tenebraetuae · 2 years
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Chiesa Santuario Madonna delle Grazie e antico percorso della Via Crucis, secolo XIX.
Lungo il cammino per raggiungere il Santuario erano scaglionate quattordici edicole della Via Crucis: il popolo, salendo in ginocchio, meditava la passione di Cristo e si preparava all’incontro con la Mediatrice delle Grazie. La festa in onore della Madonna delle Grazie viene celebrata il giorno otto settembre. Una novena di preghiere ne prepara la solennità. Il giorno della festa, sin dal primo mattino, il popolo accorre ai piedi della Vergine: si celebrano Santissime Messe sino a mezzogiorno. Verso sera si snoda, per alcune vie della città, la processione della Santa Immagine seguita da immane stuolo di popolo. Fino a tarda sera, numerosi fedeli vanno in Chiesa per rendere omaggio alla Madonna dalle Grazie e tante madri, nell’intimo del loro affetto, consacrano alla Madre di tutte le Grazie, i loro figli, la loro casa, la loro vita, i loro sentimenti più profondi.
Ai piedi della grande aquila possiamo leggere:
Sicut aquila provocans ad volandum pullos suos et super eos volitans expandit alas suas et portat eos.
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mnoguesa12 · 2 years
Continuen les preguntes...
Alguns aspectes que encara queden per reflexionar...
Reflexió sobre l'article «Tres models escolars; tres maneres d'entendre l'educació (I i 2)», del sociòleg i pedagog social Jaume Carbonell, publicat a El Diari de l'Educació, els dies 14 i 15 de juny del 2020.
Com llegim la digitalització?
Durant la pandèmia es va generar molt discurs integrat-tal com defineix Umberto Eco-. Hi havia gent que sostenia que la digitalització arreglaria el món -els integrats-, mentre que hi havia gent que pensava que aquesta enfonsaria el món -els apocalíptics- Aquesta dicotomia ha passat amb quasi totes les tecnologies que s'han inventat. Ara bé, és real que la tecnologia té el poder per acabar amb els recursos previs a ella? La resposta és un rotund NO. Les tecnologies es van encaixant, però no substitueixen allò que ja existia. L'audiovisual no ha eliminat el llibre, les pantalles no eliminen el llibre de text, sinó que tot es va readaptant. En el cas del cinema, per exemple, observem com les pel·lícules de vegades ens porten a llegir la novel·la en paper. Què succeeix quan traslladem tot aquest marc a l'educació? Carbonell és molt crític amb la digitalització, ja que l'escola durant la pandèmica passa a ser completament virtual. És per aquest motiu, que durant la primera part del seu escrit, l'autor contraposa virtualització enfront de la presencialitat, decantant-se clarament per la presencialitat. Ara bé, durant l'exposició de la segona part sembla que la cosa canvia lleugerament, presentant un altre model, confrontant el que és presencial, com a presentació rutinària, en contra del model renovador, qui pretén modificar el model presencial. Això ens condueix a parlar del model expandit, un model presencial on es trenquen els murs de l'escola i s'estableixen relacions estretes amb el medi natural i el medi social urbà. Exposats els dos models, però, quina va ser la proposta de Jaume Carbonell? La creació d'un model híbrid, que implicava apostar per l'escola presencial, en la seva orientació renovadora i expandida, tenint les eines digitals sempre que es necessitin com a suport; ara bé, sense convertir la digitalització com a base de tots els processos educatius, ja que sinó, les escoles es transformarien en entitats dependents del mercat i empreses com Google començarien a tenir un pes molt important pel que respecta a l'educació.
Reflexió al voltant d'aquesta cita i, posteriorment, del meme que du associat.
Reflexió al voltant d'aquesta cita i, posteriorment, del meme que du associat. "A mi em crida l'atenció que sempre es parli, i amb raó, de la llibertat d'expressió. És evident que s'ha de tenir, però el que s'ha de tenir, principal i primàriament, és llibertat de pensament. Què m'importa a mi la llibertat d'expressió si no dic més que imbecil·litats? Per a què serveixen si no saps pensar, si no tens sentit crític, si no saps ser lliure intel·lectual?" Aquesta cita d'Emilio Lledó extreta de Los libros y la libertad (2013), evidencia clarament un dels grans reptes que tenim com a futurs docents. Nosaltres, el professorat, som les persones responsables que es dugui a terme aquesta llibertat de pensament. No només serveix que creem entorns de diàleg on l'alumnat pugui expressar les seves opinions, sinó que hem de donar eines per construir aquestes opinions amb arguments sòlits. Només així serem capaços de desenvolupar el sentit crític dels individus.
