Ready or my ministry. Having said this, a Christian group called Tactical Civics is seeking God-fearing patriots that want to restore America. I am thankful for (and support) anyone that wants to restore America. A member of the group has asked me to encourage people that Love Jesus and America to watch the 11-minute video at this link: www.tacticalcivics.com/video
The group wants more people to know what they are doing and perhaps get involved.
Finally, are you Rapture Ready?
If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this.
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vanaera · 4 years
The Heart Holiday | Act 2 (1/2) | myg
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Synopsis: Valentine’s Day is declared as an official holiday. However, private companies’ standards dictate it’s only for the people who are currently in a relationship. Unluckily for Y/N, she doesn’t have this year’s PRS’ (Proof of Relationship Status) “in a relationship” box ticked – the only ticket out she can have to enjoy one paid week of holiday leave away from her hellish job. And more unfortunately for Y/N, everyone around her is oh so conveniently currently committed in a relationship. Except for one person: Min Yoongi, Y/N’s biggest critic in every pitch meeting, the picky guy who always picks on her, and the most annoying jerk of the century. Desperate for that holiday leave, Y/N strikes Yoongi up with an offer: Fake date each other two weeks before February 14, just enough time for the Department of Relationship Management (DRM) to consider processing their PRSs. After Valentine’s Day, they will go back to their own ways and never speak about whatever that may happen during the plan. Good, plain, and simple. That is until, Yoongi uncharacteristically oh so enthusiastically agrees to Y/N’s offer, leaving her thinking that she may have bitten something too much more than she can chew.
Characters: Yoongi x Female Reader
AU/ Trope: Office AU (Creatives manager!myg x PA!reader), enemies to lovers, fake dating
Genre: fluff, angst, comedy (the triple t(h)reat)
Wordcount: 24k
Warnings: Just lots of cursing because of two characters who won’t stop fighting (PG-15 Rating)
A/N | I cut Act 2 into two parts because it has become enormously long. Expect the next part of Act 2 next week!
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               The irony did not escape Y/N that she’s wringing her hands non-stop since yesterday all because of a simple meeting. It’s not because Nancy Kim arranged it. She’s probably holding a champagne glass while yelling at room service in some posh hotel in Paris. No, Y/N is anxious not because of Nancy. Instead, it’s because of a meeting in a coffee shop with her supposed ticket-out from work: The Despicable Mean Yoongi.
               Y/N has handled every meeting she’s been invited to down to a T. Being Nancy’s PA for over two years and a half has done her good in learning how to manage the communication in a business setting among professionals who may more often than not, become unprofessional. Being Nancy’s PA means she has to be the boss’ human-filter for incoming human-bullshits. An investor wanted to pull out? Y/N can appease them with a quick but convincing rundown of Travel Loca’s steadying growth. The laptop suddenly hangs while Nancy is currently reporting to their business partners? Y/N knows some troubleshooting techniques to quickly get the gadget running again. The rich and flavorful coffee granules Nancy saves for important guests have run out right during a meeting with the said guests? Y/N has a speed of a 60-year old Asian grandma who can speed-walk through a 5 km marathon to make up for her legs’ lack of vertical length.  Y/N likes to believe she’s got the patience of a meditating monk, the wisdom of a quick-thinking electrician, and the perseverance and resilience of a cockroach. If universities had a bachelor in meetings program, Y/N would probably graduate summa cum laude, easily outshining her cum laude standing in BA Mass Communication.
               However, all of that goes down to drain the moment Y/N attended the same meeting as Min Yoongi for the very first time.
               It was a Thursday in March of 2019. Y/N’s not sure of the exact date. All she remembers is that it had to be a Thursday. That meeting was the wick that started the chain of her unfortunate Thursdays.
               Sure, Min Yoongi got on Y/N’s “off” side the moment she first met him in the new table set up beside hers. But even if Y/N thinks he’s one hell of an arrogant bastard, a 24/7 picky prick, and a condescending narcissist, Y/N still left a breathable room in her mind for Yoongi to disprove her assumptions.
               And Yoongi burned up that room into ash that Thursday meeting.
               “Since we’re done with the weekly reports of the Creatives and the Marketing, let’s go to the Writing Department,” Nancy leans back in her black swivel chair. She flips through the pages of the department’s report, sparing a glance once in a while to the department’s representative of the day, Lee Soojung.
               The rustle of the papers almost becomes the white noise in the tensely silent conference room. Nancy always had a stiff authoritarian aura that induces anyone to be constantly on their toes around her. Her intimidating effect on her employees doesn’t seem to wear off even if the latter had been in Travel Loca since day one. Soojung herself has been in the company one month after Travel Loca’s establishment. Yet, here she is, nervously biting on her lip as her feet shake under the table.
               Y/N’s glad Nancy’s chair isn’t set far back enough for her to see Soojung’s jittering legs, or else Nancy will go at the “confidence you should have in work in order to stay” sermon again. Y/N first heard that “speech” (it counts so because Nancy almost spoke for twenty-minutes straight) in her first two months in the company, during a meeting where Nancy spoke about Steven’s potential to have a higher position if he could be more confident. And just like Nancy’s words, Steven did indeed climb the hierarchy after being more confident in presenting his works. He’s now the head of the Creative’s Team and even someone Y/N can say Nancy has accountable respect for. Y/N learned a lot from that speech. But having Nancy repeat it again whenever she sees someone who’s insecure in talking about their work? It slowly loses its charm.
               Y/N loses her tight grip on her notebook. It’s understandable why everyone has their hackles raised high now. Nancy is currently judging one of their department’s progress and if something is not up to par, another excruciating hour of Nancy’s “speeches” is awaiting punishment. Except, Y/N knows Nancy. With her absorbed attention to the report, indicated by the longer time her eyes spend on the department’s drafts instead of Soojung, Y/N knows Nancy is satisfied with their work.
               Y/N leans back in her chair and releases a sigh. It’s been a while since she’s been in a meeting without Nancy scaring off an employee out of their wits. This momentary peace, however, is shattered when she feels a sharp poke on her shoulder.
               “Hey, what’s happening?”
               Y/N rolls her eyes. With an additional P.A., comes an additional table next to her station, an additional work tablet to coordinate with hers, and an additional seat in the conference room next to her. All of these would be okay to Y/N if the additional P.A. is not as much of a douche as Yoongi.
               Nevertheless, Y/N shifts in her seat to lean closer to Yoongi and whisper to his ear, “Nancy’s deliberating the Writing Department’s work.”
               Yoongi raises a brow, “Then why is Soojung shaking over there like a shivering dog kicked to the curb?”
              Y/N tries hard not to let her temper get the better of her. Yoongi’s only been in Travel Loca for one fucking week. How could he dare to describe his senior in such an insulting way? Y/N closes her eyes and says, “Because, Soojung is the representative of the department right now. And from what I’ve heard, most of the drafts were also written by her because most of her subordinates’ articles were too…raw for next month’s issue.
               Yoongi squints, “Soojung? As in Lee Soojung wrote most of them?”
               Y/N couldn’t understand why Yoongi is so perplexed as if he can’t believe what he just heard. Y/N cannot help but glare at him, “Yoongi, Soojung has been one of Travel Loca’s long-time writers. Of course, she’s already mastered the nitty-gritty of what Nancy wants for an issue. And look, Nancy is satisfied with her work. Otherwise, she would have already thrown their drafts across the table.”
               “Are you kidding me?” Yoongi whispers louder, “Have you read Soojung’s works? They all sound cardboard cut-outs of every travel magazine out there. Could be mistaken even as a feature in a newspaper instead of a magazine. Heck, they can’t even make me want to travel anywhere. They all sound like a scammer real estate agent except she’s telling me to unnecessarily spend a lot on plane tickets and hotel reservations and pretend to have a nice vacation when I know I most probably would not.”
               Y/N’s jaw drops, “Are you for real? You can’t just downgrade Soojung’s works! She wouldn’t stay this long here if Nancy didn’t find her works satisfactory. And look, even right now, Nancy is pretty much okay with it!”
               Yoongi tilts his head, “Nancy, Nancy, Nancy. Everything is about Nancy now, huh?”
               “Of course! Nancy is the boss! She gets to decide what’s okay or not for publishing!” Y/N rolls her eyes and finally lets out a scoff, “Why do you have to judge something that’s out of your expertise anyway? You don’t write. And I bet even if you try your best to, you can’t produce something better than even half of Soojung’s articles.”
               Yoongi lets out a humorless chuckle, “I don’t write because I don’t want to write. What about you? You act all-mighty judgmental of what articles are satisfactory or not. You even rant to Mina about writing a story you’ve been thinking about countless of times—especially the story about that Write and Backpack Trip Club you speak about again and again. And yet, you don’t even write anything all.”
               What the ever-living fucking audacity of this astounding jerk of an asshole—!
               “Okay, I like these drafts. Not the best we’ve had but pretty above passable for next month’s issue,” Nancy places the folder back on the table, “But, we’re quite short on stories. The Daily Pen reviewed our issues as promising but lacking a few stories to make our monthly themes more, quote-unquote ‘solid.’ And so, I’m thinking of expanding our usual count of nine to twelve stories for the next three months. Try to check if The Daily Pen’s suggestion may help increase our reader count as well as positive feedback from our reviewers. So,” Nancy places her clasped hands on the table, “does any of you have a story to share? Or any ideas? We can still rush the Writing Department for two or three more articles.”
               The room goes immediately silent. No one shakes their legs. No one taps their nails on the onyx conference table. No one skims through their reports. Everyone suddenly makes the floor-to-ceiling windows the most interesting object to stare at.
               Until the silence gets broken by Nancy herself.
               “Oh, Yoongi, what’s your story?”
               Y/N whips her head to her side. Yoongi is looking at her funny. She mouths ‘what the fuck are you trying to do?’ but Yoongi just smirks. He meets Nancy’s gaze, “I don’t have a story but I know someone who has: Y/N.”
               Everyone’s attention on the windows was now shifted to Y/N. Soojung shifts in her seat, feet no longer jittering, eyes curiously pinned on Y/N. The rest of her co-workers’ eyes are just pleading for her to give what Nancy likes to finally end this meeting. Y/N has never felt this much attention focused on her until her cum laude awarding in her graduation. Sure, having some attention felt nice. There are times when people really enjoy the spotlight, some even needing it—the pleasure of feeling being wanted and treated precious. But Y/N doesn’t want attention laced with risk—the risk of embarrassment, of disappointment, especially from someone Y/N has looked up to as her “writing idol” for years. But then, this could be an opportunity for her skills to get recognized by Nancy so she can finally leave her P.A. station and transfer her boxes to the Writing Department.  Y/N wrings her hands together before quickly placing them behind her back.
               “U-um, I have a s-story about the nine places broke college students usually go to for a backpacking trip.”
              “And what are these places?”
               “Um,” Y/N gulps, “mountains and hiking trails—N-no, I mean, places like unseen from the popular media, but places that may be popular to the locals. Like man-made hiking parks installed near the cliffy side of a mountain. ‘Cliffy’ because it looks like a cliff, but it’s not actually a cliff. It’s just a mountainside that’s steep enough to look like a cliff. A-and cool hangout places with aesthetically-pleasing but cheap restaurants. The-the-there are also beaches that usually have few visitors that don’t charge hefty on their entrance fee. T-they’re very affordable and I think we can do like a top-nine-ranking thing to make a recommendation list of these, as I know a few college orgs that have already created great itineraries—”
               “My bad, Nancy, I’m gonna take back what I said.”
               What just—Y/N turns to her right, to look at the man that’s suddenly cut her off, but Yoongi’s eyes are trained to Nancy as he says, “I don’t think Y/N has a story yet. I’m sorry, I’ve been mistaken.”
               “Apology accepted,” Nancy dismissively waves a hand. She turns her swivel chair back towards the conference table, “I’m glad you immediately stopped your co-P.A. before we get to hear her…story.”
               Y/N doesn’t remember much of what happened after that. She just slumped back on her seat, ears fading out the rest of her surroundings into white noise. When everyone has finally stood from their seats, their respective departments’ reports clutched in their hands, Y/N’s still unmoving on her seat. She could only give a tight smile as each representatives-of-the-day passed and gave her apologetic smiles. Even when Soojung neared her seat to give some reassurance, Y/N remained stone-still and just waved her off with a quick “It’s okay.” The hazy white noise only dissipates when Nancy stands up and taps Y/N’s shoulder, saying, “We’ve still got work to do.”
               Y/N nods and gathers her minutes and notebook before quickly following her boss. When she turns around to reach the lights switch, there’s no one left in the conference room. Yoongi has long left the room.
               Why did Yoongi recommend Y/N in the first place when he’s just gonna take back his recommendation? Is he just fucking around with her? To prove that she cannot write her own article? What did Y/N ever do to him, but internally judge him in her mind, to be publicly humiliated like this? Especially in front of Nancy! Y/N gets the answers to these questions in the two months that followed with the goddamned prick of a man lazing around her station: Yoongi hates her for no reason and he’s doing everything he can to sabotage her career. He proves this conclusion again and again as he messes up Y/N’s schedules for Nancy, refuses to coordinate like an immature prepubescent boy, and criticizes her for every story proposal, story idea, word choice, heck even pronunciation, in every pitch meeting Y/N attends.
               None of Y/N’s assumptions can ever be truer than her description of Min Yoongi: one hell of an arrogant bastard, a 24/7 picky prick, and a condescending narcissist who thinks he’s the only person viable for greatness just because he magically manages to not pay the consequences of his misdeeds.
               And today, Y/N jots down “unprofessionally late” to her list of descriptions for the man as she glances at her watch and deduces 15 minutes have passed since their agreed meeting time. Will Yoongi stand her up even after agreeing to her offer? Y/N doesn’t know and she’s starting to not care anymore. From the start, she knew going with this idea will only end up worse than bad. It’s always gonna end up worse than bad when it comes to Yoongi. Y/N’s no longer gonna be surprised. She has numerous dating apps installed on her phone for back-up plans anyway—
               “Hey, sorry I’m late,” Y/N looks up from her notebook and sees Yoongi pulling a chair in front of her.
               She stops wringing her hands.
DAY 1 – January 26; Sunday
               Y/N sips on her milkshake as she encircles the date on the calendar of her notebook, “So today’s January 26. This will mark the first day of our two weeks so we can make it to February 9, Sunday, the last day of PRS applications in the DRM.”
               Yoongi nods as he sips on his iced Americano.
               “And then—”
               “Wait, what does PRS mean again?”
               Y/N’s hand stills, “You seriously don’t know what PRS means?”
               “Obviously not, since I’m asking about it,” Yoongi deadpans, “I wouldn’t ask something I already know, you know? It’s not like me to be illogical—”
               “Okay, fine,” Y/N closes her eyes and purses her lips, “I will explain it as long as you shut up for just a minute and let me talk.”
              Yoongi tilts his head and Y/N takes it as his cue of agreement. She sighs as she flips a page on her notebook and writes “The Heart Holiday” on the header. “Okay, so you already know that The Heart Holiday guarantees anyone who���s in a relationship a work-free, full-paid vacation leave during the week of Valentines. This year, it’s gonna be from February 9 to 14. Now, to get the viability for that vacation leave, the DRM—Department of Relationship Management—"
              “You don’t have to tell me what DRM means. I already know that.”
              Y/N eyes Yoongi and blinks at him. Slowly. “Didn’t I tell you to let me talk for a minute? You’re asking me what’s with PRS and I’m giving you an answer right now.”
              “Sorry,” Yoongi mutters, far from being apologetic with his growing smirk on his face.
               Y/N closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, “Anyway, the DRM issues PRS or ‘Proof of Relationship Status.’ The PRS indicates your civil status.  Single, married, divorced, separated and widowed—the basics. What’s only new is the addition of “in a relationship” status, made effective by the DRM in 2015, the same year the department was established.  It was initially for the DRM to track the people’s progress in their love lives to better monitor any improvement in the country’s birth rates. Now it’s used for applications for the Heart Holiday.”
               “Seems like the government is desperate for everyone to make babies,” Yoongi snorts over his straw.
               “With a global declining birth rate and continuous decline of immigrants, of course, the government is gonna be desperate. Economic analysts say it’s because countries are afraid of risking their also-declining birth rates. But I think It’s got to do more with the growing discrimination of immigrants. Numerous blockheads of government officials are still holding onto the archaic nonsensical ‘conspiracy theory’ as the reason behind their irrational hatred of immigrants. Anyway,” Y/N draws a bullet below ‘PRS,’ “Everyone’s default PRS will be ‘single’ until they reach 18 and apply for a PRS-change to ‘in a relationship.’  As long as you’re 18 and above, you are viable for ‘in a relationship’ PRS-change.”
               Yoongi slices through his sandwich, “Why 18? Do only 18-and-above-year-olds have the right to be in a relationship?”
               Y/N sputters, “You seriously don’t know? Do you ever read any updates on our new laws?”
               “I told you,” Yoongi mumbles over his sandwich, “I don’t know that’s why I’m asking you. And, first off, you’re the one who tied me up in this deal. It’s only logical to ask about what I’m getting myself into before I fully commit to anything.”
               “‘Fu-fully commit’?” Y/N gawks, “So you’re not yet serious about this? You told me two days ago you’re in on my plan!”
               “Yeah, I am in your plan. I am in at the beginning of your plan. Not at the middle or end of it.”
               Y/N slams her hands on the table, “Then why the hell did you even agree to my offer if you’re not even serious in taking it seriously?!”
               “I agreed so I get to decide if I can make my exit before things get un-exit-able or if I can push through with your plan. Which is what I’m doing now. Weighing the pros and cons,” Yoongi leans back in his chair and crosses his arms, “Y/N, you need me in this plan. Not the other way around. So I get to have the upper hand here. And by the looks of it, this offer is starting to look exit-able.”
               Y/N tongues her cheek. She could feel red hot flames of rage tongue the confines of her throat. Min Yoongi cannot play her like this when she practically sacrificed her self-esteem and self-preservation when she proposed him this offer. He can’t just pull the “who needs who” card when he’s also going to benefit from this deal. Nevertheless, Y/N puts a lid on that rage before it can climb up and lap at her brain. She can’t let her temper get the better of her when she still needs Yoongi to fully commit to her plan. Think of this as delayed gratification, Y/N. It’s either suck up Yoongi’s bullshit and enjoy the holidays, or rejoice in calling him off but suffer Nancy’s workload during the holidays.
               Y/N sighs and continues on the diagram she was forming on her notebook while taking a bite from her pasta platter, “Going back, what was your question again?”
               “Why do only 18-year-olds and above get to have the ‘in a relationship’ PRS? What about 16-year-old high school couples? Are they not allowed to be in a relationship?”
               Y/N tries not to cringe at the nonsense of his question, “Minors are allowed to date—as long as it’s not a pedophilic relationship, of course. Just puppy love and all that. But they don’t get to have the PRS because they won’t even need it. PRS is only used for social security, healthcare benefits, and loan applications. Obviously, they’re not yet old enough to legally work to qualify for these applications. And also, education establishments are already ensured to have one week off during the Heart Holiday—including the school’s staff, whether or not they have ‘in a relationship’ ticked for that holiday.”
              “Hmm, then what happens in a PRS-change if you got married?”
              “The couple doesn’t have to go to DRM anymore for a PRS change. The DRM automatically changes it because the marriage certificate will go through them the same time it goes through the court. Whether a couple applied for ‘in a relationship’ before marrying each other, or if they didn’t, it doesn’t matter. DRM will automatically change their status from ‘in a relationship’ to ‘married’ or ‘single’ to ‘married.’ So when you have the PRS ‘married’ ticked, you’re automatically viable to avail the Heart Holiday, too, because you, by logic, are in a relationship if you’re already married.”
              Yoongi nods, “then what happens if you’re widowed, divorced, or separated?”
              “PRS-changes to ‘widowed’ and ‘divorced’ works the same way as ‘married.’ The DRM automatically changes them to these statuses when a death certificate is filed or divorce papers go through court. However, that means these status grant the people who have them no chance to avail the Heart Holiday anymore like single people. The DRM only recognizes people’s current—not recent— involvement in a relationship as the determining factor for the Heart Holiday’s benefits for ‘in a relationship’ PRS holders. With separated status, you need to go to DRM to apply the change of PRS from ‘married’ to ‘separated.’ Though this can be quite messy as DRM requires a lot of couples’ therapy for the couple before they can change the PRS. That’s why a lot of people suggest to just fake the annual interview of the DRM with your soon-to-be ex-partner for four years until you’re viable for the free divorce processing that comes only every four years in courts—or until you saved enough for an actual divorce.”
              “Why the hell does DRM fixate on separating couples and not on divorcing ones?” Yoongi frowns, “Are they blind? Both couples are breaking up their relationships. It’s the exact contrary to their goal of proliferating relationships.”
              “I know, right? It’s ridiculous,” Y/N shakes her head. “I’ve read a lot of critical essays against that separated and divorced PRS laws. And most of them say that DRM has no jurisdiction over divorce since money will be involved. That DRM wouldn’t attempt to hinder the cash flow to private law offices because of, you know, the government’s utter submission to large businesses and all that shit. Anyway, separated or widowed, you can apply for a PRS change to ‘in a relationship’ after six months. DRM states you need to heal first.”
              Y/N flips her notebook back onto the “Heart Holiday” page, “Now that I’ve educated you with the basics of PRS, let’s finally get down to what we will be doing.” Yoongi leans closer, setting his elbows on the wooden table. Y/N continues, “So, to change our ‘Single’ PRSs to ‘in a relationship,’ we need to have ten dates validated by DRM-approved establishments.”
              “Validated by what?”
              “DRM-approved establishments,” Y/N repeats, eyes turning into slits. “You don’t know date-site places have to go through the DRM? I get that you don’t know what PRS means. Just like how people use SIMs but don’t know they stand for ‘Subscriber Identity Module.’ I can also forgive you for the age technicalities of PRS since they were only updated last year. But for you not to know date sites—like this café—has to get approved by DRM first before it can stand as a business establishment? You’ve probably been single for a really looong time not to know this. Business requirements got changed the same time the DRM was established, Yoongi. Five years ago.”
              “I don’t know anything about this, okay? That’s why I’m asking you,” Yoongi also repeats. He sounds like a teacher reprimanding a student for asking a stupid question.
              Y/N smirks, “Oh, so it’s true then.”
              “What’s true?”
              The sight of utter confusion in Yoongi’s face makes Y/N smile to herself. She leans back in her chair, “Well…no one wants to date you.”
              “Excuse me,” Yoongi half-scoffs, half-sputters, “I’m single because I can’t find anyone worth losing some brain cells for.”
              “Ooh, says the man who I have seen eyeing Jeon Seoyeon beside my station for one whole year now but is too chicken to ask her out,” Y/N raises a brow. She tries not to make it look like she’s too enthralled to bring up this info. She wants to make Yoongi nervous she’s known about this Seoyeon thing for a while. However, she cannot help but let the smirk that’s been egging on her, grow on her face. Y/N doesn’t actually know anything about Seoyeon. She often forgets there’s also an employee stationed near her desk. It’s hard to recall a conversation she had with the business adviser that’s not work-related when there’s close to none. Y/N doesn’t even know if Soyeon has any associates she converses with other than her. Well to be fair, Nancy and work are enough to occupy Y/N’s focus for the day. She only knew something new about Soyeon when she hit up Mina last night for some counter-attack information on Yoongi. “A defense support should he piss me off,” as Y/N said.
              “Really?” Y/N’s eyes widen, “Yoongi actually has the heart to like someone in our office?”
              Mina nods, “I’m telling you right now. He’s into Seoyeon. From my cubicle, I’m sure I can see him definitely staring at Seoyeon. Break, lunch break, in-between working hours—it doesn’t matter. He just stands. And stares.”
              “How come you told me this only now?”
              “Because you don’t ask about Yoongi. You complain about him.” Y/N slaps her shoulder and Mina chuckles, “Fine, okay, I’ve only confirmed this last week when Jisoo sat with me and pointed out the same observation. You know I don’t just ask people about anybody should any drama arise about ‘Mina checking into everyone and scouring for some tea.’ I don’t want to be known ‘Mina the gossiper’ in the office. I’ve borne that title for 12 years in high school. I’m tired of that shit,” Mina waves off, “But you know?  After what Jisoo said, I know I had to ask. It’s not like only me and Jisoo have eyes. And that day proved it to me when everyone ‘round my cubicle said Yoongi’s indeed standing too long by your desk to look at someone beside your station—Seoyeon.” Mina grins, “you’ve finally got something on Yoongi, Y/N!”
              Hammurabi said “eye for an eye,” and so if someone pisses her off, Y/N should also piss them off. Yoongi’s been pissing her off for a while so it’s finally high-time Y/N also bare her canines.   Consulting Mina is definitely Y/N’s best decision so far ever since she thought about this shit-hole of a plan.
              “W-what?” Yoongi sputters, “I-I’m not into Seoyeon! I just find her…odd-looking for a civil lawyer. It’s weird to see Nancy have a business adviser. The Nancy Kim of all people? And Seoyeon, too! Especially with her rebellious vibe goin’ ‘round her multiple piercings and borderline appropriate-for-work punk outfits. She’s got her desk also awkwardly set up a foot from yours, making her look like a slave P.A. like you.”
              Y/N tries not to blow up at the red herring she just heard. She’s been arguing too long with Yoongi to know it’s his pathetic technique to change topics. Y/N’s not gonna skip on the chance card she used. “As if you don’t like her!”    
              Y/N scoffs, “I caught your eyes staring right beside my cubicle more than numerous times to put two and two together,” Y/N leans forward. She pins Yoongi with a stare, “Just admit you like her.”
              “I’m telling you I do not, okay?” Yoongi huffs, cheeks now growing pink under the lighting.
              “God, you obviously like her,” Y/N wheezes, “I finally confirmed something precious I can blackmail you with. Imagine everyone knowing ‘the great Min Yoongi’ is an immature prepubescent boy when it comes to girls he likes. Damn, do I have the fucking upper hand now, Min.”
              “You’ll only get to have that upper hand once you got your Valentine’s week canceled first,” Yoongi smirks, “Do I need to remind you I’m not yet fully in on your plan, sweetheart?”
              Y/N’s smile falls, “God, will you stop calling me that?”
              “No can do,” Yoongi patronizingly pouts at the syllable, “Not until you put down that douchey dictator-wannabe look on your face and just get down to the point before I could think of walking out right now.”
              “Okay, fine, Min,” Y/N sneers. She grabs her pen and writes on her notebook, this time, with much force that she’s sure Yoongi can hear from his place the squeaks of the ball-point pen on the paper, “SO AS I WAS SAYING, for your PRS to be changed to ‘in a relationship,’ DRM requires ten dates from their approved establishments. These establishments could be anything—a restaurant, an arcade, a cinema, a basketball game, a bar, an amusement park, etcetera. It’s indicated anyway in the establishment. You can see the pink and purple heart logo of the DRM in stickers on glass doors. Or in menus, like this,” Y/N pushes the café’s miniature menu-stand made of hardboard to Yoongi to show him the small print of the logo on its margin. “When a couple goes to that establishment for a date, they can ask for the shop to write them a document officializing their date. It’s called the date document. ‘This document confirms Park Junyoung and Lee Hwayoung have dated in our love-conducive establishment’ yaddah yaddah shit. Each approved establishment has a DRM seal. They press it on the document to validate their date. For example, look behind you.”
