#fair city vs the facility
ninjastormhawkkat · 10 months
Questions plagued Carl's mind. Was Matthew going to be okay? Were they going to stop Atomic in time? What if they didn't? Was Atomic connected to the B.E.A.W Labs? "It'll be okay." Carl was brought out of his anxiety filled thoughts. Constance was looking at him with a sympathetic look. "It'll be alright Woody. Look. He's like a cockroach." Carl narrowed his eyes at her. She placed her hands up. "I'm not trying to insult him. This time. I'm just saying that he's like a cockroach because he's so damn hard to get rid of." She didn't like seeing him like this. Especially knowing exactly what he's been through. "He's so extremely difficult to get rid of. He's resilient. Though he did allow himself to be taken away. I don't think he'd be easy to get rid of. Besides. You shouldn't be underestimating that woman and your kids. They'll get to him in time. Have trust in them Woody." Carl sighed. "I suppose you're right but it's hard not to worry. He almost died once before. His life is at risk once again. I can't help it." Tears began to well up. Constance frowned at that. "Hey. It'll be alright. I promise. Besides, I don't think the kid would have it in him if they don't arrive in time." Carl was silent for a moment. "I can't help help. I'm scared Constance. Losing him. The thought tore my heart out. I know I shouldn't feel this way but I can't help it. I-" He was interrupted by her. "Hey now. It's okay. You don't need a reason to justify how you feel. You just feel the way you feel. That's all to it. " Carl was surprised at her words. Constance rolled her eyes. "You don't need to look so surprised. I can be wise and knowledgeable too." That earned a genuine laugh out of him. That was better. She didn't want to leave him in his anxiety ridden thoughts. Seeing him like that hurt. "If he does get roughed up. You can be his nurse. I'd be he'd love that. You tending to his wounds." Carl went tomato red. Sputtering her name. "Constance! You're terrible!" She cackled at his reaction. The ride to Dr.Two-Brains wad quiet. Until Maddrix spoke up, he didn't care that it was tense. He needed to speak his mind before they continued. "Atomic. I don't think he is behind anything with the B.E.A.W. Labs." Dr.Two-Brains looked at him. Raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean Matthew?" Margret wanted to make a wisecrack but remained silent. Looking at him as well. "He only went after me. If he was truly with them, he would've took Becky and I back. He would've killed you and the others. But he just wanted to go after me." Margret blinked. "Go on." Matthew was surprised they were willing to hear him out but he continued. "He didn't want to hurt anyone but me. Those who stood in the way. He may have forcefully put them out of the way but his intent with them wasn't malicious. It was personal he went after me. I don't think he knows much about the ray he had." Margret was about to put in her opinion and thoughts about it but they had already arrived at Dr.Two-Brains house. Alex landed next to them. Matthew attempted to walk into the house but he didn't make it far so Alex had to carry him in. Becky was happy to see him. Chirping happily. "Hey Becky. I'm sorry about scaring you earlier." He apologized but she had pong forgiven the man. Only caring if he was okay. Carl got up immediately and ran over to Matthew. Looking up at him with tear filled eyes. Without much thought, Carl placed his hands to Matthew's face and pulled him down into a deep kiss. Allowing it to linger for a moment before pulling away. Leaving Matthew breathless and flushed red. "Oh thank goodness! I was so scared! Don't you ever scare me like that again! I thought you were...I thought you were..."
Noticing how distressed Carl was acting, Matthew snapped into focus and cupped Carl's face. He gently brushed away the man's tears. "I know love. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you like that." Matthew spoke in a gentle tone, interrupting Carl's ramblings. Carl just sighed and stared back at Matthew with intense eyes. "I know you believe you deserve death and suffering after what happened all those years ago," Carl began to speak as tears filled his eyes. "But please! Please don't ever sacrificed your life like that ever again! Don't let yourself be taken or defeated so easily like that ever again! Seeing you dragged away without a fight..it was terrifying and painful to see you give up so easily like that. You may not believe it anymore, but you aren't capable of never being loved again. The thought of losing you again brought me more pain and suffering than what you did nearly 20 years ago. You are not a monster Matthew! Monsters don't feel regret, they don't apologize or feel remorse for their actions. You did that." Matthew stared silently at Carl. Neither man said nothing as they gently placed their foreheads against each other. Tears streaming from both of their eyes now. "I'm...sorry. I'm so sorry. Carl I..." Matthew tried to speak through his tears. "I know. I know." Carl only replied. Matthew didn't have to say anything. He knew what he was thinking. The others remained silent as they watched. None of them really saying anything and giving these two a moment, but also none of them having any negative reactions towards Matthew. Alex looked towards Victor and Two Brains. Both of them were having solemn but also bittersweet reactions. Alex wasn't sure what Victor was thinking, but he highly suspected what Two Brains was. Alex always figured, deep down, Two Brains could never fully hate his father. Whenever he was mentioned before, Two Brains would always have a solemn look, but never a hateful one. Alex figured Two Brains still loved the father that raised and cared for him and his siblings so well, he just hated the killer the man had become. Alex didn't hold it against him. He knew that if his parents and Rebecca were still alive, they wouldn't hold it against him either. Everyone was soon startled by Becky suddenly growling even as Tristan held her. They turned around and saw Atomic was beginning to wake up from the back of Victor's car. Carl, Tristan, Constance, the Chaotic four, Joe, Alan, Agent AA, and the Henchmen begin to tense up. Some of them were looking ready for an attack. Dr. Two Brains raised up his hands to halt them. "Hang on a second everyone. Atomic may be conscious but trust me. He doesn't have access to his powers right now." Dr. Two Brains tried reassuring them. Victor then spoke up. "He's right. Two Brains took his powers. He is out of the game but only temporarily." Atomic began to become lucid and tried to get out of the car. "How did you do that?" Jenkins asked as he still took on a defensive stance. Dr. Two Brains shrugged. "I went Professor Terror on him and shot him with a device from my staff that not only inhibited his powers, but also knocked him out pretty good. I originally designed the device in case Miss Power ever came back but I figured this was still a good time to use it." Two Brains casually explained. As Atomic got to his feet and his mind became more clear, his eyes soon landed on the group. His expression instantly morphed from puzzlement to fury when he spotted Maddrix standing near them still alive. "YOU ARE DEAD MADDRIX!" Atomic yelled before jumping into the air...and later falling back down flat on his face. It was a comedic sight. "Hey Matthew is stubbornness reacting out of emotion an inherited trait from your side of the family?" Two Brains asked in a sarcastic tone as he stared at the fallen Atomic with an annoyed deadpan expression. Matthew shrugged. "Um' shouldn't we still tie him up even though he doesn't have any powers?" Sunshine suggested. "I got this. Fluffy please wrap up the crazy hero." Archie requested his pet spider. @dualnaturedscientist
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melodythebunny · 2 years
Okay got some headcanons here for you from a few au ideas of mine. Warning - there is angst involved
Mousebraingirl AU
-As I talked with Eris in the dms who has given me permission to do this. I am including Victor in this au. He fills the roles for the sibling episodes with TJ and Becky as well as the episodes involving Chuck and his brother Brent.
-Victor visits his brother often after the accident. He takes over care duties for Mouse when Steven is too exhausted to continue and needs to sleep and eat after countless hours as Wordman along with his own job and trying to find a cure for Mouse.
-Victor makes special toys for Mouse that are made of a material that mice won't chew (idk what yet).
-Victor has tried talking with his brother about what happened but Steven kind of keeps shutting him off. Victor doesn't force conversations but he knows his brother needs help and wants to reassure his brother that he is there for him and Mouse.
The people that Victor work for are a bit iffy about Wordman. Victor doesn't know that it is his brother. While Wordman does a good job of protecting people and has not outright put anyone in a hospital yet, they are a bit unnerved by Wordman's cold and scary personality towards villains, almost as if he truly despises their existence. The only thing that has prevented them from thinking that Wordman has a connection with the Facility (the one that Calvin and Athena work for that work towards getting rid of criminals but through horrible methods) is Wordman's treatment of Mouse which they find confusing and bizarre for just about any superhero. Victor and his bosses have not ruled out the notion that Wordman had any responsibility in the disappearance of Wordgirl, they just don't know how close to the truth they are.
