#ewwwww work
rebouks · 6 months
I'm gonna be the realest with you rn and say that I haven't read Somnium (yet?) and I'm just following FIB as you upload, so I caught myself wondering what Oscar's job is! I'm not completely clueless though: I checked some older posts and from what I saw, I assumed he's a hacker and worked for a criminal gang? But what about now? Just a freelancer? And what about Courtney? What does homegirl got going for her? Tbh I'd love to know the profession of all your sims! Pls don't mind my lazy ass :')
Haaah! I can't say I blame you tbh since it's quite an investment at this point (still worth it imo tho LOL) but yeah, it's hard to catch up sometimes skjkdj <- me currently tryna catch up on a bazillion stories omg
Let's cover as many as we can! lmk if I miss any tho 🙈
But yessss.. Oscar is a freelancer programmer at the moment! He's VERY good at it but moved away from his naughtiness on that front for the most part 🤭 it works really well for him since he's not too great with structure and can work from home! (his office still SUCKS tho ;-;)
Courtney - Stay at Home Mom! She used to work at a garden centre and she's had a million n' one jobs before that too, she doesn't know what she wants to do 🙃 she'll think abt it some more when the kiddos are all old enough for school tho probs...
Ivan - Mechanical Engineer - haven't thought abt this one too much, I imagine he works at some kinda factory looking after/fixing all the machines tho idk 🤔
Bruno - Landscape Gardener
Noah - Artist! He has his own gallery now too and he scouts/stocks other peoples work as well as his.
Aspen - Yoga Teacher - kinda casual tho since Noah makes enough for both of em n' then some.
Sidney - Retired A&E Doctor! Still works the odd shift to help out tho cos she can't help herself.
Alton - Retired Charity Worker (FOR THE TREEEES! 🌲)
Alma - Semi Retired Medium/Tarot Card Reader
Mack/Kobe - Mechanics (still own their lil garage in the Harbor)
Darien - Accountant (a very GOOD accountant & only slightly dodgy these days, plenty of legal ways around the law u kno 😉)
Wyatt - Unemployed! Man's got enough money to last several lifetimes but messes with a lot of stocks, he'll tell people he's an Investor)
Brynn - Stay at Home Mom! She's quite social tho, I can see her getting a job in a cafe or smth when the kids go to school just for fun)
Tilda - Seamstress! She works with a slightly eccentric woman in her shop in the Bay
Tristen - Pizza Boy/Lifeguard! He works with Kara in a cute lil takeaway in town at night, but by day he picks up shifts as a lifeguard on the beach, especially in spring/summer 🌊 He has his own place now!! 🏠👀
Mia - Paramedic! She works a LOT
Suzie - Dog Sitter/Groomer - she has her own grooming station in the garage/outhouse so basically works from home!
Miya - Mixologist!
Rhys - Photographer - he's mostly done weddings/events in the past but he's working toward doing more projects of his own since he has a studio now! 📸
Tommy - Psychiatrist (Still doing his residency tho)
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kittehbiscuits · 6 months
I have a theory guys
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The woman that he died over is the wife in the sequel, and also the owner of the finger with a wedding ring he pulled out of his pocket, so I guess that makes her his ex wife so I could be wrong but maybe they just didn't add ex when they revealed casting for whatever reason.
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excitedrainbow · 7 months
just realising now how much Siobhan has added to Adaine via the mechanics and cackling at her taking the mage slayer feat plus Steel Wind Strike, god she absolutely hated being abducted by Fallinel elven wizards soooooo much
(would pay to see her meet Suvi from Worlds Beyond Number I think they would have so much respect for each other and also be MORTAL ENEMIES)
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turkey-sandwich · 5 months
fs2 so good they had to nerf his drip game and made him wear this thing
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theboykingofhell · 11 months
god it is so incredibly jarring being somewhere out in public and having someone recognizing me from tiktok pls HJKSGFDG
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harveyverse · 2 months
ARGHHHH WTF IS ART. WHAT IS ANATOMY. AND WHY CANT I DRAW THE WAY I WANT TO. my drawings are the EXACT wrong amount of realism mixed with the EXACT wrong amount stylisation and it looks so awful, i hate this. what the fuck.
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0pal333 · 1 year
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posie bod update #3
back rolls, cleavage and kitty cat plus new and improved shoulder tattoo, (got rid of the monstrosity i put on their arm) and knee tattoo (also got rid of the red rum and the other one)
hope you enjoy sim nudes
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waspgrave · 5 months
i'm studying the brain and having the feeling of shaking my own bc it couldn't care less about its lobes or functions
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super-mario-rpg · 9 months
Sorry I haven't been posting, I've been becoming isolated and weird
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unganseylike · 2 years
girls help i have to make a decision about a job offer by the end of the week idk what to doooooo
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harvsbian · 2 years
i wabt to talk to people more how was everyones days did u have fun
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godsfavoritejester · 1 year
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happy 4/20 eve 💚
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okcat · 2 years
I hate men they're sooooooo cringe
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altruistic-meme · 2 years
29 and 30
milo!!! hi!!!
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year? ohhh this is so tough. i've written so much this year, so much that i absolutely loved. but i wanna lean a little more emotional, so im going to pull one of my favorite passages from we all need a soft place to fall, since that fic hurts me the most
“The last time I spoke-” There was a sharp inhale. “God, the last time I spoke to him was today, Simon.” Today. It hadn’t even been a full 24 hours since Wilhelm had spoken to his brother, and now he never would again. “What did you talk about?” Simon asked, as calmly as he could. That was one thing he knew: he needed to be calm, because Wilhelm needed him. He ran his hand up Wilhelm’s arm, up higher to his head where he could run his fingers through his hair. “You,” Wilhelm told him quietly, as if that wasn’t enough to end the world, as if it wasn’t enough to build a new one.
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year? ahhhhh honestly??? the absolute support, especially from you <3 not that im surprised you are supporting me, mostly that i have never had this kind of support before and it has honestly shaken me to the core!! i say it on everything i post, but really i will never be able to thank you enough for all of your support throughout this year <33
[ ao3 writer wrapped ]
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mummer · 2 years
need to update my phone in order to download the update for tumblr polls on mobile but have you considered i would rather kill myself than do that
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laughableillusions · 2 years
Guy that looked to be the same age as my fucking father came in and started flirting with me, he asked how old I was (ew). Then asked if I had plans…literally fucking terrible, he asked then if I was in an open relationship when I said I had a boyfriend.
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