               Yoongi turns and looks at the young couple by the right end of the bar. The barista hands the two a pale pink envelope. The imprint of the heart-shaped logo of the DRM clearly engraved on the surface. The couple gives an appreciative smile to the barista before starting to head their way out.
               Yoongi turns back to Y/N, “So the envelopes must also be sealed?”
               “Yes, to ensure the couple won’t fake their dates.”
               “Then how do you know the first lines of these date documents?” Yoongi cocks a brow.
               “Because unlike you, I stay tuned to the local news and make sure I’m updated to law revisions. I can’t count on how many fingers the media has exposed DRM’s protocol-holes. Unlike someone out there who doesn’t know anything…,” Y/N looks at Yoongi. The man crosses his arms and gives her a bored look. Y/N looks back at her food and takes a bite from her platter, “Moving forward, aside from sealed 10 documents, a couple must also submit 10 printed accounts of the people around them that have witnessed their relationship. Unfortunately for us, we’re not self-employed. So we have to do the long way.”
              “Why? What’s the advantage of unemployed people?”
              “Self-employed people,” Y/N corrects. “They only need 10 accounts from any of their friends or family that have witnessed their relationship. Meanwhile, the DRM has overridden private company protocols and declared it is legally okay to date a co-worker. To ensure no one will abuse the benefits given by DRM to those in a relationship, private sectors agreed upon a standard for PRS-changes from single. Us employed are required to submit nine accounts from our co-workers, friends, or family, and one account from our supervisor, manager, or boss These accounts will be turned to the company’s HR Department to be analyzed. Then, they will be sealed in a magenta envelope with the DRM seal.” Y/N taps her pen on her notebook, “This special one account though depends on the company tradition. In Travel Loca, it is always Nancy who gets to write that one account. Even if Steven is the head of Creatives, or Mona is the supervisor of the marketing—it doesn’t matter. Nancy is the one who gets to write that account.”
              “But since Nancy is gone, that privilege is given to the next in the hierarchy—Ms. Teddy Park, the general supervisor,” Y/N looks at Yoongi, “This is where most of our fake dating comes into play.  Ms. Teddy is one hell of a hopeless romanticist.  Mina told me she has been continuously bugging Jisoo to sneak an HR confidential file and spill her some juicy office romance. And since it’s Valentines’, we’re gonna give Teddy what she wants.   Although it doesn’t take much to convince Teddy, we still can’t be too sure. Though I can bet most of our acting efforts will go for our co-workers. We only need eight more. I’ve already got Mina to cover one for us.”
              Yoongi hums and Y/N continues, “Lastly, after getting all of that, we go to the DRM for the final interview. They will ask us questions to counter-check the documents. We just need to act lovey-dovey and answer their questions as if we’ve known each other so, so well. When we pull it off, our PRSs are changed. Then, we can enjoy our work-free, full-paid Valentine’s week into the sunset.”
               Yoongi hums, “How are you so sure with this plan? How do you know we won’t mess up things? This is still a crime. We’re faking a fucking benefit.”
              “Oh, don’t be such a prude. Everyone does it.”
              “Are you sure ‘everyone’?”
              “Fine,” Y/N grits out, “everyone who is smart enough to study an easy-to-get benefit to know its loopholes.”
              “And you’re sure you know all the loopholes in this Heart Holiday program?”
              “Of course! Mina and I studied this for a whole year.” Y/N fixes her seat and clasps her hands together, “From the easiest places to get officialized dates to the last job’s boss rule on written accounts to the interrogation hacks at the DRM—we’ve got them all ironed out. Moreover, the DRM is lenient in approving PRS changes on the very last date of the February applications. We’re going to easily pass through! You don’t have to worry ‘bout getting caught! Look at us, Mina and I have been slipping by seamlessly for four years. Plus, we have Nancy off our backs this time so the accounts approval, the hardest of ‘em all, would be miraculously much easier to pull.”
              Yoongi nods. And then, silence ensues. Yoongi just blankly looks at Y/N. She purses her mouth and waits with bated breath. Hopefully, she did succeed convincing him to fully commit to her plan, right? He wouldn’t be in deep thought like this if he hasn’t taken into serious consideration the seamlessness of her plan, right? He’s just probably taking his time how to agree to her without sounding so appreciative of her because he’s Min Yoongi and Y/N knows he’d rather cut his arm than give her the credit she deserves—
              “So…you’ve been faking this benefit for four years?” Yoongi snickers, “My, I should have recorded this conversation. I just had a clear, clean-cut confession from a scammer.”
              “S-scam? Scammer?!” Y/N abruptly stands and Yoongi tries to pull her to sit back but Y/N only slaps his hand away, “You just fucking gone silent for a while to-to-to say that?! Are you an overgrown, ridiculous James Dean wanna-be rebel without a cause other than stupidity—who only picks on some words to make sense of everything?! You’re just like a boomer she-gossiper who only hears their friend’s child’s name and ‘engineer,’ in one sentence and she already expects that child to have a house and car when they’re only one year into the job while that hag’s been gossiping for over 36 years now and yet she still doesn’t have her own talk show!”
              Yoongi holds his hands up, “Whoa, whoa, whoa, chill, tiger. You don’t have to get so worked up—”
              “Who will not get worked up after getting accused of scamming?! When I didn’t even commit it! Yet!”
              “And right now you’re saying you’re willing to scam just to get that Valentine’s week off. How can I not accuse you when you just told me all that. In broad daylight. With many people passing by our table every second of the minute?”
              “I didn’t say I’m willing to scam,” Y/N says, irritably, “I’m just laying out the possibility that I might do it.”
              “Still doesn’t change the fact you’re a scammer.”
              “Yet,” Y/N corrects. “I can’t be someone I’ve never become yet.”
              “But you’re gonna go for it eventually, so you’re going to become a scammer, nonetheless,” Yoongi presses. “Why not grab the title already? It’ll cut you some slack from all the labeling-progress.”
              “You know what, you make so many hasty generalizations about everything as if you’ve got everything figured on your palm just by looking at something for one second,” Y/N says, narrowing her eyes at the man.
              “Just like you,” Yoongi tosses back, “You already generalized me as a coward man who can’t express himself like a prepubescent boy just because you saw me staring at something for like what, five minutes? You’re a real hypocrite, Y/N.”
              “I’m not a hypocrite because what I said is true! You like Seoyeon and you’re too much of a pussy to ask her out. If you’re not, then why are you here sitting down with me, of all people, to plan about faking having a significant other just in time for Valentine’s week?”
              Yoongi shuts his mouth and Y/N smiles, pleased with herself. Asking Mina for the Jeon Seoyeon card is definitely an ace move.
              “See? I’m right,” Y/N theatrically presses a hand on her temple, “Can we just cut to the bullshit and go on with the plan without having another unnecessary stupid argument breaking the flow? I can’t be always right all the time we argue or else my ego is gonna grow really big like that James Dean wanna-be manager of the Creatives Team.”
              Yoongi raises a middle finger. Y/N only laughs.
              “So, first things first,” Y/N flips her notebook onto the next page and writes on the paper, “So we can successfully fake our relationship, let’s get to know each other—”
              “But I already know you.”
              “No, you don’t,” Y/N snaps.
              “Yes, I do—wait,” Yoongi stops, “are you writing everything down on paper?”
              “Yes,” Y/N glares at him, “I’ve written ‘asshole,’ and ‘whiny prepubescent boy’ on your top descriptors.”
              “Then that confirms I do already know you.”
              “What do you mean?” Y/N asks, a mean scowl forming on her face.
              “It means that I know you,” Yoongi leans back on his seat and places his hands behind his neck. “You’re that kind of person who seriously writes every bit of her life as if not having something written down will cost her her life. Especially when it comes to plans. A plan is called a ‘plan’ for a reason, you know? Same as how humans can’t see their futures for a reason. But you still go and write every single thing you’re doing or about to do down to the littlest detail and when none of them works out in the sequence that you like, you start acting like it’s somebody else’s fault the world’s gonna end. See?” Yoongi suddenly leans forward and ghosts his hand over Y/N’s cheek. Y/N holds her breath, freezing up.
              Yoongi murmurs, “You’ve already got wrinkles on your face. And you’re just 25. I feel so sorry that your whole world revolves around being a P.A., that you start to P.A.-schedule your own life.”
              Y/N glowers and slaps Yoongi’s hand away. The man only laughs.
              “I write everything down because unlike you, I know how to commit to something and not fuck everything up—especially when it involves other’s lives. Of course, you wouldn’t understand this because you haven’t tried to actually put in the effort to make someone’s life easier—”
              “Hey, I’m putting in effort,” Yoongi interjects. “I’m committing to your plan right now.”
“I’m telling you, I’m fully in on your plan,” Yoongi closes his eyes and sighs, “Full blow. Beginning to end. Start to finish.”
              “You-you do? Are you really really sure—”
              “Look, if you’re suspicious, it’s fine. I could just totally leave now as I have more people to see this afternoon. It’s a weekend you know—”
              “Okay, fine! I’m happy you said that. Ecstatic. Peachy fucking keen. Totally. Thank you to the great, admirable Min Yoongi who just fucking saved the entire world,” Y/N rolls her eyes as she crosses her arm.
              “I like hearing that. Can you say that again?”
              “Only if you stop being a drama queen, cutting me off to say the most nonsensical stuff for one second and just listen to me so we can finally get the ball rolling.”
              “’Kay,” Yoongi makes an ‘okay’ sign with his hand and zips his lips. He grabs his iced Americano and takes a sip.
              Y/N internally releases a sigh of relief. She reaches for her notebook again. “As I was saying. We have to get to know each other so we know where to build on our fake relationship that would be believable to everyone. And the first way to get to know someone is through asking questions. So for my first question,” Y/N looks at Yoongi, “Other than your utter assholery to me, do you have a dark side?”
              “D-d-dark side?!” Yoongi sputters on his drink. Y/N distastefully eyes the trails of his drink that had made it down his chin but she makes no move to give him the stack of tissues that’s an inch from her elbow. Yoongi squints his eyes at her as he stands and grabs the tissues himself and places it on his side of the table. If he’s the slightest bit offended with Y/N wrinkling her nose at him, he makes it sure she knows it by rolling his eyes as he sits back down. Yoongi wipes the residues on his chin, “Out of all the questions to ask, why that?”
              “Because you get to know someone the best by knowing the versions of their selves that doesn’t make it out in the light of the day.”
              “That’s the reason why they’re called ‘dark sides’, you know. They’re not meant to be brought up in the public We’re in the public, Y/N—”
              “What’s your dark side, Min Yoongi?”
              “Fine,” Yoongi relents, “I have a dark humor. A humor so dark that whenever serious shits happen to me, I always laugh them off. So when I die right in the next second, say in a car accident, I got to laugh one last time right before my life ends. It’s my way saying ‘fuck you’ to life.”
              “Wow. I didn’t expect to hear something so dark like that,” Y/N mutters, “I was expecting you enjoying cracking everybody else’s mugs just like how you did to mine—Mina’s gift to me. In High School—last week.”
              “God, you do not really get over stuff do you?”
              “No, especially if it’s something so precious to me and someone just unceremoniously took it all away from me.”
              “Your mug’s still functional.”
              “It already has a crack on its lip!” Y/N shouts angrily. People turn to look at their table and their stinging stares wills Y/N to mumble “sorry.” She whips her head to Yoongi, “I’m still not over my mug, just so you know.”
              “I don’t know why it’s suddenly about your mug. You asked for my dark side. I gave you one.” Yoongi shrugs. He places down his drink and leans forward in his seat, “Now, Y/N, what’s your dark side?”
              “Yes, who else am I talking to?” Yoongi sarcastically snaps.
              “Well, I, uh...uh, dip my steak in mayo,” Y/N holds her chin up.
              “You dip your steak into what?” Yoongi chortles, “That’s your dark side?”
              “Yes, not everything has to do with morbid things and death, you know? Things don’t have to be dark to be deep,” Y/N informs.
              “Yeah, and unconventionally dipping your steak into mayo is deep.”
              “People find it abominable that I dip almost everything into any kind of mayo. That’s why it’s a dark side. And it makes me deep because dipping my food into mayo makes me happy and I’m not agoing to change that to fit into anyone’s expectations. All I’m saying is that I’m a happy person because I know what I want—”
              “Hi ma’am, sir,” a waiter hesitantly holds up a hand and gives a tight smile, as if to apologize for cutting in the conversation, “I see you’ve already cleared your plates. Would you want some dessert?”
              Y/N turns to her side and sees perspiration dotting the hairline of the waiter. He must have been standing way too long by their table that he had to cut the conversation so he can finally go back to the service crew area. Y/N gives an apologetic smile as she nods and helps the waiter clear their table.
              “Would you want some dessert, ma’am?” the waiter asks.
               “Yes! I would have some uh…” Y/N holds her chin as her eyes scan over to the miniature menu-stand. She remembers she’s craving something sweet today, probably to flush out all the bitterness on her tongue that Yoongi had easily unwelcomingly induced. However, she doesn’t know what it is. “Uhm, how about the peach mango parfait? No, that sounds too sweet. The choco chip oatmeal cookie, then? Sorry, not that, I just realized I don’t want to eat something too grainy today. The blueberry cheesecake? Wait, I changed my mind. It’s too expensive. I think I’ll have the apple pie instead—oh wait, no, I know—”
               “Can you just give us two slices of blueberry cheesecake? Thank you.” Yoongi hands a card toward the waiter. The waiter bows and goes to the counter. Within just a minute he returns and places two slices of blueberry cheesecake on their table. He hands back Yoongi’s card and leaves.
               Yoongi drives a fork down the soft pastry as he looks at Y/N, “Wow, you do know what you want.”
               Y/N scowls as she cuts her cake, “Today’s an outlier. I’m just pressured to suddenly make a decision, you know.”
               “Fine, fine, whatever you say,” Yoongi waves off.
               Y/N sets down her fork, “At least I’m a happy person. Unlike you.”
               “I’m a happy person, too,” Yoongi glares at her, “You, what, just generalized because I like dark humor and joking about death, I’m already an unhappy person? Who’s the one making hasty generalizations now?”
               “Who else but an unhappy person would want joke about death?”
               “Look, just because I talked about death doesn’t mean I’m a sad person.  I’m just saying, that in case life goes the wrong way, I’m going to at least enjoy it. Meanwhile, you’ll be left feeling unhappy because you’re too busy being,”  Yoongi quotes in the air, “‘happy’ with your plans to figure out the uncertainties of life.”
               “What’s with the quotation marks?” Y/N glowers, “You do not know me that much to know what I’m feeling. You don’t also get to say what I am feeling. Only I can do. And right now, I’m telling you  I am happy. You know what, maybe you should quit your job in the Creatives and transfer to a Judge’s office. You’ll know what it’s like to finally have a job that matches your expertise—judging people. It’s not like you’re even great in your current job.”
               “You say that with so much contempt. I thought you said you’re happy. From what I know, happy people don’t do that,” Yoongi smiles.
               Y/N glares at Yoongi. She closes her eyes and lets out a deep breath. “Can we move on to the next question?”
               “Okay, fine, my turn. What’s your take on enemies becoming lovers at the end of every rom-com film?”
               “W-what?” Y/N’s eyes shot up, “Are you for real now?”
               “How dare you hit on me?” Y/N scoffs, “You think this is a fucking rom-com film and we’re the enemies who’ll become lovers?! Great. Your head cannot even be much fucking bigger than it already is now.”
               “Wait, wait, wait, wait,” Yoongi wheezes, “What the hell are you saying? I’m just asking you what’s your take on enemies becoming lovers because I heard you last time talking with Mina that you love romcoms. You-you just assumed that I am, what, hitting on you? Just because we hate each other and I brought up the enemies-to-lovers trope? Those two things are not even related! Goddamn, maybe it’s you who should check your ego.”
               Y/N grits out, “How can I not assume? You just suddenly brought up a fucking romantic topic and right now, we’re in a romantic context. We’re ‘dating.’ In this café. Or how it’s supposed to be like. How then can I not relate those two together? And to answer the question, I think that enemies to lovers trope is complete bull-crap.”
               “How did you say so?”
               “You can’t just suddenly grow romantic interest in someone who hates your guts! Sure people say ‘love’ has four letters but so do ‘hate,’ that’s why the popular crap tag ‘you tend to love the person you hate’ is born. But ‘L’ is not ‘H’ and ‘O’ is not ‘A’ and the same goes for ‘V’ and ‘T.’ They’re both words that stand at the opposite spectrum.”
               “But they both end in ‘E.’”
               “So?” Y/N tilts her head, “they still don’t mean the same. ‘Live’ and ‘die’ both end in ‘E’ but they mean the opposite of each other. Just like ‘love’ and ‘hate.’
               “I’m just saying that ‘love’ and ‘hate’ must have, at least, some form of connection through the letter ‘E.’ Not a connection based on their literal orthographic appearance. Just like ‘live’ and ‘die’ share some similarities. They both had to do with life and people experiencing taking a breath—their first one and their last one.”
               “So, what then is this connection ‘love’ and ‘hate’ have with each other?”
               “They both had something to do with a person constantly drawn to a characteristic of another person. I find it both endearing and aggravating.”
               “Are you hearing yourself right now?” Y/N snorts, “‘Drawn to a characteristic’? Constantly? How can you be constantly drawn to something that you hate? That doesn’t make sense. When you hate something, you want to cut off any association you have with that thing or else you’ll be upset 24/7. That’s what healthy people do.”
               “But the fact that you recognize that something you want to cut away means there is some unique element that sticks out enough—if not everyday—whenever you see it. It sticks out because what you usually hate reflects something you also hate in yourself. Let’s say you love the loyalty of your friends to you. You’re drawn to that loyalty because it reflects your own value for loyalty, which, then, makes you love these people. And to be clear, when I say ‘love’ it doesn’t only mean romantically. It can also be the one found in friendships and family or even in things you do.”
               “You don’t have to clarify what ‘love’ is to me. I know what it is,” Y/N spits. “What do you take me for? Someone who skipped the Personal Development class of 10th grade? I fucking aced that class. First off, how can you be drawn to a characteristic you hate when all you ever want is for it to disappear? You can’t be drawn to something you wish to be gone! And, hate cannot exist in any form of love. Sure, you can get upset, frustrated, or angry at your mother, friend, or significant other. But you can’t hate them if you really love them.  When you hate something, you stay away from it. You avoid it. You hurt it. You want to see it suffer. And you don’t do any of these things to something you love. ‘Love’ not ‘loved.’ Because if you’re already in the past tense of that L-verb, then you can hate them all you want.”
               “You’re not getting my point,” Yoongi groans, “I’m saying there’s a connection.”
               “Well, I don’t get it.” Y/N crosses her arms.
               “Fine, let me make you an example. What do you hate?”
               “Wow, what a great start we have,” Yoongi chuckles. “Okay, so you hate me. What’s my characteristic that you hate most?”
               “Your humongous ego you can’t even fit in your head. You thinking you can get away with anything. You simplifying everything as if they’re so easy when it’s not. You thinking you’re always right. You being so highly regarded in the office when clearly, you don’t deserve it because your climb in the hierarchy was just out of pure luck. In short, you’re overrated. You—”
               “Okay, we have enough material to work on, thank you very much. So, from what I could see, you hate me because I have a better life than you.”
               “What the—you really do have a big fucking ego! So big that it also blinds your eyes from seeing the reality. You’re delusional, Yoongi!”
               “Okay, that’s a fallacy. A two actually. Ad hominem and hasty generalizations. Which had me thinking you’ve always been pulling these two in every bit of your argument, whenever you can—”
               “Just like you!”
               “Well, I’m not like you! I’m not someone whose life revolves around her boss so much that I’d let her treat me like a dog and have me running from the world’s end to end just to satisfy her fucking brat of a daughter. And yet at the end of the day, that dog still can’t understand maybe it’s her master and her not standing up for herself that’s the fucking problem. She barks up on the wrong tree and blames everyone else for her misery instead of fucking working on herself!”
               “So, I’m supposed to be that dog?”
               “So, I’m a dog now. I’m a fucking dog. I’m that fucking dog you just—you know what, you’ve already ridiculed me and my work again and again in the office. You didn’t have to do it here, where every single stranger just heard what I apparently am in my work,” Y/N stands up and gathers her notebooks and sling bag. “If you’re just going to ridicule everything about me and what I say during the duration of these ‘dates,’ then I will just have to find someone else who’s going to take me seriously. Goodbye, Yoongi,” Y/N gives one last flippant look at the man and then she walks off.
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DAY 2 – January 27; Monday
              Mina drops her hands to her side. For the first time, she cannot bring herself to stand up and switch on her metal portable radio. It’s break right now. Kim Seokjin’s voice should already be filling the room of the Accounting Department. But all Mina hears is a pin-drop of silence followed by a heavy sigh.
              That is until a loud scream breaks from her throat.
              “Yoongi called you a what?!”
              Y/N stands up and immediately presses a hand over her friend’s mouth, “Shh! You don’t have to be so loud. I don’t want everyone to hear us—”
              Mina slaps away her friend’s hand, “How can you tell me to be silent?! Right now, when Yoongi just called you a dog!”
              “Geez, you don’t have to repeat it—”
              “And the worst thing is, you just walked out on him!”
              Mina huffs, “Y/N, you cannot just let a man call you a dog and get away with it. You should have screamed back that he’s a shrew’s dick! Not only is he a literal dick, he also has the smallest dick!”
              “Wait, why is this now about Yoongi’s dick?”
              “Y/N,” Mina claps her hands on her friend’s shoulders, “this is about Yoongi’s dick. He thinks he’s so big but he’s just a pesky, miniature pest. His dick represents his ego. So if you said he has a dick of a shrew, you’re metaphorically blowing off his ego. And to the public, his dick.”
              Y/N wriggles herself from Mina’s hold and puffs, “Mina, will you stop going on and on about Yoongi’s dick? I don’t wanna hear about it and for God’s sake, you’ve already got Mark’s—”
              “How can I not?! He just called you a dog! Not even a bitch!” Y/N winces but Mina continues, “Like, okay, literally he’s pertaining to a bitch because you’re a girl and he called you a dog. And that would have been more okay because calling a girl a ‘bitch’ can be a petty insult everyone knows means about how annoying a girl can be. But, a dog?! Y/N, he’s reducing you to an animal! A dog, Y/N, a dog! An animal!”
              “Will you stop saying Y/N and dog in one sentence?!” Y/N snaps, “I’m the one who should be furious! I’m the one who got called a dog!”
              Mina shuts up. She immediately pulls her hands back to her sides, “Sorry. It’s hard not to violently react when my bestfriend is getting humiliated like that. Publicly even.”
              Y/N sighs, “Yeah, I know. It’s just…repeating it again and again makes me want to tear up.”
              Mina holds Y/N’s hand, “I’m sorry.”
              “I’m sorry, too,” Y/N says, “I didn’t mean to blow up. It’s just—Min Yoongi has insulted me in more ways than one but not like this. God, I’ve never been this humiliated before in my life.”
              Mina sighs and closes her eyes, “I knew this would happen. I told you to not push through with this plan but you didn’t listen. God, I wish I didn’t bring up that Yoongi is single. Of course, I should have known the moment I said that option, your mind wouldn’t stop mulling over it. If I hadn’t brought that up, then maybe you wouldn’t have even gone into that goddamn cafe.”
              “Hey, Mina,” Y/N tilts her friend’s chin to face her, “this is not your fault. This is Yoongi’s fault. And yeah, I should have listened to you. But we’re here now. We can’t undo what’s already happened. At least, this is a learning experience for me not to go with my gut when I already knew from the get-go it will turn out badly.”
              Mina nods, “You’re right...But what about the Heart Holiday? Who will you go with now?”
              Y/N releases a frustrated sigh, “I honestly don’t know. I’ll probably have to resort to desperate measures again. If things come to worst, I will stand in front of shops and hold out flyers just like the convenience sampling I did in college.  I’ll settle for the first decent person I can find. Just anyone at this point, I’m fine. As long as it’s not Min Yoongi.”
              “Yeah, as long as it’s not Min Yoongi.”
                Except that is easier said than done.
              “Uhh, what are you doing?”
               Y/N looks up from her crouched position under the table of her desk, frozen in surprise. Except for her index which manages to sneak three more swipe right’s.
               Yoongi stands on his tip-toes, peering over the cubicle to get a better glimpse of the crouched woman. When he sees a profile picture of a foreign man on the phone, his eyes shoot up and meet Y/N’s.
               “Is that Tinder?”
               After insulting and humiliating her publicly, this is the first thing Yoongi says? He doesn’t have the nerve to even apologize? Y/N rolls her eyes as she slowly crawls back onto her seat, “Well, thank you for confirming your eyes work, dumbass.”
               “Nevermind,” Yoongi waves off,  “Come into the Creatives’ Office. Right now,” He turns his back to her and heads the opposite hallway. He glances back at her one more time. “Right now,” he repeats with a glare, before disappearing through the glass door.
               Y/N grumbles, picking up her notebook and pen. She just had her beloved station all to herself for five minutes only and now she’s going back to her own circle of hell, her temporary cubicle in the Creatives’ office. Unlike her previous encounters with Yoongi, Y/N didn’t expect that a temporary cubicle will not spike up her blood pressure to skyscraper-heights. Instead, that cubicle roasts her ass slowly as if she’s some rotisserie chicken.
              Y/N’s cubicle is set against the periwinkle-painted wall, directly in front of Yoongi’s desk. All would be normal like it usually is if the Creatives’ cubicles are actually cubicles. Their cubicles have their front boards built so low that they could be mistaken for standard office tables. Mina said they were like that since the Creatives’ monitors are so large that they would be impractical for standard-sized cubicles. And a gossip among the Accounting three years ago said Nancy has to cut some funds for the Creatives’ interior designing since their high-quality model of computers and cutting-edge apps are enough to compensate for it. Still, it’s not enough for Y/N to forgive this horrible choice of furniture when she has to sit in it and endure every millisecond of her work time seeing Yoongi’s stupid face.
              Y/N feels a prick on her ass when she sees Yoongi’s half-lidded eyes as he clicks through his templates, looking like work never stresses him out. There’s gas-stove-like heat on her eyelids as she sees Yoongi teach his subordinates their drafted designs with a proud smirk on his face as if he’s the only one capable of coming up with those designs that are already magazine-standardized. Y/N feels her eyes have been doused with searing oil whenever Yoongi meets her eyes and gets the audacity to give her a challenging stare. And when Yoongi fucking decides to wink at her, Y/N could feel her eyes completely and so painfully burst on-fire. All these four occurrences happen on a day-to-day basis, especially on days when Y/N came from her station, frazzled and haggard because of Nancy’s orders. Because of this threat-posing danger to her sanity, Y/N’s only reprieve is her old station. But it’s still not enough. Not when she only gets five minutes to sit on it before she gets thrust back into her circle of hell. Like, right now.
              Yoongi is staring at her. His lips are tightly sealed, his hand firm as it cups his jaw. His brows are scrunched and Y/N could have mistaken he’s angry had she not known Yoongi long enough to know it’s just his face being a daily bitch like he is. Y/N tilts her head but she gets nothing. Yoongi’s eyes remain unmoving on her figure. She blows out a sigh. What is up with him now? Why can’t he wipe that stupid look on his face? Y/N sets her elbow on her desk and cups her jaw too, mirroring the man. She glares at him. Still nothing. She raises a middle finger. Yoongi breaks from his stance and chuckles, shaking his head.
