#faithshipping mention
lunarproject · 1 year
Series: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s Ships:  Misty Lola/Carly Nagisa, Misty Lola/Carly Nagisa/Jack Atlas Characters: Carly Nagisa (Carly Carmine), Misty Lola (Misty Tredwell), Crow Hogan Tags: mentions Jack Atlas, polyamorous Carly Nagisa, focuses on Misty/Carly, background Jack/Carly, title from a TWICE song, first kiss, date night Summary: Very few things on this Earth could distract Carly from a good rom-com. But, the way Misty was staring at the screen, blinking those beautifully long lashes, raising her brow when the movie amused her…
this is a commissioned piece for @diabetic-best-bi! i really hope you all like it, i hope i've done these two sapphics justice. if you enjoy, please consider sending me a tip on kofi! you can also commission me! you can find an excerpt of the fic below:
The longer the phone rang, the more Carly’s stomach tied itself into knots, biting her bottom lip harder than intended. A spill-over from years of nerves swallowed with a shaky sigh. If Jack had been home, she might’ve felt less scared for the call to be answered, since she could have just thrown the phone at him to deal with.
The ringing sound, tinny from the sheer age of her device, eventually ceded, replaced with Misty’s familiar honeyed tone. “Carly?” Despite no view of her face, it was obvious that she was smirking. Somehow, that just made her more flustered, and Carly prayed that she didn’t notice it.
But when would she ever be so lucky? Of course it would get mentioned.  “Little flustered, are we?”
Misty definitely knew how to press her buttons, and the stuttered attempts at denial only made it worse. A moment of silence between laughs was granted for Carly to unscramble her brain. A deep breath helped decrease that racing heartbeat. “I wanted to know if you wanted to come by and hang out for a bit.” Her voice still wobbled, betraying the anxiety that she was desperate to hide. New relationships were scary, and Misty was definitely scarier than Jack was.
“Sure, I can. Now?” Not asking about if Jack was home confused her for a second, but then she remembered how his voice could carry down the phone. Aki used to complain about hearing him better than Yusei whenever she called him.
“Uh, y-yeah. Now.” There was a brief tone of confidence, relief washing over in waves as it slowly set in: Misty wanted to spend time with her. Now, she really should have known this. They were dating, after all. 
“Alright. I’ll leave now. See you in about an hour.” 
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yugirl-with-dragons · 4 years
Have any domesticated Faithshipping headcannons?
If you mean headcanons like Aki and Yusei living together as a family and such, I think the answer would fit the 2nd gen AU as a “before we had kids” chapter let’s say!
during the years in which Aki is studying, she would try to take all of her exams as soon as possible to keep the summer free, so she can fly back to Japan and stay with her family and Yusei :’) it’s tiring though. She can’t wait to just go back to Japan as a doctor and work there
I imagine that Aki at some point successfully finds a job in the New Domino city main hospital, which means she can finally go back to her beloved city and (after years of a long-distance relationship) marry the love of her life
they both need to work a lot but they make sure the time they spend together is quality time :’’)
Aki would often mention how she used to travel with her parents as a child but stopped doing that as soon as she was sent away from home. She didn’t have the chance to visit new places in Japan so they made a list of “places to see together”. Those are wonderful trips :’)
Aki has no idea of how Yusei can function with the few hours of sleep he gets. She’s a normal human being who goes to bed at 11 unless she has night shifts at the hospital
Yusei still manages to wake up before her, first thing he does is preparing coffee for both
he leaves her coffee on her nightstand sometimes. It’s often the coffee scent that wakes Aki up (I drew that)
Yusei and Aki both prefer using their D-wheels to go to work, they’re FAST, lol (they get a car around the time Aki’s pregnant tho)
they don’t text each other much (Yusei’s not the type). They call each other a lot though
they both have their personal space in the house. Yusei def needs one (like the garage) and Aki loved the idea of having one too (reading, studying, growing plants near a window)
they tend to alternate each other with the house chores. Aki does slightly more than him, but tbh it depends on who’s got more spare time
we finally get to see a happy Yusei (also a happy Aki), isn’t it great??
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lermisv4 · 4 years
The CANON Yu-Gi-Oh! Shipping List
This list only exists because the rate of canon pairings vs the rate of ALL pairings is hilarious. Please don’t kill me. If there are any inaccuracies (like wrong names), tell me.
So without further ado...
