#evil parent doing evil deeds for the sake of bringing someone back
coffee-or-murder · 1 year
For the OC IC asks,
Lemon: 6, 9, 22?
Mantis: 12, 15, 32?
Zimri: 3, 18, 27?
Putting under a read more, and a mild warning for Zimri loosely describing her work as an escort.
Lemon: 6, 9, 22?
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6. If you tell the truth, an evil person gets to walk away free. If you lie, you may be able to send them away like they deserve. Is honesty worth more than justice?
She scrunches her face up in thought, starting and stopping a couple of sentences before huffing lightly. “Okay so honestly? Depends. Like what kind of evil are we talking? Because if a whole region of people would benefit from that person being put away, and they’ve done awful things in the past that they got away with, I would. The law let’s people do all sorts of things they shouldn’t, so why not take advantage of it if there’s an opportunity?” she says before sighing. “Still it would depend on the person, and what they’ve done. But yeah. I’d lie.” 
9. Can people be held accountable for things people close or related to them did or are they innocent?
Lemon’s dark green eyes blink in surprise, frowning as she tilts her head in confusion. “No? Not unless they were involved? What’s the saying? Uh-father’s name and responsibility umm-,” she says, looking up in thought before perking up. “Oh! “We are born with our father's names. We are not responsible for their failures. We are responsible for what they made us believe in. That is our only obligation. And it is even then a choice which we may sometimes be wise to ignore.” That one. It’s a tidy little quote I think…even if I can’t quite recall where I read it. Still, the thought that even if your parents failed you or tried to teach you awful things you can still unlearn them. It feels right. You shouldn’t be held responsible for the actions of someone who has power over you.”  
22. How do you feel about having an intimate relationship with someone you don’t love? What if they love you in return? Does that make you feel guilty?
Lemon blushes deeply, dark enough that some of her lighter freckles disappear under the red staining her face, and she pulls her hair forward to hide behind her braid as she looks at the floor. “Sweet butter biscuits y’all don’t hold back with anything huh?” she practically squeaks, mumbling something under her breath as she attempts to reorient herself, failing miserably as the blush spreads to the tip of her ears and down her neck. “Okay wow um-so-geez okay. It’s uh…been considered before, for curiosity's sake if nothing else. I could um-yes I could have a…an um…intimate relationship with someone I didn’t love love, but we’d have to be friends at least? I wouldn’t ah-wouldn’t want to be like that with someone I didn’t at least get along with,” Lemon stumbles through an attempt at an explanation, sinking deeper into the chair as she does. “If it was platonic I could, but um-if feelings got involved it might be better to stop? Right? I wouldn’t want to hurt anyone like that. That would be awful. Really awful.”
Mantis: 12, 15, 32?
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12. If someone else stole something and you stole it back is that a good deed, a bad deed or one of equal worth? Are you better than the original thief? 
Mantis’ arms cross in front of her, unintentionally accentuating the lines of musculature of her arms. She grins wide, tilting her head jauntily. “Makes me a better thief don’t it? Doesn’t seem bad to me. Least as long as I return the thing to the owner….who I’m assuming hired me to bring it back?” she says, scratching the back of her head as she thinks. “Is it supposed to be a “stealing is bad” thing? Cause that’s kinda dumb.” 
15. Is lying to others to gain their approval more important than being genuine and hated?
She laughs, head tilted back as she grins lopsided at the interviewer. “Nah I’d rather be liked for who I am. Not much of an actor. I can’t lie worth a damn anyway,” Mantis says before her grin gets softer, though no less bright and pleased. “I’ve got friends who like me plenty, and Cricket. Don’t have room for people who need me to pretend to like me.”  
32. If you could choose to remove certain feelings such as anger, confusion, sadness, would you remove them?
Mantis’ entire face scrunches up, stuck between a wince and looking like she bit into something that was definitely not tasty. “....no? Seems silly. No payoff that way.”
Zimri: 3, 18, 27?
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3. If you could jump back through time to save a loved one’s life, would you? Despite what it might do to the timeline? To everyone else? Do you believe it is their fate to die regardless?
Zimri leans back, arms resting across the back of the chaise as she reclines comfortably. One thick well groomed brow arches up at the question, and she hums softly. “No. The only person who I would have tried to save was already ancient. Zidler knew what she was doing when she covered for me,” she says, lightly hooking her finger through one of her large gold hoop earrings to fiddle with it. “She made that choice herself. Besides, I wouldn’t have met Ra’d if I’d stayed. Most likely be dead myself. Of course I miss the old woman but….no. I wouldn’t.”
18. Have you ever done something morally wrong? If it’s morally wrong do you regret it?
“Morals can almost always be bought, and they vary so widely between different places it’s impossible to keep up with what is Wrong and what Isn’t,” she laughs, leveling amber eyes at the interviewer as she smiles. “It depends entirely on what you consider morally wrong. Let’s say a man paid me to fuck him, and all I know is the name he’s given me and how much coin he brought. I do have quite a few clients like that after all. Turns out he’s married. Does that make it immoral? What if the wife knew and didn’t care? What if she did care but didn’t know? What if he didn’t put his dick in me and I just watched him jack it and told him he’s a dirty old man?” Zimri says, holding her hands out to shrug lightly before placing them across the back of the chaise lounge. “Someone will find fault with it somewhere. Maybe they'll blame the husband for paying for my services. Maybe they’ll blame the lusty greed driven tiefling who seduced him. Either way, it's not my problem. The client paid for a service, we’re consenting adults, and whatever nonsense they bring in is their own to deal with.”
27. How far would you go to achieve a dream or ideal? Does it matter who suffers? Does it matter if you suffer?
Zimri’s eyes wrinkle in disgust as she frowns, scoffing and rolling her eyes. “I’m not a noble. Of course I care….sort of,” she says, pronged tail flicking lightly as she puts her thoughts in order. “It may not seem it but I do have some morals. Of course I care when people are suffering, but I’m realistic about what I can actually do. I can rope some street kids into dancing with me so I have an excuse to split the profits between them, make sure they have at least one good meal, but I can’t adopt every poor urchin I see. I don’t have the means,” she says, still scowling as her tail continues to twitch in annoyance. “I know I look like a delicate flower but I am capable. I can handle myself well enough. My own suffering can be dealt with.”
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gleek-runner · 2 years
The more I think about it the more I believe that, in terms of writing, Honkai Impact is what I wanted from The Umbrella Academy adaptation.
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warpoetrydivinity · 4 years
Which Daedric Prince do you think is the least awful?
Well, that certainly depends on the context. By their very nature, they are all awful in their own rights. Azura? Enslaves her followers. Traps them in a null sense of peace and tranquility. She disguises her shackles with love. Much like a heavily over-controlling parent. She masks her true intentions with the idea that “she knows best”. The moment you try to defy her though, just like those parents, she will strike you. Boethiah? Only cares for bloodshed and battle. She will lie, she will cheat, and she will manipulate both her followers and those who are against her in order to cause as much chaos as possible. Boethiah would, quite literally, kick a man while he is down to “test his mettle”. Clavicus Vile? Is nothing more than a nuisance, and that is on purpose. His eternal struggle is one of boredom. He views the world as a stage and he will pluck and prod the actors as much as he wishes. Not to mention his other half, his companion Barbas, who often causes even more trouble. Hermaeus Mora? Perhaps he could be viewed as one of the “least awful” simply because he doesn’t involve himself often. He spends his time hunting knowledge, striving for the unobtainable, but never quite comprehending it. He takes the time to hoard information, to hoard knowledge both forbidden and not, but does not take the time to fully comprehend it. Knowledge is power, but he’ll never obtain that power for his lack of true knowledge. Hircine? Could be another one viewed as the “least awful” for similar reasons. Hircine does not go out of his way to be worshiped, nor does he seem to truly wish to be. He finds his thrill in the hunt, however, only when it is fair. I would go as far to say that Hircine has some sense of honor. Jyggalag? Though not currently his own prince, he will return eventually. Or perhaps he already has, and is simply floating out in the infinite beyond? No one can truly say. I would say that Jyggalag has the potential to be one of the worst, in the sense that he’s extremely radical in his beliefs. Wisdom and Order, at any costs. He would deny the very nature of mortality by forcing all to follow a totally predetermined plan. Suck the very life out of all around him until everything was gray. Malacath? Is certainly not the brightest of his brothers, but I would give him this, he certainly cares about those who follow him. His very nature is that of being an almost fatherly figure to those who have been beaten down and broken. Though his focus on battle, his thirst for bloodshed, certainly disqualifies him from being one of the least awful. Mehrunes Dagon? He is a being of chaos, even more so than many of the other Princes. He brings about destruction, disaster, and death in his wake. Though, he also brings about change. It is his field in which revolution, both good and bad, come forth. He appreciates the ambitious, and could very well represent the turbulent energy below our feet. Mephala, my Anticipation? She is quite similar to Vile in the sense that her only goal is her own amusement. They will spend countless centuries spinning a web, trying to cause the most “interesting” outcome. Patience is a natural part of her own sphere, and she would wait an eternity if it meant seeing things play out as she wishes. Though they often do not. Though talented, yes, she views all mortals as puppets on strings. And once she is bored of you? She will toss you aside. Meridia? Well to put it simply, she is similar to Jyggalag in the sense that she is incredibly radical in her own beliefs. There is also a similarity to be drawn between her and Mora, that being an incredible sense of greed. She is insatiable her quest for “light”. Out of all of the princes, she is one of the ones which demand worship the most. She is practically starved for praise, and will burn anyone who says anything negative about herself. Then one can draw a comparison to Azura. She views mortals as ends to a means, as pawns which she can use. Meridia may lie, she may say that she cares for you, and that she is a light in the darkness. But a light that burns bright enough to blind you will only cause you to see eternal darkness. Is Molag Bal even worth speaking about in this context? He carries all of the negative traits of his brothers and sisters. Cunning in his schemes, patient to wait for them to come to fruition, greedy in his quest for power and dominance, cruel in his thirst for bloodshed, and completely uncaring for his followers. Though perhaps his worst trait is his own pride, which is always his own downfall. Whether it is at my own hands, or that of the many mortals that have and will defeat him for eras to come. Namira is gross. That is her very nature. She does not WANT to be viewed as anything other than awful. She revels in her own repulsion, and the deeds which would cause people to pluck out their own eyeballs in order to not see them again. She is quite like Azura and Meridia in the sense that she only cares for the worship of her mortals. She sees her worshipers more as toys than anything else. Namira simply wants to see how far she can bend a person until they break. How long they can hold onto themselves before they simply become a part of her. Nocturnal? Well, to put it simply, she is a bitch. Just as prideful as Molag Bal, while also viewing herself as superior to the others as Meridia. She believes herself to be “unfathomable” and gives herself her own titles as she sees fit. She pushes those that follow her to be as selfish as she is. To seek their own power and ambitions, at any cost. While also chastising them when they defy her, despite her own teachings of treachery. Nocturnal’s very nature of being “shadowy” and “deceiving” is often what causes her to be so predictable in the first place. Peryite, one of the most forgotten princes, revels in the suffering of others. He views illnesses, blights, diseases as being gifts which he blesses the mortal plane with. All he cares for is systematic destruction, a controlled pandemic, something which he can sit back and watch the numbers rise for. He is methodical, and will often try to stay a step ahead of those he is against. Many underestimate this dragon, but I believe that is simply part of his own plans. Sanguine, I’ve found, is often viewed as one of the “better” Daedra by those of you on the web. And indeed, there are mortals in our realm as well who simply view him as a “party god”. That is by his own design. He represents that feeling of excitement as you first take a sip of alcohol. One? It can not hurt. Two? What could go wrong? Three? Four? Then it goes on, and on, until it spirals out of control. THAT is what Sanguine is. The destruction of one’s self, by your own hands. He pushes mortals down an ever darkening path, until they can no longer recognize themselves. That is the nature of the prince of debauchery. We’re nearing the end now, are we not? Sheogorath..Is a Prince in which I’ve had many dealings with over the years. The Mad God, the Patron of Art, the Gentleman with a Cane, the Tester of the Mind. He is many things, and yet, he is all simply Sheogorath. Of all the princes, he is the only one which is truly unpredictable. In some ways, he is similar to Sanguine, in that he’d rather allow someone to destroy themselves than to do it himself. Just like the others, his main goal is often to sate his own eternal boredom. The difference is just that he is far more creative in his means to do so. One day? He might save a little kitten so he might watch it grow. The next day? He might rip out its entrails to jump rope with. Sheogorath simply DOES. Planning is something he leaves to others, though sometimes, for the sake of being unpredictable, he might plan himself. That is ultimately how I view Sheogorath. Not good, or evil. Not nice, or awful. He is simply unpredictable, the truest being of chaos there is. Of all of the Princes, Sheogorath might just be the one with the most potential. Lastly, we reach Vaermina. She simply hungers for destruction, and will often give people flashes of future disasters, only for them to cause those disasters sooner. She views mortals as being in which she can torture eternally, whether they are awake or sleeping, she claims them either way. She will take your worst fears, and make you face them over and over until you are no longer afraid of them. Then? She will simply find something new for you to fear. Until the only thing you fear is yourself, and you take your own life. Only for you to wake again. Vaermina is a Prince of eternal torture. Nothing more, nothing less. There is no “least” awful Daedric Prince. They’re all awful in their own ways. Hermaeus Mora and Hircine might be the least destructive of them, but even then that is a stretch. The Daedric Princes are by their own nature, destructive. Wherever they might go they bring about some kind of change. Sometimes positive, sometimes negative. Regardless of who they might be. Comparing their individual actions is fruitless, as they are constantly at work in the background. Likely with an infinite number of unattributed events being caused by themselves. That is my final stance on the matter.
