#except dahlia is ten times more badass
beevean · 1 year
Netflix AA be like: Edgeworth is an african american child who got adopted by Von Karma who just treated him as a slave. Also Franziska literally whipped him to make him follow orders
Also Manfred is a literal former member of the Nazi party
The Feys are actually a family of Japanese immigrants and Redd White killed Mia simply because he hates those goddamn japanese, taking jobs from hard working americans such as him with his billions worth company.
Also Redd White is of jewish descent which would have absolutely no unfortunate implications whatsoever
Pearl is the hyper competent leader of the Fey clan at the ripe age of 6 after her mother’s incarceration.
Phoenix cries himself to sleep every night thinking about how his parents were killed in an alleyway by a burglar and he got accused of the crime because the police had found his fingerprints on the gun. He’ll never forget that lawyer who saved his life by defending him in court and that’s why he decided to become a lawyer himself!
Gumshoe is a corrupt cop who is also openly racist towards Maya and Pearl and secretly towards Edgeworth.
Dahlia is Lenore
Reply: stop giving them ideas please they’re still working on the DMC adaptation don’t let them ruin another franchise 😭
the new angsty Phoenix backstory is too on brand, they would absolutely remove the classroom flashback because it’s too stupid lol
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raleigh-ocean · 4 years
we built a home (should it get comfier?) | danielle bishop x tiffany belànger | TOMU
words: 2,985
AU: parents!BillieDara, non!AudreyDanielle.
summary: Danielle looked at Tiffany cuddling a sleepy baby Helena with one arm, caressing her belly absent-minded while typing with the other hand in her laptop, and felt a strong tug in her chest. She knew the screen was divided, half the case Fany was working on and half Finding Dory, and the whole scene put her back almost fifteen years. Damien wasn’t that different from Helena when she was a baby, after all, and now that she was growing up so much...Danielle started to think if maybe there was a possibility.
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Really hot showers were one of Danielle’s favourite go-to stress relievers. 
It managed to help her melt all the cobwebs in her brain after a long day of dealing with people since she couldn’t get her other favourite one and, to be honest, Danielle wasn’t complaining much. Drying her hair with a towel, she hummed to herself while walking to the ensuite bathroom’s door and watched the view she had a whole while without seeing.
Her wife with a baby in her arms...well, arm, in singular. 
Tiffany, glasses and gown on, had her arm around the big baby girl and her hand caressing her belly absentmindedly while both were focused on the laptop’s screen. The baby was falling asleep, Danielle knew it by the way she was chewing slow on her pacifier, but her eyes were still battling to stay awake because whatever Tiffany was playing on her laptop had her absolute attention...and Tiffany, who was pretty focused as well, was mumbling something while typing with her free hand from time to time.
“When things get hard, there’s always another way,” Tiffany said in a bit of a baby voice, letting go an exasperated sigh. “Yeah, absolutely there is, and that’s going to be auntie’s problem tomorrow Leni,” without looking away from the screen, Tiffany moved enough to leave a kiss on top of the baby’s head, which made the baby raise her hand to touch her and gain another kiss on her tiny fist. “Yeah, it totally will.”
“Of which auntie is gonna be that problem?” Danielle said with a soft laugh, getting the attention of both like that.
“This one,” Tiffany pointed herself on the forehead and then her lips. “Can she also get a kiss?”
Danielle smiled big at that, getting closer to Tiffany and giving her what she wanted easily, and then she climbed over her legs to lie down on her side of bed, her hand going fast to tickle the baby’s belly.
“Ellie, I swear, if that makes her not sleepy you’re going to watch Finding Dory with her for another three hours,” Tiffany warned Danielle when she got the baby to chuckle sleepily and throw her tiny hands over Dani’s face when she kissed her tummy several times. “And you’re getting the pillow and bed wet, why are you so against blow-drying?” 
“We watched Hercules until the disk didn’t reproduce anymore, I’m trained already,” Danielle’s laugh was low, touching with the wet ending of a lock the baby’s nose. “Well, it won’t wet the way I wanted but I think it will do the trick,” that comment made Tiffany flicker her fingers against Danielle’s forehead, hitting her. “Auch!”
“Not in front of Lena,” Tiffany scowled and then her features softened when Helena cuddled against Danielle. 
