#fablehaven reread
daisywords · 1 year
Also I love the beginning of the fourth book for many many reasons but one of them is the whole kidnapping situation where Kendra really gets to shine. Like you might think that she's just your average blank protagonist, but put her in a room with Torina Barker and you'll realize that her main character trait is actually sassy. And she's been this way all along
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fishandshesmygills · 13 days
not even joking abt the cognitive decline anymore im actually scared. i saw the tv glow hit too hard for me everything has felt wrong and i don't even know since when, do i have long covid brain fog? residual damage from my concussion this past fall? what about my first concussion six years ago? i feel like there are pages missing. i feel the gaps in my knowledge and awareness and abilities. im scrambling around in the dark
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rinse-and-repeat2 · 2 months
Thinking about Seth again Hours (when is it not) Anyway. Do you think Seth wonders how human he is anymore? If he's human?
He has seen the path to becoming undead and once understood it, even though he's been healed since. He's been dipped in the source water, now (presumably) unblemished and "beautiful" (slightly off from human) as the fair folk were. Without marks to show what he's been through, phantom aches come from scars and past injuries that never healed right still There despite their inability to be seen. He has platinum wings that act as a part of his own body and powers that have never really been seen let alone understood before.
Is he human? Would he still classify himself as human, feel comfortable with them? Or would he feel distanced, distracted, and utterly Different from the people he once was a part of?
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carolinelikesdinner · 3 months
I'm not gonna lie. I WOULD go into Muriels shack. She seems like she'd have great gossip.
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thinklikeseth · 10 months
Reread the first Fablehaven book. It's honestly crazy the things you notice during a reread. And this is my second reread, too.
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fandom-cove · 3 months
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you could even put the Sphinx in Ronodin's place
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zzyzxtourguide · 7 months
You know what there’s not enough polls on this blog right now
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trolliworms · 10 months
There are two wolves inside you
One who wants to read all the classics, nonfiction, or really preppy books.
And one who wants to reread, for the third time, that ten-book fantasy series you loved when you were twelve.
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tora-the-cat · 1 year
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On the left, Kendra Sorenson; With a reckless little brother she has to look out for as they tamper with forces beyonnd their comprehension- often on their own- having more restraint doesn't mean she isn't ready and willing to take risks and put her life on the line if his is at risk.
On the right, The Glass Cat; Made to catch mice, which she refused to do, she now lives with and keeps an eye on the other creations of the wizard that gave her life, Watching out for and starting petty arguments in equal turn.
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daisywords · 1 year
Fablehaven reread: book 1, chapters 1–5
okay I forgot how much I love the beginning of this book. Before we even get into any of the fantasy elements, the vibes are just impeccable. Going down the long, winding driveway; feeling lowkey abandoned by the parents even though it's not really their fault. The way we know something is off but not what exactly.
I admire the choice not to start with anything particularly flashy or exciting. The car ride scene works perfectly, actually, because it sets up some suspense without being overblown about it, and introduces us very well to the characters and their "normal."
Kendra and Seth might be a factor in why I'm partial to brother/sister duos in my own writing. I love them <3. (Maybe identified a little too hard as a kid bc I have a brother who's almost three years younger than me, which is pretty much the same age gap)
But seriously they're so well-written as siblings. Like the opposite of all those memes about writers with no siblings making the dialogue weird. Brandon Mull gets it
Down to when Kendra finds the chocolates and tells Seth it's soap. girl same
I love how they're both explorers in different ways. Seth is the one venturing out into the woods, but Kendra is solving the key puzzle, investigating the milk situation, etc.
And then even later after they figure it out and Seth wants to go out in the woods again, but Kendra is the one that finds out the real bombshell just by talking with Lena. (Like you don't have to be "daring" in the typical sense of the word to be a good detective, or a good protagonist)
Also I love how one of Kendra's key traits is being a rule-follower, how early that's established, and how we see that as a strength and a weakness to her later on. (And how that's a big part of what saves her in the end, tying back to traditional fairy tales—but I'm getting ahead of myself)
Same with Seth as the rule breaker and how that plays out. Like they're such good foils to each other while still being believable, regular people.
I love Seth too okay. Like sometimes he's dumb but he's not stupid. His first meeting with Muriel like no I'm not going to put my hand in your creepy box. "Are you a witch? Seems like something a witch would do." Iconic
I love how they don't immediately trust their grandpa when he finally tells them the truth. Like he's lied to them twice, so how can they trust him now? and he acknowledges this.
Reading this like a writer is so fun—to see the way things are set up to pay off later. Like I cannot express how perfectly done some of this is, because it feels natural in the moment, but it's amazing how early some of the key pieces of the ending are established, like Muriel and the Fairy Queen's shrine.
Lena's whole character is honestly so fascinating. I never get tired of this storyline. Like "I think I prefer this life, but it might be because I have changed fundamentally." And like mortality as a different state of existence because of the awareness of the passage of time??? hello?????
