ninjastormhawkkat · 11 months
Everyone was exhausted from the eventful day. Dr.Two-Brains had put the mice pups on a makeshift little bed for them to sleep on. They seemed to have grown attached to both Becky and the mad scientist in the short amount of time they were taking care of them. When they put the mice pups down they squeaked to be picked up again. When they finally fell asleep, full from their dinner, Becky and Dr.Two-Brains quietly left. Though Becky didn't want to leave the pinkies alone. The villain spoke softly. "They will be okay there. I promise. Let's be quiet and let them sleep." Becky stared at her father for a moment. She had a thoughtful expression, following after him. Dr.Two-Brains had put his kid to bed. Once she was tucked in. Bob too. He kissed her forehead goodnight. "Goodnight my little ray of hope. Rest well. I'll never let anyone hurt you anymore. I promise. You'll be safe from now on. I'll never let you out of my sight again." He mumbled this, his eyelids feeling so heavy now. He drifted off to sleep, head on the bed. Becky untucked herself and made herself comfortable near her dad. Bob made himself comfortable as well on the opposite side. Both of them curled up next to him. The others had already left for their own home. Leaving Carl, Steven and Matthew with them. Carl and Steven had been taken to the spare rooms while Matthew had only the couch to sleep on. If he was going to be honest it was still much better than the poor excuse of a bed they forced him to sleep on during his time in Maximum prison. The facility where he was transferred was so much worse. He was going to take what they gave. As his son in law wished, he was on his best behavior. It would stay that way until they didn't need him anymore. The truth was, he wants his kids to be happy. Just like any other parent would. Once he was of no use anymore, he will make sure they never see him again. He'll be far away. Just like they wanted. Despite what happened, Gene was still his favorite. He was so proud that his son turned out to be so brilliant, kind from what he saw. He was still all that despite the mouse brain. His son was strong. Maybe even more than him. He gave in, Dr.Two-Brains didn't give into it for the sake of his daughter. Matthew finally allowed himself to drift to sleep.
The next morning, Matthew was woken up by his son cooking breakfast for everyone. Well everyone but him. He assumed that Gene would want to feed the man he hates. Matthew felt guilt. Over hurting his son like that. Everyone else woke up soon, gathering around the table. Once it was set up, everyone helped themself to the delicious and cheesy meal. Matthew stayed in the living room though. Becky glanced over at him, puzzled why he wasn't joining them. Dr.Two-Brains felt his insides twist. As much as he hates Matthew he couldn't let his little girl panic like that. If he's staying here, he must eat as well. He spoke in a less than enthused tone. "You want your plate over there or are you going to join us?" Matthew blinked owlishly. He saw that the table seemed a bit crowded and he doubted they wanted him to sit with them. "I'll fix up my plate and eat on the couch. Thank you." There was no sarcasm in his tone. He was genuinely thanking his son. After they ate, Matthew and Dr.Two-Brains were alone in the living room. It was tense. Matthew wasn't looking at his son, not wanting to make the situation worse. He didn't see the expression Dr.Two-Brains was wearing. Grim. He wanted answers. He was finally able to ask this question he had been dying to ask for years. "Why did you do it? Why did you massacre all those heroes? Rebecca?" Two-Brains found himself even more emotional, bringing up his late best friend. There was anger in his eyes. Sadness. Hurt. Matthew only felt guilty when it came to his family. He hated seeing them hurt. A thought he always had. If he hadn't massacred the heroes, maybe he could've done something to prevent Carl and Steven from being kidnapped. Prevent Gene from going through all that. "You wish to know? I'll tell you. Just a heads up. I'm telling you why and it's not an excuse for what I did. I'm simply telling you what happened." Matthew paused for a second, frowning at the memory. "A good man died so many years ago. Not one hero shed a tear for someone whose intentions were good. Despite his less than legal ways of achieving his goals, he was on their side. They never saw it that way. It didn't affect him in the least. He still fought for what was good. They said horrible things about him. Yet he never retaliated. Never spoke against them in anger. My uncle. He hated this vigilante just as much. Hated that he was teaching me just as much. I didn't realize it at the time but this vigilante was more of a hero than the others were. Not one of them, including my uncle, mourned for him. They never even mentioned his passing once. The one who killed him, he wasn't going to stop. I had to make him stop. The anger I felt. I wiped him out. With his goons. They didn't care how many lives were lost. That added so much fuel to my hatred of heroes. So much so. It blinded me. Making me no better. I became the malicious monster that my uncle said I was. The rage grew in me. He disowned me. So did my mother. When the rage grew, I only had one thought. One goal. I was unfortunately blinded by this. Not seeing the damage I've done after I executed my plan. All of my rage was released. I don't remember killing most of them. But I know I did. I truly love you and your siblings. Your father, I never stopped loving him. Yet my hatred was stronger. I gave into it. I know this is the consequence of my actions and I accept it. If you wish to get revenge, I won't fight back. Do as you please. I'm truly sorry. I know it doesn't mean anything to you since it's from me. But my apology is genuine. I am sorry. I don't expect forgiveness. But I thought you deserved an apology."
