#evil mastermind roxas
strayheartless · 8 months
Things heard in the land of departure:
Riku: you know sometimes I think I’ve had enough of today. But then Roxas throws his keyblade full force at my head; Kairi manages to flood the training room while I’m the one babysitting trainees and I think “oh! I was wrong! Now I’ve had e-fucking-nough of today!”
Sora: it only kills me if I die!
Roxas: I regret to inform the council that I have settled on being the problem child today.
Aqua: if anyone needs me I’ll be screaming into the void.
Ven: you know, vanitas isn’t all that bad once you get to know him. he’s only tried to take over my entire being like… *starts counting on his fingers*
Sora: you gunna cry?! Oh, shit man your actually crying! Do you need to talk?
Isa: if I mutilate my face again do I still have to participate?
Roxas: 🎶 someone made my best friend cry, do da do da. That punk ass bitch is gunna die, oh do do da day🎶 *jazz hands*
Terra: I’ll admit, historically I have not always made decisions that place me on the moral high ground. Yet today I find myself with the absolute pleasure of getting to say “ I told you so!”
Aqua: *bodily hands Kairi to Riku like she’s a badly behaved cat* Take her before I do something everyone but me regrets.
Kairi: I’m my defence Lea said ‘probably not’ and he should really know better then to challenge me like that.
Sora: “oh sora, why aren’t you a master yet? Oh sora, when are you planning on retaking the mark of mastery?” Well Susan I’d actually planned on not almost dying every month of the year first!
Ven: It scares me that soon I’ll be the grown up kids need to take with them to Disney town.
Xion: wait no! Why does Kairi have a battle axe?!? Parlé, Parlé PARLÉ!!!!!
Riku: After some careful consideration I’ve decided to give up. Thank you for understanding.
Ven: why is the floor talking?!? *Terra pops up from behind a counter* oh, that’s why.
Lea: *after going toe to toe with Terra* “a little master vs student never hurt.” WRONG I am VeRy mUcH hUrT!
Roxas: People often ask me why I decided to train under Riku if I hate him so much. The answer is quite simple really, How else am I meant to ensure is suffering?
Xion: Master Aqua says that the gods give the hardest battles to the strongest soldier. What I wanna know is, is that legally binding? Cause I don’t remember signing shit!
Riku: I’d ask why you are covered in glitter, but at this point I’ve accepted my fate. *gets attacked by a glittery Sora and Kairi*
Isa: do you ever just… regret existence?
Lea: oh yeah, all the time!
Ven: today I made the mistake of telling Roxas to bite me… now I think I need stitches.
Sora: For all I’m famous for being able to fall asleep anywhere, I sure do be allergic to falling asleep in bed.
Ven & Roxas: mood.
Terra: I shall be unavailable until further notice. I’m not busy I’m just sick of looking at all of you.
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embraceyourdestiny · 2 years
Random headcanon kh spitballing here (Unfinished)
Xehanort doesn’t know everything that’s going to happen right? He looked at the BoP but from what I know it was more like a glance, he didn’t read the whole thing front to back and do every single thing it said in there. So, he shouldn’t have known about Roxas.
I know he “planned for every eventuality” but even for him it’s a little far fetched for him to make a plan where he loses so many times before he “wins,” and yet he still loses. What’s the point, you know? Xehanort wasn’t a man who seemed to care much about fate or the future, so I don’t see him going this far out of his way to “maintain balance” and let things run their course to the “correct” because that’s so much work for something he gets nothing out of. So, why go recruit Roxas?
Does he really assume (or “know”) from meeting the kid once and getting his ass handed to him by him that Sora’s the one to fulfill his plan? He lost! And he was dead at this point. If he doesn’t know the entire future than this was a major hiccup/setback. His consciousness was technically scattered to the winds even though he was supposed to be the hooded figure in kh1 that became Ansem. I’m supposed to believe he was operating his empty-heart-tank and watching all this go down and when destroyed he just chilled as a little heart piece as he waited for the rest of the pieces to fall into place? (An entirely different question/rant of how when being dead like 5 different times his pieces stayed in one place for a course of 3 years because this is kh and that’s semantics, right?)
So, with him having no idea about the future, Sora, or what his involvement meant, I really don’t see reason as to why Xemnas would’ve pursued Roxas for him join join the Organization.
Except one.
The connection between Terra and Ventus.
Let’s say we believe it possible that while Xehanort waited to be restored Xemnas and Xehanort would be able to communicate. After finding Roxas, yes I believe Mega-Mastermind Xehanort would’ve figured out a way to deploy Roxas into his plans (which makes all his failures with the fake Kingdom Hearts make sense and proof he didn’t actually know everything, he just planned around all his mess ups a thousand times. Prepare to be unprepared and plan ahead that you will fail is Xehanort’s motto even up to Melody of Memory with Unreality, I guess), but before? When Ansem just got destroyed and Xemnas just came into existence and he didn’t intercept either of them yet to tell the plan? I don’t buy it.
I do think Xemnas would have intimate knowledge about Roxas and Sora’s situation but not because of Old Man Xehanort. Instead, through Ansem. Ansem was already aware of Nobodies, so his Evil Scientist Brain would’ve known that to get Kairi to open Kingdom Hearts while in Sora, he’d create a Nobody from releasing their hearts. So when that happens and also happens to Ansem, Xemnas is already aware that whatever next Nobody he finds in the Realm Between, chances are it’s gonna be Sora’s. So, knowing who Roxas is and where he’d be? Check.