-The Facility Dr. Calvin Barriton works for arranged it so that Calvin could resume working at his old workplace in Fair City before he was fired. This was to keep an eye on Wordman and Mouse as well as Carrie. Calvin did run into Steven on the streets one time while he was with his daughter. It was not a pleasant conversation but their was no physical violence although Steven wanted to ram Calvin's head against the wall. Calvin was amazed at how much Steven changed personality wise from the last time he saw him.
Fair City vs the Facility AU
-Becky does not have as bad as an aversion to doctors and medicine as Carrie does since she was not captured by the Facility for as long as Carrie was. They still unnerve her though and Dr. Two Brains usually has to place Becky's medicine in her food to get her to eat it.
-Even though Becky's mind is messed up now, she hates seeing her dad get sad and always tries to hug him or do stuff for him that she thinks will make him happy even thought she has no idea why her dad is sad most of the time.
-Becky is comfortable around Carrie enough to be left alone with her if Two Brains needs to go out, but she still prefers her dad to be around more.
-Violet brings Priscilla to Carrie and the three bond real closely much to Two Brains' chagrin because now there is another cat in his lair.
-When Squeaky takes over when Two Brains' can't function due to how many hours of sleep or eating he has lost, he treats Becky like a mouse pup and for some reason, Becky is fine around Squeaky now. Squeaky is also more feral protective and has lashed out more around people getting too close to his pinkie even though Dr. Two Brains knows them well.
-Becky can still eat pretty much any kind of food since she is an alien and was spliced with Bob's DNA who ate pretty much just about everything.
Yes all the yes
Also if both of thoses universes were to crossover it would be hectic/pos
I feel you stevenram his head in the wall. No one has to know-
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team-sanvich2 · 1 year
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Second post of this series but the first to talk about a member of the RED team.
Given that we have the video of Meet the Sniper and some comics as well as fun facts on trading cards from canon, and my own headcanons, I will combine the two into one hopefully cohesive story that could be a good backstory for Mick Mundy.
The story under Read More and spoilers for the Mann vs. Machine comics if you are interested in reading those.
TW: Animal death
Mick Mundy, or Mun-dee as he was originally named by his New Zealand parents, grew up in the Australian desert with some proximity to the bush, where he and his father would sometimes go to hunt for animals so his mom had something to cook. Mick also had a family Dog, a female beagle named Brave that his mother found in the city as a young woman, and the dog would not only follow Mick to the bush with his father to collect animals but whenever Mick went exploring anywhere outside of the family home, making sure he didn't leave the property without his parents and acting aggressively when Mick would go out at sunset.
Australia had its fair share of legends and strange occurrences, but the way Brave would act made it seem like something was out there to get the family and she saw herself as a guard dog, even if Mr. Mundy would argue with his wife over and over that "the stupid dog" was acting out due to being in heat, even if Ms. Mundy would tell him over and over that she was spayed and moreover, Brave seemed to be always looking at one spot far away in the distance, where a lone spot full of trees and plant life lived, isolated from the bush, it felt unnatural but no one gave it mind, no one except Brave and Mick.
One night, Mick took his bike outside and pedaled to the isolated forest, not knowing that he had woke up Brave, who later woke up his parents with her excessive barking, who called the authorities once they realized their son was missing, and Brave, being the stubborn dog that never listened to the father of the family, took off at full speed to look for the young boy.
Mick arrived at the forest and realized that his dog might have been onto something, for the trees, the water, and even the animals, were all fake, they were cardboard cutouts with audio recorders glued to them to mimic the sounds of nature. Whoever did this, was hiding something, and would probably not hesitate to hurt Mick's family.
Further into the forest was an odd structure, a small cabin that had a single door, opening that revealed that what was outside did not match the inside. The cabin outside was a mere mask that hid a huge storage facility with various unknown creatures he had never seen unless you counted books of the local folklore.
There were Kangaroos with man-like features, a pale man chewing on a skull, chimps the size of a human adult, skeleton birds, shark men, and many other creatures. From the end of the hallway, Mick saw a tall and muscular figure talking on the phone, he hid somewhere high in altitude and watched the man talk on the phone, the words were hard to make out but he seemed to be speaking of a new deal about a Halloween themed park where people could not only see but fight those creatures with their bare hands.
That was when he saw his beloved dog enter the facility and one of the creatures got aggressive and managed to get out of their cell, the muscular man tried to fight them off but instead of hitting the mutated Kangaroo, he landed his fists on Brave by accident.
Mick screams in horror when he sees his beloved dog hit the floor in a pool of her own blood, and he takes action in his own hands, he grabs some rusty nails and hides somewhere to get a good hit on the monster, he remembers his father's words when the two went hunting,
"Don't make a sound or move a muscle, make yourself blend with your environment, and once you have a clear view of their head...Shoot"
Once that view came into his sight, he shot the nail directly in between the monster's eyes, killing it instantly.
The man saw what he did and congratulated the boy, but Mik ignored him and simply walked up to his dog's corpse, the one trying to protect him and he simply got too stubborn and let her die.
Bilious Hale, the large man, walked the boy out with his dog to the Mundy's residence, with money for the damages caused. Mick was too distraught to pay attention to what his parents were screaming at the man, he simply walked to their backyard and buried Brave near a flower bed.
From that point on, Mick stopped hunting animals with his father, who resorted to farming as the main source of food and getting meat from the market for him and his wife, as Mick decided to become a vegetarian. Not only that but, Mr. Hale commented on how well Mick shot the Manngoroo, adding that he should think about that as a career, so Mick trained under one of Hale's men to learn how to be a proper sniper once he turned 18, lying to his parents that he was a doctor and that he was going to medical school, a lie he keeps trying to keep up till this day at 28.
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I would like to ask your opinion about one of my aus
Do you have any headcanons, angst, fluff, or otherwise about my Fair City vs The Facility au?
It's such a wonderfully angsty AU and I adore protective dad brains. I'm thinking that FrankenBob doesn't know why he's drawn to this monkey hybrid girl or the scientist, he just feels the need to be near.
The first time Becky spoke, she was so confused why her dad was crying. "Dad...?" She wiped away his tears but then realization kicked in she ran from Dr.Two-Brains until he calmed her down.
She would often comfort her dad. Sad that she doesn't know why he's so distraught, she doesn't like being away from him for too long.
Sometimes Becky feels herself be watched and she's extrra fearful during these times. What could possibly be watching her?
Sometimes she wouldn't recognize her dad when he wears his labcoat, flinching at the sight of him. He no longer wears it around her. Sometimes even without it she forgets who he is at times. When this happens, he holds her tight. That always seems to work. For now.
She likes to draw. She draws her dad. She draws people she's seen. Sometimes she draws horrific things. Things from the facility. Nightmarish stuff.
When its a good day and she's able to speak a word or two. It's usually dad or dad okay? Becky learns not to fear her father but she still is cautious when she does.
@ninjastormhawkkat @melodythebunny
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askthejourneysgang · 2 years
To Journeys Trio,
If you three are ever Hisui’d. Please do not listen to Gaeric when he says only Braviary can reach an ice stack top to get Avalugg’s favorite ice.
I was just so tired from going through the Icelands (the area around future Snowpoint City) that I didn’t do the smart thing. Any of my ghost types, flying types, or psychic types could have reached that stupid Eternal Ice! The worst part is Gaeric climbed up the ice stack right after I flew to it! He could have freaking done that the whole time not sending me after the a future-seeing child. Who has fully evolved Pokemon. How did Sabi evolve into a Rhyperior, Electivire, and Magortar when their items don’t exist yet? She must be a freeing prodigy.
