#except mayb how slow goin thru town felt
muttyum-archived · 7 years
FINALLY finished night in the woods! i feel like theres SO much i missed just bc i spent most of my time w/ bea.... bea's a bae tbh also angus is a 100% sweetheart?? like omg i would trust him with my life
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izzy-b-hands · 5 years
Happy At Home-Part Three
Will I potentially go thru ninety percent of the Night Drive themed playlists on Spotify as I finish the road trip part of this fic? Probably lol. 
Also driving at night means horny for these two (and idk how many other people, why cars at night are a weirdly good make-out spot idk, why question it if it works right.) 
Anyway, please enjoy as I question my sanity over choosing to keep writing rather than going to sleep and finishing this later in the day. If you see typos, my bad, but also it is 2 am and yeah. Roll with them for now and I’ll fix any up later when I do a reread of this. 
Also, Part Four will have to wait until later today-I gotta get a few hours sleep in before I cease to make sense as I write (or start losing track of little details, my worst fear.) 
“C’mon. Up and at ‘em, Sledgehammer,” Snafu’s voice sounded tired. 
He groaned as he worked to force his eyes open. Once he did, he peered around at their surroundings. He wasn’t sure where they were-on the shoulder of a road, somewhere. It seemed like they were far enough out that it had to have been longer than an hour, but he knew Snafu would never admit if it had been or not. 
“Fuck” Eugene murmured. 
“I feel that,” Snafu yawned as he tried to scoot down the bench seat towards the passenger side. 
“What on earth are you doing?” Eugene asked. 
“Don’t wanna get out. Just let me move down,” Snafu whined. 
“So then I gotta get out?” Eugene laughed. 
Snafu shook his head, then suddenly moved and tossed a leg over him so he was in Eugene’s lap. “This better?” 
The car was suddenly incredibly warm, and Eugene had to fight against the part of him that was thinking about how they hadn’t kissed or touched much in hours, and how good it would feel to rid Snafu of his shirt and trousers so he could taste all of that soft, gorgeous skin. 
“Would be, if we were somewhere I could do something about it,” Eugene said. “Down, boy.” 
Snafu grinned and shifted himself off of him as Eugene moved to the driver’s side. “You’re tellin’ me down, but I’m not the one that’s up right now, darlin’.” 
Eugene blushed. “Yeah, I’m very aware of that. And I can’t do a damn thing about it.” 
Snafu laughed. “I’ll make up for it once we get home, how about that? After all, we aren’t goin’ anywhere for a week, per you. Why not spend most of it in the bedroom?” 
“I’m supposed to be focusing on the road,” Eugene scolded. 
“Mhm,” Snafu nodded. “Meanwhile I’m focusing on all the reasons I started callin’ you Sledgehammer. I mean, you know the main one, but also definitely ‘cause of your-” 
“Merriell,” Eugene smiled, even as he continued to scold.
“We’re the only ones in here, aside from the kids. And they’re sleepin’ good right now. No reason I can’t sing the praises of your cock if I want to,” Snafu said. “And gosh, I might not even sleep the next hour if I do that. Could fill the whole hour, just like how I love it when your cock fills my-” 
Eugene leaned over to grab Snafu quickly but gently by the chin and kiss him before he could say anything else dirty. The kiss was dirtier-he had meant it to be quick and quieting, but after a moment it had deepened and became hard to break off. 
“Glad this thing is still in park,” Eugene sighed as they broke apart. “I’d have probably run us into a damn tree if we were on the road right now.” 
Snafu had a satisfied grin on his face. “Don’t I know it. Gonna have to tell Sid to get gone as soon as we get the key from him. I’m not holdin’ back, once we get ourselves and everything inside, and the cat’s settled. I don’t care how tired I am.” 
“Then you’d better sleep now,” Eugene said as he pulled them back onto the road. “No falling asleep on me later.” 
Snafu nodded, and was asleep within ten minutes of driving, as Eugene had expected he would be. Snoring loud enough to help keep him awake too, which he was grateful for. The road was long and mostly empty except for the occasional other car, and so damn dark. But it would be worth it if they could make the majority of the trip without a need for a long break. 
Still, the hour he drove felt like four, and unfortunately it hit again when they were in between towns. 
“Sweetheart, your turn,” he sighed, gently pushing at Snafu. 
Snafu grumbled something back that might have been words, but didn’t open his eyes. 
“Snaf, c’mon. I know, this is rough. But we’re gettin’ there.” 
Snafu opened an eye and grumbled again. “Under a spell. Need a handsome prince to wake me up.” 
“Lord help me, you’re delirious,” Eugene said. “Never mind, I can go another hour.” 
Snafu moved to lean against his shoulder. “Kiss me.” 
“You’ll wake up enough to drive if I do?” Eugene asked. 
Snafu shrugged and slowly opened his eyes. “Sure. Or kiss me just ‘cause.” 
“You miss my lips or somethin’?” Eugene smiled. 
Snafu nodded, then sat up to press a gentle kiss to his lips. 
Eugene had told himself he’d make it quick, but once Snafu’s mouth was on his he couldn’t. It didn’t help that he especially loved how Snafu kissed when he was tired. Slow and soft, but with barely a break in between to catch his breath, like he couldn’t bear to be off of Eugene for even that quick second. 
Despite his best efforts to stay composed, he found himself pulling Snafu closer, wanting him on his lap but not being over on the seat far enough to properly do so. He settled for letting a hand roam to Snafu’s lap, caressing and teasing. 