Duel Monsters 1. Ardentshipping | Honda / Shizuka (one-sided from Honda) 2. Atlantisshipping | Dartz / Iorei (married) 3. Cheershipping | Ryuuji / Shizuka (one-sided from Ryuuji) 4. Delusionshipping | Pandora / Katherine (married) 5. Mizushipping | Priest Seto / Kisara (mutual) 6. Peachshipping | Anzu / Yugi (one-sided from Anzu, for the most part) 7. Replayshipping | Rebecca / Yugi (one-sided from Rebecca) 8. Roseshipping | Cynthia / Pegasus (married) 9. Tieshipping | Honda / Miho (manga!verse, one-sided from Honda) 10. Vanishshipping | Anzu / Atem (one-sided from Anzu) 11. Honorable mention: Ryo Bakura’s fanclub
GX 1. Clipshipping | Kaiser / Rei Saotome (one-sided from Rei) 2. Evilshipping | Supreme King / Yubel (mutual) 3. Fantasyshipping | Dark Magician Girl / Sho (one-sided from Sho) 4. Fianceshipping | Asuka / Judai (one-sided from Asuka) 5. Loveshickshipping | Judai / Rei Saotome (one-sided from Rei) 6. Sacrificeshipping | Amon / Echo (mutual) 7. Soulshipping | Judai / Yubel (mutual) 8. Tigershipping | Misawa / Taniya (past mutual) 9. Valentineshipping | Asuka / Manjoume (one-sided from Manjoume) 10. Honorable mention: Fubuki’s little blue book with every girl that ever confessed to him
5D’s 1. Careshipping | Jack / Mikage (one-sided from Mikage) 2. Coastershipping | Mikage / Tetsuo (one-sided from Tetsuo) 3. Coffeeshipping | Jack / the coffee shop girl (one-sided from the girl) 4. Faithshipping | Aki / Yusei (mutual) 5. Frenchshipping | Sherry’s parents 6. Momentumshipping | Yusei’s parents 7. Retributionshipping | Dark Signer Carly / Jack (one-sided from Nagisa) 8. Scoopshipping | Carly / Jack (mutual)
ZeXal 1. Adventureshipping | Kazuma / Mirai (Yuma’s parents) 2. Anxietyshipping | Droite / Kaito (one-sided from Droite) 3. Bazookashipping | Anna / Yuma (one-sided from Anna) 4. Cattobingushipping | Kathy / Yuma (one-sided from Kathy) 5. Flowershipping | Alito / Kotori (one-sided from Alito) 6. Kissushipping | Akari / Charlie (past mutual) 7. Skyshipping | Kotori / Yuma (mutual) 8. Sunlikeshipping | Rio / Tetsuo (one-sided from Tetsuo)
Arc-V 1. Appleshipping | Rin / Yugo (one-sided from Yugo) 2. Fallenangelshipping | Ruri / Yuto (mutual) 3. Fatedshipping | Mieru / Yuya (one-sided from Mieru) 4. Instituteshipping | Himika / Leo (Reiji’s parents) 5. Smileshipping | Yoko / Yusho (Yuya’s parents) 6. Honorable mention: Fruitshipping | Yuya / Yuzu. When everyone from the brats to the manipulative bastard to complete strangers assume you’re dating...
VRAINS 1. Entrustshipping | Kiku / Takeru (mutual) 2. Roboaishipping | Ai / Roboppi (mutual in season 1 and 2)
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ctaylor108 · 5 years
The thing about Faithshipping.
It has been adored by many fans, and there are others who where kinda turned off by it. But I think the biggest issue is, “Are these two really considered a pair?”
Now, I’ve made a few posts about these two. Lately, I’ve been skeptical about this pairing, even though I’ve shipped them before. Many yugioh fans believe that this relationship was somehow forced, or fake at most. And shippers had defended this pair, claiming that the feelings they had for each other was implied.
So, let’s go over these two real quick.
Yusei Fudo;
Born in the Satellite sector, and one of the chosen signers. He usually goes out of his way to help others, and is an exceptional duelist. During the tournament, he tries to help Aki gain some self acceptance, due to her being treated like an outcast for most of her life, which I will later go over. After opening her heart, she was welcomed by the other signers who were tasked to save the world.
As far as I saw, he doesn’t displayed much of a romantic interest in her. But rather sees her as one of his friends. And many of the yugioh fans say that his only girlfriend was his motorcycle, and they seem so certain of it. Anyways, Yusei has helped her more than once, but made no move of intimacy.
Aki Izayoi:
Since her childhood, she had a unique ability to bring duel monsters to life, making any damage from a duel become real. and because of that, she had been called a monster. And this lead her to run away from, taking on the Black Rose Witch persona before being taken in by Divine. However, after her first duel with Yusei, she began questioning the path she took. And it was after her second duel with him that she was finally able to open heart and forgive her parents for shunning her. Having being grateful for all that Yusei had done for her, she tried to return the favor, one of which included saving him from being kidnapped. Furthermore, she became a Turbo Duelist to be a part of Yusei’s world, to understand him better.
By the end of the series, she was so close to confessing her feelings for him, only for her to back down at the last second. And the two of them held hands and looked into each other’s eyes before parting ways.
