#exactly what i wanted i hope he and hajime share recs
yume-fanfare · 6 months
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he started talking abt romance manga right as i was clicking away and ive never ran to the es coin shop faster
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Wrapped up...mostly.
[Future Foundation Branch Chief Meeting Office, 10:42am]
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You called Mrs Nae-Kiri?
*A day later Hajime, Mahiru, Fuyuhiko and Peko, as well as Chiaki, are called into the Branch Chief meeting office to meet with Kyoko. 
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What the situation Mrs Chairwoman?
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No real situation. I’ve just been meaning to ask a few things.
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Come, you may all take a seat.
*Everyone obliges.
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So, what do you need of us.
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First and foremost...I need to thank you...For a few things.
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I understand the UUV were just victims of greater society’s pressure. They were all just children, who couldn’t accept the rigged hand life had dealt them.
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Damn right.
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But even so...Thank you for dealing with them so swiftly...
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And I’m sorry things ended the way that they did...
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It’s fine...What happened happened...I know better now than to let it get to my head...It’ll only hurt the people around me...
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*He glances at Mahiru when he says that.
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Though I have to ask...And this is really just out of curiosity over anything else...
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In the case that Ayumu Fujimori survived this conflict, what would you have done?
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Well...To be honest, I don’t know. I know I would have tried to help him earn parole, like we all did together before, but after that, he was free to make his own decisions.
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But...living life as an Ultimate Hope wouldn’t have been easy. I could have helped him through it I guess.
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It’d be like the older generation who has the tragic power training the younger generation who awakened to it more recently. The old sharing knowledge to the young! Like a sensei and his student!
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I’m not THAT old!
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Jokes aside, that actually sounds rather entertaining. I would have liked to see that.
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Yeah, but that’s all just a pipe dream now.
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I’m sorry...I-I didn’t mean...
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No, it’s fine, I know you didn’t mean it.
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Moving on, Ma’am?
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Of course...another thing I wanted to thank you for is that you’ve really saved everyone here from greater ruin too.
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As you know, after the incident regarding Nagito was made public, the Future Foundation’s reputation ended up in the toilet.
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It was a struggle. We had protestors coming to the doors of the office buildings and even Hope’s Peak Academy every so often.
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I didn’t know about that...!
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Well, we were on Jabberwock Island, weren’t we? It’s a lot harder to bring a protest to a remote island than it is a school or office building.
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Fair point...Still, that sucks.
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No, it’s no issue. After all...
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When you stood up to the government and made that speech in front of them, when it hit social media, it seemed to almost restore people’s faith in us.
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Of course, our standing isn’t the best right now...
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But it’s reached a sense of...normality, let’s say. If nothing else, the chances of your group being misplaces by Future Foundation are very minimal right now.
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That’s great!
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It’s a start I guess.
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You should be proud of yourself Hajime. You’re a hero.
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*sigh* No I’m not. I’m not worthy enough to be called a hero. This isn’t some weekend shounen manga.
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Fair enough. Que sera sera.
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Onto more pressing matters though...What exactly are your plans from here on out.
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The issue with the UUV is resolved. Now what?
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We move this fight to Zetsubou. The battle’s over, but the war is just beginning.
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That’s right. After all, the Organization still has Seiko in their clutches. Our top priority right now should be rescuing her.
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We have no reason to hold back against them now. After all, Seiko is a Branch Chief. This issue affects the Foundation, especially the members of her Branch.
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About that, I’ve been meaning to ask...Now that Seiko’s MIA, who will be taking over the duties of her branch?
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I was originally going to place it in the hands of another branch chief, but who knows how long they’ll be taking over her duties until we can get her back.
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Fortunately, Nekomaru Nidai has already approached me and offered to take up the mantle for the time being.
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Nekomaru did?
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I guess that’s fine. Nekomaru’s a good leader and a great inspirational speaker. He’s loud and obnoxious to a fault, but even so, he’s good at pulling people in.
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I reckon he’ll run things a little different than Seiko did but...I can vouch for the big guy. He’s a natural born leader.
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Let’s hope he can keep it up.
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Well, I’m not against offering some advice to him. If he needs help with anything, I’ll pitch in and lend him a hand or two.
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As will the rest of us I should hope. Still, I’m grateful to him.
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And...one last question...
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What of Nagito Komaeda?
