#fairybond: lucy
divinikey · 9 months
❝ Looks like you won. ❞ / Lisanna 😏
Our muses are sparring and my muse ends up on top of yours, pinning them down. Send me ❝ Looks like you won. ❞ for my muse’s reaction.
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experience was the best teacher according to the old saying. and while that was true in this scenario; it was only somewhat true. physical training was not always lucy's forte, but she was always one to try. trying was something lucy excelled at and always did — no matter what was in front of her she always did her best to solve and succeed. running away was always the last option available.
training with lisanna meant facing someone who was probably going to beat her but it also meant that lucy would get to learn. and she has, so far! she's gotten better at her reflexes in the past year or so and her holds were better thanks to leo so maybe she could actually get lisanna this time.
lucy sidestepped a well aimed kick from lisanna and just like leo taught her, lucy took barely two milliseconds to brace herself before she went for lisanna's open abdomen for a tackle. lucy called out as she did it, a laugh of disbelief as her plan actually worked. it didn't take long before lucy had lisanna pinned, seated upon the hips of her friend. warm brown eyes reflected the rays of the sun as they smiled down at lisanna, who was covered with as much sweat as lucy was. confidence beamed from within the celestial spirit mage.
❝ Looks like you won. ❞
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a somewhat smug smile filled lucy's face then. "hehe looks like i did, lisanna." and then lucy full took stock of the situation. it was strange, to suddenly remember how beautiful her friend was. bright, mischievous blue eyes and a smile that was contagious. lucy froze a bit, but just a bit, before her face melted into a more, true smile.
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"this mean i'll buy our frozen slushies. only if you're up to it, of course!"
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raiiryuu · 16 days
continued - @fairybond
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Laxus kept his gaze fixed at a point just above the stellar mage's head, needing to focus more on his hearing but not wanting to lose the benefit of peripheral vision. (He'd look like they were speaking, head canted forward just so, even if his gaze wasn't on her at all. The things you learn on S-Class jobs.) Scents would be too muddled in the crowd, and if he could see them, it'd be too likely they could see him. Next best thing, then. He could make out the paces of passing individuals from here, they weren't too deep into the alleyway, but the specific one he was looking for was--
--there. A slight limp from having knocked into a produce cart of some sort while pursuing them, slowly getting fainter. He counted the strides, trying to measure the distance covered. Five, ten, fifteen, but by twenty they faded even from his hearing. They'd actually moved, then, instead of attempting to shuffle quieter and fool him. (Not that it'd worked the first time someone tried that, either.)
It was only after a solid two minutes of this that he realized he was still penning Lucy in, quickly stepping back and allowing her space again. Though he typically considered himself good at keeping his thoughts on the task at hand, her expression (and the fact she'd been utterly silent and still ever since they'd ducked down this way) gave him pause. A hand rose to the back of his neck, his gaze shifting to the end of the alley they'd come from, still scanning the crowd as he spoke.
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"...sorry. Would've given more warning if I could." Idiot. You dragged her into this mess, and now look how things turned out. "Should be clear now, but we should get out fast. They'll start to wonder if they don't see signs of us."
Looks like an easy job, he'd been thinking to himself that morning as he grabbed the flyer. But he hadn't exactly expected the guy to have half a dark guild at his back. This crew hadn't been stupid enough to resort to hostages, yet, so he at least had that going for him. He'd get Lucy out of town, circle back, and at this point? He'd probably end up using the bastard to vent his frustrations, if he could drag him away from civilians. He'd earned that by starting this mess. A bit of static flickered at the collar of his coat as he turned to head back for the entrance and he blinked.
"...oh. Sorry if I shocked you, earlier, too." He knew he had, he'd felt the shift, but sometimes people got weird about it if he outright said it. Probably didn't like being read that easily. "Harder to keep a handle on it if I'm focused on somethin' else." Or angry, or stressed, or a bit of all three.
He paused at the end of the alley, leaning just slightly out of its cover to glance at the nearby shops, just in case, then made a gesture for her to follow, heading back the way they'd come from.
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flamedwings · 9 months
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kinda iconic of me tbh that i never posted my verse tags lmao
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caelitus-a · 1 year
-- jellal beta rela tag fix
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chaoticor · 1 year
tag drop.
