#everything about cassandra claire makes me so angry
Starcrossed series by Josephine Angelini
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How do you defy destiny?
Helen Hamilton has spent her entire sixteen years trying to hide how different she is—no easy task on an island as small and sheltered as Nantucket. And it's getting harder. Nightmares of a desperate desert journey have Helen waking parched, only to find her sheets damaged by dirt and dust. At school she's haunted by hallucinations of three women weeping tears of blood . . . and when Helen first crosses paths with Lucas Delos, she has no way of knowing they're destined to play the leading roles in a tragedy the Fates insist on repeating throughout history.
As Helen unlocks the secrets of her ancestry, she realizes that some myths are more than just legend. But even demigod powers might not be enough to defy the forces that are both drawing her and Lucas together—and trying to tear them apart.
*What I thought: 4 out of 5 stars
read: 9/19 
I thought it started off good. Had my interest until the Delos family showed up. I was so confused as to why Helen was so blood thirsty around them! It just boggled my mind as to why they were acting like that. THANKFULLY it was explained. Glad it happened earlier than later because idk if I could still read it. I really like the mythology take of their family and to why they wanted to kill each other. If you know me, I love Greek mythology retells. 
I really liked reading how much Helen grew. When we first met her, she wanted not to be noticed to learning what she is and how she is dealing with that to learning how to control her gifts.
I loved her friends. Claire is the BFF that everyone hopes for. I laughed so much when she was telling Helen about her “experiments.” 😂 I also loved her dad, Jerry. He was what one would wish their dad was too. lol
Romance was minimal but that wasn’t because one wasn’t trying really hard! lol. It was because if it happened, it’d be catastrophic. Which would be terrible! I really liked their explanation of that too. 
I’m interested to see how things play out in the next book with the bombshell that was dropped on Helen and how they fix the problem with a cousin. 
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Can true love be FORGOTTEN? As the only Scion who can descend into the Underworld, Helen Hamilton has been given a nearly impossible task. By night she wanders through Hades, trying to stop the endless cycle of revenge that has cursed her family. By day she struggles to overcome the fatigue that is rapidly eroding her sanity. Without Lucas by her side, Helen is not sure she has the strength to go on. Just as Helen is pushed to her breaking point, a mysterious new Scion comes to her rescue. Funny and brave, Orion shields her from the dangers of the Underworld. But time is running out - a ruthless foe plots against them, and the Furies' cry for blood is growing louder. As the ancient Greek world collides with the mortal one, Helen's sheltered life on Nantucket descends into chaos. But the hardest task of all will be forgetting Lucas Delos.
*What I thought: 4 out 5 stars
read: 9/19
I liked it but it took forever to read. It dragged in some parts but overall, I enjoyed reading. I like seeing Helen trying to figure out what to do with the Fates and how to solve the Scion’s blood for blood. I’m glad a new character popped up and he helped her big time! I love Orion but not more than Lucas! So beware, the dreaded love triangle shows it’s presence in here even though there is a major yuck factor as far as the what the character’s believe. 
Lucas I felt bad for and disliked him at the same time. lol He was such a jerk, I get it but it made me sad. I wished he did things differently. 
I love who the villain/mastermind is in the book and why they’re doing everything. The next book, there will be trouble! What this person did to Helen was terrible and horrific! But Helen showed them! SHE’S A BADASS.....when she wants to be lol
Overall, I’m very interested to see how things play out with this prophecy and to see more of the characters I love.
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After accidentally unleashing the gods from their captivity on Olympus, Helen must find a way to re-imprison them without starting a devastating war. But the gods are angry, and their thirst for blood already has a body count. To make matters worse, the Oracle reveals that a diabolical Tyrant is lurking among them, which drives a wedge between the once-solid group of friends. As the gods use the Scions against one another, Lucas’s life hangs in the balance. Still unsure whether she loves him or Orion, Helen is forced to make a terrifying decision, for war is coming to her shores.
*What I thought: 4 out of 5 stars
read: 9/19
Powers are changing, Gods are out to play, Challenges are being called out.
