#except that i woke myself up when the stalker was behind my kitchen window
tripably · 1 year
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hearts4werka · 2 months
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Summary: it’s been six months since your sister went missing, everyone gave up on the investigation but you’re determined to find her no matter what but someone comes along the way… Genre: first person pov’s Stalker, missing person, thriller, horror, crime investigation, dark aesthetic, stalker romance, double pov Warnings: stalking, mentions of possible murder and torturous acts on children, mental health problems, dark fantasy dreams, exploration of the dark web, mention of an asshole boyfriend and possibly more that might trigger some readers. Read At Your Own Risk!
This is part 3 of the ‘Missing’ series!
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7:00 AM
🤍 - Rosalla’s POV
The sun starts rising and the sun pools into my room through the windows as I wake up from my slumber with a weird feeling of soreness and bruised skin on the inner parts of my thighs.
Immediately ripping the duvet off the lower half of my body I slide down my pyjama pants to my mid-thighs, seeing several marks left behind on the inner skin of my thighs.
Inspecting it, confused on how the fuck did I get them? I don’t think I woke up in the middle of the night to go take a piss and even if did, I wouldn’t have bruises on my inner thighs.
Searching my mind for a presumable answer, I scout out one most reasonable answer that makes the most sense.
My stalker.
But what was he doing between my thighs?…
Realization hits me like a big bookshelf falling down, it’s obvious what he was doing there now. Immediately I pull my pyjama pants right back up and a weird feeling of my dark fantasies coming to life…
I’ve never confessed to something like this to anyone except for my now ex-boyfriend, one morning we were just cuddling in bed and I started to talk about a dream I had about a being chased down by a man in a mask and then being taken against my will.
That morning I had woken up all wet and horny so I asked my now ex-boyfriend if we wanted to try something like that, he looked at me and said I was fucked up in the head and proceeded to ignore me for two whole weeks which broke my heart.
Those two weeks I’ve spent at home eating ice-cream, watching romcoms and crying myself to sleep. Blaming myself for even having such dreams, such dark and twisted fantasies in the dark parts of my brain…
He was the one that broke up with me since I had felt seriously emotionally attachted to him, like he actually loved me but it all ended when he found out I have a stalker and he said he couldnt be seen with me, knowing theres some other man lurking and watching our every move somewhere in the dark shadows.
I finally get the strength to get out of bed and make my way over to the bathroom to take a refreshing morning shower. Thank god I have a day off today or I would not survive an hour at work.
Undressing myself I step into the shower, washing my spiraling thoughts taunting me in the dark depths of my mind down my body. Running a hand over my face I silence out all of the voices in my head all speaking at once and allow myself to finally relax and have a moment of peace.
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7:47 AM
I’ve gotten out of the shower and thrown on some random clothes I found in my closet so I won’t sit in my pyjamas all day even though i was being close to doing that. A simple black tank top under an oversized off-shoulder gray hoodie with black sweatpants and mini uggs on my feets, my hair being put up lazily in a messy bun. ( outfit here )
I walk down the stairs and enter the kitchen, putting on some my hometown Spanish music on the speakers I start preparing some breakfast, my hips swaying from side to side each time I walk and when I'm standing they start to create circle, dancing to the music using my hips.
🖤 - Matthew’s POV
I watch her every move, every sway of her hips and move of her perfect body. She wont be able to escape me now ever since I've laid my eyes on her that one time, after I got home that day I did all of my research and found out as much as I could without her finding out.
Fuck, she sure knows how to move her hips.
Also I may or may not installed cameras in her house a few weeks after she became my newly found obsession but atleast I can keep an eye on her and protect my girl from any danger coming her way she may not know of. No one touches what’s mine.
Shes preparing breakfast, doing something normal in this moment and still manages to look even more gorgeous each time.
I sit back in my chair at my house, watching her from all different angles on numerous monitors on my wall from the cameras I have scarretered all over her house in those small and invisible spots she would never think to check.
