#except not really cuz I have to go to the store šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
luckynumberthreed Ā· 2 years
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Give me attention
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sweet-as-an-angel Ā· 1 year
Hiiii, I loveeeee ur work ā¤ļø
I was thinking about a head cannon of how some of the mw2 characters (ghost, soap, Kƶnig, etc) would react to their partner sending them a nude photo?šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€
Sorry if you did this already but Iā€™m pretty sure you havenā€™t tho cuz I definitely would have read it already šŸ˜­
MW2 Reaction to Receiving a Specialā„¢ Photo from Their S/O
Warnings: 18+ (just to be safe), Non-Specific/Explicit Implications of Smut, No Pronouns used for Reader except 'You', Singular Mention of Graves Throwing Himself off a Cliff, Dominant! MW2, Submissive! MW2, Dominant! Reader, Submissive! Reader, Profanity, etc.
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He will literally stare bug-eyed at the picture youā€™ve sent him like šŸ‘ļøOšŸ‘ļø
Since itā€™s a physical photograph, he keeps it on him like a chapstick, which is to say all the time.
He isnā€™t risking ANYONE besides himself seeing it.
And when heā€™s about to embark on a mission, he keeps it tucked into his vest right where his heart is so that itā€™s practically part of him.
He likes to think that, somehow, you can hear ā€“ feel ā€“ his heart beating, know that heā€™s still alive and fighting so that he can come home and see you.
And when he returns from a mission and goes to his quarters, he has someā€¦alone time.
You know, to really study the picture.
Not that he doesnā€™t know every curve and edge of your body already.
But that doesn't stop him growling your name into the pillow as he rocks against it, a hole cut into the bottom of it ā€“ a poor imitation of you.
A makeshift lover.
If anyone ends up seeing that picture ā€“ if they stole it from him, if by some act of God (because thatā€™s what itā€™ll take) it slipped out of his vest or pocket ā€“ they are in for a World of Painā„¢.
There wonā€™t be a time they wonā€™t flinch upon hearing Ghostā€™s name, or when they see his shadow like an omen on the wall as he commandeers the halls. Prowling.
Heā€™d feel pretty guilty about someone else seeing you how he does, even if it was only for a fraction of a second.
So heā€™s definitely going to make it up to you when he gets back <3
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His heart canā€™t take this kind of torment.
Heā€™ll be looking down at his phone, the image of you burning into his skin like a holy artefact.
He definitely gets more jumpy around people when he has his phone on him.
Will literally clam up and shove it into the deepest recesses of his pocket if someone comes too close.
Even when your picture is safely stored behind a password-protected photo album.
He has to excuse himself from training or other commitments whenever his mind wanders back to you, and subsequently that image (which is basically all the time).
Sometimes he calls you while heā€™s sorting himself out.
He just needs to hear your voice ā€“ to feel closer to you.
Itā€™s the only way he can finish.
ā€œEngel,ā€ he rasps, his breath stuttering, ā€œI need you,ā€
And everyone just looks at him like heā€™s grown a third eye when he returns because, unbeknownst to him, Kƶnig canā€™t keep quiet, and everyone who has never heard even a peep from him is suddenly aware of the carnality that lies beneath his skin, wired into his soul.
And at the centre is his love for you, boundless and overflowing so that the rest of his teammates know it, too.
Not that they mind all too much.
They all sit and think that you must be one beautiful person to evoke such a response from Kƶnig.
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Will tease you back.
Sends a mirror pic of him in a tight black shirt, saying something like ā€˜Youā€™ll see the rest when I get home.ā€™
Is absolutely ravenous when it comes to you.
No cap, goes absolutely ham in the shower when the image of you in nothing flashes in his mind.
His low moans are enough of a warning for the rest of the 141 to stay away for the next half an hour or so.
Aside from that, heā€™ll just look at the picture because he finds you beautiful.
Stares at it while heā€™s in bed. Laments on how much he misses you ā˜¹ļø.
Heā€™s counting down the days until he can see you again, and with each that passes, he can feel your silhouette becoming tangible in his hands, as if you were stepping out of the photo.
Sometimes, he dreams that youā€™re there with him, nestled between his arms.
Other times the dreams are a little moreā€¦graphic.
But Johnny canā€™t help it.
He just canā€™t contain himself when it comes to you.