OMG, that was a way to end a series! Helen has gotten more powers! Hard to believe but true. They way she got them was interesting. The new powers definitely came in handy numerous times but it caused people near and dear to her to become afraid of her. Which sucks because her friends were not as cool in this book. Helen learns more about being a World Builder which was cool. How cool would it be to make a world how you see fit? 
The Gods are very naughty! Surprising the only decent one was Hades. It took a little bit for Helen to figure out what to do to make the Gods behave but she found a way. I liked that Helen was seeing flashbacks of the past Helen, that helped her on too.
The flip flopping between Lucas and Orion was majority of the book. In the end, Helen knew who her heart always belong to. It took a long time but that was because of what her mother told her, that’s why she couldn’t fully go for it. Speaking of her mother. That woman is evil! The things she did and said for her own selfish goals! Gah, I’m glad at what happened in the end with her. 
Even though the ending wrapped up and we got an epilogue in a nice tidy bow, I want to know when Lucas has to fulfill his vow! I want to know if curse that Cassandra has to bear will stop her to continue with a certain someone. 
**Trigger warning: mentions of rape and a very, very minor character is proud to be a pedophile**
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thepineapplejuicer · 5 years
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Z nation fanfic- Z Fighter Part 3 is now up after so long (None of the Znation characters belong to me, only Maren) (gif not mine) honestly want to go back to this fanfiction I was writing. But I really want to pair Maren up with the shows new character, Georgia St. Claire because she stole my heart. “So you’re the savior?” I ask, holding back a laugh as I stare at Murphy. He glares at me as I look up and down trying to find something decent to say. I give up and smile, “Honestly I imagined someone, well, less like you.” He leans up to Warren as she drives, “Can we please stick her in the back?” I glance at Cassandra, catching a giggle from her, I mouth quietly, “He told on me.” “I heard that.” Murphy turns. “You two play nice.” Charlie chuckles, not bothering to turn around. Its quiet for a moment until Charlie speaks up again, “If we find a working radio we can try to contact that citizen Z guy again.” “Citizen Z guy?” I ask without thinking. “He’s some kind of NASA worker or something. He is helping us get Murphy to California.” Warren explains. Murphy interrupts me before I speak as he says sarcastically, “Ah Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love.” He leans over me to the window, pointing out two male Zombies tearing apart a body. I groan in disgust as we drive past them. I am genuinely surprised and comforted when I notice that none of them cry or jump to save the victim, glad to see that they are sensible people. “Is that?-” Warren trails off as she looks to the side slowing down the truck. Charlie and her exit and some of us smile as we see the Liberty bell strapped onto the bed of a truck. “Is that really the liberty bell?” Mack yells out. Doc jumps out from the trunk, awe-stricken, “Three years of the zombie apocalypse and you think you’ve seen everything.” Murphy leans over me, pushing half his body out the window and pulling some of my hair with him. “OW!” I say angry and annoyed only to be ignored. He groans as he lets his arms hang on the side of the truck, “Who cares? Let’s go!” “Hang on, the thing might still have gas.” “try not to blow it up like Jersey.” Charlie laughs. I look at Cassandra with frightened eyes, “wait… don’t tell me that explosion was you guys-” She gives me a hesitated, regretful smile before I can finish. I look back out the window, trying to see passed Murphy’s big head, “so glad I came along.” I sigh. We wait as warren checks the gas tank of the white truck. “Its loaded up, we can have some of the others ride in here so they aren’t out in the open like that.” Warren speaks to Charlie more than the rest of us, consulting in the middle of the road. “Amen for that!” Doc points at the bell, “99% of the human race dead, but there is still some jackass out there with a spray can.” Doc shakes his head, disappointed. Everyone stares at the bell, not noticing when Warren opens the door to the truck. Growling surprises everyone and a zombie launches itself toward Warren. Suddenly a small whistle comes from behind the truck. I turn to see 10k with a slingshot and then back at the z, now dead in the seat. “one thousand