#f&c: bonnie beloved
kolektsiakomah · 9 months
FIONNA N CAKE RANT spoilers ensue
can i just say how wonderful this was . im dying im dead im flying out the window . enemies and lovers bubbline ¿¿¿ sign me the fuck up . marcy was so beautiful in vampireworld . every 1 of her outfits was magnificent and . i just love her ¿¿¿ evil bisexual goth w a pretty laugh what more could you EVER want . shes literally a princess im all for it . also i agree w cake the vampire king is kinda hot . BONNIE THOUGH ⁉️⁉️ W A BADASS HAIRCUT and huntress wizard and martin oh my god . MARTIN WHY DID THEY HAVE TO KILL MARTIN OFF god fucking damnit 😭😭😭 this wlw mlm different universes parallels had me at the edge of my seat the falling scene and gumlee running away ............. amazing . god i love it . gumlee have known each other for 3 days if im not mistaken and yea maybe the development was a little fast but holy shit im not complaining ¡ who am i to forbid them from kissing in the elevator after running away from marshalls evil mom
fionna and cake tho ¿ the way their friendship persists even thru all these horrors theyve witnessed makes me warm inside. they are so besties forever and truly no amount of fionna messing up and cake getting arrogant will ever change that ♡♡♡ i was so worried for fionna this time tho =<:((( this poor girl. all her dreams abt adventures and heroism are being crushed before her very eyes. when she ran out of the lab crying my stomach turned she was so relatable for that. i really hope she gains some confidence in herself fionna deserves the world <333 THE PETRIGROF JUICE OH MY LORD. THEY MET AT A NERDY CONFERENCE AND SHE AGREED TO GO ON AN EXPEDITION W/ SIMON AND SHE DIDNT EVEN KNOW HIM. SHE DROPPED EVERYTHING JUST TO HANG OJT W/ THIS MAN. THE LETTER. THE I WANT YOU TO BE BY MY SIDE. THE FIREFLIES. THE SONG. THE NOSTALGIA THE WAY SIMONS FACE LIGHTS UP WHEM SHES TALKING ABT BETTY. imma die
orbo being voiced by dave mccormack is the best thing ever id recognize that voice ANYWHERE 😭😭 also this was a delight seeing scarab again hes so silly. ive seen ship art of them and prismo on tiktok and their shipname is prohibited wish <333 idk bout you guys but im so on it prismo x scarab for the win ¡¡¡ also when orbo was talking abt 'THE boss' who did he mean. god ¿ like The God who made the whole place ¿ anyway i really want to see them. we probably wont get this chance tho but still
was so good to see bmo <333 this lil puter will always live in my heart. thank you for your sacrifice little 1 ♡ i get so sad thinking abt how they were living all alone in this desolate place w/ only jerry to talk to. and we dont even know if jerry ever spoke to him ¡ goddamit i hope every version of bmo goes someplace sunny and calm
lich was so fucking creepy ¿¿¿ jesus fuck i felt genuine fear when he spoke. 'cease.' WHOSE FUCKING SCARY DOG IS THAT. goddamn hes just as scary as he was before.....ALSP BETTY. BETTY BETTY GROF MOMENT. AT THE VERY END. she wished to keep simon safe. AND ITS WORKING. WHAT THE FUUUUCK IM SO HYPED THIS WAS SUCH A RIDE
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daydreamingjester · 2 years
It’s dark in the gator’s home.
The neon lights suddenly SHOOT ON — flooding the vibrant attraction in it’s usual welcoming ambience. Despite everything looking relatively the same, if one were to observe closely after the stupor of being blinded by spotlight, they would speculate that the flooring felt much more watery and wobbly in certain areas.
And upon the stage far ahead — HIS own stage — was the rubber hose harlequin sitting patiently on a chair she had dragged in. Lavender eyes watched with the intention of MISCHIEF and MADNESS, gloved hands slowly and LOVINGLY stroking the delicate, lemon fur of her beloved Spring Bonnie plushie. With an abnormally wide grin, the clown suddenly SPRANG UP LIKE A SPRING, her limbs RETRACTING FROM THEIR RESPECTIVE SOCKETS and slinking along for added dramatics.
A chorus of muffled, old applause SCREECHED LIKE NAILS ON A CHALKBOARD from the speakers — DISTORTED AND REVERSED.
So . . . since ya wanna play HHHER HERRHERO HERO . . .
Why don’t you PLAY with US ?
He’s watching too.