A laptop is dismissently sitting on my lap with the dark web opened and the newly leaked video loading, I'm checking if the new victim isn't her missing sister by any chance and to hopefully track down the location of their new stay. I've been trying to catch those fuckers for some time now with my team and we've been close in the past but never close enough.
I'm moving my gaze from a goddess dancing in her kitchen to a gory, disgusting video of various of tortureous acts being preformend on children, why do I do this you may ask? I don't know it just sucked me into the dark layers of the world and once you go in, you can't get out.
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10:25 AM
She’s already ate breakfast, had a dance party and singing competition with the voices in her head. Finally she’s now resting on the couch of her living room writing in a journal-like notebook with her cat Willow sleeping in her lap.
That journal holds some of her darkest secrets and I’ve somehow managed to get my hands on it one night, reading thought the different things she’s been through and establishing her ex-boyfriend is a total asshole and didn’t deserve her.
If I could I would teach him a goddamn lesson for treating her like the way he did and when I first found out I was close to actually bashing that motherfucker head with a brick but I kept myself under control and decided to leave it alone.
🤍 - Rosalla’s POV
I was just journaling in my notebook, it’s always felt therapeutic to me and helped me to find my peace or to drain my constantly spiralling thoughts onto paper so I don’t have to bottle them up inside of me.
My cat Willow is snuggly cuddled up on my lap, peacefully sleeping. I wish I could be so carefree with no worries on my head like her, maybe if I was a cat I wouldn’t constantly be burying myself in my thoughts?
As I try to relax, placing the journal down next to me the memories of me and my missing sister together flood back into my mind, clouding any other thought I might have had in there.
A single small tear swirls in my eye and falls down onto the delicate fur of my cat as I pet her back, smiling at the funny and wholesome memories we had together as tears start to prick my eyes.
I wish she was here with me.
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authors note: I didn’t know how to end this, kinda ended on a sad note but I finally finished it and fed you my children, there’s more backstory here to go indeep with the characters pasts. Hope I didn’t make you wait long and hope you enjoyed this!
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Reblogs, likes are very much appreciated!
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fanficsofmine · 7 years
Danger - Chapter 8
A/N: Sorry it's so late in the day! Work was crazy today. Enjoy! -T✨ 
Reader POV: I was ecstatic to be leaving the hospital. My vitals had cleared, and, short of a mild concussion, no long term damage was to be expected. 
 I anticipated that Chanyeol was ready to leave as well, as his long and lanky body had been sleeping on a hospital recliner. I offered to pay for him to visit a chiropractor after we left, but he refused. 
 "I wouldn't change my mind for a moment," he smiled down at me as he grabbed my hand while walking through the hospital doors. 
 "Um, Chanyeol, should we be doing this publicly yet," I started to pull my hand out of his as I continued, "what if this just makes it worse?" 
 His brow furrowed, but he nodded in agreement. 
 "The second that we get in the car, I'm holding that hand so tight," he smiled at me. 
 When we arrived at the dorm, I was surprised to see that everyone had put together a "Welcome home out of the hospital," party for me. There were balloons and streamers lining every wall. The kitchen was filled with all kinds of goodies, including a large cake with chocolate icing. 
 I skipped over to the table. Still sore, but also excessively excited. I ran my finger along the edge and took a bit of icing into my mouth. 
 "My favorite! Oh my god, it's so good to not eat hospital food anymore!" 
 "Slow down, crazy," Minseok laughed, "let us at least cut the cake before you devour the whole thing." 
 "Thank you guys for this," I smiled at them, but then felt it falter, "I'm sorry I've been such a burden..." I began to apologize, but was immediately cut off. 
 "No. Absolutely not. Do not start this," Junmyeon walked over to me and gently cupped my face. 
 "You aren't allowed to feel that way, okay?" He pulled me in for a hug as tears brimmed my eyes. I nodded into his chest. I knew that they would not want me feeling guilty, so I attempted to shove it down quickly. 