seventy-five.” he smiles. “Wow,” I whisper, hoping no one heard my praise. “Please don’t tell me that turned you on or anything.” Murphy groans as he puts his weight on my thighs. “Murphy! You ride in here with Warren and me.” Charlie calls out. “Thank god.” I groan, opening the door to push him out the truck. He lands on the ground with a cry and is pulled up by Doc. Murphy comes up to the window, staring at me coldly, “You wanna fight or something?” My smile fades and I become defensive, “Boy, I will beat yo ass.” he is pulled back by doc, “I’m not an expert or anything, but probably not smart to mess with a professional kickboxer.” he whispers to Murphy. ***************************************** Doc speeds behind Warren, glancing at 10k every so often. I can’t help but glance at him either as I am squished in the back seat with Cassandra, Mack, and Addy. “So can you really kill someone with just your hands?” Addy asks me. “I was kind of trained to.” Suddenly the truck swerves and a small car almost collides into us. I hold myself steady with the safety handle above me and the cushion of the driver’s seat, feeling the weight of everyone slide on my arm. Doc swerves before stopping and we watch as the others skid in front of us, The Liberty Bell snapping off the cables plummeting down the road. It bounced heavily on the ground and leaves a blood trail as it smashes through every Z in its path. I stare at a pair of legs staying in one place before toppling over each other. “I’d pay money to see that again!” Doc shouts with a smile on his face. I’ll admit, as gruesome as it looked it was awesome. “Everyone in the truck,” Warren yells. Once again we are all in the same truck, but we only drive a little while longer before stopping again. We all sit in the back of the trunk, warren handing out Twinkies and snowballs. I’m not really listening to any of them talking, but when I look up I have to giggle as I see 10k shove an entire Twinkie in his mouth. “that’s the last of the food.” Warren announces. “We need to split up and look for food and water.” Charlie starts talking, but I zone out when the others do. “Doc you take 10k, Cassandra and Maren to look for food.” I perk up when I hear my name and scramble a bit when everyone splits up.
“You’ve never seen porn?!” I hear Doc yell in disbelief trying to hold up the satellite on the side of the building. I turn to 10k who looked slightly embarrassed but was still focused on disfiguring the satellite dish. 
“Is it good?” He asks. 
Cassandra and I exchange a look as Doc answers enthusiastically, “Uh, yeah!”
10k looks at us for reassurance, “Meh.” Cassandra and I answer in unison. 
10k laughs a bit and returns to the satellite. 
“I’m going to go look for food while you two figure out…” 
I stop realizing their struggling has their full attention.
“Whatever you are trying to do.” I finish.
“Want company?” Cassandra asks. “Nah I’ll be quick, plus, someone has to look after these two.” I walk down the street, taking one last look at Cassandra. She seems jumpy, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t curious about why she was so defensive about stopping in Philly. She hasn’t stopped looking around or fidgeting with her clothing. The way she is acting reminds me of when I first escaped. 
I continue down the street, reminding myself that I had enough to worry about, I don’t need someone else’s problems either. “I’m just catching a ride,” I say to myself.
After rummaging through dusty, cryptic stores I put the food I had been able to salvage into the middle of my jean jacket and tie the arms, creating a makeshift bag. I look at the packaging and remember how they used to be lined up at stores and handed out in schools, things like peanut butter crackers, canned corn, and ramen noodle packets.
Taking an estimated guess at how long I’d been gone I begin to walk back to the others. 
The air is quiet.
But a familiar smell beckons me to stop.
Something rolls along the rocks behind me, slow and eerie. I turn and see a bottle come to a stop about 10 feet from me. The bottle’s label is filthy and peeling away. To take a closer look I swing my makeshift “bag” over my shoulder and lean over. Maybe it was a Z?
The smell of oil and gas push me away and that’s when I see it.
Backing away, I’m trying incredibly hard not to make any noise. The alley beside the bottle began to illuminate from a match, revealing several shadows. I glance back at the bottle and follow the trail of oily substance all the way into the building to my left. 
I continue to back away slowly before they realize-
“Shit” I sigh as I see a shadowed hand drop the match into the oil. 