Dr. Two Brains sat stunned at Maddrix's explanation. He had no idea Matthew used to be a hero. None of them did. He didn't know how to react to his apology either. It was a little too late to say sorry. Yet on the other hand, Two Brains could tell he was being serious and genuine. Maddrix's explanation though, it opened up more questions for him as he reflected on his past before the massacre, analyzing Matthew's actions and comparing it to what he knows now. "Is that why you raised me to be a villain? So I wouldn't end up like the heroes you hated so much?" Two Brains asked. Matthew shook his head. "I had that hatred festering, but it wasn't the main reason I raised you to be a villain. I genuinely saw the natural spark and flare you had for villainy at an early age. When you acted sweet and innocent as a cover to get what you want or to get away with biting people that made you mad." Matthew paused a bit as he chuckled a little at the memories. "I honestly lost count of how many people you bit." Two Brains couldn't help but smirk at that. "It was the only way I could get back at those who made me upset. Neither you nor dad would let me gain access to tech until I was 13." Two Brains quipped. Matthew nodded with a bittersweet smile. "True. We were both slightly afraid what you mind would do if we gave you access to tools and tech before you were mature enough to use them." Matthew then frowned. "The true reason was I didn't want you to end up like me. I had a lot of anger and aggression issues when I was growing up. I don't exactly know where they came from. I just know that my uncle nor my mother never gave me the help I needed. My uncle saw me nothing more than a weapon that made him look good until I didn't. My mother was a spineless fool who went along with anything my uncle told her. I wanted to help channel your villainous impulses into something productive. I wanted to give you the helping guidance I never got. Even after you got me arrested. I was miffed yeah but I was never truly mad at you. I'm proud of the person you grown up into. Not because of the villain part. It's because you have a lot more control over your priorities and better restraints over your impulses than I ever did." "So that's why you told dad you were an orphan." Two Brains muttered as he processed what Matthew told him. Maddrix just shrugged. "Well your biological grandfather walked out when I was a toddler and the only true parental figure I had died when I was teenager. It was easier to say I was an orphan than to go into the nitty gritty." Dr. Two Brains leveled Matthew a hardened look. "You kept a lot of secrets from dad, including the part about you and me being villains. I remember you said it was best that no one else in our family knew the truth about our villain work. Even though they wouldn't be bothered about it, you still didn't want them to know. Why was that? Were you afraid of them getting hurt if they knew?" Dr. Two Brains interrogated. Matthew's expression became pale before he turned his gaze away Dr. Two Brains looked at the man with annoyance and confusion for not answering his question in a rude manner. A thought then struck his head. That evasive and somewhat rude reaction. He knew it all too well. "You were afraid dad would hate your for being a villain and kick you out like your mom and uncle did. That was why?" Two Brains muttered quietly. Maddrix didn't reply. He didn't have too. Dr. Two Brains could see clear as day the prickling tears the villain was trying to blink away. Two Brains gave a bitter chuckle. "I guess I did take more after you than I realized." Two Brains mumbled. Both he and Matthew never wanted their loved ones to see the true them, consumed by their fear of being hated and alone by those they cared the most. The difference here, while Two Brains found a better way to cope with his fears and learn to be more open to others, Matthew didn't. @dualnaturedscientist
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melodythebunny · 1 year
Late night brainstorm The Newport heroes vs Mr. Charming. Would Mr. Charming considered them corrupt since he only considers Wordgirl and Huggy pure? Would he and Atomic Steel get along or have conflicts along the line? Oof poor Blur would be so confused and shocked when Mr. Charming's mask comes off. @dualnaturedscientist
Honestly depends? I mean
atomic steel wouldn't care for how mr.charming treated the villains. He however would step in if mr.charming targets any of the civilians since it's heroes duty to keep citizens safe etc etc and that means law abiding ones. Not the criminals. So that's where the conflicts would start at. Despite this he has more respect for Mr.charming than he has for Dr. Two brains.
Now for Fern and Hydro, they would try to stop his plans. Villains or not, they can't just stand by and let him get away with his schemes. They know the Fair city villains aren't like the Newport ones. And even then they wouldn't just go out and try to kill bad guys especially if they're not causing major harm. There's justice systems for a reason.
And yeah E.B. would be just as confused as the rest of them. Definitely not the author she remembers either way. No matter which one she believed to be Steven originally, it's like he went against everything he stood for. And no she doesn't even know his time working for his father Maddrix nor that they're even related. Would Steven even count as her mentor? I mean she lived by the book he wrote so indirectly he was??
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blueweirdness · 11 months
Okay. Idk if this has been done.
But I saw a Pinky and the Brain post real quick and had a thought.
AU where Two Brains was fused with Two Mouse Brains >:3
And the Brain's.
And whatever chaos that entails >:3
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wordgirl-rebooted · 4 months
ah the great tomato incident of 1995-
Every July eight, citizens of fair city buy tomatoes and leave them in the middle of the woods. Then a great tomato fight commences and they throw tomatoes at eachother
@ninjastormhawkkat @dualnaturedscientist
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wordgirlnextgen · 6 months
small announcement
after some consideration I do wanna continue this au. I do have other things I'm working on so this blog may not always be active. I suck at multitasking XD
I'm rebooting this au
I love implementing others headcanons into this small au of mines. However I realized I started coming up with headcanons that wouldn't fit with the ones I had adopted. So I decided to stick with mines for this au.