If you get Hisui’d work smarter, not harder. Any of the people kick up a fuss? Point out that the Wardens (besides Ingo) have no trouble using multiple Pokemon when it's supposed to be a single battle! Sorry if I come off as angry in this I’m just mentally kicking myself for treating the Noble battles as Totem Battles. One vs One. I was legitimately in danger from their moves so bending the normal rules would be fair I think.
To Ash,
Was that Latios you encountered a different one from the Alto Mare one? They usually travel with a Latios, whether said blue one is family friend or a partner.
To Chloe,
I think you would like Adaman and Irida. They both have had Eevees and theirs took years to evolve. Irida is like 16-17, Adaman 19-20... Her Glaceon has only been well y’know for about a year and a half. Adaman’s Leafeon evolve about three years ago. Both have been with them since they have been born. If yours never evolves that is just fine.
To Goh,
What will you do in the future with all your Pokemon? Taking care of so many will get even more expensive. Maybe making a park or some type of learning facility where people go to study would be interesting.
Ash: Will do! Sorry to hear you've been going through some rough stuff over there
(Ash pats you in the head. Don't ask how he does it when you're in the past and he's not, he's just Like That)
Ash: I doubt that was the same Latias I met before. She looked hurt, so maybe something bad also happened to her Latios? 🤔
I didn't get the sense that she recognized me, at any rate. But that's okay. I get to make friends with TWO Latiases! ...Latiasi. Latiae.
Chloe: Well, if I never get Hisui'd (which I would very much like to be the case), then it'll be a moot point. But I'll keep it in mind.
It will be good to stick with the fellow Eevee lovers. There can be no quarrels between those who own Eevees 😇
Goh: ...Why do I get the feeling there's some irony in there?
Anyway, there are tons of possibilities, yeah? We could make more parks, perhaps one for every region? I'd have to ask the professors if they'd be interested
But somehow, I don't think all of them would be as eager to bleed money to take care of hundreds of pokémon like Chloe's dad is. If worst comes to worst, I can just ask my parents for funding 😎
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janvicareeradvisor · 2 months
Best Colleges in Meerut for BCA | A Guide by Janvi Career Advisor
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Meerut, a historic city in Uttar Pradesh, is becoming a prominent educational hub. With its growing number of institutions offering diverse courses, Meerut is a great place for students looking to pursue a Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA). Janvi Career Advisor brings you a comprehensive guide to the best colleges in Meerut for BCA.
1. IIMT University Overview:-  IIMT University is renowned for its strong emphasis on quality education and comprehensive development of students. The BCA program here is designed to provide a deep understanding of computer science and its applications.
Key Highlights:- Experienced faculty with industry background. State-of-the-art computer labs. Opportunities for internships and placements with top IT companies.
2. Shobhit Institute of Engineering and Technology Overview:- Shobhit Institute, a Deemed-to-be University, offers a BCA program that blends theoretical knowledge with practical skills, preparing students for the dynamic IT industry.
Key Highlights:- Updated curriculum aligned with industry needs. Active placement cell with a high success rate. Regular workshops and seminars by industry experts.
3. Meerut Institute of Technology (MIT) Overview:- MIT is one of the most sought-after colleges for BCA in Meerut, known for its academic rigor and excellent infrastructure.
Key Highlights:- Focus on practical learning and real-world applications. Well-equipped computer laboratories. Strong industry connections facilitating placements and internships.
4. Dewan VS Group of Institutions Overview:- Dewan VS Group offers a robust BCA program aimed at developing skilled IT professionals ready to tackle modern-day challenges.
Key Highlights:- Experienced and qualified faculty members. Modern campus with excellent facilities. Active placement support and career counseling.
5. Bharat Institute of Technology (BIT) Overview:- BIT is a prominent name in Meerut’s educational landscape, offering a well-structured BCA program that caters to the evolving demands of the IT industry.
Key Highlights:- Comprehensive curriculum with a balance of theory and practice. Opportunities for research and development. Strong alumni network providing mentorship and guidance.
Choosing the Right College
Selecting the right college for your BCA program involves considering several factors such as faculty quality, infrastructure, placement opportunities, and overall learning environment. Visiting campuses, talking to current students, and attending college fairs can provide valuable insights.
Meerut offers several excellent options for students aspiring to pursue a BCA degree. Institutions like IIMT University, Shobhit Institute of Engineering and Technology, MIT, Dewan VS Group, and BIT provide a solid foundation for a successful career in IT. Janvi Career Advisor recommends thoroughly researching each institution to find the best fit for your academic and career goals.
For personalized career advice and more information on BCA programs in Meerut, feel free to contact Janvi Career Advisor. Your future in the IT industry starts with making an informed decision today!
Contact Us Website :- https://janvicareeradvisor.com/ Mobile :- +91-9971770830 Gmail :- [email protected] Address :- Meerut, Uttarpradesh, India
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msmunifystudyabroad · 11 months
Selecting Accommodation in the UK for International Students: Insights from UK Education Consultants
Choosing suitable accommodation is a pivotal decision for international students planning to study in the UK. In this article, we present valuable tips from UK education consultants to help you make informed choices regarding your housing options.
Early Planning
Education consultants in the UK strongly recommend that international students begin their accommodation search as early as possible. Popular university cities have high demand for student housing, and securing a place early can save you from the stress of last-minute arrangements.
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On-Campus vs. Off-Campus
One of the primary decisions is whether to opt for on-campus or off-campus accommodation. On-campus housing is typically convenient in terms of proximity to classes, but it may have limited availability. Off-campus options offer more variety but may require a commute.
Budget Considerations
Your budget plays a critical role in your accommodation choices. Education consultants emphasize the importance of understanding the cost of living in your chosen city and factoring this into your decision. Be sure to consider rent, utilities, transportation, and daily expenses.
Accommodation Types
The UK offers a variety of accommodation types, including university halls, private student residences, shared houses, and studio apartments. Each option has its advantages, so it's essential to choose one that aligns with your preferences and budget.
Location matters. Consult with UK education experts to find accommodation that is close to your university, public transportation, and essential amenities like supermarkets and healthcare facilities. A convenient location can make your daily life more manageable.
Safety and Security
Your safety is paramount. Education consultants recommend researching the safety of the neighborhood where you plan to stay. On-campus housing often comes with security measures, while private residences should be evaluated for their safety features.
Contract Length
Consider the duration of your stay when choosing accommodation. Education consultants suggest that you explore options with flexible contract lengths, especially if you plan to stay for a shorter or longer period than a typical academic year.
Facilities and Amenities
Different accommodations offer varying facilities and amenities, such as communal kitchens, laundry rooms, study areas, and gyms. Review these amenities to ensure they meet your needs and lifestyle.
Cultural Exchange
If you're interested in cultural exchange and making friends from different backgrounds, education consultants encourage you to explore housing options that foster a sense of community, such as shared housing or university halls.
Accommodation Providers
When considering private accommodation, education consultants advise researching reputable providers with a history of good service and maintenance. Reading reviews and seeking recommendations can help you make an informed choice.
Legal Rights
International students should be aware of their legal rights as tenants in the UK. Consultants recommend familiarizing yourself with the tenant rights and responsibilities to ensure a fair and smooth living experience.
Application Deadlines
Keep track of application deadlines for both university-managed and private accommodations. Missing deadlines can limit your choices and result in suboptimal housing arrangements.
Seek Expert Guidance
Education consultants in the UK are valuable resources for international students. They can provide personalized advice and recommendations based on your specific needs and preferences. Consulting with experts can streamline the accommodation selection process.
In conclusion, selecting suitable accommodation in the UK is a crucial aspect of your international student journey. By following these tips from UK education consultants, you can make well-informed decisions that enhance your living experience and contribute to your overall academic success and personal well-being.
