soapkaars · 1 year
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It’s been a few days! I’m at my parents’ place, relaxing and taking care of the dogs while my parents are on holiday. I’ve got a lot of plans and sketches that I’ve been thinking on, but for tonight I’ll share a very moody drawing I made while thinking of zines and street art. This could be a nice cover or sticker!
Bonus photos of dogs under the readmore
Dumb dogs
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retrocgads · 2 months
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UK 1987
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perilla-leaves · 4 months
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Shopkeep appreciation compilation!
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spacesapphist · 11 months
the “I can send email” meme but it’s me reading the entirety of The Facemaker by Lindsay Fitzharris and learning about how Harold Gillies made massive contributions to plastic surgery during WWI to help soldiers with severe facial/jaw injuries and then in like the last 10 pages she’s like “oh yeah and he also performed the first phalloplasty”
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fangsandfeels · 4 months
Following Astarion's epilogue outfit color scheme, I decided to freshen up his color scheme with a touch of blue
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Best decision ever.
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Of course, this man rocks every outfit and color, but damn this is so pretty.
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vampiricsheep · 10 months
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never underestimate my determination to dress like a slut in an rpg
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One of my five star books for May.
Did you have any last month?
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syn0vial · 9 months
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found the apparel shop lol
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lindira · 6 months
Questions for Your Tav - Envy
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Part 4! They/them pronouns for this one because Envy's feeling more femme in the above pic. Questions taken from this list of Questions for Your Tav!
How does your Tav feel about love?
Envy wasn't sure they believed in "true" love for a long time. They became enamored of various beautiful men throughout their adult life, but kept up an emotional distance because of their abandonment issues. They would be affectionate, but avoided the kind of vulnerability that would offer real depth to the relationship.
That said, Envy is a hopeless romantic. They want very much to have the kind of passionate and unconditional love they hear about in stories. They want to find someone who they feel safe with and who will love them no matter what, faults and all. Before Astarion, they weren't sure they'd ever find someone with whom they'd want to be vulnerable enough to have that.
Has your Tav become particularly close to anyone romantically and/or platonically in their journey? If so, who, and what is the relationship like? If no, why not?
Romantically, Envy was immediately drawn to Astarion. They are both people who are deeply hurting and who hide that hurt behind a veneer of charm. I think it's easier for both of them to let their guards down around each other because they are kindred spirits in that respect. Envy is careful to make sure Astarion feels he has agency and can say no to them at any time. Astarion, for his part, often demonstrates his devotion to Envy - perhaps without realizing that's what he's doing. He risks torture from Cazador to be with Envy, and that level of devotion means SO MUCH to them. They make each other feel important, which is not something either of them had felt before.
Envy and Astarion also have a playful relationship that doesn't take offense to teasing, cursing, or good-natured insults. If Astarion complains about food Envy makes, for instance, Envy might respond with a "Oh, fuck you too" and a joke about slipping garlic into the meal. Astarion might also call Envy a "blithering idiot" when they're trying to pick a fight with a guy twice their size who was heckling them at a show. Or Astarion might say, y'know, "I'm going to fucking kill you" when Envy volunteers him for the clown show at the circus. XD
From the outside looking in, their relationship doesn't look the healthiest. But for people for whom open affection is sometimes too much, this is kind of their love language. They love each other deeply and have many moments of tenderness too, but those are mostly reserved for when they're alone and safe from the judgments of other people.
As for platonic relationships, Envy is friends with everybody in the party but is probably closest to Wyll and Karlach. Envy likes drinking and joking around with them, and likes that they're really down-to-earth people.
What are 2-3 songs that your Tav would relate to?
I've made an Astarion/Envy Inspiration playlist here!
But out of the songs I've chosen so far for that list, I think the most "Envy" ones are:
"Bravado" by Lorde - for the Bard-ness of wanting all the attention after being neglected for so long
"Blossoms" by The Amazing Devil - because Envy is very much the kind of person to try again at a worthwhile relationship after somehow getting it wrong the first time. Also this sounds like the sort of song they might sing, and I headcanon their singing voice sounds like Joey Batey.
"Beautiful Liar" by X Ambassadors - because Envy and Astarion are both such beautiful liars who want to believe their love will last (but maybe aren't convinced it will).
What first impression does your Tav give off to strangers?
Envy is very charming, and people tend to be drawn to them. They can give off an air of over-confidence bordering on arrogance. All the attention they draw isn't always a good thing because there are certain types of people who feel threatened by confidence and flirtatiousness. Envy's charm usually gets them smiles and favor, but they've also gotten into some fights with hecklers and bullies because of their antics.
How does your Tav feel about what others think of them?
Envy really wants to be liked by everyone, so they care a bit too much about others' opinions of them sometimes. They have a tendency to adapt their personality to whomever they talk to, agreeing to opinions they might otherwise disagree with or vice versa. However, if they feel strongly about something, they won't compromise those beliefs to appease someone else, no matter who it is.
Also, if someone hurts or threatens a loved one, or if someone is being in any way an asshole, Envy will tell them off or hurt them right back. They don't give a shit about the other's opinion of them at that point.
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lacnunga · 9 months
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Fucking ow
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salaciouscrumbb · 5 months
Rumors were circulating that the French surgeon had been conducting successful cartilage grafts on patients. "My tongue was literally hanging out from the thirst of knowledge that I hoped to obtain by observing this surgeon's work," Gillies wrote.
now why would you put it like that, dude
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perilla-leaves · 4 months
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"I'll confess, it terrified me greatly... can you imagine dressing entirely in red? Hah! Jests aside -- thank you. You forever have my humblest gratitude and a most generous discount on my wares."
Thanks for keeping us frugally fashionable, Figaro! 💅✨
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bloodstreak · 1 year
hehe i hope you like the rest of the knick <33
ive watched 5 episodes today im having such a good time <333
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joshcockroft2 · 5 months
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The Facemaker – Lindsay Fitzharris
I hadn't noticed before I started that this was the same author who wrote The Butchering Art, which I'd also enjoyed. This was extremely good though, an insight into the first world war that I haven't had before, and reported on in a humane way that relayed the gruesome brutality without feeling voyeuristic.
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amphiptere · 2 years
this book just basically said “hot people are happier”
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maskmatters · 2 years
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