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farbackroom · 3 years
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❓EDIT OR EXPAND❓ I'm picking through a novella I published in 2015 because I plan to re-release it this spring and I can't help but wonder if there's a greater potential here? How would you decide? #amediting #novella #expandit #howcanidecide #booktales #hardecision #thefarbackroom #farbackroom #workingcreative #thewritinglounge #writinglounge #indieauthor #writingcommunity #writerslife  (at The Heart Of North Philly ! : )) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN6N3-BrUQW/?igshid=i051u84ee82g
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gar-trek · 3 years
Gar what is your favorite prehistoric creature. I personally am a big megalodon girl, but I can see you as a helicoprion enjoyer.
i dont know enough about prehistoric creatures!!! i looked up that shark though and my god, NOOO!!!! its scary!!!!! the only media i ever enjoyed with prehistoric creatures was Land of the Lost (1974, not that remake (also that show is like so good you should check it out, for the love of god Stingray and Land of the lost, get on it people!!!)) anyway there was a cool Brontosaurus in that show, so i guess i will say that is my fav
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happynaijablog · 5 years
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#happynaijablog - I came across this thought some minutes ago, by Abraham Lincoln, "I will prepare and someday my chance will come". As it resonated within, I was left with one option, which is to ensure I prepared BIG. Yes, the BIG opportunity will come as I train my being to identify same in the daily becomings. Will you be ready, when your BIG opportunity shows up? And will you even be able to identify it as such? Who are you becoming in the daily options life presents you? Set a BIG GOAL, for what it will make of you to achieve it! #happynaija #heyviewconsult #freesiahub #thinkbig #prepare #expandit #growdaily #follows #dreamsarefree #followtrick #breakingnews #massiveaction #motivations #inspiration https://www.instagram.com/p/B4y-mAxgQZw/?igshid=7pbd31gdpmhv
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southbostonbitch · 5 years
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Reposted from @bhaktink8108 - During spiritual awakening you may experience sudden waves of emotion. Crying at the drop of a hat. Feeling suddenly angry or sad with little provocation. Or inexplicably depressed. Then very happy. Emotional roller coaster. There is often a pressure or sense of emotions congested in the heart chakra. Accept your feelings as they come up and let them go. Go directly to your heart chakra and feel the emotion. Expand it outward to all your fields and breathe deeply from the belly all the way up to your upper chest. Just feel the feeling and let it evaporate on its own. Don't direct the emotions at anyone. You are cleaning out your past. If you want some help with this, say out loud that you intend to release all these old issues and ask the higher powers to help you. You can also ask Grace Elohim to help you release with ease and gentleness. Be grateful that your body is releasing these emotions and not holding onto them inside where they can do harm. These feelings may be linked to letting go of relationships to people, work, etc., that no longer match us and our frequencies. When we feel guilty about letting go of these relationships, all the accompanying issues and feelings rise to the surface for healing and transmutation.<3 #higherconsciousness #spiritualawakening #heartchakra #accept #letgo #feelit #healit #expandit #energyfields #breathedeeply #cleaningoutthepast #powerofintention #release #graceelohim #ease #gentleness #begrateful #higherfrequency #releaseguilt #healing #transmutation #lightbeings https://www.instagram.com/p/BzjEKudhdqq/?igshid=1szoo4qgzqq8w
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bugdoodle · 2 years
Valerie hatting ghost is'nt as unreasonble as the phandom makes it seem.
Danny and co don't talk to to her. (In redit speak this woul an esh.)
But in all honesty canon did'nt do their charactera justice.
Danny is the main character so he got the most developedment as a character, but got dumbed down in season 3.
Sam was reduced to the loved interest. Her flaws wer'nt expandit on.
Tucker stayed mostly the same he was the comic relief character. He had some good episode and honestly is lot beter than Sam
[widch i know is'nt fair. But tucker got jealous of danny's powers and as a friend at least understood Danny bette with Dash's bulying.]
Valerie's arc did'nt get a proper ending.
A bit of a rant =/
Here are some story idea's i would love for the characters to go trough.
Danny becoming more ghostly.
Danny coming out to his parents about his ghost half. The show showed every time the secret got out his parents were fine with it but that they stil had to learn, so thats how it's gonna be.
Danny gaing friends in and out of the ghost zone with who he can talk about space.
Danny gets his own lair in the ghost zone.
Jazz help her parents understand Danny more.
Eventualy Jazz takes step back gets to be a kid herself again.
Sam faling under Unergrowts control and gaining plant powers and keeping them. Sam using her new powers for her own gain make her a bit of a hypocrite so when Danny cals her out on it. Sam breaks down says ;I know ok!, why do yout think i always tell to not use your power for reasons. If i had ghost powers from the start i know would use them selfishly;. Danny and Sam growing closer.
