digi-lov · 7 months
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ExTyrannomon EX3-060 by koki from EX-03 Theme Booster Draconic Roar
This card shows ExTyrannomon along with all the other "Trash-Evolutions" from the original v-pet line. Ver.1 had Numemon evolving into Monzaemon, Ver.2 had Veggiemon into Vademon, Ver.3 had Sukamon into Etemon, Ver.4 had Nanimon into Digitamamon and finally Ver.5 had Raremon into ExTyrannomon.
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[Evolution graph from humulos.com]
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Magnadramon (Alt Art)
Draconic Roar, EX3-036, Takase
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anima-banner · 1 year
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Long ago, during prehistoric times, the gods of Heaven created extraordinary beings known as the Exalted, who possessed immense power and glory. These champions were chosen to fight on behalf of the gods and were given authority over all aspects of Creation, including all living creatures and even the spirits. The Exalted were regarded as heroes and were honored for their service to the gods. As a reward for their loyalty, the gods granted them dominion over all the lands they could see and touch. With their task complete, the gods retreated to Yu-Shan, the Celestial City, leaving the Exalted to govern the world of humanity.
The Exalted were a varied group of individuals, each possessing distinct powers that the gods bestowed upon them. However, a particular subset of the Exalted, known as the Solar Exalted, emerged as the leaders of this group. These individuals were exceptional in their abilities, and as a result, they could easily conquer every part of Creation. With their unparalleled magic and sorcery, the Solars ushered in the First Age, which was marked by great prosperity and success.
The First Age was an era of magnificent marvels and accomplishments that are no longer present in the current age. These wonders were created by the Solar Exalted, who were the rulers of the world, including its gods and other exceptional individuals, for a period of five thousand years. However, at some point, a catastrophic event occurred that brought an end to this golden age.
For thousands of years, the Solar Exalted had been under a terrible curse placed upon them by the enemies of the gods. Over time, the Solars became corrupted and mentally unstable, causing their previously noble and generous nature to transform into cruelty and deceit. They turned on their own people and each other, using the powerful sorcery and strategies that they once employed to protect the world for their own selfish purposes. This led to the brink of civil war, prompting the other types of Exalted to act. The Dragon-Blooded revolted against the Solars and assassinated them during a seasonal celebration.
The majority of the Solar Exalted were killed, and their powerful life force was trapped in a jade prison, as their strength allowed them to be reborn after their death. Despite this, a few of them escaped from the initial attack, and they spent many years engaged in brutal warfare against those who had usurped their power. During this conflict, a significant amount of the magic that was present during the First Age was expended or destroyed in acts of retribution. Eventually, the last of the surviving Solars were hunted down and slain, bringing an end to the First Age.
After the fall of the Solar Exalted, their Realm was left in ruins. The same curse that had corrupted them had also corrupted the world they had built. The Sorcerous mechanisms that the Solars had used to maintain their civilization began to fail and disintegrate rapidly. Entire cities crumbled, and lands were destroyed by the devastating magic of the manses. Mountains were swallowed by the earth, taking entire nations with them. Islands were obliterated as the powerful sorcery that had created them was undone. The Sidereals, who had sided with the Dragon-Blooded, worked to stabilize the world and limit the destruction caused by the fall of the First Age. Though the world survived, it was left significantly diminished.
Following the collapse of the First Age and the destruction of the Solar Exalted, the Dragon-Blooded established a military regime in the aftermath. While their reign lacked the splendor of the Solars' once-glorious Realm, it was also free from the chaos and madness that had ultimately led to its downfall. The Dragon-Blooded maintained order and stability for centuries, working to rebuild and recover from the devastating aftermath of the First Age.
The Usurpation was orchestrated by the Sidereals, a powerful group of Celestial Exalted. After aiding the Dragon-Blooded in their rise to power, the Sidereals deliberately erased all records of their own existence and manipulated the stars to bring about a collective forgetting. To maintain their power and influence, the Sidereals created the Immaculate Philosophy, a religion that taught the spiritual superiority of the Dragon-Blooded. Disguised as monks and followers of this new religion, the Sidereals worked behind the scenes of Dragon-Blooded politics, maintaining control from the shadows.
