#except for Suho Seojun reconciling but that’s literally IT
thbn-anything · 4 years
I was catching up with true beauty so yesterday I watched episodes 10, 11 & 12 and I felt like a clown hoping that Kang Soojin is seriously not like this 🤡🤡🤡
Like this literally makes no sense?? I thought even when she turned “evil” she would change 180 degrees, revealing her true personality but noooo, she was still nice. Remember when she helped Joo Hye Min (the transfer student from Yongpa) from her bullies? SHE’S STILL THE SAME. And the only reason why she is being mean to Jugyeong is becAUSE THEY LIKE THE SAME BOY?? LIKE I REMEMBERED THAT SCENE WHERE SHE THREW THE NECKLACE INTO THE FIRE BIT BY BIT JUST CAUSE HOW HER CHARACTER ARC MAKES NO SENSE?? Like she said something along the lines of “Jugyeong is a sweet girl, so why do you have to like her?” or something like basically she genuinely liked Jugyeong, but just bcS THE GUYS SHE LIKES IS DATING HER, SHE HATES HER NOW?? LIKE HAVE THE WRITERS EVEN SEEN KANG SOOJIN?? I DON’T EVEN WRITE THE SCRIPT BUT I KNOW THAT THIS WHOLE THING MAKES NO SENSE. SHE IS THE MOST BADASS, TAKE-NO-SHIT CHARACTER, AND YOU MAKE HER THE BULLY CAUSE OF A MF GUY??
Anyways enough of the rant, I would also like to add that it seems like Lee Suho’s father is gonna get a redemption arc at something point, like I can just imagine him KNEELING at Suho, begging for his forgiveness, cause even tho he’s doing all sorts of things, he actually still loves Suho and it’s also clear that he doesn’t want Suho to stray further away from him. Suho’s decision, however? I’m not sure if he’s gonna forgive him or not. Although Suho seems like the type to not really forgive people who did wrongdoings to him, he’s still his dad, so idkk
Soojin on the other hand, uhhhh I’m not really sure how her character would end like... there is actually a slight possibility that she would try to become friends with Jugyeong again after realizing what she has done. If this was done, then Jugyeong might do one out of these two things: she would either forgive her, being the sweetest, kindest, bestest girl she is, or she would gain character development and drop that toxic friendship. Anyways, no, I do not have the faintest idea how it ends.
Oh, and the last scene: Soo Ah confronting and asking Jugyeong about the photos as if she can’t believe this was her face without make up. Now, ever since the very first episode, I just know that Soo Ah is going to support Jugyeong no matter what, even if she turns out to be “ugly”. But when I was watching that episode, I suddenly thought of the possibility that maybe Soo Ah does dislike her now for having an ugly face, or at the very least, dislikes her for not telling her the truth when they’re best friends.
Now the latter is obv way better than the first, if she is just disappointed at Jugyeong bcs she “lied” to her, then it’ll just be a conflict that’s probably going to be solved in the last few episodes anyways. But, if the former is true, then idk everyone is probably toxic in Saebom High except for Seojun and Jugyeong (love Seojun so freaking much (I would also mention Suho but that episode where he was mad at Jugyeong for being friends with Seojun is so obsessive and also the episode where they went camping he looked like such a creep looking at Jugyeong all the time so)).
NOW NOW HEAR ME OUT, y’all are probably screaming “WHAT? Nooo Soo Ah is definitely not that kind of person!!” And yes, she isn’t. BUT, before being close to Jugyeong, she was basically BESTIES with Kang Soojin. If Kang Soojin stirs up a bad rumor to the class of how Jugyeong looks without make up, then Kang Soo Ah will undeniably believe in her. Why? Because she is her BEST FRIEND. I mean like, even if Jugyeong is the victim, I feel like even she would still struggle to cut ties with Soojin, like we’re talking about SOO AH Y’ALL, someone who’s probably Soojin’s bestfriend since day one. If we asked her who she trusts more between Soojin and Jugyeong, she would obviously say she can’t choose, but deep inside her heart, the answer is probably Kang Soojin.
To wrap things up, I would like to say that I hope the Juyoung x Gowoon ship will sail cause they look absolutely adorable together 🥰
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webtoon-madness · 4 years
i just feel bad for suho tbh i've peaked at the k version and it seems like he was going through a lot while he was away. can we please have suho happy. i get that he left but i dont get why people hate him all because of a ship. i don't even understand where the plot is going anymore and now that they are going to turn it into a show makes me worried they're going to ruin it even more. pls post your opinion about the comic i'd love to hear your thoughts about it.