Sam getting out of her not like other girls phase.
Sam and Danny actualy dating. Not People telling that they like eachother. (More of a gray ghost shipper but it was always gonna be those 2)
You can have them try at dating and finding their beter off as friends.
Sam becoming friends with girls.
Tucker having selfworth/ jealousy issus since he doesn't have power.
After getting injured Tucker deciding he rather work behind the scenes.
Tucker making more friends besides Danny and Sam.
Tucker dating a robot. The wiki states that Valerie likes hunting ghost and taekwondo. So were going in on that.
Valerie is told by Vlad about Danny's secret hoping to use her against Danny. Instead she shoots him. Vlad trying to use her suit to mind control her, he fails and only damages her suit. Both leave the battle hurt. Vlad has now become Valerie's arch enemy.
The only funtinig thing left of her suit is her helmet and hover board. Valerie now has to start over from has start all over again. (She becomes the red hood of the dp universe)
Her dad helps with making a new identity, using some of her broken equipment.
Damon Gray (her dad) makes a ghost surveillance fot Elmerton town.
Valerie making a new truce with Danny, she will mostly fight ghost in her Elmerton, and stop hunting him.
Valerie gains more human enemys who seak to hurt humans and ghost.
Valerie vollentears at the local taekwondo dojo.
Valerie ends up dating a full ghost.
In a funny twist Valerie rescues dog from (g.i.w or Vlad) that is half ghost. And keeps to help her hunt ghost.
Danny and Valerie becoming beter friends cant be of her becomin a halfa they have to work for that.
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I am sexually gifted in many ways.
I am definitely not for the Faint Of Heart and I am a open book for you to ask all the right questions and probably get at least a couple of wrong answers for the most important kind of questions about the most sensitive of issues that actually do not interfere with my day to day activities in any way shape or form as well as the fact that I am a liability to myself and no one else Period.
I only offer up explanations instead of excuses for the questionable things that I do in my life than that will not be a problem with my life decisions that do not affect you and are none of your well meaning attention to the main issue with me finding and keeping a significant other or whatever type of relationship which is a carefully controlled version of what the woman desires and loves to hear and see as my method of obtaining a totally inappropriate and non conforming member of the most insubordinate and then most loved by me type of woman who cannot be a productive member of this society as a whole and has a filthy seductive profane corruptive seductive sensual suggestive relentless method of being the Real Deal when push comes to shove in my very intense and detailed part 
of life that being a holy unmitigated terror in the 
Joseph Biden And Barrak Obama And Hillary Clinton And Associates:
I will start with this fact, Wisconsin counted 128,000 more votes cast than registered voters in the state.
If it happened in one state it happened in all of them. Biden Obama Clinton are for all purpose and intent the next Presidents of the United States of America.
The Radical Transformation of America will resume with full force and effect with the ultimate objective of destroying our country.
The Biden Administration is set in stone to be the most disasterous administration of any government in the history of Mankind.
So Be It...
Divine Intervention is necessary just and proper.
There is one of the Lord's  Chosen Death Angels clearly present in this video and in others as well.
The Biden Administration is being taken out by His Holy Power Presence and Command.
There will be a large amount of collateral damage that is unavoidable and will occur in all economic and military and social areas of the entire planet.
Child Molester Biden and his Puppet masters this is your first and only warning...
By order of The Master Of The Universe I/we open fire on 20 January 2021.
God Bless America and Fuck Everyone Else: 
Ezekiel 32
Nova Vulgata
A Plangite Super Pharao
Every32 In duodecimo anno in duodecimo mense in prima die, factum est verbum Domini ad me dicens: 2 "Fili hominis, sume in plangite super Pharao regem Aegypti et dices ad eum:
"'Tu es quasi leo inter gentes;
    tu es quasi monstrum maris
thrashing de in flumina,
    turbabat aquam pedibus vestris
    et muddying in flumina.
3 "'Hoc est quod dicit Dominus Deus:
"'Cum magna throng of populus
    Ego autem miserunt rete meum super vos,
    et ipsi trahunt vos usque in rete meum.
4 ego mittam vobis in terra
    et hurl te in aperto campo.
Ego dimittam omnes aves caeli habitare in te
    et omnia animalia fera petram se in te.
5 ego expandit caro tua in montes
    et implebo valles cum tua manet.
6 ego inebriabo terra cum fluentem sanguinem
    usque ad montes,
    et ravines, implebitur caro tua.
7 Cum extinguet vos, et operiam, cum caelum
    et tenebrescere eorum sidera;
Et operiam, cum sol cum nube,
    et luna non dabit lumen suum.
8 Omnibus lucet luminaria in caelo
    Ego tenebrescere super vos;
    Ego adducam tenebras super terra vestra,
dicit Dominus Deus.