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Episode 4–Farewell My Friend; Scene 3
Judgment of Corruption, pages 115-124
Gallerian’s injuries hadn’t completely healed up.
Rather than the wound from the bullet Shiro had fired at him, the frostbite had been more severe. It seemed he still couldn’t really move the pinky on his right hand.    
Gallerian was resting in ‘Lunaca Labora’ again today for the purpose of recovery.
Though, he wasn’t doing anything special in particular. He had just swallowed a medicine capsule that Ma had prepared for him and rubbed some clear gel on his finger. But according to Ma, these medicines were of a sort that couldn’t be refined at this facility. And Ma was the only one who could make them.
“I’m not a doctor, so I don’t understand all of it. –However, you’ll probably never be able to use that finger again,” Ma had told him, yet even so she continued to apply the medicine to give Gallerian at least a sliver of hope.
Though he couldn’t move his pinkie, he could at least hold a pen.
That night, he was reading over something on a sheet of paper at the desk that had been set aside for him.
“—Don’t work too hard.”
Before he knew it, another man was in the room.
“Bruno. You came.”
“Yeah. I wanted to see how you were doing. How has it been living here?”
“Outside of it being inconvenient to head to other towns, it’s been alright.”
“You’re not in any position to be going outside much anyway. You need to be patient a little while longer—How are you for food? Have you been eating well?” Bruno said, bringing out a largish package. “I might not look it, but I’m quite skilled at cooking. I don’t know if it’ll suit your tastes, but I’ll make something for you now.”
“Ah…That’s very kind of you. But—"
Before Gallerian could finish speaking, a girl appeared from the opening in the space carrying a tray lined with food.
“Sorry to keep you waiting~ I’ve finished your supper.”
Bruno looked surprised at seeing her face. “Lady…Mira! What are you doing here—”
“Oh, Bruno. So you’re here. Good evening!”
“…You as well. –Hey, Gallerian.” Bruno walked up to Gallerian and whispered in his ear, “Why is she here in Lunaca Labora? Isn’t she Loki’s girlfriend!?”
“Yeah…She insisted on taking care of me. I figured I might as well let her.”
“Are you a fool?! If Loki gets wind of this, the plan will be ruined!”
“Mira won’t betray me. And her brother has promised to help us. –Mira’s already our ally.”
“…It’s not wise to be so trusting. Have you forgotten so soon that you were betrayed by your best friend?”
Dumbfounded, Bruno tossed the package he’d been carrying aside and sat down in a nearby chair.
Mira casually set some food down on the desk and turned to Bruno. “I made quite a bit—will you be having some, Bruno?”
“No, I—”
“You’re already here, join in. The herring quiche she makes is delicious.”
Thus urged by Gallerian, Bruno reluctantly nodded.
“Wait right there. I’ll go get some now.”
Mira happily passed through the opening and out the room.
“—How often does she come here?”
At Bruno’s question Gallerian replied, while continuing to write, “On days when she doesn’t meet Loki after work. Probably about two or three times a week.”
“Does she stay here?”
“Mira drives here by automobile, but even so it’s dangerous for a woman to be on the road at night alone.”
“A woman driving a car. I’m surprised.”
“You didn’t know?”
“She’s Loki’s girlfriend. Naturally I’ve seen her many times before, but I’ve never had an actual conversation with her.”
“Well, Mira is a daughter of the Yarera Zusco Conglomerate. She should at least be able to rate driving as one of her accomplishments, wouldn’t you think?”
“—You’ve been writing something for some time now…”
When Bruno asked his question, Gallerian stopped writing and turned to him.
“I’m preparing my bill of indictment. I have most of the information assembled here so I’m putting it all together. –I’ve also properly put in the details you wanted me to add, so relax.”
“Thank you. If you hadn’t I don’t think there would have been much point in having you work with us.”
“—I think now that I’ve heard all that, I have the gist of why you bear a grudge against the Freezises, Bruno.”
“…I don’t bear a grudge against them. I just want to stop their evil deeds.”
“To keep there from being any more victims like you, you mean?”
Bruno’s expression grew more severe. “…Who did you hear this from? Ma?”
“I didn’t hear anything from anyone. I was just able to put together a guess based on the contents of your complaint and your current circumstances.”
“You shouldn’t be drawing conclusions on someone like me based solely on a guess.”
“Then tell me the true version yourself.”
On seeing Gallerian’s gravely serious gaze as he pushed, Bruno made a resigned sigh.
“—I was born a slave. From a young age I worked for my master, a farmer, in the United States of Maistia alongside my parents, my older brothers, and my little sister. I can’t say we were happy, but we weren’t necessarily unhappy either. The work was hard, but at least our family was together, and we never had to worry about our next meal. But when I was twelve years old, our master fell on hard times and sold my family to the Freezis Conglomerate. …Our hell began from that point on.”
There was bitterness in Bruno’s eyes as he spoke.
“The Freezises are the largest trade organization in the United States of Maistia. So naturally my parents and siblings had hoped for better treatment. But the reality was the exact opposite. They thought of the Black Valkyrians who are native to Maista as little more than chattel. They furnished us with filthy shacks as small as animal pens, and worked us twenty-four hours a day—The fact of the matter is that the Freezises’ lofty achievements are comprised of the sacrifices of us Black Valkyrians. …And then, one day, I and my entire family were made to play in a ‘game’ with one of the Freezis Family’s sons.”
“That’s right. At the time he was a very young brat. About the same age as my sister, but he wore much nicer clothes and had a healthier complexion, probably because he was always eating good food. –We were set loose to run in a forest, and then made into prey for Loki’s ‘human hunt’. My little sister was the first one he shot. She was his first kill in his life. So, ghastly enough, my sister’s body was stuffed and put up in Loki’s room, where it remains to this day.”
“—This story makes me ill.”
“My parents and my older brothers were all killed as well. A child though he might have been, unarmed we had no hope of fighting back against someone with a gun. …I survived to the end, and as a “reward” I was elevated in status to being a butler of the Freezis Family. Despite that though, nothing really changed in how I was treated. On the contrary, you could say it got worse. There were several other Black Valkyria stewards like myself. But all of them had died off by the time I became an adult. Sometimes they would break down and die from overwork, and sometimes they would despair of their circumstances and kill themselves.”
“But…you managed to survive.”
“I just couldn’t let myself die. I knew that I had to find some way to live until the day when I could settle the score for my friends and family. During that time, little by little I made my preparations, and gained new friends. …The first one I met was Shiro Netsuma.”
“The woman who shot me.”
“Would you just forget that already? Ordinarily she’s a very kind girl. Even her shooting you was solely to save your life. –Shiro is a Netsuma. And you may know this already, but Netsuma are a race that’s always been discriminated against here in the Evillious region. Just as the Black Valkyrians are in Maistia.”
“So you two were able to sympathize with each other over your similar circumstances.”
Bruno faintly smiled at Gallerian’s words.
“Though, the way she was treated by the Freezis Conglomerate is far superior to how I’m treated. Surprisingly enough they’re quite hospitable to the Netsuma clan.”
“That’s because the Freezis Conglomerate has deep ties to the Sisters of Clarith. The founder of that organization was also a Netsuma, if memory serves.”
“Shiro was hired on as the bodyguard for Commander Freezis. Banking on her skill with a gun, you see. That she would promise to aid me despite being in such a position—they truly offended her sense of justice. After that, I quietly added Hel Jaakko and Feng Li to my group of allies.”
“Hel is a clerk for the conglomerate, and Feng is…a pet, wasn’t he?”
“Feng’s origins are fairly interesting. He was born in ‘Mukoku’ to the east.”
“’Mukoku’…Is that that legendary ‘nothing country’?”
“I think if you have a spare moment you should ask him about it next time you see him.”
“—There is one other, that fellow called Postman. The delivery person who doesn’t speak.”
“Ma brought them along. As for what kind of person Postman is…Frankly, I don’t know myself. They never say anything, so we can’t exactly talk about it. Well—I’m certain of their job at least.”
“How did you and Ma meet? I wouldn’t think there’s much that the Freezises’ butler and a screenwriter would have in common.”
Bruno had been quite loquacious up to this point, but when Gallerian said that his expression immediately grew conflicted.
“Well…That’s not really worth going over.”
“Whether you or Ma, you both clam up on the issue of your relationship. –You two wouldn’t happen to be dating, would you?”
“Absolutely not,” Bruno firmly denied.
“…Ah, whatever. Doesn’t look like I’ll get an answer out of you no matter how much questioning I do. Let’s change the subject. About this indictment here—” Gallerian showed the paper he was writing to Bruno. “Even if, for the sake of argument, I send this to the World Police, I don’t know if they’ll do anything. There is a very strong connection between the World Police and the Freezises. In the worst case scenario they may just crumple it up.”
“I know. That’s why—we’ll use the media. When you hand in your bill of indictment to the World Police, at the same time we’ll send a letter with the same contents to the newspapers and radio stations. The media may not lend an ear to a mere Maistians’ grievances, albeit… But the indictments of a man who’s an elite as a judge of the Dark Star Bureau, and was publicly thought dead to boot—the response would be different.”
“So if it’s reported on a broad scale, you’re saying that the World Police will have no choice but to take action.”
“Our biggest concern is whether or not Hanma Baldured will act according to our expectations. Hel has met with him several times already, but apparently he’s a hard man to read. Honestly the fastest method would be to have you act as the head judge, but—”
“The one making the lawsuit can’t work as the head judge for the trial.”
“That’s true. So ultimately the deciding factor is going to be how much money the Yarera Zusco Conglomerate is able to set forward. And how Hanma will act in response to it…”
“’Money is the best lawyer in hell’…so it goes.”
Mira returned with the food in her hand.
“Sorry for the wait! It took a little time to heat it back up. I don’t really know how to use the kitchen here…Alright, help yourself.”
“…Thank you very much.” After being handed the herring quiche, Bruno gave his thanks and then brought it to his mouth. “—It’s tasty.”
“Right?” Gallerian then butted in, grinning, “—Five days from now I’ll finish this indictment and head to the World Police. Is that alright?”
“Yes. We’ll have our preparations set in order by then.”
“Are you going to stay here today?”
“No, it wouldn’t be good for Loki to take issue with me for being absent. And—I feel I’d get in the way.” Bruno looked at both Gallerian and Mira’s faces and then got up from his seat. “I shall have the leftovers of my quiche on the way home. Well then—”
He scooped up the bundle that he’d carried in, put the quiche inside, and left.
Five days later, Gallerian sent the bill of indictment to the World Police as planned.
At the same time, his survival and the contents of his indictment were sent en masse to every media company.
Another day after that. Second Level Judicial Aide of the Dark Star Courthouse Loki Freezis was captured and arrested by the World Police.
