#excuse my grammar please TT
milaisreading · 7 months
Hi, is your request open? If so can I please request something like the bllk boys didn't know it's CD!YN's birthday because they're too engrossed on practicing and they just find out because Ego-san greeted her in the middle of lecturing them.
-Please excuse my grammar, English is not my first language TT
-also it's my birthday today so I gathered my courage to request for the first time to indulge myself (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ
Have a greet day!
🌱🩷: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASK! I feel honored to write this then. Hope you like it and hope you are having a great birthday, and getting a lot of presents 🥰❤️
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. In the story the boys will be using he/him when addressing Yn. Requests for this series are open.
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
Ever since (Y/n) became the captain of the rowdy team known as Blue Lock, her life changed a lot. Whether it was for the better or for worse, she didn't know. Maybe someday she will be able to judge it better, but for now she barely had any time to sit down and think this through. With how chaotic everyone was, the JFA gave her a clear warning:
'Make sure they behave during interviews and on TV. Their behavior is a reflection of you as a captain. It is also a reflection of Japan to the world. Don't tarnish it.'
Back then she wanted to say a lot of colorful words to the old men, and she still does, but now she had little to no energy to do that. In fact, she completely forgot what day was when thanks to how hectic everything became. And just like that December 24th came, which is also (Y/n)'s birthday.
While the outside, aka fans and general public saw some ads and public congratulations for the player's birthday, the girl and other Blue Lock players stayed blissfully unaware of everything.
"Here." (Y/n) sighed as she offered some salmon on her chopsticks to Bachira. Grinning, the boy took a bite, smiling in victory as he received death stares from everyone else.
"Bachira, you can eat on your own." Isagi rolled his eyes and looked back at (Y/n), speaking more softly now.
"Please, eat your own food. You look like you need some."
"Huh... oh, I don't mind, Isagi. I need to make sure you guys are healthy." (Y/n) smiled weakly, feeling way too tired to say more.
"(Y/n), feed me too. Feed me, too!" Nagi begged, tugging on her sleeve.
"Oh, sure-"
"Nagi, you have your own hands and chopsticks. Let (Y/n) eat his own food." Reo warned from the girl's left side as Nagi pouted.
"Please~" The albino gave (Y/n) some puppy eyes, and before she could agree, a tray was put between her and Nagi's face.
"Huh?" She looked at the person who did it, only to find Barou glaring at her classmate.
"Eat on your own. And you, eat something, now. Let Bachira eat on his own."
"But I don't want to-" Before Bachira could finish, Gagamaru shoved a pastry into the boy's mouth.
"I will feed him instead. You eat something." Gagamaru said as he grabbed a displeased Bachira's shoulders.
"Yeah, let us handle it." Isagi agreed.
They are right. You should eat something. I didn't see you during breakfast today." Karasu said from the table next to them.
"What?! Why did you miss out on breakfast?" Rin yelled in worry, and (Y/n) gulped as she felt Reo and Barou glare at her.
"I didn't feel like eating this morning." She excused herself.
'I had to prepare everything for an upcoming interview.' She wanted to say, but couldn't bring herself to burden them with it.
"Not feeling like eating? You? I have a hard time believing that." Otoya said suspiciously.
Yukimiya sighed and took his plate of food, walked over to (Y/n) and put the plate in front of her.
"What?" She asked the boy.
"Have my food, too. It can't bring you any good to miss out on food."
Reo frantically nodded his head.
"Have mine too."
"You should have something high in protein, (Y/n)." Hiori agreed.
"Take my tofu, too."
"I can give you some of my veggies as well. They are sweet-sour." Niko added on.
"No, guys. It's fine. Please eat. It's more important that you all are full and-"
"It's also important that the captain isn't hungry, (Y/n)." Kunigami said, putting a hand on her head.
'Where did he come from?!' She thought in surprise.
"Seriously, I am fine-"
"That pale face says otherwise. I should give you a nice skin care day, (Y/n)! A nice Vitamin C mask does wonders~" Aryu added in, causing (Y/n) to raise an eyebrow.
"I am really fine, Aryu. Please, focus on yourselves. We can't have you tired-"
"We-we can't have you faint on the field, (Y/n)! P-please listen to us!" Tokimitsu interjected, clearly worried over the girl's health.