I won't get rid of any old posts prior to this (I absolutely adore the fanart elzore! and the rps and ideas we had with this au ^^!) they will not be able as canon anymore unless I mention them again.
So with that being said. Some things I said were canon may not be anymore. Crossovers can still happen and be a thing! I love love love crossovers that that will never not change. Rps will be counted as crossovers.
I will be doing (re)designs for this au to match with headcanons!
@elzore-da-great @ninjastormhawkkat @dualnaturedscientist
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ninjastormhawkkat · 9 months
Matthew wasn't sure if he should be so surprised by how resilient his son was. Hugh though wasn't looking very pleased. His expression was one of absolute exhaustion and worry. Gene of course picked up on this, honestly feeling slightly guilty over putting the alien through so much stress in such a short time. Matthew had shared that same worry over the mad scientist, knowing just how little time his son had to recover. Yet he couldn't say no. What would've that done? Make Gene all the more stubborn and make him do something just as rash as he did? No. He knew better than to do so. “As long as you don't overdo it. Of course. I don't think your friend could take much more of our recklessness.” Gene gave him an apologetic expression as he knew what his father said was true. “I know. I'm sorry Hugh. You know I have to do this. I'm not going to just stay in bed while all this goes down. I'll stay in bed rest after this all you want. I promise.” Hugh sighed, crossing his arms. “You wouldn't listen to me anyway. Don't you get yourself hurt during this or I swear I will strap you down and leave you like that while you heal up.” Gene couldn't help but let out a little laugh at that. He knew that the alien would absolutely do that. His eyes went back to the silver falcon in his hand. The mad scientist was still slightly worn out but he's never felt so revitalized like this. Given life anew in a strange way. It didn't take long for the mad scientist to get himself dressed. Alex and Tristan had wanted to intervene and keep him from joining but they knew that would've encouraged him more as well. Though that couldn't stop either of them from helping Gene. He gave them both a look that showed he wasn't going to let them coddle him. He's never let them do so before. Even when he wore himself down to the bone when Becky went missing. That thought had made him stop and looked around for her. Having lost track of the girl during his identity crisis. No one else seemed to have noticed until they heard a whoosh and saw Becky nearly tackled her father over. She hugged onto him, holding something with one hand. “Hey, kiddo. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you again. I'll be fine, I promise. Confused but fine.” Becky looked up at him, still not quite believing him. She quickly then placed another item within his hand. It was the goop ray he had left behind during the chaos. She had gone back to find it to give it back to Gene. He stared down at it. “Aw, thank you for getting this for me.” In another city, they were unaware that there was another gathering. The mayor of Newport had just finished giving the heroes the go ahead to storm the B.E.A.W Labs near their city. They were met with a riled up crowd filled with villains, civilians and other heroes alike. They didn't appreciate that these people were messing with their heroes as well. Ones they've grown to love over the years. They were just as inspired by Maddrixs broadcast. Sure they were a bit more on the bloodthirsty side but they were nowhere near the level of Darius. He had angered them so much they've put aside their differences temporarily. Having a bigger goal to accomplish first before resuming the status quo. It was unsettling just how quiet they went when they had seen the heroes step out. Waiting with bated breath for them to give them instructions on exactly where to go. Hydro had been surprised to see an old friend among the crowd. J.J. the villainous jester. There were a few others they've recognized. The circus themed villains that loved to team up with the jester. A certain doll who was once part of the villain roster of Fair City. They were going to bring every single one of them to the facility. To wait for Maddrix the malicious to take lead and destroy the hellish place. Taking down all those who willingly worked within there. Experimenting on innocent lives. They weren't going to stand for it at all. Even Atomic Steele knew to finally put aside his fury whether he liked it or not. He still despised him but he trusted his friend despite what happened. He still cared.