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If you thought her violent tendencies could never extend to you, prepare to be amazed.
The second this woman sees what youā€™re trying to do ā€“ or, rather, what she thinks youā€™re trying to do ā€“ she is not happy.
You could have sent that image with the purest (within reason) of intentions; just letting Valeria know that you miss her, wishing her a good day ā€“ whatever.
What she sees is you trying to manipulate her by using your body as an instrument of destruction.
Dramatic, yes. But Valeria has never been one to take chances.
Sheā€™ll be deceptively calm over text: ā€˜Donā€™t tease me, Darling. You know what happens when you do.ā€™
All day, all she can see is that image.
Whenever she turns a corner, youā€™re there; whenever sheā€™s talking to someone, youā€™re peering at her over their shoulder; when sheā€™s alone, youā€™re sat with her ā€“ on her ā€“ trying to take her attention away from her paperwork.
Redemption is a baseless concept when Valeria returns home that evening.
You will not know rest until sheā€™s done with you.
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ā€œFuckinā€™ Hell, Love,ā€ heā€™ll say, the darkness hanging on his voice tangible even through the voice note.
ā€œWhatā€™ve you been up to while Iā€™ve been away, hmm ?ā€
Will not rest until he knows heā€™s got you hot and bothered.
This entails him sending increasingly risquƩ images of himself; first, just one of him flexing, his arms thick and crawling with veins.
The next is of his shirt raised just below his chest, the dim light of the room keeping enough of him shrouded that his identity is unknown to all but you, his wide silhouette taking up most of the picture.
And, if you decide to be resilient against his attempts to make you feel as you have him, youā€™ll receive a series of menacing messages.
ā€˜Donā€™t get too comfortable, Angelā€™, heā€™ll say.
ā€˜You never know when Iā€™ll come through that doorā€“ā€™
He grins as he sees youā€™ve read his message, hanging on his every word.
ā€˜And ravage you.ā€™
And you know he means it, too.
Meanwhile, heā€™s multitasking; keeping a clear, professional head and giving orders while resisting the primal urge to drop everything and find you.
And no amount of pleading or tears will spare you from his wrath when he returns.
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Regardless of how well the military life trained his self-discipline, nothing can dampen the sheer need Horangi feels whenever he receives a special picture from you.
Iā€™m talking: he will literally sit in silence for ten minutes because heā€™s got a raging issue he needs to take care of but canā€™t risk anyone else seeing it.
Will thunder down the hall to the nearest bathroom when the meetingā€™s over and take out his frustrations there.
When he calls, youā€™d better pick up the first time.
If you donā€™t, youā€™ll have Hell to pay when gets home.
ā€œBaby,ā€ he breathes down the phone, the fog already making his mind frost over, his body burning up.
ā€œWhat have you done to meā€“ā€
These brief encounters are the only thing keeping him sane while heā€™s away; they make him feel closer to you.
And, repaying you in kind, he returns one night, in the silence of the moon hours.
He finds you, pulls you to him, clutching on tight as you begin to wake.
And, between delirium and consciousness, his voice is all you can hear.
ā€œShouldnā€™t have tested me, Sweetheart,ā€ he says, whispering as though partaking in a secret.
ā€œNow Iā€™m going to have to challenge you.ā€ His arms are snakes as they constrict you.
ā€œFall asleep before Iā€™m done with you, and I promise there will be no end to your suffering.ā€
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Teasing a man as passionate as Alejandro is not going to end well for everyone involved.
Expect to receive a barrage of very choice texts back.
ā€˜You have no idea what youā€™re doing to meā€™, heā€™ll say, followed by a photo of the tent in his trousers.
And a sinister: ā€˜But you willā€™.
If heā€™s away on business for even just a few days, heā€™ll go practically feral whenever he sees that picture of you.
To everyone else, heā€™ll be the leader Alejandro Vargas they all know him as ā€“ ruthless and righteous.
Yet, thereā€™s something different in the way he walks as he excuses himself from the table, his destination unknown.
His gaze is narrowed and his teeth are grinding, rabid in disposition.
And when he gets home, no matter how long of a day itā€™s been, youā€™re in for a very long night.
Heā€™ll appear behind you, a spectre, clamping a hand down on your shoulder.
ā€œYou shouldnā€™t test a soldier, Love,ā€ he says, his grip tightening.