“¿Qué pasa hija?” Danielle cooed that after rolling her eyes to Tiffany’s remark, taking Helena in her arms and getting her to get comfier in her chest. “Ya tienes sueño, ¿verdad?” She kissed her forehead with love, one of her hands caressing her tiny back and the other went to take Tiffany’s, giving her a kiss on her knuckles as well. “What are you working on so late?”
“I wanted to give the final touches to the case I’m working on, so tomorrow I don’t have so much load of work to do,” Tiffany closed her laptop and lied better in bed, getting closer to Danielle so she could watch Helena falling asleep to the beat of Danielle’s heart. “But I couldn’t come up with good solutions, so I’ll worry about that tomorrow,” Tiffany traced Helena’s features with her finger, without touching her. “I thought she would be hungry at some point.”
“Ana breastfed her at my office,” Danielle chuckled and rested her head against Fany’s. “Thirty-five minutes must have given her enough to last a while,” she shrugged a bit. “I think I'm starting to understand why she is so chubby.”
For Tiffany it was crystal clear because she had been with Danielle for the last thirteen years, so except for one, she watched the next generation be born. Helena was a big baby at ten months old, like many of the children in Danielle’s family, so it wasn’t a big surprise and, as far as they knew, she was already eating real food so it only added up.
For Danielle, who still had her perception messed up by her own experience, she found it funny in a way. She knew Dara’s pregnancy hadn’t been the best but watching her baby girl grow in such a healthy way was a huge relief; it helped Danielle see the other side, because Damien had too many problems growing up after being in the same situation.
However, they both fell silent just to enjoy the moment. 
Even when they were babysitting Helena, they felt weirdly at rest from their busy schedules, a shot of fresh air. Danielle had tried to clean her schedule as much as possible during the week, she ever so worried about that, and Tiffany had tried to at least not have to do much at home for that day. Since Danielle was going to be till late at the office, Dara had dropped her baby daughter to her there and it gave Tiffany time to prepare at home for the occasion. 
Dara and Billie had to attend some sort of gala with dinner and Danielle, as one of the godmothers of Helena, offered herself since Audrey and Dahlia were out of town. Dani had to give it to Dara that it was pretty badass to watch her stroll in the office all dressed up to the nines, heels and make-up on, with Helena in her carrier in one hand and the bag with Helena’s stuff in the other along the car keys. 
Caressing with care Helena’s back and humming softly to a song, Dani felt a strong tug on her chest that called the roots of that messed up side of her, with the memory of watching Dara breastfeeding her daughter while telling Dani about her day as if this wasn’t something extraordinary.
“Fany?” Tiffany hummed in response, because Dani humming was lulling her to sleep as well. “Did you ever think about...well, us, having another?”
Dani and Fany made eye contact there and the latter just got closer to kiss Dani’s cheek big. She knew from where she was coming from, Damien was growing up so fast before their eyes and Dara having Helena had renewed and awakened many asleep feelings, mostly because Danielle absolutely adored her cousin and was seeing in her what it should have been for them. Tiffany couldn’t say she didn’t think about it, but she never saw herself being pregnant nor when she was younger nor now that she was forty; but most important, because going through Danielle’s pregnancy had been the most trying and hellish thing she ever did - even when she loved being there every step of the way to help - and she didn’t want to put her wife through it again.
All of that tied to the fact they were still building their careers and they barely had time to take care of one - as fine that it turned out. Imagining two or more, Tiffany shook her head a bit - even if they adopted, they would be in the same situation. However she knew that thought was a common one they shared.
“I did but, being honest with you Ellie, as much as I loved raising Damien with you and I think we would make a great job with another,” Tiffany moved her hand to cover Helena’s ear so she couldn’t hear in her sleep what she was about to say. “All I can think about is Damien not being at home so often, so you can fuck me around the house without interruption,” that made both giggle. “Which I hope your cousin is doing with her wife, with the night off they have.”
Neither of them knew Dara and Billie absolutely planned to, after the event, but would fall asleep in a burrito of blankets hours later without going further than making out.
Danielle only tried not to laugh hard to not interrupt her baby niece’s sleep. Tiffany was the only one she felt comfortable enough to share her feelings with - even when Dara was the closests second one and Danna, her twin, the third - and having that out of her chest plus the simple answer was what helped her the most to register this sudden peak of ‘baby fever’ in order to understand it and overcome it.
“Maybe we should ask Ana if she can teenagesit Damien for a day in exchange, and do that,” Danielle whispered, turning her head enough to press a kiss on Tiffany’s cheek that led to Tiffany giving her another in her lips. “But I understand what you are saying.”
