#exams not gonna stop me hahahahhah
yotsutama · 7 years
Mechanical Lullaby ~1st Day~
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Mechanical Lullaby Event Story (12/01) 
Part 1~4 | 5~8 | 9~12 | 13~16 | 17~22 | 23~26
Part 1 - The Second's Awakening
Fabra (Nikaido Yamato): Last is putting this in, and...
Fabra: I need you to wake up already.
*clack clack*... *whee―*
Terra (Nanase Riku): You are?... Who are you?
Fabra: I am Fabra. And you are Terra. How do you feel?
Terra: I'm Terra.... I feel… good.
Fabra: So there's no problem in the data system process.
Fabra: Terra. Do you know what your 'duty' is?
Terra: My 'duty?’
Fabra: You too, huh?......
Terra: Fabra...-san? Where are we?
Fabra: We are in a clock tower, the center of this city. This clock tower tells everyone in the city what time it is.
Fabra: The robot dolls need to wind themselves here in this clock tower once a year......
Fabra: But you woke up just now, so you don't need to do it anytime soon.
Terra: ............
Fabra: That's all I can say to you.
Terra: ...... Eh? That's all?
Fabra: Do you know about this city? How to live here?
Terra: ...... Ah, I think I know.
Fabra: I see. Some information has already been inputted in you. You don't have to worry about how to live here.
Fabra: Do you have any questions?
Terra: Fabra-san, you mentioned 'duty' but what is my 'duty'?
Fabra: I can tell you what your 'duty' is, but......
Fabra: If you don't recall it and realize it by yourself, it's meaningless.
Terra: ............
Fabra: We still have time.
Fabra: You may recall what your 'duty' is after living in this city for some time.
Fabra: Anyway, you should go to your house. I had it prepared for you.
Fabra: I'll draw a map, so wait here.
Terra: I understand. Thank you very much.
Fabra: There's shouldn’t have been a malfunction anywhere, so why did he lose his memories?
Fabra: I precisely constructed them with the finest body parts so that those two can bear their essential 'duties'......
Fabra: If only he is here now......
Fabra: Whining won’t change anything, but I can't help but remember the past.
Fabra: ............
Fabra: Just a little more until the right 'time.'
Fabra: And then those two will――
―3 years ago―
Cielo (Kujou Tenn): ............
Fabra: I am Fabra. And you are Cielo. How do you feel?
Cielo: Cielo... I feel... I don't know. I feel good and bad at the same time.
Fabra: Oh well. Cielo, do you know what your 'duty' is?
Cielo: 'Duty?’
Fabra: You don't remember?
Cielo: Yeah. But I feel that now's not the time yet.
Fabra: ...! You're right. I don't know why you lost your memories, but I'm sure you will remember someday.
Fabra: I can tell you what your 'duty' is, but it'll be meaningless if I do.
Cielo: Huum?
Fabra: If you live in this city you should have a 'role.'
Cielo: A 'role'?
Fabra: Yes. We are robots, so we must have a 'role.' Am I right?
Cielo: ...... Yeah, you're right. We must. Then, what is my 'role?’
Fabra: Your 'role' is a detective. Do you know what that is?
Cielo: Well, somewhat.
Fabra: You will understand after reading some books. If I'm correct, your house holds many books.
Fabra: I'll draw a map to your house, so wait here.
Cielo: I understand.
Fabra: I have finally awakened them, but they ended up losing their memories.... Not everything goes according to my plan, huh?
Fabra: However, I already have all of the pieces. Will the future I predicted come true..? All I can do is wait.
Fabra: And, so that their memories will come back, I can just pray for those two just like what humans do.
Part 2 – Mary
Terra: I wonder what Fabra-san meant by my 'duty?’
Terra: ...... Hm? It smells nice.
Terra: Ow! Wh, what?
Dissen (Yuki): Oops, sorry!
Dissen: The plants alongside the road caught my attention, and I stood up without realizing you were here.
Terra: No, I'm sorry too. I was walking without looking forward......
Terra: ...... What is that yellow thing around your waist?
Dissen: This? This is "Mary."
Terra: "Mary?"
Dissen: Yes. This is a plant, and the yellow part is a flower.
Dissen: It's a very rare sight to see in this city.
Terra: Flower......
Dissen: Recently, I finally succeeded in making flowers bloom.
Dissen: I named this flower here "Mary."
Terra: You named it?
Dissen: Yeah. If I name and raise them carefully, the plants will grow strong.
Terra: Ohh. I see.
Dissen: ...... Oh! You have a different eye color. Your right eye has the same color as "Mary."
Terra: Eh, really? I'm happy I match colors with "Mary!"
Dissen: ...... Oh, right.
Dissen: If you like this flower that much, I'll give you one.
Terra: Really!?