Play and win. Then you’ll get to be the REAL hero, SPORT. “
One hand shot toward a lever next to her, gripping it with ANGERED FORCE,
Your entire attraction is rigged just like a tile game. Should you step on the wrong tile, you will be 🌟 PLUNGED DEEP UNDER YOUR OWN WATERS, TO THE VEEEEERY BOTTOM, AND YOU’LL HAFTA’ SWIM ALLLLLL THE WAY UP AND CONTINUE ! 🌟
Remember when ya told me a while back that you swallow a lot of that water ? Heavy animatronics don’t do well with a lot of water holdin’ them down. They either sink completely or drown from the inside.
YANKING the lever, the floor below his feet CAVED IN — PLUMMETING the gator DEEP BELOW COLD, DARK DEPTHS.
“ I don’t NEED to obliterate you by riskin’ my body.
I can simply destroy you from afar without layin’ a single finger on ya.
{ @croc-n-roll get ready fucker }
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An idea: one of the whumpers purposely hiding Bonnie and making blue think she’s lost to mess with him
Anon 👀👀👀
Cw: Dehumanization; conditioning; gaslight; emotional abuse; pet whump; toying with comfort object; creepy whumper
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“Blue, Darling, can you pick some rice in the pantry for me, please?”
“Yes Master W-warren” Blue nodded immediately, always so eager to please, and ran to get food. Warren noticed Blue had left Bonnie on the kitchen’s table.
This woke a morbid curiosity on him. Warren cleaned his hands on the jeans and got the plush, looking around for a second and deciding to hide it on the bottom of a cabinet. Then, he return to chopping vegetables, pretending nothing happened.
Blue handed him the package with a smile, so happy to be useful, even on this small way… It returned to washing the dishes. It was a bit slow, but could do it, and was very meticulous. But it also didn’t take long for him to hear a distressed whine.
Hiding his smile, Warren turned to the pet, watching it nervously look around the kitchen. From a side to the other and often glancing at over the table… where the plush should be.
He turned to the pet, watching as it desperately looked around from one side to the other, especially over the table, where it had actually left the plush. It seemed so lost, so certain that… Bonnie should be there.
“Blue, dear? Everything is fine?”
“M-Master” gasped, pulling his mangled little hands to his chest “I-I thought Bonnie was… She was t-t-there… B-but… I c-can’t f—find her…”
“Oh?” Warren Asked, faking concern “Are you sure? Maybe you left her on the bedroom resting?”
The pet’s face lit up at this.
“M-May I…?” he asked, and Warren nodded. The pet darted to the bedroom and he waited hearing the ruffling sounds of the blankets. After a while, another little distressed whine.
The scarred little face peeked from behind the door.
“Did you find her dear?” He smiled, and Blue shook its head.
“N-no M-Master…” it frowned, as if thinking too much hurt it “I-I tought I had b-brought it to the kitchen w-w-with me….””
“Well she isn’t here is she?” he smiled and blue squeaked an answer.
“N-n-no she…” he looked around, again paying extra attention to the table, as if it would just materialize there at any second.
“Maybe you lost her?”
He stared, wide eyed.
“M-Master I-It’d never lose Bonnie”
Master smiled at his silly pet, finding this very amusing.
“…Well dear, then why is it that you can’t find her?”
“I-It…. She…”Blue stared at its hands after cleaning a tear  “M-Master c-can Blue l-look for her?”
“…After we finish dinner, dear” Master approached and kissed its forehead, rubbing gently the back of Blue’s neck “Don’t worry we will find her, okay?”
Blue nods miserably and goes back to the task. It puts the food on the table and goes to its spot besides Master’s leg, while trying to keep the sobbing to a minimum. It hold the bowl up for Master.
Warren always makes sure to cut the food in little pieces before giving it to Blue. He knows how much trouble it has chewing, and besides, it’s fun to do it slowly, watching the excitement grow on the pet’s eyes, while it tries to be a well behaved pet and wait patiently.
Today, it is more interested on the lost bunny than on the food, hands trembling in anxiety. He cuts the food even slower than usual, watching as its pet twitches and shivers, so anxious, so desperate to search for the beloved plush.
Warren places the bowl on the floor and Blue obediently ate it, swallowing the food as fast as it can and looking around all the time, as if hoping to find Bonnie somewhere on the floor.
Blue licks the bowl clean.          
“M-mM-m-master please can Blue look for for Bonnie now?”
“…Sure” He smiles, still finishing his meal while watching Blue crawl out of his view. He eats calmly while hearing the pet get more and more distressed on the other rooms, calling out of the plush as if it was capable of answering.
Warren finishes the dishes and goes into the living room’s couch, amused at the way the pet searched the same places over and over again, the frantic despair turning into a slow cry of exhaustion.