              What the fuck—
              Yoongi stands up from his cubicle. “Myungsoo, Dana, Yoona, and” he looks straight at her, “Y/N. Come to the meeting room ASAP. I have something to discuss.”
              Y/N makes a face as she drags her limbs away from her desk.
              “So, I gathered everyone here because of a new concept Steven and I thought over,” Yoongi opens a red portfolio. He slides it to the center of the table for everyone to see.
              It was a set of templates, all in the scheme of reds and pinks. Just like how Nancy pointed out in the Creative’s To-do improvements in the meeting two weeks ago. There are two to three columns designed in one page. The indentions and the justified alignment follow the traditional layout. What steers away from the formula is the awkward staggering cuts on the ending sentences, seemingly like downward staircases facing opposite each other. It creates circular bubble-like spaces lying in between the columns. And in these spaces stand human icons, one person per bubble, busily typing on their laptops or looking at their cellphones.
              “Steven and I decided it will be a good time to use this layout since this month is the time for DRM’s star program, The Heart Holiday, which addresses the country’s concerns about the decreasing birth-rate. Looks like there are no more babies because people don’t want to get into relationships these days,” Yoongi says, pointing to the solo human icons on the template. Y/N glances to her right and sees Myungsoo and Dana stifling a chuckle. Yoongi’s joke is not even funny, why are they laughing?
              “Anyway, Steven and I guessed it’s only appropriate to use the concept: no one wants to be intimate anymore, so everyone distances themselves from each other.” Yoongi flips the next page of the portfolio.
              The next article layouts have only two columns. It still has the staggered-staircases-forming-bubbles in the format. However, the reduction of the columns has brought these bubbles nearer to each other. Unlike the one-person-per-bubble format, there are now two to three people in the bubbles interacting with each other.
              “But even if it seems no one wants to be with anyone anymore,” Yoongi continues, “There is still hope for people to connect with each other. That’s why Steven and I thought it will be a good opportunity to combine this message in our magazine with the Heart Holiday-inspired theme. The memes about DRM’s PRS are also trending right now in every social media so this could make our magazine more relatable for people. Ms. Nancy has sent us the approved feature articles for inspiration. We can tell this February issue is themed around having fun whether you’re going to DRM-approved date sites with your significant other, or you’re going solo around these sites, treating yourself and all that. Hence, we thought this kind of layout will be the best one to visually execute this message,” Yoongi finishes. He looks at the people in the meeting room, “What do you think?”
              Myungsoo nods, “Yeah, I think that’s a great concept. Very timely.”
              “And the design, too,” Yoona adds, “This may catch our readers’ attention from the get-go because these bubbles are not the usual stuff we see in issues—print or online.”
              “Thanks for your inputs—Y/N, are you writing this down?”
              Y/N could suddenly feel everyone’s eyes on her. Yoongi really does love putting her on unneeded spotlights, no? She raises her head from her notebook and grumbles, “Of course.”
              “Good, then,” Yoongi turns back to his staff, “We haven’t sent these templates to Ms. Nancy yet. I’m just informing you beforehand should you have better suggestions. You know how Ms. Nancy hates installment submissions of our designs. As of now, we only have conceptualized templates for the feature articles. We still need to cover the templates for the profiles and the top ten pages. And most importantly, the cover page. I want you three to do some research and provide me interesting concepts for our subject and shoots. We have to submit a cohesive collection before Ms. Nancy’s return. So, would it be okay for you if you can send it to me by the end of the week?”
              All three give Yoongi an affirmative nod.
              “Okay, then,” Yoongi leans in his seat, “I would like you to formally meet Ms. Y/N L/N.”
              “But we already got introduced to her. A week ago, in fact,” Myungsoo warily glances at his right. Y/N tries not to shrink from the intimidating gaze he’s giving her. Wasn’t Myungsoo just afraid of her five days ago?
              “Yeah, I know,” Yoongi says, “but I think everyone has not fully understood her purpose here as I still see anxiousness in everyone’s faces whenever she goes around the office. Steven did not do much of a good job explaining it either since he’s been busy with the skeletal framework of our designs. And now, Nancy had just recently busied him with the interface of our site.  That’s why I’m here as second in command.” Yoongi stands up and nears Y/N. Y/N attempts to step back, away from his approaching figure. Yoongi prevents her from doing so by encircling an arm around her and firmly pats a hand on her right shoulder.
              The three Creatives staff sport bunched up brows.
              Unheeding from the confusion on their faces, Yoongi says, “Ms. Y/N L/N here, is Ms. Nancy’s eyes in the Creatives. Since Ms. Nancy is overseas and our last report in our meeting was not satisfactory for her, she sent in her P.A. to check on our progress and directly report to her. To counter-check our own reports to her and whatnot. Y/N’s not here to rat out anyone who’s sneaking a break or two when it’s not even break time,” Dana stiffens at that. Yoongi chuckles, “Don’t worry Dana, everyone already knows and Y/N hasn’t written a thing about you, right Y/N?” He looks at the woman under his arm and smiles.
              Y/N’s got her forehead scrunched together but she nods nevertheless, “Y-yes, I don’t report stuff ‘bout like that. Just the progress and drafts for the templates and designs and o-other suggestions. Yeah.” She unconsciously releases a shaky breath as she glances up at Yoongi who’s still smiling weirdly at her. Why does she feel like she’s being held hostage by the insufferable man?
               “Right,” Yoongi says, looking back at the three. “So, I would really appreciate it if you guys could walk-through Ms. Y/N around your research and concept-making, especially about the matters that concern the cover page.” Myungsoo opens his mouth to retort but Yoongi beats him, “Uh-uh, no objections. This is an order from your superior. A superior who cares about you all to protect you from getting blasted off this company by our dear Ms. Nancy,” Yoongi smiles.
               This must have quelled the three’s resistance, seeing their downcast faces. Yoongi grins, “I’m glad to know that you all agree with me, then. As it also would have been weird if otherwise. Especially when our sweet, adorable, cute Y/Nie has come here to help us.” Yoongi cups Y/N’s face and smiles, “Right, Y/Nie?”
               The confusion is back on the staff’s faces. This time, tenfold.
               “O….kay, I think I already get the memo,” Dana reaches for the door handle.
               “Y-yeah, me too,” Myungsoo seconds.
               “Thank you for the…briefing, Mr. Min. Have a good day,” Yoona bids as she pulls open the door and leaves. Soon enough, it’s just Y/N and Yoongi left inside the Creatives’ meeting room.
               Y/N tears herself immediately from Yoongi’s hold. She looks at him, furious, “What the fuck was that, Min?!”
               Yoongi places his hands in his pockets, “Me pretending I’m interested in you. My share of the deal. You know? Your plan.”
               “You think the deal is still up?! It’s long broken after your shit in the café yesterday!”
               “I’m not the only one who’s at fault,” Yoongi counters, “You called me overrated and an egotistic bastard.”
               “Well, you called me a dog!” Y/N throws her hands in the air. “A dog, Yoongi, a dog! What’s more humiliating than that?!”
               “I admit that’s a wrong move on my part. It’s uncalled for and I’m sorry,” Yoongi sighs. Y/N immediately feels her limbs loosen up. Did…Did Min Yoongi just apologize to her? The prideful, uncaring, asshole Min Yoongi just said ‘sorry’?—
              “But that still doesn’t justify why you’re on Tinder earlier,” Yoongi crosses his arms, “You’re still in the office and break well past over. It’s not even night time!”
              “What the—Why, am I allowed to use Tinder only at night?” Y/N gives him an incredulous look.
               “That’s not what I meant,” Yoongi says dryly, “I’m talking about you having to go to Tinder, seducing a partner with your sexual fantasies and what-not. In case you’re too shallow to know, you usually do those kinds of things at night.”
              Y/N glares at him, “So, you’re saying I have to go to Tinder to unleash my inner hoe and seduce potential partners? And it must be at night? Excuse you Min, I am highly capable of seducing anyone even off-screen!”
               “Uhh, no?” Yoongi says, tilting his head.
               Y/N’s forehead furrows, “What do you mean ‘no’?”
               “No. As in it’s impossible for you to seduce anyone, Y/N.”
               Y/N sticks her nose up, “How did you say so?”
               “Because you’re a stuck-up girl with a stick in her ass,” Yoongi informs, “No one finds that sexy.”
               “And what do people find sexy?” Y/N scoffs, “Conceited, demeaning bastards like you?”
               Yoongi drags a hand over his face, “This is going nowhere again. I don’t have time for this.”
               “And whose fault is it?” Y/N points at him, “You. You started it!”
               “No, you did,” Yoongi pins her with a glare “Who the hell swipes right on every random stranger on Tinder without care?! Much more in a professional setting?”
               “From what I know, you didn’t care about any professionalism at work, Min,” Y/N spits, taking a step towards the man, “You slept during working hours, Yoongi. Don’t you forget how you served me cold to Nancy when you missed Rosa’s call about her son’s first son’s birthday party!” Y/N seethes, “And why do you even care about whoever I swipe on Tinder?! It’s none of your business!”
               “Of course it is my business! I’m the one who you’re supposed to be dating. Not some other Tinder dude!”
               Silence. Not one muscle moves. Not even a breath comes out from between their lips. The air in the room goes colder. There seem to be imaginary frozen needles that have surrounded Y/N’s body after Yoongi’s outburst as she could feel the frigid cold starting to nip on her neck. Yoongi doesn’t seem any better as he stands still in front of her, eyes wide, mouth agape after his outburst. The excruciating tension stretches on as another second passes in this pin-drop silence.
               “W-what?” Y/N chokes out, the sound scratching from her throat, “Y-you think you’re supposed to be dating me? After everything that happened in the cafe, you think my offer is still up? You think, what, after you just called me a dog, I’d let you back in on my plan? And have you benefit from it?” Y/N scoffs.
               “Didn’t you hear what I said earlier? I already apologized!”
               Y/N snorts, “You think it’s that easy to let go for you to demand forgiveness for what you did? I didn’t know you’re also that entitled, Min! And for the record, I don’t need to date you. I can easily find anyone to be my boyfriend for the Valentines!”
                “Then tell me why you’re still swiping right on Tinder until now,” Yoongi counters. “Didn’t you think I would catch you in the meeting still furiously swiping right behind your notebook?” Y/N’s jaw goes slack as she looks away from him. Yoongi smirks. “From all those accounts you swiped right, there probably would have been one that matched with you, right? If you can so ‘easily find anyone to be your boyfriend’?” He takes one step forward to the woman. Y/N gulps, taking one step backward. “Tell me there’s someone else other than me who’s willing to do all these acting shits just to get you that paid vacation leave,” Yoongi takes another step forward, cornering Y/N in the blinds-covered glass wall, “If you can name someone else, I’d gladly let you swipe everyone and anyone to your heart’s content.”
               “Fine,” Y/N admits, “No one has matched with me. Yet,” she adds, daggers in her eyes. She wouldn’t succumb to him just because he’s in a more domineering position than her, hovering above her. “Of course, you’re the only one who’s willing to act out this dating shit with me because you’re gonna benefit from it, too. You out of all people going to deny that one week of paid vacation leave? That would be a miracle.”
               “Touche,” Yoongi chuckles.
               “That’s why, it’s also time for you to step back or else I’m filing a sexual harassment case against you.”
               “Okay, okay, geesh,” Yoongi holds up his hands as he backs away, chuckling. Y/N gives him an unamused look as she dusts off her blazer. God, how many days did the Creatives left their windows to gather dust? And Yoongi had to corner her there of all places—
               Y/N crosses her arms, eyes narrowed, “So, after all your…theatrics, what are you really implying, Min?”
               “I’m implying, let’s give it a go again,” Yoongi replies. Y/N cringes at him. Yoongi immediately defends himself, “Yeah, I know, it sounds like hell. You’re not the only one who’s going to suffer.”
              “As if. You suffering just like I do? I’m the one who’s gonna suffer more! Just by looking at you, I could feel my eyes burning as if I poured a gallon of muriatic acid on them.”
              Yoongi sighs, “I’m being serious here.”
              “So do I,” Y/N tilts her chin up.
              Yoongi gives her a stop-bullshitting-me look.
              Y/N sighs, “Fine, I will.”
              “So, as I was saying,” Yoongi continues, “Our act only has to go for two weeks. 13 days, exactly, since we’ve already wasted yesterday. All we have to do is compromise and not try to fray each other’s nerves too much. Just for two weeks. Then at least we can make this farce as less stressful as it can be for the sake of our mental health.”
               “Okay. How would we start then?”
               “Let’s go have a date later. After work.”
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              “So this is your idea of a date?”
              “Stop complaining. I’m already the one paying.”
              Y/N grumbles an unintelligible disagreement over a stick-full of crispy fried chicken intestines. Yoongi glares at her as he takes another stick from the hot pot. He stuffs his cheek with more chicken intestines. He chomps on his food, obviously savoring the taste of the greasy street food. It would have been pleasing to the eyes if the sounds he is making are not akin to a horse wallowing chunks of grass.  It also doesn’t help that his sounds are only heightened by the loud, mindless chatter of passerby’s. Families arguing what food stall to go to next. Friends betting which game they can win. Children and babies crying for the jackpot humongous teddy bears of the obviously rigged stalls. And couples giving each other mushy looks while guzzling on street foods sold by stalls like the one they’re in. It’s a cacophony of all banal sounds from day-to-day life, amplified to the notch.
              Y/N glances up. The sky is dark but not much can be seen from the thick, dirty smog of the city. What only breaks the neverending stretch of pollution are the overhead lights. They are small oriental lamps tied up on wire cables, hanging across the streetlamp posts. Their pink, orange, and yellow hues substitute for the washed down constellations above the night sky. At least this is pretty.
              “Why? What’s your idea of a date?”
              Y/N snaps back to the man beside her. She’s brought back to the almost-deafening chitter-chatter background. “W-well, it’s definitely not like this!” She waves her stick around her, “It’s not this noisy, thi-this messy. We’re not even supposed to be eating this!”
              Yoongi raises a brow, “But it looks like you like eating chicken intestines. You had six sticks.”
              Y/N’s eyes widen. She buries her face in her scarf, “I have no choice. I’m hungry.”
              “Well, are you still hungry now?”
              “No,” Y/N munches on the last piece of her chicken intestines. She dunks the empty stick in her cup sitting on the bar of the stall.
              “That’s more than good then—Hey, are you done?” Yoongi turns to her. Y/N nods. She gives Yoongi some bills but he slaps her hand away and pays the stall vendor for their meals. “See? I fed you,” Yoongi snorts, “Why are you even complaining?”
              “A date is not just about feeding someone! O-or paying for someone before asking them if it’s okay to have their meals paid for them.”
              “But I told you I’m going to pay! You know, because of yesterday? Because apparently, my apology earlier is not enough for your demanding ass.”
              Y/N angrily stuffs her purse back into her satchel, “It’s still doesn’t justify why this ‘date’ is like this! This is not supposed to be this way!”
              “Aside from your elitist, romantic-sap delusions,” Yoongi looks at her, “what is a date supposed to be?”
              “I’m not an elitist or a romantic-sap!” Y/N exclaims, “And they’re not delusions! Anyone with at least one functioning brain cell could tell a date is supposed to have some ounce of privacy. Some inch of calm in the mood. At least through the music or the aesthetic of the place—not like a marketplace of a street event like this! And the food! They’re supposed to be at least served in plates! Did you not get an example when I asked you to meet me yesterday in a café?”
              “But the thing is, I’m not just anyone, sweetheart.”
              “Will you just stop—” Y/N falters when she feels a tug on her coat.
              “Hey, they have those fried flour-coated quail eggs! You want some?”
              Y/N doesn’t utter a word. Her perked eyes are enough for her to quickly follow the man to the brown food stall.
              Yoongi smirks, “What were you saying again? Did the eggs taste less delicious now they’re in cups?”
              Y/N dips one more egg in the sweet orange sauce before giving him a pointed look, “Shut up. This is an exception. I’m weak for this food since high school.”
              “Aren’t you weak for the intestines, too?” Yoongi snickers, “You ate eight sticks.”
               Y/N jabs at his side. Yoongi’s laugh breaks as he soothes over the spot. Y/N  triumphantly smiles, “I told you to shut up.”
               Yoongi frowns at her as he takes another egg from his cup.
               Y/N sighs as she places down her cup on the bar. She turns to Yoongi,               “Spill it.”
              “Why are you being so nice tonight? What are you plotting?”
               “This-This?” Yoongi sputters, “I am already being nice by being like this?”
               “Well, you’re the worst on a daily basis. Tonight, you’re ten percent less of worse.”
               Yoongi tilts his head, “How did you say so?”
               “Well,” Y/N shoves her hands in her pockets, “when I say some shit about you, you fight back. Like earlier. I blow up on you. You blow up on me. Now, you’re going for passive-aggressive. I can’t tell if you’re about to sneak up on me like the bitch you are or are you just weirdly sucking up to me.” Yoongi snorts. The sound makes Y/N’s ears heat up in a mix of embarrassment and irritation. “Why are you laughing, Min? It’s not a joke.”
               “It is a joke,” Yoongi breathes out in-between laughs, “You think I’m sucking up to you? Not in a million years, bitch! And what am I to sneak up on you for? As of now, you’re in the Creatives and I am somehow your superior. I don’t have to sneak up on you for anything.”
               Y/N huffs, “Then, what are you doing right now?”
               “It’s called compromise,” Yoongi informs, a proud smile growing on his face, “Human decency in another context. Didn’t you hear what I said earlier? If we can try, we can make this deal as less stressful as it can be.”
               “Yeah, I know,” Y/N deadpans.
               “And right now, this loud background is my insurance for tonight should we end up screaming at each other. No one is gonna hear everything and doubt us being a couple. So we can finally get that damned DRM date document.”
               “Why ‘finally’?” Y/N breaks from her reverie, brows raised in confusion, “Didn’t we have a date yesterday?”
               “Yeah we did have one,” Yoongi leans his elbow on the bar and turns to her, “But with you walking out and making such a grand exit, there’s no one in hell the manager is gonna hand me a document that’s supposed to verify two people had a great time in a date site.”
               Y/N hides her face beneath her scarf. She mumbles, “It shouldn’t have happened if you didn’t call me a dog.”
               “Yeah, I know,” Yoongi pops an egg into his mouth, finishing his cup, “but you called me names, too.” Y/N opens her mouth to retort but stops when Yoongi presses an index over her lips, “But they are just your go-to petty insults. And the end, calling you a dog is still an uncalled for low-blow. So now, I’m making us even by paying for your meals.”
               “Okay,” Y/N places her finished cup on the bar, “How would we get a document for today, then? Temporary stalls like this are not DRM-approved.”
               Yoongi smiles, “We just have to find some date-site-looking shop, then.”
               Y/N nods and she falls into silence next to Yoongi. Crowds continue to buzz past them, some people even bumping into their shoulders without an apology. And yet, not a word is still exchanged. The muted space between them is awkward and almost tensioned. From the back of her mind, Y/N could tell Yoongi wants to tell her something. His constant quick glances give him away. However, her expectations are always destroyed when he brings his eyes back on the street, staring straight ahead, away from hers. Y/N decides having an annoying chatterbox Yoongi is better than this silent Yoongi. This silent one seems like he’s secretly plotting her murder. Y/N shakes her head. Compromise, Y/N, compromise.
               “Hey, would you want to go in there?”
               Y/N whips her head, “W-what?”
               Yoongi points to his left, “Do you want to go to that shop? They’re selling some cute stuff.”
               Y/N follows Yoongi’s index. The shop standing on their left looks like Hello Kitty has puked all over it with pink sparkly unidentified stuff for years. Its name, “Adorable Paradise” is in glowing neon pink. It’s flashed by a huge LED  board fastened to the roof of the shop. The shop’s pink walls contrast the monotone grey and dirty white of the shops crammed beside it. Even from the outside, Y/N could already tell the majority, if not all, of their products are also barfed over by Hello Kitty. Pink teddy bears, pink phone cases, pink pillows, pink mini dresses—the list goes on. It’s a novelties store. But right now in Y/N’s eyes, it’s one big puddle of Hello Kitty’s barf. A paradise for all cheesy, cheap, cute finds that won’t even last long for a month.”
               “T-there?” Y/N turns to  Yoongi, a scoff forming on her lips. “You’re asking me if I want to go there? Well, I do not! I’m already 25, Yoongi. I’m no longer 15!”
               Yoongi gives her an incredulous look, “Why? Are fifteen-year-olds only allowed to that place?” He raises his hand and points to a couple going out of the shop, “See? Does that adult couple look like fifteen-year-olds to you?”
               “But, look at its name! ‘Adorable Paradise.’ Who the hell will not think this shop is for cringey teenagers?!”
               “Well, the DRM thinks not because it’s officially listed in one of their approved date sites.”
               Y/N’s eyes grow into large snow globes. She turns up her nose at him as she crosses her arms, “As if I could believe you. Just yesterday, you don’t know anything about DRM or the PRS.”
               “But now I know,” Yoongi argues, “I researched it.”
               “You? Research?” Y/N snorts, “That combination sounds awfully unbelievable.”
               “Hey, I do research,” Yoongi narrows his eyes at her, “I have to do it especially on things I know my sanity will be at stake. Like, right now,” Yoongi suddenly pulls Y/N’s wrist and runs toward the glass door of the shop, almost dragging Y/N’s body behind.
               “I.Told.You. Let. Go. Of. Me!” Y/N slaps Yoongi’s hand per syllable. Yoongi finally lets go when they enter the shop. Y/N caresses the non-existent marks on her wrist. She glowers at him, “You don’t have to drag me like that if you’re that dying to go in here, you know? You could have just told me you’re a hopeless romantic overgrown teenage boy.”
               Yoongi seems to have gone deaf over her words. He aimlessly wanders through the aisles of the shop, whistling a soft tune to himself. Y/N is ready to stomp her way all over to him and drag him out like how he did with her if Yoongi didn’t holler from the CD stand, “Hey! This song reminds me of you!”
               Y/N walks toward him. She peers at the CD case he’s holding. “UGLY – 2NE1.”
               Y/N glares at him. Yoongi laughs. She pushes him away as she goes to the other end of the stand, scanning through the CD cases. “Hah! This one’s for you!”
               Yoongi looks at the case, “Here’s a Quarter (Call Someone Who Cares) – Travis Tritt.” Yoongi smirks at her, “So, it’s gonna be like this, huh?” He rushes to the opposite end of the CD stand. “This one’s for you!” Yoongi flashes her the CD case, “I hate everything about you – Three Days Grace”
               Y/N angrily bites on her lip. She dives into her side of the stand, “Then you’re this—“Die in a Fire – The Living Tombstone”
               “You’re Pitiful – Weird Al”
               “Suck a Cheetah’s Dick – Wesley Willis”
               “You Need to Calm Down – Taylor Swift”
               “That’s What You Get – Paramore”
               “You’re not Old School. You’re Just Old – Swallowing Shit”
               “LOSER – Big Bang”
              “Grow Up – Paramore”
              “Fuck You – Lilly Allen”
              “F.U.R.B. (Fuck You Right Back) – Frankee”
               With no more songs to insult each other, Yoongi and Y/N continues on to the greeting cards.
               Yoongi turns to Y/N and points at his left, “You’re like this Mother’s day card. Its fake PNG background resonates you being such a scam.”
               Y/N points at her right, “Well, you’re like this Birthday card that somehow looks like a prayer card. You think so highly of yourself when you’re just some low-quality being.”
               “Hah!” Yoongi snorts, “Then you’re like this plain ass Thank You Card. Its abuse of Comic Sans is like your abuse of overused insults. Upgrade your insulting game, mate.”
               “Overused, huh? Then you’re this ‘Cousin, you deserve the best,’ card. Awfully useless to anyone.”
               “Hey! Cousins deserve a Hallmark card!”
               “Who the hell writes to their cousin?! It’s no longer the 1800’s!”
               “Well, obviously not you. You don’t have a heart to even appreciate your cousin.”
               “I do appreciate my cousin!” Y/N looks away, frowning, “But not through cards.”
               “Then how do you appreciate them?”
               “A birthday message on Facebook?”
               “That’s not enough! What, you just speak to them once a year?”
               “Yeah! Because not everyone has good relationship ties with their family, dumb-o.”
               Yoongi stops, “What? You’re not okay with your family?”
               “Are you deaf? Did you not hear what I said?” Y/N looks at him with a cold stare, “And why are you suddenly concerned?”
               “Well, it’s family? And families are supposed to be the people who should know you best, and thus understand you the best..?,” Yoongi finishes, eyes unsure. He looks like he’s trying to convince himself with his answer rather than Y/N.
               “Well, not my family,” Y/N turns away and heads for the other aisle, “I don’t want to talk about this anymore. Next topic.”
               “Okay,” Yoongi nods, following behind.
               The Adorable Paradise is a self-contradiction. There is nothing heavenly in the shop but its all-shades-of-pink LSD-inducing color scheme. The shop is a hodgepodge of all things imaginable. One stand has CDs and records, from mainstream pop to underground heavy metal, un-arranged in the racks. The other stand has greeting cards for all sorts of events. It is Y/N’s first time to find a card congratulating a person for surviving a day without killing their boss. Shelves line up the spaces above the stands, housing indoor plants of different species and vinyl records from the 70s to contemporaries. The bookstands lined in the center of the shop contain items from school supplies to cosmetic products. Accessories from head to toe are displayed in mannequins placed in all of the corners of the shop. The only thing passable for “adorable” is the shop’s collection of plushies, all resembling none of well-known cartoons or franchises. Although calling it so would be a stretch because there are outlandish ones like the magenta sunflower with a pentagram on its disk florets Y/N saw in the leftmost shelf.  It was as if the shop owner didn’t know what business it wants to have so they just threw everything sellable they know inside. It is almost impossible to know how the shop managed to house all these various products in such a small space. Especially, when there are corners that have products like—
               “Yoongi, look, they have the leaf village’s forehead protector!”
               “The leaf village what?”
               Y/N turns around, tying the headband around her head, “The Naruto headband!”
               Yoongi shrugs.
               Y/N’s eyes blow wide, “What do you mean ‘so what’? This is Naruto.”
               “Well, I haven’t watched it, so I don’t know what to feel.”
               “You haven’t watched Naruto?!”
               “Too many episodes.”
               “This is Naruto!”
               “Yes! I know it’s Naruto!” Yoongi exasperates, “You don’t have to repeat it again!”
               “Fine,” Y/N crosses her arms. “Then what did you watch growing up?” Yoongi looks up, deep in thought. Y/N smirks, “If you have nothing, then I can really say you’re asshole-ry can now be explained by the fact that you apparently have no childhood.”
               “Hey! I had my childhood! I remember it now. It’s Slam Dunk!”
               “The basketball anime?”
               “Does it involve ten episodes worth of flashback before they finally make a move?”
               “No. That’s just the trend now after Kuroko no Basket.”
               “Wait,” Y/N points at him, “Do you watch every single sports anime?”
               “No…Just when it’s about basketball.”
               “Oh my god,” Y/N dramatically covers her mouth in faux shock, “you’re such a stereotypical representative of the male species.”
               Yoongi gives her a half-unamused, half-confused look, “What do you mean with that?”
               “Nothing. Just you guys typically liking basketball 24/7 and making life everything about it.”
