#eyes nonsence in tags
ididgettomeetyou · 1 year
aang is childish nah bro you just don't understand how having adhd works aang clearly has ADHD even if its not even intentional..
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multifandomgirl08 · 9 months
Through Max's Eyes [Mini Verstappen Series]
Dad!Max Verstappen x Fem!Reader (Established Relationship)
Photo Credit: Pinterest
Format: Social Media
Summary: Max's Instagram posts about Y/N, and a small life update from the couple.
Previous Part → Next Part Mini Verstappen Masterlist
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Liked by lewishamilton and 387,549 others
tagged: ynlnusername
maxverstappen1 This is my girlfriend Y/N who had to stay up until 3 a.m. to finish up a release for work.
Not only does she have to manage my schedule and Nico's, but she also has a time consuming job. I took her and Nico out for lunch today as a thank you for all of the things she takes care of when I'm not home.
You keep the apartment clean, take my son to school, and at the same time work a full-time job. I don't know how you do it my love...
ynlnusername You won't even give yourself credit for taking those photos? Max!
maxverstappen1 It's International Women's Day. I'm letting you have all of the spotlight.
yourbestfriend We love a girl boss moment
fan45 How do I get a Y/N?
fan26 He is simping so hard on main.
March 8, 2024
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Liked by maxverstappen1 and 441,858 others
ynlnusername First vacation since I moved to Monaco. Also first vacation with the boyfriend. We'll see how it plays out.
📸: maxverstappen1
maxverstappen1 Plays out? You live with me. You help me pay the bills.
landonorris Is Y/N sleeping on the couch until further notice?
yourbestfriend No, mostly because my girl is an expert at crisis management, or did you forget?
maxverstappen1 How can I, when there is a three year old living with us. Lol
fan86 I love that Y/N brings out the silly side in Max. It really makes you understand that he is so much more than a f1 driver.
fan96 I feel like Max had a secret .jpg account and it's just photos of Y/N and Nico.
July 30, 2024
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Liked by danielricciardo, ynlnusername and 134, 757 others
tagged: ynlnusername
verstappen1.jpg Starting off the summer break right
danielricciardo Since when did you start posting thirst traps of your girlfriend?
landonorris My eyes! How dare you sir! 🫣
ynlnusername Lando, you've seen worse. Remember Barcelona. landonorris Why do you have to bring that up? I told you it was an accident. maxverstappen1 Doesn't mean that we believe you.
fan87 What is Lando talking about? Did Lando walk into Max's motorhome without knocking or something?
fan38 OMG! Max had one of these too? Following right now!
fan96 I was right! Called it!!
August 1, 2024
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Liked by landonorris, danielricciardo and 538,735 others
tagged: ynlnusername
maxverstappen1 I could say something cheesy like you are P1 in my heart. But instead I think I just need to tell you how much I love you, and I love that you've welcomed me and my son into your life with open arms.
Thank you for everything that you do. Going to races, cheering me on and making my hectic schedule work so that we can spend time together as a family.
I know that Nico already sees you as his mother. I couldn't ask for a better mother for my son then you.
I love you, soon to be Mrs. Verstappen.
View all 865 comments
danielricciardo Happy for you mate. @ynlnusername he spent over an hour picking out that ring, wear it with pride.
landonorris Official mom of the paddock, I'm calling it.
fan28 How is Max who is two years younger than Pierre now engaged and Pierre still only has a girlfriend?
August 15, 2024
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taglist: @karmabyfernando, @barcagirly, @sachaa-ff, @iamahallucinationnn, @musingsbyshreya, @glow-ish, @nonsensical-nonsence, @fanboyluvr
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meetmyothersouls · 10 months
Jonah imagines plssss? Literally anything I beg
Here’s a short one to get y’all prepared for the real Jonah smut I have up my sleeve.