The primary charges were “Attempted murder” of Gallerian at first, but later it was changed to “murder” in accordance with the contents of the indictment.
One month after that Loki was prosecuted, and made to receive trial at the Dark Star Courthouse.
The one acting as head judge was Hanma Baldured.
--About a whole year had passed since Gallerian was almost killed by Loki in the snow field.
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ariainstars · 5 years
Star Wars vs. Pride and Prejudice
Mr Darcy’s famous proposal scene from Pride and Prejudice, here taking place in the rain for further emphasis of his desperate love for her.
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“In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.”
Ever since Kylo’s clumsy attempt to convince Rey to stay with him, in the infamous Throne Room scene, I must have stumbled at least a hundred times across the above-mentioned quotation with the assumption of both scenes being parallel to one another, leading to the conclusion that Kylo and Rey also will be together.
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How many times, to you think, was I confronted the parallel scene - the one where Elizabeth has to confess that she was prejudiced against Darcy, that she knew too little to judge him, that she felt superior to him although she had no actual justification?
That’s right. Not once.
“Did Luke tell you what happened that night?”
“I know everything I need to know about you.”
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To me the revelation of Dark Rey in the second TROS trailer was not in the least surprising. The moment I heard Palpatine’s laugh at the end of the first trailer I guessed he was after her. (My husband’s comment was: “Of course Palpatine wants her, not Kylo. What is he supposed to do with that daydreamer?” 😊)
Honestly: I would have been surprised, even affronted, if Rey had never been tempted by the Dark Side. Every Force user is tempted to misuse his powers, in one way or another. And despite the many claims I have read and heard to this issue, though there were a few clues that might have justified calling Rey a Mary Sue, there were at least twice as much already indicating that she, like her equal in the Force, is fragile and immature.
But for some reason - naivety? Wrongly understood feminism? - for years it was widely assumed, in particular among female Reylo fans, that Rey would be the one the save Kylo (alias Ben Solo); that she is good and pure and flawless and that her love would redeem him, or at least push him to redemption due to his desire to be with her. Few seemed to consider that Rey has her own weaknesses to overcome, too.
Personally, I see nothing “romantic” in the idea of a woman redeeming a guy. I don’t know why a girl is naturally assumed to be better than a man and that it is her task to save or inspire him, morally. Nor do I believe that it is a case of “true love” if the man ends up doing everything the woman wants him to do. It would make her his pet, not an equal partner. I know, it is a mistake that women often make, believing they must “help” the man they love: but no one can be saved from himself.
I do wish Ben and Rey to have a future, and of course they cannot be together if they are on the opposite sides of a war: but that must not necessarily mean, as a matter of fact, that Ben just has to see the righteousness of Rey’s and her friend’s cause and switch sides for everything to be wrapped up. The Force needs balance, which meaning that both sides, each in its own way, have a right and a point to exist. The greatest weakness of people who believe to be - and are universally believed to be - “good” usually have a tendency to be in denial. Rey lived in denial almost all of her life, since her parents left her. When Ben confronted her with what she already knew, i.e. that they would never come back, it was very painful for her, but he immediately added that her being “nobody” did nothing to change the fact that to him, she is much.
Even the fans who called Reylo Reverse Anidala often did not want to see that Padmé had believed she could save Anakin with her love, and failed. Of course she failed: because for a balanced relationship, both have to learn from one another. They must influence one another and grow together. The relationship between Anakin and Padmé always was unbalanced because she was not aware of his inner turmoil, and he always felt inferior to her - an ex slave who had married a former queen. And in a dramatic context as the Skywalker family saga, people have to save one another. The team that was glued together in the classic trilogy always did so, that’s why things worked out.
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Ever since The Force Awakens we have often been confronted with Rey’s aggressiveness and judgmental attitude. And she ends her last Force connection in The Last Jedi literally looking down on Ben.
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There is no reason at all, except wishful thinking, to assume that Rey has nothing dark inside her, or not enough to make her evil. (Yes, in The Last Jedi she kills a few Praetorian Guards, but in self-defense.)
Even most of the fans who kept stubbornly pretending that Rey is secretly Luke’s daughter did not come to this conclusion. But Luke was never 100 % good and pure himself.
When he met Vader for the first time face-to-face on Bespine, he was welcomed with the sentence “The Force is with you, young Skywalker. But you are not a Jedi yet.” Luke immediately proved him right by igniting his light saber first, although Yoda had repeatedly taught him that a Jedi fights only in defense and that violence is not a solution.
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Luke paid a high price for his conceit and sense of entitlement: on Bespine all hell broke loose. He came away barely alive, crippled and severely traumatized. But that terrible experience on the long run had done him good: he was much more calm and collected in Return of the Jedi. Luke had learned his lesson. Rey hasn’t, as of yet.
Now I am not saying that Rey is a bad person, and I am not trying to justify Ben’s atrocious deeds. But he was isolated, manipulated and terrified since childhood and then let down by the one person in the galaxy he would never have expected it from - his uncle, whose all-encompassing love for his father, forgiveness and pacifism had made him a legend before his nephew was even born.
Rey was in no position to understand the depth of pain and despair that made Ben kill Han, in an insane attempt to overcome the inner conflict that was tearing him apart. As they say, don’t judge someone unless you’ve been in his shoes.
Snoke, a powerful Force user, knew its mechanics very well: “Darkness rises and Light to meet it.” As Rey had “risen” from Jakku while Kylo did more and more evil, so it was to be expected that since he has freed some of the light that still was in him, she will now go down the opposite path.
I am positive that Rey will not remain in the darkness, that in some way or another she will find out again. But the plunge into the Dark Side is extremely important for her because she must understand that she has no right to judge the man who is her equal in the Force.
Ben and Rey have an important task: they have to bring Balance to the Force and thus lasting peace to the galaxy. But they can’t cooperate if they don’t have a common ground, and they will never have a common ground as long as one of them believes he has the right to make choices for the other. Both are convinced of doing right; which is why the darkness is all the more tempting to them. They have not yet matured the sense of responsibility a Force user needs in order to employ his powers the right way.
Though it contains many tropes, this is not Pride and Prejudice or Romeo and Juliet or Cinderella or Beauty and the Beast. It’s Star Wars. Like a royal family in former times, the fate of the Skywalker saga always echoes through the galaxy. They must find peace at last, and for good, for the sake of everybody. The saga won’t be done by Ben and Rey kissing and making up.
And apart from that: it was about time that the saga got its own female villain. I’m all for female empowerment - it must not necessarily be through virtue. *cough* 😉
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malereader-inserts · 6 years
In the Face of Evil
Fandom: Riverdale Pairing: Lodges & Son!Reader Summary: The Lodges were practically untouchable, they were strong, dark and everyone knew not to mess with them. Yet, their biggest weakness was their own.  Word Count: 2,524 Request: Uuu, could you please do a Riverdale fic with a Lodge!Reader? I loved the idea of it ever since you posted the Jones! Reader x Veronica and I think it would be awesome if you could do something with it. I am a fan of angst, like *heavy* angst, but I am leaving it up to you because I have no actual idea on what could happen.  Warning: Graphic descriptions of torture, beating up, blood
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“So we all received letters then, to finish Ascension Night?” Tom asked, his arm over his significant other.
The old midnight club all reunited for the unlikely reason, whilst they wanted to push everything behind and in the pits of their memories, it seems like the world couldn’t accept that.
“This was taped to my trailer.” Fred answers, throwing the neatly wrote threatening note onto the table that was accompanied with takeaways.
“Mine came to the dealership,” Marty announced, taking a sip of his alcohol, hand in his pocket.
“Thought you caught the Gargoyle King, FP?” There was a bitter tone to Hermione’s voice, nursing a glass of wine in between her hands.
“Tall Boy was using the game as a cover to deal drugs, but he wasn't the one running around, setting up chalices back when we were in high school.”     
Hermione’s eyes flickered between FP and Marty, “We're not really taking this seriously, are we?”
“I think we have to assume that this is real, if only for our kids' sake,” Tom replied, sighing, obvious that he did not want to participate in a game that everyone regretted.
Hermione, despite her stubbornness to place the cursed game, couldn’t help but worry what the words had threatened her. “And then what? I mean, we're just supposed to leave them home alone all night while we run around pretending to be teenagers again?”
“May I remind you what happened last Ascension Night? Someone ended up dead,” Alice reminded everyone, she could feel everyone being apprehensive about the whole ordeal, yet if they don’t do what instructed one of their kids could be the next target - no one wants that.
Penelope rolled her eyes, “We don't have any choice in the matter. We all know why this is happening again, and now. Two members of the original Midnight Club are daring to get married, to be happy, and the Gargoyle King, whoever or whatever he is, wants to destroy that. He is a vicious and petty god, and if we don't finish the game now, the Gargoyle King is never gonna leave us alone.”
“Yeah, maybe if we do this, we catch the son of a bitch.” FP agreed, he may not like this set up but if he was able to catch whoever did it maybe Riverdale got to sleep easy.
“There's only one problem...” Sierra started, her hand resting on Tom’s lap for comfort, “The letter says we all have to participate.”
Hermione looked up deep in her thoughts, “I'll talk to Hiram.”
“All right, well, it's settled then. We finish the game we started.”
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Hiram wanted to protest, tell Hermione not to worry about the Gargoyle King, but when he had read the letter his blood ran cold. Hermione was hoping that he was going to agree that this whole thing was everyone being dramatic, yet when their children were being threatened - Hiram couldn’t take a chance on that.
“Hermione, they’re our children,” Hiram expressed, sitting up in the bed, “I don’t want to chance it.”
Hermione sighs, sitting down on the sofa in the bedroom. She loved her children, Veronica was strong, confrontational and loyal - everything she wasn’t when she was younger. Veronica was smart and could charm anyone around her pinky, for that Hermione and Hiram loved Veronica so much.
But you were a different story. You were treated differently with your parents and your sister but not in a bad way. You were a lot softer than your sister, with your kind eyes and reassuring smile - you were too innocent to even be related to Lodges. You were the youngest, your twin loves to brag about the five-minute difference, so naturally, you were protected and guarded.
It was one of the reasons why you turn to be the polar opposite of your sister. You were well loved, well cared for. Of course, you weren’t blind to your father’s crime. You were smart enough about the business, the deeds your father did to ruin others. 
You were after all a Lodge, you were cunning and had a temper - you were just subtle about it. Whilst your sister did not envy the attention you had, since she was also spoilt rotten when growing up, she vows to protect you because generally, you were the weaker out of the two of you.
“We go tonight,” Hiram concluded, hearing the door slam closed.
“Hey, I’m home!” Your voice rang out through the apartment complex, there was a knock on their door before your head peaked through.
“Are you alright, Mijo?” Hermione asked, concerned.
“Have you seen V?” You wondered, your dark hair slick back, “We were going to spend the afternoon together, would have thought she would be home.”
“Have you tried Pop’s?” Hiram asked, you smiled at him - he cherishes the pureness of it.
“Yeah, but she’s probably there when I left, anyway, I’ll see you later.” You disappeared as you close the door behind you.
Hermione and Hiram share a look.
“You better rest, Hiram, we have a long night ahead of us.”
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“Girl's bathroom is clear. That's where I found the chalices before.” Alice sighed, FP behind her.
“Did you check the trophy case?” 
“Yeah, we did. Nothing.” Marty nodded to FP’s question, looking at Fred.
“We searched the student lounge, the closet where we found Featherhead...” 
“Second floor is clear,” Tom announced with Sierra close behind.
“So is the cafeteria,” Hermione spoke, her arm supporting her hobbling husband, who informed the club as well.
“And the library,”
“I don't understand. The objective was simple. Return to school, find the chalices, finish the game. What aren't we seeing?”
“Wait a minute, where's Penelope?” Alice questioned, her eyes scanning the group but there was no stuck up redhead within the group.
The group went running at the scream of Penelope, coming from the detention room. One by one they came in Alice straight away by Penelope’s side.
“Penelope, what is it?” The shaken woman, turn around and pointed at the whiteboard.
Words scribed the board, as if it was blood, in caps saying “Got You.” The skull of a carcass placed firmly on the desk.
“The hell does it mean?” Hermione questioned, her stomach dropped with tension building up in her.