It still felt weird to Atomic, learning all that he did about his father's biological relationship to Maddrix. From what that woman Margaret told him, it made the hero think back to moments of his childhood before the massacre. How his dad never talked about his grandfather only telling the boy he had one who died. His dad only talking in details about his grandmother. There were times his dad seemed sad and frustrated about something, when a younger version of Max tried asking his dad what was wrong, all his dad would say was that he was just worried about and missing someone. At the time Atomic had no clue his dad was referring to an estranged cousin. The last time Atomic saw his dad alive, before he told the young hero to stay put and safe, was when his dad was watching the television and seeing what was going on. Atomic clearly remembered his dad having a horrified look but also a pained and guilt ridden expression. Although Max still hated Matthew, there was a part of the young hero that took some pity on Matthew and his father's past. A part of him that was strangely glad his grandfather perished by Maddrix's hands. Gene was ready to leave with Matthew and the others to head back to city hall. He had finished assembling his gear and putting on his attire for battle. Hey this was a serious matter but Gene didn't want to look like a bum going into battle. He also was kind of unsure about putting on his old Dr. Two Brains attire, which was just his work clothes. So Gene decided to make a compromise combining his former villain attires with his own spin. With Alex's and Tristan's help, the two aliens gathered a new lab coat for Gene along with a new change of clothes. These clothes were in clean and pristine condition. They also helped him gather a top hat and a silver mask, something similar to his old Professor Terror outfit. He didn't have the original clothing since he burned his outfit after the massacre. There was also no time to add some special sequins or elegant designs to his clothing much to Gene's chagrin. Gene looked into the mirror one last time before he left with Matthew, Alex, and Tristan. Gene's still white hair was pulled back into a ponytail. This earned an odd reaction from Becky as she muttered "no sandwich words" which made Gene recall Becky once telling him about the Chucktopia incident. Becky otherwise reassured her dad that she wasn't bothered by his style. Gene's silver mask was similar to how his old one was. It was an eye mask with embedded designs. The top hat Alex got him was definitely something similar to a Victorian era top hat but with modern designs. Gene had kept his gloves as his hands were still altered. He had gotten rid of his usual goggles as he saw no reason to wear them over his mask. As Gene held his old staff in his hands, the one thing from his Terror days he could never part with, an eerie feeling went down his spine. He recalled memories of his past, when he first joined his dad into the field of villainy, when he lead his own rebellion of villains against his father, and when he took down Atomic Steele. That wasn't Squeaky in action nor was it connected to his old Two Brains gimmick. That was all him. Gene let out a sigh and small smile. He had no idea what he was going to do after everything was over. Gene definitely planned to give Steven back his name and identity since he was going back to his old name that had been established on official, yet forged, documents. Gene wasn't sure if he was going back into the field as a villain or take a break after everything he had been through. One thing that was for sure, Gene was going to determine his own path and no sabotaged experiments or crazy animals and people was going to affect what he wanted to do with his life from now on. Meanwhile back outside the hallways of the medical clinic, Matthew was learning one of the most shocking things in his life. "You were in the mafia!" Matthew exclaimed in a shocked tone. @dualnaturedscientist
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ninjastormhawkkat · 3 months
"Hold on a minute, some weird guy is staring at me. Probably some bum trying to get change off of me." Comments like that had ensured he would absolutely be relieved of guilt for what was to happen next. A smile spreads across the figure's facial features, revealing inhumanly sharp teeth glinting in the street lights. A hand quickly shot out, taking a hold of the rather obnoxious man. "What the hell are you doing-" A scream soon pierced the quietness of the night. It quickly became a horrendous gurgling noise. The cellphone in the man's hand had fallen in the process. Leaving the person on the other end to become worried and confused about what was happening to the man. It didn't take very long for the man to become completely still. The figure allows him to finally fall to the cement below, licking at his blood stained lips in satisfaction. "The night, it is still so young. I don't think I shall waste another minute on you." Like a ghost in the night, he had vanished. As if he were never there. Leaving only the grotesque mess he had made for others to find. Unknown to him, there was a witness to this who had seen the whole thing. Watching in complete and utter fear. The figure grinned, it was as if he were seeing the world through different eyes. The opportunities that awaited him. It sent a shiver of excitement up his spine. His thirst might have satiated but he wasn't satisfied with only that. Oh no. There was so much more he had in mind for this city. Just wait till morning until they discover his little surprise for all to see. It wasn't until hours later did he finally return to the house. Feeling pleased with himself. Carl shot up in bed, heart racing so fast within his chest. Calming down once realizing he was in bed with Matthew. It took the retired scientist to recognize his surroundings. "That's right.. we're at Gene's place." The dream he had woken up from was already fading from his memory. It was rather absurd, recalling what he could. He could've sworn the dream was incredibly vivid and felt so real. But the little bits of the dream that he did remember became fuzzy and distant in his mind. Carl wasn't as quiet as he thought. Matthew had woken up. "Love, are you okay?" His voice had brought Carl from his thoughts. "Matthew, dearest. I hadn't meant to wake you up." He frowned, feeling guilty as he wanted his husband to get as much rest as needed. "It's alright, I needed to get up early anyway. Don't feel bad, my darling. I'm worried about you, though.” He gave Matthew a smile. “It was just a dream. I was just startled from a dream. I don't even remember what happened in it anymore. I'll be fine.” Matthew pulled the other into his arms, holding him in such a comforting manner. Placing a loving kiss to Carl's forehead. “Even so, I've still got you.” The former scientist blushed. Matthew still had such an effect on him even after all this time. “Thank you, my love.” They had stayed like that for a good while. It wasn't until Carl noticed the time that he forced Matthew to get out of bed and to get ready for his community service. Though there was something that had been bothering Carl since waking up. He had not remembered going back to bed after his conversation with Gene last night. No matter how much he tried to, it just kept coming up blank to him. Carl sighed, he must've been that tired that he didn't remember. He was getting up there in age. “I could stay back. Margaret won't be very happy about it but I don't want to leave you if you're not okay.” Carl smiled once more. “I'm not going to be responsible for what she'd do if you tried. You're also expecting a new face there, aren't you?” Matthew looked surprised at that. He had completely forgotten about that. And Carl did make a point. Wincing at the thought of what Margaret might do if he actually did skip out on it. Though for Carl, it would've been absolutely worth it. Whatever punishment she'd dole out, he'd endure for his dearest husband. “Go get dressed now.” Matthew chuckled at that before doing as he said. Leaving Carl to this thoughts.
