#facebook messenger for windows 10
RIP, AIM: Remembering how we used to talk on the internet
A eulogy for AOL Instant Messenger, and how it changed the way we talk about games and everything else By Luke Winkie published December 15, 2017
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Do you remember all the souls you've lost to the internet? Those incidental friendships, forged in IRC clients, Newgrounds forums, 40-man Ragnaros wipes, scattered across the globe when the web was young? They came into your life and played Fall Out Boy over Ventrilo. They came into your life and disappeared forever. Do you remember when snapping a selfie required a frustrating tangle of mechanical coercion, but it was worth it to show them your face? When real-life names were rarefied information shared exclusively through digital blood pacts? AIM shut down today, and the only thing I can think about is how all of those people still exist somewhere, perhaps exploring the same pit in their stomach that I am.
AIM belongs to all of us. As a pioneering force of internet communication, anyone born in the early '90s or late '80s has spent some time on the platform. As a 26-year old, I'm crucially aware that my appreciation for the prodigal instant messenger is colored by a nostalgia that has nothing to do with the service itself. It was simply the medium of choice to grouse about homework, The Decemberists, girls I liked, and the rest of my random bullshit. 
But I do believe that there's a special union between AIM and people who grew up playing games, or at least came of age on the internet with people who played games. The early millennium revolutions in online multiplayer pitted us together and asked us to collaborate, so of course we carried those early internet accords to their logical extremes—talking all night in lonely chat boxes about what's cool, what sucks, and how easy it is to relate. In 2017, the web feels less like something I approach for those connections, and more like an overwhelming ennui that I'm constantly trying to outrun. Boston's Kyle Seeley nailed that feeling perfectly with 2015's Emily is Away, and this year's sequel Emily is Away Too—both of which transport you back to the spongy leather office chairs of your parents' computer room.
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"AIM was primarily for one-on-one conversations between teenagers. That's how I used AIM, to have a very intimate conversation with another person. Now we have texting and Facebook messenger, but you can use those wherever you are," he says. "You can use those at a concert or while driving. But when you were using AIM, you were sitting down at a computer to talk to people. You had their undivided attention." 
Emily is Away tributes AIM in the only way anyone can—spinning a yarn of disentranced high-school drama that eventually mounts into something deeply sad. The way Seeley presents an old Windows XP desktop, with the hilariously temperamental tastes of your idiot friends revealing themselves in their bios and away messages (until one day they stop logging on entirely) is immediately resonant. We've all had our Emilys. "When you have a conversation on the phone, you spend 10 minutes making small talk," says Seeley. "On AIM you talk to someone for hours. Like eight hours, 10 hours straight. You get all the small talk out of the way in the first hour, and then you're talking about these big teenager questions. Who am I? Who do I want to be? I think AIM was really good at that."
It was always difficult for me to articulate the intimacy I felt with my internet friends to my parents. There were the obvious, mechanical mistranslations; I begged my mother for early exits from countless family dinners that consistently managed to interfere with my guild's crucial Molten Core attempts. But beyond that, there was a certain shame in feeling loved and valued by people I only knew by username. A latent fear that those who did not understand might consider that affection to be false, or even sinister. That's different now, as social media has flattened out our offline/online dichotomy, but if you were on AIM, you probably remember how once upon a time those bonds felt illegal.
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Years ago Nina Freeman, level designer at Fullbright and one of the foremost thinkers on love and technology, launched a flat-out covert campaign to get close with one of those friends. She spent months locked in the holy matrimony of Final Fantasy XI and nightly AIM treatises with a boy named Glenn from New York City. Eventually they met, but not before Freeman satisfied her aunt, (who she was staying with) with a fabricated narrative—Glenn was no longer a dude from the internet, now he was just an old family friend who happened to move east. "I was still in high school," says Freeman. "We made up that whole story."
That secrecy is immediately familiar to me. AIM was surreptitious, clandestine. A service that belonged to teenagers, sequestered from leering ears and concerned authority figures. As Freeman notes, a screen name was one of the few commodities a young person could fully own. A domain, an aesthetic, a communication channel you could control. It was rare to feel fully untethered from your parents, so you guarded that sliver of liberty with your life.
"I wouldn't hand out [my username] lightly," explains Freeman. "I'd only really do it with people I felt close enough with. It seems sort intimate. It was a 'thing' to add someone on AIM. The expectation would be that if we're adding each other, we're going to chat regularly.… It had a weight to it."
Cecilia D'Anastasio, senior reporter at Kotaku (and a friend of mine) went a step further. As an 11-year-old, she was already griefing in the multiplayer Flash games she shared with her friends over AIM. I don't think anything sums up the juvenile euphoria of instant messaging quite like using that power to cheat in stakes-free freeware.
"One of the Flash games I discovered was basically Pictionary, but online and with a chat room. One player would etch out an image in a Microsoft Paint-like interface while the chat would dutifully guess at what it could possibly be. It was very wholesome," says D'Anastasio. "That's why my friend June and I were passionate about cheating. We'd join a game on the same team. Over AIM, we'd tell each other what we were assigned to draw, instructing whoever was guessing to wait a solid ten seconds before revealing the answer. It was a riot. We always won."