“I’m sorry, my love,” Tiffany mumbled that in french, swifting just because it was way easier for her to revert to her mother tongue to open up. That was also why they usually spoke more french than english at home now that they were in the States. “I know where it's coming from, but we already built a home for the three of us and it’s...I think it’s finally working out well,” Tiffany smiled sideways and Danielle mimicked her, bumping a bit their heads. “Being aunts it’s nice and, well, I know your cousin and I highly doubt they’ll only have one baby.”
“If it was for Billie, I’m sure they’d have like four or five already, they made a pretty cute baby so I can’t blame her at all,” Danielle always joked with Dara about it and Tiffany made a face that suggested that yeah, she thought about that too. “Do you think moving here was what we needed?”
“I do, I think we both were getting restless in Québec, as much as I still love it,” Tiffany said, pinching her lower lip with her index and thumb. “Damien is adapting fast, being here worked wonders with your depression,” to that, both smiled sadly, because that was a heavy topic in their lives even if it was common by now. “And, being honest, the new office has treated me better in almost a year than they’ve treated me in Québec in the last seven,” that was something that always enraged Danielle. “Maybe what we need now is some time, just us two.”
“So we can ha-”
Then someone knocked on their bedroom’s door, shyly but strong enough to be noticed. 
“Maman? Mami?” Damien’s voice sounded a bit muffled. “Can I come in?”
And Tiffany made a face to Danielle that she knew what meant, which made her chuckle again.
“Yeah,” Danielle said a bit stronger and Damien came into view, pajamas on and sleepy eyes. “Everything okay?”
Damien nodded while making her way to Tiffany’s side of the bed and she opened the quilt for her to come in, which the girl did as if she already knew the cue. Danielle moved enough so Damien was in between Fany and her as comfortable as she could, without disturbing Helena’s sleep, and then Damien looked at the sleepy baby, curious yet scared.
“Not sleepy today?” Tiffany asked after leaving a kiss in Damien’s head and passed her arm over her belly to cuddle her better. “Or just wanted some more cuddles?”
“I...wanted to be with Lena a bit more,” the confession made both Dani and Fany look at Damien, who got her hand closer to Helena’s tiny fist over Danielle’s chest. “I like her, aunt Dara isn’t like aunt Dilania nor uncle Daviel, she let me hold her sometimes and play with her.”
That was something new coming from Damien, because she never was one to be...closer with her actual cousins - Danielle’s nieces and nephews that were actually from her siblings. It was true that they living in Canada put things harder for all the parts and it made Damien grow up not being too attached to Danielle’s side of the family. However, Dara was always there in someway to remind Damien she was available for her as much as Danna, who was her closest aunt since she was Danielle’s twin; and, well, they moved to Los Angeles around the time Dara was eight months pregnant so that meant Damien got to spend too much time with her, taking in count Dara’s pregnancy turned to be one high-risk.
It was as if Damien had made a different bond with Helena than with the rest and Danielle, upon realizing this, felt her whole body warm up in a pleasing way.
Pleasing because maybe, probably, she was starting to see herself in her daughter. 
She remembered when they moved to the States from the Dominican Republic around seven and, in all the novelty of that, Danna, Daviel and her fell into the care of her aunt Carla for a great chunk of the day, since their parents were busy trying to find a job and a home of their own instead of living all with their grandparents. None of them knew about Dilania starting to be real, but they knew Dara was already in her way. Maybe that’s why Danielle - and Danna, for that matter as well - had such a deep connection with Dara, because they were there from the moment she was born onwards.
Damien fell into the same box, the only difference was that she was twelve instead of seven and understood many more things than Danielle could probably understand at the time.
“Is that so?” Danielle slipped into english, because Damien tended to slip in the familiarity of french. “And what does she do when you hold her?”
“She…” the girl blinked and looked at her mother. “She plays with my fingers and we watch videos on auntie’s phone,” Damien’s accent wasn’t as heavy as Tiffany’s, but since she was tired it got a bit rowdier. “And…”
Hearing Damien start talking more about what she did while both weren’t with her made Danielle and Tiffany think about the conversation they were having before Damien came into the bedroom. Of course if they would pursue Danielle’s sudden baby fever they thought Damien wouldn’t have any problem with it - as far they could see - but on the other hand...they thought that maybe this was also okay. If Damien wasn’t there, Helena would’ve been in the same situation as her because they were apart from the family - since they all lived in Sacramento - so maybe this way their special bond would grow to an unique one, because as they kept growing up, they’ll at least have each other.
