#except she tickles instead of slaps
thepenultimateword · 4 months
Sugar and Spice Part Two
Part One
“You’re kidding me." Villain slapped her forehead, dragging the hand slowly down her face. "Of all the thousands of henchmen I could've picked, of all the dozens of departments, I chose a culinary minion? I might as well have brought a rolling pin! Or a donut."
Villain frowned. A whole host of arguments sat on his tongue. She might have realized his department sooner if she had taken a moment to talk instead of ordering him around like a dog. Also, she'd obviously lied about Supervillain asking for him, so she only had herself to blame for this situation, and frankly, he didn't trust anything she said anymore. In fact, he was very suspicious about what she was actually doing all the way out here and why she'd tricked a henchman to come along. Not to mention she'd jeopardized his job, maybe even his life, with her selfishness.
He quickly swallowed it all down. None of it would be met well, and he didn't need to be more on Villain's bad side than he apparently already was. He could defend his power though.
"Well, maybe if let me bake you something--"
"Just shut up." Villain plopped back down on the mattress and rolled the other direction.
Henchman stared at her back for a moment. "Should I still keep watch?"
"You might as well go to bed. You’re useless to me.”
Again with the combat-superiority bias. Henchman bit his tongue. “I might not be a good fighter, but I could still wake you up if there's trouble."
"Do whatever you want."
Fine then. He threw off his shoes, kicked under the covers, and flipped toward the wall, the bed springs squeaking aggressively under his weight.
Why should he break his back helping out a villain who didn’t even appreciate it? This was just so typical villain. What a bunch of pretentious snobs flouncing around with their "special" powers and looking down on everyone else. When it came down to it, it wasn't like Villain was really any different from him. They were both pieces. She was just as much under Supervillain's thumb.
“Excuse me?” Villain snarled.
Henchman stiffened. Did he say that out loud? Which part? How much?
He wet his lips and slowly peeked toward Villain's bed but was instantly thrown down. Villain's knees dug hard into Henchman's forearms while her hands were already around his throat, squeezing just tight enough that there was room for a trickle of breath and little else, certainly not any vocals like screaming or begging. "I'm not under anyone's thumb. Got that? I'm not afraid of anyone. If I wanted, I could finish you right here."
Henchman froze. Some prey ran, some fought back, but he was of the type that went still. Like a possum playing dead or a deer in the headlights. He couldn’t move even if he wanted to. All he could really do was stare helplessly wide-eyed up at her. The ends of her hair tickled Henchman’s cheeks, and she bent close enough that he could pick out the amber specks in her molten eyes and feel the warmth of her breath across the bridge of his nose. She blinked into his gaze, and the snarl on her face softened.
She huffed. You’re just lucky I don’t have the time to clean up a body.” She unstraddled his chest and rose off the edge of the bed.
Henchman coughed a couple times and rubbing away the lingering pressure of her fingertips from his throat. "Bit of an overreaction for someone so sure of herself."
Villain whirled, red mane catching the air before floating back to her shoulders. "Do you want to die?"
Henchman smiled innocently. He was being so stupid. He knew that. But for some reason, he felt if Villain really was the sort of person who killed carelessly, she would have rid herself of him the moment he revealed the mistake. One less witness to her trip, mission, thing.
"Certainly not."
“Then shut. Up.” She flicked off the lamp on her way to her bed, blanketing them in darkness except for the sliver of street light stealing through a gap in the curtains.
“Of course, your eminence.”
Henchman curled back on his side, prey heart pounding even under the cover of freshly conjured snark. He rubbed his throat again. He was probably lucky she’d chosen a physical warning over using her powers. If there was any villain he should actually be showing respect to it was her. A primary power user. She’d been top dog of the city before Supervillain showed up and organized everything. She had the power to rearrange, but he had the power to take apart. And taking apart was so much quicker. So right hand it was.
“Didn’t I tell you to shut up? I’m trying to sleep.”
“Are you running away?”
“What?” Her eyes caught the light from the street, glowing catlike. “Do you think I’m some sort of cow—”
“It’s ok if you are. I bet you could run your own city.”
She blinked.
“Supervillain’s sort of made it impossible for any sort of natural growth in the organization. He kills people for their mistakes, he pits his subordinates against each other, he doesn’t value any of tertiary power types; sometimes it feels like he doesn’t care about the strength of the organization as long as everyone else stays beneath him. It’s not like he’s at risk of being taken out by anyone. Heroes or otherwise.” Henchman caught himself, quickly shaking out his rant. “I’m just saying that it makes sense to me why you might want to leave. Do your own thing.”
"That's not any of your business." She closed her eyes again and didn't say any more.
Henchman forced his own eyes shut. Despite being tired, his thoughts were filled with Supervillain. His insides twisted into knots, raising a light bout of nausea. He couldn't go back. Henchman might be too valuable to kill, but there was no guarantee. Supervillain's decisions weren't always logical. Henchman was actually a little glad to be away from it all. There had been no hope for escape on his own--Supervillain didn't like being stolen from, and leaving was a theft of yourself--but maybe if he was on Villain's side he'd be ok.
Henchman pulled the covers closer around him. He must have fallen asleep because when he next opened his eyes, the room was lit in the dim blue-gray of early morning. The shower handle squeaked from the other side of the wall, and a few minutes later, Villain emerged in the same clothes as yesterday, hair pulled in a wet bubble braid that reached to the middle of her back. She yanked on her boots and snatched the car keys from the bedside table.
“I'll drop you off at a bus stop, but you'll have to find your own way back.”
Henchman blinked groggily at her, but as it struck he shot upright. "Back?" He gaped at her. "You want me to go back? Alone? With nothing but my own word that you forced me to come with you?"
"Well, it's not like I need you to stay. Two people are much easier to track than one."
"You screwed up my job! I missed my deadline! Supervillain could have me killed!"
"And you'll be better off begging for forgiveness than continuing on."
Henchman frowned. Was she actually looking out for him? "What if became your henchman?"
"What are you even talking about?"
"You're building your own empire, right? You'll need followers. So, I'll be the first one. I'll do everything you don't want to and prove that I'm actually useful."
Villain furrowed her brow, suspicion rearranging the pattern of her freckles. "Why?"
"What do you mean?"
"You're just a random henchman that I've never even met. Why are throwing yourself at me?"
Henchman flushed. "Ok, first of all, I don't think I'd describe it like that. Second, we have met. Last, my powers are 100% support-based. I need a boss, and I'd rather work for you than Supervillain."
"What are you going to do, make me cupcakes?"
"Sure. And pot pie. And buttermilk biscuits. And apple strudel. And--"
"How do you--"
Henchman cut the accusation short. "I know everyone of note's favorites. It was my job. Which was a pretty significant job if you ask me."
"You mildly boost powers, so what?"
"That's not..." Whatever. Henchman wasn't in the mood for convincing someone who obviously didn't want to be convinced. "Nutrition is actually a very critical part of an escape. It keeps you alert, energized, and happy. And anyway, I'm pretty sure I've spent more time being inconspicuous than you have, especially when Supervillain first took over the underbelly. I can help organize things. Give advice." He fiddled nervously with a string on his sleeve. He needed this. "Like...for example, you're going to want to trade out that car. It's nice and all but ultra-trackable. Pretty sure Supervillain has a way to hack cameras."
Villain pressed her lips together so tightly it looked painful. "Fine."
"To which part."
Villain waved her hand in the air and strode for the door. "Fine, you can come, and fine, we'll get a new car. But we're making a shopping run first. I left in a rush. So start thinking of things you need."
Henchman trotted grinning after her. “Flour, sugar, baking powder—”
"Not that. There will be no baking."
Master Taglist:
@moss-tombstone @crazytwentythrees-deactivated@just-1-lonely-person @the-vagabond-nun @willow-trees-are-beautiful@cocoasprite @insanedreamer7905 @valiantlytransparentwhispers @whovian378 @watercolorfreckles @thebluepolarbear @yulanlavender @kitsunesakii @deflated-bouncingball @lem-hhn @office-plant-in-a-trenchcoat @ghostfacepepper @pigeonwhumps @demonictumble @inkbirdie @vuvulia @bouncyartist @lunatic-moss-studio @breilobrealdi @freefallingup13 @i-am-a-story-goblin @ryunniez @rainy-knights-of-villany @distractedlydistracted @saspas-corner @echoednonny @perilous-dreamer @blood-enthusiast @randomfixation @alexkolax @pksnowie @blessupblessup @wolfeyedwitch @thedeepvoidinmyheart @bestblob @a-chaotic-gremlin @espresso-depresso-system @prompt-fills-and-writing-spills @paleassprince @takingawildbreath @yindonessy @psychiclibrariesquotestoad @harpycartoons @pickleking8 @urmyhopeeee @goldenflame2516 @tobeornottobeateacher @talesofurbania1 @sweetsigyn @girl-of-the-sea-and-stars @kurai-hono-blog
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shanakin-skywalker · 2 years
Sweet (Billy Hargrove x AFAB!Reader)
*Plus Size and POC Friendly; No use of Y/N*
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Based off of this blurb:
Word Count: 3,799 (oof)
Summary: Billy and Reader are best friends. Best friends with benefits…and feelings and that makes Billy very jealous.
Warnings: Mean!Billy, Dom!Billy, Possessive!Billy, Unprotected Sex (wrap it before you tap it besties!), Choking (sexually), Fingering, Name-Calling, One Face Slap, One Pussy Slap, Honestly This Is Just Fucking Filthy, Every Part Of This Is A Warning
*Only description of reader is that she is shorter than Billy*
Please let me know if I’ve missed any warnings I should include!
By clicking KEEP READING you are confirming you are 18+.
No one has permission to repost my work on Tumblr or any other platform. Plagiarism, stealing my work, etc will not be tolerated. By clicking KEEP READING you are also agreeing to the above terms.
It was late, her entire house dark except for the yellow glow seen through her window. Her parents had long since retired to their room neighboring her own. Bruce Springsteen’s album, The River, was playing softly in the background and her finger tapped along to the beat of Hungry Heart on the worn, hardcover of Stephen King’s Pet Sematary. She mindlessly chewed on a Cow Tail, the sweet candy hanging out of her mouth as she went to turn the page.
Tink. Tink. Tink.
Her head snapped up toward her window, startled. Her heartbeat slowed once she realized it was Billy.
Billy Hargrove and she had an…unusual dynamic one could say. Definitely more than just friends with benefits and feelings were without a doubt involved but nothing official. Billy’s life was too complicated, the stress of a relationship not one he wanted to add to the equation. And she understood. Well, she understood to a certain extent. Billy told her very little and she never pried or pushed. Of course she wasn’t stupid. She put the pieces together like his relationship with his dad. She accepted what was and what he was willing to give. It was one of the things he lo- no, liked, about her. He refused to use that word, especially in regards to her. They had a good thing going and why would he want to ruin that? She was constant and stable and after everything he clung to that. She was his anchor.
Billy couldn’t help but find her startled expression absolutely adorable. Her eyes big and wide, lips slightly parted and candy hanging out, and fuck, his thoughts quickly became much more sinful. It was too easy to picture something much thicker stretching her mouth. Her eyes looking up at him, instead of straight on through her window, and welled up with tears, wetting her lashes and running down her face. He clenched his jaw, making his hard expression more intense.
She pulled the Cow Tail out of her mouth and set it on the wrapper on her nightstand along with her book. She stood up and her lacy little nightgown tickled the tops of her thighs as she quickly walked to her window, sliding the pane up.
Silently Billy climbed in, towering over her. She shivered, goosebumps erupting on her skin. She didn’t know if it was from the cool night air or Billy’s intimidating frame as his pretty baby blues bore deep into her eyes. He looked tightly wound, wild.
“Billy?” She breathed out but before she could continue his firm hand came to rest around the column of her throat and with big steps he pushed her back, her stumbling until her back hit the wall with a thud. She quickly looked to her wall that separated her and her parents rooms.
“Why did you give him your number?” He hissed out. It was a demand not a question.
“Wha-who?” She floundered, his scent and his warm, firm hand on her neck made her dizzy. He squeezed a little tighter and that seemed to jog her memory.
“Oh! He-,“ she swallowed and wet her lips with her tongue. Her eyes fluttered up to look at him.
“He wants me to tutor him. Help him with an English paper.” She explained but his gaze didn’t soften. He slid his hand further up her neck, right below her jaw, so her head was tilted up and back, exposing her throat.
Billy crowded over her, leaning down so she could feel his hot breath against her ear.
“He was eye fucking you.” Venom spewed out of his strawberry lips. No one attempted anything romantically with her since Billy came to town. There was an unspoken claim. Unfortunately this shithead either didn’t care or had a death wish.
“And that doesn’t work for me.” He growled and the sound sent shockwaves straight to her core. A whimper escaped past her lips.
“What do you- Are we- I-,” she couldn’t form a coherent question, all jumbled and buzzing like bees. He was so warm, smelled so good, was so firm, and oh! He’s so hard.
“My sweet, dumb baby. Do I need to spell it out for you?” His tone was condescending. Her thighs clenched together to relieve the ache. Billy released a huff through his nose and used his right foot to kick apart her legs. He brought his knee to the juncture between her thighs. He could feel the heat radiating as he teasingly brought his lower thigh forwards and backwards. Billy pressed himself against her stomach and she could feel his own arousal, hot, thick, and throbbing through his jeans. She gasped at the feeling. He pulled his head back to stare down at her in her blissed out state.
“I’ve barely even touched you, sweetheart. You’re already so gone. No one could ever make you feel like this. You know that, don’t you, baby?” She doesn’t think she’s ever been this wet. She could hear her slick as he rubbed her with his thigh. All she could do is let out a pathetic whine and nod. Not satisfied, he brought his free hand up and lightly smacked her cheek. Not enough to hurt her, but just to make it slightly sting and get her attention. Her eyes snapped open wide and a soft moan slipped past her lips.
“Don’t. You.” He all but commanded.
“Yes. Yes, only you make me feel this good.” She mumbled out. It made Billy warm with pride. A sweet, pretty thing all his, completely devoted.
“Yeah, ‘cause you belong to me. You’re my girl. Mine. And I’m going to make sure everyone knows it.” He smashed his lips to hers and quickly shoved his tongue into her velvet mouth.
She tasted sweet. She’s sweet. She’s sweet, and warm, and soft, and the complete opposite of everything he was. But you know what they say about opposites? They attract and Billy was all but wielded to her. You would have to pry her from his cold, dead hands and even then, he would rise from the grave. Not even ‘til death do us part. She was his forever and although he didn’t want to admit it, he was hers forever. She owned him just as much, maybe even more, than he owned her.
Billy trailed kisses down her neck, harshly sucking and biting marks, letting everyone know she was taken. He usually left them under her clothes, where no one could see but his jealously became a wildfire. They all had to know.
She gasped loudly when he bit down hard where her neck met her shoulder. He soothes the marks with his tongue and trailed the wet muscle to the front of her neck, between her collarbones. He lavished his mouth up the center of her throat to her chin and followed the path up her jaw to her earlobe where he suckled on the fleshy bit. He released it with a pop but kept his mouth next to her ear.
“Be quiet. You wouldn’t want mommy and daddy waking up to their precious, darling girl moaning like the slut she is.” Oh he’s so mean but it made her even wetter. She’s sure she stained his jeans with her juices.
“No, sir.” She breathed out.
“Good girl.” He brought his leg down and took a step back. Oh yeah, there was definitely a puddle in her panties.
“Look at the mess you made.” Her eyes trailed down and sure enough, a large spot, shining in the low light, stared back at her. She looked back up at him, cheeks heating at her desperation. Billy raised an eyebrow.
“Well, aren’t you going to be a good little slut and clean it up?” He backed up to the center of her room, standing in the middle of her rug. She vigorously nodded her head and took a step forward.
He brought his hands to his hips in a stance that radiated domination and he narrowed his eyes at her. She stopped.
“Crawl.” His voice was low and gravely. She could feel her wetness seap down her thighs as she got to her hands and knees. They made eye contact and slowly, she crawled across the hard wood of her bedroom floor and then finally across half of the rug.
Billy was smug. He knew she would never let anyone do this to her, speak to her that way. His erection was straining uncomfortably against the metal zipper of his pants but he couldn’t find it in him to care. Not when heaven personified was kneeling in front of him, looking up with glazed eyes and tongue running over her bottom lip.
Her eyes fluttered closed as she leaned forward, her tongue flat and wide as she licked up her own arousal from bottom to top. She moaned softly and brought her face away to look up at him, a string of her juices connecting her bottom lip to his pants. Billy’s beautiful blue eyes were almost completely eclipsed by his pupils, clouded with lust. She went back to lapping up her mess, eyes half lidded.
When all that was left was wetness from her tongue, Billy tangled a hand in her hair and yanked her head back. Her lips were red and swollen from the roughness of his jeans. Fuck, she looked so pretty like this. So fucked out and he had barely touched her.
He brought his hand back out of her hair and pushed on her shoulders, making her land on the pastel rug. He quickly followed her, settling in between her legs and once again let his tongue invade her mouth. She went to wrap her arms around his neck in a desperate attempt to pull him closer but before she could even reach his broad shoulders Billy had her hands pinned above her head in an iron grip.
“Be. Good.” He gritted out In between kisses. He pulled one hand away, taking both of her wrists into his large palm. He hiked one of her soft thighs over his hip and brought his fingers down to play with her through her panties. A loud squelch could be heard and he broke the kiss to look at his now soaked fingers glistening in the low light. She held her breath as she looked at him.
Without hesitation, he shoved his fingers into his mouth and sucked. So sweet. His sweet girl. Her thighs closed around his hips and a moan escaped her. His eyes flashed down at her.
“What did I say?” He ordered.
“T’a be good. ‘M sorry sir.” Came stammering out of her mouth. Billy set his jaw and exhaled through his nose like a raging bull. Without saying another word he released her hands and grabbed her by the backs of her knees, bending them back until he was able to take both of her ankles in one hand while the other grabbed her panties by the crotch and yanked them off of her legs leaving her on full display. The cold night air from the still open window chilled her dripping core. He dropped her ankles so they fell on either side of him. She opened her mouth but Billy shoved her sopping, ruined panties into her mouth, her wetness filling her tongue and nose. It was so filthy, so dirty, and she loved every minute of it. A smack against her pussy brought her out of her head.
“Now shut up.” Billy went back to playing with her now exposed cunt, running his fingers up and down her slit, gathering the surplus of her arousal and bringing
it up to her swollen clit. She whimpered as softly as she could and bit her underwear, the wetness gushing from it and her eyes rolled back, swallowing it down.
Once Billy grew bored of her clit, he traced his fingers down to her hole, slipping his middle digit in. He had to bite back a moan of his own. How could she be this wet and still this tight? Her pussy sucking his finger further in until it’s entirety was encased in her warm walls. In an agonizingly slow pace, he began thrusting, taking his finger all the way out, swirling it slightly around her entrance and then plunging it back in. Her fingers dug into the plush carpet and she clenched her teeth down into the wet fabric to keep from crying out.
Billy added a second finger and started thrusting faster. She really hoped the faint background music covered the embarrassingly wet sounds of her cunt. He scissored his fingers against her walls in an attempt to stretch her out. It felt so good, so wet. Her pussy tingled at the sensation and her saliva was running out of the corners of her mouth. He curled his fingers upward and her eyes rolled back again. She was completely delirious with pleasure. Again, Billy added another finger and began thrusting into her as hard and fast as he could. The force causing her back to rub against the carpet, making it burn. It only added to the sensation. He was so good, making her feel so good. How could she possibly want anyone else. And then he curled his fingers again and immediately found the spongy spot that brought her to new heights. He could feel her clenching around him.
“You close, baby? You gonna be a good girl and cum for me? All for me?” He grunted out. She looked at him and tears welled in her eyes and she nodded. It felt good, too good, so good. And then Billy took his thumb and rubbed harsh circles on her clit. She exploded. Her walls clenching down on his finger and stars flickered across her vision. Her body convulsed and she let out a low moan.
Displeased with the continued sounds he glared down and harshly rolled one of her nipples between his fingers through the thin fabric of her nightie. She made a startled noise and he ripped her panties out of her mouth.
“‘’M sorry sir! ‘M trying. You just make me feel so good. Can’t help it. Please don’t stop!” She cried out, tears running down her cheeks. He thought about choking her on his cock but the last rational part of him knew it was already risky enough with her parents in the next room and although there was music playing, it could only drown out so much.
“You’re so lucky I’m so good to you, princess. Keep disobeying me and I’m still gonna give you my cock. What do you say?” He unbuckled his belt.
“Thank you, sir.” She panted out and before she knew it, he had flipped her over and put her onto all fours. She could hear his belt slide out of their loops in a quick whoosh and then it was around her mouth. A ‘mmm!’ Sounded at the back of her throat.
“You didn’t think I’d let it slide? Are you already fucked stupid? You’ve only just had my fingers.” He goes to buckle the belt behind her head, careful not to get any hair tangled in the buckle. She opened her mouth all the way to show her obedience and she felt him slide the buckle into place. He turned her 90° to the left where she had a mirror propped against the wall. She looked fucking wrecked.
Huge, dark bruises scattered down her neck and shoulders, tear tracks ran from her eyes, her lips were raw, chapped, red, and swollen, stretched around leather, drool still running down the corners of her mouth. She was so far gone. Her only thoughts were of Billy.
Billy. Billy. Billy. Billy. Billy.
She stared at him through the mirror. His own eyes were crazed, wild. He whipped off his jacket and white tshirt that was now wet with sweat. His chest heaved and he unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them and his underwear down just enough for his cock to spring free. He looked down to see his angry, red and swollen dick, dripping precum from his tip onto the rug. He could feel his heartbeat in it every time it throbbed. Billy looked back in the mirror and made eye contact with her. He took her in, completely ruined by him, for him. And that thought alone sent him off the deep end.
He rubbed himself up and down against her slick and when he couldn’t take the waiting anymore, he roughly shoved it into her weeping cunt. The force took her arms out and she fell face first against the carpet. His pace was brutal and unforgiving, immediately punching her cervix. She bit down on the leather and turned her face sideways on the rug. A whimper escaped again.
“Can’t even help yourself can you? Look at you!” He hissed as low as he could. Billy buried his hand in her hair again and forced her to look at herself in the mirror.
It was too good. Too much. The feeling of his big, thick cock deep and stretching her pussy, the feeling of his heavy balls slapping against the drenched skin of her upper thighs, the burn from the carpet on her knees, she couldn’t help but let out a cry at a particularly deep and angled thrust against her g-spot. Billy’s big hand slapped over her mouth, clamping down to silence her as best as he could. His other hand wrapped around her waist and brought her up flush against his chest.
“Look at you. Fucking filthy slut. Just for me. All for me. No one will ever see you like this. No one could ever make you feel like this. You’re mine. Mine. Mine. Mine.” Each thrust punctuating each point. He was unraveling as she clung to him, as she squeezed him. He was so close and so was she.
Billy let her go as she fell forward and he unbuckled his belt before bringing her back up to him. He turned her face so he could sloppily kiss her and trailed more down the other side of her neck. One free hand went down to rub her clit. Now that her mouth was no longer filled she babbled mindlessly.
“’M yours. All yours. Only yours. Only want’a be yours. Fuck. Y’make me feel so good. Never felt this good b’for.” She slurred.
“Fuck, sweetheart. ‘M gonna cum. Gonna cum so hard you’ll feel me inside you for days. Y’uh gonna come too. Can feel it. Squeezing me so tight. Fuck. Fuck, I love you.” And then they both came. Her wetness came squirting out, further soaking his lower abdomen and jeans. She kept coming and coming, milking every last drop from him. He fell forward, catching them both before he crushed her, continuing to rut inside her. They laid there quietly, Stolen Car playing and heavy breathing all that can be heard.
Billy slowly, carefully pulled his softening cock from her and she whimpered at the feeling. He quickly tucked himself back into his underwear and cracked open her bedroom door to make sure her parents door was closed and their lights turned off. He heard faint snoring and let out a sigh of relief. He was surprised but didn’t question it.
He swiftly walked over to her and picked her up. Cradling her as he silently snuck into the bathroom a little down the hall. Billy gently sat her down on the counter, the cold tile soothing her sensitive pussy and she sighed, head fell back against the mirror. He grabbed a clean towel and washcloth from the linen cabinet and wet the smaller towel in warm water. He softly, lovingly cleaned her. She whimpered when it brushed against her clit.
“Was I too rough?” Now with his head clear he looked over her, covered with bruises and handprints. She hummed and cracked her eyes open slightly.
“Liked it. Y’uh always make me feel good.” She sighed out.
“I-,” he paused briefly before continuing, “I don’t like the idea of you being with anyone else.” He murmured quietly, she almost couldn’t hear his confession. He took the towel and started drying her off, keeping his hands busy, his eyes busy. Her hands went up to cover his and waited for him to look her in the eyes. She gave him a soft, angelic smile. A complete flip from how sinful she looked just minutes before.
“I love you too.” He froze, quickly remembering what he admitted in the throes of passion.
“Yeah?” He asked not quite believing someone as sweet, soft, gentle, kind, and countless other adjectives could love someone like him.
“Mmhmm. Y’a wanna be my boyfriend?” The word boyfriend didn’t seem deep enough for what he wanted to be. Maybe soulmate but Billy had his limits with the mushy stuff. He huffed out a laugh.
“Yeah, I wanna be your boyfriend.” She grinned.
“Good. ‘Cause I wanna be your girlfriend.” He smiled back, an actual, genuine smile and picked up the washcloth and lovingly wiped her face with the clean side, and then patted it dry. He leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips and then peppered them over any place they could reach. She giggled and Billy felt his heart swell.
So this is what love feels like. He thinks he could get used to it.
He quietly snuck back into her bedroom, picking up some of the mess they made, closed and locked the window, and rolled up her ruined rug, placing it to the side to be dealt with the next day.