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Manchester City vs Bayern : Les 3 conseils de paris de nos experts
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Ce soir promet un match de haute volée entre les deux champions que sont Manchester City vs Bayern Munich. La rencontre aura lieu à l'Etihad Stadium et permettra à ces deux équipes de tenter de se hisser en demi-finale de la Ligue des Champions. Pour ceux qui souhaitent parier sur cette rencontre, voici une sélection de pronostics à considérer. L'analyse du match Manchester City vs Bayern Manchester City est en grande forme ces derniers temps, enchainant les victoires et les buts, malgré la pression des Gunners en tête du classement de la Premier League. Ils ont remporté 8 victoires consécutives en marquant 31 buts au total. Ils seront donc en confiance pour affronter l'un des favoris de la Ligue des champions, le Bayern Munich, cette semaine. De plus, jouer à domicile à l'Etihad Stadium, où ils n'ont perdu que deux fois cette saison, leur donnera un avantage supplémentaire. Avec le talent d'Erling Haaland, considéré comme le meilleur attaquant d'Europe, Manchester City a toutes les chances de remporter son premier titre européen en juin prochain. Lire aussi : Gnabry à Man City : Vers un échange fou entre City et le Bayern ? Le Bayern Munich fait face à des difficultés pour défendre son titre en Bundesliga. Cela peut être un signe préoccupant pour leur campagne en Ligue des champions. Bien qu'ils aient été irréprochables en Europe après avoir battu le Barça, l'Inter et le PSG, les Bavarois seront sous pression pour leur affrontement contre les favoris de cette édition. Les performances du Bayern ont été mitigées ces derniers temps, avec deux clean sheets contre Paris, suivis de quatre matchs où ils ont encaissé huit buts et ont été éliminés en quart de finale par Fribourg. Cela rend leur performance à venir presque imprévisible. Cependant, la résilience légendaire du géant munichois est connue de tous. Ils ne devraient pas laisser City s'en sortir facilement. Manchester City ouvre le score Nos experts suggèrent que Manchester City pourrait ouvrir le score lors de la rencontre vs le Bayern. Les statistiques montrent que les Citizens ont réussi à ouvrir le score dans près de 80% de leurs matchs à domicile cette saison. Ce qui conforte que c'est un scénario plausible. En face, le Bayern Munich a connu des résultats mitigés récemment. Ils comptent 8 buts encaissés au cours de leurs 5 derniers matchs, y compris une défaite contre Augsbourg il y a un mois. Cela peut ouvrir des opportunités pour Manchester City de prendre l'avantage tôt dans la rencontre. Nous prédisons une rencontre très animée, avec de nombreuses occasions de buts pour les deux équipes. Manchester City a une chance de l'emporter. Lire aussi : Tuchel au Bayern : Une révolution à venir pour le mercato ? Erling Haaland buteur Haaland a connu une saison incroyable, avec 30 buts en Premier League jusqu'à présent. Il a également marqué 10 buts en 6 matchs de la Ligue des champions, ce qui en fait le meilleur buteur de la compétition. En tant que joueur-clé, il est fort probable que Manchester City aura besoin de sa contribution pour remporter la victoire contre le Bayern Munich. Néanmoins, il aura fort à faire face à la solide défense du Bayern Munich, il ne sera pas facile pour Haaland de marquer. Manchester City vs Bayern : Plus de 2,5 buts dans le match Les deux équipes ont des attaques impressionnantes. Manchester City a une moyenne de 3,3 buts par match à domicile en championnat cette saison. Tandis que le Bayern Munich a marqué 77 buts en 27 matchs de Bundesliga. Les deux équipes ont aussi des aspirations pour le titre de la Ligue des champions. Ce qui devrait les inciter à attaquer et à marquer des buts. Toutefois, il est important de noter que les deux équipes ont par ailleurs des défenses solides. Cela promet un choc très disputé. Lire aussi : Manchester City accusé d'infractions et risque de lourdes sanctions ________ Pour retrouver toute l'actu foot, rendez-vous sur notre site web ou sur notre page Twitter. Read the full article
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ninjastormhawkkat · 9 months
Matthew wasn't sure if he should be so surprised by how resilient his son was. Hugh though wasn't looking very pleased. His expression was one of absolute exhaustion and worry. Gene of course picked up on this, honestly feeling slightly guilty over putting the alien through so much stress in such a short time. Matthew had shared that same worry over the mad scientist, knowing just how little time his son had to recover. Yet he couldn't say no. What would've that done? Make Gene all the more stubborn and make him do something just as rash as he did? No. He knew better than to do so. “As long as you don't overdo it. Of course. I don't think your friend could take much more of our recklessness.” Gene gave him an apologetic expression as he knew what his father said was true. “I know. I'm sorry Hugh. You know I have to do this. I'm not going to just stay in bed while all this goes down. I'll stay in bed rest after this all you want. I promise.” Hugh sighed, crossing his arms. “You wouldn't listen to me anyway. Don't you get yourself hurt during this or I swear I will strap you down and leave you like that while you heal up.” Gene couldn't help but let out a little laugh at that. He knew that the alien would absolutely do that. His eyes went back to the silver falcon in his hand. The mad scientist was still slightly worn out but he's never felt so revitalized like this. Given life anew in a strange way. It didn't take long for the mad scientist to get himself dressed. Alex and Tristan had wanted to intervene and keep him from joining but they knew that would've encouraged him more as well. Though that couldn't stop either of them from helping Gene. He gave them both a look that showed he wasn't going to let them coddle him. He's never let them do so before. Even when he wore himself down to the bone when Becky went missing. That thought had made him stop and looked around for her. Having lost track of the girl during his identity crisis. No one else seemed to have noticed until they heard a whoosh and saw Becky nearly tackled her father over. She hugged onto him, holding something with one hand. “Hey, kiddo. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you again. I'll be fine, I promise. Confused but fine.” Becky looked up at him, still not quite believing him. She quickly then placed another item within his hand. It was the goop ray he had left behind during the chaos. She had gone back to find it to give it back to Gene. He stared down at it. “Aw, thank you for getting this for me.” In another city, they were unaware that there was another gathering. The mayor of Newport had just finished giving the heroes the go ahead to storm the B.E.A.W Labs near their city. They were met with a riled up crowd filled with villains, civilians and other heroes alike. They didn't appreciate that these people were messing with their heroes as well. Ones they've grown to love over the years. They were just as inspired by Maddrixs broadcast. Sure they were a bit more on the bloodthirsty side but they were nowhere near the level of Darius. He had angered them so much they've put aside their differences temporarily. Having a bigger goal to accomplish first before resuming the status quo. It was unsettling just how quiet they went when they had seen the heroes step out. Waiting with bated breath for them to give them instructions on exactly where to go. Hydro had been surprised to see an old friend among the crowd. J.J. the villainous jester. There were a few others they've recognized. The circus themed villains that loved to team up with the jester. A certain doll who was once part of the villain roster of Fair City. They were going to bring every single one of them to the facility. To wait for Maddrix the malicious to take lead and destroy the hellish place. Taking down all those who willingly worked within there. Experimenting on innocent lives. They weren't going to stand for it at all. Even Atomic Steele knew to finally put aside his fury whether he liked it or not. He still despised him but he trusted his friend despite what happened. He still cared.