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firecreated · 1 year
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#firecreated | Private & Selective OC | Fairy Tail Manga | Low Activity
Frankie is a Fire-make mage that has recently set up her own guild; Phoenix Dawn, after having lived most of her life in the wilderness.
She is a tol, Strong Girl, with a lot of drive and a bright, friendly nature.
About Page | Portrayal notes |  Guild   |  Headcanon Directory   |  Verses | Carrd
Other Blogs:
Fairy Tail:
Fairybond (Lisanna, Lucy, Levy)
Resolvebound (Rogue, Gray, Freed, Macbeth, Leo, Frosch, Lector)
Varietales (Kagura, Millianna, Jenny, Evie, Bisca, Simon, Ichiya)
Curiositydriven (Jason)
Datamerchant (Mags, archive-mage OC)
Steelbloomed (Amarys)
Aquoreus (Lisia)
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fairybond · 1 year
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Welcome to FairyBond! This is a heavily headcanon based and low/sporadic activity RP blog for muses from the Fairy Tail manga.
Rules  |   Carrd
Lucy Heartfilia   |   Lisanna Strauss   |   Levy McGarden
Other blogs:
Resolvebound (Rogue, Gray, Leo, Macbeth, Freed, Frosch, Lector)
Varietales (Kagura, Millianna, Jenny, Evie, Bisca, Ichiya, Simon)
Curiositydriven (Jason)
Datamerchant (Mags, archive-mage OC)
Firecreated (Frankie, fire-make mage OC)
Steelbloomed (Amarys)
Aquoreus (Lisia)
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varietales · 1 year
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#varietales | Private & Selective Multimuse | Fairy Tail Manga | Low Activity                                                        Written by Momo
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Rules | Carrd
Kagura Mikazuchi | Jenny Realight | Millianna | Evie Hawthorne Bisca Connell Simon Mikazuchi (on request) | Ichiya (on request)
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Other Blogs:
Fairy Tail:
Fairybond (Lisanna, Lucy, Levy)
Resolvebound (Rogue, Gray, Freed, Macbeth, Leo, Frosch, Lector)
Curiositydriven (Jason)
Datamerchant (Mags, archive-mage OC)
Firecreated (Frankie, fire-make mage OC)
Steelbloomed (Amarys)
Aquoreus (Lisia)
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curiositydriven · 22 days
#pinned post | Private & Selective | Fairy Tail Manga | Low Activity                                                         Written by Momo
Rules | Carrd
The muse: Jason is a super minor character who appears a few times in the Fairy Tail manga and anime. He is a reporter for the Sorcerer Weekly magazine and thinks that mages are the coooolest! He’s often a judge for mage competitions and events. He is energetic, emotional, and eager!
Portrayal notes | About page | Headcanons | Trivia | NPCs | Pinterest
Other Blogs:
Fairy Tail:
Fairybond (Lisanna, Lucy, Levy)
Resolvebound (Rogue, Gray, Freed, Macbeth, Leo, Frosch, Lector)
Varietales (Kagura, Millianna, Jenny, Evie, Bisca, Simon, Ichiya)
Datamerchant (Mags, archive-mage OC)
Firecreated (Frankie, fire-make mage OC)
Steelbloomed (Amarys)
Aquoreus (Lisia)
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resolvebound · 1 year
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Welcome to ResolveBound! This is a heavily headcanon based, low/sporadic activity RP blog for muses from the Fairy Tail Manga.