"Yes! You are important for the team, too!" Kurona added in.
'I am? I am just the captain... a babysitter if you will...' Well, at least that's what she was made to feel by the JFA.
"Here! I was given this new nutritious shake to try. It's good for the bones." Chigiri said, handing her the pinkish drink.
"Uh... this is your-"
"And drink that!"
"You should really get some rest after, too."
"My pillow is very soft, I will give it to you."
"I will carry you to your room."
"Hold up! Hold up, everyone!"
(Y/n) grew a little overwhelmed, but thankfully everything stopped once Ego's voice appeared.
"What is this ruckus?!" Everyone stopped and looked at the screen that was showing the confused adult. Gulping, (Y/n) put her utensils down and got up.
"I am so sorry, Ego-san. This one is my fault-"
"Silence. I know it's not. And don't put all the blame on yourself." (Y/n) shut up and looked at Ego silently, the boys watching the interaction in confusion.
"Besides, why aren't you resting today?"
"Uh... The JFA-"
"Forget what those old farts said, I told you to rest today."
"Are you sure?" (Y/n) asked, unsure if she should listen. On one hand she had Ego, and on the other she had the duty to keep everything in line, for the country.
"Yes, besides, it's your birthday. Go and rest."
"Bitthday?! You never told us it's your birthday today!" The team yelled in unison, causing (Y/n) to flinch a little.
"I myself forgot... if I can be honest." (Y/n) blushed as Ego sighed.
"Go. Sleep. Now. I will deal with the JFA. The rest of you stay and finish your lunch."
Ego ordered as the room fell silent.
'Ego... will handle it.' The girl slowly nodded her head and walked out of the cafeteria as everyone watched her silently.
Once she was away, and out of earshot, Ego spoke up again.
"So... you guys want to take part in a surprise party Anri and I are preparing?"
"Hell yeah!"
"Of course!"
"Party for (Y/n)! Yes!" The team agreed, eagerly waiting for what Ego will say next.
Walking back into her and Rin's room, the girl sighed and plopped herself on her bed, cuddling into the pillow.
'Ego-san will handle it. I can rest for now.' As if a weight got lifted of off her, (Y/n) sighed in relief and started to drift into a slumber. Feeling more carefree now.
Once Ego finished instructing everyone what they should do, he turned off his camera and looked back at Anri.
"Is everything ready?"
Happily, Anri nodded her head and went through the list.
"All the ingredients and instructions are set for Isagi, Barou, and Rin. The meat, veggies, sauces, and spices for the katsu are there for Kunigami, Hiori, and Yukimiya. Bachira, Niko, and Karasu will get the balloons and decorations to prepare. Sanrio themed ones are so hard to find during Christmas, especially of that pink sheep." Anri commented as Ego nodded from time to time.
"Nagi, Reo, Kurona, and Aryu have the wrapping paper set for the presents. And lastly, Tokimitsu, Gagamaru, Chigiri, and Otoya will clean up and prepare the cafeteria. In case (Y/n) wakes up earlier than expected, I will try to distract her till everything is done."
"Ok. Everything is under control then. I will leave now." Ego announced as Anri finished her talk, causing the woman to raise an eyebrow.
"Go? Where to?"
"To talk with the JFA. Nobody treats my players like they are some no-name babysitters."
As the day went on, (Y/n) slept peacefully while the boys were moving fast to cook, bake and set everything up for the party. Anri was watching over everything, in case they needed help in the kitchen, while also keeping an eye on the monitor showing the door to (Y/n) and Rin's room.
6 hours later...
By now it was 8 PM and (Y/n) slowly opened her eyes, and sat up on her bed as she stretched.
"I feel so much better now. What time is it even?" She mumbled blinking the sleep away to look at her clock.
"8 pm... already? I slept for so long?"
She said in surprise and then looked at Rin's bed.
"Rin isn't here yet... maybe they are practicing still. I will go and join them." (Y/n) said, getting up from her bed, but before she could move more, a knock was heard.
"Huh? Yes?" She called out.
"Oh! Good, you are awake!" Otoya's voice was heard and the door opened, only for (Y/n) to see the said boy and Bachira.