On wobbly legs, she brushed her teeth and used the bathroom before sneaking back into her own room as well. He had set out one of his large tshirts she had stolen and a fresh pair of underwear for her to slip on and he found a pair of his sweatpants, that she also had stolen, and tugged them on. He turned off her music and crawled into bed next to her. She followed suit and cuddled into his side, basking in his warmth and scent.
“I love you.” Her voice sounded slightly muffled against his skin but it made his heart soar just the same.
“I love you too, sweetheart.” And with that, he turned off her lamp and then fell asleep.
Early the next morning they awoke to thudding against her wall and very questionable noises coming from her parents room.
“You don’t think-?” Billy trailed off.
“Probably.” She groaned out and pulled her pillow over her ears.
“Your parents are cruel.” He looked at the clock before doing the same with his own pillow. 5:17. Oh yeah, this was revenge.
Tags: @moe1 @stranger-kinkslol
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
YOOOO! What would the Greek heroes reaction be to the toddler like persus and his wife Medusa. Would some of them be babysitters-🐼
Medusa being pregnant and her yandere lover boy- Perseus is lying besides her, his hands resting on her baby bump. And then Medusa, who's become yandere for you before you're even born, brings up the elephant in the room.
What if you turn into stone when you see Medusa?
Perseus may have turned immune to the snakes because of his demi god powers or because he'd been granted the immunity by Poseidon because of his service, but that doesn't mean that you'll be safe from your mother. Maybe you will, maybe you won't, but Medusa is not willing to take the chance and she's definitely not trusting you with Poseidon to give you immunity either. She doesn't rely on gods and goddesses anymore, not since they'd abandoned her. Perseus is an exception, and exceptions like him come once in a life time. He was far too in love with you, perhaps something even deeper than love and he charmed you wore you down with time as well until feelings were mutual.
Perseus suggestions to the problem are:
Ask Poseidon for help- Medusa slapped him and didn't talk to him for two days since he brought him up.
Have Hades and Persephone raise you- Medusa choked him (it felt like she was tickling to Perseus) for even thinking that you'd give your baby away, especially to gods, no matter if Hades and Persephone have been the only ones kind to her.
Perseus eventually got tired of Medusa getting mad at him, so he smooched her and asks if she has any ideas in mind.
Medusa's suggestions:
She'll cut off her snakes- Perseus rejected the idea because he'd never let her hurt herself, and he doesn't know for sure if Medusa will survive after she cuts off the snakes.
Perseus takes you and lives in the town away from her, and raise you for alone for a few years until you're able to close your eyes- Perseus shut that down by pushing Medusa back on the bed and getting on top of her and kissing her possessively, telling her that there is no way that he is ever leaving her.
Both of them avoid the topic after that, even though they'd both realised what needed to be done. But it was far too heinous to even bring up.
As Medusa's pregnancy came nearer to an end, she brought up the topic again.
She had tears in her eyes as she pecked Perseus. "Please, Perseus- you must- you must do it. Please, I don't wanna lose our baby." She broke into tears, and Perseus sighed, collecting her in his arms and shushing her, rubbing her belly soothingly.
"Alright, now. Alright, I'll do it." He'd do anything for her.

Medusa finally gave birth to you, a healthy baby girl. Perseus was quick to pull you out from her and shield you away from her, finding it surprising how you didn't come out crying. No, instead you were giggling and cooing adorably at him.
Perseus took you out of the cave, his eyes fixated on you. You were the most beautiful baby he'd ever seen, a perfect combination of Medusa and him. But your eyes- your eyes were out of this world. They held galaxies in them, he could actually see stars and milky ways in your eyes.
Which is why it made what he did next all the more painful.
Perseus sat on the boulder over the edge and settled you in his arms. He tickled your chin, earning a coo from you and Perseus had tears in his eyes as he kissed your forehead.
"I'm so sorry for this, little one." And with that, Perseus plucked your eyes out of their sockets and you screamed so loudly, it rattled Medusa, who was recovering inside the cave. She began sobbing as well, knowing what Perseus did to you but also knew that it was necessary.
Perseus gathered you in his arms and did everything he could to calm you down, bringing you back inside the cave where Medusa was already crying. She reached out for you and Perseus settled you against her chest, cleaning the blood of your face with her clothes. He walked away to put your eyes in a jar, while Medusa forced you to drink her milk, but you couldn't. You kept on wailing, screaming and crying, to the point you began turning blue. Finally, Medusa allowed him to ask Hypnos to put you to sleep, and in the process, Perseus also got some medicine for you from Apollo secretly.
After a week of sleep deprivation, you'd finally began healing. In 2 months, you were back to being a healthy happy baby- a blind one, but still.
Your parents became platonic yanderes for you as you grew up. There were some specific rules for you- no leaving the cave without them and no talking to strangers either. If you're ever in trouble, you call them for help.
Now you were blind, but you didn't adapt to life like blind people usually do. Perhaps your eyes had more function than just being pretty or sight. In reality, they had all your godly powers in them- super fast reflexes, water manipulation, the controlled ability to turn people on stone with just a look. Now? You didn't have either of them, and your balance was very off so you were always bumping into walls and things. You couldn't hear well either, so you didn't know if there are people around you or not, or what direction a particular sound was coming off.
You do know your parents love you. Your father is the more laidback and chill parent, while your mother is the more strict one. But thats not to say they love you any less. No, they're practically the only people you talk to, the only people you really know. Sure, your father lets you accompany him to the town every now and then, but you rarely ever get to talk to other people. Its not like you haven't tried to, you're an extrovert like your dad through and through. But Perseus just drags you away when someone talks to you for longer than a minute, saying he's getting late and he has lot of errands to run.
Your mother enjoys listening to you talk about your day, even if its just the meaningless routine you do every day. You're her bestfriend, she tells you. And for some reason, your mother never leaves the cave, so you and your father are the only she's in contact with. Of course, Perseus and Medusa dont tell you about your mother's ability to turn people into stone or that your father is a demigod. No, they want you far from those things.
You definitely do feel guilty for being blind. You're not able to help around with many tasks, nor can you get by without their help, so you feel useless and like a burden on your parents. Sometime's they'd find you crying in your room, and Perseus and Medusa's heart ache at your pitiful sobs, begging for a miracle to be blessed with sight.
Perhaps someone was listening that night, or perhaps you prayed a little to hard. Because you woke up feeling different the next day. When you opened your eyes, you could see. When your parents came to wake you up, they were shocked to see you had eyes again.
"I- I can see." You claimed, looking around your room before looking at Medusa and Perseus. "Mom? Dad?" They nodded and you ran to them, hugging them. "I can see! I can see! I can see!" You squealed as Perseus spinned you around in his arms and Medusa laughed with tears of joy in her eyes.
And with sight, came your powers you'd inherited from your parents. Not only that, but you'd discovered that you could use your eyes to contact the gods as well. Now, your parents forbade you from doing that- they didn't need the Olympians destroying the life they'd worked so hard for.
Your time out with your dad was now much more colourful, and you had way more stuff to talk to your mother about, not to mention the snakes on her head that absolutely adored you. However, they couldn't but feel jealous now that you talked a lot more to other people, or how many times Perseus caught you trying to sneak out of the cave to meet a "friend". The friend in question being a boy you'd developed a crush on and now your parents feel threatened that you'd try to leave them.
So after months of you trying to sneak out of the house fighting with them about meeting other people, they'd decided enough was enough. Perseus tied a heavy cloth around your eyes with a knot that only he could open and then locked you in your room. Now your only company would be them, and soon things would return back to the way they were. Or so they thought.
After months of you giving them the silent treatment, Medusa decided to open the knot and let you see again, just so that she could hear you talk. She and Perseus had missed your voice, missed their jolly baby. But that night, when she came to your room, she felt horrified.
Because there you were, your eyes heavily bandaged, talking happily to no one in the room.
And then she heard it. His name.
"Okay, Poseidon. I'll call you grandpa-"
"Y/N!" You shut up at your mother's shrill voice, which had Perseus rushing into the room as well.
Medusa grabbed you by the shoulders and shook you violently. "Who were you talking to? WHO WERE YOU TALKING TO?!"
"P-Poseidon-" You gasped as your mother slapped you across the face.
"Don't you ever fucking say his name!" Medusa began crying, and Perseus flicked your forehead, effectively knocking you out before grabbing Medusa.
"Shhh, its okay. Its okay-"
"Its not okay, Perseus! You heard her! You heard her say his name!" She began sobbing into his shoulder, which pained him greatly.
"Okay, okay, calm down. Calm down. I'll go talk to him. I'll tell him to never talk to you again." Medusa nodded, seemingly better now that Perseus had decided to take control.
He left to meet his father, while Medusa decided to lay on your bed next to you, her hand now gently caressing her handprint on your cheek. She felt guilty, her anger had gotten the better of her. With a sigh, she pecked the red mark before falling asleep, hoping Perseus would return soon with good news.

Medusa woke up some time later when she reached for you and didn't feel you in bed. Her eyes opened to see you quietly packing your things. And you hadn't realise your mother had woke up.
"Y/n? What are you doing?" You stiffened at her voice, which hurt Medusa. "I'm leaving the house for a bit. I need some space from you."
Medusa got off the bed and shook her head, grabbing your arms. "No, please- no! I- look I'm sorry! I shouldn't have slapped you, but you- you said his name! You cant- you cant leave!" She cried hysterically. You shoved her hands off you. "I don't know what's going on with you, but I cannot be around you right now. You're- you're being weird and I cant- I'm leaving okay? I'll be fine, I'll be staying with him."
Medusa paused her crying. "With who?"
"I- no one."
"With who, Y/n? I deserve to know, please."
You contemplated telling her. "With... grandpa. He said he'll allow me to stay in his home-" But Medusa zoned out after that. Poseidon- Poseidon- he was going to take you to his home- his palace- his place where he did unspeakable-
You yelped in shock as Medusa ripped the bandage of your eyes, allowing you to see again. As light filled your eyes again, you didn't have time to react as you were suddenly thrown on the bed, your mother climbing on top of you. She trapped your limbs under her and pushed her weight on you to stop your wriggling.
"Mom! Stop- what are you doing?!" You couldnt push her off you.
"This is for your own good." Medusa said, brushing the hair out of your head. "Stay still. It'll hurt less."
She plunged her fingers into the sockets and pulled your eyes out. You screamed and screamed in pain until you passed out under her.
Perseus returned 30 minutes later with good news, only to see Medusa holding your limp body in her arms, blood flowing out of your eyes, ears, nose and mouth.
"What did you do?" Perseus asked, pulling your body into his arms, trying to shake you awake, his heart sinking as he noticed how shallow your breathing was. "Medusa, what did you do?!" Medusa only teared up as she opened her palm that held your eyes.
"Perseus... save her." She begged him.
Perseus teleported to Apollo with you in his arms. The sun god took you from him, taking you to his infirmary to heal you.
Finally, Apollo saw the little demigod that had been talking to the gods and causing fights over jealousy in Olympus. And now that he looked at you, he could see why they were going crazy over you.
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I was supposed to be working on part 5 of royal gay au, but I couldn't resist
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breath-of-eternity · 1 year
Chapter 28
To the west was scrubland, empty except for rocks and a few bushes valiantly giving their best effort in the dry and barren soil. South was better, the bushes green with a few trees in the distance. Amaia’s stomach lowed like an animal, demanding she get her ass moving. When she swallowed, she tasted blood.
She eyed the flyer. It hovered through the air in widening circles, and if it came around again, it would be close enough for the Absconders inside to spot the small figure moving along the ground. The chasm looming beside her, she hurried along as fast as she dared. It was likely—it was probable—other entrances lurked underneath the grass, waiting until she got close to leap under her and swallow her whole.
Get it together!
Amaia slapped herself across the face hard enough to make her cheek sting. The steady beat of the flyer indicated it was nearby even if she couldn’t see it. Maybe it would vanish into space, its task done, but she had to be prepared if it did not.
She did not move fast, but with great deliberation. With her attention focused on the ground, she found insects crawling over the ground and pinched them in her fingers to lick up. Among the thatches of yellow grass was an ant colony she stopped to ingest, scooping them up, ignoring the tickling on her tongue as she swallowed. Then the whip-whip of the flyer grew louder and she moved along.
She swiped her arm over her head and it came back barely damp in spite of the sun beating down on her, and she chewed on her lips, peeling off a flake as dry as an old leaf. It was wrong, it was bad, but she could not remember what it was. The thick piece of leather taking up space in her mouth came out and dabbed her upper lip, and she tried to think of the last time it had touched liquid.
The flyer. Getting closer. She couldn’t see it. A bee hovered behind a tree. No, the flyer curving towards her. She got down on her hands and knees and crawled into the grass, huddled among long, thin reeds. The hover boomed, pulsating in her ears even when she clapped her hands over them. It moved along, seemingly not detecting her presence.
It wouldn’t leave. She couldn’t see it anymore, but it pulsated through the air, through her skull, she could hear it, she could feel it, she could taste it—earthy, with a hint of metal. She didn’t know when it happened, but she blinked a few times and realized she was face down in the dirt, and the only thrumming was her heart trying to escape her chest.
She patted the soft ground, and wet blobs stuck to her fingers. Wet, she remembered that! And she scooped up a handful and shoved it into her mouth to suck out all the moisture. The shriveled slab in her mouth begged for more.
Even shaded by the branches, her body was baking. Soon she would faint, and with no one to find water to dribble on her lips, she would die in the grass. If the ground was damp, there had to be water nearby, had to. She crawled, following the wettest part of the ground, bushes whipping her face. She picked up another clump of muck to drain the water from and coughed up a cloud of dirt.
This had to be her limit. Luck had only flashed her way enough to keep her alive, and it finally gave up on helping her. Who could blame it? She’d needed its aid too many times already. But it had to understand, she had no one else to turn to.
She dragged herself along. A flash of green appeared among the tawny grass and she snatched it up and ate it without looking, and thankfully it only tasted of grass instead of something poisonous. The mud was stickier, and there was even a brown pool that she dipped her face in to inhale. She started coughing again, and had to lie down and give her limbs a rest. When she dies, water would be just beyond her reach.
Dying would be easier, she thought. The others were lucky. They don’t have to keep struggling.
“That’s it?” Dash asked. “You’re going to give up?”
I didn’t say that. I’m just close to my limit. I haven’t eaten in days. Nothing left. I have nothing left.
“Don’t quit, please,” Mother said.
Why not? I’m so tired.
“Because you don’t want to,” Father said. “Otherwise we wouldn’t be here.”
No, she supposed not.
What eluded her, the thing she kept coming back to, was why she would even want to live. She had nothing left to hold on to. No one needed her, and she had no one to need. Every decision she made ended with a struggle, and even if she had made a different one, she knew the struggle would continue. There was no respite from the constant vigil of what might kill her. A scratch from a thorn with no one to help treat the ensuing infection? The berries of a tree she mistook for a non-toxic variety? A monster because she found nowhere to hide when night came down? The list went on. And on. And on.
I am the last of humanity, she thought to herself. If I’m not, I might as well be.
She pushed herself back to her hands and knees and continued following the muddy ground, each time her hand coming down with a wet smack. Muck splattered up her forearms. She sipped out of a pool and spat out as much dirt as possible, smacking her lips at the taste lingering behind. From the poisoned river, perhaps.
Her hand came down again, this time in a pool of cool water, dirt floating in it but not so much she couldn’t see the stems of the grass it flowed around. She scooped up a handful, the best water she ever had.
This was not a river or a lake. She pulled up the long strands, but there weren’t any good roots to them like you’d expect from swamp grass. The plants sticking out of it were those that grew on dry land, emphasis on dry. What was going on here?
She got to her feet, swayed, managed to keep upright. The whup-whup-whup of the flyer indicated it was around somewhere, but not in sight. She clenched her jaw and continued to slosh through the water.
Water crept up her calf and over her knee. The current wasn’t strong, and she could reach down any time to get herself another drink. If the sun wasn’t hanging behind the trees to the west, she would have forded to the other side. She turned back and walked until her feet slapped against dryer ground, and she sat, hands braced behind her. Almost immediately, her eyes slid shut.
Her stomach complained, but she didn’t have the energy for it to hurt, so starving to death wasn’t entirely bad. She let her head droop and moved to lie down, letting sleep wrap around her, when water splashed her leg. She jolted, and somehow it wasn’t her imagination. The water level was rising.
As much as the thought chilled her, colder than the impending night, she needed high ground, the hills the sun was now firmly behind. She had to move with excruciating caution, small steps, not putting her full weight down until she was sure each step wouldn’t give away. Water continued to lap at her feet, the black of night surrounding her. Branches ensnared her legs and crunched as she smacked into the ground. If only she could shut her eyes and let sleep take her. But water babbled softly, approaching ever closer.
“There hasn’t been much rain,” she said, her voice cracking. “These can’t be floods. The river… A rockslide blocking the river, that could be it. Like that time two springs ago. The lake we met the mountaineers at was filled with rocks, and the water flooded all the way to the river. Father said there’d be a new lake before long. Last year, we had to go around it, remember? Not many fish. It was a disappointment, the new lake.”
Her throat hurt. She dropped to her knees and bent to the water, lapping it up like an animal. Back on her feet, she walked until the ground sloped, until the water no longer followed her.
She slept wedged between rocks, woken by the thunderous cacophony of the flyer hunting nearby. The early morning sun was just over the horizon, giving just enough light to reveal the craft, sleek and insectile, somehow able to float in the air like a feather on the wind. The Absconders inside were close enough that they should be able to see her.
Amaia turned her body sideways and slid down between the rocks, scoring her poor skin, still raw from the chasm. She pulled the furs over her head, hoping they’d see it as a corpse that fell into the river. If the shreds barely clinging together could even pass for a dead animal. She peered through the holes to watch the hover drift over the waterlogged plains. Its path stayed straight, no attempt to veer and get a better look at the mass of fur squeezed between the rocks.
The hover floated south, over the river proper, where Amaia was supposed to be going. When it disappeared behind the rocky hills, she peered from behind the skins and caught a flash of its back end, a cloud of dust whirling around metallic cones on its wings. Similar ones lined the bottom, and she couldn’t be sure, but she thought those were what allowed it to hover like a bee.
She extracted herself from the rocks and made her way down the hill. The water was higher than it had been, but when she stopped to drink and wash, it wasn’t rising anymore. She stepped into it and the chill immediately sunk into her bones, and she crawled back up the hill. While she waited for the sun to bring back the feeling in her skin, she scoured the shallows for anything she could ingest. Even grass was desirable at this point.
The thrumming of the hover evened out to a steady whirr, and Amaia wished she could tell where it was coming from. She tried to ignore it and focus on pulling up fronds, then the noise died completely. Her hands, clutching green tufts, began to shake.
They had landed.
They didn’t see me, she told herself. They would have landed on this side of the water. Maybe they’re looking for monster nests, or, I don’t know, whatever is polluting the river. They didn’t see me. They didn’t see me.
She repeated it over and over.
A small shadow wriggled through the water. Amaia jerked forward, as if she could materialize a spear out of the air to catch it with. Her stomach pinched painfully.
She crouched in the water, reaching into her bag for her knife. Her lower half went numb, then her knees twinged, but she waited, and waited, and waited. More fish darted through the water, exploring area they had never experienced before. Too far away, too fast. She sucked in a breath when her stomach whined, but fish couldn’t hear. She was pretty sure.
Wait, wait, wait. The sun crawled up the sky. A fish the size of her forearm squirmed through the grass, but she did not move for it. A thousand scenarios flashed through her head, her whirling and falling, her missing her slash, lurching forward only to chase away every fish in the area.
The fish nibbled at her toes and moved along. She brought the knife down in an arc, ahead of the fish and to the left, near a bunch of sticks, the remnants of a bush that didn’t survive summer. When it detected the danger, the fish fled towards the bush, exactly as she thought, and the blade plunged into it just beyond its eye.
It wasn’t exactly an elegant meal, holding the raw fish and tearing off chunks with her teeth. She ate almost all of it, down to the bones, the eyes were the only part she couldn’t bring herself to try. Father would be annoyed she didn’t clean it properly. For some reason, she couldn’t summon the image of him yelling at her.
Everything was beginning to fade.
The fish went a long way towards filling her shrunken stomach. She stood and stretched the cricks out of her muscles, and the water running up her calves no longer turned her into ice.
Crossing took until after noon. At first it was shallow, up to her thighs at its deepest point and stretching through the forest. She still didn’t see any reason for it, no tree falls, no sign of storms. Stories told of animals that used to drag wood into river to shore it up, probably another fantasy to entertain the children, but it certainly seemed real today.
Once the trees thinned, the water deepened, all the way up to her chest, and she knew she was in the river proper. The current was an easy murmur, so maybe the river being spread out actually helped. She swam towards the thickest group of trees, and soon rocks scraped her knees. She got up and walked through a sunken forest.
She needed a place to spend the night, but the Absconders had to be around here somewhere—she never heard the hover again, and surely it couldn’t lift off silently. She needed to get to dry ground anyway. The ground must have been sloped downward here, because the water was almost to her waist, even though she was stepping over bushes.
Finally, she came to a hill, nothing but dirt and rocks but dry, and she had to sit down to catch her breath. Her head hurt again, and if she didn’t know better, she would have thought she’d been stabbed in her lower abdomen. The world was bathed in the hues of twilight, and she wouldn’t be able to spot another fish to catch.
She’d just sleep. Maybe in the morning, she’d finally know what to do.
She wrapped the ragged skins around her and bunched the nearly empty bag to cushion her head on the rocks. Her mind drifted to better places, racing with her brother, fishing with Yan and not catching anything because they were busy talking. Their voices were there with her…
Amaia bolted up. For once, it was not her imagination conjuring the voices.
They were real, and they were heading towards her.
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cobaltusami · 3 years
Tropical Vacation pt. 2
Hey hi hello! This Is the last part for the day, I felt bad since the first one was so short and uneventful.
This one was funny to write, I liked writing Monokuma and Monomi's 'fight' scene xD
Characters In this part: Lee!Gundham, Lee!Kazuichi, Lee!Nagito, Ler!Nekomaru, Ler!Chiaki, Hajime, Fuyuhiko, Mahiru, Sonia, Hiyoko, Akane, Mikan, Peko
Words: 3,083
PT 1: [Click here], PT 2: [You are here.]
“KAZUICHI, I AM GOING TO DESTROY YOU!” Gundham yelled after his friend, chasing him down the beach in a full on sprint. The chase didn’t last very long though before Nekomaru quickly got In the middle of the two and held the breeder back.
“Easy Tanaka!” He barked. “What the hell Is going on?!”
“Yeah, Why are you so worked up? You guys sparrin’?” Akane asked..
“He’s trying to kill me!” Soda accused, pointing his finger at the angry boy in front of him.
“This fiend used some kind of powerful unseen force to send me flying into the water!” Gundham responded angrily. “You are lucky my Devas were not with me!”
Now that he mentioned It, Nekomaru did notice that Gundham was soaking wet.
“Easy dude! I was just playing around, I saw Sonia had your scarf and your zhu zhu pets!” Kazuichi retorted.
Nekomaru sighed in exasperation, why can’t It ever be something… normal with these two? “Y’know what, fine.” The larger student pushed both of them to the ground and proceeded to pin them both and tickle them. “If you’re gonna fight with each other… Then you’re gonna laugh with each other!”
Kazuichi shrieked as he felt his ribs being attacked, he cursed himself for not changing out of his swim attire back into his jumpsuit before launching Gundham into the water.
Gundham wasn’t much better off, Nekomaru was mercilessly tickling his exposed neck and collarbone. “FUAHAHAHAHAHA! F-FIEHEHEHEHEND STAHAHAHAP IHIHIT AT OHOHONCE!” He tried bringing his shoulders up to protect his neck but as soon as he would, Nekomaru would then attack his belly and hip, making his arms instinctively shoot back down to protect his body.
“Not until you two agree to stop fighting.”
The Ultimate Team manager narrowed his eyes at the pinkette, he leaned down and blew a raspberry against his belly whilst vibrating his fingers into his ribcage.
Kazuichi exploded with screaming high pitched laughter, throwing his head back in the sand as he frantically shoved at Neko’s head and kicked at the sand.
He pulled back grinning then turned to Gundham, whose belly he was still tickling with his other hand. “Don’t think I forgot about you!” He teased, leaning down and blowing a raspberry against his neck.
Gundham burst into loud laughter, rivaling Kazuichi in volume. He tried to push Nekomaru away but this only seemed to encourage him, his other hand left Kazuichi giving him a chance to breathe and instead began poking at Gundham’s ribs and underarm teasingly.
He delivered another deadly raspberry to his sensitive neck, this time drawing a loud squeal followed by booming belly laughs. “GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NAHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!”
“Do you agree to stop fighting with Kazuichi?” Nekomaru asked, after a moment of no response he gifted him yet another raspberry.
“EEEAHAHAHAHAHAHA! FUAHAHAHAHAHA!” Tears were in the Supreme Overlord’s eyes from laughing so hard already.
“I’ll ask again, Are you gonna stop fighting?” He repeated, speeding up his tickles.
This time he was met with frantic nods. Nekomaru stopped tickling Gundham and turned back to Kazuichi. “Now, Will you stop fighting with Gundham?”
“As long as he doesn’t fight with me…” Kazuichi said nervously, sitting up.
“I don’t think that’ll be an issue, If he does, He knows what will happen to him!” Nekomaru laughed in amusement.
Gundham shakily sat up. “D-Do you also… vow… not to… push me Into anymore… water?” He panted.
“I dunno man, That’s kind of a hard one. The look on your face was hilarious!” Kazuichi grinned.
Nekomaru glanced at Gundham, upon seeing the somewhat downcast expression on his face he grabbed Kazuichi and held him down.
