#ezekial tombes
Three Sorcerers and a Baby, Pt. 1 (2.2k Words)
Hello, I come to you with the first chapter of my Obey Me fic with my OCs. It is rushed and not very good, but I love it very much. Plus, you get to be in the story! That’s right, you are the MC that’ll appear in this fic. Pronouns are kept gender neutral, of course, but it’s still you. I hope you enjoy!
There’s very little someone can do to turn heads while walking through the city of London. Unfortunately, wearing a full armor suit while carrying a baby in a pink onesie is something that people tend to stare at. Centurion is aware of all the eyes on him as he tries to tug his cloak over the sleeping bundle in his arms to shield her from view, walking quickly down the street. “Oi, Centurion, where are we heading again? You haven’t told us yet, an’ that’ll be a problem if Zed or I get lost.”
The giant of a man sighs as the shorter of his two companions catches up to him, having to move at almost a jog to keep pace. “I told you, Morrison, if I tell you that, it could endanger Seraphina. I know they will not be able to capture me, but I do not know if either of you will be able to keep your mouths shut if the society catches you. We must prioritize her safety over our own until we reach Devildom.” Nathaniel sounds annoyed and offended when he responds, “What are you on about, mate? We care about ‘Phina just as much as you do–don’t we, Zed?”
“Sure, Mo, but neither of us could hold a candle to Mr. Perfect Soldier here, now could we?” The amused sarcasm in Ezekial’s voice is apparent as he strolls behind the two, thumbs loosely hanging in the pockets of his jeans as he scans the crowd for any familiar faces. “Phi-phi would never have survived with just us knuckleheads around.”
“Say what you like, but I know you two would not have made it out of the hotel room without me.” Ezekiel snorts at Centurion’s comment. “We would have eventually. You just got lucky that she wanted you to carry her this morning. I didn’t hear either of you complaining last night when she’d only settle if I was rocking her.”
“That’s because no one likes the night shift, innit? Plus, you’re the best at bedtime routine. You could get sleep too if you didn’t insist on singing her to sleep the first few weeks we had her, Zed.” Centurion tries to tune out their bickering as he searches for the next street he needs to turn down. “Says the person who was jealous when I got to feed her this mornin’. I told you she likes it when I make her bottle better–I got my special ingredient.”
“I swear to god, Zed, if you’re drugging our baby–”
“Quiet, Mo,” Ezekial immediately drops his joking tone. “We got two tails on us. How far are we from the meeting point?”
Centurion can feel his heart start to pound as he starts to speed up his walk. “We will get there in about 10 minutes at the pace we are going. Is there anyone in particular we need to worry about?”
“Don’t know, I don’t recognize either of them. Mo, you know the society better than I do, do you know ‘em?”
“Oh bloody hell, they sent Rundas and Anderson. Y’think we could throw them off the trail if we split up?” Centurion curses under his breath. “Regent’s Park, the ​​Delphinium border in Queen Mary’s gardens. I can cover ground faster without you two needing to follow me, go.”
Ezekial and Nathaniel don’t argue, immediately splitting off from him in either direction in a dead sprint–Nathaniel has moved his back into his arms to mimic the bundled form of Seraphina. Falling for it, Anderson gives chase, leaving only Rundas as a threat. Centurion begins to run, praying fervently that the baby he’s carrying won’t wake up and cry with the change in speed and noise surrounding her. Nathaniel will be alright–the road he’d chosen to run down led towards Paddington Street garden, a perfect location for the Naturomancer. However, if Seraphina gives away that he’s the one carrying her, there’ll be very little he can do to stop Rundas. Ezekial seems to have also come to that conclusion, rejoining Centurion a few moments later with his bone knife in hand. Neither of them says anything, focusing entirely on dodging confused pedestrians as they come out onto Park’s Square. 
The pavement under their street quickly turns to grass as the pair make a beeline towards the gardens–as they get closer, Centurion can feel the weak thrum of magic filling the air. They’re too early. The two men stop, both breathing heavily as Ezekial closes his eyes, most likely looking for any nearby deceased animals to pull to their defense. Centurion isn’t optimistic since the only animals he’s likely to find are pigeons and squirrels. However, a shout from Nathaniel breaks the Necromancer’s focus. “Quit standing there, you idiots, they’re both on me! We need to go now.”
Ezekial gives Centurion a side glance. “Now would be a really good time for your friend to show up, yeah?” Centurion grits his teeth, feeling the magic around him grow stronger at entirely too slow a pace. “He will be here.” 
As if on cue, the portal opens, and Nathaniel blows past both of them as he dives through, Ezekial close behind. Centurion gives them both a few seconds before he throws himself through as well, turning so his back will be to whatever he lands on to shield the baby from the impact as he shouts, “Close it, Solomon!”
He lands with a loud clattering of armor on wooden floors. For a moment, everything is silent except for the panting of the three sorcerers. Then Seraphina, who had finally been startled awake from the dramatic post-portal impact, begins to cry. Centurion scrambles to his feet, automatically pushing the baby into Ezekial’s waiting arms–he’s the best at soothing her. Unfortunately, she continues to scream, tugging on one of his hair twists in distress. Ezekial doesn’t allow this to deter him as he begins to walk around in a circle, adding a bounce to his step as he coos to her. Freed of his parental duties, Centurion takes in their surroundings. It’s a large bedroom, with a desk covered in papers and walls lined with bookcases. The darkness outside the one window confirms to him that they are indeed in Devildom, and he lets out a sigh of relief before turning to their savior. “Thank you, master Solomon. Your portal came just in time.”
The white-haired wizard just stares at him incredulously. “You know, by now, I should know you’re not joking when you send me a message saying ‘I recently became a guardian of a half-demon baby who the Sorcerer’s Society is hunting and we need your help,” but I thought for sure you’d finally developed a sense of humor.”