"Hi, guys? Sorry for missing practice today, I will join-"
"No,no. We aren't practicing today. Come with us, Ego-san told us to get you."
Bachira and Otoya walked over to the confused girl, grabbing each of her arms and dragged her out of the room.
"Ha? Did something happen?"
"Nope!" The two said, sending each other secretive smiles.
'What did I miss?' She raised an eyebrow.
"We are here! We are here!" Bachira said happily as Otoya hummed along. (Y/n) grew even more unnerved now as she sniffed the air a little.
'Am I crazy? Why does it smell like Katsu?' She thought.
"Open the door~" The duo said.
"Are you guys pulling a prank on me?" (Y/n) asked in confusion.
"Please, just open the door." Bachira and Otoya answered. Reluctantly, (Y/n) nodded her head and walked closer to the door, slowly opening it.
"Happy birthday!"
"There you are! We were worried you won't wake up till tomorrow!"
"Happy birthday, (Y/n)! Hope you like everything!"
(Y/n) blinked in surprise as Otoya gently pushed her into the room. Flabbergasted, the girl looked around the room, now decorated with different balloons.
'Oh... Sweet Piano balloons! How did they find them?! They are so hard to find.' (Y/n) thought, blushing in excitement as she saw them. The players silently, and anxiously, watched the girl inspect everything.
"Huh..." (Y/n) muttered, eyes widening in amazement as she saw the cake, decorated with the pink sheep.
'Not even my parents did this for me...' (Y/n) thought, feeling her eyes water up a little.
The boys watched in panic as tears started to stream down the girl's face.
"Ah?! Did we mess something up?" Gagamaru asked in worry.
"I don't know!" Hiori said back as Isagi went to hand her a napkin, which (Y/n) gladly took it to wipe her tears away.
"We... we are sorry..." Rin said awkwardly.
"Did I mess up the decorations on the cake?" Barou looked over the cake.
"I think it's my fault. The balloons look a little deflated." Niko gulped.
"Maybe we should have done a better job on them." Karasu muttered nervously as Bachira and he glanced at each other.
"I swear I made sure the katsu doesn't burn." Yukimiya flinched.
"Did I mess up the salad?" Kunigami bit his fingernail in worry.
"You... you guys did everything amazing! Thank you so much!" (Y/n) finally busted out, hugging Isagi, who was the closest to her. Isagi tensed up and blushed a scarlet red, but hugged her back anyways.
"You are the greatest team ever!" (Y/n) announced with a huge smile, causing their worries to lift, and smiles to appear on their faces.
"Happy to hear that..." Nagi sighed in relief, but tugged on her shirt.
"Huh?" She looked over at the boy, still hugging Isagi.
"I want a hug, too."
"Me too! Me too!" Kurona nodded, running up to her, followed by Gagamaru and Tokimitsu.
"Me as well. Please."
"Me-me too, if you don't mind." Slowly, the other guys joined in on the asked and (Y/n) couldn't help but laugh softly.
'These guys are the best.'
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eyesmoonlight · 7 years
Somin vs Jiwoo
This gotta stop man. I was thinking to wirte this since KARAD released Don’t Recall but then I thought everything has already cool down but nope… when they upload the dance version there were a lot of dissatisfaction. Sigh.
Like seriously guys? They didn’t debut yet and you all fighting about “equalism”. Geez.
before I start let me clarified myself first. Yes, my bias is Somin. I’ve known her since Puretty and till now I’m still rooting for her. Never miss anything new or updates about her activities . So, excuse me for being defensive over her. But, doesn’t mean that I didn’t like the other members of KARD!
First of all, Oh Nana. Poeple said that it’s unfair that Somin sang a lot and JIwoo has so little part. Come on guys. Obviously DSP going to give the limelight to their most famous trainee/artist. Somin is popular and a lot of people look up amd support KARD in the first place was because Somin is in the group.
Somin is also the most experience. We are not talking about seniority here okay guys. We are solely talking about EXPERIENCES.