“ACK! Hey hey hey! What are you doing?!” He panicked.
“Promise you won’t throw him In anymore water.” He ordered.
“Okayokay! Jeez! I promise I won’t throw him In the water again!”
“And apologize to him.”
“You hurt his feelings, apologize for pushing him in the water.”
“No way! He didn’t apologize to me for chasing me!” Kazuichi fired back.
Nekomaru sighed. These damn kids never learn do they? “Gundham, C’mere.”
Gundham shuffled closer, looking questioningly at the larger student. “Yes?”
“There’s something I want you to do.” Nekomaru replied.
“What Is It, Fiend?”
“Hey, I don’t like where this is going…” Kazuichi squinted at Nekomaru, suspicious.
“Tickle him without mercy until he says he’s sorry.” The muscular student grinned at the horrified shriek that came from Kazuichi.
The Mechanic began frantically squirming, though he wasn’t able to move very much thanks to Nekomaru being freakishly strong. “Nononononono!” He didn’t much care for the dark look in Gundham’s eyes, nor the evil smile that followed.
Meanwhile further down the beach, the rest of the students were just chilling and enjoying the day. Or trying their best to.
“Are you sure we should not go check on Kazuichi and Gundham?” Sonia asked.
“Nah, I’m sure they’re fine.” Chiaki replied, building a sandcastle version of Princess Peach’s castle.
“Or one of them has finally killed the other and we’re going to have our first trial.” Hiyoko smirked. “I’m betting on Kazuichi being the dead person.”
Sonia looked horrified.
“Hiyoko!” Chiaki and Hajime chastised.
Mahiru approached the mischievous girl. “Okay, That’s a timeout.”
“What? But I--”
“Go sit on the steps!” she pointed to the steps leading to the beach, Hiyoko pouted and complied silently, crossing her arms as she sat down.
“Listen, I’m sure those two dumbasses are fine, Hiyoko’s just a bitch.” Hiko tried to reassure the blonde, Hajime tried not to laugh at that, but a chuckle slipped out. Mahiru wasn’t as amused.
“Where’s the lie?” Hajime whispered under his breath.
“Both of you get a timeout too.” Chiaki said as she stood up, she pointed to a second set of stairs. “Go sit until you can be nice.”
“Why? It’s--”
“I’m not going in fucking timeou--”
Chiaki squeezed Hajime’s side and poked at Fuyuhiko’s ribs, making them both immediately shut up. “Steps.”
They both complied, muttering under their breath as they sat down on the steps next to each other.
“You guys worried about Kazuichi and Gundham?” Akane asked, coming from the direction of said two students. “‘Cause they’re fine, Coach Nekomaru Is helpin’ them.”
Sonia let out a sigh of relief, her hand resting over her heart. “That Is good to hear, Gundham was quite mad when--”
She was cut off by a blood curdling scream that sounded vaguely like Kazuichi coming from the other side of the beach, followed by laughter. Sonia giggled. “I think I will go check on them anyway.” She said as she stood and walked off.
“Nekomaru Is wrecking them, Isn’t he?” Nagito asked amusedly.
“Oh totally.” Akane grinned. “I kinda forgot how vicious of a tickler he is, kind of makes me wanna challenge him to a tickle fight.”
“I think you’d lose.” Mahiru smiled in exasperation.
“For some reason, I get the impression that’s what she wants.” Hajime chuckled.
“Goodness! Whatever was that horrible scream?” Usami asked, appearing out of seemingly nowhere.
“Oh hey Usami.” Chiaki greeted the pink and white rabbit with a small smile. “It was the sound of Kazuichi getting tickled.”
Usami let out a small sigh of relief, then giggled. “Oh, That’s a relief. I am glad It was the sound of friendship, I thought for a moment that Monokuma had reappeared.”
“You rang?” Monokuma asked, suddenly next to her.
“Uwaaah! Where did you come from!?” Usami cried out in surprise.
“We could ask you the same thing…” Hajime said quietly.
“Wha? Has no one ever explained the bears and the bees to you?” Monokuma asked, tilting his head. “Alright I guess. Well, when two bears love each other very much--”
“Nooo! That is too mature for this audience!” Usami protested, putting her little hands on Monokuma to stop him.
“She does realize we’re not kids… Right?” Nagito whispered to Chiaki.
“For some reason, I don’t think she’s talking about us…” She whispered back.
Monokuma growled, his red eye flashing briefly before he shifted and threw all of his weight into his shoulder, promptly sending Usami flying from the force. “Keep your dirty pure hands to yourself, Monomi!”
“Uwaahh! It really hurts when you shoulder tackle me!” she cried, hitting the ground next to Chiaki.
“Anyways! I have an announcement for you Goody goody losers!” Monokuma said loudly as Nekomaru, Gundham, Kazuichi and Sonia all rejoined the group.
“Oh great, I get back just In time to listen to the homicidal tanuki.” Kazuichi frowned.
“For the last time, I am not a tanuki!” Monokuma snapped, raising his hand to threateningly show off his claws.
“He Is right, Children! Monokuma Is a bear, and--” Usami was cut off by Monokuma stomping over to kick her In the head.
“I don’t need your help!”
“Oogh! It hurts when you punt me too!” she sobbed, curling up in the sand. Chiaki got down on the ground next to her to comfort her.
Monokuma cleared his throat. “Now that Monomi Is done interrupting me, I have an announcement. As you know, I am the headmaster of Hope’s peak. That school, just like this island, Is currently full of students!”
“What?! There’s more than just us trapped by you?!” Kazuichi asked, shocked.
“Why are you telling us this?” Peko asked, crossing her arms.
“I’m glad you asked!” Monokuma bellowed. “Because, I think my students are starting to get depressed… So I think they might benefit from a change In scenery!”
“You don’t mean…” Hajime trailed off, nervous as to where this was going.
“Are you going to let those students out of the school??” Usami asked, surprised.
“Yup! Only for a while though, I wouldn’t want you all conspiring against me once you get acquainted with each other! I just hope those cold blooded killers can behave themselves for a few minutes...” Monokuma replied. “Puhuhu, Oops, did I say that out loud?”
“Acquainted with each other…?” Mahiru repeated. “You mean you’re…”
“You’re going to let them loose, Here!?” Kazuichi finished for her.
“You guessed It! Sharkboy Is today’s winner! Tell him what he’s won, Monomi!”
“W-What? What are you talking about n--”
Monokuma jumped into the air and elbow dropped the rabbit. “Nevermind! My joke Is ruined now, you’re so useless!”
“Uwah! It hurts when you elbow drop me!”
Hajime sighed at the scene before him. Is anything ever normal with these two?
After that, Monokuma left saying he had other business to attend to, After Usami had calmed down from getting a third strike from Monokuma she stood up and dusted herself off.
“What was he talking about? There aren’t really other students… Are there?” Mahiru asked apprehensively.
“No way, He’s clearly lying to us!” Kazuichi answered.
“There’s one way to find out…” Chiaki mumbled, looking at Usami. “Usami?”
“Was he telling the truth? Are there really more like us?” The pink haired girl asked softly.
Usami nervously looked away, stammering as she spoke. “W-Well, I don’t… i’m not…”
Chiaki frowned. “So It’s true. Is what he said about them true too?”
“N-No! I don’t… Think so…” Usami sighed softly, sitting on a beach towel. “Yes there Is more like you. I didn’t want to leave them, Please believe me! But I didn’t have time to grab any more of you before Monokuma showed up again.”
“Why didn’t you tell us before?!” Hajime snapped.
“Uwah!” Usami jumped In surprise, her ears drooping sadly. “I-I couldn’t! I felt too guilty and horrible for having to leave them behind! I can only imagine the horrors they’ve had to endure because of Monokuma.”
Chiaki gently petted the rabbit’s head. “It’s okay, It’s not your fault. It’s Monokuma’s fault.”
Usami sniffled, her ears perking back up. “Th-Thank you.” she cried. “But, I am at fault too. I should have fought him at that point, But I was scared and worried about what would happen to you all if I were to lose… I guess In the end It didn’t matter anyway.”
“So just to confirm, there’s a whole other group of students about to be released onto the island and we have no idea if they’re participating in the killing game or not...?” Mahiru asked quietly, fear prominent in her eyes.
Hiyoko got up and went over to her girlfriend, wrapping her arms around her to comfort her. “It’s okay, Mahiru! I won’t let them hurt you!”
Mahiru blushed. “I-I wasn’t scared!”
“I am afraid so.” Usami confirmed grimly, though the next moment… “However! This could be a very good thing too, Perhaps they are like you and refuse to play his game!” She suggested brightly.
Hajime felt a pit In his stomach, It took him a while to warm up to and trust the students trapped with him... he was definitely nervous and untrusting of this.
“Usami Is right!” Nagito spoke up. “We have to stay *Hopeful!”
Oh here we go…
“They are Hope’s peak academy students, after all! I’m sure they’re as reserved and strong willed as all of you Ultimate’s!” Nagito smiled, getting that look In his eyes again.
“Nagito…” Hajime said warningly, not wanting to listen to his speech again. “Remember what happened last time you droned on about Hope and Ultimates?”
“Oh, Right! Sorry, I guess even trash can be forgetful too, I’ll try to stop.” He smiled sympathetically at the Tsundere student.
“Stop calling yourself trash.” Chiaki frowned.
“But…” He stopped himself as Hajime and Chiaki both folded their arms and glared at him warningly. “O-Okay… Even though I am…--”
“Say It, and you’ll be sorry.” Chiaki puffed her cheeks in annoyance.
Nagito blinked, weighing his options. “Why are you so upset about me calling myself trash? I am trash. Do you get mad at everyone for speaking the truth?”
Unfortunately as he usually does, He chose incorrectly. Chiaki threw herself at the taller student, knocking him over into the sand. She then began squeezing his sides in rapid succession, avoiding his attempts to dislodge her hands quite easily.
“W-Wahahahahait! Chihihiaki!” Nagito squealed, trying to protect his sensitive sides from her merciless wrath.
“I warned you.” She deadpanned.
“Usami, Do you think we should be worried about these students?” Nekomaru asked over Nagito’s laughter.
“I don’t think so, I think we should welcome them with open arms! Who knows what horrors they’ve seen? We should treat them with kindness and love!” She answered.
“Then that’s good enough for me!” Neko grinned.
“Yes, I think It will be nice to make some new friends!” Sonia beamed, her eyes glittering happily.
“And who knows? Maybe there’ll be some cute girls In the class…” Teruteru said slyly.
“If you make any unsavory advancements towards the new mortals, I will put a curse so vile on you that even your future spawn will be cursed!” Gundham threatened, making Teruteru immediately shut up and shrink back with fear.
“I guess It doesn’t hurt to have some new friends…” Kazuichi reluctantly agreed with Sonia, no one was surprised.
“Ibuki thinks It’s a great idea! Maybe Ibuki will meet a musician to rock out with!” Ibuki’s eyes became starry at the prospect.
“Hey guys…?” Hajime spoke up hesitantly.
“Maybe there’ll be a gamer I can play with…” Chiaki smiled, still mercilessly tickling Nagito. “Or y’know… A therapist for Nagito…”
“Whyhyhy would a-ahahaha therapist wahahahaste their tihihime on sohohomeone lihihike mehehe?” Nagito laughed.
Chiaki narrowed her eyes at the Lucky student, attacking his belly with clawed hands. “You’re just asking for It, Aren’t you? Do you enjoy being tickled, Nagi?”
“NOHOHOHO!” he squealed, trying to curl In on himself.
“M-Maybe I-It won’t be s-so bad.” Mikan said hopefully. “I’m sure they a-are nice!”
Mahiru glared at Hiyoko, sensing she was about to say something unpleasant, The blonde girl immediately shut her mouth and snuggled more into Mahiru.
“Perhaps there will be someone who is knowledgeable with swords…” Wow, even Peko seemed enthusiastic about this-- well, as enthusiastic as Peko can be.
“Ooh! Maybe there’s someone strong I can fight with!” Akane’s face lit up excitedly.
“Guys? Aren’t you the least bit worried? What If they’re just like Monokuma said…?” Hajime asked.
“What’s to be worried about? If they step outta line, We can just beat ‘em up.” Akane grinned.
“We are NOT going to beat them up!” Nekomaru argued. “There are other ways of dealing with violent students than fighting!”
Akane put her hands on her hips and looked questioningly at Neko. “Oh yeah? Like what?”
Nekomaru glanced at Kazuichi and Gundham, who both seemed to blush at his gaze. “Things…” was his vague answer.
“I’m with Hajime on this one.” Fuyuhiko spoke up, standing up. “The thought of people we can’t trust coming on to the island makes me… kind of nervous.” he admitted.
Mahiru nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I agree too.”
“I’m kind of indifferent.” Hiyoko shrugged. “Maybe they won’t be as lame as you guys… but on the other hand, I don’t want Mahiru to be afraid.”
“I-I told you I’m not afraid!” The tsundere girl stuttered.
“It’ll be okay, guys.” Chiaki said softly, her tone contradicting her ruthless tickling. “As long as we stick together, We’ll be fine.”
“You’re an Ultimate too.” Chiaki reminded, pausing her ticklish attack. “And you’re valuable. Not trash.”
Nagito giggled tiredly as he caught his breath. “But compared to you guys… I’m not all that special…”
“Neko, He still hasn’t learned.” Chiaki called over her shoulder. Nekomaru sat down next to them and cracked his knuckles.
“I got this!” He chuckled, The next moment the air was filled with Nagito’s shrieking laughter as Chiaki and Neko proceeded to destroy the man with low self esteem.
Hajime was silent as he thought about the possibilities, It just wasn’t sitting right with him. But If Chiaki could look on the bright side… Maybe he was overreacting…?
He felt a hand rest on his back, looking to his left he saw Fuyu offer a brief reassuring smile, showing that he was just as nervous as Hajime but more worried about comforting him. Hajime faintly smiled back and put his arm around Fuyu’s shoulders, pulling the Yakuza into his side.
Mahiru gently punched Hajime’s shoulder affectionately. “It’ll be okay… We just gotta stick together like Chiaki said…”
Hajime sincerely hoped she was right about this…
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astroboots · 2 years
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Summary: Santiago wakes up in pain and you know just the thing to make his day feel a little bit better.
Warning: Angst, chronic pain, sleep paralysis, Polyamorous relationship, m/f/m, double blowjob, indulgent threesome.
Word Count: 3,625
Homecoming Universe | Astroboot’s Masterlist 
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Santiago must be dying.
It is the only logical explanation. He can’t make out anything in front of him, just a scorching white surrounding him no matter where he focuses his gaze on. There is a needle jammed into the back of his neck, down the vertebrae of his spine. Everything is so blindingly painful and he can’t even move. His memory is fuzzy and comes in out-of-order fragments. He can’t make sense of the time or where he is.
He must be in the hospital again, with that sour old nurse. Loud heels and an even louder voice. Whenever she comes to check on his vitals, she is always scowling at him.
Except, some distant part of his brain that is slowly flickering to life knows that he’s not in Colombia anymore. He’s not lying in a hospital bed.
He’s home.
Tucked between you and Frankie, with your leg thrown across his hip and Frankie’s broad arm slung over his ribs in that ridiculously oversized bed of yours.
But he swears he can hear it. The loud clicking of heels against the tiles of the hospital floor. The smell of sharp disinfectant stinging his nose.
Wake up. Wake the fuck up, Santiago.
He strains to open his eyes, and as they flutter open, he’s staring up at the familiar white ceiling of your bedroom. Frankie’s messy curls are tickling his jaw and he can hear your muffled snore against the pillow.
Home, he’s home.
His shirt is soaked in cold sweat, back spasming, and he struggles to move from the spot. It’s his damned neck injury acting up again. Whatever they did to him at the hospital when they opened him up to pry and supposedly fix it, in the end, it had only made it worse.
Wiggling out from under you and Frankie, he anchors his elbow to the mattress to raise himself. A sharp pain spikes through his spine and he resists the physical temptation to cry out, it’s early and the weekend, he wants you two to sleep in. Doesn’t want to wake you or alarm you.
Despite his precaution, it takes all of two seconds before he hears you stir from the covers. “Does your neck hurt Santiago?”
“No, 'm fine. It’s nothing.”
You sit up on the bed, reaching for him. “Santia—”
“No, it’s nothing— really. It’s just a kink. I must’ve slept wrong. It’ll work itself out once I properly wake up.”
You don’t believe him. Your eyes narrow skeptically, with a worried bite on your lower lip. He hates it when the two of you fuss over him; fussing doesn’t help.
In his line of profession, permanent physical injury is guaranteed, and Santiago can’t even remember the last time he hasn’t woken up with an ache of some kind in his body. Today just happened to be worse than the average. The best thing he can do is ignore it. Get on with his day.
Leaning over, he presses a quick kiss to your lips. Not that it reassures you in the slightest, so he changes tactics.
Santiago scrunches his nose, making a face at you.
“What?” you ask.
“Sweetheart, your morning breath is awful.”
And that does the trick, you scoff, slapping his arm while trying to stop yourself from smiling, but you lose to him on that one. “Fuck off, Santiago.”
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It’s a calm Saturday that passes by in a bit of a blur. Frankie’s out in the garage, and with midterms coming up, you’re catching up on grading papers. Santiago holes himself up in the home office for most of the day, and both of you know him well enough by now that it means he wants to be left alone. Neither of you bother him, you give him the space he needs, which he appreciates.
Still, in your own small ways, the two of you try to make things easier for him throughout the day. It’s little things. Like his slippers being put on the mid-shelf instead of their usual bottom shelf placement so he didn’t have to bend his back to pick them up. Or how the coffee machine was already on and brewing when he got out of the shower. His favorite coffee mug and a bottle of his pain meds waiting for him next to the machine. You’re both trying to be subtle about it. Maybe because you were worried anything more explicit would annoy him and that makes him feel like a real ungrateful shit.
He tries to not think about it. Does his best to distract himself with work and boring emails. The pain is still there, throbbing and raw, but it’s not as loud. When he focuses on work he can drown out the shrill screams until it’s only a displeased muttering about how he’s a thankless bastard.
He stays up there for a long time. Until the bright sun outside his windows wane and turns amber into an afternoon glow, dimming with no natural light left in his room. Santiago barely notices it until the mouthwatering scent of something cooking, creeps into his study. It smells of cooked fatty pork and roasted garlic with oregano. It rises and invades the whole of the house until it cuts through Santiago’s compulsive focus and even he gets distracted.
Going downstairs, he finds you and Frankie both in the kitchen. Frankie's standing over the stove, forehead creased with wrinkles. So deep in concentration that Santiago's not sure his arrival is noticed at all by the man.
You spot him first. At the sight of Santiago, you flash him a bright smile, thrusting the bottle of wine that you're holding in your arms. "Help me open this, honey".
Santiago turns the bottle until he can see the embossed label. It’s a good one, one of his favorites, not the cheap white ones you prefer when you’re doing Netflix marathons.
“You hate red wine,” Santiago points out matter-of-factly.
“Yes, but red wine gets you all loosened up and slutty.”
Your reply makes him bark out a hearty laugh. Santiago takes the bottle from you, screwing in the bottle opener with practiced ease. He knows you both well enough to know that when the fancy red comes out, it’s because you’re plying him.
On the stove, there’s a large pot quietly bubbling away, and he recognizes that red consistency and sweet aroma of oregano and boiled ribs anywhere. Made from his mom’s old recipe. The one she guarded like a dragon over treasure and only showed his sisters and you how to make it.
His favorite dish that takes hours to make.
His favorite red wine that you always said tasted like sour tobacco.
His favorite knitted sweater on you and that ridiculously form-fitting gray t-shirt he loves on Frankie.
Yeah, subtlety time has definitely ended.
Santiago doesn’t say anything to break the bubble though, he’s not that much of a bastard. Instead, he heads over to the kitchen cupboards with a faint smile tugging at his lips and helps you set the table.
He might not like to be fussed over. But between you ranting about the students plagiarizing Wikipedia in their essays, Frankie’s warm hand resting on his thigh; and plied by the pleasant thrum of a glass of red in his veins, Santiago sinks into the evening and almost forgets about the pain he is in.
Throughout the dinner, you are so gently affectionate with him, easing him into it and testing him out. Whenever you lean over the table to refill his glass, your fingers linger over his knuckles on the stem of the wineglass. When he doesn’t move away, you’ll trace the lines of his palm with your fingertips as he speaks. Gentle, easy, patient.
You’re both so fucking patient with him.
Time slips away as the three of you manage to polish off the first bottle. When Santiago offers to get another, you tell him to stay, pressing lingering kisses on his cheek and his lips on your way to the cupboards. Santiago’s almost tempted to immediately polish off that second bottle and go for a third to have you do it all over again.
Frankie’s tactile in his own way. Hand resting on Santiago’s knee, giving it a gentle squeeze. Nothing obtrusive or demanding, just a gentle assurance as if to let Santiago know he's there.
By the time dessert comes, Frankie’s sturdy hand wanders from Santiago’s thighs to his spine until it settles on the tense back of his neck. It’s so pleasant Santiago doesn’t even properly register Frankie’s fingertips stroking his unsightly white scar that was the cause of this whole ordeal, to begin with. It doesn’t surprise him when he catches Frankie doing it. The man has always been a bit obsessed with it. Has a habit of absentmindedly tracing the outline of it with his thumb, when he spaces out in a conversation. Santiago doesn’t mind—likes it even.
Maybe it’s the wine, but Santiago can’t pinpoint when things start to escalate. When the innocent touches turn into something else. When Frankie’s hand started to palm at his inner thighs instead of more innocuous parts of his body.
Or when your chair had moved closer, until you were practically sitting on Santiago’s lap. By the time your lips are trailing the line of his throat, he’s forgotten all about his earlier irritable mood.
“Bedroom?” Frankie murmurs into his ear, a low sandpaper of a rasp.
And God, when has the answer to that question ever been a no?
It’s a miracle that you make it to the bedroom at all with the way that you both keep kissing him. It’s surprising that he only fumbles once while walking upstairs with your mouth sealed over his. Just, thank fucking God for Frankie being glued to his back, catching him before he falls.
Reaching the bedroom, neither of you lets him lift a finger to undress, doing it for him. Your hands come to his chest, teasing the buttons open, slipping the shirt off his shoulder. He can hear the metallic clasp of his buckle being attended to by Frankie until he’s worked them open and draws the pants down Santiago’s thighs and off his legs until he’s naked between the two of you. He lets himself be pressed and maneuvered by you both until he’s on his back on the bed.
The two of you work in sync so seamlessly, without a word said between you. Frankie draws away as you push closer against Santiago’s back, rolling him onto his stomach.
Gentle and soothing, your hands skim the meat of his shoulder where it’s all tangled up in knots and tension. You only stop to rest the heel of your palm on the wing of his shoulder blades, pushing down and it sends pleasant sparks down the back of his legs. It feels so good, feels like relief, and for the first time today, the pain blunts into pleasure. It’s only then that it dawns on him what you are doing. Santiago tenses up at the touch, pulling away reflexively, but you’re one step ahead of him (as always).
“Lie down Santiago, let us take care of you ok?”
And there it is, the two of you are trying to help him, and there’s some faulty crossed wire in his brain that won’t let him.
There’s a part of him that thinks if he acknowledges the pain, it’s like admitting that his body isn’t what it used to be. That he’s getting older, and that he’s spent the last six years (years he’ll never get back) away from the two of you when he could have been here all along— and now his body is betraying him and he can’t even physically catch up on all the time he has lost.
“I‘m fine, there’s no need for thi—nnnnngh” his words are cut off by a similar pressure to the previous one, except much stronger. A calloused rough palm that must be near twice the size of yours is flattened across his back.
“Santiago,” Frankie’s voice cuts through, stern and non-negotiable. “Lie down.” The weight of his warm hand rests on Santiago’s shoulder, an anchor that moors him to the bed, ordering him to stay put. So he does.
It’s not a hard decision for Santiago to make because physically, it feels undeniably good to have Frankie’s muscular hands working, kneading, unfurling at that bundled-up knot of anxiety. It has Santiago go slack-jawed with pleasure, where it rests against the pillow.
The larger set of hands come to knead at his lower back, molding the curve of his ass. It is thorough and the heel of the hand digs into the meat and Santi chuckles breathily at the special attention that Frankie pays to the area. Horny bastard.
The weight on the bed shifts, and when his eyes flutter open, he sees you reaching over the nightstand table. You’re rummaging through it until you come back holding a small bottle of massage oil. Then you’re pouring out the content over your hand and fingers, rubbing them together. When your hands come to smooth down along his back again, the oil is warm and comforting. It smells of something minty and camphorous that spreads a tingling sensation along the stiffened muscles.
You might not be as strong as Frankie, but it’s like you know every inch of his body and every nerve that is in pain. Your thumb presses down alongside his spine, gliding in an effortless movement until every knot of muscle in him is unwound and undone. You keep going until the hard tension of him melts into something soft. Until he is a molten liquid underneath your hands until it dissipates any resistance left in him to deny himself this.
Instead, he relishes in it, gets lost in how every part of him is being attended to in a manner that can only be described as full-body pampering. It’s so good he nearly falls asleep, and with the way his consciousness seems to be floating in and out, he might have.
He’s so completely out of it he barely registers your hands on him slowly comes to a halt before you crawl up the bed next to him.
“Turn over honey,” you instruct.
Digging his elbow into the mattress, Santiago turns around, trying to ignore his disappointment as he catches himself thinking that he doesn’t want this to end (even though you must have been at it for almost an hour at least, which is selfish of him).
The thought doesn’t get to linger. You curl your fingers around his jaw and tilt him up to your lips, tongue slipping into his mouth with a sweeping touch.
Maybe it’s because he’s already been riled up into an overly sensitive state that makes every touch shock his nerve endings. But when the soft scratch of Frankie’s scruff scrapes along his lower stomach it has Santiago’s hips nearly shoot off the bed from it.