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Over the past decade or so AIM has slowly been replaced with services that de-emphasize traditional internet patois. Gchat and Twitter are all full of real names and faces instead of coded handles and custom-colored text, and logging in to most platforms scarcely takes more than a click on a Facebook icon. For the most part, this is a good thing. Anonymity is one of the scourges of online culture—a de facto institution that continues to cause a lot of people pain. Personally though, I can't help but feel like we've lost something along the way. There was a certain sublimity in typing from behind the guise of a username. It gave way to a feeling that your AIM conversations existed in some sort of permissive, alternative reality, the ideal spot to work up the nerve for swollen 3 am confessions. In 2017 there is no such thing as "IRL" anymore; your internet presence is permanently married to your day-to-day existence. Everyone on earth spends their waking hours waging wars and making peace with strangers they will never meet. It is overwhelming and insoluble, and there are moments where I wish I could get outside again.
I'm not the only person that feels this way, and there are some people working to restore the parts of the mid-aughts internet that worked. When I interviewed Jason Citron, CEO of Discord, earlier this year, he affirmed a deep appreciation for AIM, and believed that perhaps the online infrastructure might soon swing back in that direction. "When you zoom out and think about the internet and how communication is trending, there's definitely a trend to more live experiences," he said. "The internet has done so much to connect people asynchronously, so I think there's something more macro happening that Discord is taking part in. It's like we're bringing it back to how it used to be."
He's right. One of the things that's made Discord successful is how separated it feels from the rest of the internet. When you join an ultra-specific channel—for niche Hearthstone formats or fan-favorite Persona characters—it's like you're uncovering a league of obsessives that are ready to welcome you with open arms. The true solidarity of dorkiness. It's funny, but by holding back on cosmopolitan design choices (like Facebook integration or a required photo-reel), Cintron stumbled into a scheme that evokes the furtive splendor that made AIM special. This is something Nina Freeman found when she started up a Discord channel to support her growing Twitch following. "It quickly became a community, and now I have a bunch of newer online friends. I'm already cracking up at myself as I'm wondering what they look like, or what they do in real life," says Freeman. "It definitely has a similar appeal." 
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If Discord doesn't quite meet your personal instant messaging standards, Citron tells me that, if enough people in the community request it, he'd consider implementing the low-res AIM chimes into the service. You know, door creak, door slam, those disruptive MIDI twinkles. "To this day, that sound still triggers my desire to hop online," he says.  
Kyle Seeley is doing something similar. Yesterday he released a piece of DLC for Emily is Away Too that reskins Steam Chat to look exactly like AIM circa 2006. He spared no expense; you can change your text color, drop in vintage, blocky emoticons, and create your own custom profile so you can tell the world that Warped Tour will never die. "It's a farewell to AIM," he says. As one gaming's foremost nostalgia artists, it'd be wrong if he didn't say goodbye.
Now the AIM generation is old enough to both intellectualize their wistfulness, and use the lessons they learned from the service to create for the today's teenagers. To facilitate affection and respect on the internet, to show them what it looks like. We were the first to taste love on the web, at a time when those feelings had no context or guidance, and I hope that AIM helped create a baseline for young people and the midnight communion with those across the screen. The liberation that comes with knowing that the internet friendships you cherish are just as valid and wonderful as you think they are—these stories matter, because they help light that path. Lord knows I needed it, and I'm sure you did too.
Luke Winkie
Contributing Writer
Luke Winkie is a freelance journalist and contributor to many publications, including PC Gamer, The New York Times, Gawker, Slate, and Mel Magazine. In between bouts of writing about Hearthstone, World of Warcraft and Twitch culture here on PC Gamer, Luke also publishes the newsletter On Posting. As a self-described "chronic poster," Luke has "spent hours deep-scrolling through surreptitious Likes tabs to uncover the root of intra-publication beef and broken down quote-tweet animosity like it’s Super Bowl tape." When he graduated from journalism school, he had no idea how bad it was going to get.
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dragoneyes618 · 8 months
“From the river to the sea…”
Let’s talk about such a scenario in which Israel is erased.
7:00 a.m.: You wake up and try to unlock your iPhone to read email, but it won’t unlock.
Why? Because Face ID is Israeli tech. It was invented by PrimeSense, and acquired by Apple.
7:30 a.m.: Before heading to work, you go into your garden to make sure your grass is being watered.
Nope, can’t use drip irrigation. That’s an Israeli invention.
8:00 a.m.: You get into your car and try to turn on Waze so you can know where there is traffic.
It won’t open because Waze is Israeli.
8:30 a.m.: On the way to work, you almost lose control of your car because it didn’t notify you that you were swerving out of your lane.
That’s because Mobileye is based in Jerusalem.
9:00 a.m.: “Fine,” you say to yourself, “I don’t need Waze or Mobileye anyway. Soon my car will be autonomous.”
Nope. Innoviz is Israeli.
9:30 a.m.: You get to work and get ready to have your first meeting on Microsoft Teams. It won’t work.
All the AI on Teams? Built in Herzliya.
