#except it's healthy and the beast learns to be humble <3
chinchillinbb · 3 years
rating: t warnings: strong language word count: 929 requested: no summary: after a long day at work, you come back to your cat, who, after a year of being cursed by an eldritch deity whose name you can't pronounce, can now talk. and boy, is he snarky.
You blew a puff of hot air into the back of your already frozen car. Winter had decided to not only bare its teeth this year, but clamp firmly down onto any exposed skin. This was especially unfortunate when you worked in a combination bookstore/coffee shop. Lots of coffee orders, and no working heater because “the humidity is bad for the books”.
The one upside of working here was the pay. The owners knew the working conditions were only for the strong willed, especially during the winter, and took pity, along with offering a free coffee on your break. That meant you could afford to take care of a cat, which made your days infinitely better.
Today? Not even your fluffy orange cat, Squish, could restore your energy. You walked through the door before taking off your wet boots and throwing your extra 2 layers onto the floor with a grumble and a half. The space heater you bought at a garage sale 2 years ago was still chugging along, but you didn’t have it up very high while you were at work. Just because your pay was good didn’t mean that you were about to get freaky with your electric bill.
Finally wrapped up in a thick blanket, with the heater and some fluffy socks both on, you could cuddle with Squish. “How’s your day been, babes?”
“Fucking miserable. You?”
You froze. (Figuratively.) Maybe the hypothermia was getting to you. Could hypothermia make you hallucinate? Maybe you were mentally ill. File that away in your brain for a later Google search. But what kind of crazy person was gonna look at their normal, totally not talking cat, and ask them to do it again? You. “Hey Squish, I know you don’t like, talk, but um… on the off chance that you do, could you do it again?”
“Yeah, trust me, it’s been a real doozy having to keep my trap shut while you stumble around like an idiot, burning pasta and banging your hip into the table making dinner. Alas, it’s been 1 life since the beginning of my sentence, and now I can finally articulate just how dumb that shirt does make you look.”
While you were busy floundering at the revelation that your cat could, in fact, talk, and had strong opinions about your wardrobe choices (much less the fact that they’d somehow already lost a life), Squish was audibly sighing and groaning about how stupid you were, and how all cats are superior, and how they “might not even want to change back at this rate.”
“So… I mean, is this a thing all cats do? You sorta mentioned a punishment or a, um, a sentence, or something? Oh my god, I don’t have the money for a mental hospital, much less schizophrenia medication.” You lamented your issues, and wondered if maybe you had imagined your cat all along. Maybe they’d never actually been real.
Squish spoke up before you could panic more, “Okay, okay, chill. Not all cats are as great as me, no. I’m a special case. You know how Arachne got turned into a spider? I angered an eldritch being, and got bippity boppity booped into a house cat. Something about the experience being humbling, but to be honest? You feed me, and let me stay. It’s even warm in here, most of the time. Hey, speaking of which, what’s with the whole “no heater while you’re gone” thing?”
“My cat angered an eldritch being. Does that make me cursed, by extension, for pitying you?” You spluttered, pointing a finger accusingly in Squish’s face. If cats could look indignant, Squish was the best at it by far.
“You’re probably fine! Jesus, what a drama lord… Anyways, the only way to un-cat me is for me to either wait out nine lives, or to learn how to be humble. I picked you, because you seem to have cripplingly low self-esteem, and I’ve heard that being humble is supposed to make you undervalue yourself. You work in a freezing coffee shop/bookstore duo for objective pennies, so I figured you were the best fit.” Squish finished by jumping up onto the coffee table to eat your fake flower centerpiece.
Leveling them with a warning glare, you huffed, “Well, you did wonders for my “low self-esteem” by saying my top is ugly, thanks. And the heater stays off when I’m gone is to save money, not that you’d know anything about that, Sir Lap of Luxury.”
“I didn’t say the top was ugly, I said it made you look stupid.” Squish stared back with an even more intense scowl. It’s probably the fact that they have cat eyes, and by extension, thin, intimidating slits for pupils. Maybe that should be their new nickname. “Slits for Pupils”.
You plopped down on the couch and looked at the quickly cooling box of takeout you got. “You know, I have half a mind to toss you out right now. What if the elder deity you angered decides being a cat isn’t a good enough punishment, and comes back to finish the job? What if they kill me for being hospitable to what I thought was a slightly ornery, but cuddly, domestic cat?”
