sequencefairy · 2 months
i love you for being on the Watcher Defence Squad always and forever 😘
it's easy to be here when i have put on my critical thinking hat and understand the realities of working in and around the entertainment industry and be someone who has seen the fall of youtube as a viable way to make a living.
but boy howdy, i have seen some Takes today.
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crushcandles · 7 months
Hello please may I inquire as to "pup angst" 👀👀
Hello to you (and @ex0rin) 💛
I seem to always have some kind of pup!Jaskier around, like a comfort object. pup angst is one of the current chew toys, for when I'm otherwise not occupied.
"I love you," Jaskier sighs, and chills all over as Geralt pulls away from him. Geralt doesn't push him or hit him, just gently pushes Jaskier over on the impromptu bed of discarded clothing they just fucked on so he can sit up. The tie at the back of Geralt's hair is falling out, and there's an imprint on his shoulder blade from Jaskier's lace cuff. "Very funny," Geralt says over his shoulder. There's beard burn on his top lip. "I'm not joking," Jaskier says, although he's starting to wish he was. "I'm in love with you."
wip ask game
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sparklingbinjuice · 2 years
UM I would like to know about Bad Cop, Worse Cop. For reasons. (Although that Sharon/Layla also has me in it's grip so if no one else asks you, please feel free to share!) Thanks 😘
listen this was very much inspired by your Recruitment Opportunity, which i may have read *checks ao3 history* 31 times, so i totally understand your Reasons.
there is very little plot and i have no idea if it could fit into canon. i just needed an excuse to have rollins and rumlow spit-roast torres :))) so... he and his buddy parachute behind enemy lines (except not really, just close to a hydra base) and he gets caught and interrogated.
my description for this doc is just '*roughly whumps the baby bird*', which pretty much explains it. snippet below the cut. nothing explicit yet, just set up and allusions to torture
“You know what I’m going to ask you, kid,” he said amicably.
His tone was casual, almost playful. But given the circumstances his familiarity was more unsettling than comforting. He had a broad New York accent – Brooklyn or the Bronx if Joaquin had to guess.
“Gonna make me waste my breath, huh?”
Joaquin set his jaw, clenching his teeth so hard that the enamel crown on his lower right premolar threatened to crack under the pressure.
He focused on the shiny metal tabletop laid out before him. It was old, marked up with a series of scuffs and scratches. Some of them looked unsettling like they could have been made by desperately scrabbling fingernails.
He clenched his bound hands into fists behind his back; his own jagged nails digging grooves in the balls of his palms.
“Yeah?” New York laughed, short and humourless. Joaquin could feel the dark eyes on him, appraising him relentlessly. “Brave boy, huh? You want the full experience?”
He set his jaw, refusing to be goaded into breaking his silence. He had been trained for this. He wouldn’t be broken.
“I’m giving you an easy out here, ace,” his captor told him. “We can have a civil conversation and I’ll let you get back to your little buddy up over the ridge in time for breakfast.”
Joaquin forced himself not to react to that. They didn’t know where the camp was. Where Ollie was. They couldn’t. He'd been so careful.
He counted his breathing, keeping it even and steady. Inhale four seconds. Hold four seconds. Exhale four seconds. Hold four seconds.
The man across from him laughed again, so loud and sudden that he had to force himself not to flinch.
“OK. Well, lucky for you I like to hear myself talk. As an old friend of mine once said ‘I could do this all day’. So I’ll tell you what I think about you and you can waste all of your energy keeping your pretty face in neutral. How’s that sound?”
Joaquin tried to force his vision to narrow in on the dark smudge directly above his right knee but the blur of movement in his periphery kept catching his attention.
His interrogator refused to sit still: crossing his arms then messing with his coiffed hair then swinging back in his chair like a bored school kid stuck in an especially dull class.
Joaquin glared at the mark, forcing himself to focus by going through a list of what could have caused it. Blood? No, that would wipe off too easy and the surface was clearly kept impeccably clean. Despite the damage, it shone in the glow of the fluorescent strip bulb overhead. Acid?
“And if you still ain’t willing to chat by the time I’m done, I’ll call in someone who’ll make you beg for the chance to talk.”
Gas? Joaquin distantly wished that he had paid better attention in Chemistry class.
"'Cause if you’re thinking that I’m the bad cop here, kid, you’re in for a nasty surprise.”
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alissssssaka · 6 months
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ok but this butchie dynamic-
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evilwinterfruit · 1 year
My fave HTP blog who I follow on my rp account followed me on here and then reblogged things. Screaming, crying, throwing up.
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the-ravening · 1 year
You know I need to ask about Zemo/Torres, Secret Sugar Daddy because I also have a fic with a similar name and I want to know how close ours are to being the same fic because of FCCU chats 😂
We have definitely had this convo before, and our similarly named WIPs are 100% based on the same FCCU chats. If you ever get back into Zemo someday, I would totally love to write this fic together because it was a great idea.