In Oh nana for me between the girls they got equal lines. They sang the chorus part together. And yes, you can hear Somin’s voice more in the song but maybe because Somin’s voice suited more compared to Jiwoo’s voice (gosh i freaking love her husky voice TT). Even when you see the live version when they perform Jiwoo sang with Somin but then ended up only let Somin sing and Jiwoo focus n dancing. Maybe she still not comfortable and need the courage and be more ease on the stage in terms of singing (we know she’s really good in dancing, that freaking charisma <3). It also gained Jiwoo more fans as people start to know the group which makes me so happy TT.
Then I saw someone commented on one of the video that the more she/he watch Somin the more that person doesn't like her. Reason? Because she’s so touchy/clingy to the boys. SERIOUSLY? Like seriously -.- They’ve known each other for freaking 5 years. they were in the dungeon together… what did you expect???Somin is a tye of person that like to smile, laugh and very affectionate.
The Don’t Recall came out. geez guys. *facepalm*
obviously the same problem, not equal line between the girls! Like come on.
This time obviously DSP gave Jiwoo to shine! They gave the really badass and cool line in the beginning to Jiwoo! she can show off that husky sexy voice! obviously that part suitable for Jiwoo so they gave it to her. The same thing when they gave the chorus to Somin because it suited her voice. Even if you watch the live version and see their singing parts it is faitly distributeed between the girls!
and yes, it actually makes me sad that people commenting about Jiwoo and so little thing about Somin. But, it’s their right. is that who you like then go ahead. But then don’t get bitter when someone do/say the same thing about Somin that she didn’t get enough love like Jiwoo in Oh nana. Don’t says that “Oh! Somin already shines in Oh nana and a lot of people talks about her and no one talks about Jiwoo bla bla bla” Like seriously? Obviously people will talk about Somin because they don’t know Jiwoo yet! and people keep comparing them. Gosh!
They both obviously have different style! Jiwoo with more powerful, edgy and husky dance/voice.Whereas Somin with powerful, sexy and smooth dance/voice. Both of them have differemt aura okay! They compliment each other. There obviously something that Somin is weak at and there is somthing that Jiwoo weak at. They help to fill the gap that both of them don’t have.
I just don’t get it why can people not fight about the boys and can fight about the girls. Instead of comparing and complaining, support ALL OF THEM. There will always be a time where on person will shine more but they can take turn! there will always be a time whereby Somin sings more or Jiwoo sings more. but it’s not the end of KARD! in fact, DSP is really good when it comes to line distribution along the way. ex: KARA. Yes, I’m sure April will be soon TT. At lest their b-sides they gave the members to shine XD
So yeah, I apologize if I hurt any of you fans’ heart. Can’t help it when it is the truth. It needs to be said. Sorry for the very lengthy post.
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itsyina · 2 years
I’m Here For You
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cr. video by jynuho on twt
Pairing : Boyfriend!Yunho x reader
Genre : hurt/comfort, angst, lil fluff
Word count : 915 words
Notes : Please excuse my grammar TT I’m not a native English speaker and still confused with grammar also have a poor vocabulary, thank you TT and I made this because I feel like yunho is THAT person who could soothe an anger and rage away
Summary : Stress that lead you to destruction, but he’s there for you. Ease your pain and make you feel more calm
Trigger Warning // mental breakdown, mention of wanting to die, tantrum, throwing things, self-harm (pls let me know if I missed any)
Nothing going as you want these days, everything was a mess. Your work, your study, your relationship with people around you, especially your parents. You know they just want anything the best for you but you also want to live your life freely. All of that make you feel stressed, and then here you are. Inside your own room, locked door, curtain closed to prevent the sunlight coming through, lamp off and only sound of the clock fills the silence.
You feel mad, you feel sad, you feel miserable, you feel depressed. There are so many thoughts on your head right now, why all the mistakes like yours, why are you the only one to blame when it's not really your fault, why it must be you to take the blame, and why it seems like you don't deserve to be happy for once ?
With all of the thoughts, you start to cry. Feeling hurt, and heavy inside your chest. It's already hard enough for you to keep yourself alive, you always tell yourself it's worth to be alive, but why does everyone make you feel you should have died ?
Another wave overwhelmed feeling crash you and make you crying louder. You screaming on top of your lungs, grabbing anything near you and throw it away until it break. Can't control your emotion, you start to being aggressive. You swept everything from your desk, throwing anything on your sight also start to banging your head to the wall.