His cock twitches and jumps in response wanting more. And Santiago might not be able to see from this angle, but he imagines it all the same. How Frankie’s brown curls fall across his forehead as he leans down to take Santiago’s cock into his mouth. Those plush (and surprisingly soft lips) wrap around his cock and Santiago takes a sharp inhale of breath, oxygen rushing to his head so fast it makes him dizzy. Frankie goes tantalizingly slow and it drives him just this side of mad. It has Santiago groaning into your mouth as those hungry lips slide down his hardening length.
You pull away from Santiago, and when he protests, you just press your lips to his for a final kiss. “I promise it’ll be worth it,” you tell him before moving down his body. Down, down until you’re right next to Frankie. Your hands are pressing against the inside of Santiago’s legs with a barely-there pressure until they part for you. Then you proceed to press open-mouthed kisses to his hips and on the inside of his thighs. Soft, slow, thorough, leaving not an inch of him uncovered.
He knows it’ll leave small marks for him to find in the course of the week, maroon bruised signs that tell him he’s yours. Gentle nips of his skin, not enough to hurt, but enough to incite that pleasurable sting that has warmth crackle throughout his spine.
This is just full-on indulgence.
Santiago thrusts up, seeking just a bit more of that friction of Frankie’s hot, slick mouth. He half-expects the man to force him back down, to take the pace that you two have set for him. But neither of you stop him, you let him take what he needs, your mouths meeting his indolent movements as he rolls his hips deeper, and more urgently.
For once, he doesn’t try to escape the moment by constantly trying to plan out the next one. Instead, he completely surrenders to it, lets it wash over him, and feels everything.
He lets his brain shut down, lets himself stop thinking, and just gets lost in it. Lost in how the two of you take turns, kissing, licking, and sucking his cock, lapping up every drop of precome that he has to give you with soft hums and dreamy sighs that make his ears tingle with heat. He doesn’t protest when Frankie crawls up the bed to give him a deep, sloppy kiss. Doesn’t try to take control of the situation as you brush up with ghost-light licks on his cock.
He lets himself drown in the sensation of it all. How the sloppy wet sounds of your mouth on his cock fill the space of your bedroom. How the pleasant scent of your warm sheets lingers against the pillow when he lets his head fall back in an open-mouthed plea for you to give him more. How comforting Frankie’s presence is when he’s right next to him. That broad hand of his, comes to Santiago’s forehead and it is so ridiculously tender when he pushes Santiago’s sweat-slicked curls from his face. There’s no more choice to make, he just lets Frankie praise him through it, muting the voice that tells him he hasn’t done anything worthy of this.
He doesn’t question it, accepts the comfort and bliss that the raspy smokiness and the edge in Frankie’s voice bring him. “Doesn't that feel good?” Frankie murmurs into his ears. “Her mouth is incredible isn’t it, Santiago?”
And fuck, Frankie’s right—it’s so good, so perfect.
You continue for long moments of absolute bliss for Santi. Surrounded by that perfect warmth. It’s all Santi can do to hold onto his sanity while trying to relish the achingly sweet pleasure. But as much as he would want this moment to last forever, that all familiar heat furls hot and insistent somewhere deep in his stomach. It twines, and spreads, climbing up his limbs and the pressure builds and builds to an unbearable point. It’s all heat and white sparks, numbing the edges of his mind. It’s blindingly overwhelming, and it’s all too much and he comes with a gasping, shaking orgasm right into your beautiful mouth.
He has no defenses left. No pretense. Santiago is a whimpering, boneless mess of a man.
There’s a quiet pitiful whine erupting from somewhere deep in his throat as you continue to hold his hard cock in your mouth. And you keep going, don’t stop drawing out his overwhelming orgasm even as it rides on the sharp gorgeous edge of just too much. Your tongue swirls against the underside of his cock, still suckling at the overwrought tip. He's too spent with no strength left to push your head away from him. Instead, Frankie shifts down his body towards you. One broad hand comes to the back of your neck to pull your mouth off Santiago’s cock and gives him that mercy.
Before you even have a chance to swallow, Frankie pulls you in for a kiss, dipping his tongue in to taste Santiago’s cum from you. The moan and sighs you share into the kiss are obscene.
Fuck, if Santiago were a younger man, he’d be rock hard again right fucking now. He’s unable to blink, unwilling to miss even a second of the sight before him.
Frankie is licking into your mouth, tasting every drop until he’s finally satisfied before you both join Santiago on the mattress. The two of you draw him in until he’s tucked between you both. Between your warm legs and Frankie’s broad arms. He feels safe inside this space between the two people who cradle him inside their hearts.
Neither of you says anything at first. You just let him have his moment and keep holding him.
Your fingers come to his face, brushing back the sweaty curls that have fallen into his eyes, and he full-on shivers at the touch. Too weak and spent to pretend he’s anything but vulnerable in this moment as ridiculous as that makes him feel.
“See?” I told you red wine gets you all easy and slutty” you deadpan.
Santi breaks into a full snortle of a laugh, wheezing through his nose and his whole body shakes with it. Bright pure joy crackles through his limbs as he laughs.
He knows you do it to give him that little bit of ease he needs. Because you know that vulnerability doesn’t come easy to him and with this stupid joke you’ve offered him an out if he needed it. He’s a lucky fucking bastard that he gets to have not just one, but two people who understand him this way.
But for the first time in a long time, he doesn’t think he needs that crutch anymore.
His hand slides up to cup the back of your neck, pulling you closer, pressing his lips to yours. “I love you two idiots,” he says.
The three of you fall asleep wrapped around each other that night. And Santiago doesn’t dream of Colombia or hospital or pain, he’s right there with you anchored to this reality.
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Credits and Dedications:
@thirstworldproblemss forever and always, always my clown sister I love you! Thank you for writing the nastiest, most beautiful and delicious prawn into my inbox whenever I have had a stressful day at work, but especially — your latest masterpiece you wrote to me on Tuesday night. I love you!
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munsnz · 3 years
Hii hope you're having a great week! If you feel like writing it i was thinking of a steve h x wheeler!reader, where they're having a dinner at the wheeler's and reader is nervous thinking it's going to be awkward and all but it actually goes pretty well.
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WARNINGS: anxiety, language??
PAIRING: Steve Harrington x GN! Wheeler! Reader
PSYCHOIE RADIO: What You Like — Wallows
L: Tysm for requesting anon!! This is actually something I’ve been wanting to write for a long ass time, and I’m so sorry this is a month late, I was In a rut for the third time this year, but finally, here it is!!
“Don’t worry, it’s going to be okay!” The kind-hearted guy, leaned towards you by the metal, old lockers, while you switched your books, shaking your head side to side, “Come on, whatever happened to Nance and I is over.”
Your eyes shifted to meet Steve Harrington’s, your 6-month boyfriend, who was also your younger sister’s ex boyfriend, Nancy Wheeler. Although she may have been younger, Nancy had it all, popularity, the smarts, and the looks, except you, the shadowed sister. Even your brother Mike Wheeler knew that Nance had outshined you, still being younger than you. That terribly tumbled apart as soon as Nancy confessed that she no longer loved Steve, telling him it was all bullshit, the words that hurt Steve those past nights.
You somehow got ahold of him, to get over the breakup as the two of you fought for the fate of the world along the group of kids, Mike’s friends, bringing you guys closer, leading up to confessing their feelings for one another.
“Steve I’d think it would be a bad idea.”
”How would it be a bad idea if we never tried it?” Steve cheekily grins, placing a warm kiss on your thin lips, smiling between them. You pushed his chest away with your hands, making him whine, “One more kiss come on! Or else we’ll have to go to the dinner!!”
You placed a notebook to block his wildly handsome face from kissing you again, giggling hysterically, “No, that’s my final answer.”
Steve had always been so fond about your family, the Wheelers, he knew Mike due to the previous events with the Mind Flayer and has met your mom when he was together with Nancy. But you still think it’d be awkward, you were going to bring your boyfriend, not your friend, nor Nancy’s boyfriend, but yours.
In denial, you always tried to not touch the subject, scared of it going wrong. As you saw Steve pout and cross his arms like a child, he mumbled, “I promised it’ll be ok, just let me go for once.”
”You already went to their house!” You squeaked as your palm hit his shoulder, slapping him playfully.
Steve raises his eyebrows, straightening his face while he sternly stares at you, “Yeah but I went as Nancy’s boyfriend, not yours right? So give me a shot honey.”
“I don’t know,” You started pacing along the hallway to get to class, knowing you were five minutes late, the weirdest thoughts flooding in. What if your parents don’t like the fact you’re with Steve? What if they prefer Nancy with him instead? What if-
Clearing his throat and whispering in your ear, Steve mumbled jokingly, “I know you’re overthinking Y/N.”
“Stop it!” You move a strand of hair from your face, clutching your books tighter, strolling away from him to the hallway of lockers, “What if it gets awkward? What if my parents don’t like the fact you’re with me!?”
”Can you at least think about it?” He shouts from afar, leaving his arms in the air, trying to get your attention while you tried your best to ignore him.
Soon enough, a teacher peeped their head out of the corresponding room towards the hallway for the source of disruption to find Steve’s tall figure continuing to get your attention, “Harrington! Off to class, you’re late!”
”Right! I’m sorry m’am,” Steve rapidly nods, zooming away to his Basketball period, where he knew for sure he’d get in trouble with the couch for being late. Still awaiting for his proposal to be answered with his loving mess, for a one of a kind dinner with your family, the Wheelers.
”Mike I swear to god you better not embarrass me!” You rush down the rug stairs, fixing your hair as you tucked it behind your ear, chasing your younger brother down. After Steve’s persuasion driving you nuts for that same day you both talked, you finally gave in to bring him over on a Thursday night under one condition, he wasn’t allowed to embarrass you or himself, just to keep things proper, and not awkward between your family.
As the days grew closer to the date of the dinner, the more anxious you got to the point you couldn’t bare to see Steve, keeping you and your thoughts to yourself for the past weeks. It was simple, a simple gathering with your family and boyfriend.
What could go wrong?
Everything and anything. From your parents making you look like a fool to be going out with your sister’s ex to Steve making a terrible impression on them although he’s met them already. You weren’t so logical, you were scared, not nervous but scared. What if this whole dinner would be an awkward disaster full of embarrassment and inconvenience?
But here you were, getting ready for the small event taking place in your home, chasing your brother to shut him up due to his witty comments. Now shoving your little sister Holly softly on the side to clear Mike’s path, he taunted, “Well I’m not the one kissing the pillow thinking it’s Steve! Mwah mwah!”
”Thats not true, Mike!”
You tried to reach to stop Mike from speeding through the kitchen but before you could make any other move, Mrs. Wheeler scolds at you two, “No running inside the house!”
”Sorry mom!” Both you and Mike loudly shout, slowing down your pace, suddenly catching up to Mike by dragging the collar of his blue striped polo.
As he squealed in pain and angst, you tackle him to the couch, tickling his sides on the soft brown cushion, “I got you! Now say it! Surrender!”
”Never!” His high-pitched giggled filled the cozy room, squirming under you, trying to free from your grip. Another wave of the tingles on his ribs were coming back, your fingers moving on his back.
You continued to make him laugh hysterically, lowering your voice to mimicking a villain both of you once watched on tv during a weekend night, “You must proclaim yourself as a liar! Or ye shall face the consequences!”
“I will not surrender-“
Instantly after the sharing of laughter being held by the siblings, you heard the rhythmic chime from the doorbell, Holly was making a fuss about her lack of apple juice in her sippy cup as Nancy tried to leave the porcelain plates on the clothed table in the dining room. You and Mike frantically got up from the couch after your mother was pulling you away apart, “Hey, he’s here!”
You knew for a fact your loved one was here, an awful feel of unease aroused, making you tense unlike the past few moments before you heard the doorbell. Steve Harrington was here, at your door, for dinner with your family.
Gulping nervously, you hurried to get the door, but surprisingly Mrs. Wheeler got there before you could stand up from the comfortable couch, your heart pacing at an unstoppable speed, ruffling your top. Mrs. Wheeler opened the wooden door to find that same familiar, attractive face, both Mike and you peering on the side, roses in his hands.
”Mrs. Wheeler!” Steve kindly greets, handing her the bouquet of roses at the door, making her receive them with a soft grin.
“Hey there Steve- oh!” Mrs. Wheeler yelps when Mike harshly shoved you next to your mother, bumping shoulders with her, goofily grinning in front of him.
”Hi Steve,” You childly mimicked, but realizing the fool you made yourself look like, regretting your stupid action you made in front of your boyfriend.
As your mom signaled the brunette to walk inside the welcoming room, Steve lightly pecked your cheek, slightly bringing you closer to himself from the side as both of you solemnly walked inside the warm room. Watching the two of you, Mike made smooching and kissing noises behind you, kicking him in the shin, squeaks of pain coming out of your younger brother’s mouth in order for him to shut up.
And right as you saw Nancy slightly wave at him while walking off rapidly to find Holly for dinnertime, a sense of insecurity rushed in you. You leisurely shifted away from him, his eyes darting towards you knowing that something was up while Mrs. Wheeler rushed to the kitchen for the home cooked meal. Only 5 minutes in of the gathering and you were an anxious mess already, quietly panicking if anything else so terrible would happen, your fingers tapping the side of your thighs where they stood upon you.
“You know you can sit down right?” A gentle voice, your sister’s voice perked in the silence telling Steve. Nancy holding the little one in her arms, moved to sit Holly down as Mike lounged in the wooden chair almost staring you down jokingly to see your funny expressions.
Steve whips his head around, chuckling softly, pulling out a chair for you to sit in, “Yeah, this is why this is a dinner Nancy. You know, for sitting down and eating?”
A silence formed between the five of you, later on creating an awkward melody of chuckles being shared between Nancy and Steve, then turning away from each other, leaving this pit in your stomach at such uncomfortable state. Thoughts. Terrible thoughts rolled in meanwhile you sat which Steve offered to give you, Mike’s eyes widening while drinking the glass of milk being on the top of the table to try his best not to giggle.
Afterwards, Mrs. Wheeler interrupted the awfully weird silence with a fake, cheerful tone you knew wouldn’t be her usual self, carrying in the large plate with roasted chicken. She strictly ushered you and Nancy to bring in the rest of the side dishes from the kitchen out to the dining room as Mike and Steve chatted a little before your father strolled in to greet your boyfriend.
“Chill out Y/N,” Nancy places her thin hand on your left arm calmly, you turned your head around you understand what she was saying, “You seem tense, it’s okay.”
You scoffed at her comment jokingly, placing the bowl of greens onto the table when Nancy put the dish with fresh mashed potatoes as well. All of you took a seat, ready to feast, Steve clearing his throat to speak up, “Thank you so much Mrs. Wheeler for inviting me and for this wonderful dinner.”
“No problem Steve, ever since we met you with Nancy, you’ve been a great guy,” Your mother softly smiled, but changed her expressions once you shot your eyes towards her, “Anyways, enjoy the meal.”
Mumbles of thank yous and your welcomes being shared between one another, beginning to eat the delicious food for the evening. Shakily, you grabbed onto the silver fork, stabbing it into the chicken to eat it, the sound of plates moving around and cups being sipped, you decided to speak up, “Steve has been hanging out with Mike lately, they’re getting alone quite well.”
Your mother’s eyes widened, “Oh really? That seems like fun, having an older brother figure must be pretty cool knowing that Mike has grown up with a house full of girls right?”
Caught off guard from his meal, Mike hesitantly nodded while he falsely smiled, peering over to Steve for an agreement, “Yeah, Mike might be a little trouble with the rest of the boys, but he’s fun to be with at times.”
”A little trouble,” Your brother repeated jokingly under his breath, applying a mischievous look on his face, leaning back onto his chair, “I don’t think Y/N and Steve studying their human anatomy is-“
Before any reactions were being made from the regrettable comment your annoying brother made, Nancy slapped her hand across his mouth to shut up before he said anymore weird nonsense about you and your significant other. Steve worriedly glanced towards you with a beet red tinted face, almost wishing your mom hadn’t heard him while you stuffed your face trying to hide your expression.
“Michael what was that?” Mrs. Wheeler shot up a look towards your brother, laying her fork down with a confused face, “Human anatomy?”
In a stuttering mess, you tried to bring up some lame excuse to cover up along with Steve, you were sick to your core, knowing the stupidity that Mike claimed to be. It could be that your parents would say something terrible, you were flushed in multiple shades of red. You knew this dinner was even more terrible than expected, now your brother was making you and Steve look like a couple of fools, your hands sweating. Nancy chimed in to help between your idiotic stumbling, “It was this code name Mike used with the party and them.”
“Mmm yeah totally!” Steve wearily smiled, readjusting the hem of his red blouse he wore, watching you nod in response, a wave of relief washing inside you, “It’s the most oblivious things that are the most secretive, right Mike?”
Both you and Nancy darted a death glare towards the black-haired boy, who nodded rapidly under the threat of the siblings, “Yeah, Dustin was the one who made it up.”
”Kids these days,” Your father, Mr. Wheeler mumbles, slicing his part of the chicken in half with the butter knife as he shook his head.
Mrs. Wheeler humbly agreed, you mouthed a silent “thank you” towards Nancy’s direction, giving you a kind thumbs up later to kick Mike’s shin under the table, a quiet yelp escaping his lips for the second time. Later, feeling your hands gripping ever so tightly onto Steve’s large ones, being placed on your shaky leg.
Nancy brought up a conversation about an upcoming school event for the seniors at Hawkins High, Steve being able to catch up on the conversation. The mood was slightly calmer than it were before, things lessened up a bit as your harsh grip softened, feeling more balmy. Your boyfriend smiled, while looking off to your mom and dad who were intrigued by the conversation you were all having. Peace at last, worries washed away, it was okay.
Giggles and words were filled the large home, dessert was already handed out, Steve was on a roll to making your parents life along with your siblings, everything had merrily turned out great except the part where your mother talked about your embarrassing stories when you were little. This wasn’t so bad after all, Steve was definitely correct for once.
“Okay I have one more joke,” Your boyfriend sighed happily after the amount of laughter shared, your cheeks almost hurt from smiling too much. Steve set down his spoon then proceeded, “What did the grape say when they squished it?”
Everyone on the table shrugged, waiting for the hilarious response from him, Mike being close to burst into laughter before he said anything until Steve cleared his throat to answer, “Nothing, it just whined a little, get it?”
Once the joke was heard, your family surrounded the room with laughter, Mrs. Wheeler happily sighed after catching her breath, getting up to take the dessert plates back to the kitchen, picking one up at a time. Meanwhile your father and sister chuckled, you smiled like a freak towards Steve who was sitting next to you, holding your hand.
“See? I told you you shouldn’t have worried about his,” He whispers softly, giving you a light kiss, smiling as well, “You’re a lovely mess.”
You smacked his shoulder, earning a laugh from him, “I know I know, but at least I’m your lovely mess right?”
”Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” Both Nancy and Mike, your siblings chanted with cheeky smiles plastered on their face, being in front of you and overhearing your conversation. Steve leaned in and shut his eyes to peck your lips, suddenly you placed a napkin in front of you to avoid him, catching him off guard. Such small act brought your siblings to laugh at him, he shook his head playfully, sniggering along. Maybe this wasn’t so bad, this brought all of you together, it was okay, no, better than okay. I guess it was just Steve’s lovely mess.
tags — @samiyamuntaha @thepowerstoner @ughgclden
masterlist — request open
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Honesty Hour
Word Count: 3600
Warnings: Nada. Just sweet-as-honey fluffy tickles and Bucky love.
This one combines two prompts; one where Bucky and the reader are dating and he finds out she is ticklish from Loki, and one that's just pure fluffy Bucky. Enjoy!
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Bucky knew a lot about you.
Having dated for a few months now, not to mention living in the same building, he had quite a bit of time to learn about your little quirks. For instance - you only ate your cereal after you allowed the flakes to get soggy in the milk first for a few minutes. You hated the color orange, except when it was part of a sunset. You adored when he would kiss you on your forehead, but whined at him if he kissed you on the nose. That one always made him laugh.
Of course, he'd learned more substantial traits of yours as well. He knew you'd become extremely close friends with Thor and Loki, being from Asgard yourself. That your mother died when you were very young, but your father was wonderful, and you visited him at least once a year. You didn't celebrate your birthday because you had already had over a thousand of them, but you'd told him anyhow that it was April 12th. He sure as hell wasn't going to let you get away with not celebrating it this year.
The beauty of being in a relationship is that you're always learning something new about your partner. Whether you've been together months or years, occasionally you still discover a trait or a peculiarity that surprises you. And what better way to learn more about your partner than to watch how they interact with their closest friends?
It was a lazy Saturday morning, which for Bucky meant an early morning run in the frigid winter air. He enjoyed the sting of the wind against his face - in a way, it grounded him, gave him something to think about besides his tumultuous past while he exercised his legs. During the warmer seasons, you would often go running with the super soldier, but you hated the winter chill. Bucky didn't mind; on days like this, he typically rose before you woke in the morning and returned shortly after you'd emerged from your bedroom.
When he got back to the compound this particular morning, he shrugged off his jacket and wandered into the common room to see if you were awake. Unsurprisingly, he discovered you there, seated on the sofa in your pajamas, your phone in your hands, a mug of coffee perched on the coffee table beside where your feet were resting. Loki had joined you, a novel open in his lap, his eyes skimming the pages as the pair of you sat in comfortable silence. With an impish smirk, Bucky crept up behind you and placed his metal hand against the back of your neck, the vibranium icy cold from the outdoor air.
"EEAHH!" you shrieked, nearly knocking over your mug as you leaned forward on the sofa to escape the chilly metal. Bucky laughed in amusement at your reaction, causing you to whip around and slap playfully at his hand. "Bucky! You jerk! Your hand is FREEZING!"
"I had to warm it up somehow, doll," he teased, leaning over the back of the couch to press a kiss to your lips. He turned and nodded in greeting to Loki, who nodded in return.
The pair of them weren't exactly close, but when Bucky had started dating you, he found himself spending a lot more time with the two princes of Asgard, since they were such good friends of yours. He realized that he and Loki actually had a lot more in common than he'd anticipated, given their similar villainous histories. They never openly discussed it, of course, but there was a mutual understanding between the two men that the other members of the tower simply couldn't relate to. Bucky knew you and Loki had no romantic interest in one another, and it never bothered him to find you spending time alone with either one of the brothers. You assured him you only had eyes for him.
"Why don't you go warm it up when you take your morning shower, instead of torturing me with your ice cold fingers, hmm?" you inquired.
"Are you saying I need a shower?"
"Buck." You raised your eyebrows, shooting him a skeptical look. "I know your morning routine by now. Go, take your shower. I'll be here when you get back."
"Alright, alright..." He pressed a kiss to your forehead, earning a soft sigh in response, which made his heart swell. Reluctantly, he exited the room to go take that shower you were insisting he take.
Cleaned, warmed, and shaven, Bucky returned to the common room to rejoin his love. As he approached, he heard your giggles echoing through the hall. Quietly, he stood in the doorway and observed the scene he'd stumbled upon in the common room.
"Lohoki!! Cut it ohout!" you ordered, jerking your foot away from him on the sofa.
"I've asked you numerous times to move your feet out of my personal space. It seems I need to give you an incentive." His hand darted out and grabbed your ankle, scribbling with his free hand along the sole of your foot. You shrieked and burst into bubbly giggles, tugging your leg against his hold.
Bucky's eyes lit up at the sight. How had he not discovered you were so ticklish? He adored hearing your vibrant laughter, often telling you silly jokes just so he could listen to you giggle. This was simply charming.
"Hehehey!!" you exclaimed, kicking at Loki with your unrestrained foot.
"No complaints from you, dear. You should have listened while you had the chance." He caught hold of your other ankle, locking them both in the crook of his elbow before continuing to flutter his fingers along the bottoms of both feet while you squeaked and protested. Loki's eyes lifted from you to the doorway, a slight bump of his eyebrow telling Bucky that the trickster had just realized he was standing there. Loki shot Bucky a quick wink, returning his attention to you. "I always forget you're so unbearably ticklish - have you informed your super soldier lover of this?"
"Noho! Don't you dahare tell him!!" you demanded, although your tone wasn't exactly all that threatening.
"Why ever not? You love it when Thor and I tickle you," he queried teasingly, pulling you closer by your ankles so he could scratch behind your outstretched knees. You swatted at his hands with yours, although Bucky knew you had quite a bit more strength in you than you were using to fight for your release.
"Doho nohohot - LOKI you menace!!" You flopped your back against the sofa cushions in defeat, simply allowing the giggles to overtake you as Loki preyed on your ticklish knees. He continued to torment you for a few more moments before releasing you, chuckling as you immediately folded your legs close to your body and stuck your tongue out at him.
"Learned your lesson now, my friend?" he exhorted with a sly grin. You responded by picking up the throw pillow behind you and throwing it across the sofa at your mischievous friend.
Bucky took the opportunity to duck around the corner out of sight before you could turn around and notice he'd been hovering in the doorway. He made a mental note to thank Loki later for stealthily providing him with this little factoid about you. He wandered to the kitchen to prepare himself some coffee before returning to the common room, with you none the wiser that he'd witnessed Loki tormenting you.
The remainder of the day was just about as low key as the morning. No missions, no training drills, nowhere to go... these types of days were some of Bucky's favorites to spend with you. He delighted in being able to wrap you up in his arms and simply hold you for hours on end, doing little else of any consequence besides enjoying one another's company. You did get up and about for a short time to bake some cookies, but you hastily returned to the comfort of your lover's arms the moment they were in the oven.
The pair of you retired to bed a bit early that night, deciding to watch a movie from the comfort of your bed under the warmth of the covers. Bucky wrapped his arm around your shoulders, and you turned to lean your head against his chest as you draped your arm around his middle. The quiet sigh that left your lips tugged at Bucky's heart.