               “I do not make life everything about basketball,” Yoongi deadpans, “Have you ever heard me do that?”
               “…No. Okay, sorry, I got sidetracked again because of my annoyance with you,” Y/N faces the bookstand where she got her headband, “Anyway, since you mentioned you like Slam Dunk, I may have seen a Shohoku 10 jersey here—”
               “OH MY GOD, WHERE???” Yoongi runs next to her.
               Y/N turns around, quirking her brows, “I thought you don’t make your life about basketball? Why are you reacting like that?”
               “Hey, if you watched Slam Dunk, you’d know,” Yoongi informs. He takes a conscious step back and awkwardly adjusts the folded cuffs of his navy button-down.
               “Well, I haven’t watched it, so I don’t know.”
               “You haven’t watched Slam Dunk? How do you even know about the Shohoku 10 jersey?!”
               “I know that 10 jersey is important because Mina’s boyfriend gushes about it, too,” Y/N bites her lip then admits, “And also because the one wearing the next number, 11, is a very attractive man.”
               “You mean Kaede Rukawa?” Yoongi blows a frustrated sigh, “Oh my god, you have an awful taste. That character’s annoying as fuck.”
               Yoongi holds up a finger, “You don’t get to justify yourself. You said you haven’t watched Slam Dunk. Which by the way, how did you even know Rukawa is good-looking?”
               Y/N slaps Yoongi’s hand away, “Hah! You admit he’s also good-looking!”
               Yoongi narrows his eyes at her, “That’s not the point. Answer the question.”
               “Fine. I saw a drawing of him in a product ad for a Shohoku jersey Mina has added to her cart.”
               Yoongi’s jaw drops, “Then, you just decided then and there you like him?”
               “I didn’t say I like him! I said he’s attractive!”
               “But he’s such a jerk to Sakuragi! How is that attractive?!”
               “You know, this is going nowhere again,” Y/N mutters and heads for the cashier.
               Yoongi follows close behind, “Just so you know, you’ll immediately get disillusioned when you watch the anime.”
               “If you’d succeed in convincing me to do so,” Y/N taunts.
               “I’ll watch Naruto in exchange,” Yoongi places the jersey on the counter, next to the Naruto headband.
               Y/N looks at him, brows shot up her forehead, “Are you sure? That’s like 500 plus episodes of investment.”
               Yoongi smirks, “I’m sure. Then in exchange, you have to watch Slam Dunk.” He places out his hand, “Deal?”
               Y/N goes silent. After another second of thought, she clasps her hand around Yoongi’s and shakes it, “Deal.”
               “That would be $50,” the cashier awkwardly smiles.
               Y/N quickly opens her wallet, fishing for some bills—
               “Thank you for giving the exact amount, sir.”
               Y/N looks at Yoongi, “You already paid? But I’ve got my forehead protector in it. I need to pay.”
               “I told you,” Yoongi smiles, “I’m paying for today.”
               Y/N goes silent. This smile on the man’s face is weird. It’s not the taunting one he flashes at her whenever she’s in meetings, as if to remind her he’s waiting for her next mistake. Nor is it the insulting tilt of his lips he sends her whenever he catches sight of her frazzled form by Nancy’s door after accomplishing all her boss’ pile of tasks. This smile has an oddly, unnervingly nonexistent subtext. It has none of his usual malice, nor his hint of capriciousness. Just a plain smile Yoongi most definitely never sends her way and—
               “You two are so sweet!”
               Y/N breaks from her trance and looks at the cashier, “W-what?”
               The cashier takes a step from her desk, self-conscious now of her abrupt statement. She looks like she’s just turned about nineteen. Probably her first job that’s why she’s a nervous wreck in front of a customer. “I-I said you two a-are so sweet,” she stutters, “I-I’ve never seen a couple before with such che-chemistry with each other.”
               What? Chemistry? Y/N scoffs. Her and Yoongi? It’s more likely disastrous energy.  “We-re not—”
               “Oh yeah, people usually comment that about us,” Yoongi pulls Y/N to his side, an arm looped around her frame. He sends her a sickening, too-cheesy lovey-dovey eyes, “Right, my cutie peachy pie, Y/N?”
               Y/N gives him an incredulous look. Yoongi doesn’t pay her mind. He turns back to the cashier, “We probably oozed too much of the honeymoon phase, no? My girlfriend and I just started dating, you see. So I guess, all the sweet stuff are natural to come at the start.”
               “I don’t think the sweetness will only come at the start for you two, sir,” the cashier grins, “For one, you two look like you’ve been with each other for so long.”
               “Yeah,” Yoongi answers, chuckling, “So long that the establishment of DRM has caught up with us and almost pushed us to be together.”
               Y/N’s jaw drops. Yoongi did not just say that—
               “That’s why, we’re still kinda unofficial now. We haven’t changed our PRSs yet.”
               “Oh,” the cashier nods slowly.
               “So,” Yoongi leans closer to the counter, “Would you help me and my cutie peachy pie be as official as we can be by writing us a date document to officialize our date?”
               “O-of course, sir! No problem!” The cashier beams, “May I get your names please?”
              “L/N Y/N and Min Yoongi.”
              “Okay, I’ll be back soon” the cashier bows before she disappears into their staff’s backroom.
               Y/N immediately pulls Yoongi’s cuff sleeve, pulling him to lean toward her, “What the fuck, Min? Cutie peachy pie?!”
               “What the fuck, to you, too, peachy pie,” Yoongi returns in harsh whispers, a frown marring his face, “What were you thinking denying to the cashier we’re not a couple? You almost gave us away!”
               “It’s you who almost gave us away! You outright hinted we’re doing all these stuff just to get the holiday benefit! Were you not listening to me yesterday? You don’t have to go through all drama theatrics just to get the date document! You can just ask for it plain and simple! They’ll automatically get it—”
               “Sorry, I took so long,” The cashier enters the counter. Y/N and Yoongi immediately let go of each other. The cashier smiles at the couple, “Here’s your date document, Mr. Min and Ms. L/N. I wish you two the best of luck!”
               “Y-yeah, thank you,” Y/N awkwardly smiles as she receives the sealed pale pink envelope.
               When they make it outside the shop, Y/N finally bursts. “What the hell did you just do in there?”
               “Uhh, pretending to be your lover? Like you should, too? Because you’re the one who offered me this deal to acquire the Heart Holiday paid week? I don’t know, you decide,” Yoongi gives her a once over.
               Y/N closes her eyes and sighs, “Okay, I’m sorry I almost put us up to fail by denying we’re a couple. But, you can’t blame me. I’m still adjusting to having you as my fake boyfriend when you’re my worst enemy for years. It’s an illogical upgrade and I still need time to prepare myself.”
               “Well, you shouldn’t have agreed to have our date today when you’re not yet done being such a difficult person,” Yoongi spits. Y/N’s almost taken aback by the complete 180 change from the smiling Yoongi who’s telling her he’s willing to suffer 500 plus episodes in exchange for her watching Slam Dunk for him. But then, that must have just been him acting like the professional scam that he is. Reality must sink in. Right in front of her is the true Min Yoongi. The insufferable man who doesn’t think twice about criticizing her, even in a large public place.
               Aggravation starts to light up in Y/N’s throat. She turns to Yoongi, voice dripping with venom and disdain, “Well, forgive me for not being able to stomach dating you. Especially someone like you who’s awfully disgusting as your choices of pet names.”
               Yoongi looks at her in silence. He looks down at the paper bags in his hands. He unceremoniously hands her the smaller one. “If you cannot stomach me dating you, you shouldn’t have asked for my help in the first place.” Yoongi gives her one last unreadable look. He shakes his head and walks away, disappearing into the moving crowd.
              Y/N looks away, feet stuck on the pavement. The awful taste of shame is blocking her esophagus.
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 DAY 3 – January 28; Tuesday      
               Yoongi is avoiding her, Y/N’s sure of it. When she sat in her desk in the Creatives, the man didn’t let his eyes sweep over her. He didn’t even address her blatant staring just like he usually does. When Y/N makes her round in their office, Yoongi coincidentally decides it’s the right time to take a bathroom break, obviously avoiding having Y/N pass him by in his cubicle. This is weird. Yoongi is not one to avoid Y/N. It is Y/N who avoids him. Yoongi is the pesky, picky jerk of a fly who won’t stop bugging her. It’s not supposed to be her who’s standing awkwardly whenever he’s near, trying to get the man’s attention.
              The morning was stressfully spent with her trying to play cat and mouse with Yoongi. Fortunately for Y/N, no one in the Creatives has noticed this aberrant change in her attitude. She’s sure she’s gonna succumb to the depths of the earth from embarrassment. Y/N’s relieved everyone already knows she hates Yoongi and vice versa to even attempt to speak to her about it. That is until the clock hits eleven and a no-filter co-worker with the name of Dana Lee comes to her.
               “Hey, what’s up with you and Yoongi?”
               Y/N looks up from her desk. Dana is leaning above her, concern and curiosity etched into her face. From the little time Y/N has spent in the Creatives, it was easy to tell Dana is one of the most extroverted people she has ever met in her life. Unafraid to sound too prying or gossipy, Dana just speaks what’s on her mind. Be it about Myungsoo being too patronizing on her or Steven being so closed-off as a leader, Dana freely talks about anything. What’s only weird though is she also manages to not step on any line. This is something Y/N is simultaneously frustrated by and envious of. No one gets to say anything that they want and play so safe all at the same time. Though right now, Y/N is mulling over if she got Dana wrong as what she’s asking from her is a little bit too unnerving for someone she has never exchanged a word with before.
               The petite blonde woman comfortably plops onto a chair next to her desk. Y/N didn’t notice she even dragged a chair with her. Dana leans an elbow on her desk, “Just yesterday, he was awfully close to you. Now, it looks like he can’t even bear to look at you.”
               “What are you talking about?” Y/N awkwardly chuckles, “We’re not close. We both can’t bear to look at each other.”
               “Then what did happen yesterday?” Dana’s eyes were piercing right into hers.
              “Umm, maybe he’s got…a fever? Fever always does things to people, you know?” Y/N nervously chuckles
               Dana hums, leaning back on her chair, “I don’t think calling someone adorable and sweet has something to do with fever. ”
               “It’s Min Yoongi, Dana,” Y/N flips through the pages of her notebook, “If he doesn’t have a fever, then he’s just plain weird. He always says ridiculous things.”
               “Not always. I don’t even remember hearing him giving compliments ever since he got in here.”
               Y/N whips her head towards her.
               Dana chuckles, “You two do have something weird going on, huh?” Y/N opens her mouth to retort but Dana cuts her chance by handing her a long manila folder. “Anyway, I’m here to give you these. Here are the templates I’ve researched that could work for this month’s profile pages.”
               “Why…are you giving me these?”
               “I just want to,” Dana shrugs, “Since you ‘re part of the Creatives now, I figured why not let you help me pick out what templates to use as inspiration for our own magazine. Since you work closely with Nancy, you should probably know some things she wants to see in our issues.”
              “And inside it is also a mini-guide about the jargons we use to help you better understand Steven’s reports before you report them yourself to Nancy.”
              “You…you did this for me?”
              “Honestly? No. This folder is a peace offering to you so you won’t report me taking too many breaks to Nancy,” Dana informs, smiling. She picks up the booklet, “And this mini-guide? Yoongi made it. He asked me to give it to you yesterday but I forgot.”
              “Yeah, that’s why I find it weird he’s treating you like air now when yesterday he’s adamant about telling us to treat you with utmost respect as a co-worker.” Dana claps a hand over her mouth, “Oh my god, does it sound rude? I’m sorry, I kinda gave us away that we’re really wary of you. Okay, I really gave us a way no, but at least you know now…right?”
              “It’s okay, Dana,” Y/N smiles, waving a dismissive hand.
              “Are you really though?”
              “Yes, I’m okay,” Y/N smiles wider, “Thank you for the folder again.”
              “…Okies. See ya later.”
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               “I am NOT okay.”
               Mina turns her swivel chair to face her bestfriend. The soft melodies of her radio fill the Accounting Department. Everyone else has left their seats for lunch. Mina sets her jaw on her palm, “Why, did Yoongi do something again? I already told you not to involve him anymore in your plan but you’re still stubborn. Don’t tell me I didn’t see you yesterday getting off work with him and you coming home late yesterday. I may have just set out a midnight snack for you and resigned early to bed, but I have eyes, Y/N. I just didn’t say anything yesterday because it’s late and it’s too early in the morning earlier to bring up, but I know.”
               Y/N pushes her fork around the leftovers of her packed lunch in her container, “Yoongi was really pushy yesterday about making it up to me about the dog-thing in the café so I had no choice. He even told me to quit this Tinder gaming because I’m gonna run out of time if I were to wait for someone else to act with me. And although he paid for everything even if I insisted to share the bill, Yoongi still had us eat street foods and enter some weird-ass ka-doodle shop. Who the hell takes someone into those things for a date?! And okay, he was a bit decent yesterday to not blow up things out of proportion just like he always does. But! He still sent me this cringe-worthy smile that I have to see as something positive because it doesn’t look like his ‘I-will-end-you’ smiles he usually flashes at me and this certainly bothers me. And now,” Y/N blows out an irritated sigh, “I found out he even made me this guide about the Creatives’ jargon and terminologies I’ve been desperate for a week.”
               “So, what really happened? You won’t be this conflicted if it’s just about a non-malicious smile and a guide.”
               “First and foremost, I am NOT conflicted,” Y/N puts down her fork, “In my defense, Yoongi’s still a dumb bitch because he almost uttered in front of the cashier that we are only going in their shop for the date document like ‘hello, this girl and I are just tryna fake it ‘til we make it the heart holiday benefit.’ He even shamelessly got the stroke of ego to even call me ‘cutie peachy pie’ in front of the cashier and I am so not having any of that—”
               “The point, Y/N?”
               “Fine,” Y/N slumps down in her chair, “The night ended with me telling Yoongi I can’t stomach dating him because he’s disgusting as his choice of pet names.”
               Mina winces, “Oof, that kinda hurts.”
               “How does it hurt?” Y/N throws up her hands, “Does he expect me to just accept the disgusting idea of me dating him when I’ve practically dreamt of strangling him in his sleep for so many nights? Not earlier that day he was just dissing me with song titles!”
               “Y/N,” Mina rubs her temples, “Even if he dissed you with those song titles, they are still shallow. But calling someone disgusting to date? That hurts bad. It’s bad as his dog-thing. It hurts to be seen as someone so disgusting to be treated as a romantic partner, even if it’s all for show, you know? It’s like telling a person no one would ever want to be with them.”
               Y/N looks away.
              Mina sighs, “How is he doing now?”
               “Well,” Y/N picks on the seams of her cardigan, “I don’t really know. All I know he’s not his usual self because he won’t look at me. Our desks literally face each other and it seems like letting  himself even accidentally glance to me will give him some sort of virus.”
               “Then you did hurt him.”
               “Minaaa,” Y/N whines.
              “As much as I despise him for what he’s done to you in the past, this time you’re in the wrong, Y/N, and I’m not gonna tolerate it. He tried to make it up with you.”
              “Mina, you’re supposed to take my side and make me feel better!”
              “Well, you won’t feel any better until you apologize. You’re feeling like this because your guilt is eating on your nerves. You’re not helping yourself if you’re just gonna deny everything, Y/N.”
              Y/N wishes she hasn’t talked this out with Mina. If she hadn’t, she wouldn’t be awkwardly lingering around the Creatives’ room, waiting for Yoongi to finish his briefing with their artists. It’s already seven in the evening. By this time, Y/N could be probably running a hot bath in her home while scrolling around her Facebook to nonchalantly react to her friend’s achievements. It’s always how her night goes. Not like this—creeping like a stalker again for a man she hates. The glass door busts open. Y/N scrambles for a corner to hide. But it’s too late.
              “Oh, Y/N, what are you still doing here?” some guy asks. Y/N thinks his name is Jeff. ‘Jeff’ pushes up the slipping portfolios back in his elbow.
              “I think she forgot something,” Yoona suggests.
              “Uhh, n-no—”
              “Who is she?” a nineteen-year-old-looking boy asks. His buttondown fits his narrow shoulders awkwardly. He’s probably a new hire.
              “She’s Y/N L/N, Seojoon. Nancy’s P.A.,” Seojoon’s eyes grow three times larger than their usual size. Yoona continues, “Would you mind going back to check if Ms. L/N left something in the meeting room? We were there yesterday.”
              “You don’t have to—”
              “Of course no, Ms. Park!” Seojoon bows, grinning at Y/N.
              Yoona clasps a hand on Y/N’s shoulder, “You do not need to feel shy, Y/N. We are co-workers here.”
              “I am not—"
              “Ms. Park,” Seojoon hollers, “I don’t see anything here!”
              “Oh,” Yoona looks at Y/N, “then you’re probably waiting for Mr. Min.”
              “Mr. Min?” ‘Jeff’ sputters, almost letting go of his portfolios.
              “Yeah, Jeff, Mr. Min,” Yoona pats the man’s back, “Now go ahead and place the portfolios in my car. I’ll be the one to handle the box.”
              “N-no, Yoongi and I are not—”
              “Yes, Ms. Park.” Jeff bows. “Mr. Min..” He slowly nods at Y/N, “In the denial phase are we, huh?”
              Before Y/N could open her mouth and deny such repulsive remark, Yoona pops her head back into the office, “Seojoon! Come outside, Y/N didn’t leave anything.”
              Seojoon quickly steps out. Yoona gives Y/N a curt smile, “I don’t really fancy romantic relationships at work, but anyway, good luck with Mr. Min.”
              “We,” Y/N nervously chuckles, “We’re not—”
              “You don’t have to deny anymore Ms. L/N, we totally understand! I’m rooting for you and Mr. Min!” Seojoon grins. The two quickly leave and it’s just Y/N again in the quiet hallway.
              What just…happened? How do these people act like they long knew about her when she hasn’t even talked with them before?
              The door swings open again and Y/N jumps.
              “What are you doing here?”
              Y/N turns around. Yoongi is standing at the doorway, brows furrowed, hands on his black satchel. He looks like he doesn’t want to see her right now.
              Y/N’s eye twitches, “Obviously, I’m here to work. You know, past the eight to five work hours, to work on unfinished works I don’t really have.”
              Yoongi rolls his eyes, “Are you seriously being sarcastic right now?”
              “How could I not be when you’re acting like the biggest bitch alive?”
              Yoongi rubs a tired hand over his eyes, “Did you just wait here to start a fight? Because if you are, I’m already tired and I want to go home.” Yoongi steps aside and walks past her.
              What is wrong with him? Did he just walk out on her? When he’s the one who got all dramatic yesterday, acting like the victim when he also picked on her? Y/N holds up her chin. Fine, if he wants to act this way then so be it.
              But what about Nancy? The Heart Holliday?
              Y/N stops. She releases a long sigh. Why does she always end up fighting with him?
              Y/N runs out of the office, pushing the glass doors of Travel Loca wide open. At the end of the main hallway, she sees Yoongi entering the lift. Y/N leaves all thoughts and just sprints. She manages to stick a hand in the infinitesimal space before the metal doors completely close on her. The elevator dings and the doors start to open wide. Yoongi looks at her, eyes wide.
              “Look,” Y/N breathes out, entering the lift, “I know I’ve been an ass yesterday, but you can’t just pin everything on me like you always do. If you hadn’t dissed me with those CD titles, called me cutie peachy pie, and dumbly almost gave us out, I wouldn’t have—”
              “What are you really here for, Y/N?”
              The metal doors close again. Y/N closes her eyes, “Fuck, I’m sorry okay?! I didn’t mean to say those mean words to you. I was just frustrated and mad when you called me a difficult person and I guess I just blew up, okay?” Y/N looks at him, “I’m sorry.”
              “If you’re sorry, why are you still denying that we’re dating in front of my subordinates just now?”
              “You heard that?”
              “Of course,” Yoongi adjusts his bag on his shoulder, “Jeff has the loudest mouth in here and Seojoon is coming in close for that spot. It’s not hard for the two of them to announce what’s happening here to the next city.”
              Y/N self-consciously rubs her arm, “I’m not used to people crowding me like that and asking about that stuff, okay? I’m still adjusting to this…situation we have. I’m sorry, okay? I promise I won’t give us away again. I’m serious this time.”
              “Okay,” Yoongi quips.
              Y/N looks up at him, “Wait, you’re just going to let it go like that?”
              “Of course no,” Yoongi answers, smiling.
              The growing smile on Y/N’s face falls flat, “What do you mean, Yoongi?”
              “I want you to make it up to me.”
               Y/N’s jaw drops, “What?!”
               “When I did you wrong, I made it up to you. Now, it’s your turn,” Yoongi grins. Y/N crosses her arms. Yoongi’s smile grows, “Take it or I leave this deal.”
               Y/N bites her cheeks. She closes her eyes and sighs, “Fine.”
               “Good. Glad to know we’re on the same page,” Yoongi says, pressing the ‘P1’ button on the elevator just before the lift passes it.
               Y/N gawks at him, “When did you have a car?”
               “It’s not mine. Steven let me borrow his for today.” The doors open. Yoongi walks toward the gun-metal gray Ford on the far right and presses the remote open. He opens the driver’s side and looks at Y/N. “Why are you still standing there? Do you want me to open the door for you, sweetheart?”
               “Fuck you.”
               “I will open it if you want me to,” Yoongi chuckles, starting for the passenger side.
               “Shut up!” Y/N dashes to the passenger’s side, blocking Yoongi from pulling the door for her. Yoongi cackles.
               The ride was silent for a few minutes. Save for Yoongi who kept on bugging Y/N with the same question the moment they pulled out of Rockfort Building.
              “So,” Yoongi asks, “where are we really going?”
                Y/N has been muttering directions for a few minutes now, unrelenting to tell Yoongi the exact address. She figured to keep it a secret lest Yoongi make a scene once he knew where they’re going. But with Yoongi pestering her now like a five-year-old toddler, Y/N thinks she might have made the wrong decision. Y/N closes her eyes, “Shut up and just follow my directions.”
               “I won’t if you won’t tell me where you plan to take us. For all I know, you’ve contacted some hoodlums to ambush me in a dark alley.”
                Y/N turns to her side, letting her back face him.
                 Yoongi pokes her shoulder, “Y/NNNN—”     
               “Fine! Turn left at the 2nd stoplight and then a right at the 3rd stoplight. There’s a Burger King joint there. Satisfied?” Y/N glares at him.
               “You’re taking me to fast-food?” Yoongi dramatically places a hand over his chest, “I thought you said dates are supposed to be intimate and of high-quality.”
               “Well, when it comes to you, it’s a different case. Now, shut up.”
               The street was dark. Save for the brightly lit Burger King establishment. The white and yellow lighting inside the restaurant seems to bleed outside. They color the washed-out paint of the closed shops beside it. Some manage to spread onto the wet and cold pavement. The raven night sky further emphasizes the restaurant’s colors with no other lit building to compete with. There were street lamps, but their lights were not bright enough to register distinctly into one’s eyes. They all just looked like burnt-out stars.
               They seem to remind Y/N of the man next to her when they pulled up to the order reception area of the drive-thru.
               “Here’s your order, sir,” The crew staff hands Yoongi a huge paper bag, “Would you like to add anything more?”
               “Oh, yeah, um, do you have a document for like dates and—”
              “Oh no, don’t mind him,” Y/N clamps a hand over Yoongi’s mouth, “We don’t have anything else to add for now. But if we do, we’re gonna go inside to get them later. Thank you,” she smiles at the confused staff.
              When the windows roll up, Yoongi tears Y/N’s hand off his face. “What the fuck was that for?”
              Y/N scowls, “You’re being stupid for almost giving us away! Again!”
              “But I already followed what you said! You told me to just ask for the document plain and simple!”
              Y/N places a hand over her forehead, “That only works when you’ve already spent some time in a date-site enough to be considered as a date. How can Burger King know we’re having a date when we just pulled up and ordered at the drive-thru? If that is so, then they would have been distributing date documents so easily to every single car that passes by.”
              “How will we let them know, then?” Yoongi asks.
              “We park in their parking lot and stay there to eat. Where they can see us spending time with each other. Then we go inside and ask for the document.”
              “Then why did you even insist we go to a drive-thru if we’re gonna go out and enter the restaurant later anyway?” Yoongi throws up his hands, “We could have just dined-in and eat out like usual.”
              “Because I don’t want anyone to see us or else we’ll lose another opportunity to get a goddamn date document.”
              “How can you say we’ll lose another opportunity?”
              “Because I know we’re going to argue,” Y/N looks at Yoongi. His eyes are piercing hers and his brows are scrunched up. Y/N points at to him, “Look, your face is telling me you’re already about to start some shit up.” She reaches across the console and pokes his forehead with her index and middle finger to spread apart the man’s brows, “There, you look less like a dumb asshole now.”
              Yoongi slaps her hand away. Y/N snorts. Yoongi shoves the paper bag into her hand, “Just shut up and eat.”
              Ten minutes later and fingers coated with salt from the fries, Yoongi breaks the silence, “What were you looking at just before we got in the drive-thru? You seem very lost in it.”
              Y/N spares him a glance before going for another fry, “Obviously not you.”
              “I’m being serious.”
              “Okay, fine. The sky,” Y/N slumps deeper into her seat.
              “Wow,” Yoongi chuckles, “I never thought you were one of those aesthetic-obsessed girls of Pinterest.”
              “Where are you going with this? If you’re gonna insult me again, just so you know, I paid for tonight’s meal. Therefore, I’ve already made it up with you. And so, I am in no obligation to–”
              “I’m trying to initiate small talk,” Yoongi turns to her, smirking, “Now look who’s the one starting some shit up?”
              Y/N narrows her eyes at him.
              Yoongi snickers, “Can’t you just answer my question? I’m just trying to have a conversation without us screaming each other’s heads off. It’s getting pretty tiring.”
              Y/N looks down on the empty food wrapper on her lap. She closes her eyes and sighs, “Okay,  but don’t laugh at me. I’m really…into light set against skies. Street lamps, overhead lights in cables, lit up buildings—anything that is illuminated, as long as there are skies in the background. I like skies in general because looking at it feels like viewing a painting in a real classy museum for free. I like free stuff. But, I like skies more if the light that comes with it makes their whole picture entirely different from what it’s really supposed to be.”
              “Like what?”
              “Say for example,” Y/N leans nearer to Yoongi to point at the restaurant, “Burger King is the only brightly lit establishment here. And its bright use of primary colors on the building creates a greater contrast against the blackness of the sky. If you think about it more, Burger King kinda looks like an evil radioactive plant set in a post-apocalyptic world,” Y/N gives Yoongi a pointed look as she raises her hands, “Life’s been boring lately. I’m just trying to see things differently to entertain myself.”
              Yoongi looks at her, mouth agape.
              Y/N points at him, “I told you, don’t laugh. You asked for it. That’s my answer.”
              “I’m not trying to laugh,” Yoongi chuckles, “If it makes you feel any better, I’m into light fixtures.”
              “Light fixtures?”
              “Yeah.  Lamps, light bulbs, lighted chandeliers—anything that’s supposed to light up for interior designing. It’s not as special as your affinity for your light-in-the-skies. I just like light fixtures because, well, they’re pretty and practical. And I like interior designing. I could spend a lot of hours just walking around the home department in malls,” Yoongi turns toward her, “What else do you like?”