In the fandom:
I’ve seen numerous fan arts, read many fan fictions about them, and saw how a lot of them claiming that these two have feelings for each other, even going as far as saying that they are a canonical pair. As I mentioned, there are others saying that they are not canon, but rather a form of ship bait, which led me thinking “could they be right about that?”
Now to list both the positive and negative views from both sides of the community
These two had displayed a tremendous amount of trust into each other, such as when Yusei had entrusted her with his Stardust Dragon card, and how Aki had looked up to him even after not trusting him at first. They had good chemistry, both are pretty good duelists, and there’s been some hints of how good these two are.
As I mentioned, some people aren’t too keen of them. Aki didn’t get enough character progression. They say that she was a little obsessive with Yusei, and maybe a little over reliant of him. I can’t think of some other negative stuff, except that maybe Yusei didn’t give her enough attention.
While these two look nice, the fact is that Yusei doesn’t show much of some romantic feelings for Aki, so some shippers may be living a lie a little. And I’m sure that the director may be teasing us by making us believe that there was something special between them, only for us to realize that there isn’t. I’m sorry, but yugioh isn’t about that, just card games. And besides, most of the relationships in the yugioh series are just one sided, with the female character displaying an interest in the male protagonist, who doesn’t usually return their feelings. All and all, it was just some bait. In the end, these two are just friends and nothing more.
Am I wrong?
let me know in the comments below. Or re-blog if you like. 
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spiritsncrystals · 5 years
Yusei Fudo
Oh another!
What i like about them/dislike about them
Now what do I wanna say about yusei..
Tbh i quite like his personality. (atleast where its interesting when shown.) i mean he's not exactly the most emotional. (i don't think I've seen him cry other than brunos death- i can't remember)
I mean also the meaning of his name being in reference to the yusei gear is something i like because (despite saying that the centre gear that keeps everyone turning being duel monsters/speed duels) in a sense to everyone else he's like the center gear that keeps them perusing. He's pretty much the centre gear to team 5ds. Everyone trusts him and he trusts them. And i like to think of it that way (thank ep 80 for the whole gears anonolgy). Tbh what i don't like about him is actually hard to say. If I had to shame anything about him. It'd probably be the fact that he's had only 1 technical loss (via flashback) i personally would've been OK if he lost once or twice more just so people don't consider him a Mary sue bc his almost perfect win loose rate just because having a few losses kind of builds up to the protagonists because they have to find a way to over come them. And it would've been nice to have seen yusei just have a brief period where he goes over where he needs to improve to win but trust me I'm not really someone who tends to moan on that much at all (you can stop your complaining those who do see him as a bit of a Mary sue now. I mean hey Vrains is literally 2 episodes away from ending and yusaku/playmaker has pretty much won all his duels. But don't start shaming him either ok.)
What i like about their appearance
1. The crab hair is good both shape wise and color wise. The black and gold definetly suits him
2. Under the jacket is a tank top and i appreciate tank tops.
3. The WRC outfit 👌🏻
4. Ok yknow that one episode where he bruno and sherry snuk into that place and yusei kinda looked a little like a girl- i appreciate that look too
Do i use dub or sub names for them
It's a "yu in first name" protagonist it's exactly the same either way. So there's honestly no change.
Favourite card they used
Hmm.. Tough choice. Tbh in the anime it's gotta be a tie between stardust dragon and junk berserker or destroyer. But in the manga yknow how yusei wasn't the one with a kuriboh in the anime. Well in the manga he has a kuriboh too. Junkuriboh! I just appreciate him a lot (along with the other manga kuriboh that belonged to the other protagonist who didn't have a kuriboh in the anime)
It's clearly him and the motorcycle
Ok jokes aside
The top 4 would have to be (in no particular order.)
Not sure if anyone even does ship it but i definitely wouldn't be a fan of if someone shipped him and z-one (it's not a selfship because zone isn't really yusei he's just someone who happened to clone himself to look like yusei.) i just wouldn't see it working
Also the twins are definitely not an option.
Kindredshipping i mentioned this before when i did judai so the logic is exactly the same here.
Idk if this ship exists but i think yusei x jack x bruno would be an interesting premise.
Yusei x atem x yusaku. I've seen people ship yusei with yusaku and im just curious to how 3 people with more a less similar wavelengths would be together
BBT shipping (self explanatory) . Im half joking here.
Favourite scene they were in
Im kinda all over the place with how much I've watched of 5ds but i quite like the scene when whilst yusei and bruno were working on making a new engine for the WRC and they talk about the revolutionary that yusei's dad Dr. Fudo set with speed duels and that and how they talk about yusei being named after the yusei particle year and then the whole thing about the center gear being duel monster n that. I just find it an interesting analysis. And kinda cute.
