#f!summoner feh
katfreaks-hidyhole · 6 months
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fe-fictions · 8 months
I’m being so fr I love you and your work but every time I come back to the blog I have to ask myself whether or not I’ve developed amnesia 😭 do you have any Alfonse tucked away somewhere in the crevices of the internet?
(I have one very sweet little drabble-y thing just for you!! U V U )
The night was still young, and Alfonse was restless. Everyone had already eaten, and those who had spare time outside of chores, patrols  and meetings, they were making merry and enjoying themselves. 
Everyone seemed to be accounted for, except for arguably the most important individual in Alfonse’s eyes; Kiran.
Sharena didn’t seem to know where you’d gone, nor did Anna. Most of the summoned heroes weren’t certain where you’d gotten off to, until he asked one of the more observant ones.
Klein had seen you heading toward the armory by yourself just a little while ago. You seemed fine, he added when Alfonse looked confused (and obviously worried).
“What on earth does she want in there?” He wondered aloud, making a beeline for the armory. It’s not like you wielded any of the weapons, at least not well enough to use. He’d been teaching you the way of the sword, but there was no way he was going to let you bring that onto the battlefield until he was satisfied with your skills.
Maybe you were reviewing the stock on your own, as diligently as usual. Alfonse’s speculation came to a swift conclusion, though, when he passed through the tent flaps.
You were in the armory, yes; dead asleep and leaning against a polearm from where you sat precariously on a bench.
“Kiran?” His face blanched, the prince quickly coming to your side. Carefully he put his fingers to your neck; your pulse was fine, and you didn’t appear to be in pain. You just looked tired, really. 
His brow furrowed when he realized you had dark bags under your eyes, and lines drawn likely caused by the stress of the job. 
“What have you been doing to yourself?” He muttered while he got to work extricating you from the tent. He expertly pulled the polearm away, leaning you back against the weapons rack behind you so as not to wake you.
The spear quietly clacked back into place, and he returned to your side. It would be better to let you sleep.
Alfonse gently raised you into his arms, holding you to his chest and making sure your head was resting against him rather than lolling about.
Making sure you weren’t jostled or stirring, he started out of the tent.
It was tactfully ignored when heroes started whispering about what they saw; what was the prince doing with the summoner?
Why was she asleep?
Were they sweet on each other- and were they really being so blatant about it?
His focus was making sure you got some proper rest for the first time in what appeared to be ages. 
“Please excuse me,” He murmured into your hair, as he brought you back to your tent.
The cot was practically untouched; had you even slept in it that morning?
Alfonse didn’t glance around long. He slowly knelt beside the bedroll, settling you onto the blankets.
With great care, he cupped your head, making sure not to let you bounce by accident when he moved his arms out from under you.
Then came the work on your boots.
Mindful of his own armor and clanking bits, Alfonse was expert in reducing his own noise while he got to work undoing your belts and buckles that surely weren’t comfortable to sleep in.
He managed to pull the first one off before he realized his efforts were in vain.
“Kiran!” He squeaked when you spoke, finding you staring down at him with bleary eyes.
Blushing, he pulled back, one boot still on and the other sock exposed.
“Forgive me, I just…I found you asleep in the armory and wanted you to be more comfortable in your tent. I brought you back and wanted to at least take some of your armor off while you rested.”
“Thanks.” You rubbed at your eyes, “I didn’t even realize I’d fallen asleep at all…guess I’ve been working harder than usual.”
“You’ve always worked hard,” Alfonse countered, recovering himself so he could continue his efforts. You watched with a lazy smile as he continued to undo your other boot, “I think it’s just the steady flow of hard work finally sapped the last of your strength, and this was the result.”
“You think so?” 
He nodded quietly while he set the footwear neatly to the side, before returning to your side. You reached for his hand and he gladly took it, giving your fingers a gentle squeeze from his seat beside the bedroll. 
"Would you like to spend the night with me, then?”
“Just to sleep,” You added in quickly, realizing the blush on his cheeks wasn’t because of a polite invitation. “I mean, it’s not like you don’t work hard, too…I thought it might be a good chance for both of us to get some good sleep.”
“If you don’t mind having me here.” Alfonse said softly, “I’m happy to stay until you fall asleep, if you’d rather I not stay all night.”
“I’d have you here every night if I could.”
The prince’s heart skipped a beat, and enthusiastically agreed to join you to bed.
He undid his own armor and belts, left in his tunic, trousers and socks.
His headpiece was carefully placed on your desk before he crawled under the blankets with you.