              Y/N’s eyes turn into slits, “Are we playing twenty questions right now?”
              “No. But if you want, we can.”
              “Fine. Okay…I like Naruto.”
              Yoongi gives Y/N a blank stare, “You already told me that yesterday.”
              “Yeah,” Y/N nods, “but I think you don’t get me yesterday. What I mean by ‘like’ is that I’m totally obsessed with that anime. And manga. All throughout elementary and high school, there’s not a day where I blabbered about Naruto. I can’t believe an anime can be so, so good. The plot is so well-done and the characters’ motivations and desires are fleshed out so good that they almost resemble real people. The story world is so concrete that I truly wished it existed so I can just go there whenever I want,” Y/N sighs, “Not to say Uchiha Sasuke is goddamn handsome.”
              “Now, I see.”
              Yoongi chortles, “You have a type.”
              Y/N frowns, “What do you mean with that?”
              Yoongi grins, “You like black-haired guys with poker faces and horrible personalities.”
              Y/N releases an offended scoff, “Ho-horrible? Sasuke is not horrible! He just had circumstances he cannot escape!”
              “Well, Kaede Rukawa is horrible.”
              “Are you seriously still fixated on my attraction to that guy?”
              “How can I not?” Yoongi exasperates, “He’s such a pretentious bitch to his teammates and he calls Sakuragi a ‘moron.’ Multiple times!”
              “Well, that’s the purpose of a character that acts antagonistically, you know?” Y/N informs, “They’re supposed to challenge the protagonist to further elevate conflict. And from what I know, he and Sakuragi eventually resorted to a friendly rivalry.”
              “Yeah, they did, but still, it doesn’t excuse his terrible attitude—Wait, how did you know about that? You said yesterday you’ve never watched Slam Dunk before.”
              Y/N flushes, “Well, I-I have hands, you know? And a brain. A little research about their high-five is not that much of a hassle.”
              “Wait, you researched that part with their high-five? Through what, fandom.com?” Y/N guiltily side-glances the side mirror. Yoongi tongues his cheek, “Wow. Just wow. Congratulations, you spoiled your own experience.”
              Y/N turns to him with a scowl on her face, “At least I tried to know a thing about Slam Dunk! What about you? Did you already start watching Naruto just like what you oh-so confidently declared yesterday?”
              Yoongi looks down, “…No.”
              “Hah!” Y/N points a finger at him, a triumphant smile on her face, “See? You’re just a big-talker Min Yoongi! You say a lot of shit but you can’t even do one of them!”
              “Hey! I said I will watch Naruto just yesterday! Did you expect me to start watching it as soon as possible? In case you don’t know, I’ve got lots of work to do thanks to Nancy. You talk as if you’re so great when you haven’t even watched Slam Dunk yourself!”
              “I’ll watch it, okay?! Happy, now?”
              “Very,” Yoongi gibes at her, “You better watch it because I’ve got to suffer through 500 plus episodes.”
              Silence settles over the car again. A minute or two passes with just the sound of food wrappers’ wrinkling and folding serving as the white noise along with the whir of the air con. Yoongi  leans forward and presses the on button of the car stereo. Post Malone and Swae Lee’s Sunflower fills the car.
               The song is in the second verse when Y/N decides to break the silence between them, “Do you…like this song?”
               “Yeah,” Yoongi smiles, “The heavy beats ironically compliment the soft melody so well. I find it…very unusual and oddly comforting.” Yoongi looks at her, “Do you, too?”
               “Yeah,” Y/N picks up the last fry in their paper container, “I’m not really into pop songs, especially popular ones. They tend to be all about shallow declarations of love or overused odes to sex and horniness because everyone knows sex sells. But this one is gonna be an exception. It just feels so…real.”
               “How so?”
               “Well, it’s all thanks to the sunflower metaphor. Sunflowers are very pretty and they last very long. But they’re also stressful to grow because they drain the other plants from receiving nutrients. That’s why they’re flowers that symbolize true love. The love that is sweet, but also draining. And the fact that you said the heavy beats compliment the soft melody is an audial language to further layer on the metaphor of the song.”
               Yoongi looks at her with a curious glint in his eyes, “How did you know these stuff?”
               “We-well, I learned some things about the flower language in a book about star-crossed soulmates I read a year ago. Do-don’t laugh. It’s a good book, okay.”
               “I’m not even laughing,” Yoongi chuckles.
               Y/N  gives him a pointed stare, “Well, you’re doing it now.”
               “Okay, okay,” Yoongi wheezes, “I’m not laughing.”
               “I’m serious,” Yoongi insists, now calm. “I just chuckled because I didn’t imagine you’re into that stuff.”
               “What stuff?”
               Yoongi smiles, “Cute stuff.”
               “Cu-cute?” Y/N gawks, “They’re not cute! That’s so downgrading—you know, just because this stuff talks about love, it doesn’t mean they value any less than other abstractions and values out there.”
               “That’s not what I meant. I’m talking about it being adorable.”
               “You,” Yoongi purses his lips, “It’s adorable that you actually like this stuff. Stuff far from what you do at work. I thought your head is just filled with unpublished stories and worship chants for Nancy.”
               Y/N narrows her eyes at him. Yoongi guffaws. Sunflower ends and some pop song which Y/N doesn’t know starts to play. Y/N crosses her arms, “Let’s do the 20 Questions instead. Having a serious conversation with you is draining.”
               “Okay,” Yoongi chuckles, “How will we do it then?”
              “10 questions each.  Answerable by ‘yes’ or ‘no’ or whatever,” Y/N turns to Yoongi, “I’ll start. What’s your favorite color?”
               Y/N clicks her tongue, “Very typical.”
               “What about you?” Yoongi asks.
               “Yellow. What’s your favorite food?”
              “Lamb skewers. Especially the ones sold in the small diner near to my high school. What’s your favorite food?”
               Y/N whips her gaze away from him, “…Fried chicken intestines.”
               “Whoa,” Yoongi turns to her, eyes wide in amusement, “So I got you your favorite food right off the bat yesterday? I didn’t know it will be this easy. This is amazing.”
               Y/N pointedly looks at him, “Shut up. How many crushes did you ever have?”
               “Just answer it,” Y/N grits her teeth.
               “Fine,” Yoongi relents, “One.”
               “O-one?” Y/N sputters, “Oh my God. You’re a lovesick puppy.”
              Yoongi furrows his forehead, “What are you talking about?”
              Y/N covers her mouth in disbelief, “I can’t believe Jeon Seoyeon is your first crush at what age, 29? Oh my God, Yoongi.”
               “What?” Yoongi chokes out, “I-I’m not into her!”
               “Say that when you’re not blushing like hell then I’ll believe you,” Y/N smirks, “Next question.”
               “No, I do not have a crush on her!” Yoongi insists, “Where did you even get such ridiculous speculation?!”
               Y/N grins, “I’ll count that as a question. I got it from Mina”
               “My turn to ask now, Min,” Y/N asserts, “What’s your first job?”
               “Video editor in an advertising firm. Small company,” Yoongi looks at her, “How many crushes did you have and what’s your first job?”
               “I’ll count that as two questions,” Y/N smiles. “Crushes? Three. One of them upgraded from that. First job? Well, I was a secretary in a news company. J&M.”
               “J&M?” Yoongi gapes, “That’s like, the top one news company in the country. I didn’t know you worked for them.”
              “Well, it’s horrible,” Y/N grimaces, “I hated every single minute I spent in there. Didn’t even know why I stayed there for two years. The days just,” Y/N sighs, waving a hand, “seems to pass like a blur.”
               “Two years? And the next two you spent in Travel Loca?” Yoongi hums, “What did you do when you were 21?”
               Y/N turns to him, fully facing him now, “I’m just going to tell you this for the sake of ending this ‘date’ as soon as possible. You don’t get to speak about this in the office, okay?.” Yoongi nods. Y/N closes her eyes, “Okay, I spent two years after graduation home studying and doing part-time. Even if I had Latin honors, the companies I wanted to apply in won’t accept me because apparently, I’m too young. I graduated from college when I was 19. Skipped two years in high school. My grades were enough to get me accelerated,” Y/N looks down at her hands, “It’s one of my achievements I’m really proud of. But…it ended up producing more cons than pros in the long run.”
               “Don’t say that,” Y/N looks up at Yoongi. Yoongi smiles, “That’s still an achievement worthy of being proud of, you know? Everyone wants to get out of high school as soon as they can. But not everyone gets to really do it.”
               Y/N gapes at him. Why is Min Yoongi suddenly giving her encouragement like this? Her, out of all people? From what she remembers, Yoongi is her biggest critic in the office. Whenever an opportunity opens for her making a mistake, Yoongi catches it and will definitely not pass up a chance to throw her criticisms or petty insults.  And now, he’s spouting comforting words?! Min Yoongi is anything but comforting!— Y/N looks away. It’s getting late. It’s just the long night taking a toll on them. She fixes their leftovers in their paper bag, “What are your most embarrassing moments? Do you have a pet? Favorite movie? Favorite song?”
               “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Yoongi holds a hand up, “Four questions in one go?”
               “Yes, four,” Y/N glances at him, then proceeds back to tidying up, “It’s getting late. We have to end the game soon.”
               “But you already know I have a pet, that’s cheating—”
               “It’s not cheating. We still get to ask 20 questions,” Y/N deadpans. “ You only have four questions left. I have two. Now, answer my questions, Min, because I want to go home.”
               Yoongi sighs, “Fine. I have a pet. A dog named Holly. Everyone knows—including you because there’s nothing else I post in my social media but him. Favorite movie is Minority Report. I like the twist in the end and it’s notion against predetermined futures even if the whole system in the story world is about determining crimes supposed to happen in the future. Favorite song has to be, uhh….anything made by Lorde. Love the calm in her rough and edged beats and the unadulterated honesty in her tracks. I have a lot of favorite songs but the first one that came to my mind when I want to play something again and again was her songs so that’s that. And, most embarrassing moment?” Yoongi eyes Y/N but she only continues to keep her gaze on her lap. He sighs, “Well, it has to be when I have to repeat years while studying. Two years in fact.”
              At this, Y/N glances at him. Yoongi pulls a straight smile, “I have to repeat one year in elementary because we moved houses in the middle of the school year because of a job offer. That’s alright though. Dad got a better job out of it and we lived more comfortably. But what hurt was when I have to repeat my fourth year. My thesis paper was okay. But…I flunked the defense big time. I can’t talk for shit back then. I mean, until now, I’m still having a hard time because I don’t really like hanging out with a lot of people. But past me was a real mess. Had a breakdown just right when it’s my turn with the panel. And you know how big of a deal thesis writing is to graduate Junior High. Because of that, my appeals were of course rejected by the board. So, I have to repeat that year again until I pass the thesis writing. It’s embarrassing that I get to see my batchmates graduate to senior high while I’m still stuck in junior high. In the very last year, of all years. It’s even more embarrassing to my family.”
               Y/N bites her lip. She leans nearer to Yoongi, “But, they still treated you..okay, right?”
               “I’ll count that as a question,” Yoongi sing-songs, winking at Y/N.
               Y/N frowns, “I’m being serious.”
               “Okay, okay,” Yoongi chuckles, raising his hands in surrender. “But it still means you only got one question left.”
               “It’s okay. I wanted to end my turn as soon as possible. Answer my question, Yoongi.”
               “Okay,” Yoongi smiles, “Well, my parents never told it in my face, but I know they still see it as a disappointing waste of one year. It’s a different case with my relatives though but it doesn’t matter much. What only matters is my family. We’re fine now. My parents look like they don’t mind anymore of what happened during high school.”
               “That’s good then,” a small smile forms on Y/N’s face.
               “Yeah,” Yoongi says, smiling wider.
              The two fall into silence as the music in the car changes. Abba’s Take a Chance on Me starts to play. When it reaches the chorus, Yoongi decides to break the awkwardness that has suddenly settled in the air, “What’s your last question, Y/N?”
              “O-oh,” Y/N  fiddles with her cardigan, “uh, well…Oh! I already told you my definition of a date, but you never told me yours. How would you like a date to be?”
              “It’s a secret,” Yoongi grins.
              “What?!” Y/N exclaims, “A secret?! Why would that be a secret?! Do you know we’re supposed to have more dates to seal the holiday vacation for sure? It would help a lot if we know how we each want our dates to go so we can deal with each other a lot less stressful than it already is!”
              “My answer is still ‘secret,’” Yoongi smiles smugly, crossing his arms. “Also, you already spent all your questions. It’s my turn from now on.”
              “Fine,” Y/N bites back, frown deepening when she hears Yoongi chuckle.
              “How many times have you dyed your hair?”
              “One,” Y/N gives him a challenging stare.
              “How many times have you traveled locally?”
               “What’s your lucky number?”
               “What’s your number?”
               “01048648564—wait, no!”
               “Okay, thank you!” Yoongi pulls up his phone.
               “Wait, Yoongi!” Y/N tries to snatch his phone from his grip. Yoongi turns away, successfully clicking ‘add contact’ with a wide grin on his face.
               Yoongi tucks the phone back into his pants’ pocket. He peers over the car’s dashboard and gasps dramatically, “Oh, well look at that, it’s already getting late. My, my, 10:32 P.M.” He looks at Y/N, grinning widely, “We better get the date document so we can get going now, huh?”
               Y/N scowls at him. Yoongi snickers as he gets out of the car. It only takes five minutes before he goes back onto the parking lot, waving a pale pink envelope in the air.
               Yoongi pulls away from the parking lot, “So shall I now drive you home?”
               Y/N frowns as she looks away from him, focusing on the dark streets outside.
               “What’s your address, hmm?” Yoongi prods, a beaming smile still on his face.
              A beat passes. Y/N closes her eyes and sighs. “Drop me at the Village Estates. 27th Street, East Drive.”
               “Okay,” Yoongi chirps and keys in the address in the car’s navigator.
               The ride is silent with only the car music serving as the white noise. Y/N has lost track of the tracks that played in the speakers. She doesn’t tear her eyes away from the window for the entirety of the ride until Yoongi pulls in front of her apartment complex.
               “We’re here.”
               Y/N pushes the door open and wordlessly gets out of the car. She doesn’t wait on the pavement to see Yoongi off nor does she turns around to look at the man one last time. She just walks off. But before she gets inside the main entrance, she hears Yoongi holler behind her, “Tonight was fun, yeah, Y/N?”
               Y/N, still with her back turned to him, raises a hand to dismissively wave goodbye.
               “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’ then,” Yoongi laughs. Soon after, the street was silent again.
              Y/N arrives in a quiet flat. There are no re-runs of a show playing on the TV. There is also no clamor of the utensils in their kitchen. Only the light on their narrow entrance hall was left lit open. There’s also a bowl of porridge covered on the table. When Y/N rounds on Mina’s room, she finds her bestfriend peacefully snoring deep in her duvet. Y/N smiles. After cleaning up and running a quick bath, Y/N reaches an arm to turn off her bedside lamp only to realize this silence of the night is not for long. Because the moment Y/N lays her head on her pillow, her phone rings with a loud ‘ding!’
               Unknown Number: Just wanna let you know I got home safe. I had fun tonight. You’re already forgiven for yesterday, sweetheart 😉.
               Y/N groans and throws her phone onto the other side of the bed.
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Taglist | @fangirls94​ @ditttiii​ @chogiyeol-utopia​​
Disclaimer: The dark side banter in Day 1 was based on Rob Reiner’s (1989) When Harry Met Sally’s car scene! I just loved the characters’ chemistry so much! That being said, all scenes and references from the movie used in this story are the property of its respective owners.  The rest belongs to the author. This work is for entertainment purposes only. No copyright infringement is intended.
A/N pt. 2 | Hi hons! Sorry this chapter came a little later than my original schedule. A lot has changed in the plot points of THH while I was outlining it. Hence, the supposed two-shot is now a series with five chapters! I didn’t expect my first series will be like this. It’s totally unexpected from my initial plans! Anyway, the Act 2 is supposed to comprise the whole 2nd act of the story. But as I was writing it, I noticed I’m already bordering the 35k wordcount (and I’m not yet near the end of the 2nd act asdfghjkl). So I decided to cut it into 2 parts so I may not overwhelm you with a gigantic word-vomit of a text post. I guess the cut was also a good device because the 2nd part of Act 2 is on a different tone from the 1st part.  Thank you for reading this 24k monstrosity and feel free to say what you think about this chapter! If you want to get added in the taglist, just hit me up in the PMs or Asks! I’ll be waiting there ~( > v < )~
All Rights Reserved © Vanaera. Reposts, modifications, and translations of content are not allowed.
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urbanpen · 3 years
What is public transit?
Before we start to understand the importance of public transit system, we need to understand how it is defined.
“A Public transit system consists of a regularly scheduled, controlled vehicular trips, open to all paying passengers, with the capacity to carry multiple passengers, whose trips may have different origins, destinations and purposes.” As defined by Transit consultant, Mr Jarrett Walker in his book ‘Human Transit’.
 Now let us understand each element that completes this definition
1)    Regularly scheduled vehicular trips
It is important to have a regular schedule for a Public transit, firstly because the people who are going to use theses transits, should be able to predict the timings, routes etc without collaborating with each other, every individual or a grp as a unit, should be able to depend on the transit’s schedule of both timings and routes and plan their trips.
 2)    Open to all paying passengers
By being open to all paying passengers, a public transit should be accessible to all who can afford the bare minimum ticket price belonging to any economical, racial, or any other social denominations, it needs to treat everyone with equality.
 3)    Multiple passengers
A public transit’s existence is to do this, to carry a large number of people from one point to another rather from different points to different points and this is the most important and basic measure of its efficiency A good transit system.
 Now talking about the importance of public transit system, lets imagine for a while that there is no P.T.S. (public transit system), so what are the options people have walking, cycling, rented cars, carpooling, etc. We all know that walking and cycling have their own limits in terms of distance that can be covered. Talking about rented cars,we all know about OLAs and UBERs , we might have travelled through these at least once, yes they are comfortable , they can take you anywhere, but how affordable are they? And to who all? I remember a trip of approx. 20 km costed nearly Rs 180 by cab, otherwise it would have cost me only Rs 20 by bus. This how cheap travel becomes in a P.T.S. A 20km trip for Rs 20 very much affordable for all.
 Now that we have looked at all other alternatives, it shows that only P.T is the one that surpasses the drawbacks of all these alternatives.
P.T is the only system that is truly efficient, economical and environmentally friendly, we will see in this blog how this happens.
If a city has to have a better network of P.T and other vehicular alternatives it should function like the arteries and capillaries, where the P.T is like arteries carry the main blood flow in our bodies & the alternative transit methods would resemble capillaries. This means a P.T.S will connect all the important points and one can use other alternatives from there.
A P.T.S transit also saves a lot of space .If a P.T .S is effectively designed ,that it passes through a city’s dense parts and well connected through other alternatives it can:
1)    Promote & support pedestrian lifestyle and mode of travel.
2)    Reduce our need of having our personal vehicles & in long run, traffic imagine how different our roads would look if all these cars were reduced.
3)    Reduced traffic will further reduce the pollution & the chaos, road widths can be reduced & sidewalks and spaces can be opened up.
4)    Less parking spaces are required, these spaces can be used for more things like public spaces, recreation spaces etc, in some places the scale of these recoverable land is such that it can be used for commercial as well housing projects as well.
5)    Traffic’s real problem can be truly resolved with an efficiently designed P.T also it resolves pollution, noise & spaces problems.
All this shows us how important a P.T.S is which in our case can be BRT, metro etc. But there are a lot of cities wherein these systems are already installed & yet the overall transportation is not efficient, what might be the reason? What can be done to improve an existing P.T.S & what should be kept in mind before designing one for a city.
Reasons that a P.T.S might be a failure excluding other political and environmental reasons are:
1)    It does not move through densely populated area
2)    It does not connect the city’s mainly visited areas, maybe tourist spots, government offices, schools, hospitals etc, places that require such connectivity.
3)    It does not form an effective interaction with the alternative transit methods, that is the capillary types that we discussed before.
4)    It Is not accessible to all.
5)    The trips are not frequent, reducing the efficiency.
I remember an incident from my college days, when I use to take a morning bus of 6:40am, I had to catch this bus or I’d be late, I’ll explain, the trip would take nearly 45 mins considering all stops and traffic. So by this if I catch the 6:40am bus I’ll reach college bus stop at 7: 25am nearly, and my college started at 7:30am. Anyways never liked being an early bird, so this much was enough for me.
But the day I would miss that bus because maybe being late but mostly because it was overcrowded and many times it wouldn’t even stop. I had to wait for 30 minutes straight for the next bus, I know you won’t believe me, but yes busses in Pune can make you wait even longer than that. So now Its 7:10 bus and the trip take 45 mins, can you understand the pressure I had here. I would reach college bus stop at 7:55am approximately this is when I still have the second bus having mercy on me and stopping on the bus stop. Sometimes the drivers won’t even stop the bus as it was so crowded that people couldn’t even breath, I have been there.
No, when I realised that I can go backwards a few stops to the depot, maybe it won’t be that crowded and I might not miss the bus. So, one day at 6:00 I was at the main bus depot, but to my surprise there was a humungous crowd was waiting for the same bus, the crowd was so huge that we would require three buses to accommodate them. So, at 6:00am already the bus was so full, and so many people had to give up on that bus and be late to work/school and this is a situation of early morning hours, of course there were alternative buses but again same issues with them.
What I am trying to say is, this is what happens when the P.T (here BRT) does not have enough number of busses and also, they are not frequent.
Had the time between the consecutive busses reduced down to 2-5 minutes, how quickly the crowd would have been accommodated, also I would have been on time even after missing 1-2 busses. Also, I would be pleasant to get a seat, or at least stand in a breathable space.
I am sure we all have had good & bad experiences of our city’s P.T.S, and then how people look at it will help it to be more functional & efficient.
Now what needs to be done to have an effective & efficient P.T.S. Of course, the physical network of routes & schedules etc are nearly the same for a bus system or a metro, it is a result of how your city is laid out, how it has grown & how it feel. But there are a few things that have to be followed about P.T no matter the city, the layout and the urban environment etc. Following them will make the P.T more efficient:
1)    It should satisfy the high level of demand found in high density cities and; parts of cities.
2)    It should be well incorporated with transit systems(alternatives) and all of them should be designed to do so.
3)    It should be frequent
4)    It should be accessible to all.
5)    It should give its consumers flexibility in terms of choosing wherever they want to go in minimum time.
Many urban designers, transit consultants and people have realised these things, but to get these things work, we need political will, I feel.
This article was to help you understand how important it is to have an efficient P.T.S and how can we achieve it. A lot of text is inspired from the book ‘Human Transit’ by Mr Jarret Walker, blogs by Ballad power systems. And my personal experiences.
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The three idiots
Pairing: Yoonjin x Reader
Genre: fluff, roommates au, college au
Word Count: 1.1k
Summary: Yoonjin college: you, yoongi, and seokjin all share an apartment off-campus. One day when you wake up to get breakfast and head to the living room to eat, “yg: where are your glasses? Jin: I slept on them and they broke- yg: contacts? Jin: I forgot to buy new ones- why are you asking? Yg: because...you are literally 3cm away from the tv.”
A/N: I got the idea and this small line of dialogue from @/maithism on instagram. Their art is amazing!! Also I feel bad that this is mostly Yoongi, maybe I’ll do another story with these two and have it be a Seokjin and reader dynamic read.
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So...yea this is what it’s like to live with two idiots.
Look you needed to find someplace to live that was off-campus, but since you were barely a surviving college student you needed roommates. So you went onto craigslist; yea we know that the site is a bit sketchy, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
You found an apartment that was pretty close to the college which was good since you didn’t own a car and also you would want to save on travel expenses. Also, there was a convenient store just a block away and you got a job there since they were in need of night time employees, your classes were in the afternoon till about 7 pm and they wouldn’t need you until 10 pm-5 am (they don’t have a lot of employees so they give everyone pretty long shifts).
The apartment was just a normal one, but the price was a bit much for the money you barely have so you would need two other roommates to help split the cost and essentials. Lucky again, about two days after you posted the ad someone messaged saying that they were looking for a roommate and happened to also be going to the same college as you and they had a friend who would also be rooming along with the person who messaged you. So it all works out in the end, but you messaged them back saying you wanted to meet in person first and then go to the apartment and see if it could work out for the other two parties.
Here we are three years later. You’ve been in college for two years possibly going into the third year. You went in for cosmetology, but you might stay longer; you'll just see what happens. You’ve been living with your roommates Kim Seokjin and Min Yoongi for about three years now and life with them is very lively and interesting. 
Yoongi is a music major and he teaches piano for wealthy kids so he makes the most money! Out of the three of you. Seokjin is an acting major while he also is studying photography, he works at a local theater; well not really local more like 2 hours way-but you know close to the school...so-
And we already know what you are doing so don’t need to bring that up again, anyway it definitely was different to have male roommates for the first time. Although they aren’t disrespectful like you would imagine, or gross in anyway-well sometimes they were like boys.
It was really nice that both Yoongi and Seokjin could cook because you can’t cook for shi-
“(Y/n)! Wake up your alarm will not shut up!” Someone yelled into your ear breaking you from your deep slumber.
You jolted your body forward, basically throwing yourself off your bed, almost hitting the person with your head. You tried throwing the sheets off of you, but with no success, you just ended up landing on the floor tangled in your bedsheets.
You heard their laughing from the other side of your bed making you just roll your eyes even though they can’t see your annoyance. 
You slowly rose up from the ground, finally seeing Yoongi’s giggling frame shake from your embarrassment. 
“Asshole” You mumbled to yourself moving to sit next to Yoongi and grabbing your phone to see the time to then realize-
“It's Saturday! You bitch I’m trying to catch up on my sleep.” You yelled at Yoongi with your pillow.
Yoongi’s laughing stopped the moment the pillow hit his face, causing you, in turn, to laugh falling back onto your bed. You just felt Yoongi’s glare on the side of your face as you tried to remember where your blissful dream was left off when you were so rudely interrupted. 
Yoongi kept shaking your shoulder just annoying you for no reason at this point.
“What do you want Yoongi?” you sighed out to the annoyance next to you.
“Ya! I’m here to tell you that Seokjin hyung made breakfast and it’s pretty much almost all gone.” Yoongi signed out at the end knowing that will get you off your ass.
You shot up forward with wide eyes looking at Yoongi.
“Why are you telling me this now! Why not when he was making breakfast!” you yelled out.
Yoongi just smirked and shrugged his shoulders, always enjoying the sight of you getting heated. You rolled your eyes then tugged the sheets off your body, allowing for goosebumps to form due to the chilly air in your bedroom. You turned around pointing your finger at Yoongi, not realizing that he also got up and was just a few steps behind you causing your pointer finger to jam into his chest. You just narrowed your eyes.
“If there are no more waffles, I’m gonna kill you,” you spoke with a threat.
Yoongi just raised his brows and rolled his eyes, pushing away your finger and threatening to head to the kitchen probably for coffee since he lives off that stuff. You just watched his back and threw up your hands into choking motions, cause sometimes you just want to strangle the boy.
As you walked to the kitchen most of the food that Seokjin made was almost all gone, lucky there was enough for you to have a nice breakfast that will keep you fed probably until dinner if you just go back to bed after this.