For anyone else who’s wondering (and @zsparz you asked about this too, I’ll be answering yours next), this is a story where Torres is working with SBZ on missions, and picks up a daddy on a sugar baby app as his side hustle. He doesn’t know his sugar daddy’s real identity, and of course, it’s Zemo.
Here, have everything I've written, since it's not much.
Torres mentions to his daddy that his upcoming job is somewhere warm and the next gift he receives is a selection of skimpy speedos, which he makes good use of when their mission gives them the chance to turn one of Zemo’s fancy Mediterranean villas into their safehouse for a few weeks. The place is like something out of a travel guide, with its lush courtyards and outdoor patios and grape-trellis enclosed pool area. While they have a few days to kill, waiting for their contact and running remote surveillance, Zemo spends much of his time lounging poolside, wrapped in one of his many fine silk robes, fruity cocktail in hand, designer sunglasses perched on a slightly sunburned nose. He gives off the air of a man oblivious to his surroundings in his pampered state of leisure, but Torres gets the sense that behind his dark glasses, Zemo is watching him closely as he swims.
He should be weirded out by it. He should feel uneasy, left all alone out here to fend for himself against Sam and Bucky’s adopted terrorist. He knows what kind of man Zemo is, has read his files and details of all he’s done, has spent enough time with him on these missions to understand not to trust half the words that drip off his honeyed tongue. But the truth is, having the older man’s hungry gaze on him is a bit of a turn on. The intense midday sun glints on the water as he does lazy laps around the pool, and he can imagine how it must look rippling over the lean muscles of his back. As he pulls himself up onto the ledge after his swim, rivulets of it sluice down his chest, catching in the dips of his well-defined abs. He’s got a nice golden tan already, just from spending these first afternoons in the sun here, and he can feel Zemo’s eyes linger on him, running down his body appreciatively to settle at the telling bulge of his growing hard-on. It’s titillating having Zemo’s attention on him like this, and the tiny, form-fitting swim shorts don’t hide a thing. He lets Zemo get an eyeful as he slowly towels off, reveling in the thrill of being watched. Not one to miss an opportunity, he makes his way back to his room, still dripping wet and hard, to take some mirror selfies for his daddy in the ensuite bathroom. He’s well practiced at it by now, knows his best angles, turning just so into three-quarter profile to show off his tiny waist and clenching his muscles to get the desired definition. He squeezes a hand over his cock, gives it a few strokes over the speedo to get it nice and plump for the photo, and then snaps a few in quick succession, making sure to emphasize how well he fills out the tiny shorts. Choosing the best shot, admiring how the light and shadow plays over his golden skin, what a fucking meal he looks like with the thick head of his cock threatening to burst out from the waistband of his shorts sitting low on his hips, he sends it off to his daddy with a quick message consisting of a string of eggplant and sweat drop emojis. He doesn’t have to wait long before his phone dings with a reply. I knew you’d look delectable in them, his daddy writes. Stream for me now? Torres throws a glance out the window overlooking the pool to make sure Zemo’s still sitting out there on his lounger, and he is, right where Torres left him. Fortunately, the man seems completely engrossed with something on his phone, so Torres can be fairly certain he won’t be interrupted or overheard, can even make some extra noise while filming for his daddy. He starts up a video call and trails a hand down his chest, over the firm plane of his stomach, slowly inching it down to dip his fingers beneath the stretch of hot pink and neon green lycra where the hefty bulge of his cock is tenting the fabric…
And lest we forget, this is the Torres thirst trap selfie that inspired the fic:
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winterbonesthings · 1 year
Hey! So... what kind of daddy kink are you into (I swear I'm not a pornbot 😂)
I'm just about to start on your kinkmeme prompt and last time I had a daddy kink request I went a little overboard on the forced feminization (baby girl, princess, "tight as your pretty little pussy" etc) so I'm just checking in on vibes ❤️
Up to you if you wanna answer this publicly or privately haha
LOL, you had me cracking up as soon as I saw the message, that's fantastic. So as for your question, I do like the full kit and caboodle! I like to say Daddy Kink isn't complete without a side of humiliation, but of course that's a personal preference and ymmv, it doesn't seem like a ton of people enjoy forced feminization these days. Thanks so much for the ask! I'm excited to see what you come up with.
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pilvimarja · 2 years
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requested by @ex0rin
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febuwhump · 3 months
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congrats to the following creators on completing all 29 prompts of febuwhump by the 29th of february! if you didn't complete febuwhump - congratulations anyway on taking part; you engaged with creativity and you have more at the end of february than you had at the start.