 After a few hours and several pieces of cake later, I realized that I was still exhausted from everything that had been happening the past few days. 
 "I think I'm going to call a Taxi home," I yawned. I stood up slowly and stretched, and was caught off guard when the guys all looked at each other confused. 
 "Did nobody tell her," Yixing asked the group. 
 "I thought the banner made it obvious," Kyungsoo responded. 
 "Um, made what obvious?" I was puzzled at all of their reactions. 
 "Jagiya," Chanyeol approached me and took my hand, "you're staying here now. SM has taken full responsibility for what happened to you. They want you under their supervision constantly to ensure this doesn't happen again. Most of your clothes have already been brought here." 
 My jaw dropped slightly. 
 "Wait... what? You can't be serious..." I was at a loss for words. As generous as the offer was, it did nothing but increase my anxiety over feeling like a burden. 
"Yes, very serious," Sehun said, "we're going to protect you. That's final. At least until we fully believe this has all died down." 
 I knew that arguing was pointless. They all seemed ready to argue back. 
 "So, uh, who am I kicking out of their bed then?" 
 They all laughed. 
 "We actually have some extra space for you. SM pulled down one of the beds from when Luhan, Tao, and Kris were still in the group. We did some rearranging, but you've got your own room for a bit," Jongdae said, and then came up and put his arm around me, "I know it's annoying. You're about to have the nine worse roommates you can imagine. But its temporary. We just need you safe, okay?" 
 The way Jongdae said the last sentence struck a chord with me. I made eye contact with him as he smiled at me, except it wasn't his normal Jongdae smile. It was smaller and softer. 
 I turned and hugged him. His hug back felt hesitant before he decided to fully embrace me. 
 Before he broke free, he whispered, "I'm so glad you're okay, love. I would be beside myself if you weren't." 
 He let me go and nodded at Chanyeol, "wanna go show her where her room is at?" 
 Chanyeol flashed a smile at me and said, "happily!" 
 "Keep the door open and behave yourselves," Junmyeon shouted after us, a teasing tone in his voice. 
 "Okay, mooooom," I called back. 
 I couldn't stand the thought of them being put out because of me, but I was also painfully relieved to not have to go home alone tonight. 
Sehun POV: I would be lying if I said that adjusting to the new schedule of having to look out for (Y/N) and still fitting in the comeback wasn't difficult. 
There was adjusting when she got out of classes and making sure one of us could pick her up. There was having to remember that she woke up earlier than us, so walking to the kitchen with morning wood was probably not the smartest thing anymore. I learned that one the hard way, no pun intended. 
 But we did it. We adapted. And we didn't mind. It was our fault that she was in this mess, so it was only right of us to take care of her. 
 I was free one afternoon and picked her up from classes. We had been in the clear recently from and trouble. We were able to get a couple of stalkers arrested who attempted to follow her home after a photo of her and Chanyeol walking out of the hospital holding hands had leaked. It had been relatively quiet otherwise. 
 "Y'know what, (Y/N)," I asked as I turned the wheel of my car around, "I think you need a pick me up." 
 She turned and smiled at me. "What did you have in mind?" 
 "I know a place with the absolute best bubble tea. We're gonna go get some." 
She rolled her eyes, "is this pick me up for me, or you?" She laughed when she said it. It was great to hear her laugh. I had missed seeing her happy. 
 We talked about her classes on the way to the restaurant, and I let her pay for my drink. She demanded, stating that everyone else had been making demands of her, so it was her turn. I didn't mind. I got free bubble tea out of it. 
 As we headed back to the car, I realized that I had left my keys on the counter. "You okay while I run back in," I asked. She nodded and showed me that Chanyeol was calling her. She opened the car door to hop in the passenger seat as I went back inside to the shop. 
 I thanked the waitress for grabbing them for me. She nodded, and then let out a gasp as she looked out of the window behind me. 