10:00 a.m.: You try to use your USB thumb drive on your computer. No go.
Thumb drives (a.k.a. flash drives or memory sticks) were invented by Dov Moran at Msystems, and acquired by SanDisk.
11:00 a.m.: You need to access some classified information but it’s behind a firewall. No way around it.
Firewall technology? Invented in Israel.
12:00 p.m.: You look out your office window and the sky is so beautiful, you want to take a photo.
Nope. Smartphone dual lens technology was invented by Israeli company Corephotonics.
1:00 p.m.: You have a lot of work to do. You fire up your PC but it won’t boot up.
Is it running on an Intel processor? Oh, yeah, that was designed in Israel.
2:00 p.m.: You’re getting really frustrated. Nothing is working! So you turn to Google, but even that won’t work.
Google builds many of its products in Tel Aviv.
3:00 p.m.: You decide to FaceTime your wife to vent your frustrations. Why won’t it work?!
Because voice over IP was invented in Israel.
3:30 p.m.: You’re really losing patience, so you go to your favorite instant messenger program to speak to a friend.
Nope, instant messaging was invented in Israel.
4:00 p.m.: You give up and decide to focus on work exclusively – you need to build a website.
Sorry, Wix is Israeli. You can’t use it.
5:00 p.m.: You get a call from your doctor. He wants you to come in because he saw something troubling in your last check-up. He wants to use the PillCam.
You have to inform him that’s a no-go. That’s Israeli tech.
6:00 p.m.: Since your car is unreliable, you decide to take public transportation. But your Moovit app won’t load for some reason.
It’s Israeli.
6:30 p.m.: You decide to do some shopping for a new car because it’s time to go electric.
Sorry. Better Place CEO Shai Agassi pioneered the infrastructure for electric cars in 2012.
7:00 p.m.: You get a call with bad news – your relative was recently diagnosed with cancer. He needs your help finding the best treatment.
Unfortunately, you can’t help him because many of the leading cancer treatments were developed in Israel by companies like Novocure and Vascular Biogenics.
8:00 p.m.: You’ve had a hard day and just want to chill out in front of your social media feeds. But none of your feeds will load.
Meta, parent company of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, has many offices in Israel.
9:00 p.m.: Time for a late dinner. You want to prepare alternative meats or dairy products.
Your supermarket doesn’t sell them, however, because Redefine Meat and Remilk are Israeli startups.
10:30 p.m.: You decide to read your book, but you can’t find your glasses anywhere.
That’s because you bought them on GlassesUSA, an Israeli company.
11:00 p.m.: Your last resort: Watch some TV. Wait – your Samsung TV won’t turn on!
Samsung has many offices in Israel, including Samsung Next, a fund that invests in tech.
You go to sleep and hope tomorrow will be a better day.
Here, try this new rhyme instead: “From the river to the sea, if Israel is gone, what will be with me?!”
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1americanconservative · 8 months
“From the river to the sea…”
Let’s talk about such a scenario in which Israel is erased.
7:00 AM: You wake up and try to unlock your iPhone to read email, but it won’t unlock. Why? Because Face ID is Israeli tech. It was invented by Primesense, acquired by Apple.
7:30 AM: Before heading to work, you go into your garden to make sure your grass is being watered. Nope, no drip irrigation. That’s an Israeli invention.
8:00 AM: You get into your car, and try to turn on Waze so you can know where there is traffic. It won’t open because Waze is Israeli.
8:30 AM. On the way to work, you almost lose control of the car because it didn’t notify you that you were swerving out of your lane. Why? Because Mobileye is based in Jerusalem.
9:00 AM: “Fine”, you say to yourself, “I don’t need Waze or Mobileye anyway. Soon my car will be autonomous.” Nope. Innoviz is Israeli.
9:30 AM. You get to work and have your first meeting on Microsoft Teams. It won’t work. All the AI on teams? Built in Herzliya.
10:00 AM. You try to use your USB thumb drive on your computer. No go. Invented by Dov Moran at Msystems, and acquired by Sandisk.
11:00 AM: You need to access some classified information but it’s behind a firewall. Sorry, you can’t do anything about that. Firewall technology? Invented in Israel.
12:00 PM: You look out your office window and the sky is so beautiful, you want to take a photo? Nope. Smartphone dual lens technology was invented by the Israeli company Corephotonics. 1:00 PM. You have a lot of work to do. You fire up your PC but it won’t boot up. Is it running an Intel processor? Oh, yeah, it was designed in Israel. 2:00 PM: You’re getting really frustrated. Nothing is working! So you turn to Google but even that won’t work. Google builds many of its products in Tel Aviv.
3:00 PM: After a frustrating hour trying to get things to work, you decide to FaceTime your wife to vent. Why won’t it work? Because voice over IP? Invented in Israel.
3:30 PM: You’re really losing patience so you go to your favorite instant messenger to speak to a friend. Nope, instant messaging was invented in Israel.
4:00 PM. You give up and decide to focus on work exclusively. Do you have to work on building a website? Sorry, Wix is Israeli. You can’t use it.