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Do you currently have any plans to find him?
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Honestly...not really. I’m kind of waiting for Nagito to make the first move, since I don’t know whether to treat him as an enemy or not yet.
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If he wants to fight, I’m all for it, but I think he knows by now he’s incapable of taking me on his own strength.
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Still, he made it clear to me he left so he could find Seiko. If we’re looking for the same thing, chances are our paths will cross again at some point.
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And when that happens?
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We’ll deal with him in any way he can.
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Very good. So long as you keep your word on that, that’s all I wanted to hear.
*All of a sudden, the office phone next to Kyoko starts to ring. She frowns, clearly not expecting this call.
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...? What’s this about?
*She picks up the phone.
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What’s going on?
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I dunno.
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Yes? Hello?
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Yes, this is Kyoko Naegi of Branch 1, what’s the problem?
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Y-You’re being serious!?
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What’s going on?
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...Yes, I understand...Don’t worry, I will find a way to deal with this...
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Thank you very much for calling me.
*She hangs up.
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Wh-What’s going on Kyoko?
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Not much good, I’ll tell you that...
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Remember last night, after the UUV members were captured? We placed the ringleaders in an armored vehicle for transportation to the containment facility.
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Yes, I remember. What happened?
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It turns out...the driver of that vehicle was a UUV soldier in disguise...
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Th-Then does that mean...!
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The vehicle naturally never showed up to the facility. Most of the other soldiers were taken in, but Itsuki, Todoroki, Koga and Sakuma...they’re on the run again.
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These guys really don’t know when to quit do they?
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But what will they do? They don’t have Ayumu anymore, without him, they’ve lost basically 90% of their collective power.
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Whatever the case is, I guess the situation isn’t really over yet.
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We’re gonna need to find them...
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its-love-u-asshole · 7 years
Fic Writers Week Day 7: Rec Time!
Yay! This is the day I was looking forward to the most honestly, I love spreading the love for fics I read! Please also check out a few underrated recs I did for day 2 here! For this post I’m mostly going to be listing all time favorites, as well as the fics I’m currently subscribed to (in no particular order)! I imagine this post will get freakishly long, so as always, it’s going under a read more. 
This week was amazing, it’s so lovely to see all the enthusiasm and support for fic writers <3 I hope this trend can continue way past this week as well ^^ 
Please also refer to my bookmarks! Everything I have bookmarked is quality and surely won’t let you down, but I could not include every single one on this list (it ended up being too long as is lol) but I definitely encourage you to give them all a read! 
Alright, let’s talk about some fics! 
Ride or Die (Iwaoi, E)
For an esteemed racer, intended for the big leagues, owning a garage and racing on the streets should have felt like settling rather than a dream. But Oikawa Tooru is as happy as he can be, as long as he's behind the wheel of a car; until a misstep lands him a heavy fine, and a crumbling future.
Having grown up in one of the roughest neighbourhoods in Tokyo, Iwaizumi Hajime is no stranger to the mob life. But establishing himself as a separate entity has always been his goal. He's a man of action, someone who does what he's asked without any questions. But when the people he's tried so hard to distance himself from come knocking at his front door, he realizes that he finally has to establish a side: his own.
Iwaizumi wants Oikawa's expertise: someone who can both drive well and knows his way around cars. And Oikawa wants absolutely nothing to do with gangs, the kind of people that lit a fire to his life. Everything changes when two people who live very different lives realize they're both fighting for the same thing.
Alright, so I’ve been following this fic since chapter one, and ahh @oiivkawa​ does such an amazing job with it! It’s the fast and furious AU that the fandom needed tbh, each chapter has me on the edge of my seat. The drama, romance, and fun are all evenly balanced and I can’t get enough of iwaoi’s dynamic in it! It also has the hints of an OiKuroo friendship that I love, as well as some kurotsuki thrown in, not to mention Semi even has a role?!! It’s everything I’ve ever wanted, so please go check it out! 
galaxies, within you (Iwaoi, T) 
Hajime and Tooru move in together at the start of university. Too bad they’re stuck with the two gremlins that haunt their apartment.