Dissen: Seems like "Mary" took a liking to you too.
Terra: Thank you very much!
Dissen: Take good care of "Mary," okay?
Part 3 - Martin
Martin (Izumi Mitsuki): There’s so many deliveries today, huh? Can I deliver them on time?
Martin: Well, I can’t just complain. Let's go!
Terra: Uuum......
Martin: ...... Ah! Hey! You! Front! Front!
Terra: ...... Eh? Whoa!
Martin: Are you okay?
Terra: Uuh... I'm fine.
Terra: Is my nose in the right place?
Martin: It's still properly there. Don’t you know looking down while walking is dangerous?
Terra: Yes. I'll be careful. You are...? You walk in an odd way...
Martin: Me? I'm Martin. I'm a postman who delivers letters and packages in the city.
Martin: And these boots are my special equipment. I run while jumping with these. It fits my 'role,' right?
Terra: Wow! I wonder if I’ll have something like that?
Martin: Are you... lost?
Terra: My name is Terra!
Terra: I’m following this map to my house, but I don’t see where am I right now.
Martin: So, you're completely lost.
Martin: I feel like this has happened before......
Martin: ...... Ah, it's just like when Jane-san was lost.
Martin: Can I see that map?
Terra: Ah, yes, here.
Martin: Look, this is where we are......
Martin: You can turn right at that corner, and then turn left at the second road.
Terra: I see! I got it. Thank you very much!
Martin: By the way, that thing in your hand is...?
Terra: This is a flower named Mary! A grey-haired man just gave it to me.
Martin: So it's a flower after all. The real thing is so rare.
Martin: The only grey-haired man who grows plants is Dissen-san, right?
Terra: So that man's name is Dissen-san!
Martin: Yeah. Dissen-san is a plant researcher, I often see him walking around with plants.
Terra: Martin-san knows a lot, huh?
Martin: Well, this job requires me to know all about this city and the robots.
Terra: Amazing! Then, do you know about my 'duty'...?
Martin: 'Duty?’ Aah, you mean your 'role'?
Martin: You weren't told when you woke up?
Terra: Fabra-san told me I had to recall it myself......
Martin: Recall it yourself?
Martin: Sorry, but I don't have any idea what it could be.
Terra: I see.
Martin: ......, You can look it up if you don't know, right?
Martin: There's a library around here. You can ask Jane-san who lives there.
Martin: Jane-san knows everything about books.
Terra: I understand! I'll try that!
Terra: Thank you very much!
Martin: ...... Ah, hey! It's dangerous to run!
Martin: ...... Is he okay? I'll just deliver this and visit Jane-san after this.
Part 4 – Fabra and Martin
Martin: That Terra, can he get to the library safely?
Fabra: It's rare to see you talking to yourself Martin. What's wrong?
Martin: Ah, Fabra-san! It's rare to see you here as well.
Fabra: You see, I thought I should take a walk once in a while.
Martin: Huum?
Fabra: What's the situation in the city like today?
Martin: Let's see..., nothing in particular happened, but there were more deliveries than usual today.
Fabra: ...... Sorry. That was my doing.
Fabra: My documents have been piling up, so I organized it.
Martin: So it's Fabra-san's doing! It's a lot more than usual, you know!
Fabra: I'll treat you to a delicious restaurant next time, so forgive me.
Martin: Yay! I rarely have meals but there are some foods I want to try!
Fabra: The restaurant is called "Capsaicin." You might have a shocking experience there.
Martin: What do you mean by shocking? I'll be looking forward to it!
Martin: ...... Ah!
Fabra: What's wrong?
Martin: I just met a guy named Terra.
Fabra: Aah, that was quick.
Martin: Yes. He had a map you drew but, he lost his way.
Fabra: I see......
Fabra: It'd help me if you could take good care of him from now on.
Martin: It's rare to hear that from you.
Fabra: ...... He was a robot I could finally wake up.
Martin: Was there a malfunction or something?
Fabra: Something like that.
Martin: I see! I told him to go to the library, so I went ahead with my boots and told Jane-san to take care of him before he arrives.
Fabra: That’ll be really helpful. I'll be off then. Sorry for bothering you in the middle of your 'job.’
Martin: It's fine, it's fine!
Martin: ...... Okay! Let's work hard today!
to be continued...
Casts: Terra ― Nanase Riku Fabra ― Nikaido Yamato Cielo ― Kujou Tenn Dissen ― Yuki Martin ― Izumi Mitsuki Jane ― Izumi Iori April ― Yotsuba Tamaki Meir ― Osaka Sougo Jeune ― Rokuya Nagi Augus ― Yaotome Gaku Octo ― Tsunashi Ryuunosuke Novem ― Momo
Proofread by @ousama-pudding Will post part 5-8 after this! Thanks for reading💕
Part 5-8 →
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