#except they have zero concept of how humans work so it fails miserably
camembri · 10 months
has anyone ever done a wwdits-inspired mihawk perona zoro au. like obviously not everything would carry over but the vibes are definitely there.
mihawk as nandor is very real to me. weird old man with great military prowess who for some reason now lives with a bunch of other weirdos. shanks is the lady from the one episode that nandor keeps trying to turn into a vampire but she always turns him down for funsies. perona is obviously nadja. just a group of weird goths living alone in an elaborate castle getting up to hijinks. zoro's there too but he's just a guy who wanted to learn swordsmanship and accidentally gets roped into the role of beleaguered familiar after tripping over the third body this week
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Hii its me
I copied my ask earlier. Although I am feeling slightly better and confident I would really do with your help 🥺
I so badly want to have my desires yet when it comes to doing the work I get lazy because I am scared the same thing is going to happen all over again. I will do great and then some negative thoughts that dont even make sense will ruin everything. I want to tap in the void state but I have ao many irrational fears piled up. As soon as I put my focus away from the void these fears make zero sense but as soon as I start to work in my void concept these fears become so real and annoying tht at this point am scared to even start working on my void concept because I only get false hope and exhaustion when I try to work towards my goals. I thought I will manifest my desires my jan but it passed then I thought it will be by feb but now even april is over. Its been four long years like this. I came to know about the void in dec 2022 and I thought I will tap in but I feel like the exception. My self concept is trash I go to work on it but fail miserably because every single thing tells me the opposite even if 3d is just a reflection its hard. I thought I will tap in the void and change my sc but even the void feels far far away. I wanted to get in the void in jan and I feel stuck. Everyone is making great progress but me. I will be 19 soon. I feel like a failure. I hate to live like this. Maya please guide me and help me please. I see so many people deciding that they will taap in tonight and they do or people simply affirming and getting in even some people with bad voidconcept. I really need help and guidance. My appearance, mental health , studies ,body, social life everything has degraded so badly I cant eben express the pain.
I understand that you are feeling frustrated and scared about your manifesting journey. Remember, Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled and observe the route that your attention follows. This means that by focusing on the end result and experiencing the feeling of having already achieved it, you will naturally be guided towards your desired outcome.
Do not let fear and negative thoughts hold you back from your desires. "You are the operant power,babe, you have the power to change your reality through your thoughts and beliefs.
"Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live." The key is to focus on the version of yourself that has already manifested your desires, and live as if that reality is already yours.Do not compare yourself to others or their progress. Your own wonderful human imagination is the actual creative power of God within you. Trust in your imagination and your ability to manifest your desires, regardless of what others may or may not be doing.
I promise, you are never too old or late to set another goal or to dream a new dream. Your age nor date does not define your ability to manifest your desires, and it's never too late to start working towards them.Be kind to yourself, practice self-love, and believe in yourself and your ability to manifest your desires. Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled, and feel grateful for the desire already being fulfilled. Thank yourself for already granting your desire, and trust in the process.
As for your 3D I understand how hard it is. But again, "You are the operant power." No matter what your 3D reality may seem like, you have the power to change it through your thoughts and beliefs. Focus on your desires as if they have already been fulfilled, and live from that state of being.
As Edward Art said, "Great things never came from comfort zones." Push yourself out of your comfort zone and imagine the reality you truly desire, despite any limitations in your current 3D reality. Visualize your desires and hold onto the feeling as if they have already been fulfilled. "The more we practice, the easier it gets, and the more expansive our lives become."
As Edward Art also said, "Action is the physical manifestation of thought." Take inspired action towards your desires, no matter how small the steps may be. You can start with not being so harsh to yourself. Your imagination will reflect regardless but don’t be kind to person you are now just because you’ll love the person you’ll be in the future
You can Believe you can and you're halfway there already, so just accept it’s yours and that’s all. Believe in yourself, trust in yourself and ability, and let go of any limiting beliefs or doubts. You have the power to manifest your desires, no matter what your current 3D reality may look like I promise.
This is the last ask I’m answering until I return, but I really hope to see more success stories :)! We all deserve our dreams lives and ily all so much,including you anon 🫶
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sssthusiast · 7 years
Seventeen Apocalypse!au
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Hi there~ ! So here’s this ZombieApocalypse!au imagine bulletpoint thingie with Seventeen members for everyone who enjoys these concepts ^^ @aelin-kathrine​ was a great help <3 We made this as a joke mostly so don’t expect anything serious, but I hope you like it!
THE PICTURES ARE NOT MINE. Cr to the owners, i just found them on internet and made the collages~ 
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great leader, commanding, keeping the group in check
fit, has an army training
great with his fists
as well as with his AK-47
tends to play the hero
”guys go on without me, you have to survive! I’ll stay here and slow that monster down” “Coups, it’s just a rabbit”
dad jokes
is he really the oldest?