But still, not motive for why he goes to him.
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xiolette · 3 years
Reworking Ansem SoD and Xemnas: Fuck Xehanort
Ansem SoD and Xemnas were interesting characters when they were introduced. Remember that? I’m going to recreate that, because their entire characters being reduced to “bleh Xehanort!” pisses me off!
Xehanort’s plan to take over Terra’s body didn’t work out the way he planned. 
He was successful, for a bit, until the fight with Aqua. When Terra took control and turned his keyblade on himself, that was the end of Xehanort. 
It was also the end of Terra, unfortunately. 
Or, at least, Terra as we knew him. 
It continues as it originally did: An amnesiac Terranort is taken in by Ansem and the apprentices. The only name he remembers is Xehanort but it feels wrong. He doesn’t like it. He has a feeling that he was someone else, but its the only name he has so they go with it. It always rubs him the wrong way. 
Master Xehanort is dead. He is not an influence on Terranort, besides the little remaining memories that cling to him. The important thing here is that this is Terra. Just... an amnesiac, broken down, more susceptible to darkness after All That Terra. 
He takes to being an apprentice surprisingly well! After Ansem and the gang were able to set up some accommodations (I hc that Terra has really bad dyslexia) he’s thriving. Terra is smart, he’s just never had the opportunity to show it. Eraqus saw that he struggled with the more academic side of things and redirected him towards physical keyblade handling because that’s obviously where he thrived. (Which is accurate to an extent, but left Terra with the impression that he’s just dumb and shouldn’t bother with anything else)
In the absence of internal shame and embarrassment and with an instructor that’s actually working with him Terranort soaks up everything like a sponge. He’s guided towards the more metaphysical side of things, latent influence from both Terra and Xehanort being keyblade masters and that knowledge running around deep in his subconsciousness. 
 Ansem’s fascination with his missing memories and Terranort’s own need to figure out who the hell he is spur the experiments that kickstart the whole plot of KH. 
Terranort is being led along by the idea that the heart is important somehow that this is the key to everything. He has bits and pieces that point to something and that something becomes an obsession. This obsession in more than encouraged by Ansem who proposes his own theories and is just glad to see his young apprentice excited about something. 
Terranort convinces Ansem to use him as a test subject, because it’s his heart and his memories and he doesn’t want anyone else being dragged into this. (ha.) 
The experiment was a success.... to a point. Terranort unlocks some memories, but they’re disconnected and scattered and the lack of context leads to the conclusion that whoever he used to be was not a good person. In fact he may have killed a few people. 
This is distressing and Terranort immediately withdraws into himself. Ansem, noticing the change, put an end to the experiments because sometimes things are best left in the past. 
The added pieces of the puzzle only make Terranort more obsessed. He’s angry and bitter over who he (thinks he) used to be be and is angry and bitter over the perceived abandonment of his mentor. (A small part of his mind tells him that this has happened before.) 
Insert: the recruitment of the rest of the apprentices and the KH1 Ansem Reports. 
Curiosity and (mostly) good intentions go horribly wrong and everyone ends up jumping off the slippery slope. 
It’s so interesting when you read the original Ansem Reports how he comes across as a well-intentioned figure that just slowly lets the darkness eat away at him until he’s convinced that this is all there is and all there will be. Then he, y’know, causes the apocalypse over of it. ❤️
Lead up is different, motivations are different - end result is the same. 
Then on the other side in KH2 you have Xemnas who is treated as a villain, yes, but a distinctly tragic one. Remember when his only motivation was to get his heart back? He may not have cared about anyone else also getting their hearts back, but he wanted his. 
Remember when he wasn’t trying to turn everyone into a Xehanort clone and never intended to get his own heart and that despite the supposed amnesia he’s still Xehanort and when he didn’t do everything because of Some Grand Evil Plan? 
I’m angry
But the desperate (and Nobodies are desperate creatures) want/need for his heart despite only remembering the negative emotions always struck me. Like, one: It’s better to feel bad than to feel nothing. Two: That’s fucked up man. 
I do like to believe that Xemnas cared or at least felt a certain kinship to his fellow Nobodies, but also he can’t feel nor does he remember how to fake empathy and still saw everyone as more of a tool than an individual. 
Because that’s, y’know, interesting. 
Again, everything is pretty much exactly the same as what happens in the main games. Nothing much needs to change there, because, like I said, they were interesting characters when they were introduced. 
Post KH2 reformation we get Terranort again! And he feels like shit! (As he deserves.) 
I would like for the protagonists to deal with the fact that the Big Grand Evil Villain was Just Some Dude who was a decent person at first but just went overboard. I would also like Terranort and friends to deal with the fact that this was on him. There wasn’t an evil mastermind brainwashing their friend - it was their friend. 
Uhhhh more solid parallels between him and Riku where Terra didn’t have anyone to reign him in, but Riku did. 
I should mention in this AU Ansem SoD becomes like a weird sort of father figure to Riku that actually gives advice and tries to get him to see his side while Riku is like, “Dude. You killed so many people.” “Fair.” 
Evil father figure Riku has mixed feelings about ❤️
The end result isn’t a full redemption arc, because Terranort really can’t get that. He crossed too many lines to have a fully happy ending. He does get reunited with the BBS dudes, though, and they all have to deal with the aftermath. His memories are never fully restored and, yeah, the Terra they knew is effectively dead and there’s some dude who looks like him in his place. 
