#exalted  zealotry
fellmother · 3 months
@exalted--zealotry replied to a post:
Falchion is effective against both. Try him.
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Well it's a good thing Rôta is effective against cavalry. And Anri doesn't need to have his mount to be on a high horse.
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hcreath · 3 months
"Don't be afraid. I'm a friend." - does Tamar want a Saber? Because Tamar is getting a Saber
🐝  *  ―  𝑺𝑷𝑰𝑹𝑰𝑻𝑬𝑫 𝑨𝑾𝑨𝒀 𝑺𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑵𝑪𝑬 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑺. // @exalted--zealotry
"I see."
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A wry smile accompanies her words. Practised smiles often feel a lot less forced than this. Years of trying to act perfect in a vain attempt to fit into a world she'd never belong to meant that Tamara was normally a more convincing liar. Yet his words catch her off-guard.
A friend who doesn't wish to strike fear? Not a weapon? Not a sword who creates her destiny?
What an interesting change.
The tall warrior wouldn't be the first to claim to be a friend, and wouldn't be the first to make her almost believe he might be either. Ansgar had always known what to say to lower her guard. But he is the first to sound so sincere about it.
"You'll have to forgive me, friend, you might be the first."
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iruludavare · 1 year
Anonymously tell me your honest opinion about me. I can't reply/comment, just publish || Accepting!
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
"Even if I do not always agree with your methods, you will stop at nothing to get what you want. I eespect that about you, Zarina; we are alike, in that sense."
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How upsetting. Did he really think that she cared about what he thinks or does or what respect he has for her? Ah, it seemed she gave him too much hope and it's now bringing her a boring tale that she doesn't want to hear more from his lips. Before he would go for so many opportunities to kneel before her, to go after her, to get under her skirt, but it all became so dull and so boring. Is he trying to bring up his image in her eyes? Zarina sighs as she analyses him with her golden gaze. It's upsetting to her, he really didn't work well enough to get to a level high enough to be interesting for a longer period of time. Maybe she should just destroy all of his hopes and dreams of ever coming closer to her? Sickeningly, Sokolova wonders what kind of face will he be making upon those words. It sounds more fun, but then again, is it the time?
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" Mhmm, that so? " Disinterested, she continues to eat her cold treat while looking away from him and showing that his words did less than just become white noise. He was pretty, he was royalty, but she couldn't bring herself to care. Not that she couldn't act, but she didn't want to. He gave her everything that he could and she was done with this meal. " Any reason you're saying that to me now? "
The maiden leans back against the couch, the soft pillows are quite nice against her spine. Her legs are now crossed, the treat finished as she placed it on the table next to the couch. Is he feeling that he's out of her list of favorites? It was a tricky situation, she already warned him once before to keep her interest high. These words just aren't it. Then again, what will be enough to spark the interest back? Even Zarina cannot answer this question as her boredom continued to eat her alive, this sense of coldness in her chest was only growing as she was sitting here.
" Agree, disagree, alike or not. I told you already if you don't keep my interest, I will toss you away. And right now, " silently, she gets up from her seat, taking off her coat that was lying next to her. The sound of her heels rings in the silent room as she passes by the king. " I'm bored. "
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pulchramusae-archived · 8 months
@exalted--zealotry asked // "Captain, throw one more snowball at me!" Did you really think Anri would call Eula a bitch???
club penguin ruined. // accepting.
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"perhaps you should listen the next time i tell you to duck," the reconnaissance captain retorts, once more kneeling down to pack a snowball in her gloved hands. "unless there's snow already lodged in your ears, somehow?"
she aims at her target - past anri, that is, waiting for the opportune moment to throw the new snowball in her hands. "i'm not saying it again. duck. that's an order."
