#everyone i know says that Argentina is so beautiful and rich with culture and its truw
im-getting-help · 4 months
Another day, another panic attack.
I honestly don't know what to do, I don't know what I can do. I can't work and my country is speedrunning economic ruin thanks to our lovely president who hates people and common sense in equal measure.
Even if I can get a job, which is almost impossible at this rate, I won't be able to keep it, I know, and that's IF I can get out of the panic state I enter every time I think about working.
I woke up today and the first thing I did was have a panic attack, and it's been like this for days now. I have to open YT and distract myself cause nothing else works except for completely disengage with reality.
I can't even do the essays and reading for uni cause I get paranoid and start doubting myself, and there we go again to the next panick attack or crying session. It's been only a month and i'm already late on assignments cause the only thing I want can to do is sleep.
Hello depression and anxiety, I did not missed you guys.
In november of last year, when our current president won the elections, I knew that everything was going to go to shit pretty quickly. Here we are, 1 kilo of potato is $1400 pesos. WHO CAN AFFORD THAT? We spent at least $400.000 pesos every month only in food cause everything is so expensive, we are in debt just to cover basic necessities.
And I wish I was fcking normal, I wish I could just pick up any job and go to work and make some money, but I can't.
Yeah, anyways, im going to make some tea and idk pray I guess(???) pray that some psychiatrists in this miserable island gives me a fcking appointment and takes my inability to maintain a job seriously instead of dismiss me with a "well, I think you just need therapy, good fcking luck :)"
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hasansonsuzceliktas · 5 years
Spiritual Movies that Nourish Your Soul
One night in 2003, while channel hopping on TV, I came across a movie named Interstate 60. I read the summary and it looked appealing. The movie then started, and after I finished watching it, I watched it again. (That channel had a repeat function.) My mind was blown, my smile was wide, and I felt great. I had never watched anything like it before. That’s when my interest in spiritual movies began. Four years passed and then The Secret came along. It was also mind blowing for its time. Although it has its controversial aspects now, it was a revolution in spiritual documentaries. Oh, there was also What the #$*! Do We Know?, but it takes my interest only after The Secret. Afterwards, I became deeply interested in spiritual movies and watched many of them. I made recommendation lists for my followers in Turkey, and now I want to share them with you. I don’t want to give details about the movies, though, because you can look them up on IMDb or whatever. I want to instead share the reasons for why I recommend these particular movies. First let me be clear about one thing, though. What is a spiritual movie? Everything is spiritual. The life we live is spiritual, because everything comes out of the spirit. If we looked at it from this perspective, there is a vast number of spiritual movies. You can see the spirit in many such movies. For me, though, a spiritual movie is one that expands your view, your perceptions, your world, and your being. After finishing one, you do not feel like you are the same person that you were two hours ago. It has touched your soul and made you think and feel deeply. Some of them even blow your mind. Such movies have similar effects on others too. That is what I call a spiritual movie, so I selected movies based on that criterion.
Classic Spiritual Movies
These are the ones where I could say, “Haven’t you watched it yet? How can you call yourself spiritual?”
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The Matrix You may well say, “Oh, come on! Starting with The Matrix? We’ve all watched it a million times. Give us something new!” Yes, I know. I also said it many times while checking the spiritual must-see lists of others. But last week, I watched the whole trilogy again because I wanted to find clues about “the loop.” By this, I mean the loop in our minds, which we may call dharma. I was thinking deeply about how I could get my mind out of the worldly plane. I then started to watch the trilogy and realized that The Matrix is about the trinity of mind, body, and soul. The machines could not understand love and therefore the soul, so the movie gives the message that the best way to get out of the worldly plane is through love.
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Celestine Prophecy James Redfield’s novel was one of the first books I read in my spiritual awakening days. It is still marvelous, but the movie could have been better I think.
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Peaceful Warrior Dan Millman’s marvelous book was adapted into a great movie. It touched many people’s souls, as I have witnessed many times. You have to read the book after watching the movie, though. The book has much more, as you can no doubt imagine.
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Conversations with God We all love Neale Donald Walsch, author of the Conversations with God series, and this movie is about his life. It is a good movie.
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Interstate 60 For me, this is the best spiritual movie of all time. In my mind, it’s a timeless classic. Yet when I checked other people’s lists on the web, I didn’t find this movie in many of them. It may well be that you still haven’t watched it yet. If not, prepare yourself for a spiritual feast. Even after watching it 30 times, like I have, you can still find many messages. Believe me when I say you can watch it many times over without ever getting bored of it.