Your arms were open to receive him, and Alfonse was happily wrapped up in a sleepy embrace by his loved one.
You nestled your head into his hair, feeling far more relaxed with the handsome, sweet prince snuggled up with you.
“Goodnight, Alfonse…thanks for looking out for me.”
“Always.” He smiled against your skin, a chaste kiss along your collarbone. “Sleep well, Kiran.”
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a-day-in-the-life-feh · 8 months
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Installment 040: Distant Counter featuring F!Byleth, M!Byleth Edelgard, Lysithea, Summoner, Dimitri, Ferdinand, Kronya
Artist: Hayase Reku
Released: August 5 2020
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daily reminder that the Alears are incredibly adorable (also both very pansexual there's no straight explanation for this)
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childofaura · 1 year
Could you do F! Corrin for the ask game? I personnally love her Halloween version!
Now that we’ve finally gotten someone other than Sencha, this one will be fun! I thought really hard about this one because it boiled down between Yoshiro Ambe and Ekao… it was close, but overall I have to pick Yoshiro Ambe:
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I have to look at everything overall, and while I love Ekao’s work, Yoshiro has good proportions, cute (VISIBLE, FINALLY) expressions, and nice color work going on. Plus their poses are a little more plausible than Ekao’s damage posework.
But I feel bad, so let me just say that Ekao’s is the runner-up and they definitely deserve a shout-out too:
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yeyayeya · 1 year
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Woooo updated S/I ref (featuring sprite edits because drawing humans is hard)
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Robin's always available for questions or anything pertaining to them or their relationship with Lucina, and even Lucina can pop in from time to time!
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plucky-belmondo · 6 months
1-UP Mushroom - Has your F/O ever saved you from dangerous situations?
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[ Self Ship Asks: Mario Items Edition ]
1-UP Mushroom - Has your F/O ever saved you from dangerous situations?
Yes, several times. It's mostly because Summoner!Plucky tends to throw themselves into the fray, despite having little-to-no combat experience (at the time, anyway). A few of the scars on Plucky's body are reminders of these incidents.
You'd think that it's because of the Summoner's Contract (for some lore, when Heroes are summoned in FEH, they are legally bound to it, meaning they're obligated to protect the Summoner, regardless of moral alignment.)
It's not. Tibarn finds himself saving Summoner!Plucky out of concern and having feelings for them. Whenever Plucky's recovering, he's following them, helping them out on daily routines, etc....
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rosecelebi · 8 months
Now that Fire Emblem Heroes has opened it's yearly Choose Your Legends voting period.... I am kindly asking you to consider sparing a vote (or two!) to two of my favorites in the series: F!Robin and Sigurd!
Well let's start with Robin,
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Robin fans won out last year when their Male counterpart won the male division of CYL 7 alongside Soren and I'm sure many F!Robin fans (myself included) helped him reach that victory by voting, just as we did in previous years with Chrom and A!Tiki. F!Robin has waited for her time to shine and has supported her competition for several years now. It's time for her to receive the Awakening vote love!
If that wasn't enough to sway you, let's look at F!Robin's legacy in FEH.
1. Her base version was a year 1 grail unit with a mediocre (affectionate) refine that takes max investment to work around
2. Her summer alt is a year one seasonal with a bad weapon and book 1 era stats (but she sure is cute!)
3. Her legendary alt isn't even her- it's Grima. Grima took away her chance at being a legendary unit
4. Her Halloween alt is another Grima alt. She didn't even get to participate in Halloween because Grima took the spot :(
5. Her Valentine's alt is adorable but still a seasonal locked unit
6. Her rearmed version is yet another Grima.
HALF of all F!Robin's in FEH are Grima alts. There is no F!Robin available to summon in the normal 4/5 star pool. Getting a brave alt would be a big deal for her and her fans.
Please, spare a vote to the best tactician around, F!Robin!
Now, let's talk about Sigurd
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Sigurd comes from FE4, Genealogy of the Holy War, a game I know many of you may not have played yet. That's okay though! I get it! It's a bit old and jank to play and you need to emulate it with a translation patch if you don't understand Japanese. So I'm gonna explain who this man is to you....
Sigurd is the heir to house Chalphy and a descent of the crusader Baldr in Judgral, which makes him kind of a big deal. Throughout his game, he makes allies with many people throughout Judgral in an attempt to unify and fight back against the rising corruption.