9 ego tribulationis corda multorum populorum
    cum ego adducam de destructionem vestram inter gentes,
    inter quas tibi non notus.
10 ego faciam multis populis esse appalled ad vos,
    et eorum reges erunt horrent horror propter vos
    cum volare cœperit gladium meum ante eos.
In die vestri videbunt
    uterque commovebuntur
    omni tempore vitae eius.
11 "', Quia hoc est quod dicit Dominus Deus:
"'Gladius regis Babylonis
    venient contra te.
12 ego tuum faciam multitudines cadere
    per gladiis fortium virorum—
    maxime sermo omnes gentes.
Ipsi conlidam in superbiam Aegypti,
    et omnes eius multitudines erit overthrown.
13 disperdam omnia pecora eius
    a iuxta copiosa aquarum
iam non esse commota per pedem hominis
    vel muddied per strepitum pecorum.
14 Tunc ego dimittam eam aquas habitent
    et fac eam flumina fluunt sicut oleum,
dicit Dominus Deus.
15 Cum mihi facere Aegypti deserta
    et denudabunt terram cum omnibus quae in ea,
quando percussero descendit omnes qui habitant in eo,
    tunc scient quia ego Dominus.'
16 "Hoc est, plangite, et erunt cantus eius. Filias gentium erit cantus est; nam Aegyptus et omnes eius multitudines sunt cantus illud, dicit Dominus Deus.”
Aegypti Descensus In Regnum Mortuorum
17 In duodecimo anno, in quintadecima die mensis, factum est verbum Domini ad me dicens:18 "Fili hominis, et plangent se pro multitudines Aegypti et consign in terra deorsum, et tam ipsam, et filias potens gentes, cum his qui descendunt in lacum.19 Dic ad eos, 'tu magis aspectu quam alii? Descendunt, et posuit inter incircumcisi.'20 Et cadet inter eos, qui interfecti sunt gladio. Gladius est trahitur; eam esse traxerunt off cum omnibus eius multitudines. 21 Ab intus regnum de mortuis potens principes dicent Aegypti et eius sociis, 'habent descende et dormi cum præputium, cum iis occiderunt gladio.'
22 "Assyriorum ibi est, cum totum eius exercitum; illa cingitur in sepulchris eam omnes interfecti, qui ceciderunt gladio. 23 Eorum sepulchra sunt in profundo abyssi, et eius exercitu iacet in circuitu eius sepulchrum. Omnes qui habebant expandit terrorem in terra viventium sunt interfecti, qui ceciderunt gladio.
24 "Aelam est, cum omnibus eius multitudines circa sepulcrum. Omnes interfecti, qui ceciderunt gladio. Omnes qui habebant expandit terrorem in terra viventium descenderunt incircumcisi ad terram infra. Ferunt, in eorum pudore, cum his qui descendunt in lacum. 25 lectus est, fecit eam inter interfecti, cum omnibus eius multitudines circa sepulcrum. Omnes sunt incircumcisi, occidit gladio. Eorum quia terror erat expandit in terra viventium, et ferre suis, pudore cum his qui descendunt in lacum; qui positi sunt inter occisus est.
26 "Meshek et Thubal sunt, cum omnibus eorum multitudines circa eorum sepulchra. Omnes sunt incircumcisi, occiderunt gladio, quia expansum eorum terrorem in terra viventium. 27 Sed non mentitur cum cecidit bellatores antiquis,qui descendit ad regnum de mortuis, cum eorum armis bellum—eorum gladiis posuit sub eorum capitibus eorum, et scuta requiescit in eorum ossa—quamvis haec quoque bellatores habebat, terrentem terra viventium.
28 "Te quoque Pharaonis, erit contritum et iacent inter præputium, cum iis occiderunt gladio.
29 "Edom est, eam reges et omnes principes eius; quamquam eorum, potentia, qui positi sunt, cum eos occidi gladio. Et dormies cum præputium, cum his qui descendunt in lacum.
30 "Omnes principes aquilonis omnes Sidoniorum sunt; et descendit cum occisus in opprobrium quamquam terrorem causatur ab eorum potentia. Et dormierunt incircumcisi cum iis occiderunt gladio et ursus eorum pudore, cum his qui descendunt in lacum.
31 "Pharao et omnis exercitus eius—videbunt eas, et ipse erit consolatus omnibus eius multitudines, qui interfecti sunt gladio, dicit Dominus Deus. 32 Quamquam ego eum expandit terrorem in terra viventium, Pharao et omnis eius multitudines erit posuit inter præputium, cum eos occidi gladio, dicit Dominus Deus.