Finally, with a heartbreaking cry the pet gives up and moves closer to his Master, putting its head on Master’s tight.
“You didn’t find it darling?”
It sobbed.
“N-n-no… M-m-master… I-Ii I icant find her”
Master smiled tenderly, giving him a behind the ear scratch. It always eased its fear a little bit.
“I’ll help you look for it okay?
The pet perked up, nodding.
“O-o-okay… t-t-h-ankyou”
So, he got up and walked around the house a little bit, pretending to be looking for the plush, before getting it from the cupboard. Blue was back on the bedroom, searching under the wardrobe for the tenth time.
Blue looks up, eyes sparkling.
“B-b-bonnie? W—w-where?”
“…In the kitchen, silly Blue. Right where you left it” Master says, handling it to Blue’s trembling hands.
It has a frown again, trying to understand how could it look on the same place over and over and miss it… It shakes that off, than hugs it tight, frantically sobbing.
“Be more careful from now on, will you?” Warren scold, and the pet nods, desperate.
“Yes Master It will…It will never take eyes of her again”
“Good” He sat back on couch, and Blue curled up on his feet, whispering apologies to the plush bunny over and over.
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tag: @whumpzone @whumpropaganda @freefallingup13 @lave-whump  @nitrous-vinyl
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Last Breath-Damon Salvatore Imagine
Requested: No
Warnings: angst and a death scene
Gif is not mine, all credit goes to the original creator
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   I want to die...I want to die right now! my mind screamed, but all that came out of my mouth was another groan.
   Chills swept over my body as well as another wave of heat. For vampires, the werewolf bite was the equivalent of getting the flu and tuberculosis in the same day. For hours, I had been vomitting, shaking, groaning, and----my least favorite----hallucinating. If I had an ounce of strength, I would have ended all of it as soon as that idiot, Tyler, sunk his teeth into my neck. His shocked brown eyes were permanently imprinted in my mind. If he had a choice, I didn’t think that he would have bitten me since we were cordial, but it was his fault that he fell under Klaus’ spell. 
   I gritted my teeth merely at the thought of the psychopathic hybrid that had been terrorizing me for decades. However, he moved onto my friends since he came to Mystic Falls and while I did my best to protect them, the smirking dolt had centuries on me. The best part of the whole situation is he is the only one who can cure me, but he would never do anything to help me. 
  “I like watching you writhe,” he once whispered in my ear, “like a mouse caught in a trap, desperately clawing for freedom, but never quite getting there.” 
   Sadistic piece of----
   Damon burst into the bedroom in a blur and was at my side in seconds. He would have looked normal if his short, dark hair was not messier than usual and his black button-down was not so haphazardly buttoned. His ice blue eyes darted around the room for a moment before focusing on me.
   “Feeling any better? I guess that’s a stupid question,” he muttered.
   “So stupid.” 
   No one in Mystic Falls would believe that the eldest Salvatore was actually a big softie once one got to him. Though, there was not a doubt in my mind he would rather be downing a bourbon bottle than trying to find another way to help get rid of the venom coursing through my veins because I know I wanted the same. 
    “I’m going to assume that all efforts to procure the cure were fruitless,” I breathed.
   “Caroline is still working on Klaus, Elena is trying to get Rebekah to help, Bonnie and Stefan are researching, and I am trying to find any other hybrids who could help.” Damon pressed his lips together.
    “That answers my question.” I tried to roll over to face him better, but Damon put his hand on my back and assisted.
   He sat down next to me and moved the y/h/c hair away from my clammy face. Despite my situation, I was vain and did not want one of the most gorgeous men alive to see my dying form. I tried to pull away, but he pulled me in closer.
    “You don’t get to try to run away from me, not now,” he said. 
    He looked down at me with so much concern and sadness. Damon had to know that I was not going to make it out of this one and it was awful because I didn’t want to leave him. We had been through some of the worst moments of modern day history together and I couldn’t truly imagine life without him and I guessed that he felt the same.
   “I’ve never run away from you, Damon, but I still have pride in the way I look and I would rather you not see me like this.” 
   “You are such a southern belle,” Damon teased. “And I don’t care about how you look; I’m spending as much time with you as possible.”
   I smiled at the warm feeling pooling at the pit of my stomach and cuddled into Damon’s arms. “That’s sweet, but you avoided the question.”
  “Did not.”
  “Did too.”
  “Did not.”
  “Did too.” 
   “Did not.”
  “Damon, I will win this argument anyway, so it is better for you to admit while you’re ahead.”