It’s messy! 
DDD who? KH3 what? Real Organization XIII? 13 Darknesses??? I don’t know them. That sounds made up. 
(DDD is just the Mark of Mastery and Sora AND Riku both dealing with their trauma. Also the discovery of Aqua and Ven who need help like NOW) 
(KH3 is just Sora and Co. rescuing Aqua and Ven and Roxas and Namine and just giving everyone a relatively satisfying conclusion. No need for a grand epic battle. Just people picking up pieces and finding ways to move on.) 
(That’s it that’s the end of the series goodnight.)
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KH-OC Week - Catch Up: Day 3 - (3 AUG 2021)
For this day, I will be covering 2 prompts: 'Loss' and 'Heartless/Nobody appearance'.
Firstly, for 'loss', I ended up having a dream, which seemed to play on the BBS scene where Eraqus was struck down (so relating to this theme; losing Eraqus; losing someone dear to you). Only in the dream, Xehanort didn't have his way, and the Land of Departure remained in existence. And then it seems like the situation was swapped, and Terra seemed to bring a 'you get what you give' experience to my end:
Dream No. M79A - Master Eraqus' Second Chance (24 JUL 2021):
The dream started with me at the Land of Departure, outside, witnessing the cutscene after Terra (KH-BBS appearance) fighting Master Eraqus, for myself. In the same way, Terra went “What have I have done?”, as he then started crying. However, I quickly came and wrapped myself around Terra (now suddenly in KH3 appearance) from behind and closed my eyes, but it wasn’t just an ordinary hug. I seemed to be able to exercise the power to bring Eraqus back to life, that is, if I was able to say the right words (while in the void via Terra) to Eraqus to convince him to come back.
It wasn’t long before Riku (KH3 appearance) came up to me and gently said, “Terra’s grieving”, suggesting I leave Terra and go with him. For some reason, I seemed to trick Riku into thinking I was feeling slightly remorseful that I couldn’t help Terra; I kept to myself that I had already acted, and in a profound way. So for the time being, neither Terra or Riku knew what was about to unfold, and Terra continued to weep outside as Riku took me into the halls.
The dream then seemed to play from a third-person perspective for some time, as Terra walked in, but seemed surprised when he noticed Eraqus standing on the top level. Terra shouted “Master!” as he ran up to the second level to meet Eraqus. With Terra being literally gobsmacked that Eraqus was there, they went into a side area to talk. Terra asked Eraqus, “Was it Aqua?”, in which Eraqus responded with no. “Was it Ven?”, Eraqus said no again. But, realising that Terra couldn’t possibly guess anyone else…
Eraqus continued something like, “It’s someone who has a very special place in your heart. She told me to come back. In-fact I can show you what she said to me”. With Terra closing his eyes, the scene went to when I was in the black void, floating in-front of Master Eraqus as I said something like, “It wasn’t Terra’s fault, Eraqus, please forgive him. (forgotten in the middle), I hope I’ve done enough, and that you decide to come back”. As Terra opened his eyes, there was a quick sub-scene at the front of the halls, of Kairi and I standing side by side as Terra’s voice said, “There’s two princesses of light”.
The dream went back to the main scene, from my perspective again now. I was standing with Riku at the front of the halls as Terra walked out of the side area. I approached Terra, who had a look of awe on his face, as when I was right in-front of him, he wrapped me in a tight hug. The dream camera showed Riku first of all looking confused, but then the awareness of my situation seemed to hit him, and he sighed and gave a close-mouthed smile with the energy of ‘you cheeky dreamer’.
As Terra released me, my phone went off; Terra going to join where Aqua and Ventus were standing, while I went closer to Riku to answer my phone. It was my mum, and she seemed to be crying over the phone. She told me that I had to come home; that my grandma had died. I grew upset and started crying as I approached Riku and said, “we have to go home”, telling him what happened. With a look of sorrow, Riku gave a remorseful groan as he welcomed me into his arms.
After a lengthy hold, Riku released me and I thought we would now be going. But then for some reason, I didn’t know how Riku and I could get home. I looked over at Terra and said that Riku and I could use his help, in which he softly nodded and left Aqua and Ventus’ area. Terra realised what I wanted as he equipped his armour and opened some sort of portal in the room. Like in an earlier dream, Terra got me to sit in-front of him as he leaned over me, while Riku seemed to be hanging from the vehicle like he was holding onto some monkey-bars.
Landing in my house, I went to my mum who was in the front room, visibly very upset at what had happened, while Riku and Terra watched on from the side of the room. And I too ended up crying again at the inescapable feeling that my grandma was gone. After a few moments of me just standing there and sobbing, Terra slowly walked over to me and draped me in another long, tight hug, me now crying on his shoulder.
When he released me, that’s when the dream went to the next scene, but it felt like it was playing as a sub-scene. My grandma was standing in-front of the central heating unit, and was talking, seemingly how she was explaining how she was back. But it sounded weird as she was saying all these complex English sentences, and English isn’t her first language IRL. At first, I was wondering how she came back, but then an energy hit me, and I realised it was Terra. When he held me in the front room, he was returning the favour; he basically did the reciprocal of how I had brought back Master Eraqus for him. After a while of my grandma saying some weird stuff, the dream ended.
