#fab mat
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Him? (Tim Curry-1978)
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Or him? (Mat Baynton-2015)
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bitchinbarzal · 9 months
thirteen | Mat Barzal
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summary: the little green monster comes out when you’re wearing another jersey.
You and Mat had an argument about Mat’s newfound friendship with the new islanders presenter.
You’d seen them after one of his games, they were no longer filming their interview and instead were just talking.
Admittedly, you felt a pang of jealousy watching the scene unfold before you but then it all came to a head when you returned home and mentioned it to him.
He blew up, accusing you of thinking he was cheating, that you didn’t trust him. Essentially just blaming you for this whole argument.
You didn’t retaliate, opting to get your side out another way. Because when he goes low, you go lower.
So when the rangers found themselves at UBS arena, you were wearing blue.
“He’s gonna kill you” Sydney laughed as she found you at the bar, looking at your jersey before catching the name and number on the back.
“Oh my god! He’s gonna really kill you!”
You laugh and do a twirl for her “Like?”
“What did he do?”
You giggled and explained the situation to her “Oh my god, what a dick! Also she has totally been making the eyes at Matt this week too I get where you’re coming from”
“Right?!” You say, holding onto her arm as you both laugh about the situation.
In the suite, Alexis found you and looked at your jersey with wide eyes “Oh he fucked up!”
“Very!” Syd adds from her seat in the front and you smile at her playfully before turning to Alexis
“Me and Mat had a fight and I’m giving him a taste of his own medicine”
“Oh girl don’t explain! I’m on your side!”
The game is rough, as per usual when these two teams meet during the season.
Mat’s never one to get involved in the fighting, typically just sitting and looking pretty which you liked because it meant you were never worried about him.
That was until the period break, Mat was pulled for yet another interview by her. In which she showed him a fab picture of you in your rangers jersey
“So Mat, we hear your girlfriend is repping the Rangers tonight or better yet repping another number thirteen?!”
He looks confused until she shows him the image, his eyes immediately filling with anger.
There you were standing at the bar, in his arena wearing your ex boyfriends jersey. The name Lafrenière where Barzal usually sits.
“Uh… I didn’t know” he laughs it off but anyone who knows him can see his mind running a million miles a minute.
As soon as the interview is done he’s having to go back out, no time to text you and tell you to take it off.
Instead he goes out on the ice like a raging bull.
You watch from your spot in the box as the puck drops and Mat heads strait for Alexis on the ice, taking him straight to the floor.
You gasp as they hit the ground and begin fighting.
It doesn’t last long, Mat being sent to the box straight after. You see his face on the jumbotron, his nose is bent the wrong way and there’s blood rolling down his cheek.
You don’t say anything else, simply curling into yourself and thinking about what you’d caused. It was meant to be harmless, just a way to get back at mat for what he’d said but now his nose was broken, you felt horrible and you’re sure Alexis was out for the rest of the game.
Mat always had a jealous streak in him, from day one. You met at an event where you were Alexis’ date, Mathew introduced himself to you and immediately fell.
He waited months, scrolling through your socials for the day you’d be single and when he finally heard you had broken up he grasped the opportunity but that didn’t stop the comments and his own insecurities getting to him about your relationship.
By the end of the game you’re not celebrating like the rest of the girls, you silently made your way down to wait for Mat.
When he comes out of the locker room sporting a wrapped nose you wince. He looks at your jersey and growls
“Take it off for fuck sake”
“I don’t have anything on underneath” you mumble, the sleeves now crumbled up into your palms as you clutch them anxiously.
He doesn’t respond just walking to the car, you begin walking behind him. There was no congratulations kiss, no conversation as you sat in the car silently as he drove back to your apartment in Manhattan.
Traffic was bad which didn’t help Mat’s mood.
You tried to turn on the radio but he muted it immediately.
It wasn’t until you got to sunnyside when Mat said
“I would never hurt you like this”
You turn to him, his eyes still on the road
“Mat I’m sorry… I was annoyed about the whole-“
“I told you there was nothing happening between us! You were the one convinced I was doing something”
“I know that! And I just wanted to give you a taste of your own medicine!”you shouted, angry he wasn’t listening.
“Giving me a taste of my own medicine? y/n he was your fiancé… do you think I don’t feel bad about that? That you were actually so in love with him you wanted to marry him at one point!”
You sunk into the seat of the Range Rover and mumbled “Yeah well now I see it was a stupid idea”
Arriving at your apartment, Mat waited for you to get out and you asked “Are you coming in?”