He wants to respond, indignancy starting to bubble up in his chest, but suddenly the door is thrown open, revealing a human wearing a uniform very similar to Solomon's, accompanied by what appears to be two Angels. “Solomon, are you alright? I heard…”
Their voice trails off as they take in the bizarre scene in front of them. Solomon immediately runs over to them, and Centurion swears he can see sweat forming on his old master’s forehead. “MC, I swear I can explain. This is–”
The other human, MC, holds up a finger, and Solomon’s mouth shuts with an audible click of teeth. “I don’t want to know what you’ve gotten us into until our guests are settled and the baby has stopped crying.”
Solomon nods, hurrying to pull out his desk chair for Nathaniel as Centurion stares at MC with fascination. “In all my years of knowing Solomon, I have never seen anyone able to order him about without a fight.”
“Oh, shut it, Centurion,” Solomon growls as he stalks past him out of the room, most likely to retrieve more chairs. The taller of the two angels, a gentle-looking man with warm blue eyes, steps towards Ezekial, who instinctively shies away from the stranger. The angel holds his hands out in a placating gesture. “My name is Simeon, and I’m one of the Seraphim–I mean no harm to you or the child. What can I do to help calm her?”
Ezekial looks to Centurion, who nods, before returning his attention to the angel. “I know you probably don’t have formula on hand, but if you could get some, warm it up, and add a few drops of vanilla, that’d be perfect. She’s still too young for cow’s milk.”
“Vanilla? That’s your big secret, Zed?” Nathaniel sounds outraged at this discovery, and Ezekial smiles sheepishly. “It’s how my mom got my little siblings to drink when they were fussy. Phi-phi seems to like it.”
“That’s cheating!” Before the argument can devolve further, Simeon cuts in. “I’m sure Luke and I can find something. Come on, Luke.”
This last statement is directed towards the other angel, a younger boy with blond hair, big blue eyes, and an almost-comically serious expression on his face. Both angels leave the room, leaving the three sorcerers with MC, who looks at them reproachfully. “There is a good reason for this, right? I mean, you didn’t just break into Solomon’s dorm room or something like that?”
“Of course not. I was an apprentice under Solomon a long time ago, and I called him for help.” MC looks slightly relieved, but concern fills their eyes. “Help with what?”
“That’s a long story.” They seem content with that answer, for now, instead sticking their hand out towards him to shake. “I’m MC, the other exchange student from the Human Realm.”
Centurion goes to take their hand but recoils immediately as he catches sight of the familiar tattoo on the inside of their wrist. “You’re a member of the Sorcerer’s Society?”
They look at the tattoo with surprise, as if seeing it for the first time. “Oh! No, I just went through the exam to get my license. I was Solomon’s apprentice and his friend. Since he doesn’t seem welcome there, that’s not a place for me either.” Centurion allows himself to relax, which they seem to notice. “I guess they’re part of why you needed his help.”
Nathaniel answers for Centurion, “More like the whole reason. This was the only place where ‘Phina would be safe.” MC’s brow furrows slightly. “And ‘Phina’ is the baby?”
“Seraphina. These two never call her by her full name.” Ezekial snorts. “Because it’s pretentious and long. I don’t know what we expected when we let a guy named Centurion name a baby.”
“Why wasn’t Seraphina safe? What could they want with a baby?” Centurion weighs how to answer carefully. “Because they want her dead.”
There’s a clattering of plastic on the floor–Simeon had returned with the bottle, which he dropped upon hearing those words. Luke scoops it up, pushing past Simeon and walking up to Ezekial. Centurion can see the concern in his eyes as he holds out the bottle of formula. Ezekial takes the bottle with a smile, cooing to Seraphina again as he holds it to her lips. Luke continues to hover next to him, watching the baby eat, which doesn’t escape Ezekial’s notice. “Do you want to feed her?”
“Yes! I mean, I’d enjoy that, thank you.” The sorcerer and the cherub walk over to Solomon’s bed, both sitting down so Ezekial can carefully place Seraphina in his arms. Simeon seems like he appreciates Ezekial’s gesture, but his expression is still predominantly horrified. “Who could want a baby dead.”
Nathaniel scratches the back of his head awkwardly, and Ezekial avoids eye contact, focusing on teaching Luke how to hold the bottle properly. Centurion expected this, but he’s still disappointed at the display of cowardice. “She’s half-demon. They tasked us with testing her magic abilities–when they weren’t as strong as the Society wanted, they declared her an abomination that needed to be killed.”
MC’s face twists to one of pure rage, and Simeon hurriedly places a hand on their shoulder in a calming gesture. They shake him off, turning to Solomon, who had just returned with two more chairs. “You knew this was happening and you didn’t tell Dia?”
The great sorcerer Solomon the Wise shrinks under this human’s gaze, mumbling something about how he was going to get around to it, and MC doesn’t seem convinced. “You have a pact with his butler! There’s absolutely no excuse for not telling him. You know he would have sent Lu or Beel to bring them here, if not me and all of the brothers, to keep them safe!” 
Centurion realizes with a start that they’re referring to the seven lords of hell, and he decides he can tolerate this bizarre human who calls two of the most powerful demons in existence ‘Lu’ and ‘Beel’, refers to the ruler of Devildom as ‘Dia’, and makes Solomon cower like a scolded child. MC stops their tirade, taking a deep breath before turning back to the three slightly-stunned sorcerers with a sweet smile. “I’m sorry for Solomon’s stupidity. When you’re ready, I’ll take you to Dia so we can sort out somewhere to stay for you all.”
All they can do is nod–it’s obvious that this human is in charge down here, and Centurion has a feeling that MC can be trusted when it comes to Seraphina’s safety.
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dawnfletcherstuff · 7 years
The sky was gray, rumbling in the distance as a faint drizzle began above the outskirts of Sylvanas Town. Two figures walked side-by-side – the taller of the two being a blood elf sporting an especially fancy pair of sunglasses to complement some rad horns as well as a split felstalker bone mask around his collar. On his back was a small brown satchel of books that bounced precariously over the two vibrant pink draenite axes that were hooked onto his hips. Between his blonde pompadour and his odd vest, it was clear that this fellow was one odd customer indeed! That said, the man walking beside him was equally unusual- Lush hair with small, dark mushrooms growing in it was the perfect accentuation to this necrolyte's jaw of solidified shadow and five glowing ochre eyes. For that matter- his arms were a hybrid of shadows and vines.