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transmechanicus · 2 months
Idk if this is stupid. But those poll results combined with the fact that the forcefem kink is so common amongst trans women plus the fact that, in my experience, forcemasc kink is not nearly as popular amongst trans men is SO sad and so telling. I swear 2 God I'm going to start a transfem forcefem positivity kink blog here myself and I'm asexual
I mean i think the poll was kinda dumb ngl, it allowed no room for subtlety or nuance in approaching the famously black and white subject of someone questioning their gender. Also this is tumblr, not Nature magazine, these results are incredibly unscientific and should not be taken as strongly indicative of societal trends online or irl.
That being said, yeah, forcemasc is significantly less common even accounting for forcefem’s non-transgender audience who are into it for humiliation and/or misogyny reasons. For transfems i think it’s pretty common for us to feel like we need an excuse to abdicate masculinity and the privileges it conveys. Living in a society that exalts masculinity there’s significant threat to that order if individuals actively reject it, and doing so is punished with arguably greater zealotry than trying to be masculine and just being “bad” at it. Forcefem, and having your transition be out of your control, allows you to abdicate direct responsibility for failing to be masculine, which feels safer than the alternative. Within transfem circles there’s also an emphasis on receiving support and encouragement for your transition that otherwise feels dangerous or impossible to ask for.
I think part of the reason forcemasc hasn’t really taken off is because this excusing of responsibility for your transition isn’t as necessary for most transmascs. To make a complete wild speculation, i’d say this is because for transmascs a lot of what they desire from their transition is control, and agency previously denied or limited by our patriarchal society. There’s no appeal to having masculinity forced on them, because they are explicitly trying to exert agency by seizing it themselves. This contrasts with transfems who see the lack of agency as providing a measure of safety, psychological relief, and emotional support. I’m fully open to the possibility that i’m wrong as hell tho, so don’t quote me on that.
Also the “transfem forcefem positivity blog” is just @femcorp-official which i totally have no affiliation with lol
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swashbucklery · 1 year
OK I buried this in tags last week but, just for posterity:
1) based on the Yios Seminary/Planerider Ryn lore dump:
Matthew is being very careful with semantics and I think that matters?
Imogen has interpreted the number of Ruidusborn collected with Otohan as army, but are they “army” in the meaningful sense?
Armies rely on recruitment and specifically in this case recruiting zealots who are comfortable unmaking the universe which takes time and energy and is extremely specific. Maybe that’s not everyone’s cup of tea!
If the two missing pieces to ~the puzzle~ from Ludinus’ perspective are the map of Ruidus and a list of all the exaltants why does that matter at this point? You have 7-13 days until the solstice that is not enough time to find everyone on the entire plane and then convert them into your let’s eat the gods cause.
HOWEVER. We know that Ruidusborn have a strong connection to the moon and Exaltants can channel power and we know that there’s a lot of energy needed to break open the Divine Gate and then idk free the moon
What if you don’t need the Exaltants to participate so much as you just need them to be present, as batteries or conduits for whatever the keys channel. This would explain as well the ~pull to the North~ because it’s not so much that they’re needed to fight as it is a thanks-for-showing-up kind of thing.
It would also explain why Otohan seems to have cooled off on actually pursuing Imogen to be converted to her cause - she knows that she’ll be there at the end, and that’s really all she needs for Imogen to be useful to her cause.
This is an aside but:
Again, Imogen has interpreted some of the translations for Predathos as “eating” the other two gods and again if this is an interpretation of a translation - because devour and consume and eat can have different semantic meanings and some of them mean this god is inside of them and has been digested and some can mean that this is a three headed monster who has the power of three gods
This also recontextualizes a lot of Ludinus’ ideas because if it’s not that he will eat the gods and there will be none but rather Predathos eats the gods and there is one supergod like. Interesting very interesting.
2) Based on the Feywild up to C3E47:
So we know that there is an Archfey and Zathuda also Otohan and also Ludinus + presumably someone in the Shadowfell who is somehow even spookier. We know that Otohan and Zathuda conversed about using Ludinus but ultimately not sharing his zealotry in the same way, and wanting him ~taken care of.