Other Things
Warnings: implied smut, kissing
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You’re breathless as Jonah moves from your lips down to your neck. The light kisses he peppers make your heart race. And the way he softly sucks in the tender skin makes you moan.
“Too much?” Jonah whispers, his head popping up so he can make eye contact with you. His body is against yours, pressing you firmly into the mattress. He’s so tall, that these intimate moments with him are the only time you get to be eye to eye with him.
“Hmm?” You ask.
“Is it too much?”
You can’t help but laugh. “Jonah, we’ve had sex dozens of times at this point. When are you going to stop worrying?” You shift your body, throwing all do your weight into him. Jonah lays on his back as you straddle his waist. You lean in to kiss him and the movement against his hips makes him buck against you. He’s biting his lip just before he takes your mouth in a kiss that makes your thighs weak.
It isn’t until you break this kiss that he responds, “never. I’ll always worry about you.”
Your run your finger tips down Jonah’s bare chest. He’s so perfect, you’re still shocked that he’s yours.
“Well, let’s worry about other things right now, hmm?”
Jonah smiles and flips you back onto your back. This time he worries about all the right things.
Tags: @danielabetancourth @luna2034 @wandamaximoffbae @twinkledinkleg-blog @anonyymoouussssss @nonsensical-nonsence @paramorelvrr @thedonswife13 @miniemonie2001 1 @jonahhauer-kingg
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OC song tag
got tagged by @ashen-crest - thank you!
Rules: pick one character from your WIP, then attach one song that fits them (or their part in the journey) & tag someone else!
I choose “ Everybody Walkin' This Land” for Ena, my favorite no-nonsence atheist goddess (don’t ask me how that works)
Tagging @chazzawrites, @littlerothridinghood, @pagesofcursive , @apocalypsewriters , @47crayons , @pretend-im-normal , I know it’s a lot but I’m interested in what all of you would pick :) 
All you mothers and you brothers and you sisters and you fathers And everybody walkin' this land No matter your race, your creed, your tribe Whose nation you defend With open hearts, open minds, lend a helpin' hand each time To the mothers and the brothers and the sisters and the fathers Everybody walkin' this land
All you believers, pretenders, bonafide sinners Everybody walkin' this land No matter your church, your faith, your sign Whose lying in your den All seeing eyes and Jesus Christ We're all living in a paradise With believers, pretenders, bonafide sinners Everybody walkin' this land
Lord we pray we make it through the day All you mothers, you brothers, you sisters, you fathers Believers, pretenders, bonafide sinners Everybody walkin' this land
All you racists, fascists, nihilists, and bigots I'm calling you out my friend I felt your hurt, drank your fear Your actions will not stand
Get on your knees, begin to pray Look at me, you can change You racists, fascists, nihilists, and bigots I'm calling you out my friend
Lord, we pray we make it through the day You racists, fascists, nihilists, and bigots We're prayin' for you my friend
All you prophets, saints, angels, and ladies And all you gentlemen We walked on fire, and we fought through Hell We're soldiers 'til the end
If you can't get enough Don't think that devil won't fill your cup You mothers, you brothers, you sisters, you fathers You believers, pretenders, bonafide sinners Racists, fascists, nihilists, and bigots Prophets, saints, and angels, and ladies All you gentlemen
Everybody walkin' this land
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captainlillybear · 7 years
#27 no regrets with Jeff Hardy?
The Hardy boys had been your best friends for around 5 years, it sounds cheesy to say but they were some of the best 5 years of your life so far. Of course being best friends with the boys ment you were very close to them, Jeff in particular.  Every one was telling you that nothing would happen between you and Jeff because of the age gap, slowly you had come to terms with the fact that your little crush would be nothing more than that, but little did you know Jeff felt the same and he was finally realising it was time to tell you.