It still felt weird to Atomic, learning all that he did about his father's biological relationship to Maddrix. From what that woman Margaret told him, it made the hero think back to moments of his childhood before the massacre. How his dad never talked about his grandfather only telling the boy he had one who died. His dad only talking in details about his grandmother. There were times his dad seemed sad and frustrated about something, when a younger version of Max tried asking his dad what was wrong, all his dad would say was that he was just worried about and missing someone. At the time Atomic had no clue his dad was referring to an estranged cousin. The last time Atomic saw his dad alive, before he told the young hero to stay put and safe, was when his dad was watching the television and seeing what was going on. Atomic clearly remembered his dad having a horrified look but also a pained and guilt ridden expression. Although Max still hated Matthew, there was a part of the young hero that took some pity on Matthew and his father's past. A part of him that was strangely glad his grandfather perished by Maddrix's hands. Gene was ready to leave with Matthew and the others to head back to city hall. He had finished assembling his gear and putting on his attire for battle. Hey this was a serious matter but Gene didn't want to look like a bum going into battle. He also was kind of unsure about putting on his old Dr. Two Brains attire, which was just his work clothes. So Gene decided to make a compromise combining his former villain attires with his own spin. With Alex's and Tristan's help, the two aliens gathered a new lab coat for Gene along with a new change of clothes. These clothes were in clean and pristine condition. They also helped him gather a top hat and a silver mask, something similar to his old Professor Terror outfit. He didn't have the original clothing since he burned his outfit after the massacre. There was also no time to add some special sequins or elegant designs to his clothing much to Gene's chagrin. Gene looked into the mirror one last time before he left with Matthew, Alex, and Tristan. Gene's still white hair was pulled back into a ponytail. This earned an odd reaction from Becky as she muttered "no sandwich words" which made Gene recall Becky once telling him about the Chucktopia incident. Becky otherwise reassured her dad that she wasn't bothered by his style. Gene's silver mask was similar to how his old one was. It was an eye mask with embedded designs. The top hat Alex got him was definitely something similar to a Victorian era top hat but with modern designs. Gene had kept his gloves as his hands were still altered. He had gotten rid of his usual goggles as he saw no reason to wear them over his mask. As Gene held his old staff in his hands, the one thing from his Terror days he could never part with, an eerie feeling went down his spine. He recalled memories of his past, when he first joined his dad into the field of villainy, when he lead his own rebellion of villains against his father, and when he took down Atomic Steele. That wasn't Squeaky in action nor was it connected to his old Two Brains gimmick. That was all him. Gene let out a sigh and small smile. He had no idea what he was going to do after everything was over. Gene definitely planned to give Steven back his name and identity since he was going back to his old name that had been established on official, yet forged, documents. Gene wasn't sure if he was going back into the field as a villain or take a break after everything he had been through. One thing that was for sure, Gene was going to determine his own path and no sabotaged experiments or crazy animals and people was going to affect what he wanted to do with his life from now on. Meanwhile back outside the hallways of the medical clinic, Matthew was learning one of the most shocking things in his life. "You were in the mafia!" Matthew exclaimed in a shocked tone. @dualnaturedscientist
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melodythebunny · 2 years
So I have thought about it and I have decided to call that au I talked about where Becky was taken by the facility and escaped after 3 to 4 months but now thinks she is a monkey with only recognizing a few people including her dad "Fair City vs The Facility AU"
Also wanted to add a few things.
-Two Brains, while having his child back, is still distraught about things. He gives death glares and growls at anyone who comes near his child that he does not know well enough.
-All his "burning the facility to the ground" thinking is not from Squeaky. Steven is PISSED!
-Charlie helps Becky communicate to her dad and vice versa by teaching her and Two Brains sign language skills. Two Brains cried when Becky signed the word dad to him.
-Although Becky does not understand what is going on, she still likes seeing the colors and lights of the pretty princess show.
-Professor Tubing remembers how sad and crestfallen Steven was when Carrie "died". He recalls how finding Becky brought happiness back to Steven. It bothers him greatly to see his friend sad again about what happened to his child.
-Two Brains did not go on any cheese heists for a while even after Becky was found. The other villains and his henchmen stole cheese for him because he couldn't leave Becky without her becoming panicked and nearly destroying their home looking for him.
-Two Brains puts a coat on Becky when he takes her shopping with him for errands. He does not want the people who took her to see her out and about again.
Honestly can you blame the man??? Like he's lost too many people he's cared about in such a short time.
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"DON'T TALK TO ME OR MY CHILD" vibes really stronG here
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The Evolution of Universal Design: A Win-Win Concept for All
Simmons, P. (2020, January 27). The evolution of universal design: A win-win concept for all. Rocky Mountain ADA. Retrieved October 2, 2022, from https://rockymountainada.org/news/blog/evolution-universal-design-win-win-concept-all
History of Universal Design
"Now, the concept of Universal Design is one that is often misunderstood and misapplied. Universal Design is a term coined by an architect, Ronald Mace who wanted to focus on accessible housing with a universal design. Mace championed accessible building codes and standards in the United States. Mace's term universal design exemplifies an all-inclusive philosophy of barrier free design.
Mace was born in New Jersey and contracted polio as a child. As a student at North Carolina State University School of Design, Mace encountered barriers in his wheelchair. Mace became an accessible built environment activist due to the inaccessible design of many facilities that he encountered. He was involved with the passage of North Carolina’s Chapter 11X, the first accessibility-focused building code in the United States. North Carolina’s Chapter 11X became the model for other States to follow. This also influenced Federal legislation prohibiting disability discrimination. The requirements came to be included in the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
The concept of Universal Design is credited to Mace but it is Selwyn Goldsmith of the United Kingdom who contributed the idea of curb cuts. Goldsmith, after consulting with 284 other wheelchair users, conceived “dropped kerbs” in the early 1960s, better known as curb cuts today. The City of Norwich in the United Kingdom was the first city to install curb cuts at different intersections. Today, curb cuts are a common feature throughout the world.
Accessibility legislation such as the Architectural Barriers Act (1968); Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act of 1973; the Fair Housing Act Amendments (1988); and the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) established minimum requirements to protect people with disabilities from discrimination. Universal Design focused on making the environment more accessible above and beyond the minimum requirements that law may require. Designers must focus attention on improving function for a larger range of people. While ensuring accessibility, these laws fail to address equity and diversity of use.
In 1985, Ron Mace cautioned that Universal Design should be: “The design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design” (Maisel & Ranahan, 2017). Mainly from the need to reevaluate existing legal mandates to ensure usability by people with disabilities, the Principles of Universal Design were developed at the Center on Universal Design, North Carolina State University in 1997."
Accessible Design vs Universal Design
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Modern Universal Design
"The ADA National Network further defines Universal Design as "inclusive design" and "design for all," as an approach to the design of products, places, policies and services that can meet the needs of as many people as possible throughout their lifetime, regardless of age, ability, or situation.
While we have the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design, thanks to pioneers such as Selwyn Goldsmith and Ronald Mace, we need to remember that Universal Design was developed out of necessity. There have been developments that we are all taking for granted because of their universality such as:
Curb cuts or sidewalk ramps that was originally intended for people in wheelchairs but now used by all;
Automatic door openers are becoming the standard in all places;
Low-floor buses with ramps or that lower themselves when picking up passengers are becoming more common everywhere;
Cabinets with pull-out shelves, kitchen counters at several heights are becoming popular options everywhere;
Captioning feature, while originally intended for deaf people are now being used by more people who are not deaf themselves;
Design of handles and utensils are becoming more universal and easier to use; and
So many more things are now designed with the Seven Principles of Universal Design in mind.
So, let us put our minds together and strive towards a Barrier Free World that is built around Universal Design where everything is easily accessible for EVERYONE so that we will have a world where accessibility is the norm and not a requirement!"
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Thought this image was quite a good way to showcase how universally designed things work vs buildings with alterations (buildings that haven't been originally designed for everyone in mind).
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marginal-notes · 4 years
TLOK Episode One a.k.a. Korra immediately goes on a rampage
So, as mentioned, I’m finally getting around to watching The Legend of Korra with all of my terrible tastes and general thoughts. 
Don’t give me spoilers, my indignation will be funnier without them. 
What I Know About Korra Going In:
If the show can have all of Aang’s bending teachers still around for the audience’s nostalgic pleasure, Suki better be alive and kicking too or I am going to throw a fit
Technology progressed pretty intensely in ways that I will want to pick apart later
Listen, what the fuck is Republic City. Why. Why does this exist. Show you better answer me fast with why this exist for a legitimate in world reason that isn’t just: “The audience is a bunch of American kids and teenagers and we want to uphold the liberal ideals of democracy because of course that’s the motives of the victors after a global war of probably unprecedented scope despite like, Zero (0) indication that the idea of democracy was rattling around anyone’s heads in ATLA.” 