Which makes me think that Ludinus is ultimately an unreliable lore-giver, possibly because he isn’t Ruidusborn, but what does he misunderstand is really the key thing. And if Otohan as an Exalted is zealous for this cause does that mean that a) battery theory is correct but she’s willing to die for her cause or b) the Exalted are needed but for a second secret thing.
ALSO WHAT ARE THE ENDLESS SHIPMENTS OF POTIONS OF POSSIBILITY FOR. Otohan clearly uses them in combination with her magic, assuming that her crystal backpack is full of that potion (which wasn’t 100% confirmed but ~inferring~ from Bassuras) is that where her Legendary Actions come from. That would fit with the army-is-army theory, if every Exalted gets a magic backpack, but wouldn’t explain why all of that is necessary just to open the divine gate, especially if the gate opening itself is so resource and power intensive. Or would that protect her from being harmed during the solstice, it wasn’t 100% clear.
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maleficarlife · 2 years
Heraldy of Thedas, Red Schism AU.
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Kingdom of Ferelden: The ascension of Prince-Consort Evar Cousland and the confirmation of Queen Anora Mac Tir meant the end of the Theirin and the start of a new dinasty. To avoid inheritance issues with the Teyrnir of Highever, the royal family took the name of Mac Cousland for the new dinasty. The flag of Ferelden changed with them, including a combination of the laurel of the Couslands and the wyvern of the Mac Tir in their families -now united- colors. The Kingdom of Ferelden lived trought a new of aggressive foreign policies, declaring a chantry of Ferelden and annexing land from Orlais in a reversal of fortunes during the 9:39-9:41 Dragon period. Before the birth of the Fereldean Chantry, the kingdom declared token loyalty to Justinia V as Divine, but claimed neutrality in the mage-templar war.
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The Free Republic of Orlais: In brown and white to rapresent the peasants of Orlais, who took their "mud" origins as a sign of pride and to show the people loyalty to the teachings of the white Chantry, the Free Republic of Orlais was born from the destruction of the Orlesian Empire and the teachings of The Iconoclaust, elevating the people and destroying the nobility but bringing with them a strong current of religious zealotry. As of today, Orlais remains the worst country for a mage to live in, even with the end of the Templar Order and the chantry sun in both gold and black -a reminder of humanity sin and the teachings of the Iconoclaust- proves it.
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The Dales: With the fall of the Orlesian Empire, crushed by civil war, lack of leadership and the dissolution of much of it's armies -bogged down by enemies or recalled in the attempt to stop the spreading of the Iconclaust teachings- the elves of "Ambassador" Briala repeated the exodus of their ancestors, reclaiming the Dales for themselves. If not for the extraordinary circomstances of the conflicts that were ripping down the status quo of Thedas, such a move wouldn't have been possible, but it was. While the symbolism of the colors and the bow is obvious to who knows elven history, the addition of the stars over it represents the merging of dalish and city elves, for the dalish quickly discovered they had to live with their lost people in order to claim the land that the city elves had succeedee in taking back.
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The Grand Duchy of Serault: The Marquis of Serault had already taken prisoner his rival and neighboor, the Marquis of Aloyns, before the fall of the Empire. When the teachings of the Iconoclaust -a native of Serault- started to spread the and nobles started to be viciously ripped apart by mods, The Glass Rose of Serault marched on as much territory as possible and closed the borders, declaring indipenndeance from Orlais and trying to avoid to share the father of many other nobles trought her wealth. The Grand Duchy of Serault is the smallest nation in Thedas, but also incredibly rich thanks to their glasswork. Originally bearing the emerald stag of her family, The Marquis turned Grand Duchess and ruler of Serault added a golden circle and purple colors to show her wealth and status, comparable to that of royalty.