“I’m going back to Long Island. I think maybe we were a mistake”
Your heart dropped in your chest and you leaned back into the car “Mat I’m sorry ok! It was stupid and I’m so sorry-“
“I’ve told you how he makes me feel y/n and you threw it in my face, in public infront of everyone to see and you embarrassed me. I don’t think I want to go through life constantly worried about everything and feeling insecure”
Tears were rolling down your cheeks “Mat please… I’m so sorry baby it’s only you, I’ll take it off, I’ll stop with the games just please-“
“I love you, but I’ve got to protect myself first” he says, starting the car again and waiting for you to step away before he drives off back home.
Leaving you standing there watching the Range Rover leave, your heart going with it.
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blood-injections · 10 months
Currently thinking some thoughts about the Jet Star and the Kobra Kid traffic report and how ‘killjoys never die’ and how there’s canonical powers. The killjoy’s different powers in national anthem, the girls power, the energy in the desert that Cherri does his weird focus thing with to never miss a shot that he tells her about. If they all have powers, why can’t the Fab Four? Maybe their power is that they never die.
They don’t know it yet, though. Maybe Doctor D does, maybe that’s why he drilled that phrase into their brains, maybe that’s why he always tells them that they can end this war, maybe that’s why he entrusted the girl to them, because he knows that they all have something magical in common.
But they don’t know it yet, if he knows he hasn’t told them, none of them have figured it out despite the weird close calls they all seem to have had, like when Fun Ghoul was young in battery city and woke up fine from an overdose that should’ve killed him or when Jet Star was bitten by that rattlesnake when she was a pup and got really sick and swore they couldn’t breathe. She says she must have passed out, because when Doctor D found her out back she was just waking back up and healthy as could be.
And then it happens. Kobra and Jet went on a supply run and didn't come back. Back in the diner, the radio was playing. Party was drawing lazily and Ghoul was fiddling with Kobra’s power glove that had been a bit on the fritz lately while they waited for the pair to return. Instead the song on the radio fizzes out, replaced by static and then Doctor Death’s pebbly voice.
Bad news from the zones, tumbleweeds…
They're frozen in shock but they quickly scramble to their feet, terrified and in denial. Poison makes a beeline for Kobra’s bike and Ghoul can’t make himself speak, a lump of horror lodged in his throat. It’s a silent, terrified ride down route guano for the two of them, keeping their eyes peeled for signs of a fight.
It isn’t hard to spot the bodybags.
They’re a startling black and white contrasting to the orange-brown tones of the desert sand. And there’s two of them.
When they’re unzipped, two familiar faces are revealed, their skin off-coloured, pale and lifeless. Poison shatters and Ghoul tries hard to keep it together for the one friend he has left
They take the bodies up to that one vista that Kobra loved because he could see all around for miles and keep watch over the desert and that Jet loved because it was the best spot to stargaze. The sun is nearing the horizon when they start digging. They work in silence and it isn’t hard to hear when the movement starts.
At first it’s a shifting of fabric that goes unnoticed, then it’s perplexed mumbles and then it’s a zipper sliding open. Poison and Ghoul have both stopped digging to stare at the body bag thats now open and the person that’s sitting up.
“What the fuck.” Jet Star says, looking from the two of them armed with their shovels and then down at themself. She looks at her hands and then at her stomach, where her shirt is matted with dried blood. Her hands press at where she can remember there being a wound but where there’s now no pain, no fresh blood, no nothing.
The other body bag wiggles, muffled curses sounding. All the killjoys turn to stare at it. Poison rushes over, unzipping it and pulling their somehow alive brother up into their arms.
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corviids · 8 months
aemond's hair gets matted/burned in battle and he has to cut it into a fuckass bob
anon i don’t think you understand the number of times i’ve typed out “hotd but aemond has a fuckass bob” and then drafted the post cuz i wasn’t sure people would get the joke
aemond rolls up with his FAB and luke just goes “berries and cream lookin ass” and that’s what causes aemond’s downward spiral
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✨ Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training Course Starts Very Soon. Online ! ✨
I am Super Excited to Welcome Our New Trainees who’ll be Joining the Team and Setting up Classes Through Online.
Sign Up Still Open if you’re Thinking of a Fab New Flexi-Hours Career, that You can Offer in Person and Online to the Women in Your Community.
Are You Passionate about Birth, Motherhood and How This Huge Time in Our Lives Really Effects Us?? Do You Want to Help, Support and Empower Other Women as they Prepare for Birth??
We Train Everyone Whose Passionate About This; Even If Yoga or Birth is New to You, You’re Welcome to Apply.