Carl still felt unsettled by the dream, it was like he was walking through a mist. Yet at the same time it was like someone or something was controlling his body and actions. The dream was scary, but also ludicrous. At one point Carl thought he saw someone who looked like his old narcissus ex boyfriend who he never thought about again until now. Carl just let out a sigh and shook his head. 'It was just a nightmare.' Carl reassured himself. He remembered how reading how the mind and senses can trick the body into thinking something is real when it isn't. His strange dream was just one of those cases. Carl decided to get out of bed and go downstairs. He was going to try and help his son and other son-in-law deal with this strange and frightening case of kidnapping. Carl pushed away the issue of the nightmare and headed downstairs, ignoring the feeling of dread in the back of his mind. Carl also did not pay attention to that fact that his mouth was no longer dry and that there was no glass cup on the nightstand when he got up that morning. Atomic Steele surveyed the area with caution and an intense gaze. He was going over the area looking for something out of the ordinary. Something that had bothered his friend and teammate Electric Blur. Something in this seemingly abandoned area affected Blur's powers. "I wasn't sure what just happened. It felt like I was suddenly communicating emotionally with a strange energy wave that was being transmitted from there. I felt uneasy and scared...but also sad for some reason." That is what Blur told Atomic when she came back to their hideout looking shaken and worried. She told him she never felt anything like that before, not even from the fallen B.E.A.W labs. Atomic Steele offered to check it out for her as the young heroine wasn't keen on returning to the spot. While Electric Blur was being comforted by her other teammates, Atomic followed the directions the heroine had given him to the location where she felt the strange and unsettling energy. What Atomic Steele found when he got there was a large but abandoned warehouse surrounded by an empty field. The area was surrounded by a rusted, wired fence. The place looked like it hadn't been used for years. Still, the normally brave yet brash young hero couldn't help but feel a child go up his spine. His gut and instincts telling him there is something dangerous here, something evil. Atomic Steele walked up to the doors of the warehouse. He grabbed at a rusted handle and tried opening it. To the hero's surprise and growing caution, the door easily unlocked. Atomic Steele took a deep breath and steadied his nerves. He then proceeded inside the warehouse in a slow pace, ready to discover what laid inside. "Oh hello there Matthew. Cutting it a bit close are we." Miss Dewey lightly teased the former villain as he just came into the library to start his community service. "Sorry about that Miss Dewey. I had some problems this morning but I'm here now." Matthew replied, feeling a bit embarrassed about cutting things close. He really didn't want to leave Carl and Gene alone during the family crisis that was happening but at the same time he really didn't want to test the limits of his second chance at freedom from prison. Miss Dewey gave the man a look of sympathy and concern. "You know, if there is a serious problem going on at home, I wouldn't mind helping you fill out some forms to request a temporary leave from your community service." The librarian offered. Matthew smiled in appreciation at her kind gesture. "Thank you Miss Dewey but I'll be alright." Matthew responded. "So has the new service worker arrived yet?", the former villain asked. Miss Dewey smiled and nodded. "Yes he is here. Matthew, allow me to introduce you to Frank Leigh." Matthew glanced over to the man Miss Dewey introduced. He looked to be a few years older than Victor but still younger than Matthew and Carl. He had dark hair and light, blueish gray eyes. The man gave a friendly wave to Matthew. "Hi nice to meet you." Frank spoke in a kind tone. @dualnaturedscientist
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ninjastormhawkkat · 8 months
Random fact carrie's grandparents name (from father side) are Molly and Tom bc cat puns uwu @dualnaturedscientist
Pfft lol yes
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ninjastormhawkkat · 9 months
Blood Curse Au
This idea stems from discord chats with my friend Eris who is known as @erraticeris and @dualnaturedscientist on tumblr. She came up with an idea for curse for her oc Athena Cartwright where Athena's family was cursed by a sorceress. The curse affects only women born into the family and it slowly drives them insane over time. Originally the "blood curse" idea was something for the mousebraingirl au and it was more scientific and had to deal with Lexiconian behavior combined with human blood. Then I thought, (with Eris's support and agreement) what if it could be magical in origin like with Eris's oc. The blood curse was born. There is a lot of dark stuff and gore. Trigger warnings are in the tags but be prepared for blood and devouring of flesh along with mention of mass killing. So the Blood Curse affects the Boxleitner (or Woods family depending on the au and lore). It only affects males born in the family. The curse originated with an ancestor who was a fierce and ruthless warrior from the Medieval period. This warrior was fighting an enemy army and had chased the remaining survivors into a village. Instead of waiting for the enemy soldiers to come out, the warrior set fire to the village, causing many to die by not only the flames but also by the warrior who slaughtered any male who tried escaping. After the village was destroyed, only one old man survived. This old figure was a powerful warlock. He was a kind soul but was horrified and outraged at what this warrior did. So, using eldritch magic, the old man cursed the warrior and his male descendants for the rest of time. The curse goes is that every male would have an insatiable urge to consume blood of living things born on this world through any means. They would also be prone to attacking and sometimes killing their victims to get the blood. They can still eat regular food and drink other liquids, but their desire to kill and drink blood will be a part of them like a need to satisfy hunger or to breathe. If they are near someone who has a simple cut on their finger, it drives them ballistic and animalistic. Their ears become pointed like wolves, their teeth become sharp fangs, their tongues elongate, their fingers become claws, and their eyes become a deep red. They can't be reasoned with nor can they control their will and actions in this state. It is almost like they are in a type of trance. The blood curse progresses with age. Newborns up till age 8 will only have desires and are satisfied with feeding on animal blood. 9 to 14 they will only be interested in the blood of those weaker and smaller than them and no longer can be satisfied with just animal blood. 