suburbanitealison · 9 years
eyesbrightaskrystal said:  ♬ : stuck in an elevator together
Although she knew it was a futile attempt she kept hitting the button for the floor number they were intending to go to. “This is just great.” Rubbing at her neck in an irritated manner her hand soon lifted upwards to rest against her cheek. “It’s 2015, you would think technology would make it virtually impossible for elevators to get stuck like this.” 
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dyadcasualty · 9 years
My muse is high on painkillers after a big operation in the hospital. Send me “~” for a drug induced nonsensical greeting from my muse.
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          “Kr–Kr–… Kry…” That’s as far as she got beforeabandoning the plight, drug fogged head apparently notmaking for a very good attention span. Rather, she out-stretched a too-wobbly arm and beckoned her sister toher side. 
          “W…want you to– to s-s…sit. Take– take y-youreye f..f-for mine.”
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chemiicalpriincess · 9 years
*sends url* o3o
send me a url and i’ll tell you the following; | accepting
[ ♛ ] eyesbrightaskrystal​;
my opinion on;
character in general: She is such a stark contrast to all of the other clones on Orphan Black. Like, her character is just ridiculous and hilarious. I just really want to learn more about the life of Krystal.how they play them: It takes some skill to take a character that has only appeared for like ten minutes if a show and create this awesome character. That is all.the mun: Sam is an absolute sweetheart from the few messages we have exchanged.
do i;
follow them: OF COURSE!rp with them: No :cwant to rp with them: YES! {we’re plotting stuff out though so all is well}ship their character with mine: Ehhh, I could see infatuation on one end or the other, but I see them better as like gossip friends.
what is my;
overall opinion: If you like Orphan Black at all, or just cute, ditzy characters, follow this blog. Mun and muse are cinnamon rolls.
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tubulosae-blog · 9 years
Gimme some Goderman for that ship meme~
♡ Send me a ship and I’ll tell you:
Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling/vice versa?     I think Krystal would most definitely push instead of pulling, but only because she’d be too distracted by something funny that Emi might have said or done.
Who doodles little hearts all over the desk with their initials inside them?     Krystal is totally the more romantic of the two, so she would doodle the little hearts. Emi texts hearts more often though.
Who starts the tickle fights?     Emi does omg. She’s so aggressive sometimes, even if she doesn’t see it that way? I think Krystal might win them though. Emi is horribly ticklish.
Who starts the pillow fights?     Once again, Emi does and they keep it going until they knock something over, like a picture on the wall or maybe a glass of wine or something. Then they’re frantically trying to clean it up.
Who falls asleep last, watching the other with a small affectionate smile?     Oh my goodness? Krystal??? Yes??? Emi can fall asleep anywhere (ANYWHERE!!!) and just Krystal shvisfvfnvvfv, she just loves her so much.
Who mistakes salt for sugar?     That’s a hard one? I feel like they would each do that the first time they come into each other’s houses? I think Emi might do it more often. She doesn’t cook much, so she wouldn’t even notice the difference in consistency or smell until after she’d done pouring it and tastes whatever it is she’s seasoning.
Who lets the microwave play the loud beeping sound at 1am in the morning?     Emi because she’s a forgetful jerk. But then after the second beep she’s frantically trying to throw herself on the microwave to lessen the loudness.
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?     They both do! And they text them to each other with loads of winky faces. 
Who rearranges the bookshelf in alphabetical order?     Hmmm, I think Krystal might. She seems more organized and put-together. It might be because she’s older? She has her life more together.
Who licks the spoon when they’re baking brownies?     Emi does. Krystal warns her about salmonella but Emi’s just like, “I’ve never gotten sick before, I don’t plan on starting now..
Who buys candles for dinners even though there’s no special occasion?     ;~~; Krystal does. She’s so romantic, and honestly I feel like it might be wasted on Emi.
Who draws little tattoos on the other with a pen?     Emi makes Krystal do it, after she watches her do nails the first time. Krystal is so talented, and Emi takes the opportunity to get naked (only so she can draw on her better and have a larger canvas, duh).
Who comes home with a new souvenir magnet every time they go on vacation?     I feel like I keep making Krystal this sensitive person, but she totally is? So I feel like Krystal comes home with the souvenirs, but Emi helps choose them? They settle on picture magnets, so they can put them on the fridge.
