#f/o: rex
sirenselfship · 1 year
The Mario movie is airing this weekend in Japan finally, yea we get it like a few weeks late than the rest of the world.
I plan on seeing it with my dad once we find a place that’s showing it in English.
I’m gonna have to watch through the whole thing thinking about Rex because oh no Chris Pratt voices Mario
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It’s gonna be fine
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mx-ishikawa · 2 years
hey so I’ve recently rewatched both LEGO Movies and now I’m thinking about my husbands again
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the sillies <3
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sirenselfship · 1 year
Incorrect quotes
Instead of focusing on one fandom, I decided to do them with ALL my current romantic F/Os! Get ready for chaos
Wheatley: I found a note in one of my old word .docs that said Note to self: Get revenge on Cheval. Wheatley: Except I couldn't remember what I was supposed to get revenge for. Wheatley: But I trusted my own judgment, so I went with it. Cheval: Hmm… I don't know what you were supposed to get revenge for, either. Wheatley: I can only assume you got what was coming to you. Not 100 percent sure, though. Cheval: Well, whatever I did, I guess I deserved it. Wheatley: Let that possibly be a lesson to you.
Wheatley: We wouldn’t last two minutes without Ian. Wheatley: Wheatley: Don’t tell them I said that.
Ian, watching Cheval and Siren fight: Are you sure they should be fighting? What if they get hurt? Rex, not bothered by the chaos: It’s fine. They’re too evenly matched to hurt each other. Ian: Then… who’s the strongest out of you three? Cheval: Rex. Siren: Rex. Rex: Me.
Wheatley: What's this? Siren, hugging Wheatley: Affection! Wheatley: Disgusting. Wheatley: …Do it again.
Cheval: If you got arrested what would be the charges? Wheatley: Theft. Bede: Disturbing the peace. Ian: Aggravated assault. Rex: Arson. Siren: All of the above. In that order, probably.
Bede: Who else is hiding in the laundry room trying to listen to Ian and Siren's convo? Wheatley: Me. I'm in the laundry basket. Rex: I'm in the washing machine. Cheval: I'm in the closet. Wheatley: We accept you Cheval. <3 Cheval: No I'm literally in the closet. Wheatley: Love is love. <3
The Squad is playing Chess Siren: easily beats everyone because they know how to play Ian: doesn’t know the rules, but wins anyway Cheval: doesn’t know the rules, and loses Rex: knows the rules, but still loses to those who don’t Bede: Actually, you can’t do that, because I said so. Wheatley: They named a board game after cheese?
Siren: Throw lamps at people who need to lighten up, and throw handles at someone who needs to get a grip! Cheval: Throw a refrigerator at someone who needs to chill! Wheatley: Throw scissors at someone who needs to cut it out! Bede: Throw a clock at someone who needs to get with the times! Ian: Throw matches at someone who needs to get fired up! Rex: Throw a brick at someone to kill them.
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sirenselfship · 1 year
IF CHEVAL TAKES THE “reformed villain who sacrifices himself to save the world” ROUTE I WILL CRY
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mx-ishikawa · 3 years
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tagged by @somethingscarlet13 again! good luck tryna figure out what my type is, because I don’t even know. LMAO
I tag @i-love-you-by-thunder, @soft-ship, and @ava-ships X3
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mx-ishikawa · 3 years
Emmet takes your left hand and Rex takes your right, eyeing you with a mix of mischief and longing. "Hey K~," Rex speaks with the tone you'd expect but laced with the ideas that he isn't speaking as he eyes you. "I'm gonna need you to go this way now..." Before you know it, you find Rex tackling you down onto your bed and peppering your face! Emmet follows up by kissing your wrists and petting you.
OMG???? this made my night aaaaaaa I love my husbands so much 😭💕
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mx-ishikawa · 4 years
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@singingdeepinme “Technically we’re still planning that out, but you better believe our honeymoon is nothing short of freaking epic!!”
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“Also @toonfanstars​ sorry if we made you feel left out of the wedding- we wanted it to be a quiet ceremony with just the people closest to us. But thank you both!!”