15 to 19 those with the curse will only go after those just weaker than them. When they reach their 20s, then all human blood is a buffet to them. Each male in the Boxleitner (Woods) family has taken precautions to make sure they don't try to kill. Blood banks help to satisfy the curse. They also aren't attracted to the blood of females who are born into the family nor anyone who marries into family. Those with the curse are also not attracted to drinking alien blood as aliens are technically "not born of Earth" which negates the effects of the curse. Also the presence of alien blood in a male born into the family can delay the beginning of the curse which normally happens at birth. The only way to break the curse is not pretty either. The curse must be transferred to a descendant of the old man that cursed their ancestor or they must kill every last living family member of the old man. Let's just say about every member of the Boxleitner (Woods) family prefers to deal with their curse rather than let someone else suffer with it. Next post connected to this one will be called the blood brothers au which derives from this au. @melodythebunny @liloskull343
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melodythebunny · 9 months
For the medieval au "Tale of the Terror Knight" The Terror Knight, so ferocious and bold, Once loyally served King Maddrix in the days of old. When the king went mad with grief and rage, killing all his enemies along with innocents in a malicious rampage, No longer could the Terror Knight abide by the king's ways. Now he must choose the path to betray. To make sure that no more died in vain, He lead a rebellion to end King Maddrix's reign. "My king I beg you to end this!" cried the Terror Knight when they faced in the final battle. "You're proclaimed revenge has achieved nothing but slaughtering lives like cattle!" The mad king did not head the Terror Knight's plea. So the knight had no choice but to lead his army against the king for which he claimed victory. The king was then put on trial. His sentence was to be imprisoned and exiled. As the former king was taken away in disgrace, he once more beheld the Terror Knight's face. "It was foolish of me to knight you that much I see. Now you are nothing but a traitor to me." The Terror Knight did not reply to the former king's final say. Instead he mournfully turned his head and walked away. Never again has the Terror Knight risen after that fateful day. Some say out of pride or disgrace the warrior ran away. Other say he still keeps watch over the kingdom all alone. Only few know this is how the Terror Knight took over his father's throne.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 1 year
Disillusion - A Lady Corva AU
Tw: Character death, amputation, corruption, dark idea.
There are realities where Becky becomes the hero known as Wordgirl or a villain with a new gimmick or the same name. Other realities have Becky hop onto the villain path earlier or later in her villain career. What if there is one reality where Becky did plan to become a hero, but something happened that made that dream of hers dash away for ever, replaced with a new path.
The scene sets one day when a 7 year old Becky Boxleitner along with her monkey Bob, and her dad Steven were visiting Steven's sister who lived in another city a few hours away. So the visit happens and Becky's aunt suggests that one day, they visit the local park. Since the park was close to her aunt's house, they walked there together. The group passed by some buildings when suddenly an explosion happens right near them. Becky and her family are caught in a battle between a hero and a villain. Becky gets separated from Steven, Bob, and her aunt. Her vision is obstructed by the chaotic battle. She soon finds her dad and Bob but it is a grisly sight. The hero was tossing rubble to hit the villain and they missed. Steven and Bob who were frantically searching for Becky were in the line of attack. Bob pushed Steven out of the way to save him, but he ended up getting slammed into some broken metal beams by the rubble, causing him to get impaled as he bled to death. Steven got knocked out by some fallen debris and his right arm got squashed underneath some walls. Poor bewildered and scared Becky screamed, pushing at Bob and Steven, trying to get them to get up so they could leave and get to safety. The villain sees a crying Becky and an injured Steven and dead Bob. This villain was a bad guy but still had morals. He yelled at the hero to stop the battle and to get these injured civilians out of the way. This hero though was corrupt and only cared about fame and glory. They didn't care who got hurt as long as the villain was captured. So the villain rescued the three himself and it resulted him getting captured. At the hospital, Becky definitely suffered through a traumatic experience with seeing Bob dead and her dad seriously injured. Becky stayed with her dad and wouldn't leave his side while he was knocked out. Becky's aunt was injured from the battle as well but not as bad as her brother was. While there Becky saw on TV the hero talking who claimed the tragic deaths and injuries were the fault of the villain, making the hero look like a saint and the villain look like a monster. Becky frowned in anger in confusion. That wasn't true at all. The villain saved her and her dad. The villain cared about their safety. The villain did the hero's job. It was the hero who was the monster. When Steven woke up, Becky told her dad everything that happened. She asked him so many questions. Becky: Daddy. That hero was being a bad guy. They didn't care what happened to us or Bob. They only focused on stopping the villain. The villain saved us. I don't understand daddy? You wrote in your book how heroes are supposed to protect people and stop bad guys. To care for other's as well as their own health. Why was that hero so...corrupt? Becky could only stare as her dad developed a dark look at her inquiries. Steven told her the truth she learned too early. That not every hero was like the ones in his book. Most were corrupt and greedy individuals who only cared about themselves and looking good to the public. He wrote that book so young and upcoming heroes like her would be different, be better than the old generation. To be like those who are sadly too few and too far gone. That day, Becky's fantasy world of heroes and villains shattered. The illusion broken, Becky silently told her dad she didn't want to become a hero anymore. With one good arm, Steven hugged her tightly, he didn't blame her for her choice. That day Wordgirl would never come to be. A new type of hero would rise instead in the future. Her name - Lady Corva. @dualnaturedscientist
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ninjastormhawkkat · 1 year
ideas at 3 am
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Lol yes. Atomic secretly caring about his teammates while trying to act all tough and serious. I love these headcanons.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 1 year
A gift for you, it's not canon but a gift one-shot for you!