Danielle and Dara - along Billie - highly doubted that Dahlia and Audrey would give them the surprise of having one as well.
Time passed by and eventually Danielle finally moved Helena to were they had fixed Damien’s old portable crib - which they actually sent to Dara and Billie when they still were in Canada - and watched how Damien was already trying to move to go back to her room with care of not waking Tiffany up in the process, who was already asleep with her glasses still on.
“Don’t you wanna stay, mimi?” Danielle said before yawning, getting in her side of the bed and taking Tiffany’s glasses off with the ease of someone who has done it too many times. “The bed is warm and yours is cold.”
Danielle didn’t have to say it twice.
That made her giggle to herself, kissing Damien’s forehead with love when she cuddled against her front, and Danielle felt completely at peace just with that. Tiffany moved in her sleep, getting closer to them and draping her arm over both as humanly could - her hand resting over Danielle’s ribs in an awkward angle.
“We barely fit anymore,” said Danielle with a laugh in her tone, mimicking Tiffany in a better way because she was physically bigger than her and could. “But I would do it even after you turn eighteen and until you want.”
“Maman?” Damien’s voice was a mere whisper and Danielle hummed to acknowledge she heard her. “Can I tell you something?”
“Go ahead,” Danielle gave her another kiss on the forehead. “We had a while without a secret between us.”
“I’m really happy we are here,” Damien cuddled better, hiding her face in Danielle’s crook of the neck. “I’m happy mami and you are happy,” that was like a punch in the stomach - weirdly good punch - for Danielle. “But...I’m happier because auntie Dara is the happiest since Helena is here,” Damien’s warmth was getting in her and letting her feel more at peace. “I’ve never seen her smile like now and...Helena is my favourite cousin just because of that.”
God, if she knew she would have another Damien for sure, same good heart and awkward manners that remind her so much of herself when she was a kid, Danielle would go right away for a second kid. 
What did she do to have such a sweet girl?
It only earned Damien more kisses and cuddles, but for Danielle the confession was enough to finally settle that restless weird feeling she was having and almost settled while talking to Tiffany. And it only made Danielle answer one last thing that would close the wild thought of getting a fuller house.
“I hope you remember that in ten years, mimi, because if your cousin turns out like your auntie around that age…” Danielle laughed, the memory of a younger version Dara and herself in her head. “Qué Dios nos ayude, si lo vamos a necesitar”
As a quick future vision, it would be way worse, but a twenty-three years old Damien would handle ten years old Helena not only like a champ, but as the only one able to control her at all.
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melonoverlord · 4 years
the new asks for Cecily
 Which parent do they look the most like?
Although she and Micah are generally broader than her very slender fae family, she looks a lot like her mom, which as a child she liked because she wanted to be like her mom but as she’s growing up, she doesn’t like that she has such a big tie to her mom.
Is there a name they were almost given (either by their parents or during character creation)?
Micah and Cecily’s generation was the first to outgrow more older and traditional fae names, but before she was born, there was talks of having her being named Dafne. Luckily Fina did do a brief consultation with her five year old son, and he said he liked the name Cecily. And thus the name of Micah’s favorite person was born.
What were they like as a kid (if they’re currently a child, what would they be like as a teen)?
Cecily’s currently just a leetle gorl, but when she’s older she’s going to be the most badass teen out there. Her anxiety of childhood and the pressure of being the best will still be lingering, which she will need lots of reassurance from her friends, but she will be very ripped and ready to defend her friends with her big heart, big muscles, and big sword. She will also be the very very annoyingly in love girl who can’t get any work done because she’s just fawning over her boy.
What’s their drinking tolerance and what kind of drunk are they?
She only drinks wine at home right now, but when she’s older and starts drinking, she’s going to have an impeccable tolerance. She’ll even be able to outdrink her brother, even if it’s just for the spite.
Where do they like to be touched?
whispers It’s about the hands. Cecily has a lot of her emotional control tied to her hands, which is why when someone holds her hand, she feels a lot safer when she has someone to hold her hand. But when she’s older, she will like when people touch her very strong barbarian muscles.
What’s their favorite position (top/bottom/switch/pillow princess/etc.)