Squish continued staring in that apathetic, far off way that cats do sometimes, as though they know all the secrets to the universe and are trying to shoot them into your brain. It was oddly reassuring, considering the circumstances, and you supposed that this conversation could wait until you had eaten, before your food was wasted.
(a/n: discord is here)
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jayykesley · 7 years
can I ask for all of the oc questions for both of my sons
absolutely you can;
1. what do they look like?
Derick’s about 5’9, with slightlytanned skin, golden blond curly hair, and blue eyes
Roswell is a tall, lanky, 17-yearold with ridiculous dark hair and big round grey eyes
2. describe their personality inthree words:
Derick: Nervous, shameful, and sweet
Roswell: Excited, enthusiastic,empathetic
3. how tall are they?
Derick’s 5’9, and Roswell’s about 5’11
4. favorite foods?
Derick loves anything sweet – cookies,brownies, cake, coffee with more sugar than actual coffee
Roswell will eat anything andeverything, he’s a growing kid
5. any allergies?
Not that I know of
6. what is their build?
When the gang first meets Derick,he’s real real skinny because he can’t afford to eat a lot. After they get himsome real food, he still somewhat skinny, but a little more filled out?
Roswell’s just lanky like a noodle
7. do they have curly, wavy, orstraight hair?
Derick’s got super curly hair thatsticks up everywhere and gets in his eyes
Roswell has straight hair that lookslike he stuck a fork in a socket
8. do they like books? if so, howoften do they read?
Derick doesn’t read a lot – not alot of good reading material in Cirsca, it’s mostly just manuals and journals.Roswell’s kind of the same way, he doesn’t mind them but reading’s not his ideaof fun.
9. what are their talents?
Derick’s not half bad at drawing,though he usually only draws Ragsy.
Roswell: Talking absolutely non-stop
10. two or more other fictionalcharacters they’re similar to?
Shoshanna from Inglorious Basterdswas the inspiration for Derick, though I guess the two aren’t wildly similar interms of personality. Maybe Cress from Lunar Chronicles? Or Noah from RavenCycle? I’m actually not sure…
For Roswell, definitely Dick Graysonfrom the Lego Batman Movie
11. what is one strange hobby/talentthey have?
Derick’s freaky good atcommunicating with animals. Like, “Disney Princess” good.
I actually don’t know one forRoswell…and here I thought I knew my ocs….
12. five songs that fit them:
For Derick, here’s three:
“The Letter That Never Came” –Thomas Newman (yeah its instrumental, but its just so sad at the beginning thatI think of Derick every time)
“Beauty and the Beast” – BATB OTS(the original with angela Lansbury – technically derick/Rosalyn but still)
“I Went TooFar” – Aurora          
I swear I have more, I just can’tthink of them atm
And Shut Up and Dance definitelyreminds me of Roswell
13. who do you think could play themin a live-action rendition?
Evan Peters, who is also myface-claim for Derick.
A young Nicholas Hoult is my faceclaim for Roswell too..
14. do they just want to rest?
YES oh my gosh yes that’s all Derickwants. Roswell’s the opposite; there’s too much to do!!
15. which OC did not sign up forthis?
Derick, for sure
16. who’s their favorite person?
It takes him a while to warm up toher, but overall I think Rosalyn is his favorite person. He also really enjoyshanging out with Carson and Lorelei, because they’re like the siblings he neverhad.
Funny enough, Rosalyn is alsoRoswell’s favorite person, right next to Dr. Anaya Gatling! Gatling’s like amentor to him, so he loves her so much too.
17. who do you ship them with?
ROSALYN with Derick, and Roswell’sperfectly fine on his own
18. have they experienced the deathof a loved one?
Derick hasn’t, Roswell has (he and Rosalynused to have an older brother)
19. have they ever been tortured?
For Derick, doesmental/emotional/physical abuse count? For Roswell, no, not yet (?)
20. what’s the worst thing you’vedone to them without spoiling anything?
Gave Derick to parents who mentallyand emotionally abused him then abandoned him, so now he genuinely doesn’trecognize real love when he’s shown it.
For Roswell, killing his big brotherreally sucks so…
21. any mental illnesses?
Derick probably does, but he hasn’tbeen diagnosed. Roswell’s mental health is great, so no.
