moonlightheretic · 2 years
Six Sentence Sunday: The Heretic: Two Queens
Light horror. 
Talek’s form was a dim silhouette against the glimmering Eluvian shrouded in darkness, but there was something beyond it that caught my attention.
Inside of it, a formless shape unraveled, a black mass passed just under the surface repeatedly, whatever it was seemed to be pacing. The hairs on the back of my neck stood proudly on gooseflesh when a ferocious growl grumbled into my ears.
“Is…is that--?” I had sunk to the ground and Solas’s hand followed my neck.
“Stand down.” He whispered as his fingers glided along my face and Talek trudged along.
I was paralyzed by terror, it waited just beyond the surface, jaws slathering, six red eyes unblinking, a gargantuan predator held back only by magic glass.
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jentrevellan · 1 year
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Kaidan hugs are the best hugs.
I'm *thrilled* to have taken part in my first Mass Effect exchange. So happy holiday cheer to my giftee @fadewolfe ! I hope you like it! @masseffectholidaycheer
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sflatenart-blog · 5 years
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A huge Lavellan fan piece I will be redoing in the future. <3 
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Are you Sure?
“SHEPARD.” The loud rumble echoed up from the elevator even before the doors had opened, signalling that Grunt was anxiously waiting within. Once the elevator dinged you could hear the squeak of the rotors as he began to bounce anxiously. It was only after the doors opened that he settled down a bit, his eyes scanning the mess hall for his Battle Master.
With a half-hearted wave Addie let out a small grunt to tell the Krogan where she was. Her attention was firmly rooted on the wok in front of her. It was her most recent purchase from the citadel.
With a careful hand she hesitantly flipped the egg noodles, it being her first real attempt at lo mein. There was this cheap little Chinese place back on earth she often went to when she was young. She only ever got the lo mein and in recent weeks she’d gotten an intense craving for it. So she decided to give it a try. Managed to snag a bag of MSG and everything.
With a happy rumble Grunt made his way through the mess hall to the little kitchen, shuffling in next to Addie with a smile. “What are you making?” he quickly asked, his original thought forgotten for the moment.
“It’s called lo mein. A noodle dish they make back on earth.” She explained, a small smile forming as she mixed in the veggies. Addie was pretty happy with herself at the moment. Her lo mein actually looked pretty good. “I used to eat this all the time as a kid.”
“It looks good…” With a low rumble Grunt leaned in a bit more but before he could snatch a noodle Shepard swatted him away.
“Not this time, I’ll make you some later.” She quickly stated.
Stepping back Grunt grumbled like an upset child. “Fine…”
With a small chuckle Addie glanced his way. “What did you want when you came up? You sounded pretty excited.”
Bouncing back quickly Grunt began to shift back and forth. “I want to be a paleontologist!” He announced proudly.
Pausing for a moment Addie’s brows knit together. “A paleontologist?”
“That’s the word right? I looked up how to say it and everything.” Grunt asked. “They hunt dinosaurs on your planet.”
With a small laugh Addie nodded. “Something like that. Dinosaurs are extinct so some people back on Earth dig up their bones to study them.”
“They’re the awesome giant lizards right? The ones that eat everything?” Reaching out for the wok again Grunt tried to snatch a noodle but Addie quickly swats his hand away.
“They were. They’re gone now, all of them died off millions of years ago.” Taking the wok off the little stove Shepard scooped the noodles into a bowl. “Sure you want to be a paleontologist?”
Thinking for a long moment Grunt sighed. “So I can’t hunt them?”
“Afraid not.” Addie responded.
Turning away Grunt opened up his omni tool and took dinosaurs off a little list. “No…” He grumbled. Taking a few steps away he was quick to regain his enthusiasm. “Zaeed told me about sharks.” With that he marched off to the elevator, now thoroughly excited to study sharks.
Standing there a moment Addie watched him leave with an amused smile. She always did enjoy his enthusiasm. “Have fun.” She called after him.  With a content hum she scooped up her bowl, along with a pair of chopsticks and headed off to her favorite little hiding spot.
                                                         ~~~ Happy Holidays @fadewolfe sorry for taking a bit for your gift! Things were a bit hectic over here. When I saw you were a big fan of Mama Shepard and Grunt I just HAD to do something cute with them, and then I saw Addie likes noodle dishes so I thought dinos and noodles lol the perfect match. I hope you enjoy it! I had a lot of fun on this :) @masseffectholidaycheer
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vagxry-blog1 · 7 years
@fadewolf || Continued
“Nothing to apologize for!?” A bark of laughter, harsh and bitter, left ZJ as he stared at Solas.
With a slight flourish, he jabbed the stump where his right arm once was in Solas’ direction while the other was thrown into the air.
“Oh sure! Nothing at all! Yes totally and absolutely nothing at all for you to apologize for! Clearly accidentally blowing up the conclave and Divine Justinia and ruining my life and y arm in the process because you decided to be impatient asshole and give a powerful elven relic to a fucking tveinter magister surely wasn’t your fault in the least. Obviously all the people who will die when the Veil gets torn down- after you put it up and let the ancient elves die in terror and agony and allowed Tveinter to enslave them- is something that can happen to anybody.”
ZJ bared his teeth in a macabre smile, advancing slowly as his words grew in volume.
“And of course you owe no apologies what so ever to the two women who begged for your affections and you gave them. Only to leave them both behind so you wouldn’t have to face them or your own flesh and blood and say ‘sorry for being the cause of our race being reduced to nearly nothing of it’s former self, and sorry again because now I’m going to do the exact same thing to every other race in Thedas and the consequences of my actions might get you killed’.”
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“You left them alone! You left everyone! Do you even care about them- did you ever? You do not get to fucking stand there and tell me you don’t need to at least apologize.”
ZJ’s voice broke. He hated himself for it.
Hated Solas and the perfect memories of his fantastical stories. The looks they shared when the shems acted like Shems. The heartbreak on Solas’ face when the Spirit of Wisdom died.
He hated Solas for allowing him to think of him as a friend, and hated him for how much he wished for that friend to return.
ZJ gritted his teeth against the memories and straightened his back.
“If you think for even a second that I will not tear you apart right now Fen’Harel,” Fen’Harel, the trickster who ruined the world and stole their gods. ZJ needed to remember him as such. Not as Solas. “After all that you have done? You. Are. Wrong.”
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