srooz · 4 months
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ultimatebottom69 · 1 year
Ok so. Why do I not care ?
Other then the fact that billionaires do not care about you and never will. I mean that's how they became billionaires by not caring about suffering of the next person but I disgress.
I do not care because none of you are writing about the poor fisherman who found a dead baby in his fishing nets in Tunisia.
All of you are like "Boo this poor 19 year old boo" but nobody cares about a god damn dead baby. From a ship of 800 people who NOBODY came to save at all.
Saying things like "it was too costly to save tjem" then the same cunts turn around and go save idiots who are totally victim of their own hubris.
I will not apologize for any of my post on this matter nor the words I employed.
They deserved to die.
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tadaxii-i · 3 months
hate hate hate when the word feels so meaningful in my mother tongue but there's no real translation in english
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pyro-madder · 4 months
funniest thing that happened to me in bb is disliking everyone from cainhurts despite being a known professional vampire fucker
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othercrossee · 1 year
You ever tell a joke on anon and the blogger likes that joke so much they keep using it, love and lifeeee
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pocketgnome · 3 months
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«[...]I don’t know why we didn’t move out at the time. It would probably have been the best decision, to truly leave everything behind us, to start anew in a place that had not be tainted by his presence. But as you know, we didn’t, and we stayed in the old house in Henford. Never once did we talked about it, a tacit agreement we both respected. Were we afraid that the mere mention of his name would bring him back? You must think this such a childish fear to have, but even with our centuries of experience, I still feel that there is still so much we don’t know about our... condition. [...]I thought that of the two of us, I would be the one to bring up the topic at some point. But yesterday, Kaspar was the one who opened the literal door. [...]The room was as we left it thirty years ago, untouched by us but not by time. [...] Then we found ourselves in front of the portrait. He had called it my magnum opus, once. Probably more by vanity than anything else, but in fairness, it had been one of my best work. I heard Kaspar sharp intake of breath, and my hand instantly found theirs, squeezing in reassurance, for them or myself, I confess I can’t tell. But as faithful at that rendition was, the face in front of us was as lifeless as its model[…] [...]And after three decades, the blood was still there, embedded in the gilding of the frame, a blanket of rust on the canvas. A reminder of what we had done, what had to be done. A reminder of that fateful day when we decided it was our turn to be judge, jury and executionner. »
- excerpts from a letter from Artemisia Singh to Lady Crumplebottom, 1825
prepping some vamps for @thebramblewood 🦇
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xxk3vonicaxx · 9 months
Kevverse lore here we goooo:
Sooo if you've seen a bit of my recent workss (the game of Kevonica), you'd probably have heard of me mentioning the Kevverse in passingg
Pretty muchh, the Kevverse is an umbrella term for the multiverse of Kevins that tend to exist across multiple dimensions/universes or timeliness
These universes could be travelled to with a strange arroww, though the arrow is the key to travelling to the different universess, it would be best not to lose itt, as if you lose it or break itt, you could be stuck in an alternate universe or timeline foreverr, unable to go back to your own worldd, and none of the Kevins would want to take that riskk... Usuallyy...
The Kevins from different timelines/dimensions are simply called alternatess. Khatch is an alternate of Kevin Odumm, Odum is an alternate of Khatchh, etcc. There's several alternates that existt, most belong to me buut some belong to my bestie and there's also some by other peoplee (for examplee, @normoku owns a cannibalistic Kevin named Kevrii, my bestie owns a monstrous version of Kevin from a universe called Candylandd, me and my bestie own Ace Of Nor from CS, etc.) X>
Kevonica is the name of a battle royale (which is also named after a cityy) that would take place to determine who was the best Kevin in all of the Kevversee, with the battle royale being created by a blonde Kevin from the future named Kevonicuss. The winner of this battle royale would be the new holder of the strange arrow:
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There were two battle royales in the history of Kevonicaa: The first onee, where he recruited Khatchadourian to work with him in the making of planning it as well as the executionn, though Kevonicus had later stolen Khatch's ideaas, using them to win the battle royale and ultimately become the owner of the arroww... Or so it seemedd.