22. what’s their favorite animal?
Derick’s is cats, Roswell’s is dogs.
23. what are their flaws?
Derick’s kind of a coward, veryabsorbed in his own mind, overthinks everything.
Roswell can be too trusting and tooeager to see the best in everyone. Also could accidentally share secret infowhile rambling.
24. what’s their favorite color?
Derick likes green, and Roswelllikes purple and yellow and blue and red and….
25. pet peeves?
Derick dislikes people who just gogo go!Roswell dislikes grumpy, pessimistic people.
26. bad habits?
Derick’s always chewing on his nailswhen he’s nervous. Roswell’s is obviously his oversharing.
27. an OC they hate:
Derick hates Rosalyn when he firstmeets her, Carson kinda too.
Roswell really only hates Chief Knoxfor killing his brother.
28. random fact about them:
Afternoons at Marni’s shop are someof the only happy childhood memories Derick has.
It’s safe to assume that, at anygiven moment, Roswell’s wearing at least one brightly colored bandage for anynumber of minor injuries
29. family members?
Derick just had a mother and afather, nobody else.
Roswell only has Rosalyn now, but heconsiders the rest of the unground dwellers his family.
30. Hogwarts house?
Hufflepuff and Gryffindor (?)
31. what makes them happy?
Derick: Ragsy, coolmornings/evenings in the Burjeok forest, watching the stars and moon at night
Roswell: Lots of things! Warmsunshine, new flowers in spring, talking to anybody, going to town, pettinganimals, etc.
32. middle and last names (ifthey’re established)?
No middle names, Denmeyer is Derick’slast name and Tate is Roswell’s.
33. introvert, ambivert, orextrovert?
Derick’s heavily introverted andRoswell’s heavily extroverted
34. how old are they?
Derick’s 22 and Roswell’s 17 (he’sthe dancing queen)
35. strange quirks they have:
Does Derick’s nail-chewing count?
36. any unhealthy obsessions?
Why did mom and dad leave, why wasn’t I enough?
For Roswell, nothing really. He’spretty healthy overall
37. looks like they could kill butis actually a cinnamon roll, looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually killyou, looks like a cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon roll, looks likethey could kill you and could actually kill you, or sinnamon roll
Both are totally pure cinnamon rolls
38. how smart are they?
Derick’s actually fairly smart. He’sgot a lot of practical knowledge from several years on his own.
Roswell’s fairly smart. He’s still ateen, so he’s got a lot to learn, but he’s intelligent!
39. master planner or masterimproviser?
Improviser, and about half-and-half
40. species/race?
Both human, both white
41. cat or dog person?
Derick loves both with all his heart
Roswell prefers dogs because they’remore open and obvious with their love and affection
42. where are they from?
Both are from Cirsca!
43. moral alignment? 
Derick’s Lawful neutral, and Roswell’sNeutral Good
44. what is their dominant hand?
Both are right-handed
45. do you have headcanons for them?
46. can they sing?
Derick’s not terrible, but he wouldnever draw that much attention to himself. Roswell probably shouldn’t
47. what horror-movie characterstereotype are they?
Derick would be the one that refusesto investigate the creepy noises, gets left in the living room by himself,probably winds up dying then.
Roswell is one of the first to die,he was probably the one that went to check out the creepy noises
48. how well can they worktechnology?
Derick’s better than most of thegang, since he worked in the capital city. Roswell doesn’t have a lot ofexperience with technology, so he probably wouldn’t be very good
49. which Marvel or DCsuperhero/villain would they be?
Both would actually fit CharlesXavier pretty well. Just with his whole “I don’t want to fight, I just want tobe accepted” thing?
50. how well do they develop overthe course of the story?
I want to say pretty well? I’mhoping to have Derick go from “coward who would rather stay home thanpotentially help others and stand up for his beliefs” to “scared guy who bravely facesdanger anyways for the sake of his friends and what’s right”
Roswell gets his own development,but you know, spoilers.
51. are they more humble or moreegotistical?
Humble, definitely
52. who would they be in a Disneymovie?
Derick would be snow White, justhappily traipsing through the woods with a flock of animals
Roswell would be the comedic sidekickor loyal animal companion
53. how many languages can theyspeak?
Just english
54. early-bird or night-owl?
Derick’s a night owl, and Roswell isboth since he never sleeps
55. how meme-y are they?