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UMA: The United Marcher Alliance was born at the end of the mage-templar war, when Divine Justinia V's Exalted March ended with the victory of the schism of the Red Chantry and all of the free marches either allied to or occupied by Kirkwall rebel forces. Viscountess Selby of Kirkwall decided to invest in the rebuilding of the overthrown and defeated enemy and the monetary sacrifice was repaid by political capital and the prospect for unification in a Federal Republic, giving strenght and unity to the divided marcher states without breaking their oath to have no crown above them. The UMA was born by the blood of a revolution who affected all Thedas and such truth is painted in the red of their flag. But more importantly is their magical identity, for while maged are now free in all the continent (bar Par Vollen) only the Free Marches new Arcane University, an institution created by Ignis Hawke, teaches every possible branch of magic, included blood magic and how to safely bind demons. Such identity is rapresented by the University presence on the nation flag.
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veloursnoirs · 5 months
💞 I hope I'm not sending this in too late I didn't see this meme earlier-
This is a shipping call! Send 💞if you're interested in shipping with my muse.
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never too late >;3
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iruludavare · 1 year
I'm biased as hell bc literal bestie, but HI HELLO JESS YOU'RE THE FUCKING GODDESS OF WORLDBUILDING AND LORE AND CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT??? I don't write anywhere near as much as I used to but you were always, ALWAYS an inspiration for my writing and it's been such an honour to watch you develop as a writer and a person
What's my reputation in the rpc? || Accepting
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Listen it's been an absolute honour to have You as a friend for over the last 5+ years and screaming over stupid stuff on discord. }
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floaroanemoia · 2 years
⚠️ - "No matter how good it might sound on paper, do NOT become a travelling companion unless you can handle constant sarcasm."
Send “⚠️” plus a warning label for my muse || Accepting @exalted--zealotry
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          “...I am not that sarcastic. Perhaps you misinterpret my comments as such? You cannot deny that, int he times I do use it, it is not an effective way to cope,”
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lance-crack-ps · 2 years
Download lance crack (license key) latest version RA9;
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Intro and author notes Spoiler I made this build with a simple line of thought in mind, best described by the pictures below. And I consider the build itself highly recommendable for people on their first or 2nd league because of the following: - very fast clear speed will allow you to get some currency easily - no hard walls means you will be able to enjoy the content without being dependent on what you buy - There are unique items which will make the build full content viable, so no need to hunt for items with ideal affixes - you are quite tanky. Just kidding, you will need mark of submission 3 chaos in league start, 1 alchemy right now. Take this ring ASAP. Having "curse enemies with conductivity" on rings will still provide the pop effect, but you will lose quite a bit of DPS. Furthermore, the ring-around-the-rosie type of play used in ultimatums works wonders with arc unleash, so you will fall in love with it and regret when you will have to give it up. Once we reach red maps, we will need to switch to the main build, so make sure you will have your 3 exalts worth of currency ready to acquire the necessary items. Once you equip the 5L Ivory Tower you are ready to switch to crackling lance which has a different play style. End Game End game we're going to use crackling lance which even elementalists don't use. There are two things which make crackling lance good for this build: - with high intensity it can kill bosses fast - with low intensity it can kill mobs fast So the idea is to keep a low intensity on low life mobs, and start ramping up intensity for the really powerful ones. Regardless, once you fire a laser beam at a mob group, they will usually pop the whole group due to Profane Bloom. For bosses you will need to know the fights, where you can position yourself and when the nuke phase will start. So whenever you loose a boss fight and feel frustrated remember this: - you need to know better the fight, and this build will allow you to better learn it - this is a cheap build, it won't perform as well as a ex - ex build so no Hi boss, bye boss for you , unless you invest - ex We will aim for very fast cast speed in order to ramp up intensity ASAP, while also mitigate the mobility hit that spell echo gives us. If you get by a difficult batch eg: harvest spawns, legion monolith , stay at max range and fire in their direction. High intensity is useful for Yellow and Unique mobs. You will have incredible mana regain during farming due to Mind Drinker, Cinderswallow urn and "Mana and Mana gain on killing blow". This works very well for bosses which have high resist, and with diminishing returns for mobs. Fortunately for mobs we