I read this fic just this week, so all the beautiful emotions and details are still so fresh in my head ; ; The writing in this was so gorgeous, as were the characterizations! If you love pining and happy endings, this is for you! Oh, and also funny af Matsukawa and Hanamaki shenanigans lol. The emotion and the humor compliment each other so well in this fic, one minute my heart was aching, and the next I was dying from laughter. It’s just a lovely iwaoi fic all around, so please give it a read! And make sure to follow @skiecas​ <3
Wicked Games (Kurotsuki, Iwaoi, Bokuaka, E)
After years of being one of the many faceless foot soldiers in the ranks, Bokuto gets a much-deserved promotion. But with the new job comes great responsibility. The job is easy enough. All Bokuto has to do is look after the Boss's mate: The Boss's beautiful, intriguing mate.
Tbh if you like hardcore mafia aus, then this is the fic for you. @caelestisxyz​ is like...a master storyteller, her plots are so well developed and original, idk how she does it! Every chapter is also packed full of romance and nail biting drama, so it’s not for the faint of heart, but if you’re not scared of the angst which comes with this kind of au, then I would seriously recommend it. It’s incredible and features all my fav pairings in such a badass setting! 
A Place to Call Home (Iwaoi, Bokuaka, E) 
Oikawa Tooru doesn't need an alpha. He's doing fine all on his own. And the past four years of being a single mother have proven that this is exactly what he wanted from life.
Of course, life has a way of not always going as planned.
This is another fic I’m currently subscribed to! I will admit I don’t usually read kidfics, but @madamemalfoy21​ has such cute plots and stellar characterizations that I can’t resist her works! Everything about this fic is heartwarming, and every update brings a smile to my face. Oikawa as a single parent trying to figure out how to love again is such a treat to explore, and with the other pairings thrown in, it makes the fic such a pleasure to read <3 
Let it Linger (Kurotsuki, T)
Kei has loved Tetsurou for years.
Tetsurou has loved Keiji for years.
Keiji is marrying Koutarou.
Alright, hold the phone y’all, this fic right here is extraordinary. It’s one of my favorites I’ve ever read, omg, the character growth and reflection is so powerful in this fic AND the slow burn is wonderful. I usually avoid angst like the plague but I can’t really resist @rhealmobsidi​ and her works, I’ve been reading her stuff since I was but a smol lmao and she never disappoints. This fic right here is so heart-aching and heart warming at the same time, I can’t get enough. Please read it if you have not! 
cookies and cream (Bokuaka, E)
Some people might tell Akaashi that he couldn't bake his worries away.
But some people haven't dated Bokuto Koutarou.
Alright, so I’ve been on a bokuaka binge these past few days, so the next few recs will be for them! This fic is so funny lmao, the idea of Akaashi stress baking was just super interesting to me. But not only that, the fic was super touching and romantic jsdnfk I love domestic bokuaka so much, and this delivered! 
Corpora Permutavere (Bokuaka, T) 
“Akaaaaashi, you gotta make a wish after you blow them out!” Bokuto was leaning across the table so far that the candle flames danced in his eyes, turning them to molten metal. And while Akaashi found himself appreciating his teammate���s birthday fervor in a way that was soft, foreign, and somewhat unexpected, Bokuto should still have known that this level of spectacle was neither Akaashi’s preference, nor something he was entirely comfortable with.
Under such pressure, he blew out the candles. Then, as requested, made a wish.
I wish Bokuto-san understood the perspective of someone other than himself.
Bokuto and Akaashi switch bodies. It goes as well as you might expect.
I assume most people have already read this fic and I’m super late lmao?? But in case you haven’t, you need to! It’s just a great story dealing with romance, mental health, and character growth. I tore through this fic, it was so amazing and beautifully written. So many great, though provoking lines/scenes had me thinking about this fic days later, and even writing this I feel like rereading fff. Please go check it out so you can fully understand how A+ this fic is. And please follow @silvercistern​ !!!
bitter (Bokuaka, G) 
He accepted his classmate's chocolates gracefully, then declared his lack of interest with as much dignity as he could muster. She deserved the courtesy. At least she'd acknowledged that Valentine's Day was all about her, and not about him in the slightest.
Because if any of these girls had taken the time to actually get to know him, they’d quickly realize something even more important than his lack of interest in girls.
And that was that Akaashi hated sweets.
This is another one by @silvercistern​ because I am addicted to their bokuaka characterizations lmao. The way Akaashi is written is so amusing and complex, and the bokuaka dynamics are lovable and cute fff. The awkwardness of Akaashi’s love life and his hatred of Valentine’s Day made for a wonderful read, so I can’t help but share this fic as well! 