Derick would probably know more memesthan he’d like, because Carson and Lorelei would share them all with him.Roswell would be one of the meme-iest
56. how close are they to theirfamily?
Biological family? Derick’s not atall close, and Roswell is very close to Rosalyn.
57. do they have suicidal thoughtsor actions?
Derick kinda does but not like another oc of mine andRoswell doesn’t – he’s doing well
58. what is their preferred weapon?
Both can work a gun, but neitherlikes to fight (except I think I’m gonna give Derick a shield instead)
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God says Hurricanes are Bigger in Texas
God says Hurricanes are Bigger in Texas Dear Editor: I don’t like to boast or brag, unlike other men, that I have power or any special gifts. But I will say that I possess the gift of discernment and objective judgment. I am an evangelist and environmentalist, a counselor and a manager, a meek, humble Christian and a strong and bold advocate of what I see are the problems confronting our nation and world. Centuries ago, people believed that natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes were signs from God, but our new “rationalistic” science-trusting world now believes that God is just a warm and fuzzy concept and has no role or power over the “real world” events which affect our lives. I am writing today to dispel that notion that either the world is just a meaningless, chaotic, randomly selected pile of minerals and carbon-based life-forms, or that there is a “higher power” which I’ll call God and “He” (for the sake of traditional Scriptural writings) just stands back from far away and lets it all happen as it does. I believe He did that for many centuries, particularly in the post-Old Testament times and in the early and middle ages. But I believe now we are in the “end times” and that Jesus Christ is coming. And we’ve seen our share of signs and miracles that the time of the Second Coming is quickly coming upon us. We’ve seen terrible hurricanes, like Harvey and Katrina, tsunamis, typhoons, earthquakes, tornadoes, droughts, famines, disease epidemics, etc. We’ve seen our (the Christian and western world’s) enemies wreak terrible havoc through terrorist attacks, just as in Old Testament times, the Jews were enslaved first by the Egyptians and then by the Assyrians and Babylonians and Persians. We’ve also seen the world warmer than it’s been in many millennia, caused by man’s industrial excesses, especially its archaic reliance on fossil fuels, and we’re watching the sea-levels rise (SLR) in reaction to our melting ice-caps. Our technology has seen nuclear radiation disasters, chemical poisoning of large populations, the devastation of our rainforests by misguided attempts to profit or subsist by destroying the oxygen producing forests on which our planet’s atmosphere relies and causing many thousands of extinctions of species which could be the source of medicinal cures for cancer and other terrible diseases. We’ve destroyed over half of our world’s wetlands, both inland and coastal, including the decimation of our critical tropical mangrove forests and our coral barrier reefs both of which are necessary to sustain a healthy and living ocean environment. Due to pollution and overfishing and overdevelopment our fish and other sea creatures’ populations have plunged in many areas of the globe. Back to the hurricane. Harvey is wreaking havoc on the Texas coast and the huge Houston metro area, home to over 6 million people. The 30 to 50 inches of rain which has fallen has turned streets and alleys into rivers and homes and backyards into swamps, causing tremendous amounts of property damage and some loss of life. Katrina was terrible in its huge loss of life and the partial destruction of a major U.S. city, which has taken many years only to partially recover. Harvey could be worse. (Like the song, Jesus is going to rock the world like a HURRICANE!!!) But is it global warming causing these 1,000-year storms and floods? What about all the deadly tornadoes and fracking-caused earthquakes (and tsunamis and mudslides and so on?) We have paved over our cities and countryside, recall that Houston is half the size of New England! Impervious surfaces cause runoff to flood into neighborhoods and homes, destroy businesses and wreak huge financial losses for our federal government and its flood insurance program. We haven’t learned to protect our land and its original ecology (nor our polluted air and water resources), so we are reaping the whirlwind of God’s wrath. With the anti-Christ in power in Washington, and people, especially young people, falling away from faith in Jesus and God (and many delusional pseudo-Christians in the heartland following the Beast/Anti-Christ) , what we are now seeing with Harvey and his predecessors is the sign that Jesus is coming to defeat the “Beast and False Prophet” of the book of Revelation, and to send the anti-Christ and all that follow his selfish, lying, violent ways down to the Lake of Fire and Brimstone: hell, Hades, Gehenna. Most men will be judged by their own actions and predilections for money, status, power and material luxuries which they use lies, deceptions and violence to obtain. Only a handful of generous, sacrificially-giving males will be spared; apostles, martyrs, prophets and those who gave alms and volunteered out of love, rather than ego. Also, there