“Fuck!” Snafu pulled away from him and dove down. “Look like you’re looking for a map or some shit.” 
He played at looking at something on the seat, just as another car drove past them. 
They both sighed when it was far enough in the distance. 
“Shit. Sorry, I didn’t see it,” Eugene muttered, leaning back against the seat and pressing a hand to his forehead. 
“I know you didn’t; you were busy,” Snafu grinned as he sat back up, grabbing at his own half hard cock. “Goddamn you, Sledgehammer. Is this revenge for earlier?” 
“Wasn’t meant to be, but I guess it is now,” he replied. “Give me a second and we’ll switch.” 
Snafu went for the car door, but before he could move much Eugene adjusted enough to swing a leg over his lap and trap him there, just like Snafu had done earlier to him. 
“Well this is just evil,” Snafu sighed. “I can’t drive with you in my lap.” 
“I know,” Eugene murmured. “You got me going now though.” 
“Apparently,” Snafu sighed as he pulled Eugene close for a kiss. “But even I know we can’t fuck here.” 
Eugene ground himself down on Snafu’s lap and moaned. Snafu was right-but he didn’t really care about that right now. 
“Sledgehammer,” Snafu whined, a hint of an authoritative tone present. “You’re killin’ me.” 
After another kiss, Eugene willed himself off of Snafu. “Sorry, I just-” 
“I know,” Snafu replied, reaching over to grab his hand as he moved to the driver’s side. “I shouldn’t have started anything. Just-I don’t know, I can’t handle not touching and being close.” 
“We always want to do the thing we can’t do at that moment,” Eugene said in agreement. “Least we’ve only got another hour or so to Augusta. Maybe we should try for a motel room. Worst case is there’s nothing available, or we get told no or they make us nervous and we have to leave.” 
“Those are all terrible options,” Snafu said as he started the car. “But you’re right. We’ll have to see if there’s anywhere we can stop and get a room.” 
“Wake me when we get there,” Eugene sighed and let himself slump into the seat as he palmed at himself, trying to force himself to calm back down. 
He felt like he’d barely been asleep, and then Snafu was shaking him awake. “Honey. Found a place. They’re good with the cats so long as they stay in their carriers. Already let them out for a bathroom break-and you should see, they kept their carriers clean too. We’ve got such good kids. You gotta help me carry them and our suitcases in though.” 
He was barely awake as he took his suitcase in one hand and Queen’s carrier in the other and followed Snafu into the motel. Snafu had it even worse, trying to hold both a suitcase and the handle of Gunner’s carrier in one hand, with Little Sid’s carrier in the other. He still managed a wave to the front desk receptionist, who cheerfully pointed them down towards their room. 
At the door, Snafu set down Little Sid to grab the room key from his pocket and open it. “I am so excited for a bed. I mean, not as much as I was comin’ home from Okinawa, but man it’s definitely up there with it.” 
Eugene managed a nod as he followed Snafu into the room. It had two beds that looked like they might not totally fall apart if one were to use them, and Eugene let himself fall on one as soon as he’d set down his suitcase and Queen. 
“Amen, darlin’,” Snafu sighed as he set down his suitcase and the other two cats. “Scoot over.” 
Eugene sat up to take off his shoes, and moved so Snafu could sit beside him. 
Snafu had his shoes off in a flash, and flopped back against the bed. “Oh. That is-is it wrong if that was arousing? Because my god, this bed is so soft-” 
Eugene tossed his shoes to the floor and crawled back to rest next to Snafu. “I’m softer. Or, wait no, I mean, I am right now but you can make me hard-I mean, uh-” 
Snafu burst out laughing. “Oh, Sledgehammer. I appreciate the effort. You go back to sleep.” 
He didn’t want to just go to sleep though. He moved to press kisses to Snafu’s neck, then his chest as he undid Snafu’s shirt, pressing hard to turn them into hickeys. 
“You are not even half awake enough for this,” Snafu grinned, but gasped as Eugene moved down and undid his trousers, pulling them and his underwear aside to take him into his mouth without another word. “Eugene.” 
Eugene let himself look up at Snafu with half open eyes, his lower lip still lazily resting against the head of Snafu’s cock. 
“Fuck,” Snafu whimpered. “But sweetheart, you should be more awake for this. Not that I don’t appreciate what you’re doin’ right now. Trust me, I am-this is very good. But it isn’t fair or right if you aren’t conscious enough to enjoy it too.” 
“Mhm,” Eugene let himself lay gently on his hip, a hand still lightly teasing Snafu’s cock.  
“You come up here instead,” Snafu instructed, reaching his hands out for him. 
Eugene pulled himself back up the bed, and let Snafu wrap his arms around him. “You sleep now. We’ll have time for fun once we’re home, and all settled in. Or at least, after we have everything in the house and the cats unpacked. Unpacking everything else can wait.” 
Eugene frowned and raised his head. “Am home.” 
“We’re in a motel, Sledgehammer,” Snafu whispered as he ran a hand softly through Eugene’s hair. 
“Yeah. With you-so I’m home,” Eugene replied. Couldn’t Snafu understand that without him having to say? It seemed so obvious. But then, he was tired too. 
He felt Snafu kiss his forehead as he started to fall asleep again. “That is true. Long as we got each other, we’re home. Sleep well, darlin’.” 
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