“It's a prank, and we've been played,” Hiram deduced, leaning on his walking stick.
“Or...” Penelope started, still shaken to find the words, “it's just another iteration of the game. And what the Gargoyle King wanted all along, to distract us and lure us away from...”
Fred was quick to piece it together, “Our kids.”
Everyone was quick to whip out their phone. Hermione scrolls quickly to Veronica’s name as Hiram scrolled to your find yours. Bringing the phone up to their ears, dread-filled them up.
“Josie is with Archie,” Sierra nods at Fred, who just got off the phone with Archie to lock the room.
“Jughead and Betty are together,” FP confirmed.
“Veronica is with Reggie,” Hermione sighing in relief that one of her babies were safe.
She held the phone device close to her chest as Hiram was still trying to call you.
“Kevin is with Moose,”
Hiram pulled away from the phone, he was getting frustrated as it was the second time he was calling, Hermione diverted her eyes to his phone before meeting his eyes. His jaw lock, anger and worry filled him up.
“(Y/n) isn’t picking up.”
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The night was filled with cold air and a mocking moonlight to beam down on you. Whilst it was way past midnight, that you should at home, you were just leaving Pop’s diner. You pulled your coat closer to you when your phone rang out and clear.
You fished it out from your jean jacket to see DAD on the calling screen, you were confused, you were sure that your parents were out for the night, they don’t come back before midnight. Just as you were going to swipe to unlock the phone and answer the call, you suddenly get a bat to the face.
“Grab him.”
You were picked up, ripping you from your thick denim jacket to the ground, and had thrown into the back of a car. Dazed and confused, you didn’t know where you being taken until you see the clearing for the forest. Your mind cast back to the crime scene of Dilton Doiley and Ben Button’s death. 
Being dragged by your upper arm you tried to resist, only to get thrown onto the floor.
You begged, but you saw the mask, you could never recall how long the beating had gone on for, only the final kick and the sound of them laughing before picking you up again to take you to the circle. Your face wasn't too bad, just a cut above your eyebrow, the scarlet blood flowing into your eyes. 
Or you felt like it was fine because comparing the pain and ache it was far worst in the body.
You were met with the Gargoyle King, every fibre of your body was on fire, as you were forced onto your knees. The world was spinning, you were going to vomit - blood and whatever you ate hours before. You were standing in front of the Gargoyle King, who knelt down to caress your cheek. 
You retracted back, spitting blood from your mouth.
Your body hits the floor when you Gargoyle King didn’t like your actions, how the gang decided to make way to you, but you see the King hold up his hand up with a pocket knife. Your eyes widen as it strikes down on you.
You scream, shout and felt every movement of the knife as the King twist the blade, you choke, gasping for air. The knife pulled out, and strike once more. You let out a piercing scream as the knife was out. You see the blood, your blood.
Thrashing with all your might, the energy left you tried to kick and damage the King, he held your hand down. Pulling the long sleeve up to show skin and the knife was brought down. 
You screamed, your head tilted to the side as you tried to see what was being permanently etched onto you. But, you were losing too much blood, you were losing will as vision started to fail you.
The last thing you saw was an arrow to the king and the cold blade away from the skin.
FP was quick to run at the scene with a crew of polices. He unmasked the King to find Manfred Muggs.
“Let me finish him!”
FP shoves the man to the police to arrest him, “Take him back to the station, keep him waiting, I’ve to take care of this.”
FP knelt down at you, pressing his fingers against your neck, barely finding a pulse as he carried you to the ambulance that was waiting. He remembers when Jughead was like this, but you were in a far worst condition, and he wishes no matter how evil Hiram was - no parent should ever see their kid like that.
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The hospital corridor was stuffy and the air has an undertone of bleach. The walls were magnolia and were scrapped in places from the hundreds of trolleys that have bumped into them. The pictures on the walls are cheap benign prints of uplifting scenes and above the double doors are large blue plastic signs with the areas of the hospital that lie ahead.
Hiram and Hermione were quick to arrive at the Hospital when FP had called them about finding you. Veronica was quick to leave Reggie when she heard her brother was targeted.
“Is he okay?” She exclaimed, finding her parents in the waiting room.
Hiram was staring at the floor as Hermione looked at her daughter, “He’s in surgery, FP said he... He’s in a bad place, mija.”
Veronica holds back the tears, she stands in front of her parents. She could tell that her father was probably trying to think of possible ways to get revenge but was taken aback when Hiram looks up he was crying, or the recently tear stain face was a give away that he had just finished crying.
Veronica had never seen her dad cry before, Hermione was the emotional one in the relationship. Hiram ever cried, at least not in front of anyone as it could ruin his reputation. But, you had that effect, family was so important at that moment.
“Lodges, I was hoping I wouldn’t see you so soon,” The doctor greeted, there was no smile but there was no frown.
“How is he, doctor?”
“Surgery was fine, he’s stable for now,” The doctor looked down at the clipboard, “The injuries he sustained, for anyone, it’s almost impossible for someone to recover from, but your son seems to be healing - we’re keeping an eye on him.”
“Understandable,” Hiram nodded, “May we-?”
“Yes, you can see him, he won’t awake and he won’t be for the next few days. It’s the for the best, for now, he needs the rest and it’ll allow his body to heal.”
The doctor explained, allowing them to follow him into the room you were kept in. The family was numb yet feeling so many things all at once. The state of you was devastating. Your skin was patterned with black, blue and purple.
Wires all connect to you, the beep of your heart rate was steady enough for your family to relax. But, when they see a ventilator.
“He needs it to help him breathe, hopefully soon he’ll be able to breathe on his own.”
“What do you mean hopefully, aren’t you certain?” Hermione asked, standing by your bed, her hand caressing your forehead.
“Mayor Lodge, your son has received possible one of the worst attack I’ve ever seen. He’s endured a lot, he was barely alive when he arrived here,” The doctor explained carefully, noticing the unsettling silence of your father, sitting on the other side of your bed, “However, if he continues at this rate, he’ll recover well.”
The doctor clipped the clipboard to the end of your bed before excusing himself out the room. The door shuts behind as Hermione plays with your hair, with Veronica was by her side. Holding your hand, wishing you would squeeze it.
“Daddy?” Veronica whispered as Hiram finally looks back into reality, “(Y/n) is strong, he’s a Lodge, after all, he does the impossible.”
“I know, mija, but this shouldn’t have happened in the first place.”
Hiram stares at your comatose body, cringing at the wounds you sustained. Much worst condition than him. He winces when he sees the words “sacrifice” carved into your right arm, his eyes read a few more words carved into you, “atrocity,” “coward,” and “disgrace.”
Hiram knew that they were forever scarred onto you, a reminder. The family sit down around you.
It was a matter of time until you wake up.
Yet, there was a dread that hung over everyone - unable to think what would happen if you didn’t make it.
You had to make it.
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junhaoshua · 6 years
The Great Collie Crossover, 9/10
A/N:  I LIVE. Many apologies for the long delay, life + two bereavements got in the way and sucked away my writing motivation. Please enjoy this long overdue chapter! The epilogue is coming soon!!!
The usual disclaimer: I own none of the characters, being neither JK Rowling nor @colubrina. This is just a chance for me to play in the sandbox they have created.This is a birthday/get well soon present for the lovely @colubrina, whose work has been such a joy and inspiration to me.
8: Rebuilding
“This is the last world, isn’t it?” Hermione asks.
Other-Hermione nods. “And out of all, it’s probably the most like yours. But my parents couldn’t be un-obliviated. And I broke up with Ron. So after that, I came to Hogwarts to help rebuild the castle. And take my NEWTs. And hopefully fix my life while I was at it.”
Which sounds exactly like what she did, except for the breaking up part. “Were you the only one who returned too?”
“And that,” Other-Hermione says as the scene changes, “is where our paths diverge.”
She remembers this. Coming back. Settling into the Slytherin girls’ dorms because they were the least destroyed. But the blonde head in the common room is something new.
“And of course it’s Malfoy,” she says, unable to conjure up any surprise even as the past-Hermione goes “Malfoy. Bloody hell.”
She looks at the other witch, and they snort in unison.
Walking to dinner together and talking about Macbeth. Helping in the library, separately at first then together. Arguing - a brief moment of shared misery at being able to see thestrals - then right back to arguing. Apologizing for mocking him about the ferret incident. Shakespeare and Titus Andronicus and the atrocities humans committed during war. More cleaning of books. Complimenting each other until he brings up Ron and she can’t help but wonder what happened here. Did he cheat on her? Hurt her? Do some other atrocity she hasn’t seen in any world?
“No, no, and no,” Other-Hermione says, and she realises she asked that out loud. “You’re allowed to break up with people who aren’t evil, you know.”
“Then? What was it?” she asks as she watches Draco apologise, as they bare their wounds to each other, as they watch the stars.
“You’ll know soon enough.”
There’s a long silence as past-Hermione says that he was forced to be a Death Eater but that doesn’t make him one. The two tentatively flirt before tension descends, past-Hermione mercilessly breaking down every reason why being with him would be a constant battle. Somehow easing into another quiet rapport.
Cuddling in the Slytherin dungeons and talking about their parents. Watching the fish and falling asleep in his arms. A kiss. Conversations in the library that make her wish she hadn’t gone through her eighth year alone, that she’d had someone like Draco to bare her soul to. More kissing. The pureblood and his pity date. The war heroine and her walk on the wild side. “It will be awful.” “It will be the only good thing in a sea of awful.”
Theo arriving and the tension that ensues. Getting drunk. Going up to Gryffindor Tower. Hurling fierce, angry words at each other. “Easy to offer forgiveness to the boy you want to shag, isn’t it?” and even though it’s been so long, Other-Hermione still flinches at the accusation.
Breakfast. Theo taking care of Draco like she takes care of Harry, the loyal friend who looks out for them because things in their life are shite. Theo, who loves his father and didn’t know he was a Death Eater. Theo, who’s gay here - why does his sexuality seem to vary between worlds? Reaching a sort of detente.
Then Ron comes into the library, full of accusation and cruel words and - “You abandoned us!”
“That’s why you broke up with him?” Hermione asks, stunned.
“He abandoned you and you didn’t break up with him?” Other-Hermione throws back.
The fight is hard to watch. The words “Death Eater’s slag” even harder to take. But she can’t bring herself to be surprised. Her Ron could do this. If she ever got together with a Slytherin. Her Ron could call her that.
Conversations and explanations. Ron going to the Prophet, to Rita Skeeter, to claim that Draco had imperiused her. Proving it wrong, going after Rita, sending Ron a Howler, and she recognises past-Hermione’s viciousness with the discomfort of one who knows she’s capable of the same. Teaching Draco to make a Patronus. Matching otters.
“You two really are in love,” she says with soft wonder as they watch the summer fly by.
Other-Hermione smiles faintly. “The Patronus always tells.”
The Sorting Feast. Pansy and Neville and Ginny. Molly as DADA professor. Having a panic attack. Ginny defending Draco. The Gryffindors hurling cruel words at her even as the children insist that he didn’t crucio them, that he faked it. Waking up to find “Death Eater’s Whore” tacked to her door. Class and cruelty and being ostracised and Molly and more panic attacks.
Recovery Group, something that’s supposed to help them get over the trauma of the war but turns into angry sniping. Hannah and Padma. Susan Bones, angry and wounded after her family died, lashing out at Theo and Pansy until they walk out. Getting into a screaming match that reduces Susan to tears.
Classes. The eighth years studying together. A second session of Recovery Group, this time with the little Gryffindor boy - Andy - joining them. Pansy being a secret master of household magic. Susan trying to fuck her sorrows away. Theo trying to drink them away.
Rebuilding Day, a big production of inviting parents to Hogwarts to show them that all is well, a production that means people coming with their petty cruelties. Susan defending Theo with the sort of righteous passion only Hufflepuffs can muster. Narcissa and Lucius being polite to her even though it’s clear that they’re doing it to rehabilitate their social image and ward off Posy Parkinson. More cruelty from Ron even as Harry drops a kiss on her hair. Finally alone with Draco then finding out he’s been cutting himself.
“Don’t you dare judge him,” Other-Hermione bites out before she can even say a word.
“I wasn’t going to,” she protests, but she knows she’s lying.