Along his journey, he meets Deirdre and the two fall in love and end up having a son together, Seliph. Sigurd is devoted to his family and loves Deirdre more than anything in the world. Sigurd is a family man. Look at this Cipher art if you need more explanation:
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(*SPOILERS ahead for FE4, but FEH and Engage already spoiled this so if you somehow don't know what happens to Sigurd, maybe stop reading here*)
Tragedy befalls the couple not long after their son is born... Deirdre is kidnapped and her memories are wiped clean as she is needed for a sinister plot... Her holy blood is needed to help the Loptous cult resurrect their dark God so they use Deirdre as a pawn and marry her off to Arvis.
Sigurd is distraught with his wife gone and searches and searches for her but ultimately must continue through on his plans. He returns to his home and is met by Arvis, the Duke of Velthomer, and the descendant of the imperial family. He welcomes them in as a deceitful trick and declares Sigurd a traitor and calls for his execution. Before he issues the order, Arvis lets Sigurd meet his new wife- Deirdre as a sick and twisted punishment. With that, Arvis calls down Valflame and kills Sigurd and many of his army members.
Sigurd's legacy is carried by his son, Seliph, who will free Judgral from the horrors that the dark cult inflicted many years later.
So that was heavy. But do you understand why he's such a compelling character??? He has such an unfortunate heroes tale, but FEH let's us see him again and be able to reunite him with his love and his son.
Seliph got his own brave alt two years ago in CYL 6 and it feels right for it to be his father's time to step up and shine as a brave hero.
Let's look at Sigurd's legacy in FEH:
1. His base version is a year 1 sword cavalier who's a bit outdated but not unusable by any means with proper skill investment
2. His duo dancer alt is Deirdre is one of the best arts in the game and I won't let anyone convince me otherwise
3. His Legendary alt was a meta threat at one point in time and the art is gorgeous
4. Lastly, this year he got his second seasonal alt, a tea time Butler alt that just cute. He definitely is serving tea for Deirdre and making sure she's happy.
A brave alt just seems perfectly fitting for him at this point!
In conclusion, these are two characters who are ready for their moment to shine in FEH with a brave alt. They've waited for their friends or family members to get there first and now it's (potentially) their time for the brave win. Thank you for reading all this and may the CYL odds be in our favor!
TLDR: Vote for F!Robin and Sigurd in CYL 8!
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katfreaks-hidyhole · 1 month
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fe-fictions · 2 years
Up for some Alfonse? I saw you wrote that you couldn't find any more in your archive, so I'm here to help! How about he finds Kiran passed out due to exhaustion? I doubt she gets much sleep anyways, what with welcoming all the new heroes, commanding the battlefield, studying tactics, and all that jazz.
(It's been ages since I've done some Alfonse fluff! Enjoy ;; U ;; )
The night was still young, and Alfonse was restless. Everyone had already eaten, and those who had spare time outside of chores, patrols  and meetings, they were making merry and enjoying themselves. 
Everyone seemed to be accounted for, except for arguably the most important individual in Alfonse’s eyes; Kiran.
Sharena didn’t seem to know where you’d gone, nor did Anna. Most of the summoned heroes weren’t certain where you’d gotten off to, until he asked one of the more observant ones.
Klein had seen you heading toward the armory by yourself just a little while ago. You seemed fine, he added when Alfonse looked confused (and obviously worried).
“What on earth does she want in there?” He wondered aloud, making a beeline for the armory. It’s not like you wielded any of the weapons, at least not well enough to use. He’d been teaching you the way of the sword, but there was no way he was going to let you bring that onto the battlefield until he was satisfied with your skills.
Maybe you were reviewing the stock on your own, as diligently as usual. Alfonse’s speculation came to a swift conclusion, though, when he passed through the tent flaps.
You were in the armory, yes; dead asleep and leaning against a polearm from where you sat precariously on a bench.
“Kiran?” His face blanched, the prince quickly coming to your side. Carefully he put his fingers to your neck; your pulse was fine, and you didn’t appear to be in pain. You just looked tired, really. 
His brow furrowed when he realized you had dark bags under your eyes, and lines drawn likely caused by the stress of the job. 
“What have you been doing to yourself?” He muttered while he got to work extricating you from the tent. He expertly pulled the polearm away, leaning you back against the weapons rack behind you so as not to wake you.
The spear quietly clacked back into place, and he returned to your side. It would be better to let you sleep. Alfonse gently raised you into his arms, holding you to his chest and making sure your head was resting against him rather than lolling about. Making sure you weren’t jostled or stirring, he started out of the tent.
It was tactfully ignored when heroes started whispering about what they saw; what was the prince doing with the summoner? Why was she asleep? Were they sweet on each other- and were they really being so blatant about it?