Assinate kill remove rifle pistol ANFO manhole cover armor piercing 50 cal BMG motorcade route explosive force penetrator spotter assinate Obama Clinton Biden Child Molesting Piece Of Shit anti tank mine RPG deployed against LAW armory break in Secret Service Tactical Response Team...
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ryobiclan · 6 years
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This is our 100th post 👍 and we want to thank those who have tagged and followed us. We have still a backlog of posts to repost so make sure you follow us! Here's a photo of some of the Ryobi products @ryobianz @ryobipowertools we saw at @bunnings #ryobiclan #ryobitools #ryobi #ryobicordless #ryobioneplus #dyi #ryobirules #ryobimade #cordlesstools #diytools #myryobi #ryobilove #ryobideal #justryobi #gardening #trimmer #expandit
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turangalila · 5 years
Ernst Krenek (1900-1991)
Lamentatio Jeremiæ Prophetæ,  secundum Brevarium Sacrosanctæ Ecclesiæ Romanæ, Op.93 , for mixed chorus a cappella (1942)
Marcus Creed, RIAS Kammerchor
[3.3] LAMED. O vos omnes qui transitis per viam, attendite, et videte si est dolor sicut dolor meus: quoniam vindemiavit me, ut locutus est Dominus in die iræ furoris sui.
[3.4] MEM. De excelso misit ignem in ossibus meis, et erudivit me: expandit rete pedibus meis, convertit me retrorsum: posuit me desolatam, toto die moerore confectam
[Netherlands Chamber Choir. Ernst Krenek. Lamentatio Jeremiae Prophetae]
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poetyca · 3 years
Esistere - To exist
Esistere – To exist
🌸Esistere🌸Esistere non è restare chiudi in un guscio ma essere capaci di espandere la propria essenza,oltre ogni confine creato dalla mente.15.10.2021 Poetyca🌸🌿🌸#Poetycamente 🌸To existTo exist is not to remainclose in a shellbut be capableto expandits own essence,beyond all borderscreated by the mind.15.10.2021 Poetyca
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shockwave-the-dog · 4 years
ENDER DRAGON: quaesitor umbra
WATER DRAGON: scopulum vitisque repertor
FIRE DRAGON: ignis cuniculum
AETHER DRAGON: caelum cursor
ICE DRAGON: Spanis expandit natans
WITHER DRAGON: nunquam desinens interitus
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wpournima · 4 years
Global Semiconductor Etch Equipment Market – Industry Analysis and Forecast (2019-2027)
Global semiconductors etch equipment market size was US$ XX Bn in 2019 and is expected to reach US$ XX Bn by 2027, at a CAGR of 3.9% during the forecast period.
The report study has analyzed revenue impact of COVID -19 pandemic on the sales revenue of market leaders, market followers and market disrupters in the report and same is reflected in our analysis.
Market Definition Semiconductor etch equipments are devices which are used to remove selectivematerials from the surface of the silicon wafer substrate by using various chemicals. It is widely used in the semiconductor device fabrication process.
Market Dynamics A growing market for semiconductor manufacturing equipments across the globe is the major driving factor behind the growth of the market. An increasing demand for advanced semiconductor devices for various electronics applications, rapid growth in consumer electronics industry owing to high adoption of Smartphones and other consumer goods, growing technological advancements in wafer fabrication and etching process, expanding demand to reduce wafers thickness to use in miniature electronics applications and ongoingdevelopments in the industrial automation, consumer electronics, and automotive sensors are expected to improve growth of the marketduring the forecast period. However, high cost associated with the semiconductor etch equipment is the major restraining factor that could hamper the growth of the market.
Global Semiconductor Etch Equipment Market: Segmentation Analysis By application, the foundries segment dominated the market in 2019 and is expected to maintain its dominance at a CAGR of XX% during the forecast period.An increasing establishment and introduction of new foundries to produce power devices, MEMS and many other products is accredited to the growth of the market. However, MEMS and sensor segments are projected to witness fast growth at a CAGR of XX% during the forecast period. Growing technological advancements in MEMS technology, rising significance of MEMS in various fields such as in wireless networks, optical, biomedical, consumer and aerospace products and increasing demand for smart MEMS sensors in automotive industry are expected to impel growth of the market.
In addition, growing investments in the MEMS technology by major market players to expand their market across the globe is further likely to improve growth of the market. For instance, • In 2018, Murata Manufacturing Company has announced that it has opened a new manufacturing factory in Vantaa, Finland to expandits MEMS sensor manufacturing. • In June 2019, Silicon Sensing Systems has announced its future strategies to enlargeits MEMS foundry in Japan.