Standing backstage after your match you wait for the boys to come back from confronting Shemaus and Cesaro, as they rounded the corner Jeff instantly smiled seeing you stood there in your ring gear wearing one of their shirts over the top. The shirt was one of Jeff’s own meaning on you it was huge, the shirt hid your ring top and shorts perfectly making Jeff wonder if you’d look like this having just woke up, throwing on the nearest item of clothing before heading downstairs to make breakfast for the 2 of you. Snapping out of his day dream Jeff noticed that you and Matt had stopped chatting and were stairing at him like he’d got 2 heads.
“You okay there buddy? You seemed happy in your own little world there.” Matt smirked at his brother, knowing that Jeff had feelings for you and that was what he was day dreaming about.
“Yeah I….ummmm… was just thinking about the next step in this storyline ya know. Should be a good one.” Smiling nervously he sees you give him a sceptical look, knowing when the older man was lying. “In fact we should probably get going, lots to plan.” Jeff nervously clasped his hands together signaling to Matt that it was time go before he said something stupid.
“Well I’ve got to go find Bayley she’s my ride and I’d like to get to the hotel tonight.” You chuckled refering back to a time you’d decided to ride with the boys and ended up getting lost.
“Hey you were the map reader. Not my fault that you put in the wrong address!” Matt defended chuckling at your hurt expression.
“And I told you thats why next time I should drive!”
“Oh no I’ve been ith you while your driving and that is some scary stuff.” Gasping you playfull smack Jeff’s arm for his comment glaring at him.
“My driving is not scary.”
“Sure it isn’t.” You reach out to hit him again but Matt inturupts you.
“Okay lovebirds that’s enough arguing for one night. I’d like to still have a tag team partner so before you can bet him up anymore we better get going.” Matt grinned mischieviously noticing the blush that was spread across yours and Jeff’s face at the mention of lovebirds. Turing away Matt headed off down the corridor trying to formulate a plan to get the 2 of you together.
“I’ll see you tomorrow yeah?” Jeff smiles stepping a little closer to you. You take a moment to reply, the smell of Jeff’s colonge, sweat and natural scent catching you off gaurd for a second.
“Umm yeah. You will. We don’t have to go to that cafe if you don’t want to, I can always go some other time.”
“No I’d love to go with you, it sounds like a really cute place, and I know you’ve always wanted to go so I don’t want you to miss out.” He smiles sweetly at you making you blush even more. Come on (Y/N). Pull it together. Jeff is your best friend, he’s just being nice and you’re making this awkward by being all nervous around him. Part of you wished you could go back to before your feeling for Jeff got super bad so you could at least talk to him without tripping over your words or blushing.
“Okay if you’re sure. No backing out now though.” You fold your arms over one another smirking at him. Jeff chuckles in responce, shaking his head.
“I wouldn’t want to back out for anything in the world.” Pulling you into a hug you let your arms wrap round Jeff’s neck as his palms rested on the small of your back. Your chests were pressed together and you hoped that Jeff couldn’t feel your heart rate increase. “I’ll see ya then doll.” he breathed into your hair, pulling away you already missed the contact and warmth, discreatly wrapping your arms around yourself to keep the feeling of his contact. Watching Jeff walk away you made a promise that you had to tell him how you felt, and you had to tell him soon. Heading to the locker room you get changed and make sure you have all your things before heading to the arena grage to wait for Bayley.
Glancing down at your phone you see a text from Bayley.
B - Sorry (Y/N). Had to leave, Sasha was freaking out about not having a ride and wanting to get to the hotel has soon as possible. So I offered to take her. I’m so sorry. x
Great, now you were going to be stuck here. Most of the superstars had left and the ones that hadn’t you werent close enough with to ask for a lift. Grabbing your phone you dial Jeff’s number hoping they hadn’t left yet.
“Hey (Y/N)! Miss us already?” Matt chuckled down the phone, jeff must have been driving and got Matt to answer for him.
“Of course, it’s no fun without you guys….Say you haven’t left the arena yet have you?”
“Yeah we left like an hour ago why?”