The two, Armaleonis and Canthar, respectively, plodded forward through the gray mist, looking ahead, determined, but in good spirits, both smiling as they traveled West. As the Amani crypt colloquially known as the 'Tomb of Mystery' drew closer into view with every step, the rumbling in the sky intensified, leading the friends to hasten their pace to the unconventional shelter.
It was much darker in the tomb than it had been the last time- no loa-magic lanterns, no torches or even glowing mushrooms- further, it was silent, save for the slow dripping of a water leak deeper in. Had something happened since their last visit? The atmosphere was completely different, that much was for certain. While some might see an attack that nearly cost the pair their lives as undesirable, there  had been some good company, at least. This time, however, it truly lived up to its nature as a graveyard.  The two looked to each other, confused as they began to explore. “HEEEEEEEY!” Arma yelled into his cupped hand, pointed toward the deeper interior of the stone catacombs. “WHERE YOU AT, MUMMY DUDE?” Turning, he flinched a bit when he saw Canthar's displeased expression. With five eyes, the necrolyte could give a withering glare that may very well have been able to kill the recipient.
Before Canthar could get the opportunity to give his opinion on the matter, there was a long, agonizing wet noise that culminated in a thud behind them. They turned instantly, looking at what appeared to be a troll mummy in the dark. “Oh, S'tanky, you scared us.” Canthar said, breathing a sigh of relief- that is, until their eyes adapted to the low light and they realized what they were looking at was no troll mummy. It was some sort of creature that most closely resembled a jellyfish, bending itself into a trollish shape. Its body was rippling and swirling as a kaleidoscope-like rotation of colors and patterns quickly emanated from its goopy form, along a cloud of pheromones of some kind. The patterns were quick, even at the start, but at least they had some sort of sense- lines, colors- they began to move at a speed that made all of Canthar's eyes spin. While wordless, there was an undercurrent of chanting in some odd pseudo-language that accelerated as fast as the patterns upon its flesh.  The two had no chance and everything went black.
Armaleonis awoke in a cold sweat in the most comfortable bed he could ever remember sleeping in. He tilted his head as he wiped his eyes and yawned. Yeah, that was a bed. His bed? Wasn't he just in a tunnel or something?
He yawned again, gently tapping his forehead as he tried to make sense of the world. It was too early for this, he concluded. He lay himself back down and pulled up the covers, determined to look into it after another...oh, five minutes or so.
He was not going to get that extra five minutes. On the one hand, he was mildly annoyed that he had to wake up at this moment, but on the other, he recognized that bark- the owner of which came running into the room with a wide open mouth and lolling tongue! “Roland!” Arma cried out, grinning as he sat up. Most people would have flinched when a giant timber wolf with rusty red fur leapt onto their bed and snuggled them, but not Armaleonis! No, he gave the big lout the biggest dog hug that he could manage. “I've missed you so so much buddy. Man....” “WORF!” The wolf was looking down at him as though he were crazy. Arma leaned back and looked at  the big beast and canted his head, as though expecting Roland to explain himself. In that moment, however, the wolf hopped down, made a sharp “Yip!” of urgency and ran out of his room, turning to yip at him again when he was slow to follow. Scratching his head, Armaleonis got up and followed his four-legged friend, who led him through a home that was bigger and more beautiful than any he remembered. Everything fell into place, however, once he passed the West Balcony- and was able to look into a star-filled sky that looked onto the Twisting Nether with alabaster bolts of lightning that tore across the sky. “This is...home?” He said, tilting his head. Another, slightly annoyed yip down the hall reminded him that the wolf was not the patient type, and thus the young blonde elf had to run to catch up. As he did, he found himself entering a forum, in the center of which there was a small series of tables- and most notably, two figures with food on their plates- as well as a third plate! Squinting, he could recognize them- even if his brain took a few moments to catch up- The black haired woman with her hair in a bun and the beige regal priest robes was none other than his mother, and the blonde man in sharp red and gold civil attire was his...father? He looked more closely at his father, head feeling like it was swimming through murk. Don't I have a Dad and a Not-Dad?
He tried to figure this out for a couple moments before his father got up and started walking toward him with a smile. 
“You coming to eat breakfast with your old man and your mother or are you gonna stand there til sunset, Leon?” When Armaleonis canted his head a bit, it looked on the one side like his father's hair was scruffy and cut short, but when he looked at him straight, it was as though his hair was perfectly in order and long. He shook it off, chalking it up to not being a morning person, and made his way over to the table, sitting down at the third seat. Roland was sitting next to his chair. He was a good boy. The best boy. His mother leaned on her left hand with a smile. “We thought you weren't going to be up til tonight with how hard you partied last night, Leon. You really ought to thank Roland- at least ONE of you remembered your date with that Ezekiel boy.” Armaleonis tapped his chin. “Ezeki.....Zeke?”
Suddenly, everything made sense to him! His face went red and he put his hands on his cheeks in near panic! “OH NO I'M GONNA BE LATE TO MY DATE! AAAAAAGH!” He immediately jumped up, grabbed a piece of toast, put the corner of it in his mouth and ran to his room to change.
His parents laughed as Roland looked on, panting in what may have been the canine version of a laugh.
As he rapidly changed from his heart-print pajamas into his favorite outfit- a long-sleeved shirt with a fantastic V-neck and fancy ruffles as well as ruffled wrists with slacks and sandals, something struck him as he looked in the mirror.
His eyes. They were...aquamarine.
Something about my eyes...they don't....well, I do have nice eyes.
He flashed himself a grin and nommed a bit of his toast. Mm, cinnamon. With a fist-pump of excitement, he leapt onto the railing and surfed it down to the ground, where he landed with a triple-flip. He waved to his parents and Roland with toast still in his mouth as he ran out to meet his date not too far from home!