Global Semiconductor Etch Equipment Market: Regional Analysis Region-wise, Asia Pacific held the largest market share in 2019 and is expected to maintain its dominance at a CAGR of XX% during the forecast period. The countries such as China, Japan, India, and South Korea are the major key contributors behind the growth of the market. The growth is attributed to the rapid growth in semiconductor manufacturing industry and growing adoption of semiconductor devices in various end-use applications.
The ongoing investments,development, innovations and number of activities by market players to gain competitive advantages in the global market, growing market for advanced packaging technology and rising adoption of smart electronic devices such as Smartphones, smart computers, tablets, smart refrigerators and smart TVs in high populous countries such as India and China are driving the growth of the market in APAC region.
The objective of the report is to present a comprehensive analysis of the Global Semiconductor Etch Equipment Market including all the stakeholders of the industry. The past and current status of the industry with forecasted market size and trends are presented in the report with the analysis of complicated data in simple language. The report covers all the aspects of the industry with a dedicated study of key players that includes market leaders, followers and new entrants. PORTER, SVOR, PESTEL analysis with the potential impact of micro-economic factors of the market have been presented in the report. External as well as internal factors that are supposed to affect the business positively or negatively have been analyzed, which will give a clear futuristic view of the industry to the decision-makers. The report also helps in understanding Global Semiconductor Etch Equipment Market dynamics, structure by analyzing the market segments and projects the Global Semiconductor Etch Equipment Market. Clear representation of competitive analysis of key players by Application, price, financial position, Product portfolio, growth strategies, and regional presence in the Global Semiconductor Etch Equipment Market make the report investor’s guide.
For More Information Visit @:
The Scope of Global Semiconductor Etch Equipment Market
Global Semiconductor Etch Equipment Market, By Etching Film Type
• Dielectric Etching • Conductor Etching • Polysilicon Etching Global Semiconductor Etch Equipment Market, By Product Type
• High Density Etching Equipment • Low Density Etching Equipment Global Semiconductor Etch Equipment Market, By Application
• Foundries • MEMS • Sensors • Power Devices • Others Global Semiconductor Etch Equipment Market, By Region
• North America  US  Canada • Europe  UK  France  Germany  Italy  Spain  Norway  Russia • Asia Pacific  China  India  Japan  South Korea  Australia  Malaysia  Indonesia • South America  Brazil  Mexico  Argentina • Middle East and Africa Global Semiconductor Etch Equipment Market, Key Players
• Applied Materials Inc • Hitachi High Technologies Inc • Lam Research Corporation • Advanced Dicing Technologies • EV Group • Orbotech • Panasonic Corporation of North America • Delphi Laser • Tokyo Electron Limited • Oxford Instruments • SPTS Technologies • Plasma-Therm • GigaLane • SAMCO Inc • NAURA • AMEC • XX • XX
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objecteiespai · 4 years
WARNING!   : do NOT watch if you are sensitive to fast/flashing lights. ... 
Blanca Rego
RGB Colour Model
2016, vídeo d'un sol canal, HD 1920x1080px, 05: 00min.
Animació digital basada en el model de color RGB (vermell-verd-blau) de síntesi additiva: els colors primaris de la llum. Les formes es mouen i es superposen en un parpelleig constant que genera colors complementaris i fenòmens entòptics, atacant els globus oculars i assassinant la consciència normativa de l’espectador. Una peça que no passa només a la pantalla, sinó a les nostres neurones.
La banda sonora són els mateixos fotogrames que es guarden com a fitxers d’àudio, mitjançant un procés de flexió de dades inspirat en els experiments de so òptic realitzats per cineastes com Norman McLaren, Lis Rhodes, Guy Sherwin, etc. El que veieu és exactament el mateix que el que escolteu.
“Les manipulacions perceptives d'aquesta pel·lícula fan un ús productiu de postimatges i altres efectes visuals. El jurat va quedar impressionat pel repte positiu del cinema expandit que aquesta pel·lícula va presentar al seu públic. —Punto y Raya Festival 2016.
Premis: • Primer premi Festival Punto y Raya, 2016, Karlsruhe (Alemanya).