Time passing in school. Suggesting a Yule Ball. Theo and Neville starting a thing. Padma having food issues. Pansy helping her to put Draco back into some semblance of togetherness after he breaks down. Confronting Theo about his drinking. Draco buying brooms for the little first years, trying to atone for his deeds last year by helping them now.
The girls teaming up to go after the Gryffindors and their cruel note. Pansy vicious and hard. Padma wielding Ravenclaw wit and words like a sword. Susan accusing them of being unkind. Hermione wandlessly setting the note on fire. She wishes she had more girlfriends in her world. Girls, together, smashing injustice.
Neville confronting Molly. McGonagall refusing to do anything about it except allow them to self-study DADA. She feels her respect for the old witch drop.
Chanukah at Hogwarts. Shopping for the Yule Ball in Muggle London. Dancing and romance. Harry being all chummy with Draco for her sake. Neville ending it with Theo at the Ball and Hannah going after him. Spending winter break at Hogwarts with Theo while Draco goes back to the Manor. Bonding. Getting each other gifts, a dragon charm bracelet for her and a comically long Gryffindor scarf for him. Draco returning with a pygmy puff and an engagement ring. Percy visiting and flirting with Theo, who’s too busy bemoaning his breakup to notice it.
Time passes. The eighth years bond. Hermione curses a rude student, marking his arm with “bigot” and filling his mouth with soap. Draco doing the only thing he can to make it better by telling his parents that he’s proposed. The Malfoys ignoring it.
Going with Theo to visit his mother’s grave. Helping Padma to eat. Valentine’s with Draco and their first time. Holi at Hogwarts, celebrating diversity and triumph and good winning.
“Look at the hope,” other-Hermione murmurs as they watch the bonfire burn. “It’s always there.” Then she cocks her head. “You’ll have to go soon, I’m afraid. Morning is coming.”
“Tell me how this story ends,” she says. She needs to know.
The other witch smiles. “Theo and Percy adopted Andy - long story. Susan and Blaise. Neville and Hannah. Ron and Tracey Davis - he didn’t know she was a Slytherin. Pansy married Charlie. I married Draco. We all collectively moved into Nott Manor. The Malfoys accepted me because, well, Draco. Even went so far as to bury Regulus and the rest of Riddle’s inferi on their property. Padma used some Muggle techniques to help Lucius handle his post-Azkaban chronic pain. We got Susan on the Wizengamot - well, originally we wanted to get Theo’s dad out of Azkaban, and that was part of it, but he died a day after he was released. Draco and I were DADA professors for a year before I retired to start on independent research. And we lived,” she says. “We live, and we live happily. You can have a happy ending too.”
“And why can’t I have it the way I am?”
“You’re with Ron,” the other witch says simply. “You won’t be happy. He won’t help to put you back together. His broken edges will rub up against yours, not fit into yours to make something new and beautiful.”
“I’m not you. I don’t get panic attacks and need draughts. I’m not broken.” She doesn’t know why she’s so defensive.
“We all have trauma,” the witch says softly, reaching out to cup her cheek. “It’s just a matter of how it shows. Like clinging on to relics of the past, for example.” Mist swirls slow and soft. “The war was hard on everyone. It broke something in us. But we must be stronger for having been broken.”
She lands back in King’s Cross, where the first Hermione waits for her. “Do you see now, child? Who you are, who you can be?”
She nods, mind still spinning from everything.
Old-Hermione folds her into a fierce hug. “Then it’s time for you to…
Wake up.”
Many thanks to the lovely @sulisaints for being my cheerleader, proofreader, editor, and getting me through this difficult chapter. All credit for the world goes to @colubrina, who's written my emotional support fic. And of course, thank you all. Your comments and kudos have given me the motivation to keep writing. Crossposted on AO3.
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tawheed · 4 years
Via Youtube: Tawheed on 30th Aug, 2020 15 Vowing to dedicate slaughtered animals to Imams or Sahabah [Noor ala alDarb, Shaikh ibn Baz, Vol: 2] Language: English Q: Some people vow to dedicate the meat of slaughtered animals to Imams and Sahabah (Companions of the Prophet). Is that permissible? Is it permissible for them to assign a portion of this meat for themselves? Guide us to the right answer. A: Dedicating slaughtered animals, vows, candles or Sadaqah (voluntary charity) to the dead, prophets, Awliya (pious people), or Imams constitutes an act of Shirk (associating others with Allah in His Divinity or worship). Vows and slaughtered animals should be dedicated to Allah alone. Allah (Glorified be He) says: *Say (O Muhammad ﷺ ): "Verily, my Salat (prayer), my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allah, the Lord of the Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exists). "He has no partner. And of this I have been commanded, and I am the first of the Muslims." Allah (Glorified be He) also says: Verily, We have granted you (O Muhammad ﷺ ) also says: (And whatever you spend for spendings (e.g., in Sadaqah - charity for Allah's Cause) or whatever vow you make, be sure Allah knows it all. The phrase "be sure Allah knows it" means that Allah will reward you for it. The Prophet (peace be upon him) is reported to have said: Whosoever vows to obey Allah must obey Him; and whosoever vows to disobey Allah must refrain from disobeying Him.) Vows are acts of Ibadah (worship) that glorify Allah. Therefore, one would be glorifying creatures being by dedicating slaughtered animals to them. Since slaughtering animals is considered an act of "Ibadah with which the slaughterer's intention is to glorify Allah, it is not befitting to offer it to anyone other than Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He). Therefore, it is prohibited to dedicate slaughtered animals to the jinn, angels, Awliya or prophets with the purpose of seeking their Shafa`ah (intercession), curing ack person, returning a missing person, repaying a debt or anything else of the sort. Slaughtered animals must be dedicated to Allah Alone (Glorified and Exalted be He). Some ignorant people vow to dedicate it to such and such a Shaykh or a Waliy (pious man) if Allah cures ack person. It is an act of major Shirk (associating others with Allah in His Divinity or worship that takes the Muslim out of Islam) to vow to do a good deed for the sake of such and such dead person while believing that he serves as an intermediary Those who practice this evil custom must turn to Allah in repentance, give it up, and regret thens they committed in the past. Allah (may He be Glorified and exalted) accepts the repentance of those who turn to Him in repentance. There is nothing wrong, however, if a person slaughters an animal to entertain a guest out of hospitality, to feed his family, or to distribute it to the poor. This is not the case with Ud-hiyah (sacrificial animal offered by non-pilgrims) offered on the Day of Sacrifice (10th of Dhul-Hijjah). This Ud-hiyah is slaughtered for the sake of drawing near to Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He). A person will not be accused of slaughtering for the sake of someone other than Allah if they slaughter the animal on behalf of their parents. Rather, they slaughter it with the intention of drawing closer to Allah and seeking His reward and there is nothing wrong with such an act. What is Munkar (that which is unacceptable or disapproved of by Islamic law and Muslims of sound intellect) is to slaughter an animal for the sake of drawing near to someone other than Allah, be it a prophet, Waliy, jinn, angel, etc out of the belief that they have the power to fulfill needs by interceding with Allah to cure theck or bring back the missing and that this act of "Ibadah is a reason to attain their intermediation and be closer to Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He). #Islam #Fatwa #IbnBaz https://binbaz.org.sa/fatwas/5585/%D8%AD%D9%83%D9%85-%D8%AA%D9%82%D8%AF%D9%8A%D9%85-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%86%D8%B0%D9%88%D8%B1-%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B0%D8%A8%D8%A7%D9%89%D8%AD-%D9%84%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%88%D8%A7%D8%AA
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carpe-lumxn · 4 years
Now, usually Lucifer would lie through this test, so for the sake of authenticity, she is under a truth serum, I suppose. Without further ado, let’s start!
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“No. And that’s probably a good thing because I might take this name from someone else if needed. That, and I can’t imagine another name for myself. Lucifer— the light bringer. Has a nice ring to it, when considering my plans of confronting the Almighty. Shedding light to whatever is hidden.
“I do have a planet named after me-- Venus. Thought it was a star for a long time. But no. It was just a planet. Yahweh has a funny sense of humour.” 
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“Sweetheart, you didn’t even blink.”
“Rather touchy question, is it not? Tell anyone, and I’ll order for you to be burnt alive.”
“The last time I really cried... 1928. Chicago, 1928. I used someone I thought I loved. I thought I could handle it, because she’s done the same thing to me, over and over. I did not.
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“Then there was the 50s. Some barons kidnapped a few lower demons to wrangle information out of them. They used something called Holy water torture. Works similarly like Chinese water torture. Except. They added one drop of the stuff to a whole gallon of water. The demons died. Slowly. Painfully. All of them. Holy water is painful, yes, but when delivered in such a low concentration the death is drawn out to several hours, days, even. The worst thing was, I could’ve done more. I could have done more to stop it from happening.”
She coughs. “Next question.”
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“Oh, sure, do I have kids? ‘S not like Armageddon was botched by someone else, is it?
“In theory, somewhat. Even so, Adam Young only shares about what, 200mLs of my blood? You see, his true parent is Satan. Except that Satan was an alter ego I created back during the War in Heaven meant to represent as an antithesis. This name is now used by all the members of the Dark Council. And I may be the demon of pride but I understand that evil is a spectrum that I myself cannot personify.
“And Adam Young wasn’t gestated in the traditional manner, but made in this cauldron where we mixed the blood of all the members of the Dark Council. I tweaked his genetic makeup— removed the appendix and wisdom teeth altogether, because those are the aspects of human anatomy that had always bothered me, but my involvement only extends up to that moment. 
“Adam abdicated, because he came to like humanity. Probably planned by Yahweh this entire time. He would not consider me as a parent, but that should be fine by me.”
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“I don’t think I’d ever want to have a child entirely of my own. I don’t want to bring something so good and vulnerable into a world that wants to destroy it and twist it up. Especially when considering my status. Knowing Yahweh, She’ll just use that as an opportunity to use them like a tool and say that I’m just like Her. Somehow. In a way I’ll never forget.
“So no. I can’t ever do that to someone.”
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“No no, of course not. What an unorthodox distortion of language. Really now, expecting people to get the dramatic irony embedded within everyday speech? Too intimidating, no? Gives too much power to the speaker while proving as an effective armour. Lots of muddled up meaning. Double entendres. Loopholes. Well. Good thing I would never do such a thing, innit.”
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“Sweetheart, I’m the devil.”
“It’s fun to listen to and decipher. And it’s fun to break the rules of conversations, say more things inconspicuously. Let the person decide for themselves. It’s a way I use to get to know someone. Yes, I like using sarcasm in conversations.”
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“I hear about other people based on reputation alone. And if they’re mentioned by two different people, I keep in mind how these representations differ from each other. That way, I can draw patterns and hypothesise myself what the person of interest is actually like. For example, if one human boasts about all the ‘Heavenly’ deeds someone such as a king did, yet another human claim that all that king’s conquests are bloody and merciless, I can deduce that that king likes to use the excuse of performing a Heavenly favour in order to commit mass manslaughter.
“I never forget a face, either. And a lot of the Fallen in Hell were my co-workers. It’s not an effective way to recognise someone, especially when considering discorporations that happen then and there. But no, I never forget the attitude of someone and the face that goes along with it. It’s something familiar that I can grasp upon.”
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“Blue. Sulphur blue. My eyes had always been that colour, sure, but my colleagues always swore that they had been a brighter, more saturated shade ever since the Fall. Think that has something to do with my Hellfire. 
“And course, that’s not considering the pupils. Yes, I have diamond pupils now. I can’t erase them entirely, but I can constrict my irises to be like that of a human’s when I need to blend in. Don’t worry— it’s only cat eye syndrome.” She winks. 
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“Happy endings are morphine for me. I'm afraid of happy endings because I hate how numb and content they make me feel. It’s why I always stop any of the lighthearted musicals I’m watching halfway through-- I’d rather not be influenced to feel so happy for fictional characters. Because I’m afraid that once I hit that point, I’ll never want something better for myself again. I’m not so pathetic that I cannot find happiness in my real life."
“Horror films are a little more familiar for me. Sure, they sometimes do have a lot of gore. Slow gore, where the character dies very slowly. Very disturbing. And psychological horror. Also very disturbing. Cosmic horror, too, I-I-I-I-I can’t even fathom who was beaten as a child to create those sort of stories. But I have routines to combat that, because I experience something similar in Hell often, anyway. When considering the big picture, horror is ironically better for me.