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See You on The Organic Yoga Mat Soon!!
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hyperfixatedthot · 11 months
i was at a trans rights march the other day and i met the most fabulous group of transfemmes. they all looked like they walked straight out of the real housewives and the three of them had chihuahuas in their handbags (they had cooling mats and ventelation dw!!)
what makes this so fab to me is that i live in a very small city in ireland and quite frankly we dont get much of that iconic behaviour here. i was enamoured
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ilovemangoboba · 1 year
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all I want is this fab versace yoga mat, is that too much to ask? 🐍🦋🐞
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daphnedauphinoise · 2 years
Hey Daphne! I’m planning to start barre classes in addition to resuming gym workouts. Really excited to do something that’s not as boring as yoga (sorry but I just can’t fathom doing anything on a mat, I need to move). Ive done pilates but cost wise it wasn’t feasible - also wasn’t working up enough of a sweat. Do you have advice for first-timers at barre, or pertaining to any classes in general? Would like to hear your experience :)
Hey my love,
there is this fabulous youtuber/tiktoker called Bailey Brown and she does a whole load of these reformer pilates at home sans the reformer and they are fab!! I love them and they have the same burn!!!
But I will say.. the word on the pilates street is that mat pilates is harder so..... hahaha
I don't know if you are doing a barre barre class or a barre mat class. Both hurt like a bitch but oft the results are gorgeous. I definately would stretch the morning of the day though. A lot of barre classes are no nonsense and they are quite methodical and whilst they do stretches at the begining, it is worth loosening your body beforehand. For mat classes, I like wear a yoga sock. Planks can get sweaty and slippy. Barre, i find is quicker paced so get ready to try and catch up. But really, if you are familiar with pilates you will be fine with Barre.
Have so much fun and do come back and tell me how it goes
d x
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12loona · 2 years
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[FAB] 220608 | ViVi update - ViVi 🦌
Since Hyunjin’s mom gave me mugwort rice cake, meat and even rice I ate it tastilyㅎㅎ As expected auntie is the best🫶🏻❤️ It was my first time going to a camping site as well So it was better than expected and there was aircon and electric mats and all that
English translation © ot12fb
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terimummykejai · 1 year
I wish you weren't so fab. Itd have been so much easier to hate you
Kisne bola I am fab,ye galat jaankari mat failao bhai
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youhitmybulma · 2 years
Decorate Small Condos With Sofa Beds
Since sofa beds occupy less room, these are the most suitable furniture for smaller condos. You can put the trendy and stylish sofa beds in your living rooms as this website well as bedrooms to upgrade the general appearance of your homes.
In the event that you live in small spaces, you are many times left with little decisions for the outfitting of your homes. Picking the right sort of furniture is the hardest thing to do. You can't place an excessive number of things in the rooms, since you really want some abandoned space and furthermore the rooms that are firmly stuffed don't look great by any means. Indeed, even in the smallest of the living rooms, you need to put love seats, a center table, a side table and a television cabinet, keeping the count most minimal. With regards to bedroom, a bed, nightstand and a dresser, again the most un-number of things. Indeed, even subsequent to organizing these things, you lack space to spare. Indeed, you can't preclude any of the things since these are important. You can, be that as it may, utilize the sofabeds rather than the beds.
Sofa beds are one of the most incredible contributions from the contemporary furniture setup. These require less space and can be changed into the twofold sized bed. The space they take up is really that a very remarkable standard sized love seat. The fab plans of these beds are a mix of both style and comfort. Sofa beds can be put in bedrooms to upgrade their look and free a portion of the space. This piece of furniture will look totally shocking in your small bedroom. You ought to buy the one that goes with different things of the room.
You ought to likewise get the this bed for your living room also. Nowadays, these beds come in enormous number of plans and tasteful styles. A sofa bed in the living room could leave some edge for the footstools that you always needed to have yet couldn't in view of the less space. The living room furniture is always picked with the greatest possible level of concern and you would do the equivalent while picking out this bed. In your living room, you can put one of the Development sofa beds that are known for the most astonishing plans.
Sofa bed with double mats that transforms into a bed is the classic plan. Yet, the freshest styles of these beds have single sleeping cushion and the back rests of these are gone evenly to make a bed. A portion of these beds even accompany extra rooms which can be utilized for putting away cushions, sheets or different things that you could like. Advancement sofa beds accompany delicate spring sleeping pad that gives comfort as both the sofa and the bed. Having this bed is additionally advantageous when you have visitors coming over. You can utilize the living room sofa bed as an additional bed for them.