Wy tidd feal zmy ydypylzid darvw za ittyez zmuw witruouty, za qujy zmy fdzupizy pyrth ul zmy flylvulq vryip. Gujy zmywy zsa zmy gryiz dirc myrth!  
Armaleonis scratched the back of his neck, squinting for a moment. “What was that?” He looked around as he walked, but nothing seemed to be making that noise. He shrugged it off, dashing to meet his date! The tall sin'dorei who was waiting for him was the ultimate ideal of cool- his hair was both wild and expressive, black as night and yet the style was all natural- no hair products necessary! Two large wings stuck out of his back and the lime green tattoos that were on his body, as well as his wicked horns and dragonlike tail swishing behind him made it clear that he was something exotic- a demon hunter! Arma bit his lip, nearly jumping in place, excited to see his date and friend. He didn't know what to say, and luckily, didn't need to say anything as Zeke hugged him firmly.
“You're late, y'know.” The demon hunter couldn't help but snerk at Arma's nature, even if he was late. “Good thing I like you that much, huh?” 
Arma's face was completely red as he gave the goofiest grin, fiddling his thumbs together. “W-well, yeah! Yeah! I owe you one! Yeah! So where did you have in mind that you wanted to go?” Zeke tapped his thumb to his chin and shrugged gently. “I was thinking we'd go to a nice place to look at the stars. I know you're gonna wanna stop by to check on your best pal on the way, though.” Armaleonis blinked a few times before nodding rapidly. “Yeah! Oh my gosh, you think of everything! That's why you're the best!” He then tapped his chin. “Well I mean you're the best for a bunch of reasons, from your considerate nature to your confidence and sense of humor and the fact that you're incredibly attractive and are a lot more wise than me and like spending time with me and such.” He babbled a bit, completely redfaced. Zeke merely rubbed the top of Arma's head and led the way. It didn't take long for them to get to their first destination- a large mansion with what looked to be a purple phoenix-print for the door. Tilting his head to look at the yard, he saw a young man who couldn't have been much older than himself practicing dance moves in the backyard. Recognizing him, he waved frantically. “PURPS! OH MY GOSH PURPS! PUUUUUUUURPS!” He waved, jumping up and down for visibility. His date couldn't help but snicker at his enthusiasm.
Across the fence, the young man froze up when Arma cried out, but instead of looking embarrassed, made a beeline right for the gate and opened it at a brisk pace, waving at Arma in return. 
“LEON! HEY! BUDDY! PAL! BUD! MY BEST FRIEND! HEY!” His pal, Purps, was looking extra nice today- definitely alive, for starters. His hair was almost fuschia and he had the biggest grin on his face. “I am so glad you stopped by!” He said, hugging Arma gently.
Armaleonis returned the gesture and looked his best pal over. “You are looking really healthy and happy! I'm so glad that you're in one piece and have never fucked my father which means it's okay for me to have a mild attraction to you but not too much because I am your best friend and brotherish figure sort of it's weird but bear with me I'm glad you're you and that's what matters!” Purps nodded. “Yeah man! That's exactly right! Hey, I would love to stick around, but I'm gonna have dinner with my folks! They just got back from a trip and they missed me a whole bunch! I'll hit you up later, okay?” Armaleonis flashed Purps a thumbs up. “Tell me how it goes man!” And with that, he turned toward Zeke with a grin. “Man, you are the best! You made a great day even better!”
Kyye afr witruoutyw kaflv za zmy kditc pyrth! wy'ry qaulq za witruouty zmy aly lipyv cilzmir ourwz!
Armaleonis blinked a few times. Did Zeke say that? Nah. Couldn't have been.  The two made their way to their favorite hilltop and lay down together to look at the stars. Getting comfortable and snuggling together with Zeke, Arma smiled.
“This has been the best day ever. I don't know why, but everything just feels...right. I mean, I feel comfortable here with you, and we got to visit my best pal Purps, and my parents are happy together, and I'm healthy and....man. I'm so lucky to be here with you.”
Zeke looked at him warmly and gently brushed a stray hair away from in front of Arma's face.
“This can go on forever, you know.”
Something about his voice sounded off, but Arma did everything in his power to not care. He was happy. This was all that mattered. This was...his perfect world.
As he was lost in thought, something blocked the stars. Shaking his head, he recognized it once his eyes adjusted- it was Roland. Gently moving the wolf out of the way, he sat up and looked into the wolf's eyes. The beast looked at him with a gaze that said everything, wordless as he was.
“Something just ain’t righ...oh Light. You...you died a while back, didn't you, buddy?” Arma asked, breath suddenly tight in his chest. Those eyes looked like they were apologizing to him, grateful to see him, but with a dire warning. The wolf gently set his head on Arma's shoulder and whined.
Gyz zmy clujyw ryivh! wuzm zmywy, sy sudd kulv Canthar za zmy bdulv ezyrluzuyw vorv qiul qryiz easyr!
Armaleonis looked up- it was as though, beyond the stars, in the sky, there was some sort of glass dome over his world that he could now see through. He saw several troll cultists standing overhead, knives drawn above his pal Canthar.
Dream-Zeke's hand gently rested on his shoulder.
“You don't have to go. We can be here, forever.”
Armaleonis looked to Roland. 
“What do...I have to do?” He asked the hound tepidly.
The wolf gestured with his head to a shadowy area not too far away, where, when Arma squinted, he could see the form of Ghar'bygg, and behind him-- the demon hunter who made him truly feel fear. Arma took a sharp breath and lowered his head. 
“You've done enough for everyone. Don't you think that you deserve to be the one that gets rescued? You don't need to suffer any more. Think of all the good things you've done- you don't need to take that shitty life back!” Dream-Zeke looked more upset than Arma felt, and that was an accomplishment.
Softly, Armaelonis took Zeke's hand off his shoulder and stood up.
“I want nothing more than that.” He said quietly, before looking up at the troll cultists. “But it's out of my hands. I wouldn't be the person you love if I didn't do the right thing. I'm gonna miss you.”