His focus was making sure you got some proper rest for the first time in what appeared to be ages. 
“Please excuse me,” He murmured into your hair, as he brought you back to your tent. The cot was practically untouched; had you even slept in it that morning?
Alfonse didn’t glance around long. He slowly knelt beside the bedroll, settling you onto the blankets. With great care, he cupped your head, making sure not to let you bounce by accident when he moved his arms out from under you. Then came the work on your boots.
Mindful of his own armor and clanking bits, Alfonse was expert in reducing his own noise while he got to work undoing your belts and buckles that surely weren’t comfortable to sleep in. He managed to pull the first one off before he realized his efforts were in vain.
“Kiran!” He squeaked when you spoke, finding you staring down at him with bleary eyes. Blushing, he pulled back, one boot still on and the other sock exposed. “Forgive me, I just…I found you asleep in the armory and wanted you to be more comfortable in your tent. I brought you back and wanted to at least take some of your armor off while you rested.”
“Thanks.” You rubbed at your eyes, “I didn’t even realize I’d fallen asleep at all…guess I’ve been working harder than usual.”
“You’ve always worked hard,” Alfonse countered, recovering himself so he could continue his efforts. You watched with a lazy smile as he continued to undo your other boot, “I think it’s just the steady flow of hard work finally sapped the last of your strength, and this was the result.”
“You think so?” 
He nodded quietly while he set the footwear neatly to the side, before returning to your side. You reached for his hand and he gladly took it, giving your fingers a gentle squeeze from his seat beside the bedroll. 
“Would you like to spend the night with me, then?”
“Just to sleep,” You added in quickly, realizing the blush on his cheeks wasn’t because of a polite invitation. “I mean, it’s not like you don’t work hard, too…I thought it might be a good chance for both of us to get some good sleep.”
“If you don’t mind having me here.” Alfonse said softly, “I’m happy to stay until you fall asleep, if you’d rather I not stay all night.”
“I’d have you here every night if I could.”
The prince’s heart skipped a beat, and enthusiastically agreed to join you to bed. He undid his own armor and belts, left in his tunic, trousers and socks. His headpiece was carefully placed on your desk before he crawled under the blankets with you.
Your arms were open to receive him, and Alfonse was happily wrapped up in a sleepy embrace by his loved one. You nestled your head into his hair, feeling far more relaxed with the handsome, sweet prince snuggled up with you.
“Goodnight, Alfonse…thanks for looking out for me.”
“Always.” He smiled against your skin, a chaste kiss along your collarbone. “Sleep well, Kiran.”
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a-day-in-the-life-feh · 8 months
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Installment 056: Despair of the fell dragons featuring Grima, Summoner
Artist: Katsura Ichiho
Released: November 25 2020
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moe-broey · 1 year
Was there a particular moment where the characters of FEH really sunk their claws in for you?
For me personally was the half a body, half a mind page from the silly little side comic (aka where Robin asks Kiran if Alfonse is their other half and they chose to interpret that very literally). The revelation that Alfonse and Kiran’s dynamic switches who has the braincell in the prince/tactician dynamic was eye opening. And then the follow up of Sharena being fucking gobsmacked that local introvert prince managed to S rank Kiran was beautiful 10/10 makes me both happy and sad. And from then on the brain rot has been STRONG. No thoughts head empty only these lil guys.
Oughgh I'VE. BEEN RUMINATING ON THIS.... (which is. Why it took so long for me to respond to LMFAOO)
BUT.... first of all YOUR INTERPRETATION. OF THE "Half a body, half a mind" bit is HUGE. Like you're so right, there is a lot of symbolism there even if it's silly!!! And esppp Sharena's reaction to Alfonse making a close friend, so easily in her eyes... that absolutely would be a sleeper agent thing for me actually. Like. I wouldn't consider it until Much later, and when I did it just never left my mind.
And I think that's the thing!! I've actually been having a lot of trouble, trying to pinpoint exactly Where each took such a strong hold on me LMFAO. I think, because it's this gradual and constant process of taking in information, noticing something Odd, re-examining, re-contextualizing, and gaining new perspective.
It def happened quicker w Alfonse though, cause he's actually much easier to read. Immediately you can tell his words and actions aren't matching up, and through that you can tell his feelings aren't matching his words either. You also see the clear reason Why he's Like That, on. Several different levels.