You don't turn around, an exhilarating fear keeping you frozen.
He leans down, his mouth just at your ear, his breath hot.
ā€œBecause you never know when heā€™ll snap.ā€
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This man is usually rather quiet and submissive when it comes to the more personal aspects of your life together.
But when you send him a picture that makes him question how long he can keep his composure for, youā€™re in trouble.
Youā€™ll be receiving a phone call from a very exasperated Rodolfo, who, despite his best efforts, has succumbed to your charm.
Definitely a growler when heā€™s in a dominant mood.
More of a whimperer when heā€™s not.
At times like these, you get both.
ā€œDarling,ā€ he breathes, the back of his head pressed against the cold cubicle wall. ā€œLook what youā€™ve done to meā€¦ā€
His whining is more than enough to let you know the effect youā€™ve had on him.
And itā€™s what he says next that makes your blood run cold.
ā€œI wonā€™t let you get away with this.ā€
The husking baritone in his voice tells you heā€™s being truthful.
And if you try to clap back with something witty, or even an apology, Rodolfo just laughs.
ā€œThe time for mercy is long past, mi Amor,ā€ he tells you.
ā€œAll you can do now is prepare for the Reckoning.ā€
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This smug idiot.
Definitely smirks to himself when he gets that picture.
Has to resist the urge to show it off to everyone in the boardroom because heā€™s just that proud to have you as his partner.
Yes, he is hard. Yes, heā€™s still going to give this presentation in front of all the major shareholders.
Why ?
Because heā€™s Graves. Also, because he knows he has more money than everyone else in that room, and, consequently, more power.
Will shoot you back a text like: ā€˜Mighty fine work, Babydollā€™, followed by, ā€˜Youā€™re getting a promotion when I get home.ā€™
Yes, he uses corporate jargon when discussing intimate matters.
Heā€™s a businessman at heart, he canā€™t help it.
Definitely more playful than most of the others on this list.
The type to take his time with you and make you laugh while he does so.
But when he wants to be rough (and when you want him to be), he can be.
And he gets mean when heā€™s like that.
Iā€™m talking hair-pulling, name-calling ā€“ basically just bullying you, but consensually.
Does his best to take care of you, though.
If he found out that heā€™d actually upset you, heā€™d literally jump off a cliff ā€“ he wouldn't be able to forgive himself.
Expect many lavish gifts if this happens, though.
But donā€™t tell him that I told you that šŸ‘€.
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Will nearly drop his phone ā€“ it turns to butter in his hands.
He looks over his shoulder at least fifty times before heā€™ll allow himself to look at the photo again.
Poor boyā€™s face is turning red, his palms are sweating, he canā€™t think straight.
Paranoid 24/7 that everyone knows he has that picture of you.
But it doesnā€™t intimidate him enough for him to even try to keep quiet in the barracks when he has some alone time.
Similar situation to Soap; everyone knows to steer clear of whichever room Gaz was last spotted walking into for a while.
It would take him a few days for him to send a picture back.
More than likely, itā€™ll be of him in a scarcely lit bathroom in nothing but his boxers with a very prominent outline in them.
Followed by a text with something to the effect of: ā€˜Been thinking about you all night, Sweetsā€™
And God forbid you send him another image of yourself. And definitely do not send a message saying ā€˜Aww, has my good boy been behaving himself ?ā€™
Will literally send him over the edge.
The rest of the 141 canā€™t commandeer the bathroom for the rest of the day after that.
And when Gaz gets home, just know that your phone screen canā€™t protect you anymore.
Not when you have a man made of pure intellect and solid mass running full-force at you with all the pent-up energy seen only in a nuclear reactor.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
AO3 Wattpad
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kylefeey38 Ā· 8 months
Kenny vore to Stan part 2
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Ok here what gonna happen (so unfortunately I got grounded for having a d. So unfortunately I wonā€™t get it until I reach a c or b.) Iā€™m using my cricket phone cuz of this. I have to use this tmr for schoolšŸ˜­.) and my mother doesnā€™t know about this šŸ‘Ž nothing bad really. But all of my junk are on ky phone. So my drawings, social media accounts. Al that. On my original so I canā€™t post my second drawing until I get my phone back šŸ¤§ good news, I can still post. Bad news, my stuff are on my phone.