Least favourite scene they were in
Can we just talk about what the Heck was up with his motorcycle from 71-2 and then bbt bc apparently back in ep 71-2 it could only fit one and so aki had to perch on the back. Meanwhile in bbt there's now room for judai to fit on it as well- I mean it just seems strange that's all I'll say to it
Would i fuck marry or kill them?
Excuse me he can fuck his motorcycle
Marry whoever he wants
And probably kill Godwin or some other major ass.
So that's not my decision.
I'd just either hug him or shake his hand or something.
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chibicrow · 6 years
What happened after episode 65?
Basically, 5D's didn't know what the hell it was doing 3/4ths of the time with the plot OR the characters, so no one really got a whole lot of development, Aki included.Plus, there was a big scandal involving Carly's initial VA towards the end of the Dark Signers and it involved cults, so anything related to cults got axed. Meaning very little mention of the Dark Signers arc, Carly apparently not remembering her time as a Dark Signer (but all the former Dark Signers still alive seem to remember lmao), and the Arcadia Movement? Nonexistent. Which is a huge problem considering the Arcadia Movement was Aki's whole livelihood, so 5D's pretending that didn't exist basically ruined most of her chances of being a well-developed character. And basically the deal with Faithshipping is that Aki only started thinking about life outside the movement when Yusei showed up. And had 5D's acknowledged the Arcadia Movement's existence beyond episode 64 (I MEANT TO PUT 64 DAMMIT LMAO oh well), the character arc for Aki where she tries to adjust to life outside the movement would have been fleshed out more and her obsession with Yusei might make a bit more sense. But take the Movement away, and all you had was Aki acting like the stereotypical "always pining for the male lead" female character. She had very little personality outside of her interactions with or about Yusei, which is . . . not good. AND Yusei didn't even act like he cared that much for her outside the just friends zone (if you can even say that) UNTIL the very end of 5D's. Which doesn't make a whole lot of sense.So yeah. I hope this made some sense lmao.
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seasaltmemories · 6 years
FE echoes or 5d's for the meme?
how about both?
FE Echoes
Popular Opinion
The art and general aesthetic is amazing, I love Hidari’s style, it’s very elegant, the OST is also great, Heritors of Arcadia stands out for coming with little warning in the credits yet really capturing the bittersweet tone of the ending (and the meta connection of Silque’s VA singing it only adds to the feels)
Unpopular Opinion
For the most part I love the gameplay, part of the appeal is that it is something fresh and weird in comparison to the rest of the series, so I understand it not being appealing, but just so many elements clicked for me, magic costing hp balanced out in that you could depend on items like the blessed ring and nosferatu to help make it a fun risk-reward sort of game, clerics with shields are especially fun as they can make semi-tanks who self-heal, the range of archers made up for any difficulties I had with accuracy and it is just nice to have more flexibility with positioning them, same goes for mages with increased range
I don’t know a lot about map design, so i won’t contest the complaints about it (and on my second playthrough I’ve noticed more repeating and all) but that hasn’t outweighed my love for turning my squishy units into cold blood killers
Share a song that makes me think of the series/a certain character
The Violence by Rise Against really captures the conflict between men and gods, how both Duma and Mila have failed Rigel and Zofia specifically and so much of the different conflicts are about humans trying to surpass and overcome the systems they left behind and both failing and succeeding in different ways
Ramble on about OTPs/characters that make me giddy and/or rage
I’m a hoe for celicalm bc they’re both adorable and love each other but you can play with cool and angsty ideas surrounding being the children of fate and kinda how tragedy almost seems to be unavoidable
but 99% of the canon couples in echoes are adorable: 
Clive/Mathilda are like always like seconds away from making out and Clive worshipping the Valkyrie goddess Mathilda is, is such good shit
Tatiana/Zeke have that same constant heart eyes though while less pda-ish they are still very in love and good
Mae/Boey are a great arguing pair bc at the end of the day it is obvious they care about each other and are best friends, also their ending is A+++ with going home and having tons of kids
Gray/Clair kinda tread cliche ground but I still enjoy their dynamic and Gray for all his faults is truly into her and cares about her as a person
just like while fandom is fun to ship crazy ships and come up with all the thousands of ways they could get together, just getting to see couples be couples is something I love as romantic material often leave out that one detail
gotta say tho the only canon couple I could not get behind was Berkut/Rinea, I don’t want to shame others for liking it but I really can’t believe he would hurt her like that if he loved her, FE plays with the the trope of loved ones being forced to fight/kill each other (it happens with Alm and Celica not long after these two) but even if he was tempted by Duma and having a breakdown over losing his birthright, he still made the conscious choice to sacrifice his girlfriend for his selfish gain, those are explanations for why, not excuses, regardless of your thoughts on the ship we have to accept the straight canon facts because I don’t like seeing literal abuse rhetoric trying to explain away the damage and pin the blame on anyone other than Berkut