I grunt as I push my self to run down the street, the fire spreading wildly into the building. An explosion sends my hair forward and numbs my ears. I stop as I hear a high pitch ringing. 
I try to turn, but all I do is run. No matter how badly I want to turn around I just keep running. 
I hold the jacket bag tightly sprinting away from the explosion until my body rams into something hard and solid, arms wrapping around me. I can’t tell who it is even by their voice yelling my name. The ringing won’t go away and my entire vision is blurred. It isn’t until I see familiar blue eyes and blonde hair that I lean into his chest. “Maren?! Have you seen Addy?!” Mack yells. I try to shake away my disoriented vision, “Addy? What, what are you talking about?” I turn before he answers. 
How long have I been running?
“Addy! I can’t find her!” He becomes hysterical and drags me by the arm. 
Did he not hear the explosion?
How far was I?
I can’t stop asking myself questions, but the one on repeat is: how am I still standing?
I look back up and see Warren, Charlie, and Murphy. 
“There you are!”
“Addy’s gone!”
I’m not paying attention to who is saying what, instead I lean on the truck, my head looking down. “Uh, I think Rocky is gonna go down.” I hear Murphy say as he steps away from me. “What is going on?!”
I look up and see Doc and 10k making their way toward us, “Maren? Girl, where’d you go? Wait, Cassandra is not with you ?”
“Addy’s missing too!”
I try to look at them in order to match faces to words, but I just end up falling to the ground, Charlie catching me before I hit the pavement. 
He sits me slowly down by the wheel of the truck and steps back. 
“Maren?” He asks, but his voice is muffled. “Maren!” 
“I hear you,” I say, unsure if I whispered or screamed. Charlie hands me his water and puts it up to my lips. I take two gulps before he asks, “What happened?”
“What happened was that Addy-”
“Mack, just wait for a second!” Charlie shouts and turns his attention to me again. I see Warren begin to comfort Mack and watch as he pulls out Addy’s mini video camera. 
My eyes are pulled back to Charlie and he puts his fingers on my chin and examines me. 
The words are severed from my throat as Cassandra runs up to the truck. 
“Hey, sorry I was out-” she’s cut off as Mack’s eyes go from worry to bloodthirsty. “What the hell did you do?” He asks grabbing her arm and shows her the video camera footage. “Aren’t those more of you biker buddies from Jersey?” 
Cassandra looks like a deer in headlights and the moment Mack loosens his grip she books it into an alley. I try to get up but am kept down my Charlie. He stumbles up, “Doc, take a look at her!” I watch as Charlie runs behind Warren and Mack, chancing terrified Cassandra. Everything still looks fuzzy and a white blur coats everything I see. Doc leans down in front of me calling out for 10k.
He hands him the first aid pack and shifts around for a cotton swab. “I’m just going to stop the bleeding.” He reassures me.
Did I fall? 
He isn’t answering me and I start to panic that I can’t speak. 
“Doc!” I finally blurt out in need of answers 
“One sec, kid!”
I sit patiently, not even feeling pain where he is treating me on the side of my forehead. 
“Okay. Can you hear me?” he says that my eardrums pop and begin going back to normal. I nod my head and stay on the ground longer. “What the hell happened to you?” 
I look down the street and at 10k, panic in my eyes. Even though I didn’t answer I knew.
I knew exactly what happened and why.
I know who’s watching.
I know whose waiting.
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221bshrlocked · 7 years
Wicked Games
Pairing: Peter Parker X Reader
Words: 802
Warnings: Angst.
Anon asked “Idk if you're taking requests but if you are I was wondering if you could do a Peter Parker imagine with the wicked games by ursine vulpine :)
A/N: This should be a given but I’m only writing g rated fics for Peter Parker. No one ask me to write smut for him. He’s underage. Let me know if you want to be tagged HERE or HERE.
Part 2
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He knew you’d find out eventually. He was always careful, especially when you were close by, but he knew that he would screw up one time and let it slip. It was funny really because he spent so much time making sure he wouldn’t say anything that he forgot to put his suit back in its place after last night.