5:00 PM. You get a call from your doctor. He wants you to come in because he saw something troubling in your last check-up. He needs to use the PillCam. You have to inform him that’s a no-go. It’s Israeli tech.
6:00 PM: Since your car is unreliable, you decide to take public transportation. Your Moovit app won’t load for some reason. It’s Israeli.
6:30 PM: You decide to do some shopping for a new car because it’s time to go electric. Sorry, nope. Better Place CEO Shai Agassi pioneered the infrastructure for electric cars in 2012.
7:00 PM: You get a call with bad news, your relative was recently diagnosed with cancer. Unfortunately, you can’t help him because many of the leading cancer treatments were developed in Israel by companies like Novocure and Vascular Biogenics.
8:00 PM: You’ve had a hard day and you just want to chill out in front of your social media feeds but all of your feeds won’t load. Meta, the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, has many offices in Israel.
9:00 PM: A late dinner. You want to prepare alternative meats or dairy products. You can’t find them in the supermarket because Redefine Meat and Remilk are Israeli startups.
10:30 PM: You decide to read your book. You can’t find your glasses anywhere. That’s because you bought them on GlassesUSA, an Israeli company.
11:00 PM: Your last resort, watching some TV. Your Samsung TV won't turn on! Well, that’s because Samsung has many offices in Israel including Samsung
Next, a fund that invests in tech. You go to sleep and hope tomorrow will be a better day.
Here, try this new rhyme instead: “From the river to the sea, if Israel is gone, what will be with me?!”
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questwithambition · 1 year
Digital Minimalism - some thoughts
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(I took zero photos of me reading the book so here a couple of the library). Back in January I picked up Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport, and as I read it I decided to implement some of the changes for at least a month to see what impact they would had. And oh my, has it been positive! A few takeaways:
I took an entire month off all social media, including Tumblr and Pinterest. I already didn’t have the Instagram and Facebook apps on my phone, but here I wasn’t able to access them on my laptop / browser either. This was a great break, as it really encouraged me to reconsider every time I picked up my phone. Since there was nothing to do on my phone I ended up reading more and doing other activities like painting and calling friends etc. It freed up not only time but the nagging compulsion to pick up my phone.
One of the biggest changes was spending time doing nothing, and also taking walks without headphones. I used to always listen to music / a podcast on my walk to and from uni / elsewhere but following the book recommendation, I stopped doing so. I was sceptic at first but I have so much space in my brain? These walks give my brain time to work through issues and worries, appreciate the world around me, or even just focus on putting one foot in front of the other. This calm has spread to other areas of my life: I was waiting at the dentist this morning for 10 minutes, and instead of reading or looking at my phone I just basked in the sunlight coming through the window, listening with half an ear to the receptionists chatting in the background and enjoyed a serene moment. If I could recommend a change it would be this one: on part of a commute, remove the headphones. Try sitting or walking in silence.
A final change was reducing notifications and availability: I implemented a “personal” mode on my phone where between the hours of 8:30pm and 9am only my family and a best friend will pop up in my notifications which immensely reduces the pressure to reply / think about it in the evening, and gives me a solid couple of hours work in the morning. I’ve taken it further and have removed notifications from a lot of apps such as snapchat and messenger etc: the people who need to urgently contact me have my number, and I’ll check the other socials throughout the day when I have time and space.
So would definitely recommend giving the book a read (I borrowed it from my library because libraries are amazing and so many of them have audiobooks / ebooks so please look them up! Also excellent places to read as pictured above). You obviously have to adapt what is said to your lifestyle, and some sections can drag on a bit, but I appreciated all the examples of how different people implemented steps in their lives.
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williamjone · 27 days
Unlock Digital Fun with Quenq: The Ultimate Platform for Simulators, Pranks, and Mockers
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In today’s fast-paced digital world, finding engaging and unique ways to entertain yourself and have fun with friends is more important than ever. Enter Quenq, a cutting-edge website that offers a comprehensive suite of interactive tools designed to delight and amuse. Whether you’re into retro simulations, creative pranks, or clever mockers, Quenq has something for everyone. What is Quenq? Quenq is an innovative online platform that provides a diverse collection of simulators, pranks, and mockers. It’s designed for those geekprank who love to explore digital experiences and enjoy a good laugh. With its user-friendly interface and a broad range of features, Quenq stands out as a top destination for digital entertainment. Explore Quenq’s Features1. Simulators: Dive into Digital Worlds
RebornXP: Relive the nostalgia of Windows XP with RebornXP, an authentic OS interface simulator that includes a functional MSN Messenger clone, a classic Internet Explorer with a 2000s Google search engine, and beloved XP games. Customize your experience by installing websites as apps on the RebornXP desktop.
Hacker Simulator: Experience the thrill of hacking without any real-world consequences. This simulator offers a fun and safe environment for those fascinated by cybersecurity.
BIOS Simulator: Delve into the BIOS settings of a computer with this detailed simulator, perfect for tech enthusiasts wanting to understand or showcase BIOS functionality.
Jurassic Park Simulator: Step into the world of Jurassic Park with an OS interface simulator that mimics the computer system from the iconic movie. Experience the digital environment as if you were part of the film.