5 tips to get your guy (Bokuaka, G)
Second-year Bokuto gets fantastic dating advice from his sister’s magazines
This fic was so damn adorable, that’s all I have to really say about it lmao @mooites​ did a great job of making this such a fun read! I loved the inclusion of Bokuto’s sisters and how their trends benefit him lmao it was just really cute to see him use magazines to act on his feelings. I loved this fic, so please check it out if you haven’t! 
Behind Bricks (Bokuaka, E)
Akaashi has always had a good idea of what his future would look like.
Becoming a prostitute hadn't been part of the plan.
Bokuto Koutarou wasn't part of the plan, either. Akaashi meets him by chance, and is drawn in by Bokuto's optimism and authenticity. He's never met anyone like Bokuto, and despite his initial reluctance, Akaashi finds himself getting a little too attached.
Alright, last bokuaka fic lmao but another amazing one no less! @worthlesspride​ writes some of the best and sweetest bokuaka there is, so I recommend all their fics (not just for bokuaka, but all pairs!). I don’t wanna spoil much about this fic, but please read the tags before diving in! You won’t be disappointed, the plot is A++ and the nice mix of angst and romance is to die for <3 
walls (Kurotsuki, G)
Kuroo is the best sparring partner that Tsukishima could ask for, but that doesn’t make him any less annoying of one,
So @ohoholyshit​ wrote a BNHA AU for kurotsuki, and I’m still not over it. Just...please read it, it’s so lovely and funny and just kljsfjdssjkd I live for kurotsuki being awkward boys with their poorly concealed crushes lmao. Also the quirks they’ve been given are so fitting and creative, I was so into this verse fff. 
Angels in the Snow (Promptis, E) 
On a snowy morning, the wolf Prince Noctis discovers an intruder, a fox boy from Niflheim, playing in the snow. Though they quickly become best friends, everyone knows Prompto Argentum does not belong in the Lucis palace, and Noctis can only protect him for so long, especially when Prompto isn't exactly what he seems.
Okay so this is the only non-Haikyuu! fic on this list, but it’s still amazing and if you like FFXV then you need to read it. It has everything from angst, to cute romantic moments, and ofc, omegaverse. I love @emeraldwaves​ and her writing, and she’s really outdone herself with this fic! 
Alright, so those were all the fics I’ve read recently or that I’m currently following, down below are links to some of my all time favorites! All these fics are gorgeously written, with plots that captivate me with every read. These are the fics I have saved, downloaded, and that I reread again and again. Please give them a look! 
I sure hope that guy gets fired (Iwaoi, T) ---all time favorite, like...shit idek
silver tongue (Iwaoi, E)
Mind Reader (Iwaoi, E)
you’re looking like you fell in love tonight (Iwaoi, T)
Sing For Me (Iwaoi, E)
Add New Contact (Daisuga, G) 
Requiem for the Moon (Kurotsuki, M) 
Police Dog (Kyouhaba, E) 
Being Gross (Kurotsuki, E) 
to the beat of my heart (Kurotsuki, E)
In Defense of Reptiles and Other Gross Things (Iwaoi, T)
Provocation Expert (Kurotsuki, M) 
And finally, I want to list a few authors here where yes, I recced a few of their individual fics, but honestly, all their fics are amazing. Like. They all need to be consumed. Read all their fics. They’re all top notch, all quality, you won’t be let down ever, I’m certainly not. The writing is incredible, the humor is there, and idek what else to say. I freak out for these authors and so should you! 
Ivyfics @ivyfics (I’m subscribed to like...way too many of Ivy’s fics, which is why none are mentioned above, but just know that I’ve read everything and constantly am dying for more, mmkay, thanks) 
timkons @90stimkon (A God for Every Season and Principles are some of the best fics ever, you can fight me on this) 
realmSpinner @rhealmobsidi (Everything. Like. Everything. I’m so excited for all the December fics that Kiko is going to post ffff) 
caelestisxyz @caelestisxyz (Again, everything. Amazing plots, heartbreaking angst, awesome endings)
EmeraldWaves @emeraldwaves​ (MY BETA AND MY BFF who has the best ideas and one of the loveliest writing styles) 
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