You joined Yoongi in the living room with your plate of food and some orange juice, sitting on the floor getting ready to watch some morning cartoons...what just because you’re in college doesn’t mean you're NOT gonna watch some delightful cartoons on a Saturday morning. Also, it just became a tradition after a while of living together, it’s a really nice way to start the morning. 
“Hyung, where are your glasses?” Yoongi spoke up bringing you back to the present.
You looked up and saw that Seokjin walked into the room with his switch since that is your remote that you use for the tv, although...
“I slept on them and they broke- “
“I forgot to buy new ones- why are you asking?”
“Because...you are literally 3cm away from the tv.” Yoongi breathed out, choosing to just forget about the 10-second conversation that wasted his energy.
‘Idiots, but they’re my idiots and I wouldn’t change it any other way.’ You thought to yourself as you smiled and ate your meal enjoying the blissful morning.
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echodrops · 5 years
The League of Villains Plays DnD AU
(Saw a post by @bunny-loverxiv last night that reminded me I’ve had this stupid thing in my drafts unfinished for over a year now. I’m not sure I’ll ever have time to come back and finish it, but in the spirit of what I posted earlier, here it is, in all its unfinished.. glory...)
Since I asked for a League of Villains plays DnD AU and no one delivered, alas, I guess I’ll just do all the work myself!
So, without further ado:
Shigaraki Tomura’s Character Sheet:
Race and Appearance: Fallen Aasimar, with hair pale as the flesh of wraiths and eyes like two burning pools of blood, reflecting out from the infernal pits of the abyss. His rippling muscles under his bone-white skin carry the scars of his uncountable victories, and when his corrupted celestial powers radiate forth, ghostly skeletal wings rise--
( “Do I have to keep reading? This is really long...”
“It’s important!”)
Alias: “Zephiroth”
(”Isn’t that the guy from Final Fantasy?”
“No! That was Sephiroth! My character’s name is totally different!”)
Class: Oath of Conquest Paladin/Hell Knight
Motto: Dim the Ray of Hope
A dread knight whose armor is black with the blood of his enemies; to stand against him on the field of battle is to know true fear, and none have called themselves his equal and lived to tell the tale. His menacing aura is a cloud of evil righteous murder that spreads across the land as he advances, and everywhere he travels is seeped into the deepest of despairs. Civilizations tremble before the darkness of his impossibly dark darkness.
(“Did you run out of adjectives?”
No, I meant exactly what I said.”)
Also, collects the severed hands of his conquests.
(”Tomura-kun, this isn’t a character, this is just you!”
“Collecting body trophies is standard lore for conquest paladin; you’d know if you read Xanathar’s Guide.”)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
(“Shigaraki Tomura, I am not sure this alignment fits with the character you’re describing--”
“I wrote the campaign, so good’s whatever I say it is.”
“Boss, doesn’t playing in your own campaign defeat the purpose? Knowing everything ahead of time’s a great idea!”
“Shut up, I don’t care about spoilers.”)
Backstory: Zephiroth the Bloody swore an oath to complete the conquest of his father, King Jenovo, who fell in battle to his eternal rival and estranged foolish younger brother, Nimbus Might ( “You know, I really think I’ve heard these names before...”). Jenovo’s quest was undoubtedly a noble one: to reunite the brothers’ separated kingdoms under a single legitimate banner--and its single legitimate ruler. The two brothers clashed in a battle of titans that shook the entire world, and though he was in the wrong, Nimbus Might reigned supreme in the end, and took Jenovo’s life and kingdom both. The death of his father crushed the last remnants of joy and love in young Prince Zephiroth’s black heart and now he will stop at nothing to put an end to Nimbus Might’s reign by turning every symbol of his false kingdom to dust.
Notable Stats and Weapon: +5 Intimidation, +5 Persuasion; greatsword and shield wielder.
Tomura is a quintessential min-maxer; he made everyone else take the standard array for stats but... “rolled” for his.
(”This old man’s been reviewing the character sheets, Shigaraki, and couldn’t help but notice some discrepancies in the party’s stats compared to yours--”
“You’re welcome to not play. Ever.”
“Must have been a trick of the light!”)
Carrying: The holy relic “Lavos”
(”Isn’t that just from Chrono Cross?”
“I think you mean, Khrono Kross, Spinny.”)
The relic is a glowing black and red container imbued with a hellish aura, containing magical bullets said to be formed from the blood of the time goddess, allowing Shigaraki to permanently unwind his opponents’ powers. Limited use, 5 times.
Race and Appearance: Tiefling.
(“Did you not even bother to write an appearance?!”
“My character has the same appearance as me.”
“That’s not even possible. Tieflings are supposed to have horns!”
“Okay, my character has the same appearance as me with horns.”)
Alias: “Dabi” 
(”You can’t name your character after yourself!”
“But I’m not named Dabi.”)
Class: Phoenix Sorcerer
Motto: Ashes to Ashes
(”You can’t play this class either, it isn’t canon.”
“You told me to pick one from the wiki; ain’t my problem you didn’t specify.”
“I said no homebrew!”
“And that means... what?”)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
(”You ignored my instructions about our alignment too, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, but you said ‘good’ so I assumed I misheard.”
“We’re the protagonists of this story--our cause is just!”)
Feats and Skills: ...Hmm, for some reason, many things have been written and then crossed out?
(“W-What have you done?! You can’t just modify things however you feel! Why would you even swap out Nourishing Fire for an Elemental Affinity that deals ice damage?! And did you just scratch out ‘long rest’ and put ‘short rest’ here? That’s OP!”
“When the hell have any of you let me get a long rest?”
“Animal Handling as a skill, seriously?!”
“Figured you’d give me some monsters to tame.”
“Go fuck yourself!”
Shigaraki was, in fact, planning on there being monsters for Dabi to tame.)
Backstory: A traveler with a shadowy past.
(”That’s... your whole backstory? Are you freaking kidd--”
”Aww, come on Dabi, this bio is lame! Oh, I know, I know! You’re actually a prince in disguise, exiled from his kingdom and seeking vengeance on his father, the one who left him horrifically burned and on the brink of death, which caused you to be rescued by the soul of a lonely phoenix, and at the end of your quest, after reclaiming your rightful throne from your evil father, you free the phoenix who possessed you to save your life, but then it returns and swears its eternal love to you! Eehee!”
“We’re...not doing that.”
“You can’t do that anyways, it completely undermines my lore. There are only two kingdoms in this world, and I’m going to be the ruler of both of them.”)
Notable Stats and Weapon: +3 Deception, +4 Insight; wields darts.
(”But why do I even have to pick a weapon? It says right there I have Burning Hands.”)
Carrying: A shard of never-melting ice in the shape of a three-petaled flower; it exudes a calming chill even when wreathed in the wildest of fires. Looking at it makes you feel... melancholy?
(”Why is this the only section with detail?! If you could put this much effort in here, you should have taken the rest seriously too!”)
Mr. Compress:
Race and Appearance: Human, a man in the prime of his life, with a roguish glint in his eye and a rakish gold mustache above his mysterious smirk. There’s an artfully placed scar below his right eye that speaks to a life of the blade and adventure, and his pressed linen and metallic brocade doublet belies his nature as a man of impeccable taste. His jaunty black bandana is always pulled low over his eyes, but mischief seems to twinkle out from beneath the accompanying black mask nevertheless.
(“Oh, I like it! A lot! Hey, hey, will you rewrite mine for me? Make it like yours but cuter!”)
Alias: The Dread Pirate Roberts
(“Huh? The first part is good, but why “Roberts”?
“Well, no one would surrender to the Dread Pirate Westley.”
“What are you snickering about, Kurogiri?”
“Nothing at all, Shigaraki Tomura.”)
Class: Multi-class Swashbuckler and School of Conjuration Wizard
Motto: To the Pain!
(“These two classes don’t compliment each other at all. You should change to Hexblade at least!”
“As you wish.”
“Kurogiri’s laughing again. What are you two hiding? Tell me!”)
Mr. Compress knew full well the classes he picked didn’t mesh; he just lives for the shits and giggles. He’s actually been playing DnD longer than Toga’s been alive, but where’s the fun in telling Tomura that?
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Skills: Acrobatics, Persuasion, Performance, Sleight of Hand
(“Okay, but am I the only one who actually created a real character instead of a self-insert? DnD’s a role-playing game; isn’t the whole point to use your imagination?!”
“Ain’t our fault your real self is too boring to be a decent character, Lizard.”
“You never miss an opportunity to insult me, do you, asshole?!”)
Backstory: Although he came from unremarkable origins, Westley Roberts found himself thrust on to the path of great destiny when the merchant ship on which he was employed was attacked by the Dread Pirate Roberts--
“How can he attack his own ship? You forgot your own name, didn’t you?”
“Not all, Shigaraki! I’m not that old!”
--but when Roberts heard the tale of Westley’s quest to prove himself for the one he loved--
“Wait, who is this other character now? There was no love interest listed before!”
“Just let me tell the story!”
--Roberts was overcome by the depth of Westley’s tale of woe and decided to name him his successor, passing down the title of Dread Pirate Roberts--
“Can I change my character to a Dread Pirate?”
“No, Dabi!”
“I’m just sayin’, why was I not informed of this option?”
--sothathecouldmildlyterrorizethewatersaroundhishomekingdomandfinallyamasstherichesneededtoimpresshischarminglove. PHEW! Thank you for letting me finish!
Notable Stats and Weapon: +4 Dexterity, +5 Charisma; wields a rapier with impeccable skill. Is definitely not left-handed. Carrying: A Rodent of Unusual Size. Excellent distraction. Also edible.
“What is wrong with everyone in this room?!”
And the rest of the League I didn’t finish, but:
Spinner: A gorgeous lady Argonian who spits beams of pure light--
“No, this is too cool. Change it.”
“Awww come on, Shigaraki, just let me have this--”
“Change it.”
Toga: Tabaxi assassin. ON A QUEST FOR LOVE. (May or may not have decided this after peering over Mr. Compress’s shoulder during character creation time.)
Twice: Halfling wizard. None of his stats make sense because he couldn’t make up his mind where to put them.
Hawks: Aarakochra bard. Entirely useless. That asshole who rolls to seduce everything.
Kurogiri: The DM. But not by choice.
There’s no Giran or Gigantomachia because I started writing this before either of them were really “part” of the League. Use your imaginations~
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demonboidies · 5 years
𝓼𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝔂 - 𝓯𝓲𝓻𝓼𝓽 𝓭𝓪𝔂
word count: 1,660
<this is a yandere story, therefore this is a trigger warning for emotional abuse, manipulation, toxic relationships and overall unhealthy obsession towards the reader/mc/yn>
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Namjoon waited impatiently before you told him your response. it was either a yes or a no. and god forbid it be a no. if it were going to be a no, then their whole plan would fall apart. they planned this scheme for as long as they laid eyes on you, and if it were to fall apart now, there would be no way of going back.
"yes!" you said excitedly, seeking a happy response or a smile from the taller male in front of you. and you were granted with it.
"that's great! please, come in and you can meet the rest of us."
thank god he didn't have to take you against your will. he would hate to do that to you. but now he knew for sure you were staying, and by your own will so that made him gushy. you willingly wanted to stay with them. with him.
you stepped into the household, walking to the familiar living room to see 5 males chatting together. they were in a heated conversation, speaking only in whispers to each other. but when they heard Namjoon clear his throat, they all stopped what they were doing and...stared.
"uhm, this is the rest of us." Namjoon said a bit awkwardly, trying to frantically get the guys to stop staring at you. they had been staring longer than 20 seconds, no one saying anything, just staring. and Namjoon could only imagine how uncomfortable you probably were right now.
"ahem! guys, you wanna introduce yourselves to our new...friend." you smiled softly at the word friend, holding your hand out for one of them to shake. there was a bit of delayed reaction, but one of them decided to rush up and shake your hand pretty violently.
"hi! it's a pleasure to meet you! i'm Taehyung, i hope we can become really close! i haven't had a new friend in a while, and besides these guys get boring really quickly. like i've known them my whole life so it's nice to see a new face." as he spoke, his shaking of your limb didn't falter. in fact, his hand only became tighter on your smaller one.
"ah, a pleasure to meet you taehyung. i as well hope we become closer." you said, somehow, pulling your hand away. when you were no longer touching him and stepping forward to greet the others, a pout settled on his lips. he was saddened you had pulled your hand away.
"hello, what is your name?" you said, looking down at a cute man. his face was slim and he looked fairly young. and by the sight of you in front of him, his cheeks were dusted with a heavy pink shade as he shyly outstretched his hand to yours.
"y-yoongi. min yoongi, please to fina-i mean, meet you. pleasure to meet you." you chuckled at his stumbling of words, finding his attitude and behavior adorable. "you can call me yoongi-oppa, or yoongs though...i don't mind."
"oh, okay," you said pulling your hand away after a light shake. "how do you know you're my oppa?"
his eyes met every place that wasn't yours. "lucky guess...i'm older than almost everyone here so i assumed i would be older than you. you do look young, i'm sorry i'm rambling and sound like a creep right now." he fiddled with his right ear, scratching at it, and you internally yelled at how cute his antics were. "i'm 25..."
"i see, i'm 24."
'we know,' the boys thought in unison, although didn't voice their thoughts.
"ah, you're the same age as Hoseok and I. Hoseok is the one with a light tinge of red in his hair." Namjoon pointed at the respected male, who shyly brought his hand out to you. "he's a bit bashful, but really when you get comfortable with him he's much louder."
a chorus of chuckles left everyone's lips, nodding in agreement.
"h-hey y/n, pleasure finally meeting you."
'finally? did Namjoon speak highly of me the other day?' you masked your inner curiosity with a kind smile, shaking his hand firmly.
"he is a bit shy, but so is Jungkook. he's our youngest." a tall, lean male walked up to you. his wide doe eyes looked at you with an emotion you couldn't name, his hand stretching out to you. and you noticed he was shaking a bit
"pleasure meeting you, jungkook."
"pl-pleasure is all m-mine." his cute stutter had you smiling brightly, and his knees buckled a bit at the sight of your smile. he could barely believe he was touching your hand, let alone getting to get such a beautiful expression out of you.
"so you've met, hoseok, jungkook, yoongi, taehyung, and me...leaves jin and jimin." a blonde, chubby cheeked man shot up to his feet, awkwardly waving at you.
"jimin. i'm jimin, nice to meet you." unlike the past two, he wasn't bashful at all. his smile was precious, his eyes turning to little crescents when you shook his hand.
"hello jimin, nice to meet you too," your response made his smile even wider and you could feel the happiness radiating from him. he sure was giddy and friendly, from what you could tell.
"now where is jin-hyung? don't tell me none of you helped him this morning...." silence ensued as you turned to Namjoon with a raised brow. "are you guys serious? and here i thought you were responsible."
"really at this point, you should know that they most definitely aren't."
a honey voice broke out, making you turn around to where the voice came from. there was a young, undeniably handsome man who was grinning at you. "Kim Seokjin, the last and oldest of the 7. pleasure to finally meet you."
with the slight push of a stick attached to his wheeled chair, he was moved over to you and you smiled at his polite and professional tone. "nice to meet you, seokjin."
"ah, jin is fine. no one here calls me seokjin, too formal for my liking," the man said with a hearty laugh. one that comically resembled a windshield wiper, and you couldn't help to laugh yourself.
there was a silence that was among you all until jin opened his mouth to speak, "it's is around lunch time so why don't we eat. first meal with us as official friends, that way we get to know each other more." he shifted to look at you with a charming smile. "unless you prefer to do something else, don't want to pressure you or anything."
"no, a lunch seems fine now. i, unfortunately, had to skip breakfast this morning," you said petting your stomach for effect. some laughed while others stared at you in worry. why would you be skipping meals? thankfully, you hadn't noticed as jin whisked you away into the familiar dining room.
"we will fetch the food, the younger ones can certainly keep you company," Namjoon said, guiding you to your seat.
you took your seat, fixing your outfit with a smile on your face. they were so friendly and nice, it was a relief that they weren't old, bossy, rich men. if they were you wouldn't have been smiling as widely as you were right now.
you took note of how there were 2 brightly smiling males in front of you, as the one who similarized with a bunny was biting his lip and looking to his left.
"so, do you guys attend college or go to school? you three seem to be closest in age and the youngest," you asked to break the ice, all the while presenting a friendly smile. jungkook's head shot up, he still wasn't used to hearing your voice address him. it was like a dream. meanwhile, taehyung and jimin were eager to answer the question.
"i take arts as a major, i juggle between acting and dancing. i like to think i'm good at both." jimin jokingly patted himself on his back, laughing at his own actions making you chuckle softly.
"well, i also take arts, photography to be specfic. i also travel sometimes, for the photos of course. i could show you them sometime? i must say they are quite beautiful" taehyung said with a kind smile, although his eyes lingered with yours at the word 'beautiful.' it made you blush at the thought of him possibly referring to you.
"i mean, if you're interested, i could also show you some clips of my dances and recitals. actually! there was one recently where i got 1st place in the competition." jimin retorted, this time his voice was more boisterous. taehyung and jungkook both saved a hard stare for him. he was obviously showing off, just for you and they weren't gonna let that slide.
fortunately, you hadn't noticed the sudden tension in the room. instead, you were distracted by the sudden opening of the kitchen door. namjoon walked in with refreshments, hoseok with the utensils and napkins, and yoongi and jin both walked in - well jin rolled on in with his chair - with a giant platter of different cooked meats and vegetables.
"that smells delicious! let me!" you said, going in automatic assist mode.
while you helped hoseok hand out the utensils, the youngest 3 were glaring at each other. staring so hard it was like they were holding a conversation in their heads with each other.
"shut up," they mouthed in unison before jin's clearing of his throat was brought to your attention. by this time, everyone was sat down with a plate, water, and needed utensils for future eating.
"y/n, tell us about yourself dear." jin invited with a friendly and welcoming grin. you smiled back, glancing at each male in the room, saving each a thankful grin.
'even if we know everything, keep talking to us. focus on us. your attention all on us.'
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noona-clock · 5 years
Look After You - Part 5
Genre: Regency!AU/Single Parent!AU
Pairing: Choi Minho x You (Female Reader)
Warnings: Mentions of death and some mature themes
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | Words: 3,596
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You had, obviously, apologized profusely to Minho for kissing him, even though he had reassured you -- many times -- there was no need.
You truly hadn’t known what had come over you!
But... you would be lying if you said the kiss hadn’t been enjoyable. And you would be lying even more if you said you hadn’t thought about it for the rest of the day. And night. And, most likely, the whole carriage ride back home a couple of days later.
After Minho’s confession and your kiss, you had made a point to not avoid him, as you didn’t really want to send him the wrong message. You weren’t sure if you did have feelings for him, but you also knew you didn’t... not have feelings for him. 
...If that makes sense.
But you did pretend the kiss had never happened. You simply tried your best to act as you had before: friendly, polite, and like you hadn’t kissed him.
Thankfully, you hadn’t had to pretend for too much longer, for your family had originally prepared to leave just two days later.
The housemaids and footmen were bustling around all morning getting all of your trunks packed and stacked on the backs of your carriages, and since Minho was now the only head of household available (seeing as his brother was on his honeymoon with your sister), he was responsible for seeing your family off.
You watched as he shook hands with your father and younger brothers, kissed the back of your mother’s hand, and when he reached you, Caroline, and Louisa, he crouched down on his haunches.
“It was a pleasure meeting you, Miss Caroline,” he said to your eldest, holding out his hand. When she set her small hand into his large palm, he brought it up to his lips just as he had your mother’s. “I very much enjoyed our time together.”
“It was a pleasure meeting you, as well, My Lord,” she replied with a small curtsy. “Thank you for putting on such a lovely tea party for us and --”
She lowered her voice to a whisper even though your parents had already begun heading over toward their carriage.
“For saving us from Hercules.”
“You are most welcome,” Minho whispered back. And then he turned toward Louisa, holding his hand out for her, as well.
You weren’t expecting your shy youngest daughter to say much other than ‘It was a pleasure meeting you, as well, My Lord,’ but to your surprise, you heard her soft voice murmuring, “I hope we get to see you again. Will you come and visit us at our house?”
Your eyes widened in embarrassment, but you heard Minho chuckle as he shook and squeezed Louisa’s hand.
“If your Grandfather would like to invite me, it would be an honor to come and visit you,” he told her with a grin you had come to label as his Signature Charming Grin.
And then Minho stood. He took a step or two sideways, coming to stand right in front of you -- tower in front of you, more like it. And, just as he had with your mother and daughters, he took your hand and brought the back of your palm to his lips.
(You could have sworn he lingered over your hand just a little longer than he had the others, though.)
“It was a pleasure to meet you, as well, M’lady,” he said softly.
“The -- the feeling is mutual,” you whispered, struggling for breath at his closeness, at his touch. “Thank you for being such a hospitable host and for being so wonderful to my daughters.”
Minho’s Signature Charming Grin reappeared... but you couldn’t help but notice it was softer than normal. And his eyes -- the way they gazed into yours --
“You have raised two very lovely girls,” he said, interrupting your thoughts. “I hope... I get to see them again.”
A tiny, bashful smile tugged at your lips as you replied, “I hope so, too.”
Obviously, Minho took that as you saying you would like to see him again, too, because his grin widened, showing off his beaming, almost perfectly straight teeth.
For a split second, you honestly thought there had never been a more attractive smile in the entire universe.
“Safe travels, M’lady,” he said, his voice now at a normal volume. “I hope the weather fares well for your journey.”
“Thank you, M’lord,” you replied before dipping into a small curtsy. When you rose back up, your gaze locked with his one more time before you turned toward your carriage.
Great. So, now, you would spend the whole carriage ride back home thinking about his kiss and his smile.
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Returning home from a long journey was always quite an exquisite feeling. It felt like sitting down in a comfortable chair in front of a roaring fire after being stuck out in the snow for ten hours. It felt like sinking into a plush mattress and falling asleep for three days after working in a rock quarry all day. It felt like biting into a freshly baked meat pie after going without food for too long. It felt like...
It felt like kissing Minho.
As much as you’d tried to concentrate on something else -- anything else -- your mind had been distracted practically the whole journey home by the tall, broad-shouldered, charming man you’d left behind.
Caroline and Louisa hadn’t seemed to notice, however, as you often experienced motion sickness from the carriage rocking back and forth -- a seemingly lasting symptom from your first pregnancy. You spent a vast majority of carriage rides sitting quietly and gazing out the window to take your mind off the movement.
When you continued on being distracted by thoughts of Minho for the next few days, though, your mother did notice.
“Are you all right, my dear?” she asked one day as she worked on her embroidery in the drawing room. You had joined her only half an hour ago with a book in your hand, but you’d barely even made it through one page.
“Hmm?” you hummed, snapping your gaze over to her chair across the room.
“You don’t seem quite yourself these days,” she noted, pausing in her needlework. “Ever since we arrived home from the wedding, you’ve been... somewhere else.”
A soft sigh escaped your lips, and you set your book down on the couch cushion beside you.
If you were a typical young lady being questioned by her mother, you would assure her nothing was wrong, everything was fine, there was no need to worry.
But you were not a typical young lady. 
Your parents’ marriage was a true love match; they still, to this day, adored each other with their whole hearts. Your childhood had been somewhat idyllic, and you had grown close to the both of them through your adolescent years.
You’d grown even closer to your mother after your husband died, and you now felt comfortable enough to tell her just about anything. Plus, your mother always seemed to have some bit of wisdom tucked away in her brain which was extremely helpful to whatever situation you found yourself in.
“I...” you began, your brow furrowed deeply. “Mr. Choi... a couple of days before we left, he... confessed. To me.”
“He --”
“And I kissed him.”
Your mother’s embroidery hoop promptly fell to the floor.
“Oh, dear,” your mother mumbled as she bent to pick it back up. And then she turned her gaze -- and her agape mouth -- to you. “You... kissed him?”
“Yes,” you replied with a bit of a whine.
“Wh -- well, I mean -- are you -- do you have an understanding with him?” she stammered.
“No, Mama, I do not have an understanding with him,” you sighed. “He told me he’s never felt that way about anyone else before, and I told him... I told him I wasn’t sure if the timing was right.”
“And then you kissed him?”
“And then I kissed him.”
“That is not a rejection,” your mother pointed out.
“No, it is not.”
“So... you return his feelings, then?”
Your brow furrowed even deeper, and you waited a few moments before responding with a shrug and a shake of your head.
“What do you know?” she asked gently.
“I know that I enjoyed spending time with him. He was incredibly good with Caroline and Louisa; they adored him. He seemed to adore them. I liked listening to him, no matter he was talking about it. I admire him, I admire his character. I --”
“Do you find him handsome?” your mother interrupted with a waggle of her eyebrows.
“Mama!” you chuckled. But you couldn’t resist telling the truth. “Yes, I do. And before you ask: yes, I enjoyed kissing him.”
Your mother set down her embroidery hoop and moved to sit next to you on the couch, just barely missing squashing your book.
“Well, then, my dear,” she said, taking your hand and clasping it in both of hers. “What is there to be unsure of?”
“Everything,” you replied in a shaky whisper. Your eyes began to fill with tears as you looked at her, and you swallowed down the lump of emotion forming in your throat. “What if I’m not ready -- I still miss him. I still love him.”
Your mother squeezed your hand, her sympathy for you reflecting in her eyes. “My darling girl, you will always miss and love him. Your grandfather passed away almost twenty years ago, and I know losing one’s father and losing one’s husband is not quite the same -- but still, not a day goes by when I don’t think about him. It hurts a little less than it used to, but my heart will always ache for him, just as yours will always ache for your husband. But that doesn’t mean you won’t ever be ready to move on and find love again.”
You blinked back tears, though one managed to slip through and splash down onto your cheek. “But they were friends. They knew each other back in boarding school, and he would read my letters out loud, and they were close. He trusted Min -- Mr. Choi. Wouldn’t that be a -- a sort of betrayal? If I were to get remarried and my new husband was his friend?”
“If you feel it would be a betrayal then, in your heart, it would be,” your mother answered, though admittedly, it wasn’t the answer you wanted to hear. “What really matters, though, is how he makes you feel. Mr. Choi. Do you think he could make you happy?”
You didn’t even have to think about it, which was terrifying and relieving at the same time.
“Yes,” you answered with a watery grin. “Yes, I believe he could.”
Your mother let go of your hand, but only so she could bring hers up to cradle your face, wiping a tear away delicately with her thumb. “He wanted you to be happy. That’s all he talked about for the last two months of his life. How many times did you promise him that you would find someone who made you happy?”
“More times than I can remember,” you murmured.
“So... would it be a betrayal if Mr. Choi is the one who could make you happy? Who could love you as he loved you, as you deserve to be loved?” she pointed out with a barely detectable arch in her brow. “Need I remind you, my love, you cannot control your feelings as much as you can control your time on this Earth. Your husband knew that, probably better than anyone.”
You gulped anxiously, but... you couldn’t deny it any longer.
“You’re right, Mama,” you whispered. “Of course, you are. But -- but what should I do?”
“What do you mean what should you do? Write to him!”
“Write to him? But what would I --”
“If you are not sure if you’re ready just yet, then simply start a correspondence,” your mother suggested. “Get to know him better. A courtship through letters, if you will.”
...Actually, that wasn’t a bad idea. And, now that you had the thought in your mind, you wanted to get started as quickly as possible.