“So yes. Scary movies.”
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“I believe myself to be incredibly driven, resourceful, and determined. And that I can do whatever to get what I need.”
“Arguably, I’d say that these ‘talents’ are only useful thanks to how I use them. To work hard. And to work hard is not exactly a talent on itself, it’s more like training routine discipline into yourself.
“Speaking of hard work, I am quite skilled in conversation, influencing them so that I get what I need. Or seek out a compromise between the speaker and I, while also under the impression that I hold all of the cards, as the humans say. 
“Oh-! And how could we forget about my Hellfire? My Hellfire is unique in that it’s a higher temperature than other Hellfire. Ever seen the bottom of a flame? That blue colour? That is the hottest part of the flame, and where the colour of my Hellfire comes from. Arguably my Hellfire’s colour also comes from its sulphur contents which, by the way, is because  that’s the colour of brimstone fire.
“I also sew up spare corporations quickly, which works in a pinch whenever I accidentally discorporate a demon, or when I’m running low on corporations I could use.”
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“Like every other angel and demon, Heaven. Not sure whether the specific location still exists since it had been so long. New angels are still born, but I suspect that it’s in a new location. Not many angels are created anymore, after all. Rather, they’re often the reincarnated souls of demons killed by Holy water.”
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“You could argue that me interviewing other demons to get to know them is a hobby of mine. I like it. I get to be close, but not too close, and it lets me understand the demons under my wing a little more. And I could help them as much as I want. At least, as much until someone notices what I’m doing,
“I also like to take Coco, ahem, Sirocco out for gallops and some fresh air. She loves them a lot, and I like it, too. I like the feeling of us being so connected. Sometimes when we go fast enough, it almost seems like I’m finally flying. 
“Otherwise? I don’t let myself have leisurely hobbies, they distract me. At least, routine ones.”
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“But I suppose there are some times when I just can’t hold it off. Sometimes. I listen to some of my records. Watch old Fred and Ginger flicks. I used to sing a lot more when I was an angel. I haven’t tried it for a while, however."
“There are some hobbies I would like to learn... in another life, that is. I’d love to learn how to play the piano. Guitar, too. And lute. So you could argue that I would like to have a lot of music-oriented hobbies.”
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“I have a steed. Sirocco. She was a Camargue horse from the 1100s I picked up. Very beautiful, wonderful horse. Course, Sirocco can be a little rebellious at times. But I like that in any companion of mine. It proves that they’re truly acting to their own accord and see me honestly.
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“If I was a human, I’d also get a chihuahua. Poor dogs get very mistreated very much just because they’re small. People put them into handbags. Don outfits for them when they don’t need them, when they just want to be dogs and roam and sniff around. I would very much like to finally treat one well for once.
"I would also have a dragon if I could. But that can’t happen, can it?"
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“Horse riding. Once again, it’s as close as flying for me that I will ever get, and it’s a nice activity for Coco and I to bond. 
“Otherwise? I think sports is a little high risk thanks to a scar Mickey Mouse gave me. Was stabbed between the ribs with a sword doused in Holy fire, and it had never completely healed since. If something hits me hard enough in the chest, like, say, a ball, I’ll just end up hacking up blood.”
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“160cm. 155 in my male corporation. By the way, Imperial is a terrible measuring system so I refuse to use it. Yes, I know, I know, embarrassing height for demons of my type. But here’s the catch— no matter what, a long string of coincidences always makes sure that my corporation never extends past the 160cm height limit. And yes, I refuse to clarify why. 
“As for my true form... well. My true form is a ball of light, so the light rays reach a surface area of a small moon. But otherwise? The physical nucleus itself is... is only as big as a rock melon. Probably why I can’t get much taller. Erhm, next-!”
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“Take Yahweh's job. Not my fault if She made me a better, more responsible leader than She is. 
“And if I was a human... I’ve teased the idea to open up a jazz club. Learn to play the piano. Learn to play guitar. Play music. Sing, even. But no violins-! Of course. I’m still a demon. That can never happen for me.
“I’m happy that I have my current job. Especially because I don’t trust the other demon Lords to not exploit the denizens of Hell for their own personal benefit. And it’s similar to my old one-- guiding everyone to a bigger goal.
“I see that you’ve studied a lot for this interview.”
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“I’ve never went to what humans would consider a school, per se, which, fun fact, is based upon a system designed to turn children into obedient factory workers. No, all angels were born with all the knowledge we will ever need... by what Yahweh intended them to be, that is.
“If we relate the concept of Heaven to me as what a human school is to you, I suppose I miss singing our celestial harmonies. Very nice representation of what orchestrated group effort can do. It’s been a long time since I’ve sung, nevermind played a harp, but... I’ve always looked forward to them. Even when they ate up the time we needed to build Earth.”
Tagged by: @hellsrhapsody //thank you scotty!!
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**Beautiful Islamic Quotes About Life**
I said to Allah, “I hate life.” He replied, “Who asked you to love life? Just love me and life will beautiful.
Men and women have equal rewards for their deeds. Quran 3:195
“O ye who believe! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: And spy not on each other behind their backs. ” {Quran 49:12}
If you are in doubt ask ALLAH. Perform Salatul Istikhara
There is no doubt that Allah (Subhanahu Wa ta’ala) has sent thousands of Quran Verses and millions of Hadith “Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (??? ???? ???? ? ???)” for mankind. No matter what situation you’re going through. There are solutions and guidance by Allah (Azzawajal).
Once I was amazed to see that my non-Muslim friends on facebook and twitter are posting Islamic Quotes and verses from Quran. I was even more amazed when their positive behavior toward Muslims reminded that there are many Verses in Quran about non-believers as ALLAH says in Quran “The Quran, is a guidance for mankind – (2:185)“.
Islamic Quotes In English Islamic Whatsapp Status Best Islamic Quotes Islamic Quotes In English Eid-Ul-Adha-Mubarak
I said to Allah, “I hate life.” He replied, “Who asked you to love life? Just love me and life will beautiful.”
Men and women have equal rewards for their deeds. Quran 3:195
“O ye who believe! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: And spy not on each other behind their backs. ” {Quran 49:12}
If you are in doubt ask ALLAH. Perform Salatul Istikhara
When things are too hard to handle, retreat & count your blessings instead.
“Severing your parents in their old age is as good as opening the doors of PARADISE, so don’t miss out.”
“When we repair our relationship with Allah, He repairs everything else for us.”
“You Cannot Delete you internet history from ALLAH.”
“Take everyday as a chance to become a better Muslim.”
“Only in ISLAM do the king and peasant bow down together side by side proclaiming God’s greatness.”
“Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate the blessings they already have. Say Alhamdulillah every moment of life.”
EID SMS Islamic Quotes Shab-e-Barat Muabrak SMS wishes Ramdan Laylat al Qadr Eid Ul Fitr Wish Facebook Status
“Born from different mothers skins of all colours come together as brothers . that’s the beauty of Islam.”
“Allah made you muslim because he wants to see you in JANNAH. All you have to do is prove that you’re worthy of it.”
“So What if this life isn’t perfect? it’s not jannah. Nouman Ali Khan.”
“The Worst of our faults is our interest in other people’s Faults. – Ali Ibn Abi Talib”
“A Knife din’t kill Ismail (Alaihi salam), The fire Din’t Burn Ibrahim (Alaihi salam), A whale Din’t Eat Younus (Alaihi salam), The sea din’t Drown Musa (Alaihi salam). Be with ALLAH, and ALLAH will protect you.”
“If you don’t intend to marry her” Keep your hands off another mans Future wife.
If you do Intend to marry her. Keep your hands off until she is your wife”
“I only complain of my Sorrow and my sadness to ALLAH.”
“Beware of being found where Allah prohibited you from. and beware of being absent from where Allah commanded you to be.”
“When you feel low or sad look around you. Who are you friends? Surround yourself with those who remind you of Allah and become happy.”
“Trust Allah when things don’t work out the way you wanted. Allah has something better planned for you.”
“The overly jealous seek to harm and hurt other, but in the end only harm themselves”
Comedy SMS Romantic SMS Goodbye Messages Happy Weekend Quotes Wishes Farewell Message Good Luck SMS Good Day SMS Get Well Soon Messages
“Fear Allah because of his punishment. Love Allah because he is full of mercy – Islamic Quotes & Sayings”
“Practicing Islam beautifies once character. if it’s making you intolerable, impatient and grumpy then you’re doing it wrong.”
“If you want to destroy any nation without war, make adultery & nudity common in the next generation. – Salahuddin Ayyubi”
“Worries End When SALAH Begins”
“Rather than stressing about things we cannot control, pray to The One in control and find relief.”
“What is Jihad? smiling in Tough moment is Jihad. keeping Patience in hard times is Jihad. Struggling for good deed is jihad. talking care of old parents in a loving way is jihad. forgiving is jihad. Jihad is not what the media shows but what the Quran Says to strive and to Struggle!”
“Balance Your Dunya (world) around your deen (faith), its all a matter of priorities.”
“Bad things in life open your eyes to those things your weren’t paying much attention to before. That’s a blessing from Allah Too!”
“Trust Allah when things don’t work out the way you wanted. Allah has something better planned for you.”
“The Shortest distance between a problem and it’s solution is the distance between your knees and the floor.”
“Suicide Booming is not from Islam.
Messenger of Allah said:
Indeed whoever (intentionally) kills himself, then certainly he will be punished in the fire of Hell, wherein he shall dwell forever. (Bukharee – 5778)”
“Your Interview with ALLAH is Coming”
“Fill your heart with Eemaan and it will become the post peaceful place on earth.”
“Peoples of ALHAMDULILLAH” Don’t Have to Complain”
Sahih Bukhari – “Do not wish to be like anyone, except in two cases: (1) A man whom Allah has given wealth and he spends it righteously. (2) A man whom Allah has given wisdom (knowledge of the Qur’an and the Hadith) and he acts according to it and teaches it to others.”
Bukhari – “If one has good manners, one may attain the same level of merit as those who spend their nights in prayer.”
“Indeed, ALLAH does not wrong the people at all, but it is the people who are wronging themselves.”
“Faith is Trusting GOD even when you don’t understand his plan.”
“If the heart becomes hardend, the eye becomes dry. Ibn Qayyim”
“The Quran is for ourselves, not our Shelves.”
“Pyayer isn’t For Allah, It’s for you. He doesn’t need us But we need him.”
“The Greatest thing a Friend can do for you is bring you closer to ALLAH.”
“When Someone is behaving unjustly to you, find peace in the truth of the situation, knowing that Allah is enough as a witness.”
“Never think that any request you have is too much for ALLAH”
He says:
Happy Birthday SMS Happy Birthday Hindi SMS Happy Birthday Wishes SMS Happy Birthday Wishes Best Birthday Status Romantic Birthday Status, Wishes and Message 18th Birthday Wishes Happy Birthday Wishes in Punjabi Tamil Birthday Status Nepali Birthday SMS Pakistani Birthday SMS Punjabi Birthday SMS
And it is.
“Rasulullah SAW said: The greatest Jihad is to battle your own soul. to fight the evil within yourself.”
“ALLAH makes the impossible Possible”
“Guilt is a gift from ALLAH warning you that what you are doing is violating your soul” – Nauman Ali Khan
“Your prefer the life of this world, while the hereafter is better & more lasting.” Quran
“No one besides ALLAH can rescue a sould from Hardship” Quran 53 : 58
“Be Patient – For what was written for you was written by the greatest of writers”
“There are days when you don’t feel like praying. When your soul feels dark and your heart feels down. Those are the days when you need to pray. Those are the days when you need it most. And if you find the straight to Bow before your Lord in those day. You have defeated a big part of your nafs (inner self) and taken a huge step towards your Lord. So pray no matter what. Lead your heart to prayer and one day your heart will Lead you to Prayer.”
“There is reward for Kindness to every living thing.” Prophet Muhamad (SAAW)
“Be somebody in the eyes of ALLAH, even if you are nobody in the eyes of people.”