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mx-ishikawa · 4 years
Hello yes I love my husbands 😍😭💞
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mx-ishikawa · 4 years
okay so I’m sure you guys were already aware that I was taking a break from social media and stuff. I’m back now, but while I was on my break, I finally married Emmet and Rex. we got married on Tuesday, and it was a rather quiet ceremony, basically just us and the people closest to us. we had wanted to do this ages ago, but shit got in the way, and hey, better late than never~
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so yeah, these two cuties are my husbands now. 🧡💙💚
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mx-ishikawa · 4 years
21, 22, 15!
21. most likely to steal my clothes
DLDFJGLKHDGKSSGT SNAKE,, he’s stolen at least 12 of my hoodies and I haven’t seen any of them since LMAO
22. most likely to let me steal their clothes
Barley for sure! lmao his clothes are very beeg on me and it’s so comfortable lol X3
15.  most likely to embarrass me in public
Rex... he’s an asshole like that LMAO
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mx-ishikawa · 4 years
For Emmet and Rex! 📺, 👕, and 💬!
📺: What would you watch on TV together?
oh boy, TV hangouts are always a hoot because Emmet and Rex have such vastly different tastes. LOL Emmet always wants to watch Where Are My Pants? (it’s still his favorite show XD) while Rex highly prefers high-stakes action shows XD me, I’ll watch whatever they wanna watch provided it’s not a boring soap opera or a cheesy CisHetTM romance lmao, but y’all know I love cartoons! XD
👕: Who borrows the others hoodies/clothing?
meeeeee XD I steal the guys’ shit all the time LMAO. I’ll admit that their vests are hella cozy! lol
💬: Are there any specific pet names you or your f/o uses?
for Emmet, I use cutesy pet-names like “sunshine” or “angel” because he’s both of those things kjdfghbfkjgfds, but I’ll also call him “my Special” because, y’know, he is The Special. LOL Rex, on the other hand, gets unconventional, almost teasing “pet-names” like “tough guy” or “hot stuff” because that’s how our relationship is lmao. I’ll also use “beautiful” for both of them because they’re my beautiful boys! <3 Emmet uses the typical pet-names like “babe” and “honey”, while Rex’s go-to is “cutie” X//3
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mx-ishikawa · 4 years
🦀 - Are they a morning person, or are they more crabby when they wake up? For Rex!! (shippin-in-the-rain)
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“K? A morning person? Heck no! She hates mornings! She’s the kind of person that you do NOT wanna talk to until she’s had her coffee, and it takes her at least half an hour to wake up fully! I can’t blame her though, I hate mornings too, haha.”
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mx-ishikawa · 4 years
Hey Emmet and Rex! Is Light creative like you guys? Can you talk about something the three of you have created together? (@fishandships)
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“Oh she’s definitely creative! She may not be a Master Builder like Emmet and I, but she draws and comes up with her own stories! Just as cool, if you ask me.”
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“K is still learning how to build stuff though, and she’s not bad at it! I mean, she built her own apartment by herself a few years back, that’s pretty impressive for someone who isn’t a Master Builder! She has more trouble with cars and things, but the three of us built an awesome convertible for out road trips! It even has a third front seat so we can all be up front together!”
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mx-ishikawa · 4 years
I have a question: if any of your f/os ever met each other, which ones do you think would get along the best? (Personally, I think Emmet and Walter would hit it off so well that they'd spend an entire day building friendship devices and singing Everything Is Awesome together...possibly to the point where Lance would go absolutely insane from it.)
good question! I can agree that Emmet and Walter would be the BEST of friends, they’d find each other’s stuff they made so cool! (also the mental image of Lance grimacing at Everything Is Awesome being sung 505848675439 times is absolutely HILARIOUS) Walter would also get along with Tadashi because Tadashi’s field is similar to Walter’s (Walter would absolutely LOVE Baymax), and Barley would honestly get along with everyone because he’s so sociable and outgoing and wouldn’t judge my villain F/Os because he’s gotten into trouble with the law himself lmao (Barley would LOVE Rex though, they’d be the cool dudes who blast rock music and go on adventures all the time!)