Stan: oh what this game? Kenny: youā€™ll seeā€¦ they walk. They went to a game call ā€œmetro37ā€. Kenny: so here itā€™s sorta like halo infinite except we can choose to be villain or not. Stan: okā€¦ so who be the villain? Kenny: meā€¦ Stan: ok so Iā€™ll be hero? Kenny: yep. Stan ok. So they started battling battling yada yada. Stan won. But Kenny wanted to be the true winnerā€¦ so he said ā€œletā€™s play again friend.ā€ Stan: ur on. Ya da tads ya da. Kenny won šŸ„‡. Kenny lick his mouth and drooling. Stan said, ā€œdamn I lost, welp good job manā€. Hey Stan, come with me real quickā€¦ Stan: okā€¦
Kenny walks stan to the locker room. When no one was there this was Kenny chance to eat him. Kenny: Ok stan, I need you to keep quiet ok? Stan: ohā€¦ why? Kenny: just cuzā€¦. Kenny grabs stan shoulders. Stan: k-Kenny, wat r u doing?? Kenny opens his mouth and swallow stan wholeā€¦. Gulp gulp gulp gulp. Stan: hey what are u doing Kenny?? Help someone help! Gulp gulp gulpā€¦ ahh. after Kenny ate Stan he got up and left the building. Stan was inside getting cramped and very hot in thereā€™s. Kenny: hah he felt for it šŸ˜‹ Stan was very scared and struggled to get outā€¦ Kenny saw a few friends well walking. ā€œHey Kenny, where you going? The pornstars are coming in about a few minutes.ā€ Kenny says ā€œhah no thanks Iā€™m pretty busy, Iā€™ll remind you that Iā€™ll come back next week and maybe we can do one of the casino huh. Kenny said well walking with his head turn towards his friends. Stan was inside the gut getting squish and digested. Stan was reaching down and he saw the acid. He was whimpering when the acid went up to his whole bodyā€¦ Kenny was humming while Stan was almost dying. He decided to go to a gun store and by guns, achocol, Stan whole body was going towards kenny breasts, stomach fat, and sorta his ass too. As Kenny walk out of the store, he saw his stomach ā€œnot much for you huh Stan? Poor guy see I told you Iā€™m better~. He rubbed his stomach.
I hope you like it @sumpersonidfk45. The picture was a pokemon girl eating a girl so I didnā€™t want Kenny to act to gay so, i decided to make him a horny, jerk pred yk?
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bittersweetlikecoffee Ā· 1 year
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Random photo dump for 2023...
Those outdoorsy and hotel pictures were taken on a planned trip to Portland, OR. It is everything you've thought about when the word "hipster" comes to mind. The majority of the food that I consumed was amazing: fresh, intentionally selected ingredients, so many food trucks and restaurants that were birthed from food truck conversions.
Seattle was weird to me. It IS weird. It also is suffering deeply from the struggles of the unhoused and temporarily displaced. But there is still beauty in her cracks. I have to separate my line of work from the city because she is so much bigger than my 12 hour shifts.
Portland is like this. Go and see it. Put it on your bucket list and budget for it.
Amarylis is a beautiful girl, and she has impending appointments to be made. She screams at me for attention and never says "no" in cat to affection from her parents. It's more like a "not right now" in cat, where she appears affronted that you'd so much as touch her and then sashays as she turns away from you and starts preening and grooming. Diva...
She's been a great source of comfort to me, though. Amarylis never fails to curl up at the foot of the bed while I go to sleep or just nuzzle my legs and sit beside me when I'm relaxing at home. She is the chillest of cats except for when it's close to the hours of 5am and 4/5pm, her feeding times, and then she becomes this feigning, wild-eyed, desperate, whiny little thing practically prostrating at your feet.
But other than that, she's wonderful. 10/10. Would clone another of her for sure!
That. Coffee. Bar.
I made that. šŸ„¹šŸ˜­
It's very Magnolia Home and Pinteresr-inspired. Did I nail the modern farmhouse look? Yes? I'm going to say I did. Emphatically. The bar was ordered off of Amazon and is really good quality. It took like 2 hours to install with my partner.
The knick knacks: mugs, coffee stirrers, canisters, and storage jars, and what have you are from Fred Meyer (local grocery store chain out here that's like this regional part of the country's answer to Wal-Mart. It literally has everything, even jewelry and engagement rings), Wal-Mart, Amazon Fresh (that cute pop of orange from that mug in the left corner? A free promotion giveaway and thank you gift from the associates at the Amazon Go in my apartment complex. I have two.), and Target.