Secondly, the 'Nobody/Heartless' prompt:
Firstly, my name as a nobody would be Xalkra; and I have my own Organisation XIII. As for appearances, I haven't really considered it much yet. Xalkra would obviously be wearing the black coat. Like Larxene, she has a bratty demeanour and can be quite devious. Xalkra is the leader of the Org, and has the title of 'The Mastermind'. I use my academic gifts and abilities for good things; she uses hers for ulterior motives.
And then in my AU, I have two side main characters, two teddies (a male and a female) called Selvian and Sierra. In adapting them to the KH AU, they are like my Donald (Selv.) and Goofy (Sier.), and we would form a KH trio in itself if the criteria required. I have an archived drawing (from my GIMP days) of the two bears as their nobody forms, Lexavnis and Serrixa. For height perspective, the bears would come up to my pelvic bones:
Tumblr media
Today I know more about KH than I used to; and now I understand that the nobodies aren't necessarily fully evil. So if I had to revise their appearance today; I would. Lexavnis and Serrixa seem to have a heartless palette going on here.
With my previous fan-fic AU, Lexavnis and Serrixa would do Xalkra's bidding. In the story, Xalkra said that Selvian and Sierra had to race Lexavnis and Serrixa (our Org can could co-exist at the same time; so like Sora and Roxas), and the prize was the spare vessel that Selv. and Sier. had to try and win to revive/re-create Repliku, after we thought he was killed off in KH3.
Bonus (still Heartless/Nobody) - Horace:
I do have other teddy bear OCs, but they don't feature as much as they are not the main two. They would also make up Xalkra's Org 13. There's one bear called Horace, who I have concepted to be an obese bear that doesn't know his limits, so much so that he even goes around and eats furniture (eg. why does your bed only have 3 legs?). He is quite 'dumb', he doesn't speak, just wanders around, 'rumbles' and eats things. Others have to keep him away from objects/structures, and vice-versa.
His nobody is called Raxeoch. Once again, he can't talk, he may appear 'dumb', BUT he is actually smart, otherwise how can he eat things to help Xalkra's motives? Unlike Horace, Raxeoch knows what to destroy. In the fan-fic I wrote, the start of the assault on Riku's Destiny Islands property was when Riku caught 'a teddy bear', trying to stuff a sun lounge chair into his gob. I never finished the fan-fic; I was eventually going to get Raxeoch to eat Riku's (or maybe somebody else's) keyblade.
Let me know if you ever want a drawing to be done of Horace (I currently don't have one).
Edit: Forgot to mention that teddies cannot wield keyblades.
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yandereeternity · 5 years
Here’s the master list under the cut! Do whatever you want with these, have a binge read or use them as inspo for your own headcanons (just credit me haha).
My Hero Academia
NSFW - Setsuno Toya forced to watch Overhaul take his darling
Todoroki Shouto with a darling who moves on from him
NSFW - Bakugou Katsuki
Eijiro Kirishima with a darling who's in 1A
Centaur Bakugour Katsuki
NSFW - Centaur Bakugou Katsuki part 2
Aizawa Shouta marriage headcanons
Naga Midoriya Izuku
Oni Kirishima Eijiro
Oni Kirishima Eijiro part 2
Emoji ask game - All Might, Eraserhead, Present Mic
Yandere mini headcanons - Izuku Midoriya
Yandere mini headcanons - Katsuki Bakugou
NSFW - Inko Midoriya
NSFW and general Yo Shindo and Inasa Yoarashi headcanons
Iida Tenya controlling his darling
Ojiro Mashirao
Shigaraki Tomura with natsuo Todoroki as his darling
NSFW and general headcanons for Mirio Togata
Iida tenya falling for a trouble maker
Ibara Shiozaki, Shinso Hitoshi and Natsuo Todoroki headcanons
Izuku Midoriya with an easily hurt darling
Kingdom Hearts
Vanitas with an escaped darling
NSFW - Vanitas with a female darling
Xigbar reuniting with a darling after KH2
Vanitas general headcanons
Vanitas general headcanons part 2
Soft Lexaeus with a lonely darling
Vanitas who's darling is afraid of the dark
Vanitas punishing his darling
Vanitas manipulating a bratty darling
Vanitas' rules for his 'little light' darling
Naga Vanitas part 1
Naga Vanitas part 2
Xigbar the Alp
Demyx the merman
Demyx general headcanons
Marluxia the Vampire
Vanitas with a darling who helps him cope with the unversed
Xigbar stalking headcanons
Zexion the Ghost
Xigbar with a strong willed darling
NSFW and general - Roxas and Ventus with a female darling
NSFW - Marluxia with a female darling
Yandere mini headcanons - Axel
Yandere mini headcanons - Vanitas
Ghost Zexion part 2
Marcus Damon general headcanons
Ken Ichijouji/The Digimon Emperor with a Digidestined darling
Lucemon with a digidestined darling
Myotismon with a digidestined darling
Emoji ask game with the Digimon Emperor, Myotismon and Lucemon
Lucemon after kidnapping his darling
Lucemon with a male darling
Myotismon with a darling who already has a partner
Lucemon manipulating his darling
Ken Ichijouji after his digimon emperor phase
Lucemon with a darling who tries to escape
Lucemon with a Wizardmon darling