It didn't take very long for him to recall the events of the morning as he half-watched the film playing on the television by your bedside. He peered down at you resting on his chest. Your eyelids were drooping a bit, your breathing slow and steady, but a slight shift of your cheek against his chest told him you weren't quite asleep.
Bucky began to trace gentle patterns against the bare skin of your upper arm with his fingertips where his hand rested. You sighed, cuddling deeper into his side in appreciation of his kind and gentle touch. You'd worn a thin-strapped tank top to bed this evening, allowing him easy access to brush his fingers up over your bare shoulder and back down the outside of your upper arm. A thrill ran through his chest as he felt goosebumps erupting along the path of his fingers on your skin.
"Mm... that feels good, Buck," you hummed sleepily, pressing a kiss to his chest. He chuckled lovingly, placing his fingers atop the skin of your shoulder and slowly splaying them outward, delighting in the little shiver he drew out of you. You relaxed deeper into his embrace, eyes fluttering closed peacefully.
Biting his lower lip, Bucky innocently let his fingers trail down the back of your shoulder, sliding back up along the skin where your underarm met your back. He felt your chest rise and pause, holding in a breath until his fingers traveled back to the rounded part of your shoulder before letting it out slowly through your nose. The corner of his mouth tugged up into a sly smile as he repeated the same motion, this time a bit more slowly along the spot that made your breath catch in your chest.
"Alright, doll?" he asked innocently.
"Mmhmm! Why?" you inquired, your teeth gritted ever so slightly.
"Just seems like you're a little tense all of a sudden," he explained, returning his touch to your arm and shoulder where you'd relaxed earlier. It had the same effect this time, causing you to melt a bit more into his side.
"Mmno, m'fine," you slurred drowsily, repositioning your head on his chest to make yourself more comfortable.
Bucky waited a few moments for your defenses to drop before returning to his sneaky plan. This time, he traced up along the top of your shoulder, grazing along the spot where your neck met your shoulder briefly before returning along the same path. Your reaction didn't disappoint - your shoulders stiffened the moment the pads of his fingers found the skin on your neck, and you adjusted yourself against his side to subtly lift your shoulder a bit higher toward your neck.
He was trying desperately not to smile too hard and give himself away as he let his fingers travel higher this time, sweeping up the side of your neck to your jawline and back down to your shoulder. You actually flinched a tiny bit when his fingertips reached the delicate skin just below your ear, a sharp breath puffing out your nose.
"Sure you're alright?"
"Yup! J-just need to get more comfortable," you assured. He lifted his hand from your neck, allowing you to turn onto your side facing away from him, not even bothering to look at the television screen any longer. Bucky turned and wrapped his arm over and around your waist, pulling you into his chest with his hand resting on your belly.
He waited a bit longer this time, listening for your breathing to slow a bit more to indicate you were relaxed once again. He was pleased to find your pajama shirt had ridden up slightly when you shifted, his fingers now resting against the bare skin of your belly just above your waistline. When he was certain you weren't paying attention anymore, he innocently began tracing one finger along your waist, playing it off as an absentminded action.
You seemed to be having more difficulty hiding your reactions to his tender touch this time. Bucky grinned as he felt your muscles tense under his fingers, your ribcage expanding under his arm as you sucked in another silent breath and held it. Up and down his fingers traveled, and you released a tiny, nearly inaudible noise that he could only describe as a squeak when he drew too close to your navel.
"Doll, is there something you want to tell me?" he asked, adopting a teasing tone to his voice as he trailed one finger in circles around your navel.
"Damn," you whispered under your breath, realizing at last that Bucky was well aware of what he was doing to you.
"Sorry - I didn't catch that." He began to tickle his fingers gently along your lower belly with more intent, finally drawing out the giggles he'd been waiting so long to hear.
"Buhuck!" you whined, grabbing at his hand. He was amused to find you were barely making an effort to stop him, as he swiftly and easily dodged your hand. His fingers skittered along the side of your belly near where your side rested against the mattress, fluttering up over your bellybutton and around to the skin of your side.
"Why didn't you tell me you were ticklish?" he asked, feigning insult as he began to gently pinch at your side and lower ribs to draw out louder laughter from your mouth. "I had to find out from Loki? I mean, seriously!"
"Hehe told yohou??"
"Doll, I was standing in the doorway the whole time he was tickling you earlier," Bucky informed you, slipping his hand out from under your shirt and spidering up your ribcage. "I'm not gonna lie - this is the most adorable thing I've ever seen."
"I'm nohohot adorable!" you groaned, turning onto your back to try to block his tickling fingers from your ribs. Undeterred, Bucky merely scratched around the front of your lower ribs, quickly making his way to the other side of your ribcage to knead softly between your ribs. You grabbed hold of the forearm guiding his hand to your side, tugging at it weakly as your giggles evolved to louder laughter.
"Ooh, did I find a good spot?" Bucky shifted himself to hover over you, bringing his other hand to the mirroring spot on your other side and tickling you simultaneously with both hands. You threw your head back with desperate laughter, both hands grasping at his wrists without actually making much effort to pull him off of you.
From this position, he could fully see your face as you belted out ticklish laughter with every squeeze of his fingers along your ribs. The way your eyes squinted shut from the pressure of your cheeks lifting up, your nose scrunched with tiny crinkles along the bridge, a bright toothy grin on your face... god, how he loved making you laugh. You were beautiful to him always, but when you laughed like this, you were just radiant. And the fact that you weren't doing anything to try to make him stop was all the more endearing - you were enjoying this playfulness as much as he was.
"Where else are you ticklish?" he asked, returning his hands to your belly to scratch gently at the skin through your shirt. You reigned in your laughter a bit, clearly not quite as ticklish there as you were along your ribs, and gave him a playful look.
"Wouldn't yohou like to knohow?" you quipped.
"Uh, yeah, I would. That's why I asked." Bucky kneaded softly into your sides again, tickling his way up your ribcage toward your underarms.
"Oho noho! No wahay!" you exclaimed, clamping your arms down to your sides.
"Aww, come on, doll! I've gotta tickle you there now, you've got me curious!"
"Mm-mm! Nohope!" You shook your head defiantly, grinning like a fiend still as he settled for prodding at your ribs again. Bucky smirked mischievously at you, pausing his torment to kneel beside you and grab hold of one of your wrists with his metal hand. He slowly, teasingly lifted it up above your head to pin it to the pillow. "What are yohou - HEHEY! Noho, nohot fair!! Bucky! Wahahait!"
"Mm, nah. I'm gonna do it." He brought the fingers of his human hand down to the soft, pliant skin of your underarm, tracing just one finger in a circle around the hollowed space. You immediately shrieked, cackling as your feet pounded against the mattress in desperation.
"Wohow!" he exclaimed, taken aback by your reaction to such a gentle touch. "You're so ticklish, I can't believe I never knew this about you! What if I..." He brought his other three fingers down against the sensitive skin, ghosting his fingertips randomly around the small spot that had you writhing and shrieking under his touch. You reached over with your free hand and squeezed his wrist in protest, unable to form coherent sentences through your hysterical laughter. Laughing warmly, he relented, releasing your trapped wrist and allowing you to clamp your arm back down to your side.
"Buhucky you jeherk!!" You scooted back a bit to lean against the headboard, glaring playfully at your boyfriend.
"Oh, you loved every second of it. I know you've got more fight in you than that, don't try to deny it," he teased, pinching your knee teasingly. He grinned as he watched color blossom in your cheeks. "Thought so."
"Ohh... shut up, you," you growled, swatting his hand away from your knee. "I bet you're just as ticklish."
Your mouth dropped open a bit in surprise at his blunt honesty. "Bucky, you do realize that's not something most people willingly admit."
He shrugged. "It's only fair. I did just tickle you into hysterics." He winked, smirking as your cheeks flushed further.
"So, does that mean I get to tickle you back now?"
The excited light in your eyes and the happy grin on your face at the prospect of tickling your super soldier boyfriend chased away any chances that he might have told you no. He laid down on his back on his own side of the bed, lacing his fingers behind his head against the pillow.
"You know I can't say no to that face, doll," he groaned, a sheepish smile spreading across his face. You clapped your hands together eagerly, scrambling to sit on your knees beside him.
"Ooh, this is gonna be fun," you teased, going immediately for his exposed underarms. He jolted at the light touch of your delicate fingers, trying his best to keep from slamming his arms down to his sides to let you have your moment of fun. Smirking down at him as you watched his internal struggle manifest on his face, your fingers traced slowly down the length of his sides, your bright eyes unblinking, trained on his to watch for his reactions.
"I feel lihike you're trying to look into my soul," he jested, twitching as your fingertips dragged over a particularly ticklish spot on his sides. Grinning fiendishly, you paused there to scratch with two fingers on either side. Bucky released breathy laughter through his nose, slowly succumbing to the ticklish sensation.
"Oh, come on Buck, I want to hear you laugh," you whined, scratching with all ten fingers across his belly. He'd forgotten how ticklish he was there, bursting into deep, rolling laughter the moment your fingers flicked along the hypersensitive spot. "AHA! I got you," you teased, randomly skittering your fingertips around his abdomen.
"AHALRIGHT YOU WIHIN!" Bucky pleaded, unable to keep his arms up out of your way any longer as he brought them down to wrap around his midsection protectively. Oh, you maddening thing, dodging around his hands to tickle the spot below his navel, back up to the fronts of his ribs, evading his hands with expert precision.
"Uh-uh! Can't catch me," you teased, sticking your tongue out at the super soldier.
"Ohokay, THAHAT'S IT!" Bucky latched onto your sides with both hands, flipping you over onto your back and kneading his fingers into your ribs again. You exploded with ticklish laughter, batting at his hands.
"OKAHAY! I GIVE!!" you protested, sighing with relief as he ended his revenge. Bucky beamed down at you, your face bright with exertion. He pressed a kiss to your forehead, then each cheek, then one last kiss to your lips before collapsing onto the bed beside you in exhaustion. "You're cute when you laugh like that, you know," you teased with a grin.
"So are you." Bucky wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you in close with a firm hand on your belly. "Now, I'm exhausted, doll. I need to go to sleep."
"You say that as if I'm the one who started this whole tickle fight."
"It's not my fault you're so ticklish I can't even touch your belly without you freaking out," he retorted. You scowled, turning your head to bite playfully toward his nose. Bucky laughed at that, pressing his forehead against yours. "You're ridiculous."
"And you love that about me." You grinned, turning back over and settling comfortably into his embrace. Bucky buried his face in your neck, breathing in the scent of you with a happy sigh.
"Yes, doll. That I do."
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folklorelise · 4 years
Physical contacts
Levi Ackerman - (physical contacts ideas from @love-me-a-good-prompt)
Holding hands
At first:
— At the beginning of your relationship, Levi did not like having much contact with you because he was not used to it. You were always the one initiating the hand holding and he would just let you grab his hand. He would not hold your hand back and just let you do the thing. Then, instead of doing nothing, he thought he should be holding your hand back. What he would do was hold your hand really tight, too tight. You would not say a thing because you did not want him to stop holding your hand. But once, in his office, he noticed how your hand was red after holding his hand.
“Am I hurting you?” he asked worried.
After reassuring him that it was fine, he would just grab your hand softly when you were alone.
— First time holding hand with you was when Levi’s friends died, you found him on the roof starting at the starless sky. You sat next to him and gave him your bread from dinner. He did not take it at first but when he heard his stomach gargled, he took your bread and ate it.
“I’m sorry about what happened today, Hange told me. I’m... We are not friends yet, but I am here for you if you want to talk to someone. I noticed how people were... mh... mean to you but I’m here.”
He did not say much but he appreciated your presence. He continued looking at the sky and he suddenly felt a hand on his. He looked at your hand squeezing his and he was excepting you to let it go but you did not.
— After a few months of dating, Levi would start holding your hand in public too. And if anyone dared to tease you, he would kill that person by glaring at them until they leave. One night, you guys were in bed, holding each other’s hand, laying on your back, he slowly intertwined your fingers together. You looked at him with the biggest smiled you had, and it was at this moment he decided he would do that from now on because he loved seeing you smile like this.
At first:
— Like for the hand holding, he was not used to doing that. The poor boy never received any kind of physical affection since his mother died. The boy was touch starved, like really badly. You remember once, he was talking with Erwin in the stable and you decided to hug him from behind as a surprised - what a bad idea. He just took your arm and flipped you over, thinking someone attacked him. When your back touched the ground and he heard your voice, he was just confused. Erwin helped you getting up and now Levi was just embarrassed and upset with himself.
“What were you thinking!” he screamed.
“I just wanted to hug you.” you whined.
“Are you hurt somewhere?”
“No no! I’m good. I’m going to leave you guys alone, sorry if I interrupted something.”
You were about to leave but Levi just grabbed your hand and continued his conversation with Erwin. Holding your hand was a way for him to say sorry and please stay here with me.
— Your first hug was after he confessed his love to you, you were so happy that he liked you back you just wrapped your arms around his neck. The new Captain did not know to do so he just patted you head and let you hug him. One night, Levi proposed to you to sleep with him because “the bed is more comfortable since I’m a captain now and you wouldn’t have to move at night”. You were each sleeping on your side, worried that you would invade the other’s privacy. You fell asleep rather quickly, but Levi was still wide awake. He turned around and looked at you and in the dark, he allowed himself to smile. He slowly came closer to you and wrapped his arms around your body. He felt himself relaxed instantly after you were in his arms and for the first time since he was a child, he slept for a whole night without interruptions or any kind of nightmares.
— Levi realised soon enough that he liked back hugs. After that one unfortunate event, he learnt to appreciate them more and more. He would hug you tightly at night because that was the only way for him to have a good night of sleep. He would hug you more often in private but never in public. Sometimes, when he was overworking himself over paperwork, you would just hug him to make him stop working. He would just hug you back, his head on your shoulder and arms around your waist.
“Thank you for taking care of me.” he would whisper to you each time you did that.
At first:
— Levi was your first kiss, and you were his. After a few weeks of dating, he brought you to the roof with dinner already prepared. He was so nervous about messing up the kiss that he barely ate anything.
“Are you ok?” you asked.
“Yes. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“It’s just your plate is still full.”
“Not hungry tonight.” he whispered.
“You should eat, otherwise you would be tired and that’s not good for expeditions right.” You smiled giving him your bread. He opened his mouth and you fed him. Once you finished eating, he got closer to you and you would look at the sky together. The last time the captain did this was with his two friends from his old life. It brought back memories and that would bring his morale down a bit. You would notice how his little smirk disappeared.
“Are you feeling okay?” He didn’t answer and would just look at you, so you hugged him. After a good minute you backed up a little bit and looked at his beautiful baby face. You hesitated for a second and kissed him. He did not know what to do so he would just hold you close to him - he did not want this to end.
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— Levi would steal kisses every now and then if you were alone in a room. In public, he would give you a quick kiss on the head but that would be it. You on the other side, could not care less if you were in public or not. If you had to leave him, you would kiss him goodbye, a quick kiss on the lips. Sometimes, you would attack him with kisses on the cheek and he would just blush, but Levi never pushed you away because he liked these kisses.
At first:
— He would carry when you were too tired after trainings. As a part of his squad, trainings were intense. Your muscles were always sore after and you would just lay on the ground. Levi would just carry you to his private bathroom to let you shower.
“Noo, me too tired to shower!”
“You can’t stay in your own sweat, that’s disgusting.”
“Help me then!” you joked.
Levi did not hesitate a second before undressing you, thinking “if I don’t, she will never shower.” You froze on the spot thinking Levi would get your joke, but he did not. You watched him undressing you and carrying you in the shower. He looked at your naked body and left the bathroom quicker than Hange when she hears the word titan.
— At the beginning of your relationship, Levi would also often carry you to your bedroom since you would always fell asleep on his couch while he was working.
— Now that you would sleep with Levi, he didn’t have to carry you to your bedroom, he’d only carry you to his.
Back rubs:
At first:
— Your family and friends always loved your back rubs because you had long nails and it just felt good. One night, as you were in Levi’s bed, you started tracing letters on his back. He moaned softly and you stopped instantly.
“No, please keep going.” he begged.
So, you gently continued your back rubs and Levi never felt so good before. He fell asleep very quickly after that. Now thanks to you, he had two ways to fell asleep. He was too shy to ask you to give him back rubs at night, but you could always see it in his eyes. One night after an intense training session, you were too tired to move and Levi thought that he could give you back rubs instead. But you instantly moved away from him.
“Did I hurt you?” he freaked out immediately.
“No no!” you reassured him laughing, “It’s just I’m very ticklish and I hate that.”
— After a few good months of dating, Levi would always ask you to rub his back. One time after an expedition, you broke a nail, so you decided to cut them and when Levi found out he nearly passed out.
“How am I suppose to sleep now!”
“We can do other things to do to make you sleep.”
“Like what?”
“Come here.” you said tapping the spot next to you on his bed.
At first:
— After he found out about you being ticklish, he made sure to be careful around you. Because he still remembers that one time, when he accidentally nudges your hip and you just jerked away from him hitting your head against the wall.
— The only time he would intentionally tickle you was when you were sad. He loves your laugh so he would sacrifice himself just to hear it. Sacrifice because you would slap him and kick him in his balls (as a reflex) to stop him. But it was fine to him because you would always smile at him afterwards.
At first:
— Remember the day you cut your nails, well massaging him was your idea. Levi lay down on his bed next to you.
“Strip!” you ordered him.
Levi looked at you surprised but obey your order whiteout questioning you.
“You can keep your pants!” you screamed when you saw him taking off his pants. “Lay on your belly.”
Then you sat on top of his butt and started to massage his shoulders. Like for the back rubs, he started to moan softly just after you started. After thirty minutes, you stopped and lay down on top of him.
“Good night.” you whispered.
— Every time you would cut your nails, you would give him massage instead. Third thing you would do that made you fall asleep.
— You would give him massages when he worked late. You would usually stop him but sometimes it was too important for him to stop so you would just give him a massage.
Patting on the back:
At first:
— At the beginning of your relationship, giving a pat on your back was the only sign of affection he would give you in public. Levi would actually give you lots of pat on the back even before your relationship. It was the only kind of physical contact he could do without you finding out about his feelings.
— Now that you had plenty of other kind of physical contact, he would forget about that. You on the other hand did not. During some stressful meetings, you would give him a soft pat on the back saying, ‘I’m here’. You would always give him a shy smile too. Then Levi would just grab your hand and not letting it go before the end of the meeting.
Shaking hands:
At first:
— Your first handshake was when you meet the man. Erwin came back to the Survey Corps headquarters with three new people and you just happened to meet them.
“Erwin!” you greeted him joyfully. “Who are they?”
“New recruits.”
“Hello.” you said smiling and reached out your hand to the guy with black hair and grey eyes in the middle.
He started at you without taking your hand, but you did not give up. “Welcome to the Survey Corps, I hope you’ll like it here.” you smiled and after a good minute of nothing happening you started to put your hand down. But at the same time, he reached his hand and shake yours. His hand is rough but feels nice you thought. And Levi thought, her hand is really soft. He did not let go of your hand immediately, but Erwin coughed a little that meant ‘let’s go, you can do that later’, Levi immediately let go of you.
— You do not shake hands anymore; the first time was also the only time you shake hands. Whereas you never think about it, Levi did very often. He would always think about how soft your hand was and how small it was compared to his.
High fiving:
At first:
— Your first high five happened during one of your first expedition together. You just witnessed one of Levi’s kill and you were so impressed that you just keep on blabbering to him ‘congrats!!’ ‘You’re so awesome!’ ‘You have to teach me these moves.’ And then you would just hold your hand up facing him. He gave you a strange look and just watched you holding your hand up. Erwin came from behind and chuckled.
“What?” Levi asked. And like for your first handshake, you did not let go before a good long minute. He hesitantly took your hand and give it a weak squeeze. When he saw you laughing softy, he immediately let go of your hand thinking that you were laughing at him. He started to walk toward his horse, but you quickly reach out for his arm.
“I wasn’t mocking you. It’s just that I was expecting for a high five, not a hand holding session.” you smiled. He frowns his eyebrows and just kept going toward his house. Your turned around to face Erwin confused.
“What’s wrong with what I said?”
“Y/N, Levi is from the Underground and I’m not sure they did that very often.”
After a few more miles of exploration, the Survey Corps started to prepare the tents and a campfire. Levi and you had to bring wood for the fire.
“Hold your hand up like I did before.” Levi did not answer and continue to pick up wood. “Please.” you begged. He sighed loudly and did you what said and hold his hand up. You walked up to him and high fives him happily. He just looked at you with a face saying, ‘what the hell just happened’.
“I’m high fiving you because you did a great job earlier.”
— Every now and then, Levi would give you high fives after you did a good job. If your tea was good — high five. If your cleaning was good — high five. If you had a solo kill outside the walls — high five. He was happy to see you excited about giving him high fives.
— He would still give you high fives out of habit. You would always remember that one time, in front of the 104th cadets, Levi gave you a high five and then slapped your ass as you both walked in opposite directions.
Pinky swearing:
At first:
— Your first pinky swear happened after your first fight. You were both sitting on his couch, cuddling. Suddenly, you break away from him and turned around, holding up your pinky finger. And like the time for the handshake and high five, he did nothing and just looked at you amused.
“What’s that?” he asked.
“Pinky swear, it’s illegal to break these promises.”
“What promise though?”
“To never fight again, I hate that, and I hated what I said. I never want us to go through this again.”
He held your pinky with his and that was your first pinky swear.
— You guys would not make much pinky swears because for you it was serious. Therefore, pinky swears were only for important issues like the first one you made. The last one you made was after the 57th expedition. He got hurt and his squad died. You nearly died too, and he wanted you to promise to him that you would never leave him.
“I don’t want to promise something I can’t control.”
“Please.” he begged holding you close to him.
“I promise...”
“No, pinky swear.” he said holding up his pinky finger.
Playing with the other’s hair:
At first:
— You always thought Levi's hair was wonderful. Amazing undercut, amazing colour and really soft and clean. One night as he was sleeping you started to play with his hair. His hand suddenly stopped yours.
“I'm sorry!” you blabbered. “I didn't mean to wake you, I just...”
“I wasn't asleep, I woke up when you did.” he reassured you.
“You have really nice hair! I like the style.” he genuinely smiled at you and put your hand back on his head.
“My mom...” he took a deep breath, “She was the one who cut my hair. And now I cut it on my own.” Levi told you. He didn’t why he did, but he wanted to share these kinds of things with you.
“Well, you mastered the moves because it’s incredible. I could help next time maybe?”
“I’m good thanks. Now continue your thing with my hair — feels good.” he ordered you and closed his eyes.
You continued playing with hair until he falls asleep.
— The first time you played with his hair, you were awake late — that was rare because you slept very easily. During one of your rare cuddling sessions, you would often play with his hair. In his office, you were laying on your back, reading a book. After hours of cleaning, he would collapse on you. His head on your breast.
“Play with my hair please?” he asked. And you of course could not say no to him.
Sitting on the other’s lap:
At first:
— The first one who sat on the other’s lap was Levi. You were in his office, talking about your day but you could not stop walking back and forth. And when you sat on his couch, Levi run to you and sat on your lap.
“Stop moving, you’re distracting me.”
— Once he was in his armchair going through some of his paperwork. And you were on his bed, all alone. So, you went to him and sat on his lap, taking his paperwork.
“I can read to you and you can cuddle me instead.”
— He like having you on his lap while he was working in his office. He would love to have you on his lap during boring meetings, but you weren’t a Squad Leader, so you weren’t allowed to be in there with him.
— Now that you were in an established relationship, you sometimes would ask him to sit on your lap. The man was short and light therefore it was not a problem for you. And you would always enjoy having him around you. Him on your laps and your arms around his waist.
Putting an arm around the other’s shoulder/back:
At first:
— At the beginning of your relationship, not many people knew about it. Therefore, some guys would sometimes come close and start flirting with you. Most of the time, you were alone, so Levi never witnessed any of this nonsense. But what had to happen happened. You were in the mess hall with Levi, Hange, Mike and Erwin. And a guy named James sat beside you. Everyone looked at him thinking ‘what the hell’ because that was the Squad Leader/Commander’s table - except for you.
“Y/N, hi.”
“Hi.” you responded hesitantly.
“What are you doing tomorrow?”
“She’ll be busy.” answered Levi.
“I asked her.” James said bravely but instantly regretted it. “I’m sorry!”
Levi put his arm around your shoulder and brought you closer to him and repeated “She’ll be busy.”
— If you walked around the halls together, you would put your arm around his back and his would be around your shoulder. People would always stare at you because seeing their Captain Levi acting all PDA outside.
Resting their head on the other’s shoulder/chest:
At first:
— If you were sitting next to each other, you would always put your head on his shoulder and unconsciously, he would lean his head on yours.
— During rare cuddling sessions, he would always have his head on your chest because your breasts were comfortable.
— At night, it was either being little spooned by Levi or just sleeping on him, with your head on his chest. Listening to his heartbeat was the best melody you could be listening to.
Tapping the other to get their attention:
At first:
— Levi was not really affectionate because he never received any from Kenny, so he didn’t know what to do. If you were in the same room, you would always tap his arm to get his attention.
— You loved reading so if you start a book, you will not care about anyone else. Levi would just sit next to you hoping for you to put your book down and talk to him. But you did not. So, he would tap your shoulder softly and say, ‘pay attention to me.’ And of course, you would obey.
— After years of being together, you would just ask the other for attention. Levi would just say things like ‘pay attention to me now, that’s an order from your Captain’ or just scream ‘Y/N!!’.
hope you guys liked it <3
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sylverstorms · 3 years
Cassandra x Maiden----Anonymity Ch.2
Chapter 1.