besides that big elephant in the room, they never had super romantic scenes until after they died, and I might have been able to enjoy the tragedy if I was at all invested, and so I can still enjoy works for it by the fandom, especially the darker stuff, but I can’t help but side-eye too fluffy stuff
Popular Opinion
Yusei can be a pretty reactive character and seem too perfect so I went in a bit hesitant about him but alas even I was unable to keep from falling for his charms, I don’t want to deliver a critique of s2 just yet as I am still in the middle of it, but in S1 Yusei can get away with being more reactive and not losing really bc holy shit is the world set on making him suffer, he’s a great underdog who just wants to take care of the ppl he loves and do the right thing, especially with how ensemble-like S1 is he is perfectly serviceable as a protagonist and just a really likable guy
Unpopular Opinion
5ds is simultaneously overhyped and undeappreciated
Like often ppl who don’t like the spinoffs will say that DM and 5Ds are the only YGO’s that matter and regardless of your feelings on each individual installment that’s just a shitty attitude to deal with
But at the same time, 5Ds’ fandom is like the least active, at least here on tumblr, I see more content for even GX, which is also a spinoff and older, like even before I got back into it was really sad to see fandom events where each installment was represented except for 5ds
And when it gets mentioned at all it is the same old beats glorifying/trashing it, like it making card games on motorcycles cool, s2 being horrible, being the “darkest and most mature” ygo (which is arguable and not as important as presumed), Aki’s the greatest, Aki was ruined and irredeemable, Dark signers is the peak of ygo, WCP was horrible and drawn out
I agree with statements on both sides but man I am just so tired of the same discussions and I wish there was more appreciation for just what we got and general love for the characters and all
Share a song that makes me think of the series/a certain character
People Like Us by Kelly Clarkson is a good signers song, especially with the fire motif
Ramble on about OTPs/characters that make me giddy and/or rage
Scoopshipping gets its own mid-season romcom and is so good and canon and while I understand why they retcon it, my heart is still broken
Faithshipping is also good and pure and I think you can have a discussion about Aki’s mistreatment without pinning the ship as irredeemable 
Feeding into that, Aki is still an amazing and iconic female lead, I do have criticisms of her treatment but man I want to celebrate her as much as we mourn those choices
I really can’t see the Yusei/Jack/Crow trio as romantic in any combination, they feel like brothers, the closest I can get is some lowkey onesided feelings Crow might have had for Yusei, but all in all they feel like family
Also we got good f/f content with Misty/Carly and Sherry/Aki
Kiryu is Yusei’s ex and you can’t convince me otherwise
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chippadore · 6 years
Stereo Hearts
Day 6- Stereo Hearts- @ygo5dsmonth2018  
Your local friendly Stage Manager™ is here with all your Yugioh 5ds hits. If you hate musicals, you’ll definitely hate this, because this is all musicals. Welcome to theatre hell! I have a link attached to every song I mention. 
Yusei Fudo- Boy Falls from the Sky (Spiderman: Turn Off the Dark)
I'd be myself/If I knew who I've become/You don't have to fly too high/To get too close to the sun/See the boy fall from the sky
Jack Atlas- Not a Common Man (American Pyscho the Musical)
Look at history, open the books/There are statues with great looks/There are gods, there are kings/I'm pretty sure I'm the same thing
Aki Izayoi/Akiza Izinski- Monster (Frozen the Musical)
A monster, were they right?/Has the dark in me finally come to light?/Am I a monster full of rage/Nowhere to go but on a rampage?/Or am I just a monster in a cage?
Crow Hogan- Proud of Your Boy (Aladdin)
Tell me that I've been a louse and loafer/You won't get a fight here, no ma'am/Say I'm a goldbrick, a goof-off, no good/But that couldn't be all that I am
Ruka/Luna- In My Own Little Corner (Rodger and Hammerstein's Cinderella)
In my own little corner/Just as long as I stay/In my own little corner/All alone/In my own little chair/I can be whatever I want to be
Read below for more characters, ships, and OC Fun!
Rua/Leo- My Shot (Hamilton)
Oh, am I talkin’ too loud?/Sometimes I get overexcited, shoot off at the mouth/I never had a group of friends before/I promise that I’ll make y’all proud
I don’t think the song exactly matches Leo word for word, but the tone certainly does.
Bruno- Who Am I If the World Turned Upside Down (Finding Neverland)
I ignored the beat inside my heart for too long/Had accepted what was right/But always felt wrong/It's the second hand of time I'd been a slave to/But inside there was a feeling/Something I always knew/When the world turned upside down
I could’ve put Who Am I from Les Miserables to be a shit, but I decided to be serious. While If the World Turned Upside Down is a short song, the lyrics (in my opinion) describe Bruno/Antimony’s conflicting feelings with what was happening around him. 