Touch starved Apocalymon
Evil Cherubimon
Koichi Kimura spending christmas with his darling
Shaman king
Hao Asakura general headcanons
Tao Ren whos darling tries to leave
Hao Asakura with a chubby, human darling
hao Asakura with a chubby, human darling part 2
Tao Ren with Iron Maiden Jeanne as his darling
Horohoro Usui jealousy headcanons
Hao Asakura with an older darling
Hao Asakura with an escaped darling
Horohoro Usui with Tao Ren as his darling
Yoh Asakura with a human darling
NSFW and general - Yoh Asakura with a reciprocating darling
NSFW - Hao Asakura gets his darling pregnant
Hao Asakura with a scientist darling
Dragon Hao Asakura saving his dragon darling
Demon Hao Asakura
Hao Asakura's favourite things to do with his darling
Hao Asakura who has a ticklish spot
Black Butler
NSFW - Paula with a male darling
Elizabeth Midford the Guardian Angel
Vincent Phantomhive the Elf
Grell Sutcliff the siren
Undertaker the Ghost
Ciel Phantomhive with a time traveller darling
Sebastian Michaelis with a darling who has cat-like abilities
Ouran Highschool Hostclub
NSFW - Kasanoda Ritsu with a male darling
Platonic yanderes Ichigo Kurosaki, Toshiro Hitsugaya and Hinamori Momo
Ulquiorra with a human darling
Fruits Basket
Momoji and Ayame Sohma with a girlfriend darling
Hatori Sohma with a sick darling
Emoji ask game with Hatori, Akito and Ayame
Hunter x Hunter
NSFW and general - Shaiapouf and Kurapika with a female darling
Seven Deadly Sins
Ban with a darling already in love
Yandere mini headcanons - Ban
Ban with a male thief darling
Ban with a morally inclined darling
Emoji ask game with Ban and Meliodas
Ban with a morally inclined darling part 2
Ban taking his darling on a date
Emoji ask game with Ban and King
Emoji ask game with Zeldris
King and a male darling
Ban and his darling if Elaine came back from the dead
ban and Meliodas sharing a darling
King's ideal date
Ban's darling teasing him back
The worst yandere of the seven deadly sins
Ban reacting to his darling breaking him out of prison
King supporting his darling
Rantaro Amami after he kidnaps his darling
NSFW - Gundham Tanaka with a female darling
Gundham Tanaka with a darling who hates his guts
Kiibo general headcanons
Miu Iruma general headcanons
Gundham tanaka with an escaped darling
Angie Yonaga general headcanons
Kirumi Tojo with a dependent darling
Kaito Momota general headcanons
Shuichi Saihara as the ultimate delusional yandere
Kaede Akamatsu with a female darling
Kokichi Ouma with the ultimate unlucky student
Tenko Chabashira with a female darling
NSFW and general - Kokichi Ouma with the ultimate lucky student darling
NSFW - Miu Iruma with a female darling
NSFW and general - Junko Enoshima with a female ultimate Dungeon Master
Junko Enoshima and Mikan Tsumiki general headcanons
NSFW and general - Kokichi Ouma with a submissive darling
Shuichi Saihara with a darling who tries to escape
Pregame Kokichi Ouma general headcanons
Kokichi Ouma with a darling who has self esteem issues
Kokichi Ouma with a darling who tries to escape
Kazuichi Souda with an innocent darling
NSFW and general - Nagito Komaeda
Byakuya Togami, Nagito Komaeda and Kokichi Ouma with a darling who loves someone else
Korekiyo the Naga
NSFW and general - Kokichi Ouma the Incubus
Nagito Komaeda the guardian angel
Mikan Tsumiki the Trickster
Nagito Komaeda with a dominant darling
Kokichi Ouma being possessive
Emoji ask game - Nagito Komaeda
Shuichi Saihara the giant
Emoji ask game with Chihiro, Kiibo and Chiaki
Shuichi Saihara the Giant part 2
NSFW and general Korekiyo Shinguji headcanons
Shuichi Saihara the giant part 3
Emoji ask game with Junko Enoshima
Emoji ask game with Kokichi
NSFW and general headcanons for pregame Kokichi Ouma with a submissive darling
Gundham Tanaka with an autistic darling
Maki Harukawa with Kaede as her darling
Kokichi's favourite things to do with his darling
Mastermind Kokichi Ouma and Shuichi Saihara
NSFW headcanons for Rantarou, Kokichi and Shuichi before they kidnap their darlings
Kaede Akamatsu with a male darling who teases her
Emoji ask game with Byakuya, Hajime and Tsumugi
Izuru Kamakura with a reserve course darling
Nagito Komaeda with a talentless darling
Pre-game Shuichi Saihara headcanons
Kokichi with an incredibly innocent darling
Emoji ask game with Fuyuhiko, Souda and Gundham
Pre-game Shuichi with pre-game Kokichi as his darling
Pre-game Kaito with Pre-game Kokichi as his darling
Kiibo with a FtM darlling
NSFW headcanons for Kaito with a male darling
Human Kiibo headcanons
Every Danganronpa protagonist falling for the same person
General headcanons for Ryota Mitarai
NSFW and general headcanons for Hajime Hinata
Nagito Komaeda with a yandere darling
Kokichi with a neglected darling
Kokichi with a reciprocating darling
Yandere mini headcanons - America
NSFW and general - Russia with a submissive darling
Emoji ask game with Australia, Romania and Seborga
Blood +
NSFW headcanons for the Blood + boys
Yandere Kelpie headcanons
Yandere Unicorn Headcanons
Yandere mgs Raiden headcanons
Xemnas and Gundham Tanaka with a darling who escapes