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mx-ishikawa · 4 years
Formal AU,Florist AU and Homestuck AU for Rex? :)
Formal AU: What would you and your F/O wear to a formal event?
this makes for an interesting one, since neither of us are much for formal wear lmao... but I’d probably wear a simple three-piece but in a dark green instead of straight-up black, like this:
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meanwhile Rex would 100% wear something more unconventional like this:
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(if he can get away with showing some skin, he will. XD)
Florist AU: What is your F/O’s favorite flower? What is yours? Do you and your F/O ever buy flowers for one another?
we’re not much for flowers either lmao, but I really like sunflowers, and I think gladioluses are a good fit for Rex, especially the blue ones... we don’t give each other flowers very often, but there was one time I pointed a stalk of those gladioluses at him like a sword and called it the “sword of love”, to which he laughed and called me a dork X’D
Homestuck AU: What is your F/O’s zodiac sign? What is yours? How much stock do you two put into your horoscopes? (Bonus: What is your classpect? What is your F/O’s classpect?)
I’m 100% an Aquarius, and if we go by what the original LEGO Movie script says, then Rex would be a Capricorn. Rex doesn’t give much of a thought to his sign or horoscopes, and I know it ain’t real but I like to look up stuff about our respective signs just to see how accurate to ourselves they are LMAO (also I don’t know jack about Homestuck but I took the classpect quiz anyway just for shits and giggles; mine is Page of Space and Rex’s is Bard of Life, whatever the heck that means. LMAO)
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mx-ishikawa · 4 years
All of the emotional self ship asks with Rex? :D
I already did 3 and 4 with him, but I can do all the rest! :D
1) Is your f/o afraid to cry or show emotion in front of you?
he used to be, but I’ve thankfully convinced him not to be since then. now he knows it’s better to let his emotions out instead of bottling them up, and he’s always got a shoulder to cry on in me.
2) How do you start conversations about something serious?
he’s already been through enough serious shit, so we can start such conversations pretty easily because he’s used to it. we usually just jump right into it. I can still get nervous about it sometimes though, but thankfully he’s always there to reassure me ;w;
5) How do you describe your f/o to others?
XD in all seriousness, I would be honest about who he is-- a tough, sassy bad boy with a (not-so) secret soft side and stunning good looks. haha
6) Has your f/o embarrassed you before? What happened?
usually, I’m the one that embarrasses him, but he can be pretty embarrassing when drunk. need I say anything more? LMAO
7) Who finds (or tries to find) the good in any situation?
definitely me, because Rex is too much of a cynic. he knows it’s best to look on the bright side now, but since he has trouble doing that, he’ll usually turn to me for that. ^^;
8) Did your f/o fall in love easily with you?
according to what he’s told me, he was in love with me immediately, but didn’t want to face it at first. how flattering X3
9) How does your f/o deal with guilt?
... not well. in the past, he would try to turn his guilt into pride and act like he wasn’t sorry about what he did, but now he just gets angry with himself. I know how that is, but I hate seeing him like that, so I’ll always be sure to snuggle him and tell him it’s okay.
10) How does your f/o express happiness or gratitude?
hugs. he may not want to admit it, but this man is a hugger. Rex definitely believes actions speak louder than words, so if he’s thankful for something or just in a good mood, hugs. X3
11) How often does your f/o say “I love you”?
a lot more than you’d think. sometimes he says it completely out of nowhere and surprises me. but the feeling is definitely mutual
12) What does your f/o get roasted for? How do they react?
he usually gets roasted for that cocky attitude of his, namely by Wyldstyle, but he always has a sarcastic response for that. XD
13) What makes your f/o worried about the future?
he’s really just worried if everything will work out in the long run. hell, he isn’t even supposed to be here, but he is, and he’s not sure if that’ll mess the universe up or not...
14) What makes you worried about your f/o and your future together?
I’m always insecure with myself and afraid I’ll fuck something up. what if he’s in trouble again but I can’t save him in time? what if I accidentally hurt him? what if I can’t give him everything he deserves? I’d protect this man with my life and I don’t want to fail at that...
15) Who smiles/laughs at almost nothing?
usually me, but I’ve caught him smiling off into space and not knowing what tf he was so happy about, besides just being happy in general... but it doesn’t matter because he deserves to be happy
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