Also I love how she starts out the story of Patton "He was a young man at the time, quite good-looking, wore a mustache—" like ok girl first of all he was hot, so jot that down
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biting you /pos what's your favorite fablehaven character mine is torn between Warren and Seth but also Vanessa. is a BITCH character but I like the way she's written
oooh man, that's a tough choice! Partially because I haven't read the Fablehaven series in a while, I'm definitely due for a refresher. I really need to reread the books tbh
I'm also torn: for me it's between Lena, Warren, and Raxtus. I'm partial to Bracken too, I wish we got more of him because his story was really interesting. It's tough though, all the characters are really well-developed and there's something to like or appreciate about each of them.
I think I have to place Warren in my top favorite though, for two reasons. One, he's a genuinely cool character, I really liked his storyline, and I'm always partial to the characters who end up being injury-scapegoats (I mean, the man starts out catatonic, gets turned into a shadow by the shadow plague, gets gored by a peryton and trapped in the little TARDIS-knapsack thing, the list goes on) because they're usually the most resilient and resourceful of the bunch. And two... I just think it's funny to have two separate favorite characters named Warren.
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rinse-and-repeat2 · 2 months
Thinking about Muriel, the Sphinx, and Seth's journey to the Demon Realm in RotDS. Remembering Orogoro's "I will give the boy a wound to help him understand what he carries" and without hesitation, without care, Seth's "I'll do it" despite the Fairy King's protesting. Thinking about Seth begging Orogoro to kill him afterwards.
Thinking about how Muriel would remember the eleven-year-old boy who curiously stumbled upon her shack, eyes wide and wondering. Thinking about her now seeing a completely different person in front of her as he is, without the will to live, pleading to die. I wonder what went through her head as she saw him that day, what had changed between then and now. I wonder if she felt bad or curious, even a little. The Sphinx got to see the progression of events, but she did not. I think about it a little too often.
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t4tdanvis · 7 months
i need to go reread fablehaven. i have some mys au ideas but i need to reread the entire series to fully flesh them out
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sees-writes · 5 months
Rereading Fablehaven so here are some headcanons
The fairies in FH universe are undoubtedly beautiful but also are equipped with sharp fangs that hurt a lot when they bite someone
After Kendra becomes fairykind her ears become slightly pointed and her teeth become sharper but the sharp fangs are only visible to those that have drank the milk
Vanessa has multiple tattoos
Warren has one tattoo which is very small because it hurt so much but he wears it with a badge of honor (he will never admit it was dare or that it’s a butterfly)
Ruth Sorensen has a tattoo which very few people have seen but apparently it’s pretty bad ass
Kendra and Seth took it upon themselves to get Warren up to date on pop culture stuff after he woke up. Seth covered memes and Kendra covered pretty much everything else
Kendra has a rather diverse music taste (much to most people’s surprise) and loves to make playlists for people
Seth will not admit that he listens to the playlists Kendra made him daily
After the death of Kendra’s stingbulb Warren didn’t listen to the playlists Kendra had made him and instead listened to her favorite songs on repeat
Dale grows numerous plants around his home and names them all. He also knows all of the livestock animals by name
Small animals have a habit of imprinting in Dale whether he likes it or not. This extends to magical animals as well
Dale became very fond of Seth. Warren got very attached to Kendra.
Stan Sorensen doesn’t drink often but one time during the holidays when everyone was drinking, Warren attempted to keep up with Stan and ended up very shitfaced
Stan walked away fine
Kendra can and will cuss someone out when needed, especially after Zzyzz. Vanessa and Warren are very proud, everyone else is terrified
Seth snuck fireworks into Fablehaven for the Fourth of July and many of the creatures requested that he do it again
Seth made the mistake of stealing from Kendra’s plate once and she hit him, fangs and all, he never did it again
Warren is the only one that can steal food from Kendra without getting bitten
Seth is not very touchy feely when he’s awake but when he’s asleep he will latch onto the nearest person
Warren is 100% a cuddler, so is Kendra, they can and will struggle snuggle Vanessa
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mercutiotakethewheel · 9 months
rereading fablehaven is actually so sad rn bc like fuck im not eleven anymore wtf? i keep reading expecting to relate to kendra and seth like i used to but i just dont? like i can still feel the beating heart of love i have for this story underneath but its like different now. like this fun story is deeply sad to me now like what???
these kids joined the magical world and in doing so had to sever every connection they have to the outside world from before. they only have friends their age for like a ch of book 2, and after that they basically have no peer group. how awful is that for a couple of kids?
and they dont get to be kids anymore. seth’s mischief gathers consequences until he seems to lose it in the latter half of dragonwatch. kendra gains self confidence in some ways but then also becomes more and more burdened with responsibilities she didnt ask for and shouldnt have at the ripe age of 13-16.
like i dont even know
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i might be projecting here and its def not this deep but i desperately need these bitches to re-enter the public school system and make some fucking friends their own age. please. magical or non-magical.
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