A Family Reunion
It couldn't be possible, it shouldn't be possible. So many thoughts went through Stevens mind, emotions overwhelming him. He didn't know how this was happening. The man found himself frozen in his steps. Eyes wide with absolute shock as he was helpless to stop the monstrous creature tearing into another innocent victim. a sadistic grin on its twisted face grew as it  in their screams of agony. 
Victor wasn't doing much better, stuck in place just like his brother. He couldn't take a step forward much less fight. Tears filled his eyes as all he could do was stare. The creature had finally finished tormenting its recent catch, and the brothers had finally caught its attention. This terrifying being tossed away the remains of the unfortunate person in favor of the brothers. Pure hatred and fury filled its eyes, glowering down at the two with such disgust. It didn't utter a single word yet the message was clear. It wanted Steven and Victor dead.
Jenkins and Patricia shared a confused expression. Why wasn't Steven and Victor attacking their target? They seemed…like they weren't able to move. They couldn't figure out why at the moment. Margret Fuller came up from behind with a look that neither Jenkins or Patricia liked.
"Agent Stringbean, Agent Spectre. Go get Steven and Victor out of there at once. They won't be much help in this state. Get them back inside and I'll deal with this one." She had known what was happening with the two. Her boys were facing their past in the worst ways. Margret didn't know what brought this man back from the dead but she was going to make damn sure he wasn't going to lay one finger on her boys. Jenkins and Patricia both gave a nod before running over to Steven and Victor. 
Patricia struggled to get Victor moving, pulling him with all her strength until he finally moved from the spot he was stuck in. Margret was forced to help the one she dubbed Stringbean. Getting Steven out of the way of danger just in time. She had planned on giving them enough time to bring them into safety but forgotten that Jenkins had lacked the strength that was needed. It was like asking a child to move a boulder. She took a hold of them both, dragging them with all her strength to where Patricia had been waiting. Shoving them in and slamming the doors shut. 
Margret knew it wouldn't stop the threat for very long but it would stall for the time she needed. Even less time to think out a proper plan to deal with this. She knew it looked funny, a woman of her stature standing between the enraged monster and the flimsy door leading to the four inside. It didn't matter though. She was going to protect them even if it was at the cost of her own safety. No one else had protected those two, Margret made sure they had someone now. Someone who took care of them. Fought for them. She wasn't their mother nor did she expect to take their mothers place. It didn't stop her from thinking of them as her boys though. 
"C'mon ugly. I know what you're after. You are NOT harming one hair on their heads. You're going to have to go through me." She gave a determined look. Standing her ground against this Goliath of a beast. It looked down at her, its rage was replaced with amusement. As if she were a joke. Good. Better for her this way. Allow this thing to underestimate her.
It took one swing at her, luckily it was slow. But the blow of the impact of any hits from the monster would have devastating effects on her if it got the chance. She knew it was toying with her. Just like its previous victims. With one swift movement, she produced several small sharp daggers from her boot. Aiming them at her target with such precision. 
It barely stunned the should've been dead man. She thankfully wasn't out of her tricks yet. Not by a long shot. They may not have their usual deadly effect but she could use the last one to cause further inconvenience. She waited until the perfect opponent came, throwing the last dagger with all her might right at its head. It hit the mark perfectly, right between its eyes. Causing the monstrous being to stagger backwards a few steps from her. It straightened up, letting out raspy thunderous laughter. Taking the very same weapon used against him and turning the tables. 
With one stomp of his foot, he managed to damage the concentrate beneath them even more. Causing Margret to lose balance. Allowing for him to grab her by the arm. Pulling her with such force, she felt her arm pop out of his socket. He held her up, dangling her as if she were a ragdoll. With his free hand, he took the dagger and plunged it into her side. It could've ended her right there but it just wanted to give her hope. She wasn't going to allow him the satisfaction. With her good arm, Margret had fished out from her pocket a few smoke bombs. Tossing them into its mouth. The moment they went off Margret had been thrown against the building. 
Patricia and Jenkins had been trying to snap their friends out of it. Yet they just remained there, silent. They were visibly trembling. No matter how much reassurance they've given. No matter what was said, they remained the same. Until a familiar figure had crashed through the wall and landed hard against the floor a few feet away from them. This was Margret. Seeing her in a roughed up shape certainly caught both the brothers' attention, finally stirring from their states. Steven was the first one to get up and ran over to Margret.
Fury soon replaced what he had been feeling earlier, Victor had finally managed to get himself up. Going over to her. He immediately helped her up. Steven's furious glare landed where their mother figure had just crashed from.