I think.... the lines of dialogue that always stick with me. His entire level 40 convo. I'm always thinking about it. I'll often revisit it. And, a lot of his lines to or about the summoner: "Please, remain with us, [summoner]?", "Or... is it that reality has been reshaped by my fear of having lost [summoner]?"
BUT, I think. What really got me was actually his Forging Bonds with Dieck. Like at this point I was already in way too deep LMFAO BUT. Dieck's fucking dialogue fucked me up SO much actually
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I AM LITERALLY ALWAYS THINKING ABOUT THIS FUCKING DIALOGUE ‼️‼️‼️‼️It REALLY opened my eyes AND put words to something that was Constantly nagging at me. How Alfonse, from the very start, will say one thing, and then. Directly contradict himself. Not because he's disingenuous -- but because he's so split in two.
AND. AUGHHGH!! THAT'S!!!! You think he's so reserved, and he is. But he wears his heart on his sleeve and will talk openly with anyone who will listen. You think he's the cool and collected type, he OFTEN leaves people with that impression. But SO many times he acts rashly, with little regard for himself. He claims, he can't be driven by emotion because those driven by emotion cannot rule. BUT HE. IS. SUCH A PAINFULLY EMOTIONAL CHARACTER. Almost EVERYTHING he does is driven by his emotions -- I absolutely think so much about how he has a bit of a temper on him, and I think about all the little ways he so clearly and deeply loves Sharena, I think about how much of a mess he is over Bruno, I think about just how quickly he warmed up to the summoner despite insisting upon keeping his distance. Hell, you think he's like. This very serious guy. And he is! Aaand then next thing you know he's dug a ditch and he's thrown himself into it and he's covered in mud. AND. THE WILDEST PART OF THAT. Is the Way he does it, the reason Why, it. Tracks. Like yeah. He would do that. That's actually not out of character for him.
(ALSO as a side his Forging Bonds w f!Alear also live in my head rent free -- another instance of, taking a step back and re-evaluating. It was actually so refreshing in a way? You get used to just how warm he is with the summoner, that you forget just how cold he can be too. That's ALSO something I'm so not normal about. The asshole tendencies. The coldness, and the ruthlessness. It's subtle, but There. He does have a harsher side to him.)
AND ALL OF THIS....... still only feels like the tip of the iceberg. But literally I will never shut up about it LMFAOOO I GOTTA. BECAUSE. SHARENA‼️‼️‼️
I think actually I have an easier time pinning down where I started having Thoughts about her. Because, I made the same mistake a lot of charas in-universe make, even Alfonse, himself. Assuming, that just because she's outgoing and friendly, that she has an easier time making friends. When like. Really, it's been present the whole time actually -- from that FEH comic, to the Paralogues featuring Katarina, like. She doesn't. She struggles just as much, if not more.
But I think, the exact point I actually internalized this was in her Forging Bonds w f!Byleth. Like. Those convos REALLY make it clear, so much so I felt stupid for not even seeing that sooner. And, it helped me re-contextualize her level 40 convo also! When I first got that dialogue, I really didn't know what to make of it. LIKE. ABSOLUTELY she's so sweet and I love her. But. I really had no idea what to make of it! Until like. It became clear to me, ohhhhhhhh I. Fell for the front she puts up as a defense mechanism. You can be cheerful and silly and deeply hurt and have just as many interpersonal issues as someone who like. Shows clearer signs of having those issues. Okay! Got it 🫡 SHKAHSJSHJAJ
And then I think that's when I became just deeply unwell about her too LMFAOOOOOOO
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childofaura · 2 years
Halloween Banner Reaction
F!Corrin: Okay yes I know they didn’t need another alt and I totally agree but NEW ARTIST?!?! NEW ARTIST!!! THE SENCHA CURSE IS BROKEN!!!
M!Corrin: Okay I love my boy, I love Argon, but still... We’re getting too much Corrin. Also stop with the “Give F!Corrin and M!Corrin alts on the same banner”, it takes up too much space.
Naga: Costume is... a little weird. But it’s not bad. I think if it was more tattered it could be like a Corpse Bride outfit. But I like Mela Lee’s voice for Naga so I maaaay summon?
Duo Duma and Mila: Duma! Cool! Mila... barf. Also Monica Rial... extra barf. Won’t summon on her.
Nils: The little lad deserves his alt, good for the kid <3
All in all... It’s not a GREAT banner, but with F!Corrin finally getting a new artist, more Argon M!Corrin, and a Naga alt... I probably won’t summon too seriously but it’s still cool what we got.
I know people don’t really watch my summoning videos, but let me know if you think I should summon on this banner and make a video!
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