 I whipped around, horrified to see that our nightmare had found us. Three girls surrounded my car. They had the passenger side door open, and one of them had (Y/N) by the hair. They yanked her out of the car by it and threw her to the ground. 
 The second she hit the pavement, the started kicking her. I saw one girl use her bag and swing it at her several times, making contact with (Y/N)'s face. The bag seemed weighted, which I instantly realized meant that she had something heavy in it intentionally to cause more damage. 
 I shouted at the waitress to call the police as I sprinted out of the door. I got to (Y/N) right as she was jumping to her feet and starting to defend herself. I saw her lay several slaps and swings on these girls, and almost hesitated out of shock and pride of how great of a job she was doing. 
 Three against one was still an unfair fight, though, so I stepped in. 
 I grabbed (Y/N) by the waist as she started shouting, calling these girls "fucking bitches." "You think that you're so badass. Fucking let me go, Sehun. Let me finally fucking defend myself, please. I'm so god damn tired of this!" 
 I managed to get her flailing body in the car again and I shut the door as she repeated several expletives at these girls through the window. She was hitting the glass and I was terrified that she was going to shatter it and make it worse. 
 I turned back to the three girls who were, surprisingly, still there. I was satisfied to see that (Y/N) had landed enough hits to cause them to bruise and bleed. They looked at me, surprised. 
 "Sehun-ah. We were just trying to protect you. This girl, she," I cut the girl off by raising my hand. 
 "Protect me by attacking my friend?" I was shouting when I didn't mean to. I saw them all flinch under my loud voice. 
 "But... Chanyeol... and now you," one of the other girls began to have tears welling in her eyes. 
 "She is none of your business," I kept them talking so they would not leave, and the second that the police sirens filled the air, panic filled all of their faces.
 The Police made us stay there long enough to get our information and statements. (Y/N) looked defeated. I put my arm around her shoulder and guided her back to the car. I noted that her stitches on her scalp had broken loose and cursed under my breath. 
 "We're gonna have to take you to a hospital," I whispered. I rested my head on the steering wheel of the car. I reached over and grabbed her hand. She turned to me. It seemed wrong that, in this moment, I was the one needing comfort.
 "Sehun, there was nothing that you could have done. They were determined." She squeezed my hand and smiled at me. I felt my disappointment in myself lessen a little bit. She was very comforting, and I appreciated her efforts. 
 "We really should get you re-stitched up," I tell her, looking at the blood flowing down her cheek. 
 "Can we, um, not tell everybody else that this happened? I would really prefer to not be on total house arrest lock down." She looked at me, hopeful. 
 "Yeah, that's fair," I said. It didn't feel right. I didn't want to lie to the guys at all. I also needed to give her a win.  
Jongdae POV: It was difficult having (Y/N) around constantly. It's not because I didn't want her to be, it was extremely hard watching her fall in love with Chanyeol more daily. It was hard watching him sneak off to her room when Sehun would text him that Junmyeon had gone to bed and wouldn't scold him.
 I avoided the dorm as much as possible. I sat in on the other guys' studio times. I stayed late at dance rehearsals. I did everything in my power to not be around. 
 I thought I was doing alright, until I got a text message one day. 
 Receive Text Message: Hey Dae! I haven't seen you around. I miss you!  Send Text Message: Ah. Yeah. I've been really busy with CBX and the comeback all so close.  Receive Text Message: You sure you aren't just avoiding me? 
 My breath caught a bit in my throat.  Receive Text Message: jk! jk! Send Text Message: Aish. Had me scared. Thinking you thought I didn't like you anymore hahaha.  Send Text Message: What are you doing tomorrow? Wanna go grab some ice cream? Receive Text Message: Sure. Sounds good! 
 I exited out of my texts. I would tell her. I had to. I had to tell her that, although I knew that she was happy with Chanyeol, I couldn't go another day without her knowing I had feelings for her. If I got it out of the way, maybe I could move on. 
 I opened up my phone again to scroll through social media, when something caught my eye. 
 "EXO's Sehun Seen In Parking Lot Brawl." 