When she’s older, she’s definitely more of a top switch, as she loves taking care of Rory the way that he has taken care of her over the years. But sometimes when older Rory is just a fucking swoon machine, her more bottom tendencies come out and she just wants him to take care of her the best way he knows how (answer: it’s many many kisses).
What are their kinks?
Girl would definitely be into roleplay but takes it very very seriously. What started as a “Queen has an affair with her bodyguard” now is several nights long of on the run from the evil spy organization who wants to kidnap the queen and sell her secrets, and the bodyguard got his powers from a super soldier program and they’re both learning to love. They have to actively remember that it is supposed to lead to sex. Also Robin Hood!Rory? Hoo boy.
As for other kinks, she would never bring it up to Rory but she would lowkey vibe with bondage on his end. She for reasons wouldn’t ever want to be tied up or have her sense deprived, but being a sweet caring dom while her boy is tied up or blindfolded? She could vibe with that.
How do they feel about adrenaline (roller coasters, extreme sports, etc.)?
Ce aint one to half ass shit. The first time this girl goes to an amusement park, you have to argue with her to put her safety harness on during rollercoaster because she just wants to nyoom. Part of the reason she will start the softball team is to feel the thrill of running very fast and hitting things with a bat.
What is their fight or flight response?
Any problem that can’t be stabbed is a problem that can’t be solved. However, if the danger is revolving around an authority figure who she wants to like her, she will slide into the fawn method, where she does whatever she can to make sure she doesn’t get hurt or have other people get hurt.
What’s their pain tolerance?
Cecily is a very strong girl and can take many many hits before getting knocked down for good, and tends to get rather excited when she’s hit? For her, pain is something that grounds her because if she’s thinking about getting hit, she doesn’t have to think about anything else. However, if she gets a paper cut she will cry for twenty minutes.
What character archetype are they the most like (the Innocent, the Hero, etc.)
Although she’s the youngest of the squad (or at least the Player Characters) she fits more of the Hero than any of the other archetypes. Part of it comes with being a protector at heart, but she wants to prove her worth and travel the world and is extremely courageous especially for a sheltered ten year old child who had her first brushes with murders.
What TV-Tropes trope would they be?
Pint-Sized Powerhouse. Although starting second year, Ce starts hitting a growth spurt, she begins at the second shortest of the main squad at 4′10 but I think she has the most max HP due to being a barbarian and she is built like a baby tank. She is chonky and adorable.
What John Mulaney quote/bit do they most embody?
“No one cared about my opinion when I was a little kid. No one cared what I thought. Sometimes, people would say, ‘What do you think you’re doing?” But that just meant ‘Stop.’ They didn’t actually wanna know my thought process. They didn’t want me to be like, ‘Well, I was gonna put this bottle rocket into this carton of eggs, so that when I lit off the bottle rocket, the eggs would explode everywhere.’ ‘Oh, well, that’s very interesting. And what brought you to this experiment?” ‘Oh, well, thank you for asking. Well… you know how I’m filled with rage? I’m so horny and angry all the time… and I have no outlet for it. So… eggs.’“
With the exception of love interests and immediate family, who are they closest to?
Given that Rory will become a love interest and she sees Dahlia as a mother figure, Ciara hands down. She would die for her spunky best friend.
What is their moral alignment? What would have to happen for it to shift?
Cecily started as Chaotic Neutral, but with every day with her new set of family and friends, she is quickly sliding up to Chaotic Good. Although she acts more like a Chaotic Good, she still has some of that neutral as her motivation for doing good deeds is still purely for the love and attention of those she views as authority figures. The only thing that could fully slide her to the evil category is if she just didn’t think there was a way to please anyone or get any appreciation, so she just immediately fends for herself to get people away from her.
Are they a morning person? What are they like before 8am?
She’s a little loopy early in the morning because she needs lots of rest in order to replenish all the energy she needs for her muscles, so if she gets up too early, she won’t get out of that head fog until she has a good breakfast. Don’t try to talk to her before she has coffee, she will process exactly none of the information you give her.
What are they like when they’re tired?
Cecily gets very jittery when she’s tired and is a lot more prone to emotions. The first sign that she needs sleep is she’ll start shivering even in the middle of summer and it feels like her skin in crawling. She will absolutely need to take a nap immediately or she will feel feverish for the rest of the day.
What are they like in arguments?