"Hey bro. Remember what we said? About us protecting our family?"
"Yeah?" "Well. Let's fulfill that promise now." Steven growled. His form already changing, Victor nodded, following Steven's lead but giving Patricia a silent look that meant to stay behind and look after Jenkins and Margret. Not that Margret would need it, it's better safe than sorry.
"Hey Vic, I've got an idea. You get his attention. I'll handle the rest." Victor nodded in acknowledgement. It would be just like old times. Soon the man they once knew as their father had burst through the door like a wrecking ball. Leaving destruction in its wake. Steven had already silently hidden away, luckily he didn't have to wait for Victor to flag him down. The monstrous being locked onto the older brother. It was going to charge at him like a bull. Seeing this, Victor had made sure to slowly make his way away from both Steven and the others. 
It was enraged once more. No longer wanting to play around this
time. Just as it was nearing his brother, Steven finally sprung from where he was hidden. A knife in one hand, a device in the other. Steven had pounced onto its back, knife digging deeply into its flesh, opening up a wound large enough for him to shove the device into it. The monster screeched out, arms trying to reach for its back and at Steven. It was too late. The younger of the two had already jumped off its back. What was once their father, letting out the most inhuman noises as it tried to dig out the device. 
Steven had run to Victor, the both of them grabbing onto one person. Patricia was able to get out on her own but Jenkins needed the extra boost. Margret, they just wanted to make sure she was out of there and not trying to finish their fight.  
A few minutes after escaping from the building. They just barely made it out before it exploded. The remains of the building were engulfed in a fierce fire. Their father was now truly gone. This time, by their hands. 
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THIS IS AMAZING! 👀 Poor Steven and Victor being traumatized by the Facility like this but dang! Go Mama Margret. This writing is spectacular @dualnaturedscientist - Dr. James Jenkins, Patricia Norm Activita, Victor Boxleitner @melodythebunny Director Margret Fuller - Frankenstein Thomas Boxleinter - Mine
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ninjastormhawkkat · 1 year
9. What is your favorite dialogue you’ve written so far?
oof that is a tough choice. here are a few I like best "Goodbye and Thank You" - a oneshot from the mbgau universe where Steven tells Jenkins he is quitting. The "Fair City vs The Facility RP" Part where I wrote out the battle and confrontation between Steven and Athena Mr. Charming vs Wordman round 1 in the mousebraingirl crossover rp Professor Terror taunting Two Brains in my "The Fall of Fair City" fic. Two Brains vs Mr. Charming
Dr. Two Brains (in a slightly angry, yet mostly terrified voice): Why are you trying to kill me? What did I ever do to you!
Mr. Charming (in a deep, sinister voice): Oh Dr. Two Brains, your actions are the worst of all that should be punished by any means, even by DEADLY ones!! So these are examples of my favorite dialogues I wrote out. @dualnaturedscientist
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ninjastormhawkkat · 1 year
Okkayyuy guess who had another dream. That Right me/pos This time it was about Carrie. Lol ironically I was thinking about if I should change her backstory a bit. Sooo in my dream right. She actually started off as an intern to this research facility. Her job was simple. To look after the animals they brought in for research. Anyways so one night she forgot her phone or something and rushes back to get it. UnIntentionally overhearing her superiors talking about their experiments. And surprise surprise they're actually evil. Also Bosco (professor tubing's monkey) was there. They were about to experiment on the poor monkey and a few others. They stepped away to do something idk what. My dream never specified. /Gen So Carrie took the moment to try and free the monkeys. However she was only able to free Bosco. Before the scientist came back. So she figured to steal some documents to expose them because got to have proof when it comes to this stuff.
Unfortunately she gets caught. Luckily though, Bosco helps her out a bit and they both escape. There is a scene where she just walks out and her ex colleagues are saying "good night" etc like they normally do to her. Unaware of what's going on. At least until someone makes an announcement that she's escaping.
She steals someone's truck and escapes that way. Uhhh and then there was time skip. She left her parents a note saying she was leaving. And somehow the bad guys never asked her parents where she was at? I mean they had her info
But yeah turns out this why she moved to fair city. It was a quiet town and the people there aren't very bright/gen/pos
She never told Steven. Ig Steven worked for the facility in this ver.
Things are pretty much the same as the backstory I had with her currently. The testublar five. Calvin getting exposed. With some minor differences. Like Bosco remembers Carrie. "huh that's strange I don't I know this monkey" Carrie lies. And then when the others aren't looking "thanks bosco"
And why didn't Carrie expose the facility. Well she was going to at first. But when she realized Steven and the rest of the testublar five worked for them she was worried it would backlash on them.
Oh actually she didn't steal some random dudes. Truck. Victor helped her out. He was disguised as a worker. But was actually there to expose them too.
this kinda fits more in line with the doctor meme I did.
oooh I love this a lot. Poor Steven not knowing he working for bad people.
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melodythebunny · 9 months
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a common interaction between a circle and triangle
bill and his emotional support cloud
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messing around with colors and brushes
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circle dude
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frosty my friend @erraticeris / @dualnaturedscientist 's oc :3
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a doodle I did for @blueweirdness of Liam and her oc Val Eyes lots of em
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