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What the #$*! Do We Know? This early spiritual documentary was labeled as talking heads (i.e., many experts coming together and talking about something). Quantum physics meets with spirituality and good drama in what is still a must-see documentary.
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The Secret Ah! The Secret. We can still argue that it represents the law of attraction, but it is still a great documentary. It gave rise to the term “secret-like” when describing spiritual documentaries. Nowadays, when you mention The Secret, many people deride it, but it has still a special place in my heart.
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Fight Club “The first rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club.” Okay, I won’t, but I had to put it on the list.
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Avatar If I feel like an avatar living on Earth, being controlled by someone’s conscious in another place, it is because of this great movie. I had to watch it again.
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Groundhog Day A funny, classic movie about being stuck in a time loop. No doubt you have seen it already.
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Baraka – Samsara Movies without words but with many deep meanings. Many years of work went into Ron Fricke’s movies, which are not just spiritual classics but also works of art.  
Lesser-Known Movies
These great movies are adored by many, but maybe you haven’t heard of some of them
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Nossolar Do you want to know how the afterlife is? Based on the channelings of Chico Xavier, Nossolar is a great Brazilian movie about the afterlife.  
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Bab’aziz This is the most beautiful movie about Sufism ever made. Nacer Khemir’s work is outstanding, and you can feel this great movie fill your soul. The soundtrack is also magnificent.  
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Chaotica Ana This is one of the best movies about reincarnation and the goddess. Ana, a Spanish art student, meets Said in Madrid and they fall in love. After Said disappears, Ana starts to undertake hypnotherapy and finds out she has lived many past lives. You can find out the rest in the movie…  
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The Man from Earth This very beautiful classic movie starts with a boring discussion between six university professors and turns into a great dialogue when one of them confesses that he is 14,000 years old. Still not watched it yet?  
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Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring You cannot forget this movie, even after many years. Korean director Kim Ki-Duk uses the symbolism of the passing seasons to tell this story of a young Buddhist monk’s evolution from innocence to love, evil to enlightenment, and ultimately to rebirth. Please watch it in HD on a big screen please. It is a Buddhist poem conveyed through cinema.  
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Powder IMDb describes it as follows: “An off-the-charts genius who is home schooled and shunned after his last relative dies shows the unconscious residents of his town about connection awareness and the generosity of the spirit.” It’s the story of an albino boy with psychic powers. It is a classic, and I will never forget the scene with the hunter and deer.  
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Defending Your Life This movie is also about the afterlife, but its story is told in a much funnier way. It is about love, karma, and rebirth. You will remember this movie from the scenes of a Japanese restaurant in Heaven.  
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Serendipity A romantic movie about love and coincidence starring John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale.  
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Sliding Doors Just one door staying open can change your life in this Gwyneth Paltrow classic.  
Little-Known Movies
If you’re saying, “Come on, we all know these movies. Give us something new!” Okay, here you go.
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Valley of Flowers IMDBsays, “A great Asian love story, an unforgettable tale about passion, death and reincarnation. A mesmerizing Himalayan epic that spans two centuries, from the Silk Route of the early 19th century to the bustling metropolis of modern-day Tokyo.” It’s the most passionate story about soulmates ever made, and the love of Jalan and Ushna will take your breath away.
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Looking for Muhyiddin A man (played by filmmaker Nacer Khemir, who also directed Bab’aziz) returns home to Tunisia to bury his mother. Following the burial, his father gives him an amana to take to a Sheikh named Muhyiddin. The man immediately sets out on an epic journey to find the long-lost Sheikh and deliver the amana to him. Throughout his journey, he is guided by a mysterious spiritual master and many friends of the Sheikh who he encounters along the way. As the adventure unfolds, we learn about the rich life of this Sheikh and his uncompromising love for humanity, for under his teachings, different beliefs, faiths, and ways of life can only converge and become one. The more we learn about the Sheikh Muhyiddin, the more we understand why he is so venerated across cultures and continents. Looking for Muhyiddin is a deeply lyrical odyssey into the soul of Islam through the life and the works of one of its most beloved mystics: Ibn Arabi. This is one of the best Sufi movies you will ever watch.
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Happenstance Everyone knows Amelie, but did you ever hear about this other movie with Audrey Tatou. It is about coincidence and chaos theory, possibly the best one on the subject.