A smile tugged at your lips, and you leaned forward to kiss both of your mother’s cheeks. “Thank you, Mama,” you enthused. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“Well, I can’t say that’s an exaggeration,” your mother chuckled as you stood from the sofa and began your journey to the writing desk in the study. And then your mother called out after you, “You wouldn’t be here without me!”
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Dear Mr. Choi,
I hope this letter finds you well, and I dearly hope you do not mind my writing to you. I know it is a bit out of the blue, but I figured it wouldn’t be amiss to keep in touch. After all, you first met me -- unofficially -- through letters, did you not? However, I will not be offended if I do not hear back from you.
(Very well; I would be at least somewhat pained if you decide to leave me in the lurch, though please do not respond solely on my account.)
I would just like to repeat the sentiments I conveyed to you on the day of our departure: my stay at your estate was a very pleasant one, and both the girls and myself enjoyed it immensely. The tea party, especially, was incredibly thoughtful and delicious. One I shall certainly never forget. Caroline has been begging for a tea party since we arrived home, but I’m afraid my efforts will not measure up. I should like to be cross with you for ruining tea parties for my children forever -- for how can any be as delightful as the one we had? -- but I find I cannot be. I don’t believe I can be cross with you about anything, really.
If you decide to continue our correspondence, please let me know how your animals are getting on. Louisa would like to ask after Penelope the Horse, while I would like to check-in on Daisy the Dairy cow. Caroline, of course, is eager to know if Hercules has been a good boy and stayed in his pen. After she got over the frightening episode, I do believe she has become rather fascinated with him -- I’m not sure how well that bodes for her future as a young woman seeking a husband... nor how well it bodes for me, as her mother.
You must be terribly busy so I won’t keep you reading this letter any longer. I, myself, must go and --
Oh, all right. I mustn’t go and do anything. I shall simply post this letter and then wait for your response. I dearly hope I do get one.
Sincerely yours,
Lady Y/N
P.S. If I may be so bold -- It is not only the tea party I think of often but what occurred after the tea party, as well.
You regretted adding that postscript as soon as you’d sealed the envelope, but you forced yourself to post the letter, anyway. You wanted to get to know Minho better, but you also didn’t want him to think you were only interested in friendship.
After your talk with your mother, you were fairly certain you were not only interested in friendship. And while you were also fairly certain Minho wasn’t, either, you still waited on tenterhooks for his reply.
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Dear Lady Y/N,
Why on Earth would you think I wouldn’t reply? If only you could have seen my face when your letter arrived -- your doubt would have been erased instantly. I had thought of writing you, myself, but I had the idea it might be presumptuous of me.
You have no idea how pleased I am to read your words. All of them, but especially the last ones.
Have I truly ruined all tea parties for you? Well, I cannot pretend to be sorry. I will take pride in anything I can do to please and amuse you and the girls. And I would love to someday host yet another tea party for the three of you; please say you would come.
Penelope the Horse is healthy and happy as ever, though Daisy the Dairy cow uttered -- or should I say ‘uddered’ -- to me that she misses you terribly. Hercules has been the definition of a gentleman, so there is no need to worry about Caroline’s future marriage prospects. Maybe they will seem terrifying at first, but in the end, one will turn out perfectly.
Funnily enough, the descriptions of all three animals could also be used to describe my current state: healthy, happy, the perfect gentleman, and missing you terribly.
How are the girls, anyway? How are you? How was your journey home? I daresay you didn’t include many important details in your letter. I believe you should continue writing to me merely so you can practice -- you don’t seem to be quite talented at it yet. I gladly volunteer to be your target practice.
And since you were so bold at the end of your letter, I shall be so bold at the end of mine: I was always envious back in boarding school. Your letters were so comforting and pleasant, I wanted you to write to me, too -- even though you didn’t even know me. I can, with the utmost certainty, tell you it was worth the wait. (And, of course, I was joking when I said you had no talent for letter-writing. You always have, and you always will. I just want you to keep writing to me.)
You said ‘Sincerely yours,’ which I hope you meant. I will just say --
Obviously, you sat down at the writing desk to reply to his letter immediately, a grin tugging at your lips the entire time.
And so it continued for almost three months: as soon as you received a letter from him, you wrote one of your own in reply. You posted it within minutes of finishing, and after waiting for several days, you received one back. Like clockwork. 
Each letter was a bit longer than the previous one so after twelve weeks, your letters took almost an hour to compose. Caroline and Louisa helped you some, requesting you add in their own messages to their favorite tea party host. His replies to them were always heartwarming -- at least for you -- and you could never stop yourself from thanking him in your next letter.
In fact, you were writing such a passage now. In his most recent letter, Minho had included the recipes for both Caroline’s favorite sandwich and Louisa’s favorite biscuit from the tea party.
I cannot express how much your kindness means to us -- all of us. To any other man, a tea party would be trivial and meaningless. The fact you take it seriously, for their sake, says more about who you are than anything else. Please do accept my sincerest gratitude and amity.
Sincerely yours,
Lady Y/N
You were just about to fold the paper and seal it with wax but you remembered one very considerably significant detail you hadn’t included.
P.S. The girls and I will be leaving tomorrow to move into our new home -- the one my brother-in-law has offered us on his estate. I’ve included the return address on the outside so you know where to send your next letter.
And then you folded the paper and sealed it with wax.
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Not even three days later, you and the girls were almost fully settled in your new home. It was only an hour’s carriage ride from your parents' estate, which did help soften the blow.
It had been a bit more difficult to leave your childhood home than you’d thought, though. Yes, you did want to go back to a life of independence, but you’d, apparently, gotten used to living with your family over the past two years. The first night in your new house with just you, Caroline, and Louisa had been... incredibly quiet. Not quite lonely, but almost.
You had woken far too early this morning, but it had given you plenty of time to put the finishing touches on your new living quarters. You had two trunks full of knick-knacks to put away, the little bits and bobs which brought everything together and made a house a home.
You placed miniature portraits on the mantelpiece. You set handmade doilies on side tables and underneath candlesticks. You arranged the embroidered pillows your mother had sewn on the sofa. And, last but not least, you put away the books in the small library.
Just as you had filled up the tallest shelf you could reach, you heard a knock at the door.
A soft huff escaped your lips as you came off your tip-toes, landing back on your heels and shifting your gaze toward the entryway.
“Yes, I’m --”
But another knock interrupted you, this one more hurried and panicked than before.
“I’m coming!” you cried out, stepping away from the bookshelf and rushing to the door as quickly as you could.
“Yes, what --”
Your breath caught in your throat when you saw him standing there, disheveled and dusty and out of breath and as handsome as he’d ever been.
Part 6
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seungmin-wrecked · 4 years
Literally no one cares but here's my worst travel story:
So I go to a school 2-3 states away. Which according to Google, the college is a 9 hour drive, however, bc my family can't just drive 18 hours in one day to come get me and drive home, I normally take a train that goes across states. This train ride is about 6/6 and a half hours long. Not to mention :) the time you can buy tickets for this train at midnight and 3 am depending on which station you're leaving from (so if I'm heading back home, the train leaves at midnight. If I'm heading back to campus, the train leaves at 3 am). Keep this in mind :)
So the drive to the train station is a long one. It's about 4/4.5 hours long of a drive since the train station is in another state than the one I live in. So my dad decided to book a hotel like 15 min away from the train station, but not in the same city as the train station since prices were cheaper that way. We left the day before my train was supposed to leave so March 7th. We left our house at like 1 pm, and I had slept till 11 am since I had stayed up a bit late the night before. I slept in the car on the way to the hotel and was feeling pretty good!
We decided to waste some time looking around the town we were in, ate dinner at 3 pm, and actually had to go hunting to go find a place to print my train ticket since I had forgotten to (we eventually found a Staples 3 towns over and an abandoned mall that had bad vibes from the outside). Time passes and we head back to the hotel about 7 pm, but there's still a bunch of time before my train left. My boarding time that day was 4 am since daylight savings time was ending so we were supposed to jump forward, so it was really like my train was still arriving at 3 am. Amtrak suggests getting to the train station at least an hour before your train is supposed to arrive, so my dad and I agreed to leave the hotel at like 1:15 am. My dad fell asleep, but I was still pretty awake since I had gotten so much sleep already so I decided to read Manga on my phone until it was time for us to leave. We left the hotel on time, arrived at the train station early and thank goodness it was pretty empty. I managed to sit by myself and the train ride was relatively nice! Like it usually is.
Now here came the issue. The city I was arriving in, I knew about three people who lived there. One person I couldn't ask a ride from, another one I could have but there were already issues there, and so I asked the third person I knew there first. She was able to come get me!
.... Once she got off work!
...... At 1 pm.
Now I'm still very thankful she agreed to come get me, and I always will be. I have no idea how else I was supposed to make it to campus without her help, even though I would only be on campus for two weeks before getting kicked off.
However, my train arrived at 9 am. I had barely any money in my bank account and I had too much anxiety after sitting at the train station to get up and go get something from the vending machines, not to mention, I had no small bills on me. It was nearing 24 hours without substantial food, what I had eaten were some gummies my friend had gotten me for my birthday on the train, and that's it. It also came to my realization that while I was sitting there in the train station my p****d had started. There was no one in the station until about 11, since there was another train coming.
This lady approached me when there were like 5 other people at the train station (4 of them were Amish) and she asked me if she could borrow my phone to contact someone because she had left her phone in the Lyft she took to get to the train station. I figured why not and opened the app on my phone to dial phone numbers. This lady messes with my phone a bit and then hands it back to me with a new tab open with Lyft's customer service page open. I figured she was going to call her phone! Nope!!!! Now remember that I was reading Manga in the hotel room? Well I still had the tab up, and I can assure you that it was the one she opened the chrome browser up to. You'll never guess what fucking Manga I happened to be reading :)))) it was fucking Sekaii Wa (I can't remember the rest rn) but it's that one explicit bl Manga, and I remember being at a part where one of the character's may or may not have been naked :)) so I was fully screaming internally at this point. This lady had seen bl p*** on my phone and had given NO REACTIONS. She had to come ask to use my phone a couple of times bc she was trying to figure out what to do and at one point she just. Walked away with my phone.
After that had happened, a girl who looked very nervous came over and sat next to me, and asked me about how the train works since it was her first time. I also had to pee very badly at this moment too; I had needed to pee since I got off the train but was too nervous to get up and just go to the bathroom, not to mention I didn't have anyone to watch my stuff. I answered her questions and then asked her to watch my stuff. At this point I could create a temporary solution to the monthly problem happening and continue on feeling better about that situation since all of my pads/tampons were in my suitcase.
At this point it was 1 pm. For those keeping track, that is the time that my friend said she was going to be in work till, and a total of 22 hours since I had last eaten anything substantial. I was on my monthly, starving, sleep deprived, because also at this point I had gotten barely two hours of sleep on the train, which means about two hours of sleep in total for 22 hours also, and now irritated. I eventually get a text from my friend letting me know that she just got off work and was going to head home to shower and then come get me. I was just happy to know she was close to getting me.
3 pm rolls around. She arrives. I am tired, starved, irritated, in pain, and now surprised since my friend was NOT the only one to come get me. Oh no. Her mother had driven her and her sister to come get me. Which her family is lovely, they're so nice and really helped me out right before Christmas break when I needed to stay somewhere in the city before going to the train station at midnight. They pick me up, all is good. I'm still super hungry.
I am mildly lactose intolerant and when I am on my monthly, coffee messes me up (this is important for this next part).
Her mom turns towards me and goes "we're headed to Starbucks, would you like something?" my immediate response? Yes. Absolutely. My brain that is reminding me of the already horrid situation I am in, and telling me not to get coffee won though and told her no. I thought we were going to leave immediately after we came back to my friend's house. But oh no. She had laundry to finish, a resume to finish, and her mom wanted to take her to the grocery store to pick up stuff for her room. I went with for everything and ended up buying the oddest assortment of things (including almond milk, mandarin oranges, and canned soup).
My friend finished everything at about 6:30 pm and we were good to leave. I am so hungry at this point. Her mother had given me a slice of banana bread she had just baked and I had to refuse anymore bc I knew I would have eaten the whole thing given the chance. That was the most food I had eaten since 3 pm the day before. For those, once again keeping track, that is 27 hours. Again, I am in pain, irritated, hungry, and tired. We get into the car and as soon as we pull out of my friend's driveway I turned towards her and said "Can we please stop at the closest McDonald's. I am so hungry" she laughed and said sure. We passed at least 5 McDonald's. She then hits me with the "there's a Burger King like 45 min away, close to the school, can we go there?" and I just nodded my head bc I was just happy to be given the chance to eat.
We get to the Burger King and I am not kidding you. I ordered a Bacon Whopper with a side of large fries and large drink bc I was so hungry. I ate all of it before pulling into the driveway of my school. That burger is the size of my head and has enough fucking mayo on it for it to be it's own producer plant of mayo. It was heavenly.
I got all my stuff to my room (which was on the third floor of a building that only certain people could use the elevator) and passed out on my bed for an hour, woke up to tell my friend I was on campus. Did Not Touch My Luggage. And then passed tf back out till the next morning :)
TL;DR: I had the longest and worst travel of my life that lasted from 1 pm on a Friday till 7 pm on a Saturday, where I barely slept, ate, used the bathroom, and got heavily embarrassed.
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crazyperfectsense · 4 years
god April was 5 minutes long and I’m going to spend all 5 of them writing this post
this is honestly probably far too personal to put into the public of the internet, and perhaps I’ll take it down before anyone really sees it, but Tumblr is comforting because it is almost a graveyard and the people who remain (who I see in fleeting posts in passing, hi) I trust (or just will not see this because they do not care or the algorithm does not favor long text posts), whereas Facebook is horrifying and Instagram is worse, and this is likely going to be too long to hold anyone’s attention for the whole thing, but I also want to get some notes down for whenever I finally get to talk to my therapist again, so here we go
I woke up at 6:30am naturally (horrifying!), leapt out of bed because I realized how much work I had to do (hate when a nap turns into just...sleep!), and got a text from my dad 15 minutes later that my maternal grandfather was in critical condition, and somehow still managed to do work for the next six hours out of necessity
it briefly brought back flashbacks to 2012, where my dad didn’t tell me for a week that his father died because I had finals my first semester of college, but told me right after he picked me up as we were driving across campus to pick up a friend that we were taking back home, so I had about 3 minutes to compose myself before a 2 hour car ride (horrifying!)
my grandfather died around 1pm, and I had the truly unique (horrifying! ! ! !) experience of finding out via text while I was on a Zoom call as the TA, where I was the only person sharing video other than the professor (my advisor!), and I had to keep my composure while simultaneously finishing creating the homework that I was behind on making while also trying to figure out what to respond to this text notification of mortality, because I don’t know how to say any sort of condolence really in Chinese, but my dad was handling communications and just texting in English anyway — and I don’t know, it’s the kind of thing where I probably could’ve ditched the call and made excuses later, but the effort to preserve even the slightest tinge of normalcy in this moment seemed right, and I did my very best (and succeeded!) to not spontaneously burst into tears on camera, even though I did about 0.03 seconds after I hung up
an aside: thank god that my advisor was sharing screen and people were hopefully focused on him / in speaker mode or something, because my neutral face is....poor! not entirely sure because I avoided making eye contact with my virtual self aside from brief checks to make sure that I was still alive, still functioning as I flickered from screen to screen across my two monitors
I had a meeting scheduled with my advisor afterwards, and he was all ready to move into it, but was so extremely understanding the second he saw my message I had sent 50 min earlier that was effectively “can we push this back a bit because my grandfather died and I need to call my fam lol” and suggested (as any normal person with emotions would) that I take the time to formally postpone and regroup if needed (needed!) rather than just pushing back a half hour or so like I naively thought would work
I had to desperately cry for about 20 minutes (horrifying!) before I felt ready to call my family, even so 
I hate hearing my mom sad! it’s the fucking worst! but it was a relief for 2 seconds to exist over a phone line with someone who also couldn’t talk straight without needing to take a few gasping breaths
another aside: i didn’t write about this in February because, well, everything was on fire in my life already, so briefly: my mom was supposed to be in China through mid-March, having gone there in October. things obviously went to shit, given *gestures at COVID-19 and the world*, and we booked her an early return flight, given that the senior living facility my grandparents were in had already closed to visitors out of precaution. my brother, dad, and I collectively freaked the fuck out (my brother started crying in the middle of class and had to leave, I barely held it together in mine but paid negative attention) when flights back from China started getting cancelled (and for those like, terrifying few hours where Trump was going to ban foreign nationals since my mom’s not a citizen and they didn’t make it clear that immediate family of US citizens were fine), but we somehow made it happen
so, back to the phone call: I just let her talk and she had so many regrets about leaving China when she did, and it just made me feel like the shittiest person for wanting her back home in America when it deprived her of the chance to see her dad one more time. my uncle and mom luckily got to take my grandparents out of the senior home for one night to celebrate Chinese New Year the day before the facility closed to visitors, so they had one last dinner together as a family but thinking about the what ifs makes me want to cry all over again. my mom just kept saying how she wished she could’ve done more, how she wished they had gone to the hospital earlier for a check-up, and the most I could helplessly contribute was “coronavirus concerns were already rampant and it could have been even worse, given airborne contagion,” even if I said as many other things as I could, about how dialysis was painful as hell and my grandfather, the former doctor, said he didn’t even want to be in the ICU at the end years before his passing
I learned what the Chinese words were for “depression” today, when my mom said my grandfather said he had it and they had gotten him some medication for it a few months ago, and I was so stunned that it was “depression” and not some strange disease I was unfamiliar with that I couldn’t say anything for 30 seconds, and I can’t really write more on this point because I will just start crying, but perhaps I should really think about how aging research is largely focused on non-Asian populations and how perhaps, I’m uniquely equipped to contribute a bit to the field here (but, that is true for so many things, and I am tired!)
my grandfather was great. he was quiet, but stubborn as hell. he was a doctor, and he loved routine. he cared so, fucking, much about me and my brother. he always insisted on taking my brother and me on walks to the same few places that he liked to visit — I remember visiting this community center that had a ping pong table — and him going out of his way to find me internet access, since my grandparents’ apartment didn’t have it for most of the years I visited. he loved taking me and my brother to KFC, because he thought it was the height of Americanized cuisine in China, and was so proud of how much better it was than American KFC (which he hadn’t had, but he knew, and he was right. we would eat every single bite of a two-piece meal each. even the ketchup was better). he once cut out a newspaper clipping ranking UT as the #2 college on this huge list of colleges (I think it was referring to research endowments, but anyway) and saved it to show me almost a year later. he told me in 2013 that he would probably live to see me finish college, and he lived to see me two years into grad school, dying when I was halfway through year three. he was 89. I loved him so much, even if we didn’t get to talk much at all.
I’m so mad at all these fucking people who, in the land of the free and the home of the so-called brave, are being idiots in this time and not social distancing. I’m so mad at every single friend who posts a large or small gathering to their story, at everyone who is so thirsty for social connection that they’re willing to put everyone they’re in close contact with at risk to hang out with another person for just a few hours (horrifying!). humans are social creatures who need engagement and connection to live — having written 22 pages about health and social relationships across 12 hours a few weeks ago, I understand this point so saliently that it’s painful. but seeing such....levity when my mom is crying over not being able to even go back to China to properly say goodbye because they won’t admit anyone from the US (and the US has banned travel to China, like that was necessary in this xenophobic environment) makes me want to punch a wall. suck it up! call your friends over Zoom or FaceTime like the goddamn rest of us!
grief is so strange, and grief is encapsulated in every molecule of this new normal — the strangeness of missing the life that once was, even if the past wasn’t something that I thought I’d miss. I remember feeling so, so guilty for traveling twice in February because of the studying for comps that I should’ve been doing, and now I marvel at my foresight. (and have so many regrets for the people who I told “I’ll see you in April when I’m back after comps are done!!”
I’m in this weird spot where I feel like I’m screaming at the people around me to care, and all of them are too busy with different social ties, and I’m watching my connections wilt and fray because everyone thinks I’m so stable and put-together (or boring and shy?)
an example: I was left off of a reunion Zoom call with some people I worked with in college that was widely talked about on social media regarding “love having shared all this time with these strong women” and all, and it felt very, idk, selfish and whiny (horrifying) to be like “how can you call this feminism when I, a real woman, am being left out of this call”! the following exchange, about the above, happened with in a group chat with a very blunt friend:
D: “Also, how does it feel to be left out of that [organization] Women zoom call, Amy?” another aside: (this....was a stupid question. but we’ll allow it, because boys will be boys.) me: “lol it honestly hurt my feelings but it's not like they weren't cliquey from the very beginning ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ to be expected I suppose” D: “Yeah when I saw that I was like “Why didn’t include Amy, she was there at the same time as they were”” me: “LOL thanks for thinking of me 🥺 they clearly did not”
(the other friend staying quiet, because it was tangibly awkward, even if I tried to play it chill, but my feelings remain hurt) perhaps if I cared more, or wanted to try and make people feel bad, I would’ve replied to a story with “tfti”, or laughed, or heart-reacted, or something “casual” that still implicates “where was my invite”, but....is it even worth investing the hurt and care and time when I’m not even sure it would spark embarrassment on their end? because perhaps they intentionally just do not...care about me and my feelings? at all? (horrifying?)
(I already know this to be true, even if the snub was unintentional, but I needed to muse about it anyway)
another aside: I still talk with plenty of people from this organization who I am MUCH closer with, and I shouldn’t feel snubbed to be snubbed by people who I never felt too close with in the first place! (and yet! horrifying!)
sent an extremely passive aggressive message earlier and yet, K tells me that the people in the chat might not even read it as passive aggressive! (horrifying!)
god. I don’t know! I feel so much sadness and anger, and yet still have a few hours of work to do tonight. it’s wild that even today, where my heart just hurts every few seconds if I think too hard, I still have my mind centered in needing to be productive and not lazy because I’ve already spent too much time procrastinating on my work (horrifying!). but the work is about Asian American collective action / media production, and I feel good about it, and I’m working with some badass Asian women, and I really hope it lands in this flagship journal, because that would be a win, and I kind of just need one! 
oh if it’s not clear I finished comps and I don’t know if I passed yet but they’re done so...that’s something
also whoever fucking looked at Chicago style citations and thought “oh hmm, let’s make another type of Chicago style that is DIFFERENT and call it Chicago style documentation” is the literal fucking devil
ok this is enough for now bye. god this was long. (horrifying!!!!!!)
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mamoretta · 4 years
Autumn in Japan❤
In November 2019, I went on a full week trip to Japan with my two lovely cousins, Teh Epi and Teh Ami. The trip was on my bucketlist, but when we first planned this trip, we were reckless and kinda impulsive but I don’t regret it any single second. Luckily, we bought the ticket 9 months before departure, so we had enough time to prepare everything (money especially). Little did you know that Japan is the farthest I’ve ever been from home (for now), so I was extra excited and the fact that I can afford this trip alone (in +-9 months of saving!) was a proud moment for me.
Because my last vacation was a solo trip, the first thing I noticed about this trip was the differencies between when you go alone and when you go grouping. In my opinion, solo traveling is much closer to your heart, like there’s always that touching moment when you feel you can conquer anything (I wonder what would happened if I go to Japan alone!!). While group traveling is more refreshing, fun, and thrilling, but it really depends on whom you travel with. I think you have to go with someone that you really vibed with if you want to fully enjoy the trip with less drama. Lucky me, I have two wonderful companions that made my trip to Japan couldn’t been any better. Although there wasn’t always rainbow in Japan (literally), but t’was full of laugh and positivity. Super big love and thanks to Ami-chan and Epi-chan❤
The Trip
I only visited Osaka and Kyoto due to my short time and budget-friendly trip but it was all worth it.
Day-0: Depart & Transit
We flew to Japan with Singapore Airlines (the service and the food was superb! Plus they have Gentle Bones’ song on their entertainment board :p), so we had transit in Changi for a night long, yes 9-hour long. We landed in Changi at 23.00 and we wanted to visit Jewel for the sake of their indoor waterfall although the waterfall only operated until 23.30! We managed to lined up in immigration and jogged to Jewel but too bad the waterfall already turned off (we knew from the beginning we wouldn’t make it but at least we tried). We snapped some obscure photos as evidence that we were there. Then we went back to T2 Changi and strolled around finding a nice spot to spend the night, the snooze area and the long sofas was packed we ended up in some single sofas in front of the children playground, it was warm but we barely slept. 
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Day-1: Landed in Osaka
We had breakfast in-between airplane watching at Changi before our flight at 7 am, we bought butter toast and teh O’. The teh O was uniquely delicious, it was teh tarik with melted butter, warm sweet and savory at the same time. The teh O is worth a flight to Changi (hiperbolic but it was that great). Then we found an empty foot massage machine and tempted to try one because our (already) sore calf, and it was one our biggest mistake... the machine was badly stink (imagine million people from around the world using that same machine :)) and the stink sticked to our socks, then we putted the smelly socks into our shoes... imagine the rest. (In case you wondering, yes our shoes was smelly troughout our trip in Japan T_T). In the evening, finally we safely landed in KIX, we was welcomed with the beautiful autumn foliage outside the airport. It was our first time witnessing autumn foliage with our own eyes, we were so happy >_<
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Then we rushed to ICOCA vending machine to bought our transportation card for our trip and looked for our train to our hotel in Osaka while carrying the heavy luggage. The first time we tried Japan train line was confusing... we entered the same train back and forth because we were not sure that was the right train and there was no one to asked. The cold air and strong wind started to stabbed me who only wore 2 thin layers of clothes. Freezing. Luckily we arrived at our hotel just in time, rested for a minute, then we went to Dotonbori to get dinner. During this trip, we stayed in Ookini Hotel Dotonbori, just 700 m walk from the buzzing Dotonbori. In Dotonbori, we had Kukuru Takoyaki, ¥800 for 10 pieces of the tastiest takoyaki I’ve ever tasted. Then we lined up for the famous Ichiran Ramen(!!!). Twisted part, later we realised that the Ichiran Ramen we visited was not the ‘no pork’ Ichiran branch we intended to visit... didn’t know if we were too hungry or too careless T_T anyway here’s the pic of the pork broth:
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Day-2: Kyoto Part 1
We had breakfast at the nearest Family Mart to our hotel (it was like a little heaven for me, all the food, drinks, snack, and dessert were cheaply delicious). Then we headed to Kiyomizudera Temple in Kyoto by express train. To reach the temple, we had to walk about 20-30 mins but the walk was so pleasing because there were many cute cafe and souvenir shops along the walk. After we spent enough time and took enough memories at Kiyomizudera, we walked to Gion through Sannenzaka & Ninenzaka Street. The street was packed with tourist and full of vibrant touristy shops. We stopped by at Studio Ghibli Shop(!!!) and enjoyed a cup of gingerbread latte at the unique tatami-style Starbucks cafe, there’s a beautiful zen garden and all things beautiful <3 Before we arrived at the modern side of Gion, we passed through an old-style-long-charming alley, every path we took there was beautiful and reminded me so much to anime sceneries. Even when we arrived to the busy Gion, I feel like I was living in anime world.