If this is the reason, I’m going to quit watching. Disgraceful. Disgusting.
Something involving anti-bender sentiment.
Something involving something called the Red Lotus which I am side-eyeing the shit out of 
Spirit World shenanigans and Avatar backstory that’s on thin ice with me. 
Alright, here we go. 
Avatar Aang and Fire Lord Zuko transformed the Fire Nation colonies into the United Republic of Nations, a society where benders and nonbenders from all over the world could live and thrive together in peace and harmony.
Okay. I’m.... I’m going to withhold judgement for now until I watch like, literally more than 30 seconds to fully form my thoughts about this move. I THINK IT’S A DUMB MOVE AND IF THIS IS WHY PEOPLE KEEP HAVING FIRE NATION DEMOCRACY FICS I QUIT.
So. We get a panning shot into this city. Very urban city that’s the product of the industrialization and like whatever the hell that propaganda voice over is talking about. 
As a method of setting the scene and immediately letting the viewers feel and know the passage of time between ATLA and TLOK, I love this shot. There’s no mistaking this for being immediately after ATLA. We’re listening to one of Aang’s kids. There are skyscrapers. The Fire Nation palace in ATLA probably counted towards the architectural development towards urban skyscrapers, but that architecture is fully formed by TLOK. Brilliant. 
I'm the Avatar! You gotta deal with it!
What a cute brat. Her poor parents, oh my god. 
Also, is she supposed to be a prodigy. 
Again with immediately setting contrasts against ATLA. Very cool demonstration, extremely effective distinction between Aang’s journey around the world trying to find teachers and learning how to bend in the middle of a war vs. Korra at peacetime with a whole entire facility dedicated to her. 
Not sure about how I feel regarding the White Lotus’s presence. 
That's your grandmother, Meelo.
Does he not visit his parents. It can’t be that hard to swing by for like. Yearly festivals if the Water Tribe has those. I don’t see why not. Maybe something for when the winter night ends, I can see that being festive. 
Tenzin do you like. Not call? Not write?? Sir???
Oh my god, Pema. I hope she really likes kids, despite how rowdy they are. 
Wait. How old is Tenzin. Thirties to forties? 
How old is Katara. 
Is this going to be a repeat of the Fire Nation royal miracle babies. 
I get that, but I don't think keeping me locked up in this compound like a prisoner is what he had in mind.
Going by the episode title, I bet we know what Korra has in mind. Speaking of this compound, where’s the Southern Tribe? The aerial shots look like it’s in the middle of nowhere. Is she so far removed that she doesn’t even spend time with the tribe she was born into? Cause that sure as hell wasn’t how Aang was raised. 
Honestly fascinating as these contrasts keep coming. The bizarre presence of the White Lotus. The way her teachers come to her instead of her seeking her teachers the way Aang and Roku did. 
The Avatar must have always been a special political figure, without any good contemporaries to our world, to be honest. Back in ATLA, we see that Roku isn’t beholden to Fire Nation citizenship - he seems to transcend that. And it honestly seems important that Roku and Aang went out to the world, experienced the other nations and their ways of life. I think Aang does have a line regarding this. 
Because Korra’s situation? Can easily turn into a nightmare, given the realities of what being the Avatar could easily mean. 
OKAY THIS SHIP. Very cool looking, very neat, I continue to love every visual manifestation of the passage of time between ATLA and TLOK. One small question. What’s with the rigging poles. 
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To be fair, this is a battleship from the British navy, but aesthetically I think we can say this is a fair inspiration. From what I remember while researching the coal fic, the rigging and poles there serve no function. It’s aesthetical. At best, there’s a limited function, but it’s predominantly for aesthetics in the transition into the ships like the Titanic with no rigging at all. 
Which raises my question about WHY ON EARTH?? The Fire Nation navy in ATLA??? Were clearly way past this stage in design? Literally during Sozin’s time too??? Almost two hundred years before this current shot in TLOK? Why would the ship design regress like this??? The Water Tribe ships probably wouldn’t evolve into the designs that Europe used? Earth Kingdom ships would probably be more inspired by East Asian designs which also wouldn’t end up with this system for sails? 
Where does this aesthetic come from. 
I am not qualified at all for dissecting the potential social and cultural explanation for the western influenced aesthetics appearing. I am but an ignorant banana, I don’t know shit. 
oooooooh this is going to slowly annoy me isn’t it.......... 
That will be twenty yuans.
[Jaws theme]
The city's huge. I bet we could find a place to rustle up something to eat.
You know, I’ve seen plenty of weird shit in Central Park and around NYC before. Korra, you are so unprepared.  
Are you tired of living under the tyranny of benders? Then join the Equalists!
Oh boy. Let’s.... let’s put a pin in this thought. I’ll come back to it once I know more about what’s going on. Because. This will either be fun. Or I’m going to have to create a second spite fic folder. Please, show, don’t give me reason to create a second spite fic folder. 
On a different note though, I really do love the choices so far for setting up this show’s forward path. There’s no way to mistake this as a rerun of ATLA. This is it’s own separate story and I love that. I really do respect that. The way the different threads are emerging feel really smooth: 1) the impact of Korra’s isolation towards her culture shock in the giant city - which must smell and sound REALLY weird to her; 2) her prodigious talent in the physical, exciting parts of bending meshing with her teenage nature and also clashing with the spiritual parts of being the World Bridge; 3) the absolute hot bed of chaos every part of Republic City must be. 
Kinda funny that people would still have sideburns in the same style as from like. Seventy years ago. Vintage. 
Mr. Chung, please tell me that you have my money, or else I can't guarantee I can protect your fine establishment.
My terrible taste in interests rears its head again. Listen, you cannot imply something like the mafia or the triads exist in universe and not have me immediately ALL OVER THAT. Republic City, you are such a mess. Like, for this alone, I might write a single fic for TLOK that’s just about trash collection and disposal. And corruption. And- 
I am fascinated by the genetics and molecular/cellular biology behind the yellow and white eyes in this universe. 
Police! Freeze where you are!
Bitch what the fuck. How many of these rigid airships are part of the police. Are all of them for the police? Are the police literally patrolling people from the sky? 
Also, that better be helium in those ships instead of hydrogen by this point in time. I’ve already made my post about the fleet of hydrogen ships in Sozin’s Comet. 
How much property damage is being inflicted thanks to these couple minutes. The police just. Stab the brick work. There have got to be so many bitchy lawsuits about that. 
This poor girl’s culture shock. 
Well then, why are you treating me like a criminal? Avatar Aang and your mother were friends. They saved the world together.
Oh this bit is fascinating, I love it. It’s only been 18 minutes, but the level of sheer propaganda everywhere trailing after Aang is really cool. There’s so much I want to know now about how Aang got from the end of ATLA, where he probably wasn’t thinking AT ALL about this kind of cult legacy forming around him, to this. 
Lin Beifong’s shut down of Korra’s attempt to use her status as Avatar is great. Just because Korra’s born into this elite role and then locked up and probably pampered in her compound, where everyone is well aware of her status and what it means, it doesn’t mean she gets to strut around with no idea how stuff works or the context behind what she’s seeing and then doing whatever she wants. 
Contrasts, love ‘em. 
On a different note, the design of this room. 
As far as I can tell, it’s a dim, doorless room, which is honestly. Really terrible design. And it says something about the way the Republic City police functions and how that reflects on the chaos of the city itself. 
Putting someone dragged into the police station in a dim room without any door as a sign of a possible escape is just a terrible idea. The only thing you’re going to succeed in is making the person tenser and more belligerent. Your suspect or witness gets more nervous, gets more combative, gets more unreliable in this kind of environment. In turn, the police probably starts feeling more and more entitled to harsher retaliation. Conflict resolution? De-escalation? That really doesn’t look like its in the core of the city police. They’re wearing armor for god’s sake. 