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Un Buda IMDb says, “Un Buda follows two brothers orphaned as children when their parents were taken by the military during the ‘Dirty Wars’ of the 1970s in Argentina. Tomas is now a drifting and withdrawn young man who experiments with ascetic practices and has an instinctive compassion for others. His older brother Rafael is a university philosophy professor, detached and alone. Their struggles with each other and the world around them in Buenos Aires take a dramatic turn when they find themselves at a rural Zen center.” It’s a great spiritual movie from Argentina
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Now and Forever If you want to watch an unforgettable spiritual love story, do not miss out on this one. I watched it many years ago, but some scenes still stick in my mind. IMDb summarizes it like this: “Against a backdrop of clashing cultures, John Myron and Angela Wilson find each other and over the years form a powerful bond. One tragic night, John rescues Angela from a wicked act of betrayal. Faced with its aftermath, Angela flees town, unaware that she has put into motion a dramatic and intense string of events that will forever change the course of their lives. Harboring a secret, John guides Angela to a shocking realization that will uncover the past. Now & Forever is a dramatic contemporary love story combining elements of spirituality, heart and integrity. They say sooner or later all love stories will end; Now & Forever is the exception...”  
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An… This Greek movie is so special for me. We watch a choice and then the consequences in parallel universes. Demetris is a handsome man with a dog. One night while out with his dog, he meets Christina. In the alternate universe, he doesn’t go out with his dog, so he doesn’t meet Christina. We watch both sides of this simple choice. But fate says, if you are destined to meet someone, you will meet him or her whatever. Why is this movie so special for me? In one great scene, Demetris and Christina sit with a coffee and share love. I later found this coffee when I visited Athens and sat with my own love. I will never forget either that experience or this magnificent movie.  
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Storm If you loved The Matrix, watch this Swedish version. It starts similarly when a man meets a mysterious woman with an evil man chasing her. The story then turns in a different direction. Please just find it and watch it.  
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Ink Ink, a mysterious creature, steals a child's soul with the aim of using it as a bargaining chip to join the Incubi, a group of supernatural beings responsible for creating nightmares. It may seem like a horror movie, but it’s not. The less you know about it, the more you will enjoy it.   I know many other movies could be added to this list, but this is just a selection to start you off. There are also many spiritual documentaries, but I will share a list of these in our next issue… Read the full article
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csrgood · 4 years
Booz Allen Proudly Celebrates D&I During Diversity Month, and Every Month
“A deep sense of belonging is the cornerstone of Booz Allen’s culture. We invest in these events to be the place where you can be your authentic self now and well into the future.” -Anne Muindi-Shemenski, Multicultural Business Resource Group Leader
April is Celebrate Diversity Month. But Booz Allen has been making inclusion a priority year round through its Unstoppable Together series.
The most recent event in the series was the Unstoppable |Diverse| United summit that convened over 300 employees to listen to their peers’ personal journeys, participate in break-out discussions and interactive experiences, learn from each other, and build their understanding of why the richest solutions come from teams with diverse perspectives and backgrounds. 
Stories have been used throughout history in every culture to convey powerful messages and build affinity. Unstoppable is Booz Allen’s global storytelling tour committed to humanizing real challenges facing today’s workforce. It consists of guided discussions, small gatherings and large events, each thoughtfully shaped to be culturally relevant for its audience and open to all Booz Allen employees.
With the Unstoppable Together employee movement, Booz Allen is investing in its D+I strategy. At the latest event, the commitment to the cause was palpable, with attendees contrasting what they’ve witnessed elsewhere with organizations that “passively support D+I,” with what they see at Booz Allen, that is actively “walking the walk.” 
Exploring inclusion, intersectionality, and more 
More than 3,000 employees have been reached by Unstoppable Together events so far. Inspired by Booz Allen’s 2019 women’s summit, this year’s events covered topics ranging from the myth of “color-blindness” to the realities of unconscious bias. Speakers and panelists shared their personal experiences code-switching, being Black in corporate America, harnessing culture and navigating assumptions. 
And sessions generated rich dialogue. For instance, how can one respond in an affirming, inclusive fashion to “polite curiosity”? And how can organizations create an environment where people feel comfortable bringing their “whole selves” to work?
In one session, Lead Diversity Specialist Dr. Marcelle Davis showed how she code switches just through the way she speaks to different people. “I hide my accent every single day,” she said. “Unless you could pick up a word or two, you would never know I’m an island girl.”