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From a molten orb in the sky, the sun descends to nothingness and gives way to the pale light of the moon.
Another day has come to its end. And somehow, you’re still alive.
Still alive and still cleaning the massive library of castle Dimitrescu. It took you the entire evening, but you’re finally almost done. Only a couple more shelves to go and you can get some much-needed rest.
The cloth in your hand doesn’t slow for even a second as it rubs over every mahogany inch within your reach. You keep your eyes on the rows upon rows of ancient books and their decorated spines, to forget exactly how high up you currently stand.
You don’t think you could breathe normally if you look down. No, your eyes refuse to go that route…
That is, until something small and black dances in out the corner of your vision. An insect, barely the size of your pinky nail, decides this is a good time to distract you. It is not. You ignore the creature to the best of your ability, but its insistent buzzing around your head, closer to your ear every time, eventually drives you to madness.
You swat it off. Unsuccessfully.
The ladder gives a tiny creak in protest that sends your heart into overdrive. Fuck you, you think. This stupid fly isn’t worth the danger.
But then…
A painful sting comes at the crook of your neck, like a curved needle driven harshly into your flesh. It is more of a slash than a bite; your eyes immediately prickle with unshed tears, your back tenses so hard you nearly pull a muscle right there. Instinctively, you jerk and slap the creature off of you.
The ladder wobbles from the sudden movement.
Your fall becomes a certainty.
What a messed-up sense of humor the universe has. In a house full of killers, you muse, you’ll die from a cracked skull because of a bloody fly. It’s so pathetic it is almost laughable.
A rush of air whooshes behind you, followed by the sound of a thousand tiny wings batting. By the time you realize what just transpired, a familiar body crashes into your back, half pinning you against the bookshelves and half supporting you on the now steady ladder.
Of course. Cassandra.
You know it’s her because you recognize her spicy perfume and subtle hint of bath salts underneath its fragrance. You don’t want to, but it is a scent that has lingered in your senses longer than you’d like. Longer than makes sense, considering you haven’t seen her in nearly three whole weeks.
You don’t know if you should be grateful for her saving you, since she’s also the reason you damn near fell to your death.
How did you not think it was one of the daughters messing with you, you wonder, when you saw the odd fly? Then again, you didn’t think they were capable of remote controlling just one and so precisely.
“Hello again, Miss Delicious.” she purrs by your ear. “Miss me?”
You somehow fight off the shiver that threatens to roll down your spine. She’s far too close to your neck, while blood steadily oozes, warm and thick, out of the wound there. What’s worse is your hands are glued to the sides of the wooden ladder from the shock, with no hope of releasing it anytime soon. You can’t push her away. Not that it would have made any real difference, considering her strength. But the thought you just can’t makes the situation ten times worse.
You are helpless. You are prey.
Cassandra’s breath ghosts over your skin. The fabric of her hood tickles your ear as she leans in. She’ll lick the blood away, you think. You brace yourself for it. Just a quick brush of tongue –hopefully— and that will be it.
You are not so lucky.
As if this isn’t already too much, Cassandra adds her tongue into the mix. She licks you like you’re her ice-cream, getting a small taste at first, then pressing into the wound when it doesn’t supply enough blood to satisfy her. Your lips part soundlessly; you don’t want to know if the sound that would have escaped them is a cry or a moan.
Instead, you feel soft lips close around the injury, trapping the precious beading crimson there. A languid suck comes that seems to last forever.
Your stomach free-falls with how it drops. Your arms tremble for reasons beyond the strain you’ve put on them.
It hurts, but. The proximity, how she keeps her mouth on you and the way she’s starting to almost grind into your backside are so unbearably erotic the pain only heightens sensation. You are holding your breath, at this point, because you don’t know what is happening, if you like it, if you hate it –but oh God what is she doing with her tongue— if she’s killing you or having sex with your neck.
Lady Dimitrescu’s voice echoes throughout dark corridors to reach your ears. The sound is faint to you but it must be blaring for the daughter because she jumps, startled.
It is time for dinner and she’s late. the small part of your brain that still functions and hasn’t yet been reduced to a hormonal mess is quick to point out.
Cassandra lets out a shaky breath –growl?— past her teeth that feels way more frustrated than it sounds. For a second, you think she’s leaning back towards your ear as if to whisper a secret…
But then, the solidity of her form breaks into hundreds of buzzing insects. She is gone the next instant past the open doors as though a ghost, an apparition never truly there in the first place.
You stand on shaky legs, confused on all levels and desperately trying to catch your breath. You want to just get down from this fucking ladder and take a shower, then dress your injury and finally go to sleep. You want to forget whatever the hell this was and you do not want to see her unreasonably attractive face in your dreams.
Your legs don’t feel like they can adequately support you, but you clench your jaw and fight your way down regardless.
The long route is taken to the maids’ rooms, just to avoid going anywhere near the Dimitrescu family. Once you’re safely in your bedchambers, you shrug off your clothes and head straight for the showers.
The cool water does wonders for your body after the hours of work you’ve endured. Being in its embrace for a while, you think you’ve washed the day completely off of you. Yet as soon as you brace your arms on the wall, it’s like you’re trapped one hour back in time. Suspended mid-air with her behind you, her mouth perfectly fitted to the junction of your neck.
The faucet nearly breaks with the force you put into shutting it. This accursed family has already taken your life under their control. They cannot be allowed to take your thoughts, as well.
It takes a long time for your shivers to die down under the heavy covers of your bed. When you’re finally warm enough, exhaustion takes over. Your eyes droop shut and you fall into the world of dreams. Yet even there, it seems, there is no escape. No sanctuary to be found.
You are chased down corridors filled with gore, while insects nibble at your arms and back. Creatures with way too many rows of teeth groan and hiss and gain in on you. You don’t want to die. You don’t want to die—
Somewhere in the depths of your nightmare, you feel the bed beside you dip. A cold touch that you later tell yourself is just a leftover from the nightmare brushes over the fresh cut that’s reopened from you straining your throat.
When your eyes snap open in the darkness of your room, however…
You are all alone.
Meanwhile somewhere in castle Dimitrescu…
Cassandra steps out of the shadows to join her two sisters, seated opposite from each other on the luxurious couch and playing Snakes and Ladders. Of course, they didn’t have the decency to wait for her. Their mother is off to the side, smoking at the balcony.
Three sets of eyes briefly fall on the middle daughter and she doesn’t like it one bit. Daniela’s subtly heterochrome gaze lingers, her mouth twists into the shit-eating grin that signals only trouble and Cassandra knows to wrap her fingers –lightning-fast—around her neck before she can call her out for being late. Some things are just better left unsaid.
Except, Bela looks up at her under her hood and gives a little smirk. Cassandra can only really choke one of them. Don’t say anything stupid. She warns with her eyes.
Bela, the traitor, speaks up anyway. “Not like you to be late twice in a row, sister. Especially at dinner. What has you so distracted, lately?”
“You’re dead.” Cassandra mouths, fingers tightening around Daniela’s neck, who is trying, unsuccessfully, to hit her. Then, in her nicest voice, since their mother can now hear, she replies “Some of us have actual hobbies, Bela.”
“Sounds interesting.” the elder sister hums.
Cassandra makes the mistake of releasing Daniela to advance on her, but— it is a grave mistake. “Hobbies as in the huuuuman you’re thirsting after—” A swift elbow flies at the youngest Dimitrescu’s side but she blocks it. “Hey. Hey, Bela. What do you call something that’s both horny and hungry?”
“…Horngry?” Bela chuckles.
“Cassandra.” Daniela cackles and Bela –this fucking traitor— snickers. The brunette doesn’t even want to check their mother’s reaction—
Alcina drops her forehead onto her palm.
It’s decided. Cassandra is killing Daniela for the greater good.
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rustys-lodge · 3 years
Tummy ache.
Summary : You have a stomach ache and the boys are there for you. 
Warnings : description of vomiting. And Dean being a silly floof ❤
You breathed loudly, and painfully. Each breath that entered your airway made your throat tickle, and puke threaten to ornate the carpet with bits and pieces of that stupid bouncybuns king burger you ate yesterday. 
“Your tummy hurting a lot, buddy ?” Dean sat on the edge of your bed, patting your tummy gently before his hand trailed to your back to rub circles on it. 
Sam let out a scuff.
“What ?” Dean defensively replied, tilting his back to the side. 
Sam responded with a headshake and a quick shrug. So you decided to answer the eldest instead. 
“is your tummy hurting a lot, buddy ?” You mimicked his voice, earning yourself giggles from both of them. 
You smiled. You felt serene. 
“Yeah well, today’s an exception. My little buddy’s sick, i gotta be nice to help you h-” 
“I’m gonna puke.” You managed to warn him a second before vomit was all the way up your mouth. You slapped a hand on the latter, waiting for Dean to lift up the bucket. 
You puked, and Dean gagged. 
You groaned as soon as you were done, spitting into the bucket before laying back on the bed.
“Sorry, D.” You mumbled out and he just leaned his face forward in disbelief. 
Sam supressed a laugh , causing Dean to started shaking his head violently. 
“No, no, nn... You do...Uh..You do not get to laugh, Sammy, you’re not the one with the bucket of freaking digested bouncybuns in your hand.” Dean extended his hand out to get the bucket away from his face as he was already on his way to the bathroom. “I’m out.” the traumatized hunter kept muttering to himself. “I’m cleaning this and then i’m...out.”  
“Out ?” You innocently asked while irony danced in your eyes. “What do you mean , out ? But who’s going to heal me if you leave, Dean ?” 
“Isn’t she your little buddy ?” Sam asked. 
“Yeah, aren’t i your little buddy ?”
“The..Good thing about buddies, Y/n.” Dean covered his nose as he brought the bucket back to you. “Is that they do not have to be close, they do not have to be physically there for one another.” He explained as he put on his jacket. “And that is the kind of buddy i’m going to be to you today.” 
You’d think a man who kills and decapitates heads for a living wouldn’t mind a little vomit but- 
“I will pray for you from the bar stool” Dean hurriedly yanked the door open. “Now Peace out, bitches.” 
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jimlingss · 3 years
i have a request for something Taehyung! maybe taehyung christmas/holiday??? OR taehyung and the prompt "Give me attention"??? honestly i will take anything taehyung 🤩
↳ The Best Friend’s Older Brother Cliché
2.3k || 99% Fluff, 1% Angst || Kim Taehyung || Best Friend’s Older Brother!AU
Taehyung is your best friend’s older brother. 
It’s so entirely cliché that you cringe whenever you think about it, but it’s true and it happened…..you had the tiniest crush on him in high school. Okay— it was a big, fat crush. But you weren’t willing to admit it, not then and certainly not now. Mostly because it’s weird. Plus there’s the fact that it would be breaking the code of honour between besties. Sisters before misters.
The last thing you would want is to make Joy upset. 
But when you came home from college in the summer and Taehyung returned from his own studies abroad...you didn’t expect him to look like that.
“Hey, Y/N.”
Taller. Leaner. Better dressed.
Maybe it had just been a long time since you’ve seen Taehyung. Maybe you had gotten desensitized but the long period away from him made you hyper aware of his existence again. Either way, seeing him made you realize that he had very much become a man.
He was no longer just the unattainable, cool teenage boy that you swooned over but left behind nonetheless in your coming of age years. And that fact slapped you across the face.
You didn’t expect for him to be like that either.
To smile at you like that. To strike up conversations. To be interested in what you were doing, where you were going.
“What are you majoring in again?”
“Really? That’s super cool. I took one anthropology class when I was a freshman. Do you like it?”
“It’s not too bad. I think it’s interesting.”
Taehyung smiles faintly. “I always knew you were smart.” 
It was one date. 
You came over. Joy was abruptly called in to fill a shift at her summer job at the ice cream parlor.
“Oh my god. I’m so sorry. I swear I’m going to choke Jimin.”
“And then who’s gonna have to bail you out? Get going before you’re late.”
“Promise we’ll hang out more tomorrow.”
“Have fun at work!”
Taehyung happened to be there, hanging around the house, and he offered to drive you home.
“You really don’t have to.”
“I’m not going to make you take the bus in this hot weather, you know that right?” The corner of his mouth tugs easily. “Just get in the car.”
Except you both stopped to grab a small bite. A burger and fries. While sitting out at the park.
You’re not sure if that even constitutes as a date — there was nothing said about it, no mention made, all entirely too casual to be considered one. But it was the first time you and Taehyung were alone together.
Okay, if that counts...then technically it was two dates.
You and Joy went out to Jungkook’s party. She had a little too much to drink and the pair of you needed a ride home afterwards. Naturally, Taehyung was the one who picked you up in his car, begrudgingly, as Joy fought him before she laid down in the backseat, but he still flashed you that smile.
“Had fun tonight?”
“It was alright.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t end up going home with him.”
“You know. That guy with the glasses you were talking to on the lawn.”
“Namjoon? Oh no, we’re just friends.”
“Hmm. Is that so.”
After Joy was put to bed and tucked in, Taehyung asked if you wanted to stick around to watch a movie. You might or might not have cuddled into him during those three hours, but really was it cuddling? He just slung his arm over the couch where you were sitting and you leaned into his chest.
The two of you were just getting comfortable.
Alright, if that counts, then it was three dates but just three!
Taehyung asked you out personally, but it was to help him pick a gift for Joy’s birthday. He drove you downtown and you walked together in the streets, checking out boutiques before parading around the mall.
“What do you think?”
“Joy hates camo print and she doesn’t need another backpack, Taehyung.”
“Perfect! So she’ll love this then.”
He ended up getting a sweater she’d been eyeing for months.
When it became dark and you got hungry, instead of being dropped off at home, you went to the night market together on a whim. You snacked, had conversations and exchanged numerous stories. You still remember the laughter and how much your cheeks ached when you finally jumped into bed that night.
But before the summer ended, before you both left for your respective colleges, he wanted to talk.
“I had a lot of fun this summer.”
You eye him. “What did you even do this summer?” 
“Hang out with you.” Taehyung grins, eyes sparkling with mischief. “And I liked it.”
“Good. I might be hurt if you thought this entire time was awful.”
“I like you too much to ever think that. But...hear me out. What would you think we made things offici—
“We’re going to be super busy,” you interrupt in a panic, having a sense of where he was going with this. “...going to different schools and all that.”
You search his expression while schooling your own. Taehyung stays silent for a second and tries to read you. You’re not sure how successful he is.
“I’ll contact you, Taehyung.”
He smiles at that and eases. “Okay. Yeah. Sounds good. You can call or text me anytime.”
“Anytime?” You try to lighten the mood by shooting him an incredulous look. “I wouldn’t want to bother you.”
“If it’s you, it wouldn’t be a bother. Trust me.”
Except when you got back, you didn’t call him. You didn’t text him either.
You only saw him briefly when Joy would occasionally facetime him in the same room as you, when you were merely a figure in the background and Taehyung would ask who it was.
“Y/N, of course, who else?”
And you would give a small wave.
There were no conversations, no small talk, no exchanges of laughter. But it was better that way. Otherwise, you wouldn't know what Joy would say, how she’d react. You don’t even know if he’s serious about you. And you’re too scared to find out the answers to any of these questions.
It didn’t matter anyway. Deep down, you know Taehyung should be kept at a distance. You know it would be better if these feelings could fade away as a sweet, brief summer romance.
What you didn’t anticipate is to come over to the Kim’s for the holidays a few months later.
“Where are you going?”
Taehyung’s following after you, trailing at your heels like a lovesick puppy. “And don’t tell me you’re showering because you already used that excuse to avoid me today.”
You spin around, masking your startlement at just how close he is, and you frown. “I’m not avoiding you.”
The corner of his mouth tugs. “We shouldn’t lie to each other, sweetheart, even if you have the tendency to do that.”
You feel hot in your face from the pet name. “I never lied to you.”
Taehyung raises his brows. The both of you know then and there it’s a lie.
“My empty phone says differently.”
You cross your arms defensively. “I never promised I’d remain in contact. I was just...busy with classes.”
“Oh. Another lie again.” Taehyung grins, and he exhales softly causing a hundred goosebumps to raise along your skin when you feel the warmth of his breath. “You should really stop your bad habit, Y/N.”
You take a step back and he steps forward.
Before you know it, he’s cornered you in the dark hallway, staring at you intently before his half-lidded eyes flicker to your lips.
You swallow hard. “Go annoy your sister instead.”
“Why should I?” His mouth slyly curls. “I like you way better.”
For the entire duration of the break so far, the both of you have been sneaking around the whole time. From Taehyung instigating a game of footsies under the dinner table to whispering in your ear when no one’s looking to winking at you from across the room so quickly that you’d miss it if you blinked. You feel his affectionate hand on the small of your back when he slides by you, feel his gaze when his shoulders graze yours, and you feel the tickle in your tummy when his voice lowers into that seductive, husky pitch. 
During the summer, he was kind and friendly Taehyung. Cautious when it came to you. Hesitant to look your way.
But this time, he’s intensified. Flirtatious. Bold. Pulling out all stops.
Maybe it’s because he’s pissed that you didn’t contact him like you said you would. Maybe because he doesn’t understand why you’re restraining yourself, and he feels the need to push to know. Maybe because he suspects you know he likes you, and you like him — he wouldn’t be wrong. 
But either way, his new brazen approach was making you weak in your knees.
“Your mom’s coming,” you mutter while pressing your hands to his chest. You don’t know how or why he feels so firm.
“She isn’t. But even if she was, she’d be more than happy to know we’re together.”
“W-We’re not together, Tae.”
“That could change right now.”
“I...I can’t.”
His thick brows furrow. “Why not? I like you, Y/N, a lot.”
You swallow hard, feeling scrutinized under his heavy gaze. Taehyung’s beauty is lethal when he’s this close and you feel an urge to brush away the dark strand that’s fallen in front of his forehead from his neatly styled hair. It was a contrast to the casual hoodie and sweatpants he was wearing. He was handsome and cozy, ready to stop hearts or be hugged like a teddy bear.
It didn’t help that he was saying these kinds of things either. “I know.”
“I don’t think you do.” His voice drops a pitch. “For the past few months, I’ve been thinking about the summer and you. The entire time, I was waiting for you to call me, to text me. Do you know what that’s like?”
“We can make this work. I want to make it work, so don’t make me wait anymore.”
You gaze at him, breath hitched in your throat and your self-control meets its limit. You practically leap onto Taehyung, heart thundering against your rib cage, standing on the tips of your toes — all to kiss him.
It’s soft and unhurried. 
Taehyung is caught off guard, but then you feel his wide smile against you. Immediately, his strong arm reaches for your waist and he tugs you in. A yelp escapes your throat as your bodies become flush against one another. Taehyung’s other hand presses against the wall behind you and he tilts his head to deepen the kiss. His tongue licks into your mouth and you groan, wrapping your arms around his neck. He tastes like sugar cookies, smells like citrus, and absolutely makes your knees weak.
You’re not sure how long you and Taehyung make out for, swapping spit like horny teenagers without experience.
It’s not until you hear a— “what the hell!” — do you break apart.
Joy is standing at the end of the hall and you shove Taehyung away from you, wide-eyed. He stumbles back, equally surprised.
“I-I can explain!”
Joy’s jaw has gone slack and you realize she’s waiting for said explanation.
Taehyung looks at you and then at his sister, opening his mouth to rescue you from this mortifying experience. But his sibling beats him to the punch—
“Look.” She raises her hands and you brace yourself. She wouldn’t end your years of friendship over this, would she? Then again, you can’t blame her if she did. “You don’t have to make this weird. It isn’t weird unless you make it weird. So I’ll just pretend I didn’t see anything.”
“Wait.....what?” That was certainly not the reaction you were expecting. You think you’re more taken aback than she is. “You’re okay with this? You’re okay if we’re dating?”
Joy nonchalantly shrugs. “It’s not a big deal. You’re adults, so you can make your own decisions and I kind of had a feeling there was something going on anyway.” She smiles and looks at her older brother. “Taehyung, you’re way too obvious. The biggest gift under the tree is for her from you.”
He grins. “You caught me there.”
You’re shell-shocked at how unconcerned she is and seemingly supportive at that.
“You knew?”
“Of course I do. We’ve been friends for what, ten years? I knew you had a crush on my brother back then. So if anything, it’s about time.” Joy raises her fist at Taehyung. “You better not make Y/N cry or I’ll make you cry.”
He snorts. “Wow, thanks.”
“Anyway, continue.” Joy lazily gestures. “But we’re watching a movie in five so be quick.”
Your best friend leaves to the bathroom where she was heading to in the first place and you turn to Taehyung who has an amused grin. “Well?”
“I don’t know.” Your mind is reeling at everything that’s happening and how real this is becoming. “For some reason in my mind, I thought that would go way worse.”
“Is that why you were so worried? You didn’t need to be. Joy likes you way more than she likes me, so if anything I’d be the one getting the flack.” Taehyung smiles and leans in. “But does this mean we can finally make it official? Can I call you my girlfriend already?”
You sigh and lift your arms to loop around his neck again. He leans in for another kiss, but you stop short an inch— “Depends on what that gift under the tree is.”
Taehyung grins and before you can pull away, he tugs your waist into him once more. 
This time you kiss each other unabashedly. 
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akaashigiri · 3 years
Sleepy Jaegers
summary: eren and y/n are at a gathering at armin’s place, and their 2 year old is exhausted. eren is equally as exhausted.
pairing: dad!eren jaeger x fem!reader
word count: 1.69k
warnings: none, fluffff
a/n: sigh my baby fever possessed me to write this 💔 might make armin a father as well if people end up liking this one (i will anyway) 😋
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These gatherings were almost like a ritual to the group.
There wasn’t ever a specific place they met, they would always gather in different places, wether it’d be the beach, a park, or at one of their homes. It didn’t matter where it took place, just as long as everyone was there. Everyone was obligated to come.
So of course that includes the littlest Jaeger.
It was mid September, and although the weather wasn’t bad at all, some didn’t really feel like going out to public places like the local park, so the group decided on Armin’s new place, since Sasha and Annie still have yet to see it (their homes are farther from the rest)
They were all gathered in the spacious living room; Jean and Sasha on the long couch, while Mikasa and Armin sat on the smaller one. Historia and Ymir shared the beige-colored chair in the corner of the room, while Annie sat on one of the kitchen stools as she watched Y/N and Connie do the dishes (Armin insisted, but the two almost threatened him if he were to touch a dish).
As soon as Eren walked in, he all but restricted anyone from sitting on the big beige reclining sofa, claiming that he deserved it for helping Armin pick it out. Eren was grateful for going to Ikea that day with Armin to pick out the sofa he was now slouched on, recliner out and all. It was now his favorite spot in the whole house (besides the kitchen, since he loved playing around with the smart refrigerator).
As Y/N passed another dish for Connie to rinse and dry, she suddenly felt a tug on her pants, looking down to meet the tired eyes of her daughter.
She was quick to rinse and dry her hands to pick her up, giving all of her attention to the little girl. “Aw, what’s wrong Mimi? Everything alright?” She asked, already noticing the fatigue on her face.
She only snuggled into her mother’s neck, giving her the simple response of, “Tired.” Her vocabulary was fairly short, due to the fact that she was only 2 and learned her words from the ones around her (Eren got in big trouble the day Y/N heard the word ‘shit’ come out of her daughter’s mouth).
Y/N wasn’t surprised she got tired easily today, since Jean gave her more candy then Y/N would usually allow. And with the way her, Ymir, and Mikasa were running around in the yard earlier today, Y/N already saw this coming.
“You’re tired?” she asked again, earning a nod from the crook of her neck. “Okay, mommy’s almost done. Go sit next to daddy until I finish, okay?” She tells her, moving her head back to face her daughter again. Myra nodded, allowing her mother to put her down.
Walking tiredly, Myra slowly moved through the kitchen and made her way to the living room, spotting her father laidback in the corner of the room, limbs sprawled out on the sofa.
Eren wasn’t sure if it was the father instincts, but he was the first to notice her presence in the room, stopping the ghost story Jean swears is real to bring his full attention to his daughter.
“Mimi’s come to save us, everyone!” Eren exclaims, throwing jazz hands up as everyone joined and cheered her on for simply walking in. Jean didn’t like what Eren was implying, but clapped nonetheless.
“You’re not funny. Aren’t dads supposed to tell good jokes?” He questioned, attempting to steal a fry from Sasha’s plate, but failing miserably as she only swats his hand away.
“No Jean, I think it’s the other way around, they’re supposed to be corny.” Armin butts in, watching with a smile as Myra finally starts walking towards her father.
Eren could already see the fatigue on her face, holding his arms out for her once she got a little closer. “What’s up Mimi, you tired?” Eren questioned, laughing as she instead of answering, simply lifted her arms up for him to take her.
She responds with a nod, her hair falling over her face as she was lifted onto his lap. As soon as she was situated, she wasted no time in making herself comfortable, wiggling out of her dad’s grasp and laying her stomach down on his, her head right above where his heart was.
“Nevermind.” he sighs, making the whole room burst out into laughter. This only made Myra whine, the loudness distrupting her attempt at sleeping. “Sorry Myra!” Sasha whispered, finally giving a fry to Jean afterwards.
“I wonder what got her so tired.” Annie questions, making Jean sink into the couch out of guilt as Eren sends him an irritated glance.
“Jean went and gave her a sugar rush before we got here. It was absolute hell.” Eren’s eyes furrow in frustration as he remembers earlier today and how hard it was for him to catch a nap without his energetic 2 year old jumping all over him. All while Jean was happily eating lunch with his wife.
“Okay, but I didn’t know she wasn’t supposed to have that much candy! Kids eat candy like crazy, right?” He attempts to defend himself, looking around the room for support, only to be met with silence.
“Yeah, thing is she’s not a kid! She’s a toddler! Dumbass.” he mumbles the last part, hoping that Y/N somehow wouldn’t hear. But she always found a way how.