You can buy these beds from the online stores that offer restrictive assortments of development sofa beds. You will find various plans of these beds in various fabrics. At the point when you shop online you have the adaptability to visit however many stores as you like in only a limited capacity to focus time. You can look at many sofa beds presented by these stores and analyze their prices too.
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robertasgym · 4 months
25-Minute Fab Abs Workout: Lower Belly-Burning & HIIT Workout
Hey there! Ready to ignite those abs and feel the burn in just 25 minutes? Say hello to our Fab Abs Workout! This session is all about targeting that stubborn lower belly area while incorporating high-intensity interval training (HIIT) for maximum effectiveness. We're talking about a workout that's not only going to get your heart pumping but also sculpt and tone those abdominal muscles like never before!
So, grab your workout mat, water bottle, and get ready to sweat it out with a mix of challenging exercises designed to torch calories and leave you feeling strong and empowered. Whether you're a seasoned fitness enthusiast or just starting out on your wellness journey, this Fab Abs Workout is sure to leave you feeling accomplished and ready to tackle anything that comes your way. Let's do this! 
Remember why you started. Whether it's to feel more confident, improve your health, or simply have fun, keep that motivation front and center as you push through each rep and set. Visualize your goals and let them drive you towards success. Good luck and have fun!❤️💪 **If you want to be notified when I upload a new video, make sure to subscribe to our channel. I upload new videos everyday from Monday to Saturday!
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greensparty · 4 months
I got to review a lot of reissues this year of previously released albums and compilations. Part of my criteria for Best Reissues of the Year is the quality of the reissue itself as opposed to the original album. That is to say, The Breeders’ Last Splash album might be a better album than The Replacements’ Tim, but if we’re ranking both reissues, the reissue of Tim was better. Here is the cream of the crop:
Honorable Mentions:
Alice Cooper  Killer and School’s Out Deluxe Editions
The Black Crowes  The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion box set
The Breeders  Last Splash 30th Anniversary Original Analog Edition
The Kinks  The Journey Part 1
5. Aerosmith  Greatest Hits
Nothing really new here (some deep cuts and live versions), but the curation and sound quality is off the charts!
4. Talking Heads  Stop Making Sense Expanded Edition Remaster
For the 40th anniversary of the concerts that were documented in the legendary concert film, guitarist Jerry Harrison oversaw the entire concert including some songs left out of the film. Everything a great soundtrack should be!
3. The Replacements  Tim (Let It Bleed) Edition
The 1985 album by The ‘Mats gets an overhaul from producer Ed Stasium’s new mix, rarities, live concert and liner notes in this awesome box set!
2. The Beatles  1962-1966 and 1967-1970 2023 Editions
The two double album deep dive compilations from the Fab Four got a remastered upgrade to triple albums and it reminds us why this is the best Beatles compilations ever!
Nirvana  In Utero 30th Anniversary Edition
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Nirvana’s 1993 album (which turned out to be their last studio album) got the 30th anniversary box set treatment with the original remastered as well as a 1993 L.A. concert and a 1994 Seattle concert, plus a photo book and trinkets. For a fan like me who has the original and the 2013 box set, this was the reissue that truly wow-ed me in 2023!
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kodiescove · 4 months
Like I cannot GROOM a fab 4 dog properly. I know this because I HAVE one of those breeds, and he's matted because I cannot brush him like he's supposed to be brushed. And ALL OF THEM are long haired dogs!
Oh but what if the dog washes and you need to replace it?
First of all, how dare you use the word "replace". I'm not just going to get rid of the fucking dog if they don't pass the training. I will still love that dog and that dog will be apart of my family.
Uh you should buy one pretrained.
Bitch the last time I looked into that they were /10s of thousands of dollars/. That will take me DECADES to save up for! I need a service dog fhcking sooner than that /because I can't fucking leave my house on my own/!
If the dog washes, and I've spent a few thousand dollars on training and the dog, I will concede and cry and contact my insurance about hiring an aid to go with me out of the house. Okay? But you know what? You wanna know something?
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getmymettle · 5 months
Your Complete Roadmap to Weight Loss with Pilates Exercises
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Ever wondered if Pilates exercises could be the secret sauce for weight loss and overall fitness? Well, buckle up, because we're about to dive into the world of Pilates – the low-impact exercise that's not just about toning muscles but also making you feel like a fitness Rockstar, especially with beginner Pilates workouts.