2. Pranks: Fun and Games
Fake Update Screens: Trick your friends with a range of fake update screens, including Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11, and macOS. Each screen is designed to look convincingly real, adding an extra layer of fun to your pranks.
Cracked Screen: Simulate a cracked screen effect to give your friends a harmless shock and a good laugh.
Fake Virus: Mimic a ransomware attack similar to WannaCry. Press F11 to enhance the realism and watch as your friends react.
FBI Lock: Display a message claiming that the FBI has seized the PC due to illegal content. Press F11 to make the message look even more convincing.
Rickroller Link: Play a classic prank by showing an NSFW dialog that asks for age verification. If the user confirms, they are instantly Rickrolled in full screen.
Disk Formatter: Create a temporary sense of panic by simulating a disk formatting process, only to reveal the prank.
Old TV Noise: Recreate the nostalgic sound of old television static for a fun auditory throwback.
DVD Logo: Display the classic DVD logo bouncing around the screen for a touch of retro entertainment.
Blue Screen: Simulate the infamous blue screen of death for a harmless shock.
Matrix Rain: Customize the iconic Matrix-style rain of green code with options for color, speed, and font size to suit your preferences.
3D Pipes: Relive the classic 3D Pipes screensaver for a nostalgic digital experience.
GTA V Loading Screen: Mimic the loading screen of GTA V for a playful gaming touch.
3. Mockers: Creative Fun
Fake Tweet Generator: Create and share fake tweets to entertain or prank your friends.
Meme Generator: Design your own memes with a variety of templates and text options for endless fun.
Fake Social Mocker: Generate fake social media posts, chats, DM screenshots, and profile setups across platforms like Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Snapchat, and more. This tool also supports SMS, Android messages, and iMessages.
Fake Subtitle Generator: Add amusing or nonsensical subtitles to images. Upload a picture of a person and overlay text as if they’re saying something funny.
Quenq sets itself apart from other digital prank and simulation websites with its extensive range of interactive tools and attention to detail. Whether you’re reminiscing with RebornXP or executing the perfect Rickroll, Quenq provides a complete suite of features designed for fun and entertainment. With its wide variety of simulators, pranks, and mockers, Quenq is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to inject some fun into their digital life. Explore Quenq today at www.quenq.com and discover a new world of interactive entertainment!
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raymond-oglesby · 6 months
How to Delete All Facebook Messages/Chats at Once
RAYMOND OGLESBY @RaymondOglesby2April 2, 2024 This is for the iPhone and desktop using Google. Screenshots are from iPhone 14 Pro running iOS 17.3 and Windows 10. I was surprised at the number of Facebook Messenger chats on my iPhone. I started to delete them one at a time. But doing so was too time-consuming; there had to be a better way. If you research this post, you will find articles that…
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arielmcorg · 10 months
#Radiogeek - Windows 10 mantendrá el soporte luego del 2025 pero habrá que pagar - Nro 2408
Windows 10 mantendrá el soporte luego del 2025 pero habrá que pagar, ademas; ¿Por qué Instagram y Facebook Messenger dejarán de comunicarse?; WhatsApp para iOS añade opción para enviar imágenes y vídeos sin comprimir; Adiós al spam más molesto: lo nuevo de Gmail y mucho más… Los temas del día: Meta e IBM forman una alianza de código abierto para contrarrestar a los grandes actores de la…
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dankusner · 11 months
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Killer pleads guilty
Man sentenced to 48 years for 2019 shooting death of transgender woman
A man pleaded guilty to murder Monday morning for the slaying of Muhlaysia Booker, a transgender woman who was fatally shot in 2019.
Kendrell Lavar Lyles, 37, was sentenced to 48 years in prison after accepting a deal with prosecutors. He faces two additional murder charges in Collin County, according to court records.
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“No amount of time can bring Muhlaysia back, and although we wish the sentence was capital punishment, our family can finally have some sense of closure knowing that justice was served and he can’t cause any more families hurt and pain,” said Booker’s mother Stephanie Houston.
Booker, 22, was found about 6:30 a.m. May 18, 2019, in the 7200 block of Valley Glen Drive, near Ferguson Road in Far East Dallas. A month earlier, a video that circulated online showed Booker being punched and kicked repeatedly in the parking lot of an apartment complex. She suffered a concussion and broken wrist from the beating.
“The resolve was correct,” Lyles’ attorney, Richard Franklin, told The Dallas Morning News from inside the downtown Dallas courtroom. Jury selection was slated to begin Monday.
The Dallas County District Attorney’s office declined to comment. Family and friends of Booker are expected to face her killer and make victim impact statements Thursday.
Police wrote in an arrest-warrant affidavit that Booker had been picked up in South Dallas about three hours earlier by someone in a light-colored early 2000s Lincoln LS without a front license plate.
A witness who picked Lyles out of a photo lineup told police he was known to frequent the 2800 block of Lagow Street “to meet with transgender prostitutes,” the affidavit said.