only care about cursing them so they can explode, since they have low hp. The build excels at clearing, however big bosses might be difficult if you are unfamiliar with the fights. Here are some tips to help you by: - Watch youtube videos on how to down emperors, Sirus, Maven etc. You need to understand their mechanics. Keep a spare boots just for these guys. Until you can nuke him fast enough you can use a "Cyclopean Coil" to be shock immune and you can replace your "Zealotry" with "Purity of Lightning". This will grant you good survivability which will aid you in the first phases - The flasks for bosses and the flasks for mapping are different. For extra dmg you can also throw in a sulphur flask. On Boss fights and open space maps you won't need it. You can re-adjust your tree to get that 1 extra node benefit. You are dependent on spells for ES leech, mobility and survivability, so a 4 seconds silence will prove fatal. Respec to take that group, replace "Mark of Submission" with "Sibyl's Lament", take Yugul in your pantheon, and make sure you don't use any curses you already removed mark of submission, also remove the elemental weakness triggered curse. That's why mark of submission will remain top tier even in late game. One downside of spell echo is that your character needs to cast two spells before moving, so using spell echo with low cast speed will make you feel immobile. That's why try to get your faster casting and cast speed nodes with a higher priority. Remember you are always on low life and have a low life pool, so although you are stun immune, cold attacks will always freeze you for a long long time. So aim to have that Rin prefixes ass soon as possible. With Divergent Arcane Surge we will actually have arcane surge up until the arcane cloak cooldown resets, so by spamming arcane cloak we're assured to have a level 20 arcane surge all the time, while benefiting from a 3k - 3. After all skills are placed, we will be left with a group of 4. The best use I found for that group is to use it on an archmage discharge, since crackling lance is directional, while discharge is omni-directional. A 4 power charge discharge during arcane cloak hits quite hard and it can allow you to dash and kill mobs with proximity shield OR you can use it when you are getting surrounded and don't want to turn your laser towards the enemy. As far as cluster passive goes, a lightning cluster jewel will provide the best dps boost. Look especially for the "Supercharge" passive. Take note that the "Lucky" modifier applies to non-critical hits, meaning that if you land a critical strike, even with elemental overload, you will deal less damage, so make sure not to max out your crit chance. Keep it at a decent level to get it fast but not too often. Power spikes Spoiler There are several items that will increased your damage significantly and if you approach a build like me where I take it to the limit and upgrade only after that, you will want to know what to aim for. You will start cruising through the mobs like it's nothing. This power spike won't be in damage, but you will become tanky all of a sudden. Get a Rumi's Concoction to go with it. Try to get your Large Radius Thread of Hope at this point. This will be expensive, I spent 5 ex on my 6L close to league start. Aim to get your first watcher eye around now so you improve your tankiness as well. Also you should get a Cinderswallow urn so you to help with your mana consumption. Aim to have your trigger socketed skills crafted on your wand. Expensive and not very impactful with level 1, however Awakened spell echo, despite being expensive AF, will provide that double damage option which will increase your DPS greatly. Try to get your "No freeze" boots now so you can be unstoppable. The lightning cluster and the curses cluster will be the ones to aim for at the beginning. The ailments and mana clusters are to be aimed in the next power spike. A Crusader crystal belt will provide you with tons a good boost of energy shield. You should be able to clear all content now, especially if you have in your reserve a Bottled Faith and Wise Oak to use on the big bosses encounters. For this you will want to have "Curse enemy with elemental weakness on hit" on a corrupted pair of gloves while keeping the Conductivity on the wand. Ideally you will want an unveiled wand with the trigger skill.
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sireneia · 4 years
@exalted--zealotry​ sent:  "Lord Leif? Pardon me, Your Majesty, but I have been pouring over some of my personal copies of recorded Jugdrali history from my, and I must ask: what, exactly, IS a stamina drink? Is it purely based on natural ingredients and herbs, or is there some magical element to it?" - tbh I imagined this being more shitposty but if you want to go serious be my guEST
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haha fatigue erasing drink go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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jasperlion · 5 years
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Dogs!! Breeds and tags under the cut
Rinea [ @tomestobetold ] is a Borzoi because I always found them to be quite elegant and I love the look of their fur. I looked up fancy harnesses then fixed it up to look like her clothes a little, too... the kind that aren’t all that useful but look pretty, since she’s a noble even if of a lower house.