Outside of the panels, technology played a role between sessions, showing cutting-edge statistical tools that can counter unintended bias to an “inclusion lab” that used VR simulations to give employees the opportunity to “walk in someone else’s shoes.”
“It is personal to me”
At the start of the day, Booz Allen CEO Horacio Rozanski spoke candidly about the anti-semitism he experienced as a child in Argentina, explaining, “It is personal to me. I think many of you know that I was born and raised in Argentina. Certainly, my name and my accent give away that even though I went to school in Wisconsin, I am not from Wisconsin.”
After speaking about discrimination he’d felt personally, he said, “Booz Allen has been the first place in my entire life where I felt completely accepted. This organization has been the only place beyond my family that has celebrated me for who I am, celebrated my differences, and found ways to find the best of what makes me unique instead of conforming to some mythical other.” 
How can employees support their colleagues? Rozanski said, “Extend yourself. People don’t know if you’re an ally unless you tell them.”
He added: “Get involved not just by talking. There’s a concept that I love that is that we pray with our feet. We do this with our feet and our hands instead of sitting in a chair. Look for ways to get involved. Find your passion in this and make your passion real through your actions. This is a place where it is not just waiting for leadership to lead. Lead us. Trust me, we’ll follow.”
Following his speech, Rozanski participated in an open, honest, and extended question and answer period with employees from around the globe, moving the conversation into sustainability, technology, mental wellness, being an ally, and how to take the Unstoppable Together energy overseas. One new hire, Jalisa Brown, asked Rozanski how, as a new employee, she could be staffed on a project. Rozanski applauded her go-getter attitude and got his colleagues on the case. 
Said Brown after the remarks, “I just started at the end of August. Horacio signed a deal with the Thurgood Marshall College fund to work with HBCUs and I was recruited through that program. I honestly didn’t expect the workforce at the firm to be as colorful, open, and vocal as it is.” 
A commitment to change—and potential
“I’m excited about the beautiful faces here. I’m excited that the firm has really made a commitment to its people,” said Booz Allen Vice President and Co-Executive Sponsor for Booz Allen’s internal Multicultural Business Resource Group, Alice Fakir, who participated in multiple panel discussions. “And it’s real, not lip service.” 
“I also think by bringing together different cultures, we are changing our environment, impacting it,” she added. “It extends to the community too and helps Booz Allen become a destination for people.” 
Vice President Miguel Crespo added a challenge for everyone attending, to keep remembering that diversity and inclusion are, “in our core purpose, in our values, but do we live it? Do we provide the space and opportunity for every individual in the room?” He encouraged people to “create the space and opportunity.” 
Employees reflect on Unstoppable Together
With time to meet in groups big and small, Booz Allen employees had opportunities to share their reflections and recommendations, including:
A desire to bring lessons learned back to their home offices, carrying the message to all 27,000 Booz Allen employees.
A sense of pride to be working for a firm that is walking the walk with diversity and inclusion.
A feeling of excitement around employees being encouraged to bring their authentic selves to work. 
A commitment to not just being part of a conversation, but an ally, walking the walk.
Other remarks on the day, included comments on how committed the firm is to the power and importance of authenticity. Here’s what some attendees had to say:
“I want to bring more engaging observations and ideas back to the Atlanta office. Like what does it really mean to move beyond diversity to integration and belonging?” Communications Specialist, Julia S. Chen, Atlanta, GA
“I am a D&I champion ambassador. I am excited about bringing our authentic selves to work. This is how people embrace all their skills and talents. I love that it’s very visibly on display.” Chief Technologist, Monica Hamilton, Baltimore, MD
“I’m attending the applied empathy panel. I’m excited to work on empathy—it’s something you can always get better at.” Senior Acquisition Analyst, Tommy Olejniczak, Warner Robins, GA
“I’m excited to be at an event with other folks who want to be in this place. Working with folks who are committed to D&I are the people who I want to work with.” Communications Specialist, Julia Low, Washington DC.
Watch the first event in Booz Allen’s Unstoppable event series, the Women’s Summit, and learn more about Booz Allen's commitment to multiculturalism. 
source: https://www.csrwire.com/press_releases/45064-Booz-Allen-Proudly-Celebrates-D-I-During-Diversity-Month-and-Every-Month?tracking_source=rss
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