Sherry LeBlanc- Here I Go (If/Then)
Now I know all the motions/The steps to every dance/And I count cards at the table/I never bet on chance/I leave nothing to the gods/I know all the odds and even so/Still, here I go
Sherry is a wild card who doesn’t believe in fate, and will do anything to achieve her goals. I feel this song is an accurate representation of that!
Kyosuke Kiryu/Kalin Kessler- Raise a Little Hell (Bonnie and Clyde)
I can't take no more of this/This nightmare has to end/In this godforsaken place/Death would be a welcome friend
This is what I find myself thinking Kiryu would feel during his last moments in the Facility, or even while in his last fleeting moments before being arrested. 
Jack/Yusei- Playing His Game (Death Note the Musical)
He's on the brink/He could win/I can't use the same plan/Time to start thinking like him
Not exactly a ship song, but hey, it’s an amazingly perfect rival song for the pair of them. And I can shamelessly promote Death Note the Musical.
Faithshipping (Yusei/Aki)- A Part of That (The Last Five Years)
And then he'll smile/His eyes light up and deep within the ground/Without a sound/A moment comes to life/And I'm a part of that/I'm a part of that
Yusei is the hero of the story. A lot of the time, he’s in his own world that Aki may not understand, but he tries to include her as much as he can. 
Firebirdshipping (Aki/Crow)- Easy to Love (Anything Goes) and Perfect for You (Next to Normal)
So worth the yearning for/So swell to keep every home fire burning for/Oh, how we'd bloom, how we'd thrive>
I can't fix what's fucked up/But one thing I know I can do/I can be perfect for you
I had to pick two songs. The first one is sweet and slow. It describes how Crow loves Aki, despite the fact she might not believe she can be loved. The second describes how neither are perfect, and that’s okay. 
Scoopshipping (Carly/Jack)- You’re Getting to be a Habit with Me (42nd Street)
No, I can't break away/I must have you every day/As regularly as coffee or tea/You've got me in your clutches/And I can't break free/You're getting to be a habit
I couldn’t not pick this song. Imagine this as a montage during Jack and Carly’s fun day at the park. It’s cute, quirky, and describes both Carly and how Carly ended up in Jack’s life. 
Retributionshipping (Dark Signer Carly/Jack)- Dyin’ Ain’t So Bad (Reprise) (Bonnie and Clyde)
Seems you get to live your life just once/If that's how it's gotta be/Then I'd rather breathe in life than dusty air/Dyin' ain't so bad
This song was picked because both Jack and Carly were ready to die for each other. In the end, Carly may have saved him, but Jack was prepared to go down with her. 
Toolshipping (Bruno/Yusei)-You Walk With Me (The Full Monty) 
Is it the wind there, over my shoulder?/Is it your voice calling quietly?/Over the hilltop, down in the valley/Never alone for you walk with me
I was going to pick something else, but this song came on. I can hear this playing after Bruno’s passing. It’s such a sweet, but sad, song that describes what Yusei could be feeling after the fact. 
Treasonshipping (Kiryu/Yusei)- Ever After (Bare: A Pop Opera)
So much for our ever after/I thought the good guys would triumph/I trusted the hero, I didn't hear his goodbye/I guess it was lost in the talk of a straight-acting coward
Yusei and Kiryu (Or Kalin, whatever you prefer m8) definitely had a rocky relationship up until the last notes of Satisfaction Town. This song specifically works for the Dark Signer Arc.
Roseknightshipping (Aki/Sherry)- Fight for You (Heathers)
Hey could you face the crowd/Could you be seen with me and still act proud/Hey could you hold my hand/and could carry me through no man's land/It's fine if you don't agree/but I would fight for you/if you would fight for me
This song is cute. Sherry was the one who introduced Aki into the world of Turbo Dueling. This song just fits. 
Psychicshipping (Divine/Aki)- Dangerous Game (Jekyll and Hyde)
The frightened princess/Doesn't know what to do!/Will the ghosts go away?/Will she will them to stay?/Either way, there's no way to win!
This song is so so chilling. Meant to Be Yours from Heathers was a close second, but this one won out in the end. It’s just too perfect for me, and describes the abusive relationship Divine and Aki had. 
Lina Kazukata- Journey to the Past (Anastasia) 
Home, Love, Family/I will never be complete until I find you/One step at a time/One hope, then another/Who knows where this road may go/Back to who I was/On to find my future/Things my heart still needs to know/Yes, let this be a sign!
Lina is my OC from a fanfic called The Game Begins! This song, while she doesn’t have amnesia like Anya, accurately covers Lina’s fears of self-identity, finding family/where she belongs, and her hopeful optimism. 