   Damon rolled his eyes but looked down at me. “Y/N, I’ve always thought you were beautiful and no situation could ever change that, but you are so much more than that. You’ve put up with me for sixty years, and with Stefan even longer. Sometimes, I don’t know how you kill the people that we have become friends with, but I know it’s because that you are a good person----the best person I have ever known.” 
   His words immediately sliced through my heart like a knife. Damon could be so sincere sometimes that it put Stefan’s diary confessions to shame. I wanted to stay with him, feel his arms around me, kiss him, but I also wanted the pain to end. If Damon knew that I wanted to die, it would break him, and I could never forgive myself for hurting the man I loved most. So, I had to keep smiling through it because if I broke, Damon would as well.
   I cupped his face with my hands. “Why do you have to be so sweet now?” I pecked his lips, moved to pull away, but Damon held me there. He kissed me back harder and gently pushed me further onto the bed. I kissed back and nipped his bottom lip as I pulled away. “I love you, Damon Salvatore, and you are not a terrible person. You are incredibly loyal, strong, and caring, you only need to let more people in.” 
   “I don’t want to.”
   “You need to.” I kissed him again and let him cuddle me. As I stared in the direction of the window, I was stunned to see a familiar face. 
   He was tall, slim, and wearing a dark suit that could only be found in a history museum. His hair was clean and y/e/c eyes as shiny as ever, but his expression was stiff.
   “Michael?” I whispered. “What are you doing here?”
   “You’ll be coming with me soon,” he drawled. “Didn’t want to startle you too much.”
    “Y/N?” Damon asked.
     Tears brimmed my eyes and I felt my throat begin to constrict. “Michael, I am so sorry. I know those words aren’t enough to even begin to apologize.”
     Michael walked closer, his expression hardening more. “You’re right, Y/N, it isn’t enough. I have been watching you galavant around the world and kill other people for one hundred and twenty-three years. I have been waitin’ for this moment and it will be sweeter than Mama’s cherry pie.”
    I shook my head. “Michael, I didn’t wanna hurt you, honest, and I know I probably deserve every bit of revenge you wanna wreak on me, but you must know that not a day goes by where I would kill to go back and keep you safe?”
    “It’s funny hearing you say that, but as soon as you cross, I’ll be waitin’ for ya, and your little abilities ain’t gonna mean a thing here.”
    Michael slowly began to fade away and I wanted to grab him, but thanks to the venom and Damon’s grasp, I couldn’t move. I watched the life fade out of my brother for a second time and it made me want to die even more.
    “Michael,” I whispered. “Michael, come back, please!” 
    Damon pulled me into his chest and I cried, shoulders shaking. I couldn’t get the image of Michael’s face paling as I continued drinking from him. If I had any control over myself in that moment, I certainly wouldn’t have done it.
    “There you go, darling,” Kol whispered, “that’s a good girl.” 
    It was another dark night in New Orleans and while most of the people were in clubs, the upper crust of society was attending some congressman’s wife’s autumn gala. The waning noise of the trumpet still rang in my ears as I kept my brother quiet, putting one hand over his mouth, and drinking the life from him. His blood was warm and rich, probably due to the fact that Mama and Father insisted on him having a bloody steak for dinner every night. 
    No one would have believed that I, Y/N Y/L/N, daughter of Mr. Y/F/N and Mrs. Y/M/N Y/L/N, the socialite, would kill her beloved little brother. But there I was, in the dark forest that accentuated the hundreds of acres the congressman owned, making sure my brother died so that I could live. My inner self was screaming at me to stop, but the new vampire side of me was hungrier than ever. When I stopped, Michael was as white as a sheet. He leaned against the grand oak tree like a ventriloquist doll, waiting for someone to start using him as a puppet. I stared at Michael in awe and shock, but at the same time, I was a zombie under Kol’s spell. Kol, the Mikaelson brother I found so charming and sweet. The one I was considering allowing to court me. He was standing next to me, looking incredibly proud of his work.
   “Leave him and come with me. You will not worry about anything that has happened here,” Kol said.
   And I didn’t worry for a long time.
   “Y/N!” Damon yelled.
    I broke out of the flashback and stared up at his concerned gaze. “Michael, he was right there.” 
    “You have a bad fever, but you’ll be okay.” 
    “What time is it?”     Damon hesitated. “Don’t worry about that.” 
    “Must be close then.” I winced as more chills and pain ran through me. “Klaus is not gonna give me any kind of cure, no matter what Caroline offers.” 
    “No, it’s possible---” 
    “No, it isn’t.” I took a deep breath. “Damon, I never told you this, but Klaus has every reason to let me die.”