“Shit. Ummm Bayley kinda left without me and I’m stuck here.” Sighing you lean up against the wall, head in you hand.
“We’ll head back and pick you up.” Jeff’s voice echos through the phone.
“No you don’t have to! Didn’t you say you left like an hour ago?”
“Yeah but we can head back to get you, I don’t want you to have no way to get back and catch a lift with someone you don’t know.” You smile at how sweet Jeff was, always looking out for you.
“If you’re 100% sure. I don’t want to put you guys out or anything.”
“Nonsence! Jeff’s right. We’ll turn round and come and get you. Sit tight.”
“Thanks guys.” You relax a little as Matt hangs up the phone, and you wait for them to arrive.
Around 45 minutes later a car pulls up and Matt and Jeff hop out.
“Thank you so much guys you didn’t have to do this.”
“Of course we did. Can’t let you catch a ride with some stranger.” Matt smiles at you, accepting your hug as Jeff puts your things into the car.
“I’m gonna sit in the back, had too much time sat next to that one so you get the pleasure this time.” Matt points with his thumb to Jeff pulling a face.
“Come on man. You can’t do that to me!” Pouting you look between the 2 men seeing them both smile.
“Oh I can and I just did.” Matt hoped into the back of the car getting comfy.
“Guess you’re Stuck with me Darlin’.” Jeff commented hoping into the drivers side as you slid into the passenger seat.
“Oh the joys.” Rolling your eyes at him you settled in your seat ready for the long trip ahead.
The journey so far had been great, you were halfway there and you didn’t think you’d stopped laughing the whole time. The day had taken it’s toll on you, WWE were turning you heel so you’d been busy working on a bunch of moves and working hard to get promos right. Feeling sleep overcome you, you rest your head on the door and drift off. The last thing you remeber hearing was Jeff’s laugh. Noticing you’d gone quite Jeff shifts his eyes from the road to quickly check on you, seeing you asleep he smiles, shushing his brother who was getting particularly loud.
“Shut up Man. (Y/N)’s sleeping.” Matt sits up, placing an arm on each of the chairs to talk to his brother.
“Sorry. So are you ever going to tell her or are you two going to keep flirting with each other and never go anywhere.”
“Ah Matt straight to the point as always. I don’t think I should tell her, the age gap it’s just to much. I really think I’m in love with her and I don’t know if I can put her through all the stigma that comes with dating an older guy. Besides she probably doesn’t even feel the same way” Sighing Jeff started to drumb his fingers on the stearing wheel, glancing at you then at his brother through the mirror.
“Age gap smage gap. There’s what? 8 years? I know of people who have a much larger age gap than that and are happily married. It’s obvious you two have feelings for each other so just man up and tell her. You’ll regret it if you don’t and what do we say?”
“No regrets.”
“Exactly. Oh and when she wakes up don’t let her be mad at Bailey. She had good intentions.”
“What do you mean?”
“Nothing, just it’s a little odd that Bailey would leave (Y/N) behind. There are more than 2 seats in a car you know.” Matt sat back in his seat watching as Jeff thought about what he had said, laughing when Jeff finally realised Bailey and Matt had planned this. Through out the journey Jeff would find himself stealing glances at you, Matt had nodded off also and he was happy for the silence. Looking at you he loved how cute you looked, the way you still had a faint smile on your lips from whatever was happening in your dream. You hair came down to cover half your face and Jeff wanted nothing more that to brush it to the side so he could see your face in all it’s beauty. Towards the end of the ride Matt had woken up but you were still fast asleep, Jeff pulled into the parking lot of the hotel lookng at your still sleeping figure not wanting to wake you up. Matt hopped out first heading round to the boot to grab the bags.
“Are you going to wake her?” he asked his brother as he came round the car looking deep in thought, looking through the car towards you Jeff shook his head.
“Nah, she’s had a busy week. I’ll let her sleep.”