Taking a step forward, he gave the timber wolf one last hug. “You're the best dog a man could ask for.” He was crying now, holding that wolf and trying to lock it into his memories.
Slowly, he got up and walked toward Ghar'bygg, the hound demon. His hound demon. 
Someone was about to have a very, very bad day.
As he approached, the form of the felstalker shrank into a red and black orb that hovered in the air in front of the silhouette of the Illidari monster that hurt him. Arma looked up at that monster defiantly and grasped the felstalker essence and closed his hands around it, taking it into his true self.
In a flash, his world was pure agony as he felt every Illidari memory he had been trying to run from at once- and the physical transformation ripping him to shreds- felstalker tendrils ripping out of his back, the mask forming on his neck, the tail jutting out from his spine- and the loss of his true eyesight.
And it was that pain that woke him up with a shriek.
The Twilight's Hammer Cultists hadn't intended to run into two adventurers in their looting of an Amani catacomb, but they were all too eager to unleash a new variant of Faceless One upon them- the Dark Mercy- a creature that would entrap its victims in their own fantasies. They had drawn their daggers to sacrifice their new victims, only to be interrupted when the blood elf roared back to life and covered the two cultists standing over him in shadowflame. They turned and ran, but were too slow. The demon hunter gave them a thrashing they would never forget, leaving them holding onto life by mere threads, before picking his friend up and carrying him back to the town they called home.
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Three Sorcerers and a Baby, Pt. 2 (1.5k Words)
SUP, NERDS? It’s time for more of my sorcerers and their baby in Devildom. Next chapter I get to introduce the rest of the brothers, but this chapter still has Lucifer, Diavolo, and Barbatos! Please let me know if you’d like to see any x reader fics in this universe, by the way--I’m always happy to do that.
Ezekiel has never been more stressed than he is while watching the ruler of Devildom coo at his baby from his seat on the throne in the Student Council chamber. “My lord, please remember to support her neck properly. She’s starting to sit up and crawl on her own, but it’s safer that way.”
Diavolo nods absentmindedly, not even sparing a glance at Seraphina’s distraught guardians as he bops her nose before moving one of his hands to support her neck as she sits on his lap. Seraphina seems to find this very amusing–she lets out a scream of laughter before grabbing one of the fingers on his free hand with both of her tiny ones, much to the prince’s delight. MC nudges Ezekial’s side with their elbow. “This is going perfectly so far–I think Diavolo’s in love.”
“Has he never seen a baby before?” Nathaniel’s interjection draws a snort from Ezekial, but MC’s expression turns somber. “He’s been isolated for most of his life, so probably not. I’m just glad to see him enjoying himself–plus, it’ll make it easier to convince Lucifer with both of us on your side.”
Ezekiel is about to ask why Lucifer would need convincing, but he’s interrupted by the oldest of the seven lords of hell striding into the room. Lucifer takes one look at the baby, happily teething on Diavolo’s finger, and the prince’s puppy dog eyes and says, “Absolutely not.”
Ezekial reflexively puts an arm out in front of Centurion to stop him from attacking the Avatar of Pride, hissing under his breath. “Let Diavolo and MC handle this. Fighting won’t make him want to let us stay.”
The prince frowns, “But Lu, look at her! She’s so precious, and they said she’ll be killed if we send her back.”
“And if we don’t send them back, we risk a war between the Sorcerers’ Society and Devildom, which would undo all of our work on the exchange program. It could jeopardize relations with the human realm and put MC at risk.” 
Diavolo holds up Seraphina, who has shifted into her tiny demon form–this often happens when she senses an argument in the room. Little curved black horns jut out from her dark hair as tiny dark-feathered wings flutter behind her. She seems startled by her sudden ascension into the air, causing her scaly tail to wrap around Diavolo’s forearm for support. “Please, Lu, she’s adorable! She looks just like you too!” His smile turns mischievous for a moment. “You know, I’m certain that MC told me her parents are unknown…”
Lucifer’s expression remains unamused, one brow raised as the baby happily burbles at him. “Unless my master has been keeping secrets from me, I can assure you that I am not her father.” MC clears their throat, cheeks darkening slightly, and Lucifer has the good sense to look vaguely repentant for his words. “Besides, none of that changes the dangers of protecting her.”
“Those dangers rely on the Sorcerers’ Society wanting to chance war with us. Human sorcerers have long relied on demon pacts for power, and a war would put that in jeopardy. In fact, I believe they’d avoid conflict altogether if the child were under my and your brothers’ protection.”
Diavolo’s tone leaves no room for argument, his expression hardening as he holds Seraphina closer to himself. Lucifer meets his gaze unshaken, and the two powerful demons continue their staredown. Ezekial can hear his heart pounding–Centurion is deathly still, and Nathaniel’s face has gone pale. Finally, Simeon breaks the silence. “What if there was a guarantee of safety from the Celestial Realm as well? I doubt the society would want a war with both realms.”
Lucifer turns to the Seraphim, skeptical. “How would you go about attaining such a guarantee for a half-demon child?”
“Luke and I will vouch for her to Michael. I’m sure an allowance can be made just this once. She’s still an infant and has done nothing wrong. It would be wrong of us to turn a blind eye in allowing them to kill her simply for not being of use to them.”
MC steps forward, placing a hand on Lucifer’s arm and looking up at him with pleading eyes. “Please, Luci? I can’t stand the thought of sending Seraphina back, not when I know what they’ll do to her.”
Lucifer deflates slightly, sighing as he pulls the exchange student into an embrace. “You know I can’t say no to you, my love.”
Ezekial sees Nathaniel mouthing the term of endearment that the demon just said, utter confusion in his eyes. Even Centurion tilts his head slightly. They turn to Simeon for an explanation, but he just shrugs, a slight smile on his face. “MC has us all wrapped around their little finger. The decision was made the moment they laid eyes on the child.”
Diavolo’s face lights up, turning Seraphina around to look at him. “Lu said you could stay! Isn’t that exciting?” The baby blows a raspberry at him and giggles, causing the demon to throw back his head and laugh.