The Sidereals, through their mystical powers and instruments, carefully monitored the world for any signs of new Solar Exalted who might be reborn. They used this information to guide the Dragon-Blooded in organized groups called the Wyld Hunt to eliminate the Solars before they could become a threat. The Wyld Hunt became known for their brutal inquisitions, which were intertwined with the Immaculate religion. For many years, the Wyld Hunt hunted down and killed any new Solar Exalted without fear of reprisal.
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summerseachild · 1 year
My checklist for what promises to be an intense Exalted chapter close tonight:
Physical copy of EX3 core book I could kill a man with
SO MANY d10s
Combat flow chart
Social influence flow chart
The digital page in Arms of the Chosen that tells me wtf my artifact does
Notes from last session (and all of the previous ones in a close at hand folder)
Lot Casting Atemi (thank the unconquered sun for this site it’s how I survive)
List of things I want to remember to do before the shit hits the fan (will become tonight’s notes)
My “let the adventure begin” mug and coffee to go in it
Existential dread
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deathofsurrexis · 7 months
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I know this is currently kinda jank as hell... but... uuhhh...
I've realised I can subject you all to my TTRPG universe lore.
so... uh...
yeah. That's a thing I have the power to do. >:)
Say hello to
✨Mother, The First of All Things! ✨
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For those of you familiar with White Wolf/Onyx Path TTRPG systems.
I know that's crazy overpowered.
But also.
She created the things that created every reality and she spent millions of years fighting against Kaos to form Order, so, uh, yeah.
It's my universe and I'll make a single unkillable god who's nothing like the biblical god if I want
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playstationpark · 4 months
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Sakura 'Street Fighter EX3' PlayStation 2
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rayllurn · 5 months
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"Does this look more up?"
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ultraviolencegaming · 8 months
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Street Fighter EX3
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zeroarmsgrani · 9 months
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digimon huecember no. 22 — ghostmon & wormmon
happy holidays! sorry i'm late, i had holiday plans + ended up unhappy with the original art & scrapped it, so we get a ghostie!
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arcadebroke · 8 months
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raayllum · 10 days
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the four ancient gifts, huh?
thoughts? furthermore: prayers?
I've been wanting to do a bit of an update to this meta about Gift Giving in TDP (written pre-S6) as a few different things (mostly as a goodbye in arc 1 and about magic in arc 2 thus far) that I think S6 contributed to our understanding of. For example, I'd speculated in that meta that due to the language used by characters, Archdragons were contemporaries of the First Elves back in the day (post-S6 followup here), and that possibly all forms magic had been a gift from the First Elves to the 'Primal' elves, with dark magic being Aaravos' to Leola's primal magic to humans. (If you want more details on this I'd rec reading the meta in full itself.) It seems like Something of that sort is roughly what happened
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However, my old meta about deceptive gift giving in Greek myth / TDP means that gift giving doesn't necessarily have a positive connotation, particularly because in giving a gift, you're deciding what someone needs (even when they don't or don't want it). Callum doesn't want the gifts Rayla gives him in leaving; dark magic has ruined a lot of human lives and caused immense suffering; Rex Igneous asks for worthy gifts of sacrifice in exchange for knowledge; the cube was given to Callum as a gift, but clearly has a more complicated past / connection to Aaravos.
I do think in TDP that the world is ultimately better off with Primal magic than without, which is why Callum Exists in the narrative to create an actually fair system where everyone can access primal magic.
However, at this point in time, primal magic but be another deceptive gift given to the elves from the First Elves, and was clearly a part I'm of their Cosmic Order (destiny and all that) with also interplays with thoughts Rayla has that Callum/humans can change their fate, but she (elves) can't. Four Gifts is a weird number — if it was 5 or 6 it could be all the primals or all the primals except stars — but there Are four members of the Cosmic Council, and those gifts were ancient, so...