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Another person confirmed that a champagne-colored 2001 Lincoln LS parked in front of a West Dallas apartment building belonged to Lyles. Police searched Lyles’ cellphone records and determined his phone was in the area at the time of the shooting and that it then was in the same areas as Booker’s phone afterward, according to the affidavit. Lyles also faces charges in the slayings of 35-year-old Leticia Grant and 29-year-old Kenneth Cichocki.
Grant was found May 22, 2019, outside the Chatham Court Apartments in the 7800 block of McCallum Boulevard in Far North Dallas. She had been shot in the head and died two days later.
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According to police, Lyles had been in communication with Grant shortly before her death and his cellphone was in the area where she was found.
A witness also told police they had confronted Lyles after learning of Grant’s death, and Lyles admitted to being in the area when she was shot but denied shooting her, according to an affidavit.
A little more than 24 hours after Grant’s shooting, police said Cichocki was shot in a nearby AutoZone parking lot.
Police wrote in an affidavit that Cichocki had been in contact with Lyles on Facebook Messenger about the sale of Xanax earlier that night. He sent a message at 10:09 p.m. saying he was at the parking lot, and was found six minutes later with a gunshot wound to his neck, police said.
A witness who was in the car with Lyles at the time of the shooting told police Cichocki leaned into the driver’s side window and the witness “almost immediately heard a gunshot,” an affidavit says. The witness, who told police she didn’t know why Cichocki had come up to her car, drove away. Cichocki died six days later.
Ahmad Goree, Muhlaysia Booker Foundation Board President
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Man pleads guilty, sentenced to 48 years in prison for Dallas murder of Muhlaysia Booker
Kendrell Lavar Lyles, 37, faces two additional murder charges in Collin County, according to court records.
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A man pleaded guilty to murder Monday morning for the slaying of Muhlaysia Booker, a transgender woman who was fatally shot in 2019.
Kendrell Lavar Lyles, 37, was sentenced to 48 years in prison after accepting a deal with prosecutors. He faces two additional murder charges in Collin County, according to court records.
“No amount of time can bring Muhlaysia back, and although we wish the sentence was capital punishment, our family can finally have some sense of closure knowing that justice was served and he can’t cause any more families hurt and pain,” said Booker’s mother Stephanie Houston.
Booker, 22, was found about 6:30 a.m. May 18, 2019, in the 7200 block of Valley Glen Drive, near Ferguson Road in Far East Dallas. A month prior, a video that circulated online showed Booker being punched and kicked repeatedly in the parking lot of an apartment complex. She suffered a concussion and broken wrist from the beating.
“The resolve was correct,” Lyles’ attorney, Richard Franklin, told The Dallas Morning News from inside the downtown Dallas courtroom. Jury selection was slated to begin Monday.
The Dallas County District Attorney’s office declined to comment.
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Family and friends of Booker are expected to face her killer and make victim impact statements Thursday.
Police wrote in an arrest-warrant affidavit that Booker had been picked up in South Dallas about three hours earlier by someone in a light-colored early 2000s Lincoln LS without a front license plate.
A witness who picked Lyles out of a photo lineup told police he was known to frequent the 2800 block of Lagow Street “to meet with transgender prostitutes,” the affidavit said. Another person confirmed that a champagne-colored 2001 Lincoln LS parked in front of a West Dallas apartment building belonged to Lyles.
Police searched Lyles’ cellphone records and determined his phone was in the area at the time of the shooting and that it then was in the same areas as Booker’s phone afterward, according to the affidavit.
Lyles also faces charges in the slayings of 35-year-old Leticia Grant and 29-year-old Kenneth Cichocki.
Grant was found May 22, 2019, outside the Chatham Court Apartments in the 7800 block of McCallum Boulevard in Far North Dallas. She had been shot in the head and died two days later.
According to police, Lyles had been in communication with Grant shortly before her death and his cellphone was in the area where she was found. A witness also told police they had confronted Lyles after learning of Grant’s death, and Lyles admitted to being in the area when she was shot but denied shooting her, according to an affidavit.
A little more than 24 hours after Grant’s shooting, police said Cichocki was shot in a nearby AutoZone parking lot.
Police wrote in an affidavit that Cichocki had been in contact with Lyles on Facebook Messenger about the sale of Xanax earlier that night. He sent a message at 10:09 p.m. saying he was at the parking lot, and was found six minutes later with a gunshot wound to his neck, police said.
A witness who was in the car with Lyles at the time of the shooting told police Cichocki leaned into the driver’s side window and the witness “almost immediately heard a gunshot,” an affidavit says. The witness, who told police she didn’t know why Cichocki had come up to her car, drove away. Cichocki died six days later.
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Man beat transgender woman after he was offered $200, Dallas police say in affidavit
Edward Thomas, 29, was arrested about 9:30 p.m. Sunday in connection with "his role in the aggravated assault" that was recorded on video, police said.
Updated at 5 p.m. April 15: Revised to include information from a news conference. 
Police say a man who is accused of attacking a transgender woman Friday in east Oak Cliff was offered $200 to beat her.
Edward Dominic Thomas, 29, was arrested about 9:30 p.m. Sunday on a charge of aggravated assault causing serious bodily injury, two days after the attack, which was recorded on video.