Note to self: “Before going to sleep every night Forgive everyone and sleep with Clean Heart”
“Always leave loved onces with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.” Mufti Ismail Menk
“Stay close to anything that reminds you of ALLAH”
“If you don’t want your kids to hurt others, don’t show them how to do it”
“No matter how hurt you are, You will always find comfort with ALLAH”
“Why wish upon a star? when you cam pray to the one who created it”
“Being a Muslim is about changing yourself, Not changing Islam.”
“O ye who belivee! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: And spy not on each other behid their backs.” Quran 49:12
“When Love is for the sake of ALLAH, It never dies.”
“There is no moving creature on earth but its sustenance depends on God. And He knows where it lives and where it rests. Everything is in a Clear Book.”
“Be embarrassed to sin in public, don’t be shy to show your faith.”
“Every new breath that ALLAH allows you to take is not just a blessing but also a responsibility.”
“There is no Islam without unity, no unity without leadership, and no leadership without obedience. ” — Umar ibn al-Khattab (??? ???? ???)
“They plan, and ALLAH plans & ALLAH is The Best of Planners.”
“Dua Heals All Negativity, Hurt, Anger, Worries and Depression. Pray to ALLAH Daily.”
“Men and Women have equal rewards for Their deeds. Quran 3:195”
“Dear ALLAH i pray that whoever reads this message shall have your comfort, joy, peace, love and guidance. I may not know their troubles, but you do please keep protecting us. Ameen”
“Every test is a blessing every blessing is a Test.”
islam-quote islam-quote-2
“Anas bin Malik (radi Allahu anhu) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “There shall come upon the people a time in which the one who is steadfast upon his religion will be like the one holding onto a burning ember.” (Hasan) [Chapters on Al-Fitan: Jami At-Tirmidhi]”
“Many skin colors. One Ummah. No Racism is ISLAM.”
Birthday Status For Girlfriend Birthday Status For Boyfriend Dad Birthday Status Messages Birthday Status & Short Messages Birthday Status For Daughter Birthday Status For Son Happy Birthday Mother Messages Happy Birthday wishes for GirlFriend/BoyFriend
“He Knows what is in every Heart – Surah Mulk {67:13}”
Every Secret in your mind and heart Allah knows it all and nothing you can hide from Allah. “yes, I am Muslim. no, I don’t hate jews and christains.”
“Stop asking me why I’m still single. I don’t ask you how you are still married.”
The Prophet (Peace be upon him) Said: ‘Leave that  which doesn’t concern you.‘
“Being Muslim is for all day, Not just 5 time a day.”
“Who can help you get through your problems But ALLAH”
“Don’t waste your tears on a broken relationship with someone you once loved. Invest your tears to strengthen your relationship with ALLAH.”
“ALLAH still loves and shows mercy to those who disobey Him, so imagine how much He loves those who obey Him.”
“Being a Muslim is more than just going to the masjid (mosque). Allah wants your ‘attention’ not just your ‘attendance‘
“The Dunya (World) is not the resting place, it is the testing place.”
“Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind has not faith.”
The Prophet of Mercy said: Beware! Whosoever oppresses a Muahid (i.e. Non-Muslim living in Muslim land with agreement) or snatches (any of) his rights or causes him pain which he cannot bear, or takes anything from him without his permission, Then “I WILL FIGHT AGAINST SUCH A (MUSLIM) ON THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT”[Sunnan Abu Dawud, Volume No. 3, Page No. 170, Hadith No. 3052]
“Someone, somewhere, right now, is fighting for his or her life. You still have yours, so be thankful and spend it in the obedience of Allah.”
“Sometimes the blessings are not in what he gives, but in what he takes away!”
“Do not force the religion on your family. show them the beauty of the religion through your own practice. – Nouman Ali khan”
“If Jannah is your dream, HOLD TIGHT to your deen!”
“Take Account of yourselves before you are taken to account. Weigh your deeds before they are weighed. Umar ibn Al-Khattab.”
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birthdaysms24-blog · 6 years
**Beautiful Islamic Quotes About Life**
I said to Allah, “I hate life.” He replied, “Who asked you to love life? Just love me and life will beautiful.
Men and women have equal rewards for their deeds. Quran 3:195
“O ye who believe! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: And spy not on each other behind their backs. ” {Quran 49:12}
If you are in doubt ask ALLAH. Perform Salatul Istikhara
There is no doubt that Allah (Subhanahu Wa ta’ala) has sent thousands of Quran Verses and millions of Hadith “Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (??? ???? ???? ? ???)” for mankind. No matter what situation you’re going through. There are solutions and guidance by Allah (Azzawajal).
Islamic Quotes In English Islamic Whatsapp Status Best Islamic Quotes Islamic Quotes In English Eid-Ul-Adha-Mubarak
Once I was amazed to see that my non-Muslim friends on facebook and twitter are posting Islamic Quotes and verses from Quran. I was even more amazed when their positive behavior toward Muslims reminded that there are many Verses in Quran about non-believers as ALLAH says in Quran “The Quran, is a guidance for mankind – (2:185)“.
I said to Allah, “I hate life.” He replied, “Who asked you to love life? Just love me and life will beautiful.”
Men and women have equal rewards for their deeds. Quran 3:195
“O ye who believe! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: And spy not on each other behind their backs. ” {Quran 49:12}
If you are in doubt ask ALLAH. Perform Salatul Istikhara
When things are too hard to handle, retreat & count your blessings instead.
“Severing your parents in their old age is as good as opening the doors of PARADISE, so don’t miss out.”
“When we repair our relationship with Allah, He repairs everything else for us.”
“You Cannot Delete you internet history from ALLAH.”
“Take everyday as a chance to become a better Muslim.”
“Only in ISLAM do the king and peasant bow down together side by side proclaiming God’s greatness.”
“Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate the blessings they already have. Say Alhamdulillah every moment of life.” best-islamic-quotes-2
“Born from different mothers skins of all colours come together as brothers . that’s the beauty of Islam.”
“Allah made you muslim because he wants to see you in JANNAH. All you have to do is prove that you’re worthy of it.”
“So What if this life isn’t perfect? it’s not jannah. Nouman Ali Khan.”
EID SMS Islamic Quotes Shab-e-Barat Muabrak SMS wishes Ramdan Laylat al Qadr Eid Ul Fitr Wish Facebook Status
“The Worst of our faults is our interest in other people’s Faults. – Ali Ibn Abi Talib”
“A Knife din’t kill Ismail (Alaihi salam), The fire Din’t Burn Ibrahim (Alaihi salam), A whale Din’t Eat Younus (Alaihi salam), The sea din’t Drown Musa (Alaihi salam). Be with ALLAH, and ALLAH will protect you.”
“If you don’t intend to marry her” Keep your hands off another mans Future wife.
If you do Intend to marry her. Keep your hands off until she is your wife”
“I only complain of my Sorrow and my sadness to ALLAH.”
“Beware of being found where Allah prohibited you from. and beware of being absent from where Allah commanded you to be.”
“When you feel low or sad look around you. Who are you friends? Surround yourself with those who remind you of Allah and become happy.”
“Trust Allah when things don’t work out the way you wanted. Allah has something better planned for you.”
“The overly jealous seek to harm and hurt other, but in the end only harm themselves”
“Fear Allah because of his punishment. Love Allah because he is full of mercy – Islamic Quotes & Sayings”
“Practicing Islam beautifies once character. if it’s making you intolerable, impatient and grumpy then you’re doing it wrong.”
“If you want to destroy any nation without war, make adultery & nudity common in the next generation. – Salahuddin Ayyubi”
“Worries End When SALAH Begins”
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“Rather than stressing about things we cannot control, pray to The One in control and find relief.”
“What is Jihad? smiling in Tough moment is Jihad. keeping Patience in hard times is Jihad. Struggling for good deed is jihad. talking care of old parents in a loving way is jihad. forgiving is jihad. Jihad is not what the media shows but what the Quran Says to strive and to Struggle!”
“Balance Your Dunya (world) around your deen (faith), its all a matter of priorities.”
“Bad things in life open your eyes to those things your weren’t paying much attention to before. That’s a blessing from Allah Too!”
“Trust Allah when things don’t work out the way you wanted. Allah has something better planned for you.”
“The Shortest distance between a problem and it’s solution is the distance between your knees and the floor.”
“Suicide Booming is not from Islam.
Messenger of Allah said:
Indeed whoever (intentionally) kills himself, then certainly he will be punished in the fire of Hell, wherein he shall dwell forever. (Bukharee – 5778)”
“Your Interview with ALLAH is Coming”
“Fill your heart with Eemaan and it will become the post peaceful place on earth.”
“Peoples of ALHAMDULILLAH” Don’t Have to Complain”
Sahih Bukhari – “Do not wish to be like anyone, except in two cases: (1) A man whom Allah has given wealth and he spends it righteously. (2) A man whom Allah has given wisdom (knowledge of the Qur’an and the Hadith) and he acts according to it and teaches it to others.”
Bukhari – “If one has good manners, one may attain the same level of merit as those who spend their nights in prayer.”
“Indeed, ALLAH does not wrong the people at all, but it is the people who are wronging themselves.”
“Faith is Trusting GOD even when you don’t understand his plan.”
“If the heart becomes hardend, the eye becomes dry. Ibn Qayyim”
“The Quran is for ourselves, not our Shelves.”
“Pyayer isn’t For Allah, It’s for you. He doesn’t need us But we need him.”
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“The Greatest thing a Friend can do for you is bring you closer to ALLAH.”
“When Someone is behaving unjustly to you, find peace in the truth of the situation, knowing that Allah is enough as a witness.”
“Never think that any request you have is too much for ALLAH”
He says:
And it is.
“Rasulullah SAW said: The greatest Jihad is to battle your own soul. to fight the evil within yourself.”
“ALLAH makes the impossible Possible”
“Guilt is a gift from ALLAH warning you that what you are doing is violating your soul” – Nauman Ali Khan
“Your prefer the life of this world, while the hereafter is better & more lasting.” Quran
“No one besides ALLAH can rescue a sould from Hardship” Quran 53 : 58
“Be Patient – For what was written for you was written by the greatest of writers”
“There are days when you don’t feel like praying. When your soul feels dark and your heart feels down. Those are the days when you need to pray. Those are the days when you need it most. And if you find the straight to Bow before your Lord in those day. You have defeated a big part of your nafs (inner self) and taken a huge step towards your Lord. So pray no matter what. Lead your heart to prayer and one day your heart will Lead you to Prayer.”
“There is reward for Kindness to every living thing.” Prophet Muhamad (SAAW)
“Be somebody in the eyes of ALLAH, even if you are nobody in the eyes of people.”
Note to self: “Before going to sleep every night Forgive everyone and sleep with Clean Heart”
“Always leave loved onces with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.” Mufti Ismail Menk
“Stay close to anything that reminds you of ALLAH”
“If you don’t want your kids to hurt others, don’t show them how to do it”
“No matter how hurt you are, You will always find comfort with ALLAH”
“Why wish upon a star? when you cam pray to the one who created it”
“Being a Muslim is about changing yourself, Not changing Islam.”
“O ye who belivee! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: And spy not on each other behid their backs.” Quran 49:12
“When Love is for the sake of ALLAH, It never dies.”
“There is no moving creature on earth but its sustenance depends on God. And He knows where it lives and where it rests. Everything is in a Clear Book.”
“Be embarrassed to sin in public, don’t be shy to show your faith.”
“Every new breath that ALLAH allows you to take is not just a blessing but also a responsibility.”
“There is no Islam without unity, no unity without leadership, and no leadership without obedience. ” — Umar ibn al-Khattab (??? ???? ???)
“They plan, and ALLAH plans & ALLAH is The Best of Planners.”
“Dua Heals All Negativity, Hurt, Anger, Worries and Depression. Pray to ALLAH Daily.”
“Men and Women have equal rewards for Their deeds. Quran 3:195”
“Dear ALLAH i pray that whoever reads this message shall have your comfort, joy, peace, love and guidance. I may not know their troubles, but you do please keep protecting us. Ameen”
“Every test is a blessing every blessing is a Test.”
islam-quote islam-quote-2
“Anas bin Malik (radi Allahu anhu) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “There shall come upon the people a time in which the one who is steadfast upon his religion will be like the one holding onto a burning ember.” (Hasan) [Chapters on Al-Fitan: Jami At-Tirmidhi]”
“Many skin colors. One Ummah. No Racism is ISLAM.”
