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AENGUS (TMA OC; flesh/extinction) STIMBOARD!!!
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thefiresofpompeii · 2 years
nucleomituphobia is so fun because one thing is if someone’s afraid of spiders you can rationalise them into moderate tolerance by explaining how they save us from flies and if someone’s afraid of heights they can avoid air travel and climbing and mountains and if someone’s afraid of ghosts they can be convinced that ghosts don’t exist or that if they did they wouldn’t be malicious but when global tensions are actively rising and the red button is real and shiny to the eye of domineering dictators who would and could sacrifice their own country to prove themselves true to some mythical ideology and mutually assured destruction is only a deterrent if the conflicting parties care about anyone other than themselves and the air conditioned bunker they could hide their families in and there’s no way to provide any semblance of control for the average layperson or to be consoled without half-truths that hide the fact that, essentially, if a missile was coming we wouldn’t know, and then we’d find out, and we would have three minutes, and pray to whatever gods haven’t fucked off yet that those three minutes will be the end of it for you. because i’ve seen threads 1984 and it’s scarier than any zombie flick. zombies aren’t an active threat; what we see on screen in threads could be all of our reality the very next day and there’s no science fiction to it, no element of fantasy or exaggeration to numb the stench of singed flesh. i don’t fear death, i don’t fear it for me at all. but mass death - the extinguishing of countless lives, countless histories, countless minds, countless machines - a thousand libraries of alexandria - the great filter - is what terrifies me beyond belief. an existential threat of our own making. a damocles’ sword none of us are able to avert. are we just prolonging this eventual inevitability? it terrifies me even beyond my own lifetime. that we may be the engineers of our own destruction. what will be left on this husk of a planet?
enough misery for the night! i’m in a cottage by the seaside in western wales. this post was inspired by a loud helicopter passing. this post was inspired by a prolonged ambulance siren. this post was inspired by my grandma’s whispering in tongues in the bed next to me — we’re sharing a room for the week and she’s deep in dream and i’ve never known her to be a sleep-talker. i want to sleep through the end of the world too. i don’t want to be fixated on it. i feel like by fixating on it i am somehow hastening it. negative manifesting.
mum doesn’t believe in her darling daughter having any kind of mental illness, ocd included. i wonder what slews of medication i’d be on if i was in a different family. existing in this brain with no aid is getting impossible and the war and the friendlessness and the inability to open myself to new experience and the everything will end me up in inpatient one day i can feel it all accumulating like an overloaded reactor. better blow up internally before the bombs hit
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my-catsface · 4 months
HEELLLLOO EVERYONE!! I am going to talk about THE MAGNUS PROTOCOL and a Theory (maybe theories?) I have so spoilers for the first two episodes of The Magnus Protocol and major spoilers for the ending of The Magnus Archives!!!
(Someone has very likely said this before so it might be repeat information)
Okay. okay. Okay. okay. You guys know… that one comment Alice made about the voices reading statements, right? How there are three voices you can hear when statements are read aloud? We’ve got Jon and Martin as Chester and Norris, but she also mentioned an Augustus there too. “Auhhh but who’s that?? There was nobody else in the Panopticon-“ WRONG!! It’s our babygirl Jonah Magnus.
First off, during the end of the Magnus Archives we get a little “after” dialogue from the girlies about what’s going on. They mention something happening to Simon and why it’s probably for the best that they didn’t find any bodies. But that’s the thing. They didn’t find ANY bodies. Not Jon or Martin sure, but Elias’s corpse should’ve just been hangin’ around in there. But this seems to indicate that it wasn’t. So where’d to go? Probably the exact same place that Jon and Martin went.
Okay okay SECONDLY!! This image (below)
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Is taken from the trailer for the Magnus protocol, and I’m sure a lot of people are familiar with it already. The two things I want to draw attention to here are the J.01 and J.02 lines. J1 and M1 are… you know… Jon and Martin. But the J2 doesn’t really have an answer unless you think that it’s Jonah, whose body was never found when the Panopticon fell. Honestly I don’t know what’s up with the master and slave lines but I’m sure those (and the fact that they failed/are undefined) is important.
What I DO recognize however is the date that’s set for 2023 at the very bottom. Keeping in mind that Alice mentioned all this freaky stuff started happening a year ago, and the series takes place in 2024, this is likely the very event we’re seeing of the computers being all wonked out. Though the question I mostly have here is, did someone (or something) put those three in there intentionally, or did that just happen to be where they went after the end of TMA? Furthermore, why NOW? Why now years later (aside from real-life time happening (because I am 100% sure that Jonny has an answer for this and I want to know it)) in 2023? Is there something special about the specific date? What’s up with the EPA Polution Preventer (and why is it spelled wrong)? The memory test went okay, do the three remember themselves? Do they know where they are?