“Can someone please slap Eren for me?” She yells from the kitchen. “Stop cursing in front of Myra!”
Eren has no time to defend himself as volunteers step up to do what their friend asked, but Mikasa was the quickest, and Eren was even quicker. He swiftly grabs Myra’s frog blanket from the bag sat beside him and hids his face in it, saving it from the harsh blow of Mikasa’s hand.
“You’re lucky I didn’t miss completely, I just don’t wanna wake Myra.” she confesses, walking back to her seat.
“God, I cant believe we almost named her after you.” Eren groaned, blanket still clutched in hand.
“Mimi’s close enough for me.” She smiles, noticing the way Myra starts to squirm a bit. “Throw the blanket over her, I think she’s cold.” She suggests, bringing Eren’s attention back to the little girl on his chest.
Eren is quick to unravel the rather big blanket from his grasp and take it in both hands to bring it in the air, watching it fall perfectly onto her small figure. The blanket basically covered his whole torso, the end tickling his neck a bit.
“Thanks again for the blanket, Historia. She loves it so much, a little too much.” he says, feeling his daughter move under the blanket so that her little arms were wrapped around his torso as far as she could go. “She won’t use the one I got her anymore.” he says with a slight frown.
The group laughs again, but quietly this time, not wanting the little girl to possibly wake up in a fit.
“I wouldn’t blame her, to be honest.” Jean shrugs, giving Eren a knowing glance, as well as a sly smirk. He knows how mad Y/N would get if he were to disobey her, especially a few minutes after she scolded him. Since Y/N was only a few feet away, Eren aggresively sticks his middle finger up to the man. It’s not like Myra could see through the blanket anyway.
“Are you gonna finish your ghost story, Jean?” Annie asked, although she didn’t believe a word. She just wants to see him make a fool out of himself.
Jeans eyes light up, snapping his fingers together as he sits upstraight again, ready to go into full detail once again. “Right! Okay, okay, so right when I went to shave my beard...”
Eren let’s Jean’s apparent ghost encounter story fade in the background, focusing on the shallow breaths coming from his daughter. He felt himself getting a little drowsy himself, as if her sleepiness was seeping into him.
He doesn’t waste time lifting the blanket a bit to wrap a protective arm around her small figure under it, adjusting his posture on the sofa and crossing his ankles over one another. His let his neck sink into the back of the couch, letting his head go as well so he facing the ceiling. With the warmth of the blanket and the little girl under it, he couldn’t help but close his drowsy eyes as well, finally giving in.
A few minutes pass and Jean is done telling his story, but of course, no one believes him. All except Historia. “Thank you, Historia! See I’m telling the truth. Morons.” Jean rolls his eyes at the way Armin and Sasha curl up as they laughed, Mikasa and Annie trying their best to hold in theirs.
Jean soon notices the person who would’ve regurlarly had the most to say was being awfully quiet. Getting ready to scold him for not listening, Jean is met with a site he has to admit, is the cutest thing he’s seen all year.
Eren was deep in slumber, soft snores coming from him and the little girl that rested as peacefully as he did on top of him. The print of his arm around her could be seen through the green blanket, as well as both of their steady breaths. They looked so comfortable, it would be a pain for them to get up soon, which they would have to eventually.
“Awww, they’re adorable!!” Historia exclaims from the other side of the room, which seemed to catch Y/N’s attention all the way from the kitchen.
“What’s happening? Is something cute happening? Someone take pictures!” She exclaimed, wanting to abandon the plates and take them herself, but thinks that would be rather rude to leave poor connie alone.
“On it!” Sasha and Jean say in unison. Both are quick to pull out their phones, Jean getting the more unappealing angles, while Sasha actually put some effort into it and snapped a few photos.
These were being sent to every single person on her contact list.
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this was written at like 2 am sorry if there are typos i swear i reread 💔
also i’m currently working on a mob fic idk if ppl still like those but i most definitely do so watch out for that one :p
hope y’all liked this one lol
-aysha <3
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biggest-stupidhead · 3 years
hello love! can i request erwin x fem reader smut where they're quite the opposite, and after a mission they're tired and just fuck (maybe in the woods or something) because they're so stressed but also because they've been wanting to do it long before? like everyone feels the tension between them except they don't wanted to admit it? thanks! i love your blog. 🥺✨
Hey babes, of course! Thanks for sending this one in, I love writing for Levi but I need to switch it up sometimes lol. 
Warnings: lowkey hatefucking, intercourse obvi,  fucking in da woods, wrap it before u tap it!, unprotected sex. 
Summary: Erwin is selfish, but it’s okay because you are too. 
Word Count: 2.4K 
Your breathing was uneven as you hunched over, chest rising erratically. Your blades were dull and gas was running low, you tapped on the cans ruefully, the dull din signaling how empty the canisters truly were. You were just starting to regain your senses when the sound of hoofbeats startled you. Hange tugged the reins of her horse, the beast turned its head and bared its teeth when she pulled so harshly on the bit. 
“Excellent work! That was a clean cut.” Hange complimented as she smiled wryly down at you. You nodded and lifted your fingers to your lips and whistled for your own mount. 
“Thanks, it was a big one too. I’ll have to find the supply wagons though, gas is almost gone.” You said as you tossed the dulled blades off to the side and slide the handles of the gear back into the scabbards. 
“Ah you’ll have to work on that.” Hange said, her head swiveling to keep watch while you waited for your horse to return. A few moments passed before the sound of your horse trampling through the foliage alerted of its return. You caught it by the reins and threw yourself onto its back.  
“Let’s return to the formation then.” Hange said, once again roughly jerking her horse into the right direction, you close on her heels. The two of you rode through the trees at break neck speed, trying to make up for lost time. You finally managed to make out the sight of Erwin and Levi, their own steeds galloping back in the direction of the wall. 
“What’s going on!? I haven’t caught my titan yet!” Hange wailed when you reunited with the other pair. 
“Too many casualties.” Levi quipped, expression sour and hands bloodied. You rolled your eyes and clutched the reins harder. 
“We just need a few more minutes, let’s not call it off yet.” You insisted and Hange exclaimed excitedly at the shared sentiment. 
“Won’t be possible, we can’t risk loosing more lives. There’s been enough bloodshed for one day.” Erwin’s voice was tense and his blue eyes were icy as he shot you and Hange down. 
“I don’t see why it matters, if we already have lost most of our men...why not push onwards?” You weren’t sure if you really felt that way, or if you were looking for a fight. You were well aware of how Levi felt about losing his men, and how little Erwin truly cared about loosing lives. You knew that was what separated the two of them, Erwin only cared for his own selfish goals, although he hid it well. Levi on the other hand truly cared for the soldiers, and wanted victory for humanity. 
“Shut your filthy fucking mouth.” Levi hissed, gunmetal eyes dark and jaw tense as he bit back his words, waiting for Erwin to tell you off. 
“We simply don’t have the means at this time.” Erwin said simply, eyes trained forward. You glowered at him, you couldn’t deny that you held some malice towards him, for his seeming lack of empathy towards his men. But could you blame him? You had joined the scouts for your own selfish desires as well, he just had the power to ensure that his desires were acted upon. 
“Very well.” You growled, leaning into your horse’s neck as the four of you picked up the pace. Erwin lifted a flare gun and fired the signal into the air for retreat. 
The march into the gates and through Shiganshina was brutal as always. The citizens murmured of their wasted tax dollars and the waste of human life. You silently agreed with them, glaring at the back of Erwin’s perfect blonde head. You wanted nothing more than to scream at him, maybe even slap him, then you’d fuck- wait no. Not that last part, you shook your head in an attempt to rid the vulgar thoughts from your mind. 
The castle was notably vacant when you arrived. Having lost so many men, the grounds were less busy than usual. You wandered around, having already put your horse away and assisted with the unloading of the excess supplies. You were grateful for the summer breeze, the last rays of light poking through the trees. You wandered off towards the thicket of trees that rested between the castle and the mountain range beyond. 
The sounds of the forest seeped into your bones and reminded you of your home, your family, why you had originally agreed to this regiment. You were so caught up in your own thoughts, you almost didn’t hear the twig snapping off to your right. You whipped your head towards the noise, catching the flash of blonde hair and a stark white dress shirt. 
“Following me?” You growled, turning to face him fully, Erwin’s cold blue eyes shone in the dim light. 
“To an extent.” He shrugged nonchalantly and you bristled at the admission. 
“Come to ravage me?” You pushed, wanting a reaction from the usually stoic man. 
“Not exactly.” 
“Then what? You men are simple creatures after all, only so many motives behind your dull eyes.” You bit, unable to keep the frustrations from your tone. Erwin’s thick brows pinched together at your words. 
“I came to tell you that....I want you to be a squad leader.” Erwin’s jaw ticked as he waited for your response. You let out a scoff of disbelief, eyes shining with mirth. 
“Why? Because I showed a fraction of the coldness that you display?” You hissed, marching across the small amount of space between you and attempted to get in his face. Although it was difficult seeing as how tall he stood. 
“Precisely.” Erwin’s voice was a bit airy, eyes now seeming to shine with something besides the cunning that usually resided in them. You narrowed your own eyes and let loose a growl fisting the front of his shirt as you considered your options. 
If you accepted the position, you would be no better than him. But then again were you really any better in the first place? 
“I’ll do it.” You released him and took a step back, determination gleaming in your eyes. 
“I knew that you would.” He smirked, lips curling into an annoying grin, making your stomach flip. 
“Could this not have waited until morning?” You asked, eyes drifting to the last glimmers of sunlight that spotted the forest floor. 
“I suppose it could have...but I wanted to see you before then.” You wrinkled your nose in disgust, earlier suspicions proving true. 
“Oh really?” You huffed with a dramatic roll of your eyes. Erwin’s expression darkened, and he took. a step forward, invading your space. You stood as tall as you possibly could, not wanting to let on how nervous you really felt in his suffocating presence. 
“I wanted to ask you...why you are so bent on challenging my authority.” It wasn’t a question, more of a statement, putting you on the ropes. You glowered at him, his chest bumping yours, prompting you to take a few healthy steps back. Which you did, until your back met the rough bark of an oak tree. 
“Why should I listen to someone who holds no regard to human life?” You snarled in response, but it felt more like a yelp, your heartbeat picked up as his hand gripped the tree, trapping you between his towering figure and the large tree. 
“I can’t help but wonder if it could have something to do with the way you stare at me….” His breath tickled your face as he craned his head down, your cheeks lit up as you blushed. 
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You denied, although it was true, you had developed a bad habit of seeking out his form in the dining hall. Watching him too closely during meetings. He was attractive, that was an undeniable fact, but the resentment that you held for him had always prevented you from seeking out anything more than the professional relationship that had been established. 
“I know you do, I’ll only offer this once and never again. I’ve had this on my mind for a while now, if you aren’t interested then we can pretend that this never happened.” He paused, gauging your reaction as you looked up at him in shock. 
“I want to fuck you. Right here.” He pointed his finger towards the ground and his eyes flashed with an animosity you’d never seen before. 
“H-Here?” You stammered, unsure of what to think, but the ache between your thighs was quickly overcoming your senses. 
“Yes.” His other hand slid up your side and rested over the strap of your gear over your breasts. 
“What will it be then squad leader?” He hummed as he toyed with the buckle. You swallowed thickly but managed to nod curtly, not wanting to verbally admit your attraction to your commander. 
“Use your words.” He ordered, tugging harshly on the strap, pulling you flush against his chest. You gasped, head tilting up to meet his cold gaze. 
“I….want you to fuck me commander.” You grew more confident with each word, and you could see the pleased smirk curling over Erwin’s features. 
“Glad we finally agree on something.” He huffed, fingers easily unbuckling the strap and then deftly unbuttoning your blouse. As he did so he walked you back against the tree, he left your shirt on, instead favoring unbuttoning your trousers. You gripped his jacket as he slid his hand down to cup your pussy. He chuckled at how wet you were, his large fingers gathering your slickness before slipping into you. You let out another gasp and pushed his jacket off of his shoulders, he withdrew from you to help you undress him as well. You only got to undo his pants before he pressed his lips to yours, tongue pushing past your lips.  
He leaned down and scooped you up, hands supporting the backs of your thighs as he used the tree to keep you steady. Your head hit the tree roughly as he continued to attack your mouth, you could do nothing but open your mouth to meet his lips. He slid one of his hands up and gripped the waistband of your pants, pulling them just below your knees, it was a bit of a struggle due to the position he had you in. But you got there eventually. The air felt cool against your exposed sex, and you found yourself blushing crimson as he pressed you harder into the tree so that he could free his cock. You bit your lip in anticipation as he finally managed to pull himself free of his pants. 
He pulled away from your lips, eyes lidded and clearly focused on lining himself up to your entrance. You hissed when the head of his cock slid effortlessly along the length of your pussy. Finally he pressed the tip inside of you, pausing as he shifted to grip both of your thighs and gain better leverage. 
“Erwin please.” You whimpered, rocking your hips in an attempt to get him to fully sheath himself. 
“Beg for it.” He hissed, breath hot against the shell of your ear before his tongue darted out and licked a stripe up the side of your neck. 
“I-I need you so bad, please I need you to fuck me.” Your hands clawed at his shoulders as you used your core to keep yourself upright and legs spread for him. 
“Good girl.” He growled, finally snapping his hips and sheathing himself in one thrust. You groaned at the fullness, walls stretching to accommodate his size. His own breathing seemed to grow more erratic as he began to rock his hips back and forth. Your back burned from the friction of rubbing against the tree behind you. There was no doubt about you having some kind of scratch in the morning. 
You threw your head back against the trunk of the tree as he picked up the speed, hands roaming up from your thighs to your ass, you clenched your legs to wrap around his waist. Your muscles burned but the coil that was building in your stomach kept you motivated, wanting nothing more than to cum over his cock. 
He grunted as you twitched around him, his hips somehow seemed to gain more speed, nose burying between the space between your neck and shoulder. You felt him leave a wet kiss there before sucking harshly on the skin. You tilted your head in the opposite direction, giving him more room as he lapped his tongue along the newly exposed skin. 
“E-Erwin I think that-” 
“Wait.” He snarled against your throat, biting it a bit roughly, you moaned wantonly at the action and dug your heels into the small of his back. His cock stroked along the rigid spot inside of you and you nearly screamed, barely containing your orgasm as he had asked you to. He struck that spot relentlessly, hips meeting yours harshly as he pounded into you. 
“Just like that.” He groaned as he pushed you flat against the tree, using all of his strength to keep you there as he drove into you. 
“Please Erwin let me cum.” You sobbed as he bit your collarbone, his dick twitched inside of you at your plea, he pulled back, icy eyes locked on your wrecked face as tears rolled down your cheeks. 
“Only since you’ve been such a good girl.” He growled, and reached down between your legs, you tightened your grip on his shoulders to make up for the lost support as he pressed his calloused finger to your throbbing clit and rubbed tight circles. Your legs twitched as you felt the coil snap and your cunt clamped down around his dick. He hissed at the sudden tightness and groaned as he came as well. You felt the warmth trickle out of you as he pulled away. He held you up as you shook, coming down from the high he had given you. 
“See what we can do when we work together?” He chuckled darkly, hand toying with your bra as you clung to his neck. 
“Keep dreaming eyebrows.” You huffed, pulling away from him and shakily pulling your pants up. He tucked himself back into his pants and picked up his jacket from the forest floor. 
“See me in my office tomorrow and we will discuss your promotion.” He called after you as you marched back towards HQ, cheeks burning from the interaction you’d just had with your commander. You threw your hand up dismissively, trying to ignore the dark chuckle he let out when he saw how flustered you were. 
Maybe he wasn’t all that bad after all….
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elsanna-shenanigans · 2 years
December Contest Submission #10: Echoes of You
Words: ca. 5,500 Setting: modern AU Lemon: no Content: n/a
Murky light filtered into the apartment through sheer damask curtains. Another grey morning, full of clouds that blocked the sun but refused to provide any rain. Existing in a state in between. 
Anna could relate. 
Nestled in bed, she blew out a noisy breath through her mouth, staring up at the ceiling. Familiar patterns and faces morphed in the plaster before fading again, like the hazy pieces of her dream. The phantom touch of a hand clasped in hers lingered; Anna hadn’t seen the face, but she knew who it belonged to. All that remained of the dream were uncomfortable remnants, squirming in her chest like the last bitter dregs of coffee at the bottom of the cup. 
In a perfect world she’d be able to press skip on this whole day. And the rest of the year. 
Shimmying further into her bedding, she willed herself five more minutes of sleep. A memory came instead.
“Rise and shine little sun.”
The honeyed voice tickled her ear, giving her the best shivers. Anna burrowed further into the pillow stubbornly. “You can give me all the cute nicknames you want, you’re not getting me out of bed before ten.”
A chuckle vibrated against her ear and Elsa’s lips pressed there in a teasing kiss. Jesus, she didn’t play fair. 
“Are you sure?” She withdrew and Anna instantly felt colder for it. “I suppose I’ll have to shower alone then,” Elsa said with a sigh. 
An image of Elsa, naked in the shower, bloomed vivid in Anna’s mind; those supple curves warm and slippery with vanilla mint soap. 
“I’m only doing it for the environment”, Anna grumbled as she let Elsa pull her out of their bed, still sinfully warm with sleepy body heat. 
“Yes, we must think of the drought,” she agreed, highly amused. Anna latched onto her from behind with a squeeze, mashing her cheek into Elsa’s shoulders and forcing them into an awkward stumble to the bathroom. Elsa’s musical laugh followed them the whole way.  
Anna threw back the covers forcefully, dispelling the memory. She wouldn’t get any warmth or sleep by staying in bed. 
After a quick shower Anna threw on some leggings and an oversized, cream cable-knit sweater. She brushed on mascara and a dab of lip gloss, foregoing her usual plaits in favor of leaving it down, content with the slight wave it kept from her braids the night before.  
She was due to meet Brooke at eleven thirty. Lunch, shopping, then whatever else they could think of for a day of “purposeful distraction”. Her best friend had reminded her many times over the last week that participation was not optional. After the disaster of a Christmas two years ago, Anna wasn’t in a position to disagree. 
Giving herself a once over in the bathroom mirror, Anna thought she looked pretty decent, all things considered. As long as she ignored the drawn pallor of her face and the glow she used to radiate which gave her eyes a vibrancy she’d been missing for awhile. Slapping the light switch off plunged the room back into darkness, where she could pretend she wasn’t drifting like a ghost through her own life. 
Grabbing Chelsea boots and a burgundy, sherpa-lined denim jacket from the hall closet, she shrugged it on while running an eye over the apartment. Going all out for Christmas was more effort than she felt up to these days, but a few tokens of the season made it out of storage. Some knickknacks and yule goats, a Douglas fir with a few unfortunate bald spots…
The advent calendar on the mantle. 
Every window up till the fourteenth was open, little paper shutters displaying empty cubbies. The last twelve remained sealed, undisturbed tombs standing as monuments to time she and Elsa never got. Anna refused to touch it after she left, except to put it away and take it back out again the next year. They always opened them together. 
Anna shouldered her purse with a sigh and scooped her keys out of the bowl on the console table, ignoring the familiar throb in her chest. Tapping the small yule goat next to the bowl twice on the nose, Anna hustled out the door.
She didn’t bother taking her car; it was pointless to drive the five minutes to the center of Noralund only to hunt for parking all day. Even their small town drew crowds on Christmas Eve. Anna turned out of the complex, stuffing her hands into her pockets as she started towards Main Street. It was a little chilly, but nothing compared to December on the east coast.
As likely as a heat wave in Antarctica, Anna still wished it would snow here. It actually had, once. Fifty years ago a freak storm over the northeast mountains had blown in just enough snow to last a day before the Southern California sun melted it. Locals still talked about it, still had the newspaper clippings from that winter.
It didn’t feel like Christmas without snow. Just like Anna didn’t feel like herself without Elsa. 
She was a block away from the marketplace when she caught a whiff of gasoline from the corner station. It was that specific flavor of fuel that Anna loved. She inhaled, smelling the fateful summer they’d driven across the country looking for a place of their own. They’d pulled into this gas station on a hot august afternoon to fill up before reaching Malibu. While grabbing snacks they’d been directed towards Freya’s for lunch. Lunch turned into dinner, which turned into an overnight at the local bed and breakfast. Five years later, they were still here. Well, Anna was. 
She got to the end of the block and pulled up next to a pair of statues: one large, minimalist horse and a goat. Half a dozen of the six foot Swedish horses were scattered around town— dalahäst in traditional red, blue, yellow, black and white with rosemaled detailing. Plus the pink one outside Alison’s candy shop. During Advent they were joined by Julbocken— Swedish Christmas goats. Made from straw and bound in red ribbon, they had large curving horns that touched their back — exact replicas of the ones she had at home, albeit a much larger version.  
Anna reached out to give each a double tap on the nose with middle and ring finger as the crossing light turned. 
Is that your version of knocking on wood now?
Elsa had been amused by the habit, and sometimes Anna found herself doing it just to receive the indulgent look of fond adoration Elsa reserved just for her.
Anna pushed open the door to Maggie’s Bar and Bistro, scanning the crowd for Brooke. Spotting her by the window, Anna smiled and started over, weaving around tables and patrons. 
Brooke Nyugen had been her best friend almost from the moment they met at a wine and paint night hosted by the local art studio. She’d been on a date with Elsa at the time— likewise, Brooke was there with her she/they girlfriend Sam. They’d bonded after a few glasses of red over the mutual despair of girlfriends who’d totally handed them their asses in the ‘paint’ portion of the evening. The rest was history. 
As much as she loved them, it was hard being the third wheel now. Hanging one-on-one was easier. Lying to one friend at a time was easier. Anna was typically an open book, but there were some things she couldn’t tell anyone, even Brooke. 
Like the fact Elsa wasn’t only her girlfriend. It wasn’t as if the world handed you an incest pass because there was a ‘step’ between you.
Many years ago, when Elsa was eight and Anna was five, their (respective) mother and father met, choosing to blend their families and settle in a suburb of upstate New York. Right from the start, she and Elsa got along like a house on fire. Things were normal in their household, until Elsa turned thirteen. That year puberty hit Anna’s stepsister like a freight train; she went from one of the prettiest ducklings to the most knock-out gorgeous swan by the time high school was over.
And she got magic. 
It might’ve seemed horribly unfair, if Elsa hadn’t also been one of the kindest, most loving, thoughtful people ever. And she adored Anna. When ice first shot from her fingers, and the subsequent freak out made it snow inside her room, it was Anna she went to. It was Anna who turned Elsa’s panic into relief with her awe and unrestrained enthusiasm. Keeping it hidden from their parents, they carried on in secret together, testing and playing with Elsa’s magic, much to Anna’s perpetual delight. 
They remained inseparable as they got older, when teen angst and a three year gap might otherwise have pushed them apart. Whether just the two of them or hanging around Elsa’s older friends, space was always made for Anna. It was little wonder she never stopped idolizing her stepsister. 
When friends Anna’s age started gossiping about who they found attractive, she still only had eyes for Elsa. Initially, it seemed innocent; it was simple, if zealous admiration that made her eyes linger on her stepsister, and put a flush in her cheeks when Elsa was around. By the time Anna realized what she’d actually been feeling for her step-sibling, Elsa was already away at college and she kept that revelation to herself.
After finishing her own degree, Anna joined Elsa in a tiny apartment in Manhattan, trying to find a job with her BA in graphic design. Their parents, meanwhile, announced their intention to spend retirement back in Norway. At the end of the summer Anna turned twenty three they were firmly ensconced in Oslo, a convenient ocean away from all the problematic feelings she still harbored.
Christmas Eve that year Anna finally worked up the nerve to kiss Elsa under the mistletoe. Stopping her as they passed under it, Anna went in for little more than an innocent peck before her courage deserted her. When she pulled back to see the blank look on Elsa’s face, Anna was certain she’d just ruined everything. Right as she’d opened her mouth to grovel, to apologize and take it all back— possibly blame it on the extra strong batch of eggnog— Elsa had cupped her face between her hands. 
“Are you sure?” Elsa breathed, looking dazed. She kept dragging her gaze away from Anna’s mouth to her eyes like she was fighting a magnetic pull. 
Anna paused, giving the question the consideration it deserved; as stepsisters, there was one part of the word that would always carry more weight. Did she want to be with Elsa, knowing it could make their life difficult? 
Fuck yes.  
She bit her lip, staring at Elsa’s, tasting her still. Reeling at the fact she’d gotten to. “I’ve wanted to do that for a long time,” she admitted in a whisper. “And… I’d like to keep doing it… if you want that too. I want this.” 
Elsa responded by claiming her mouth in a kiss that left no room for doubt, and Anna stumbled back, happily pressed between the wall and Elsa’s exquisite curves. 
After that, Elsa had quietly taken her mother’s maiden name again; Anna Nilsen and Elsa Larsson left for California the next summer. 
Brooke finally looked up from her phone, grinning wide when she saw Anna. 
“Get over here you fabulous bitch.” She stood to give her a squeeze that lifted Anna’s heels off the ground and forced the breath from her lungs. Anna hugged her back with equal force. Hard as it was being social, she needed this.
“You’re one to talk,” Anna said as they sat. Their brunch mimosas were already on the table. “You’re like, literally glowing.” She narrowed her eyes playfully. “What’s up? Is there some big news I should know?” 
Brooke shifted in her seat, fiddling with the stem of her glass. Her expression made a peculiar dance between excitement and hesitation. “Welllll…” she drawled until Anna raised her eyebrows impatiently. “Sam proposed. We’re engaged,” she blurted. 
Anna grabbed for Brooke’s hands, shaking them excitedly even as her heart gave a small pang. “Oh my god, Brooke that’s amazing! Tell me everything! Wait, let me see the ring—“ turning Brooke’s left hand in hers, Anna angled it so she could see her ring finger. A half-carat diamond gleamed up at her from an elegant solitaire band. 
