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Title: Keishichou Tokuhanka 007 Genres: Manga, Mystery, Romance, Shoujo, Supernatural Author: KAJI Eiri Status: Completed Summary: The “Special crime investigation department 007″ includes the most capable and extraordinary investigators and Fuyuki, who also becomes one of its members, is very capable too. And she is paired with Kuze, a cool and very bishonen detective. Their combination proves to be the most dangerous one the police headquarters had ever seen!
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Title: Kakao 79% Genres: Comedy, Romance, School Life, Shoujo, Slice of Life Author: Aoi Umi Status: Ongoing   Summary:  Ayano, Tsubasa and Ichinose, Yuu are childhood friends. Since they were kids, they were inseparable. But one day they have to part each other's way because both of them are transferring homes. Clueless of where they will transfer, they were shocked when they see each other going to the same school from the place they transferred in.
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