   “What are you talking about?” 
   “A few years after Kol turned me, I lived with the Mikaelsons and I knew everything to know about them, including how to kill them or paralyze them for awhile. All of those siblings had white oak stakes to symbolize their union as well as the fact that they were equally threatening to each other.” I hissed as another tremor of pain ran up my spine. “I lived a pretty decent life with them: nice clothes, fresh blood, high society parties and it was nice for a while. One day, I overheard Klaus telling Kol to get rid of me, that I was too much of a liability. Of course, Kol agreed with his older brother but wanted to take me out in his own way. I was foolish enough to think we were friends.”
   “What did you do?” 
   “I left them as quickly as I could and stole Kol’s white oak stake. That night, I killed this young woman Klaus was seeing at the time while she slept and woke him up by stabbing him through the heart with Kol’s stake.” I sighed. “Of course, I did not let Kol get off easy either, and I took one of Klaus’ silver stakes and ran it through him. He probably thought it was Klaus’ doing since he went through a phase of paralyzing his siblings whenever he was having a mood.”
   “You killed Klaus?” Damon whispered.
   “Technically, but of course, he couldn’t stay dead. When he came back, I knew he was going to get revenge on me somehow and Klaus always loved being dramatic in his cruelty.” 
   Suddenly, I started coughing violently and Damon’s grip tightened around me. When I pulled away, I realized black blood covered my hands.
   “I’ll kill him,” Damon swore.
   “That is sweet, but you will have to get in line. Klaus has about a dozen enemies for each year that he’s lived.” I brushed my finger along Damon’s cheek. “But I am grateful for the Mikaelsons since if they had not turned me, I would have never met you in New York all those years ago.” 
   Damon smirked. “That was a good night, wasn’t it?”
   “Yeah, until you almost got us thrown out of the bar for that fight.” 
   “The guy deserved it.”
   We spent a long time simply talking about old memories and I think it was to help Damon cope more than me. On the other hand, talking about the past was a decent distraction from the pain. As the sky grew darker, I was feeling weaker, but the last thing I wanted was for Damon to sense this. 
   “I am so sorry, Y/N,” Stefan said as he walked into the room with Bonnie trailing behind him. 
   “The only thing we could find was a spell that may help you live a few hours longer,” Bonnie admitted with the smallest of smiles.
   “May? So, it could kill her for all you know?” Damon snapped.
   I placed my hand on Damon’s chest and shushed him. “They did their best, Damon.” 
   Bonnie walked over and sat next to me. “I’m going to miss you so much, you made everyone and everything sane.” 
   “You all will be fine,” I said, squeezing her hand gently. 
   “Damon, we need to talk,” Stefan said gently.
   “We can talk here.”
   “Not about this.”
   “Oh, go talk to your brother, I’ll still be here when you get back.” 
   Damon didn’t look convinced, but kissed the top of my head before reluctantly following Stefan out of the room. I turned to Bonnie and smiled. 
   “I’ll never forget the first day we met,” Bonnie said.
   “I don’t think I will either; you and Elena thought that I was with Stefan and didn’t believe me until Damon showed up and declared that I was his girlfriend.” I cringed slightly at the memory, making Bonnie laugh. “But I do remember that I sensed that magic in you before you sensed it yourself, not to sound cheesy or anything. You are a skilled witch, Bonnie, and you need to stick around the group because they need you so much more than they’ll admit right now.” 
   Tears welled up in Bonnie’s round brown eyes. “Why do you have to be so nice as you’re dying?”
   “You say that as though I wasn’t nice when I was alive,” I teased. 
   “Damon’s going to go insane without you.”
   “No, he’s not, because you are going to keep him in check, it’ll be a team effort but I think you’ll help the most.” 
   It was a terrible kind of funny how people did not recognize their worth and someone else had to tell them. Bonnie was going to be the most important part of the group even though she had always been; she was simply unappreciated. Caroline would definitely prove that she was more than a pretty blonde because she had so much more intelligence than she let on. Then, there was Stefan, who wanted to do so much better than Damon and be so much better than he used to be. Something told me that somewhere along the way, the two brothers’ roles would reverse and the only one who could help pick up those pieces was Elena.
   There was so much strife surrounding her and it extended to anyone who was near her. I hoped that she would stop playing the damsel in distress and take ownership of her life. Even though they are immortal, Stefan and Damon could not always be there for her.
   Somewhere along the line, I entered a fog with Bonnie and the whole room seemed cloudy, as though I was just waking up from a long sleep and my eyes had not adjusted to the room. I could not tell whether or not I had told Bonnie all my thoughts or kept them to myself.