Okay. OKAY. I’ve rambled on for a while but don’t worry we’re close to the end of my scattered, disjointed thoughts. Because the one question I have now is “Who’s listening?” In TMA it was the Web, right? The web, with tape recorders drawn to the lighter (which I’m pretty sure is what was happening but I might be a lil forgetful). But there’s no lighter here? And we aren’t using tape recorders, we’re using… computers, maybe? A cellphone, possibly? The entities have been shown to not really play nice with technology… but there was ALSO the video of the dude who ate his own computer so I’m honestly not sure what to think. I don’t know if it’s the Web, still. Honestly I don’t even know of Smirke’s Fourteen can be APPLIED here. This might be one of those instances where TMA listeners have to forget some things to make sense of this different world. But if it IS applicable to an entity, the best guess I have would honestly be the Extinction. That might explain the EPA Polution Preventer (seems pretty extinctioncore), it might explain Jon Martin and (possibly!) Jonah here, having just come from an apocalypse/the end of the world/AN EXTINCTION EVENT, but aside from that? I honestly am not sure. Because we don’t know how many of the entities are actually intelligent. Sure they can like and dislike things but it’s kind of been very solidified in how much they aren’t very thinking, aside from the web.
So uh… what’s the deal? I have… no idea. I am frothing at the mouth in anticipation. I love this podcast. I love both of these podcasts… this is amazing… this is fantastic. I’m in love. Please anyone tell me if you have any ideas or counter evidence for any of this because I would LOVE to talk to you about all this!!
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jordankennedy · 5 months
vandermeer's annihilation is possibly one of the most extinctioncore books ever written
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
swine prince propaganda once more; experimenting on living creatures is inherently fleshy to me. warping flesh and completely changing bodies into something unrecognizable, without considering the personhood of the subject fits very neatly into the fleshcore box, to me. as much as i love #transrights benji just doesnt strike me as enough of a flesh avatar. i could make better arguements for extinction, to be honest, and going based off the description i would be inclined to do so, if his powers relate to a disease or a widespread pandemic. i just dont think that the body horror fits with the flesh at all, being that it isn't about his humanity, but moreso about being a weapon of mass destruction, a power that could very easily be used to cause mass extinction events, and... i mean. its right there in the name.
also, angel imagery is sooo extinctioncore but thats a conversation no one is ready for. revelations from the bible is a hell of a drug tbh
I look forward to reading the full essay when the Extinction tournament kicks off.
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churchyardgrim · 3 years
OH RIGHT theres also all the tma -core tags
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supernovas-avatars · 2 years
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Every Day I Wish TMA Used the Extinction More
Me: *reading Culture and Technology: A Primer*
the text (emphasis mine):
"The true goal of human progress is the expansion of the mind according to some; and if we could somehow abandon the body, we would truly evolve. We would become 'post-human'. [...]
"The sublime is awe inspiring, an overpowering combination of two seemingly contradictory effects: dread and reverence. [...] The technological sublime thus refers to the almost religious-like reverence paid to machines. [...]
"The technological sublime, then, carries with it a fear of being overwhelmed, an attraction to the beauty of the perfection of the machine and its products, and, most of all, a reverence for the awesome power of the machine. [...]
(assorted quotes from p22 of Culture and Technology by Jennifer Daryl Slack and J. Macgregor Wise)
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hongjoongpresent · 3 years
Getting Older by jukebox the ghost is an extinctioncore song won't elaborate
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adhdo5 · 3 years
Nevadan Extinctioncore is everything 
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arkfeather · 4 years
i ASSUME they’re equating his environmental destruction = sickness of the land = illness/corruption but really that’s complete extinctioncore. like. to an extreme. the corruptions focus on sickness is very biological in nature, and generally even where it’s being harnessed by a human being it’s usually the end goal and not a byproduct of some other action (thneed manufacturing)
YEAH!! not to mention that the extinction also deals in the fear of change, which is very much what the onceler does to the land!! the entire movie just screams extinction idk what op was thinking
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mag-147 · 4 years
desolationcore war good omens. extinctioncore adam young
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autisticjon · 5 years
these climate change awareness posters have been put up at my school over the past week and they're very extinctioncore
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