Lina/Yusei- No One Else (Natasha and Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812)
And your childlike eyes/And your distant smile/I’ll never be this happy again/You and I/And no one else
I feel this song perfectly captures the innocence of Lina, and of her relationship with Yusei. I don’t have a cool ship name for Lina and Yusei. Fite me. Shout out to Crazier than You from the Addams Family for being a close second!
Yuuka- Where is the Justice? (Death Note The Musical)
Show me what's right about/The wrongs that we allow/Real people need to feel/Protected here and now/This whole damn system's broken way beyond repair/It's just law, not law and order/Not much good and seldom fair
This is based on Yuuka Sasaki from @dearlybelovedfeels fanfic calling Waking Up Normal. Why this song? This girl is all about equality and justice, that’s why. 
Stellarshipping (Yuuka/Yusei)- Shouldn’t I Be Less In Love With You? (I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change)
Shouldn't I be less in love with you?/Shouldn't I address what time can do?/Shouldn't I be more inclined to flee?/Shouldn't I explore all I can be?
I tried finding a musical song I knew you wouldn’t know. I can see this song covering their lifetime together. 
Bonus Satellite Angst Songs
Bonus Satellite Angst songs!? On my Tumblr post?! Yep! These are just some songs I feel capture that Satellite aesthetic ™
Facade (Jekyll and Hyde)
There's a face that we wear/In the cold light of day/It's society's mask/It's society's way/And the truth is/That it's all a façade!
Will I (Rent)
Will I lose my dignity?/Will someone care?/Will I wake tomorrow/From this nightmare?
Rent (Rent)
How do you start a fire/When there's nothing to burn/And it feels like something's stuck in your flue/How can you generate heat/When you can't feel your feet/And they're turning blue!
Scrap (The Full Monty)
What I want? That's easy asshole/I want a job/I want to feel like a person instead of a slob/I wanna wake up knowing where I'm gonna go/Not going nowhere
Skid Row (Little Shop of Horrors)
Poor! All my life I've always been poor/I keep asking God what I'm for/And he tells me "Gee, I'm not sure/Sweep that floor, kid."
The Dark I Know Well (Spring Awakening)
There is a part I can't tell/About the dark I know well
Want to debate songs or add more? Send me a message. I can talk musicals all day. Try me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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darkzorua100 · 7 years
oh gosh, this current writing meme prompt... 95.) “Have I mentioned, I fucking hate Halloween.” and Yusei with... your choice. if you write for 5D's, that is.
95. “Have I mentioned, I fucking hate Halloween.” - Faithshipping
I haven’t seen 5Ds in forever so sorry if they seem a bit ooc.
“Have I mentioned, I fucking hate Halloween.”
“Bad memories?”
Aki nodded as she watched as kids walked around the streets of Neo Domino City, going from house to house in their costumes, collecting candy.
“Yeah, when I was still being called the Black Rose Witch, the children would make comments about this being the time of the year where the rest of my kind would show up to place a curse on the whole town.”
Yusei looked up from where he was working on his D-Wheel at her. Aki was staring out the window with a expression Yusei couldn’t make out.
“That’s all behind you, Aki. You shouldn’t let those memories make this holiday unbearable for you.”
“I know, Yusei.” Aki looked over at him with a smile. “Why do you think I offered to take Lua and Luca trick or treating this year?”
“Because Jack out right refused to and Crow, as much as he wanted to, said he already was taking the whole neighborhood out with him and he was afraid he was going to end up losing one more kid if he had to watch anymore?”
Aki laughed softly at that. “There’s that but I wanted to even if they did say yes. I wanted to go with them and hopefully makes some good memories tonight for a change.”
“You also just want to steal their candy, don’t you?”
Aki went bright red in the face at Yusei’s claim. “Yusei, I would never-”
“Because if you are, I want some to.”
Aki blinked at that when Yusei quickly smirked at her before he returned his attention to his D-Wheel.
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darkfromday · 6 years
2, 4, 7, 13, 14, 15, 18, 21, 25
YES. I love answering asks. Especially Yu-Gi-Oh! asks. I feel like a deity. Let’s do this.
Under a read more because I ramble.
2. Favorite character?
Starting off fierce. I’m not sure if this is for all of them or not so I’ll do the ones I’ve watched most or all of.
For DM it’s Mai, I just love her confidence and high standards so much; and she was also one of the first characters I ever saw. For 5D’s… it’s more difficult, but I might have to say Yusei. He has such a chill personality and I like that his devotion to his bonds is more “show” than “tell” like it is with other protags. As for Arc-V, probably the hardest, but if I had to just choose one I’ll have to pick Kachidoki Isao, one of the rivals Yuuya had early on who hadn’t seen his parents in years because his duel school was basically military school. I’ll leave it at that because answer one is getting waaaay too long. ^^
4. Favorite duel?
I’m bad at this. I have several.