You heard the sound of the door being knocked hard, you wanted to yell 'go away' to someone behind it but you're too weak. You slumped against the wall and sat on the floor. Sobbing like a mess you already are.
"Y/N !" that person shouted your name and hurried coming to you after succeed opened your door forcefully.
"Yunho..." you let out his name between your sobs. He hugged you tightly just like he will lost you anytime if he doesn't do that.
"It's okay, baby. I'm here, I'm here. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."
His hands caressing your back and patting your head, you buried your head to his chest. Listening to his heartbeat, calming yourself down from the furious emotion you had before.
"There, there, y/n. Don't worry, I'm here. I love you, okay ? I love you so much."
Like a magic, his words always soothe you and make you feel warm. His hugs, his presence, his everything always makes you feel calm, warm and loved. Only him.
Yunho is your boyfriend, you two have been dating for about 2 years now and he already know your darkest side. This destruction behavior you have, the stress you always keep for yourself.  You know he has his own stress, so you don't want to burden him more with yours. Even though he always says you need to share your stress with him,
You feels sorry to him, with fact that he had to trapped with you. But Yunho says nothing beside he is here because he loves you, he is here because he knows you need him the most. You don't need to be sorry for him because he is the one who wanted to be with you. He also said your darkest side is a part of you too, so he try to love you as you are. Your everything. Yunho also makes you to be a better person, as your dark side doesn't appear as often as before you met him. He is truly your savior.
Yunho was away for 3 days because of his work, and when he was not around everything on your life worsened. The destruction was the result of your pilled stress, the emotions you've held back these times. And he came back to see you at the right time.
"I love you too, I'm sorry I became the monster again." you said, still holding on to Yunho. Never want him to go to anywhere right now.
He shushed you softly, "you are not a monster. Tell me everything after you ready, yeah ? I'm always here to listening."
You hug Yunho and pressed your head more to his chest, looking for more warmth and calming sensation he give through his hug.
"Does your head hurt ?" you shake your head slowly, he sighed, "I think I will change your wall with mattress later if you keep on banging your head there. You know your head isn't kind of iron, right ?"
He checks on you but also scolded you with his sense of humor. You chuckles a bit, making Yunho smile adorn his face.
"Feeling better ? Do you want to grab ice cream from the store down the alley ? Or you want me to cuddle you to sleep ?"
He parted himself from you, hands cupping your face and his eyes looking straight to your eyes. Thumbs erasing the trace of your tears, and softly brushing the hair from your face.
"Can we cuddle and drinking hot chocolate ?" you asked shyly. He boop your head with his own after finding how cute you are right now in his eyes.
"Of course, anything you want, baby. C'mon, we will make hot chocolate and cuddle. But first, I need you to stay in the living room while I cleaned this room."
Ah, right, your room looks like a wrecked ship right now. A wave of embarrassment suddenly hit you.
"I’m sorry, Yunho."
"It's okay, baby. I love you."
"Love you, too."
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hellomynudebrain · 5 years
Dangerous (SevenxReader) NSFW
I wrote this fanfic since the Choi’s birthday, but i couldn’t update it, sorry. My laptop died and the my time beccame more tight  TT-TT
Maybe it’s not good like my previous one, but I hope you like it! 
Once again thanks to @rossyele to help me cleaned up my awful grammar. 
“Stay away from me. I’m dangerous”
This was the seventh or the ninth time…maybe… anyway, you really can’t remember how many times you’ve already heard that phrase since you’ve been married to Saeyoung.
Your wedding was six months ago.  He said those words every time he had a deadline with some company that requires his services.
The time when he told you that he would leave a mark on you to remember him was a fail -- at the most crucial moment he chickened out and went to drink Dr. Pepper and eat Buddha Chips to calm his anxiety. 
The first time he told you this was on Rika’s apartment, you felt sad that time but each time that it happened, your reactions changed from being sad to understanding; but this time he went too far. 
This afternoon you were totally on the mood and tried to get close to him so you sat next to him and stroked his leg, after that, you kissed his cheek, but when you didn’t look any kind of reaction you went directly to kiss his neck. 