“Really? You sure you want me to bore you with all the details?”
Anna froze, glancing up at her best friend like she’d grown a second head. “Uhm…yeah? Why wouldn’t I?” She already had a feeling by the sinking in her stomach what this was about, why Brooke was suddenly being weird. 
“I just… I know what today is and I didn’t want it to feel like… I was rubbing it in your face or something.” She shrugged helplessly. 
There it was, the ghost in the room. 
Anna tugged on their hands and held Brooke’s gaze. “Hey, don’t do that. You don’t have to censor yourself for my sake. I want to be able to celebrate good stuff like this with you. I promise.” She would just have to deal with the quiet echo of pain it caused, seeing their happiness. It was far better than the alternative: watching them both inevitably drift away because Anna had invited distance and given them no choice. 
“Okay.” Brooke gave her a dangerously soft look. “You know, if you want to talk about… anything today, we can.” 
An unspoken ‘we miss her too’ filled up the space of their little table. It wasn’t usually something they discussed aloud unless Anna brought it up first, and that didn’t happen until she’d had enough alcohol to take the sting out of reminiscing. Anna swallowed hard, searching for a polite way of saying ‘thanks, but no fucking way’.
They were interrupted by the waiter and Anna could have kissed him for his timing. Orders placed, Brooke brought her up to speed on the engagement. “So, you’ll be my Maid of Honor right? Otherwise I’ll have to choose my cousin, and you know how much the worst Sarah is.” 
“Of course, I’m super honored to be the only option besides your messy cousin.” 
“Good. Last year she started singing “All By Myself” at the Christmas party, on top of the dining table. Before dinner.”
Anna snorted; she could picture that in disturbing detail. “Well, as your best friend I’m pretty sure I don’t have the right to refuse anyway.”
“Thank god for that.” Brooke raised her mimosa and tapped it against Anna’s with a grin. 
Anna sat up and cleared her throat. “Okay okay, serious toast.” She lifted her glass and inclined her head. “To you and Sam. A couple so cute and perfect it makes me absolutely sick.” 
They beamed at each other and clinked glasses. When their food arrived they ate in comfortable silence, until Brooke brought up the topic Anna had been dreading. 
“You’re coming over to ours later right?”
Anna swallowed and reached for her water, avoiding Brooke’s eyes. “Actually… I think I’m gonna go solo tonight.” 
“…oh?” Brooke’s tone was carefully neutral as she picked through her salad.
Anna sighed internally. Brooke had reason enough to be apprehensive. Fidgeting with her sweater cuff, she tugged it reflexively over the shiny patch of skin at the edge of her left palm. 
Two years ago Anna had been holed up at home by herself, drinking straight from the bottle. Hallmark Christmas movies on low created enough white noise to drown out the emptiness of an apartment that once was theirs, but was now just hers. One bottle led to another and then Anna was standing in front of the fireplace, a little yule goat clutched in her trembling hand. 
Anna knew Elsa had no control over the situation, but she’d promised to come home. No, she hadn’t said when, but it had been a year already. 
It was their anniversary. 
For a moment, Anna was overwhelmingly repulsed by Christmas and its incessant reminders of Elsa. Lasting no more than an instant, it was still long enough to act on the drunken impulse to hurl the yule goat into the fire. She regretted it as soon as it left her hand; that was the last thing they’d picked out together. Fueled by remorse and a lack of caution only a bottle and a half of Bacardi could provide, Anna tried to grab it back from the flames. But it was already unsalvageable; Anna landed back on her ass empty handed, cradling a singed palm.
She sat hugging her knees while the fire ate what was left, watching through vision blurred by tears that wouldn’t stop. In the morning all the alcohol left in the apartment had gone down the drain, and she smashed the bottles in the sink for good measure. 
When Brooke found out about ‘The Incident’, a kibosh was put on Anna spending Christmas Eve alone. 
Except Anna didn’t have it in her to be ‘on’ tonight, and she didn’t want to make them babysit her, especially while riding the high of their engagement. “I’ll be fine, promise. Don’t worry about me.” 
Brooke gave her an unimpressed look. “It’s my job to worry about you.” She stole a fry and jabbed it in Anna’s direction. “The one I’m not paid for, by the way, so the least you could do is make it easy on me.”
Anna raised her hands in a placating gesture. “There is only one bottle of glögg at home and I will not burn yule goats— or any other sacred symbols of Christmas,” she said solemnly. 
“May our boi rest in peace, until next year,” Brooke muttered, invoking the Gävlebocken back in Sweden who had not survived the fires of vandalism this Christmas. Anna raised her glass in salute. 
“Are you sure?” Brooke tried again. “We’d love to have you.”
It was moments like these that made Anna pathetically grateful for their friendship. They’d shown up for her so many times over the last three years. “Really, I’m sure.” 
Brooke sighed and leaned back in the booth, crossing her arms. “Alright, I’ll allow you to skip tonight, but— that means you’re coming over tomorrow for Christmas dinner. No excuses.” 
“Fine, but I won’t enjoy myself.” 
“Perfect.” Brooke wiggled triumphantly in her seat, snatching another fry off Anna’s plate. 
Anna laughed and shook her head. 
They parted ways after some much needed retail therapy. Anna turned down the offer of dinner one more time before Brooke left, but not without another bone crushing hug.  
The sun had set, transforming Noralund’s marketplace into an enchanting display of Christmas right off a postcard. Anna strolled aimlessly, admiring all the lights that cast a golden, rosy hue over the space while soft Christmas music pumped through speakers on each lamppost. The trees up and down Main Street were all wrapped in lights too, transforming the boulevard into something magical. Blue and silver decor for Hanukkah joined the more typical red and green, and shop windows displayed Kwanzaa kinaras next to menorahs and Santas.
At the center of the brick-paved square was a grand Norwegian Spruce, twenty to thirty feet tall and decorated to perfection. It remained the annual focal point during the season. Anna wasn’t exempt from gravitating towards it either; she and Elsa had started a tradition their first year in town that was part holiday, part anniversary. Whatever else happened on the twenty fourth, they always ended the night at the marketplace, getting specialty hot chocolate from Hassan’s and claiming a bench in front of the great Christmas tree to snuggle as much as public decency allowed. 
Live music filled the air over the Christmas playlist; a crowd was gathering around Nadia’s piano shop to hear her play the baby grand that was set up outside every Christmas Eve. Anna sidled her way to the front, tossing a few bills and leftover coins from her wallet into the top hat on the ground. When she straightened, Nadia caught her eye over the piano, throwing a wink as her hands flew over the keys. Anna lifted a hand, smiling back.  
After a few songs she melted back into and out of the crowd, making a beeline for Hassan’s cart. He saw her coming and had her usual ready before she got to the counter. 
“Anna, my favorite customer!” Everyone was Hassan’s favorite customer, but he made all of them feel like it was true. 
“Hey Hassan,” Anna greeted him warmly, inhaling the divine scent of chocolate, mint and spices. “Having a good holiday?” 
“I am now,” he replied, overly charming. Anna rolled her eyes, her grin stretching wide enough to ache. He passed her a steaming cup of her favorite moroccan mint hot chocolate and Anna slid over a few bills. Hassan held up his hands, shaking his head. 
“On the house for my favorite customer,” he said with a look that leaned too close to sympathy for Anna’s comfort. 
“Hassan,” she admonished, but he shooed her away, already ushering the next customer forward in the queue that was forming again. 
“Tell Maria and the kids I say ‘hi’!” Anna called as she was edged out of line. He gave her a big wave as she backed away, turning to find an open bench. 
Anna sighed and took a sip of her hot chocolate. She blinked, looking down at the cup; cold chocolate. Glancing around, she noticed how quiet it had gotten. How long had she been zoning out, just staring at the tree? Long enough for the plaza to be practically empty, apparently, everyone having moved their celebrations home.  
For a moment she allowed herself to wonder what Elsa was doing right now. Where she even was.
The absolute worst part of this whole thing was that it was all her fault. 
It had been stupid. She’d been so stupid. Anna had known better than to try hanging Christmas lights on their second story roof with that rickety ladder left by the maintenance workers. But she’d done it anyway, working in the fading twilight to surprise Elsa before she got home. She’d nearly finished when the rung beneath her gave way with a sickening crack.
Fortunately for her sake, Elsa had been walking up right at that moment; she cried out her name as Anna landed safely in a dense mound of conjured snow. Unfortunately, they weren’t alone. As Elsa pulled her from the snow, frantically checking her for injuries, they both became aware of a woman, watching them from the sidewalk. Elsa stepped in front of Anna and vanished the snow instantly, but the damage was done. 
It was like something out of a movie. 
Margaret Bishop approached them, and before Anna grasped what was happening, they were in a blacked-out sedan, on the way to some nondescript building at the edge of town. Anna remembered red nails gleaming from the hand on Elsa’s shoulder as the woman led her inside a windowless room and closed the door. Anna paced just outside, terrified.
When Elsa came out she was ashen and tight lipped, her face an expressionless mask that nearly broke when she looked at Anna. 
They were taken back to their apartment, where two men in suits stood by the door while Elsa packed. With hushed, rapid words she’d tried to reassure Anna, to explain— something about the environment, maybe — about this organization she had to work for now, but she’d be back and everything would be okay, it would all be alright, she promised. Anna was so hysterical she barely heard a word, clinging to Elsa with manic desperation. Then Elsa was kissing her like it was the last time she ever would, and Anna couldn’t see for crying. It took both men to pull her away from Elsa, and then all three of them were gone.
Some days she wondered if it had really been an accident— Margaret Bishop being there that day. Most days, she was certain it wasn’t. The story Anna made up was that Elsa had gone on an urgent humanitarian mission, a covert one with no outside contact and no definitive end. It was far-fetched, but the best she could do, and it covered all the bases. 
Anna tilted her head back to the sky, blinking rapidly; eyes burning, throat aching. It was the most unbearable thing she had ever experienced— the not knowing.
If she could just have some kind of sign Elsa was okay. 
Laughing and screaming interrupted her thoughts and Anna flinched. She turned to see children chasing each other outside the church across the street, giggling and shrieking in their Sunday best. The great oak doors were open, light from inside glowed warmly against the dark evening, silhouetting the congregation as they spilled down the steps. A bubble of genial noise came with them— chatter and laughter, well wishes and warm embraces. 
Neither she nor Elsa had ever been religious, but seeing the tableau of camaraderie and joy really twisted the knife tonight. A bittersweet smile lifted the corners of her mouth. 
The crowd slowly dispersed; and then there was one. 
Ingrid Michaelson’s “Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas” crackled softly over the speakers. The wistful quality of her voice tore at the quickly fraying threads of Anna’s nerve. 
Through the years we all will be together, if the fates allow. 
Right then, just her and the Christmas tree, with Ingrid crooning softly in the background, it seemed like Anna could be the only soul left in the world. She sucked in a gulp of cold air until her lungs burned, keeping the lump in her throat at bay a little longer. If she could make it back to the apartment before losing it, today could be a win. The wind picked up, making her shiver. 
It was a few minutes before she noticed. After a handful of cold spots bloomed on her face Anna wiped at her cheek, frowning as she rubbed at the trace of wetness between her fingers. The forecast said chance of rain was only fifteen percent, which might as well be zero. She squinted up into the darkness.
For a moment, it almost looked like the stars were falling. Her breath caught; it was something almost as impossible. Feeling like she was in a dream, Anna stood, lifting her hands palm-up to catch the small flurries drifting down.  
It was snowing.
The sound that burst from her mouth caught between a laugh and a sob. The first snow Noralund had seen in fifty years, and Elsa wasn’t here to witness it.
How could it really be Christmas if they weren’t together? How could anything good happen if Elsa wasn’t here? 
Hot tears spilled down her cheeks. Defeated, she let them come, breath hiccuping in her chest as she gazed up at the glittering flakes of white, still collecting in her outstretched hands. 
A soft voice behind Anna interrupted the silence. It was one she’d know anywhere: demure but rich, silky but with an unmistakable, knee-buckling rasp. 
“They’ve really outdone themselves this year.”
Anna’s heart lurched so sharply it actually hurt. That fickle organ started pounding so erratically against her ribs she thought she might faint, or be sick. She couldn’t move, frozen for fear that she’d conjured a desperate, pathetic hallucination in the eleventh hour. Her body caught up before her brain did; Anna spun, hair whipping around her as she staggered to a stop. Her heart did something funny; she swore it stopped a few times while she stared and forgot how to breathe.
Twenty feet away, like a vision conjured from Anna’s memories, there she was. Hands in the pockets of a caramel wool coat, she wore a navy sweater and white skintight jeans that tapered into ankle boots. Platinum hair fell in long waves, framing her softly flushed cheeks and striking blue eyes. Rosy lips quirked in a shy smile. 
Impossibly, she was more beautiful than Anna remembered. 
She looked like an angel. 
Heels clacked on the brick as she stepped closer. Elsa hesitated a few feet away, as though testing the waters. “Hey little sun.” Her eyes glistened as she swallowed. “It’s been a while.”
Hearing Elsa’s voice again broke the spell; before she even thought to move Anna had Elsa in her arms, surprised laughter in her ear as Anna spun them. She set her down but didn’t let go, pressing her face into Elsa’s neck and wrapping her arms so tightly around her, if they were any closer they’d be one person. Delicate, intoxicatingly familiar notes of jasmine and vanilla perfume engulfed her and Anna was home. She felt Elsa’s arms around her in the only embrace she’d ever need. A hundred lifetimes wouldn’t be long enough to hold her like this. 
“Tell me this is real,” Anna whispered. “Tell me you’ll stay,” she begged, voice cracking with a vulnerability that made her want to swallow the words back instantly. 
Slender fingers framed her face gently and Anna sucked in a breath, butterflies swarming her stomach the way they always did when Elsa touched her. Heart trembling, she braced herself for what must be coming. For more empty days and nights, more months of only one coffee mug at the table, years of cold sheets in a barren queen sized bed. For the same Elsa shaped void in her life, swallowing her whole. 
Elsa murmured something, but Anna’s pulse was beating drums in her ears, and she missed it. Her eyes flashed open. “Wait, what?”  
The look she got in return was beautifully tender, a smile so heartbreakingly sweet it looked as though Elsa was rediscovering her most precious treasure. It was just the two of them again, in their own world full of magic, while snowflakes fell around them. Anna watched them catch in Elsa’s hair, on her dark lashes, melt on her cheeks; she looked so pretty it didn’t seem real. A palm found the center of her chest and Anna heard the words that for so long had only existed in her dreams. 
“This is real. I’m staying.” 
Elsa leaned in and brushed her lips over Anna’s, feather light. “I’m not leaving you ever again.” When she pulled back, insecurity flickered over her face and Elsa looked suddenly unsure. “If… you’ll have me.” 
Anna blinked at her. “Huh?”
“I would understand,” Elsa started, staring at her hand on Anna’s sternum. “If you’ve…” Her mouth opened, but nothing came out, as if she couldn’t physically say it. 
“If I’ve…? What,moved on? Met someone else? Stopped being in love with you?” Anna sputtered incredulously.
“I wouldn’t blame you.” 
Anna couldn’t listen to any more. She grabbed the lapels of Elsa’s coat and yanked her forward, softening her momentum just before their lips met. “Shut up,” Anna breathed between kisses. “Just shut up.” 
Anna felt the smile against her mouth, tasted salt, but she couldn’t stop. They fit as they always had— supple, addictive, perfect. When they drew apart, Elsa caught Anna’s bottom lip between hers, sucking briefly before nipping with her teeth. It startled a muffled groan out of Anna and her grip tightened in the coat, legs going wobbly. 
They shared a bashful grin, and Anna leaned in again. “Shut up,” she whispered against her lips, and knew Elsa heard I love you. 
She pulled back, watching Elsa’s face as fingers swept the bangs off Anna’s forehead and slipped a lock behind her ear. “I hope you don’t have any more ridiculous questions.”
Elsa positively leered at Anna’s mouth from beneath her lashes. “Well, if that’s the response I get…”
Anna bit her lip, so overflowing with giddy, limitless joy it felt like she’d burst from it. “Maybe we should wait till we’re home,” she murmured. “Otherwise I might get a little carried away.” 
“Well then.” Elsa slid her hands down to entwine their fingers. “Let’s go home.” 
The words hit so sweet Anna had to catch her breath, happy tears flooding her cheeks this time. Pressing her forehead against Elsa’s, she closed her eyes, just breathing them.  
“I love you so much. I’m sorry it took me so long.” 
The whisper was soft and anguished. Anna opened her eyes to find Elsa crying too. Reaching to brush away the tears, Anna shook her head. “I’m sorry, Elsa I—“ fingers pressed to her lips, stopping her. They stood there like that for a moment, hands to each other’s faces, just staring. Anna cracked first, giggling beneath Elsa’s fingers, until they were both laughing, crying, clutching one another like fools. 
Sobering, they found each other’s hands and turned towards home. They passed the Christmas tree, following the lights down to Main Street. Under the gently falling snow and the glowing branches, it felt like a fairytale. 
Have yourself a merry little Christmas, 
Let your heart be light. 
Anna tucked her arm through Elsa’s, linking their elbows. “So, how long is this snow gonna last?”
A spark of mischief gleamed in Elsa’s eyes as she glanced at her, shoulders lifting in an elegant shrug. “Who knows? Long enough to make a decent snowman, surely.” 
“Hmm. I wonder if there’s any way it could be persuaded to stay through New Years…” Anna gave her a hopeful look. 
Elsa’s lips pinched the way they did when she was fighting a laugh. “You could certainly try.”
From now on our troubles will be out of sight.
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hold me tight or don’t
Pairings - Charles Blackwood x Female Reader Lee Bodecker x Female Reader
Warnings - Exhibitionism, Possessiveness, Jealousy, Voyeurism, Fingering (F receiving), Spanking, Breeding Kink, Vaginal Sex
A/N - Thats the most amount of warnings yet I think! This fic was written for @iraot​ wheels of debauchery challenge which you can see here I got Charles Blackwood, Possessiveness, Breeding and Exhibitionist, best friends brother. I was super excited and started writing it straight away so here we are now! I have also come to the conclusion that I cannot write Charles without Lee so you are all welcome for that 😏. Huge huge thanks to @thicccsimp​ as always for making this sound like a human wrote it. Lastly, this is for 18+ only so please shoo if you aren’t grown yet.
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The sun was beating down against your bare shoulders, you were speaking to the town's Sheriff about the upcoming festival, smiling as he gave you his full attention. He tilted his head to the side whenever you smiled and giggled at his words,  acutely aware of the scowl on the face of the man on the other side of the garden.  He was sure to keep a close watch on him as he pretended to converse with your brother.
Charles Blackwood watched you intently as you flirted with the Sheriff, touching his arm and leaning into him to ‘hear him better’. He knew exactly what you were doing and it was all his own fault. You wanted more from him, wanted to be able to shout from the rooftops that you were in love with him and that the two of you wanted to spend the rest of your lives together.
He couldn’t though, your brother was his best friend and he had sworn to not touch you, it was the first rule of being a best friend and Charles had agreed; he understood the protective nature of brothers. You were away at college when he moved to town and met your brother, it wasn’t a problem until you came home later that year after finishing college and getting a job locally.
You’d been together in secret for almost a full year now, sneaking off to his home or fucking in the back of his car on road trips you disguised as ‘girls days out’. You’d both fell in love quickly but he knew he had to break your heart to keep his promise to your brother, he was supposed to be a man of his word.
That didn’t mean he wasn’t furious watching you now, he knew you’d always had a soft spot for the Sheriff, watched as you both flirted so effortlessly with each other while you were on shift in the diner. You would sneak him pieces of pie, telling him not to complain about his belly, you liked him just the way he was. He saw the red cheeks of the Sheriff and how he tried to bite his lip to not smile too wide whenever you complimented him. He even watched as Lee scared people into tipping you properly with a single menacing glance while you weren’t looking.
Now he has to watch as the pair of you dance around each other, subtle looks here and there or smiles across the party at each other. Your brother told him he was going up to his room, the girl on his arm giggling and kissing his neck. Charles looks around the space, everyone is either occupied or has already left.
He looks down at the bottle in his hands, peeling the label off in an effort to distract himself, he’s only stayed this long because he wants to keep an eye on you, make sure you’re safe. The label comes off in nearly one full go when he hears it, you and Lee giggling. He looks up to see him playfully tickling you, you’re in his arms with your head thrown back, eyes closed and giggles spilling out of your open mouth. Gripping the bottle tightly in his hand and scowling at you both he slams the beer down on the table, marching over to the two of you and grabbing you out of his arms. Placing himself between you and the handsy sheriff,  “Get your hands off my fucking girlfriend” he spits, furious that Lee thinks he can touch you like that.
He suddenly feels a sharp pain on the back of his head and turns to you, rubbing your hand from the slap you just gave him. He looks at you incredulous that you would actually strike him, “I’m not your girlfriend, you made that abundantly clear last week when you were the one who didn’t want me. It was your decision Charles, not mine.” You move around him and grab Lee’s hand, taking him to the other side of the garden where the ice bucket filled with cold beers and the buffet table now stood abandoned. The commotion had scared the remaining party goers away, just the three of you remained and the tension was palpable.
“Sweetheart, I don’t want to come between whatever is going on with you and Blackwood” Lee says, watching as the upset look on your face gives way to a  mischievous one instead. He grins as you look for Charles, nodding at him in challenge before pulling Lee in for a kiss. You hold his head pulling back for just a moment, giving him the chance to stop you. He smirks and leans down, kissing you deeply while snaking his arm around your waist to keep you close. He walks you backwards towards the nearby bench but you both stop and look when your back hits something solid.
Charles stands seething, unwrapping Lee’s arm from around your waist, spinning you around, and pulling you into his chest “What the fuck are doing with my girl, Bodecker?”. You go to protest but he crashes his lips down against your own, pushing his tongue into your mouth, and holding you close as you melt into him.
He sits down on the bench and pats his thighs “Come take a seat baby”. You look at him conflicted, turning back to Lee who has a look on his face that you can’t quite make out. He nods towards Charles and pushes you towards him, crowding you until you sit down. Taking the seat next to you both he watches as Charles places soft kisses over your neck, running his hands up your legs.
“Think you can have another man little dove? You’re mine, aren’t you?”. You try to fight it, biting down harshly on your bottom lip and balling your hands into fists next to him, “You look so pretty here, don’t you want to show the Sheriff what a good girl you are for me?”.
You scrunch your eyes shut and nod your head, he always knows exactly how to wreck you without having to do much and today was no exception. You opened your legs wide enough to go around his thighs, exposing your soaked panties to the Sheriff who couldn’t take his eyes away from the space between your legs. He took a deep breath in when you moaned as Charles began to lightly rub his fingers over the scrap of cotton covering your mound.
Thinking he should leave the two of you to have some privacy, he stands and gasps when you grab his hand “Please stay Lee,” you say in a pleading tone, looking up at him through your eyelashes. You could have asked him to do just about anything in that moment and he would have said yes without hesitation.
Charles continued to tease you, waiting for you to beg him for more the way he liked. His other hand moved up your writhing body, grazing over your nipples one at a time before he wrapped his long fingers around your throat. Smiling at Lee, you hold his gaze as Charles pulls your underwear to one side, running his fingers through the juices already leaking out of you “Fuck my little dove, is this all for me?” he asks teasingly. You smirk at Lee and slowly shake your head at the question. His hand tightens around your throat in warning and you moan, gripping his wrist, and encouraging him to keep touching you.
“Take a good look at her Sheriff, she’s all mine. You’ll never be able to have her,” he says, pulling your breasts out and watching the man in front of you look you up and down; his eyes darkening as he watches the two fingers dip in and out of you, opening you up. You grind your hips with him as he works you over, your moans getting louder as he rubs over the spongy spot inside of you. Lee pushes two fingers into your mouth to quiet you down and you look up at him with a devilish smirk before sucking on them, running your tongue over the digits as he watches, his jaw slack and pupils blown.
“Oh no no no, that's not ok. Keep your hands to yourself,” Lee pulls them away and you pout, looking over your shoulder at Charles, pleading with him to do something. He looks at you and waits, he likes it when you beg, you both know this. Today though, you have another man who wants to entertain you, you don’t need Charles.
Moving out from his grip, you get on your knees and face Lee, smiling. You lean in to kiss him but squeal when Charles spanks you hard, before gripping your hips and holding you in place. “You’re mine, little dove. No one else gets to touch you”. He pulls out his cock and pushes deep inside you, gripping you by the hair and forcing you to look up at the Sheriff as he pounds into you.
You moan and whine as he thrusts, everytime you try to kiss Lee you get pulled back, pleading with him as he fucks you; you aren’t sure what you’re even pleading for but you need it and you need it now. Matching his thrusts, you push back, moaning over and over, “Fill me up, you want to see me all round and swollen, don’t you Charles?” The groan you hear from both men makes you clench.
Lee lifts your chin up to look at him, “Is that what you want? Want a baby fucked into you?” you nod desperately and stare into his eyes as your orgasm rushes over you, gripping the thighs of the man sitting and watching.
You feel Charles coating your walls as he cums hard inside you and you smirk to yourself, “Does this mean you’re finally going to tell everyone I’m yours now?” you ask him as he leans over you and kisses your neck softly humming and nodding.
“I’m going to go,” Lee says, adjusting himself and standing up, you grab his hand and pout as he tries to walk away. Pulling him back to sit down, you turn to Charles and smile as he nods, knowing what you want.
“Stay, please.” you say, pulling him in for a soft kiss. Charles hums while he watches you, using his fingers to push his cum back inside you, his thumb rubbing over your swollen clit. Moaning into Lee’s mouth and clenching when you hear Charles say, “I think we’re going to have a lot of fun together”.
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