  Then, someone else entered the room and they were wearing a lot of perfume.
  “You have a vistor,” Stefan said.
   “My, my, Y/N, you look bloody awful.” I blinked and saw the hazy outline of straight blonde hair.
   “Rebekah, what are you doing here?”
   “Leave us, I want to have a final talk with her.” 
   “It’s fine,” I said when no one started moving.
   Rebekah refused to speak until the door closed behind the last person. “How long did you think Nik was going to let you live after the stunt you pulled?”
  “There is no telling with him,” I said. 
  “I must say, your actions towards my brothers were heinous and I hate you for what you did to them.”
  “I only did what you could not.”
  “Excuse me?” Rebekah hissed.
  “You would always threaten them, but never act, I acted because my life was in danger, but you’re their sister, the worst they would have done is paralyze you, but bring you back. Now, I am lying here, slowly losing my vision and my life.” 
  “It was your own doing.”
  “Did you come to see me just put more salt on the wound?” 
  Rebekah hesitated. “No, I came to tell you that I admired what you did all those years ago, that foolish courage that I never thought could come from a southern debutante. In another life, perhaps we could have been friends.”  
  “Perhaps, but you Mikaelsons typically travel light.”
  “We make exceptions. You know, I did quite enjoy you for those few hundred years as did Kol.”
   “Thank you, but Kol enjoys anyone who will kill with him.”
   “Goodbye, Y/N.”
   “Goodbye, Rebekah.”
   When she left, Damon came back in and knelt at my side. “You can’t see anymore?”
   “No, but I don’t think it matters too much.” I sighed. “Midnight is coming faster than I thought it would.”
   “There is still time to get the cure,” Damon said. 
    “Even if I were to get it, Klaus will not stop until he thinks he has gotten revenge on me and hurt me as much as he believes I hurt him.”
   “I don’t want you to go,” Damon muttered, framing my face with his hands. “I love you.” 
   “I love you too and I would stay if I could, but I can’t.” I felt tears burning, itching to come out, but I forced myself to remain calm. “Promise me that you won’t let yourself fall into a dark place again, I need you to be happy, you can live without me, you’ve done it before.”
   “That was different, I didn’t care about anyone but myself, but then you came along and...and you made me feel human again. I was so happy and now, the one thing that makes me feel human and sane is being taken away from me.”
   “Promise me, Damon, I need you to promise me.”
   “I promise.” He kissed me. 
   “When the veil thins, I will be here to visit you, everyone, really.” 
   “You better.” 
    As the time drew closer, I kept having more immersive memories. At one point, I was back in Florence with Kol and we were taking turns ferociously drinking from bar maids. At another point, I was dancing in Miami in the 1940s with some girls I’d met. Then, I was sent back to when I was six and learning how to horseback ride in the fields with my brother, my father, and Timothy, the instructor my parents had hired. Every time I came back to reality, I felt sicker and sicker. Bonnie, Stefan, and Elena hung around the room, but Damon was the only one who stayed inside. I could hear them murmuring about me and speculating what Caroline could be up to at that moment, but I did not care about the cure. I wanted to die, I wanted the suffering to end, but I knew that if I did it on my own accord, it would damage everyone else around me and I did not want to hurt them in my last moments.
   “What time is it?” I asked.
   “Five minutes to midnight,” Damon whispered, holding me against his chest. 
   “We had a good run, didn’t we?”
   “Yes, but I will get you back as soon as possible.” 
   “I do not think that is a possibility for me.” 
   I kissed him one last time as my vision grew darker, tasting the saltiness from his tears on my lips. When I pulled away, my vision was fully restored and I was in a crowded bar in Manhattan. Little Richard was blaring from a jukebox and everyone was dressed to the nines. I looked down and saw that I was wearing my favorite white cap-sleeved dress with red cherries on it. I pushed my way past the droves of people and sat down at the bar. The bartender leaned over to me.
   “I’d like a gin and tonic please,” I said.
   “Comin’ right up, sugar.” 
   “Nice dress,” someone said behind me.
   I turned and came face to face with the most startling blue eyes I’d ever seen. When I blinked, I saw that they wre perfectly suited for the owner’s chiseled face. Instead of being slicked back, his short dark hair was falling into his eyes. He wore a black leather jacket and black jeans, but not like a greaser, more like Elvis but cooler.
   “You like cherries?”
   “Only when they’re on that dress, on you.”    I smirked. “How many times have you used that line?”
   “Just once on you.” The stranger sat next to me.
   “I did not say that you could sit next to me.”