Police Lt. Vincent Weddington said Monday that the case is being investigated to determine if it meets the criteria of a hate crime and that the department has contacted the FBI.
The victim told police that she accidentally backed into another vehicle while driving in the Royal Crest Apartments parking lot in the 3500 block of Wilhurt Avenue between 5 and 6 p.m. Friday.
The driver of the other vehicle, who is named as a suspect in Thomas' arrest warrant affidavit but has not been arrested, said he ran the victim off the road to keep her from fleeing.
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The victim, Muhlaysia Booker, told police the other driver pointed a gun at her and refused to let her leave unless she paid for the damage. As a crowd gathered, someone offered Thomas $200 to beat Booker, the affidavit said.
Video of the incident showed that Thomas put on gloves, then walked over to Booker and punched her multiple times.
Police say another suspect who has been identified but not arrested repeatedly stomped on Booker's face.
Several women carried Booker to a car and took her to UT Southwestern Medical Center, where she spoke to officers and said homophobic slurs were used during the assault, police said. She suffered a concussion and a fractured wrist, as well as bruising and swelling to her face.
Police are reviewing audio and video recordings to see how many people were involved in the beating and who, if anyone, offered Thomas money to beat Booker, Weddington said.
He said police expect to make more arrests in the case.
"This case is certainly disturbing," Weddington said. "The video, I'm sure, shocks the conscience of anyone who looks at this video. ... This is being taken very seriously in our department."
Unnamed people told Booker that Thomas had been one of her attackers, and a Dallas officer who encountered Thomas after the assault recognized him later after viewing video of the incident, according to the affidavit.
Police found Thomas in the bathroom of an apartment in the 3300 block of East Illinois Avenue on Sunday. An officer told him he was not under arrest, and during an interview he admitted to the assault but not to "saying anything derogatory" about Booker, the affidavit says.
Thomas remained in the Dallas County Jail on Monday morning, with his bail set $75,000.
Thomas has previous convictions in Dallas County for family violence assault, burglary and unlawful carrying of a weapon.
Anyone with information about the case is asked to call Detective Christopher Evans at 214-671-3584 or email [email protected].
Staff writers Tom Steele and Sarah Sarder contributed to this report.
Attack on transgender woman
Less than a month has passed since Lee was assaulted and Dallas police are investigating another possible hate crime. This time, a transgender woman was attacked Friday after a minor traffic accident at an Oak Cliff apartment complex.
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The video shows a man in white shirt punching Booker while others kick her. Other attackers joined in and a large crowd formed around the mob. Several woman carried Booker away after the assault. She suffered a broken wrist and facial fractures.
On Sunday, police arrested 29-year-old Edward Thomas on a charge of aggravated assault causing serious bodily injury, a second degree felony. Booker told police the driver pointed a gun at her and refused to let her leave unless she paid for the damage. As a crowd gathered, someone offered Thomas $200 to beat Booker, the arrest warrant affidavit said.
If convicted, Thomas faces up to 20 years in prison. But a hate crime enhancement would mean the crime is punishable as though the case was a first degree felony -- up to life in prison.
Some of the same activists who protested in support of Lee are planning a march for Booker.
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DALLAS Family, friends eviscerate slain woman’s murderer Mother calls him ‘the devil’ and ‘a monster’ as she faces him after 48-year sentencing By JAMIE LANDERS Staff Writer [email protected]
Stephanie Houston couldn’t get her daughter’s killer to look her in the eyes, so she made sure she was heard.
Her voice boomed as she called him “the devil” and “a monster,” slamming her fist down on a table as she condemned him to a lifetime of suffering for taking Muhlaysia Booker from her in 2019.
“Nothing but hell and death is going to come to you,” Houston said.
“I’m talking to you, Kendrell Lyles. You are the devil, and you have no victory here. Your reign is over.”
Booker’s family and friends faced Kendrell Lavar Lyles, 37, in a courtroom outside downtown Dallas on Thursday morning for the first time since he was sentenced to 48 years in prison after accepting a deal with prosecutors Monday.
Lyles’ hands were cuffed behind his back and he wore a surgical mask up to his eyes as he listened, appearing impassive throughout.
Houston has said she considers the sentence justice, though she had hoped for capital punishment for Lyles, who also faces two additional murder charges in Collin County, according to court records.
Capital murder is punishable by the death penalty or life without parole, while murder is punishable by five to 99 years or life in prison. Lyles pleaded guilty to the latter.
Booker, 22, was found dead about 6:30 a.m. May 18, 2019, in the 7200 block of Valley Glen Drive, near Ferguson Road in Far East Dallas.
A month prior, a video that circulated online showed Booker, a transgender woman, being punched and kicked repeatedly in the parking lot of an apartment complex.
She suffered a concussion and broken wrist from the beating, which started after a car accident.
Police wrote in an arrest-warrant affidavit that Booker had been picked up in South Dallas the day she died about three hours earlier by someone driving a light-colored early 2000s Lincoln LS.
A witness who picked Lyles out of a photo lineup told police he was known to frequent the 2800 block of Lagow Street “to meet with transgender prostitutes,” the affidavit said.