90% of the failed missions are his fault tbh
but still a great leader
very protective
gets jealous a lot
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a flower prince, but you don’t wanna make him mad
likes things clean, always cleaning his weapons
too fab for your shit
”say it one more time and I’ll throw Woozi at you”
has a list of ways how to kill someone under 5 seconds
flirts with everyone
does not know what “boundaries” or “personal space” mean
revolver king
the sassy mom of the group
“Have y’all eaten? no? too bad”
the others are either his kids or slaves, there’s no in between
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in charge of nursing, the only one with a medical course
gentle, just not with the zombies
but prays for everyone and everything he killed
doesn’t like violence
doesn’t like cursing
”saying fuck in every sentence isn’t going to save us” “Joshua, the world is fucking ending, save your fucking lectures”
too pretty for apocalypse, pls someone protect his face
old school, loves his custom made crossbow
10000% caring
“Jeonghan leave the kids alone”
doesn’t glare often
but when he does it’s at Jeonghan’s shameless teasing
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martial arts master
backflips a lot
apocalypse doesn’t mean he can’t keep being picky about clothes
leather leather leather
competes with Hao 25/8
screaming in chinese
the faces he makes
always wears gloves when fighting
“Katana is not for cutting vegetables, Jun”
his hair looks flawless even after a fight
will annoy the shit out of you
secretly cuddles up to Minghao when the nights get cold
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makes bets with Wonwoo
likes doing crazy stuff for fun
crazy = really dangerous
definitely not a morning person
cannot function without coffee (most important mission is getting new supplies)
gets super hyper afterwards
sniper rifle & grenades
likes explosions
a whole idiot when with others
sometimes gets really serious
clue word - sometimes
helps Woozi with planning
also worships him secretly
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quiet one
ongoing life crisis
wants to go home
except there’s no home anymore
so just let the boy sleep instead
in charge of cooking with Mingyu
likes guns (also Mingyu’s guns ;)))) (we all ship it don’t lie to yourself)
afraid of dogs (more than the zombies)
lame jokes that no one laughs at
best sniper out there 
but can pull off any gun tbh
contemplating the meaning of life 24/7
has an ahjussi mode
”can’t you see me sleeping? Now kindly fuck off”
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intelligent,  genius strategist
always manages to save what Coups ruins
looks fragile but can kill you with a chopstick
takes no one’s shit
”shut the fuck up, fucker”
mostly quiet
unless you screw up
secretly wants to kill everyone
do not, and I repeat DO NOT, mention his height
otherwise you’ll find a knife stuck in your kneecap
did I mention he loves the throwing knives?
any kind of knives actually
sadist probably
secretly eats all the food supplies in the middle of the night
prefers animals over humans
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took him a while to understand what “apocalypse” means (almost died like 10 times)
positive in every situation
pointless screaming
likes to imitate other people (or zombies)
stole a fake lightsaber when the chaos started
has no idea how, but is good with every weapon he takes
zero sense of direction whatsoever
the apocalypse survival videos he watched on youtube actually came in handy
tried to tame a zombie
failed miserably
(that was one of those 10 times)
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in charge of food supplies and cooking
“Coups, for the 5th time, you aren’t cooking tonight”
looks scary, but is an actual teddy bear
pouts a lot
carabine is his baby
80% legs
guns guns guns
and I don’t mean his muscles this time
but those too
100% self-sufficient
highest survival chances
self-proclaimed no.1 driver of the group
(also the hottest one, admit it)
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curses in chinese
killing machine no.1
probably able to kill you with his nunchaks while dabbing
great team with Woozi
savage lvl 9372731910
”but what if I die?” ”Then you die”
secretly wants to get rid of Wonwoo bc he refuses to let him adopt a stray dog
sleeps with a dagger under his pillow
does yoga and meditations to relieve stress (afraid he might accidentally kill someone otherwise)
is actually caring, but hides it well
doesn’t want to spoil others with his kindness
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screams every time he hears a noise
laugh can be heard from 2km away
dumb and dumber with DK
mood setter (?) witty
not allowed to have a gun
unless it’s an emergency situation
gets mad when someone acts cute
pulls tangerines out of nowhere
y’all underestimate him
works hard to learn any fighting styles so he can protect his hyungs
quick reactions in every situation
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does dumb shit and somehow saves the situation
forgets to secure his gun (almost entailed Wonwoo’s suicide)
likes looking at the night sky and humming
walking chaos
tries hard to be badass like his hyungs
short attention span
but is persistant
likes to make new friends
except there’s nobody around since it’s apocalypse
fearless/rarely gets scared
precious kid, pls protect him under any circumstances
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fast learner, genius kid
can probably dance his way through fights; MJ style
acts older than half of the guys
poking everyone with his handguns
“Whose baby are you?” “Definitely not yours dude”
didn’t think he could live without internet connection
was looking forward to becoming an adult so he can drink with others, but apocalypse ruined his plans
zombie killing is an actual sport for him
tried to steal Seungcheol’s AK-47
was forbidden to touch any guns for a week afterwards
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