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Organization XIII - Personalities as Percentages
It’ll make sense when you start reading it tbh
20% Nothingness
25% Tired
10% Empty
20% Authority
10% Better Than You
15% Evil
100% Determined
10% Sex Appeal
15% Mystery
20% Outer Space
15% Sharpshooter
25% Double Life
15% Leather
100% Bitch
15% Sideburns
20% Broken-Hearted
10% Dreadlocks
25% Sadist
30% Whirlwind
100% Wild
35% Science
20% Evil Genius
10% Frozen
5% Leg
20% Impatient
10% Logic
100% Intellectual 
20% frowny-face
15% Eyebrows
25% Dad
30% Silence
10% Strong
100% Beef
30% Bibliophile
10% Emo
15% Illusion
20% Mastermind
15% Knowledge-Seeking
10% Retribution
100% Baby
5% Werewolf
10% Right Hand
25% Emotionless
15% Efficient
25% Moon
30% Broken
100% Efficient
30% Fire
15% Big Brother Figure
5% Friendly
10% Laid-Back
15% Risky
10% Hair
15% Reckless
100% Hot Boy
15% Secretive
10% Dance
25% Water
20% Sitar
5% Lazy
15% Comical
5% Faux Innocence
100% Baby
30% Gambling
10% Tea
5% Goatee
15% Skill
5% Luck
15% Time
10% Well-Learned
100% British
20% Pink
10% Florist
15% Flowers
10% Older Brother
20% Murderer
25% Best Friend
100% Fabulous
15% Electricity
10% Independent
20% Femme Fatale
15% Ruthless
25% Capable
15% Sarcasm
100% Wife Material
50% Sora
15% Emotional
20% Tragic Backstory
5% Sea Salt
10% Oblivion
100% Needs a Break
20% Child
30% Imperfect Replica
20% Emotionally Fragile
10% Loyal
20% Lost
100% Deserves Better
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dnmeinster · 5 years
Sorting Through Kingdom Hearts III Part 1 - Your 7 Lights, My 13 Darknesses
Spoiler Warning
There was a very specific moment that the story of Kingdom Hearts went from complicated to convoluted.  It was in KH2, when King Mickey tells Sora of the villain they fought in the first game, "He wasn't really Ansem.  He just went around telling everybody that he was."  And it only got worse from there.
 And yet, for all its messiness, I love the series, the characters, and even the storyline.  Though it might seem nonsensical, there is usually some sort of logic to it all, however skewed.
Kingdom Hearts III has me scratching my head at a bunch of developments.  Ultimately, I enjoyed the game and might even write up my impressions at some point.  But for now, I merely want to write up what's confused me and try to sort through it.
We start with Master Xehanort and his scheme to reform the X-blade and gain control over Kingdom Hearts.  I'll let him explain:
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"In ancient times, people believed that light was a gift from an unseen land by the name of Kingdom Hearts.  But Kingdom Hearts was safeguarded by its counterpart, the Chi-blade.  Warriors vied for that precious light, thus beginning the "Keyblade War." The violent clash shattered the Chi-blade into twenty pieces--seven of light, and thirteen of darkness.  And the only real Kingdom Hearts was swallowed by the darkness, never to surface again.  I once tried to create my own pure light and darkness to forge the Chi-blade, but the attempt ended in failure.  In my eagerness, I had lost sight of the correct way to achieve my goal.  I acted rashly.  I can admit that now."
Here, at the end of Dream Drop Distance, Xehanort recounts the plot of Birth by Sleep, where he separated Ventus into pure light (Ven) and pure darkness (Vanitas) before masterminding the events that led to their clash.  But their battle failed to successfully produce the Chi-blade, so Xehanort was forced to resort to Plan B, which was basically the events of KH1 and KH2.  But that didn't work out too well either, as Sora intervened to stop him.  So it was on to Plan C, or the clearly intended plot for KH3:
"I used the evil fairy to find seven pure lights for me, just as I prepared thirteen vessels to fill with pure darkness...However, I have not abandoned my ambitions--the seven guardians of light and the thirteen seekers of darkness...All the pieces are destined to appear.  Your seven lights just like my thirteen darknesses, whose final clash will beget the prize I seek--the Chi-blade!"
At this point, Xehanort has Sora in his possession, and intends to use him as his thirteenth darkness:
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"But first, the thirteen darknesses shall be united.  All the seats have been filled.  And now the last vessel shall bear my heart like the rest!"
But because of a last-minute intervention by Axel, Donald, and Goofy, Xehanort fails to unite his darknesses.
"We are out of time.  Neither the union of light nor darkness has been achieved, and we must all return to whence we came.  But, the gathering of the seven and thirteen is nigh.  Let us finish this at the fated place, once your lights and my darknesses have joined together."
So, if you're following this, Xehanort did not unite the 13 darknesses at the end of Dream Drop Distance, nor did Mickey/Sora unite their 7 lights.  That was to come in the sequel.
But what exactly does it mean to unite 13 darknesses?  Do they all have to bear Xehanort's heart in order to be considered darknesses?  Or is that purely an egotistical act?