Projeccions: • London International Animation Festival, Barbican Center, 6 de desembre de 2017, Londres (Regne Unit). • Tabakalera, 3 de novembre de 2017, Donostia (Espanya). • MCK (Miejskie Centrum Kultury), 20 d’octubre de 2017, Bydgoszcz (Polònia). • Festival Internacional d’Animació de Melbourne, 24 de juny de 2017, Melbourne (Austràlia). • Moody Center for the Arts, 3 de juny de 2017, Houston (EUA). • Fest Anča, del 29 de juny al 2 de juliol de 2017, a Žilina (Eslovàquia). • Festival Animex, 31 de maig de 2017, Middlesbrough (Regne Unit). • The Exploratorium, 20 d’abril de 2017, San Francisco (EUA). • Echo Park Film Center, 23 de març de 2017, Los Angeles (EUA). • La Lumière, 20 de març de 2017, Mont-real (Canadà). • iotaSalon: The Best of Punto y Raya Festival, 3 de març de 2017, Los Angeles (EUA). • Festival Punto y Raya, 21 d’octubre de 2016, Karlsruhe (Alemanya).
 llum estroboscòpica / Strobe light
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day0one · 4 years
Fact check: Donald Trump delivers most dishonest speech of his presidency as Joe Biden closes in on victory  1 day ago
President Donald Trump delivered the most dishonest speech of his presidency on Thursday evening.I've watched or read the transcript of every Trump speech since late 2016. I've cataloged thousands and thousands of his false claims.I have never seen him lie more thoroughly and more egregiously than he did on Thursday evening at the White House.On the verge of what appeared to be a likely defeat by former Vice President Joe Biden, Trump emerged in the press briefing room and took a blowtorch to the presidential tradition of defending the legitimacy of the democratic process.Aside from some valid criticism of errors by pollsters, some legitimate boasting about his performance with various demographic groups, and some legitimate boasting about Republicans' down-ballot performance, almost everything Trump said was not true.Here's a rundown:Election theft?Trump alleged that unnamed opponents of his are "trying to steal an election" and "trying to rig an election."Facts First: This is entirely baseless. This election is legitimate. Trump's opponents are not trying to steal it. Election officials are simply counting legally cast votes.Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and GeorgiaTrump claimed that he "won" the states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia, citing his substantial early leads in the vote counts there.Facts First: This is false. Holding a lead before all of the votes are counted is, obviously, not the same as having won -- and Trump has lost Wisconsin and Michigan, according to CNN projections. At the time of his speech, he was also in trouble in Pennsylvania as votes from Democratic-leaning areas were counted, and his margin in Georgia was shrinking fast as the count continued.Mail-in votingTrump called mail-in voting "a corrupt system," adding later that there is "tremendous corruption and fraud going on."Facts First: This is also just wrong. Fraud is exceedingly rare with mail-in voting; though it does happen on occasion, there is no basis on which to call the entire system corrupt.The legitimacy of the count, part 1Trump began the speech by saying, "If you count the legal votes, I easily win. If you count the illegal votes, they can try to steal the election from us."Facts First: This is, again, just false. Trump was on the verge of defeat because legal votes continued to be counted. There was no basis for his suggestion that "illegal votes" were being counted, certainly not that such votes were the reason he was in electoral trouble.The legitimacy of the count, part 2Trump claimed, "We were winning in all of the key locations by a lot, actually, and our numbers started miraculously getting whittled away. ..." He added, "They want to find out how many votes they need and then they seem to be able to find them. They wait and wait and then they find them. ..."Facts First: There is no basis for Trump's suggestion that something nefarious had caused some of his leads to shrink or that anybody was nefariously manipulating the vote counts. His leads had shrunk in some states because entirely legitimate mail-in ballots were being counted. Because many more Democrats than Republicans chose to vote by mail, the order of the counts in these states caused Trump to lose ground in the vote totals over time.In other states like Florida, where mail-in ballots were counted earlier than in-person votes, Trump actually gained ground in the totals over time -- as he has in Arizona, which remained too close to call at the time of his speech.The legitimacy of the count, part 3Trump claimed, "In multiple swing states, counting was halted for hours and hours on election night, with results withheld from major Democrat-run locations, only to appear later. And they certainly appeared, and they all had the name Biden on them, or just about all, I think almost all. They all had the name Biden on them, which is a little strange."Facts First: Trump's innuendo is baseless. Different states counted their ballots at different speeds, but there is no basis to claim that results were suspiciously "withheld" -- some counties and states always take a while to count and to report -- or that there was something suspicious about Biden's dominance in the late stages of the count in some states. Again, Biden's gains were a result of legitimate mail-in ballots being counted.Video: Conservative paper endorses Democrat for first time in 100 years (CNN)Play VideoConservative paper endorses Democrat for first time in 100 yearsClick to expandIt's not true that "all" or "almost all" mail ballots being counted on Wednesday or Thursday were for Biden. Biden handily led Trump in these batches of ballots, but Trump was getting tens of thousands of votes from mail voters in places like Pennsylvania and Michigan, too.The legitimacy of the count, part 4Trump said, "It's amazing how those mail-in ballots are so one-sided."Facts First: There is nothing suspicious about the fact that far more Biden voters than Trump voters chose to vote by mail: Biden encouraged his supporters to do so, while Trump relentlessly disparaged mail-in voting