Rules   |  Carrd
Rogue Cheney  |   Macbeth/Midnight  |  Freed Justine  |  Gray Fullbuster  |   Leo/Loke Lector (on request)  |   Frosch (on request)
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Other Blogs:
Fairy Tail:
Fairybond (Lisanna, Lucy, Levy)
Varietales (Kagura, Millianna, Jenny, Evie, Bisca, Ichiya, Simon)
Curiositydriven (Jason)
Datamerchant (Mags, archive-mage OC)
Firecreated (Frankie, fire-make mage OC)
Steelbloomed (Amarys)
Aquoreus (Lisia)
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wolfclawd · 1 year
#wolfclawd | Private & Selective OC | Fairy Tail Manga | Low Activity Written by Momo
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the muse: Dorian Aleksander, 46, part wolf, former mage of Fairy Tail, current part-time mage of Quatro Cerberus. Craftsman and practitioner of Fusion Magic, specialist in magical items and prosthetics. A Lone Wolf™
Physical Ref | Carrd | Headcanons | Verses | Pinterest
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Fairybond (Lisanna, Lucy, Levy)
Resolvebound (Rogue, Gray, Freed, Macbeth, Leo, Frosch, Lector)
Varietales (Kagura, Millianna, Jenny, Evie, Bisca, Ichiya, Simon)
Curiositydriven (Jason)
Datamerchant (Mags, archive-mage OC)
Firecreated (Frankie, fire-make mage OC)
Steelbloomed (Amarys)
Aquoreus (Lisia)
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divinikey · 9 months
@fairybond for levy !
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"honestly, i told natsu that sometimes hot sauce shouldn't be the ONLY season on fish." lucy sighed towards the end of her story. the catch up times she had with levy were always so refreshing. "he doubled downed and used more than half the bottle and pretended he was okay."
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verticordiia · 3 years
she had lost track of how much time had passed since she had been admitted to the hospital  ---  the days followed the same routine,  again and again,  and blurred into one another.  merciful distractions from this  . . .  drudgery were jura’s visits,  but he had quite a bit to do with his wizard saint duties and she could not bear to whine and let him know that safe for his company,  there was little that was good about the place that was supposed to glue her back together.
( some days,  it felt more as if she was further falling apart. )
still,  there was the occasional event that did surprise her and that made her almost reconsider if maybe,  trying to nap away the day meant that she was missing out on things.  a  ‘ nurse ’  ( runeknight in disguise,  her hands were too soft )  ambled into the room,  a broad smile and an expression of utter joy  ( definitely faked )  on her face as the magical restraints sherry was bound by blinked to life. 
‘ you have a visitor,  ms blendy! ’  the woman said,  and sherry wanted to scream.  she hated this,  hated that she did not have enough control over her current situation to decide whether or not she wanted to see somebody.  because aside from jura,  she widely wished to be left alone.
@fairybond ( lucy )  liked for a starter.
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timeshrouded · 3 years
@fairybond​ liked for a starter for lucy ! 
the guild of fairy tail was less … boisterous than ultear was expecting but it was still Not Quiet. not that she minded either way—she has since learned to ignore crowds and their associated noise a long time ago. ultear’s dark eyes peered around the guild hall in search of something, perhaps not new, she thought with a glance at the raijinshuu and her babysitter. she didn’t want to be around them all the time, now. however, she caught the sight of a familiar blonde and smiled to herself—something familiar it was.
ultear strode over to lucy heartfilia (already quickly becoming a favorite blonde in record time) and sat down across from her. her position was seemingly relaxed, but she was ready to get up and leave at any time the other saw fit; she did not want to be an unwelcome presence now. ultear placed a chin under her hand and smiled coyly—if memory served her correct This One was always fun to tease.
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“so, it’s a wednesday afternoon, heartfilia—what are you up to? breaking hearts and taking names or just good ‘ol fashioned crime?” the time witch’s voice dipped into a whisper as she added, “if it’s the latter, please be a buddy and don’t incriminate me; i’ve been doing a good job avoiding jail.”
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caelitus-a · 1 year
updated tags:
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conscrimare · 3 years
“This morning I’m feeling so discombobulated — I’m just happy I have a bra on.” // modern shop verse, lucy <3
hell's kitchen sentence starter / accepting
lina doubled checked and yes — lucy was indeed wearing a bra. good. sometimes it was hard to remember and well, what was lina there for if not to make sure her sister was ready? they may not work at the same place, but they always got the same shifts. it honestly made it easier to travel and considering the themes of their respective jobs, together they looked less ridiculous.
(lina’s cowboy hat was in the car.)
she swiped the car keys from the bowl — lina’s had the little lesbian flag on the keychain so it was easy to remember — and smiled brightly at her twin. “luckily i have a cure to wake you up and prep you for your shift! iced coffee and ABBA!! i woke up today with thank you for the music stuck in my head, so now we both get to jam.”
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