Everything so far in this first impression of the police is really damning about their attitude and Lin Beifong’s leadership. Rather than using a rappel line down from the airships, they damage buildings. In chasing Korra, they further damage property. The armor, this freaking room. The fact that so much about the active police shown so far depends on metalbending, which implies that very few people can join the field police. The fact that for the gang to be so blatantly in the open about their presence and territory, there must be dirty cops on their payroll. 
There has to be so much Lin Beifong hate in this city. 
I have done my best to guide Republic City toward the dream my father had for it, but you're right. It has fallen out of balance since he passed.
If anyone tries convincing me Republic City was ever in “balance” they’re a punk ass liar. I don’t think the city could have ever been in balance, whatever that is. The way it was created, the speed it expanded, the life that must be lived there - balance? Don’t kid me with that propaganda. 
Tenzin could be trying to find a balance alright. I just wonder how many people vehemently disagree with his idea of balance. 
Hello? I'm Korra, your new Avatar.
Well, TLOK is definitely in the era of mass distribution of news and the idea of public sentiment at a level never seen before. This is going to be very interesting for its populist implications, along with other developments regarding politics. 
Oh Korra. Did no one try rehearsing this with you? This is a terrible first impression for you to give to people. 
Also, what is this building. Is this like a city hall? Why is the roof on the building to the side slanted like that. That’s an angle I’d expect from like. Snow concerns. In northern Europe. 
Love that Avatar Aang propaganda. Starting to feel like we’re going to see a lot of it going forward. 
Oh my god, everything about this press briefing (?) is highly concerning. This rampaging teenager suddenly appearing without any warning or announcement. The clear lack of script or practice. The open location just to anyone instead of to a select set of journalists who would be sympathetic/under government control. Lin fucking Beifong and Tenzin being the only people accompanying Korra on the stage. 
What a disaster. 
You know, I’m enjoying this more than I expected to. The general writing is great, the use of visuals and other small details to set the time and place is excellent, the worldbuilding implications are rich in potential. I’m looking forward to exploring where the plot threads introduced so far will lead towards!
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[ad_1] Renting vs. Proudly owning: Weighing the Professionals and Cons With regards to housing, one of many basic selections people or households face is whether or not to hire or personal a house. Each choices have their deserves and downsides, and it is essential to fastidiously contemplate the professionals and cons earlier than making a call. On this article, we are going to discover the benefits and drawbacks of renting and proudly owning, serving to you assess which choice is finest suited to your wants and monetary scenario. Renting a house affords quite a few advantages, particularly for individuals who worth flexibility and decrease upfront prices. Listed below are some benefits of renting: 1. Flexibility: Renting offers the liberty to relocate extra simply. In case your job requires frequent strikes otherwise you need the power to discover completely different neighborhoods or cities, renting permits for better flexibility with out the burden of promoting or coping with the true property market. 2. Decrease preliminary prices: Renting usually requires a smaller upfront funding than shopping for a house. Whereas renters usually pay a safety deposit and utility deposits, householders face hefty down funds, closing prices, and ongoing bills equivalent to property taxes and householders insurance coverage. 3. Much less upkeep duty: Renters benefit from the luxurious of getting their landlord deal with most upkeep and repairs, saving each money and time. This may be particularly useful for people who lack the abilities or need to keep up a property themselves. 4. Facilities and providers: Many rental properties provide facilities like swimming swimming pools, health facilities, and communal areas which might be usually prohibitively costly for homeownership. Moreover, rental communities usually present providers equivalent to rubbish assortment, landscaping, and safety, additional lowering the duties on tenants. Alternatively, homeownership boasts sure benefits that make it an interesting choice for a lot of. Listed below are some execs of proudly owning a house: 1. Constructing fairness: Maybe essentially the most important benefit of proudly owning a house is the chance to construct fairness. With every mortgage cost, householders accumulate fairness, which may be considered as a compelled financial savings plan. Over time, this fairness can admire, resulting in a considerable return on funding. 2. Stability and management: Proudly owning a house offers a way of stability and management over your dwelling scenario. You've got the liberty to transform or make adjustments to the property with out in search of permission from a landlord and the reassurance that you just will not face sudden hire will increase or evictions. 3. Tax advantages: Owners could take pleasure in sure tax advantages, equivalent to deductions for mortgage curiosity funds and property taxes. These financial savings will help offset the price of homeownership. 4. Delight of possession: Proudly owning a house usually comes with a way of pleasure and accomplishment. The flexibility to personalize your property and create an area that actually displays your style and elegance may be immensely rewarding. Regardless of these benefits, proudly owning a house has its downsides as properly: 1. Monetary dedication: Homeownership is a major monetary dedication that requires appreciable upfront prices, together with a down cost and shutting prices. Moreover, householders should price range for ongoing bills, equivalent to mortgage funds, property taxes, insurance coverage, and upkeep, which could be a burden for these on a good price range. 2. Restricted flexibility: When you personal a house, promoting it may be a fancy and time-consuming course of. Owners may face challenges if they should transfer rapidly or if the true property market is unfavorable. This lack of flexibility could be a important downside for these with unsure life plans or careers.
3. Upkeep and repairs: In contrast to renters, householders are solely accountable for all upkeep and restore prices, which may rapidly accumulate. From fixing plumbing points to changing a leaky roof, the burden of those bills falls squarely on the house owner's shoulders. Finally, the choice between renting and proudly owning a house boils right down to particular person circumstances, preferences, and monetary capabilities. Renting is usually finest for these in search of flexibility, decrease upfront prices, and fewer duties. Alternatively, homeownership affords stability, the potential for constructing fairness, and the pleasure of possession. Contemplating these execs and cons will allow you to make an knowledgeable alternative that aligns along with your wants and long-term objectives. [ad_2]
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invitedeath · 3 years
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SEPHIROTH                          — relationship & plotter call.
hello lovely isolians! it’s been actually ages since i made my first one, or my second one, so i’m coming back with new vigour & hopefully some new ideas to tempt you all into friendship ( or...enemy...ship) with sephiroth!
so liking this post means that you are 100% down with interacting with me in some fashion! ways this might happen may be... → me sending you im’s / tumblr asks to plot or chat! i can be quite a talkative person as a forewarning, as i love discussing rp things as well as getting to know my rp partner!  → if we are already friends on discord or twitter, i might message you that way to ask you about plots or ideas or to run things by you. → exchanging ask memes / meme day things that might be a bit more personal than a general sentence meme. → possible random starters or musings dedicated to your muse, sometimes i get sudden inspiration for these things! i will always check first that you’re okay with taking on a new thread, but yes this is for just... if i get inspired & want to put something up for you! → general tomfoolery and shenanigans in character ( and ooc if you like )
you can contact me via the im system here, by the /ask feature or you can ask for my discord/twitter if you prefer those. just let me know. discord is the most private however so we’d need to chat a bit more elsewhere first just for my comfort! i am in the isola discord sever however so we can totally talk in that server for a bit too!
↪ honestly friendships aren’t typically on the agenda for him. he is arrogant beyond belief and considers everyone to be weaker than him or to some degree unworthy of his time or energy. he really does not have any interest emotionally in anyone besides himself, instead he is far more likely to use and discard people when they are no longer needed. HOWEVER, in 2020 sephiroth underwent quite a big character development stage, essentially his long-term goal came to a head and it backfired pretty back when he got all his powers back, so while he’s super strong again now, he’s also semi-content (i guess) with living in isola for a while, if only so he can figure out how the multiverse works (meta, i know). he talks to people now (wow!) and engages in mostly philosophical conversations, about... life. death. etc.
↪  i am down to... vague villain-alliance type deals with fellow power players here. he wont consider your muse a friend, but rather a pawn or even a means to an end, that end being his goal of generally using this island for his means, apologies. preferably the intellectual, over-powered, edgy types will probably gravitate towards him more, but i’m willing to throw anything at the wall to see what sticks. he’s not a nice guy, by any means, but it would be interesting to see how he has to play the game here to his advantage until he regains powers. i especially would like to interact with other villains who are kind of just chilling, maybe they’re veterans in spirale also and they can share a glass of wine over watching all the citizens running around like ants. we could also do a murder if you are into that. 