Who convinces the other to fill out those couple surveys in the back of magazines?     Emi convinces Krystal, and half the time it’s not really convincing, but more like, Emi reads it aloud, and won’t talk about another subject until Krystal has answered her completely. Adding up the results though is super hard, so Krystal has to help her do so.
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holistic-healer · 9 years
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she sips at her dark chai tea, mug clasped firmly between her palms. she needs a tether, something to hold her to the ground.  her thumb tacks in the dip of her chin, teeth chewing at the wistful, etherial flop in her belly.
                                 ‘  i know it sounds crazy…but... do you ever                                   dream that you’re just meant to be with someone?’
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Andrew sauntered into the shop and breathed in the scents of nail polish. He went over to the rack and picked up a vial of a dark black color.
(for eyesbrightaskrystal)
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dyadcasualty · 9 years
I'm just gonna- Rachel/Krystal. I have to ask, since doing that other ship meme xD
Send me a ღ and I’ll fill this out about a ship
Who’s the first to wake up in the morning: Rachel, easily, for work
Who’s the one to make breakfast: Rachel isn’t much of a cook, so she definitely shoulders that duty to Krystal
Who’s the one to serve the other breakfast in bed: Okay, Rachel serves no one, so it’s Krystal or no one
Who would suggest a quickie in the morning before work: Probably Krystal
Who suggests they both ditch work to lay around all day: Again, Krystal. Such a bad role model
Who chooses the movies: It’d be a battle, considering these two movie taste probably do not correlate at all, but Krystal would eventually get to pick... Rachel would complain the entire time though
Who initiates kissing during the movie, thus distracting the other from the movie all together: Rachel, more to distract herself from the movie than anything else
Who orders lunch: Rachel would. She would take Krystal to these ridiculously nice restaurants and spoil her with food
Who steals food from the other’s plate without asking: K r y s t a l
Who curls up next to the other and falls asleep due to a full tummy: Krystal again and Rachel would mutter a complaint or two, but she actually wouldn’t mind at all
Who distracts the other from trying to work at home: Krystal, my god
Who asks to go get ice cream like a five year old: 5yo Krystal (but Rachel would enable her by getting it for her every time)
Who takes pictures of their partner eating ice cream: Krystal, probably. Rachel would not ABUSE her phone like that
Who makes a sexual joke about the dripping ice cream on their partner’s face: *RACHEL LOUDLY GLARING AT KRYSTAL*
Who cooks dinner: Rachel might try
Who cleans up the kitchen afterwards: Rachel may start doing it very unhappily, but that’s enough of a hint for Krystal to step in and help
Who stays up until 2 reading: Rachel
Who stares at their partner while their sleeping: Tbh, it’s a toss up. I bet they both do
Who kisses their partner while they sleep: Rachel. Because she has too much of an ego to give nonsexually based kisses otherwise
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tonyfreakinsawicki · 9 years
eyesbrightaskrystal said:"I..."
“I don’t understand you.”
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governmentdna-blog · 9 years
⚜ + Krystal
Send me ⚜ + a character name and I’ll make a graphic of our muse’s relationship aesthetic.
Click click.
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obvscosima-blog · 9 years
It’s never not going to be weird, probably. Her face--from the nose to the lips to even the green-brown whirl of her eyes--only on a completely different body. It shouldn’t be weird, not after she’s met so damn many of them. But it is. It always is.
And if it’s weird for Cosima after all this time-- She doesn’t want to imagine what it’s like for Krystal.
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‘Hey, uh... I know-- I know how totally trippy this is. I mean, been there, done that, right?’ She waves one hand in a lazy shrug. ‘How’re you holding up?’
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"I dare you to make out with that moose."
Having knocked back a couple drinks, the wolf was well on her way to inebriation. Krystal was just the right companion for such a trip, which had them stranded in the middle of nowhere, holed up in a lodge. “….What happens if I refuse?” The wolf arched an eyebrow, elbow leaning upon the bar top as she focused on the blonde.
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ccsimax · 9 years
eyesbrightaskrystal said:  Take as much time as you need! Real life comes before anything else :)
Thank you :) I just don’t want people to think I’m not bothered about running the account.
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runewarsmaster · 9 years
eyesbrightaskrystal said:"Don't move, I just got comfy."
Scott paused in his move to shift his arm out from behind her head. “Alright, my arm might go numb, but alright.” Settling his arm back around her, he tilted his head so it was close to hers. He was trying his hardest to give this reality show a chance, but his eyes were already glazing over. “I had no idea there was such a thing as a hair competition. But, who would actually wear some of these out?”
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