Before we explore further, let's list out the 13 darknesses that our Xehanort gathers in KH3:
Master Xehanort
Young Master Xehanort (YMX)
Ansem, Seeker of Darkness
Riku Replica
For Number 1-5, they all already bear Xehanort's heart, as they are all a form of Xehanort, be it his original form, his younger self, his heartless, his nobody, or Terra possessed by him.  But what about Number 6-13?  Did they ever get turned into a Xehanort horcrux?  And what exactly happens to them when they do bear a piece of his heart?  Do they lose their individuality?
This was the first question that originally stumped me.  When Terra becomes possessed by Xehanort's heart, he's not really Terra anymore.  But that was a direct one-to-one transfer.  What about Xigbar?  We learn in Dream Drop Distance that he already bears a part of Xehanort's heart.
"Xigbar:  Xemnas and Xehanort formed the Organization for a very specific reason--round up a bunch of empty husks, hook them up to Kingdom Hearts, then fill them all with the exact same heart and mind.  Translation--they were gonna turn all the members in Xehanort.
Sora:  Make more Xehanorts?  You tricked your friends to...But you--aren't you scared of just turning into someone else?
Xigbar: Me? I'm already half-Xehanort."
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Two statements stand out:  "hook them up to Kingdom Hearts and then fill them with the exact same heart and mind" and "I'm already half-Xehanort."  First, by saying he's half-Xehanort, Xigbar implies that he retains part, or half, of his original self.  And he still displays much of the same characteristics that defined him in KH2 and BBS.  If he's only half Xenahort, then we can look to the first statement to understand why.  Xehanort did not fill him with the same heart and mind. He couldn't. He didn't have access to Kingdom Hearts.  So, instead, he resorted to putting a part of his heart into Xigbar.
There are a few instances in KH3 where it's less clear what is required to become one of the 13 darknesses, and they mostly involve Larxene.  This is where my confusion initially stemmed from.
Larxene reiterates multiple times that, although she has joined with the Real Organization XIII, she has no desire to bear Xehanort's heart.  Even when she meets her end, it sounds as if she has refused to become one of thirteen Xehanorts.
"I lost...to a bunch of losers!  ...But...could be worse.  Become that geezer's heart tank?  No thanks."
I originally took it to mean that she never accepts Xehanort's heart within her body.  However, this quote could also be interpreted as meaning that losing to Sora and friends was better than continuing to bear Xehanort's heart.  And, if you pay close attention to the initial battle in Scala ad Caleum, it becomes clear that she did indeed have Xehanort's heart within her.
 Take a look:
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 That’s Larxene’s weapons on that enemy.  Why is that important?
"Once a seat of power for all keyblade wielders, here I and my other selves can be one...in Scala ad Caelum."
Those twelve enemies you face are Xehanort's twelve other selves, most likely the fragments of Xehanort's heart, returning to their Master after their bearers were defeated.  Each has a weapon of one of the darknesses, from Marluxia's scythe to Vanitas' keyblade and Luxord’s cards.  Which means that all 12 darknesses did indeed possess a piece of Xehanort's heart.
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So, to state this as plainly as it can be stated, the 13 darknesses that Master Xehanort needed were indeed 13 Xehanorts, but Numbers 7-13 were only half-Xehanort; they bore a piece of his heart and not his mind.  Thus, they were able to act independently from Xehanort and were not his puppets.  This explains both their individuality continuing after becoming one of the darknesses and their subsequent betrayals.
One last bit of evidence of this is from the epilogue.  Even though Xigbar has been half-Xehanort, he still had his own agenda.
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"Some time ago I had to cast my old form away.  Been through plenty more semblances since, but it’s still me underneath it all...I had a role to play.  And after all these years, it’s done."
So Xigbar aka Luxu could continue to work toward his own goals even after becoming half-Xehanort.  At this point it should be clear:  although Xehanort assembled the 13 darknesses and united them with his own heart, he was unable to supplant their personalities and personal motivations.  Was this because it was not a one-to-one transfer of his heart?  Or because he did not possess Kingdom Hearts to replace their hearts and minds?  It's probably both.
Moving on, we can now tackle the 7 Guardians of Light:
 They all died.  And then they didn't.  And then there were even more guardians.
(8.) Lingering Will/Terra
(9.) Roxas
(10.) Xion??
Right now, we're only going to focus on 1-8.  And I'm leaving out Donald and Goofy because they're not Keyblade wielders.  But...wait. If the seven lights have to be Keyblade wielders, does that mean the 13 darknesses must be as well? Indeed, I would surmise that Xehanort needed to place a piece of his heart into all 13 darknesses in order to make them, shall we say, Keyblade-eligible. Thus, all involved in the clash to form the Chi-blade must have the heart of a Keyblade wielder.
When the Seven Guardians initially arrive at the Keyblade Graveyard, they are confronted by Terranort and a horde of Heartless.  And then they are all killed.  Why would Xehanort do this if he needs them to clash to create the blades?  We'll get to that.
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Sora ends up in the Final World, which is some sort of purgatory/afterlife.  The rest of the guardians, their hearts and probably their bodies, are trapped in the realm of light.  Xehanort has dispatched a Heartless to collect their hearts and use them to complete the Chi-blade. Their hearts are their lights, and Xehanort is capable of staging a clash with his darknesses in order to obtain the ultimate Key.  But it won't be that easy for him.
Sora, held together by Kairi's belief in him, restores himself, returns the realm of light, rescues the guardians' hearts from the Heartless, and then...travels back in time to their initial arrival at the Keyblade Graveyard.  I'm not even gonna get into that right now.