You came by, ready to study for that math exam in two days. Not seeing his shoes, you tripped and spilled orange juice all over your shirt. You asked May to borrow a shirt from her closet when he told you to just borrow one from Peter’s.
So you did. And your heart stopped when you saw the familiar red material in the corner of the closet. Not knowing what to do, you quickly grabbed a shirt and changed, attempting to calm yourself before Peter came. He should have told you. You were his best friend. But something told you he had his reasons. So you decide to pretend you didn’t see anything.
That was until Peter came in and saw you wearing his shirt. He dropped his bag and went to his closet, regret washing over his face before turning around to look at you.
Looking up, you tried to tell him that he was late and that you needed help as soon as possible when you saw the look he was giving you. Sitting your stuff down, you stood up and walked over to him, giving him a hug and telling him that everything was okay and that you weren’t angry at him.
The world was on fire and no one could save me but you It's strange what desire will make foolish people do I never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you And I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you
“Y/N.” He didn’t know what to say. He tried to so hard to keep this away from you, knowing very well that if anyone found out that you knew, your life would be in danger. And he hated what he was about to say. He loved you too much. He would never risk this. Never risk you.
No, I don't wanna fall in love No, I don't wanna fall in love With you
Pulling away, he sat on his bed and told you why he didn’t want you to find out. He hated how understanding you were.
“Peter it’s fine I promise I won’t tell a soul. I’ll pretend th-”
“No Y/N. That’s not why I told you this. I’m saying...god damn it.” He shook his head, his heart clenching at what he was about to say.
“What is it?” You tried to pat his back but he pulled away, making you give him a quizzical look.
“We can’t be...I can’t be your friend.”
Of all the things you expected him to say, that was not one of them.
“Wha- what do you mean?” He looked up at the sound of your voice breaking.
What a wicked game to play To make me feel this way What a wicked thing to do To let me dream of you What a wicked thing to say You never felt this way What a wicked thing to do To make me dream of you
“I’m saying...now that you know, it’s too dangerous. You need to forget this.”
“Peter if this is some sick joke you need to tell me now or I swear t-” You started crying, trying to grasp what he was saying to you. He hated what he had to say to make you leave. He hated that your friendship would end like this. He hated that he only way to tell you to leave was to end things roughly with you.
He hated it.
“Jeez Y/N are you too stupid to understand what I’m trying to tell you.” His voice came out louder than he intended, making you flinch before quietly packing your stuff and leaving.
No, I don't wanna fall in love No, I don't wanna fall in love No, I don't wanna fall in love No, I don't wanna fall in love With you
You walked out, ignoring May’s comments about dinner and shutting the door behind you. Halfway to your home, you realized you still had his shirt and he had yours. You were never going to talk again. You were never going to ask him for your shirt. And you were never going to give his back.
A memory of how things used to be between the two of you. Wiping your tears away, you walked quietly through the streets, pretending that nothing happened and knowing that when you see him tomorrow morning, you were going to look past him and forget that he ever existed.
Permanent tag list: @meganlane84 @mizzzpink @bringmetheemobands @kimistry27 @fireandicewillsuffice @vacam79 @amrita31199 @badassbaker @feelmyroarrrr @aekr @sexy-sea-basss @isaxhorror @actual-bucky-barnes-trash @cassandras-musings @mo320 @ssweet-empowerment @kapolisradomthoughts @queenmeplus1d @chameerah @purple-mango @harleyquinnandscarletwitch @bellejeunefillesansmerci @angryschnauzer @bladebarnes @huntermichelle @kristygeary @mrs-stan-barnes @jjlevin @retroasgardian @carailly @clean-and-claire @barnesvogue @also-known-as-me @seb-fucker-tucker @memory-of-a-goldfish @theonlyone-meeeee @debzybrazy @seeyainanotherlifebrotha @cloverrover @chameerah @mcuimxgine @hi-my-name-is-riley @kanupps06 @danni-blog @missmeganrachel @harrisbn @teenwolftimelord @queen-merc
Peter Parker: @lamia-maizat @thebasicwhitegirll  @purple-storm
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