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I'm assuming that it's one Gift from each of them, tbh. Whether those gifts are good or bad or both, we'll have to wait and see
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digi-lov · 11 months
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Imperialdramon: Fighter Mode EX3-073 Alternative Art by sasasi from EX-03 Theme Booster Draconic Roar
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tategaminu · 27 days
callum has memorized EVERY single one of her scars (like. hundreds. he's dedicated)
She's very self conscious about her scars so Callum makes sure to remember all of them to show he doesn't mind at all and still finds her beautiful. They are proof of how rough her two years alone were and kisses them tenderly 🥹🥹🥹
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anima-banner · 1 year
A deadly and highly contagious disease known as the Great Contagion wreaked havoc on the world, spreading through the bloodstream and lungs of its victims. It caused widespread death, wiping out nearly ninety percent of the human and animal population. The disease had no cure, and the lack of resources and manpower prevented proper disposal of the countless bodies. Cities became grim landscapes draped in corpses, as the cries of the grieving eventually faded into an eerie silence. The survivors believed it to be their darkest hour, but little did they know what awaited them.
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It is said that Creation, the world itself, is destined to descend into the chaos from which it originated. This chaos, known as the Wyld, is an amorphous and primal force that surrounds Creation. The world floats like an isolated island within this chaos, with the Wyld constantly encroaching upon its borders. The solidity of human beliefs and the remnants of the Solar Exalteds' mystical armaments had served as barriers, holding back the Wyld.
However, the Great Contagion shattered this defense. Entire nations crumbled, and those responsible for wielding the defensive sorceries of the Solar Realm perished in their efforts. The borders of Creation fractured, and the Wyld rushed in, accompanied by the armies of the Fair Folk, who had always lurked beyond the world's edges, observing, waiting, and hungering for its demise.
The Fair Folk swarmed across the lands in endless legions, bringing with them chaotic storms and vortices that tore apart the landscape. Vast portions of Creation were lost forever, reshaping the lands and seas into twisted forms wherever the Fair Folk set up camp. The remaining Exalted, already weakened by illness and the hardships of the times, expended what little magic remained from the bygone First Age in an attempt to repel the chaotic legions. Even the powerful Lunar Exalted, former allies of the Solars, could only slow down the monstrous advance.
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Amidst the Fair Folk's march towards the heart of Creation, a solitary officer belonging to the Dragon-Blooded lineage braved the nearly impenetrable defenses of an ancient Solar weapon system. Through luck or destiny, she gained control over one of the most formidable weapons in existence, awakening it from its slumber. Empowered by the Realm Defense Grid, she decimated the hordes of the Fair Folk, driving them back in anguish and chaos, banishing them from Creation.
Now wielding the might of the Realm Defense Grid, the officer became the most powerful entity in all of Creation. The old ruling shogunate had been all but obliterated, with the shogun she had served and his descendants vanishing. With fiery determination, she reclaimed the remnants of her world from her enemies and compelled loyalty from the remaining forces. Consolidating allies and resources from her central stronghold within Creation, she crowned herself Empress.
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Through alliances, political maneuvers, and strategic coups, the Scarlet Empress subdued her adversaries. Through marriages and relationships, she gave birth to a lineage of heroic figures, establishing lesser and greater houses that served as conduits for her influence and power. To maintain her rule, she pitted her own children against each other, creating a never-ending competition for authority, resources, and favor. In time, she infused her legions with soldiers and commanders from her own household and the houses of her most trusted children. Within a few decades, her forces marched beyond her central domain and ventured into the Threshold—the vast lands beyond her island—forcing her enemies to kneel before her might.
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the "starting out by waking up and feeling out your exact gender every morning" -> "what even in a gender anymore idk all of them why not" pipeline
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dailyfgsupers · 2 years
Cracker Jack's Home Run King (Street Fighter EX3, 2000)
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