Toby Strange
Mellia Bee
Mantis God
all halls of fame
all reblogged masterlists
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jdeanmorgan · 29 days
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(insert graphic design is my passion frog meme here, i legit just went into my twd gifs folder and found some old gifs of mine rip)
for the @ceganbingo event I am sharing some of my absolute favorite cegan fics and I hope y'all read em all and like them and leave the authors some good comments bc these are all brilliant fics that deserve all the kudos in the world. so without further adieu, here we go:
Physical Education ★ 110K ★ by @candle-jill
After an accident took Carl's eye, he became more isolated learning to cope with his loss. Other kids stare at him. Friends stop speaking to him. Even the teachers don't know how to act. All except one. Carl finds his gym teacher Negan to be his sole comfort throughout his senior year.
But another traumatic event leaves Carl questioning what he wants from life. He soon learns to take his frustration out a different way. A violent way. And with Negan's reluctant help, they form a new kind of friendship.
Dollface’s List of Demands ★ 13K ★ by @rumov
After his life spirals out of control, Negan meets a teenager with a strange and intriguing side to him.
The Present Participle of ‘Absolutely Fucked’ ★ 14K ★ by @rumov
“You,” Negan starts, leaning into Carl’s face, “are into some freaky shit.”
He doesn’t have a response, holding Negan’s stare with his own in place of one. Negan’s going to somehow tell his dad, and then his dad is going to forever know that Carl looks at weird, gorey porn on the Internet and blame himself for it.
and the rest is ruin and snuff ★ 11K ★ by @mcplestreet
Carl is way more messed up than the average fourteen year old. And gets off to more messed up stuff than most fourteen year olds. He gets a message on his favorite snuff film site and before he knows it his life is spiraling out of control.
The Savior Carl series ★ 197K+ ★ @duchessonfire
In a world where Rick never found Carl and Lori, Shane has been the leader of their group and Carl has managed to keep himself and his sister, baby Lori, alive in spite of Shane's growing madness. After surviving the apocalypse with his stepdad, Negan is nothing he can't handle… Right?
Blood Stains ★ 2K ★ by @missmisdemeanor
“Write your name. Here.” Carl trailed a hand down his own thigh.
“My name? Wow. You are so much nicer with a dick in you.”
The Story of Carl Smith ★ 23K ★ by @reallygreatblogname222
Carl, finally free of foster care and adopted into the Smith family, is eager to please. When marital strife splits up their peaceful family, things change between Negan and his adopted son.
Stupid or certain ★ 2K ★ by @ex0rin
Carl wants to know what waterboarding feels like. Negan obliges.
It's almost 6 am so I know for sure that I'm forgetting some, but I think that's enough for now.
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hughie-lover · 7 months
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Hughie got baptized! How nice :)
For @ex0rin and also myself
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sequencefairy · 7 months
I hope you have the best day and the happiest of birthdays ❤️
Love you Cara!! Thank you for the wishes, lets have cake!
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crushcandles · 7 months
ohhh I'm going risk it and see if this is from what I think it's from (there there are SO MANY steve's in fandom though 😅):
steve depowered
please and thank youuu (also if you'd like to do two then that pup angst has my attention) 😘
also the way I had totally forgotten about my own law haha I should go back to including that on tag games tbh
I'll do steve depowered here, and cover pup angst in another answer, since you and @shiftylinguini are 🤝 in your choices.
steve depowered is one of my way old MCU WiPs from 2013-2014. It's a canon-divergence bordering on AU about how things might go, after, if things were different. If the experiment changed Steve's life, but it didn't last forever. It's pastoral and bittersweet and tender.
Bucky walks another couple of steps. "You happy?" Steve doesn't even consider it. He's happy right now. "Yes." Bucky stops, and when Steve catches up to him, he touches Steve's wrist, cradles it gently for a moment before letting Steve go. Bucky looks at him sideways. “You are somebody, you know. You’re Captain America.” Steve shakes his head amiably. That was before. Now he’s just Steve Rogers, a man whose bones ache from an experiment gone wrong sometimes.
ask me about my WiPs, receive a snippet in return!
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And they wonder why we're obsessed!
Gifs by ex0rin!
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killsandthrills · 6 months
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to the mutuals i talk to all the time to the ones i hardly talk to at all, you're what makes this whole tumblr experience worth it & frankly, i just love saying that i have friends all over the world (even though you're mostly just randoms who decided to follow my mess of a blog... whatever i don't care, y'all are my friends!)
happy new year!
@lighttailoring @captawesomesauce @katekanemybeloved @jake-and-amy-are-married @therebelcaptain @laz-laz-ace-pilot @hegodamask @calkestis @kaleidoscopegirl @sparklingbinjuice @seleneisrising @olympain @pogues @ex0rin @blackstarising @starlady66 @trinuviel @liminal-zone @jyndor @swan-orpheus @elizabethmulder @topherfoxtrot @captainpikeachu @elizabethcrumb @vidduality
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thepiper0fhameln · 5 months
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For @ex0rin
"In the Lockers" Post mission session in the lockers with Commander Rumlow.
This is the sad Tumblr version.
View it uncensored here on AO3 instead!
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