“I’ll take the bags if you want to help (Y/N)?” Matt suggested aleady grabbing the bags and closing the boot, heading up to the rooms. Jeff carefully opened the door, placing one arm beneath your legs and the other around your waist. Gently lifting you up he pulled you into his chest making sure your head was resting on his shoulder. Stiring against him you nuzzle more into the warmth causing Jeff to smile. Shutting the door with his hip he started to head up to your hotel room, ignoring the funny looks he was getting from some of the hotel staff. Finally reaching your room he see’s Matt waiting with your bags, opening the door he lets the 2 of you in, dragging the bags in behind you both.
“I’ll leave you to it.” Matt whispers shutting the door behind him. Jeff gently places you down on the bed but your grip around his neck tightened causing him to fall down next to you.
“I heard what you said in the car.” You sleepily mumbled turning to face him.
“You did?” He blushed as you shuffled closer, wrapping an arm around his waist.
“I did. And I think I love you too.”
“(Y/N). What about the age gap? I can’t put you through that.”
“Put me through what? Being with the man I love? I know you feel like there is a lot of stick around couples wiht big age gaps but I don’t care. I want you. I’ve always wanted you.” Looking up at him with wide eyes you grab Jeff’s chin and pull him down for a kiss, as cheesy as it sounds your lips fitted together perfectly. Jeff’s lips were slightly chapped and tasted like the gum he was always chewing, he swiped his tongue over your bottom lip, asking for permision. Opening your mouth slightly to let your tongues connect causing you both to moan at the contact.
“Oh fuck it. How bout we give us a try?” Jeff mumbles against your lips, pecking them every now than then.
“Definatly.” Sighing you wrap your arms back round Jeff’s neck pulling back to you, reconnecting your lips for another passionate kiss. Jeff making a mental note to thank Matt and Bayley for their team work because he definatly wasn’t going to regret this.
Prompt from this list.
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meetmyothersouls · 6 months
Hi, can I please request a Jonah x shy reader, where Jonah tries to help the reader push her insecurities to the side so that he can finally be with her, after all of the years of chasing after her?
Warnings: nothing really, fluff, reader hating themselves, not proof read
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“There you are,” Jonah says, joining me on the curb where I always take my breaks. “Been looking for you everywhere ya know?” He nudges me with his elbow and I huff out a small breath, hoping it’ll pass for a laugh.
Immediately it doesn’t and the sniffle that takes place right after catches his attention instead.
“Are you crying?” Jonah asks. Sitting down a Diet Coke. “Hey..hey…what’s wrong?” Jonah’s hand goes to your knee.
“It’s nothing.”
“Y/n…you and I both know it’s not.”
“It’s just stupid then!” I sob.
“Nothing you have to say is stupid.” Jonah takes the curtain of hair that was hiding my face from him and tucks it behind my ear. “Tell me what’s bothering you so I can try to make it better.”
I turn to face him, wiping my eyes with the sleeves of my jacket and sigh loudly. “Well, I’m crying because…I…I hate myself. There’s nothing good about me.”
Jonah bites his lip and nods, as if he’s truly taking in my statement. “Well, y/n I gotta say…I disagree.”
I sniffle once and look down at the ground.
“Let me tell you why. Sitting in front of me is a young woman whom I happen to be very fond of. She’s very smart. Very kind. Very caring. And very, very pretty.”
I scoff.
“You think I’m joking?”
“I think you’re full of shit.”
“Let me take you out.”
“It’s Tuesdays, we always hang out on Tuesdays.”
“No I mean on a date.”
I arch a brow at him. “Why would you do that?”
“Because I want to show you just how good I think you are.”
Tags: @danielabetancourth @luna2034 @wandamaximoffbaewrites @twinkledinkleg-blog @justagirlwholovedtoread @nonsensical-nonsence @paramorelvrr @thedonswife13 @miniemonie2001 1 1 @jonahhauer-kingg @crazyyynyyyy
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