Oh! This time he crossed the line…your line, because he turned around pushed you away with so much strength that you fell on the floor.
And before he left the room he yelled at you. “Don’t you get it! I’m dangerous, damn it!”
He shut the door and left you in there with rage filling you up like Dr. Pepper cans filling the trash can.
“No,no,no,no,no! Hell, no Saeyoung!” You were so mad he did this to YOU! 
You only wanted him to ravish you, but no! He behaved like he was some kind of school girl trying to protect his virginity!  
Oh! But one thing was for sure, next time, that time you would get your revenge.
The summer ended and you spent all of it planning your revenge. This season he hardly kissed you…or even touched you, but the payback was near.
The leaves from the trees began to change their colors and the weather became chillier -- fall came with no delay. However, the bunker doesn’t have a single window that’s why you have air conditioning, one you managed to mess to make the heat accumulate and make your plan succeed. 
Obviously, you couldn’t afford any interruptions, so you paid Vanderwood to go out and take Saeran with him to buy ice cream.
With no air conditioner working properly the heat on the bunker made it feel like a living hell, with that in mind you have a perfect excuse to wear you final weapons. Like any other day, you got out from your noon bath,  chose to wear a pair of really tiny Daisy Dukes and a strapless white crop top with an open cleavage, no bra in the middle, sista! 
“The show must go on.”
As always, you began to do the chores; doing the laundry, cleaning the bath, wash the dishes, etc. Your were sweating so much that your crop top became see through.
“Perfect! Now that my girls are showing off, let’s clean Saeyoung’s room!” You told yourself taking your supplies and knocking on his door.
He yelled. “Go away! I’m busy!”
“Saeyoung, it’s been four days since I cleaned the room. Please let me in.” You almost begged.
The door opened slowly but immediately when he saw you his gaze averted from your breast.
“Are you cleaning dressed…like that?” 
“Yes, because it’s so hot in here~.”
“What if my brother or Vanderwood see you like that? Are you out of your mind?!”
“They went out a while ago, so there’s no problem! May I come in?”
He doubted a bit but he let you in anyway.
The room wasn’t really dirty or a mess, but there was so much dust, so you took your cleaning weapons to make use of the other weapons.
You ducked yoursellf and start sweeping the floor so he could see your butt. But there was no success, he concentrated on his job. The next job was to make his bed, you bent over in a suggestive way, but he was still on his computer. 
You felt kind of defeated but you gave it a last shot.
You started cleaning his desk. The difference between his desk and the other parts of the room was Buddha Chips bags and Dr Pepper cans were all over the place.
The little light that the computer gave was your ally, thanks to that you nipples and breast could be seen on space!
He behaved like he couldn't see them but the sight of your perfect breast was too much for him. He averted his gaze to the floor but in his way was your bouncy and round ass -- he was trapped. 
“Hmm…You better hurry and leave I have too much work to do!”
“Fine…but let me take the can over the desk…!”
“No, it’s full!”
Dr. Pepper spilled all over the place…his place…
“Let me clean your pants~” You took a towel and started cleaning his pants, but…surprise, surprise!  A big bulge was showing...glowing only for you~
You stroke over it and opened the zipper. The stain was so big, so you had to clean it…with you tongue…
“WAIT! What are you doing…?…ah~”
“The Dr. Pepper left a stain here, my duty is to clean it, Saeyoung~”
You took his cock in your mouth and licked it as it was the most delicious popsicle you had ever tasted. The more you licked the more his breath became erratic. His excited face was the most sexy expression in the world. 
You wanted to see more expressions of him. You stopped licking…
“Wait…don’t stop…” He murmured.
He was the one to always tease you but a change of pace made you felt aroused. 
“Then tell me, what do you want from me?~”
“Blow me…”
“Blow what?~” You stroke his member on your hand and teased it.
“Good boy~” 
You breathed on his cock and swallowed it. The feel of your tongue and you warm mouth made him moan. You went faster and faster until he climaxed in your mouth.
“Dr. Seven taste is better than Dr. Pepper~”
That was all he needed, the sight of you with his special soda in you mouth and your sexy body covered in sweat was enough. 
“I can’t take it anymore!”
