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Title: Keishichou Tokuhanka 007 Genres: Manga, Mystery, Romance, Shoujo, Supernatural Author: KAJI Eiri Status: Completed Summary: The “Special crime investigation department 007″ includes the most capable and extraordinary investigators and Fuyuki, who also becomes one of its members, is very capable too. And she is paired with Kuze, a cool and very bishonen detective. Their combination proves to be the most dangerous one the police headquarters had ever seen!
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Title: Fly High! Genres: Action, Manga, Romance, School Life, Shoujo Author: Oouchi Natsumi Status: Completed       Summary: Meru Tachibana, 12 years old. She’s just returned back to Tokyo after 12 years of training with her father, who thought she was a boy! Now Meru is stronger than most guys, and she’s doing her best to make sure that people don’t find out, or else her chances of making friends is ruined! However, a group of eighth graders seem insistent on making that impossible, as they break the rules and pick on the weak. Will Meru be able to stop them as the new student council president without appearing to be a “Monster Melt King” as her mother has warned?
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