It really depends what’s she’s arguing for and against. If it’s either a stupid argument or for something she cares about strongly (such as taking care of Micah or being let in on a detective mission) she will talk until her face turns blue until she gets her way, but if it’s against an authority figure like her mom or grandparents, or someone she respects like Dahlia, she will give her side timidly once and then try to find the best compromise that really is Cecily agreeing with the authority figure to avoid getting in trouble.
What is their dominant hand?
Out of 10, how happy are they? How happy do they think they are?
Cecily always thought she was 10/10 because she was the best and if you were the best you are always happy, but she is quickly learning that she is neither the best (and is still coming to terms that maybe no one is the best) nor is she obligated to be the best. So she’s still at about an 8/10 but she’s wondering how long that happiness will stay.
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eposettemyass · 7 years
Oh my god please tell us about the story ideas you have I would love to hear some :D
okay!! I’ll explain the premises that way if I decide to write them i won’t spoil them
(b>First story: (currently untitled bc im dumb)This is the real crime one. A team of new York detectives is assembled, all out some of the most talented young minds in the country. Among them is 20 year old Dahlia Rose. One day, a new person arrives on the team: 22 year old Heather Wood. She’s a little mysterious, a little serious, but extremely kind and insanely smart. Dahlia and Heather immediately become great friends, earning a nickname from their superior “Rosewood”. Dahlia has a boyfriend. She never talks about him except that “he’s sweet when you really get to know him”. Sometimes Dahlia come into work with bruises. She never says anything but Heather knows. The team takes Dahlia out for her 21st birthday, Heather drives her home. But she stays outside in the car because something doesn’t feel right, and she sees Dahlia’s boyfriend hitting her. Heather barges in and hits him over the head before he gets the chance to hurt Dahl. Okay so i’ll stop right there to avoid spoilers but just know that Heather has a dark backstory and this story does not end how you think it does. I explained it all to @eatacactusass a long time ago lol.
Second story: KingThis one i’ve been obsessed with lately (it’s the medieval fantasy one) In this kingdom, there lived a royal family- the Eutheara family. The king, the queen, and twin prince and princess. When the children were only ten, they were traveling by carriage through the mountains. A boulder struck the carriage, crushing the family and knocking over torches, setting it aflame. Only one survived: the young daughter, Esmya (ehz-mee-yuh). Tradition told that one eligible for the throne was the next male heir, yet neither the king nor the prince lived. Instead of giving the throne to the living brother of the king, a war-mongering man, the royal advisors made a decision. They told the kingdom that the prince, not the princess, had survived. They showed the last Euthaera to the kingdom not as Esmya, but as prince Alean, and trained her to live as a man and one day become king. Flash forward 12 years. No one knows of Esmya’s true identity except for a board of royal advisors and a single, loyal servant (Sindel) who found out on her own. However there’s an issue. By tradition, the king rules for 5 years before marrying a neighboring kingdom’s princess therefore continuing the bridge of peace throughout. The idea of Esmya being forced to reveal herself to someone is threatening to the board, but to keep face, Esmya must continue with the tradition. Luckily, she knows of someone. Her name is Myrine (mee-er-reen), and she is the daughter of a fellow king and the childhood friend of Esmya. She hasn’t seen Myrine since her family was killed, but marrying marrying a distant friend is better than marrying a stranger and risking her secret being exposed. When Myrine arrives in the kingdom, she is cold and distant to Esmya, whom she believes still to be Alean. Myrine reveals that Alean, the real Alean, was terrible to her in childhood, that he would pick fights and spit at her. But finding Esmya so calming and gentle, she realizes that she is not Alean. She agrees to marry her and keep her secret safe, all while falling in love with her. There’s more to it and this other character i think i’ll name Aeson or smth and he’s a transgender fantasy-equivalent to a witch but like, badass. Anyways i have this whole arc for it and i hope i get around to writing it.
Third story: (probably) The Legend of the TidesThis one is fantasy too, greek myth esqu not medieval. Princess of island (think like the island from mama mia lol) named Adamaris loves the stars and moon and shit. Is gonna be forced to marry when she comes of age so she cries and prays to the moon. Next day a strange woman appears by the name of Channary. She is beautiful and mysterious and okay she’s the fucking moon alright. I haven’t fleshed it out but in the end they run away stardust style and Channary turns back into the moon but Adamaris turns into the ocean and that’s why the moon controls the tides.
Sorry for how long this post is i’m gay
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