Instead, let's talk about guardian number 8.  What's changed when Sora returns?  Well, Terra's Lingering Will shows up to confront Terranort.  Where did he come from?  Turns out there's an optional cutscene in the Final World where Sora has a discussion with Namine.
"While sifting through memories, I spoke to Terra, the Keyblade wielder you’ve been looking for.  He has a strong will, and it keeps him tethered to the realm of light.  I’ll try tracing that connection."
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Namine is the reason that the seven guardians survive their second arrival at the Keyblade Graveyard, as none seem to remember their first, including Sora and Kairi.  Why is that exactly?  I'm thinking it has something to do with Kingdom Hearts' rules of time travel.
Since the seven guardians survive, they go on to clash with the 13 darknesses.  And each clash begets a piece of the Chi-blade.  Even though all of the darknesses are defeated, save one, the Chi-blade is formed, Kingdom Hearts is summoned, and Master Xehanort is on his way to victory.
Except Master Xehanort is also a portal.  A time and space portal.
What is it with this game and time travel?  We'll take a deep dive in Part 2.
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swapauanon · 6 years
Kingdom Hearts: re:coded and how not to convey your theme
Okay so, we all know what people think of re:coded’s story. I mean, the gameplay is pretty great, but the story...
Okay, it has a pretty good moral “People are people, regardless of background”, and tries to get this moral across by making the protagonist a digital copy of Sora.
And here’s our first problem.
Mickey and Co. treat Data-Sora as an extension of Sora and not his own person, and he’s treated as a disposable tool by our heroes. That and he never contemplates the nature of his existence until Maleficent destroys his fake Keyblade. Then we get a legitimately good way of getting the moral across, Pete and Maleficent refuse to acknowledge Data-Sora as a real person. Granted, it’s undermined by the fact that Donald and Goofy don’t acknowledge Data-Sora as an individual, but still, I can at least give this sequence of events a “You Tried” sticker.
That and Data-Sora growing a heart of his own and forging a real Keyblade to save Donald and Goofy was awesome.
Unfortunately, things go downhill as the writers forget that Data-Riku shouldn’t shoulder the original Riku’s guilt, on account of the fact that DATA-RIKU WAS NEVER A VILLAIN, so all of his guilt comes across as wangsty rather than heartfelt, and you just wanna wring his little digital neck by the time you get to memory!Agrabah!
Ahem... Sorry about that. Regardless, once Data-Sora has debugged Data-Riku, we get another misstep: Data-Sora’s personality getting reset once the Bugs have been defeated. It completely undermines what little character development he’s undergone, and the scene where he gets a real Keyblade, making it less “Data-Sora’s his own person!” and more “Data-Sora was so disposable that we can erase him and replace him with a new Data-Sora! Here! Have a character you hold no emotional attachment to for the final level!”
And then we have our final, and greatest, misstep: Treating Data-Roxas and Data-Naminé as expendable tools, despite both showing sentience and self-awareness, with Data-Roxas even damning himself to the same Hell Roxas was forced into, for no reason other than “Naminé told him to”.
Oh yes, let’s talk about the little sociopath now, shall we?
This, this was the start of Naminé’s horrible backslide from “sympathetic abuse survivor” to “Token Evil Teammate of the heroes of light”! I mean, first of all, it’s revealed that the mastermind behind the events of the game was Naminé, who created the Bugs using the painful memories of Roxas, Xion, Axel, Terra, Aqua, Ventus, and herself in order to indirectly test Sora via making Data-Sora endure a living Hell! And bear in mind, the Datascape, at this point, has been established to be an entire world with countless sentient inhabitants. And Naminé put all of their lives on the line for the sake of seven people. Oh but the sociopathic behavior gets even worse when you realize that she also created Data-Roxas, and basically ordered him to test Data-Sora’s pain tolerance then kill himself. Oh but why should we care about Data-Roxas? It’s not like he’s an actual person who’s sentient enough to resent his situation and not want to die, right? Oh wait, he is!
Okay, what the Hell happened to the Naminé who would’ve been able to save Roxas, Xion, and Sora if not for DiZ? Because she wouldn’t have been that callous!
And then there’s our biggest misstep, since apparently there’s a lot of debate over whether or not Naminé actually created Data-Roxas (but if she didn’t then who the Hell did?), and it’s perhaps the most pointlessly evil thing that’s ever been done in the franchise: Naminé programming Data-Naminé to kill herself once she’s completed her mission. And Data-Sora and King Mickey don’t even care, because Data-Naminé’s “Just a program”.
Despite Data-Sora also being a program.
Despite Data-Naminé expressing dread at her imminent demise.
Despite the fact that Tron exists in this universe and his personhood was never in doubt.
How do you drop the ball on your own moral that badly?
Regardless, I hope any writers reading this can understand just how this moral fell flat in spite of the noble intentions, and we can only hope that KH3 doesn’t make similar missteps.
Here’s hoping.
Edit: Also, as a counterargument to “They’re data, they were bound to lose their memories regardles!” 1. Winnie the Pooh still remembered his friends disappearing when all the pages were put back in the Hundred Acre Wood. 2. Then why didn’t Data-Sora forget whatever adventures he went on in the worlds he visited as he debugged them? 3. Also, how could anyone remember a time without the Bug Blox?
Edit 2: Also, is Data-Sora truly alive if he can’t stray from his programming? If not, then what was the point of having him get a real Keyblade?
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