DM holds claim to four: Yugi’s duel against Strings, his duel against the fake Kaiba, and Yami and Kaiba’s duels against Lumis and Umbra and Dartz.
My favorite duel of all time in 5D’s is Ruka, Rua and Jack vs. Aporia.
Arc-V is harder again. I’ll say Shun’s duel against the LDS trio. That was so awesome.
7. How many of the series have you seen?
I’ve seen all of DM (unless there were cut episodes I don’t know about, and minus the very end of Capsule Monsters), all of 5D’s (no thanks to 4Kids), and all of Arc V. I have seen maybe fifteen episodes of GX, ranging from the first one and a few of the beginning episodes with Jaden, Chazz and Asuka/Alexis to ones where he was murdering his friends as the Supreme King or being weirded out about Yubel. I have seen about a hundred episodes of Zexal, give or take, but couldn’t tell you many details, and that may not be accurate because I haven’t seen a lick of Zexal II. And I watched about 21 or 22 episodes of Vrains before I stopped because I couldn’t get into some parts of it.
13. Do you ship?
14. If so, what’s your favorite shipping?
DM: prideshipping, polarshipping, regalshipping.
GX: spiritshipping, fianceshipping, whatever Judai/Johan/Yubel is
5D’s: faithshipping, toolshipping, careshipping, scoopshipping, roseknightshipping
Zexal: sharkbaitshipping, whatever Kotori/Cathy is
Arc-V: bambooshipping, pendulumshipping, lustershipping, janushipping
Vrains: hotdogshipping
15. Favorite YGO fanfiction?
Oh no, I can’t answer this one properly. Not because it’s a secret, but because most all the ones I’ve read are really really good and I couldn’t pick just one.
There’s two Arc-V ones shipping Masumi Kotsu/Ray Akaba called Winter Storm and The Search by ghost_of_peppermint that are awesome and get honorable mention here in lieu of one all-time favorite fic.
Another good one for 5D’s is an AU called The Neo Domino Purge by CuteYami. Absolutely amazing, great with character development, and I even read the in-fic duels!
I don’t read as much fanfic for the older series as I do for the newer ones (it’s terrible of me) but those three are a good place to start from me!
18. Do you prefer the dub or the original?
I have very seldom watched two versions of the same show. For example, I’ve only ever seen the dub of DM so I prefer the dub, even knowing how silly and cut-down it can be. ^^ Arc-V is the opposite: I watched the entire thing subbed and prefer it that way, including being so annoying as to primarily use subbed names and ignore some of the… weirder… romanizations. 5D’s is the only one that I’ve seen both subbed and dubbed, and I have slowly come to prefer the original. I enjoy the nuance in the original that often gets cut down to one-note minimizing in English dubs at least.
21. Favorite protagonist?
Yusei, full stop. Though I thought he’d be a bit more motivated by revenge when his series started, I came to be swayed by his patience, his quiet demeanor, and his tireless fight against discrimination. I also love how he loves–he’s not quick to befriend people, but once he decides to protect someone he’s fierce about it, even if he’s not super emotional. (It may also help that I was fifteen when his series debuted and I was a little bit in love with him but don’t you dare judge me) 
25. Headcanons you have?
I have a similar one for DM and GX where the casts are only able to come together and duel for the “greater good” so much because they’re constantly hosting high school-esque house parties and dances.
For 5D’s: the only way all the Signers could’ve possibly gotten as close and cuddly as they were from Dark Signer arc to pre-WRGP is if they were constantly over at Ruka and Rua’s house watching movies and cooking and tabletop dueling until they were all basically family.
My headcanon for Arc-V is that all the characters have the same therapist. She’s very well paid, but she has to listen to all of them over the course of the entire series, before, during, and after, and she is so very very stressed. That’s it, that’s the main one.
I don’t have any for Vrains because I only really really like Shoichi, and also 22/36 or whatever episodes, so sorry about that.
Thanks so so much for the ask! On to the next one now.
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pot-of-gluttony · 7 years
Okay. I ship puzzle (when Yami's around), Yugi and Anzu when not, Spiritshipping, Faithshipping, Topshipping (Ruka and Tenpei), and see a ton of Yaoi in ZEXAL. Sorry if any of these are bad.
Not at all, no!
I totally ship peach (Yugi/Anzu) and faith!
I actually forgot to mention puzzle as a ship that I don’t necessarily ship but still think is super neat.
I’m not familiarized with GX enough to have an opinion on spirit but I really love all the fan art I see for it.
And top sounds super cute. Hadn’t considered it before, but it makes sense~
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