Honestly, I feel you on that 😕
Suho was already going through a lot (his mother’s and friend’s death, Seojun pushing him away) and then his father’s accident that forced him to leave.
On the other hand, I still don’t understand why he didn’t contact Jugyeong furthermore after he left, and then came back expecting she would still be waiting for him. The reason he stopped messaging her was because he wanted her to be happy, that includes finding a boyfriend.
Here’s my full opinion on the webtoon:
It really started with SO MUCH potential. Revealing that Jugyeong is not exactly a lady but rather a tomboy who discovers the magic of make up.
Cool! So this is a webtoon where we can learn how to do make up right?)
She gets involved with some asshole who is actually a good person and becomes her friend (Suho).
Sweet! We get romance too!
Many new characters get introduced into the webtoon. Sujin, Woohyeon (the guy who played with girls), Seojun’s friends and the chef with the scar on her face.
So they will be important for the plot! (((Nope))))
We get introduced to Seojun, another asshole who ends up being good.
It’s awesome we get to have a supportive character that will help Suho and Jugyeong to get together right?
He likes her
Oh. I guess that’s cool. A love triangle.
Time goes by, Suho gets in an accident saving Jugyeong, he starts showing romantic interest for Jugyeong as well as Seojun. Fangirling for either team, Suho and Seojun reconcile, they all become friends, Suho and Jugyeong are on the verge of confessing but then his father gets on an accident and he is forced to leave.
This part of the plot (arc?) was actually pretty good in my opinion, I loved how the webtoon built this up where I literally couldn’t miss an update. I would call my friend every Monday to fangirl about True Beauty, hold my scream on class out of excitement while reading it, and and I cried (seriously) when Suho left. It devastated me because shortly after, the webtoon went on a hiatus. By then, I only read the Korean updates so I had to wait about 2 MONTHS (more or less) for some answers (which it’s ok, author needed a break, it’s fine).
The problem started when the webtoon came back, everything that made it my favorite started collapsing.
Not only Suho was only mentioned once by Sua (not even Jugyeong!) calling him an old memory but Seojun and Jugyeong start dating (which it’s ok, honestly, people like them together and I’m ok with that!) but I’ll give you my honest opinion about this:
The webtoon focus was never about them. It was about Jugyeong feeling “ugly” and Suho seeing HER True Beauty, which is the reason why they fell in love. Seojun has honestly nothing to do with the development of the webtoon; perhaps use him to satisfy fans/show that Jugyeong was sad and Seojun was there for her but then Jugyeong and Suho meeting once again and getting together for a happy ending.
But no.
The story is taking so many turns I don’t understand at all. We had to wait 5 additional months to finally see Suho. What does Jugyeong do? She stands up, surprised. That’s it. 7 months the fans waited, 3 years the characters waited just for Jugyeong get “surprised” and the story cuts into her back at home.
What happened to the characters introduced on the first season? Why Suho didn’t have friends before Jugyeong? Why did Sujin know this? What role does Heeyeon play in the story? (if she doesn’t disappear like Sujin)? or who is she really? Why did Selena and Suho HAD to be siblings? (why wasn’t THIS revealed before?) why does Jugyeong and Seojun say for the first time “I love you” after having dated for WEEKS? (didn’t they date because they loved each other??) and for the love of god WHY does Jugyeong HAVE to ask for permission to Seojun about what she does???
The story and characters have degraded, A LOT.
For the story: The story itself it’s pretty much forcing only the two main to fight for Jugyeong. That’s it, that’s all we get. No focus on Jugyeong feelings, friends, or even her family.
For the characters: Jugyeong lets Seojun decide what she does or doesn’t do. Suho’s excuse for not contacting them was “he couldn’t find the right time” and Seojun is now the jealous type. I was ok with Seojun and Jugyeong dating because he was good for her but controlling her it’s NOT okay.
And now it seems that the webtoon is going for them both regretting their actions and having to save Jugyeong from the creeps spying on her through social media (if it doesn’t take ANOTHER turn).
I’m truly disappointed with the webtoon because not only failed in reintroducing the story for season 2 but it’s all over the place and has SO MANY plot holes. The art is exceptional as ever, but the writing got awful.
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