Picture this: You're on your yoga mat, embracing the gentle magic of Pilates exercises at home. It's not a race against time like running or a splashy swim session, but boy, does it bring some cool benefits to the table. Let's break it down and make Pilates your new fitness BFF, starting with beginner Pilates workouts.
Pilates Principles – The Fab Six:
Centering: It's all about that core, the sweet spot between your pelvic bone and lower ribs – the epicenter of Pilates exercises.
Concentration: Give those Pilates movements your full-on attention – it's like giving your muscles a pep talk during your beginner Pilates workout.
Control: Slow and steady wins the race in beginner Pilates workouts; let those muscles show off their command.
Precision: Think strong core, think perfect alignment – it's all about hitting the sweet spot, especially in beginner Pilates exercises.
Breath: Sync your moves with your breath – inhale, exhale, and let the magic happen in your beginner Pilates workout.
Flow: Keep it smooth, keep it rhythmic – breathe in, breathe out, and let those beginner Pilates vibes flow.
Perks of Pilates – Why It's So Darn Cool for Pilates Exercises at Home:
Flexibility Boost: You'll be bending and stretching like never before in your beginner Pilates workout at home.
Core Stamina: Get ready for abs that can handle anything life throws at you during your Pilates exercises at home.
No-Impact, High-Five Intensity: It's a workout that won't leave you panting but will make you feel accomplished – especially crucial for beginner Pilates exercises at home.
Balance and Posture Upgrade: Say goodbye to wobbles and hello to a graceful stance during your Pilates workout at home.
No Equipment Needed: Just you, your mat, and the Pilates magic – no fancy gear required for beginner Pilates workouts at home.
Move Like a Pro: Say hello to improved mobility and flexibility, even if you're just starting out with beginner Pilates exercises.
Muscle Power-Up: Strengthen those muscles and build up your endurance during your beginner Pilates workout.
Perfect for Recovery: Whether you're healing or just staying fit, Pilates has your back, especially when you opt for beginner Pilates exercises.
Decoding Pilates – How It Works in Beginner Pilates Workouts:
Pilates is like that perfect blend of flexibility, muscle strength, and endurance – all wrapped up in a low-impact package, perfect for beginners. Crafted by Joseph Pilates, it's the secret sauce for a killer core, muscle balance, and injury prevention, making it an ideal choice for beginner Pilates workouts. Choose your flavor from classic, mat, contemporary, reformer, or clinical Pilates – there's a Pilates for every mood and every beginner.
Let's Get Started – Pilates for Everyone, Especially with Beginner Pilates Workouts at Home:
Pilates isn't just for fitness gurus; it's the friendly workout buddy you've been searching for, especially with beginner Pilates workouts. Grab that yoga mat, find some space to move, and let's kick things off. No pressure, just good vibes and a chance to level up as you get stronger in your beginner Pilates workout. Plus, you'll become fluent in Pilates lingo – ever heard of the Pilates Stance, Midline, Tabletop, or Tuck? They're your secret code to balance and a killer core, especially during beginner Pilates workouts.
Home Sweet Pilates – 10-Minute Fun Time with Beginner Pilates Workouts:
Now, let's talk about Pilates at home – the ultimate game-changer, especially for beginners. No fancy equipment, just you and your commitment to fun workouts. Here are six moves you can rock in just 10 minutes for your beginner Pilates workout:
The 100s: Abs, arms, and a bit of a dance party on your mat – trust us, it's a vibe for your beginner Pilates workout.
Single Leg Stretch: Your ticket to a strong core – alternate those leg moves like a Pilates pro, even as a beginner.
Roll-Ups: Inhale, roll up, exhale, roll down – it's like a mini rollercoaster for your abs during your beginner Pilates workout.
Single Leg Drop: Tap those toes and feel the burn – it's a party for your lower abs, perfect for beginner Pilates exercises.
Double Leg Lift: Elevate those legs and let gravity do its thing – it's a core challenge for your beginner Pilates workout.
Plank: The grand finale – hold that plank like a superhero and feel the burn during your beginner Pilates workout.
Wrap-Up – Your Beginner Pilates Adventure Awaits:
There you have it, your guide to unlocking weight loss and fitness fun with Pilates, especially if you're a beginner. It's not about perfection; it's about enjoying the journey. So, grab that mat, hit the floor, and let Pilates be your fitness companion, especially during your beginner Pilates workouts. It's time to move, groove, and discover the joy of Pilates – your body will thank you for it!
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tonin-terets · 8 months
Deserres - Fall Campaign Director's Cut from Mat & Fab on Vimeo.
Full credits and project on Behance:
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