   “How else am I supposed to get to know the pretty girl in the pretty dress?”
   “You think you are quite smooth.”
    “So they tell me.”
    “Here’s your gin and tonic,” the bartender said as he slid the glass in front of me.
   “Put it on my tab, along with whatever else she drinks tonight,” he smirked at me.
    “Thank you...”
     While I usually did not entertain flirtations like this, there was something about this handsome stranger that told me this was something quite different. 
      When Y/N’s body went cold and limp, Damon could hardly keep it together. The light was no longer in those y/e/c eyes that could see through everything anad everyone. The color was drained from her y/s/c face and would not come back unless they figured something out. At the very least, Y/N looked peaceful and Damon could have sworn that he saw a smile on her y/m/s lips. Tears freely flowed down his face and all he wanted to do was scream, yell, and kill someone, but that’s not what Y/N would have wanted. After a long time, Damon managed to compose himself and tuck Y/N into the bed they shared. He walked out of the room and faced his brother and his brother’s friends.
    “She’s gone,” he muttered.
    “I’m so sorry, Damon,” Stefan said as he patted his shoulder.
    “Not as sorry as Klaus will be when I get my hands on him.”
    “We’ll worry about Klaus some other time, it’s okay to grieve,” Bonnie said.
    Damon nodded absentmindedly and went downstairs to the bar to pour himself a drink. The others followed and spread themselves out throughout the living room, observing his actions carefully. The silence was heavy and awkward since no one knew exactly what to say.
    “I can’t believe she’s really gone,” Elena whispered and allowed Stefan to wrap his arm around her shoulders.
    Suddenly, Caroline burst through the door, eyes searching the room until they landed on her friends. “There you are! Why haven’t you guys been answering your phones? I have good news.”
    “Not now, Care,” Bonnie said.
    “What do you mean? I finally got Klaus to give up the cure.” Caroline held up the vial of blood as though it was a badge of honor instead of a badge of tragedy.
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killr-cupcake · 7 years
Dangan Thieves AU: Mikan Tsumiki
YO *Fits head through a hole on the door*
Ever since the second fan made submission to the AU belonging to @shsl-shipper-gamer-fangirl I’ve been thinking about Mikan
So here, take itttt
Mikan Tsumiki, the ultimate nurse from Hope Peak’s Academy, she sees her existence as a nuisance to others and will do anything for people to like her, but can we trust her after being under brainwash for a while?
Arcana: The lovers ~“My beloved forgave my existence and I gave her my heart, but she didn’t want it, nor gave me hers” Those were her words after breaking free from brainwash, we need to make her see she is just as worth as anybody else
Codename: Heartbeat
Outfit: She uses her hair tied on a low and messy ponytail with a monochrome broken hairtie and a nurse hat with a cross and the same heart, she also uses a lab coat that resembles the one from her remnant of despair counterpart but it opens up at the waist and extends to her ankles, the buttons are Crosses and she wears a tight purple skirt under, she also has a medical mask and her usual bandages alongside high socks that have cross patterns on the sides and nurse shoes (Thanks mobile for not letting me add pics)
Mask: A regular mask that is shaped like two horizontal hearts, a black one and a white one with a break between them
Persona: Aceso, the Greek deity of the healing process
Skillset: strong healing and buffs, her very last ability grants her finding an enemie’s weakness but stuns her until her next turn, good gun damage that stacks weaknesses on enemies if they’ve been found yet but weak against curse and charm
Initial weapons: Melee: A medical bonesaw Ranged: An SMG that uses syringes as ammo
All-Out attack card: It’d be fairly similar to the one she had at sdr2’s intro theme with the words “I’m sorry” written on cursive (Haha all doctors write badly whatever)
Persona awakening scene
After being an obstacle for an entire dungeon, the gang finally makes her see what true love and friendship really is
Mikan: My beloved forgave my existence and I gave her my heart, but she didn’t want it… Nor she have me hers in return… She didn’t care about me… I-I… *Breaks down crying until the Persona Heartbeat™ happens*
Aceso: Poor innocent child, you were tricked with the heart into obeying a force of evil, now you are left behind, broken, wounded, but it’s not your fault, you should know the very act of existing should be cherished
Mikan: I-I’m not a burden… True friends w-will like me for who I am and not f-for what I can do…
Aceso: Just like many others, you need to learn and you need to heal, I will assist you along the way, I am thou, thou art I, the contact is sealed for the sake of helping yourself and helping others, at the end of the path, you and the ill will be healed entirely
Mikan: I don’t need forgiveness for what is not my fault, the past broke us all in pieces and we need to learn, heal and be better for the future, p-please help me Aceso!