Kevonicus had looked for the arrow's location for yearss, hearing about it in his parents' books and ultimately trying to replicate its power (with the help of Khatchadourian) in the battle royale by making artificial portals through the futuristic inventions that he had worked on and studied for yearss. He had wanted the arrow to ultimately take over the entire Kevversee, as that had been his plan with the Kevins that had been beaten by them in Kevonica (taking them and using them for his own benefitt):
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Though after Khatch saw that Kevonicus had stolen his workk, he became furious with himm, stealing the arrow out of rage and going back to his world with itt
In the second Kevonicaa, Kevonicus is basically trying to get the arrow back from Khatchh, making him participatee. Though Khatch ultimately teams up with Kevin Odum to get back homee, as well as to give him the arrow to keep it safee, making Odum the new owner of the arrow instead of Khatchh. (Although Khatch got into Odum's dimension through a freak accidentt, this would be touched on more in detail later as it's spoilers for EODLS anywayy)
Odum doesn't use the arroww, he'd rather not risk anything with it's powerr, so he just keeps it in a drawer to keep it safe for Khatch
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playlistashton · 7 months
Saera Targaryen
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‘‘I am both the sacrificial lamb and the executionner. The scapegoat and the swordslayer. The one screaming and the angel of death.’’
-Bilal Al-Shams, Sacrifice
She is the child of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Harwin Strong and the rider of Dreamfyre. She is very loved by the smallfolk as she is very charitable and generous. She follows the faith of the seven and often serves as an intermediary between her mother and the High Septon. She is very aware of appearances and how much rumors can be damaging. She is quite sneaky and can be quite brutal when pushed to her limits.
She looks exactly like her mother with violet eyes and brown hair. She was the first child who came from the affair between Rhaenyra Targaryen and her shield sword Harwin Strong as she was conceived after Gwayne, Rhaenyra’s husband, was absent for a year. She has a complicated relationship with Gwayne. While both of them were aware that he wasn’t her father, she remembers a time when he treated her as his daughter, before Jacaerys birth. For the years before his death she desperately tried to salvage their relationship. As a result she pushed Harwin away and held contempt against him and her mother for continuing their affair. She loves her brother dearly and eventually reconciled with her mother but is suspicious of Daemon and doesn’t trust him.
As a young child, she followed Oswin, six years her elder, everywhere, to Oswin’s annoyance. While considering a bride for Jacaerys, Saera was considered but Rheanyra firmly refused, claiming she was meant for Oswin. They are married and while she desperately loves him and try to gain his favors, he mainly avoids her.
The Targaryens
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teotiqax · 11 months
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Day 25 -Hammer-
"Executionners of the Arbiters" Collab with Finch_Tamo
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seii-fantasy · 2 years
The Seven Lucky Gods x reader
Tag: @themoonrising
Hehe you told me the Seven Lucky Gods then here they are
Reader will be the little sibling
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You will be followed constantly by your older sibling , so it is normal right?
Sarasvati/Benzaiten will be there to spoil you , whatever you ask , she will get it . Are you hurt , she will be there to patch you . If you want to learn the biwa , she will gladly teach you so you two could play together . Definition of big sister.
Budai/Hoteison will be the one who makes you laugh , you are sad , Budai will make a funny face so you can laugh.
Jurojin , you two barely talk each others , sometimes if you want to meditate , he will be there to meditate with you but even thought he doesn't talk to you much enough he still love you tho
Fukurokuju / Fu lu shou will always bring you happiness , you are really scared of him due to his apparence but he will try his best to make you happy .
Mahakala / Daikokuten will teach you two or three things about their jobs , as the Heavens Executionners , but you two barely talk , he only ask you what time is it
Ebisu, the grumpy one who has a soft spot for you and you only . Someone make you cry , don't worry big brother Ebisu will talk with them "nicely" even tho he looks mad asf he still love you
Zerofuku , since you were the only one who cared for him so he took some misfortune out of you , and the kind soul you were , you were grateful , kept thanking him from everything he did. So he took care of you , the little silver man was here everytime you needed him , need to help you with something , of course ! Need to cry , he'll be there to console you ! He'll be there whenver you needed him, even thought he'll be consumed by the misfortune but HE WON'T ALLOW YOU to be near Buddha , he's scared that you might left him so no You wont get near Buddha .
Andd the Father (Hear me out abt Bishamonten , pls) . The Father figure , he will be always there , having nightmare he will be there to listen to you , crying? Tell him , they will go and have a nice speaking with him , if you want a hug , he will hug you but he will try to not break you .
They completely love you , even tho sometimes they arguing .
Bishamonten is trying to be calm , while everybody is completely threating the other with the Divine Punishment
Sometimes when you're laughing with the other gods , they will became jealous , like very jealous
You're crying , Benzaiten/Sarasvati will be consoling you with Fu Lu Shou/Fukurokujin will try to make you happy while the others yk what they're going to do
Having them as a siblings it is quite funny and also cool
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versegm · 2 years
What do you feel about Charlotte Corday?
OK FINE i'm doing one more cuz you sent me this before i answered the other ask, but that's the last one.