will be 144,000 virgin males who will serve as eunuchs in the Court of Jesus Christ and His Bride, the Church. (Rev. 14:3-4) As I’ve written before, the “salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13 ”Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.”), half-way decent, hard-working men have pridefully boasted of their accomplishments, and selfishly amassed material and financial wealth (“kings of their castles”) without much of an attempt to share their wealth with those who don’t even have enough to eat. These men may have the temperature in hell turned down a notch in the name of mercy, but they will definitely not be invited to the loving Kingdom of Heaven. Men have utterly failed to obey the commands of Christ and have hated their wives and girlfriends and treated them with utter contempt and failed to love and give to their neighbor and enemies. Church leaders and church-going men profess faith but, with extremely rare exceptions, are “1%“ Christians. They are judged for the way they treated women, each other, and the earth, each of which suffered over the millennia since the first Adam and Eve, or caveman, walked the earth. These devastating “natural disasters” are not now merely nature’s random effects, but a sign that God’s wrath is coming in the form of Jesus Christ, the warrior riding on a white horse, coming to destroy the anti-Christ (Trump?) and the False Prophet (Billy Graham and his ilk) and with the sword which proceeds from His mouth, Jesus will slay all you men until your carcasses lay rotting on the earth, fodder for vultures. Haven’t you “good old boys” from the Lone Star State seen the writing on the wall? Wasn’t Katrina and plane crashes enough (recall TWA 800 and Air Alaska)? Wasn’t 9/11 enough to change your minds towards repentance? What about AIDS, isn’t it strange and “coincidental” that it targeted gay men and promiscuity and was much less severe in the female and lesbian population? During these end times, we should look at all natural calamities as works of God while we remember that God loves all of us and chastises those He loves. But He wants us to turn away from filthy lucre, the lesson of 9/11 for you stockbrokers and money-obsessed guys. (God could have stopped the Muslims from their terror but chose to give America and the world a lesson in wrath as He has stopped nuclear holocaust from occurring) He also wants us to love one another more than we love money. He wants us honest and humble. Not boastful and proud and boldly attempting to deceive the masses into buying products they don’t need and sometimes don’t even want. Our relationships have devolved to such a point that we all look for solace not in God and spirituality but in electronic gadgets, luxuries, money bringing an evil spirit of decadence and crass materialism and conspicuous consumption. God spelled out that we cannot serve Him and money at the same time. And the love of money is the root of all evil. (1 Timothy 6:10) You can look these up in the Bible. The Bible also says that “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.” (Romans 1:22) The “good ole boys” certainly look foolish now, for how can they come to our Lord without confessing their guilt and repenting? And if I’ve learned anything it is that men don’t honestly or easily say they’re sorry nor do they change and repent and turn away from evil. What Jesus wants is mass repentance. That goes for the fat, rich, arrogant and lazy women called in Revelation (Rev. 19:2, et al), the “Great Whores” as they give their bodies and “love” only to those guys who can pull in top dollar salaries or who have massive bank accounts. The fashion economy will be thrown down once the beasts who supply the whores are no longer there to be sugar-daddies and who have let the whores ride them to ruin. But all this comes from a lack of faithfulness to Jesus, God the Father, and Scripture and a general “blasphemy of the Holy Spirit” which many men are guilty of and which is the unforgivable sin. If you’ve attacked Jesus by claiming that His Spirit-inspired works are evil and of the devil, you are guilty of the unforgivable sin. So now we must realize that God’s wrath is coming but most importantly that Jesus will be here before you know it. You “winners” in Houston should get ready and take care of any personal business, and that goes for men throughout this planet. Imagine how God feels about the arrogance and evil of the corrupt governments throughout the world, the environmental devastation, the heating and disruption of the atmosphere and the melting polar ice caps, How about all the murders at the hands of mostly men. What percentage of murders and criminals are women? 1%? Probably less as men often judge wrongly and put innocent women who try to repent in jail. For those who don’t believe me or who do not believe in a transcendent and judging God, be warned, for God’s wrath is coming. “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” John 3:36 God knows your heart and everything you’ve said or done. “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” The “flesh” represents men’s ego. May the True Church learn to forgive and love one another and to pray for and have mercy on the beastly men who will be cast down to the Lake of Fire. If the reader doesn’t believe me, just wait a while. I will keep telling the truth until people begin to listen to me.