“A-Are you alright? It wasn’t very tough but still…”
“We need to take some care after all of that, we should go to the safe room”
“I-I think I’m getting better at this…!” (Level up)
“I can be very useful n-now!” (Skill up)
“I wonder what’s in the chest… Make sure to use protection opening it!”
“I’m worried… W-We’ve been here for a long time n-now”
“A-Ace, I t-think we need a break so I can check up on everyone”
“P-Please let’s think about this first! It seems very dangerous”
ENDURE: I-It’s fine, I’ve had it worse than this…
PROTECT: S-See? I can be very useful as a shield!
BATON PASS: Yes! I-I’ll do anything you want me to do
LOW HEALTH: I’m sorry! Please forgive me!
GETTING HEALED: Th-This is embarrassing hehe
PHYSICAL ATTACKS: Sorry, we’ll have to amputate
HEALING SOMEONE: There you go! / I’ll patch you up! / Lots of shots!
PERSONA: I need you Aceso! … I-If it’s not trouble for you…
FOLLOW UP: I’ll provide medical assistance!
COVER FIRE: P-Please be more careful
GIVING BUFFS: Let m-me help with this
ATTACKING: D-Don’t be angry, just leave us alone…
ATTACK MISSES: *hic* I can’t even d-do one *hic* thing right, I’m *hic* sorryy…
COULDN’T FINISH OFF ENEMY: A-AHH! I tripped over I’m sorry…
FAINTING: The… Despair…
GETTING RESURRECTED: T-Thank you! It was dark and cold like space…
Burn: AH…! I’m burning just like my heart used to
Cold: I-I hope I don’t catch a c-cold or frostbite *achoo*
Shock and Paralyze: P-Please forgive me for not moving! / Th-This brings unpleasant memories…
Confusion: HUH? huh, huh, huh, huh, huuuuuuuhhhh…?
Rage: Forgive me already! If you don’t I’ll cut you open and make you watch!
Despair: M-My beloved… I miss my beloved so much…
Dizzy: Ngh… My ears’ balance fluid…
Brainwash: ah… hahaha… ahahaha…
Forget: … W-What?
Hunger: T-This is bad, I need nutrients to burn into energy…
Sleep: zzz… Ngh don’t move… Zzz
Silence: …
Mouse: …
Mementos chats
“This might sound presumptuous but you’re getting better at driving… Slowly”
“Mm… Sometimes seeing my bonesaw reminds me of bad times…”
“This place looks very dark and scary… Well at least I’ve been in worse”
“Weaknesses are a little complicated… But she taught me how important it is to find them and exploit them…”
Hajime: Say Mikan, what do you like the most about being a Dangan Thief?“ Mikan: … Being with all of you
Chiaki: I like your weapons Heartbeat! Are they referencing Mister Ludwig and Miss Valentine? Mikan: W-Who…? Umm… I-I mean yes! I-I’m referencing a-anything you like Bonnie!
Fuyuhiko: Yo, Mikan, how sick do you have to be to kill someone so painfully? I mean, stabbed endlessly by small syringes is some next level shit Mikan: I-I learned that on top of being painful when mishandled, many fear syringes and sometimes it’s good to exploit fear and pain to your advantage…
Mikan: I-I’m so sorry for what I did before joining y-you… I-I’m surprised you *hic* even trust m-mee… *hic* Chiaki: No matter what you or anyone does Mikan, we’ll always believe in each other, especially me
~Bonus dialogue, choosing a codename
Hajime: So, what should we call Mikan? She needs a codename to be a Dangan Thief
Mikan: ummm, I still can’t b-believe you’re taking me in…
Nagito: How about nurse? It’s her talent from Hope’s Peak after all
Hajime: No, it’s too literal
Chiaki: How about psycho nurse?
Fuyuhiko: Can we not? Look, she’s got that heart theme all over her costume and all of that so we should start there
Nagito: Heart, heartbreak?
Hajime: Again, too literal
Fuyuhiko: Maybe pulse?
Chiaki: Hey Mikan, is there a medical them for a heart disease that would make a good codename?
Mikan: W-Well, arrythmia is a term used to describe an irregularly fast heartbeat that could kill you a-and when you’re in love or in shock your heart starts going really fast too
Chiaki: No, it’s too complicated… I guess medical terms are too difficult
Hajime: *Clearly after solving a sdr2 minigame* How about heartbeat? It’s not too complicated and it fits your style and what happened to you
Mikan: A-Ah! Yes I like it, t-thank you very much Hajime!
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