 "What the hell," I whispered as I clicked the link to the article. It went into detail about how three girls had been arrested and detained for assaulting an unnamed female in the parking lot of a restaurant. She had been seen getting into Sehun's car when the girls attacked her. 
 I grabbed my jacket, livid. I left the studio and sped to dorms where I found Sehun sitting in the living room with Chanyeol, (Y/N), Minseok, and Jongin. 
 I opened my phone to the news article and tossed it to him. 
 "Are you fucking kidding me? Neither of you felt it necessary to let us know this went on?!" 
 "What's going on," Jongin sat up quickly. 
 "Fuck," (Y/N) whispered. She leaned forward, elbows resting on her knees as she buried her face in her hands. 
 "What the hell is going on?" Chanyeol reached for my phone and his face flushed furious when he skimmed the article. He handed the phone to Minseok, who read the title out loud. 
"God fucking dammit," Jongin raised his voice. 
 "Stop. All of you," (Y/N), literally, put her foot down as she stood up. 
 "Don't. Don't start with me. Or Sehun. Any of you. It is my fault he didn't say anything. He was appeasing my request. I couldn't stand the thought of being completely unable to leave the dorm, because I know that's exactly what you would make me do," she pointed at Chanyeol, who suddenly looked like a scolded puppy. 
 "I am so over this. I want to live my life, and, shit, apparently that's too much to ask. So yeah, I asked Sehun to not tell you. So what?! So. Fucking. What." She turned and went to her room, slamming the door behind her. 
 We all sat, silently looking at one another. 
 "Jongdae. Chanyeol," Sehun started, but I hushed him. 
 "No, no. She's right. You did the right thing, Sehun." I walked over and sat by him. He breathed a heavy sigh of relief. 
 "What the fuck are we gonna do, guys," Minseok groaned as he fell back onto the couch. 
 "I don't know," I replied, "but we have to figure it out quick." 
Yixing POV: (Y/N) asked me to take her to class that day. Lately, Chanyeol had taken her, but I accepted her request. 
 She was quiet on the way there. I tried to talk to her, but I was getting no responses more than one or two words. 
 As she got out of the car, I lightly grabbed her arm. 
 "Things will ease up. I promise." She smiled for the first time, genuinely.
 "Thanks Yixing. I know." She leaned over the center console and gave me a hug. 
 The rest of my day went as expected. I planned a few events for my solo stuff and recorded bits of my album for the comeback. 
 Around 4 pm, Jongdae texted me. 
 Receive Text Message: You didn't pick (Y/N) up from school, did you? Send Text Message: You told me you were going to? Receive Text Message: I'm here. I can't find her. She's not answering her phone. I went to her last period to find her and her teacher said that she wasn't in class today. 
 My heart sunk in my chest. 
 Send Text Message: I'll be right there. 
 I arrived at the admissions office and approached the clerk. 
 "Hi. My name is Zhang Yixing. I'm one of the emergency contacts for (Y/N). We were told she didn't make it to class. Is there any information you can give me?" 
 After verifying who I was, she smiled as she said that she would look up her information. Her face faltered slightly when she said, "she didn't tell you she was unenrolling from classes?" 
 Both Jongdae and my expressions must have dropped. I saw concern cross her face as she turned her computer. 
 "She left us a forwarding address in America. She said something about having an emergency and needing to go home. She said we could mail her her book refund." 
 I thanked her for her information, turned on my heel, and marched out of the office. The second that we were outside, Jongdae and I sprinted to my car. We left Dae's there as we sped to the dorms. 
 I used my Bluetooth to dial Junmyeon's number. 
 "Get everybody together. Now." I hung up, not wanting to explain over the phone. We got to the dorm and ran inside. 
 "What the hell is going on," Chanyeol asked, then, looking at Jongdae said, "where is (Y/N)? I thought she was going out with you, Dae?" 
 I didn't sugar coat it. 
 "She's gone. She went back to America. She's gone."
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