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thejesusreport · 7 years
God says Hurricanes are Bigger in Texas
God says Hurricanes are Bigger in Texas Dear Editor: I don’t like to boast or brag, unlike other men, that I have power or any special gifts. But I will say that I possess the gift of discernment and objective judgment. I am an evangelist and environmentalist, a counselor and a manager, a meek, humble Christian and a strong and bold advocate of what I see are the problems confronting our nation and world. Centuries ago, people believed that natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes were signs from God, but our new “rationalistic” science-trusting world now believes that God is just a warm and fuzzy concept and has no role or power over the “real world” events which affect our lives. I am writing today to dispel that notion that either the world is just a meaningless, chaotic, randomly selected pile of minerals and carbon-based life-forms, or that there is a “higher power” which I’ll call God and “He” (for the sake of traditional Scriptural writings) just stands back from far away and lets it all happen as it does. I believe He did that for many centuries, particularly in the post-Old Testament times and in the early and middle ages. But I believe now we are in the “end times” and that Jesus Christ is coming. And we’ve seen our share of signs and miracles that the time of the Second Coming is quickly coming upon us. We’ve seen terrible hurricanes, like Harvey and Katrina, tsunamis, typhoons, earthquakes, tornadoes, droughts, famines, disease epidemics, etc. We’ve seen our (the Christian and western world’s) enemies wreak terrible havoc through terrorist attacks, just as in Old Testament times, the Jews were enslaved first by the Egyptians and then by the Assyrians and Babylonians and Persians. We’ve also seen the world warmer than it’s been in many millennia, caused by man’s industrial excesses, especially its archaic reliance on fossil fuels, and we’re watching the sea-levels rise (SLR) in reaction to our melting ice-caps. Our technology has seen nuclear radiation disasters, chemical poisoning of large populations, the devastation of our rainforests by misguided attempts to profit or subsist by destroying the oxygen producing forests on which our planet’s atmosphere relies and causing many thousands of extinctions of species which could be the source of medicinal cures for cancer and other terrible diseases. We’ve destroyed over half of our world’s wetlands, both inland and coastal, including the decimation of our critical tropical mangrove forests and our coral barrier reefs both of which are necessary to sustain a healthy and living ocean environment. Due to pollution and overfishing and overdevelopment our fish and other sea creatures’ populations have plunged in many areas of the globe. Back to the hurricane. Harvey is wreaking havoc on the Texas coast and the huge Houston metro area, home to over 6 million people. The 30 to 50 inches of rain which has fallen has turned streets and alleys into rivers and homes and backyards into swamps, causing tremendous amounts of property damage and some loss of life. Katrina was terrible in its huge loss of life and the partial destruction of a major U.S. city, which has taken many years only to partially recover. Harvey could be worse. (Like the song, Jesus is going to rock the world like a HURRICANE!!!) But is it global warming causing these 1,000-year storms and floods? What about all the deadly tornadoes and fracking-caused earthquakes (and tsunamis and mudslides and so on?) We have paved over our cities and countryside, recall that Houston is half the size of New England! Impervious surfaces cause runoff to flood into neighborhoods and homes, destroy businesses and wreak huge financial losses for our federal government and its flood insurance program. We haven’t learned to protect our land and its original ecology (nor our polluted air and water resources), so we are reaping the whirlwind of God’s wrath. With the anti-Christ in power in Washington, and people, especially young people, falling away from faith in Jesus and God (and many delusional pseudo-Christians in the heartland following the Beast/Anti-Christ) , what we are now seeing with Harvey and his predecessors is the sign that Jesus is coming to defeat the “Beast and False Prophet” of the book of Revelation, and to send the anti-Christ and all that follow his selfish, lying, violent ways down to the Lake of Fire and Brimstone: hell, Hades, Gehenna. Most men will be judged by their own actions and predilections for money, status, power and material luxuries which they use lies, deceptions and violence to obtain. Only a handful of generous, sacrificially-giving males will be spared; apostles, martyrs, prophets and those who gave alms and volunteered out of love, rather than ego. Also, there will be 144,000 virgin males who will serve as eunuchs in the Court of Jesus Christ and His Bride, the Church. (Rev. 14:3-4) As I’ve written before, the “salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13 ”Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.”), half-way decent, hard-working