Centurion clears his throat, pulling the prince’s attention to him. “Pardon, my lord, but does that invitation of safety extend to us three as well?” Ezekial is glad that he didn’t have to ask this question–it seemed somewhat dangerous to press the generosity of these demons. “Of course it does! Lucifer, I believe you have a spare room in the House of Lamentation–you four can stay there so the rest of the brothers can get to know this little lady.”
His tone shifts to baby talk at the end as he returns his attention to Seraphina, bouncing her on his knee as she squeals with joy at this new game. Lucifer looks less amused. “I don’t believe we have the room or food for four more guests, Diavolo. I assume this is only a temporary placement until other accommodations are sorted?”
Diavolo stops playing with the baby, a slightly forlorn look on his face. “Yes, I’ll arrange a more permanent living space as quickly as possible. I’d wanted to have them stay at the castle, but Barbatos said no.�� The butler, who had been silent up until that point, chuckles softly. “It’s already difficult enough to get the young master to focus on his work. I do not believe adding in such an adorable distraction would help with that.”
He pats Seraphina’s head with one gloved hand, and the baby blows a spit bubble at him in response. The prince of Devildom beams, completely enchanted by this display of entirely normal baby behavior. “I suppose you’re right, Barb. Still, I’ll work time into my schedule to come see her and get to know the rest of you as well. Do any of you have pactmates that you’d like us to alert to your arrival?”
Both Ezekial and Nathaniel look at Centurion expectantly, and he sighs. “I have a few, but I am capable of seeking them out myself. Thank you, my lord.”
“Well, that’s all settled then!” Diavolo resumes playing with Seraphina until MC clears their throat again. “Dia, I think our guests would like to take Seraphina to see where they’re staying. I’m sure she’ll need a nap after all this excitement.”
The ruler of Devildom actually pouts at this. “Are you sure, MC? Can’t I keep her just a little bit longer?”
Ezekial is equal parts bemused and morbidly curious as to why the most powerful demon in this realm is begging a human who he obviously isn’t in a pact with for permission to do something. Said human approaches the throne, kneeling next to it to look Diavolo in the eyes as he avoids their gaze. “I’m sure you’ll have plenty of time to visit her later, Dia. You can even come over after you’ve finished your work to see if she’s still awake.”
“And if she isn’t?” Diavolo’s voice sounds oddly hopeful, and MC places one of their hands over his. “Then you’ll get to see me instead. Only if you finish your work, though.”
“Deal!” The prince shoots up out of his seat, carrying Seraphina over to Ezekial, who accepts the baby happily. She pulls one of the twists in his hair and then rests her little head on his shoulder, making him thankful that she’s already left her demon form. As much as he loves the little one, he dreads being poked by her horns. MC smiles at the three sorcerers, linking arms with Lucifer. “Come on, then! It’s a bit of a walk to the House of Lamentation, and we’ll want to get there before the rest of the boys get home. Belphie and Levi should be quiet enough to let her nap.”
All they can do is nod, trailing MC like lost ducklings as they walk out of the room, dragging Lucifer with them. After all, none of them want to disagree with this de facto ruler of the hearts of Devildom’s most powerful demons. 
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Last night I had a dream about three sorcerers from the Sorcerer’s Society having to raise a demon-human hybrid baby because the society is certain the child’s going to be super powerful but by the time they find out the baby isn’t super powerful they’re too attached so these three incredibly powerful sorcerers are just in a weird poly QPR raising their baby while trying to avoid the Sorcerer’s Society who is trying to take the baby back. Now I want to make a fic with my new Obey Me OCs, but I also know no one will enjoy them as much as I do.
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Three Sorcerers and a Baby, Pt. 3 (2.3k Words)
Sorry for the lack of x reader content--I’m kinda trying to find some new inspiration for something with a little more plot/length to it. Headcanons don’t really feel fun for me right now, so that’s why I’m focusing on this little story. I do have an idea for a fic in this universe that’s specifically the Demon Brothers x Reader, though!
A loud crash and the sound of arguing demons shake the House of Lamentation, startling Seraphina from soft fussing back into insistent screams of discomfort. Nathaniel wants to bury his head in the pillows of the large bed in their guest room, hiding from the infant’s distress in the luxurious bedding, but he knows he can’t abandon Ezekial. Centurion has never been good at the nighttime routine, so he’s currently sitting in the chair he’d dragged over from the simple desk that had been pushed against the wall, staring into the flames of the small fireplace. The room was comfortable but a little snug for two grown men and a baby. It was obviously designed for one, maybe two people maximum. However, after weeks of sleeping on the ground and in cheap motels, the bed and couch are incredibly inviting. MC had even managed to procure a cradle for Seraphina, meaning they’d finally be able to give her her own bed to sleep in.
“Come on, Phi-phi, please stop crying? You need the sleep.” Nathaniel shoots a glare at Ezekial. “We all do, Zed. It just so happens that we can’t sleep until ‘Phina does.”
The necromancer’s shoulders sag as he continues wandering around the room with their baby in his arms. “Maybe I should take her out on a walk. It’d get her away from all this noise and give you and Centurion a chance to rest.”
“If it comes to that, I will take her. You both require more rest than I do.” Centurion’s offer surprises Nathaniel–he usually doesn’t offer to take Seraphina alone unless absolutely necessary. Before he can make the same offer–after all, he won’t be outdone by a grumpy Roman soldier with a superiority complex–there’s a knock at the door to their room. “Come in!”
MC opens the door after Ezekial’s words, Beelzebub close behind them. “How are you four settling in? I see that Seraphina still hasn’t gone to bed.” Nathaniel decides to answer for the harried Ezekial. “The room’s great, no complaints there, but ‘Phina can’t sleep with all the racket downstairs. Makes me wish I’d put time into learnin’ a soundproofin’ charm.”
His companions murmur in agreement with his statement as Seraphina screeches loudly in time with another crash from downstairs. MC’s welcoming smile gains an almost dangerous edge to it as they turn to the Avatar of Gluttony. “Beel, would you be a dear and go get the rest of your brothers for me? I’m sure Lucifer will be happy to help wrangle them.” The massive demon nods, leaning down to kiss their forehead. “Sure, sweetheart, I’m on it.”