First impression
"Why hello there mysterious saver of ours!"
Impression now
Favorite moment
Idea for a story
I have none but I think she should get to stab people. She could partner up with Jing Ke. Girl's night.
A random opinion
One time I read a post along the lines of "urgh, WHO asked for summer Charlotte Corday?" and I want that person to know that I did. I want summer Charlotte. I think she fucks.
Favorite relationship
Charlotte & Sanson... obsessed by "that gentle executionner was killed?"
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sibelin · 1 year
🥀 what keeps you motivated/helps boost your mood when you’re feeling off?
🌱 what’s something you’d like to learn more about?
🌸 do you believe in any legends or myths? (NOT conspiracy theories)
Have fun at the concert!
hi thank you so much :D
🥀 what keeps you motivated/helps boost your mood when you’re feeling off?
i already said music and art but i have another answer : something that usually help me deal with my mood is trying to see my situation from an outsider point of view. i can get really into my head sometimes, it helps me staying grounded :)
🌱 what’s something you’d like to learn more about?
oooh i'd love to be better at sewing and making clothes. i've made a few but i would LOVE to know how to make more complicated pieces. a shame it's such an expensive hobby :(
🌸 do you believe in any legends or myths? (NOT conspiracy theories)
i believe all legends have a part of truth in them. i'm not really superstitous tho so i look at them with more of a curious, historian eye!
..... or watch me flip the bread when its upside down on the table because my grandpa always told me the bread that was flipped was "le pain du bourreau", the bread for the executionner which was bad luck... maybe i am a little superstitious 😅
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philcollinsenjoyer · 2 years
i also yhink saw 4 works very well as a transition movie as a way of showcasing the difference in ideologies between john kramer and hoffman. rigg the protagonist is still pretty much an innocent person who simply needs to learn a lesson but the theme of revenge and justice and trying to be judge and executionner that is central to hoffman's character and way of looking at the jigsaw ideology is showing in the other victims of the traps who are for the first two at least tortured for the sake of being tortured because they deserve it. it's a complicated film im not even going to call it a movie
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noxianwilled · 1 year
@axewhirl from here.
can't hide anything from katarina, as she proved once again. not that draven's constant glances towards the assassin through the day, along his ogling were easy to miss. the latter often accompanied my muffled, distance snickering.
and now walking away as if nothing was going on was no option anymore. she had him cornered, and he'd feel in his guts that she wouldn't let him off the hook so easily.
arms crossed, head tilted sideway, his lips twisted in a smug smirk. his eyebrows raise, his gaze is openly mocking.
' since yer that darn curious, kat... been hearin' about a certain... '
cutting himself off with a theatrical cough.
' demacian guy. captain goran or somethin' '
the executionner's brows raise then lower repeatedly in provocation as his elbow lightly nudges into the woman's side.
' sounds interestin'. spill it, wont'cha ? '
most of his sources had been words and stories blown out of proportion. likely baseless rumours somebody came up with, then spread around tankards of cheap booze. but worth digging into, if only for the teasing.
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It's infuriating. She can deal with open mockery casually enough, as well as she can face any amount of subtle snickering; he is neither open nor subtle, lying on the irritating middle ground where it was obvious there was something he was dying to say, but for whatever reason he held it back. When he snickers for what feels like the thousandth time, her patience reaches its end.
The assassin mirrors his stance, arms crossed, eyebrow raised, though instead of a smirk there is plainly writ annoyance in her countenance. Katarina waits, rolls her eyes the moment he suggests he's been hearing gossip about something (all this for hearsay?), and then he gets to the point.
Well, shit.
She tries not to let her surprise show, arms uncrossed and a hand placed on her hip. "Was that what this all was about?" The annoyed huff is not difficult to feign; she had been very irritated until moments ago. Katarina tosses her hair over her shoulder. "The captain of the Dauntless Vanguard?"
Correcting the name would be a mistake. Draven is more than ready to pick on her as is (what did he even hear and how? it's not like anything between her and Garen should be common knowledge in any way). Thinking of the demacian doesn't help; she tries not to, shrugging it off in an attempt to appear nonchalant. If he thinks she cares this will get so much worse. "I fought him. There's nothing else to tell. Don't know who you've been hearing gossip from, but sounds like they're just making up stuff."
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folialake · 2 years
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The White hunter and the executionner….Both following their own duty
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vyragosa · 1 year
🤣 😓 i gotta calm down before i start ranting about the current daft cunt postmodern consensus regarding the death of the author and all that shit and how the reader is becoming judge jury and executionner not of the author, but of dissecting the work to suit their own fancy completely disreguarding any intents at all it just blows me apart
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