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Another person confirmed that a champagne-colored 2001 Lincoln LS parked in front of a West Dallas apartment building belonged to him.
Using cellphone records, police determined his phone was in the area at the time of the shooting and in the same areas as Booker’s phone afterward, according to the affidavit.
With tears streaming down her face, Houston told the courtroom Thursday that Lyles put three bullets in Booker’s head and neck before tossing her out of his car “like trash,” wearing nothing but her bra and underwear.
“I warned Muhlaysia about monsters like you,” Houston said.
“You hear me, devil? I warned my baby about the devil. and that day, she got in the car with the devil.”
La’Quincia Taylor, Booker’s sister, said she had planned to use her remarks to ask Lyles why he did it. Now, she said, she knows.
“Because you’re a coward,” Taylor told Lyles.
“You know you’re not no man. That gun made you feel like you had power, but you don’t got no power. I serve a good God, and you will reap what you sow.”
Jordan Ford, a close friend of Booker’s, said Booker’s death left those who loved her “forever scarred.”
Ford referred back to the beating, a moment he said could have broken Booker’s spirit but instead propelled her to be outspoken.
She went on to give speeches about the hate and violence facing the LGBTQ community and took to social media to mentor young people who were struggling to understand their gender identity.
“We will forever be hurt from this loss of an extraordinary individual who had so much to offer the world,” Ford said. “So, I want you to know and everybody else to know: Trans lives matter.”
Last to speak was Audrey Spead, Booker’s aunt.
“Mr. Lyles, you can’t even look at me, can you?” Spead began. “You can’t even look at me because Muhlaysia and I look alike.”
Spead said she spent the past four and a half years wondering what she would say to Lyles if ever given the chance.
She was brief, settling on ensuring Lyles knew Booker was both loved and missed.
Then, echoing Houston, she told him her hopes for his future.
“I hope every day of the 48 years … you remember over and over,” she said. “I hope you can’t even sleep at night knowing that you took away a valuable person.”
In a moment of reflection outside the courtroom, Houston told reporters she was grateful to have finally told Lyles the toll of his actions on her family.
But it was that moment, she said, that proved an irredeemable truth: He has no remorse.
“What happened to her, it wasn’t right, it wasn’t fair and it ain’t over,” Houston said. “Her spirit is still with us.”
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creatiview · 2 years
[ad_1] Shah Rukh Khan is basking in the success of his latest movie Pathaan. The action thriller directed by Sidharth Anand is registered as one of the biggest blockbuster Hindi films ever. The audience has enjoyed the masala entertainer leading the movie hit 725 crore gross worldwide. While fans are going crazy over every scene loving the entire film, Shah Rukh Khan has revealed which scene from the movie is his favourite. Also Read - Jawan: Shah Rukh Khan shares his experience of working with Nayanthara; lists qualities he is super impressed with  The superstar is always active on Twitter interacting with his fans. He is known to conduct an Ask SRK session on the micro-blogging site to answer all his fans' curious questions and also engage with them on a fun note. After the massive success of Pathaan, Shah Rukh again ran #AskSRK on Twitter. Many of his followers congratulated him for the achievement and questioned him about his family's reaction, his experience working with co-stars, his secret, and more. Also Read - Pathaan: Shah Rukh Khan shares why he thought Aditya Chopra was 'lying' when he narrated the script; here's an interesting anecdote spanning 30 years Amongst this, a Twitter user asked the actor about his best moment from Pathaan while shooting. This caught SRK’s attention and he replied, the scene where he and Deepika open the locker of the vault is his favourite moment from the movie. He mentioned when he and Deepika were trying to unlock the locker professionally, they had dropped everything and goofed up every move including losing the lock and key during the jump. Also Read - Pathaan box office collection day 10: Shah Rukh Khan-Deepika Padukone starrer enjoys a strong second Friday; heads towards a record second weekend [Here's day-wise collection] Deepika and me trying to open the locker professionally. We dropped everything and goofed up every move…including losing the lock and key during the jump!!! https://t.co/iroaQc1pxV — Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) February 4, 2023 Deepika Padukone and Shah Rukh Khan collaborated for the fourth time in Pathaan. Earlier they shared the screen in Om Shanti Om which marks DP’s debut movie, later they appeared in Chennai Express and Happy New Year. After Pathaan the pair is said to team up in Atlee’s Jawan. Pathaan is a spy universe by Aditya Chopra under Yash Raj Films. The high-octane action drama is directed by Siddharth Anand and produced by YRF. The film starred Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, John Abraham, Ashutosh Rana, and Dimple Kapadia in lead roles. Pathaan releases in theaters on 25th January 2023 in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu. Stay tuned to BollywoodLife for the latest scoops and updates from Bollywood, Hollywood, South, TV and Web-Series. Click to join us on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram. Also follow us on Facebook Messenger for latest updates. !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window,document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '199627965217377'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); window.fbAsyncInit = function() FB.init( xfbml : true, version : 'v10.0' ); ; (function(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src="https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk/xfbml.customerchat.js"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); // jQuery(window).scroll(function()
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