Nathaniel notes the physical affection and endearment with fascination. Of all the demon pacts he’s heard about, he’d never seen one that seemed to form any relationship beyond friendship. However, at least two of MC’s pactmates seem also to be romantically involved with them. It makes him glad that he hasn’t made a pact so far–if this is part of the expectations of a pact, he’s not ready for that. True to his word, Beelzebub returns with his brothers, Levi and Mammon being dragged by Lucifer, much to the latter’s irritation. “Oi, Lucifer, let go, that hurts! I haven’t even done anythin’!”
MC taps their foot impatiently, glaring daggers at Mammon, and the second oldest of the seven lords falls silent so they can speak. “In case you’ve forgotten, we have guests right now,” they walk to Ezekial, holding out their arms to take Seraphina. Once the baby is situated, they carry her back to the seven demons. “You see this adorable baby, right?”
They all nod silently, and MC smiles. “Good. Does she look happy to you?”
There’s a hiccuping sob from the baby as the brothers shake their heads. “That’s because she can’t get to sleep because some demons can’t keep the noise down to a reasonable level. So, if you can’t be quiet and well-behaved so our guests can get some much-needed rest, I’ll have to make you be quiet. Lucifer, you’d be happy to help with that, wouldn’t you?”
The Avatar of Pride smiles, obviously amused by MC's saccharine tone and the shiver of fear it brings from several of his brothers. “Of course, my love.”
“Good! Alright, off you go.” MC gives Seraphina back to Ezekial before shooing the demons off to their respective rooms. Ezekial closes the door behind them, slightly shell-shocked as he bounces Seraphina in his arms. “Mo, did you understand any of what just happened?”
“Well, Zed, I think we just watched a human successfully intimidate the seven lords of Hell.” Ezekial nods, still looking incredibly confused. “I didn’t think that was possible.”
“I think we shouldn’t question it. If it works, we can get ‘Phina to sleep.” The house remains almost eerily silent, with the quiet only being broken by the occasional cry from Seraphina as she calms down, exhaustion starting to wash over her tiny body. It takes only a few minutes for her to stop completely, resting her head on Ezekial’s shoulder. He continues walking around until he’s sure she’s asleep, placing her in the cradle they’d dragged near Centurion’s seat. When he speaks, it’s in a hushed tone. “Who’s taking first watch?”
Centurion raises his hand, and Nathaniel nods vehemently, already making a beeline towards the bed to claim the left side, kicking off his shoes in the process. Ezekial sinks down onto the right side with a sigh of contentment, tapping the naturomancer’s arm twice, a silent method of asking Nathaniel to take the second shift. He gives Ezekial a thumbs up–after all, Ezekial was the one who most often sacrificed an unbroken night’s sleep for Seraphina’s sake–before turning his back to the other sorcerer, eyelids already heavy and drifting closed.
His dreams are chaotic, balancing on the boundary of mundane and nightmare. Lush, green fields and peaceful streams melt into rivers of blood and the kiss of cold, sharp steel against skin. One moment he’s leaning against a tree in the cool forest near the Sorcerers’ Society, the next he’s holding a broken body in his arms as he screams. Whether it’s Seraphina’s, Centurion’s, or Ezekial’s doesn’t matter to him, which he knows is something he should probably dedicate thought to when he wakes up. However, that would require realizing  there’s people close enough to hurt him, and he hasn’t allowed that since he was young.
“Morrison, wake up.” Nathaniel wakes up, eyes blinking and bleary as he focuses on Centurion’s armored form, one of his gloved hands on Nathaniel’s shoulder. “It is your turn with Seraphina.”
Nathaniel grunts and tries to get up, but he finds himself trapped in Ezekial’s sleeping death grip. “Little help here, Centurion?”
Centurion gently pries away Ezekial’s arms, leaving enough room for Nathaniel’s escape. The Necromancer curls in on himself, expression tightening as his breath becomes uneven–he relaxes when Centurion places a hand on his shoulder, the weight allowing Ezekial’s body to return to peaceful sleep. Neither of them fully understood what happened in his brain when he was asleep, but they’d eventually fallen into a routine of physical contact–or at least tolerating contact from the sleeping man–to help Ezekial rest. 
Nathaniel creeps over to the chair by the fire, praying that none of the floorboards will squeak and wake up the baby, who’s still fast asleep. The room is silent except for the crackling of burning logs and soft snores from Ezekial. Then he hears a gentle cooing from cradle, and one of Seraphina’s hands rises into the air, grasping at nothing. He scrambles over to pick her up–Seraphina would usually give them about five seconds to get to her before she’d start crying. Tiny hands grasp his shirt as the infant rests her head against his shoulder and he whispers, “Hey, ‘Phina. Sleep time’s over, huh?”
Of course, she doesn’t reply, just drools onto his shirt before gumming on the fabric. “Hungry? I dunno if they have anything for you here, but let’s go check.”
After retrieving one of Seraphina’s bottles from Ezekial’s bag, he opens the door as quietly as possible, socks padding his footfalls against the wooden floors as he tries to remember where the kitchen is. MC had taken them on a tour, of course, but all he’d been thinking of was finally getting to sleep in a real bed again. As Nathaniel reaches the ground floor, he hears the clinking and opening of cabinets. This finally leads him to the kitchen, where he comes face to face with the Avatar of Greed who seems to be attempting to fit an entire cake into his mouth.
They just stare at each other for a moment, before Nathaniel breaks the awkward silence. “Do you know if there’s any formula? ‘Phina woke up hungry.”
Beelzebub points to one of the cabinets, and Nathaniel shifts the baby to his hip as he opens it and pulls out a fairly normal-looking box of baby formula. The slight clang of metal on metal draws his attention back to the demon he’s sharing the kitchen with. Beelzebub has put a pot of water on the stove–he looks guilty when he notices Nathaniel’s eyes on him. “It needs to be boiled first, right?”