He pushed you over the desk, pulled down your crop top and daisy Dukes, leaving your very excited and proud girls on the air. This view only aroused him more, he took your breasts and licked  and sucked them. His fingers began to play with your pussy. You didn’t really need foreplay, you were so wet when you were blowing him that the only thing you wanted was relief on your entrance. 
“Let’s dig in~”
You kissed him and placed his cook inside of you. The feeling was much better than you ever imagined, without knowing your legs surrounded his waist making you tighter than you already were. 
He began to thrust with difficulty, he was about to come, but he wanted to feel you more. The thrusts were slow at first but little by little turned wilder that he almost threw the monitor, he really didn’t care. His senses were with you, your smell, your moans, your lips. He couldn't resist and kissed you deeply, your tongue and his were tangled with the other. Suddenly he began to kiss your breast, they were sensible from the foreplay, so when he touched them again you got tight. He felt so good that a few thrusts later he came inside of you. 
He was over you, you weren’t satisfied but he was tired from all the work and this cardio exercise…or so you thought. 
“When I told you I was dangerous… I meant I can't control myself in these situations…let’s continue with a round two.”
Many moans later when the both of you got out from his room, sweating and smiling like fools, Saeran and Vanderwood had been there…for a while.
Vanderwood looked mortified but Saeran…
“Stupid couple! Next time when you want to be alone, be sure to give us enough money…or don’t be a couple of bunnies in heat!”
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hoshihime98 · 7 years
Breaking (the fucking Wii bc both Pip and TT are awful at videogames)
AAAAAA @myladymojo This is based on the Au where Pip is the one that found himself in the 21th century. I never write a whole fic in english so this is kinda short,,,, also sorry if theres are Grammar mistakes, but i had so fun to write this!
It was raining. Actually it was just a drizzle. But still Titiana  had decided to stay at home. Actually staying at home was the best now that her 18th century boyfriend was stuck with her in the middle of 2017 somehow. Like, damn New York was big what if he  was lost in the streets of the metropolis? "Soooo watcha you want to do?" asked the girl laying her forehead on his shoulder. Philip on the other hand was amazed by almost everything there and keeping asking question abut everything, damn, when he found out about computer he spent hours  writing. "If only pa had this!" And honesty Titiana thinked it was  the cutest thing, he was like a puppy, and she still had to told him about internet! But now she was kinda bored. "What does my star want to do?" Asked him still writing. "...You type like an old men...You know that you can use both hands, right?" She giggled and hold his hands over the keyboard. "Liiike this! More fast, see?" "its kinda hard..." "Nha, you just have to get used to it! By the waaay mhhh" She paused a bit.  "Wanna try videogames?" Like of course, what could go wrong, lets play mario fuckin bros with the son of a founding father! "Excuse me what?" "Oh umh, vidogames are....mhh like an interactinve story...? And you have to controll the main character...Its more easly if you see it by yourself!" She smiled and then she looked in a box near the tv. "Not this, nha, definitively NOT this, ah-ah! there it is!" Like, Legend of Zelda was perfect, right? Mediaval setting, fantasy location, something even Pip would be somehow familiar. she turned on the TV and then the Wii. "Ok, this is the controller, with those you move the character, and those select, with this you can talk with people and with this you pause the game. Got it?" "...absolutely not" She giggled. "Ok, ok new plan, you watch me play, Roger?" "Who is Rog-" "It means ok, Philip-" "Oh..Ok?" --------------------------------------------------------------------- "You are losting again" "Shut up i got this!!!!" "Aaaand the green elf its dead again, i feel sorry for him" Titiana snorted. "Well why you don't try it by youself?" She asked with a passive-agressive tone. "Fine, fine, give me the..." "Remote" "Remote" After just 10 seconds Titiana was giggling like crazy. "Sunshine no- you just paused the game....And now you are hitting the rock. why are you hitting that poor rock" "I just have to figure out  how it works, ok? This thing is a idiocy. Can we do something  else please?" She nodded, even if was funny to see him so frustrated over something so silly. "Whant to watch a movie? Its like a play but recorded" "that sound better" She smiled. "Perfect! so i can also make you taste 21th century popcorns and soda!"
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