“He Knows what is in every Heart – Surah Mulk {67:13}”
Every Secret in your mind and heart Allah knows it all and nothing you can hide from Allah. “yes, I am Muslim. no, I don’t hate jews and christains.”
“Stop asking me why I’m still single. I don’t ask you how you are still married.”
The Prophet (Peace be upon him) Said: ‘Leave that  which doesn’t concern you.‘
“Being Muslim is for all day, Not just 5 time a day.”
“Who can help you get through your problems But ALLAH”
“Don’t waste your tears on a broken relationship with someone you once loved. Invest your tears to strengthen your relationship with ALLAH.”
“ALLAH still loves and shows mercy to those who disobey Him, so imagine how much He loves those who obey Him.”
“Being a Muslim is more than just going to the masjid (mosque). Allah wants your ‘attention’ not just your ‘attendance‘
“The Dunya (World) is not the resting place, it is the testing place.”
“Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind has not faith.”
The Prophet of Mercy said: Beware! Whosoever oppresses a Muahid (i.e. Non-Muslim living in Muslim land with agreement) or snatches (any of) his rights or causes him pain which he cannot bear, or takes anything from him without his permission, Then “I WILL FIGHT AGAINST SUCH A (MUSLIM) ON THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT”[Sunnan Abu Dawud, Volume No. 3, Page No. 170, Hadith No. 3052]
“Someone, somewhere, right now, is fighting for his or her life. You still have yours, so be thankful and spend it in the obedience of Allah.”
“Sometimes the blessings are not in what he gives, but in what he takes away!”
“Do not force the religion on your family. show them the beauty of the religion through your own practice. – Nouman Ali khan”
“If Jannah is your dream, HOLD TIGHT to your deen!”
“Take Account of yourselves before you are taken to account. Weigh your deeds before they are weighed. Umar ibn Al-Khattab.”
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**Beautiful Islamic Quotes About Life**
I said to Allah, “I hate life.” He replied, “Who asked you to love life? Just love me and life will beautiful.
Men and women have equal rewards for their deeds. Quran 3:195
“O ye who believe! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: And spy not on each other behind their backs. ” {Quran 49:12}
If you are in doubt ask ALLAH. Perform Salatul Istikhara
There is no doubt that Allah (Subhanahu Wa ta’ala) has sent thousands of Quran Verses and millions of Hadith “Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (??? ???? ???? ? ???)” for mankind. No matter what situation you’re going through. There are solutions and guidance by Allah (Azzawajal).
Once I was amazed to see that my non-Muslim friends on facebook and twitter are posting Islamic Quotes and verses from Quran. I was even more amazed when their positive behavior toward Muslims reminded that there are many Verses in Quran about non-believers as ALLAH says in Quran “The Quran, is a guidance for mankind – (2:185)“.
I said to Allah, “I hate life.” He replied, “Who asked you to love life? Just love me and life will beautiful.”
EID SMS Islamic Quotes Shab-e-Barat Muabrak SMS wishes Ramdan Laylat al Qadr Eid Ul Fitr Wish Facebook Status
Men and women have equal rewards for their deeds. Quran 3:195
“O ye who believe! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: And spy not on each other behind their backs. ” {Quran 49:12}
If you are in doubt ask ALLAH. Perform Salatul Istikhara
When things are too hard to handle, retreat & count your blessings instead.
“Severing your parents in their old age is as good as opening the doors of PARADISE, so don’t miss out.”
“When we repair our relationship with Allah, He repairs everything else for us.”
“You Cannot Delete you internet history from ALLAH.”
“Take everyday as a chance to become a better Muslim.”
“Only in ISLAM do the king and peasant bow down together side by side proclaiming God’s greatness.”
“Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate the blessings they already have. Say Alhamdulillah every moment of life.” best-islamic-quotes-2
“Born from different mothers skins of all colours come together as brothers . that’s the beauty of Islam.”
Islamic Quotes In English Islamic Whatsapp Status Best Islamic Quotes Islamic Quotes In English Eid-Ul-Adha-Mubarak
“Allah made you muslim because he wants to see you in JANNAH. All you have to do is prove that you’re worthy of it.”
“So What if this life isn’t perfect? it’s not jannah. Nouman Ali Khan.”
“The Worst of our faults is our interest in other people’s Faults. – Ali Ibn Abi Talib”
“A Knife din’t kill Ismail (Alaihi salam), The fire Din’t Burn Ibrahim (Alaihi salam), A whale Din’t Eat Younus (Alaihi salam), The sea din’t Drown Musa (Alaihi salam). Be with ALLAH, and ALLAH will protect you.”
“If you don’t intend to marry her” Keep your hands off another mans Future wife.
If you do Intend to marry her. Keep your hands off until she is your wife”
“I only complain of my Sorrow and my sadness to ALLAH.”
“Beware of being found where Allah prohibited you from. and beware of being absent from where Allah commanded you to be.”
“When you feel low or sad look around you. Who are you friends? Surround yourself with those who remind you of Allah and become happy.”
“Trust Allah when things don’t work out the way you wanted. Allah has something better planned for you.”
“The overly jealous seek to harm and hurt other, but in the end only harm themselves”
“Fear Allah because of his punishment. Love Allah because he is full of mercy – Islamic Quotes & Sayings”
“Practicing Islam beautifies once character. if it’s making you intolerable, impatient and grumpy then you’re doing it wrong.”
“If you want to destroy any nation without war, make adultery & nudity common in the next generation. – Salahuddin Ayyubi”
“Worries End When SALAH Begins”
“Rather than stressing about things we cannot control, pray to The One in control and find relief.”
“What is Jihad? smiling in Tough moment is Jihad. keeping Patience in hard times is Jihad. Struggling for good deed is jihad. talking care of old parents in a loving way is jihad. forgiving is jihad. Jihad is not what the media shows but what the Quran Says to strive and to Struggle!”
“Balance Your Dunya (world) around your deen (faith), its all a matter of priorities.”
“Bad things in life open your eyes to those things your weren’t paying much attention to before. That’s a blessing from Allah Too!”
“Trust Allah when things don’t work out the way you wanted. Allah has something better planned for you.”
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“The Shortest distance between a problem and it’s solution is the distance between your knees and the floor.”
“Suicide Booming is not from Islam.
Messenger of Allah said:
Indeed whoever (intentionally) kills himself, then certainly he will be punished in the fire of Hell, wherein he shall dwell forever. (Bukharee – 5778)”
“Your Interview with ALLAH is Coming”
“Fill your heart with Eemaan and it will become the post peaceful place on earth.”
“Peoples of ALHAMDULILLAH” Don’t Have to Complain”
Sahih Bukhari – “Do not wish to be like anyone, except in two cases: (1) A man whom Allah has given wealth and he spends it righteously. (2) A man whom Allah has given wisdom (knowledge of the Qur’an and the Hadith) and he acts according to it and teaches it to others.”
Bukhari – “If one has good manners, one may attain the same level of merit as those who spend their nights in prayer.”
“Indeed, ALLAH does not wrong the people at all, but it is the people who are wronging themselves.”
“Faith is Trusting GOD even when you don’t understand his plan.”
“If the heart becomes hardend, the eye becomes dry. Ibn Qayyim”
“The Quran is for ourselves, not our Shelves.”
“Pyayer isn’t For Allah, It’s for you. He doesn’t need us But we need him.”
“The Greatest thing a Friend can do for you is bring you closer to ALLAH.”
“When Someone is behaving unjustly to you, find peace in the truth of the situation, knowing that Allah is enough as a witness.”
“Never think that any request you have is too much for ALLAH”
He says:
And it is.
“Rasulullah SAW said: The greatest Jihad is to battle your own soul. to fight the evil within yourself.”
“ALLAH makes the impossible Possible”
“Guilt is a gift from ALLAH warning you that what you are doing is violating your soul” – Nauman Ali Khan
“Your prefer the life of this world, while the hereafter is better & more lasting.” Quran
“No one besides ALLAH can rescue a sould from Hardship” Quran 53 : 58
“Be Patient – For what was written for you was written by the greatest of writers”
“There are days when you don’t feel like praying. When your soul feels dark and your heart feels down. Those are the days when you need to pray. Those are the days when you need it most. And if you find the straight to Bow before your Lord in those day. You have defeated a big part of your nafs (inner self) and taken a huge step towards your Lord. So pray no matter what. Lead your heart to prayer and one day your heart will Lead you to Prayer.”
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“There is reward for Kindness to every living thing.” Prophet Muhamad (SAAW)
“Be somebody in the eyes of ALLAH, even if you are nobody in the eyes of people.”
Note to self: “Before going to sleep every night Forgive everyone and sleep with Clean Heart”
“Always leave loved onces with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.” Mufti Ismail Menk
“Stay close to anything that reminds you of ALLAH”
“If you don’t want your kids to hurt others, don’t show them how to do it”
“No matter how hurt you are, You will always find comfort with ALLAH”
“Why wish upon a star? when you cam pray to the one who created it”
“Being a Muslim is about changing yourself, Not changing Islam.”
“O ye who belivee! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: And spy not on each other behid their backs.” Quran 49:12
“When Love is for the sake of ALLAH, It never dies.”
“There is no moving creature on earth but its sustenance depends on God. And He knows where it lives and where it rests. Everything is in a Clear Book.”
“Be embarrassed to sin in public, don’t be shy to show your faith.”
“Every new breath that ALLAH allows you to take is not just a blessing but also a responsibility.”
“There is no Islam without unity, no unity without leadership, and no leadership without obedience. ” — Umar ibn al-Khattab (??? ???? ???)
“They plan, and ALLAH plans & ALLAH is The Best of Planners.”
“Dua Heals All Negativity, Hurt, Anger, Worries and Depression. Pray to ALLAH Daily.”
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“Men and Women have equal rewards for Their deeds. Quran 3:195”
“Dear ALLAH i pray that whoever reads this message shall have your comfort, joy, peace, love and guidance. I may not know their troubles, but you do please keep protecting us. Ameen”
“Every test is a blessing every blessing is a Test.”
islam-quote islam-quote-2
“Anas bin Malik (radi Allahu anhu) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “There shall come upon the people a time in which the one who is steadfast upon his religion will be like the one holding onto a burning ember.” (Hasan) [Chapters on Al-Fitan: Jami At-Tirmidhi]”
“Many skin colors. One Ummah. No Racism is ISLAM.”
“He Knows what is in every Heart – Surah Mulk {67:13}”
Every Secret in your mind and heart Allah knows it all and nothing you can hide from Allah. “yes, I am Muslim. no, I don’t hate jews and christains.”
“Stop asking me why I’m still single. I don’t ask you how you are still married.”
The Prophet (Peace be upon him) Said: ‘Leave that  which doesn’t concern you.‘
“Being Muslim is for all day, Not just 5 time a day.”
“Who can help you get through your problems But ALLAH”
“Don’t waste your tears on a broken relationship with someone you once loved. Invest your tears to strengthen your relationship with ALLAH.”
“ALLAH still loves and shows mercy to those who disobey Him, so imagine how much He loves those who obey Him.”
“Being a Muslim is more than just going to the masjid (mosque). Allah wants your ‘attention’ not just your ‘attendance‘
“The Dunya (World) is not the resting place, it is the testing place.”
“Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind has not faith.”
The Prophet of Mercy said: Beware! Whosoever oppresses a Muahid (i.e. Non-Muslim living in Muslim land with agreement) or snatches (any of) his rights or causes him pain which he cannot bear, or takes anything from him without his permission, Then “I WILL FIGHT AGAINST SUCH A (MUSLIM) ON THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT”[Sunnan Abu Dawud, Volume No. 3, Page No. 170, Hadith No. 3052]
“Someone, somewhere, right now, is fighting for his or her life. You still have yours, so be thankful and spend it in the obedience of Allah.”
“Sometimes the blessings are not in what he gives, but in what he takes away!”
“Do not force the religion on your family. show them the beauty of the religion through your own practice. – Nouman Ali khan”
“If Jannah is your dream, HOLD TIGHT to your deen!”
“Take Account of yourselves before you are taken to account. Weigh your deeds before they are weighed. Umar ibn Al-Khattab.”
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