men have pridefully boasted of their accomplishments, and selfishly amassed material and financial wealth (“kings of their castles”) without much of an attempt to share their wealth with those who don’t even have enough to eat. These men may have the temperature in hell turned down a notch in the name of mercy, but they will definitely not be invited to the loving Kingdom of Heaven. Men have utterly failed to obey the commands of Christ and have hated their wives and girlfriends and treated them with utter contempt and failed to love and give to their neighbor and enemies. Church leaders and church-going men profess faith but, with extremely rare exceptions, are “1%“ Christians. They are judged for the way they treated women, each other, and the earth, each of which suffered over the millennia since the first Adam and Eve, or caveman, walked the earth. These devastating “natural disasters” are not now merely nature’s random effects, but a sign that God’s wrath is coming in the form of Jesus Christ, the warrior riding on a white horse, coming to destroy the anti-Christ (Trump?) and the False Prophet (Billy Graham and his ilk) and with the sword which proceeds from His mouth, Jesus will slay all you men until your carcasses lay rotting on the earth, fodder for vultures. Haven’t you “good old boys” from the Lone Star State seen the writing on the wall? Wasn’t Katrina and plane crashes enough (recall TWA 800 and Air Alaska)? Wasn’t 9/11 enough to change your minds towards repentance? What about AIDS, isn’t it strange and “coincidental” that it targeted gay men and promiscuity and was much less severe in the female and lesbian population? During these end times, we should look at all natural calamities as works of God while we remember that God loves all of us and chastises those He loves. But He wants us to turn away from filthy lucre, the lesson of 9/11 for you stockbrokers and money-obsessed guys. (God could have stopped the Muslims from their terror but chose to give America and the world a lesson in wrath as He has stopped nuclear holocaust from occurring) He also wants us to love one another more than we love money. He wants us honest and humble. Not boastful and proud and boldly attempting to deceive the masses into buying products they don’t need and sometimes don’t even want. Our relationships have devolved to such a point that we all look for solace not in God and spirituality but in electronic gadgets, luxuries, money bringing an evil spirit of decadence and crass materialism and conspicuous consumption. God spelled out that we cannot serve Him and money at the same time. And the love of money is the root of all evil. (1 Timothy 6:10) You can look these up in the Bible. The Bible also says that “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.” (Romans 1:22) The “good ole boys” certainly look foolish now, for how can they come to our Lord without confessing their guilt and repenting? And if I’ve learned anything it is that men don’t honestly or easily say they’re sorry nor do they change and repent and turn away from evil. What Jesus wants is mass repentance. That goes for the fat, rich, arrogant and lazy women called in Revelation (Rev. 19:2, et al), the “Great Whores” as they give their bodies and “love” only to those guys who can pull in top dollar salaries or who have massive bank accounts. The fashion economy will be thrown down once the beasts who supply the whores are no longer there to be sugar-daddies and who have let the whores ride them to ruin. But all this comes from a lack of faithfulness to Jesus, God the Father, and Scripture and a general “blasphemy of the Holy Spirit” which many men are guilty of and which is the unforgivable sin. If you’ve attacked Jesus by claiming that His Spirit-inspired works are evil and of the devil, you are guilty of the unforgivable sin. So now we must realize that God’s wrath is coming but most importantly that Jesus will be here before you know it. You “winners” in Houston should get ready and take care of any personal business, and that goes for men throughout this planet. Imagine how God feels about the arrogance and evil of the corrupt governments throughout the world, the environmental devastation, the heating and disruption of the atmosphere and the melting polar ice caps, How about all the murders at the hands of mostly men. What percentage of murders and criminals are women? 1%? Probably less as men often judge wrongly and put innocent women who try to repent in jail. For those who don’t believe me or who do not believe in a transcendent and judging God, be warned, for God’s wrath is coming. “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” John 3:36 God knows your heart and everything you’ve said or done. “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” The “flesh” represents men’s ego. May the True Church learn to forgive and love one another and to pray for and have mercy on the beastly men who will be cast down to the Lake of Fire. If the reader doesn’t believe me, just wait a while. I will keep telling the truth until people begin to listen to me. Signed, Stephen M. Theriault
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