↪ there are some cases where he might engage in conversation with non-villain types and these would likely be far more dialogue-heavy threads including metaphorical topics or debates. the conversations of life, death, mortality, good vs evil, frailty of existence, legacy, power and corruption, calamities, birthright and betrayal are just some of the topics possible to arise in discussion. that being said, whilst these topics would be of interest to him, the character themselves must meet his standard of what he considers worthy of his time eg. those just willing to argue with him will bore him whereas someone curious to his nature might be treated to an actual conversation. over time this has opened up into most people being capable of talking to him. he has less patience for over-eager plucky types, but anyone with a respectable manner who likes talking a lot will probably find an interesting conversation partner in this... ONLY SLIGHTLY CHILLED sephiroth. he’s not totally chill, he’s just a lil chill.
↪ warriors, outcasts, villains, intellectuals, fellow puppet-master type villains especially, those he ‘befriended’ in past events, perhaps even neighbours to his castle would all be likely connections. friends of those he has worked alongside or met, or those wishing to seek great power and know of his existence might seek him out also, but yes... ““““friends”“““ is a very difficult term for him. he’s getting better.
→ his most recent developments see him as a far more casual version of his canon self, over a year of living as close to a “domestic life” as possible have meant that whilst he is aloof and cold, he is also far more likely to be out and about, buying wine at some creepy gas station at 4:30am for example. he chats when he’s in the mood and might even stick around to cause some chaos for the sake of boredom eating him alive. so whilst he is still very much a dangerous inhabitant here in spirale, sephiroth is currently Domesticated somewhat. 
↪ heroes of all shapes and sizes might feel threatened by the ominous presence of a monster who seems inclined to side with chaos as opposed to peace. he’s not outright starting fires here but he is present in the more morbid moments of isolian discourse, an omen of death lingering on the sideline. he has his plans and he may just mock you with them, but in general since he does and WILL cut down npcs ( or players ) alike, he makes for the perfect villain. BE WARY he has all of his powers unlocked and knows the island well. fighting him would not guarantee your victory, especially if you are a freshly applied character.
in feb 2020 he almost brought chaos to spirale too so i’m sure anyone holding a grudge or wary of a potential threat like that would be very aggro towards him.
↪ he has traumas. plenty of them. some of them originate from labs and white coats, meaning he might just view you as an enemy if you’re a scientist or someone who dabbles in human experimentation. his reasons are his own, but let’s just say that if you consider him a good candidate for poking and prodding with scientific equipment, you may just lose an arm.
↪ i LOVE fight threads especially really gritty, bloody types. i would prefer to plot these out so we know what’s going on beforehand, but feel free to develop these with me honestly i love a good old classic villain hero showdown. he’s less likely to get into these without a good reason but if we do one, the winner is randomly determined via generator to make it fair if your character is also uncapped!
→ police/law enforcers/general crime stoppers might remember him for causing a bit of trouble in the past! insert how bad me be gif. try and ??? get him to apologise i guess. arresting sephiroth sounds like the plot of a funny movie. 
↪ this man has a bf now, can you believe it? 2021...isola gay rights. 
↪ pawns and such would be a fun dynamic later. his general presence is pretty terrifying, so it wouldn’t be a stretch if you have an appropriate muse for them to be fearful enough to carry out some little tasks for him. this might be more common later on, but i’m down to discussion for it currently!
↪ places you may find him can include:                 ↪ near his residence ( personal housing; castle in the mistwood  )                 ↪ fibonacci ward ( levels 3 and 4 especially due to the museums and things. but also the lowest levels, he tends to wander around there as if searching for something... feel free to try and figure out what it is )                 ↪ golden ward ( the university if only to borrow books from the library, he can read there for days at a time without sleep or food. he reads all kinds of things, both fiction and non fiction. )                 ↪ archimedes ward ( pretty much everywhere in this ward, it’s my favourite. he enjoys music and art sometimes. hit me with that biblical shit. )                ↪ the mistwood ( 100% down to be that cryptic creature that leads you from your path to your likely doom )                ↪ the city of yesteryear ( typically the underground areas, just investigating really. any strange occurrences would likely draw him there as would any presence of a strong power. )                ↪ atop skyscrapers, looming at the ‘edge’ of the world we can currently explore, typically more active at night, perhaps at the scene of a murder / attack ( plotted ), if he’s feeling extra ballsy he might be found in a bar but its very rare. very VERY rare, wandering broken buildings, invading scientific facilities or buildings. he’s not going to be found in busy, socially strained areas basically.
↪ i’m down for any ideas you might have too for plots so feel free to just message me if nothing here caters!
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ninjastormhawkkat · 11 months
Fair City vs The Facility Revised
Matthew felt someone tug at his clothes. He looked down and saw an anthropomorphic monkey girl stare at him with pleading eyes. Matthew sighed. "Really again?" He asked in a slightly annoyed tone of voice. The little girl didn't seem to notice and just nodded her head vigorously. "Okay hop on." Matthew spoke in a defeated tone as he bent down and let the monkey girl climb on his back. The little girl put her arms around Matthew's neck gently but firmly so as to not fall of while he walked. Matthew tenderly got up and began to catch up with the other members of the party who had stopped when they noticed him and the girl lagging a bit behind. "Everything alright?" Carl asked with some concern. Matthew just gave a shrug towards his former partner. "She wanted another piggy back ride. She's probably getting tired again." Matthew stated. He didn't mind giving the strange child a piggy back ride. It brought back fond memories of when he did it with his own kids. But that was back when he was younger and didn't have to walk for so many miles on foot. Carl gave him a sympathetic look. He knew that they were all getting exhausted and a bit hungry as well. It didn't help that he and Matthew were both old men in their sixties. His nephew Steven, the young girl, and the bizarre looking monkey could make it on foot better than they could. Sadly even the youngest members of their group were also feeling the effects of hunger. Unfortunately none of them could right now afford the luxuries of finding a place to stop and eat nor hitchhiking with a kind stranger. For good reasons. They had fled a week and a half ago from a horrible place that could be described as hell on earth. A well hidden lab facility where each of them were taken and basically kept as prisoners. 'Well in Matthew's case it was more of a transfer.' Carl thought. Though deep down he still dreaded to think what would have happened to Matthew if they were still back there. He and Steven were kidnapped and forced to work for that facility twenty years ago. They were treated no better than the prisoners with the exception of not becoming latest test subjects if they behaved. Matthew was transferred there about a month back which was how he met his ex again. Carl was aghast and more enraged with these people. Were his tormentors not only power hungry but also stupid? Carl would soon realize that his views of the facility would be very accurate. Sometime ago an explosion had occurred at the facility. During the chaos and confusion, Matthew broke out and rescued Carl and Steven. None of the trio of men knew what was causing this outbreak until they ran into a young girl. Not only was her abnormal monkey appearance a surprise, but the fact that she was floating in mid air like nothing also caught them off guard. Carl believed he and the others shared the idea that this poor girl had caused the explosion that lead to their escape. Who knows how long she was a prisoner at that awful place. The three men were able to escape with her and were soon joined by a genetically altered monkey who seemed to take particular interest in protecting the child. The group set off to find a way to get to a safer location and far away from that facility as possible. They had to avoid any help out of slight fear of running into people that worked at the facility who survived. It was also difficult to seek aid due to the appearance of the monkey and Matthew who would for sure cause an unnecessary mass panic. Carl also had another mission in mind. He hoped to find the family of the little girl and her monkey friend. That too proved difficult as she couldn't speak in human tongue nor did she seem to understand much of what they said. Carl and the others took note with both anger and sorrow that the young girl and monkey seemed wary and fearful of Carl and Steven at first. Carl didn't realize why until he looked at Steven and his own lab gear. He saw how the girl and monkey seemed to be transfixed in fear at the clothing. @erraticeris @dualnaturedscientist
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