Mila  [ @metuereofnoctis ] is a Saint Bernard, both due to the compassion they have always displayed to humanity (and their labor as search and rescue animals) and because SHE’S GOT BOOZE IN THAT CANISTER. I also added seedbags since, while this isn’t the breed being used to help with reforestation, I think it’s a job she’d undertake based on her lore.
Lucina  [ @convivxncia ] is a German Shepherd due to both her unwavering loyalty to the people and to bring about a better future, and because they’re well known for being stubborn and steadfast onduty, and complete goofs when out of their element. The butterfly mask was adjusted to be more similar to the dogs that work on disaster sites to find people! Picked the german strain over the american one for reasons you may already know.
Megan [ @vallablooded ] is a Pudelpointer! A mix between the well-established english pointer and the now defunct pudel breed (a water dog), its curly fur and loyal disposition made it a preferred breed for hunting in Germany and, eventually, worldwide. They’re also excellent at home with the family, and I wanted to pick a versatile dog just as Megan is full of potential and her path can go in many directions! Also, theyre kinda cute.
Yuka  [ @tomeofwanderers ] is a Canaan dog, wonderful buddies that started out in the Middle East and were at some point revered as sacred, kind of like the vessel to the Grimleal. They also started out as herding dogs, basically.. Shepherds, haha! I tried to give her a sweater like her tactician coat.
Mathilda  [ @witchspurred ] is a Mastiff! One of the oldest breeds, it was apparently used in war often even by the greeks, although usually as guard dogs or messengers rather than in actual battle. Even still, they’re pretty brave and tenacious, like Mathilda, and are some of the strongest dogs around! I figured it was fitting of Zofia’s Valkyrie. Her harness and helm is based on her armor.
Saias  [ @exalted--zealotry ] got turned into an African Wild Dog because I Make The Rules and I think they’re Very Cute. Also because these animals are well-known for their tactics when hunting, and are legitimately some of the best strategists in the animal kingdom. They also.. love their family.. haha Saias......... :(
Forsyth  [ @gjollrbru ] is a Pitbull Terrier! Wonderful animals, great nannies for kids, and a wonderful guard dog... in the package of the new scary breed for fearmongering papers. A loyal and wonderful person with a bad rep (with the elite lmao), I thought it was a fitting breed. Also, those dogs are the embodiment of himbo, and extremely loyal. Harness based on armor!
Rebecca  [ @pieman1112 ] is a Golden Retriever! Known for their all around eagerness to help and do things all the time, they’re great and attentive to their human family members. Just as Rebecca tries to do right by others and do the right thing, these dogs tend to be driven by a seemingly similar goal. They’re also super fluffy. Fairly often, they’re used as service or comfort animals, hence the harness style for her.
I have absolutely 0 reasons to have made Celica [ @indumasname ] into a Pomeranian except that I wanted to draw the most gremlin dog of all and these animals, no matter how small they are, are actually of the spitz group and act like they’re bigger and tougher than they really are. So, I guess it fits? They make for surprisingly good, if overconfident, guard dogs and yet look super regal and proper.
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cavaliant · 4 years
@exalted--zealotry replied to your post: A MULTI MUSE SURVEY. tagged by: no one, I stole it...
VERY nineties…
Nineties anime to fit the Jugdral nineties aesthetic 👌 Modern AU Beo would absolutely walk around looking like he came straight from the 90s though 😔 Denim on denim and baggy clothes everywhere.
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veloursnoirs · 5 months
"I think you're caught between who you are and who you want to be."
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"It's like you can read through me, can't ya?" She huffed, was she THAT easy to read?
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