In a few months, I will be visiting my parents' homeland of Jamaica. My home away from home. My other place. My Caribbean heritage. I am quietly excited and celebratory but also personally struggling so...
I'm peac-ing out for now. I'll lurk on here and probably won't post like this for another few months. Expect the occasional random reblog. Maybe I'll post vacation pics to Jamaica. Sans family. Just me and my boo.
But, before that, I have to deal with some personal shit: work stress, life stress, my stress...and all the effed up mess, and then I need to love on my man. He's been holding me down since day one and never ever stops. Of course, I support and cheerlead him 200 percent all day every day. That's Bae. I know what I offer and what my value is. He meets and matches that exponentially and without question or complaint. 10/10. Bitch, get you a cis- or Trans or nonbinary or asexual or whatever and however they want to be identified as- Grade A Patrick. Or I could just clone him.
Alright, ya'll, let me shut up cuz I know this shit isn't getting read to the very end.
Until next time, lovelies... āœŒšŸæ
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daaydreamy Ā· 8 months
so i had to hang out with him yesterday šŸ™ƒ
1. we were at my sisters apartment and deciding where to go for lunch clearly in no rush cuz we donā€™t even know where weā€™re going yet and heā€™s literally standing next to the couch impatiently waiting for us to get up and goā€¦..GO WHERE SIR LIKE RELAX
2. when we got to lunch guess how many time the waitress had to come back to the table to take our orders bc he STILL wasnā€™t ready?? šŸ˜‹ LITERALLY 4 and then he ordered a burger with nothing on it except for cheese and lettuce which wouldnā€™t be a problem initially bc i also prefer plain foods like that BUT JUST ORDER A PLAIN CHEESEBURGER THEN šŸ˜­ why did u choose THAT burger if u didnā€™t want anything that came on it šŸ˜­
3. and then we went to sams club which is like a bulk grocery store and he was sulking the whole time for some reason?? (although i partially think itā€™s bc i was holding my sisters hand and he wasnā€™t but like she has 2 hands idk what to tell u) and at one point my sister was trying to take her hoodie off but was struggling and he got annoyed and yanked her phone out of her hand to get her to take it off faster and she was just like ā€œsorryā€¦iā€™m irritating himā€ HOW?? for taking off a hoodie?? and then he was pouting bc they were trying to find something to take home for dinner later and he was like (and i shit u not he rly said it like this) ā€œi just feew bad dat i canā€™t decide what to eat šŸ„ŗā€ sirā€¦..ur lucky i didnā€™t turn around and smack u AND THEN at one point my sister walked off to go find something and we were like ā€œhello whereā€™d she goā€ and he panicked and ran off to find herā€¦sheā€™s 27 babes i promise she can find her way back to the seasoning aisle
4. my sister said her stomach felt icky on the way home and he would NOT stop asking her if she was okay or if she needed ginger ale or something like sheā€™s not dying girlie sheā€™ll make it i promise
OH AND they were taking forever to decide between protein shake powder or already made protein shakes bc he was so worried about the cost (it was literally like a $2 price difference iā€™m not even kidding u) and that mostly pissed me off just bc of his previous rudeness with money like idr if i told u this already but one time i was with my sister and she had to stop at the bank to get $10 out of her account to pay him back bc he paid for dinner (or maybe it was ice cream?? idr) the night before šŸ˜ ITS $10 U CANT JUST TREAT MY SISTER TO A MEAL LIKE WHO CARES THAT MUCH
anyway thatā€™s all i thinkšŸ§ā€ā™€ļø
1. I HAAAAAATE PEOPLE THAT RUSH OTHER PEOPLE LIKE OMG STFU šŸ˜­ like i know what time it is can you leave me alone like iā€™ll FIGURE IT OUT. that wouldā€™ve pissed me off so bad istg šŸ˜­
2. i donā€™t understand how he didnā€™t feel like kinda bad that the waiter had to come back 4 times likeā€¦ as soon as the waiter comes to my table iā€™m ordering immediately even if iā€™m not rlly sure bc i donā€™t wanna take up too much of their time šŸ˜­ girlā€¦ four times. for that fucking burger.