“Yeah, and vanilla, if you have it.” Now that he’s aware of Ezekial’s secret, he’s going to milk it for all it’s worth. He takes over the pot of water, standing awkwardly to keep Seraphina’s curious baby hands away from the hot stove. Beel awkwardly hovers nearby for a few moments after delivering a small bottle of vanilla extract before he clears his throat. “Do you want me to hold her while you’re making the bottle?”
“Oh, uh…” He really doesn’t, but he also knows that this demon has offered to protect his baby, so they might as well get acquainted. “Sure.”
Beel takes the baby from him with the careful restraint of someone picking up a priceless glass vase. He seems almost afraid to be holding her, quickly walking to sit on one of the stools lined up near the counter and putting Seraphina on his lap. He keeps one massive hand against her back, supporting her neck and keeping her upright as he just stares at the tiny being in his lap. Once Nathaniel is sure that the infant isn’t in any danger, he focuses on preparing the formula properly, turning off the fire once it’s boiled for a bit and setting the pot aside to allow it return to room temperature. Once it’s cool enough, he mixes in the formula, adds a few drops of vanilla, and pours a small amount into the bottle he’d brought with him. After he lets it cool down to a good temperature, the bottle is ready.
He hesitates as he approaches Beelzebub. “Do you want to try feeding her?” The demon nods, and Nathaniel reluctantly hands over the bottle. Seraphina gulps down the lukewarm formula greedily, finishing it quickly. When she realizes there’s nothing left, her little lower lip sticks out slightly, and Beel looks at Nathaniel. “She’s still hungry.”
“That makes sense. We haven’t been able to get a bigger bottle, so she takes two of these to get her fill.” Nathaniel takes the bottle, refilling it with the now slightly cooler formula and returning it to a delighted Seraphina.
Beelzebub looks fascinated by the baby. “She just drinks this? No other food?”
“Well, she’s old enough to start on solids, but we could never get anything baby-safe while we were on the run, y’know?” He still feels guilty about that. However, Beel’s expression lights up. “What counts as baby-safe? We might have something for her to try!”
Nathaniel wracks his brain, wishing he’d learned more about what foods would be good for Seraphina when Ezekial was explaining it. “Got any fruit? Human world fruit, I mean.”
“Sure, we’ve started keeping some for MC. We’ve got apples, oranges, bananas–” 
“Bananas would be perfect.” He remembers enough to know that he wouldn’t have to cook banana, just mash it up. He instructs Beel on this, watching as the demon diligently turns a banana into a bowl of mush. As Beelzebub goes to offer the first spoonful of banana mush to the baby, Nathaniel realizes something. “Shi– I mean, shoot, Centurion and Zed’ll kill me if we do this without them. Stay right here, I’ll go get ‘em.”
Nathaniel runs up the stairs, not caring for the noise he makes on his way to the room. He flings open the door, and the sound of it crashing against the door wakes up both Centurion and Ezekial, both of whom go into defensive mode. Nathaniel founds himself flung out into the hall by a gust of wind–he probably deserved that. Ezekial hurries to help him up, “Christ, Mo, what was that for? Just because you had to wake up doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t get to sleep.”
“Zed, ‘Phina’s about to try her first solids!” Ezekial’s eyes light up. “Well, what are we waiting for? Come on!”
That’s how the three men find themselves gathered around Beelzebub, waiting with baited breath as the demon offers a spoonful of banana to the baby. She accepts it skeptically, but her eyes widen at the sweet taste. She swallows it quickly and looks at the rest of the bowl expectantly–Beel is absolutely ecstatic. “She likes it! Is there anything else she can eat?”
Ezekial is already digging through the fridge, giving instructions to Centurion on what he’ll need to prepare other baby foods for Seraphina to try. Nathaniel opts for taking a seat next to Beelzebub, reaching over to tickle the baby’s stomach. The action draws a giggle from her before her focus is drawn away by another spoonful of banana. He finds himself smiling as he watches his two companions, one of whom is in full armor, bustle around the kitchen to prepare more mushy foods. It’s the first normal thing they’ve been able to do for their baby and he’s going to enjoy every second of it.
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Obey Me OC: Ezekial Tombes
Now it is Ezekial’s turn and I probably love him more than Centurion.
Full Name: Ezekial Tombes–he chose the last name himself when he joined the Sorcerers Society
Age: 31
Birth: August 27th
Height: 6’0”
Hair: Black, type 4C curls styled in long twists–short, neatly kept beard
Eyes: Originally dark brown, currently silver due to magic specialization
Occupation: Sorcerer and father-figure
Heritage: New Orleans, Louisiana–Creole, specifically
Religion: Has complicated views on Religion due to being aware of the Celestial Realm and Devildom, but respects the cultural/religious traditions of his family.
Hobbies: Drawing, cooking, research
Likes: Taking care of his child, trying new recipes, sketching, and searching for antique books
Dislikes: People who don’t treat books well, Solomon’s cooking, when his baby spits up on his sketchbook 
Strengths: Outside of basic magic skills, Ezekial’s magic predisposition is toward Necromancy. He cannot properly raise the dead but can summon spirits for limited spans of time. He’s also a natural medium for ghost communication and has a variety of death-themed attacks. Ezekiel also has a horrible propensity for puns during fights.
Weaknesses: Ezekiel has a big heart that often leads him into danger, especially to protect those he loves. He’d rather die than allow harm to come to someone else. He also has no demonic pacts.
Character Background: Ezekiel was born in New Orleans, where he eventually discovered his magical abilities due to interaction with ​​Voodoo-Catholicism. His search for a community of those like him led him to the Sorcerers Society, which he repeatedly petitioned for membership until someone took him in. While he was not an apprentice to Solomon, he has worked alongside others who were, particularly Centurion. He enjoys trips back home and missions that involve helping and protecting others. 
Wants: Solomon to stop cooking, Centurion to open up more, his baby to be safe
Problems: He and his two “boyfriends” are on the run to protect their half-demon baby from being murdered.
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