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Then we walked to Nishiki Market. It’s time for FOOD! The best part: super fresh seafood sashimi! I got to ate uni for the first time in my life and I tasted the most delicious salmon sashimi in the world. I cried. We lost count on the money we spent in this market because all things was very tempting. I wish I could go back to Nishiki Market. Then we had Ayam-ya Halal Ramen for dinner (finally real halal food here) and snacked on donuts and hojicha at Koe Donuts. We went back to Osaka and we stopped at the station a bit far away from our hotel to saw the illumination fulfilled the road, it was magical ✨ We walked far enough to made our stomach felt empty again, then we decided to had supper at 24-hour all ¥100 Kura Sushi. All the staffs spoke japanese and didn’t understand our english and all the instructions is in japanese, we waited 1 hour for our queue number to be called (also in japanese x_X), then a waitress came to us offering us (in japanese) the english menu (thank God). 
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Day-3: Universal Studio Japan
It is the happiest day in my life!!!!!!!! One day in USJ is never enough, but we already planned a strategy to fully maximized our time in USJ, so after a full day of adrenaline and happiness, we walked out from USJ (with very sore legs) feeling contented. The first ride we headed to was Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. They said this is the most wanted ride so the queue must be very long. But lucky us, we queued only about 30 mins long and there is one funny story. In the middle of the ride (we thought it was the middle because we hadn’t finished the ride yet), the machine stopped but we didn’t know any single thing about what happened because all we hear was japanese. Three of us were panicked at that 4-seated train, so we tried to ask what happened to one okasan beside me *me pulled out all my sumimasen-arigatou skill*. But all we got was silence and a blank stare from her that made us even more scared *laugh ih japanese*. Shortly afterward the ride was running again but when we reached the end of the ride, the train didn’t stop and we had 2 full rounds instead... okay the first round was anticlimax because of that technical problem and the second round was enough to made us had nausea 😂 nonetheless, the ride was amazing and very nostalgic (because it’s Harry Potter!!!). 
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My second favorite ride is Hollywood Dream. The track is terrific and every single seat has its own monitor and speaker to let us choose the song we want to hear during the ride. I chose Happy - Pharell Williams (by sentimental reason) and I was superrrr happy and carried away by the whoosh. And the most *EPIC* ride goes to THE FLYING DINOSAUR!!! I was speechlessly astonished by the ride, the ride continuously gave me palpitations. I felt like I was literally flying as a flying dinosaur. Last but not least, though it wasn’t a ride, the highest appreciation goes to Hogwarts Castle Light Show. There are no words can describe how magical it was. My jaw dropped throughout the show. I love itttt.
Day-4: Kyoto Part 2
And this is my favorite day in Japan afterall. We went to Fushimi Inari by train and the comute was somewhat confusing because we should’ve had transit in 2 stations, we ended up getting off in the wrong station, 2 times, like a donkey. We arrived at Fushimi Inari a bit late, then we took some photos and bought some food from the local market near the gate. I got one big skewer of beef wagyu for only ¥500 and I still remember how delicious it was. We also bought some souvenirs there, argh all the souvenir shops in Japan are very cute and tempting. Then we headed to Arashiyama Bambo Forest. The bamboo forest was so-so, but I was impressed by the neighborhood around Arashiyama. Though it is tourist area, but the environment was very soothing and authentic, the momiji just enhanced the warm atmosphere, and the people was sooooo nice i could’ve hugged all of them. There are one road full of nice souvenir shops (still), no car passed by, just a few traditional rickshaw called jinrikisha pulled passionately by local man. Then we strolled around and ended in the popular Arabica coffee shop in Kyoto. The coffee shop was packed and it located by the lake. After we got our latte, we enjoyed it while comtemplating by the lake surrounded with momiji under the beautiful sky. The latte was so good itself and I was covered in joy. We had spare time at Kyoto so we decided to went back to Gion area just because we love it a lot. Last thing I knew, I already left my heart in Kyoto.
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Day-5: Osaka
We spent full day at Osaka. This is basically our last day we have because tomorrow morning we already had to leave and it was the most freezing and stormy day we had in Japan. Even Japan was sad because we were about to go home :( Anyway we had so much fun and impressed by all Osaka has to offer. We had Matsuya for breakfast and dinner because we wanted to try all the menu and it was very cheap but also delicious haha and I tried natto for the first time! In the morning we decided to went to Don Quijote first to bought some (no, a lot) of souvenirs, then we went back to hotel to dropped the purchases and continued the itinerary. We went shopping at Shinsaibashi, strolled around Amerikamura, went to Umeda for the ferris wheel but too bad the ferris wheel was closed (yes our bad didn’t check the schedule) but Umeda is nice so we walked around Umeda. The day was getting dark, we were a bit confused where to go next, and we decided to go to Osaka Castle with zero expectation because it was dark and the museum was already closed. Turned out Osaka Castle remains beautiful in the dark, and we still mesmerized by the castle and its surroundings. We felt like we were living in kingdom era. Then our last destination is Shinsekai. It’s an old district built in 1912 with New York and Paris as the model, then neglected in decades afterwards. We just strolled around the neighborhood, it was full of restaurant, bar, spa, and other nightlife. Little did we know that Shinsekai is the most seedy and dangerous area in Osaka lol. Gratefully we arrived at our hotel safe and sound.
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Day-6 & 7: Back to reality
NOOO i didn’t want this to be over, but life goes on and we had to leave Japan. But first thing first, we had breakfast at Matsuya for countless times haha. We also spent all our coins we had. Bought the things that hadn’t been bought yet in the last minute. What else to say... we headed to KIX and said our hardest goodbye to Japan. Still we had a good time in KIX, Changi, and in the airplane before we had to face the reality. The saddest part is, right after we landed safely in CGK and activated our phone, I received message from my family told me that my grandpa passed away that morning. Oops I’m sorry for ruining the ending :p All in all, this whole trip was a blast worth a lifetime.
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What I love about Japan:
The food! It was all beyond my tongue could expect. 
The people was all friendly, kind, and *very* polite!!! *bowing sharply 90 degrees*
The vending machine you can find anything anywhere and the konbini store.
The technologies, facilities, transportation, cleanliness, they’re the best.
The balance coherence between the old and modern culture.
There are so many things Japan has to make you in love, but they say you don’t need a reason to love something (cringe).
Throughout my entire trip in Japan, it seemed like there was a balance between old and modern maintained by a strong appreciation of tradition from the times gone by. It’s something we’d never experienced in another country and made us instantly fall in love with Japan. It’s amazing to see two such extremes coexisting effortlessly and perfectly side by side. I was happy, delighted, amazed, surprised, and just plain impressed. I hope I can go back to Japan.
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bekkertechnologies · 4 years
How to Organise your folders and files
Every time you have to dig about for a document you can not locate or have to do unneeded clicks to access a folder, you are not as effective as you could be. Your paper listing is simply going to grow progressively so currently is the time to do something about it.
You ought to not be compromising your time simply clicking and also searching for a paper. You must have the ability to find that paper in 1 second, not 5 mins. I’ve existed also as well as there were also times when I actually could not find a file and also when I wasn’t seeking it any longer, lo as well as behold– I found it.
FileBoss fast documents and also folder search has assisted hundreds of companies in locating their documents quickly.
Let us consider some excellent practices for maintaining your documents as well as files cool, in folders and also easily searchable as well as easily accessible.
The suggestion of arranging files and also files returns to the good-old-days of declaring cupboards and paper.
The benefit of the original paper-based closets was that you actually needed to consider where to place files to make sure that you can find them easily when they were required. With digital records, given that you can not see or touch them, it ends up being too very easy to have actually files spread all over your computer.
Because this is an electronic mess as well as not a physical mess, frequently you don’t realize you have an issue– till you have an issue! You don’t really feel the pain of a topsy-turvy system till you can’t find a file you require.
Even though search is a powerful device, and also there is a training program in The Dojo taking you via searching for documents, you still wish to have a basic organizational framework to make sure that you do not need to rely exclusively on search.
Note: We’ll be talking about folders as well as directories on your hard drive in this write-up.
The Objectives of Your Organizational System
There are three overarching objectives for your documents organization system:
Easy to Submit– You don’t desire your system to be a huge, ordered puzzle. You want it to be easy and also rapid to save data so your system does not trigger friction. Easy to Discover– You desire your system to make it simple to find the file or folder you require, either by jabbing via folders or utilizing search. Reusable– Where feasible, you want to utilize re-usable themes as well as naming conventions, both of which support the previous 2 objectives.
Some Basic Rules
Let’s begin with some simple guidelines for managing your folders as well as documents.
Do not place files on the desktop computer
Your desktop is meant to be tidy and display that stunning high-resolution wallpaper you’ve got going on. It ought to contain your trash/recycle bin, and that has to do with it.
Now and then, it can be useful to put a documents or two on your desktop for momentary storage space if you’re referring to it routinely as well as don’t need to file it right now.
If you do not make use of FileBoss, limitation folder development. You can make use of hundreds of thousands of folders without any type of trouble or delay if you use FileBoss you do not need to fret regarding this.
Think minimal when you’re developing folders. If you have actually done a good task of at first mapping it out, the majority of documents as well as files can fit somewhere in your power structure.
Generally, just produce new folders (particularly top-level folders in Records) if you find yourself continuously coming back to save similar data in the exact same location, just to find that it doesn’t exist yet. You’ll know when it is time to create another degree in the hierarchy rather than creating a substantial comprehensive multi-layered tree before you need it.
Call your folders and files purposefully
Among our objectives for organizing our data is “Easy to Discover.” An essential means to achieve this is by putting some believed right into how you name your folders as well as documents.
It does not have to be anything challenging. Friend-of-AE Brett Kelly suches as to talk about the concept of calling your data by remembering your “Future You”. Below’s what he indicates by that:
When attempting to find it, … try to envision the circumstance in which you’ll need it and also which words you’re likely to use.
Think regarding saving a phone bill. Do you think phone.pdf is an excellent name?
When you’re naming that phone costs, assume regarding just how you might look for it. Probably:
By date (I want the August 2018 phone costs). By company (I want the Heaven Telecommunications phone expense). By number of document (I want a phone expense that contains the number 369 since they are requesting for repayment of this invoice ).
So a good name would certainly allow you to take a look at the files in a folder as well as soon as possible see what each data lacks opening it. It would certainly give you things you can make use of to search.
So an excellent file name, in this case, could be Heaven 369.pdf.
It is not practical to have a bunch of folders called Billings inside other folders. It would be far better to call the folder defCorp Invoices (also if it is inside a master defCorp folder) so that you can use that name to look on later. Dropbox and Data Sync.
Before we get into the basics of directory site organization, I wish to give a mention to Dropbox and also various other similar solutions.
Sync solutions (including those built into macOS and Windows 10) are incredible devices for having accessibility to your files in between different devices as well as being able to be effective anywhere you are. They’re additionally wonderful for sharing documents with others.
We make use of Dropbox thoroughly.
The frameworks and methods we discuss right here can be utilized on your regional file system, or can be synced to the cloud if you position the folder structure in the unique folder for your solution of choice. Files.
Now exactly how you divide up your individual documents is mainly a matter of exactly how you psychologically divide up your life. A very fundamental split could be Education and learning, Employers, Household, Finance, Health And Wellness, Home, Purchases, Traveling, and Car.
There might then be a modest amount of subfolders under these. For instance, if you have children and have files pertaining to your parents, you might want to break up Family:.
/ Documents/Family/Highstreet. / Documents/Family/Hoekstra. Kids.
If your mind goes in this manner, you could additionally do a split by life locations, like:.
/ Documents/finances. / Documents/social. / Documents/sports. / Documents/restaurants. / Documents/entertainment.
The general policy to comply with is to pick a folder structure that matches just how you mentally organize points. If you make use of a task management system, it’s probably not a negative concept to mimic the framework that you utilize in there too. Business Files.
Comparable to your personal documents, your organisation records and also just how you organize them will greatly rely on your profession, firm, market and job position.
If you remain in a huge company, you will likely be functioning from a shared drive, in which situation the directory structure will typically be rather set, so you do not need to worry about it too much.
If you are a small team or company and also are constructing your structure, it can be handy to obtain individuals together who will be working with these papers as well as think of the framework with each other. You’ll be more likely to have buy-in if individuals that are most acquainted with the documents have a say in just how they’re structured.
If you determine to keep some records in your area or if you’re not functioning from a common drive, it mostly boils down to what you do. For instance, say you’re a business analyst doing job job. Your directory structure might look something such as this:.
/ job name 1. / project name 1/development. / task name 1/brainstorming. / task name 1/output. / task name 2. / project name 3. / archive.
Each job would certainly then have subfolders associated with sensible devices of organization, like the type of work, stakeholders or who you’re reporting to. / archive is where you would move your completed jobs when they’re done. In contrast, state you’re an online marketing professional working from your laptop computer on the coastlines of Algarve, you may have something even more similar to this established:.
/ finances. / legal. / marketing. / items. / projects. / planning. / systems. / innovation.
How you arrange your business-related directories comes down to how you determine to split up your business or job into rational units. Team related tasks into logical groupings– think of it as an organization chart for your job/company, minus the positions.
Every time you have to dig around for a file you can’t have or find to do unnecessary clicks to access a folder, you are not as productive as you could be. Your document checklist is simply going to grow steadily so currently is the time to do something regarding it.
You ought to not be sacrificing your time simply clicking and also looking for a document. You must be able to discover that file in five seconds, not five mins. If you make a decision to store some records in your area or if you’re not functioning from a shared drive, it mostly comes down to what you do.
Even if your organisation of folders and files is not very good you will still be able to find any file or folder within a second by using FileBoss. Click on the link below to know more and to install a free 14 day trial (no credit cards or email required for the trial) :
FileBoss information and download page
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guide-to-galaxy · 4 years
I was sure that being in a lockdown means time stands still but apparently my calendar tells me it’s the end of April? That’s really rude of it. Also, will I ever spell calendar right on the first try? Definitely not.
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The Scorpion King
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The Willoughbys
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Wrong Turn
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Wrong Turn 2
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Case 39
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The Scorpion King 1 ⚔
Apparently, this is the origin story of the scorpion king creature we see in The Mummy Returns. It is most definitely not.
Like you go into it thinking it will give more background on the character and it doesn’t? And I’m pretty sure there’s like 3 more movies. One of them isn’t even about Dwayne Johnson’s character, to my knowledge. There’s nothing really about the movie that stands out in my memory like the first two Mummy’s do (which I intend to watch soon).
The Willoughbys 4 🧒🏻
 Four kids try to get rid of their parents in order to be their own family but end up creating their own found family. 
I heard this voice and I went “Is that Terry Crews with his Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs voice?” And it was 😂
It is both adorable and super weird. It’s weird as in quirky, so watch this if you’re into those types of movies.
The parents are the weirdest movie parents I’ve ever seen. Of course, they’re meant to be written like that, but honestly, they’re so weird.
Wrong Turn 5🌲
A group of people go into the woods to try to find help after their cars are totaled. A group of people do not come out of the woods. 
I’ll admit, I went into the movie having read the description but I didn’t think it was going to be as intense as it ended up being. I loved the movie and will definitely carry on to the rest of the franchise, but it’ll take a lot to impress me as the first movie was so great.
And yes, it is very gory and violent. But I loved that 😂
Wrong turn 2 🌲
This time around it’s a group of contestents on a reality game show! Will all of them survive?
This was just so annoying because I had LOVED the first movie and then the second one comes and it’s sort of… really bad? I hope the next ones are better, honestly.
I only really liked like the one contestant? And that was it. All the rest were annoying. They just forced the producer to be in the show? Like they surround her while she’s sitting and they get right in her face. Ugh not cool
Case 39 2 👩‍👧
A social worker takes in a child, only to realise why her parents wanted her gone. 
I don’t know if I actually like Renée Zellweger. And not to be rude or anything, but it’s definitely her voice.
Also the kid’s full first name is Lilith. And Renee doesn’t think anything when weird things happen. All in all, the movie wasn’t totally… interesting.
Zombillenium 4 🎢
A park staffed by monsters and starting to struggle to make a profit has to deal with a new monster, one who’s more interested in getting back to his daughter than anything with the park. 
This was funny and very cute but I wished the audio was in French? And I know it’s French because the posters are all French. Sometimes it didn’t look like the audio synced up and the voice actors were a bit…meh and I think it would’ve been even better in the original audio.
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Get Out 5 🥄
A black man goes to visit his white girlfriend’s family for a weekend. And they’re maybe a bit too accepting. 
Sometimes it seems that the horror genre has shown every angle, and new movies can’t be good and all that – and then something amazing like this comes up and suddenly you just want to watch it all the time. Like seriously, this movie is amazing.
Us 5 🐇
 Dopplegangers threaten a family and the family is forced to try to protect themselves. 
MIND BLOWN. I didn’t understand well, a lot, for the majority of the movie, but then things clicked and omg I instantly wanted to watch the movie again.
Wonder Park 4 🎢
Wonderland is an imaginary park created by June and her mom. And now June has to save it.
I’ve been wanting to watch this one for a super long time! The trailer made it seem so cute.
Also, thought this would be an adorable movie and then BAM it’s UP ALL OVER AGAIN. But seriously – it’s a great movie and you should definitely watch it.
Step up 1 – 3 4 🎶🕺🏻
A lot of dancing that I wish I could do. And also a bit of plot. 
Just gonna put this all here as I watched all three right after each other. Why? Just because. It’s still good, though, which I was happy about.
Men in Black 3 👽
Will Smith is back defending Earth against aliens, but he’s also time travelling?
Even though I still like it – I mean, Will Smith 😍😍 I barely remembered this movie? Also, doesn’t this movie and what Will’s character does (Agent K? I think) does re time travel – like go against the time travel code? You know, you can’t talk to people in the past that you know in the future?
Escape Room 4 🧩
Strangers end up having to endure a not-so-normal escape room.
I mean the trailer had Deborah Ann Woll so like I’m signed up instantly. Also Judy Robinson is in here! Or well, Taylor Russell, who plays Judy in Netlifx’s Lost in Space.
I still haven’t been in an escape room but I really want to? But also I feel like you have to be with a specific group? With all different skill sets? You know, like those heist books we all love.
 I really liked it. It’s an adventure horror, which I always like seeing. A lot of things happen and it captures your attention throughout.
Warning – about 1h19 a scene starts –   There’s a flickering lights scene which definitely mimicked a strobe lights scene so please be careful if you’re sensitive to that. Please be safe. If you’re worried you’re missing anything in that scene – it’s basically just a fight scene between two characters.
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October Faction
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She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
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Another Life
October Faction 4 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
Monster-Hunter parents have to decide between keeping their kids in the dark or letting them know all about their monster-huntering.
I started out not really thinking it would be good, but then it ended up being great. Sure, the story lines could’ve been better, in my opinion, but it was pretty good for a season season.
But since there will be no second SEASON, I will have to be content with this one. And just cry because Netflix, you should LISTEN to your audience instead of relying on stats (which they base on like if the user is still watching 5 seconds in, they think that’s another watch – which doesn’t make sense because I usually wait at least 5 or so mins to decide if I want to watch this movie or series or not. Or even halfway through.
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power S1 5 ⚔
Adora finds a legendary sword that turns her into the powerful She-Ra (not that she wasn’t powerful before), along with new friends and enemies that want to take the sword.
ALL THE STARS. LIKE SERIOUSLY ALL THE STARS. I love love LOVED the first season so much and am excited to get to the other seasons soon!! And just Bow????? He has allllll my love, like seriously, I just love him so much. Protect him from all the badness in the world, please.
Another Life 4 🚀
Captain Niko has to deal with her crew, who sometimes disobeys her, and trying to understand the alien artifact that has landed on Earth. 
JIMMYSTEVE WTF (It’s a Shameless US reference. I was just shocked to see him). I really liked the casting here. Especially Zayn and Bernie.
They were in SOMA and none of their hair needs to be cut? I think one of them said in SOMA they don’t so I’m guessing that means their hair doesn’t grow?
The first season could have definitely been better. But it is renewed for a second season so I hope the story is better and I just really want more Zayn and Bernie time.
  That’s all! I’m thinking of changing up the format of these so this all might look different the next time one of these come up 🌟
What I Watched End-of-Month (April) I was sure that being in a lockdown means time stands still but apparently my calendar tells me it's the end of April?
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jennytranly · 5 years
Bringing this up because I still miss you in my life and just want to be close to you again, even if it is as just friends. I want to meet you and get to know who you are now.
This post is all about you. This will be a really long post but it will be my last one. I won’t be posting anymore. Tumblr will forever be our thing lol. The post is really sappy and confusing but it’s full of love.
If you’re reading this or if you ever come across this, I want you to always look at this and feel happy, loved and receive strength. I want to start off by saying, I love you, so so much. Sometimes I wonder if I should have said it in the car but it wouldn’t have changed anything. But I just hope you know that I love you. And maybe just you knowing it, is enough for me.
I love you with all your flaws, with all of your mistakes and all of your regrets. If I could, I would talk to you for hours, I would talk to you forever. I would tell you how great you are, how wonderful you are. But forever doesn’t seem to be for us, so I’ll leave you with this love that will stay here forever. I love that you’re changing and growing, for you. I love that you have dreams and I love that you put your family first. I want you to have everything you desire. If you want to live in Seattle, if you wanna travel, if you wanna meet more people, If you want to meet a new love, if you already have a new love, I just want you to get everything you desire. I know you will get there one day and I will pray for you to get there. I pray for you to be happy, healthy, and cherished.
If you ever feel unloved, negative or down on yourself... God is always with you, every step of the way. He created you to be the amazing you that you are. He created the loving, gentle, kind hearted, hard working, handsome, cute, strong man that you are. He created your bread hair, your hazel/light brown eyes, the large pores on your nose, the scar on your finger from the wart you froze off, your long finger and toe nails, your innie “black hole”, your fuzzy tummy and toes, the dark scar/skin behind your thigh from exercising and laying lol, your cute sensitive baby butt, your hairy legs yet bare ankles, your beautiful feet that is full of callous from basketball. I used to remember your moles and other markings on your body but it seems to slip my mind now that I can’t run my fingers to admire the beauty of everything that you encompass. Because they are all beautiful, at least to me. I hope no one makes you feel ugly, self-conscious, or inadequate and I hope the person you love will love every single part of you. You deserve that love.
God created you to grow at this time of your life, things happen for a reason. We met for a reason, the path you’re currently on will take you to where you’re meant to be. God placed you at WWU, He places you in spaces to experience “immaturity”, which it isn’t. It was my mistake to say that about you. It’s spaces to find your own personal growth. You’re not immature, you’re you. Goofy, funny, silly, easy-going, kid-hearted are WONDERFUL qualities, please don’t grow up for the sake of growing up. You can still be all those things and responsible. I’m a serious person because life hit me hard, my trauma and family stress forced me to be serious. But I dont like this part of me, I wish to feel simple joy of being goofy. I wish I was a child at heart because you’re just so much more joyful and radiant being silly. And I am so sorry to have made you suppress it, it was my fault. You are mature for being able to sacrifice yourself for your family and future family. You are smart and responsible to run a business, or two or THREE at the young age of 26. That’s insanely awesome!! You are so much more responsible and mature than most folks working the 9-5. You have more responsibilities than anyone I know. You’re a house manager of 3, business owner of 3, supervisor, office coordinator, CNA, student, driver, chef, photographer, videographer, basketball player, weightlifter, pianist, gamer, simple carpenter/mechanic, cleaner, future husband, future father, lover, son, amazing friend, brother in Christ and most importantly, a child of God. A talented, skilled, mature, hard-working, strong, capable, kindhearted, loving, and intelligent man. These are A LOT that you’re currently doing, have done, and will do, it’s definitely no small feat. This is way more than most, than me. Please never forget how hard you are currently working and have worked. It’s very difficult to juggle it all, but you’re doing so much better than you think you are. You’re talented in all those aspects! I only worked 3 jobs and school which is kinda equivalent to your current hours. But your duties far exceeded mine and you’ve been at it for way more years than me. You are so much more than what you think of yourself and I hope someone reminds you how amazing you truly are. If not, please feel free to come back to this, any time you feel down on yourself.
You’re the best person I’ve ever met in my life. I’m still on this earth in part because of you. Mainly because of God but I am so lucky that God created such a wonderful man. I am saved and alive because of your faith, love, care and kindness. I will go on to impact others and students because I am alive and know Jesus. That’s because of you. You... your faith and your heart are changing others lives because I learned it from you, by knowing you and loving you. My current heart, spirit, faith, love, etc. is because I met you and have loved you. I grew and continue to grow because of our love, your love and Gods love through you. All of the lives I’ve impacted is because of your impact. Please give yourself credit for impacting all these lives as well.
Lastly, if I could, I would be with you. If I could, I would knock on your door and tell you that I wish it was you. I would tell you that I want to stay in Washington because I don’t want to be away from the two people I love the most in this world, Sean and you. I would tell you that I imagined a life with you, to be a teacher, live life with you in Lacey, care for Sean, help you run the business, and have a family. It’s an imagination that has been there since we dated. But I know that I am not what you need right now. Maybe you’ll find a nurse wife, or a Filipina gal your parents will love, a Christian woman, idk your dream love. I want you to have that dream life and dream love. Only you know yourself and your life. I don’t want to impede your growth, I don’t want to be in the way of all the things you want to experience for yourself. You always said that you can’t make me happy. How do you know those things are still what I want? How do you know if I’ve changed? I don’t want you to think that way because I’m just happy to have known you and loved you. I’m just happy that you exist in this world. I am so incredibly blessed and lucky to have met you, loved you, and be loved by you. I am happy if you’re happy. I am happy to have experienced life with you, even if it wasn’t forever. If I could figure out a way or ideas to hold you close again, I would. But I don’t know how to move forward with you. I can’t individually lol cause that’s force. I can only force myself to let you live your life. So I leave this here, for you, whenever you want to read it. Or if you never want to, it’s ok too. If it’s creepy, please don’t report me lmao or just never read it.
I sia so much. I always wish you were next to me experiencing life. I wish to tell you simple things like how clean my room is. How weird that I live only 35 mins away now. How terrible mom is. How loving dad is. I wish to know your life. Your family, your friends, your trips, your work, your residents, your hopes and fears. I wish I could be with you and I wish for forever with you. But, I’ll just leave this here. I’m sorry I hurt you, I’m sorry I’m not enough for you, I’m sorry I ever made you feel like you weren’t enough, I’m sorry that my insecurities messed you up, I’m sorry I’m a coward and can never say this to you directly. I couldn’t look at you in the car because of what I did to you. Because you light up my world. But I know you don’t want to be with me so it breaks my heart at the same time, this is why I can’t look at you. I don’t regret ending it because look at you now, you’re happy and growing! Yay you! I’m proud of you. I can tell how much you’ve grown and changed from our short conversation. Just hearing about your life makes me happy, I’m happy because of you. I’m sad because I can’t let go, it has nothing to do with you. I’m sad cause I love you too much, that’s my own issue. Anyways, I hope one day someone will love you more than I did, more than I do, more than this post and I hope you are reminded how truly beautiful and extraordinarily amazing you are. Thank you God for a creating a true blessing on this earth and thank YOU for just being a wonderful you. Sia forever! No one will ever take your place. You’re unreplaceable. You are my warmest home in this lifetime, nothing and no one can replace your warmth in my heart. I love you. Bye bye best friend. I want to be with you and love you foreva. But I guess that, I can do on my own, the loving you part. So I will, I will miss you forever and I will love you forever. 💜
I’ll be ok. Don’t worry, life moves forward and one day, so will I. Maybe I’ll meet you in another lifetime, when we are meant to be. But until that lifetime, I hope you’ll be more than ok without me. I know you will, you’re doing just fine now. 😊
- Jenny
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