as fraud-prone and unsafe.Trump made some brief exceptions during the campaign, saying at one point that mail voting in Florida was safe and secure, but his dominant message to his voters was that they should vote in person.Democrats and the countTrump said, "There are now only a few states yet to be decided in the presidential race. The voting apparatus of those states are run in all cases by Democrats." He later added that "the election apparatus in Georgia is run by Democrats."Facts First: This is false. Georgia's top elections official, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, is a Republican. So is Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske of Nevada, a state where the race was also close at the time.There is also no basis to suggest that the Democratic election officials in other states have done anything wrong. And it is local counties that actually count the votes.Votes and Election Day?Trump declared that "no illegal votes" should be allowed to be cast after Election Day, suggesting that such illegal voting was happening.Facts First: Votes are not being cast after Election Day; votes are being counted after Election Day, as always. And some states accept mail ballots received after Election Day if they are postmarked on or before Election Day."Unsolicited" ballotsTrump claimed that states had sent out tens of millions of "unsolicited" ballots "without any verification measures whatsoever." He was referring to states that mailed a ballot to each eligible registered voter without requiring a specific request.Facts First: This is a familiar Trump claim, and it remains wrong. The nine states (plus Washington, DC) that sent out such ballots have various ballot security measures in place, such as signature-match requirements, to ensure the correct people are voting. It's worth noting that one of the states that sends out "unsolicited" ballots is Republican-run Utah, which Trump is projected to carry for the second consecutive election.Detroit and PhiladelphiaTrump claimed, "Detroit and Philadelphia, known as two of the most corrupt political places anywhere in our country, easily, cannot be responsible for engineering the outcome of a presidential race, a very important presidential race."Facts First: There was no basis for Trump's suggestion that Detroit and Philadelphia had done anything wrong in this election, much less that they were "engineering the outcome." Their local counties were simply counting votes, like every other local county.Election observers in DetroitTrump claimed, "Our campaign has been denied access to observe any counting in Detroit."Facts First: This is false. CNN reporter Annie Grayer said she has observed representatives of the Trump campaign roaming for three days at the TFC Center, where the counting of Detroit's mail ballots is taking place. And on Monday, the first day of the counting of these ballots, Grayer took a photo of Republican poll challengers checking in at the facility.Detroit's corporation counsel (principal attorney), Lawrence Garcia, said there were approximately 225 Republican poll challengers in the facility on Wednesday, along with 256 Democrats and 76 independents, Grayer reported.Grayer said she has seen two people get kicked out, one a Republican who refused to wear a mask over their nose and one of undetermined affiliation for causing a disturbance while wearing a Halloween mask. But that's not the same as no Trump observers being allowed at all.Covered windowsTrump claimed, "One major hub for counting ballots in Detroit covered up the windows again with large pieces of cardboard and so they wanted to protect and block the counting area. They didn't want anybody seeing the counting, though these were observers, legal observers that were supposed to be there."Facts First: This is misleading: Republican poll challengers were already inside the facility in Detroit when some windows were covered on Wednesday after additional Republicans arrived on scene.Garcia said in a statement: "Some -- but not all -- windows were covered because poll workers seated just inside those windows expressed concerns about people outside the center photographing and filming them and their work. Only the media is allowed to take pictures inside the counting place, and people outside the center were not listening to requests to stop filming poll workers and their paperwork. Hundreds of challengers from both parties were inside the central counting board all afternoon and all evening; dozens of reporters were in the room too. At all times, people outside the center could see in through windows that were further away from counting board workspaces."A pipe bursting in GeorgiaTrump claimed, "In Georgia, a pipe burst in a faraway location totally unrelated to the location of what was happening, and they stopped counting for four hours."Facts First: It's not true that the burst-pipe issue in Atlanta happened in a location unrelated to the vote count. The pipe burst in a room at State Farm Arena that local officials said was above the processing room for Fulton County absentee ballots.The issue did cause a four-hour delay. No ballots were damaged, officials said.The legitimacy of pollsTrump delivered some legitimate criticism of the inaccuracy of many polls. But then he said that "the pollsters got it knowingly wrong," saying they were attempting the "suppression" of his supporters.Facts First: This is baseless. Trump was correct that some polls were way off, but there is no evidence that pollsters were trying to be wrong -- at considerable public embarrassment to themselves.The status of the SenateTrump said, "We kept the Senate despite having twice as many seats to defend as Democrats."Facts First: It was unclear at the time whether Republicans would keep the Senate -- in part because one race in Georgia was heading for a January runoff election and other Georgia race appeared likely to be going to a runoff as well. (Some additional Senate races in other states, in which Republicans held leads, had also not yet been called by media outlets.)
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mindymaerenee · 4 years
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