3. WHY was she apologizing like heā€™s the irritating one bitch šŸ˜­ she has TWOOOO hands and you donā€™t have to act like a child omg šŸ™„ and like you SHOULD feel bad abt not knowing what to eat bc youā€™re WASTING THE TIME.
also iā€™m like a money whore and donā€™t take this the wrong way but did she really pay him back TEN dollars? šŸ˜­ likeā€¦ ten dollars šŸ˜­
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ladyfanatics Ā· 8 months
tmr is another dreadful day cuz i have class with her šŸ˜• iā€™m going to kill myself. anyways lemme tell yā€™all about TODAY. OOOH LET ME TELL YALL ABT TODAY. ok so firstly, we went to the theatre, and for that i needed bus passes. so me, my brother, and my mom, went to go get some. except, a girl in my class was the cashier. and guess what? my mom pulled a mf Karen in the store šŸ˜. i felt so bad for her. anyways, iā€™ve also been breaking out so bad this week. like i feel really ugly. also i look amazing in side parts. ok, lemme tell yā€™all abt the theatre. so i was sitting next to a girl in my class. i like her sheā€™s cool. on my left, there was 2 dudes. theyā€™re Ā«Ā gangsterssssĀ Ā», on the right the girl, and on the girlā€™s right, HE was there. heā€™s just so mhainwdmia. so lemme tell yā€™all what happened basically. so, before going to the theatre, we had to choose who to sit with. and he chose his female friend. i chose the girl. since we sit next to each other in class, i knew our seats could be close. but what he did today made my heart skip 5000 beats. he literally saw his seat, next to his lil girl-friend, and then he saw ME. since my friend was already sitting next to me, and he was on my right, he sat next to her. (made me sad cuz he had to speak to her šŸ˜ž) but then he asked my her if they could switch places so he could sit next to me. she said no. (was funny but just imagine if she said yes) he looked sad, but he didnā€™t go back to his actual seat. like he literally abandoned his friend for the POSSIBILITY of sitting next to me. but thatā€™s what was happening on my right. on my left thoo. there was a dude that was kind of mean to me before. today he was oddly nice. he was playing some shitty game, and i laughed and said he sucked. i was also pointing to him how to play properly. he kept talking to me, asking me questions and stuff. our elbows kept touching on the armrest, but he never took it away. but i canā€™t go for him. cuz last year some girl i used to talk to liked him, and i ALSO called him ugly šŸ˜­. anyways, that annoying girl wonā€™t stop talking to me even though i KNOW she shit talks me. so embarrassing for her..
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companionwolf Ā· 3 years
Max here šŸ¶
I feel the same way!!!! I want a collar and some chew toys soooo bad but things cost money šŸ˜„
I have a few pairs of ears and tails in my Etsy likes too. The struggle is real šŸ˜­. I've been saving up tho!
Sorry its been awhile since my last ask, Ive been fairly busy. My questions for you are:
Do you have a favorite breed of dog?
And also, do you have favorite textures/fabrics for chew toys or collars? šŸ•
Hi Max!!
The struggle is real... thing cost money, and to get money I must wait for allowance each month (I canā€™t use job money for fun dog things at all because all my earned paychecks are going into ā€˜escape abusive houseā€™ fund) and itā€™s so difficult waiting each month for the $$$
Fave dog ... hmmm. I like fluffy pointy ear dogs most so German Shepards and huskies and such. Wolfdogs also, and shibas! But I also have a soft spot of golden retrievers cuz I grew up with one, and for daschund cuz my dad hates them so ofc Iā€™m like hell yeah u lil weenie dogs
Thereā€™s this brand of collar I found, New Earth, that is super comfortable and thatā€™s probably my favorite collar fabric - itā€™s like... soy? Soy something? Besides that itā€™s really hit or miss - I usually buy collars in store because Iā€™m super picky about fabrics. But Iā€™ll gamble sometimes and buy them online; this hasnā€™t backfired...yet.
As for toys, I havenā€™t really found any that donā€™t make sensory hell (cuz puppy brain says MOUTH IT PUT IT IN YOUR FUCKCING MOUTH BITE IT and toy is usually fabric and feeling of fabric on teeth is ... Bad) except for my stimtastic chews which are non flavored silicone (safe for human chewie). I stick to plushies, human chews, and rope toys since rubber toys are very very bad for human puppy.
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